Yearbook 1997 Vol.24

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Join us as we journey through the 1996路97 school year-

times we'll remember...


~ OOL H c S D R A W rE S E H T 11 60 0 G AY TO


740·1464 • FAX (804 ) 04 ) 740·3394 (8 • 82 34 3· RGIN IA 2323 CH M O N D , VI

t was a significan 97 19 at th e iz g o f our egin to real 1997, ed the beginnin ok, you may b Dear Class o f k o ar rb m ea r y ea is y th is y Steward, th It was the As you enjo d School. For hool's history . ar sc w e te S th e in h t T r en d m ing Technicolo year for you an t student enroll az m es A rg e la th e d th h an it ry w d Girls and "Joseph 25th anniversa Boys Varsity an ight's Dream" e N th s r er fo m s m es u the cc -S su , Spirit Teams, year o f "A Mid cord breaking et re rn f te o r In e ea y th a d It was introduce acrosse, Dream , Coat" s. In 1997 we iddle School L am M , te l m u al b si o et p k m as y lB Honor S ssed with Middle Schoo s, an expanded teward was ble ie S er at S th ts r es ea u y G e ant, it was th Distinguished . Most import g n li F members. g n ri p S k o n your and the at new faculty re g y an me to look bac m ti f a o is m It as . si n u io u look th talents and en o f your graduat a career. As yo d ar an ye e e th eg ll is co 97 s - to For you, 19 school's succes at your future e d th t ea ar ah p e ok rg lo la ts and to during rget you . In accomplishmen nearly doubled we will not fo as at h l th o t o en ch d S fi n be co s and at the Upper back , you ca n at perfonnance coincidence th re t g o n an is th It re o s. m es made a hool much was your succ ptimism have e given this sc o av d h an u o t, V en m e. it er d we thank m your time h in the arm ," an teamwork, com t , o rt h fo "s ef l's r o u o o h Y . been this sc championship act. You have p im e v ti si o ater. It is p profoundly is your Alma M d ar w te S at th u ege, remember h you when yo you . ll it w co d to ar d w ar te S rw f - an e a part o As you look fo we have shared ly , you will tak at ab th it ev es u In al . v e m se o o sity to dh tr y and curio rry with you th ca to your family an l e il g w ra u u co yo e at th r hope th ut n o t dividuality; leave. It is ou : and finally , b h ect for their in g sp u re ro d th s an g s in er oth and see th standard s. acceptance o f take ownership ise these high m to ro s p es m n g co n 't li n il o urn to us D explore ; the w d SchooL Ret to be trusted. ar d w an te S st u e tr h T to f r te resentative o least, the charac l remain a rep il w d an e ar u . We Remember yo part o f your life e. a m e b co el to w us s g ay alw I am for allowin often. You are armest regards, d your parents w an e u th o h y it to W s . k Our than e and in life wish in colleg t es b y er ev u extend to yo


( J Opening

199 7


11600 GAYTON ROAD RICHMOND, VlRGINlA 23233 804-740-3394

PEOPLE PAGES ... ......... ......... 8 Seniors ...................... ..................... 10 Ansta, Heidi ........... ................ ....... 10 Ba1'011, Miriam ........................... ... 11 Cauhle, George ............................... 12 Dour;las, Paul ......................... ....... 13 faust, TnCia ................................ ... 14 Haskell, f. ainie ...... ................. ....... 15 Hinfs, Chris.......... ......................... J6 Hodgf, Forrest ............................... 17 I,a/olle, Bru{'C ................................ 18

Lewis, Shawn .......... .. .................... MrGehee, Brian ............................. Ntda, Travis .................................. Nugent, Caleb .. .... .......................... NUl; Ifrah ......... ... .......................... Proffitt, Sam .... .... .........................

19 20 21 22 23 24

Sullivan, Brandon ......................... 25 Wolff, Emily ...... ............................. 27 Senior Superlatives ....................... 28 Juniors ........................................... 30 Sophomores ................................... 32

Middle SdlOol ................................ 36 Lower SdlOol... .............................. 42 Faculty ........................................... 54 ACAD EM ICS .............. .... ...... .. 56 Graduation .... ................................ 72 SPORTS ................................ .. 74

FINE ARTS .......................... .. 98 STUDENT LIFE ................. 11 8 CLOS ING ............................. 134




It's all about TIME ... Remember walking home from school in lime green bellbottoms, groovin' to David Cassidy in a bean bag chair, and watching the Brady Bunch on the tube? The year was 1972, and John Travolta, lava lamps, and pet rocks ruled America. Disney World opened its doors to the world in California and The Godfather made a smash in the cinemas. The only popular cultural icons that spans the period between 1972 and 1997 are John Travolta and The Steward School. Doc Martins, The Smashing Pumpkins, and The Gap rule 1997. Jerry

McGuire and Independence Day made an imprint on the movie industry. It's all about TIME ....... .


t) Opening

1972 THEN&NDW 1997 All in the Family



Gasoline Prices

Most Popular TYShow



David Cassidy Citroen SM

Favorite Hunk


Gerald Ford


Liza Minnelli The Godfather "groovy" Disco

/ a

Motor Trend \ \ \I 1// Car of ' , the Year -


' .;'


Minimum Wage

Favorlle Chick



'f' r

George Clooney Chevy Malibu S5.15/hr. Bill Clinton Jenny McCarthy


Favorite MOlle

Jerry Maguire

Slang Words




Faworlle Dance







Rellect on Your Time at Steward Resident Historian and Athletic Din;ctor, Janet Rice, helped the yearbook staff compile a brief history of the school with particular emphasis on sports but one that also includes other great memories as well. The results of this research is both interesting and nostalgic. For instance, the ath letic fields wcre nothing but "grass clumps and dirt." An anonymous donation in the mid J980's resulted in a vamont Bermuda field. According to Coach Rice, "Many officials and coaches feel it is still one of the

best fields in the city." [n 1980 there was onlya total of 7 athletic teams, now we have 16 with the intention to expand to even more. Most noteworthy, was the gym fire in 1989. Local schools and universities helped out by donating their facilitie . When Coach Rice arrived in J 980, the only transportation available to athletic events was the 9 passenger station wagon, better known as the "Battle Wagon." In 1985, the Parent's Association raised enough money to purcbase

What lie&; programs /lOVe chollgedJIIJdenllifr JillrP )'0" bff({1fI your carerI' at Steward?

" I've been at Steward for thirteen yea rs. few programs s uch as SODA, c ro ss count ry, honnr s english classes have e nhanced Student life. The Honor Counci l is now mnsdy dependent on stud ent opinions." -Shawn Lew is, Senior, 13 years at Steward

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Wh/ll was.I'0ur most memorable mOll/ellt nopr thf years )'0" hllY-'f bent {It StefJi}ard? "The J.Y. Basketball team finished finished fifth or sixth in the regular season, but we (;al11(; back to win the tOurnament,"

- 'Ir. Jones, IS years at Steward


How has .rollr fXprrienll's at Stem'OId dWl1grr/ .rour/iff?


•••••••••••••• •

• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• • • • •••• • • ••• • • •••• ••••

( ) Opening

"Wi th new teachers and the expansion of buildings and classes, I think Steward became a better school. r didn't really wam to take all of the requ ired classes, but they have really polished up my w ll ege transc ript." -Emily Wolff, Senior, 7 years at Steward

• •

• • •• • •

our first 15 passenger van. Another van was added by the Parent's Association in 1993, and in the summer of 1996, a 15 passenger bus was added to the fleet. Other changes include the tenni s courts. Wh ile now the school can boast Df 5 beautiful courts, there was a time when there were Dn ly 2 courts located on the black top between t he gym and middle school building. In 1980, the field hockey team wore kilts sewn by Don Steeber, Steward's first Athletic Director and math teacher. In addition, the girls had to wear kilts as their basketball uniform. Currently, we enjoy top notch uniforms with most varsity teams using both "home and away" uniforms. Coach Rice also had some wonde rfu l memories of the way th ings used to be. For instance did you know that the library used to be located where the current headmaster's office is? Or how about th e fact that Drama De partment Head , Paul Osborne used to paint coffee cans black and put light bulbs in the cans for lights. He also used to creatively change the multi-purpose room (the

current library) into a theater at night and back to an assembly room for the morning. Now we have an auditorium, light boards, and wireless microphones. Also computer labs now replace typewriters and now each building has a copy mac hine located in the faculty lounge- no more mimeograph machines and the awful purple ink! Most colorful of all however, is the bell system. There was no bell to signal the end of a class period. Instead here was an 8 track tape that played music over the sound system. T he idea was "to move to the mus ic." When the music was piped into each classroom, the students would start moving to their next class. When the musi c stopped , the 3 minutes class change t ime was over. This was fine exce pt when a song would end and all the teachers wou ld mark a student down as "late to class" when, since the 3 minutes weren't actuall y up, a new song would begin and the teacher and stud ent wou ld laugh at the incident. Thanks Coach Rice for the walk down me mory lane!


• So jm; do YOIl thi1lk Siewani has pre-

What are Sntli P of the 1IIajor challf!.es ill athlP/ics si1lce you started worki1lg at Steward,?

Dared you well jor yourjlltll1-e.i' "Stewa rd has offe red such programs as Ye a rbook, LS Aid e , S.O.D.A., and I'sydlOlogy wh ich arc awesome oppurtunit ies to take advantage of, t:speeia lly fo r those student s interested in related caree r fields." - Sara Rossmoore, Ju nior, 7 yea rs at Steward

• • • • •


"I n 1980, we had one 9-passenger station wagon to transport players to ath let ic events. Nowwe have twO 15passenger va ns and one t 5-passenger bu s. Also in 1980, we on ly had 7 SpOrts tea ms, but now we have 16. " -Coach Rice, 17 yea rs at Stt:ward

..................... .• What pmgmllls have you takf1l ar/valltage of at Steward,? "Some of my ex tra-curricular time has been spe nt in S.O.D.A., Srud e nt Cou ncil , te nni s team, indoor and outdoo r soccer teams , and baske tball. " - Matt Got[wald, Sophomore, tl yea rs at Steward

•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••


(J 7


p E


p L E

"' 10 every rhing rhen.: is season, and a time ro eve ry purpuse under the heave n." Ecclesiasfes 3: / -8

There is a rime for everything in th is world. For seniors, there is a time to de part from th e known to th e unknown . The 1997 sen ior class is a spe-

cial class because they graduate from th e Steward School in its 25 th year of existence. In 1972, graduates had to dea l with th e Vietn a m War in addition to dec isions abuut careers and colleges. The class of '97 ha s a var iety of pa th s from whi ch to c hoose ! As for the se ni ors ro follow who

knows, the possibilites a re unlimited!

Thanks to my parents Blanca and Gustavo, Susan and Tom fo," helping me makt: true my dream " " " and to my brothc,"s Daryl and Evan because thcy wen! the nicest guys that I met In nlerica.




wimm ing ... Boowah ... track ... You need help! ... New York :iots . .. You a re so funny ... I.I. S.O ... 7 ... I almost died ( 101 mes) . . . It's mining, I can't bring my dogs in , help! ... Th e l3each ":ruises) Oolphins ... shoes ... clothes . .. more shoes . .. Lifegu'"'d .. I'm gonn" cry! ... 0 yeah. you're cool! ... Summer ... G.N . · where are my keys? . . . fl ashing ... spanish class, cI coc he . . . ,\1 rs . •cfine-Mandy & 1 ... (treats) ... my s ister-want a frosty · slIc h Ihis . .. Gimbs . . . COA ... Mike's Mine .. . Mr. Serr's clip ons · Can I ha ve a qua rter? . .. M,·s. Rough ley-you know you love Ille! · Icc cold showers . . . people watching ... U ncle Bub .. . Carroooill , .. Gayton Cmssing . . . speeding ticket . .. HALLOWEEN ... U of : ... Par·ties . .. Sam -blondes ... LAlNrE- which 4? .. Dolphin s. Thanks to 311111Y friends and fa mil y fo,' always being there. I3Y E!!! 'f),olliove sOlllething, set itfree. [fit cOlli es bad to Y0 1l, it is yow·s. [f il 'Je}; not. it w as neve1-11Iean! to be." -a nonynlous I lid if it lIIums it will be belleath

·ow up.




digllit)' to climb a tree, [ w illI/ever -anonymous

)'0/1. m'e a/ways w hat yot/. are whell I/ obody is /ooki"llg."


'f it is t l'll,e that we leml1 /rom oUI· m.istakes, thel/ [ alii a a vel)' lem'lled ?rsoJ/.O, -anonymous ),'esterday is bllt today's lII elllol), (Illd tOIllOITOW is today's drea'III." -anonynlous


(J 11



So. it's over alread)? ... 'Vow! ... p.n.路th ~lTlks fOl' the toughs ... SAT's wcr certainly fUll, cspeciall) the let uown pel-iotl ... The guy to feed the cat's here .. I'm sorry. he's not hen..: right now ... watching movies ... \Vhat was The H.ocl really nhout? I dOll 't ~Cl it ... \\'hat's wrong with the seniol' lounge?- its in grc~ shape ... \Valking uownLowlI ... the woman of the evening or perhups the 12 yc-n old ... Ilidillg behinu the Roueu with Vavas ... Jonathan getting down 011 the wa to school . . . \\ail a minute. you're not rending. . \Vh o's CD player was th~ anyway ... Ooops. lie) Slta\\ II , J acc identally ran into the Betltlcs ... I ley Mcghar can) Oll plcu::.c hanu l1Ie Lhal glass of ice? .. . \Vhy are YOli here? .. . "So Georg.. what did yuu do with yUlII" free time today?" , , , \Vhat th e heck? I'm going to fuil th exam ..Iny",ay! , , , Monetary contrihutions , , , My first Goal. wait. my only ~oal. bu what huppened to lI1y hir, ' , ,The cop nt the rock, , , Sorry sil', I d idn't see the sig1 that wa:-, directly in fro lll or my ca,". , , !lynn , why did you fall in the pond. repeal cdl)'? , , , L ...路t路8 put on a show for the neighhond . , . Sick fo," !"wo consecuti,'e Nc\ Year's E\'e~ ", knock 011 "om.l., , jokin' .. , my definition 0" you,'s?". I'mjusl : southern gentlell1an ... \VC for \VII - a grad llation present?- moybe? , .. Jcrcm \Vilkcnso ll , , , \Vh y j:-, the brim of my hat ycllow? , , . Thc f,'cshman ten, no th senior negative liftcclI , . . \VhaL did you call me, Ms, ] [olland? . , , If on ly nnimul could talk, .. I'm not louchillg Ned! , , , \Vhcrc does CO:ilch dis:: l ppcar to before th, game? , , , POlil , thanks for going ... Did you check out \\'here the hole in rny s hi r \"tl S? \Vas it intentional:; .. , \Vltcn is my finger going to heal? , .. George Clooney: \.\'cll. close, , , Applying to 7 sc hools-never agnin , . , l need to create the univcrs<l essay ... I will ne\'er cal SIIU\\ again ... the c rossword puzzle .. , Ryan's profes sionnl caq)ct cleaning sen'icc ... How late is Aunt Sarah 's open? , , , \Vell Mr, Sen it wns ulmost a "C" , . , Why do you want to gn back thet"e? .. , I didn't mean to hi him. I was tril)ped , , , Caulion: Standing in line cnn cnuse nausea, , , An entirl bleacher of ftlmily! ,. Mr. Coddington, thanks 1'01" helping me get thl'ough thosl first fe\\' ye~lrs ' , , 1\1 rs, Turner. thanks for) our heir in m y development in becolll ing a true college-bound student , .. Thanks to all my f"icnds, especiall y Mike: Rynn, LOI'CIlZO, Dn\'c, Bill. Paul , , . Thanks lo my family-Papa. Ellie, Grandm:J Crandp:.l. Ann, Fnlllk, Scott, Mary. Ruthann, , , Especin lly Mom. Dad, an _ Jon:Hhan,


BEEYATCH, , , rules, , , Boyz n the Hood, , , she doesn't look 14 , , . Stoney Point McDonalds drive thru window. , , Truc , .. I'm 22 , " 1 swear L didn' t give her a dollar, .. DEEW, " can't L finish watching this basketball game first. baby . , , R .I.P. Eric "Eazy E" Wright, , , Short Dogg." Maka\'eli", Jeremy Wilkenson? who's that", Hay", I want my hat back, " breaking the ,'eeord for nllmber of seniors suspended in a day, . . Tell LIS a story Ryan, .' Georgc, Icts stop at Southern Express .. ,


(J 13

So I'm finally at thc cnu .. :ril(/(cr ... YOIl ••• uh IIh umm I think so ... RcOictcd ... Ouote from Kristen ' Vhy are we sp i nnil1~ in circles ... Gec ... KI-istcn you aJ\\ays know what to say don'l you ...JNCOS ... MADRALL set it off... Twi stcrs ... key piece of advice never (',rgcl ),our d,·cams ... "So is thaI Ihe end of the ,wry, ,",cyorc?" "That's a ll there is tn this sto,"y. But there m"e (lthc,"s, Pooh. "


(J Seniors

X-men Girl, s. \recu Boy... lf yO LI w[lnt to get ou t of school j ust sa) "slIcks"... Tnl' is for one day... Si~1I il soon ... You sec this .. . Yu rh in k. .. \VO IS Y...Aw I ley Son ... Guat"'flotccd Good Eatin'... Scliior Lunch 011 1 rnunJ the lllbk .. . Riuc tn A ppy St. - Mrs. 'leffcner...'r-01l11l1 the tuh with my friends ... End less ~amcs of Tckkcr 2 and ' I\"isled Metul. .. Uig l{cJ ... Chcshirc (:al. .. Whal did yo u onlc r off thc Intcrnet!? .. There are cops in the lrccs ... anu the y arc walchin~ us ... Yeu-Forrest wnnts he.' to do it again ... Brltce, whal L1id you do in the senior loungc? .. Puul's in 10\c ... Oh slI re ...!y not!".Lainie. \\ill you ~ivc me:1 bnck rub? .. I'm crfcctly fine ociITcr... l low was the ride to Appy Sl. Nik and Lainic? I don't know we ne,cr mudc ilL .. I'll haven. couple 58 ...\Vateh out Paul. or I'll give yo u anoth er fry in the eycl...Trirpin' uver mcks in the ri\'cr... Ueatill g Davc in darts ... everyti mc ....:xikwhen are wc goi ng to your Dad's a~nil1?., \"c will pick lhem one ofthcscdays .. J \I\--f7... luuu ... (;ct oulla Ihcrc ... Col11e on now... Unc of these dnys RP... K ~lle know the phont i~ for yuu ... ZZZZ ~ZZZ7.颅 zzzz ... T hanks MOI11, Dad. Dickie. und \Ve're d"sfunctionul htll wh o isn't? Thank YOLI r.o nil those \\ ho 1;0' c bee,; a bad influ~IICC on me-you know who yuu ure a nd I love y'a ll fOl'it.



"It's belief tIl/II' /tmed fur what JOlt ure t/tun to he loved fiJI" what y ou ',.e 110t ." -Un known I'Sm;/" a 101. It I/Illk(,s pt'ople wun der what yOlt tn~ up 10."

- Unk nown "Ijy(m ',.p goill~ to wall.' oulhin might liS well (Iallce." -L'nknO\\n

"Promise m(.' ),011 won't flJn!,t!I me, h,'fill/S f! if I thuught you would, I WIlII/dll'lleiwe. " - \Vinnie the Pooh


(J 15

By the time anyolle I'cads this I'll he gun of lIsing t hi~ space for dit-dots elC., dcdi cmc it to som eth ing 1ll0t'C impOI'lant. Th

!O\f) ••• ill~lcad

p:Jgc is a symho l of hope for a ll dyslexics . and moment of It-iumph for myself ::IIlU all of tho~ who hclicvcu in me. This page is written in tl1 h op~ thllt one day mainstre am schools ever~ whcl'c w ill he tolera nt towards those with Ot needs. It is dedicated to the idea and belier th, we arc nol karning disa bled but t h a t we will ~ recognized as those w ho simply learn differentl J list like ea ch face is Jiffcrent, so ure minds. 1-1 01 can we nil lean, th e same w ay? I would like to thank all those \\'ho believe. patiently unde rsta nding m y struggle. 'T o Nc' Comn1unil), for helping or~t1nize me , t I\...ildonnn for teaching me to be lic\'e in frcctllH and techniques for learning. to Steward fOI" b( inl( flexible to my needs. To "II the te ac hers, th parcnL"i, tutors, a nd friends who ne ver let rne giv up. F inally. to Rive rside School , without w hur I wHulon't he ab le to read, wr ite, or functio n i OUI" society, A lways remember that peo ple are human and not labe ls: indi vidu als experience thing whieh must certa inl y ha ve been fe lt by ~mothe humun. \Vith this we CH nnot hy hiascu. I uc uieate t hi s p,,~e to Ch ristophe r Pari Fielus. who died. and fought hard in his CUUC<:l tion. I consiLicr this diploma somew hat his u well. I beCtlme dctcnnined to achieve all thus things he woultl TlC\ cr he able to.

"So we wenlulI, boa Is against lit e ntr,.en l born bac, ceaselessl), illto the pasI." -E SCUll Fitz/!crald. The Great GalsbJ "Tlt ere are /Ilill t!.s ~'nowll and tltilIgs IlIIkl1 0um tllll in belweeullre 'b e dom"s of perl"epli(m,"

-Ji m


"Th e s/liart people are Ihe ol/es who kl/ow wha Ih ey're dll/lib al." - a student, Ri verside Schoo ",1{v ,.. isler ollce told /Il l' [hall am 1101 (/isabletJ. til. syslem is. because God made eVel)'Ol1e diff,'relll." -Jeremy Smith

"D/} J'(m etler becollle discouraged kllowing I. (lUt the m'xt gil)'. have IIIm'(' pnJple ;11 our c:lll.'iS, lira. Jour ell/ire school P" - L onn y on pl'i\'att school "LN/L'e illo J),!JHINES 10 gel ('{IlIlIhl. -007." -evel]'one I know in I cw York t. }

Oil alldyour bro[lrerlwve a specialllD1iclirHl; .1'("

a/ways ~e/

f llll~hl.


