CORINTHIAN 1979 Volume V
The Steward School Richmond, Virginia
Linda T. Wallace The 1979 edit ion of the Corinthi an is dedica ted, with grea t pleasure, to Mrs. Linda T. Wallace, teacher, fri end and source of grea t inspirati on. For her patience, kin dness and genu ine co nce rn for the well路 bein g of her stu dents, we are dee ply ind ebted.
Paul R. Cramer Headmaster Mr. Cramer, born in Amherst, Massachusetts, was educated in Amherst public schools and attended Deerfield Academy. After high school, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, then his Master's of Educa tion from Springfield Coll ege . He began his teaching career at the University School in Sh aker Heights, Ohio where he taught French and English . He also taught French and English at his alma mater, Deerfield Academy. Mr. Cramer was associate headmaster at Wilbraham and Monson Academy, and he then became ou r headmaster at The Stewa rd School. Mr. Cramer ha s helped ou r sc hool grow both academica lly and structural ly better than anyone ha s in the past.
Mr. Donald Steeber
Mrs. Marga ret Cramer
Mr. Donald Steeber, born in SUllJmit, New Jersey, was graduated from Lehigh Un iversity with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He did graduate work at Fairleigh Dickinson University. For years he ran his own business in Willi amstown, Massachu setts. This year it was to our good fortune that he decided to enter the teaching field, and he came to Steward as a member of the mathematics department and Director of Athletics. His co ntributions have already been considerab le.
Secretary, receptionist, "nurse" and friend of all students, Mrs. Cramer plays an integra l part in just about everything the school does. As Mr. Cramer says, we could not do without her. Her contributions are immeasurable.
Mrs. Louise Cameron B.A. Georgia State University Grade 2 Mrs. Eva Bouldin B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University Kindergarten
Mrs. Gertrude Sorg B.S. Wheelock College Kindergarten
Mrs. Barbara Colbert B.A. Stephens College Grade 1
Mrs. Barbara Moore B.A. Mary Wash ington College Grade 1
Mrs. Gwen Payne B.S. Mississippi Coll ege Grade 3
Mrs. Toni Youngerman B.S. Adelphi University Grade 3
Mrs. Nancy Hall B. S. Radford College Grade 4
Mrs. Jean Miller B. S. Towson State Col lege M.Ed . John s Hopkin s University Grade 5
Mrs. Nancy Valva B.A. Coll ege of Will iam and Mary M.A. Queens College Grade 6 and 7 English and Social Studies
Mrs. Alice Whitney B.A. Pacific Un ion College M.Ed . Virginia Commonwea lth University
Mrs. Ruth Bass A.B . Meredith r.ollege Mathematics
Miss Phyllis Craun B.S. Virgini a Comm onwea lth Un iversity French, His tory
Mrs. Shirley Friedman B.A. Tul ane Uni ve rsity M.A. University of Virginia Spani sh, Engli sh
Mr. Timothy Greenwood B.A. Hamilton College His tory, Mathematics
Mr. Deveraux Hathaway B.A. Hampden路Sydney Coll ege English
Mr. Donald Steeber B.S. Lehigh Un iversi ty Mat hemati cs , Direc tor of At hletics
Mrs. Linda Wallace B.A . Wes thampton College Science
Mrs. Lucy Cocke
Mrs. Robin Barton
B.S. Towso n State Coll ege M.Ed. Virginia Commonwea lth Un iversity Direc tor of Tutori al Prog ram. Admi ssions
Mr. Paul Cash
B.S. James Madison University Librarian Mr. Jeffrey Wagn er Mr. Douglas Draucker
B.A. Carnegie路 Mellon Universi ty. B.F.A. Virgi ni a Commonwea lt h Uni verSity
B.F.A. Virginia Co mmon wea tt h Un ive rSit y Art
Mrs. Glori a Wood
Off lr:e Stall
B.S. Unive rsity o f Florida Physica l Educat ion. Ba sketba ll. Tenn is
J.-s. delCardayre
Robert [Tby
Mark McDonald
Charles Shedd
Ann Van Brackle
Juniors Fi el di ng Archer Mar shal l Brown
Amy Neese
Bill Northen
Rusty Seon
Lau ra White
Bliss Bright Sarah Carpenter Li sa Clemons Pau l Cramer
Robert Dietz Deni se Feathers Ion
Laura Fry
Mark Griggs
Susan Hudgins Chris Lewis
Chris Mcgee Jamie Mitchel l Lyn Nucko ls Sally Valentine
Marion Bailie Missy Carter Alison Coppedge Bert Duley
Jeff Gaylord Kate Graham
Blair Mcgee Jamie
Mc lnt路 yre
Katherine Moore
Mary Ca therine Odom Noel Nicklas
Gina Sheridan Katherine Trainor
John Van Harn
Bunt Young
Eighth Grade David Basham Daphne Bickel Alison Blackley Geoff Burke
John Chambliss
Win Chewning
Mike Clement s Mike Clemon s Mike Gregory David Kell ey
Lin Lockhart
Scott Moncu re Gwen Parker
Donald Swank Mike Sydnor Alden Thorten
Robin nette Turner
Stephenie VanderMeer
Seventh Grade Da vi d Anderson Bill Andrews Ted Baron ian
Susan Cramer Margaret Di sharoon Sclater Heindl
Ed Hyman Jay Pett il Mary Riley
Not pictured: Gordon Taylor
Alt en Taylor Alex Szilassy Cliff Wood
Sixth Grade
First row: Mrs. Wh itney, Julie McLean, Suzanne Ra hal, Maribeth Miller, Steve Gregory, Da vid Hibba rd, Mike Duley, Mrs. Val va . Second row: Anne Bright , Sa rah West, Virginia deBults, Katherine Hortenstine, James Trainor, Bill Lambrinides, Carter Thompson. Third row: Mary Hodges, Michelle Keller, Jill Narron, Taylor Steele, Tom Rhoads, Nils Tholand, Ka thryn Ba iley.
