Yearbook 1976 Vol.2

Page 1



Shawn H arris LuEl len Bu hrman

We Ded icate. hi s , nur Ifl7l; nRI TH I At\ , "unlkr , gil ilk , and frklH.I -

1rs , lkkn Dixon - our


I . irh "uIIlir.1Ii,ln - for yom profound Ud'Olhll1 to th" "ducalinn n f )'"u ng l'c"pk , I,' ill! g r:Ililuue - o r your dllhusiasm and sym pathe lic goodwi ll ill the fnunJing (If Ih" Sl" ward Sch,lI, I, I, i ll! f,mucSI rLSp,-,cI - fM you r con ,< i II ingll<.." In he! p ,



rn for llur nLL!ds a nd yo ur

Headmaster lr. Paul R. Cramd, headmastd , has mad" grl..;11 c0l1tribllli.H1S tl) th ... St ... \,aru Seh,'nl uuring his firsl }""ar as its h,,;lUIl1;1stl.r. Ik ha s h...tped his SlUde nt s ll) adjusl to th ... ch;lng .. s l11:1u .., ill th .. faeult), 3nd th ... administrathm last year. 1r. Cr;unu gr.luu:tteU fmlll De .. rfield .\cad ... my and Wt..nI


tl' fI.... CI...i\"l;

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u. . . grt..:(,;


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Cnlkge anu <I ,I;lstd of Euucathln J"gr" ... from Sprillgfit..ld. HI.. taught at his :lIma matd. O.. "rfkld AcaJun). \".IS O... ;ln "f Students at th" Univ.:rsit)' Sch""l in Ck\'dand. 'lhi," anu was '\ssociak H"adm:m"r'll \\ t..lbraham .\c:lJ .. my. ir. Crallld is r,sp"ct"J .1nu aJlIlir..:u by :III ;lnd w" at th .. St<:w;trd cho,'l ar .. fortunate l<l havl.. him as our h"au Illast ... r .

Ad min istrative Assistant .Ir. D;l\iJ Trilnbk ,Iuministr<llh" a'si";lnt, c, 'ach, ;1I1U k ac h", - grauuakU f mm Suff.,1 h l n i v" rsit) "'ith ,I &achdor .,f Arts Uesr, ... and has tak ... n furthd ""ri•.11 Ke~n ... SWtc ColI"se. Pr ... viollsly h... W3 1m the L,culty of \,'inch"nuon Sch""I. W;lS a teach..:r 3nu ";leh;lt ,\IISllsta 1ilit:tr), Aead ... m)· .•lnd S\.C\'eU ;IS O... ;lI1I,f Stud .. nts at thl.. N... w Community Seh.,nl. 1r. I rilllbk is csp<:cially noted for his dfurts <>11 b.. h.,,', ,,[ "lIr schnnl' s alhklic p",srams. but w.. will r... memDd alsn his abilil} in Ih ... classrnotrl "nu his c~)ntrihll[i.)l1s tt, Ilk

l:.mirl; sch{)oi.



Peo ple

13 -51

7-I 1


53 -64

O rgan izat ions

67-69 5

IIHolidays . . .


and Action. II












John Quincy Ad:uns


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• IR. DAVID TR\.IBLL 8. A. SuH.,Il: Lni\'d"it:.

MRS. LI!'.DA \, ILU( f S.A. \'.'""'th.)JJ1rtpn(,'II,~<



Samud Adams



Mrs. Sorg

SECOND ROW : Ken Navis. Teresa Anderson . Mill. Sorg. Davin Bickel. Wade Liles. Slephanie Weed. FRONT ROW: Slacie Royall. Jennifer Kellett Maria Anton, Clare

dom. laura Wallace.

It 's obvIous that Mn. Sorg's kindergarten cla$S is conducled very Infonn.liy. TOP LEFT and ABOVE: Marla Amon and Stephanie Weed develop their crayon technl~

que. OPPOS ITE: Teresa Ander.;on ules her hand with tempera palnts.


Reptile companions make class more.. I,!lJjoyable (or Wade LIles (!.ell ) and I..aura Wallace (Above). RIGHT, Jennifer Keller watches Clare Odom cut out flguru from a sheet of construction paper. CENTER RIGHT: O"'1n Bickel paints in the hall so thallhe class rabbit wOO't hop in the middlo of the picture. OPPOS ITE, Clare Odom and Jennifer Kelle.r look on as Mrs. Sorg's boa consuictor sheds iu skin.