--=-n1 y pm'cnts

" }Oll will /lever IIradllale becallse of yO/lr 1II1111 skills: ),0 11 shoTlld drop Ollt allli gelYfllII- G.H.D." -0 tenchel~ who was \-\lI'On1 ':-11'1 w ill be a wasle of lillie for YO TI 1I11d will lilll; what ),ou ClIli do ;11 lile." -a former frien( ",l~l' edlll'lJlifm Wll.~ 1101 POt:/I)' iUIIIOlioll. bUI a whirl wiud of IlOpe aud deSpe,.alioll, but here I "m IIOll e Iheless." -Chris Ilines. 199:

Thank yo u Carlton , ;\lom and Dad, and all t hos. thut belie,·ed.


(J Seniors

1'1 MM , , , ,MMM , ... doughnuts . . , .senior lounge. , , .what you talkin' 'bout ' , , .pmfcssional wrestlin g, . , Mrs. McCormack, Mrs. McCormack ... pickup Il'uck s ... parking lot peel outs ... That dcvilish woman ... lous)' call fights ... Dukes of I Iazzard




The four horsemen-Hohhie, E li , Revy, & Bnlce ... Katic & Me hanging uuton my backyard bench with my dog ... U of R & B.B. guns ... Baughan, stup pla ying Playstation & answer the phone ... Ta((oos "fter gl'aduation! Sam stop drooling un yourself and tell me how to get this thing in drive ...\Yho's better than us! Hey, how many C:ookie C's are there? .. Aftcr school specials at Katie's house ... My dark secret about the teacher's 10unge .. AII right, I'm Hacksaw Jim Dougan, Micheal is CoCo Heware, and Rohhie is Mr. Perfect ... Katie & me still hangi ng out on my backyard beneh .... NulloooooL .. lley Hru what it be ... Habs! Hubs!, wherc's the eggman ... Hey Matt why arC the re Rainbows coming out uf the road? ... China Ilarhor Posse ... Lainie's HOllse ... The higge r the hcadache, the bigge r the pill...Hcy docs this calculator send messages across the country? FEE! NO MAAM! '["d-Cultivating tips .. .!leenvald shut the door... CCV sleighing .. .! ley wait somebody needs to shut the door. " -llelen Keller

Me jilil Hug/ish, that:, Impossible. - Ralph Wigglllll DOli 'I lei school iulelji-"e w ilh Y01/'r education. - lV/ark Twain


(J Seniors

Thanks to my Mom ... 1 ap ilreeintc eve'-ything you have doOlc lor me ... 1 love you L.. Thank you Grandma ... 1 love you, tooL.Thanks to all my COllSins: Kendra, .\ 1ieloacl, Shay. Brandon .. .Thanks Ashlcigh and thc McLaurin family ... Thanks Mr,. MeLau"in fo,' constantly reminding mc to do my co llegc app lications ... Thanks to my teachers and m y fricnds .. .Thank ),OU God II,r blessing me with m )' family, friends, talents. and education ...

P.S. Rest In Peaee Tupac ... P.P.S. Jason, I ' ll see you Williamsburg instead of Atlanta!


"If I call see it, Ihell I cw' do il. If I jllSI believe il. lilere 's II olilillg 10 il. I believe I calljO,." -R. Kelly "Evely lhillg is goillg 10 be II/rig"'''

- l3ob Marley "Remo)or 1101 hl'rc I



Hlte cau llol wan路 alolle" -Mllrlill Lllliler Killg,./o:

'i-Jlwtlys bear iu mind tlllll yourown resolutiou to succeed is mare importaut thaulllIY OIW uther thiug"

- rlbrallallll.illl'uh,




짜 '

Mel11ol~al wcekend ...cancun ... girls in the elevator... i'll have a waler... no he

does ... keep on you'll reel better... thanks mom and dad.

':41/t! ill the elld the love YOII tllke is ell/llIlto the {we yO /l lIIake." - Johll Le""on

20 ( } Seniors

Thank you MOIll and Dad for a ll that you have given mc and what you havc done for me. Thank YO LI Pops. Mitizi. Momm a Doo for gi"ing me joys throu/(hoLlt IllV life. Thank you a ll of m y uncles and aunts and cousins fOI- sticking with Ille throl1gh good timcs and bad. Thank you t..:ncle Buck, Mrs. Cozad, and Ma tt for heing SLlch good friends to me growing up and no w. Th a nk you I\1nrri"el.le faTllily and especially Phillip for bein/( my second famil y and hest friends throughout my life. Thank you Ms. Rosbc for he lping me all these ye a rs and bcing such a good friend. Thank you allm)' famil y and fl-icnds fnr being by my side Ihrollgh thick and thin and for your Invc.

"Opell yo"r II,l'PS, louk withill. aI" "I.ive~v

u.p yo"rself"

yU /I

satisfied w ith the /ile Yo1/.r livill'P" - Bob Marley - Bob Marley

"On e love "


"Never git'e "p and "ltit"

-Bob N ida

Roh Marlq


(J 21

"They're aln',"ly dead.... Th ey just d011 't A'ilow it )'et."

-Joe Satriani

"I jl/sl w lIlllllll路ide.... gel 011 1IIy bike alld ride." Il lfy uu



- The Crow

man yuu"re 1I mUTt/ereI'; kill a millirm you're a co nquerOl; al/llud y uu" ,oe if, god. II -Da ve Musta in

"Blundes "re belter."

eVl~1".}wh ere."

li Th e ()riu.c"'s hl'llrt grew three sizes that da_v.

"I WIIIII tu get a


-Sam Proffitt

"Au illju ..,tice anywbe're is a tln'eal to juslice

"T/lis is yOU.1" team. II



-l\-1artin L. Kjng

-Dr. Seuss


fllt/I) o uf11l)'si'lf""~v tallel:"

-Some comedian

"71,. ,,"lit'i jJatiull of deatlt is w m'se lilll" death itself" - Steven SeagaJ "))bid"ee, Abiddee, A biddee, that's all folks! - Porky Pig







. i'\irvana Rules ... Kurt Ruled ... Beach Week '96 · . . \Va ll... 011 the hcach "ilh


silver uollm' pancakes . .. Memorial weekend

· .. Auction night at my house . . .

YOlll' lookin~

for what? ... Dyke county?

· .. l\:ikc, r\uiJa~. 01' Airwalk. I'll go with ike!!! . .. I hroke lip with her. I swear, with 0. 302 with ,-8, .. Procrastinating . .. Key \Vest, whole new look on rriends . .. J\Jagic Sam . .. ,\ 1iriam, I've got $1 I) ... Stinky and Smelly rorc\-er

· .. Bnlec and Lhe tcacher's lounge ... Blondes arc bettel· . .. Baughan, hurry up and ~Cl drcsscu ... You kno,"" how I'm nOllha!. S1l13.1't. _. Pete's problem

a nd Illy frog .. . Baughan, deaf people don 't hear " . All hot girls dl'ive Jeeps, Sprin~ Br'ca!... in CanclIn . . . You're rrom Chicago!! ... No we're not in college, just high school. , . Shaka" . Sign it .. . Dance on Illy _ __ " . i'\ew 'r'car\ En; .. . Bruce, \Vhcrc's Ill)' Super- Ninlcnuo? . .. \Von! ... Arc they supposed to IlllI't this bad for this long? .. ,I would like to thullk nil of Illy friends : :'\fikki. Brian. Bruce, Ball~han t Lainic, Pete, anJ all of my olhcr frie nus. I

",o"ld especially like to thank my Mom, Dad. and g.-andp'lrcnts who have always heen Lhere for lIIe. Thanks. ':-llIIlIlI i.'i Oll/Y w orth illllloney w lllll hp is w or,h il1 wurk.?·

-Wya tt Earp

"7r} cJ.perieHL't1 Ihe ullimllie Ihrill,)'IHI lIlusl hI' w i/liug to PIlY the ultimate price." -'\hll'x 1"00

24 ( ) Seniors

Guaranlecd. they can't suspend us all . cornball, Oh God Son .. . That guy is a jerk . . . Dude, I wasn' t laughing ... Flying cows . .. Sam YOli al"e dripping . . . Ever gu to FI"iendly's? CuaraTltccd TTIC du! (;uaranlccd not n iC do! .. . 1'1~urrcst liked it . . . 9 points a ll three's ... Thanks: Cranny, MUlll. Bruce, I >ad and Margaret ~





Sam ... do you really have a dripping problcm ... roadtrip to Appalachian State ... *e*i*hcad ... nevel- made it. .. l cxtrcmely dislikc thc hunchback of Stcward School...My name is _"\Tikki Voltz allli I am a sokeholi c ... Ehon's a girl. .. Shannon's a lwa ys *to*cd ... what are you doing? .. A wonJ of advice fl"Om mom ... tl-Y to stay in Stcward ... trips to Myrtle Beack with Shannon ... you have a condominium ... Trip to Nantucket with Lainic, s he got *r*n * [or the first time ... Robbbbb ... pl-etty ho)'... ls that a banana in your *o**ct...Famous linc ... Oh, I wish I could but I have a boyfriend .. .Officcl-. if you let mc go thcn I will go straight home ... To Mrs. Haskell: thank you for putting up with Lainie and myself. it's been fun ... And now for my mom: thanks for sticking up fOI- mc and getting mc out of troublc .. .and for thc carly dismissals that I needed so bad ... Don't worry Stcward ... you will not scc mc again.


t) Seniors

"T/Jere's tern/ic merit ill /w v iJl/! 110 sense of hUI1J.IJJ: 'IIU seu.'te of it'OU)I, pracliw/(l' 110 sellse of all)'lhill~ al all, Ifyoll.' re born with Ihese so-called defects yolt I/{It,. a t'elY good chalice of get/ing 10 Ihe lap, "

-Peter Cook " 111 goillg where JOII have 10 ~o, alld doillg w lllll ),011 hllve 10 do, alld seeillg w hal .1'011 have to see,),oll dllll 1I11d blllllt the illslrulllelll ),011 wrile with, Bill I wOllld rath er IlIl t 'e it bellt alltl dulled lind A'lIow I had 10 pitt it 011 Ihe grilldslolle agaill alld hallllller il illlo shape and pllt a whetstolle III iI, alld know Ihat I had sOlllelhilig to write "bOItI, Ihllil 10 hi/ve il "riglll alld shiuillg (/lid 1I0lhilig to sa)" 0" SlIIooth lIIIlI well oilcd

illl/II) dosel, hUlull11Sed."

-Ernest Hemingway

Gratitude to thc tcachers who ha\'c put up with mc dUl'inj( my ycars at Steward, With spccial recognition to Mrs, Chalkley for teaching me what says "oink!", Ms, Houghlcy for sticking her neck out for me on more than one occasion and to 1\11 rs. Shaw fOt" always heing there for mc, in and out of school. Thanks to the McLUllI'ins for heing so cool! To thc students who have hdped mc stay sane for the past four years, 1 appreciate it! Steward, thanks for all thc opportunities! f-inally, to 111)' aunts. uncles. cousins, Buhha, Grandma, Mom, Dad, Ben, and athan, I am so IlIcky to have you guys! Thank you for bcin!( my family! I love YOll,




Senior Superlatives The word superlative, according [() nt'OS/IT's ;illlerimll /)irrioIlOl), can me~n th e upmost degree of so mething or an exagge rated cxpression of pra ise . In hi gh school the woru is used to mean cutl;gories or " titles " tha t seniors are given in their senio r ye ~r. Thi s vear is not di ffe re nt. 10 hclp celebrate 2S yea r, at S teward, the yca rbook staff gavc a nominat ion li st for the fO llowing s uperl~ti\"e categories. A boy and gi rl were chose n for e,lch ca tegory. The categories and resul tS are as follows. T he winning co upl e fo r having th e Most Spartan Spirit are seniors Gcorge Cauble and Emily Wolff. Emily is the chee rl eadi ng cap tain and George has been a Spartan here at Stewa rd si nce fifth gra de. It is no wonde r thev both were chosen fo r thi s di ;t inction. The Class Clowns were unanimouslv Nikki Voltz and Bruce Lafone. These [\\"0 a re allV~ ys goofi ng around in class an d a t lunch. They both make us all laugh. The two Ft路iendliest sen iors are E mil y Wolff and Brandon Sulli va n . These two smiling faces can always be see n greet ing their fe ll ow classmates and making everyone fee l good. Sam Proffitt and Mit-jam Baron wo n the category for ugli est. JU St kiddin g! These twO were voted Best Looking and it is not surprising. Brian McGehee and E mily Wolff are th e coup le that were vo ted havin g the Best Wardrobe. These t\l"O can be found looking spiffy and shin y. T he twO se niors votc u Most Likely to Succeed are George Cauble and Lainie Haskell. These two seniors a re su re ly to be speakers at graduation 2S years from now. The two seni ors who werc voted to be the Most Talkative are chauer boxes Chris Hines and Tricia Faust. The t\\O seniors who can make yo ur day wi th their hig bright sm iles are Heidi Arista and Shawn Lewis . The tWO Most Athletic sen iors are Lainie Haskell and Shawn Lewis. It is not surprising si nce both Lain ie and Shawn are three spo rt Varsity athletes . Voted Most Unforgettable is senior, Forrest I lodge. To have met Forest is co know why he lVa~ vo red the most unforgettable. So there ir is. The superlative catego rv for the Class of 1997.

28 ( ) Seniors

Most Unforgettable

FOri-est Hodge

Mos t Likely to Succeed

Ge01-ge Cauble & Lainie Haskell


Best Smile

Best Smile

H eidi Arista

Shawn Lewis

Class Clowns Ni/dli Voltz & Bruce Lafone

Lainie Haskell & Shawn Lewis

Most Spartan Spit-it wrge Cauble & Emily Wolff

Most ??? Caleb Nugent

Best Looking Sam Proffitt & Miriam Baron

Hest Wardrooe Emily Wolff & . Brian McGehee

Tricia Faust & Chris Hines

Friendliest Emily Wolff & Bmndon Sullivan

Most ??? Paul Douglas

Seniors ( ) 29

Robbie Aliherri Eliza r.henault DrcII"Cosb~ Chris Drzal Dal"id Fixm3n Adam Graves

Chri s Hag), i\lcg Hajek Whitney Hajek Sle~hen Harler Brannan Helwood '-Iatt Hinkle

Seorr Hall anJ Cahell Jones !leeky \b"erhoff I.aura :-Iurra\, Aaron Pal nc Camherl)' Pearson

Erin Rohin son Sara Rossmoorc Welly Sand e" ~Iike


\"ed Trice Laura Ward

Ca therine Wood\'

(RighI) .4 a roll Payne, Whitney Hajek, allf/ iVl'd 7i-ice PeI/Ol"1II CO/IIl/lffl" '芦路I"u(l,/or Iltt Chiidl"nis Feslivtll. Thl' S{IIi/I'IIIShelp"llII()c'f IIIN", 111111 Sf!

30 (J peOPle



.: ~

"Hey Juniors, it's almost TIME!"

..\O •i ~~-· ,t11 ..,J I

{~I 1'~) _-

• '-






The l11h grade has only one more year to make their mark on the Steward School before they move on to college and the rest of their lives.


(7op) Ca1l/.b e r~v Pearsull al/{I Sara Rossmoore dressed lip as ("at.1 for R fllt ..a ...lilllior Day.

(. \liddle Irfr) Laura Murray (filII Erill Robinson pose 0 11 tltl' ./aliinr dassfidll trip to .Ilolltire/lo. (.Iliddle rigltt) S cott Howard rr/axes during Inl/(Ii fieM trip.



(Rdowj Aaron Payn e alld Eliza slllik fortlte millelfl 011 tlte ItliS ro :llolllitello .


• 10l'ge 98111"

' •


f t · ,


f) 31

Adams Alice AI'cnt Tikia Bonne r Tal'l r Collier Alisia Freeman Shelly (,iglio SCO[(

Josh Coldbcrg I- Iatt Co ttll'a ld Erin Hun te r Jennifer L.tou rclle

TimOt hy Ligon I- lichac l ~路l asz'Hus

Li sa ~Ic Co m as Will \ Iurray \'ia tt hcw \1ycrs

,\'of Pi,luret!-

-"ick DcCrosta John Kiplev Clay :'IcEll'cc n Ash leigh ~ l c Lauri l1 Rusry Pn kin s

(Aboflr) Alisia Freeman alld Aslzleiglt Mc Laurill srop r{) rltar Oil /ltr Nt/d:roj), (Rigltr) Malt Gottw ald aud Steplzl'lI Palllette dlY'ssn/ IIp as I l lIdC/d)",.,), Filill {lIId 1'01// Safi.Jf rjor I f{{//orn'eII,

32 ! } People

"Sophomores, it's TIME to make () it happen!"


The word Sophomore means "wise fool," and the class of 1999 is no exception. In time, they will become more wise and less foolish. Em ily Padoll' Srep hen Paulerre Fahad Qure shi J ~ rc m y Salken John Sc horr

J c~~ica Sizemore Andy Srin Ama nd a Taggarr Jesse Walsh Ru th Will iams

(liJjJ) A li ce Ave nt {lIId J essi ca Size mo1'e lake a break fro lll their ('ollllllll))i!), s~rvi((: task ofserti))g IIjJ fo r the Childrm's N:.rrivol.

(Left) Matth ew Myers, Will i)t!urmy, Jenl1ijin路 Latou.relle, Taylor Collie!; Jessica Sizemore, Tikia Bot/ner, Ruth Williams, O))r/ J eremy Sal/leu dressed IIjJ as variolls litertlT"l' (hartltren. CO)) ),011 ))Ollle thnn?

People ( ) 33

\ luwBilgin Wade Bri [[ Rrooking Chena ult Chip Cosby Ann a Co.\ Kat ie Drza l

Carter Eberly Stewart Felvey Dere k Garn en Anali sa Gordon jessica Gra" \Iichael l-l at heriey

Margaret Il aze ll Chad Ileal ey jason Lewis Brian McTamanev j ustin \Ieh affey Andrew Rankin

~I ichae l


Eric Ste rnberg Eli zabeth Sumner \Ielvi n Todd Ca rolin e Vene! Wal ter Wash

Daniel Wi ll ia mson ....- - -- - . ,

_\"01pirlllm l:

"risten ~'Iill cr

(RighI) Till' lIimh gmrlf rlOI'S /Jllg .1{" sfllm. f-i'o/l{ lift: B r ian M c'f'amalley, !\IIurat

impersollaliolls al Ihe Slim("!'

Bilgiu, Jas ol/ Lewis, K atie nrzal. .4 utllisa Gonloll. ( p agr . l Op) F"I"I'r I""",,smsl en El'ill HUlltel; MichaPl !la therle)" allri Walter Wash pose al rill' Chmllld 6 1I('f;.路S


34 ( ) People

"Welcome to the

big TIME,

Freshmen. "

The "fresh" outlook on life that the clues of 2000 brings to Steward is awesome. Their time at The Steward School has just begun.

(Left) Elizabeth Sumner, Fllhlld Qureshi, Wade Bl-jtt, alit! J esseka Gray fl/joy a fo od brMI: durillg Alrerllale (Abovp) Chad Healey prei's ovpr Wade Britt's head as the lIillth grade explores different rareer pariIS durillg Altnwate Progralll. (Leji middle) waite路,. Wash, Jesseka Gray, aud Stewart Felvey /ltlllg ollr ill rhegYIll.


(J 35

Anusha '\bb~s i I larry Baron David B<.:ckcr C:hrisr ine Bcil led Bellson Corbin Brierre

Alex lJury .\ l arshall Fc:ll'ey Ben Go ld berg ,\ shlcc I-Icaley Cynthia Johns Elizab<.:th Larus

Sarah \iarrcnsrein \\llIi e Paole tto Will Perk in s Jam ie Reed Jamie Rose Caitlin Rossmoore

\Iolly Sauer

The Eiglillt Gmdf's lradiliollal t!ass /lIlldmi.'fr is se/lillg Illlritos a/ III/uk Class IIIflllbers rolale Iltf dill)' 0/ jJrejJarillg lite I/(ltNOS (/fir! mllpf'lillg Iltt' 11/0111')'. Ca i tlin RossI/wore, Bralltley Scott, {/fir/ Ted B ellsoll laff Iltfi,. WrII.

36 ( ) peOPle

"TIME marches on,

Eighth Grade." Time is running out for the eighth grade. Soon they will no longer be in the middle school, but will move on to the Upper School. Enjoy the time you have left!

Bramley Scott St(;V(; S(;ivaru Laura Slabaugh John Stinson Carl Su ndin Jonathan Tipron

,\1 ichelle Wh itaker Rola nd West

Ben Wolff Dave Wood

(Left) Molly Salter (/lid David Wood work diligf'llt(v ill s/lu/), hall. (AbnOf) JIll O1'slltlll Felvey leafs through hrr English book in pnp{fmtiofl jor MrJ路. Show's da.."




Tay lor Bre\\'er Ramsey Bsat Eli za Bul l o~k Jamie Foote Warren George Jennifer Grav

Cora Hat hcrley Lorraine HalVes Nima .l arvaml i Sara Kornb lau Christopher iVlaszaros Trent ~IcLaurin

\Iark \I ille r 1\lary Patterson 1\ latt Porte r

Reed hncey Sa lly Anne Stratton Zac Sears

(Opposirf pagf, tnp) 1:ac Sears, J all/ie Foote, aud '1i'ent fl1cLaurill fXOIllillf rhfirl'l'port mrd.r, (Right) Chris Masz aros. J elluifer Gray, Matt Portcl~ aud Wa'r reJl George 011 a rypiraf rlay Iii rhf Mirlrlff School.

38 lJ


"Tick, Tick, Tick ...

Seventh Grade.;' ~ The time is right for the seventh grade to enjoy their life to the fullest. The class of 2002 has time on their hands to have some fun .



