Yearbook 1978 Vol.4

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The Steward School Richmond, Virginia

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Aubrey Gray Tuggle 1933-1978 2

The 1978 Corinthian is dedicated to Mr. Aubrey Gray Tuggl e whose time, efforts and personal dedication were largely respon路 sib le for the extraordinary growth and development of Th e Steward School. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees for six years, its preside nt for two years. I n add iti on, he was the father of one of the members of the class of 19 77, the School 's first graduating class. Th e School will always be indebted to Mr. Tu ggle for his leadership, wise counsel and his be li ef in t he importance of the School itself.


Paul R. Cramer Headmaster Born in Amherst, Ma ssachusetts, Mr. Cramer was educated in Amh erst public sc hools an d attended Dee rfi eld Aca demy. After high sc hool, he rece ived a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wi ll iams College in Will ia mstow n, Massachusetts, then his Master 's of Educa tion from Springfield College. He bega n hi s teaching ca ree r at th e Uni ve rsity School in Shaker Heights, Ohio where he taught French and Engli sh. He also taught French and Eng lish at his alma mater, Deerfield Academy . Mr. Cra mer was associate headmaster at Wilbraham and Monso n Academy, and he then became our headma ster at The Steward School. No one in the past ha s helped th e schoo l grow both academically and str uct ura ll y the way he has.


Mr. Davi d Trimbl e, Admini strative Assistant, graduated from Suffolk University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Before beginning work here at Steward in 1975, Mr. Trimble worked on the faculty of the Windhendon School, and was a teacher and coach at Augusta Military Aca demy. He also worked at Keene State College, and served as Dean of Students at the New Community School. We are proud to have Mr. Trimble as a member of the sc hool facu lty . In these past four years, he ha s served as a teacher of American History, Government, and has served as Mr. Cramer' s right-hand . Th is past year, Mr. Trimbl e helped to set up ath letic programs in the areas of weightl ifting, fencing, and tennis . We will always remember his devotion to th e ove rall growth of the sc hoo l.

I~ I

Mrs. Margaret Cramer received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Regis College. She was a sc hool librarian for two yea rs, and now she is the sc hool secretary. Mrs. Cramer serves as everythin g from the school nurse to a Dear Abby, and she always has a warm smil e to brighten the rainiest day_


What's the Funniest

Had at

Mrs. Su e Barn es French Wh en one of my French classes gave me a gift a box of ba rn acles.

Mr. Ed Barbour Physica l Educa t ion instructor for upper and lower school.


Experience You Have Steward? Mr. Timothy Greenwood History and Math " Den ise"

Mrs. Carolyn Hyde Life Science During the Alternate Program, I had a rockets class . The first part of the second week it rain ed. Th e day finally came when the sky cleared . As I ran out on the soccer field after the boys, I felt myself si nking . My shoes became stuck and I tried to get them out, but th ey stayed in the mud and on ly my feet ca me out. By hand, I got my shoes out and walked back to the bui lding ba refooted .

Mr . Jeffery Wagner Art Instructor


Mr. David Sellers English Mr. Barbour's Rufu s Stories Mrs. Diane Moncure Math

Mrs. Linda Wallace Science Lost hampsters . . . optics labs . .. squid and octopus parties . . . sponge erasers . .. a toba cco chewing rat . . the Mental Ward . .. physiology lab practicals . .. " water wiggles " on lab sinks . . . study hall s . . . sulfur labs . .. Napoleon . . . bus duty . . Wallace' s Hot Dog Stand . . . disappearing eye glasses .. . ameba dances .. . the " absent路minded professor" . . . Space Cadets . . . crock pot duty . . . volleyball . . . refrigerated Guinea pigs . . . hydrogen propelled test tube corks . . the eighth grade.


