Yearbook 1996 Vol.22

Page 1

Corinchian 95-96 ,.he Steward School Richmond, Virginia

Concencs Opening .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. Pages 1-5 People ............ . ............ 6-3 I Seniors ........................ 32-45 Academics ..................... 46-6 I Athletics ....................... 62-83 Fine Arts ...................... 84- 105 Student Life ... . .. .. .... ... ... I 06- I 25 Index/Closing ..... ............ 126- 128

Oh, the Places


Charlotte Sullivan. Kenya Young. :amberly Pearson . Sara Rossmoore .

Meghan Hajek. Whitney Hajek. and Erin Robinson visit

with a guard In England.

Kate Garner. Jonathan Cauble , Irtis Mills, Andrew Rose Rob Dwyer. Lissie Cain. Sarah Newcomb. Rachael Meyers, Jonathan Barzel . Ford Fischer. Noah Levi , and Alison

Ned Trice GJtches up on some homework In the hal

2 Opening


Brooking Chenault Jumps from the treehouse.



110 \lW

a break to smile for the camera. ~ Jesseka Gray and her troll fnend dunng middle school , Alternate Program.



Ifrah Nur works on her homework dunng a f-ee penod. Will Perkins Dall1ts w ith a pre-schooler as OUI students ' hosted an a,¡ea preschool for an ar- proJect.


M- Rossmoore reads to kindergartners Amy Bisger, Annie laurie McDonald, Carrie Ingraham, Will Garner, Mary Grace Delaney, and Jay Pruitt . Jordan Effron ad.."ores hIS cha lk work dunng Chalk Day.

" Opening


Buddies for Reyn Davenport outside the yearbook staff. and Christopher Skove pose Second Grader Austin Haas studies qUietly at her desk In Mrs. Rickettsl room.

Haywood Pemberton pauses during ai' Mt proJect In Mrs. Zinder's room.

Anne-Sims Honey works on the kindergarten quilt.

Thomas Warthen concentrates hard on his art prolect fro Family Fun Night.

Opening S

Camberly Pearson Chris Maszaros & Jessica Gray Amanda Keck & Rachel Whitten Mary Grace Delaney Ben Reif

Shannon Meade Ashlee Healey & Brantley Scott Kitty Ball Andy lawton Jordan Effron

Annie laurie McDonald

Ashleip Mclaurin Mark Miller Reed Barton

(nght) Sara Small can barely tear her eyes away from her book to listen to Mrs. Griffin durrng IlbralY time.

(center nght) Mary Grace Delaney, Annie Laurie McDonald, Carrie Ingraham, and Tanner Clements enJoy their snack 011 the new Lower School playground.

(uppel' fal" right) Carrie Ingraham and Amy Bisger consul t over therr classwork

(nght)Anne-Sims Honey shows off her cooking skills durrng one of the Lower School s many cooking prolects. Yum l (center right) Laura Skove demonstrates how well she has learned to respect others by waiting to be recognized. (far right) Kindergartners Margaret Gupton , Cary Baronian, Reed Barton , Chris Jacob and Coleman Smith walk In from the playground In almost a Sll"alght Ine. Kitty Ball Cary Baronian

Reed Barton Amy Blsger Tanner Clements

8 People

Page Conway Mary Grace Delaney

Beth Dixon Will Garner

Margaret Gupton Anne-Sims Honey

Carne Ingraham Chnsjacob

AnnIe Laurie McDonald jay Pruitt Laura Skove Sara Small Coleman Smith juliana Thurston

People 9

(far right) Sarah Delaney . Monty Anderson . and Mary Warden Good enJoy their snack on the new lower school playground. (right) Mary Warden Good su'rounds herself with chalk draWings dUring Chalk Dayl (lower nght) leigh Bedinger concentrates on her unicorn.

Marty Anderson Leigh Bedinger

Polly Cannella Reyn Davenport Sarah Delaney Jenny Duty Irena Ernst Ma,y Wardern Good

10 People

(far left) Molly Jackson searches for the perfect color while Reyn Davenport looks on. First graders enJoy uSing their creative talents

(left) Irena Ernst and Jenny Duty really got Into their drawings Irena IS covered in chalk' (bottom) I-r: Mrs. Baronian. Irena Ernst . Mary Warden Good . Sarah Delaney. Polly Cannella. Reyn Davenport. and Mrs. Chalkley decorate cupcakes at the Halloween Carnival.

Chnstopher Skove Finley Turner Elizabeth Ward

People II

Kathleen An Afton Banlett Anne Borum Mason CarnpCrowder Coburn Clernents Bailey Coggin

Austin Haas Louisa Kendig Daniel Klein Phillip Wood

(upper far nght) Austin Haas uses sorne bnght chalk to rnake her p,aure on Chalk Day. (lower far right) Mason CampCrowder and Mrs. Shupe enJoy their time together at the Second Grade Tea Pa"1y. (right) Louisa Kendig gets a gnp 0 her apple at the Halloween Carnival

12 People




- - - - -- - - - -- -- -- -




~'~'''' (left) Senior Charlotte Sullivan Instruas Afton Bartlett . Mason

Camp-Crowder, and Coburn Clements on proper cupcake decorating techniques. ThIS was one of the aCtiVities offered at the Halloween Camlval the Middle School hosted for the Lower School.

(left) Anne Borum concentrates hard on reading her book. (lower' left) Mrs. Ricketts tells a story to her attentive class: (top-bonom) Louisa Kendig. Phillip Wood . Coburn Clements . Afton Bartlett. Daniel Klein . Anne Borum . Kathleen An . and Bailey Coggin. ÂŤlower right) Kathleen An stops to pet a fnend while waiting for her carpool.

People I:J

jonathan Barzel Palll BIshop ussle COin jonathan Cauble Rob Dv,yer Ford FIscher

Jesse Freedman Kme Gamel Philip G,an{0110nl Leigh GI eene Morgan HutchInson Kale IVISlOrok.

Moshe Levi KOlherme Levy Steven Major

Rachael Meyers


Annie Wise wolks on her pOl-head (01 Cornify Fun NIght. Lower School art classes deCOlQled pOlS 10 be sold al [he event. ("ghl) Paul Bishop performs on the IJlano at Stunt Talent NIght.

((or nghl) Paul Bishop and Thomas Warthen eryoy lhell {tIe en~lI1e rour



(left) Steven Major. Kate Kristofak. and Jessica

IIJ Williamson need a lot o( foom co work on (heIr prO) c~ -./, so they spilled out Into the hall' (belaw) Morgan Hutchinson. Katherine Levy. and Leigh Greene go ovel the lOp at SlUm Tolen{ Night.

ArtIS Mills

5olOth Nathan Sarah Newcomb AlISon No, ron And,ew Rose

Noah Schnall Thomas Warthen JessIca WIII,omson Anllle Wise

People IS

(l1ght) One of the FOUl1h Grade s many field tripS was to Jamestown. I lere they pose wth a statue of Pocahontas:

(I-r. front) Brad Souder. Chelsea Hodges. Andy Lawton. Coleman Abbott. Haywood Pemberton . Dory Klein (I-I'. second row) Gray O 'brian . Sherry Baines . Aly Pittman . Ida Henley. Heather Hajek. Missy jacobsen (I-r. standing) Sam Baronian . Jamie Satterfield . Tori Cannella . jordan Effron . Will Way. Robert Turner. Amy Strickland . Lauren Harris. Ambika Bedi . Austin Hamilton (botton right) Austin Hamilton. Aly Pittman . Amy Strickland. and Will Way enloy the,r roles In the Holiday Program,

Coleman Abbott Sheny Baines Sam Baronian

Arnblka Bedl Ton Cannella Jordan Effron

Heathel' Hajek Austin Hamilton Lauren


Ida Henley Chelsea Hodges M,ssy Jacobsen

10 People


Dory Klein Andy Lawton Gi"a yO' Brian Haywood Pembel10n Aly Pittman Jamie Satterfield Brad Souder Amy Strickland Robel1 Turner Will Way

(far left) Dory Klein negotiates with the pole at Challenge Di5covey. Can she cling any tighter? (left top) Amy Strickland . Heather Hajek. and Andy Lawton play checkers at

Henncus (left bottom) Robert Turner plays games from the past at Henricus.

People 17

(nght) Philipp-Schmidt-Ullrich and Matthew Stainback watch their friends scale new heIghts at Challenge DlScovelY (far nght) Aynsley Wilton and Allison Strickland show off :helr vocal talents at Stunt Talent NIght. (below) Sean Jackson and Blake Frostick work hard draWIng whales In the classroom.

Alex Benson Chns Byme Roben Fntzman

Blake FrostlCk Talley Gregoly Megan Hodges All Hord Sean Jackson Sabnna Jendly

18 People

(left) (I-r. front row) Talley Gregory. Carter Saunders. Ali Hord. Aynsley Wilton (I-r. middle row) Megan Hodges . Robert Fritzman . Sabrina Jendly. Peyton Lannon . Matthew Stainback (I-r. back row) Chris Byrne and Allison Strickland welcome any 0PP0l1unlty to have their pluul'e taken ' (below left) Robert Fritzman and Ali Hord mug for the camera.

(below) Allison Strickland works at filling ThanksgIVIng boxes With goods Steward has collected

Peyton Lannon

Bnan Meyers Austin P,Uman ulter Saunders

PhilipP Schmidt-Ullrich Hunter Sears Mal1hew Stainback Allison Strickland

AndlewWare Aynsley Wilton

People 19

Ramsey Bsat

Joanna Emst Jennifer Gray LaUl"el Ingraham Sara Kornblau Chns Maszaros

Tren t McLaurin Mal"k MillelM att PoneI'

(above) Ramsey Bsat and Mark Mille r watch as Chris M asza ros and Trent McLaurin tryout the go-kali he won for seiling the most I"ame tickets at Family Fun Night. (above ngh\) Jennifer Gray poses In her bell bottoms dUli ng dress-up day fo r Alternate Program"

20 People

Zac Sears Ma'y Ashley Stanton

Sally Anne Stratton Reed Yancey

(not pictured) Jamie Foote

'!I (above) Laurel

Ingraham works with Mrs. Paulette In the art



(left) Mary Ashley Stanton went all out to dress up dUring ,-'\Iternate Program.