Will Atkinson AkA Henso n Chris Hyrne I\ lar) Cungdo n ~,I allri('c Finnegan Rouen Fri tzman

Fllake Frostick Tallev Gregory Ali Hurd Sean Jackson Pcvro n Lannon Austin Pi[[man

r,ee Rot henberg Carter Saunders Philipp Schmidt-Ullrich

I lolland SCott Hunter Sea rs David Sizemore

~ I atthew


Allison Strickland Juliana Sumner Andrew Ware Aynslcv \l,'jI[On Ann Yates Wyarr NOl pitlurn!Ben Law'son (f?jghrJ Peyton Lalilioll (IIld Carter Saunders r/fIllO' tll SI/II/l 7(ilmr Nighl, Tllir lias,; has a/flMysptll1inj)(Jred strollgly ill till:" (/J/II/lf7! {vel/I,




"Sixth Grade, this is a journey into TIME" L.


The class of 2003 is halfway through their time in school. (The second half is just as muchfun!)

(lop) Se{/II Ja cksoll alld Philipp S chmidt- U llrich sir 011 Ihe blftld,ers tlllrillg J!J'III dllSJ. (Mitlelldeji) Blake Frostick. {fuuter Sea'rs, lllltl{folland Scott show Sparlall Jpiril b.y al/fIIdillK the Vat'Sity Boys Baskelball gallle. (Above) Will A tkillSOIl lIlIdJlI.liana Sumner dress liP 5(Js sl),le tlllriJlg SIIII/l l ;';f1Il Nighl, (Leji) A llisoll Strickland, Maurice Fin negan, Chris Bynlc, Cora HlIlh erlcy, lIlld A IU[,'cw ~Vare ar/apl lo life ill lhe .lliddle Srhool.




Jimm y Arkin son Sam Baronian :\ mbikn Bcdi Tori Cannella Jordan Effron Ileathc r I lajc.: k

Au sti n Hnmilw n Lauren I-Jarri s Ida Il cnley [Jory Kl ein And" Lawto n Gra" O'Brian


Pa rri ~ h

Ha\1l ood Pemberton

Aly i'irrman J3rad Souder Amy Strickland Sally Summerson

Kendall Tare Robert Turner \\ill \\'a"

Nor pictured: Jami e Smcrficlcl

42 (J peOPle

"Fifth Grade, it's TIME to move on ... " ~. It's time to graduate,fifth Ugrade,you are now entering a new way of school life. Lockers, classes in different rooms, extracurriculars ...all of these await you in the Middle School.

(Opposilr prlgl'. Itft) RoIM!路t '/itrl/C1' alllflzes A lldy Lawton by fem/esslv ea/illg (I wholt ja/apl'llo ptppn: (Opposite page, right) Kelldall Tate pmlld(v rlispiflys the mpml.l' she decorated at tht Hnllo!拢,t'I'li Camivn/. ( lop) lIeather JJajek sirs pflfifllrly whilt Mn. Alldrt:rfill paill/.( hrrffll"r a{ (he Ilallo'iJ!'enJ CamiV{l/. (Left) D


Klein p(/illter! a happ.v mpmi'l' dllrillg thr IlnllfIWefli Camivo/.

(Abou) Dllril(g Thfl/lf' f,ff d'. the fifth gmdr WfiJ visiltd by DOllg Fgglmoll, a herpetolof!.ist. From Itft: Jimmy Athllsoll, Robert 7itl'Ile!; Jordan Effron, {If/d Alldy Lawton.


(J 43

Jonathan 13arzcl Paul Bishop Jonalhan Caub le Roben Oll,'e r Ford Fischer Philip GianforlOni

Leigh Gree ne I\ iorgan Hutch inso n

Jeff Kern Nathan Jame rso n Rathae l iYleyers Arris ~Iills

(AbOf:e) R achael Meyers poses 02,irll her [!/IillM pit; durillg Pet Da.l'. (Right rop) AII lIie Wise has Ilerja(Y' pmilfNI at I/I'llrims 'ill'hile Sarah Newcolllb looks Oil, (Right bo/{olll) Aliso ll Nor/o1l, J,eigh Gree ne, J essica Wi lliamsoll, alit! B lair S'l/ItOll pet/onll

dwillg till' C//Ort/s 7i-ip.


(J People

"Fourth Grade, TIME " , IS on your SI"de. " 0-- \ )

\ ) As a part of their studies, the fourth gmde studies life in times past. By seeing how life used to be. they gain an appreciation for thei1'lives now and the possibilities within their reach.

An drew Ro e

'loah Schno ll

BlairSunon Thomas Warthen Jessica Williamson

(fop Itfi) Paul Bishop al/{I JOllathan Cauble bOlml rhe bus for rile Chom s "/i-ip. (, Ifiddle Idi) Fonl Fischel路 exploreslhevegelarioll til Hmril7ls. (Bo/(olll kfi) Morgan Hltlchillsull alit! Fenllmdu Rivem wlleef dOl/aliolls for rhe IudII/wild Allimal L e{(f!;1IP dllnilJ!.lhe 4th grad,,'s (/III/lial Pet Va)'.




,\ rrun l3arrlcrr , \ nn~ Borum l!a,on Clmp,Croll dor 'uburn Clemen[, Harper Early Au>[ in Il aas

D3\ id Parrish Siobhan R~s[Ur i ck Ph illi p Wood

\ u[ pic tured: Pixie Robcmon

)Ot'I') 'lfI,I,

111aSOIl ClI /lip- Crow der alill hi( IIIIII/J ,WI/I" jorlhe

?pI'r ri%{hl) I Iro'per Early,



SioMall Resforick, A/foil Phillip Hfoot/ dOli pmlmit,p f[o!,/!Ifsjor rlleir

1/1'1' pmjerI,

'fe'pr righr) A llll e Borum lillI's 1'/'1111'1' srllf[f u."hil" Louisa IIdig, A ustill lIlIlIS, "lid SioblulII Restorick /Jlld her

(J peOPle

"Third Grade, let the good TIMEs roll!" u

Third Graders love to have a good time in the middle of tluh' Lower School experience,

(lop) l '1te 3nl Grade i.f mesmerized by the Rep/ile ii/till. Lookillg Oil are Austin Haas, Daui el Klein , alld Afton Bartlett. (Left) TIle 3nl Grade ria.\.( rMllv sho'ff.'ed rhl'l路,. spirir d/lrillg rhe Pep Rail), by fl}('arillg Srl'wanl apparel ([lid rolors. Fmm II'};: Cobllrn Clements. Aftoll Bartlett, Phillip Wood. IIm'per Hm路ly. Dauiel Klein. {llid Da v id Pan-ish . (I,ower left) Dlillid Parrish alld Cobltnl Clements show off their ~ papier-II/tlthe htlll(/.f. (LO'IJJ'fr rif!.ht) Phillip Wood, Dav id Pan'ish alld Daniel Klei1l Vtlllg ri,e dmlll ill affvmrioll alld the Ilolida), I'mgmlll.

People ( ) 47


~ I o nr\" Anderson

E,an Arikian Lcigh Rcdi nger Poll- Cannc lla Rcvn Davcnport Sarah Del ,anc\"

Racinc Faye \ Iury \Yarden Good (;ray,on


~ lolly Jackson Sanlh Jan andi I\afic Kasper

Bobbie Loll Lung \shlc igh Rcibach Sfelen Roger; Enlll Sch noll Christopher Skuvc Nilb Turner

Eli zabcrh Ward

(f?jf!/II) clI{(~n/{krs Sarah J a rv lllldi, EVil//, S elmoll, Fililey Tunl cl; Katie Kaspel; lill{/ MtII ), f,Jlllrdell Good f!:flIIttrn/ ",VII/It! lit/' 1{/!~IIII1t!{/ lose/' ItOff:

il l'tlfS. Coot! tI,il/g ;1 fJ!:IIS ill (I rug".'

48 (J peOPle

By this time, you are getting to school on time.

"Second Gradeexploring TIME"

(Top) R eYll Da.venport IIIMsurfS , pUII/pkill he pitker! (Middle left) E v a.n Schnoll. Finl TtWll el; alld Kati e Kasp el' giVI spider rep0l110 tile dass, (Mirfdk right) Steven Rogers ji! thflt his pUlI/pkill is more thflll he ( hfllldle, (I,ower) The gigglv 2nd :;mde girlr rr, the sofa, From left: MOll Alldersoll. Bobbie Lou Lollg. Sal', larv alldi. MlI1'y fVa rden GOl Polly Cann ella. Molly la cks!. Katie Kasp er. Sarah D eLa1l, Guest, alld A shleigh Reibach, 011/0

Kiny Ball Carv Baronian Ree d Barron . \ IIl\ Bisger 1111lner Clemen rs Page Conway

Berh Dixon Gupton Anne-Sims li onel' Chris Jacob John Lewis Jay Pruirr ~ largarcr

HUJl[er Ross Laura Skol路c Sara Small Coleman Smirh Kelsev Taylor Juli ana Thurston

NOI pit1l1ret/.Sara h Arrigo ~I olly Duke . .\ nnic Laurie \IcDunald Lauren Whire

Finl gmders grr

lirrlt, R&I?





50 (J peOPle

"First Grade, what TIME is it?" All first grade1's know what TIME it is.

(Top) LlIIwell Wh ite rrlrbratfs as Jay Pruitt pllts thf /illi.f/lillg 10lldll'''' Oil their J-rrllrtllrp. "'W-. -"_:'~"

(Middlf Ie/i) [ II Iheir a/fJray, O!rln~l' II/aill/PI: .llri. ChalNe/s jint gradp>"},I, Ollt of the bllildillgjor a rn'tllk tlrl}//Ild lY/1IIPllS. (,\liddlf right) HI/uteI' Ross (/lid Allll e-Sims Hon ey fJror/: a .f(all/pillg pmjn1 ill their rla....fmOIl/.


(I .ornw路/dt) Belh Dix oll alld K illy Ball leam {/ liffll' ph ,'si!s as rillY tl:l' to 1I10t"t' their plllllpl.'ill....




Kri sten A, pcy Sarah Grav A,'cr,' Keri Drummond Rebecca Farrell c'hesley Goodstein Sarah Il argrove

Chri,tinc Kaspe r Corbin Leitch i\kx Luttc rbe in Josie Long Zach \I arino Cally .\I cC;owan

Alex ~Ic\ l illan I.uciana Rin:ra Brooks Ross J.B. Shave r Elliorr Wortham Sarah Eliwberh Young

(Ahouf) .IIi: Star/;/wI/sP paillts Sarah Eliz abeth Young 's hrll/r/. (Right) Alex Lllllerbeill ffxllches r;Jht!p J.B. Shavel' pef.( the J:irry. Ki"dfll!:"rlllrn leal'll lOIs {{hfJlII /Jaby til/iII/a/.\'.

52 (JpeOPle

"Kindergarten, the beginning of TIME" Your time at Stewm'd has

just begun.

(i llirldl" Nr) R ebecca Farrell, Corbin L eitch, alld Sa 'r a II Ilargrove mrrv rheirplllII/:ills ~!( IIiP palch ill O(W'

(:l1idrlff riKht) A lex M cMillal1 plays willi a caMpilfar u"hile Sarah Gl'ay Avel), giVI'>' III'I' fl hl'siltlllr loo~',

(L fji) Chesley Ooot/stein a/l(l Kel'j Dru.wmond htlVf ("" ('xplorillg rhe compl/In:


(J 53

1996-97 Steward School facultv (hack to front, le ft to ri ght): Robin Rickt:tts-2Ildgrttde, Rachel Griffin- Ubrariall Kather-ine Goodpastur-e--4/h gmdl'. Anita Har-haugh-Adlllilllslmfiv" Assisfflllf, Lynn Define- Ellg/is/I, Mitn

Palmer'- COmpllfr,. RrsolllTf. Todd Sel'I'-J IOIIiISr-;flla' , Kate Strickland-Killrlngttl1e11, Susan Atkinson- 1st grade Sue Dr'L-al- Dror'loPlIIl'IIf, Catcsby Jones- Df(1II of Ar1ivifit's/llis/or)', Adam Cohen-Compllff r , Brenda TlII'nerI~II~/ish, Margarct Maclin- F.II/li.lh. Char'lene Wilton-Di,.f(IOr of Rl'somTf' Cmle,.. Louise Robertson- H ollOl SYIIIPOSillill/7i1lor, Scott Moncllrc-t\dllli ~s i ons, Linda Dun vi II e-SI'{T"IOrl' , Dave Mueller-BlIsilless 111'0110"1'/', Bonni( Anderson-J/II.>i!". Rugene Paulette-A"I, Patti Woodle-.ller/h. Janet Rice-Alit/fliI'Dim1or, Ian CoddingtonDr'all ofSllIdfllfS/I'hysim/ F.rlllmrioll, Liz Shupe-C(}tlllsf'lo,.. Sandi Dollar'-Deve/0pllleJ//, Robb Stottlemycr-Science Pat Cuneo-Eliglish, Sandy Sha,v-l~lIg/ish, Ginger Chalkley- lsI gmrll', Beverley Fox- Slh gradf, Ken'y RlumSlit gmdt'. Virginia Campbcll-Libn llY Airlf. Lar-aine Brul11berg- lIisfoIJ/PS)'I/i%gy, Elllmi GlIttcrl11an-Frell(h Shelby I-loll an d-SPlllli.l'Il, Rogel' Coulombc-Hmrl of ,llidrllr Srho()/. Steve Stackhouse- HMdlll((slfr, Camlyr Bmndt- f)imtor of Sllidies/Hmd of Uppe,. Sdwo/. Tdeia Ouke- Snell/f, Carolyn McCormack-.llo/h, Ronn) Hajek-Physia(/ F.rlllltlli()/l, Lynn Zindel路- I .ow"r Srhoo/ ;/11, Susie Kennedy-2lld grarle. .J ane 'Vhitely-3rd wodl' Cheri \Volff- Killdng((rlf'lI.


(J People

(Upppr lift) Mr.


M/: Stott/ell/ye/; allri Il'h:

Cobell ill thf fOrt/ltv 1/l1lrh mOIll.

(Jfirlrllf 11ft) JeIl'lliJer La/ollrelle POSI'S with Mrs. Cul/erlllllU . (LOllin If/i) !l1rs. Kel/ll edy (/11(1 Mrs. Crossman taif (f lli路e/l-ntrtlnIIJll'l/1.- 011 thp ,路teps olltsi& thf mji'fl'ritl. LIII/(h tilltl' too IIII/th for YOlllarlie,'? (BelOft) Mrs.


{II/(I Mr: Sel"/" [!.ft dOlli'll {It the

.11111ior-.\'I'/I irJl:

(Bottolll) Mrs. AtllillsUII iss/ill {hieep, f1!'hile Mrs. Ricketts wakes lip j llst il/ tilllPto gi~'e liS {I /ired slIIile.




ACADEMICS Time to leorn! Acadcmics is th e main reason we go to :school. At a ri me when inform a tion is at its mos t acccssiiJle lel-e l ever, Ste ll-ard studcn ts lead rhe way with state-of-the -art [(;ehnology and access to the intcrnct in addition to a strong co lIcge prepa ra rory c urri c ulum _At StCII ard , teaehe rs always give their e xtra time to he lp srudent, succee d in their classes _ Sometimes schoo l II ork see ms ol-e nl helming, 11m it pays off in the long rUIl _ III Ste ll-ard's 2S-yea r ex is tcnce , we hal-e all il11prc,s ive record o f s rud e nrs be in g accepte d into th e besr co ll eges a nd ulli ver, iti es _Our s rude nts will Icave Sn;lI-ard ready to take on anvthing th e world (a nd co ll ege) throws at them!

The purpose of the H o nor Sympos ium . nUll' in its s<:cund ) car, is w prcseI1l W S[U · dents an iIH e rdi seipli nary exami natiun uf ~ panicular ilH el lec tu a l th eme o r s ubj ec t t hrough se lected readings . ass ignme lHs, di s· cuss ions, and lec tures . This year th e H e re was the focus of the course . Dr. Robe rt son and Nlrs. ' turn er kd the symposium in a dis· cuss ion of Classica l, Tragic. and Epic H e· roes . Speakers for Ii onor Symposium in · c1ud ed C huck Be nn e tt , a Poli ce C,aptain, Dr. Brya nt , a historian, and seve ral faculty me mo ---------------------------------~ bers . Th e final sy mpu s ium invul v<: d 72 peo pl e and included "Iu ckahoe Middle School and Steward srudelHs, Toge ther [h e group mad e ,) huge co ll age.


(AIJI)Vf) Fijih


Will H'tJy

f lljfJJPr/ tJ:..'IJI'J.:j/~f!. u:.ilfl oInt',. ,\IUr/flIIS rI/lri/~~ I itJllfJr 'S~WI!P(}Silllll.

(;lbO(,f /~~ht) h /ih gmdfr Sam BlI rOll ia JI If'Or!1m", nis/iml/lIgs rlllrillK (Ill /1I1Ilf)r s)'mpf),l'iltlJl 'U:-'hid, illlJlllkd/ijih ,f(lY/lkn il/addi!;t)I/!f) rf.~!1/ilr .\~)'I/lpf)si!llll parliripollf.\". (I ,,,,n'r /~f(//!) b';l/fI/ grad!'r J esseka Gray poSt'.\' fJ!'iln (jIlt",. f/I('a /ifllr/f'J!!S illf.'o/r:rr/ in /IN ,1}IIiI/Josilllll.

58 ( ) Academics

(Up/)/'" Irft) 7i'litil J[1Y11/trs Illite l iven! Illld Shelly (;iglio lir btlllt/tlflllJ Of}!''' lit" I')'f'.\' rl Sfr~:tlrrls fOl/rth grllr/f SIIIr/t'n/s flJr 0/1 f.wl'riff. (R~f(1t!) "li'lIlh t;mrlrrs J ell'lli!er Latourelle /l!IrI Shelly Giglio laI.~ lil!lf ""I of IIIfir 5thrrlnks II) hflp 1'illrth gmrlnJ kant .wrialshl/<.

(Mirlrllr liP) ./llIIior Sa /"{/ Rnssilloore {lild .\"opholllorr A lice Avellf

rlfJllfJl/s/ra/(' tI f'OOPfI'lltjflll

(lIdllw) FIJ/m/l pmlf parfllfl"S Leigh Greene {llid Raelill el M eyers p"{j11i(~ trusting faih olIlN' ill I/;/~\' biillrlfo!tll'd fxmiff .

(/'o'{;.'rr I'fl) Trmll gmrkr Matt Gottwald w'orks 'I"ilh 1'1/lI1h gmrl,,路 Philip Cia1l!o)"toni 01111 titl.(5rOOI!l

S.O.DA is the abbrevation for Student Organization for Developing Attitudes-a selec t group of Ste~'ard students goes into the 4th grad e class and t!.:aches them lessons. The lessons deal with how to work well with others, how to be a good person, communi cation, and cooperarion. Thc fo cus of the group is to teach life's lesso ns and what to do in differe nt situation s. A.t the end of the year the S.O.D .A. members have a party with the 4th graders to celebrate all they have learned .




Steward's long hi story of successful t-Iockl L nited I'\ations programs conrinued th is year \l"ith a trip to Annapolis and th e 2n d Steward School l\ [odeIUnited :'>lations. t-Iod<.:l LI.I'\. allows stude nts to gain an unders tanding of how the r<.:alU nited I'\ations works. As preparation for each Mock l U.N .. stud e nts arc assigned a coulHry [0 resea rch . I n the cou rse of the ir research, th ey learn 'Ibout the country's po litic" and current eve nt s.

(I .f/fir'fr rigltl) Jlirhllt'/ JlfI.I':::(/I'O.\', 1"('(1((1'If} j1a/"liripflll' ill till' IIr\/

(Ab,IC") Ch ris flag)', /vl iclwe{ /lathNley. Drew (;0""-1'. alia Derek (/lln, ell pall.\{' kr (I.'i/"{""'if tin"IJIYJ!l'rllor till' (JIII/Im/ Arllly-Nflr;y gall/I'.

{/ rOI/OIl

(Rj[!ht) ()" a

IIJIII' 11,hl'


;/(adnll-"•.l/m/nll.I' P{ls.w'ri (m/f /.\'

lIIan Ililll!-





(About) MI'.(. Mr)',..rgivrJ 011/ ills/rucliolls I f} flit gmllp brion' IflfygO

off to rnfir SfSS;UIlS a/ld rOIlCflS(,S. SIIIt/fIIIS il/rilld,..

Drew Co,by. Myers,

F.lizabeth SltIlI1lC.;




(J 61

!\I ternatc Progra m at the Steward School is a wt:t:k-Iong progra m whi ch takes place tile week before sp ring hreak. In thc middle sc hool , /\Ir e rnatc Program givcs students and reac hers a hreak from nudirional disc iplin es and affords an opportuniry for all rhree grades (0 study une (Opic intensive ly and inre rdisciIJlinaril y. This yea r's rheme was "Mystcri cs." Students tukediffen':lH classes al l ecmering on the theme , with diffe re m sianrs depending on the insnucror. In the Upper School, the nimh grade class spend s the week exp loring differe nt ca ree rs and doing a littl e introspection. They lea rn about their own aptitudes for differe nt rypes of wo rk and takc seve ral field nips ro get an acru al tasrc of "real life ." Soph omores rhrough Seniurs spe nd the week ge rring even more "rcallife" expe rien ce , hy inre rning at va ri ous bu sinesses around Ri chmond. Alrernare Program is nor jmt a break, it is an opportuniry ro spend time srudying rhings you wou ld ordinari ly nor have an opportuniry to exp lore .

(7;)/)) 1\ '/1/11, ~mt!p/·.i

Stewart Felv l'Y, J esseka Gray. Carter DlI' r(v. (I)/(I r¥alter Hfc,.\-I, Ii.'(m (f) (I prrSf'lllflfifJII bJ' (/ Un/ (.'ms.I" f1mr/:n : rAOf)C'I» Erill NUlltel; Micha el Nllth erlc)" KrislCII MiliCI; tJllt! ;.illllll Cox {I'I.'f ""ill, .l/n . .I 1t(,I)/'/lIflli' lII,d till' 'litr-/..'a/1fJ1' I iJltlJl!N'r Ut'SOIt' SquI1I1


Brooking Ch ellt/ltil, Eli:Ol1lwlh SlIl/lllel; al/ll

Ivl fl r~a ref Ilazel/ v/'(Jr/.: {)II r/'I'i," (1In'IT aj>li//If/(' ,\'111'[,', :1'.1' t!1I,.i/~f!. t/ll ill-I /a.\s I I/'f/wall> Pm ,f[rtllll fl.IS;;:IIII1f'/J/.