Fifth Grade
First row: Mrs. Miller, Mark Lienhard, Lee Smith, Lewis Gerson, Danny Bird, Cun Nichols, Brigine Rahal. Middle row: Charl ie Navis, Chris Harkrade r, Ike Konstantinakos, Angie Makris, Kelley Caspari, Mary Browning. Back row: Lel and Mcintyre, Geoffrey Peterson, Ange la Har路 diman , Anne McElroy, Robbie Parker, Sandy路Szilassy.
Front row: Mrs. Hall, Antoinette Lucas, Kate Lu cas, Abby Li chtenstein, Richard deButts, Scott Gordon. Second row: Bobby Bell, Cliff Mar路 row, Suzanne Misseri, Janet Jenness, Carolyn Ra sh, Rip Pruitt. Back row: Kate Rose, Cliff Gutherie, Kristin VanBrackle, Tamie White路 head, Helen Rose, Herbert Pi ekeIs, Ed Wesley. Not pictured: Jay Muse, Mark Mayers.
Third Grade
Front row : Mrs. Youngerman, Stacie Royall, Katie Sterne, Davin Bickel, Sean Cox, Ann Nichols, Chrissy Riley, Andrea Rahal, Jay Miller, Ch ris Davila, Mrs. Payne. Middle row: Becky Wood, Beth Ball, Maria Anton, Laura Wall ace, Danny Waddell, Robert Holsten, Teresa Ander路 son, Dennis Rose, Casie Roya ll, Jason Fields. Back row : Patrick Gibrall, Drew Mathews, Ca roline Osborne, Jennifer Keller, Mark Bailey, Lyn Willi s, Ned Amble r, Clare Odom, Carol Bi rd, Stephanie Kay, Judson Carlo. Not shown: Elizabeth Moore.
Second Grade
Front row : Carey Hickerson, Charles Kirschbaum, Billy Kane, Joshua Katz, Sydney Bowen, Vi cki Barrett, Copeland Lanzilotti . Middle row :
Shannon Castlema n, Graham Hickerson, Mary Hortenstine, Jamie Betts, Randolph Grymes, Andrew Cocke, Ken Navis. Back row: Wade Liles, Tanya Sheffield , Skipper Hope, H. Goodwin, Hugh Edmunds, Riki Ball. Jenn ifer Carpenter, Dora Lee Balderson, Mrs. Cameron .
I ,
First Grade
Front row : Luke Fannin, Monica Fields, Mark Levin, Brya n Krupin, Julie Kondering, Adam Goldman . Middle row : Mrs. Colbert, Jay Corpen路 ter, Brent Holsten, Elizabeth Wilkin s, Terri Hudgins, Forrest Wilkes, Margaret Bice, Bo Taylor, Mrs. Moore. Back row: Kevin Wood, Mary
McKeever, Richard LeH ew, Ricky Horwitz , Jay Van Ausdall, Sharon Bird.