Mrs. Magee

T J> LEFT : Ann Nichols di.scovers that pai nti ng is fun , but can be messy . ABOV E: Bobby PIlL, Ilke all ki ndergarten students . feels morc comfonable wo rking on the floor than at a table . BOTTOM LEFT: Kindergane n isn't all play . It requires a grea t dea l of concenua tion . as Carol Bird i1hlS-

uates .

T HI RD ROW: Becky Wood . Danny Richmond, CaroUne Osborne. Ma rk Boykin. Mrs. Magee , Ann Nichols , C.u o l Bi.rd. Scon Simon. SECOND ROw : Bobby PilL , Casi. Royall, Mary Dillard, Gra ham Hickerso n. And rea fl.1 hal. FRONT RO I": Robert Hol ste n. Porter Boyd.


FAR LEFT, Mary Dillard sho ws tha, hammers and WIlls aren', jw, for boys. CENTER LEFT, Most carpenters have a lot of determination and Roben Hoisten is no exception. ABOVE, Graham Hickerson confirms the age-old beHe( thai pencils are made to be chewed on . OPPOSITE: Though klndergancn can be hectic. a, times. I, does provide some momen15 for recreat..ion and Andrea

Rahal lakes full advantage of them. BOTTOM LEFT , Even Ln kinderganen. some students. llke Mark BoykJn.

have already established themselves as good conversatlonallsLS. BELOvl: Mn. Magee" students may be eltpen carpenlea. but they are equally adept at an. Oann), Richmond enjoys painting .



Mrs. Scott

SECOND ROW; Janel Jenn.,... Abby Uchlenslein. Rip Pruitt. John Brasfield . Mil. SeOI!. laurie Hooker . Ca rolyn Rash. ROW; John £88I .. Ion. Kristin. V.nBr.ckle . C liff Gut hri e. Ka le Lucas. NOT PICTURED; Bobby Be ll . £d Wes ley .

TOP LEFT : Rip Prulll gelS some assistance from his teacher. MD. Seott . TOP RiGHT ; Carolyn Rash. like many students. enjoys building blocks. LEFT : John Brasfie ld spreads paste on consUUCtlOIl paper.


ABO VE LEFT: Laurie Hooker enjoys I1llIking designs OUt of eonsuuctlon paper. ABOVE RIGHT: John Brasffeld finds ft ea.fer to $land 10 do his cUlting. LEFT: Mrs. SeOll decides thaI il Is time 10 change actlvftfes. BELOW : Janet Jenn... looks OVe! Krlstfn Van Brackle路sshoulder.


FIRST GRADE- Mrs. Colbert

ABOVE: Karlin Bragg can' t find the right words for he r question. ABOVE RIGHT: Dr. Seuss books are a fa vorite among many childre.n and Jeffrey Saunders is no excep-

lion. OPPOSITE: Krinln VanBr.ckl e (Right ) le nds Lt.. Ste phenson a he lping hand (Left ).

THIRO ROW : Jeffrey Saunden, Hunter Good win, Mrs. Co lben . KarlIn Bragg, Morgan Snead. SECOND ROW : Mary Ruth Boyd . Laura Rogers , Lisa Stephenson. Scon Gordon, He rbe" Pickels . FRON T RO \\' : Lowrie Fawl ey t Am o ine tte Lucas . CUlf Marrow.


TOP LEFT and BOTTOM LEFT: Lowri e Fa wley and Cllff Marrow look do wn at the floor during a moment of Quiet refleclion . TOP RIGHT: Mary Ruth Boyd smlles at his c lnssm.'n e Morgan Snead . LEFT: Jeffrey Saund ers and Hunter Goodwin enj oy 11 game of checkers. ABOVE: Morgan Snead reaches for a era yon .