(far left) Mark Miller. Chris Maszaros, Zac Sears. and Jamie Foote take a break dUring computer class.

People 21

Anusha Abbasi Hany Baron David Becker

Chrlsttne Bell

Ted Benson Susan Braunshteyn

Corbin Brierre Nicholas DeRuoSi Alex Duty

Susannah HarTIs Clay Haskell Ashlee Healey (Top) Enthusiastic as always. Harry Baron poses with Will Perkins at lunch. (Right) Caitlin Rossmoore and Amanda Keck take a break to sWing at the Halloween Carnival. (Far nght) Brantley Scott and Michelle Whitaker pose during the measuring pro/eo In Mrs. Duke's class.



(Far left) Alternate Program gave students like Carl Sundin a chance to show off their many talents like gUitar plaYing. (Left) David Becker really gets Into hiS measuring project for Mrs. Duke s SCience class.

Elizabeth Larus Tommy LePage Sarah Martenstein Will Perkins Jamie Reed Jamie Rose Caitlin Rossmoore Molly Sauer A;:;;~~ Brantley Scott Steven Selvard

Laura Slabaugh John Stinson Carl Sundin Toni Turkal MIChelle Whrtaker BenWolfI

People 2J

Daniel Bower

Brooking Chenault Edward Cook

Calier Eberly Ben Foley Derek Garnett

2"1 People

(OpPOsite left) Jessie Sadler looks pensively from the neVI treehouse on the playground. (OpPOsite nght top) Margaret Hazell. Elizabeth Sumner. Nashon Levi . and Jesseka Gray mug for the camera. (Opposite !'Ight bottom) Wade Britt and Blair Jacobsen take a break dUring the Halloween Carnival to view the proceedings from above In the new treehouse (This page left) Brooking Chenault and Stewart Felvey walt to speak with Mrs. Dunville at lunchtime.

Michael Hatherly

Chad Healey Taylor Hord Blall Jacobsen Nashon LevI Adam Rafeh Jessie Sadlel'

~==~ Michael Satterfield JessI Stevens Elizabeth Sumner Walter Wash Rachel Whitten Dan Williamson

People 2S

Scott Adams Alice Avent

Ryan Best Tik,a Bonner

Taylor Collier A1isla Freeman

Josh Goldberg Matt Gottwald

(Top) Alisia Freeman works on a backdrop for the holiday program. (Above) Jesse Walsh and Shane Wilkinson dress up for the 9th glades Dr Dennento booth at Faml.y Fun Night. (Right) Doesn't that bike look a little too small for Matt Gottwald?

20 People

(Left) Jennifer Latourelle . Taylor Collier. Nadya Rafeh . and Alice Avent share a gmup hug at the bowling alley outing. j.D. Greer jennifer Latourelle Lisa McComas Ashleigh McLaurin Michael Maszaros Will Murray Matthew Myers Ifrah Nur Emily Padow Stephen Paulette Fahad Qureshi Nadya Rafeh jeremy Salken Picture Nol Available

john Schott Andy Stitt jesse Walsh Shane Wilkinson Ruth Wilhams

People 27

(Kight) Camberly Pearson and Sara Rossmoore relax ,n the hall. (Below) Zipporah Levi and Matt Hinkle pose between classes. The ninth grade class bonded th is yea r w ith several class t/"lpS that allowed them to spend ti me together outside of

Scott H oward

Z ipporah LevI

28 People

mer rrumiy "frg

(Left) Adam Graves , Erin Robinson . and Jeni Woodall hang out In a classroom between classes, (Below) Chris Drzal cuts off the Circulation to his head with a rubber glove, Lindsay McCormick Becky Meyerhoff Laura Murray Aaron Payne Camberly Pearson Enn Robinson Sara Rossmoore Welly Sanders Mike Schlnck Ned Tnce

Laura Ward Chad Whitten JenlWoodall Cathenne Woody

People 20

(Right) Christy Hunton displays one of her many talents during Alternate Program. She and several other students embraced the 60s theme by playing Impromptu In the hal ways.

George Cauble Paul Douglas

TnCla Faust La,nie Haskell

Chns Hines Forrest Hodge Chnsty Hunton Bruce Larone Shawn LeWIS Brran McGehee TravIS Nida Sam Proffitt Ian Qureshi Nikki Voltz Baughan Wilton Rose Wolff

:10 People

OeCD,a U II~

11th Glade (Left) George Cauble. Whitney Hajek. and Brian McGehee walt for customers at their cupcake decorating fundraiser at Family Fun Night. (Below left) Miriam Baron sOCialiZing on the phone) No way.

(Below) Forrest Hodge looks the Dal1 motorcycle dude With hIS cycle gear.

or tough

People :II


Is Bob there Chlc.ken Chicken CapeCodSufllrners. Thegli!ntshru~ .Merepeq cant fly ,Sltd,ngon the rOth hole, Tom and Candy are the greatest ... Cfllshes on V Jun. Tower Pdul.and theGlilnl Shrub. Beach Week 94·'95: Oh, hi Mom .. "",thofJ, elt Gloucestel '9~1 '9S ... The seoel eye. Lazy beats Chesdpeake ... Hey old eyes ,V ndes, .Llza we c:m t "p" next }'ear ,HSC f lalloween 94 I'm a princess., ElizabeU

need some bagels to go with the cream cheese ... A vs. F ,Cowboys win .De Sweaue ..raJnl'nRSIU .. B TB. KG.M. f>Js PaJ1y··SO sony AlII·GlI. V·cards .. ] !::1ac. Cowboys stili Win .. I've got a head;)che,. hshlng with Dad. Nuts & BoilS. T kneedeepSlo,y .RW . M, Manners ... Mson·sRM ToMereandHope.llovey. guys ,LIZJ. Alison J.nd EIIl<lbelh where would I be without you guys? You"ve aiw(: been there for me -Thank you t I love you l '! .M.H you re the greatest big SISler a l could have ll,anks foryourwrsdom . Bolts ,you're the BlSTI Good luckln everythl you do and al\ovays smllel~ Sarn··whenever you need me I'll be ther-e! To r sug.:1rbutts. be good Zlnd I love you l !.. Mummsy Papa. and Nick. Thank you so mu fm your con<;!illl! love and suppon I love you <;,0 much. D<wld your "Mtl couSin" loy you! Dlcl<le. you re the greatest brother Never settle. reach for the stars a remembel I love you!' ... Mom and Daddy·· I cant lhrlnk yot1 enough There are l words. You lruly Me Ideal parents ! Someday I hope I can be like you. I love you SOOI IYluch!! ... FU1t1l1y to the class of '96. I love you gllyS~ Work hard. be happy, and reach and grab you' ilJtllre!! I love you ~1I1! PEACEOUTII

All hnle girl') are Dnnces;es -The Little Pnncess 'Nothing great was ever achieved WIthout enthUSiasm." ··Emerson 'Nothi ng left to do but smile. smile. sn111e . The Grateful Dead I am glad I dId It. paltly beC<1use It was well worth It. and ch iefly because I wrll nev hdve to do II aga.ln ·Mark Twain "You may be whatever you resolve to be ·Stonewall Jackson "You're only In trOlJble If you get caught


Gone. gone gone With the Wind. ,Wlt nobody looking back again. I • Alabama "Some of God's gn:'dlest gifts are unanswered prayers." --GaI1h Brooks AIaoan"'l(! I believe there are angels among us. ' Shoot for the moon If you miss you II be among the stars Pooh Look out world - he re I come !!

Where are my keys ... Country music. .. green popslcies ... it's like cats & dogs ... by the rlvel' ... an evelydaythlng .. .Aug. I I . 1994 ... Iil' sistel'sand Iii' bmt'hers ... my dJ"iving isn't that bad ... lilac.. .the coloJ'ed lights went uazy ... Avon, N. C .... train tl'acks ...7 -I I Siurpees ... I'm somewhel'e and totally lost.. .Kaboom ...I'al woman ... space alien ... watch that dog l ... Just kiddin' ... Trump Lane ... Have you seen Elvis lately? ... the curse of spilling drinks ... "you have to keep pl'omlses but you can shar'e secrets." ... sunshine ... Psycho ... stuck In a ditch ... Suri fetish ... magnolras ... it's a C not a K... trips to the gmcery store ... rise and shine ... Our' way ... chips and salsa par1res ... RTG ...burned bagels on my tJl'es ... the inVisible truck on the beach of95 ... the lizard truck ... take a cab ... red or blue? ... smile, life goes on ... AI'e you sU l'e his name is Patty, not Scabbyl ... Whatever ... Let's dnve by .. .fudge .. Jurnp around ... Calls in the mornin' at 2,3. and 4 ... Have fun . you only live once l ... Good luck to my senior class, it was fun ... Thanks to all my family and fl'iends who have given me so much love, support, and ellcoul'agement.

a BElL






C.L . .. Kangamo .. Orange

JUice .. Pond ,!

