Blue & Gold March 1996

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The Steward School




The 1960s come to Steward

In this issue

Do you remember " Laugh-In"? Twiggy? Lawrence Ferl inghetti? Steward Middle Schoolers can te ll you all about those and more as a result of this year's Alternate Program focus on the 1960s. From February 29 to March 8, groups of sixth , seventh , and eighth graders moved through six periods each day to research, study, and experience the decade of challenge and change. In a course call ed "The Cu lture of the Sixties," Ms. Palmer and Ms. Shaw led the students in a study of the decade's values, knowledge, and material objects. Mr. Coulombe and Mr. Serr taught the course " Heroes, Leaders, and Civil Rights " which explored personalities w ho had significant impact _ on the 1960s. "The Space Race," taught by Mr. Coddington, Ms. Newsome, W and Ms Rice, examined the rivalry between the U. S. and the Soviet Union, as well as tech nologica l developments that resu lted from space- related research.

March 1996 The 19605 come to Steward .. 1 Off-Campus Internships ....... 2 Careers, colleges, and community service ........ 4 The Riverston Trip! ............... 5 A Visit with Alex ................... 6 Third Honors Symposium hits a home run .............. 6 Model United Nations .......... 7 Steward hosts its first Model U.N ..................... 7 Varsity Boys win the T.C.l.l. Tournament! ....... 8 One Act plays ....................... 9 Pippin ................................... 9 Stunt Talent Night 1996 ...... 10 News Around the lower School .......................... 11 Honor Roll .......................... 11 Gone to the Dogs! .............. 13 Campus master plan .......... 13 Auction '96 raises most yet! 14 Annual fund pledges top the $100,000 goal ........ 15 let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! ................... 15

A study of the 60s would not be complete without reading a book published during the decade that includes language, period va lu es, and





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Laura Slabaugh and Brantley SCOll model their version orclassic 60s style- kneesocks and all!

Walter Wash and Chad Ilealey take things in the other direction. Check oul Ihose bell bottoms!



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Th~ Bille and Gold COnrlf'CllOn IS publIshed momhl)' fO f Th~ 5Ie""itrci

School commtlnlfY f-/Cddmaslcr Sr f' \'C Sla c ~"ouse


liz Shupe l " yolJ. ;;.. Des/gil \ 1,,ÂŁ,1 P,r/lllt"

references to events and activities that took place during the 60s. Such a book is Emily Neville's It 's Like This, Cat, a ewbery Medal winner read by all Middle School students in a class taught by Ms. Griffin, Ms. Holland, Ms. Roughley, and Ms. Woodle. "Pippin , Peter Max, and the 60s" explored the art of the sixties and provided an oppo rtuni ty to create a backdrop for the spring production of Pippin . In that class, Ms. Anderson, Ms. Duke, Ms. Paulette, and Ms. Verkon introduced the students to the color, the design, and the music that pervaded the decade. Mr. Ingraham and Ms. Meyer taught "War and Protest: A History of the Vietnam Experience ." Students watched films and researched topics in order to understand the various points of view concerning U. S. involvement in Vietnam. To brin g the entire program together, stude nts kept a notebook of materials and assignments from al l six classes. In add ition, on Wednesday, March 6, students wore 60s clothing, accessories, and hairstyles. According to a number of parents, dinner conversation during Alternate Program was 60s centered and charged w ith excitement and new knowledge. Enthusiasm grew as parents, grandparents, faculty, and staff brought in photographs, magazines, tapes, vid-

(Back row) Lallre/lngraham, Joanna (rml, /ennlfer Gray. Cynl hla Johns, II lIIand. Ker k, Sara h Marl cnslclI1,lI,h/ee Healey. Elilabelh Law s (Fran! Row) TUlll my lePagc, Nicholas DcRuosi display th eir fa vor/lc .specl of 60s c.ull u rc.~ he counterculture.

Page 2

eos, campaign buttons, yearbooks, and other artifacts that made the decade come alive. The program ende~ with a special treat- Coke floats like those served . the corner drugstore thirty years ago. As one stude nt remarked, "Alternate Program was groovy!"



Off-Campus Internships by Laraine Brumberg, Coordinator This year at Steward, the Upper School Alternate Program gave all students in grades 10 through 12 the opportunity to go off-campus for internships at business locations or with volunteer service organizations. The students chose a variety of activities which took them allover the metropolitan area . Ms. Brumberg and Mr. Rothman visited the students at their job sites and met many of their su pervisors. Spring was" busting out all over" as Upper School Alternate Program got under way! Seniors Tara Garner, Ben Reif, and Shannon Meade showed thei e green thumbs at Strange's Florist as they planted seedlings, pruned plants, and watered and cared for the young flowers and ca rried out a variety of other jobs. We are pleased to announce that Tara was offered a job at Strange's ro llowing her intern ship, and accepted! lainie Haskell and laura Ward chose to be close to nature also at Maymont. Lainie and Laura assisted w ith the care of the anima ls, especially new born goats, and they cleaned stalls, and fed and watered animals inside and outside the barn. The Richmond Animal League attracted Stephanie Foard, and she was involved in care, grooming, and giving medications to the animals. At Clarkes' barn in Rockville, Amanda Wienckowski cleaned and groomed horses and increased her knowledge of both eastern and western riding. Ellis Ann McClung worked with the Virgini a Department of Environmental Quality. Ellis Ann's supervisor praised her exceptional work there. Several students were involved in internships related to hospitals and other medical care interests. Ian Qureshi was at Health South Medical CenteA learning more about the laboratory department rol ~ in patient care; Becky Meyerhoff was a volunteer at Stuart Circle Hospital; Ifrah Nur wo rked at MCV doing lab work ; and Zipporah levi was at Retreat Hospita l investigating physical therapy. Aaron Payne was BLUE



located at Lowry's Chiropractic Life Center, and his supervisor reported he did a super job helping with _any and all tasks. Another type of health care related internship, that of working directly with the immediate response to emergencies by area rescue squads, was the workplace of Cabell Jones and Heather Cohn. At the West End Volunteer Rescue Squad, Cabell observed rescue techniques first hand. Heather was out on call all three times Ms. Brumberg stopped by to see her. Jeni Woodall worked at the American Cancer Society assisting with newsletter mailings and updating records. News reporting and the technical aspects of broadcasting attracted Chris Drzal and Adam Graves. Both Chris and Adam were at the Channel 6 news studios doing a variety of jobs related to reporting, editing, and the technical phase of getting the news on the air. Miriam Baron, at WRVA and Sports Radio Am 90, worked on sports news stories and assisted in the running of commercials on the air.