FOURTH ROW : Joseph Nel5on , Angela Makrt., Danny Bi rd, Lee Smith, Mrs, MoronI. THIRD ROW: Laum Brock wel l. Dona l d Green , Brigitte Rahal, Cabell Lawton, Mary Browning, Jeff Bang, Mrs, Trimbl e, SECOND RO\~ : Geoffre y P<terson , Edith Ann Ganus . CharHe Navls. Bonnie PalI, CUrt Nichols. Ca ro l Ann li orranh . Ghris Harkrader. FRONT ROW: l land Mcintyre , Ke lley Caspari, Craig SCOtt, Sandy S:r.llassy, Robbie Parker. NOT PICTURED : Mark Lienhard ,

ABOV E LEFT: The middle of an Oreo cookl


be good . but Carol Ann Ii fr arth knows thal the middle of a Twinkl e 15 even better. OPPOSITE: av is proves thal Pop Tans aren 't just for breakfast. ABOVE: L.lura Brockwell looks up to receive instructions from her teache.r . Mrs. MoronL



TOP LEFT: Carol Ann Hoffanh know. Ihal Happin ... Is a Punull Thermos. CENTER LEFT' Danny Bird soon nnds OUI thaI I m1ng to wrile In SCripl Is harder Ihan II look•. BOTTOM LEFT: School Is boring at Limes. but. on occasion, swdenl5 can Hnd something to laugh at. Here. Lee Smllh mIx .. buslncs:s wllh pleasure while he works wlth dominoes. TOP RIGHT: Sludents like Mary Browning have already staned learning geography as early as second grade. ABOVE: Angel. Makris Is one of Ihe many gIrls who allend Girl Scout meetings after school. BELOW: Brownie SeoUl Mary Browning

works dJJlgentiy as she practices penmanship.



S£ R


NO ROW : John Fa llon . Mary Katherine Hodges. MIche ll e Keller . Te rri McQuay . Nils Thola_nd. Mrs. Ste ve rson. FRONT Bil l y L'lmbr infdes . Jill Na rron, Sarah \"est. Kathe rine Hortensl1ne . Suzanne Rahal. Oa fd Hibbard . NOT PI TUR£ D:

An ne Bright, M elissa You ng. A ndre w Di xon .

o pp SITE : Mrs . Stevenan he lps ii, Tho land with hi' reading. BELOI" LEFT : Stu-

de nts always enjoy Christmas time. especia ll y decorating the classroom and trlm ming the tree . BELO\\' RIGHT: It doesn't take mu h to distract Suzanne Rahal from

sometimes unlnle resling classwock .


ABOV E LEFT: \-'hen the teacher

one is forced




tum to a classmate just as

Anne Bright looks to Melissa Young for help. ABOVE : Mary Katherine Hodges

knows Lhat sometimes It's easier to con cenuate when you're left alone. Katherine Honenstlne enjoys a styrofoam model

of the earth and the moon (Center Left) . while Billy Lambrtnides labors over a sheet of construction paper (BoHom Left). BELOW : Terri McQuay completes an at a teaming center. CENTER RIG HT: Michele Keller concenuatcs on her scWors and paper. but JIll Narren seenu more interested in what's happening on the floo r .



LEFT: Alex Szllassy finds his work to be very thought proyokin . AS VE: Pai ge Stuan turns LO C liff \V'ood for a bit of


ITE: PaIge sa ys. " lllke It he re ."

THIRD ROW: Garnett Osborne. Gordon Taylor. Ed Hyman. Cliff Wood. Alex . SEC NO ROly : All en Taylor . Chris Hancock. Ted Baronian . BUI And re ws. Taz Fitzgerald. FRON T ROW ; Paige SUlan . Robin Pill, Susan Cramer. Maria Honey ,

Susan Pn yne .


ABOVE and LOWER RIGHT: Ed Hyman. Sus.,n

Cramer. and Susan Payne work at lheir desks. TOP RIGHT and LOWER LEFT: Garnell Osborne

works al a table and al a "'rillng learning center. RIGHT Taz Fitzg e rald studies a1 a reading learning center.



FOURTH ROW : Mlss Flake , U n Lockh.ut. Don Swank. Geoffrey Btuke . Scon M oncure . THIRD ROW: Robinette Turner. G .....en

Parke r, Jessica Fried man , Win Che wnillg, John Ch.,mbl iss . SECO 0 ROW: Daphne Bicke l. Ml ke Clemons ,Sam Parrish, Diane "'-mo w, John Harper. FRO T ROW : David Co lley , Anhur Ruc ke r, Mike Cle menLS , Robe rt Ganus . NOT PICTURED : Aliso n Blo1 c kl ey.

