THE STEWARD SCHOOL 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 (804) 740-3394 Title Page 1
Above: With Steward's first students, the founder of the school Helen Dixon brea ks the ground for the first building in 1972.
It was an exciting year at Steward, beginning with the gala events dedicated to the opening of the Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts. These events included on
campus visits by the Manhattan Transfer and the comedy act Capitol Steps. The fall semester also included a celebration of the the school's 30th armiversary. This was commemorated by a day of cake and ice cream followed by an energetic p erforman ce by the popular rock band Carbon Leaf. While the tragic events of the sniper attacks and the terrible loss of Michelle Anderson Haigler, former student, made it a difficult year, we also found that we were a close family, one that can be proud of how far we have progressed in only 30 years. We dedicate this book to the next thirty. - Editors of the Yearbook
2 Introduction
TABLE OF CONl'ENTS Faculty & Staff Seniors People Athletics Fine Arts Academics School Events
12 50 76 104 118 130
Above: Headmastcr Roger Coulombe joins Founder H elen Dixon, Board membe rs and stude nts to CODuncmorate the constru ction of Cosby Ha ll, which would begin a dazzling serics of building projec ts that would include the Athletic Center, Pa ul R. Cramer Centcr for the Arts, Ad ministration / Library Building, a nd renova tions on the Lower School.
Table of Contents 3
St ent Leaders
Upper School Student Council: Front row from left: Meg Robertson, Audie McDouga ll , Melissa Shelburne, Chris Brown Second row from left: Kourtney Boughey, Da nny We lsch , Lee Pa tton, Mrs. Kovach
Upper School Honor Council Front row from left: Hi lary Beck, Katie-Beth Kurilecz Second row from left: Spencer Best, Ryan Kerr, Allison Strickland, Chris Byrne
Upper School Prefects Front row from left: Melissa Shelburne, Hilary Beck, Pamela Lawrence Second row: Allison Strickland, Jere my Karmolinski, Mike Edwards, Chris Byrne
4 Student Leaders
ent Leaders
Lower School Student Council From left: l.:.lizabe th Tyson , Taylor \Nilson, RYcln McKeovvll, I\ llel1
Ed wa rds, C hrissy Edw<lrd~, Stuar t Good , C la ire Mc Kcll\.v ll N ot pictured: Thomas Davis
Middle School Student Council From left: Tucker Bloom, Sa rah Ha rgrove, Ki tty Ball , Megan Rhodes, Connor Jones, Stewart Hargrove
Student Leaders 5
From top to bottom : Mrs. Dunville is busy at work. Travis Voltz visits with Mr. Chapman. Mrs . Brandt makes an important announcement. The Upper School Faculty takes attendance. Mrs. Paulette makes every day a celebration . Mr. Coddington and Mr. Serr are ready to take on the day.
6 Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff 7
John Alley
Bonnie Anderson
Kerry Blum Carolyn Brandt Dewey Brown Laraine Brumberg
Paul Busse Joan Cameron Melanie Casper Chip Chapman Ian Coddington
Chris Conquest Roger Coulombe Jane Covington Kelley Cuneo Pat Cuneo
8 Faculty and Staff
and Staff
and Staff Linda Dunvil1e Marcia Ed\vards
Betty Enright Aii Farjad i
Jenny Ferry
Debbie Fitzgerald Beverley Fox Kat he rin e GoodpdslLire Mi1ry Green lee
Rachel Griffin
Cindy Grissom F.!-.lcll~ Grossman Ronny Ildjek Amy Hale-Fletcher
Debbie I ra nger Lee Healey Gail Heaton Lisa He<1ton Shelby Holland
Wallace Inge Donna Jackson Cabell Jones Catcsby Jones Kathy Karmolinski
Faculty and Staff 9
Facul Steve Kautz Butch Keller Leslie Kovach Susan Latourelle Diana Lawrence
Justin Lee Na ncy Loyd Margaret Maclin Bob Marcellus Mike Maruca
A ml Masza ros John McAlister Scott Moncure Andy Mudd Francoise Mullen
Mary Harvard Nolde Kev in Northrop Robin Oljff Rugene Paulette Debbie Pend leton
Shah wa r Qureshi Toni RClUlie
Janet Rke Robin Ricketts Louise Robertson
10 Faculty and Staff
and Staff
FacuI!y and Staff Melanie Rodriguez Bobby Sanders Betsy Saunders Gene Sawyer ChIis Schall
Graham Sellors Todd Serr Beth Shamburge r Terri Shelton Sherry Siewert
C rC1ig Smith
Kate Strickland UeHy Th Cl ITin glon
'( erry Tash Ste fanie Trickier
Jam路' Tuoh ey Bre nd a T urner
Chri stine Vermillion
Jane Whitely Sabra Wilhite
Charlene Wilton Patti Woodle Lynn Zinder
Faculty and Staffe 11
From top to bottom : Hunter Jennings moves to his next class. Breese Anderson , Lyne Minardi, and Kyle Dennis visit before Assembly. Ryan Kerr is stunned by work that needs to be done.
o ... a ~
12 Seniors
Left: Kyle Dennis is a serious soccer player. Below: Alex Benson joins students during break. Bottom: Ann Yates Wyatt reads to Spanish students.
Clockwise from top left: Ronnie Spears strikes a thoughtful pose. Andrew Ware, Ephraim Edmunds, and Ryan Kerr ~om iJ.ete in_a friendly Easter = e99 hUrl!. Eddietf';uller aAd Pamela
Seniors 13
ANDERSON "This is it.... Don't be scared now." -Home Alone"Keep smiling; it makes people wonder what you've been up to."
-The Cars"The river goes on and on and the sea that divides us is a temporary one and the bridge wi ll bring us back together." -Fleet"Sometimes the light's all shining on me, other times r can barely see, lately it occurs to me, w hat a long strange trip it's been." -Grateful Dead"Yo man. Let's get outta here- word to ya motha'." -Vanilla IceThanks for everything Mom- I couldn't have made it without you. I love you! Good luck to my girls and all of my friends. T love you all... "crazy friends provide for crazy times, and such crazy times we've had." -Neil YoungThere is fun to be done!
14 Anderson
Baruch 15
16 Benson
Boughey 17
BYRNE High school is finally over...Got another four more years ahead to look forward to ... Thanks, Mom and Dad for putting up with me for this 10ng...My blood runs red, white, and blue since I was born in the North and raised in the South of the greatest country in the world ... Funny how people say they want to end terrorism, but when time comes for action everyone is against's the irony of the anti-war protest that rallies for peace and ends in a riot...Three things that you don't want to mess with: my family, my friends, my car. ..One of my fellow classmates found that out the hard way ...the best thing that anyone has told me is that 1 drive like Steve McQueen .. .It's a shame Hunter that you had to mess up and buy a sewing machine, I mean Honda ... a good piece of advice to underclassmen, TAKE PUBLIC SPEAKING IN THE SUMMER. .. and when you are a Senior find an option to Shakesperean Literature ... "Watch where you are going, remember where you have been; that's the way I see it. I'm a simple man." - Charlie Daniels
18 Byrne
CONGDON Pickles rule, but monkeys are better ... Locker wars ... Brownie fights ... Aynsley's pink lipstick. .. Kevin, Tim, and Bob .. .I'm thirsty ... The pony found Mary ... Everyone is a critic ... StairweUs and construction sites ... This is not a country club ... I called my parents. They called my friends for me .. .I need a pick-up milk . .. 1'11 see you at dark thirty .. Ashersl Ambers ... " ! like eggs" ... "Yo,Yo my name is Joe, I like to wear my pants down low ... Moo. I like cheese ... They are not bullets; they are pellets ... large, medium, small-Tim .... That is so funny ... Just because you already ordered doesn't mean you can't look at the menu brother. .. Dear Mark ... Dear Blake ... Dear Travis .. .Dear Luke ... Dear Steven ... "What are you doing this weekend?" ... 1 am going to be at Issa's. How about next weekend? I'll be at Issa's. How about the weekend after that? Oh. She will be at my house ... Let's see, possums, s nakes, cow kill ers, campers .. .It's the EDe.