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In various businesses in the area, Chris Hines experienced the office atmosphere at Reed Advertising, and Ned Trice worked in both mail and telephone communications atthe Auto Insurance Clinic. Robbie Aliberti worked with Ron Cloninger Real Estate Appraisal, and at HS Engineering, Inc., Shawn lewis and Travis Nida observed field inspections and general office procedures. Laura Murray was at Burford Advertising getting in on the ground work of what an advertising agent's job entails, and Nikki Voltz worked on producing the payroll for 450 employees at Dee Shoring Company. Brian McGehee was atA &JTechnologies learning about cable and phone lines, and having the opportunity to attend a sales representatives meeting. Ask Sam Proffitt about his job at Auto Sound of Virginia, but do not ask him about that tall board and the letters which have to be put on it for advertising! In the sports area, Chad Whitten's supervisor at the Virginia Tennis Association gave him very good reviews as Chad assisted with everything from scheduling to training. Michael Schirick and Paul Douglas were working also at the Tuckahoe YMCA as they helped with the gym classes for very young children, taught cooki ng classes, worked with after school basketball and produced some computer flyers. Corbin Adamson participated in a sports medicine program at the University of Richmond Athletic Department. Corbin said she had a great time and would recomBLUE



mend this experience to others. Emily Wolff, working at the Raintree Swim and Racquet Club, assisted a fitness instructor, helped in teaching some classes, and said she was not ready to return to school after this experience! Several Steward students were found at small business locations. Dickie Haskell worked at Old Dominion Four Wheel Drive Conversions; and indicated that he was having a great time. Lindsay McCormick was assisting in all the activities at Willow Creek, and Catherine Woody was meeting customer needs at Alexander Cahen Hair Studio. Catherine Beil was learning about cameras, photography, and processing at Richmond Camera. Matt Hinkle's interest in computers led him to an internship at Elijah House Academy. Matt's supervisor reported that he was terrific in assisting in the setup of computers and installing software. The legal profession and law enforcement were fortunate to have two Steward students. George Cauble and Scott Howard both found themselves in court. So did Mr. Rothman and Ms. Brumberg l George worked with Henrico County Commonwealth Attorney, Howard Vick, and Scott was with the Goochland Sheriff's Department. Yes, we can explain the court situations! At the Navy Recruiting District Office, Drew Cosby worked with statistical data, reviewed enlistment kits, and learned how a military office works by chain of command. Drew is giving serious consideration to a career in the military. In the area of education, Forrest Hodge worked at Rural Point Elementary School where he was involved in a variety of jobs related to art classes. At Canterbury Nursery School, Welly Sanders assisted in the many activities of very young children in both indoor and outdoor activities. Tricia Faust did her internship at Henry Clay Elementary School. She worked in the library and in several classrooms. At the Virginia Department of Education, Chris Hagy had the opportunity to observe different com po n.e nts of architecture, and structural and design materials. And Allison Collier expanded the borders by working in a restaurant in Cockeysville, Maryland . She served as hostess, worked in the kitchen, and put the finishing touches on the tables. The Off-Campus program took Steward students all over the Richmond area and beyond. How important it is for students to experience a small scene of a larger picture! PAGE




Careers, colleges, and community service are ninth grade focus for alternate program by Laraine Brumberg, Coordinator

The seven days of Alternate Program for the ninth grade were filled with investigating community service opportunities in the area, gathering data about colleges, and visiting local businesses for first-hand information about a variety of careers. Each day was filled with classroom sessions, speakers, and field trips. The program began with each studentdoingThe Self-Directed Search of personality, interests, and competencies with counselor Ms. Shupe. By looking at the various ways in which the students responded to the questions, they could compare themselves with professional people whose personality types were similar. The idea was to get to know more about oneself. The next day, the students followed up this knowledge by looking at Virginia colleges using the computer and the program Virginia View to do college searches that fit their profile. They also used this program to do career searches as well. Ms. Maclin and Mr. Rothman then gave the students the opportunity to do some practice exercises in preparation for the PSAT. They looked at how th is test, and the SAT, have changed over the last few years and what kind of test taking strategies might be the most helpful. On Monday, March 4th, guest speakers from all facets of the community came to Steward for a day of sharing career information with the students. Mr. And rew Ferguson, Director of the Career Development Center at the University of Richmond, began the day with a presentation on how college campuses work with students as they continue their career search at the college level. Throughout the day, the class heard from speakers who worked in athletics, insurance, theater, real estate development and law. Several students remarked that the speaker from the computer industry, M r. Jim Bard en, was especially informative and interesting. His presentation raised many Page 4

questions about the future opportunities related to careers for students interested in computers. For those who wished to find out more information in the fiel~ of communications and news journalism, it was a special treat to have Ms. Sabrina Squire from WWBT here at Steward . Ms. Squire related that she was espeCially interested in helping young students acquire information about the broadcasting industry because so many people had helped her along the way as she worked toward her career goals. Following this career day, the students visited three local businesses, including the Richmond-Times Dispatch - Hanover Complex, Retreat Hospital, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. At each location, the students commented on how amazed they were to find so many different kinds of jobs being done to support the entire operation of the company. Volunteerism, and its importance in the community, was the focus of one day of the program. Mr. Fernando Guttierrez from the American Red Cross gave the class information on community service in general, and then he discussed the specifics of the functions of the American Red Cross. The class then visited the YMCA, MCV, and the Science Museum to e find out what volunteer opportunities exist at these locations and how volunteers assist the regular staff with various programs. Steward was fortunate to have Mr. Scott Ukrop from Ukrop's Super Markets as a guest speaker near the end of the week. Mr. Ukrop related to the students some of his experiences, and those of his fam ily, in establishing a small business in the Richmond community, and working to see it grow into a major corporation . Combined with this business information, Mr. Ukrop related how such a local business can give something back to the community through its various community service activities and support of a number of community projects. He brought the focus of the week together for the class, as he combined career and business opportunities with commun ity service. On their college day trip, Mr. Cox and Mr. Stackhouse accompanied the class to Randolph-Macon in Ashland to see a small private college, and_ then to Charlottesville to visit The University of Vir-_ ginia, a large publiC university. It was interesting to hear the comments from the students as they compared these two colleges. They listed the pros and cons of each as they applied to them personally. B LUE