ABOV E LEFT an d RIG HT : Althoug h It's more comfon able to sit on the floo r. it 's eas1er to wrile at a desk. as Gwen Parker and David

Co ll ey A BO VE :

ar e

do ing.

Ro bin e tl e

Tur ne r. Ali so n Bla c k-

ley, a nd Daphne collaborat e on an assignme nt. LEFT: Miss Flake he lps Dav id Co ll ey wi th hi s c.lasswork.

ABOVE LEFT and ABOVE RIGHT : School gives students an opponunlty to soctaUze they work and also makes them accwlamed to being around other people. OPPOSITE: ScOtt Moncure and Olane Marrow work diligently at their deskJ. OPPOSITE: lohn Harper and Robinette Turner liste n as Miss Flake readJ aloud. BOTTOM CENT ER and BOTTOM RIGHT : lohn Cham bliss concentrates on spelling while \~In Che wning practices handwrltlng.



TH IRD ROW: Mrs . Mertz . Allee Me i5e1. Katharine Moo[e . Missy Cane r. Kate Grah.m . Alison Coppedge . Tammy McQuay . Blair McGee. SECOND ROW: John Dod[iJI . David Cunningham. Nancy Fulton. Ma ry Ca therine Odom. Mary Beth Pair . Couller Bright. FRONT RO W; Kreg Kunz. Van Pusey . Stev Turne r. Jeff Ga ylord , Hilary Thomas.

ABOVE LEFT: The mice in the sixth grade classroom se rve as a 50wce of enjoym ent fo r many . John DodrU I (a bove right ) laughs at the a nlics of 1m classmates while Alison Coppedge (be lo w ri ght ) e njoy,. mome nt of soli tud e .


LEFT: Coulter Bright looks across the a15le to a classmate. MIDDLE LEFT: A quJel moment of studying is helpful at time •. MiDDLE RIGHT : Katherine Moore nnds the lesson amusing. LOWER LEFT: HlIary Thomas reads whll e Alison Coppedge giances at the photographer. LOWER RIGHT : Sometimes we JUSt sit sti ll and take It aU Ln.



Evans Brasfie ld

Bliss Bright

ABOVE RIGHT: The seventh grade girl. struggle to st a y awa ke during

dass. LEFT: Lyn Nuck-

ols catches up on some sleep during c lass. RIG HT : Marty Pl o tkin keeps an eye on some of

his classmate!.

Sa rah Carpe nte r Susan Christie Lisa Clemons


Paul Cramer Roben Dietz

ABOVE - Chris McGee liSlens Intently 10 his teacher. RIGHT : learning French I takes a good deal of concenuaLion. 8ELO\\' : Bliss Bright looks over at her classmates on the other side of the

room. BOTTOM : The seventh grade girls eat lunch together in the multj路purpose room.

Denise Fea merston

Ginny Fitzgera ld

Mark He rod


Kath y Hoffanh Susan Hudgins Dick Kennon

FAR LEFT 路 Gin ny

Fit zgera ld walts weari ly for the be ll (0 ring . ABOVE and RIGHT: Evans Bras-

Chris McG e

field walu to be called on to answer a que5llon whil e Nicky Spanes looks on .

Lyn Nuckol s Marty Plotkin


Susannah Sne ad Nicky Spanos

AB VE : Che rl e.:1 der Susan Christie studies her

hlslory book. RI GHT and BELOW : Robert Ilnd Llza Clemons concenWlle on lhe ir work. BE LOW RI GHT: Denlse Featherslon. hriSlie. Sarah Carpente r. and Robin spend. trying hou r In c l....

Dielz classSusan Willis

Sally Va le ntine Dona ld Waybri ght Robin Willis



He len Ard ma n Lisa Barber

Scott Bazzl e Susan Bet ts


orthen lean. hi< desk ag" lm, ,he bla ck-

boa rd wh1le he wa tches Lisa Bnrber work


an algebra

equOilon . ABOVE RIGH T : Lisa Barber sets some books



her locker between classes . RJ GHT: Dee EUIe washes out

bottles In the sc Ience lab.