Nightswimmlng ... bunkbeds and bathrooms ... cereal. .. "gum a pk, I ~ wt sme to luv m" .. ,Pop a prrngle .. ,the park ... skunk .. ,M,C. River house· PI GS ... Poddles w/tu · tus ... Chain ...j ust the 10 of us .. ,Nags Head '92·'95 ... all I nd is ML and RR..... Lgh St. . SAAB .. Patterson

Express & Kramers ... W ho fl'ew da haml? .. ,Don't be

cracking .. .Dr+ W mn ...Wh hs hair on their chinny chin chln .. ,mass+chapel=[rouble ... top .. ,obsessions,. ,B·R·A·D, Brad ,.. A·range., ,Easy E" ,lmaglnaryChns,. ,Crip.·A full moons out tonighLRat W oman· Secret eye ... Coconut Shrimp .. ,I take you to coult ... The dnveway .. ,1 don't understand .. ,Walking In _ _ .. ,Bahama Mamas .. ,shoot the


1.. ,Hemma .. ,guy magnet .. ,sound rdnks .. ,W avy Willy aka Curly bull .. Eggs ... Swr I Z CUI1Is ... 1 nd a mn .. .Cs driving .. hot tub! .. Nadders house .. excuses .. ,Emb,

Sts ... P, P,P.... Late nt at Corbs ... Nattie Ight .. ,Rlgn Cis prJt .. ,Eddie .. . Schmeder storres .. ,Common people ... Gloucester'94, '95 .. ,sg, hrd up 4 $ .. ,connscated c!othes .. ,the lemon , .falling off the bench .. ,trampollne acclderts .. ,wall wasn't a good I'esting place .. ,Spring Break '92·'96, .. cadavers ... Horsey ... AI stories", Mhouse .. , Betty Crocker ... Tol'tellinl .. Do It again, .. LUCKY", Lefty's" ,piercing" ,tatoos" ,our lunch table .. ,FROOZLE. .. Aunt jemamma .. ,Margarer..Do you cheese' .. ,Corb .. need some bagels... Bables ... Yankee ... Becca- brass . . .You drip ... We!1I share him ... pan:y-my

house .. ,guys are _

his .. , Lazy beats Chesapeake .. , Mave r ick .. , I wIiI marry

RM .. ,janitors .. ,cptmchg" ,MG D " ,Culpeper", Bubba's house".s secret W, B" .. Knbyas .. ,ls Bob there' .. ,Chicken, Chicken ... I'm a httle princess" .stl't. Hills .. ,K3N2,. ,Ribbit.. .Pooh .. ,AJ VS, Vanessa· no ou[come, AI vs, bench · bench .. ,Frrzzy Freak at 4 a,m, .. Little Bell .. ,Rlng my bell. .. 3 cems tip .. ,it's brownl' .. ,W ade In the water. ,go with meto the wds ... Random Rt turns .. ,Oprah singlng ... Stalker ... humor me with some ID .. .vA Beach .. ,haunted house .. .5's rice ... N's cousins .. ,EA's house· sorry ... jake's agaln'L .. Breakers .. .vA Tech .. ,W ish/hit Ilst .. .I'm not fat, I just feed [he monster too much .. ,Polking .. ,Road trips ... Bell's boys .. ,Gumby .. ,run·dance ... Dance In the Raln .. .Dan Marino's American Sports Bar,.Corb, C.B .. Emily, Easy E, K,B, EA, S, P.. GD .. AL .. B,R .. DH .. thanks for everything .. Mom, Dad , Lew, and T, I love y'all .. ,PEACE· OUT .. ,

!lWell [ ain't never have too much fun,ll .. When you are a bear of very httle brain, and you [h lnk of things, you find some· times that a thing which seemed velY thinglsh Inside IS qUite different when ~ gets out in the open and has othel' people looking at It." .. ·House at Pooh Corner HI wi ll survlve," --Gloria Gaynor "We laughed untIl we cried , and then we said our last good·byes," .. St. Elmo's Fire

.ephanie FOARD

you did everythrng but.,,1 must speak with one lawyer ... pizza delrvery in Mercedes ... Iet me show you. my camera is broken ... G DO ... road butts .. puppy ... angry driver路.. . Pops the runaway hor路se ... why don't you jUst rne .. .secret eye ... do you belreve In Santa Claus ... I'll give you a hug but I give you the .. BSHP ... he" NOT a booger ... rnvestigatlngwlth Shannon. anhe Rrverhouse ... the rink ... riding the 4 wheeler ... Berna. I'm Just letting know I'm here . be cautious ... trips to the beach ... 1 kill you, I KILL place .. .death metal in the laundlY room. .. 1 say she look nice and ask if name Teddy ... jose ... you no uh hUh. uh huh me ... sneaklng back Into amphrrheater to meet the band. getting locked in and questroned by cop .. . Ben's cough . . 1 am. I sald .. . KoyaanISquatski .. 'or. Jenkins .. dernon ... imaginary Chns .. .rat...Fa Fa Fooey .. .French 12 ... back In Cabo .. my COuntry ... YanuaIY turd ... Yimmy and Yake ... the bus ride to River ... Pow Wows ... that was DUM B... polo .. .Pico and Pablo .. .if anyone my Slayer poster .. .Phlllippl .. .welcome to my rowssse ... the p,oUl路e of H her peer group ... driving like Linda .. .Gary's house ... Chris Pratt. man myth ... Colin ... Randall .. sage rn the dorm .. .the plastic crab" .getting the stuck In the car twlce ... es warre ... are you scratching one up .. .what's pornt, Peter... how drd you manage to poke me In the eye ... you were campus . Thank you to Mom. Dad. Danny. Andrew. Bema. jj . Grandad. my best fnends Heidi. Neubert. Mike. julre. all my other Houghton, Linda. Jaime. Naty. T lno, Shannon. AllISon. Bitz.janah. KCI"s anyone else that should be here.

GARNER Suppa Kill a! ... Whatever .. .shut it. .. Buddy Dunn. who's Buddy Dunn) Right. sure. okay . sorry. thank you .. .special what? .. That gil"l just hit the clock off the wall (but it was really me. and umm) ... Crack the window ... Geow .. .The W etlands. is this some type of club or' something) Ga torhead .. yeah man ... Madi ... Teen woIL .. lt's not funny ... Chico. don't forget your pocket .. ,Ch in ese foo d ... Red carpeL ..Poster' tap ... Chico. don't forget your pocket... Throw a noodle ... Wet RaL could you please hold it down over there ... That's the third time you've gone to get bread. tonight. ..5ecret eye ... (r) ... Navy jeans ... Aldo you may not know it Baby ... What's gain' on slick... Church lady ... 1 could hear' you on the other' srde of the field ... Cr'ip ... T uck it in .. .Quechuch te pasa ...Radeo. slow down .. SGSH stamp ... Cor'ps. I've gats that same jumper's ... N ev er Sertle! ... Special thanks to T oni. Gary, Nana. and Aunt Carol.. Mom and Dad. thanks forall of the love and support you've given over the year's - I couldn't have done it wrthout both of you!



Balls, Suthe, Voltz ... Retarded Russian ... ln the negative .. I dig the plg ... Alternate Program at Ellis Ann's ... Mom, I ran Into the back of three old ladles ... the blue lady ... summers Mrs. Brandt...Rat woman ... Have you found the secret ... Stephanie. what is up In the celllng ... The Steward trailer The Hanover Vegetable Farm ... Chlps & Salsa ... Ch,ef, never 4-wheelrn' ... Ellrs Ann. you have been the greatest fnend. for evelythlng... Mom and Dad, I couldn\ have done It both of you. You both have always had faith In me. even were drfficuh ... Jenny, you are more than anyone could ",~",H,,, ,Stone and Nick, you both are the best brothers ...Joan. been a great asset :0 our family. I don\ know if my dad bethe person he IS todaywnhoutyou, thanks ... Off, you roo a great asset to our family. Thanks for making my 'nom .. Thank you eve'yone for all of the help, gUidance and you have ,



I SULLI 'When I think back on all the crap I learned In high school. it's a wondel'l can think at all." 路路Paul Simon Thanks. Kenya. for being my best friend, .. I love you Mom and Dad .. .Thanks fat' all yoU!' SUppOlt and 10ve ... 1 love you. Dave. Thanks fat' being a gl'eat bl'Other and my other best friend.

en -YOUNG T nck shoLl gal things to do ... Glve me twenty dollar.;. I ain't gal It. I ain't gOIIt. .. Jankle .. .sockle are you par-li-Clpatlng l ... Chns wasn't It a cool tnp ... Those are my fnes! Mlnesl ... Really ... Foreally thou ... Adln' up ... 6.98 and fiftyfour cents ... I'm crazy In my head ... WhatlS wrong with me? ... How you get suspended? ... 1 am not amused ... Oooooh. I'm tellin ' ... dome piece. how you get the job man? ... and Slng ... do It nUld ... 1 ain't In the gutter ... how's the wheat germ Charlotte? ... E-ball ... Pst, pst. pSSSl ... Lal路geny. oops I mean larceny ... just leave me alone ... sorry. I done had told Z'pporah and them I was gonna kick It Wit them so see ya when I see ya ... fu nny bunny ... and you know thIS man ... keep It sexy Pete ... Chariotte what does keep It loose mean? ... keep It real ... youaln tgot no JOb man! ... JesSie watch out for those bushes ... kld ... shorty ... halr p,nt. .. lhank you Mom for everything cause I would not have made It Without you thanks and I love you .. .zlpporah. thanks for the support and always being there for me. You are the best couSIn ever ... Rennyworkon It. the hal sauce can be opened ... Kay keep shanng those fnes .. TJ. any comb Will do ... Thanks to everyone that was always there for me and keeping things real.

WIENCKOWSK AI's nicknames ... maver路ick... munchkin ... studying for exams ... the crazy Gr路eek... Thelma & Louise .. alone in I" of snow ... 1 kinda put a dent in your' truck ... the beach or was rt Overhill Lake .. .The Pastur'e ... Allrson's obsession ... mountains .. .scott's Mustang ... Jul e's classic Dodge ... Br路eakers .. .Alabama ... Wheelrn' .. .skeet shootin' ... rt's cause you're too manly ... Cowboys ... Yesl. .. nlocnil eht. .. justrn. Rob. John ... Thanksl. .. Ar'e you a real cowgirl/ ..Do you ride in rodeos? .. lt's midnight Cinderella ... The lady ... Amoco ... the quarry... I'm going to Elizabeth's ...Roco's 100 BC. .. Maine ... Raccoons ... on the bar ... star's ... the 4th '95 ... what do you feed yourcat? .. just close your eyes and enjoy the ride (AI) ... &Dunll ... Tlm's car' .. Fr'ied Rice ...F,250.longbed. s,cab, manual. 4x4, 460. chrome. 38's with 6". "in wildest dreams," BTDTBTT .. .tubing .. .we scor'ed ... lhanks Cor路b... Randy's ... Fishin' ... Toothpaste! "If you don't get in the waler. you'r'e never gonna leam to swim." "Ther'e will be trmes when you wanna hold on bUI you gotta let go ... " "K. Chesney "Withrn your heart keep one still. secret spot where dreams may go" "Louise Dnscoli

Louisa Kendig & Mrs. Dunville

Coleman Smith

Kate Kristofak & Morgan


(I-I') Jennifer Gray Ali Hord Brian McGehee & Chad Whitten

Forrest Hodge Ben Reif Coach Rice Jamie Foote, Chris Maszaros, & lac Sears Mrs. Duke

Brian Meyers Mrs. Hall & Mr. Rothman Laura Skove & Margaret Gupton Robert Turner Mrs. Brandt

Mr. Stackhouse

Kenya Young. Heatller Cohn & Mr. Serr

(Right) Fahad Qureshi, Chris Hagy, and Laura Ward look on as Police Chief Bennett shows Symposium students where he was shot in the abdomen.