Mrs. Roberta Barton B.S. Towson State College M.Ed . Virginia Commonwealth University Coordinator of Special Services

Mrs. Shirley Friedman Spanish Mr. Douglas Draucker Mellon University, Carnegie Institute of Technology, B.A. Ed ., BFA, Applied Music Mu sic Instructor


Lower School Faculty

Mrs. Gay Fraser B.S. Vi rgin ia Commonwea lth Uni ve rsi ty

Mrs . Betsy Trimble University of New Hampsh ire Teac her Aide Mrs. Lucy Cocke B.S. Madison Coll ege M.Ed. Virgin ia Commonwea lth Unive rsi ty School Libraria n


Mrs. Barba ra Moo re B.A . Mary Was hington Co ll ege Grade 1

Miss Gary Fl ake B.A. Mary Baldwin College Grade 5 (a bove) Mrs. El ai ne Maroll a B.A. Uni versity of Rhode Island Grade 4 (left)


Mrs. Trudy Sorg B.S. Wheelock College Kindergarten Mrs. Sorg taught kindergarten and lower school musi c and choir. Her cont ributions to the lower school are shown in the results of all her performan ces.

Mrs. Eva Bouldin B.S. Virginia Commonwea lth University Kindergarten English Fundamental s



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Mrs. Barbara Guy (left) B.A. College of Will iam and Mary Grade 1 Mrs. Loui se Cameron (above) Elem . Educ. Georg ia State Univers ity Grade 2

Mrs. Dee Steverson B.A. Th e College of Will iam and Mary Grade 3

Mrs. N. Tavea u D'Arcy B.A. Westhampton Coll ege Grade 2



Bruce is late for cla ss again.

Bruce Baldacci No man is wiser for his learnings. Wit and wisdom are born with a man

Bruce finds Mr. Wagner 's advice humorous.


As my senior yea r at Steward School comes to an end, the true purpose of a hig h sc hoo l educat ion has finally become dear to me. If I cou ld live th rou gh Publi c Speaking, Pig Dissecti on, and so many "unsuccessfu l" art projects, I ca n live through anything.


Lu Ellen Buhrman


Charlie finds English class amusing. (below)

Charlie Fleming One man with a dream, at pleasure, shall go forth and con路 quer a crown . Wm, Edgar O'Shaughnessy


"You see th ings as they are and ask 'Why?' But I dream thing s that never were and ask, 'Why not '?" ... It wa s when everything was cove red with snow that I perceived th at the doors and windows were blue. " And nothing is but what is not. "

Langhorne Kimbrough

Lang hustles for the ba ll.


I " I




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Bryan just finishes his homework be fore M rs. Wa ll ace checks it.

Brya n has anoth er corn er ki ck .

Bryan Law " Finall y ed uca ti on al one ca n conduct us to t hat enjoyment which is, at once, th e best in quality and infinite in quantity."

.. a nd he scores a nother goa l.


If I trul y love one person, I love all persons, I love the world, I love life. If I ca n say to somebody else, " I love you, " I must be able to say, " I love in you everybody, I love through you the world , I love in you also myself." Eri ch Fromm

Jeanne Neese is studying in the library during a study hall.

Jeanne Neese

Jeanne (above for th e th e end

work s on macrame in art. left) She keeps the book ba sket ball tea m toward s of sixth peri od. (r ig ht)


Carole Proctor

In order for me to meet each new day, a smile helps. I enjoy making people happy especially my friends. My friends and life are my sm il e. Smile!



(right below) Billy is st udying as always, ha ha . Moving to Monta na soon Gonna be a dental tycoo n. Frank Vincent Zappa

Bill,Y Wells


Shideh Yaghmai In the two years I have bee n here, I have added six new words to my vocabu lary: " theoreti ca ll y, " "taxes," " homeosta sis," "macaroni" and most important " good morning, good morn ing, good morning , , ,"



John-Sidney delCardayre Robert Irby

Mark McDonald Charles Shedd

Charles spends extra time on his art sculpture. (above)

Nina Taylor Ann Van Brackle


John Moncure

Amy is caught with the bubble gum again. (above)

Amy Neese


Bill Northen

Bill takes advantage of a study hall in the library. (above)

John shows his approval of having his picture taken . (above)

John Taylor


Freshmen Bliss Bright Jennifer Brooks Sarah Carpenter Lisa Clemons

Sleep on the job again ?

Leave me alone!


Con is surprised by Chris's sudden bump .