Robe rt Corne ll Liz Dod.rill

ABOVE: Stud y hall gives John Moncure the opponunlly lO f\nuh hu French homework early. OPPOS ITE: Steve Haas Hnds concen-

uatlon an easy lask . BELOW LEFT: Lynn GoUwl tzer pays SUlcI attention whil e the teacher u talking. BELOW RIGHT: Catherine Watkins finds it very hard lO keep her mind on her work . BOTTOM : Il', • IIl~l e bit of ••hock lO Scon Bazzle when he finds out that the test scheduled for lomona ..... Is actually going to be gl ven lod. y .

Dee Eure David Ful ton


Lynn Gollwitzer Steve Haas

AB VE LEFT ; He len Ardman and John M oncure concentrate to Frenc h c1 ... . ABOVE RI GHT and

John Moncure Amy Neese

BELOW LEFT ; David Full on sol e mnl y wo rks on hIs math ..... h.lle John Penn Turner attacks his with a

l ighthearted attllud e . BELOW; Bil l orthen gels Spanish help from Mrs . Kelly. mo re

Bi ll Northe n John Pe nn Turne r

ABOVE: Scali Bazzle works on a experiment. ABOVE RIGHT: DavId Fullon chews thoughtfully on the end of till pen. 8ELQv.t LErT : Steve Haas medl路 tates. BELOW RIGHT : Amy Neese

scie nce

Ca therine Wa tkins Betsy Wilkins

re.a ll zes the ans wer to her math probl em.



David Bazzle

Frank Becker

Robbie Buuerworth Steve Carroll Steve Churchill

ABOVE: Algebra take5 a lot of concenuation and

gives a lot of headaches. In math class. Charles Shedd wages the never ending baltle against the textbook. OPPOSITE: There's Dolhlng like beIng woken up in the middle of class. is there Steve?


Jimmy Coll ier

Will CreekmUI

TOP LEFT: David Bazzle SlOps 10 gtl some books out of his locker. LEFT and BELOW: Bobby Gray. Al DeVine. and David Bazz l e take advantage o f a

study ,",11.


Al DeVine

Bobby Gray Mark McDonal d Kevin McD no ugh


Steve Carroll daydreams while Mark McDonald conc.entr.1leS on his textbook. LEFT: Tom Neblett and Kevin MCDonough talk during lunch period. BELOW: WlU Creek-

mur relaxes while reading his MSignment.

T om Nebleu

Charles Shedd

TOP LEFT: Will Creekmur knows the

an s we r to th e mat h problem whil e Jimm y Coll ie r 1,$ sti ll uying to figure II out. LEFT : Tom eb leu leans back in his desk. HELO\v: Ann Van Brack le

co nce ntra tes on an a lge bra assignment.

Ann VanBrack l e


TENTH GRADE Bruce Baldacci LuEllen Buhrman Peter Button

Robe rt Carroll


PPOS ITE: The mining link Is alive and well at Steward School in the person of Bryan Law . ABOVE: Jeanne Neese . like all other students. Hnds It more comfonable

to sit on a desk than in it.


Charlie Fleming

---.b==:-_ ' ="':',:-::: _

Sharon Ha rris

TOP LEFT, Kelly Kritzer and Cha rU e Fleming gel a chance to relax during a lull In science class. MIDDLE LEFT : Sharon Harr is and Jeann e Neese check lhelr home work In science class. LEFT ; Charli e Fleming takes

notes during history class. ABOVE: Bryan Law ,uikes a nonr;ha Iant pose.


Doug Jarnagin

Ke ll y Kri lzer Bryan Law

ABOVE LEFT, Kell y Kritzer and Linda Ma rrow tak e notes . T OP RI GHT , Robert Ca rroll Lakes time Out (or a shon nap . B T T M RIGHT : Charli e Appl eseed (Felmi ng) laketh awa y but give th back.


Linda Marrow

leanne Neese

TOP LEFT: Bryan Law readJly posed for lhis candid shol of the beeman mind in action. MIDDLE LEFT: Or. Hai1es corrects Jeanne Neese's composhion. LEFT ;

Bryan Law. Roben Carroll. and Bruce Bald.cel convene durlng science class. ABOVE: The tenth grade was very proud or the results of its project on the anciem art mummification.