Congdon 19
DENNIS I'm finally finished ... If the good times get any better I don't know what I'll do ...! had some good times and some great times in high school with all my buddies from Steward & across the river. I want to thank my brothers Ryland and Mathew for their support and inspiration. I'd also like to thank my parents for putting up with me and for all their love and support ... Big Up to all the friend s that I've made throughout the years; you know who you are ... Montreal Fl.. .Schui Rules ... Newcastle .. Carter Henley, you're very special to me, never forget that .... why is it always in my court...4-wheeler. ..Andy, Lee I think we will always be too OLD ...To the rest of the senior class, I will always remember everyone, stay in touch people ... I believe our 25th will be very interesting ... Clay T. Stay real...Jenn Cray you're the best ... Thanks to all of the teachers; I know I'm a handfull .. ... My time is up at this place ... Lord, we gotta keep on moving. "If a man doesn't keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of a different drummer" -Thoreau
"One good thing about music when it hits you, you feel no pain" -Bob Marley
20 Dennis
EDMUNDS First,l would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who kept me through all of the good and bad times. 1 know w ithout God I am nothing. Than k you Mom and Dad, without your love an d support Twould h ave never made it th is far. I love you both very much. And YOll wil l always be in my heart. Kristi, you have been the best sister a brother could ever ha ve. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you. And to all of my family and fr iends who have been with m e from the beginning, thanks for your support. T love you all.
- E Double
EdmWlds 21
EnwARDs It's been a great two years at Steward. We all have done well Allison. Hey Boo, how was the zoo? Hope it was cool. Hey how about these countertops, Ronnie know I'm just kidding like Jason; let's see that robot again Ryan ... Jeremy, what's up player one? ..To all those Lax players if you want to go we can do it 'cause in basketball we do not wear pads, but in Lax you wear gloves, helmets, and shoulder pads, but for real I respect what you guys do time Meg, stay on the road ... Hey Maggie, sorry to say Duke stinks; UNC is better ... E Dub keep beating Ben and Si hold it down with my bro ... Ricky and Chris, you guys are straight but control yourself...If I forgot you, my bad ... until next fo sho holla back at player one.
22 Edwards
FROSTICK Taking a Little breaky break. .. ... 8 is great and 9 is fine .... Boo Boob .. .. . Lacrosse goalie for life ... Livin ' in the country .... DIXIE ..... . Engine 31 responding .. .Lacrosse is better than Basketball... 9-11 we w ill never forget.... Kitty Cut's .... Gone Fishin' ... Parke's House ...... WOW ...... Ben is Big .... Gettin' the old Explorer stu ck behind Short Pump Middle School.... right Matthew .. yeah you can tow me out. .. Chern Com junior year .... Audie is the coolest cruck. ... Me and Georgey Gone Fishin' .... And Mike I am a minority .... Many nights at the firehouse running some calls ..... Runing calls with Co. 9 from work. .. . Thank You everyone from Centerville Company 3 Fire Rescue, y'all are like my second family ... Thank you Mom, Dad , Bud , Whitney, and Allan .... I love y'all ...... I love you Mimi ... . and Papa I miss you more and more everyday but I kn ow you are playin' golf everyday up th ere, and I know you are happy; I love you ... "Just to see you smile, I'd do anything." - Tim McGraw "You' ll be sorry you messed with the USA." - Toby Keith
Frostick 23
24 Fuller
HENLEY LUs-We can't stop here, it's bat country .... Yep, Germans can' t ve ... .The Jam Plan .... no deals ... .l'm Miles Davis ... umm, I bit 路self shaving .... There's a curb there, someone should move .Who are these people anyway? .. Buckets ... .Tragedies on ne's scooter. .... Butter .... Trips to the dirty south .... Kyle-The ball's vour courL .. Well Lyne, at least we attempted soccer...Cayman lIlds '01- Ca m -Ann Yates, my alter ego! -... ..Kyle, I dare you ,nnie GB), Thanks for being such a great friend ..... .Hey Kyle, e shoes ... Ann Yates, Breese, and Linus - what can I say? Y'aU . the best! Let's not forget all the crazy fun we had! ... ...A.Y.-I'II ;5 causing mischief with you ... .Linus-you are so much fun and J 路e you so much! .... Kyle -I'll miss you and your southside ys .... Thanks to my teachers for putting up with me and helping . ali these years - I am very grateful! And to my mom and dad helping me succeed! And of course thanks Catherine, Virginia, :l Scott for being there for me ... There is fun to be done! you don 't li ght my fire, than don't come around." -Ben Harper:l rath er be sleep ing." -a non ymuu sl1('r(' are places I remember all my life, tllough 50l11e hilve 111ged. Some forever nut far better, some have gone ilnd some nain." -Lennon & McCartney \nd all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the hts that lead us there are blinding." -Oasis-
Henley 25
'T'ony OSCA Where to start hmmm ... sumrner '02 at the beach .. .amazingly crazy .. .5o much time spent at this school and as of now .. .5pain was ama zing with my family and Laura were the trips to Italy and England ...Winter '01 and '02 such a daze ... 2001 could have been so much more worth my ti me; T learned though ... Trip to Vermont and Montreal ... keeping my mom up with our antics ... Germans come back ... Well I think J am a Senior now ... Hmmm ... This is my own President George W. Bush proving himself to be one the most inept presidents of our time ... Frog tennis ...Band practice ...Dad's house ... Drew's eye, uh oh .. .90 mph on old coach in ... Philipp, off my lawn mower...I like orange juice ... Chem Com with Mrs. L.. .. Thanks, by the way, Mrs. La tau relle for not going crazy ...Bailey, clean up, I rule ... Wintergreen, successful day for our health, right Ryan? Right Alex? .. Mom, Dad if I asked for anything more there would be nothing left for you to give, thank yo u .. .5hahwar, thank you so much for your guidance in that class of numbers ... Mr. Watkins bes t advisor. ..All of my friends I love you ... Alex and Nick I' ll know you forever. .. Mr. Alley your guidance in photography is much appreciated ... Life is beautiful...Mrs. Brumberg, don 't retire ever; the school needs yo u; YO ll are very good at what you do. "Until there's no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation. Until the color of man 's skin is no more significant than the color of his eyes, me say war." -Bob Marley "Positive thought leads to positive words, positive behavior leads to positive habits and positive habits become positive values. And yo ur values are your destiny." -Ghandi
JENNINGS 11 it's been a long fom years; where do I start? Thanks to my lily and friends for always being there for m e ... Neckin' ... Get oy ... Hardtimes ... Beach Week 2K2 ... Water balloons .. .Tt's not clutch ... Do you know what a dork is? ... What's a me mber. .. teh Week .. .Lacrosse is better than BasketbaIl...Titus shut up lut the white shoes ... Chem Com ... Dixie ... EI Chapalas .. . Dirty )ons .. .spark plugs .. .5tinky p ... Hey John earsh and dersh ... IV ... Hey Eddie Bater ... MUN bmnouts ... HSC camp pranks ... y Brian thanks for being a great friend and always being th e re lelp me out. mes like these we thought they'd never end. They never will Ie stay young at heart." - Death Threat ) all the years full of untold stories." -Avail
Jennings 27
KERR Hey, w hat's up everybody? .. ! don't really know where to start so I guess I'll start with good times ... Lacrosse Camp .. .Freshman College visit ... Basketball team Junior Year-Jamie that is smack ... ! could dunk but I don't want to embarrass you guys ... Ms. Greenlee's class ... To firefighters: DA W GONE ... Shout out to all my good friends: Ma tthew, Blake, Mike, Ronnie, E, Sarah, K, Dan, Boo, Joe, Spencer, Allison, Melissa, AY, Audi ... hey Jeremy, sorry that our friendship was not as good as it was in the beginning .. .Hey Vitek and Philipp, hope that Europe is good .. .Ash, you mean so much to me; I hope that every thing works out ... To Mom and Dad, thanks for raising me the way you did; you guys d id a great job; I love yo u ... Thanks for the good times everyone - peace.
28 Kerr
'hcrc to bcgin ... Mom and Dad, thanks for never giving up ... everything ways ba lances out. You are appreciated ... Tommy, I don' t know what to y ... paintba ll ... you scare me out there ... your house, your ,0m ... Puppy, you ru le ... When are we goi ng to go to adagascar? ... Tony, my partner in crime .. .Ilove you Honor-you helped c morc than you'll ever know ... Tony, way to hit my car ... Lucy's house far away ... [-Iow do we do it Tony? ... We just rule Alex ... How you ~ver let me get bored ... AJex ... you are so tall ... little brodie .. .Oh ,a .. .lley Tommy ... Bounce, Bounce, Bounce ... The speed road ... the gang Tommy's, the gang at Roland 's ... Elena, [love you ... Your guidance tOWS me the way ... You are my best girifriend ... Your mom rules too .. 'e talk so well and always get to the bottom of things ... I always miss lu ... Heather ... The hugs are priceless ... John want to go for a je? ... Nice garage, man .. .Pamela you have so much character, and urie gets a little giddy sometimes ... Lindsey ruJes ... You are unforgetble, Will ... let me take a step back ... You did what? ... Give me all of your lapp Ie, Magic ... Mr. Megon you are respected ... Hey Alex, you broke at wall. It's still broken; li vin g at Tommy's was fun.