(Above) Stephen Paulette and George Cauble listen as Lainie Haskell reads her paper about unsung heroes. The theme for this inaugural Honor Symposium was "Heroes".

Honor Symposium • • ACADEMICS

(Above) The second SvmtlC si urn was a discussion Police Chief Bennett. dents were responsible keeping notebooks and extracurricular projects ·as part of the Honor sium .

Matt Gottwald and Chad Whitten popsicles with their 4th grade buddies Baronian, Haywood Pemberton, 1 ......lI&a.... Abbott, and Brad Souder during

(Bottom left) S.O.D.A. gives Upper School students an opportunity to act as mentors and role models for the Lower School. Jennifer Latourelle enjoys a cold snack with Fourth Grader Jordan Effron. (Bottom right) S.O.D.A. students make regular visits to the Fourth Grade classroom to do activities with the younger students.


(Right) Andy Stitt, Jessica Gray, Michael Maszaros, Blair Jacobsen, Jeni Woodall, Rwandan deputy ambassador Mr. Uanai, Dan Williamson, Fahad Qureshi, John Schott, Becky Meyerhoff, Ifrah Nur, Naval Academy Escort, Chris Hines, Laura Ward, Travis Nida, and Ned Trice gather at the Naval Academy M.U.N. held in November, 1995.


(Above left) So many pizzas were ordered at the ODUMUN that the delivery man, John, had to use a luggage cart to carry them to the rooms after curfew. Grateful for food are George Cauble and Chad Whitten. (Above right) At the ODUMUN in February, Fahad Qureshi, Jeni Woodall, Michael Maszaros, and Josh Goldberg list en with anticipation of their next meeting. (Right) At the Naval Academy, John Schott, Andy Stitt, and Dan Williamson get a snack between seSSions.


(Left and Below) Eleventh graders Camberly Pearson and Meghan Hajek represented the country of Djibouti at Steward's first Model United Nations conference while ninth graders Michael Maszaros and Ifrah Nur represented Pakistan. (Far Left) As president of Steward ' s Model United Nations Society, eleventh grader George Cauble was responsible for welcoming other Model U.N. students to the confer ence.

(Far left) John Williamson, father or eighth grader Dan, w as guest speaker at TSSMUN 1. (Above) Eighth graders Jessica Gray and Blair Jacobsen represent Brazil and Jeni Woodall and Laura Ward speak for China during one a session held in Steward's auditorium.


(Left) Eighth grader Ben Foley tests the paint to make sure it's OK for general consumption. The entire middle school worked together during Alternate Program to paint the backdrop's for the spring musical "Pippin." (Far left) Eighth grader Dan Williamson paint beads to string for "Pip_ pin." (Below) Laura Slabaugh stretches to paint the backdrop. (Right) Jonathan Tipton and Carl Sundin created their own buttons to wear on the last day of Alternate Program. (Below right) Corbin Brierre works on her map project during Alternate Program.


Alternate Program 5'1 ACADEMICS

(Left) Walter Wash, (Below Left) Jessie Sadler, (Bottom Left) Sarah Martenstein and Anusha Abbasi, (Below Center) Jessi Stevens and Molly Sauer, (Below Right) Wade Britt, (Below Bottom, back to front, left to right) Laurel Ingraham, Joanna Ernst, Jennifer Gray, Cynthia Johns, Amanda Keck, Sarah Martenstein, Ashlee Healey, Elizabeth Larus, Tommy LePage, and Nicholas DeRuosi really got into dressup day during 1996 Alternate Program. While the program focused on all aspects of the decade, our students preferred to display counterculture faShions. Imagine that!

Theme: The 1960's ACADEMICS 5J

(Right) The constestants anticipate the challenging words Mr. Rossmoore will call out while their classmates cheer them on. (Below left) Mr. Rossmoore calls out the words during Steward's spelling bee. (Below right) Fifth grader Talley Gregory tries to calm her nerves while she waits.

(Bottom left) Fifth grader Austin Pittman lasted until the late rounds . In the background , sixth gra der Joanna Ernst and seventh grader Jonathan Tipton await their next words. (Bottom right) Sixth grader Joanna Ernst accepts her award as Steward's spelling bee champion.

Spelling Bee 5. ACADEMICS


top) Mrs. Cross poses with Katherine Levy'"

center) Artis lII:llls &. Jonathan Cauble demtheir joint effort, the Super Graph Flex .


bottom) Andrew Rose shows his invention fourth grader Andy Lawton.

ove top) Alison Norton exto Mrs. Grossman how her waterer operates.


Wise grins next to soundproof hamster cage. Annie

Invention Convention ACADEMICS 55

(Right Top) Ninth grader Matt Gottwald looks at his certificate that he received for honor roll . (Right Bottom) Ninth grader Stephen Paulette accepts his plague for honor roll all year. (Below) Tenth grader Cabell Jones rejoins his table after receiving his certificate.

Honors Awards Dessert 56 ACADEMICS

(Left top) Senior Kenya Young happily accepts her certificate from Mrs. Brandt at the Honors Awards. (Left middle) Mrs. Brandt gladly hands Andy Stitt his plaque for honor roll all year. (Left bottom) After all his hard work, ninth grader Fahad Qureshi receives his plaque for honor roll all year.

Honors Dessert Awards Students receiving certificates for achieving honor 1'011 for one or two ma1'king pe1'iods: Matt Gottwald (9), Lisa McComas (9), Chris Drzal (10), Zipporah Levi ( 10), Becky Meyerhoff (10), Miriam Baron (11) , Emily Wolff (ll), Ben Reif (12), Kenya Young (12). Students receiving certificates for achieving honor roll for semester average: Alice Avent (9), Ryan Best (9), Josh Goldberg (9), Ashleigh McLaurin (9), Emily Padow (9), Drew Cosby ( 10), Cabell Jones (10), Camberly Pearson (10), Mike Schirick ( lO) , Ned Trice (10), Jeni Woodall (10), Christy Hunton (ll), Ian Qureshi (ll), Nikki Voltz (ll), Corbin Adamson (12). Students receiving a plaque for achieving honor 1'011 every time:

Michael Maszaros (9), Stephen Paulette (9), I'ahad Qureshi (9), John Schott (9), Andy Stitt (9), Meghan Hajek (10), Whitney Hajek (10), Sara Rossmoore (10), Catherine Woody (10), George Cauble (11), Lainie Haskell (ll), Shawn Lewis (11), Ifrah Nur (ll), Ellis Ann McClung (12).


(Right top) 3rd graders Noah Schnoll and Phillip Gianfortoni are honored at the Lower School Final Assembly. (Below left) 5th grader Austin Pittman receives a music award from Mrs. Anderson. (Below right) Kindergartners Molly Jackson, Sara Small, Cary Baronian, a nd Will Garner stand on stage to receives their attendance certificates.

Lower School Final

Assembly /


(Above left) 5th graders Talley Gregory Hunter Sears perform at their last school event. (Above right) SeA president ceives her lower school graduation cate from Mrs. Fox.

(Left top) Graduating eighth graders Rachel Whitten and Blair Jacobsen pause to chat with their English teacher Mrs. Shaw. (Left middle) This year's eighth grade class certainly had some unique personalities: Jessie Sadler, Ben Foley, Chad Healey, and Jessi Stevens. (Left bottom) Seventh grade marshalls Ted Benson and Michelle Whitaker lead the processional. (Below) Walter Wash and Jessi Stevens are enthusastic as usual.

Middle School Final Assembly ACADEMICS SO

(Right) Graduate Shannon Meade celebrates with her friend 1st grader Mary Warden Good. (Right bottom) Junior Marshalls Lainie Haskell and George Cauble lead the processional.

(Bight) Dickie Haskell, Ellis Ann McClung, and Ben Reif line up for the processional.

Graduation 60 ACADEMICS

(Left) The seniors gather for group picture before the 1:).l-i(j,UILJ.CLI'.lU ceremony: Ben Reif, Shannon _"",,,,,, Corbin Adamson, Kenya Charlotte SulUvan, Heather Stephanie Foard, Tara Ga Catherine Beil, Amanda Wie ckowski, Allison COllier, Ellis McClung, and Dickie Haskell

(Top) Mrs. Harbaugh helps Ellis Ann McClung with her daisies. (Middle) Corbin Adamson socializes aft er wards at the tent . (Bottom) Mrs. Burbank receives special recognition as she retires this year.


Wendy's H igh School Heisman At hletic Award

George Cauble Lainie Haskell

Wellesley Book Award

Lainie Haskell

Hugh O'Brian Leadership

Sara Rossmoore

WHIC Best in t h e Class

Kenya Young

National Council of Christians and J ew sjInter faith Council Broth erhood Award

Corbin Adamson

DAR Good Citizen

Ellis Ann McClung

J unior Marshalls

George Cauble Lainie Haskell


English Book Award

Ellis Ann McClung

History Book Award

Ellis Ann McClung

Science Book Award

Kenya Young

Music Book Award

Corbin Adamson

Art Book Award

Shannon Meade

Th eatre Book Award

Ben Reif

Mat h Book Award

George Cauble

French Book Award

Lainie Haskell

Spanish Book Award

Shawn Lewis

Lat in Book Award

Fahad QureShi

Highest Academic Average

Meghan Hajek

Alumni Award

Corbin Adamson

Randolph-Macon Wom an's College Book Award

Sara Rossmoore

Univ. of Richmond Book Aw a rd Un iv. of Virginia Book Award STBPHmI' DAlmIL PLBss HBADJlASTllJl'S AWABD



Shawn Lewis George Cauble Ben Reif

Ellis Ann McClung Corbin Adamson


Brian McGehee Sam Proffitt Ambika Bedi


Erin Robinson & Catherine Woody Corbin Adamson

Alice Avent & Fahad Qureshi Jennifer Latourelle Tara Garner Sam Proffitt Paul Douglas

Corbin Adamson, Ellis Ann

ChrisBymeI PIIiHp SChmldtUllrich Shawn LewIs Chad Healey


M~.~~-=====~ ~====~==

.. ...... rfC.