Paul Cramer Robert Dietz Con Farrell Denise Feat herston


Chris pretends not to see the camera man .

Lau ra Fry Susan Hudgins Chris Lewis Chis McGee


Jamie Mitchell Lyn Nuckols Rolfe Tr imble Sally Valenti ne

Jamie sheM's much interest in French class. (abov Sally plays mother. (left middle above)


Marion Bailie Coulter Bright Dianne Carter Alison Coppedge

Jeff Gayl ord Kate Graham

Jamie pays close attention to Mr. Wagner's art lesson . (above) 8th grade girls socialize during lunch.

Kate and Bla ir are doing a proiect on erosion .

Mary Catherine shows us what she thinks of science. (left above) Kate eagerly waits for the bell to ring . (above) Jeff devises a plan for a group art project while Adam looks on. (below)

Kreg Kurtz Blair McGee

Jamje Mcintyre Katherine Moore Noel Nicklas


Mary Catherine Odom Mary Beth Pair Steve Perry Adam Schaffer

Gina Sheridan Catherine Tra in or Steve Turner

Steve is deep in thought during art class.

Catherine poses for the photographer.

Bunt is caug ht in his usual manner.


Kreg expresses his emotions in an unusual way. Steve needs all the help he ca n get.

Coul ter and Jeff work in the lab.

John is thinking of what he shou ld draw next.

John VanHarn Ramin Yaghmai Bunt Young


Seventh Grade

Daphne Bickel Ali son Blackley Geoff Burke John Cha mbl iss

Winn Chewnin g

Alden ea ts during the seventh grade class party.

Ste phanie is ca ught by th e photographer wh ile she tries to fi nish a cookie . (a bove) " Fonzie Jr. " (right)


Mike Clements Mike Clemon s Mike Gregory Lin Lockhart


Scott is making a deal with Mike. (above)

Babak looks for the answer to a question during history class. (above) Farrah Fawcett Turner. (right)


Scott Moncure Harrison Ruffin Donald Swank Mike Sydnor


Mike takes down notes off the board during history class. (below right)


Winn smiles for the photographer while he enioys an ice cold coke at the Jamboree. (above)

Alden Thorton Robinnette Turner Stephanie VanderMeer Babak Yaghmai

Robinnette laughs at the cameraman.


Sixth Grade

Front: Margaret DISharoon, Mary Riley, Susan Cramer, Jay Pettit, All en Taylor, Ted Baronian . Back Row: Ed Hyman, Gordon Taylor, Sclater Heindl. Alex Szllassy, Clif f Wood, Bill Andrews, Mrs. Frase r.

CII II puts In some last minute studYing bel are a test. (right) dO

Susan caught by the photographer.

" Tape wars "

Innocent again boys. (below)

How dare you! (above) Bill poses for the photographer. (below)

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Fifth Grade




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r;1I. . I

Front Row: David Fuhrman, David Hibba rd , Ka therine Hortenstine, Ta ylor Steele, Michael Duley, Virginia deBurts. Middle Row: James Trainor, Bill Lambrinides, Sa rah West, Anne Bright. Suzanne Rahal. Jill Narron, Julie Mclean, Michelle Keller. Back Row: John Fallon, Carler Thompson, MISs Flake, Nils Tholand. Mike Slavin .

Carter makes another excuse for not doing his homework.



Julie and Michel le find th e actions of the fish amusing . David studies for a test during some of his free time.

The fifth grade class poses for the photographer during music class.

Michael work s Out a math problem during a math bee .


Fourth Grade

Front Row: Joseph Nelson, Bonnie Pair, Danny Bird, Cun Nichols, Brigit1e Rahal. Middle Row: Kelly Caspari, Lee Smith, Mark Lienhard, Leland Mcintyre, Angela Makris-;-Charles Navi s. Back Row: Mrs. Marolla, Geoffrey Petersen, Robbie Parker, Craig Seot1, Donald Green, Sandy Szi lassy, Chris Harkrader, Mary Browning .