Lauher 29
Let me get this straight, you took my car in the middle of the night, went to a party, wrecked my car and came back to eat my ice cream? .. Am I talking out loud? .. Mission Impossible ...! squished a bug today ... Guitar jams at Chris' house .. .!'m just a girl...Please God make me a bird ...Wendy's first drive thru experience ...Marshmallows .. .I'm a little more pink than you ... The Pencil and the cell phone that never rang ... "Don't throw trash in my yard" ... Let's name the cute girls, okay I've got five ...shake it Aynsley .. .! want to hear Amber is the color of your energy ... The leader of the pack .. .One minute man ... You don't get a second chance .. .sugh-side ...Ft. Eustis Useless ... Bronwyn, you have any D batteries? ..I'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball.
30 Lawrence
Lorenzo 31
Sarah Hey my friend It seems your eyes are troubled Care to share your times with me Would you say you're feeling low and so A good idea would be to get it off your mind See, you and me Have a better time than most can dream Have it better than the best And so can pull on through Whatever tears at us Whatever holds us down And if anything can be done We'll make the best of what's around. -Dave Matthews Band
32 Mart in
McDougall 33
MINARDI Lyne like a straight line ... Linus, Linus, Linus (Breese and Ann Yates, I love my song!!) ... Late nights at A Y's ... You have the steepest stairs EVER ... Hey, do you girls want a pizza? Donnie, lire in the kitchen! Annikens' stella r cooking skills ... mmm eggs! .... The Rivcrjumping off the dock ... playi ng darts ... the jet ski' ... Lee's River House-Cruising' un the bay w ith Lee, Ay, Griff .. Yikes there are sharks in this here waterL .. Jean shorts ... The south side lingo ... no deal, buckets, butter, yeah, yeah, yeah ... Aw man, another trip to the
dirty south ... parties at Kyle's bro's (thanks Matt) .. .The Great Grape ... New Year's at Barrett/s .. . r don't have replacement
Iriends ... .lt's like Green Acres, but you live in Goochland .. . Ughts out meatball ... Okay ya' lI, I'll admit] am a bad driver' Whoa tota ll y ... .photo shoots on the beach ... We can 't stop there; this is bat cou ntry ... m agic moments. .. Carter vs. the scooter *the scooter won ... Lee's famo us phrase ... The jam plan ... The Andy, nuff suid ... negative ghost rider .. . f can't see you come closer .. .Oh my Cod, I have black teeth ... To my best fri ends: AYW, CRH, KBA, KPD, BLP - You all made growing up so much fun .. .1 wish each of YOLI the best of luck in the years ahead ... ] love you all very ll1Uch ... Annie, be good. "r love you lots .. . Mom, you have done so much for me in the past 18 years ... ] don't think I cou ld have made it without your love and support; Thank yo u so much; I love you a lways. " A little rebellion now and then is a good thing." -Winnie tl1e Pooh "Well in the end Iny friend "ve will be together aga in ."
-OAR "Choose to chance the rapids, dare to dance the tides." -Garth Brooks "There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on." -Led Zeppelin "There is fun to be done!" -Dr. Seuss
34 Minardi
MORRIS rhe top is down ... Do you want the rest of my :ookie ... Bum-Bum abd Num-Num ... Cakes and pies .. .I'm :ree .. .Shiny flower ... You're just a little more pink than ne ... We have five, oh wait I meant six. I forgot, I can't :ount myself ... Apres, Apres, et non apres ... Dodging narshmallows ... girls' nights ... midnight drives ... Carrie, :ome quick, I hit the mailbox .. .power trip ... Waffle House, JOttomless cup of coffee .. J'm not an angry person. I just ion't smile naturally . .. Tom's mom is coming ... Ft. ~ustis ... Pam's driving ... 7-11 curbs oops .. .I know these Ire for you? .. Now don't make a mess ... Aynsley's iad ... Pam? Pam? Is that you Pam? Where's Pam? .. Look, ,ye're all wearing black, big surprise .... Barbie girl...North :::arolina is bad. Go to VCU, please ... Shake it Aynsley, ;hake it ...Texas girl...929? .. um yeah still fwisters . .. flutter ... What does he look like? .. Unun, le's ... Ne se sont pas ... Moco Cocoa ... Sew Sign ... Amber is he color of your energy ... Bang comb ... booty music .. .I'll ;tare them down Pam. Wi ll take the initial hit and ;ynsley will kick him when he is down ... Duran )urcm ... what, no dinner? .. l'm looking through you ...Dear ::;od, make me a bird so I can fly far far away ... l l th grade '-{ol1ors English, Mr. Alley ...Don't throw trash in my yard.
Morris 35
36 Patton
Sandberg 37
SHELBURNE Brownie fights, locker wars, driving in the ghetto looking at x-mas Iights ... two steps forward one step back ... Anatomy field trip to the mall. lips tick pens ... Dude Yo rhymes w ith Cuneo ... English Triangle ... Allison Joey!!! Lucy!!! ... Disney reenactments on the trampoline, why am I always th, best flounder? ... Flour fight with Tim and Eva in my kitchen ... Who is more mature? Jeremy or Spencer? Jeremy ... We will be the first to drown in our lif, jackets ... Menthol cough drops, homework never felt so good ... What's the difference between 7 and 15, duh 7 is bigger, let's get our groove on ... we're Sia mese twins joined at the hip, fall ing in the middle of the road ... SpencerProm was great, but yo u can say it was okay ... Krispy Kreme ... making fun of someone in the car, Louisiana ... Tllinois, Geese ... Chuck E. Cheese's the park, stomping pine cones ... It's fine .. .. When I was 13, talk in Arby's ." road cones ... Manakin s tars ... Mary, pineapple and onion pizza, neighborhood snowba l fights ... knock, hi is your brother there? Which one? The tall one ... It's just a Simple math equation ... Chorus, we're getting our lips pierced ... That's it ... Ms. A. French class four great years ... Jeremy copyrights his verbs .. . II fau t challd du so leil Apres, Apres, Ap res, Ne se sen t pas (Beethoven's fifth) ... Alex our trampoline talks ... road cones ... Allison and Amy you Live on my street ... digg ing up the baCkyard with Allison ... the bookstore ... Double C Spencer and Jeremy -I am Allison and she is me ... My eyes are crying ... Kourh1ey, you always come in the conversation at the wrong time .... Pickles ... Pawley' Island ... Pokemon fruit snacks, eat dirt ... Go to the bean fields with Delilah and be emotional there ... Meg, wide bodied pen ... Ourfantasy stories ... NC adventure ... One little, Two little, Three little fa lling down the sta irs ... Honor Coun cil Pic Yearbook '02 ... Oh Melissa, Oh Meli ssa ... Linda, that's an awful last name ... Mom, thanks Dad, Mom, Diana and Linda, yo u have all given m, so much and I love you ... My pumpkins ... Thanks for always being here for me; I love you all ... Congratulations Class of 2003!!!!
38 Shelburne
Spears 39
'Matthew -
Strike .. .And then .... .I'm going to throw a trash can ... .. H20 .... Drew's eye .... He is physically impossible ........ Rivergate afterschool, good times .... .5enior lounge chair ......Bad newz .... Harry if you were my child .. .Go crazy Stafford ... Black 9 ... Brick waIL .. Maybe he is eating rice .....That's a big 10-4 on the 3-16 in progress ... At 4:20 ...Jeff wake up; this is enough .. .5peedy, stop running .. .He poked me in the eye ...CRACKA WHAAAAAAA ... Candygram for Mongo ... compliments of Captain Insano ... the Cut (WOODSIDE HIGH) ...40 Points .. .5arah N., best wishes and try not to be bored ...
40 Stafford
Thanks to my parents .. .Ilove all of you ... Ryan and Mere, You are awesome ... Mom and Pop, I love you ... Pappy, I know that I made you proud ......Everyone in my family, I love ya ....Jeff D., Eddie, Jeff H., YaH don't forget Newport News ... Billy, I've been bad luck to you since the day I was born, but I made it this far, and I am going to keep on going ... Old boy, thanks for the art tips; I'm still drawing .... Anyone else that I missed I'm sorry, but you know that I will remember to thank you when I see you. When people set goals for themselves, they turn into slaves. A person has no freedom to go on the outside of that boundary that the goal makes. I tend to find myself always crossing that boundary, and I have come to realize that it's just easier to let life flow. Break the cycle and be yourself, don't let goals kill your thoughts because if you do you are not unique. Be real. ... Mr. Coddington, you've been a great advisor, teacher, coach, and friend ... Alex, Nick, Tony, all of my coaches and everyone else at Steward thank you. I'll be sure to visit. Keep your heads up and stay in the game.
