Yearbook 1977 Vol.3

Page 1

THE CORINTHIAN 1977 Volume III The Steward School Richmond, Virginia


As we look bock and remember the beginning of The Steward School , we feel proud that we have grown and progressed in just a few short years . A new gym is eagerly awaiting a new venture in athletics and activities . Our new senior class is a reality this year

which rounds out our grades from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Th e friendships we have mode, the cherished moments of our schoo l do ys here at Steward will play an important part in our

lives . We, of the Corinthian stoff, hope that this yearbook will refresh our memories as time posses on.



Dedication To the first g rad uating class of The Steward School , Caroline Davenport, Bill y Moncure, and Gray Tuggl e, we dedicate the third edi tion of The Corinthian. W e are grateful to you for establi shing the trad ition of the senior class . You have given us encouragement and inspiration to follow in your footsteps. We will mi ss you and ex tend our best wishes as you look toward the future.


Paul R. Cramer Headmaster

Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Mr . Cromer wos educated in Amherst public schools and attended Deerfield Acad emy . After high school he received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College in W illiamstown , Massachusetts then his Master of Education from Springfield . He began his teaching career at the University School in Shaker Heights, Ohio where he taught French and English . He also taught French and English at his alma mater, Deerfield Academy . Mr. Cromer was associate headmaster at Wilbraham Academy, and then he become our headmaster at The Steward School. Not only is he an educator, he is also a friend to both teachers and students. No one in the past has helped the school grow both academically and structurally the way he has . We are proud of Mr. Cramer and his accomplishments and we hope that he will remain at Steward for many years to come.


Born in Richmond, Virginia , Mr. David Trimble graduated from Suffolk University with a Bachelor of Arts degree . In previous years he has worked on the faculty of Winchendon School , was a teacher and coach at Agusto Military Academy, worked at Keene State College, and served as Dean of Studen ts at the New Community School. Mr. Trimble began work at Th e Steward School in 1975 . Aside from his unusual abi lity in the classroom, he has served as Administrative

Assistant and coach . Th is post year he worked with other area coache s to form a soccer leag ue

and a softba ll league . We will always remembe r his contributions to the over- all growth ond welfare of the entire school.

Mrs . Margaret Cramer, B.A. Regis College , is not only school secretory, but is al so our nurse, guide and friend.


Upper School Faculty

\ Mrs . Sue Barnes B.A . Longwood Co llege French teacher for upper and lower school.

Mr. Ed Barbour B.A . Universi ty of Virginia M .Ed . Un iversity of Virginia Physicol education instructor for upper

and lower school.

Mrs . Roberta Barton B.S. Tow nson State College M .Ed . Virginia Commonwealth

Uni ve rsit y Re source Teacher


Mrs. lucy Cocke B.S. Madison College M.Ed . Virginia Commonwealth University


Mr. Timoth y Greenwood B.A. Hamilton College History and Moth teacher

Mrs . Shirley Friedman B.A . Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University M .A. University of Virginia

Spanish teacher


Mrs. Deborah King B.A. College of William and Mary Music Instructor



Mr . John Matro B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Virginia Stote University Moth Teacher

M iss Jennie B. Peery B.A. Mary Baldwin College Art In structor


Mr. David Sellers III B.A. University o f Richmond English Teache r

Mrs . Linda Wallace B.A . Westhampton College Science Teacher


Lower School Faculty Mrs . Trudy Sorg B.S. Wheelock Colle ge Kindergarten A

Mrs. Bonnie Magee B.A. University of Maryland Kindergarten B Assistant Resource Instructor





Mrs . Barbara Colbert B.A. Stevens College Grade 1


Mrs. Barbara Scott B.A. Mary Washington College Grade 1

Mrs . Lo uise Cameron

Elem . Ed . Georg ia State Un iversity Grade 2

Mrs. Betsy Trimble University of New Hampshire Grade 2 teacher a ide


Mrs. Dee Steverson B.A . Th e College of W illiam and Mar y G rade 3

Mrs . El aine Marolla B.A. Uni versi ty of Rhod e Island Grad e 4

Miss Gary Flake B.A . Mary Baldwin College Grade 6


Mrs. Doris Burbank M.A. Westhampton College Grode 6 teacher aide

Mrs. Goy Fraser B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University Grode 6



Billy Moncure The " Fan " man . . . picking a banjo . . . West A venue . . . Redbird . . . foosball forever. . ." Ph illy"' trip . . . soccer . . . the river .