I' Kingsh!y

TIlI'RIt,),T P-.;t<.:T Kingsley and Cor ., }' T u~).'k I.:PIOpkl\. J. .. ckncc I,;xpc;rirncllt . \hll\'[


OJ.vr..:npnn Is

drc .1 l1ling

Ih .. (<Irk\.: fur hLf IlL).t COlTIpt'sitl'lfl. "'tlDOLf RI(,IfT . t illy \, illial11!1i. IIr.,> 11l'~1 • JrllJ (':trnlillt: D:l\-.:npIHl pl.m Ihl. h,,'>1 i;Jl..l ".. hich th~y can Il)r 1he .1<.'fi\ilh." program . RIt,I-fT Bill\' \hlflCurc ,Ind l.r.1) 'II~J.!II. PUI thdr tk:.St '>l1liks fllf..... n;J in wLI h.,II . \>\Ind..:r wh: llf

klt"l r • t ll1~ \. illi.llll\ I.:nj,)ys s.l l\inS prLlp,lrtinns in 111Jlh CI.1!>5 . . III1DL[ BEL..lH\' B":11 P.uri .. h <: UU~gk 5 10 h.:o..p a ....·~'kt! durill eLl'c , I.'H\'ER LEFT: . Iill:. \.: iI Ii ,Un'>. likd .1 chance. l.l ~d \'ul~ld", fl1r .1 ... hih:: . Lll\', ER RhdtT Bill)' Mnncurc

r.le... ci.3l1} "".111.




in class.


his back Is to




S"n Parrish


S w ~ al


Rh.• tll


hh sci\ nr.

P..:lcr Kingslt.:~ a~sIgnm..:nt

inll... r"sling. \UOOlE Gra}' Tll~~ 1 f ;1I1l;t;·u..l again LEFT· \Iill} \;illl.1l1ls kno ws Ihl.: ""','y 1,).1 I .lch .. r'lj ~·r.ldd)(lll~..

1i ll )' \\'i ll i.1ITIS

n\I' LEI r I'\~~r;.&phd.

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TI,omas Jeffer n


J.V. Cheerleaders

~[t(lj\;n Kt)\,路 Tal1lmy M (.,.)1I3Y. {\lie\: Mdsd . FRllNT R(l\\' I'IC In路 t n路 \;,IOC\ fulllll1 - rapt,dn.



Varsity Cheerleaders

Kell y


SECt"! D RO\\'路 Kdly Kritzer - Capt., fn . Sharon Harris. Linda

fR(l;.T Ri\\," Lisa Barlkr. Kim



't arro W' - ."plain . Jeanne

Ct,:S\. .

Nan cy



Alice 55


Sharo n

J eanne 57

JV Soccer Team

SA K RO\": t1 r . Green wood - nach o Robert mndl. Bobby Gra)', Bill on hcn . lohn Muncure , \,'1 11 flo.:ckm ur . Dick K\.nnon. rR()NT RO\,', Robert Dietz. Sen II Ba.?zk .. C":apl;'1in. jl1ho Dndrill. Van P!lSI.:}' . Jd r.,1ylt'lrd . D.wid Fullon . Scon . 10nCUh.. .. M:\na 'cr.

I ..,"'. ..... HJ 0 i







';m .



f\jll\ •






tn, «[( I 'RI) \Plll,n ... 01 lll,llingbr,,,,I-


Sl. '1Hch.h. ls Luth ... r \i"'ln"ri.ll flkhJ.lllnJ chrio;li.ln LUlh\.c klllllCi.l1

Ric.:hr:lllnd Chrisli:ln

Va rsity Soccer Tea m

BACK ROW: r. Gree nwood. Coach . Dav id Bazz le . AI Dev ine, Charl es Sweat. Bill ormco . Bi ll y MoncuIt! . Roben Ca rrol l. John oncu re. \'l ill C reekmur . Charli e Fl em ing - Manager. FRON T ROW: Bobby Gra y . Gray Tuggle _ Captain. Bruc e Bald3cci. Pc-ter Button. Van Pusey. Roben Co rnel l. Bryiln 1...1 \\.' , Dic k Kennon. SCOtt Bazzle. SCOtt Moncur..: _ tanage r.

Ia7S RECORD Steward

Sept. Oc\, ct.

30 3 II 11

3-0 4-0 ~ .. 3 5-3

Oc l.