Vhere to stn rt ... it's been fun ... now I'm free ... where's the pp ... '! / 11 " le t us never fo rget o ur fallen bro thers" 'DNY ... fishin ' ba y ... summer '02 ... oh yea h ... NYC w inte r .J1 ... wha tever happened to the Tahoe? ... MUD ... you ed neck ... brcaky b rea k ... Brandon gra nni es home .. .4 to 3 0-5 ... C.D. band ... W ha t did yo u say Ilall.. " king of the li ll" .. .Medic 104 ... goin 90 ... Che m Com 'Ol -'02 ... good imcs ...Lacrossc ...Monday h ockey ... eng ine 1 squad ... Audie and Nat y'a ll are the way ... Manakin Company fire and rescu e thanks y'all for everything; keep up th e ;ood work .. .Lawrence-41...1 beLieve that's a ecord ...M issy, thanks for stick in ' with me thro ugh :very thing; you are the best. Love ya girl.. .Ru sty, you d a na n; keep the CO b ling in '; tha n ks for every th in g >uddy ... sis you ma y think I don ' t li ke ya, but I d o a nd viII a lways be h e re fo r ya ... G randma , thanks fo r be ing here ... Mom a nd Da d, tha nks for every thing yo u do .. .! 1m fin ally ou t of this p lace .. .l love you a ll..unit #4
Stainback 41
[ What's the difference between 7 and 15? .. Duh, IS is biggerl... magazine therapy (it really works) ... pink lipstick...When J was 15 ...paddle boats ... LOENM (that's a big picture) ... what an awful last na me ... yo u look good with a pillow over your face' ... Comment dit-on how do you say? .. I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson .. .the chicken has flown the coop ...manipulated ...Pawley's Island 2001...J3op it ... chocolate covered raisins ... the "Oh Melissa, Oh Melissa" poem ... Pam you are a snake girl...whose feet smell? ..! wouldn't do that...Matthew's monkey face fro m 3rd grade .. .falling thro ugh Aynsley's hot tub cover (Did I do that?) .. .CWR 1998 ... Mary Poppins is a dirty show ... Have no fear Brookland's here!' .. The Newsies rule ...Jack, Spot, Crutchy, Davey ... Open the gates and Carpe Diem ... Brownie fights ... Hey Mike, how do yo u write 37 in Roman nume rals?".Barbara Bush lost weight...large, medium, small ... Aurelie and Julien ...Asphalt...l know my Calculus; it says you plus me equals us ... Mickey P. ain't go nna look like Star Spangled Elvis ... Chad sleeps in the bathtub ... Good, Good, Mr. Alley, Good ... To the Varsity Boys' Basketball team, thank yo u guys for always making fun of me ...We've had a great time; ['11 miss you all. .. Field Hockey 1996-2003 ... What can I say to my other ha lf? .. We've been through it a ll together. I love you! .. .To Amy and Jackie, my potion sisters, thank you for everything .. Don't forget our sticker compan y, "Let's Play Purses," our deadly perfume concoctions, together, Newsies, 18 page letters, Africa rules (yes it does Arny) ... Thank you two for being my best friends! ..'! love you both ... may the everlasting trio live on .. .To my brothers Alex, Nick, Tim, Mikey, and Ryan, thanks for always being there for m e; I love yo u alL Coach, thank you for all of your words of wisdom and la ughs ... Mrs. A. you 've done it all...Thank you for helping me musically and as a person; I'll always be your third child .. .Gra ndma and Grandpa, thank you for your love and suppor!...I love you!. .. Ames, thank you for supporting me and for truly being my best friend ...!'11 miss you like crazy next year .. .llove you!. .. Mommyand Daddy, you have always supported me, loved me, taught me, and advised me. All I can say is I love you more than life itself... Thank you for everything .. .! could h ave never done it without you ... To all the teachers I've had the last 13 years of my life, thank you for everything!. ..I'1l come back and visit.
42 Strickland
Tash 43
WARE Hey you guys got this kind of CCV ... Friends don' t let friends go to Virginia Tech .. .let me put this in words you can understand; I am not down with that...Schwing ... the dome head brothers ... Dixie ... the fat pit...towley ... Hanover, we are in route at this time ...I'm not #3 ... The Doobies and CCR. .. George Clinton... PMB '99 -'OO ...Rice Rocket...OBX .. .No, Andrew don't do that.. .crui sin Duck, N.C. in the droptop .. .stealing the boa t at squam ...I didn't think anybody could ever tip that go-cart ...BilJy, Brian, Art, Spanky, the Holders and everybody else at college keep up the good work. ..Ed, we have had some grea t tim es, and we are gonna have better to come ... Rhond a, thanks for being my life line .. .To Mom, Dad, Peyton and my entire family I love you and thanks for everything.
44 Ware
WELSCH Thanks to aLI my fri ends, family, and teache rs w ho helped m e get throu gh th is year. It's been to ugh but it's finally over. .. My four yea rs have been mernorable .. .Jerem y, Melissa, Cary, Lindsey, and Mrs. Heaton 's French class was the best...Paris was awesome .. .Pick up the polls ... Afghani Dann y, w hat a joke .. .Don ... BLB, I'm goi ng to miss you, regardless of ou r horrible fak e d ate .. .5arah, what are we going to do without each other? ... Carolyn and Lucy, p edid le crash ... what was T th inking? .. .5top being ninj as !... Who knows what nex t year will bring. Good luck to the class of 2003.
Welsch 45
f}tynsfey WILTO~ Help! I'm stuck in the bucket...How do I know these are for you? .. That would be a negative 4-29'er. .. 7-11 curb ...Cakes and pies, cakes and pies ...did someone say steak? .. stubby pillows ...the little green man ... flying marshmallows!. ..I'm a little more pink than you ... baby bottle pops .... rollin', rollin', rollin' .. .locker wars ... Pam's speed problem ...Peace, Love, and bulletproof marshmallows ... September 6th and 8th, 2000 ..Did I do that? ..The Adventures of Amber and Ashley ... ummm - Mary, you are on fire ...Virginia Beach ...July 8th, 2001 ...Fort Eustis ...dancin' in Pam's car ... Trafalgar Square ...RB ..."lip piercings" ... "paddleboats" ... When I was lS" you want the rest of my cookie? .. barbie girl...I'm the conservative one ... shake it Aynsley ... notes of nonsense ... pink lipstick. ..Myrtle Beach .... Ryan - what can I say? You're the greatest boyfriend anyone could have. Thank you for all your love and support and for always being there when I needed you most. Love you always!. .. Dad - it's been a hard two years, but we got through it together. I knew we could do it! Thank you dad; I love you .. . Mom - Sorry for ali the hard times, when we could have been closer ... thank you for everything ...I10ve
46 Wilto n
I.O.C. ... Lyne, just dri ve me ... Anni e, you want a pizza? .. Iittle kins ... 1 feel like rilled cheese ... is this option al? .. don 't make me go to dirty south ... excursion with Ish ...Lee, let's go see Mrs. Trick ler ... Demoli tion Derby ... We t seal redneck utfits ...Cayman s 'O"I ... Ca m is the love of my Iife ... My hair is nappy ... let's have a ance party ... Walgreen's aviators ... Lee, I'm no shre\ov ... sunbathi ng in olive oil at arrett's ... You wanna eat? .. Late ight messages from Breese ... Annie-you better visit me next yea r ..
Irs. Healy and Mrs. Trickier 'a ll make everything better ... 's been real, It's been fun, but ot real fun ... There is fun to be one.
love a little party, and I lo ve it ery night." -Robert Hunte r ife is only th erapy, rea l experience d no guarantee. " -Garth Brooks
eorge promised to be goud, but it was ;y fo r little monkeys to forget." -Cur iuus Geurge
lways leav e th em laughing when YO LI
: goodbye."
-Mother Goose
Wyatt 47
4R Zeidan
Superlatives 49
Clockwise from above: Lyne Minardi and Ann Yates Wya tt enjoy a SODA event on the lawn. Ryan Kerr plays the nerd. Lydia Heitman and Emma Rhod es had fun on Beach Day.
Above: The Student Council autographs the wall of a Lower School classroom prior to renovation.
Left: Cary Thompson, Annie Wise, Blair Sutton, Sarah Newcomb, and Lindley Flohr at tend morning assembly.
50 People
Clockwise from above: Braeden Glancy listens to Mrs. Hajek give an interesting presentation on oceans during Beach Day activities. Seniors Mary Congdon, Allison Strickland, Kourtney Boughey, Pam Lawrence, Aynsley Wilton, and Melissa Shelburne show class spirit during assembly. Adam Reckenbeil was enthusiastic about Beach Day. Peyton Jenkins, Cole Drennan, and Sam Forbes have great fun watching a magician perform. Hunter Jennings produces another great photo.