On the final day of the program, students fo_ cused on job applications, resumes, and interview_ng . Ms. Turner presented some very interesting interview techniques which assisted the students in how to get (or was it how not to get?) that part-time or summer job! Only she can exp lain! On Friday afternoon, the class enjoyed the film, How I Gol Into College . With such a full week, the ninth grade had little free time; however, they were fortunate to have Ms. Cathy Schott, ninth grade parent coordinator, bring the goodies from the school store over to Taylor Hall each morning so that they did not starve to death between sessions! Also, Ms. Schott, and other ninth grade parents, served refreshments on the last Friday afternoon. This certainly put a nice finishing touch on a very busy week.




The Riverston Trip! by Sara Rossmoore While many students in the Upper School attended a variety of internships in the business world or worked as a volunteer, there was a small group of sophomores, juniors and seniors who ripped out their passports, and traveled across the Atlantic. For Charlotte Sullivan, Kenya Young (Grade 12), Christy Hunton, Bruce lafone, Baughan Wilton (Grade 11), Meghan Hajek, Whitney Hajek, Camberly Pearson, Erin Robinson, and Sara Rossmoore (Grade 10) these two weeks were going to be a time they would remember for many years.

Steward recently developed a sister school relationship with a private school, similar in size and located in the southeastern region of London, known as the Riverston School. These ten "pioneering" students acted as Steward's first exchange students. For a couple of days we learned and observed about the many differences between a small private school in England and our own school. For the first four days of the trip, we spent time with our aSSigned host famie ies. We attended several choice activities arranged by Riverston, and for two days we visited the Riverston School. During our stay we learned about their culture, government and education system. We took day trips into the city, walked down Oxford Street, saw a football (soccer) match, sailed along the Thames River, BLUE



and took a trip into Greenwich. At Greenwich we explored the Maritime Museum and walked along the Prime Meridian. We saw many of the well-known sites in London including Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abbey, Big Ben, London Bridge, Tower Bridge, and many of the British pubs. When our stay at the Riverston School had come to an end, and we had said our last "good-byes" to all of our new friends - we were turned over to Casterbridge Tours, an agency that specializes in student tours around Europe. With the help of our highly energetic tour guide, Jan Shivel, and our bus driver, Robbie Henderson, who kept everyone's spirits high, our time spent with them was very worthwhile . We visited Stonehenge, Salisbury and its famous Cathedral, the Roman Baths, a Costume Museum and soon found ourselves on the ferry boat, cruising along the English Channel on our way to France. The boat was much bigger in size than we expected, and had many opportunities and activities for the students. It also allowed them to have some freedom, and get a little crazy. Whether it was seeing the movie shown on the bottom deck, or hitting the dance floor, a great time was had by all! Our next destination was in the direction of Normandy, France. Upon our arrival, we drove to the chateau owned by the Riverston School. All of the tired travelers were given the opportunity to catch up on their beauty rest. We were taken on a tour of the grounds, and saw acre after acre of the beautiful French countryside. For the three days we stayed, we learned a new European game called II boule," had a demonstration on the making of cider, and all were allowed to practice our French speaking skills. We thanked the staff, and loaded the bus once again, to head off to Paris. When we arrived in Paris, it was a day where the sun was actually shining 90% of the time. We were shown around some of the famous streets of Paris, and instructed on how to use the Metro, a major source of transportation in the "City of Lights." The sights of the Arc de Triumph , the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre with the mysteriOUS Mona Lisa, were only some of the many scenes we saw while touring in this breath-taking city. Overall, the Riverston Exchange Program was a very successful one. It would not have been possi ble without the help of Ms. Brandt, her daughter, Cathy Ford, and Mr. Jones. The faculty at Riverston , espePAGE


cially Mr. Lewis and Mr. Brilley, the Chateau staff, and the Casterbridge guides made the trip most enjoyable and worthwhile. The students involved not only experienced a great educational program, but had an incredibly pleasurable experience. We all look forward to those students from Riverston coming to visit Steward in the not too distant future. UPPER SCHOOL

A Visit with Alex

nine thirty. When he leaves her house Alex goes out with his friends until one o'clock in the morning. He will watch television, play on the computer, and talk e to his friends on the telephone until two o'clock or whenever he becomes tired, then goes to bed. Alex misses the states. He misses all his friends, his family here, Kings Dominion, snow, squirrels, Model United Nations, Steward, and the Paulette cats. Alex will try to come visit everyone at Steward this May if he can . Alex requested that I print the following:

by Stephen Paulette Alex Rojas was a foreign exchange student from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic who was at Steward last year as a senior. He had already graduated from high school before coming to this country. At Steward Alex took theater, art, computer, American history, and French, all of which he enjoyed. He took part in extracurricular activities such as Model United Nations, soccer, indoor soccer, and acting. Alex says, " The classes I took at Steward have been useful in my everyday life." Theater has helped Alex when he worked on two plays after he returned to his country, one of which was performed in the national theater. Economics and French helps him in college and American History helps him with conversations about the United States. When he is bored Alex likes to draw or paint a still-life. Now Alex is back in the Dominican Republic and is doing well. He is a student at the Santo Domingo Technical Institute and is studying to be an economist. He is taking Calculus III and Analytical Geometry, Sociology, Statistics, French III, Philosophy, and Economics (his major). After he graduates from the Santo Domingo Technical Institute Alex wants to go to either the United States or France to study diplomacy. If for some reason he decides not to become a diplomat he will have the education to become an economist. Alex's normal day is much different from 95 % of the college students in the United States. He wakes up at ten o'clock in the morning to eat breakfast and goes to the beach until eleven thirty. He then goes home and showers. After Alex showers, he eats lunch (main mea!), and the time is now twelve thirty. From two to four o'clock Alex studies, and at four he goes to college until eight o'clock in the evening . He eats dinner at the college, which takes about a half an hour, then leaves to visit his girlfriend until around Page 6