(Up/iPrl'ji) Holland S cott. Mal)1 Congdon. flllri Molly Sau er rlllriliK (1IlIlIIn'll/llf' program


(Uppfr r~!!hI) Tay lor Brewer (llIrI Sara KOl1lblall.

(. llirlrlk kfr) Th, lIilllh gm/If. 11".<.; mjoys IhrlllSPlvrs til {,'/wl/lid o. (. \firlrllf riKhI) Corhin Brierre. Peytoll Blake Froslirk. {lIIrI Clirl SlIud;n.


(1.1JO!'fI) Micha el /-Ialh erley. Mltml Bilgill. M eldn Todd. Chip Cosby, ~Vllde Brill. Michael Sallelfield. Chad Healey. (IIIrI Erin H/llllel:




Time (0 have fun wit h words! The purpose of th e Language Arts Week in the middl e schoo l was [0 <:t:ieb rate wo rd s and the middle school did so for a whole week. Some of the act ivities t he stude nrs did we re (0 create Tom Sw ifties. 1\1'0 awa rdwin ni ng Tom Swifties we re Laura Slaubaugh "' ])rop the anchor: Tom said deep ly." and l't:u Benson's p hrase '''May 1 have some more Brie,' 10m sa id cheesily." The studenrs also had a po ter co nrcst and a create-a-word co ntest. For example, Caitli n Rossmool'e created t he word "f<.: linr", wh ich is her definition of the cat hair thar sti cks OntO a person. Ano th er wo rd that was created was the word 路路Sp idget". Spidget means the g;reen hid<.:ous mark left on the finger by imi tation gold or silver ring.. The sixt h grade added (0 rhe event hy doing a chora l reading. The week ended wit h a luncheon. All in all, rh e middl e school participants had a great ti me.

(lilf!) "lltf ,ix/I, glYlde dass rear!.,

r I,tf/) Steven Seivard gm all drfJ.wl /If! ji)/' /ntf'iKIII

p()dry ill flJ.)lW//J/Y.

gfYlrlf "f{ldi/l~ I}f

(AIJIIL'f) r:" i llill Ross/lloo re disf!lay., tnt jJfJs/fr r/,pir linf!, Ih" ff'm(/ s/I/'

nw/i//gs for Inf da.le\'.



(J Academics

// .I/irimllllllfr Nigh/:"J)rflllll.


(illlIio'f) IImlillry S(()fI {llId ncr norscy!rimd hI/III lip Ih,

(1IIIfJt.'f 'j

2//(/ (;r({r/r HUr/f'IIIJ Kf)1 illlf) fltf'

l .rlllJ.!,lIt1f:[1' Arts {lf1 reifit litpi,. lJf.nJ

,lfrs. ;':I'JIllt'(/y j){J."r.l fi.:il/t Steven Rogers, iWlU:V H"lWdel/ (f""d, (1IIr/ Mo//y Jach"" ,

.Ij;n-jll/ /(IIIJ!ltaf:[{' "rls

(('II/{I/ :I路.

(I.di lOp) LJ/(/ }!rtlrlf' SIIIr/nll.! ((;JJrnllrflff'

il/I('JII~)' Oil tlN'ir ~'rili/~([, (flllr'r: E V lIlI

.'Ifill/oil, (f, 'lIYSO/l Goodstein. (1IIr/ Plizahell, IVt/rd, (I,'ji lIIir/r/M J o"atiw/l Tipton. Steve" S eivard, JaUlie Rose, (1IIr/

Christine Beil {1ft (Ilfl .)fr'llf'.ilrOIll

~.J Jlir/.f/tIlJ/Ilf'r i Vif[fl/\- Damll. .,

(l ,Ift bollolll) Laura S/abllugh liKhl.\' Ihne'll)'jrJ/' Willie Pao/etto 's tfl'lllJllflJi 1,,1'''.




Lower Schook rs (Ook an e nr husiast ic loo k 'Ir rhe variuu s aspects of Science during rhi s yca r's The me Wee k entitle d "Surfin g Scie nce." A wide \'ari e ty of acri vit ies brou ght stud e nts in grades K-5 in touch with all aspec ts of rhc ~ ubjec t s . From chemistry expe rim e nrs ro romping wit h rep til es, it was a wee k full uf edu cat ion and e nte rtainmen t! Some of th e days during th is wee k incl ude ,,'Iarin e Ri ology Day, Ch e mist ry Day, Herpetology Dav, and Archae ologv Dav. G ucst Speakers included .\'Irs. Il aje k, Mrs. Ricke tts, i\lrs. Maszaros , 1'.路Ir. Boo ne, Dr. I) wye r and Mr. Eggleston . The Lower School had a great ti me "Surfing wi t h Scie nce."

(Uppn'II!O Finl (:md,n spell ~lIl SCII路.N(;" dllr ill!/:' /l;r,:-n' sdl!I~1 TiIl'III' 1/ ~d' {(sSflllb/V. (L~Z:'fr leli) .fonall"m Cll uble, Alisoll Nor/Oil, For Fis che,; Nathan Jame'rson, lIliri l'flilLifl G i l/lI!orlon i (1)'1' 'ir'}, prollri ofdlf 1'01111'11/.1' 'i'lh,ir Sfer mp.

(Abm'f) Ml/soll Cmllfl-C"ow der fXf/1IIi,,!'.I' Ihf S{Ollts i. {he rii.<plm dosr/y.


(J Academics

(I.lfl) J essica

" 711ia IIlsrm sl/IJu.:"i 1If) )1'IIr flJ till' 0111/.:1' lII(1ll J.lmr".\' 1I/\' /Jl




111'1: (I ,Ofl"l!rlrjl) Colemall SlIlit .. J!.dl.illll)ln!.Wld!.lJf.llillJ[m/!!.!II:•. ji.n.l J.!I'I/flr f IIISSII/IIII'.I' f,'111( II.

(l/,ifJ';.d .tl-forgall I/uleh i IiSUII tinll/I olliliu (,liP fi,"nilr JilltlnllJ 0'1'11/1' till nlihlr Sfinlrt' /Jrfljtl'l,




Awards HOllor Ru//for Eillin' }fur

Katie Drzal Carter Eberly Elizabeth Sumner Michael Maszaros Stephen Paulette Fahau Qureshi Anuy Stitt Mel(han Hajek Geurl(e Cauble RidlllIOIlt! 7i'/IIFS- Dhpaldl Alhklrs

Lainie Haskell & Shawn Lewis 1I'l-lIrf), 's Hnj'/llall NUII/illrrs

Meghan Hajek & Neu Tricc Slffi-'Orrf RfprfsfIIlalivf!f) l!if !-II/gh O'Briall Learffrship f iJl/llt/alioll

Stephen Paulette Rallrlo/ph ,lIaroll WOlllfil'S Co//rgf Book Awarrl

Ashleigh McLaul'in If;I>//es/f l' CO//fgf Book AfJI'Orrl

Sara Rossmool-e I VfS! Poill! Socif'(Y A.I:mY!

Cabell Jones Brolherhood Award of tilt Naliolla/ COl/l/(i/ I!f ChrisliclIIs Clllt! i NS

Emi ly Wolff Good CilizfII Ar.!'clld of Ihr Dal/ghler,' of Ihf Alllfriroll Rft'O/l/liOIl

Lainie Haskell WR/C-Tl ' Bm ill fhf Cla,,~' of 1997

George Cauble Gradl/alioll "Ian/w/ts !路itlmt! (jllrf.l'ili ({1Ir1 .1/al/ .- lFl"fflr/1 ,Vip/II. (, lI)fltY')




(;(I/!r~:tlld rt'f'in JliuJ i,. (ro:-'llIr/., jrwlI

,lin', I1rtmtll fll


Sara Rossmoorc & Neu Trice

(l .r}l) .1/1:<. Ball/dr. Uppn' .l'r/wol flrat!. ,/If'flh (/( flOlion A"'t/IYls flif(hr ft.:II;'/II/"ar/il;rll/(//(r r('{(~f!,lIijJ{'.i !t()//(jr mIl I/"t/('III.\". (lid,,;:禄 Nimh grarl/'!: Elizabeth SIIIiIlIl' ,. Im路it路/'.< ht r aurard jmlll .IIrJ. Ball/dr.



Awards Sporwl/{l/Iship Jimmy tkinson ,l/lIsir Ida lIenlcy

Ar! Dory Klein TI,Ptlfn'

Gray O'Brian Blue r!} Cold Jordan Errron (I _1ft) .llls. l illr/rr Kir:r.i ,hi- /f'r~:rr ....1itlHi fir ! lIo.::art/ If) D Ol)' "'"/pil1. (I ,IJ'if.H · It jI) JI!: S !(IIi:/IfJII.if' {WI' I/'II!.i ,itl' Sam UllrouiaJl.

I I I'ariJIIll.ill'r \ . • ' ii"ll/ rllll Pliit !!/(/fk r

CiliZnlSo/the )I'{//' Tori Cannell a Jamie Satterfield

(Hdm:) R'I.)lS (/1/(/ f.f,i rl.\· lIlikl' t ddJlII/l'd (/I/(/'I'/({.V t/ ({}If'r /JI'ill!!. 'i~dl l)/JII,t! illll) l/tt' lIIirlrl/r ,.,I,f,ol '/iJP: AilS/iII 1llIlIIil/oll, IJrad SO lldCI; tII/J1 A li d)' I . , UO /OII , /10/lf)/II:


H ell/It er Hajek. Id" IImley, (llid Gmy O'Uria//.,



Thp Lown' Srhool Award Sam Baron ian

(1 'pprr IrjiJ ,Iii: Iloldlli."J III'lp,' !-farr), Baron "", I'dln his Iii' f1;} Ihl' r/e:hrh ,!!.rarlfn prfjJmr-jor l!tn',. prm f'ssirJIIIII

Awards fI igltrs/ !lmrlnllil' !/vrmgr ill tllr Jlirlrllf Sd/IJol

(1.0"""" ItjiJ

F(~lIIn ,~f'/J(k",' pOSf jo,. a ,,1/1)/ ;lIIlIInli,,/I'I),

;"jo,,' II" pl'Orf.I'J;rlllfll' Sarah Martells/pill, Marsh,,11 Felvey, Lallra Siaball~h . Rolalld Wesl. Bell Wulff. JlIl'x Dilly. Co rbin Brien -e. Christine Beil.

EIi:wbeth I,an/s, Dav id IHJOd, Dav id Be,'ket:

Ted Benson Grad!' 8 "-'lIglislt Corbin Brie.-re

Gradl' 7 l~llglislt .\'lU1-Y Patterson Gmdl' 6 Ellglisll Austin Pittman 1l is/or)'

Ted Benson J/mhPiliarirs

Ted Benson Srifllrf

Caitlin f{ossmoOl-e

An Corhin B.-ien-e ,1/11.1-;1' Allison Strickland Tltl'fltrl'

Roland West Spallish

Anu sha Abbasi Frl'lllil

Sarah Ma.-tcnstcin L.arill Alcx Duly

Gradc Lcvel Achicvcmcnt Cmrlr8

Laura Slabaugh

IUpp,r right} ,lIn. nil/kill' P"''''III,,' Corbill IJrierre "'ill, lh, ,lIiddlf

SdlfJol/11'1 A",'{//rl. (1,"'''''I'ngnl) Sn.'fllth gmdr II/arsllflll.,

lellili/er Gray (Il1d Eliza Bllllock,

Cmrlp 7 Eliza Bullock Cmr/r 6

Talley Grcgory

j'ftf S/r'W{ml Afi:anl

Tell Benson




The Clas> of 1':1':17 gradua ted on Tllesday. ,1 une 5, wirh beau rifu l wearher and a spirited ceremony. The Hono rable .l ame> S. G il mo re Ill , Anorney Gene ral of rhe CU rIlmon\\'ealrh of Virginia \\as rhe gucsr spea ke r. 1\1r. Gilmore encouraged rhe graduares to "preserve the freedoms and de mocracies we have in America. " He went o n to discuss how our freedoms are under assau lt every day and ehallc nge the gradmltes that the ir du ty as ci tizens is to prorecL Lh e liberties of t he people in America. A\\'ards given on thi s night are slIlllmarized below:

Ellglish Au:.,ord .............................. Chris Hill~s .IMlh tlm,orrI ............................ GrorJ(1' Callole

/-I iSlorr Am'{!fr/ ........................ (;P01'J(1' CfIII/J/F Srifllrr Areard ......... ................... Sham'lI Lrwis AI1 Arearrl .................................... Chris Hilles .l/lIsir ;/u:.'0Ir/ .............................. LfIIIl'O mild 'l 'llfalrr "ward ..................... Red-y Me),frhoff Physiml F.dllmli(tII .................. Rllth H'illimlls i'iY'l/ch Am'{(rri ....................... Sam Rosslllol)n' Spallish Au:.yllr/ ..... ............. ,llirhael .lJasJ:;aros I ,(l/ill Am路OIr/ ............................. (;artfl' F./Jf rlV Ilighfsl "radnllic AVfmgr ........... Katie Dn~al

/3 li>ar.l路 al Slfm,orrI .................. ShaW)/I Lrwis Sam Projjil/ Ullivfni()' (1 Rirhlllfllld

8nnl: Au:.'/Ilr/.... ......................... Jltx/ltlll Hajfl: U"i'&'I'/:rilY nf Virgillia

Bonl: Aw;md......................... .. (I 'ppcr Ilji I .1/n. 1im!!'r ,d'/I's Nrillll MrGehee ,nIl fl.' I" ImH's Sll'fa",1.

(I ,f,UCITltji) JllllifJ/' .l/at:;IIIIII, IVe" Tritl'

!lilt! SlIra

RosslI/oore Inalillf

... Ned 7;-;('('

'i'llf Slfm'OIr/ Am'ard ......... .............. !fIY/h N"r A({l(/rlll;c F.x(fllfllCf ................. GfOl'J(f Callble Hmdllla.;lfr s Award ............... CfOl'J(r Call1J/t'

/ I /'{J(PS.lilJllfI!

;/11I1II"i "urf/I'd ......................... Lai"ie Hasi.'l,11 (('/1/1l r I-(~hi) EII/il)' Wolffllllfl Sara Rossmoore (('I,orf/It (1IIh,. ITf'I pIjllli.

Strphm f)(lIlir/ PlfSS Am'/llr/ ...... ... ChnJ' Hi"fs

(/ ,""'I'r r(~/JI) 1~li llic lIas~'e" I'II1'i['l //'" f) ;w)1/ ArJ!:({rrl/nml Slf'ft.'ll/,/:\

/fl/II/(II'I: .I ,,"" / Mm IJi.WJI!.



f)ho" Award ........................... Lai"if HaJi.y'll


(I.d!) e hris Hi li es rf't'fit'fs tI/t' S/f'W{IIY/ A<::lIId j i1ll11 .Ift:<. R,.tl/ld/ (lid!)",) Ileidi !'I rista. f Xrfl{//(f[f s//tdm/ /mlll M w("O. pt"Olidly displays flflIklf(. (I .!)~Y'II 7l1f (:/a.'s 0/ !097Jmll/ /0 {md:: IFa" N lII; NiHi Voltz, M irialll Baroll . La ill ie Ha skell. Elllily Wolff, Bra1ldo/l. SlIlIivlIn. H eidi A dstll. e h,.is I-I hi PS , Gc"rge r:lIubie, r:aleb Nuge llt, Bruce La/olle, Forrest H odge. Paul D ouglas. SlllI w n Lew is, Slim Pro/fill, Rrillll NhG"hee, Trav is Nida .

Academics ( } 73

ATHLETICS Time o ur! Gct ready for some awesome Sports action! If it 's soccer yo u want, then we got it! ri e ld hockey and basketballi-:'-io problem! Cheerleading, tennis. canoeing, cruss cou ncry, golf, indoor socce r, and no\\' lacrosse.

As each year progresses, the Stcward School's SpO rts progra m progresses as wc ll. Did you knoll' thar in 197<,) thc Stcward School's girls basketball team worc ski rts for uni fo rm s? Other Spo rts includt:d soccer. baseball , softball, ten ni s, th e pcp squad , and chee rl eaders . i\1). havc timcs changed! Girls ha ske tball is now viewed as a competitive SpO rt , canoe ing attracts the interest of some of Stew<lrd's linest, and lacrosse has now taken hold of ncarly all of the middle sc hoo l bo\'s. i\lorc and more students are discOI'ering thc wonderful t:xpt: rie nce that comes with playing spo rts. Of course. we c<ln not forg<.:t tht: pain that comes with the pratice and thc vicro rie s <lccompanied \I'ith defe<lt. Each aftcrnoon. however. Sre\l'ard studcnts make their way ro th e gym to dress for practicc, practice, and more practice! But just rcm<.:mbc r. the more you practice, the better vou gct. Steward athletes h,lve completcd their athktic yea r, so turn the page and ge t ready for some Spartan action!

VARSITY SOCCER This year'~ V'lrsity ,occe r Lcam, coached Iw 1\1 r. Coddington and ass istcd bv 1\1r. StOttlell1eycr, had one of the best year's that Su;\\'a rd has ever ~cen . The hard\\'orking ream, lead by tri -capti"ns Sum Proffill,


Lewis, 'Ind GeOl-ge Cauble, placed sccond in thc regular season and \\'ere lOurnamenr runners- up.

Evervone \\' ho parricipat<:d on the

Varsity soccer t(;am this yea r gave the ir "CSt in each game and pran ice. Thi, 'car's team had three


nam ed to the All-Conference

team inciudingU,-ew Cusby, Shown Lewis, 'Illd Sam Proffitt. In add ition_


Paulcllt: received an I-I ono mble I\kntiol1. Congratulations wal l of the Varsity Socccr plavers for giving the >c hool one of th e be\t Ycars Steward has e,'er expcticnced. According to Coach Codd ingLon, the greatest g'lll1e in t he 1996


was a loss w

Richmond Christian. -n!chni c"II~. Richmond C hri ,tian is a bener team than S Lell'ard. bllt in ou r seco nd game againsLthem, 1I"t: ou q)layed the m.

I~\'e n

of the


th ough \\'e los t, illl"as a hi gh li ght

(Tnp) TIt~ /996-97 Irmily Sor{"rr 7eolll: (Irji 10 n:l{ltl,frolll /0 bad) Scutt Howard, Michael Halh erlf'Y, Josh C'uldberg, Carl SlIIUIiIl , Stephen Paulette, Aaroll PaYll e, Dall IVil/iall/soll , '짜tule Britt, Chris Hill es, Ned T!"ice, Will Perkills Till/ Li~(III, Murat BiI~ill . ShaWl! I,ewis. Drew Cnsby. T,.a v is N ida, Salll ProfJill, Paul [)ol/glas. George Cauble. J짜tdler Wash . Coach Coddington. (.-/hou)

Aa roll

PaYlle sfrl'fdlPS 0111 b(fol"f' fIIffrillf!.


76 ( ) Sports

(Ahoc'f) ptIS'< .

Eric Sterllberg l!JiblilfS dofi."-'11 rill' jir/d m'ltilr Senft Ilow ani lool-,Ior flif

In Their Own Words: VIlat is your most memorable moment In the Varsity Soa -er Tram ? My mos t me morabl e mom e nr on th e V,u sity Qccer team W>l S whe n I hi t th e ball rra m midie ld , twisted my hip, ,md was out for three ,anl es.') - George Ca ub le Whe n George Caubl e kicked (he ball. and hi t Ilr. Coddington's daughter in the head ''" -Step he n Paul ette

(Abt}v~ If'lij AII- (,f)//!nn/lf' goall.-f'f'prr

Sam {'roffitt go('s/or allot/,f''' j"Vf'.

(Top) TIlf' " (X: / .mgllf rf'prf'SfllfOrivr PIY'Sf'Jlh tiN' 21ld plarr rOllniall/flI' tmph), 10 Iri"'praills George Cauble, Shaw J/ Lewis. allli S am Proffitt. (Abo'f)('j M /I rat Bilgiu laI"s ,/i" boll rlO,,"1I I/iP fipM rdilf' Step/Jell Paulette, Ned Trice, {illrl Chris Iii lies grr rmrll'/or orrioll.

Sports ( ) 77

MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER The 1996-97 I'd idd le Schoo l socce r teaIll finished the s(;aso n II'ieh a resp(;ct ub le 7-7 rL'cord . The season was hi ghlighted b\ wins over C:olkgiate and St. Vi nccnt de ?JU I. Seellard 11'<lS <l nchored by scoring k<ld c r Jami e R ose and defen seIllan Ted Benso n .

In Their Own Words: Ulhat was your most memorable mOlllC1l!

while being Ott the Soccer team? ,, [ tripped ove r the midfie ld line! " -Ted Be nson

(!jdoru') Rohert Fritz lIIlI'II J'/ri/:I's tilf'hall Iit/rr/. ( RdflfL')

JIllllter Sears

fL'Or/IS Oil


" "'~H:n ' led Benson kicked the ball all the way in the air to the other goa l. and the other goa lie barel y mi ssed it," -Harry Baron

(Top) Till' 1996-97 Jfirlrlle Srilool Sllrl.,.r Trail/ (If'/i /IJ rigll/,froll/ fO bark): Robert F"itz mllll. Audntw HJ(l1'e, /-/ olfalld Scott. Blake F"lJstick, Mw)' Congdou . .Jollathal/ Tip/ou, Reed }tllleey, Alex Bel/soil, Willie Paoletto, Chris Masz aros. Co ra /-/athCl路'ley, / funter Sears. Mati Portel; Ted fl enso'll., Zac Sears. A lex DII~)I, Steve ll S eiva路rd. HatTy Banm, Dav id Beckel; 11-e1l/ M e/ ,a l/rill. Coach Cohell, Will ~t~路i'llsoll . .Jamie R eed. Jamie Rose. Roland

ltest, (AboP!') Gf}{lIkf'!'p l'I'Jol1athall Tip/Oil p,l/nlds ilillls!'/jjol' /ill' sllr;!'!