.... •



Steward InYitational Grove Avenue New Community St. Christopher's JV Huguenot Academy St. Vincent de Paul Commonwealth Christian Christchll'dl FredericksburzAcademy St. Anne's New Community Collegiat. IV Huguenot Academy Christchurch New community St. Vincent de PaUl Commonwealth Christian VCC Tournament St. Vincent de Paul St. Anne's

1-4 1-0 I-I 0-)

l W

T l

T 1-0 0-) 4-1 0-12 1-1 O-S 0-) 1-6 1-4 0-1 1-0

W l W l l l l l l l W


W l

Overall Record S-II-1 vee Record 1-6-1 vee All-Conference: Shawn Lewis, Sam Proffitt vee All-Academic: George Cauble

(Far left) Concentration is written all over Junior Shawn Lewis' face as he skillfully doges a member" of the opposing team. (Left) Sophomor"e Drew Cosby fights for the ball against St. Vrncent

de Paut. (Below left) # I 7, you better watch out r Junior George Cauble comes through with a powerful Spar1an kick.

Sophomore Ned Trice elbows his way to the bait.

Front row (1-1'): Murat

Bilgin, Aaron Payne, Stephen Paulette, Josh Goldberg, John Schott, Chris Hines, Shawn Lewis. Back row: Coach Ian Coddington, Sam Proffitt, Ned Trice, Brian McGehee, Paul Douglas, Scott Howard, Chris Allen, Travis Nida, George Cauble, Chad Whitten, Drew Cosby.


St. Gertrude's St. Anne's JV 51. Marprot's Collegiate IV Trinity


Covenant IV St. Margaret's Tandem Trinity St. Catherine's IV Fredericksburg Academy lIr~!iiI LIS Tournament Semi-Final v. VES

0-2 0-1 ]-1 1-] 0 -] 2-1 I-I 1-0 1路2(01) 0-2 0路6 1-0 ]-1 1-0 0-1 ]-1 0-0 1-2



Overall Record 7-9-2 LIS Record J-J (tied for 2nd place in LIS regular season) LIS All-Stars: Ellis Ann McClung, Lainie Haskell, & Tara Garner

Senior Tara Garner battles for the ball while Senior Corbin Adamson . 8th gr-ader- Rachel Whitten, and 7th grader Elizabeth Larus guard her back. Teamwork is an important part of Steward hockey.


(Left) Before a game, senior tri-captains Ellis Ann McClung, Tara Garner, and Corbin Adamson pose with Coach Rice. These three have displayed outstanding loyalty to the Steward hockey program-Ellis Ann has played at Steward for seven years, Tar'a for' eight years, and Cor'bin for six. (Below left) Senior' Corbin Adamson makes a flat pass to 8th grader Rachel Whitten . Diversity of age is one of the many unique aspects of Steward hockey. (Below right) 7th grader Brantley Scott hustles to the clear the ball while 8th grader Blair Jacobsen, Senior Ellis Ann McClung, and 8th grade goalie Jessica Gray provide excellent coverage of Stewa,'d's goal.

Once again, Senior Ellis Ann IcC:lung saves the team by hitting the ball up the field. Ellis Ann's defensive expertise I be greatly missed next year.

Front & Center: Captains Corbin Adamson, Ellis Ann McClung, and Tara Garner. 2nd Row (I-r): Becky Meyerhoff, Jennifer Latourelle, Ashlee Healey, Brantley Scott, Blair Jacobsen, Laura Slabaugh, Jessie Stevens, Jennifer Gray. 3rd Row (I-r): Coach Janet Rice, Lainie Haskell, Rachel Whitten, Elizabeth Larus, Catherine Beil, Laura Murray, Amanda Keck, Caitlin Rossmoore, Jennifer Gray.


(Below) Juniol" Sam Proffitt pulls down yet another rebound. (Below left) Senior captain Ben Reif accepts ' trophy for winning the T.Cl.l. Tournament as leam members Shawn Lewis, Sam

Proffitt, Mike Schirick, George Cauble, Chad Whitten, and Stephen Paulette conglatulates themselves on a I earned victory.

(Right) Junior

Shawn Lewis looks fOI" the open man to make the pass.

(Right. back to front. left to right) Members o f the 1996-97 team:

Chad Whitten, Brian McGehee, Sam Proffitt, Coach Stan, Mike Schirick, George Cauble, Ben Reif, Stephen Paulette, and Shawn Lewis.


47-20 W 38·!2 l !1·]2 W 48·31 W !0-46 W !6-71 l 46-28 W !6-46 W 4!·6! l !2·!4 l !7.!] W !8-49 W 31·30 W !6-43 W

Groye Avenue New Community 8elmead Amelia Academy Victory Christian New Community Rock Church 8elmead Cenlral Virginia Palriols Cenlral Virginia Palriots Grove Avenue 8elmead (TCll Tourney) Rock Church (TCll Tourney) n·!8


1tIL IIecenI W (tied tar 2nd pIKe In ltIL repIIr ......)

Victory Christian st. Vincent de Paul Richmond Chri,tian St. Vincent de Paul St. Margaref. Collegiate JV St. Catherine', IV VES TrinitY



Central Virginia Patriots VES St. Margaref, Central Virginia Patriots Trinity Trinity (US Tournament)

4o.G J8.D





l W l



19路J8 19-41



J6.a1 I6-4J 40-20 D-49 J9-4] 47.]5 26-]]


OVerall Record S-II LIS Division II Record 1-8 LIS All-Star: Tara Gamer

(Left, back to front. left to nght) Coach Rice, Caitlin Rossmoore, Elizabeth Larus,

Margaret Hazell, Rachel Whitten, Lainie Haskell, Jessica Gray, Ashlee Healey, Corbin Adamson, and Tara Garner,


(Below) Eighth graders Jessica Gray and Rachel Whitten battle Belmead's players for the rebound.

(Left) Senior Corbin Adamson puts p,"essu re on Trinity. (Below) Junior Lainie Haskell takes the ball

(Left) Junior Lainie Haskell passes to eighth grader Rachel Whitten .


Ashlee Healey, Rossmoore, Elizabeth Larus, Amanda Keck, Jennifer Gray, Sally Stratton, Margaret Hazell, Rachel Whitten, and Jessica Gray.

(Below. back to front. left to right) Team members: Coach Rice,

IfNE SEASON Luther Memorial

All Saints St. Edward', St. Bridget" (white) St. Michael', Collegiate (green) St. Catherine's St. Bridget" (blue) Collegiate (green)

17-IS IS-IO 7-29 19-16 10-19 9-18 16-11 13-7 2-24




Overall Record 5-4 Regular season seeded #5 out of #20

(Left) Seventh grader Ashlee ball up the cour1.

Healey brings the

(Above) Caitlin Rossmoore receives a pass from Ashlee Healey.

Middle School cheerleaders mug for the camera: Molly Sauer, Analisa Gordon, Brantley Scott, Sarah Martenstein, Michelle Whitaker, and Anusha Abbasi .

(Above left) Middle School cheerleaders get the school excited before the pep rally. (Above right) Corbin Brierre, Cynthia Johns, Christine Beil, Michelle

front to back, left to right) Analisa Gordon, Laura Slabaugh, Martenstein, Christine Beil, Corbin Brierre, Cynthia Susan Braunshteyn, Anusha Abbasi, Molly Sauer, lichelle Whitaker, and Brantley Scott.

'IHE SEASON St. Vincent de Paul Fredericksburg Academy St. Christopher's Tandem St. Vincent de Paul Coven~nt

Collegiate "Bit Covenant Fredericksburg Academy Luther Memorial Collegiate IIBn Richmond Christian

1-2 2-2 8-2 0-4 2-1 2-0 4-2 4-0 0-2

S-I 7-0 2-1 0-)

Overall Record 8-4-1 (Above right) Seventh gr'ader Will Perkins dribbles down the field with two opponents on his heels. (Right) Eighth grader

Walter Wash celebrates after a goal. (Far right) Seventh grader Jamie Rose stri kes down the field looking for a shot on goal.

(Below. back to front. left to right)

Alex Duty, Matt Porter, Zac Sears, Sarah Martenstein, Michelle Whitaker, Stewart Felvey, Chris Maszaros, Reed Yancey, Willie Paoletto, Will Perkins, Dan Williamson, Ben Foley, Michael Hatherly, Jamie Rose, Tommy LePage, Ted Benson, Harry Baron . and Nicholas DeRuosi.


t'~wl~~~M.,j~~~~ ~

(Above. left to right) Matt Hinkle, Aaron Payne,

Drew Cosby, Ben Reif, John Schott, Coach Coddington, Cabell Jones, Stephen Paulette, Ryan Best, and Scott Adams.

The cross country club at the Athletic Awards Dessert: Trent McLaurin, Ruth Williams, Fahad Qureshi, and Cynthia Johns .



(Below) The A-Team: Coach Rothman. Brooking Chenault, Edward Cook, Walter Wash, Stewart Felvey, Ted Benson, Alex Duty, Trent McLaurin, Zac Sears, Michael Hatherly, and Will Perkins.

(Below right) Seventh grader Alex Duty works his way up the court at an exciting "Ateam" game. (Far right) Eighth grader Edward Cook uses a hesitation move in order to shoot over an opponent. (Right) Eighth grader Brooking Chenault carefully lines up for a 3-pointer.

THE SEASON Amelia Academy



St. Vincent de Paul Richmond Christian

39-38 37-29 41-S8

Central Virginia Patriots St. Vincent de Paul Grove Avenue New Community

SS-4S 52-44 44-26

W W l l W W W

Central Virginia Patriots


Overall Record S-J


Tommy LePage takes a shot from the free throw line while Jamie Rose, Matt Porter, and Clay Haskell look for the rebound. left) Clay Haskell draws the foul and makes a free throw.