Some day; Some day; Wcwil/meel

again. Th anks for

every/hillS Sleward Fa mily. Mis; YOll all, Alex

Stcphen Paulell e and Alex Rojas rclax in Sanlo



Third Honors Symposium hits a home run with the students By Fahad Qureshi On February 20, 1996, while other pupils were attending a normal day of school, students from The Steward School were at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. The students were attending their third of four Honors Symposium meetings. They were accompanied by their sponsors, Dr. Robertson and Ms. Turner and invited guests. The Symposium started with students sharing e their essays about heroes. Many of the students chose Anita Septimus because of her unselfish contributions. She started a center for children with AIDS and their families. Septimus also helped raise AIDS awareness. "I wish we had more time to share the essays, BLUE




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because sharing ideas is an important part of the Symposium," said Dr. Robertson . After sharing their essays, the students went on a tour of the museum. Ms. Rusak, the tour guide, was resourceful and had great knowledge of the pieces shown. She showed the students many pieces of art that depicted heroism. The paintings and sculptures depicted Greek heroes, political heroes, religious heroes, and sports heroes. Other art works showed war heroes, heroines, and ethnic heroes. After the tour, the members of the Symposium returned to hear Ms. Phyllis Galanti . Her husband was taken war prisoner in 1966, during the Vietnam war. She spoke about how she formed an organization that tried to help free war prisoners, such as her husband. Her husband was freed in 1973. In those years, she met with people, such as Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon. Once she was finished speaking, students were free to ask her questions. One of the most interesting questions was, " How did you feel when you saw your husband after such a long time?" She said because of all that she went through , she changed, but because of her husband's solitude, he did not.

As you may have already heard, The Steward School is hosting its first Model United Nations conference, TSSMUN Ion April 26th and 27th. We are all proud of this event and are currently working hard to make it successful.

From the Virginia Museum, the students walked to the Virginia Historical Society. Ms. Lychfield, a guide, met them once they arrived. She briefly gave an introduction to the new tour on Virginia history and then let the students view the pieces individually. Luckily for them, Ms. Lychfield was there whenever they needed her. She would answer any questions they had. One work that stood out to some of the students was a crate. This was not an ordinary crate. During the Civil War a man sat in the crate for many days and was shipped to the north for freedom. The students were to walk around the exhibit and choose a period of time. Some of the time periods chosen were the early 1600's (the time of Pocahontas), and the time of reconstruction after the Civil war. Other time periods were when women and African Americans started fighting for their rights.

All parents and friends interested in assisting with the first Steward School MUN conference, the Steward School awards dinner, or who have related suggestions should contact Mrs. Norva Meyer at Steward (804) 740-3394, or at home (804) 741-81 12. We would like to stress again that assistance from parents and friends is crucial to success in these activities; we cannot do it without you. Thanks for your help!

The third symposium was the best of the four. The main highlight was the tour of the Virginia Mu seum. The symposium was interesting and provided new material. According to Dr. Robertson, "The symposium was flawless and everybody got something out of it. "




Dear MUN Parents and Friends:

Volunteers are needed for such jobs as setting up, hospitality for faculty sponsors, providing meals and hospitality for the delegates, and operating the copy center. After the event, we will need help with the annual Model United Nationas awards dinner. Past dinners have been held at facilities such as Hermitage Country Club and the Rock-ala Cafe.


ruyJti# 'IIoufflwrAndy Stitt TSSMUN

Mrs. Norva Meyer Faculty Advisor

VÂť ,

Mr. Stephen Stackhouse Headmaster PAGE



Varsity Boys win the T.e.I.L. Tournament! The 1995-96 basketball squad became the first Steward boys ' team to win the Tri-Cities Independent league (T.Cl.l.) Tournament. The victory capped off an overall season record of 11 w ins and 4 losses with a 7-3 conference record. In the tournament, the #2 Spartans beat #3 Belmead with a 56-43 sem ifina l sco re. In the final game, Steward toppled #1 Rock Ch urch 72-58. During tourna ment play, Shawn lewis led al l sco rers w ith a 20 point per game average followed by Brian McGehee (17.5 ppg), George Cauble (10.5 ppg), Mike Schirick (7.5 ppg), and Sam Proffitt (5 ppg). lewis and McGehee led the team in scoring throughout the season with 207 points and 204 points, respectively. Brian McGehee was chosen to the T.CI.L. All-Star team for his accomplishments on the court throughout the season. In only his third year at the helm, Coach Stan led this team to the championsh ip. CONGRATULATIONS TO COACH STAN AND THE TEAM FOR THEIR TERRIFIC SEASON!!!!!!

made significant contributions fro m the pOint guard position . Senior Tara Garner was chose n to the league of Independent Schools (U.S.) Division II AIIStar Team.


MIDDlE SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBAll In its first year as a team, the middle school girls' basketball team joined the Collegiate Basketball league and participated in the Division I bracket. The squad posted an overall record of 5 wins and 4 losses, and finished in 5th place in a 20 team league. The team scored victories over luther Memorial, All Saints, St. Catherin e's and St. Bridget's. The team's leading scorer was eighth-grader, Rachel Whitten with a total of 56 points (6.2ppg). MIDDLE SCHOOL "A" BOYS' BASKETBAll Origina lly schedu led to play 12 games, this middle school team was negatively affected by the snow closings. The team competed in on ly 8 games, but ended with a 5-3 record and a winning season! Eighth-graders Stewart Felvey and Walter Wash helped the squad post victo ri es over St. Vincent de Paul, Grove Avenue, New Community, and Central Virginia. Congratulations to Coach Rothman and the boys on their winning season.