(J Sports

VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY In Their Own Words: What was the m"!lorable about being 011 thl' Cross CouTilry team P "Mr, Serr's tiger-striped pants." - Fahad Qureshi

VIlat Wlas the best ml'et you rofr ra!l? Why? Th e State Mee t because we P;Ot ro watch the varsity hoy~ run , (Ha Il a), herefo re, I ran my best time." -Meghan Hajek

The Cross (;o um ry Clu b became a varsi ty sport thi s fall. The hoys' du al rneet record of 1.J is somewha t deceiving since eac h of the losses was bv tll'O points or i<;ss. Melvin Todd ti ed for first ph\ce in a race agai nst the Covc nam Schoo l. Hi" ti me edged OUt a second pl ace fi ni sh I)\" tea mmate Fahad Qureshi. ([Mow) Melv ill Todd (/1/(/ M eghall Hajek /iI/is/I off l/irir /"(I(/'.' il/ f!,ood lililf.

1996-97 Cm.,)路 COllI/fry (;/lib (/rjr fOngltr): Melv ill Todd. M eg/Illn /-/(Ijek, J' Pattersoll , !lndrew Rankin, Fa/l(ul Qureshi, (l1/t! Laum Ward. Yol I'd: Coadl TrJdd S err. /i Sf/T 1'P(t)ly/J 111mJ' Pallersol/ 's t/I/(I Falzad Qllresh i'.uil/lf (IS l/ip), .rprill! Ids llif /il/i.rli /il/f.




VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY Srcward', 1996-97 \ ars iry Fi eld Il ockey rC<l m is made up of half middle sc hool c rs and half upper schoole rs, In felcr. mosr of rhe ,rafling lincup is in rh e midd le sc hool. Ik c<luse rh i, is a \'arsiry spurr, Sreward's you ng pl<lyers h<lve (0 play ag:linsr ,ign ific<lmh ulder. larger, and more expe ri enced pl:lye rs, Wh ile lhis gil'es our young plavers aim of expe rien ce hy rh e rime rhey gel lO the upper sc hoo l. ir can make for tollgh rehuilding 'e:l"ions.

Thi s ve'lr', [eaJ11 . led by S<.:nior Co-Caprain Lainic Haskell . and Freshman Co-Caprain Jcsscka Gm),. showcd rhe promise of rhings to come as lhe\ b<.:ar VES rwice, ri ed rh em, and bear Sr. \I <I rg:lfe r'" The\ ended rhe regular season ti ed fo r seco nd pl:ice in [h e LI S (Di l'ision II ) and had t() ur LI S AII -Srars named (see scoreboard sid ebar) ,

(lop) Thr f996-97 IIm'it), Fidrl Hodr), 7hllll (Irk to ritht,frollf to had): B ecky Meyerhoff. Coach R ice, Ilei"i rlrista, Peytoll 1,(lIlIlOlI, .Iessekll Gray, IIslllee /-INII!,)" .Iel/llifer Gray. Bralltley Scott, .Irsse lValsh. tail/ie Haskell, t:1i:ra Ch ellault, Hli:rabeth Lams. Ca itli II Rossmoore. Wi:l rrell George. Jill ia 1111 SIIIIIIICI; /:.'liz abrth SlIlIIlI el; Lalli'll Slabaugh . .Iellllifer Latollrel/e. Slirah Martellsteill , Aim lates Jl y att, rllli.wlI Stricklaut!, (.lfirlrlle f4t) Sellior ('o-(:"jlt"ill Laillie Haskell p(wes th,' vallvy 7i-;lIity's pl"y/'!: (.I!irlrlle Right) .Ie II II ifer Llltourelle f)"t/,s lip Sa ra h Marte list e ill as ,..h, ffI/.y<S t/ip I)all lip tlte fidd. (8QttOIll) J ell II ifer Gray (fllrl Brantley Scott blo,,' b)' 7iillitl''.i rlljmrln:

80 ( ) Sports

In Their Own Words:

What was your favorite thing about being on the team? "Coach Rice!" - Laura Slabaugh "Being goa lie with Brantley, i r added life to the game of Field Hockev. '路 -Jesseka Gray

\J ~..--...__ Lallra Siabaligh

"The people would think I cou ldn 't play because I was sma ll, hut then I ki ll ed 'em!" -Juliana SUIl1I1l:r

.llIlvtlla SllIlIIll'1'

(Abovl' left} Ashlee Ilealey Wts /Joilltmfmlll r:0t7("h Rirl'lJ/fol'!' shl' gal's bad' illto Iltl' galliI', (ilboe'I') Tltl' 11'0111 gl1tltn.,. arolllld Coa(1t Rirl' /0 gff ills/I'/le/iolls. (Lf(l) Brautley S cottfigltlsfor

Iltf /;al/




VARSITY Boys BASKETBALL The 199h-97 Va rsity Boys Baske tball team e nde d th e seasun wit h a 15--\ win-loss record , th e best eve r for this boys' I<.:am . ndcr th<.: guid am:e;; uf coach Stan Pepeliav for the "1St four yea rs, the tea m has de ve loped in ro a champiunship S4uau . Thi s year th e tea m had a great seaso n, co ming in 2nd at the Te l L Tournam<':lIt. . I'h is )'c:a r's scuring was lead by Hriun McGehee lI'ith an average of 12 points per game follolle;;u bv Stephen Hurler (9.9 ppg) and Sh awn Lewis (9 .-\ ppg). George Cauble sallk 15 thre.;e;; point shuts whik junior. .\1ike S c hirick \I'as th e te'lms fourth leading sco re r II ilh ':1 .2 puint pe r game . ' I\vu playc: rs, Shuwn Lewis and Mike Sc hi r iek. \I ere.; name.;u to the.; TCI L All -Star team for th e ir grea t phIying throughou l the yea r. The sc hool will miss all of t he fi ve seni urs: Shawn Lewis. Sam Proffitt, Puul D o u g las. George Ca ubl e, a nd Brian McGehee. Congratu la ti ons to the whole team fur a g;rcat seasun!

(Upper lift) ellflr,. Itnn:)' rie/msit'f prej路slII"I'. George Cuuble SiIOOls allfl ,Win agaillsl G'ro~'e At-flillt. (Upper ligltl) j'rlike Sell i ric/l loA"I'S lite ball ri(}fi."11 IItr tollli. (.\litltlll' lifl) Sfllior/orw'orrl lhiou McGell ee gOtS "I} (or a jl/l/ljJ baillo btgill lht galllP. (. \litltll,' r(e:ltl) SlIlII ProffItt sltOfl-'S wlty rite I M III tlrl}I'II'/;- ,0 /III/cit 011 Itim(or I"I'VOl/llriS OgOillSllIIlI("V /I(e:e:n' playm路. He mil Frail)" gfl o//tlte gmllllri! (Lf)w'nj TIt_ /996-97 SlffJJ"Orri lorj'ily Boys B((sl:flball 7i-c1i1l (/~fr 10 rigltr,fmllr 10 Ilod); George Cauble, Steph ell /Iariel; Shawu Lewis, Will M urra)", Brookillg Chenault, JIISOII Lewis, Brillll M eGehee, So III Projjtff, PIIIII Douglas. M ike Selli,-ick, Coach Stall.


( ) Sports

In Their Own Words: What is your most memorable moment ?n the Utrsity Basketball Team? "When coach we nt outside before every game." -B rian McGehee " Le's in hea r. "

- Shawn Lewis

Briall }vlrGfl,ef

Shawn Lrwis

(AbmJP left) Brian M cGeh ee a pidfor Shaw n Lewis.


(Above ngllf) Smiors George Cauble, Shawn Lewis, Paul Douglas, and Sam Pt'ojjltt played rogt'thf'r allfollr yMn of their higll school ({{repr.\'. Smior Br ian M cGehee p/ayedfor.1 yecm' sillce COIllilig to Steward as a sopholllore. Allich of tile tMIII'S SIIC(fj~' is to the COhf.iivPllfSS these p/a.\'en drop/oped ovpr rilile. (f.eti) Smiorpoillt gilaI'd Sha wl! Lewis drives the lalle for all fa.~)' baiker.

Sports ( ) 83

I VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL The Gi rl s Varsit\' Basketball tea m worked hard dur ing the season. TI1<;Y e nded th e season with a record of 2- 12. The yo ung tea m hopes to improve lh,ir ga me O\'e r the next coupl e of yea rs.

1\ los t of the team co nsis ted of players that did double d uty for both th e v'lr ity and the M iddle S,huul Ba,ket ball teams. Il owever. se nior Lainie Ilaskcll wa, the tcam k ade r as we ll as th e scorin g leade r. averag ing 9.2 po in t s pcr gam e. H aske ll was named to th e I ,IS All-Star Basketball Te'"TI. Despitc a lus ing record. they all e njoyed p layi ng basketba ll and hm ing fUll .

• (Top) 1'It1' /996-97 Varsity Cit/,'

Bas/:f/!JaI! '1i-tlllI (ji'OlIf f o /Jark. Iffr 101'i"l!,ltl): J esse/m Gmy, Laillie Hask ell, Ma rshall Felvey, LII /( 1'1/ Siaba IIgh , Hliz abeth SUlll llel; A shlee H ealey, Coach Rice, Caillill Rossllloore, Mar~lIrel Ha zell, Hliz abeth Lllms, Meg/1l111 Haj ek, J emlifer Gra),. (Rir/lf) , Is fltf 0111), smior 011 fltf of IIIP !J"n!nt fd! 011 Lai lIie HilS/tell. Sit!' !t'd fltf fPaIll 'illilit Iter.~rilll' p!ay alld fxpl'rifllrr. (nlill. III/If It

(IYI,. 1'(l!,ltllfJ/J) J ell1l!fer Gray lal'!'s {/ ,itrJl1 jlllllfJn' or-pI' a Patriot dfft'lldn: (IYII' /'I:~!II bOIIOIll) il!a r~a ret Ha :;rell s/rl'lrill's for IIII' I'pbo/ll/(/






//tr baslcf/.


In Their Own Words: What was your favorite thing about being on the team? " Pl aying wieh I ,a ini e for he r las e year. " -Margaree Haze ll "Ge ning co know my teammaces be n t: r."

-Elizabcch Sumne r

Margar!'t HozPl/

Elizabefh Sumner

(AblJVt' lift) J en II ife r Gray r/I' IIIOIISfraft's 0111' of SfffiYIIrt'Sfradifiolla/ S" 'l'lIf1,lhs- pt'sI.T d!'fmsl'.


(AlloVf mlln ) J esseka Gmy/ig/"s fo fh f ba/!

(Ollfm /

(AlloVf Fi!!,hf) Caitlin Ross1I1oore SI't.,- hl'rsd//or (/ shot.

(f .tfi) TtOIll Caproills Jesseka Gray ({tid Lainie Haskell dO fib"/l {/1VllllrI J/lrill!!, /111/ftillll' fib'tl11l11lp


Sports ( ) 85



The \li ddle School Bovs Rasketl'a ll '{\" team concl ud ed the i r season lI' ith a record of 6-4 with \'icrorics ove r . ell' Comm unit y. I:lelmcad. He ri tage Christian. and Centra l \ "1 rgi nia Patrio ts. Lead ing tlte team were eigh th grad er Will Pet'kins and seve nth grad c rTrenl McLaurin .

(lop) 711f / 996-97 .Ilidd/p SrlifJo/ Boys BaJi:flba// "A" "/falll (froll( (0 bad:. Ii:!! (0 n{!;lit): Alex Dilly,

Jamie Foole, Han:v 80roll. Trent McLlIllriu, Za c Sears, Coach Cohell . Jamie R eed. Rolalld Wes t, Will Ppr!.路ills. Ted Bellsull. (. lliddlP) JI'elll ,1ifc/ ,1IItrili (al.n(l.lliOI 1I/ {(((YJr.!d of llip I.Y'Y, Tt'mr's Orrmsf' {(bi/ill' rllld fjllid.:llf .\X rm//)' [;ao' {( boosllo IiiI' "A" 11'((111.

(II llip (Op

(8 0flOIll)

Will Perki'lls drio's dOr.!'/1 11/1' (o ll/t /o r


/fll'lIp .

In Their Own Words: T1/hat is your mostlllemombie momellt 011 the Middle Schoo/"A" teom? "When I achieved my highest score of 12 poillts in on c game."

-Trent McLaurin







The Middl e School Boys "B" team posted the hest record fo r a .•1:\" tlOam

lOV lOr.

The boys

ended thlO SlOasu n 5-5. The team was le d by Sean Jackson and

Matthew Stainback.

(Top) Thp /996-97 ,lIirlrlle Srhool RoJ's 8asJ:flball "8" liml/ (ji'ul/( (0 /Jar!.:. Irft to right); Will A lki IISOII, Nilllil J(j·rva'lldi. HU1lter S em's, A lex Bel/soli. Sea1l Ja ckson, Willie Paoletto, Mal/h ew Stainback. Steve II Seiva'r d, Dav id J#Jod, Blake J.' roslick, Ch-ris Maszaros, Mall

(, Ifiddle) Blakc f+ostick looi's/or (he Opfll pms. (Horrolll) fJul/tcr Sem's trips to ",ovr pas! his rI~fflldn:

In Their Own Words: What is your most lIlemomblr moment 911 the Middle Sthool "B" team? "[ threw a ball at Mr. Coulombe in the stands." -Alex Be nson




MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL The I\litltlk School Gi rl s Basketball team e nd ed their s",lson


ilb an 8-0 record for (he

rep;lI lar seaso n, but rh e) los t in the tO urnament semi-finals to eVl'lHual Di vision III ch<lmpions. St. :-'I af)路路s. Throll.ghllut th e seaso n, rh e .~irb ollt ,co rl'tl their opponen t s by <In average o r 1\ point s per gallic.

(R(e:hl) Thl' /996-97 .I/irlrllr .'11"11001 Gid,. Bmll'fball Tralll ((IVIII 10 /Jad... Iffl If, rif!hl): As/dee Healey, Eliz abeth Larlls. Sarah Marteusteill. Sally ,..l,llie Stml/Oll, .llIlialla SUllllle,; A/i I-l ord, .4l1isoll Striclilalld, Coa.h Rice. Carter Saulltiers, Jellllifer Gray. Cait/ill Rossmoore, Eliza Bulloeli, JVarrf ll Ceol:~e, Marshall Fe/vl!)"

In Their Own Words: What is )'0/11' most memorable moment all the Nliddle School Girls Bashtball team? "We were undefeated and se rved as role mode ls for other players." -Ash lee Healey

(I,rjr) Eliz aheth ral'tls shoolui/aVllp. (Mirlrlff /fji) Ash/lie Ilealey pmsl's Ihl' her/I 10 ({ 1/'(1111111//11'.

(.llirlrllfrfllIPr) Elizabeth Lums, Laum S/aha IIgh, l!IIrI J ellllifer Cm), pmtlitl'Solid rlf/m.lf. (. lIidd/r I~e;ht) M a rs/zall Pelvey saul's Ihl' bal/.




INDOOR SOCCER/CANOEING n Their Own Words: 楼hat is your 1IIost memo1Ylbie moment '11 the Illdoor Soccer? When the hall carne towa rds ne and I \Vas barking at it nd I hit it with my head and ;ot a headache." -Aaron Payne

parrifipmll.i ([mill /fi bad-, lift 10 right): Rusty Perk illS, Murat Bilgill, ,...'hawlI Lewis, Bell . _. (;oldb erg, Michael llatherley, A a路rOll Payne. Alex Duty. JOll athall Tiptoll. Caleb Nugent, Sam Proffitt. B1'iall Mc{;ehee. Cabell Jo nes, Drew Cosby, Matt Gottwald. Steph en Paulette, Will Perkins.

In Their Own Words: What is your most memorab/(' 11I01lll'llt 011 the Calloeing? "WIH.:n Aa ron Payne snmed saying, ' Let 's kick irl'"

-Tim Ligo n

(.!firlrllp Iffl) The r.rillllillg leaJII: Caleb Nuge llt, Sf/{fum Lewis, Sam Proffi tt, BriulI IHcGehee. (. Ifirlrlff righl) /Jriall Mr(;phfe r/ribbks tlu路 ball whilF Sha wll Lewis, Stephen Paulette, flllri Cabell .folies look/or Ihe pass.

1996-9i DIIIOf illg Club (jrollf 10 bad:, ff/i ro ligllf): .Ir.,spj,'{f em)'. F.ri" H III/M: roil,,,' 11'1It!, Dall II IlliflillSOIl. CoadJ Corlrlillgmll. Sma tlr/all/.i. 'TlII/ l .i[;oll. Johll






VARSITY CHEERLEADING The 1996-97 V;lrsity C hee rlead ing sq uad had an impressive scaso n. l ;nder the direction of Coac h ({onny Il ajek, this sq uad did a great job. The squeld deve loped ne\\ chee rs. dances, ,l nd SlU m s. T his years squad co nsis ted of 12 ta lented cheerleaders, incl uding co-captai ns Sara Rossmoore and Emily Wolff. As you may hm c noti ced, the re were IIC IV signs hanging in the gym th is s<:ason to cheer on the baskethall tea ms to VICTORYl This type of spiri t is what l11<lde th is yea r differen t.

10 sum up th e successfu l season, Coach Il ajek remarked, "It was lots of fun and a \crv sp irited season. We rea ll y put together some good rou tin es and tri ed SO I11<: new things that t ill: c rowd rea ll v scemed to like'"

(Upprr righr) Whitney Hajd' gffs rhr ,meed illio il allrill!! fl rill/POllr. fUpprr Irfr) Ca IIIber(y Pea rsoll, Jenllifer Lalourelle, 1:'lIIily Wolff, flIIa Sa I'll Rossllloore ,hrfr 0 11 rht' siddillfS rillrill/[ Ih" !!flll/f. (Lom'fr) TIlt' 1996-97 Irm'irJl Chffrifflriillf( sqlltlt/ (jrrillr fO had'. Irfr ro righr): Sam RosslI/.oore, Elllily Wolff Alisia h 'eelllall, il1leghall Ilajek, Whitll ey Hajek, Ca ll/berry PearsO ll , Tikia BOIllJ.el; Eliz a Che llault, Cal herille Hioody. Jell/lifer Lalourelle, Ashleigh McLauri1l. (Nol pirtllrt'(!: J essica Sizemore)




In Their Own Words: What was .your most memorable moment wltile being on the squad? Wh en Je nnife r Laroure lle fnrgot he r lollipops for rhe fi free nrh rime in a row! - Sara Ross moore Wh e n Eli za did a roe [Quch and fe ll on he r burr during hal f rime ! -Wl1 irnev Hajek

Stlrtl R OSSIfIOOI 1'

IVhifllPY Hajd

(L'ppn' Irfr) The ...qllad pfiforllls a pyramid 5111111.

• • •


• •• • • • • • • • • • • •

(Upper r(f!;hl) Thr ..-quort. assisled by IOfJ!:er sdlool slllrll'lllS. roll I~mi/l' RfI...Awbal/ player Shaw lI L ewis al Ihe prp mlly. (Low'I'I) Ned 'J ;'jce plays Ihp '<''parltfll to /:id.. ojf Ihp willlfr sport... JrfiJI)I/ al 'hr wholr schoul PfP mil),.

Sports ( ) 91

VARSITY GIRLS TENNIS The 1'1'17 Gi rl s Tenni s Seaso n \l'as led b,' se niors and l'o-captians Lainie Haskell and Nikki Voltz, These r\l'O se niors were in strumental in gi\'i ng the young team adv ice and supPOrt , The rest of the lin e- up \I':IS a ~ fo llows: !\ t third ~ing le s , eighrh gralit: r, Caitlin R ossmore: ar fourth si ng les, n inrh g rade r, Mar~aret Hazell ; at fifrh s ingles, eighrh grade r, Ashlee He a ley; an d at s ixrh sing ll: s, eighrh gr:lder, E lizabeth La,'us, Ii alf \I'av lh ruugh th e season at the match ag:lins t Christchu rch, -'1 a ,'gu ret Hazell sprai ned hcr ankl e. Thc tcam came together and Megh a n Hajek, numher se\'en on rhe ladder, came to fi II the spo t. Th is [vpe of team wnr k and ded icarion is why rhe 1997 Gi rl s ' /(:nnis 'Te "m is so memorabl e, It was a goal oreoaeh Lynn Definc to have eve" plaver phI\' ar leasr une \'a rsirv malch ur exhibiti on game du ring thc season, .Jennifer (;"uy and Ashlei g h McLau,' in p laycd t hi rd douhles at lIu g u eno t ,\ cali<.;rny and IVon lh eir m,lrch 6-1. Whitney H ajek and Eliza Bullock playe d thi rd doubl es at Suuth hampton Acade mv and \l'on 6-0, Gnally, Marshall plaved hard in an exhib ition gaml' ~I ga in s t Covenan t. All in ,I II the team had a super ~e a son, Some memorabl e mome nt s for the team in c lud e I ,ain ie and Nikki's phenomenal season s, the clinic given bv te nni s pro Trip Baisden , the VCC and I ,IS tOurnaments, and singing to oldies in the I'<m, Thi, season was a weat une, and whill: th e team W:IS nor und efe,l[ed it learned a great (k al and beca me stronger rh rougl .out the season, (Tbp) 'FitI' I f)9o-97 Icll:lity Gil'/." 7",wis Jimll: Loillip Has!.'!'//, NiNi I h/tz, .1111n/l(lll IYkf')', ;/,;It/rr Hffl/t'.1', fjiiUlbfllt I ,artls, ,I1al'gal'fI Hazt'll, (,nit/ill /? O.l'.I'IIIOOI'f', CO{/clt Dr[illt', llliitllfy Hajd, Jf/wifl'r em)" Eliza Bullori', tisltil'(1t ,lId,allrill, ,1/r"lwlI Hajl'k, (Jfidrllr) Sminrlllptllill Laillie Ilaskell drllloll,;tmfl', ,' 111'1' ,'o/ky,

In Their Own Words: What is your most memorable moment the Tennis team?