. Waterview vo lunteer fire-

man . . . Tequila contes t . . . Bogarts . . . cafeteria on wheels . . . fancy guns. . . skeet. . . pugs . . . Ho ly Moses! . . . girls . . . rose bud. . motorcycles . . . New Years Eve with Ralph . . . summer school at St . Margarets . . . heavy Chevy. . . Starsky .

The friendly personality and qu ick wit of Billy will always be remembered by his fellow classmates. He has a winning way wi th people which will surely be an ingredient to his success. He has shown his schoo l spirit not only by leading th e Student Council his Junior year but by being a top ath lete for Steward 's teams. Roanoke College is luck y to have Billy enroll as a freshman and we send with him our best wishes

for a happy and success ful future .

"Go and catch a foiling stor."


Carolin e Davenpor t The" only girl ", , , frye boots , , , Snuffy, , , florido, ' , school is confusing . . . le vi s . . . Galax . . . Lang 's bananas , , , chauffeur, , , "Ain ' t my dog pretty? " , , ' WINTERGR EE N , , , beoch bum , _ , " Pres " , , , " You did whot to my car? " , , , Monday Holidays , ' , " I've been Ih e re 714 times " ,that St, Ch ris , , , the dy namic beach , , , Apa rtmen t life, boy, , ,

How lucky Steward is to have acqu ired Caroline her last two years in high schoo l! She has added vito lity to the upper school and he r classmates quickly realized he r leadership , They chose her President of Student Council which she led wi th e xpertise and lo ts of schoo l spirit.

W e shall miss her next yea r as she pu rsues a co ll ege career at florido Southern College in Lakeland, florida , We wish her the ve ry best of luck ,


Gray Tuggle Hutch . . . concerts . .. the Nose .. . " Where 's my bandana?" . . . it's New Years again.. Babs and Ralph . . . ski trips . .. Doodle . .. co sts . . . France . earring . . . " Where 's the party? " . . . baseball . . . the Coliseum. . . one in the front, two in the back . . . Kiss . . the " Philly" trip . . . soccer .. . weak bones . . .

We say good-bye to Gray with reluctance since he always injects a fun and willy personality into all occasions in the halls of Steward. He has been a good friend to all of us, a great athlete, and has always taken a special interest in hi s school. We know that Gray will come out on top as he pursues a college career and we wish him our very best.

" When the drea m come I held my breath with my eyes

closed ."



Bruce Baldacci LuEll en Buhrman

Charlie Fleming Lang Kimbrough

Br yon and Bruce ,ak e a breather during oclivitie~ .

long helps Mr. Molro with math?


Bruce mokes


foc e


the co mero while Chorlie wotches the gome .

Corol (top left ) puis stud yhott fa use .

Bryon Low

Jean ne Neese Caro le Proctor (No t Picture d Joh n-Sid ney del c'a rtyre and Shide h Yag hma i)


Sophomores Da vid Bazz le AI Devine

Mark McDonald Charles Shedd

Ann ,okes a momen t oul of on otherwise hectic day just to stop and th in k. (top right )

N ino, a t leost you ' re not camero shy! (right) Charlie displays his tolen t ot th e keyboard .



Nina Ta y lor Ann VanBrackl e

David and Bill store in amazemenf as AI

makes a good bel.

It 's the reol thing!


Chartie gets ready for



-- -- --





" d rag " home.


Freshmen Lisa Ba rbe r Scott Bazzle John Moncure

Amy N eese Bil l N or then

Tn e morning blahs .

John gel s te xtbook fever!


John prepare s for th e kill, being killed .


Scott tries to ovoid

lisa gets ca ugh t trying to sneak out of g ym closs.

ScoN ploys another DIRTY trick .


Eigh th Grade Evans Brasfi eld Bliss Bright Sarah Carpenter Susan Christie

lisa Clemons Pa ul Cramer Rabert Dietz

!obert poses for the

'eorbook photogro,her whi le the rest of t. e clo) ignores the

:o mero .

Ano ther one of those days for lyn Nuckols .



Not Available

Susonnah and Solly to king moth seriously?

THEORETlCAll Y, no motter how bored they seem, the eighth grade reolly enjoys Mr. Trimble 's history lectures .

Con Farrell Den ise Featherston Frank Hall Kath y Hoffarth

Susan Hudgi ns Di ck Kennon

l ynne Lemon Chris McGee

Evans strikes a relaxed pose ofter a winning game.