MIDDLE SCHOOL "B" BOYS' BASKETBAll Although this team finished with a 2-9 record, Coach Palmer was pleased with the overall improvement of the " B" squad. Seventh-grader Jamie Rose led the tea m in scori ng (5.2ppg) and steals w hil e fellow seventh-grader Clayton Haskell was the team's lead ing rebou nder. CHEERlEADING


(/eil 10 flShl) Shawn Lewis, Sam Prolfiu , George Cauble, Brian McGch ee, Mike'ichirick, Sl ephen Pau/cu e and Chad Whitten looks on as Ben Reif accepls Ihe lournamem rrophy aller lh e" vidory

VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBAll The 1995-96 team posted an overall record of 5 wi ns-11 losses. The team clinched victories over St. Vin ce nt de Paul, Central Virginia, and Victory Christian . Tara Garner (182 pts.), lainie Haskell (155 pts.), and Rachel Whitten (109 pts.) led the team in scoring and rebounding. Seventh-grader, Ashlee Healey, Page 8

The varsity cheering squad and the middle school "t\' squad donned new navy and gold uniforms this season. Under the leadership of Ms. Shaw, the varsity team of 15 girls was divided into two squads. The middle school team of 12 girls was directed by Ms. Newsome and Ms. Duke and also divided into two squads (one to cheer at the 'W' team games and one to cheer at the "B" team games.) INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER Mr. Coddington organized and supervised six teams which met twice a week at 7:00 a.m. to compete in an intramural indoor soccer season. Each team had fou r members. The winning team was Shawn lewis, Brian McGehee, Sam Proffitt, and Baughan BLUE




Wilton . One other team deserves speCial note. The

.l?mof seventh-graders Alex Duty, Nicholas DeRuosi, .,vill Perkins, and Carl Sundin, defeated four of the other teams and tied the eventual upper school championship team. Well done! SPRING SPORTS The spring sports are underway. The tennis team is under t he direction of a new coac h. Mike Messersmith has taken over the reigns. Golf is still coached by Mr. jones and Mr. Coddington is still the "head paddler" in the whitewater canoe club. MIDDLE SCHOOL

One Act plays feature middle schoolers in pivotal roles _

The Steward School winter One Act plays were success. "The Lost Elevator,"written by Percival Wilde, was a comic story about a group of diverse people w ho were stuck in an elevator. Th e actors in th is play were mostly from the Middle School, and included David Becker, Corbin Brierre, Michelle

Whitaker, Ben Wolff, Laura Slabaugh, Ted Benson, and Christine Beil . " Baby," written by Con rad E. Davidson, was a physical comedy about the life of a new-born baby and what she really thinks about her parents, relatives, and babysitters. The leading role in this play was Middle School stude nt Elizabeth Sumner. Four other Middle Schoolers were also involved on the production staff: jessica Gray, Sarah Martenstein, Susan Braunshteyn , and Caitlin Rossmoore. Blair jacobsen has recently returned to Steward as a full time student after spending the last two months as a page with the General Assembly. She worked full time while conti nuing with her studies at school. Blair fou nd the work to be very demanding, yet she also fou nd it to be very reward ing and informative. Blair had the distinction of being one of only 40 teenage pages with the General Assembly from an application pool of over 400 stude nts ages 13 and 14. All app li cants needed the end orseme nt of their legislative representative, and the final appointment was made by the Speaker of the House. The routine of being a page was rigorous. Blair worked all day dressed in the distinctive blue blazer that is the traditional " uniform" of the pages, went to supper, and had a study hall from 7 - 9 p.m. During budget debates, Blair and other pages worked at least 12 con secutive days. While on this program, Blair lived in the Omni Hotel with the other pages. The pages had to be indoors by 7 p.m. and in their rooms by 10:30 p.m.

Pippin April 18, 19, 20 at 8:00 pm April 21 at 2:30 pm Tickets are $4.00 for adults, $1.00 for Steward students

I3la" Ja cobsen poses with Governor AI/en in recognItion of her accomplishments as a pa8e In the General Assembly. BLUE



Th is musical comedy is about a young man who is searching for the meaning of his life. Over 30 middle and upper school students are involved on stage or behind the scenes and the entire middle school is helping with the backdrop.



During the first half of the session, Blair worked the floor of the House, which involved being a "gofer" for the delegates. During the second half of the session, she worked compiling bill books as resolutions were approved in the House. As a page, Blair received insight into the workings of state government, and she felt very rewarded by the overall experience. It is clear that Blair's hard work was noticed as she received the award for the page "most likely to become a future delegate or Governor." It is a great pleasure to have her back as a full-time student. We are proud of her and happy that her experience was such a positive one. FINE ARTS D EPARTMENT

Stunt Talent Night 1996 Stunt Talent night 1996 was a tremendous success delighting audience and participants alike . The evening was hosted by Emily Wolff and Dickie Haskell and consisted of twenty-four acts displaying a variety of talent. There were dancers, singers, pianists and gymnasts, group acts and solo performances. Included in the evening was a contest for those students who would like to be someone famous for the evening. It was Steward 's fi rst " Wanna Be

Page 10

Contest" and spotlighted Ned Trice (Nancy Kerrigan) and Matt Gottwald (Tonya Harding), Andy Stitt (Harpo Marx), Christy Hunton (Ricky) and Taylor colli~ (Lucy), Welly Sanders (Ace Ventura-Pet Detective), Robbie Aliberti (Richard Simmons and Company), Alice Avent, Liza Johnson, Shannon Meade (The Chiquita Banana Trio), Matt Hinkle (Fred Flintstone) and Sara Rossmoore (Bam Bam), and Scott Adams, Forrest Hodge, Bruce Lafone, Aaron Payne and Ian Qureshi (The Village People). Participants represented lower, middle and upper school. Ninety-six students and teachers were involved in the event. Ms. Hajek choreographed Ms.Ricketts, Ms. Chalkley, Ms.Whitely, Ms. Cross, Ms. Strickland, Ms. Fox, Ms. Grossman, Ms. Miller, Ms. Zinder and Ms. Shupe in a most unusual presentation called the "Shortie Sisters" where they turned into " little people" and danced and sang to "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile". Morgan Hutchinson, Kate Kristofak, Katherine Levy, Leigh Greene and Annie Wise ("Morganna Ross and the Supremettes ") were also a hit with their lip sync to "Stop in the Name of Love." All of the acts were well planned and well executed.