''I'll never forget tripping on th e ten nis court,"

- Nikki Vulrz (Bottolll) Eiglttlt ~mrlfl' ell illill R oss/lloUl'e /0110"'-'.1' Itfr ,~rollllristrokf tlmJ/i:;1t ill gOf}d /0/,//1,

92 ( ) spons


Boys TENNIS Time for Boys Vars ity Tenn is! Th(; 1':197 Boys Varsi tvTen nis team was led by captain Ned Trice. Re marking on the season Trice sa id , '~A.I 颅 though we did not win all of our matches, did pl:ty

[O.~e th er


as a team. It was a grcat year

overall , and 1 look forward ro next vear as we lL " Coach Ronny Haj(;k add ed [0 l\ed's comme nt s about rll(; seaso n when she said , "' Ie nnis s(;,\son was very exc iti ng and a lot of fun. The guys worked hard and did reall y wel l in the Virginia Commonweal th Conference. There was treme nd ous improvement, hard work, and I ,1m reall y proud of th Gm. O ve rall , the tea m did a great job with a 2-7 record. The first singles position was dominated by freshman , C hip Cosby. CloSG behind him on the tennis ladder was sophomore, Matt ('ottwald. Alex Duty playe d th ird s ingles whil(; Josh Goldbe,路g played co nsistently at fourth singles. C hris Hine s pla ye d fifth s ingles while Ned T"ice fin ished out the ladder at sixth singles . In res(;rvcs at sevenrh singles was Michael HatherIcy and Stephen Pauleue at e ighth si ngks.


Their Own Words:

!hat if your most memorable 1Il0metlt 7 the limllis team? rhe guys WG played from .ugu not Academr" - Ch ip Cosby

Sporls ( ) 93

VARSITY GOLF lee time for th e Boys VarSi l\ Golf team. Seniors Bruce Lafone, Sam Proffill, and Shawn Lewis all pl avl!d Varsity Gol f and could be found OU l on the gree n, at S~c.:amo re C reek. Other team Il1cmbe;rs, und e r rh e coach ing direction of Coach Ca t es b~ Jones. \I'ere Jason Lewis. J amic Rose, Ad a m Graves. Hl'Ooking Chenau lt, and Waller Wash . -'!embers of the practic.:e team we re Chad Healey, Scott Howa rd, Ca leb u ge nt , Andrew H.ankin, E I-ic Sten1bcq~ , and C hI-i s Drzal. Coac h Jones was pkascd with the go lf team for nor onl) having a wi nning sc.:ason, bur fo r coming in seco nd in the Virgi nia Com monwea lth Conference tou rname; lIt. Acco rdi ng to Coach .l ones, Jamie Hose was his most co mistem player. whi k Sam Proffitt had t he best s\I路ing. The; plaver who "drove for show "



I ,cwis , whil e the pl ave r \I ho "p u tted fo r dough" lVas ./amic Rose sin ce he \I'as a th inker and did not get upser. Congratu lat ions Go lf ' l(;am!

(Top) Thl' 1996-97 10nil)' (;ol( TtWII: Chris Drz al. IIndrew Rallkin, Scott /lowan/, Cahc! H ealey, Eric Sternbcl:r:. Coach JOll es. Bruokillg Chellallit. Bruce Lafrme. ShawlI Lewis, Jaso/l Lewis, W'l/ter Hltlsll. (Not pictured: .!a III ie Rose, Sam Pruffill. (. lliridlr) Brookillg Chellault f.'{/IlIillfS Ih f pns.ii/JihIiI'S of[(millI!, 0111of Ihf mllgh. (I .n~'fr

Iffl) Jl/1/1 ie Rose. (;ol('J.I/I't: ririE'f'.i/III'


(I.nn''fr Right) Sa /1/ Proffill /J1l1'u'1.'f'r)'fhillI!, hI' htts illra his dri"l'.

In Their Own Words: What is YOllr mosl memorable 1Il0mfll/ on the Gol/team? "Walter drivi ng in the sand trap." -Brooking C he n"tllt




MIDDLE SCHOOL LACROSSE Sp ring 1997 saw a new spo rt added to the optio ns ava ila ble to Steward st ud enrs. Und e r th e d irec tio n of coac hes M r. Co hen and M r. Sto[[iemye r, Mi dd le Sc hool Lacrosse was offe red [() sixth , seven th , 'Ind e ighr gra de rs, Acco rd ing to Coac h Cohe n, lacrosse is "t he fastes t game on [wo feet where boys become men and th at is wha t happene d at t he Stewa rd Schoo l t h is sp ri ng." T he lacrosse team was comp rised of twenry playe rs and was k:d by Cap tai ns T ed Be n so n , Will Perkins, and D a vid Wood . '1'he best game of the se,lson was when th e team beat Co ll egiate in overt ime, D a vid Wood scored the wi nning shot and T he Stewa rd tt:a m won 5--+. T he boys did a supe rb job endi ng th e seaso n wit h a 5-4 record , !\ext year th e t(;a m will expand from a middle schoo l te,lm to jun ior va rsity, Way to go lac rosse! (Top) Th, /996-97 ,I /irlrllr S,.lioo/

I,({(ro.ÂŤf Yi'fll//: Jall/ ie Poote, flol/alld Scott. J O/latha1l Tiptoll. Ma rk Mille,; H u.llt." Sears. Ni ll/a Jarv al/di. r ed Bellso/l, lIa1'l:Y Ba ron, Blake Frostick, Da vid lf70od, Bell Goldberg. Will Perkills, Zac Scars, Ch"is M asza ros, Tre/l t NhullIrill, ./cnllie R eed, Sca li Jackso1l, A lex Bellsoll, Stevell Seivard, (!IIiddlf) 'red Bensoll frieNo dear flif btlll tlf!.O;1IS1 lIzlIlter S ears, Jonathan Tipton, tlnd Jamie R eed . (BOltOIll) COf/r-/i StoltlflllYl'!' rolls Ihr ball while Jam ie Reed fllld Matth ew Stainback fightfor

In Their Own Words: What is your most memomble m()mell/ 011 the Lacrosse team? " Roland " - D avid Wood





(;/bfX'f) Smior Nikki Vollz f'l'crir:rs 11r/'lrophy/or "mil)' 7i'llllis

.111 P NiH.·i art/s IIIIr!rffllwllllij' SM.WII {f1lr! f,"OIl /Iolb Ihr 1'(:(' (fllrilh" /.IS Divij'iull II tillr.i ((I till' #! /Nsilioll. (Ri[ ;hllop) Coatll ··SlfII,.'[;a!llf'n IIiP j'fllion hI' mat/INI (George Callb/p. Shawll L ewis. Salll Proffilt, Brioll McGehee, Palll DOllglos)/;}r SO IIII'/illal "·Mds. Com'h "Stall" rom},l'd !I,I'S!' boys thro/(e;hollllll!'ir higll .irhoal {tII'ffl'S m·hirh rllimillall'd fffilh a IOIl/'//{1II11'1I1 I hfllllpiollship lasl SMS{)II allri (I 211d plarr/illi.,h ill bOlh Ihl' rl'glllar "MSOII al/(llhl' 10Il/'/l(lmt//II/ii., ),1'(11: Com}, "SMII" <1'ill ur IWIII'lIillK 10 his tOlllllr l' Ihis yrm: SII'fi"onl mill lIIiss Ililll, ( l?iKhl bol/Olll) CO-fffillllf/:, of !lit' (:Mrh!'s Au'Ylld ("for r.\fmplarl' r!!'r/imlioll 10 alh/Nif:, IlIId sporlSlllflllship, (1IIr!for //IISI'/ji,,}' II'fIIII play (flld SlIpptJ/1, "), La ill i e Ilaskell allr! ,)'ftawlI L ewis. Th!'s!' Iro'a mh/P/!'s hm.'!' sf/'t'rr! (1.\ mft' /IIodfl., 10 rh,.ir )'olll(f!lr /)1'1'1'.1' rh/YJlIghollr ,fll'irltllY'('I',i.

96 ( ) Sports

p) Sntion Laillie lIasA路ell. George Cauble. (IIIrI Paul DOII"las rl'laxar irlillal . llhlfti,. l lrntrrl. Viflht. F.~路I" ".1' .I'MI' Ihr fllhi,lin rll'/lfll"/IIlmr holr/.,. lhi.,- ('f.路fIll 101101' "'I"rlml alhin,... ,,"rI S/l1II /lp olir alhinif Iri/llllph.!. 11/0//1) F.(~hlhgmrlrn

Dav id lVood, Hfiz abeth Lartls, I//iri Caitfill

SSllIoore also mjoy Ihl'lIlsl'li:rs. As rightli gmrll'l:\', F.liz({bflh (lIIrI Caitlill a/rf{{r/),

"/' ,,'(('ir'nl 8 f.'1!n路il.l' Il'Ilfn. Thf )1arf rMrI) , !O IIIOt'f 01110 tllf Cppfr Sdwol rf"iIl'lT ir illlp//( I filill hI' /'('1'11 "'Imllgl'!:

SporlS ( ) 97

FIN E ARTS Show time!

On e of The Ste wa rd Sc hoo l's

s tren gth s is the fin!.: arts. Not onl v do we exce l in theater, we also shin e in chorus, photograph v, and art. Time was we ll spent on the produ c ti on of Joseph and the Technicolor IJre amcoat. Seve ral s wdents submite d art and photOS to co ntests and art exhibits. Lower sc hool swd e nrs had Grandparems' Day, class plays, and th ey al so shared rhe Holiday Prog ram with th e middl e school recurder class , middle sch ool c ho ru s, and upper school chorus. Tn no tim e it was tim e for rhe spring con ce rt. Thc yc ar came to an c nd with rh e fin e arts hanqu e t. 1\ good rim e was had by all!

Grade 5 Play ,

"Voyage of Odysseus" is a Good See! Two thumbs up for "The Voyage of Odysseus"! All twenryone acto rs and actress<.:s pe rforme d on a truly profess ional l<.:vel. Th e tales fro m the Odyss<.:y is an ep ic abo ut the voyage thar Odysse us (Sam Baronian) is on. He had been ca ptured by Ca lypso (Gray O'Brian ), and he is on his way home to his wi fe P<.:n<:lope (Sally Summerso n ). The StOry tell s what kind of adventures he find s on hi s way home .

(Top) Ida 1-l e1liey (Il1ri H eath er H ajek

{{J (!

M aidfll allrl f1enIlI'J.

(JfirirllfJ Will WrlY . .4ustiu Hamiltoll, Sal(v SU1IImerson, A lI1b ika B edi, J amie Sattel/ieid, Do ry Kleil1, Kellda/! 'fate, Kristell Parrish, A wy StricHand, Lauren H an'is, }i路/11.11I)' AtkillSOIl, Brad SOlldel; J ordan /!.j/roll jJetforll1 !alrs/rotll !he Odys.lI'Y.

(Borrolll) Od)'.ISfIIS (Sa m BarDu iall ) /J{'.II'f'{hfS Calypso Uray O 'Jlrial1 !o ler hill! (olltilllll' his VO)'tfgt.

lOOt) Fine Arts

Grade " Play Four Stars **** for the fourth grade play, "Put Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes." It was an incredible production about two teams from different schools who are riva ls, They are abour ro play their "big game" of rhe seaso n when each team's coach gives a speech aho ut good sportSmanship, Th e fourth grade traditionally takes their play "on the road" , The production toured at the Ch ildren's Muse um, seve ral nursery sc hools, an d C lark Sp rings Eleme ntary Schoo l.

(Top) P/(l)'m' Pan I Bishop, Na t/wll Jall/ e'rson. FOl"d Fischel; Fenu/'Ildo Rive1'a tllldThomas IVm'then /i.l'ffll fO Ihfi,(Y)(I{Ii, Leigh G-reene. giVf Ihnll tl lllnliVflliolla/ J/Jenh.

(Middle) J eff Kern, Noah Selmol/, JOlla/hail Bm'zel. Rob D wye," alld AlId,'cw Rose mflli Ph ilip Gia'llfortoni. (Lom't,. /~(r) MOl'gall. Hutchinson p/ays with olle o/Iht IIII1'sn)' srhoo/ StlidelliS after a slI{('fs,i /l/ /Jnfor1lltlllre, (Lowe,. righl) Morgan Ilutchinson, Ru chael Meyers. Annie Wise. A lison Norlon. tlllt/ Sarah Newcomb peifo1WI (I dlferieat/illg .1'111111,

Fine Arts

(J 101

Grade 2 Play Four Stars jor th e "StinllY Cheese Man" ! A srrange sp in on fa iry ra lcs is whar rh is play is about. The second grade sho u Id he proud of rhe ir plays abou r fairy ta les and rhe funny rwisrs rhey have for endings. Li [[le Red l ien ... 'vlomy Anderson Fox ..... ... .... ... .. .. ... .. ....... Racinc Fayc Li rrle Old Ma n .. ....... Evan r\ rikian Hare ...... ...... ...... ...... Sarah Jarvandi Sri n"), Cheese Man .. Evan Schnall Ki ng ......................... Src\'cn Rogcrs Pri ncess ............. ..... . i\ lolly Jack,on Old Woman ........ ... 1,eigh Bcdini!:er Frog Prince ............... FinleyTurner Li [[le Red Ru nning Shorts ..... .. Sanlh De lancy Prince .. ........... ... .. Reyn D,lvenport Queen .. .......... Mary Warden Good Wolf ........... ....... Chrisropile r Skovc Jack ... ..... ... ................ K,nic Kaspe r Princess ......... .... . As hlc igh Reibach I arram r ... ........ . Bobbie Lou Long GiaIlt ............... Grayson Good~[e i n Torroise ........ ... ....... . Pol ly Canncll a

(7op) Graysoll Goodstein . Ashleiglt R eihaclt . Fillley l itmel; h'va ll Scllll oll. Po/~)' Calluellll. ({lId Mary Wardell Good. (.I!iddll'llft) /'eiqlt Bedillger. Kat ie Kaspel; (Illd S teve ll Roge rs. (. Iiiddll' righl) MOII ~)' .4 11derso ll . Fildey Y/rmel; alit! Ev a II A rikiall . (Lom'"r 111) iHol1y J acksoll ((I/(I Sa mit D elall ey. (LamY'r right) Evan S rllllOlI (tilt! Ra cill e f'aye.



Fine Arts

Kindergarten Play Three Cheers for Three Cheers for Tacky" Two thumbs up for rhe kindergarten on this play, This unique play ahout penguins 1 23 (Alex Lutterbein, Brooks Ross , and Josie Long ) is aboU[ a chee ring contest. The three pengu ins eheer against three cheerleaders (Kristen Aspen, Clwistina Kasper, and Chesley Goodstein) , ' /'he judges (Zachar'y Marino, Elliot Wortham, and Rebecca Farrell) decided for the ' laeky's to win because they were creat ive in their cheering contest. ('lop) Tllf hllrlfrgar/m /{1st orRId.:)' rile Pellbl'llill. It

(BottoIII) The pl'llgllill dlm lftlrifn/

Fine Arts

(J 103

Fine Arts Fair Th e Fine Arts Fair is a much anticipated annual eve nt whi ch d raws hath lo\\'er and middle school s tud e m s to th e arts building where facu lt y, incl uding many who are not in th e: tine arts departm e nt, lea d s tud e nt , in variou s centers. Th e obj ect. according to :-'Irs. Paulette, is for s tud e nts to make as many finished projects as th ey can in the day- long e \路cn t. Often . s tude nt s help out by lead ing act ivities . Activ itie s indude co mputer art (made usi ng a color printer. scanner. and a va ri e ty of objects and tex tu res that s ludents arrange o n th e scanner an d prim o ut) , d ream ca tchers. pai nred f1ow.: r POts, sc ulpey, wood e tching, lea th.:r too ling, ca rtooning, braokc, and lin e dancing. A g rea t ti me \\'as had by all , both our st udent s and the fr ien ds they invited to come with them!

(Top) Pol()' ea Ill/ella

ffiWi."路 f}1I

a .I'mlprl' projPr1.

(. I/it/dle) :red B el1sol1 IMtis A lex Duly 1It/'OIIglt (/ I'QIII/Jlltl'/' art pmjert. (80110111) Jamie Salle/field aJ/{1 J-I ea lli er f/ajd路/ollf),!J!.' tltr dirntiolls to I,{,('tiff' .1'1'11/1/1'1' omflIlY~'路.

I04(} Fine Arts

(7iJp) Andrew Rose. Thomas Warth en, {{lid Phil ip Giu'Il/or lolli tll(d!r rlrm ll/ mfrhen wi!!1

Sara Rossmoore. (.Ifiddle leji) Jf/idter Wrlsh filII /lSI'S Brian {{lid J essekll Gray whilf II/efal wodillg.

(.I f irldle righl) J ell ll!{el'



Gray m llmlllllll'S Oil fJflillllllg fler p OI.

(l. o';J!!l'r lejl) Ta lley Gre~o / J' ".rall/illes her t/esigll bf!or f bf'gililli/lg Iler wood I'Idlil/g

projnt. (L own' n izhl)

Eliz abeth Larlts flIIrl l-lan y Ba rOil fr et/If pail/ledf!oU';er polS.

Fine Arts



"A Midsummer Night's Dream" •••• T his clj ~sic pla~ wri[(cn by the great \\,lIiam Shakc' l' ~are \l as performed beautifull y by the Sr(;ward chool in t he Fall of t hi , schoo l ~ ~" r. Puck (Fahad Qureshi). a \loodland creacure cakes us on a wondruu ,> journey with all

so ns of pl ots and , ubplo(s... Theseu" ( Ben Wolff) Duke of ,\ [ h~I" , i, ahnur to marry Hippolyta (LallI-a Ward ), Q" ~~ 11 of (he Amazo ns, when he is asked by Egeus (Carter Eherly ) to discipli ne his dau!l;h(er. l1crmia (Sar,1 i{ossmool-e). Egcus ha s be trotl w d l1crmi a (0 De merri ll ' (Stephen Paulette). \I ho is in l ov~ \I ith he r. HO\lc ve r. Hermia Im'es L\'sa ndc r ( Brian ~1c·rmn ancy ) . and she re ru "es 10 obey her 'ow. fat her's ord ers to marry I)t.:mc.; rri ll~ .

" no (h e r fai r lady, He le na ( El izabeth Sumnel') , is in lo'~ wi (h Deme triu s. and she is broken-hearred Oh(;ron . (Andy Stitt) King of (he Fairi(;s. and hi crain of fairi ", (Jessica Gray, Caitlin Rossmoorc, Becky Meyerhoff. and Ayns lcy Wilton) . ar(; figh( ing wi(h Ti ta nia. (Emily Wolff') QU(;(;11 of(h l' F'lirics, and all of he r fairi es ( Molly Sauer, Id a I Icnley, Cambe rl y Pearson. E rin Robinson. Cynth ia J ohns, and Anna Cox ) . A !l;rou p of qui(e unorganized "actors" arc planning a pe rf,,,,nancc ro pU( on for (he King and Q ueen" \l c ddi ng do\'. Nick Bot(om (Tay lor Colliel' ), Pe te r Q uin c(; ( a ron Payne) . Francis Fl ure (Michael Masz:...-os), Tom Sn ou( (Car1:cr Eberly). Snug (C h ris Byrne ) . ln d J{oh in S( o"'i ng (Jennifer Latourcllc) "rc :r ll1ongs( thi s grou p. O b" iousl\'. [ h ~ plo( " as qui(e comoluted. but our '\ rud cn rs rose to rhe

and pur on " wonde rf,,1 , IIOW!

106(J Fine Arts

occ:.l ~ ion

(O/)/lositf p(~,!e top) P"ri.. (Fa/tad

Qlt1~eshi) {lddresses the {I"tiimre,

(O/l/)osit(, !IIidd/e lifrj Taylor Gollie1; Cartel' Eberly, {llId jIIlichael Masz a'/'os do double rlllly {{s tlClOT'S playillg ({{jOf'S. (()jJj)o.l'ite middle ri!!,ht) Fairies Molly Sauer alld Ida H ellley elliirde Fa/uu/ Quresh i. playi/lg the relltlYJl rHar{({'/er; Purl. (Opposire IO'iP..'er) Emily Wolff r/lld Taylor Collier tiS i ita/lia alld a hOI:(e, (Uppfl) Ben Wolff, Lanni

Wartf, alld Becky MeyedlOff ill .Vff a/lother sllbplot,

(A /irlrlll' llft) TIle playen pel/on/l their plaJ'-wirhill-a-pl{J)': Aaron Pay ne, Micha el Masz {l1'os, Cal'ter Eberly, Taylor Colliel; J ellllifer Latourelle, tlwl

Chris Byrn e. (Mldrlle right) Stephell Paulette (Jllrl Sara Ross1/loore pkl)' /-Ieoll;a alld Delllf'frills, (LofJ!;n) The wholP ras! pOSf.\ for ({ /li!11n'( after tile pia)',

Fine Arts



Holiday Program S teward's an nual Holiday Program takes hou rs and hou r~ of p re parati on as the Fi ne Arts facu lty ,mel ~tu el cn t s trans fo rm t he gym into an eno rmous s tage wirh spec tac ular se rs. T he prod uction involves stu de nts from all t hree di visio ns. Upper and Mid dle School chorus and the recorde r class all pe rform num be rs and eac h lowc r schoo l studen t has a parr [0 play. The product ion is the most extravaga nt of the year an d everyone had a grea t rime performi ng!

(Upper Itl') / da H e/dey si/(~i/(e tllItI t/allrillg (11/ df flf 'h,' Ilolitlay PI'OP'lIIII.