Jamie Mitchell lyn Nuckols Marty Plotk in

Robin Willis runs 0 YEARBOOK STOP sign!


Marty formulates a de ... iou5 pion during moth doss .

While Paul works on an ort project , Chris catches up on some homework .

Susannah Snead Sa lly Valentine Dono ld Woybright Robin Willis


Seventh Grade Coulter Bright Frank Call Diane Carter Alison Coppedge

M iuy and Mary Beth arrive in assembly before the morning rush.

During lab Blo ir and N oe l mix up








dead ly potion.

John tries 10 cover up his ollempts 10 blow up the science lob by washing out the evidence .

Mr. Trimble tries desperately to march seventh grade gi rls back ta class in military fasl-lian bu t Kotl-larine is not willing to coopera te.

John Dodrill N ancy Fulton Jeff Gaylord Kate Graham

Whitt Han shaw Kreg Kurtz Blair M cG ee


Ann McGrath Katharine Moore Noel Nicklas

Mary Cathe rine Odam Mary Beth Pair Steve Perry Van Pusey

Ma ry Catherine rejoices as the long day en d s.

Rummaging through nis locker, Steve Perr y searches for his book .


A miracle occu rs wi th the seven th grade boys when the camero is around.

N oe l enjoys a pen as she studies for a science test.

Gina Sheridan Steve Turner John VanHorn Ramin Yaghmai



Six th Grade

First r:::>w: Gwen Porker, Alison Blackley, Daphne Bickel, Dione Marrow . Second row : A. D. Rucker, Mike Sydnor, Mi ke Grc.lJory, Mike Clements, John Chom. bliss, Mike Clemons, Page Dunn, ScaN Moncure, Mrs . fraser. Third row : W inn Chewning, Donald Swank, Sam Parrish, Geoff Burke, Rolph l ovelace, lin l ockart, John Harper, Robinette Turner.

Goofin' off again!

W inn d iscovers thot Medieval Civili zation isn 't so bod .






/ .


~ rod e

girls study hard .

- . ..

Scott is corted to the desk for bod behavior AGAIN!!!

John Chambliss is cought scrounging for his lunch in the d ipsy dumpster.


Fifth Grade

Front row : Allen Toy tor, Ke nneth Mays, Bil l Andrews, Ted Borenian, Ch ris Ha ncock. Second row : Susa n Cromer, Mary Ri ley, Margoret Disharoon. Th ird row : Mrs. Flake, Gordon Toylor, Ed Hyman, Alex Szilossy, Cliff Wood .



Rea d ing . writing , and ari thm etic ore In e key words 10 the f ifth grade g ir ls.

Gordon To ylor and his everyday look .

Allen rock s his brain for the right answer.

Girls proudly show Mrs. Fraser their prize possession .

Fifth grade monkeys are all grins and smiles!

Fourth Grade

Frnnl row: Corter Thompson, John Fo llon, Suzanne Rohal, Billy lom brinides, Nil s Th olond, David Hibbard . Second row ; Michelle Keller , Jill Narron. Mary Hodges, Hellen Dunn, Sarah West, Anne Bright , Katherine Horlenstine , teacher - Mrs . Morollo .

Jill Narron makes a masterpiece with her (royola croyon.

Hel en, Sarah , and Anne work hord producing a creoti ... e story to

conduct for the closs.

David Hibbard draws a poster for the bulletin board .

The rest of the closs wonders when school is out .


Third Grade

Front row ; Donald G reen, Robbie Porker, Mary Browning. Jeff 80ng. Ma rk lienhord , Chris Harkrader, Kelly Caspari. Second row : Cu rl N ic ho ls, Bonnie Pa ir, Brigite Rahal . Joseph Nelson . Craig Scott, Sandy Szi lossy, leland Mcintyre, Geoffrey Peterson, Cabell l awton , Coral Ann Hoffar th, Mrs. Steverson , l ee Smith , Angelo Makris . Third row : Charlie Navis, Donny Bird.

A small huddle enjoys oris and crofts, while Joseph comfortably enjoys worki n g on his closswo rk.

A strange animal amuses the Third grade ctassroom. (left)

/ Work ing independently gives Mrs . Steverson a break I

" The Th inker;路 Curl Nichols, makes use of his spore time.