,.HE SEASON Millwood Collegiate 78 New Community Covenant "8" Good Shepherd Luther Memorial Millwood Covenant "8" Collegiate 18 Good Shepherd Luther Memorial

14-JS 6-JO 16-18 7-41 16-14 20-24 I4-JS 21-25 11-42 29-JJ 28-J4




Overall Record 2-9

B Team: Coach Palmer gives out awards at the Athletic Awards N ight to B team members:

Wolff, Jamie Rose, Harry Baron, Clay Haskell, Tommy LePage, Willie Jamie Reed, Matt Porter, and Reed Yancey (not pictured: Jonathon


ipton, Ramsey Bsat. Chris Maszaros, and Steven Seivard)

(Below) Mr. "Grand Spar1an" Stackhouse gets festive for- the pep rally.

(Above. front to back) Whitney Hajek, Corbin Adamson, Christy Hunton, Emily Wolff, Ashleigh McLaurin, Nadya Rafeh, Camberly Pearson, Sara Rossmoore, Jeni Woodall, Erin Robinson, Tikia Bonner, Catherine Woody, Meghan Hajek, Jennifer Latourelle, and Rachel Whitten.

(Left) Aaron Payne, you lucky dog, posing w~h all of those gorgeous cheerleaders! (Below left) Meghan Hajek, Jennifer Latourelle,

Erin Robinson, Whitney Hajek, Camberly Pearson, and Nadya Rafeh entertain the crowd during halftime.

(Above top) Senior and head captain Corbin Adamson poses for the camera with sophomore

Whitney Hajek. (Above bottom) Sophomore Sara Rossmoore shows her spirit when she cheers. Sara won the M ost Spirited Cheerleader at the Athletic Awards.


Eighth grader Rachel Whitten serves at the vee tournament. Seventh grader Elizabeth Larus visits with eleventh grader Lainie Haskell's parrot while waiting for her match at the vee Tournament. The girls went on to win the vee T ournament.

vee Champions: Sara Rossmoore, Elizabeth Larus, Manager Brantley Scott, Caitlin Rossmoore, Blair Jacobsen, Ashlee Healey, Rachel Whitten, Corbin Adamson, Lainie Haskell, and Margaret Hazell (not pictured: Nikki Voltz) (Top) T he I 996

(Above) 1996 boys team: Will Perkins, Alex Duty, Josh Goldt,er:

Chris Hines, Sam Proffitt, Brian McGehee, Ned Trice, Gottwald, and Chad Whitten.


.,HE SEASON Brunswick Academy Isle of Wight St. Vincent de Paul Kenston Forest Southampton Christchurch

230-198 210-241 nO-207 207-202 230-210 238-188


Overall Record I-S

(Above) Chris Drzal drives the ball during a golr match. (Left) At practice, Walter Wash works on his putting. (Above) Nicholas DeRuosi,

Chad Healey, Murat Bilgin, Scott Howard, Daniel Bower, Coach Jones, Brooking Chenault, Derek Garnett, Travis Nida, Shawn Lewis, Edward Cook, Adam Graves, Chris Drzal , and Taylor Hord.


(Above) The 1996 TCil Toumament winning boys varsity basketball team at the Awards Night: Chad Whitten, Mike Schirick,

Brian Mc'ioehee, Ben Reif, Sam Proffitt, Paul Douglas, Shawn Lewis, George Cauble, and Stephen Paulette. (Opposite page top) Most Valuable Field Hockey Player Lainie Haskell poses with Most Outstanding Field Hockey player Ellis Ann McClung at the Awards Night. (Opposite page middle) Coach Stan gives

Stephen Paulette his basketball certificate at the ceremony. (Opposite page bottom) Matt Gottwald and John Schott enjoy their cake! (left) Amanda Keck and Elizabeth Larus admire the beautiful table settings at the Athletic Awards.

THE AWARDS Middle School Soccer

Most Improved Most Valuable

Matt Porter Stewart Felvey

Varsity Soccer

110% Award Caoches Award

Stephen Paulette Shawn lewi s

Cross Country

Coaches Award

Trent Mclaurin

Field Hockey

Most Impr oved Coaches Award Most Valuable Most Outstanding

Brantley Scott Corbin Adamson lainie Haskell Ellis Ann McClung

Indoor Intramural Soccer Champions

Sam Proffitt Brian McGehee Shawn lewis Baughan Wilton

Middle School "B" Basketball

Most Improved Coaches Award Most Outstanding

Clayton Haskell Matt Porter Jamie Rose

Middle School "A"

Coaches Award Most Valuable Most Outstanding

Alex Duty Walter Wash Stewart Felvey

Middle School Girls' Basketball

Most Improved Most Valuable

Ashlee Healey Rachel Whitten

Varsity Girls' Basketball

Most Improved Most Valuable

Jessica Gray Tara Garner

Varsity Boys' Basketball

Most Improved Coaches Award

Sam Proffitt Ben Reif

Middle School Cheering

Most Improved Coaches Award

Cynthia Johns Brantley Scott

Varsity Cheering

110% Award Most Spirited


Most Improved Coaches Award

Shawn lewis Derek Garnett

Boys' Tennis

Coaches Award Most Valuable

Matt Gottwald Brian McGehee

Girls' Tennis

Coaches Award Most Valuable

Rachel Whitten Corbin Adamson

Jennifer latourelle Sara Rossmoore

J Varsity Letters Jessica Gray, Chad Whitten, George Cauble, Brian McGehee, Emily Wolff

10 Varsity Letters lainie Haskell, Sam Proffitt, Ellis Ann McClung

19 Varsity Letters Corbin Adamson


Shannon Meade, Alice Avent & Lin Johnson Anne-Sims Honey, Will Garner, & Mary Grace Delaney Christy Hunton & Aaron Payne Polly Cannella Jeremy Salken Ali Hord & Gray O'Brian Irena Ernst Christy Hunton Bobbie Lou Long & Molly Jackson Drew Cosby

Hunter Sears, Sam Baronian, & Jamie Satterfield

T".... COllier ElizIIIetII SUInI.-

Cast Group Members Elizabeth Sumner Jessica Gray Becky Meyerhoff Corbin Brierre Susan Braunshteyn Molly Sauer Welly Sanders Jean .................... .......... Sara Rossmoore Daisy ... ..... .... .. .......... Camberly Pearson Stephen ...... ..................... Taylor Collier Shelia .... .... ..... .... ..... ... .......... Alice Avent Doug .................. .. ...... Stephen Paulette Ann ..... .......... ........... .. ........ Jeni Woodall Miko ......... ... ......... ...... .... Lisa McComas Kim ... ................ ... ........ .... . David Becker Andrea ........ ...... ... .... Jennifer Latourelle Chris .. .... .............. .............. Taylor Hard Jimmy .......... ...................... Aaron Payne Jerry .. ..... ..... .. ........ ..... .... Fahad Qureshi Harry ......... .......... ... ......... ....... Andy Stitt Bobby .............. ............... . Taylor Collier Larry ................... ... .... Stephen Paulette Danny .... ... ......... .......... . Shannon Meade Teddy ............ .... ... ...... Stephen Paulette Mary .. ........ ....... ........ Michelle Whitaker Roger ......... ... ......... .. ........ . Aaron Payne Senior ...... .. .... ............ ... Shannon Meade Freshman ............. .......... ... .. Toni T urkal Bo ........... .. ........ ........ ..... .... Aaron Payne Patti ...... ...... .................. Christy Hunton Felix .. .. ...... .......... ......... .... ... Taylor Hard Hector ...... ....... .... ... .......... Aaron Payne Freddy ....... ... ..... ..... ......... Welly Sanders Susie ............ ......... ........ Christy Hunton Catherine ........... ... ........ ...... Alice Avent

Cast of liThe Lost flef/ator ll Book Salesman ....... ....... ... David Becker Nice Old Lady ............ ... Corbin Brierre Engaged Young Lady Michelle Whitaker Engaged Man ...... .. .............. Chris D rzal Small Man in a Hurry .... ......... Ben Wolff Girl with Dentist Appt.Becky Meyerhoff Messenger ........ .. ......... ... Laura Slabaugh Easy-goi ng Man ...... .......... .. Ted Benson German Housewife ............ Alice Avent Operator .... .. .... .... ............. Aaron Payne Romantic Old Maid .......... Christine Beil

Time Keeper .............. Becky Meyerhoff Coach ........... ................ Christy Hunton Baby ............... ............ Elizabeth Sumner Mommy ..... .... ....••......... ... .. Jeni Woodall Daddy .. ............•.............. Taylor Collier Grandma ......... .............. .. .... Alice Avent Grandpa ..... ......................... Chris Drzal Aunti ............................ Sara Rossmoore Uncle ........................ ......... Aaron Payne Babysitter .............. ... Camberly Pearson Boyfriend ................... Stephen Paulette Doctor ..................... ... .... Erin Robinson

Cast Leading Players Alice Avent Jennifer Latourelle Erin Robinson Sara Rossmoore Elizabeth Sumner Pippin .... ...... ..... ................. Aaron Payne Charles .... .... .................... Taylor Collier Lewis ...... ...... .... .......... Stephen Paulette Fastrada .. .. ................... Christy Hunton Bertha ......... .......... ......... ... Jeni Woodall Catherine ......... .... .... Camberly Pearson Player/ Beggar ................... Cynthia Johns Player/Courier .................... Toni T urkal Player/ Peasant ................... Ted Benson Player/ Field Marshall ........ Ruth Williams

Portfolio DalJ. (Right) Portfolio Day offers an opportunity for Steward's artists to show off their work in a professional setting. They submit works which are evaluated in terms of strength for college admissions. This years attendees were:

Michael Maszaros, Chris Hagy, Chris Hines, Camberly Pearson, Sara Rossmoore, Laura Ward, Scott Adams, and Christy Hunton.