Chris (above) works hard on an assignment wh ile Lee enjoys a break from hard work. (left)

Third Grade

Front Row: Abby Lichtenstein, Lowrie Fawley, Manha Small, Scott Gordon, Richard deButts, Kate Lucas, Laurie Hooker, Janet Jenness. Middle Row: Suzanne Misseri, Cliff Marrow, Edward Wesley, Cliff Guthrie, Cabell Guy, Herben Pickels, Richard Pruitt. Back Row: Carolyn Rash, Roben Bell, Helen Rose, Roben Lemon, Kristin Van Brackle, John Brasfield.


Second Grade





Back Row: Becky Wood, Patrick Gibrall, Deni s Rose, Dana Lucas, Mrs. Cameron, Robert Holsten, Caroli ne Osborne, Jennifer Keller. Front Row: Stacie Royall, Daniel Waddell, Da vi n Bickel. Ka rlin Bragg, Chrissy Riley, Laura Wallace. (not pictured) Sean Cox, Clare adorn.


Front Row: Carol Bird, Stephan ie Weed, Charles Larkin . Middle Row: Teresa Anderson, Ann Nichols, Casie Royall, Andrea Rahal, Beth Ball, Mrs. O'Arcy. Back Row: Ru ssell Vran ian, Carter Lucas, Katherine Sterne, Maria Anton.


First Grade

Front Row: Randolph Grymes, Erika Ball, Stephanie Sheffield, James Baber, Mrs . Moore, Kenneth Navis, Heather Baker, William Hope. Front Row: Charles Kirschbaum, Sydney Bowen, Vicki Barrett, Carey Hickerson, Bil ly Kane, James Betts.

Joshua is amused with his work, whil e Hugh suddenly fi nds ou t that he made a mistake, a big one! (above and right)


Jara Balderson, Cole Durrill, Wade Liles, Harry Goodwin, Graham Hickerson, Hugh Edmunds, Mrs. Guy. Front Row: Joshua Katz, Mary ~ortensti ne , Jennifer Carpenter, Catherine Tu ck, Susan Nelson.



Back Row: Jay Carpenter. Brent Holsten. Front Row: Julie Kondering. Teresa Hudgins. Elizabeth Wilkins. Logan Bragg. Not Pictured: Forrest Wilkes.


Back Row: Jay Van Au sdall, Sharon Bird, Christopher Taylor, Kevin Wood, Mary McKeever, Mrs. Bouldin . Front Row: All en Gill, Bryan Krupin, Marg aret Bice, Mark Levin .


Varsity Soccer

Front Row: Charles Shedd, Carole Proctor, Mike Sydnor, Mike Clements, Robert Dietz, Can Farrell, Geoff Burke. Back Row: Lang Kimbrough, John Moncure, Bill Northen, Rob Irby, Bryan Law, Timothy Greenwood, coa ch. Not Pictured: Bruce Baldacc i.


The team is ready for the kickoff.

John goes for the long shot.

" Team Spirit "

Bryan misses the ball again'


J. V. Soccer

Richmond Montessori West End Christian West End Christian Bollingbrook Lu~h er Memorial Land Mark Christia n Land Mark Christian Luther Memorial

2-0 2-0 1-3 1-3 3路 1




2-4 1路3

Front Row: Mike Gregory, Mi ke Clements. Middle Row: Con Farrell, Robert Dietz, Mi ke Sydnor, Jeff Gaylord, Harrison Ruffin, Mike Clemons. Back Row: Alden Thornton, Scott Moncure, Coulter Brigth, Rolfe Trimble, John Chambliss, Geoff Burke. 56

Varsity Basketball

Front Row: Con Farrell, Robert Dietz. Middle Row: Jeff Gaylord, Manager, GeoH Burke, Bryan Law. Chris McGee, Rolfe Trimbl e. Back Row: Rob Irby, Bill Northen, John Moncure. Mark McDonadle. Pau l Cramer, Mr. Wagner, coach.


Warrk Christian School R




John slam dunks it?

Spartan team in huddle during last minute of Warwick game.