People 51
Junior Class of 2004
From top left clockwise: Faith Gray checks out the news for the day. Joe Matthews shows his confident side. Hilary Beck accepts Honor Society recognition from Mr. C()ulombe.
Erin Anderson Hilary Beck Simon Bennett Spencer Best Ben Brown
52 Juniors
Joan Choi Boo Deacon Moritz Eberhardt James Flynn Matt Gallo
Jesse Garr ison
Faith Gray Ciaire Ha A ustin Hamilton Maggie Harman
Lauren Harris
[vo Jansky Chris Jennings Cole johnson Gwen josep h
Teresa Kaiser Jeremy Karmolinski Coleman Kay
Will Lawson Lindsey Leitch
Ju stin Luxncr
Ev,:'lI1 Lync Ri cky Mnr lin
Joe Mntthow s Audic McDo ugn ll
Will Metcalf Ch ristina Nelson Carrie
Lawson Patton
Meg Robertson
Lindsay Saltz berg Amy Strickland Kenda ll Tate
juniors 53
Sopholnore Class of 2005
Above: Sophomore Katie Perkins visits with good frineds Allison Strickland (2003) and Boo Deacon (2004). Right: Morgan Hutchinson poses for a portrait in photography class.
Bailey Arm Bayard Breana Beauford Hunter Berlinguet Brittney Bertozzi Kevin Bojarski
Chris Brown Austin Carter Clay Carter Ryan Childress Will Christian
54 Sophomores
Will Clough Ashley Cooper Lindley Flohr Kate Gamer Ben Giglio
Roy Hamilton Ch ris Harvey Scott Henley Morgan Hutchinson Nathan Jamerson
Erin Kiker Lindsay Lilla rd Rachel Loria Lauren Ma lizia
S.rah Yleigs
Rochoe l Meyers Michoel Morton Sa rah Newcomb AJjson Norton Kat ie Perkins
Jessica PO \lvcll I3raxton Pruit-t
j.R Rusak Carrie Ryan Ju s tin Sa unders
James Schreiber Carter Shamburger Blair Sutton Cary Thompson Kiran Versi
Meg White Robert Wills Annie Wise Heather Wright Wallace Young
Sophomores 55
Freshtnan Class of 2006
Above: Rachel Preston and Ayers Gilman share a moment on a pleasant day. Above Right: Taylor Christian makes his way to study hall.
Francisco Argueta Afton Bartlett Anne Borum Mason Camp-Crowder Philip Carter
56 Freshmen
Taylor Christian Julia Coleman Ryan Delaney Bradley De Wet Will Dickinson
Harper Earl y Jay Edwards Teri Fitzgerald Andy Frank Elizabeth Franklin
Whitney Frost Ayers Gilm an Davis Glover
Sarah Greenlee Austin Haas
Kant Johnson Lou isa Kendig Katie-Bdh Kurilec z Laura Lt!c ky
jiHnes McCauley
Eli zabeth Ne\>\'ins RJchel Petock Rnchel Pre:, ton
David Reese
Yu S~sakl Jenny SiddaU lJoug las Smith Alu1e Sti Ics
Lafrin V"lcnzllcla
Travis Voltz Kayla Ward Richard Wheeler Sam Zinul1er
Freslunen 57
8th Grade Class of 2007
Above: Students in Mr. Chapman's history class show their knowledge on an essay test.
Above: Katy Kasper concentrates on her work.
Right: Matt Deacon reads a good book.
Montie Anderson Leigh Bedinger Tucker Bloom Tim Brinn Charles Carter
58 Eighth Grade
Monica Casper Elle Chasen Ashley Clark Matt Deacon Sarah DeLaney
Jennie Estes Clay Fulk Sammy Gcrogc MaryWardcn Good Tyler Harris
Tarina Hesaltine Beth Howard Naureen Jiwani
Katy Kasper .'-Jastia Komova
Amanda Lipscomb Matthew Ludvik
Coldon Martin L1etts McGurn Kaitlin Mâ&#x201A;Ź>yer
Sa rah f\,:elson
Jack Quinn Megan Rhod!-'s Steven Rogers C.) Rosati
Ca roline Sellers Christopher Skove Austin Tanaka Taylor Thornton Elizabeth Ward
Mary Margaret Watson Holly Weisiger Donna Woo
Eighth Grade 59
7th Grade Class of 2008
Above: Anna Woodburn, Chelsea Voltz, and Carter Fitzgerald hang out together in the hall. Right: Aileen Giordano reads her assignment.
Amy Anderson Kitty Ball
Grace Bezirdjian Amy Bisger Caleb Brown
Ryan Byrne Polly Cannell a Page Conway Carl Dageforde Emily Dameron
Elizabeth Delaney Mary Martha Delaney Brendan DeWet Beth Dixon Carter Fitzgerald
60 Seventh Grade
Hope Frank Stephen Giafortoni Aileen Giordano Anna Greenlee Margaret Gupton
Stewart Hargrove Elizabeth Hickman Anne-Sims Honey Micah Keller Suk Lee
Jo hn T.ewis Alex Matlock Christopher McKeown Patrick McKeown Ke lsey Mohring
lackie Moncure
Ka thy N,'rthrop Attie Pearsall Hunter Philups Dana Powell
Jav Pr uitt John Reazin Johanna Reckenbei l Laura Skove
Adam Smith
Coleman Sm iLh
Stuart Smith Mimi Tanaka Juliana Thurston Chelsea Voltz
Anna Woodburn
Seventh Grade 61
6th Grade Class of 2009
Above: Sixth graders head to the Athletic Center
: Above: Kaic i Ellis, Dani Frazier, Ke lsea Pieters ea l All-Ame rican hot dogs at the Fine A rts Banquet. Right: Studious William Shimer and Conner Jones walk to class.
Bobby Ball EWe Bryan H annah Byrne Sarah Carney Michele Casper
Blakely Coh en Christine Craig Barrett Deacon James Dooley Kerj Drummond
David Dwyer Adam Dye Kaici Ellis Madison Ellis Beth Farmer
62 Sixth Grade
Dani Frazier
Mark Hargrove Sarah Hargrove Chloe Higgins Peter Howard
Connor Jones Christine Kasper
Diana Keith Sam Keller Rachel Kewer
Paulina Lange Da Lee Corbin Leitch Catherine Lillard Skylar Macdonald
A lex McMillan Hunler MCJkjJ)
Heat her Mitchell Keith Murphy Colson Perkins
K('lsc~ Pi eters Steven Rhodes Kip Shearer VVillia l11 Shimer
Chaviess Smith-Jlarrison
Beeea Smyth Veron.ica Tharp
D ev in
Nathan Willett Ca rnes Willhite
Elliott Wortham Sarah Eliz Young
Sixth Grade 63
5th Grade Class of 2010
Above: Fifth graders put on the production "Goin' Buggy" for delighted parents and friends.
Right: Taylor Wilson plays a bookworm in the Grandparents' Day production, which brought children's book classics to the stage.
64 Fifth Grade
Brendan Auman Billy Belt Samantha Bisger Taylor Booth Thomas Davis
Jessica DeBell Eliot Doub William Drews Allen Edwards Charlie Forbes
Samantha Goodman Hayden Hodges Kelsey Kurdts Ren Leahy \,\Iorth Lewis
Zach M{1rino RYCln McKeown
Whitley Menf;es Cara 'vfi lby Wyatt Moore
Celeste Nash Izzy Pearsal l Tav lor Scott
Sa;mlntha Spang ler Patri ck Strecker
Ma ry Tay lor Teppe r She lby Thompson Todd Thurston Elizubeth Tyson Brcn \,\Iilbe rger
Charlie Williamson Taylor Wilson
Filth Grade 65
4th Grade Class of 2011
Clockwise from left: Chrissy Edwards works on an art project. Taylor Karmolinski and Stuart Good pose for the camera. Zachary Corey builds a ga m e at the Fine Arts Fair.
66 Fourth Grode
Maddie Arthur Marie Belt Steven Brinn Matt Chames Nikki Clark
Kate Conway Zachary Corey Nellie DeLaney Chrissy Edwards Brooke Faison
Stuart " Dod Mollie Hargro ve Thomas Howell vVyat t Jam erson Tay lor Krtr molin",ki
Claire Mc Bride C I,l irc Mc Keow n
James Mo nc ure /VUchae! Noifsinge r Em ily No nnilll
A m)' f\:o fthro p M ay a Pend leton Burd en Porte r Ca roline Ra kes
Thorn.:1 5 Rakes
Adam Reckenbeil
Tanne r Roe J<1c k Sauer
Ryland Scott Finn Smy th
Meredith Thompson Christopher Walker
Fourth Grade 67
3rd Grade Class of 2012
Below: Olivia Edwards works on an art project.