J(indergarten -
Bradbery, Lawre nce'Navis , Ash ley Wilton, Elise Levasseu r, Mrs,
Susan First row: Mrs, Bouldin, Jason Rogers, Francie Makris, Danny Cox, n Tunner, John Narron, KeHey Guthrie, Sack row: Robin Caspari, Sorgo Middle row: Susan Rose, Fitz Totten, Charles Bowen, Johnatha Mark Bailey, Alan Gill, Stephen Bays, Margaret Paxton ,
路 Varsity Soccer
Front row :
Bunt Young Robert Dietz Mike Gregory Mike Clement s Jeff Gaylord Mike Sydnor Geoff Burke
Back row : AIVinik John Moncure Bill Northen Marshall Brown Rob Irby Fee Archer Bert Duley Manager. Win Chewning Coach : Mr. Greenwood
J. V. Soccer Geoff Burke John Chambliss Mike Clements Ben Duley Jeff Gaylord Mike Gregory Stephen Gregory Sclater Heind l Jamie Mcintyre Jay Pettit Donal d Swank Mike Sydnor Alex Szilassy Alan Tayl or Nils Tholand Carter Thompson James Tra inor CliffWood Bunt Young Coach : Mr. Steeber
Daphne Bickel
Alison Blackl ey
Stephenie VanderMeer
Susan Cramer
路 . '.
',' .' .
Gwen Parker
Mary Ril ey
Chrissy Riley 51
Pep Squad
Front row: Mary Hodges Anne Bright
Back row: Jill Narron Suzanne Rahal Michelle Keller Coach: Mrs. Valva
Varsity Basketball
Front row :
Paul Cramer John Moncu re
Mark McDonald Geoff Burke Robert Dietz Back row : Chris McGee Bill Northen Rob Irby Ru sty Scott Coach: Mr. Cash
Warwick Christian Westhampton Dooley School Dooley School Jewish Community Center Chickahominy Westhampton New Community Ri chmond Christian New Community Chickahominy Richmond Christian New Community Richmond Christian Chickahominy Tournament Chickahominy New Community
40路24 49-60 45-13 57-9 30 -69 42 -51 30-35 81 -19 55 -73 52-41 46-47 55-72 56-48 61 -88 43 -47 54-70 53 -44
J. V Basketball
Front row:
Da vid Hibbard Jay Pen it Mike Duley Middle row : Nils Tholand Mike Clemons Carter Thompson Back row: Bill Andrews Jeff Gaylord Bert Duley Mike Sydnor Coac h: Mr. Wa gner
2 40 2 56 2 53 19·22 42·64 29·12 35·40 42·67 40·46 15·33 23·72 21 ·35 40·45 32·31
Girl's Basketball
front row: Lyn Nuckols Su sa n Cramer Middle row : Manager Blair McGee Lisa Clemons Mari on Bai lie Gwen Parker Back row: Sarah Carpenter
Ann VanBrackle Laura Fry Mary Catherine Odom Katherine Moore Manager Kate Graham Coach: Mr . Dolliver
SI. Gertrudes Landmark Chri stian Luther Memorial Colleg ia te Jr. Landmark Christian St. Catherines 3rd. 4t Trinity St. Gertrudes Collegiate Jr. West End Christian
11 -45 22-6 28-18 7路 28 30 -16 32路19 24-29 24-46 31-10 28-9 35路11 19-2 0
Baseball Front row: James Trainor Mike Duley Mike Gregory Nils Th oland Middle row: Mike Clemons Mike Clements Chris Law Carter Thompson Billy Lam bri nides Back row :
Marshall Brown Ron Irby John Moncure Bill Northen Mark McDonald Donald Swank Manager Win Chewning Coach: Mr. Steeber
11·17 5·13 7·18
4·30 3·9 5·20 1· 14 16·3 13· 10 Chickahominy 60
1·7 4·9 2· 14
Bottom row: Lisa Clemons Sarah Carpenler Mary C. Odom Ja m ie Mil chell Middle row: Marion Bail ie Kath er ine M oore
Bliss Brigh t Denise Fea therston Lau ra Fry Manager SCO II Moncure Top row: Lyn Nuckols Gwen Parker Coac h: Miss Crau n
Marymount West End Christian Warwick Christian Collegiate SI. Catherines Gibbons Catholic Chickahominy SI. Catherines Chickahominy Warwick Christian Richmond Christian Richmond Christian Richmond Christian Chickahominy Chickahominy Ch ickahom iny
0·18 6·25 8·44 24·11 7·25 19·14 3·16 7·17 5·23 10·33 0·11 11 · 10 13·5 10·19 1·8 6·9
Tennis Daphne Bickel Al ison Black ley John Chamb liss Paul Cramer Susan Cramer Robert Dietz Kate Graham Scla ter Heindl Blair McGee Chris McGee Jay Pettit CliffWood Coach : Mr. Cash
- --------
Mr. Cash
Not pictured: John Chambliss, Sclater Heindl.