(Upper righl) A Itsl i /I Ifaas !feIJ illlo Ih" fillflle' (.\ /it!t!I{') Ida H eilley tI(///{('s f£ill/lhe hllt/ergarlell lhid:i{',I' (,'nr/Jill Leill'h tllItI BJ'ooi:( Ross. (Lof£'{'r I(ji) Jef]' Ker/l is RlltIolplllhl' Rft!Nosnl Reillt!m: (Lof£'fI' righ') Fifth gmr/,',. J i IIl'IlIy A I ki /I .10 11 plmls Salllfl Clal/s.

10S(J Fine Arts

(UIJ/Jl'r It/f) Jortia ll I ;ffron ("7ex Glil/fr"), Gra~ O'Hria'll ("DoIZI' //olirloy'~, Rober t 'flmler ("R/to{/{Iil' Vrlifl), ollriA ly Pi ttlllau (" / .omrie Poillsellie,,) /Jl'lforlll fhefifth gmrlr :( fmr/itifillOIIll{{ roles illlhl' /Jrodllllioll.

(UjJper righf) E va ll Sclmoll (/I Ashleigh R eibach has Elvfs. (Mirlrllf'lift) Ufs/f'I'lIfin'f gmr/f. HUI/ter Ross, Chris Ja cob, Juliana SUlllll er, Mo lly Du~ ({1II1

San) Small.

(Middle l'ighl) Juliall(l Su.m')}., rliljJlays ht,. reronler s/.路ills. (Lofi!'n) Ned T"ice Pl'ljOl1l1S f "lIlolle Bel/fIIlh fhl' Mistlel oe " alollg v::ilH fhe Uppn' Srhool ("homs.

Fine Arts



Winter One Acts Two Thumbs Up! for 'Backbone afAmerica'! This play W,lS about Chase a college studenr (Taylor Collier) who for a favor to his girl friend baby-s its a li rrle girl, SA (Mal"Y Congdon) . At the beginnin g of th e pl ay SA and Chase do not get along. They havl' a talk about what their parl'nts want them to he, Chase\ par<.:nts want hi m to be a lawyer, S.A. wants to be a banke r or at [eas t that is what she thinks wi[[ make hl'r t~lther happy. Her fa ther is obsessed wi th ti me and he is forcing SA to be the sa me way she knows exactly how Illan y minutes it takes to get there. At th e e nd Chasl' and S.A decide that they ,hou[d respect th e ir parents even though th ey wi[ 1 not 3[ \\"a\'$ agree with them.

110 t ) Fine Arts

Fine Arts



Winter One Acts "Take Five" Receives Our Highest Rating! This hi lari ou~ and c haotic comedy, performed bv Ste.:ward st udents. IVas enjoyed b~ parents, facul ty and uther students uf all ages . The Scene.: begins a, such: tWO stage hands, Mike ( cd ' Ii'icc) and Lc~ter ( Ruth Williams). arc moving furnirurc onto rhe stage for rhe upcoming performance tha t night.

Suddenl y the telepho ne ring', ~ Iike pick~ it up. and the WOJll en on the other end is req uest in g to speak with

hcr husband, Greg Bax ter (Justin Mehaffey). Whcn :--1 ike asks Lester if he kn ow~ a ma n by the na me of Greg 13ax rer, a Ill Cin from the audience.: walk!) on 'Hage, pick up rhe phone. and hegins (;l Iking to hi ~ wife. Greg srands

there in complete humiliation, for he cannot belic \'e hi .., wife called him at the t hea rer! '.1 canwhile, 1\li ke and Lester run off the stage ill cmbarrassment . since the,' did not know therc was an 3udic n c sirri ng in frOllt of

the m. In t he mi ddle of all the confusion. the ~Icrua l "p lay" is rca dy ro

begin. Alex (Stephen Paulette). one of the cha ranc rs. appears



s ho rt l ~

followed by hi~ pregnant wife , Sharon (Sara R oss llloore ). The acto rs st umble thruugh their lines, bu t t hey are completely in awc that this srran ger is sirr ing on their s[age ralking on the tclc.:phone' Perha ps one.: of the most humorous scc n e~ occurred when

(;Iadys (Jennifer I .a lourellc), Sharon's sister , hu\\ s up with he r fiancee . Bernard . Phew' What a performance! Great job to all the acto r~ for:t jub-we ll -done! It certainlv paid off!


(J Fine .Arts

Fine Arts ( ) 113

Grandparents' Day" Spring Concert Granuparents' Day was fun! Not only uid the Stuu Cnt5 in the play have a good time, so did the gran d paren ts. Thi ~ year's performance Was se t in Disneywo rld . As usual the upper ~choo l Spring Concert brought wgether the lower school stu dent s, the upl>er school cho rus, m iddk school cho ru s. and the record er class. Because 0[" its Disney them e, the musical selec tion s focu seu on Di sney theme songs.

Grandparents' Day is in many ways the cu lm ina tion of a yea r's wo rk in music and shows off our s tudents' talents to the fulle,t.

(lop) Th,' 51h gradI' .l/ollsdell'l'1".( hoslnl tlit- /)iWf), .,pntaO/ll/r "YIJ/lllg (If IImrl'/or Crrllldparml.i·

Day: Oray O'Brian, Jami e Satterfield, Aly Pittman, (llid Jordall EfFon. (Jlliddk) The 41h gmrir perjimilfl/"Br(lllt)' alld flit13msl " willi fIIlO1gall Hutchinson pla)'il/g 13crlllly alld A rtis Mills playi/lg 111f' 8msl. SpOlJl/S alld forl.s alld tlif village beoll()' sillg ill Ihe badgmlllld. (f .Of§l'r/rji) SllI'alr Newco mb pla)'s Iht 1ft/potfrolll "Hmlll)' (llIri Ihl' RM.'I. ··

(!.omn· right) Ida I/e" ley pM)'.\" emit /mill Alaridill tllldsillg.'"',\fr.'er .IM a l-i-il'Ud f,ill' ,I fl'. ..


114 ( ] Fine Arts

(Top) Killrlergm1ett Pooh... allri 1iggers sillg rhe Jigger SOIig. (Jliddk Irfr) 211d gmders 1m i'ill{)aliio sillgillg "I've Cat No S!ri/~f!,S.


(Middle righr) Noah Sclmoll, ri,e COl/dlpsrirk (l1/1I01/1IreS thor rile feasl m'ill brgill, (LofJ!:er IPft) Firsr gmde rlu:arves sillg Ihe ", I/irkey ,llollse Club" rdth rhe MOl/sriwrers, (LofJ!'pr riKhr) The Jnl I!,mde piraresfrom Perer Pall: Aftoll Bm'flett. Grayso'/l Goodstein, Phillip HlOod, Daniel Kleiu, {lIId Tann er Clements.

Fine Arts ( ) 11 ~

(lop) Ilan y BtIIYiIl ((IS PIt{{{7)a/,) '«'idl .//I.lrill J/l';'tlffi~l' (losl'plt) (llIri ""rill ROltl//(l)/{ (.1 In, I'oripl!({/)

IIJoseph and the Amazing Teehnieolor Dreameoat ll

This cla"ic biblical tale ahout Jacob ( I larry Haron), and hi s tll'cil'e son', is prestondy bcing performed by cas" across the natio n, hut perhaps Olll; of the most hard working and dcdic;'H(;d

ca~ ( s


ould be t he one we had here at Stcwa rd, Joseph , thc main character of thc play, (Justin Mehaffey) i, by f.lf Jaco b', r,,,u ritc II

'1un, and so hl: hu)s him a 'Tcchlliculor dreamcoa t. \\ hile (he rest of his ele\'en son"

(Taylor Collier, Mich",,1 MaszaJ'os, Ted Benson, RolalllJ \Vest, Stephen Paulette, David Becker, Jimmy Atkinson, Ben Wolff, Heather Ilajck , Ke vin Stradel-, and Juliana SlIIllncw-) \\"e re lert s;'I(Jh- in the dw;r. As rime goc:-, by. the n ~lrrntors (Camhedy Pearson, Sara Rossmoorc, Elizabeth SUI1111CI-, and Lauro 'Wao-d ) tell of (he schellles the brothers plot a,gains( Josep h, destroying hi s multi-co lored coat. and "<..:lIing him

<1:-' "I



a millionaire

n:,med Pot iphar, \/an y ha\'e reported this play \\.h c.x.: rrninh on~ of Src\\,;lrd 's bc~t ! Of COUf'~e, we could no t go wit hout me ntioning rhe vcr; hard wo rki ng and extremel y tal ented directo r, ~Ii ss Pau la

Verkun , the mu sic director, i\ lrs, BOll nie Anderso n, the Aft Coordinator, \Is. Rugen" Paulette, and \Irs , Latourelle for making all of the heaut iful cost ullles! The ca::, l :..II1d crew of "j 05(; ph '1 put ~ln enormou s amount of time and " ffort in order «) produce (hi , hi g hl ~ t,;n rcrtaining and energeti c perfurmance. CongnHuJa[ i ons!~

(. \1 iritll/' Irjr) X,,/'/'aro!:< Lilli I'a Ward, ra'///beJ'ly Pea rso" , Fliz lIbelh SUllluel; {lilt! Sara Ross1IIoore slI/'/7)I/1/dJustin

Mehaffey (IS ./O,ffph. r. \litltlll'riglt!) 111I I'IJI BII rUII


.Iamlt witlt TaylO1- Collier tiS Rml!m.

(Ilion') .Io,,'('plt:, flf'~'I'lIl!rot!teJ:l': Julia 110 SUllmel; Heather flaj ek, Kev iu Stradel; Jill/lilY Atkinson, Michael Masza-ros,

navid B eckel; Ted Beusou, Audy Stitt, Bell J¥olj]; Tay lor rolliel; ({lIri Rolalld West, (Rir:l!f) ./OSfplt ill Itis 1I!"ii' ('o({f: (fiw/f ro lim k) S t ephell Po IIlefte, .Iustill MehajJ~)I, navid Beckel; .Iillllny AtkillsulI, Mary COl/griOIl, Gray ()'Rriall, Han:)' Ba/'O/I, Lorraine Ha wes,

Jesseka Gray.

116 ( } Fine Arts

(l hp kjf) Rolf/lid II fsl , ) IIslill ,IMltljjf)'. mlrf Kl'Vill Slmrle!: (Ihp right) )II,;till .IIdWj)fV ({1It1 i fSSi'l'f/ r:my, (. l/iddlf irjf) Mol!)' SlIlIe/; J enll ifer Gray. Caitlin Ross1Iloore. (iray O'Brillll. /11m)' Congdon. J ennifer l,{Itot/relle. Cynthill .lohns, Lorraille /-Il1 wes. fll/f/Jesseka Oray mith.lllstill Mehaffey. (.I l iddlf right) Julillnil S U'IIIlI er ",'irh Justill M ehafj'ey ({lid Ted Bensou, Rollllld Hiesi. Stephen Paulette, (llld Dav id B eckel:

Fine Arts

(J 117

Stunt Talent Night Stull[ Talen [ ' igh[ is an all , schuul p roduction in [h e format uf a va rie ty s how. Hosted by two upp<.:r schoolers, senior Emilv Wolff, and junior Ned Trice, [l ,t: product ion inc luded numbers put on by members in all grades.

(lop) Ch ip Cosby (/lid ri,e valid

lVoisrgale. (.liiddlf kft) Thf "J /amrfl/a .lIamas alld Papa.r路' srmrinf!. 4rh grade girls alld the dar/,路. Sa'r all

Newco1llb {/fIt! A unie Wise.

(Middle rig/if) 211d gmrlrr Katie Kasper sillgillg "Ollf U0.1' Tit/ed . ., (Lowerlrjr) .1 illlwy A I/.,jUSOll (lIId.Jutiana SU1Imel" pnjorlll

cm e.werpt f rolll "Cn'{7Sf'. ,. (Lower righr) Taylor Colliel' (/lid Sara Ros.mlOore sill/! "Solllert)hfl'l' Ollr There. "

llat} Fine Arts

(IiJp) Thf 2nd Gmrir (,'/lid.'I'IIS pelfumllo IItt' "Cllid,{'I/ SOI(~", Samh DeLalley, Polly Call'llella, (lIId Bobbie Lou LOllg,

(,ilitldll'llfl) Laura U"II路d pl'lfol"llls fI .wlo "Colon of rill' Wind" (. iliddlt' r~,!hr) f da H ell ley pnforllls a .wla/kart/I!' mlllillf 10 "1 ElljO)1 BI'ing {( Cirl. ., (I ,Ofar kjiJ Tile fdllllPrJ of Ihf 1997 SIIIIII 1iIiml tHlIlIIabe ("QlllfSI -

Fhe Tell/plaliolls: Will Murray, lI1elv ill Todd,



(1,()fUr r~~hl) Frml Fischer (lIId Artis M ills-Thr Billts Brolhfl :r.

Fine Arts

(J 11 9

Fine Arts Banquet The Fin e Arts Banque t is an im'itution-on ly evcIH \\ hich ccleb ratcs the accomp li shmcf1[s of Steward studCIHs in thc J-ine Arts, The thcmc this yea r \\ as ':.... Shakes pcarean reast. " The fa cu lty goes all ou t for this eve nt and the decorati on arc alwav, beaut iful. Thi s ycar our s tudc nt, rea ll y rosc to the occ'asion as th e following pictures demonstratc.

(lop) Mrs. Lalol/relic (m.f{III11P II/fd','r ('.wmonlil/flir!'), Ms. Verkoll, fIIlfl N/rs. Paulcite ded:nl Ollr ill FOIII oj.rrard)' mlllll/II.<. (. Ilitltll!' lift) Saliy A llll e

SlrattoJl. (. Ifirlrllf righr) ,4l1dy Slitt fllltl r,Ve I(vSallders. (Lo[J2"('f'ltjr) All I'() 11 PaYll e (lilt! A lisia J+eellla II, (IA[J2'I'r righr) 'lily lor Collier (lJI(I Sh el(v Giglio.


(J Fine Arts

(lop) Sal'll Russ1I1oore, .Iel/u if er LlItOlwelle,

Camberly Pearsun, Steph en Paulette, alld I\lizabel/i S 1/.11111el: (. lJidrik /~ft) Slim RosslIloo re {meprs Iler Cifi}ord frolli ,lin p{l/i/elt~.


(. tfirld/~ I'(f!.hr) Gil ris 11 ill es {{(,('f'pr.( a pla!jlleji'O/II :\/1:\'. Pall/me.

(l"ofJ.''fl'llji) Julllli/Ult/ 'llptOIl illliiSjfSliv~ liar. (l"ofNI' riKht) Lau ra Siahaugh ill a m/miu/ Nark


Fine Ans

(J 121

STUDENT LIFE Jt's time w gel crazy and have some [Ures he re



ild adven-

the Steward School! Th e Lowe r a nd

:-vliddle Schoob mad e a time to bond , to take a break from their sc hool lI'ork, and to e nj oy thei r annua l J Jalloll'een Ca rnival. A gra nd time was had by all! E:\cuse me. do


hal'e th e TI;\JE ? Wel l.

according ro th e lVatches of the s rud e nrs who ca me to visit us frum abroad , it' s six hours ahead , Al ong

lI'ith th e ir fea rl ess lead ers, ;\1r. and :--lrs. l .elVis, all se t their watc hes back. to come han g with Americans.


Th e sflldents from th e Ri l'e rsrun

Schoo l. Stell'ard':, sis te r sc hool in London. England, came ro ce le brarte Steward 's 25 th Anni ve rsary w ith LI S,

and th ey had a jol ly good time. Jt's tim e to ge t

d Oll'n and boog ie!

With Stell'a rd 's fi rst a nnual

J Jomcoming Dance and rhe unforgettable Ju n ior/ Sen ior, sflId e nrs had many op portun ities to hit the dance floor and s holl' other. th e ir best moves!



The 1996-97 Hallo\\ ecn Carnil'al was enjoyed by th e enr ire lower school. The re were five stations at th e carn iva l. One station was the Ghost Station. Anothe r station was rhe Cat Station. Othe r stations incluJed the Pumpkin Station. Spider Stat ion, and Trick-or-Treat Station. At th ese stations the srudeI1[s plaved games, decorated and ate cupcakes, and gOt th eir faces painted. The carnival was hard work. Fortunatelv. Mrs. I [aje k had help from volunteer Upper School s tudcnts.

(R.ighl) Chris Jacob, J1I1argaret GUptOll, Kitty Ball. Page COllway, Molly nul路f. (Illd

La u rtf Skove I'J{lJIOt/HTflrlioily.

(. Iliddle lifr) Sa rail J-/a rgro'ue g,'I.; 1'",,(/1' 10 mlilier vall rlO':'1I rhe slide for (/ f!ri~p (. 11iddle ri..r;hr) .I illl III)' A tkiIlSOU, Tori Cal/uella, /)01]' Kiehl, Robert TUI'//eJ; ({lid M elv ill Todd. (LOf拢'er f'onmj 111a 1)' Wtml enGood. Steven Rogers. Bobbie Lol/. Loug, ({lid Katie Kasper II/ake {/ grMr pUll/phil


(J Student Life

(Leji) ./llstill J/e/wffey shom... MQJl(l' A"dn:iOlI, Rep! Dovf11port, I'IlIk)1 7itntn; allr/ SlffJfI1 Rogers fJ::lwrr 10 rhraw the tfl111is ball. (Middle llji) lell/ller Cielllf'llts Ihraws the beall bag thmllf/!Ilie rillgs, (J/idr//e ng/tt) Bobbie LOll f,ollg resists Ihe templarioll 10 grab the C1pplr wilh her hands, (LOfC'n) Upper Srhoo/ helpers /:.JiZfl CI/nwllit fwd Chari Hi'tI/ey.

Siudeni Life



(fop) . Iuuie Wise, Blair Suttou , (lilri Hac/w elilleye rs atlrh b,,//ofJIIS r/irrillr./idrl day.


(. lliddM .l /n SlrirJ;/(llIdgrl.l illfn lilNlrrron,


(lIId 1l1asou


1I1II'per Early . .4my

Camp-Crowder /oo/.' Oil.

(/.o",路n) Josie Loug mid Alex Lltlfe,-bei'll shoo" r/IPir SI('fJ!'fmlspiril rlllr illgfidd dal'. (fir/ofJe) ParmI., hr/pff/ 0111 bl' f'Oohllg gn'f(( fno(/fnr 0111' hllllgtT prl/1iripallfs.

Field Dav " \V()\I , What a Fun Time We had :H th e Lowe r Schoo l Fie ld I b y!" T he I;i e ld Dav was ada\' packed with garnes, la ughte r, ribbon>, and foo d, The Fie ld Day was for the whole LOll e r School, kinde rgarte n th ro ugh fi fth grade. Teachers. facu lt\', and pa re m ::. all [lulled togeth e r [Q make th is eve n t a sll ceess . The re were t he traditi onal fi e ld day ga mes suc h as re lay races and t he long jum p, as wel l as so mc newer coo pe rati ve projec ts s uc h as egg races and a fr isbee thruw, Afte r a ti lling lu nch made by th e pa re m s, th e st ud ellts were di vided up into tea ms to II a rk toget he r. T he Field D ay is no t about compe titio n bur abo ut havin g fun. Ribbons we re givcn to st ud e nts fo r t he ir e ffort, It wa~ a beam iful da y anel t he kid s are already look ing forwa rd [Q nex t year's events.

126 ( } Student Life

(U/J/lf r left) COl'bill L eitch fu/rJ:s nil tJ'f-dJ'l'illt; n !-shirr.. (U/J/ll'r right) f ord Fischer

mrfS tnfi)'l l/ds

thf fillish lillf.

(LofJ2'('rll'ji) Palll Bishop flllri Tholllos War/Ii ell holdlheir hallr/.r steaf(Y dllrillg Ihf fgg mny [!fllllf, (LoU''('/' riglit) Jlllillll ll 1'llltrs/oll , LLlIt ra Skove. alit! Sarah A rrigo liji Ihf /l(l/'{/t/lilif hig/I (1/)001' thfir IIMr/.r,

Student Life



Junior-Senior The 1997 Juni or-Sen ior was a rousing success i S(Udenr~ ga th ered at the Welleslev Commun ity Center and danced until dawn. It \las a blac k ti e affai r and Steward students and the ir dates dressed impeccablv.

(fop ("fII!rr) Caleb Nu!!elll {/lid Paul Douglas (llid tlN'ir da!£'s jJ'JS£'lor ({ pi, Ilfr,. (I I/Joe'f) }lfliiorr/a.H spoll.wr .l/n. De!ill£' poses fiC'i!/; Laiuie Haske{{, Bruce Lafolle. (lJ/(/ IJ'mi~)'


(Rig/If) George Cauble tll/rl U 71 il lie), Hajell !akea brm/...

PaYll e a/lf/ Scott Howl/ 'rr! gd t/fJff'll.'

(flll' rig/It) .4l1 1"0 II


t) Student Llle

(Ltfr) H eidi Arista flllri Aarol/ Payne. (.\lit/riM Hriu Rob inson, Jllslill Mehaffey, Tricia Faust fllld her dil/{', K1'isten Millet; {/lifl Chris Nill es.

Ashleigh M cLaw'ill, La 1I1'll Murray, at/r/ Ca ll1ber(v Pea rson. ( L.fifi:'IT left)

(Loren' right) J us/in M ehaffey and S cott Hawa'r d mal.路e {/ [!1'{{1l(1 elltralltl'.

Student Life ( ) 129

('fhp) Bel/. Wolf/ lilld Han)' BarOIl m// (Jill fl-'illllillg

Rillgo 1If(1II/ln:\'.

(, llidd/t) R ebecca /-iIlTCII, .Josie LOllg. {lJ/(/ Sa rail fJm'gro v e fIIjO,l' llil'i,. milo" ({(lid )" (I ,o~'('f) Paul Bisllop lllld.Jollatllfl// ('auble pflllip dO/d:f)',

(Oppo,rift, ptlgf IIppn' Ifji) F Oli11ll1' Idlt'" CO{/(;, Rit'P(lIId Brawley Scott. (Opposilt' liPpI'/' r ig/II) 'filii Ligoll jlips 0 111 ill Iltt' spf/rr IIII!J/;/f', (Opposilt' lIIidrlll' If/I) Frin H unler dist/'iltlllfS Itdlormr, {OPPOSilf lIlirldll' (fill,,!,) ('11 ris Byrlle ('(JI/(t'll/rat!'.:; 0 /1

IIi.\' p I/Iff! :

({Jppositl' lIlidrllt, r iglit) Kevin Strader al tlip ,1'jJIJIIgr toss lioolli.