Other participants included Ben Wolff (tap dance), Amy Strickland and Gray O'Brian (Amy: Piano/vocal, Gray/talkative friend), Paul Bishop (piano), Analisa Gordon (gymnastic routine), Carter Saunders and Peyton Lannon (lip sync), Christy Hunton, Ned Trice, JD Greer, Jeremy Salken (Band" Free " ), Kate Garner, Rachael Meyers, Sarah




Newcomb, Noah Schnoll, Artis Mills, jonathan . Cauble (dance), Sam Baronian (Piano), Amanda Keck Wi nd Toni Turkal (voca l duet), Girls' Ensemble-Laura Ward, jeni Woodall, Erin Robinson, Emily Pad ow, Lisa McComas , Sara Rossmoore , Camberly Pearson, Tikia Bonner, Ruth Williams (voca l and dance), Michelle Whitaker and Susan Braunshteyn (vocal duet), Ida Henley, Heather Hajek, Aly Pittman, Jamie Satterfield, Missy jacobsen (dance), Aynsley Wilton and Allison Strickland (voca l duet), Ali Hord and Austin Pittman (A li -vocal, A ustin -ra pper), Katherine Levy (piano), Ben Wolff, Jamie Brooks, Erica Monroy, Aimee Bolton, Kristen Rushings (Da nce), Laura Slabaugh, Christine Beil, Michelle Whitaker, Sara Martenstein , Anusha Abbasi , Susannah Harris (dance),Toni Turkal, Cynthia johns (duet), and Ted Benson (piano). All entrants were award ed ce rti ficates of participati on and left w ith smiles on their faces because each and everyone was a w inn er, and a good ti me was had by all !!! The wi nner of the "Wann a Be Co ntest" was the "The Vi llage People!" _


News around the Lower School The Read ing Ince ntive Program was a great success raiSing $300 for the Red Cross. Th an ks to ou r corporate sponsors Diane Major (mother of Steven, grade 3) and Sam Baronian (father of Cary, Ki ndergarten and Sam, grade 4) and Chef john Ernst (father of Irena, grade 1 and joanna, grade 6) who supp lied a fantastic spaghetti dinner from Pasta Luna! A tota l of 3,125 books were read . National Dental Hygiene Month: Fo rmer Steward parent, and past faculty member, Neil Turnage and a dental school co lleague came to Steward and met w ith most lower school classes to teach our students about good dental care. Break Send-off: O ur Spring Break bega n w ith our ann ual Lowe r Schoo l Faculty vs. Stud ent _ ewcombeNolleyball match, foll owed by a va riety of " New Games." Fin ally, in commemoration of the Middle School study of the 60's the Lower School students watched the first episode of the TV show "Superman". Fun was had by all !




Chris 'acob enjoys his meal at the Lower School SpagherLi Dmner.



As explained in the November issue of the Blue and Cold Connection, the Big IDEA (Individually Designed Educational Adventure) was designed to provide an opportunity for our third, fourth and fifth grade students to get excited and to explore, research, and study in greater depth an area they find interesting. The first set of 6 Big IDEA presentations was given the evening of Jan. 25 in the Library. The second set of presentations took place on March 21 . The aud iences consisted of all the students who have been particiSherry Baines, Jamie Sa l/ erfield, Mrs . Souder, and Andy Lawton exchange a check and a sIgned card with the RIchmond Animal League. pating, their families and friends and some of the new students who have been invited JORDAN EFFRON (GRADE 4) - CHEMICALS - LIQUID NITROGEN to join the Big IDEA, about 40 in all! The following is a list of the presenters and their topics: After seeing a liquid nitrogen exhibit at the BalNOAH SCHNOll (GRADE


Noah explored how information is stored, which led to an understanding of the bi-nary retrieval system . Further exploration of CD's and how they are Nimbus, a CD manufactured prompted a visit to manufacturer, in Charlottesville. The people there were most helpful. PHILIP GIANFORTONI (GRADE

3) -




Philip worked with Dr. Hagen at the VA Science Museum and Planetarium. He developed a scale model of our universe that fit on the campus and shared the formulas that he used on Excel to do his figuring . One model he developed had the sun 50 cm in size with Pluto down Cayton Rd. at Gayton Crossing Shopping Center. At 7 cm (baseball size) the planets fit on the campus. Each planet was marked out on flags to actual scale size, with few exceptions of several planets that would be microscopic in size. (Philip shared his presentation with the 8th grade and his display will be shown at the Science Museum). 3) - How SMART ARE ANIMALS?

Jonathan'S primary resource was a brand new exhibit called " Think Tank " at the Smithson ian National Zoo. Jonathan met with two researchers who work with primates in problem solving. He produced a video, a display of what he learned, and had an autographed article from the Washington Post about the orangutan and the researchers whom Jonathan met. Page 12





timore Science Museum, Jordan came back to school wanting to learn more. We contacted BOC Gases, a local distributor and one of their chief technicians, Jack Kane, offered to meet with Jordan and h is father. Additional information was retrieved from Fry Scien tific, one of the science publishers.