Second Grade

Front row : Kate Lucus, Jeff Sounders, Rip Pru itt , Abby lichtens tein , Scott Gordon , Lowrie Fowley, Morgon Snead, Robbie lemon . Second row ; Hunter Goodwin , Bobby Bell , Jonet Jenness, la urie Hoo ker, Ed Wesley, Antoinette Luca s, Usho Voidyonothan , Corolyn Rosh . Third row : Suzanne Misser i, Herbert Pickels, lisa Slenenson , Kristin Von Brockle, Heather Keel, Cliff Morrow, Cliff Gutherie, J ohn Bra sfield , teocher - Mr s. Cameron, teocher a lde - Mr s. Trimble .

John listem. atte ntively.

It's been a long day for Suzanne and Hea ther.

Mrs. Cameron and Mrs . Trimble


Kale takes a breather from Mrs . Trimble 's hard leach ings . (above )

Girls enioy cutting, pas ling, ond drawing .

" Donny 's Ploce " is the hangout for second grade kids .


-First Grade

Front row: Cosie Royall, Ann Nichols , Russe ll Vronion , Dovin Bickel, Karlin Bragg, Secn Cox , Matt Montgomery, Stacie ReyoU, Tereno Anderson , Andrea Rohal. Second row : Jennifer Keller, Chrissy Ri ley, la ura Wallace , Dona lucus, Donny Richmond, Corter l ucos, Beth 8011 , Robert Holsten, Morio Anton, Clore Odom.

Third row: Mrs. Scott and Peaka Rabbit, Corol Bird , Judson Carlo, Stephanie Kay, Mark Bo ykin, Amy Ma ys, Coroline Osborne , Bec ky Wood , Mrs . Colbert.

Robert and Morio oren ', the only First graders that hove a good time .

Mrs . Scott cnd Mrs . Colbert



Marie and Clore dean up their dreadful poin ting mess .

Russell , in the working position! (above)

Donny displays on innocenf but suspicious face .

" How much longer do I have to listen to this ," the boys wonder . (below)


Kindergarten A

Front row : Jimmy Bober, Billy Kane, Joshua Katz, Will Proctor, Mary Horterutine, Vicki Borret, Kimberly McGeorge. Second row: Cole Durri ll, " H" Goodwi n, Dau b Hanshaw, Carey Hick erson.

Ploying rummy for penn ies is a fun moth gome . (a b ove)

" H" and the snake like eoch o ther.

Mrs. 50rg


Recess is the greatest!

Kindergarten B M


Front row : Catherine Tuck, Graham Hickerson, Suson Nelson, Ken Navis, Jen nifer Carpenter. Second row: Jamie Betts, Jeanne Moore, Wade liles, Mrs. Magee, Hugh Edmunds, Doro lee Balderson, Randolph Grymes.

Hugh is distracted from drawing his masterpiece. (above)

With a little help from the teacher, Suson finis hes her closswork .

The floor is the p lace ta.wark far Graham and Randolph .

Boys work hard for recess is on its way. (above)

Ca refully mea su ring in primary numbers Jennife r sits in solitude . (lett )


Expressions Are

What We're All About


Students Take on Faculty

Varsity Soccer

Front row: manager -

Chris McGee , Robert Dietz, Gray Tuggle , Bryon low, Scott Bazzle, Con Farrell. Second row: Cooch Greenwood , Dick Kennon, AI

De~ine , Bru~e 8o ldacci, Bill Northen, Billy Moncure, John Moncure, Charlie Fleming .



New Communi ty School Warwick Christian

5·2 2·3 3· 1 0·6

Chickohominy St. John 's Seminary

New Community Schoo l


8ollingbrook Warwick Christian Chickohomin y

2·2 2· 1 3·2 6·0 3· 1

Richmond Chri stian Sf. John's Seminary


Richmond Christian R.A .I.S.l. TOURNAMENT


Chickahomin y Academy Warwick Christian

0·2 O verall Record



Center: Another Pep tolk from the coach.

Bottom left: Wh ile Bryon gives lost minute advice, (right center ) John shows fhe agony of defeat.


J. v. Soccer

Front row; J eff Gaylo rd, Joh n (homblis, Cou lter Brigh t, Robert Dietz, A. D. Rucker, Mike Sydner, Con Farrell. Secon d row: Coach Mo tro, managerChris McGee, J ohn Dodrill , Scott Bazzle, Donald Waybright, Scott Moncure, Geoff Burke, Whitt Hanshaw, Cooch Barbour.