Left: Harrison Jones makes a rain stick at the Fine Arts Fair.
Elizabeth Alcott Lucy Anderson Margaret Beirne Kendall Bendheim West Camp-Crowder
68 Third Grade
Molly Carter Tayloe Danleron
Graham Diffee Teddy Dillon Luke Daub
Cole Drennan Olivia Edwards Sam Forbes Robin Frayser Tud y Gallahan
Thea Gergoudis Andrew Gnapp
Jesse Il arper Pres ton Iluennekens Brittany Ingram.
Peyton Jen kin s A rzoo Jiwani
H arrison Jones Kelly Lange Tim Ma rino
St.'lI11 \1 cK C'(lwn
Ha rri son Mire I .is?! Morgi'll1 Marie Mullins Cl'l rte r \Io rnHll1
Mackenzie Nu nn ally
Heth Owen Kendri ck Pe ters Logan Pryor Lauren Saurs
Sarah Shimer Houston Wilson
Third Grade 69
2nd Grade Class of 2013
Clockwise from left: Michael Drews plays a lawyer and Kendall Huennekens is Mrs. Washington in the patriotic play "George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in Court." Eliza Jones plays an imposing judge. Alex DeCapri takes on the role of George.
70 Second Grade
Ashley Anton James Authier John Beaty Colby Bedell Andrew Caldwell
Cathryn Campbell Alex Dardick Paige DeBell Alex DeCapri Michael Drews
EmmyGood e Elizabeth Gooding Colin Hass-HiII Jess H ilb Kiera. Hint7
Kendall Hu ennekens
Phebe Jen kins Eli za Jo nes Madd y Keeney
Mallory Knightoll
Ana Lcuhy
Ste phanie Lcgg
Claire McGurk Mari<lh Montngue
Crawford Moore
Addison Nichols Cameron O'Connor
Morgan Penberthy Jack Rhodes Cha nning Rives
Mary Le igh White Emily Young
Second Grade 71
1st Grade Class of 2014
Clockwise from above: Annie Hilldrup, Harrison Talton, Susan Mire, and Albert Thompson have a great time picking books in the library. Mrs. Pendleton reads a good book to her class. Austin Chung listens closely.
72 First Grade
atalie Bendheim Westin Browder Keaton Busser ChloeCames Austin Chung
JD Crews Ashley DeConti Sa rah Dickson Jackie Dillon Ian Drennan
Hryce O'Su rney
Anna l'uhr Jena G ilbert
Ca bell Gloncy Cabell Harper
Sommer Harris
Brantley Hathaway
Annie Hilldrup Jack Ingram 07 Kingsley-Willett
I .indscy Lubin
Susan Mire
Jordan Kic.:hob G{路'orgeanne Pact:
Hailey Marie Ragc1l1
Chl oe Staples Harrison Tallo n Albert Thompson John Hunter Wi Jli oms Lduren Xu
Far left: Jack Ingram, Jo rdan Nic hols, and Ashley DeConti are intrigued by n clever magician.
Left: John Hunter Williams, Jackie Dillon, and Ian Dre nnan hit th e
Fi rst Grade 73
Kindergarten Class of 2015
Above: Ms. Vermillion's class visited Krispy Kreme this year to see how doughnuts are made. Right: Jack Alcott, Julie Morgan, David Cross, and Bekah DeBell line up for art class.
Jack Alcott Amelia Anderson Cameron Bachman Blair Bennett Edward Blake
Thomas Cage Luke Caldwell Ryan Cornell Ellie Cosby Joseph Costello
74 Kindergarten
David Cross Bekah DeBell Olivia DeCapri Christopher DeCont; Chance Diffee
Michael Duley Claudia Eck Megan Frayser Laura Fuhr Brianna Gallo
Maria Gergoudis Braeden Glancy Matthew Gnapp Eren Graesser Virginia Hamilton
Adam Hass-Hill Lydia Heitman Lavinia Johnson Sophie Lange Bnttney Lawhorn
Jacqueline Martel Mason Mire Allison Mitchell Malcolm Moore Julie Morgan
Julia Mosby Aubrey Nichols Megan Norman Skylyr Phillips Walker Poling
Emma Rhodes Scott Roper Paul Stiles Virgin ia Villan i Oliver Young
Clockwise from above: Ricky Martin takes commmand of the ball. Mr. Conquest hands out awards to a yo ung tennis team during Awards n ight. Mr. Jones comments on the golf season.
Above: Jeremy Karmolinski is recognized as The Most Improved lacrosse p layer. Right: Erin Anderson readies to serve for volleyball.
76 Ath letics
Clockwise from above: Ronnie Spears dunks the ball. The Girls' Basketball Team is winning at half-time. Maggie Harman was named The Best Offensive Player this year for Girls' Basketball. The Steward fans watch the game on a fall day. Tennis player Meg Robertson was The Most Valuable Player in termi".- - - - - - -
The Varsity Boys' Soccer team finished with a 10-5-1 record and the team was consistently ranked as the #1 or #2 team in the Division IT State Poll. The squad played a more competitive schedule against some Division 1 teams and performed well against them. Davi Lorenzo, Kyle Dennis, Justin Luxnor and Cole Johnson were nominated for the All State Team. Lorenzo was the leading scorer with 24 goa ls, while Dennis added 12 goals. Cole Johnson and Chris Harvey anchored the defense and Spencer Best did an outstanding job at "marking back." Jeremy Karmolinski played a strong role as fullback while Justin Luxnor had another good year as goalkeeper. Harvey and Karmolinski served as captains and provided outstanding leadership throughout the season. Ricky Martin and Matt Gallo were new to the team and each had a solid season. Freshman A fton Bartlett developed as the season progressed. Clearly, the team had an international flare with Davi Lorenzo, Fransisco Argueta, and Moritz Eberhardt joining the squad this season. The team was placed #2 in Division IT of the State Tournament, but lost the quarter-final game against #7 placed Richmond Christian.
Above: Justin Luxner falls to the ground, keeping the ball out of the net.
78 l3oys' Varsity Soccer
Top: The team takes a time out to talk things over with with Coach Marcellus. Above: Kyle Dennis takes the ball up the field. Kyle was one of the four boys nominated to the all state team.
Below: Cole Johnson was one of the top defenders on the team.
Congratulations to the All State nominees from Steward: Davi Lorenzo Kyle Dennis Cole Johnson Justin Luxner ~;ttt~===~~~:::~ goes Le£t: hard Ricky Martin for th e
ball. He was a n e w
Left: Frdll cisc() r\ rg llL'l c1 goes fa ce to fa ce w ith the °PPUIH:' Il t.
Us I"hcm FUMA 2 0 0 Ameli" A. 10 Co mm. Christ 7 0 Denbiegh Bap.4 1 Bened icti ne 5 0 4 Trinity 1 Rich. C hri s t. 3 3 Bened ieti ne 4 0 4 2 Covenant Atlantic Shore 7 3 VES 1 5 Amelia A. 10 1 Nans. Suffolk 7 "1 Comm. Christ 8 2 FUMA 3 Rich . Christ. 0 2 Overall Record: 10-5-1
VCC Conference Regular Season Champs
Third Row: Manager Chris Brown, Evan Lyne, Moritz Eberhard t, Davi Lorenzo, Afton Bartlett, Scott HenJey, Spencer Best, Coach MarceUus, Manager Hilary Beck. Second Row: Chris Harvey, Kyle Dennis, Ricky Martin, Jeremy Karmolinski , Matt Callo, Ben Gigli o. First Row: Bradley De Wet, Andy Baruch, Will Dickinson, Fransisco Arqueta, Cole Johnson. (Not Pictmed-Kevin Bojarski)
Boys' Va rsity Soccer 79
The 2002 varsity field hockey squad started the season by defeating St. Gertrude and St. Catherine's JV to claim first place in the Steward Invitational. Four players were named to the Steward Invitational All-Tournament Team. They were: Lauren Harris, Teresa Kaiser, Sarah Meigs, and Wallace Young. The team played a competitive schedule consisting of Division I and Division I.l League of Independent Schools and fi ve opponents in Division I of the Virginia Independent Schools State Field Hockey Association. Throughout the entire season, the Spartans were ranked at #1 or #2 in Division II of the State Poll. The team was led offensively by sophomores Wallace Young and Morgan Hutchinson who scored 12 and 10 goals, respectively. Junior Teresa Kaiser added 8 goals. Lindley Flohr, Cary Thompson, and Ashley Cooper were significant players at the forward position. In the critical midfield area, Teresa Kaiser, Blair Sutton, and Sarah Meigs maintained contra] while Allison Strickland, Lauren Harris, Boo Deacon and Katie Perkins helped the team defenSively and totaled 9 "shut outs" for the season. At season's end, the Spartans had outscored their opponents 45-19 while finishing with an overall record of 11-5-2 and a League of Independent Schools Division II record of 4-1-1.