- - ~




isors). In order cheerleaders: Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Barnes (adv aplains), Laura Walla ce, Lyn Nina Taylo r, Susan Hudg ins (co'c l, Jamie Milchell, Alison Brigh Bliss lor, Proc le Caro ols, Nuck ne Bicke l, Aobinnene Daph er, erMe Vand hanie Slep Black ley, Turn er.

the With out the help of the advisers, to stay able n bee e hav not ld wou rs cheerleade . year le together thro ugh out the who




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J. V. Basketball

Front Row: Paul Cramer, Chris McGee, Geoff Burke, Rolf Trimble, Mr. Barbour, coac h. Back Row: Mike Syd nor, Jeff Gaylord, Con Farrell, Harrison Ruffin, Robert Dietz.


Front Row: Denise Featherston. Katherine Moore. Nina Taylor. Carole Proctor. Robinnet1e Turner. Back Row: Lyn Nuckols. Mary Catherine Odom. Sa rah Carpenter. Jamie Mitche ll . lisa Clemons. Mrs. Moncure. coac h.

Captai ns: Katherine Moore Lyn Nuckols

Sarah is rea dy to score a run wh ile the team on the bench wa its for Lyn to hit another home run .


15 E


Family Night

Mr. Draucker '$ enthusiasm for th e school's music program was successfully shown by his choi r in their four performances.

During family nighllhe parenls applauded the choir 's performance.


Mrs. Moncure and Noel play backgammon wh ile Jeff takes a break from the slopes.

Agai n

this~~1 wI~i

l?nterbree n.


Directors: Mrs. Fraser, Mr. Sellers . Stage Manager: Paul Cramer. lighting Techni cian : Win Chewning. ----~--~~~~"



Jamboree Through the proceed ings of the Jamboree, the sc hool made over 4000 dollars.




Refreshmen ts

Co- Editor


Co- Editor

Adverti sements

Photog rapher 1/ Ca role Proctor 2/ Paul Cramer 3 / Lyn Nuckols 4/ Mr. Wag ner 5/ Mr. Greenwood

Financial Advise r

Yearbook Staff 76

Student Council

Front Row: Da phne Bickel, Jefi Gaylord, Carole Proc tor, Blai r Mcgee. Second Row: Amy Neese, Mrs. Wa llace, Sally Valen路

tine, Jeanne Neese, (vice president). Back Row: LuEllen Buhrma n, Win Chewning, Ann Van Brackle, Bill Norl hen, Paul Cramer, Charles Shedd .

Mrs . Wallace, Advi ser "Money Money"

Carole Proctor Presiden t




and Awards


Charl ie Fleming was the Senior Speaker at our second graduation. (bel ow)


The Senior class listens and watches the choir perform during the graduation ceremon;'

The choir took part in the graduation ceremony. (below)


Seniors. Carole Proctor, Bruce Baldacci, and Bil!'! Wells are elated to be graduated but they are also sad to be leaving Steward .


Seniors: Bruce Kendall Baldacci Louise Ellen Buhrman Charles Faulkner Fleming Ann Langhorne


Kimbrough Bryan Sterling Law Jeanne Montgomery Neese Carole Proctor William Iwan Wells Shideh Yaghmai

Carole Proctor receives the Dixon Award which goes to the student with the most sc hool spirit. (above)

Paul Cramer receives the French Award .

Margaret Disharoon receives the Stephen Daniel Pl ess Award lor Perseverance. (above)

Charles Shedd rece ives the Headmaster' s Award.


.... , ,



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Success and best wishes to the graduates of Steward School


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3 Bl oc ks N. of Broad St. 1203 N. Boul evard Ri chmond, Virgin ia

J. E. Baldacci President Phone 355 路0970


Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell S. Hunter W. Brooks Louise R. Buhrman Buhrman and Sons, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Caspari Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Duley Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Gaylord Dr. and Mrs. James S. Gregory Paul J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lambrinides Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Law Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Mclean Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moncure Mr. and Mrs. James H. Neese Mr. and Mrs . Charles A. Proctor Mrs. Charles E. Shedd


Ma ny tha nks to all stu den ts and par ent s and advertisers wh o hav e con trib ute d to the pub lica tion of the 197 8 Corinthian.

The Corinthian St aff


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