(Oppositf'low('l) Gray O'Brian pmills Ali Ilord's jal'!',

Spring Fling The Spring Fling thi s ve a r \\ as a whopping s ucce~s ! i'vlan y of th e upper cla,slllcn s upc rviscd act i\'ities s uch a~: thc III 0 0 11\\ alk g>,Ill , th c te acher c1 art boa rd, the vcnus-f1 \, trap acti\'ity. and an an imal pe tting zoo: fea turin g thc \ cr>, famou s, " He nry th e Donkey." Parcnts, tc ache rs and o th e r s pec ia l fri en d s he lped ou t wi th c vC nts like: face painting, cupcake decora tin g. sa nd tre asure hunt , cake walk, and th e "fis hing for a pri ze" ga me. The seve nth g rad e also hos te d a spo nge throwi ng contes t, in \\'hi c h ma ny of our fm 'o rite Stewa rd fri e nds wcre t he targc t o f ma ny anxious s tud e nt s holdin g so p ping-\\'e t spo nges ! The Pa re nts Assoc ia ti on held thcir annual raffle , thi s year a pri ze of $5,000! Kud os ro all of th ose te ac he rs. faculty. pare nts, fri e nd s, and , rudents for making the First Annual Spri ng F lin g a in c re di ble and e nj oya bl e eve nt fo r th e Stewa rd Schoo l thi s vea r!!

130 ( ) Student Life

Student Lile ( ) 131

The Corinthian presents the 1997 Man of the Year Award to:

The Steward School In rhe vie w of rh e judge >. Th e Sre\lard School has uphe ld iLs IVli ssion Statemen t to rhe h ighesr

d c~ree .

"The .lIissioll 0/ 'f'hr SIeu.Ylrd St/lf)l)l is 10 pmc'ide {I h(~h-I/II("ily (ol/p[[t' fJrffJtII'flfOIJ' progmllllh{ll mrollm~es slllrlmls o/wrinl 1,,11'111.1' fllld "bililies 10 df'f.'r/ol) Ihtir "1111/"1' Slrnt{!lhs ill (Imrifllli(:(, alhlf/il:>, illsl il/illg lilt, t 'ldl/('!' 0/ l 'f.l/JolIsi/JIt, il iznts!tip.


I {IrIs, ,clt il/'

7'11/' Sll'fnml Sr!tool sf'f,I.-s fllld ,d('!trales l!tl' illlliv iritftli la/fillS of

ee-er y slllrlml, (Illd is I'OlIIlIIillnl If) olJn' ils sll/tif'llls (11/ ('(III('([lioll{f1 ('-"pl'rinlf'f' ill {{II illlilllalf, {lIIrI 1II1I'll/rillg, yel

dlflllellgillg, 1'1If.:iI'Olllllf Jl/ . ..

The students, pare nrs. t' lculry. adminisrra rion. Board of'J'rus tLOe>. and fri e nds of the school h ~l v(; shown dedi cation an d suppon to rh e school's comm irm enr to exee lknce in , ducarioll. Congratu lati ons!

"To everythi/lf( there ,:\ a seasoll alld a rime ro reery pllrpose.., Thi s year the 1997 Graduario n class wi ll le31'c rh e Sreward School ru pursuc hi gher e ducatio n in eolkgLO . While we are sa d to see \'ou leave for rhe con rrib u ri ons YOU have made to Sre\lard , rime must progress forward. We wis h yo u the bes t.

';tI time to plallt alld a rime to pilidt liP what Itas bem plallted. " The Steward School will conrinue its excellence in de \'o tion ru rcaching. To plant the seed of cu riosity and kno\\'ledge in all who arrcnd. The school co nrinues to amend its programs LO berrer scrve the need s of o ur sehool, ' rude nts, fri e nd s. and community.

'/I time to break dowll alld a rime ro bllild lip. " Th e end of the school year is a til11e to clean ou t loc ke rs an d rake dow n projecrs rh at have ado rn ed o ur hall ways and clas"ooms. j\.'exr fa ll we will begin aga in to ad d to the crea ri viry and Icarn ing; of ou r s tude nts.

'/I rime to weep alld a time to lallf(il. " Thi s year th e co mmunity of The Steward School wepr for th e loss of fri(; nci, pa re nt. and former teac he r, L(;e Co lli er. She wi ll always ho ld a special spm in our hearts. from thi s d iffi cu lt loss \1(; \I ill lea rn and become s tro n g~ r. Lt:(; taught us to laugh and live li fe, and in her memo ry \I'e \I ill do so. Mor(; than anyrhing, she taught us to dream .

'1/ rimp to keep alld a rime ro (fiSr awal'. " Th e yearbook ch ron icl es nor only th e 25 years of The Steward School , b ur rhe class year of 1996- 1997. It wil l bc a me mory book of rhe eve nts th at happe ned thi s year. Re m -a-Juni or, Hlmily Fun \Iig;hr. Pc t Day, Language Arts Wee k, Th e Sc ience Fa ir, Alternate Program, Sp irir Teams . Th e Ju nio r-Se nior, Athh;ric ga mes, Ho mecoming, and Graduari on to name a few.

'/I time to !.w p silenre and a rime ro speak. " The yea r has been one filled wi rh new fri end s. amaz ing a~co mpli shme lH " . ~lI1d interes ti ng experiences. Good lu ck and co ngratul arion s ro rh e Chl SS of 1997.

132(J Index &ClOSing

Index A Abbasi, Anusha .\6, 71 Adams. Seott 89 Aliberri. Robbie 30 Anderson. IVlumy 48, 49, 102. 12S t\rikian, Evan 48, 102 Ari~[<I, Heidi 10. ZR, 73, 80, 129 Arrigo, Sarah 127 Aspcy, Krisren 52, 53, 103 Atki nson. jimmy 42. 43, 70. 100. 108. 116, Il l:>, 124 Arki nsun, \"~ II 40, -II. 7R, R7 Avent, Alice 33, 59 Avery. Sarah Gray 52, 53

B Ball . Kitty SO, 51, 124 Baron, I-Iarr\' 36, 7 1, 78, 86, 95, lOS, 11 6. 130 11'11'011. Miriam 11 , 28, 73 Baronian, Cary 50 Baronian, Sam 42, 5R, 70, 100 Bartlett,Afton 46, 47, 11 5 Barton, Reed 50 Barzel, Jona rhan 4-1 , 101 l1ec ker. Dal 'ill 36. 7 1, 78, 11 6. 11 7 Bed i, Ambika 42. 100 Bedinger, Leigh 4R, 102 Bcil , C hrist ine 36, 65, 71 Be nson, Alex 40, 7ll. 1:>7, 95 l1ellso n. Ted 36. 64, 71, 78, R6, 9S. 97, 104. 11 6. 117 Bi lgin, ~Iurat 34. 6.1, 76. 77. 89 Bisgcr, Amy 50, 126 Bishop, Paul 44. 45, 101 , 127, 130 i3onne r, Tiki a 33. 90 Borum , Anne 46 Brell er. ' I~I y l or 38. 6:) Brierre. Corbin .\6, 63 , 71 Brin, Wade .14. 35, 63, 76 BS3 t, Ramsev 38 l1u llock. Eli za 38. 7 1, 88. 92 Bl'rne, C hri ~ 40, 41, 106. 107, 130

c Camp-Crowde r, Mason 46, 66, 126 Cannella, Polly 4R, 49. 102, 104. 11 9 Cannella, Tori 42, 70, 124 Cau bl e, George 12 , 28, 68, 72, 7." 76, 77, 1:>2, 83. 96, 97, 128 Cauble, j ona rhan 44, 45. 66, 130 C henau lr, Brooking .>4. 62, S2. 9-1 C henau lt. El iza 30, 3 1. SO. 90. 125 Clements. Cobu rn 46, 47

Cle men rs, Tanner 5U, 11 5, 125 Coll ier. ulylor 33, 106, 107, 11 0. 116, 118, 120 Congdon, 1\'lary -l0, 63. 78, 110. 11 6 Conway, Page 50, 124 Cosb\', Chip 34, 63, 93, 97, 118 Cosb\', Ore\\' 30. 60, 6 1, 76, S9 Cox. Ann a 34, 62, 106

o Davenpo rt, Reyn 48, 49, 102, 125 De Laney. Sarah 4R, 49, 102, 119 Di xon. Berh 50, 5 1 Douglas, Pau l 13. 73, 76, 82, 83, 96, 97, 128 Dru mm on d. Keri 52, 53 Drzal. Chri s ., 0, 94 Drzal, Kar ie 34, 6S, 72 Duke, 1\ 1011 )' 109. 12-1 Duty, Alex 36, 71, 7ll. S6, S9. 93, 104 Dwver, Rob 44, 101

E Early. I-l arper 46. 47, 126 Eberly. Carte r 34, 62, 6S, 72, 106. 107 Effron. jord an 42, 43, 70, 100, 109, 114

F Emell , Rebecca 52, 53, 103, 130 Faust, '['ricia 14, 28. 129 Faye, Racine 48. 102 Fclvev. ~-rarshall :l6, .17, 7 1, 84. 88. 92 Fell路e),. Srewart 34, 35, 62 Fi nnegan, 1\lauricc 40. 4 1 Fische r. Ford 44, 45, 66, 10 I, 119, 127 Fi xman. David 30 [:aorc. Jamie .~R. R6, 9':;. 97 Free man, Ali sia 32, 90, 120 Frit zl11an , Robe n 40, 7S Frostick.Bbke 40. 4 1. 63, 78. 87, 95

G Garnc[(, Dere k 34, 60 George. Warren .,S, RO, 8S Gianfortoni. Philip 44 . .19, 66. 101. IDS Gigl io. Shelly 59, 120 Goldberg. Ben 36, 71. ~9. 95 Guldberg, josh 76, 93 Guoll, Mar\' Warden -18, 49, 65. 102 , 124 Goods rein, Cheslev .12, .1:'. 103 Goodstein . (;raysol1 48, 65. I U2, 11 5 Gordon, Anali sa 34 Go[(wald , 1\l ar t 7, 32. 59, 68, 89, 93, 97 Graves, Ad am 30. 94 Gray. Jen nifer .,8, 7 1. RO, R4, R5, 88. 92, 97, 105, 117 Gray, jesse ka 3-1,35. 5S, 62, SO, SI, 84. 85, 89, 105. 106, 11 6 Greene, Le igh 44, 59. 101

Index 81 Closing ( ) 133

Gregory, Talley -10 , 7 1, l OS Gu prol1,1'.路brgare t 50, 124

H -16. -17 , 10 ~ Hagy, Chris 30, 60 Il ajek. I leath er 42. 4.'l, 70, 100, 104, 11 6 Hajek, i\l eghan 30, 6R. 72, 79. 1\4, 90, 92 , 97 Hajek, Whitn ey 30, 90, 9 1. 92 , 97. 128 Ha mil ton , Austi n 42. 70, 100 Hargrovc. Sarah 52, 53. 124, 130 ll arier. Ste phc n 30. 82. 97 Harri s. ren 42, 100 Haskell, Lai ni e 15, 28, 68, 72. 7.), RO, RI, 114, 85, 92, 96, 97, 128 Hatht.:rit.:y, Cora 31). 4 1, 7~ Hatht.: rk y, 1'.liehael 3-1 , 60, 62. 63, 76. 89 , 93 Il a\\'es. Lorraine 38. 116 Hazc ll, iVlarga ret .)4. 62, 84. 92 Healcv, i\shlee 36, 80, 8 1, R4, RR. 92, 97 Healey, Chad 34, 35, 63, 94, 125 Hcnlt.:y, Ida 42. 70, 100. 106. 107. 108, 11-1. 119 Il eywood . Brannan 30 Hines. Ch ri s Iii. 28 , 72, 7.\, 71i, 77. 93 , 121. 129 Hinklc, 1'.'],l(( 30 Hodge, Forrest 17. 28 , 73 Hont.:\', Anne-Sims 50. 5 1 I lord , Ali 40, 88. 130 Hnwa rd, Scott .)0, 31. 76 , 9-1. 128. 129 Hu nter, rrin 1i2 . Ii'), 89. UO Hutchinson , 1'. lorgan -1-1. 45 , 67, 10 1. 11-1

La\\'ron, Andy 42, -13, 70 Lei tch, Corb in 52, 53, 108, 127 Lewis, Jason 34. 82, 94, 97 , 11 9 Lewis, John 50 Lt.:11 is, Shawn 6, 19, 28, 68, 72 , 73, 76, 77 , 82, 83. 89, 'J I , 94, 96, 97

Haa~, Au~tin

J Jackson, .'vI oll y -II), -19. 65 , 102 Jackson. Sca n 40 , -I I, ~7 , 95. 97 Jacob, Chris 50, 109, 124 Jam e rso n. Nat han 44, 66, 101 Jarvand i, :--Jima 38. 87, 95. 97 Jalv3ndi, Sa rah -18, -19, 102 J ohn ~ , C\'nthia 36, 7 1, 106, 11 7 Jones. Cabt.:11 30, 6~, Sl)

K Kasper, Ch ri sti ne 52. 103 Kasper, Kati e 48, 49 , 102, I 18, 124 Ken d ig. LOll isa -Iii Kern , Jdf 44, 10 1. 108 Kiplt.:y. Joh n S9 Klein , Daniel 46, 47, 11 5 Kle in, Do ry 42. 43, 70. 100, 124 Korn hla u. Sara 38. Ii.)


Ligon, ' II m 76, 89, 130 Long, Josie 52. 53, 103, 126, 130 Long. Robb ie Lou 48 , 49, 102, 11 9, 124, 125 Lutterbein, Alex 52, 103. 126

M :vlari no, Zach 52 .\ 'Iari na, Zacharv 103 :O-1arre nstein, Sarah 36, 71, RO, RR, 97 Maszaros, Chri s 3S. 78 , 87, 95 i'" laszaros. Michael 60 , 68, 72, 106, 107. 116 McGehee, Brian 20, 28, 72, 73, 82, 83, 89, 96, 97 McGowan, Cal ly ,)2 McLaurin, Ash leigh 32. 68, 90, 92, 129 McLau rin .. I[<.:n t 38, 78, 86, 95, 97 McMill an, Alex 52, 53 MeTa maney, Brian 34, 106 Mehaffey, Jus ti n 34, 11 2, 11 6, 125 , 129 Meyerhoff. Bec ky 30, 72 , 80. 106, 107 Meye rs, Brian 105 1'. feye rs, Raehael 44. 59, 101 , 126 Mil le r, Kri ste n 62 , 129 Mill e r, Mark 38, 9,) , 97 :O-1i lls, Ani, 44, 114, 11 9 "I urray, Laura 30. 3 1, 129 ",l urray, Will 33, 82, 11 9 Mye rs, Matt hew 33, 6 1

N Newcom b, Sarah 44, 45 , 10 1, I 14, I 18 f\ida, Travis 2 1. 73, 76 I\'o rton, (\I iso n 44, 45. 66, 101 lugent, Caleb 22, 7.1, 89, 94, 97, 128 U t, [fra h 23. 72. 73

o O' Brian, Gray 42, 70, 100, 109. 11 4, 11 6,130

p Padow, Emily 33 Paoletto, Wil li e 36, 65. 78, S7 Parrish, David 46, 47 Parrish, Kri sten 42, 100 Patterson, Mary 3S, 71, 79 Pau lette, Stephen 32 , 33, 68, 76, 77, 89, 93, 97, 101i. 107, 112, 11 6, 121

Lafon e, Rrll ce I R. 28, 7.3, 94 , 128 Lanno n. Peyron 40, 63, 80 Larus. Elizabeth 36. 71, 80, 84, 88. 92 , 97. 105 Larourt.:lle, Je nnifer 33, 55, 59, 80, 90, 101i, 107, 11 2, 121

134 ( ) Index & Closing

Payne, Aaro n 30, 76, 89, 106, 107, 120, 128. 129 Pt.:arson, Cam berlv 30, 3 1, 90, 106, 11 6, 121. 129 I't.:mberron, Haywood 42 Perkins, Rus ty 89 Perkin s, Will 36, 76, 86, 89, 95, 97

Pi ([man, Aly 42, 109. 11-1 Pittman, Aus[in -10, 71 Porre r, [\13([ 38, 7S, 87 !'rufli[[, Sam 24, 28, 72, 73, 76. 77, 82. 83, S9, 94, 96, 97 Prui([. Ja" 50. 5 1

Q Quresh i, Fahad 33, .'S. 68, 79, 97, \06, 107

R Rankin, Andre", 3-1, 79. 9-1 Reed. Jamie 36, 7S, S6, 95 Reib'lch. Ash leigh -18. 49, 102, 109 Res[Qr ick, Siobhan -16 Ri vera, Fcrnando 45 , 101 Ri vera, Luciana 52 Robinson, Erin 30, 3 1, 106, 129 Rogers. Steven 48, -19 , 65, 102, 124. 125 Ruse, Andrew 4S, 101. 105 Rose, Jamie 36, 6,';, 78, 94, 97 Ross. Bruuks 52, 10.'\, 108 Rnss, ll unter SO, 51, 109 Rossmoore, Cai tlin 36, 64, 71, 80, 84. 85, S8, 92, 97, 10o, I 17 Ru,smoorc, Sara 7, 30. 3 1, 59, 68, 72, 90, 91, 97. 105, 106, 107, 11 2, 11 6, liS, 121 Rothenbcrg, Lee -10

Stinson, .I ohn 37 Sri [[, Andy 33, 68, 10o, 120 Strader, Kevin 45, 11 6, UO Sna[[Qn, Sally Annc 3S, 88, 120 Strickland ,All ison 40, 4 1, 71, 80. 88 Strick land, Amv -12, 100 Sullivan, Brandon 25, 28, 73 Summerson, Sally -12 , 100 Sumner, Eli zabet h 3-1, 35, 01, 62, 68, 69, 80. 84, 106, 116, 121 Sumner, Jul iana -10, 4 1. SO, 8 1, 88, 109, 11 6, 118 Sundin, Carl 37, 63 , 76, 89 Sunon, Blai r 44. -15, 126


Ta O""an, Amanda 33 Tare, Kendall 42, -13, 100 Taylor, Kelsey SO Thurston, Juliana 50, 127 Tipton, Jonathan 37, 65, 78, 89. 95, 121 ' Iodd, 'leh'in 34. 63, 79, 119. 12-1 Trice, ed 30, 68, 72, 76, 77, 91. 93, 97, 109. 112 Turner, I-inky -18, 49, 102 , 125 Turne r, Robert -12, .t), 109, 124

v Venc1, Caroline 3-1, 89 Vul[z. Nikk i 26, 2S, 73, 92. 97



Salken, .I ere m) 33 Sanders, Welly 30. 31, 120 Sa[[erlield, Jam ie 70, 100, \04. 114 Sa[[erlield,1\路1ichael 3-1, 63 Sauer, Moll y 36 ..\7, 03. 106, 107, 11 7 Saundcrs, Caner 40, RR Sehirick, Mike 30, S2, 83 Schmid[-Ullrich, Philipp -10, -II Schnoll. Evan -IR. 49, 65. 102, 109 Schnull, Noah -IS. 101. 11 5 Scho[[, Juhn 33 Scon. Brant\cv 36, 37, 1>4. 80, 8 1, 130 Scon, I loll and -10, 41. 63, 7R, 95 Sears. ll unter 40, -II, 7S. 87. 95 .38, 78, 86. 95 Seinlrd. Steven .,7,6-1, 65, 7S, 87. 95 Shal er, J.B. 52 Size mure. Om'id -10 Sizemore, .I c,sica 33 Skol'e, Chris[Qph(;r 48, 102 Skol'c. Laura 50, 124, 127 Slabaugh, Laura 37, 6-1,65, 71. 80. 81. 84. 88,97, 121 Small, Sara SO, 109 Smith, Colcman 50, 67 Souder, Brad 42, 70, 100 Stainback, Manh(;", -10, 87, 95, 97 Sternberg. Eric 34, 76. 94

Walsh, Jesse ,J,), 80 Ward, EI iLabeth 48, 65 Ward. Laura 30, 72. 79, 106, 107. 116, 11 9 Ware, Andre\\ -10, -II. 7 Warthen, Thomas 45, 10 1. 105, 127 'vVa,h, Walter 3-1, 35. 62 , 7o, 94, 105 Way. Will 42, 58, 100 West. Roland 37, 71. 78, S6, 116, 11 7 Whitake r. 1\ li chclle 37 White, Lauren 5 I Williams, Ru[h 33, 72. 112 Wi ll iamson, f)an 34, 76, 89 Williamson, Jess ica 4-1, -IS, 67 Wilton, Aynsley 40, 106 'vVise, Annie 4-1. 101 , 11 8, 126 Wolff, Ben 37. 71, 106, 107. 116, 130 Wolff, Emily 6. 27, '28. 68, 72, 73,90. 106. 107, 128 Woud, David .,7, 71, 1;7, 95, 97 Wood, Phillip -16. -17 , 11 5 Woody, Cathe ri ne .)0, 90 Wortham. Ell ioH 52, 103 Wyatt, Ann Yates -10, 80

y Ya ncey, Reed 38, 7S Young;, Sarah El izabe[h 52

Index & Closing

tJ 135~

The 1997 Corinthian Stall Editor: Meghan Hajek Advisors: Lynn Define & Mitra Palmer

Left 10 rigllt: Advisor / :Vlm nejil/e, li/iztI e lmltlll/l, Sara .\1ff!,hflll JJaje/;, Cfllilberly Pl'rtrsOIl.

~6!J Index & Closing

R OSSJII007짜',

Advisor lv/ilm PallIIet; WhitlW)1Hajek,

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