Awards Most Innovative Artist

Chris Hines (US) Walter Wash (MS)

Scott Adams (US) Wade Britt (MS) Camberly Pearson (US) Ben Wolff (MS) Shannon Meade (US) Walter Wash (MS) Ryan Best (US) Perseverance Catherine Beil (US) to a Project Anusha Abbasi (MS) Scott Adams (US) Most Accomplished Wade Britt (MS) Artist Chris Hines (US) Artistic Enthusiasm Margaret Hazell (MS) Adam Graves (US) Photography Highest Academic Avg. Ashlee Healey (fall) Music Theory Caitlin Rossmoore (sp) Laurel Ingraham (sp) Most Accomplished Susannah Harris (fall) Instrumentalist Mary Ashley Stanton (sp) Laurel Ingraham (sp) Jennifer Gray (fall) Most Improved Christine Bell (sp) Instrumentalist Sarah Martenstein (MS) Most Improved Ruth Williams (US) Vocalist Taylor Hord (MS) Most Accomplished Laura Ward (US) Vocalist Elizabeth Sumner Best Leading Actress

Most Promising Newcomer Best Use of Color Best Use of a Medium


Best Leading Actor Aaron Payne Itpippid' and "Lost Elevator" Best Supporting Actress

Sara Rossmoore "Pippin!! Alice Avent "Baby"

Best Supporting Actor

Taylor Collier IIBab y" and lIPippin"

Shannon Meade Best Actress in a "Voices from High School" Minor Role Fahad Qureshi Best Actor in a "Voices from High School" Minor Role Christy Hunton Best Actress in a IIPippin ll Character Role Stephen Paulette Best Actor in a ''Voices'' and "Pippin ll Character Role Chris DrzaJ Best Technician Adam Graves Director's Choice Drew Cosby Award of Special Stage Management Recognition Jeremy Salken (US) Award of Special uPippin. ItSpring Concert,lI Recognition and "Grandparents' Day" Fine Arts Award Taylor Collier "For Excellence in AIt, Music, Theater" II

Zipporah Levi & Lindsay McCormick Kenya Young Chris Hagy, Cabell Jones, & Alisia Freeman Elizabeth Larus Ambika Bedi & Aly Pittman Scott Adams Chris Allen Stephanie Foard Derek Garnett, Michael Satterfield, & Chad Healey Kate Kristofak

Austin Haas

Brantley SCott, Amanda leek, a Clay Haskell

"n. Sltupe Alisia Fretlm~p-.

[fAHiLY fU~ l\IiG+--1rl

(Right top) 6th grader Ramsey Bsat shares the go-c that he won at Family Fun Night with his friend, Ch Maszaros. (Far right middle) Seniors Kenya Young, Corbin Adamson, and Shannon Meade have fun selling pumpkin s to raise money for their class. (Far right bottom) Mrs. ' Harbaugh, Ms. Rice, and Mr. Rothman are totally absorbed in the bingo game. (Right) Ninth graders Taylor Collier and Jennifer Latourelle get all dressed up for their haunted house

, (Above) Senior Ellis Ann McClung helps lower schoolers paint their pumpkin s.


ght top) Third grader Andrew Rose leads the line for ,ring toss, while the rest of his class look around atthe 路ious activities taking place on the new playground. Ight bottom) Fifth graders Sean Jackson, Robert itzman , and Talley Gregory put sprinkles all over their pcakes. llow) Eighth grader Stewart Felvey concentrates on ; hands. The LS/MS Carnival offers the Middle School opportunity to serve the school by providing fun for ! Lower Schoolers.

(Left) Fo urth graders Missy Jacobsen, Aly Pittman, Chelsea Hodges, Jamie Satterfield, Ida Henley, Tori Cannella, and Heather Hajek listen intently to instructions for the bean bag toss.


(Right) Gray O'Brian reaches the top of the pole and looks for the next challenge. (Far right) Ali Hord and Ida Henley are all geared up and ready to go. Challenge Discovery is one of the highlights of the year for fourth and fifth grade students.

(Right) Challenge Discovery is a great time for the fourth and fifth grade classes to bond together. At lunch , stude nts watch their classmates who are still on the ropes : (front to back) Austin Pittman, Robert Fritzman, Ida Henley, Will Way, Andrew Ware, Dory Klein , Sabrina Jendly, Chelsea Hodges, Mr. Rossmoore, Haywood Pemberton, Alex Benson, Jordan Effron, Matthew Stainback, Tori Cannella, Heather Hajek, Aly Pittman, and Peyton Lannon.


(Left top) Mr. Ro ssmoore calls out the numbers for the annual Bingo game. (Left middle) Carter Eberly tears up Virtu a Fighter as Mr Keck, parent of 7th grader Amanda, looks on. (Left bottom) Kindergartner Wili Garner has his hands full. Family Fun Night is a great time for the entire school to come together. (Below) Adam Rafeh, Chad Healey, and Clay Haskell are transfixed by the video games at the annual event.

(Above) Third grader Jonathan Cauble enjoys his pacifier??? as he decides whether or notto purchase a spider at Family Fun Night.


路 d路 t kes a great toss at the (Right) Second grader LouIs sock thro while Austin Haas , Anne Boa Ken I~ ~ghth grader sponsor Chad Healewy rum , an looks on . . r and Will Garner hus (Below) Kindergartners Sara tle for Small , Amy Blsge , chairs in musical chairs.




(Left) Second grader Tanner Clements is all tied up as he goes for a apple.


(Upper left) Fifth Philip SchmidtUllrich prepare s to jump for the trapeze from the top of the pole. (Upper right) Fourth grader Chelsea Hodges checks to see how far she has climbed up thewooden structure. (Far left) Fifth grader Peyton Lannon clings to the pole on her way across the stru cture. (Left top) Fourth grader Aly Pittman smiles while she climbs up the tower at Challenge Discovery. (Left bottom) Fourth grader Dory Klein is relieved when she fin ally touches ground again.


(Right) Sam Baronian stands up to get a better look at his design. Students work with inch-thick pieces of chalk in every pastel color imaginable. (Below) Annie Wise and Kate Kristofak work on a horse together.

(Above) Irena Ernst blows the excess chalk off of her creation while Jenny Duty leans over to reach a far spot.


(Above) Anne Borum and Mary Grace Delaney work on a large piel together. Chalk Day is a fun time for the lower school to create artwork f everyone to see--and it all washes away in the rain!

(Below) Tanner Clements enjoys his spaghetti as the Reading Incentive program culminates in a spaghetti dinner.

lei ow) Fourth graders Jordan Effron, Austin Hamilton, and Brad Souder ljOY their spaghetti and ice cream complete with tablecloths they can draw n with crayons.

3elow left) Sherry Baines, Jamie Satterfield, and Andy awton pose with their thank you card for the Richmond Animal eague. 3elow right) Chelsea Hodges poses with her pet rabbit with indergartners Anne-Sims Honey. and Laura Skove.



L<;' FiELD TQiPS Lower School students enjoy a variety of experiences outside the classroom. On these pages are just some of the field trips and special experiences our lower schoolers had this year. (Right) The Fourth grade gathers around a status of Pocahontas. (Below) Fifth grade students examine life in Colonial Times as Blake Frostick , Brian Meyers, Chr!s Byrne, Sean Jackson, and Austin Pittman listen intently to a costumed guide who shows them the inside of a log home.

(Right) Jonathan Cauble negotiates his way across the stream on an ecological field trip.


(Left top and middle) Andy Lawton and Dory Klein get outfitted in Colonial costumes. It's fun for a while, but would you want to wear all of those ruffles all the time?

(Left) Ms. Miller points out th ings in natureto the third grade students Jonathan Cauble, Kate Garner, Artis Mills, and Sarath Nathan. (Above) Ms. Miller helps third grader Jessica Williamson across the rocks. (Above top) Althou gh not technically a field trip, our third grade students had fun exploring a fire engine that the fire department brought to school.


• (Below) Meghan H . Nida share a "sisterl ~,Iek and Travis Rent-A-Junior Th y moment during whatever the ~ente~ rent~e has to wear during lunch. wan s and perform

Q.ENT -A-JQ.¡ (Below) Mr. Rothman gets in on for this year's Rent-A-Juni the gender-bending then themselves and some thor. The JUnior class ren class. eac ers to raise money for the

(Above) r ' Chef Cox d'Irects the P oceedmgs during lunch.