The focus was on the care of a newborn from birth to discharge from the hospital. Amy had the opportunity to visit with a new born (friend of the fa~ 足 ily), Henrico Doctors Hospital, and St. Mary's H?spltal. Her presentation was on the proper way to give a newborn a bath. BRIAN MEYERS (GRADE


Bull Run and the battles around Richmond were presented. A mock battle field was const.ructed for his audience to follow. Brian visited a COUSin, Hyman Schwartzberg of the U.s. Park Service, who was able to provide a good deal of background on the battles. One of the things discovered about Brian was his love of geography and history. He is currently auditing 6th grade Geography, which meets during his lunch time. The following were scheduled to make their presentations on March 21 : Katherine Levy (grade 3) - Horses Brad Souder (grade 4) - Architecture Matthew Stainback (grade 4) - Hockey Alex Benson (grade 5) - Skate Boarding





_Gone to the Dogs! After one snow delay, the fourth grade had its " Pet Day " on February 23rd. The students had completed cooperative group work for " Impressive" points towards this event. Traditionally, the fourth grade collects money to help an organization interested in helping animals. This year the Richmond Animal League (RAL) was the selected charity and each fourth grade student brought a pet or favorite collection to the event. All lower school students were invited to visit the fourth grade to see the pets and collections. Mrs. Souder, a RAL volunteer and parent of fourth grader Brad Souder, brought in adoptable dogs and cats for the lower school children to pet as she spoke about the work of the Richmond Animal League. The fourth grade students collected $120 for RAL, had fun, and felt good about their effort to help the stray animals. FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT

_Bonjour! In the newly founded Lower School French program, I'enthousiame de grades 3, 4, et 5 est magnifique! The students have been given French names to which they eagerly respond and use in simple introductory conversations. They are able to orally recognize commands and verbalize 11 colors, numbers 1 - 20, days of the week and months. We have sung " Frere Jacques" in rounds and reinforced vocabulary with a form of Bingo we call "Je I'ai" where they are rewarded with Ie bonbon ! Tout Ie monde a I'air heureux. (Everyone seems happy!)

Just an idea! Anyone interested in helping The Steward School begin a service of videotaping school plays, musical presentations, and athletic events for school posterity and for interested parents' purchase, please contact 1..IClUUIICl Lawton (President, Parents' Association) at 85-1711 . 1.--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '

Who do you know? If anyone in The Steward "Family " knows an author or illustrator of children's books and thinks this person might be interested and willing to visit the School, please contact librarian, Ms. Griffin at 7403394. There are exciting plans and hopes connected with this request made by the Parent Library Committee.


Campus master plan provides new vision for Steward's future What will the campus of The Steward School look like in five years?-ten years and beyond? That question is being answered today as a committee of trustees, teachers, parents, and administrators work to put together a Campus Master Plan. This plan is designed to provide a thoughtful and comprehensive layout of the School's property and facilities, considering the existing plant and future needs. The Master Plan will ultimately serve as a guideline for future changes and growth, resulting in a well-designed campus that is functionally efficient and a reflection of the School's philosophy and program. Because of the recent growth in enrollment and the resulting space issues, this project was identified as a top priority within the Long Range Plan . The committeewill be addressingthe immediate need for more classroom space as well as several major construction projects such as a new library, a larger gym, a fine arts center, a cafeteria, and new athletic fields. An inspiring part of the process is dreaming and picturing tomorrow 's School. The challenge is prioritizing the School's needs and outlining a realistic and seamless path for growth. The School is working with award-winning landscape and building architects who are familiar with






educational clients and campus planning. Their consultation was made possible by a generous gift to the school. In the long run, this investment will pay big future dividends in helping Steward use its facilities more effectively, avoid wasteful piecemeal building projects, and focus our capital efforts. The Master Plan is scheduled for completion and Board approval by late spring, and its design will be encompassed in the Long Range Plan for Steward . DEVELOPMENT

Auction '96 raises most yet! On February 10, Hermitage Country Club was transformed into "An Evening at the French Quarter" complete with ragtime band. Spurred on by Steward's own veteran auctioneer and alumni parent, AI Orgain, more than 260 attendees enjoyed an evening of competitive bidding, fantasti c food, and wo nderful entertainment. This year's top attractions were the artwork created by our students from the Lower,

Middle, and Upper Schools. The diligent efforts of the many volunteers who put this event together meri. celebration-a profit of $34,500, to date, has bee, . . reported . These funds will be used to enhance the School 's computer and library resources. Congratulations to the Auction '96 Committee, co-chaired by Sharon Wilton and MaryKay Stainback, for a job well done. While these individuals headed up the many facets of putting together an event of this magnitude, they certainly did not do it alone. So many members ofThe Steward School family were involved in this effort. It would be impossible to name all individually without the risk of inadvertently omitting a name. Suffice it to say that the true team spirit ofThe Steward School resulted in the success. Thanks to you all! A very special thanks to the many teachers, staff members, students, parents, grandparents, and friends who donated wonderful items ranging from handcrafted collectibles to dream vacations. All these items helped make Auction '96 the Parents' Association's most profitable fundraising event ever, and we are grateful for everyone 's participation.

Many businesses also contributed items to make this event successfu l. As you shop in Richmond and the surrounding areas, please remember to thank them for their support of The Steward School: "Class Ad Andet'soo Se.lfood AnimaltCJ\ie(s Only AlVin, lid. Banner Oog Grooming Beeaoft & Bull, ltd. Beverly Hills Jewele~ Bogey's Sports Park Brennan's ResQurant Broodview FumibJre: Company Busch Gardens Piua Hut ButtOlU & BooNs Canterbury .'Ilea AssoCl.lhon TenniS Pros Royce Silvan & Conzalo Caroa Car Pool Aula Wash Clrreras J~lers Caston Studio Cer.amics by L IZ Charlottes Allie Chesteriielrl Physical Therapy Children'S Creative Workshop Rolling Pin Kitthen Emporium Cla ~ic Boards & Sports Cobblestone Trading Co. Cokmial Williamsburg Commonwealth Park Suites Hotel Will & Cosby Associates, Inc. Cui5ine a la Carte D R of london I-lair Design Buford Road Pharmacy Dog lovers Obedience School E.M. Todd Company. Inc. Easy Rider Ed Nunnelly FurnibJre Edward T. Rabbit & Co. Ellman's Ethyl Corporation Extra Billy's Ribs & Barbecue Fas路Mart Fast Frame Fink's Jewelers


Page 14

Rocky Fryar, Hermitage Country Club Golf Pro Good Foods Grocery Handcra(t Cleaners Harbor Tours, Inc. Heilig-Meyers Furniture Co. HeloAir, Inc. Historic Richmond Tours Pleasant Company Hunan East Gourmet Ivy Inn RL'Slaurant J.Altis James F. Londrey, D.D.S .. ltd. James Rrver ~uoleom Jewel')" 3

Juliet Wiebe Design Buckhead '5 Restaurant Kitchen Kuisine Kuykendall InteriOfs La dassique Land's End, Inc. The nalian (Nco Brockton LlVick, D.D.S.