OPPONEN T l uther Memorial

SCO RE 3-4

Meodowood Ch ristian W est End Christian luth er Memo ria l

3-2 1-0 2-3 1-0 0-1

Meodowood Christian

Richmond Montessori Wes' End Christian

3-0 Record-4-3


Mike Clements kicking for a field goal. (above)

Below left: Dic k Kennon cleaning off his cleats after a muddy game. Below Right: " The Bench Wormers " Paul Cromer and John Chambliss.


Winter Soccer

Front row: Mike Gregory, John (hamblis, Scott Moncure, Poul Cromer, Dick Kennon , Scott Bo zzle, Geoff Burk e, Con Farre ll, Mike Sydnor. Second row : Cooch Greenwood, AI Devin e, Gray Tuggle, Bruce Bo ldocci, Billy Mo ncure, Bill Northen, John Moncure, Bryon Low, Charlie Fleming .



St. Christopher 's J.V. Benedictine J .V. Collegiate J.V.

2-3 4-5

Huguenot A cademy

2-6 0- 1 3-0 0-5 0-1

l ee- Davis J.V. Trinity J.Y. Benedictine J. V .

Collegiate J.V.



Top Right : Steward Spa rta ns get the SPIR IT. Middle l eft: Th e Coach Mr. Greenwood gi... es ad ... ice to the Spar路 tans.

AI watches the game in distress .



Front row : Nancy Fulton, Mary Catherine Odom. Second row: Ann McGrath , Denise Featherston, Katharine Moore, Sally Valentine, Susannah Snead, Lisa Clemons. Third row : l yn Nuckols, Robin Willis, Jaime Mitchell , Kathy HoHarth, lynne Lemon, Coach Morolla, Coach Motro, Sarah Carpenter, Coach Scott. Not pic路 tured: Billy Proctor, Gwen Parker.


Susannah Snead Katharine Moore

Head Coach, Mrs . Morollo, reads out the starting players for the game: " Pitcher - Katharine Moore, Catcher - lisa Clemons, 1st Sase - Susannah Snead, 2nd - Kathey Hoffarth, Short Stop - Lyn Nuckols, 3rd Ann McGrath, Outfielders - Robin Willis , Sarah Carpenter, Billy Procter and Denise Featherston."


Solly, why do you hit absolutely every ball that comes to you?

First boseman, Susannah, gets prepared for a UFO thrown by Murphy.

The lost inning is the hardest for Katharine but she kee ps her spirit moving.


Mrt. . Wallace shows her support at a game.

Cheerleaders oren ', the only ones who support the Spartans.


The cheerleaders chee ring the Spartans on to a VICTORY!

Above : Susannah and Scott observe the game closely.

long 's interest in the game suddenly changed .


Alternate Program One of the highlights of each year is our alternate program, in which each student gets to choose what types of courses he will take for two weeks; or he may work off campus in a field of interest.

Bliss just flips over gymnasticsl

Gena and Paul enjoy the fringe benefits of teaching . (right and below left)

"Mad scientist at workl"



Kids these days ius t don't take the world seriously, Lyn has super human powers, she can think and talk at the same timel

Coulter and Lisa wait "anxiously " for music class to begin.


What better way to get rid of left overs from Comparative Anatomy?


Amy and Jeann e let Bill y do the dirty work _

but Susan and Blair cut with enthusiasm!!

"She's got the whole world in her honds ."

AI 's mystique is inspi ri ng to the ort cla ss below.

Carol's motto is " somersoult with ~ smile ."





licking it makes it slide better.

A new form of 'he " Bell" system is introduced in Physiological Psychologyl

lyn finds thot some of her Chemistry projects ore eotable.

Weighing is a tedious job and requires a lot of concentration .

" Oivine" Anatomy

Dedication is Q key port of doing art work, so Coulter resists the tempting spring weather. (left)


Ski Trip Another thing each student looks forward to is

the upper school ski trip . This year we went to Wintergreen. A special thanks to Mrs. Wallace for her contribution of these pictures.

Bundl ing up for the long ride down .


Gee Mrs. Marolla, I never knew raspberries grew on top of mountains .


There " Howdy to all the



nothing like a nice worm hug .

bock homel "

" We 're so cool. "

Charles is

" Have


~ti ll

swinging but

good trip,


li~o i~

pooped out.

you next fall. "

AI forgot his Wheoties .