iI ..\ (Above) Ms P I middle sCh~ole~Sm:~dw:s rented by hippie clown to h res sed as a class. elp out the junior

~~~~~~ ~~niors Sam Proffitt and the event. uble got all gussied up for


(Far left top) Corbin Adamson and alum Frazier Orgain make a classy couple on the dance floor. (Far left bottom) Nikki Voltz and Dickie Haskell dance thenight away. Great outfit Oickie! (Left) Amanda Wienckowski , Forrest Hodge , and Shannon Meade mug for the camera at the dance. (Below top) Sam Proffitt and Brian McGehee are dressed impeccably. But where are their dates? (Below bottom) Allison Collier and Catherine Beil take a rest break at the 60s-themed dance.


, \

J U l\ li O Q - S E I\ ) iO Q



(Below top) Mason Camp-Crowder runs for the pial during the kickball game. (Below bottom) Fifth grader Austin Pittman spring forward during th e long jump.

(Below top) Fourth graders Jamie Satterfield and Heather Hajek eat lunch together during Field Day. (Below bottom) Students wear colored bandanas to indicate their team. Third graders Rob Dwyer, Paul Bishop, Moshe Levi, Andrew Rose , Jonathan Cauble, and Jonathan Barzel wait their turn at the soccer kick.


: Iow) First grader Bobbie lou long leads the pack thElizabeth Ward close behind. Sarah Delaney takes Jok back to see leigh Bedinger and Monty Anderson lse on her heels.

(Left) Third graders Thomas Warthen and Phillip Gianfortoni enjoy their hamburgers at lunch on Field Day. (below) Ki ndergartn er Annie laurie McDonald is pleased with her landing on the long jump.

(left) Jay Pruitt demonstrates what the muddy conditions can do to on's wardrobe. (Above left) Anne-Sims Honey waits while Margaret Gupton takes her turn at the frisbee throw. (Above) Third grader Artis Mills performs an acrobatic soccer kick. STUD ENT LIFE 121

AF'rEQSCWOOL ~ (Upper lef~ Page Conway slides down the pole on the new lower school playground. (Upper right) Second grader Phillip Wood enjoys a healthy snack while watch in g a basketball game in the gym. (Middle left) Robert Turner and Blake Frostick playa little one-an-one on the lower sci basketball court. (Middle right) Jonathan Ca uble . Katherine Levy have fun while playing Mousetrap durin g afterschoo\. (Lower left) Lee Healey. mo ther of seventh grader Ashlee . and el.ghth grader Chad. supervises the dally 3hour extended day program . (Lower right) Lauren Ha rris and Reyn Davenport enjoy a sunny day by watching thefield hockey team Win another game .



th grade sh OW Right) Theeirfif th RE )f f Dh,A " , , .'J;',~;';'''!111>1 t f' d t' n a 'e s , r Ilcate -s Irts On he I ayground after ) AR,~ , graduation , , tz_ Robert 'Fri : : r right) t e ith th wo n Poses eWrs , ic ff o . ,E .R .A



am Saro . n and Jordan (Left top) S to ma ed ir Earth Day Effron WOrk ether On the g . project ) AI w (Left bottom H~~t:enson , Matthe d n th a , y disPla e StainbaCk th r Saedaers ts ir h s ty lIey m . Earth Da ' (R"Ight top) Gray O'S "an shows he MiSs; Specimen to h 'l w Jacobsen nd: e e J a n ri Sab y, KI . erry DorY . em, Sh ea hels Sames, C d Taln a , s e ,Hodg Work ey Gregory rop n .on their OW Jects , ottom ) (Right b fifth d n FOurth a out d a e pr graders S irt In nalyze d _ _ _ to a d ' AI' the foregrOUn jek ' H~ Hord, Mrs , jek &' a H r e Heath non , Peyton Lan

(Below top) Mr. Jones M h W'lt lon, Bruce Laf ' eg an Hajek

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[l ends.

ossmoore and Enn . Robinson dance with two new

12. STUD ENT Li re


This was the first year of our exchange program with the Riverston School in London, England. We will years with our students visiting Riverston this year and we will host Riverston Students next year. Other ljects are pen pal projects and e-mail exchanges. In this picture, CharloHe Sullivan and Kenya Young pose with r hosts. ~rnate

(Above) Erin Robinson poses with her host family. Students stayed with families at Riverston and then they went to France to Riverston's chateau.


Index A

12, 13 Delaney. MalY G 'ace 10. I I Delaney, Sarah 12. 13 DeRuosi, N icholas 24 Dixon, Beth Douglas, Paul

Baines. Sheny


Ball, Kitty 10 Baron, Hany 24 Baron, M,riam 32. 33

Duty, jenny

I 2. I 3

Dwyer, Rob


F Faust. Tr-icia 32 Felvey, Stewart 27

Fritzman. Robert Frostlck. Blake

Gamer, Kate


Camp-Crowdel-. Mason

14, 15

12. 13 I8

Cauble, Geol-ge 32. 33 Cauble. jonathan 16

26. 27 14, 15

Clements. Tanner I 0 Coggin. Bailey 14,15 Collier. Taylm 28, 29 Conway. Page Cook, Edward



28 20. 21 20


Hutchinson. Morgan

16. 17

I Ingr-aham, Carne

10. II

Ingraham, laurel




Gamer, Will II Ga l-nett, Derek 26 G,anfortoni, Philip Goldber-g, Ben


27 28

Goldber-g, josh Good. Mary Warden

12, 13

27 Gottwald , Matt 28 Graves. Adam 30, 31 GOI-don . Analisa

Gray, Jennifer


Hor-d. Ali 20. 21 H OI-d. Taylor 27 H oward, Scott 30 Hunton. Chnsty 32


c Chenault. Brooking Clements, Coburn

H oney. Anne-Sims


Foley, Ben 26 Foote , jamie 23 Freedman. jesse 16

Bsat. Ramsey 22 Byrne. Chns 20. 21

Cannella. Polly Cannella. TOI-i


Freeman. Alrsia

18, 19

18 18 Harris. Susannah 24 Haskell. Clay 24 Haskell, La,n,e 32 Hatherly. Mrchael 27 Hazell. Margaret 27 Healey. Ashlee 24 Healey. Chad 27 Henley, Ida 18 Hines, Chns 32 Hinkle, Matt 30 H odge, Fon-est 32. 33 H odges. Chelsea I 8 H odges. Megan 20. 2 I

26 Effron. jordan 18 Emst. Ir-ena 12, 13

Fischer, For-d

Hajek, H eather

HarTIS. Lauren

Eberly. Carter

Ernst. joanna

Haas. Austin 14 H agy, Chris 30

Hamilton, Austin


10 18 Bal1lett. Afton 14. 15 Barton. Reed 10 BalLel. jonathan 16 Becker. David 24, 25 Bedi. Amblka 18 Bedinger. leigh I 2 Bell. Chnstlne 24 Benson. Alex 20 Benson. Ted 24 Blsger, Amy 10 Bishop, Paul 16 Borum. Anne 14. 15 Braunshteyn . Susan 24 Bnerre. Corbin 24 Bntt, Wade 26. 27 Baronian, CalY Baronian. Sam

H Hajek. Meg 30 Hajek, Whitney 30, 33


32 Drzal, Chris 30. 31 Duty. Alex 24


20. 21 10, I I

Gupton. Margaret

Davenpolt. Reyn

30 An . Kathleen 14. 15 Anderson, Monty 12 Avent, Alice 29 Aliberti. Robbie

126 Index

Gregory. Talley


AbbasI, Anusha 24 Abbott, Coleman 18

Cain. lissie


Cosby. D,-ew


Gray. jesseka 27 Greene. leigh 16. 17 Greer, j .D. 29

Jackson. Molly I 3 Jackson. Sean 20 jacob. Chns 10. I I jacobsen, Blair 27 jacobsen, Missy


20, 21 johns. Cynthia 25 johnson. Lila 30 jones. Cabell 30 jendly. Sabrina



:k, Amanda 24, 25 "dig, Louisa 14, 15 "n, Daniel 14, 15 "n, DOIY 18, 19 rnblau, Sara 22 stofak, Kate 16, 17

'one, B,-uce 32 lnon. Peyton 2 I -us, Elizabeth 25 lourelle, Jennifer 29 Mon, Andy 18. 19 Page. Tommy 25 VI. Moshe 16 VI. Nashon 27 vi. Z,pporah 30 vy, Kathenne 16. 17 wis. Shawn 32 n g Bobble Lou I 3

:ljor, Steven 16, 17 aliensteln, Salah 25 aszal'Os. Chns 22, 23 aszal'Os. Michael 29 cComas, Lisa 29 cCormlck. Lindsay 3 I cDonald, Annie Laurie 10. I I cGehee. Brian 32. 33 cLaunn. Ashlelgh 29 .aUI-in. Tr-ent 22 ' I-hoff. Becky 3 I 'rs. Brian 21 ·I'S. Rachael 16 . Mark 22. 23 17 ulTay, Laura 31 ulTay, Will 29 yel-s, Matthew 29

lathan. Salath 17 lewcomb, Sarah 17 lida, Travis 32 1oI10n, Alison 17 lur, Ifrah 29

o Obi-ian. Gray

18, 19

p Padow. Emily 29 Paoletto. Willie 25 Paulette. Stephen 29 Payne, Aal'On 3 1 Pearson, Camberly 30. 31 Pembel1on. Haywood 18 , 19 Perkins. Will 24, 25 Pittman. Aly I 8. I 9 Pittman. Austin 21 POI1el-, Matt 22 Pl'Offitt. Sam 32 Pruitt. Jay I I

Qureshi. Fahad 29 Qureshi. Ian 32

R Rafeh, Adam 27 Rafeh. Nadya 29 Reed. Jamie 25 Robinson. Enn 31 Rose, Andrew 17 Rose , Jamie 25 Rossmoore. Caitlin 24. 25 Rossmoore, Sala 30. 3 I

s Sadler, Jessie 27 Salken. Jeremy 29 Sandel-s. Welly 31 Satteliield. Jamie 18. 19 Sauer, Molly 25 Saundel'S, Cal1er 21 Schll'lCk. Mike 3 I Schmidt-Ullrich. Philipp 20. 21 Schnoll, Evan I 3 Schnoll. Noah 17 Schott, John 29 Scott. BI-antley 24. 25 Sears, Hunter 21 Seal-s. Zac 23 Selvard. Steven 25 Skove. Christophel- 13 Skove. Laul'a 10. I I

Slabaugh. Laura 25 Small. Sara 10. I I Smith, Coleman 10. I I Souder. Brad I 8. I 9 Stainback, Matthew 20. 21 Stanton. MalY Ashley 23 Stinson. John 25 Stitt, Andy 29 SlI-atton. Sally Anne 23 Strickland, Allison 20. 2 I Strickland. Amy 18. 19 Sullivan. Charlotte I 5 Sumner. Ehzabeth 27 Sundin, Carl 25


Thurston. Juliana I I Trice, Ned 3 I TUI-kal. Toni 25 Turnel-. Finley 13 Turner. Robel1 18. 19

y Voltz. Nikki


w Walsh, Jesse 28, 29 Wal-d, Elizabeth 13 Ward, Laura 3 I Ware. Andrew 2 1 Wal1hen, Thomas 16. 17 Way. Will 18. 19 Whitaker. Michelle 24. 25 Whitten, Chad 3 I Wilkinson. Shane 28. 29 Williams. Ruth 29 Williamson, Jessica 17 Wilton. Aynsley 20. 21 Wilton. Baughan 32 Wise. Annie 16. 17 Wolff. Ben 25 Wolff, Rose 32 Wood, Phillip 14, 15 Woodall. Jeni 3 I Woody, Catherine 3 I

y Yancey. Reed




,.he 1005-06

Yearbook S_all CO-Edicors Meghan H ajek Camberly Pearson

Yearbook AdYiser Ms. Mitra Palmer



Special .,hanks CO •••

Yearbook Class

Mr. George H. Cauble, Jr., Mrs. Sharon Hord, and Mrs. Susan Latourelle and numerous Steward teachers

George Cauble Chris D rzal Adam Graves Matt H inkle Forrest H odge Christy Hunton Ash leigh McLaurin Will Murray N adya Rafeh Stephen Paulette

for provid ing numerous photographs without wh ich this yeal"book could not have been produced.

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