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Dr. Wilson, President, Norlolk State College
Miss Henderson, Chapin School, New York City
Ms. Stokes, Program Director, College Board
Dr. Heilman, President, Univ. of Richmond
Dr. Burse, National Educa tion Association
Mr. Cramer
Dr. Hunter, Supt ., Richmond City Schools
Parents' Nights
Bye Bye Birdie
This year members of the student body, primarily in the Upper School, presented their first Broadway musical production - Bye Bye Birdie - under the direction of Mr. Dougla Draucker and Mrs. Barba... VanderMeer. It is the story of a rock star (with Elvis Presley in mind) who is drafted in the 1950路s. The rock star in the play is Conrad Birdie played by Paul Cramer, Jr. and it is his entry into the army that causes big problems for his agent Albert Peterson, played by Bill Northen. Peterson will not be able to survive financially if Birdie goes into the army. Peterson also finds himself in a dilemma between his overly possessive mother, Mae, played by Sarah Carpenter, and his long路 time girlfriend, Rosie Alvarez, played by Susan Hudgins. Rosie wants "to tie the knot" with Albert but "Mumma" feels that her "sonny boy" is too good for the Spanish senorita. Albert convinces Rosie not to resign as his secretary by promising that he will go to college and become an "English Teacher" after he pays all the debts from his company, Almaelou. Rosie comes up with an idea to help Albert pay all his debts and allow him to become an English teacher. Her idea is that Birdie will give "one last kiss" to one fan chosen at random. 71.
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The lucky fan to receive the kiss is a girl from a small town in Ohio called SweetApple. Kim cAfee, played by Sally Valentine, is going to receive this kiss on tlie Ed Sullivan Show; however, Kim's "steady," Hugo Peabody, played by Chris McGee, is jealous of Birdie and this results in his pUnching Birdie on the Sullivan show. Kim's parents, played by John Moncure and Bliss Bright. are opposed to the idea of the kiss taking place on the TV show, but they change their minds when they find out that they will appear on the show also. The fantastic enthusiasm the students had for this production, In their providing of sets, costumes and music. made an overwhelming success, It bids well tor future productions at the School.
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Student Council
Front row: Susan Cramer Susan Hudgi ns Jeff Gaylord Lyn Nuckols Mary Ril ey
Middle row: Ann VanSrack le Mrs. Wallace - Advise r John Moncure Fee Archer J.S. delCard ayre Alison Coppedge Lisa Clemons Back row: Robinn ette Turn er Win Chewning
Thi s year the Student Council sponsored two dances, two work days, and so ld drinks so metimes with hot dog s.
Board of Tmstees
Newspaper Front row:
Lisa Clemons - Edi tor David Ke lly Middle row: Bunt Young Alison Coppedge Noel Nicklas Jeff Gaylord David Anderson John Va nHarn Back row:
Mrs. Valva, Mr. Hathaway - Advisers Sarah Ca rpenter
William Roben lrby, Jr.
John-Sydney delCardayre
Patricia Ann VanBrackle
Charles Edward Shedd, III
Mark James McDonald
Awards Art - Patri cia Ann VanBrackl e En glish - Li sa Deni se Cl emons and Natalie Noe l Nic klas Frenc h - Mary Cath erine Od om Hi story - Willi am Morton Northen II Math - Charles Edward Sh edd III Mu sic - Charles Edward Shedd III Physica l Edu ca tion - Willi am Lauman Ragl and Young Science - Li sa Denise Cl emons
Spanish - Li sa Denise Cl emons Highest Aca demic Average - Lisa Deni se Cl emons Scholas tic Journalist Award - Li sa Deni se Clemon s Jefferson Book Award - Will iam Morton Northen II The Steph en Dani el Pl ess Award for Perseverance - Winfree Watkins Ch ewning , Jr. Head master's Award - Willi am Lauman Ragland Young Dixon Award - Charl es Edward Shedd III
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Our thanks to these patrons for their support in this publication: Mr. &Mrs. Paul R. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. August A. Dietz III Dr. &Mrs. James S. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. McLean Dr. &Mrs. William B. Moncure Mr. & Mrs. Berger C. Nuckols Mr. &Mrs. Jack E. Gaylord
Front row: Bill And re ws Mike Gregory Lyn Nuckols Mike Clemons Bunt Young Mr. Green wood Back row: lisa Clemon s Paul Cramer - editor J. S. delcardayre Not pictu red : Mr. Wagn er JeH Gaylord Noel Nickles Thank s Lyn! P.R.C. Thanks Paul. L.B.N. MA NY THAN KS TO JeH 'F' Waters