The May Fair This years fair was based on nostalgia. Through the proceedings the school mode between 4700 and 5000 dollars.


En tertainmen t


Games t.




Its Real


Girls vs. Faculty Basketball Game

Ne w Additions This yeor we are proud to hove added to our facili ties a

gymnasium and a library. . .


Mr. Cromer dedicates the gym to Steward School patrons. Our founder, Mrs . Helen Dixon, come to enjoy th e festi vities . (left)

Yearbook Staff

Bock row : Miss Jennie Peery (advisor), John Moncure, Sally Valentine Ico-editor), Kathy Hoffarth, Mr. Tim Greenwood (financial advisor), Susannah Snead (editor), lyn Nuckols (co-edited, Katharine Moore, lisa Clemons (co-editor), Sec " Bozzle, Paul Cramer (co-editor). Front: Jeff Gaylord , Con Forrell.

Editor, Susannah Snead, tokes 0 break from


last minute proofreading.

What's all the excitement about?


Solly doesn 't give up on those wonderful layouts.

Mr. Defolco doesn' t think much of publ ishing yearbooks anymore, wonder why?


Student Council

Bock row: Kathy Hoffarth , Amy Neese, Corole Proctor, Billy Moncure , Mrs . linda Wallace (advisor), AI DeVine, David Boule, Coroline Davenport (president ), Gray Tuggle , Susannah Snead. Front row : Katharine Moore , Scott Bazzl e, Jeff Gaylord .

OFFICERS President Coroline Dovenport

Vice Pres iden t

luE llen Bummon Secretory and Trea surer Susannah Snead


The Student Council doesn 't know whot to do; but Coraline (president) seems to know someth ing we don 't!


Literary Magazine

Mr. Da vid Sellers (advisor), Nino Taylor, Sarah Carpenter, Lisa Clemons (ed itor). Not pictured: Corole Proctor.

Mr. Sellers lobors over layouts a s Corole and l isa seek out-side inspirationl



Lo w er School Play and Spelling Bee

Mary and Josep h practice d iligen tl y (left), but the angels anxious ly pray thot it will all be over soon (a bove).

Spelling Bee judges, Mr. Sellers and Mrs. Marollo.

Cliff W ood (grade five) '

Daphne Bickle, wi nner, (left) (g rade six) Susa n Cromer (grade fi ve)


Ma ry Cathe rine Odo m (grad e seve n) Ja mie Mitchel (g rade eig ht )



Our First Graduation


W ill iam Bigbie Moncure, Jr., Coroline Watkins Davenport, Aubrey Gray Tuggle, Jr .

(Above ) Guest Speaker Dr. John T. Costeen, III , Dean of Admissions - The Un ive rsity of Virginia .

Sen iors , Billy Mon cu r e (left) Gray Tugg le (right) are happy 10 be graduated but in their hearts they ore sod to leave Steward.

Awards Are Received

Jeanne Nease received the Science Award.

Mrs. Di xon, our found er, presented Susannah Snead the Dixon Award, which goes to the student with the most school spirit (obove ).

Gino Sheridan receives the Stephen Pless Award (obove).

Carol ine receives her diploma (left ).

Senior Speaker, Bill y Moncure, amuses the audience.




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RAYS THIS-N-THAT Route 2 H ill Top Richmond, Virg inia

SICKALS GROCERY Wat erview , Virginia


HANOR INCORPORATED Waterview, Virginia


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THIN -IS-IN 3517 Ellwood Avenu e Richmond , Virginia

W ILLIAM AND VI RG IN IA S. DINKER 1008 West Av enue Richmond , Virginia

Compliments of a Friend


Patrons Mr. and Mr<. William H. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. James W . Baker Mr. and Mrs. James R. Balderson Dr. and Mrs. George Bright Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C . Carter Mr. and Mrs. Winnfree W . Chewning Mrs. Emily Cockrell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l. Disharoon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Gaylord Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hibbard Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Walter l. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lambrinides Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Law Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Lienhard Dr. and Mrs. D. Hunter Marrow Mr. and Mrs. Jean I. Misseri Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moncure Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C . Navis Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Snead Mr. and Mrs . Franklin W. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey G . Tuggle


CHARLES NAVIS ANTIQUES INCORPORATED 5605 Grove Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23226 282 - 1928

Good Luck to the Class of '77 8411 Pa tterson Av e nue Richmond, Virginia 23229

PHILIP H . HICKERSON Bus. (804) 285-4192 C!oU7.l£OUj

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