Above: Wallace Young and Cary Thompson try to score for the Spartans. Wallace was a leading scorer this year.
Above: Blair Sutton and Wallace Young take their positions.
Left: The field hockey team ta kes a time out during the game to talk with Coach Rice.
80 Girls' Varsity Field Hockey
Third Row: CO.1ch Rice, Louisa Kendig, As hl ey Cooper, Lauren l larris, Cil.ry l'hompson, iloo J)eJ co n, J{.:-.chcl Meyers, Lindley Fluhr, Katie I'erk ins. Second Row: Eliz('l beth 1"'r.:1nklin, Jenny Sidda ll , 'I eres.:1 Ka iser, Amy Strickland, Sa rah Nevvco n1b; K.1ll..' C."lrner, S.1l".1 h ML'ig:" First Row: Wallace Young, Allison Stri ckla nd, I)li.1r Sutton . (Not 11i cturcd"!\'lorgan Il utchin son)
Scoreboard st. Gertrude St. Catherine's Covenant Collegiate JV Sl. Margaret's Fredericksburg Henrico Association Virginia Episcopal Sl. Anne's Belfield Collegiate St. Margaret's Madiera Covenant St. Margaret's Covenant North Cross Hampton Roads Academy
7 2
0 1 7
0 1 2
0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 6 2 1 0 0 2 0 3
Overall Record: 11-5-2 LIS Division Record: 4-1-1
Above: Teresa Kaiser takes the ball up the fie ld. She was a big offensive help this year for the girls' team.
Two team members were selec ted to the Virginia Independ en t Schoo l Fie ld Hockey Association Divis ion 2 All-Tournument State Team. Juni ors Lauren Harris a nd Teresa Kaiser were honored for th eir outsta ndin g play in the State Tourn a ment.
3 3 0 2 0 2 9
Right: Teresa Krliser and Morgan HLl tdlin~tJ n
"v ert.' strong pIa yc rs this year.
Girls' V."ity Field Hockey 81
Above: Rachel Preston goes for the ball.
2002 Volleyba ll Team : Coaches Mr. and Mrs. Shelton, Erin Anderson, Bailey Bayard, Maggie Harmon, Pamela Lawrence, Lyndsay Lillard , Lyne Minardi, Alison Norton , Jessica Powell, Lindsey Saltzberg, Kiran Ve rsi, Ann Yates Wyatt, Meg White, Annie Stiles, Rachel Preston, Teri Fitzgerald, Manager Lee Patton
Above: Senior Pamela Lawrence was a co-captain with Lyne Minardi.
Scoreboard Richmond Christian JV Trinity Varsity New Community St. Catherine's JV Richmond Christian Covenant JV Carmel Christian New Community St. Catherine's JV 51. Margaret's JV Win: 7
Loss: 3
82 Girls' Volleyball "A " Team
In the second year as a sport at Steward, the girls' volleyball team competed at the JV level and did very well. Because of the large number of girls interested in playing volleyball, coaches Jane Tuohey and Terri Shelton split them into two groups. The" A" team played a JV schedule while the "B" group focused on Middle School competition. Senior cocaptains Pamela Lawrence and Lyne Minardi led the team. Lawrence carried the team with her incredible serve (28 aces) and consistent passing, while newcomer Maggie Harman covered the front line as the middle hitter and tallied 43 "kills." Ayers Gilman set aJi the plays into motion with her "setting" skills. The team will compete at the varsity level next fall in the league of Independent Schools. The "B" team competed against Collegiate and Carmel Christian and went two for two for the season. They won their final match versus the Cougars.
"R" TEAM Scoreboard Above: Th e girls' gave "100% thi s season. Left: Hea ther Mitchell and Whitney Fros t kn oc k the ba ll o ve r th e net.
Collegiate Collegiate Carmel Christian Carmel Christian Carmel Christian Collegiate Collegiate Colleg iate Coll egiate Coll egiate Collegiate Colleg iate
15 15
15 13 15 ]3 10
15 2 15
15 10 10
15 15
2002 Volleyba ll Team : Amy Anderson, Rachel K ewer, Paulina Lange,
Kathy Northrop, Hea ther Mitchell , Ke lsey Mohring, Joha nna R(>ckenb(>il, La ura Skov(>, Rebecca Smyth, :v1 a ry :v1 a rgar et Watson, Har per Ear ly, Whitney Frost, Sammy Geo rg(>, Ayers Gilman, Ka llreen Ji\vani , Coaches M r. and Mrs. Shelton and Coach Tuohey
Girl s' Volleyball " 6 " Team 83
CROSS COUN'IRY Above: John Lew is was the top runner against Richmond Christian .
The Boys' Varsity Cross Country team was a young but eager group this year. All five team members were in ninth grade or younger. The team won the last two meets and finished with a 2-6 record under the direction of Coach Todd Serr. Seventh grader John Lewis was the top runner in those two final contests. In the last meet versus Richmond Christian, all five runners finished in the top seven. The squad competed in two large invitationals - one at Christopher Newport University and the other at St. Anne's-Belfield. The team closed out the season by running in the JV boys' race at the state meet at Woodberry Forest. Ryan Delaney and John Lewis finished in the top half of the meet.
2002 Cross Country Team: Coach Serr, Ryan Delaney, Adam Smith, Stewart Hargrove, John Lewis, Chris McKeown
84 Cross Country
l\bove: The
gets off to
strong beginn ing ~t the starting line.
RESULTS: Trinity/Christchurch
Blessed-Sacrament Huguenot
Fredericksburg Academy Loss Above: Ryiln De la ney hits hi s stride.
Collegiate J.V.! Fredericksburg Christian
Richmond Christian
Overall Record 2-4
Above: Adam Smith pushes do w n the horne stre tch.
Cross Country 85
MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER Steward h ad two Middle School soccer teams under the direction of coaches Steve Kautz and Frank Phillips. The "A" team consisted of seventh and eighth graders and was led by captains Tim Brinn and Megan Rhodes. The squad improved dramatically as the season progressed. At the last home game versus Millwood, the Spartans played tremend ously before falling 1-0. The team's overall record was 2-8-l. Clay Fulk led the team in scoring and goal was manned by Micah Keller and Jack Quinn. The "B" team consisted of sixth graders. Sam Keller and Veronica Tharp were the team captains. Bad wea ther and the sniper scare reduced the schedule to three games, and they posted a 2-0-1 record. William Shimer was the leading scorer, netting 4 goals.
First row: Brendan DeWet, Hunter Ph illips, Jay Lee, Matt Deacon, Jack Quinn, Micah Ke ller, Tim Brian, Clay Fulk Second row: Coach Kautz, Coleman Smith, Patrick McKeown, Ryan Byrne, Matthew ludvik, Kaitlin Meyer, Taylor Thornton, Meagan Rhod es, Monica Casper, Sara h Nelson, Dana Powell, Elizabeth Delaney
First row: Catherine lillard, Christine Craig, Veronica Tharp, William Shimer, N athen Willett, Sam Keller, Beth Farmer Second row: Sarah Young, Michele Casper, Connor Jones, Peter Howard, Corbin Leach, and Coach Kautz
86 Middle School Soccer
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD HOCKEY Above: Ma ry -Martha Delaney ba cks lip Attie Pearsall 's drive to the goa I.
Above: Carter Fi tzgerald handles the ball.
The Middle School field hockey team end ed w ith a 0-0-5 overall record. Capta ins Leigh Bedinger, Amanda Lipscomb, and Kitty Ball were the team leaders, and the team was coached by Bonny Hajek. Good teamwork and spo rtsmanship were disp layed by the girls throughout the season.
First row: Elle Bryan, Mary Martha Delancy, Amando Lipscomb, Lee Beidinger, Attie Pearsall, Elizabeth Hickman, Carter Fitzgerald Seco nd row: Coach Ilajek, :-'lontic Anderson, Beth Dixon, Chav iess Smith-Harrison, Elizabeth Ward, Blakely Cohen, Donna Woo Middle School Field j lackey 87
Clockwise from above: Maggie Harman accepts her award for Best Offensive Player on the Girls' Basketball team. The winter soccer team stands stoically, as they did during a cold and snowy season. Will Metcalf is recognized as Most Improved for his efforts on the golf course.
88 Athletic Awa rds Night
Clockwise from above: Wallace Young displays the prestigious Coach's Award for her work on the hockey team this year. Meg White shows the appropriate enthusiasm as she receives the Most Sp irited Award for cheerleading. Blake Frostick is named Most Valuable Player for lacrosse. Coach Keller recounts the basketball team 's 30-1 championship season.