G-!:! I-I

Oc t.







Nov .




1-3 3-0 4-0 6-0

Opponent \.Jarwi ck Christi .in h'cS I End Christ ian

Bollingbrook J. V . \.Jar wi ck hrisl ian Wcst End Ch ristian t! 'W Commun ity School Bo ll ingbrook J. V. I! ....' Communil)' School

Chlcka hominy Acadl!my Chickahomfny Academy


Wi nter Soccer

BAC K ROW : Mr . Green ..... ood - Coach. David Ba zz le . Al DeVine . Cha rles Sweat. Bill onhen . Bill y one"u re , Bruce Ba.t daccl. John toncure . Wil l Creekmur. Cha rlie Fle ming a nager . FRO TROW- Kcvin MCDonough . Bobby Gray, Gray Tugg lt! CaptaIn, Mark Herod. Peter BUllon. Van rusey . Robc:n Cornel l, Bryan Law , Dick Kennon . ScOtt Bazzl\:. Scott l oncurc.::Mana ger.

1915 - W76 RECORD 511,; ward


Dec .



Dec .



Ja n. Jan . Ja n.


Ja n . Feb. Feb . Feb . Feb. Feb .







:!-3 I-I

St . Chrislophcrs J . V . Tuckahoe - Byrd Bc.:nc.dlcllnl! J. V . T rinit)' Episcopal J . V. 5t. Christophcrs J. V.


I- ~



Tuckahoe - By rd Lt! ..:- Da \路is J . V. Eknc.:diclinc J. V . lA!c-Da\'is J . V .


0-4 4-0

Thom.1S Je fferson J. V. Trinhy Episcopa l J . V.






J oh n H .ncock

Drama Club

T IIIRD Rl H,'· Pl.,;tc.:r Kin sl !!)' . Lis;} lemons . Robin":'lll.! Tumt: r. Paul r:unl!r . Dec: Eurl.! . Gc.:n ffr\,;)" Burl,l,. , S .tll \10 IlCur c.: , Ly nn ,oll ....·ilzl.: r . Mr. HaIll!s - Adviso r . SECOND Rl '\\' Jo hn P\; nn Turn\. !. \,'in Chl. .... lling. John tlar~r. (" w\.o P;trkl,; ! . Roih;.n (laOliS . jl1hll Chambli ss . Jdf Gayl.1fl.l . f Rllt-.:T Rt 1\, Sh,\ H.\,I .. , III-uie;\. Fo.;.:llht.:fSton . D.lphl1t.: Sick...! . Alison Bbckky . Jessica rri \;dman . Oi.1.",: M.Hr.I ....· ,

Yea rbook Staff

SE01 ND R()\\'· i rs . ' o roni - Ad\· j ....")r. Sh.nol) Harris . Pete r Button. LuEll en Buhrman . ,"J\i ,If . I "hl';T Ri.1\\· fl:auJ Cr;U1h.r , Su<:.tJ1n,lhSnt.:ad , Sally V.1kntinc . Lyn l'uc}.;ol<: .


Irs . Chi ld!.; rs.

Studen t Council

Kelly . Adviso r. Robe n Corne ll. \\'1 11 Crl!c:kmu r. Billy 1oncun.: . Jimm y Co ll il!r . David rUlhm. r R() 'T RCI\\'路 h:annc ~CC5C. Carn lin c Davenport . Susannah Snead . Ginny Fitzgerald. Shanm H.uris .

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PATRONS MR . A D MRS. FRA . CIS A . BIRD 1506 Ednam Forest Drive Riehm nd . Vi rgi ni a 23233 DR. AN D MRS . GEORGE M. BRIG HT 306 Oak Lane Richmond . VLrgin i a 23226 JA NE A DR BERT C RN ELL 4406 Br m l ey Lane Richmond . Virginia 2322 1 MR. A D MRS. JOHN FLEM ING

1131 West Avenue Richmond. Virginia 1R. AN DMRS. A . E. HO EY.JR . 1604 Willingham Road Richmond . Virginia 23233 C HARLES J. McDONA LD Box 3651\ - Route 2 Richmond . Vi rginia 23233 MR. A D MRS. CHARLES E. SHEDD. JR. 3205 Kensington Ave nue Richmond . Virg ini a 23221


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