Mitchell's Form.,1 'Near l .lStorica Jewelers lewiS Ginter BOOmedl Gardens linden Row Inn Marilyn's SkipJack T.,..-effi & Comedy dub Village Realty & Management Reading Mallet's Mercer Rug Company Montana Bread Company MOYies& MOre Mrs. Fearnow's Brunsidt Stew Royal Okismobile and IsUlu O ld Dominion Opry Outback Steakhouse Padow's Hams & Deli, Inc. Paper by Patty Paul Paramount's Kings Dominion

Ptmport Cleaners Pet Pleascrs, Inc.

litchfield Tennis School East Coast Specialities, Inc. Pericins Florist Piccadilly Cafereria Premiere, Inc. Preston Lee Gomer of Greenway Printing Services, Inc. Pro Park Indoor Golf & Games Prospea IliII Tuckahoe Seafood Ridunond Braves Richmond Kickers Pro Soccer Rldlmood O/ymp,ad Ridlmond Raft Company Rldlmond Saddlery Rodge Dog Shop Road Runner Running StOfe Rob's Hardware Robin Inn Re5taurant

The Kni t Nut The Uttle Gym The Melting Pot The Museum & White I louse of the Confeder.lCY The Pet Center The Plaid Racquet The Richmond Ballet The Richmond Symphony The Tavern at Triangte Parle The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation The Valentine Museum


Uni\lersity of Richmond US" Transportation. Inc.

Saddlery Trade Assoc., l td. Sam Miller's Restaurant Strawberry Street Cafe C. F. Sauer Company SCIence Museum of Virginia Seoond Time Around Gloria Jean's Gourmet Coffees Jerry Atkins & As50aates South Pole Toy Store Luray Caverns Corporation Mallo1kin GemslOne Crafts Mystery Cafe None Such Place Eddie Parker. Tennis Director of Rainlree Inde51gn SlOrle\N.a1l M.aricet SWIft Creek Mill Playhouse The Barksdale Theatre

The The The The

Diamond Gallery Crape Vine Greek and Italian Restaurant Ironhorse Restaurant Jefferson Hotel The JI!!:'N ish Community Center

The Whitehall Company Theatre IV ramily Playhouse 1'healreVlrginla Tim Buck II Ocean Trail Tom Brown I lardware Tuckahoe ramify YMo.

Tuff Stuff Ultrazone Van Ocr Meer Tennis U mIJersily

VidOfian Cr.lce

Video World Village Wine & Bl.'Cr Virginia HCilrt Institute Virgl nlll House Virginia Opera

Virpma Wayside t-urnllure

H.1rlovet Clearlet's Wendell Powell Studio Wilton Development Historic Richmond Foundation Wolff Fording & Co.

(We apologize for any uni ntentional omission of businesses who supported The Steward School Auction '96 .)






-Annual fund pledges top the $100,000 goal We are very pleased to report that pledges and contributions to this year's Annual Fund Campaign su rpassed our $100,000 goal in mid-February. The next goal in this year's campaign is to achieve 100% participation by the parents of our current students. Just over 82% of our parents have either pledged or made a contribution to the 1995 -96 An nual Fund . The top five (5) classes as of March 19, 1996, with the percentage of parents who have contributed, are as follows:


RANK 1 2 3 4



% PARTICIPATION 192.86 % 589.47 % 84 .62 % 784.38% 481.82 %

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! Pictured below is two-lhirds of Steward's official snow removal team. Kindergartner Jay Pruitt and his father, O. J. Pruitt, Jr., are shown in one of their John Deere tractors while taking a break from pushing snow after one of the snows that closed school this year. Dad O.J. , with Jay by his side, and so metimes grandad, Jack Pruitt, have driven lhe big green John Deere tra ctor(s) to Steward from t hei r farm in Goochland County each time it snowed. They cleared the driveways, parking lots, play areas, and all of the sidewalks on which the tractor(s) would fit. The gen erosity of the Pruitt family has saved the School thousands of dollars in snow removal th is year. Most of us have lost count of the number of times it has snowed . But not Jay. The truth ofthe matter is that jay has not missed a single day of coming to school because of snow! Pruitts, thank you Sin ce rel y from all of us.

If you have not done so, please help us set one more record this year by making your pledge to the Annual Fund Campaign. Remember, you have until Jun e 30, 1996. to pay your pledge in order for it to co unt in this year's Campaign .

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Dad, 0 I . and la y ITWO re" b<>Iore cleafl ng Siewards parkmg 101 _,qam'!

------------------------- -- --- --- -------- -- - -----






Important Dates to Remember April

12 15-19 18-21 22 22-26 26 & 27

Parents' Association Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Dismissal at 12:00 noon Make-up Day! School is in session Kindergarten Dismissal at 11 :30 a.m . Lower School Theme Week - The Environment Spring Musical Pippin Dismissal at 1:30 p.m. Language Arts Week Steward Model United Nations

2 3 4 7 10 13 14 15 17 22 24 27

Spring Concert - 7:30 p.m. Grandparents' Day 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. SAT Testing taken at another school Honors Awards Night - 7:30 p.m. Kindergarten Dismissal at 11 :30 a.m. Dismissal at 1:30 p.m. Parents' Association Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m . Athletic Awards Night - 7:00 p.m. Lower School Field Day Fine Arts Banquet - 7:30 p.m. Headmaster's Holiday (grade 12) Memorial Day - No School

2 5






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