Athletic AlVard, Night 89
VARSI't'y BOYS' BASKEtBAI.I. The Varsity Boys' Basketball team had an amazing season! They went 30-1, losing their only game in the Porter Gaud Tournament. The Spartans were led by Senior Mike Edwards who averaged 24 points, 7 steals, and 7 assists a game. Mike was named the All-State Tournament MVP. Ronnie Spears also played a huge role in the Spartans' success, averaging 12 points and 8 rebounds a game. Ben Brown was also a strong player with 13 rebounds per game. Ronnie and Ben were named to the Division III All-State Tournament team as well. Congratulations, Boys!
Back row: Assistant Coach Wallace Inge, Manager Katie Perkins, Statistician Allison Strickland, Chris Harvey, Jesse Garrison, Jeremy Karmolinski, Simon Bennett, Ricky Martin, Joe Matthews, Statistician Boo Deacon, Head Coach Butch Keller. Front Row: Ephraim Edmunds, Captain Mike Edwards, Captain Ronnie Spears, Captain Ryan Kerr, and Ben Brown
90 Varsity Boys' Basketball
Go SPARTANS! Scoreboard Fred ericks burg Christian SI. Anne's Belfield Co lonial Heights Trinity Ep iscopal Commonwealth Christian Covenant Southhampton Academy Goochland High School Kenston Forest Tidewater Academy Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot Richmond Christian Commonwea lth Christian Brunswick Academy Southampton Academy Amelia Academy Richmond Christian Kenston forest Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot Tidewater Academy Ken ston forest Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot Ame lia Academy West End Christian Isle uf Wight Academy Carlis le
t ef t: Ben
79 77 70 71 66 62 89 73 94 59 87 85 67 83 84
46 65 59 53 36 32 37 52 31 43 63 28 41 35 26 72 70
90 44 9il 39 HO M 5il 34
,}4 53 71 42 65 46 72
46 22 73 50
runs dow n t\w cour t look ing for
an alh.>y-oop. I-ho \路"a~ d gr~clt
c1ddition to the
Top: Mike F.d\v(lrds is honored for
echeiving th e "1000 points mark in his two yea rs here at Steward . Above Left: Simon Benne tt provides an
Spa rta ns this yCd r. helping th ern in all areas o f the game.
outlet for the Sparta ns' fas t break.
Above Ri g ht: Ephr. im Edmunds prepa res to BOX OUT while Simon shoots his free throws. Left: Mike Edward s talks things over with Coach Keller during芦 pa use in th e
game. Mr Keller has always htld
very cloSt! re lationship w ith tvlike, making it il
Left: Jerelll), Knrm o li nski l<lkcs lhe ball inside the pa inl,
loo king to score.
easier for them to see eye to eye.
Va rsity Bo)'s' Baske tb all 91
Below: The girls line up at the free throw line as Morgan Hutchinson prepares to shoot free throws.
Above: Coach Justin Lee was
the coach for the Gi rls' Varsity Basketball Team this year.
Above: Sophomore Breanna Beauford played dominating defense for the Spartans this past year.
The Varsity Girls' basketball team, coached by Mr. Lee, had a very successful season. The girls won the E. Dale Travis Invitational held at Trinty in the fall, beating Covenant to clinch the title. The Steward Girls' team also traveled down to Charleston as well, playing against many tough public schools. The team faced a difficult challenge when Junior Faith Gray was injured during a game, yet they kept their heads held high and finished successfully. Leading the way, Junior Maggie H arman averaged 23 points and 11 rebounds per game, setting new school records. Also, Junior Lauren Harris helped the team tremendously averaging 9 points, and 6 rebounds a game. Sophomore Morgan Hutchinson averaged 4 assists a game, along with Kate Garner, who avera ged 4 rebounds. Breanna Beauford and Meg Robertson made a huge impact on defense ends as well, both averaging 4 rebounds a game. In addition, newcomer Teresa Kaiser fom Germany, playing her first year of basketbaIJ, improved greatly. 92 Varsity Girls' Basketball
Above: Morgan Hutchinson and Kate Carner go to the lockers for half-time.
Top Row: Manager Danny Welsh, Faith Gray, Kate Garner, Teresa Kaiser, Bre Beauford, Manager Chris Brown, Coach Lee. Bottom Row: Meg Robertson, Morgan Hutchinson, Maggie Harman, Lauren Harris
"WE. Rf..ADY ... 路" SCORES: US Th e m Colle giate 32 51 49 39 Trinity Cove nant 56 44 St. Anne's-Bclfield 33 83 41 40 Cove nant 62 73 Ashl e y Hall 44 76 Purter Gaud 31 59 FDHS 56 63 Nurtre Dame 62 30 Holy Cross Fredericksburg Chri stian 53 52 Blessed Scarament - -HugueftOlc-------_52---b5 St. Margaret' s 55 51 New Community 60 16 Miller School 57 25 Central Virginia 54 44 51. Catherine's 48 64 St. Gertrude's 46 68 51. Margaret's 44 42 Central Virginia 35 44 Blessed Sacrame nt Huguenot 44 33 Blessed Sacrament Huguenot 39 46 Grace Christian 34 59 Overall Record 12-13
Right: The team was very young, having no seni ors. Co ~c h Lee anti cipates a n im p roved season nex t yeilr with all returning and new players coming up from th e JV team.
Left:'v1organ Hutchin son wa s nilm ed into the All Tournament teilm for th e Trinity Tourn amenl. She sti ll has two more ye ars left here at Ste ward.
Right: Maggi e H arman set school record s in points (550) and rebounds (254) this past season . She wa s a lso na med MVP of the Trinity lournam ent, a member of the first tea m All LIS, and also nam ed to the All Sta te team fo r Division TIl. She w i11 return for one more season nex t year.
Vars ity G irls ' Bas ketball 93
IV Boys' BASKETBALL Above: Justin Saunders postitions to pass to high scorer Seidney Morris.
The season started with a discouraging string of 7 defeats. However, this season was a story of dazzling comebacks as they returned from winter break with fire in their bellies. Coach Inge, nor anyone on the team, thought what was to occur was pOSSible. Coach Inge said to the team after their first win to New Community that, "We'll start counting them now." The high scorer in the pivotal New Community game was Seidney Morris with fourteen points. To follow in this trend, the boys came up with a big conference win against Kenston Forest. Following this, the team had a game against Blessed-Sacrament Huguenot, the number one ranked team in the conference and pulled out a thrilling win, beating this serious challenger 51-47. After the holidays the team lost only 4 out of 17 games, ending with an overall winning record of 13-11.
First TOW: Afton Bartlett, Justin Saunders, James Schreiber, Kevin Bojarski, Robert Wills, Michael Morton Second row: Teri fitzgerald, Phillip Carter, Scidney Morris, Jay Edwards, Will Dickinson, James McCauley, Bradley De Wet, Coach Wallace Ingc
94 JV Boys' Basketball
Above from left: I3rJd ley De'VVet gets the ba ll in plJY. Afton Bartl et t moves down the cour t and then goes for tlw
Above: Srid ney rvl orri~ gUilrd:-:. the l<1nC' C(1rt("'r clr ivl's to th t' btl ~ k c t.
Fredericksburg Christian St. Anne's Belfield Commonwealth Christian Covenant Southampton Fuqua Commonwealth Christian New Community Kenston Forest Tidewater Blessed-Sacrament Huguenot Richmond Christian Commonwealth Christian Brunswick Academy Southampton Amelia Academy --X1chmond el'lri-stian Kenston Forest Brunswick Academy Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Yeshiva Tidewater Southampton
33 47
46 23 52 45 57
47 62 66 24
55 57
59 24
56 51 51 42
37 25 47 28
27 40 65 57 62 74 55 55
29 46 44
29 46 55 62
33 50
Overall Record: 13-11
Above: Robert Wi ll s is pledscnlly surpri sed team 's \-vinning strea k.
by the
JV Bovs' Basketball Y5
Collegiate 11 Tandem 11 Christchurch 30 Collegiate 10 Tandem 17 St. Margaret's 25 Miller 42 Central VA 15 St. Catherine's 20 St. Margaret's 11 New Community 23 Central VA 21 Miller 44 Spirit 21 Chrsitchurch 46 Overall Record: 6-9
33 25 19 44 38 37 23 16 46 23 38 22 10 42 15
Above: The girls prepare to begin their game at Steward by a jumpball faceoff.
Top row: Eli za beth Franklin, Kara Johnson, Annie Stiles, Louisa Kendig, Ryan Delaney Bottom row: Sarah Greenlee, Lindsey Lillard, Jessica Powell, Bev Borum, and Whitney Frost.
96 j V G irls' Basketball
:elow: The shot goes up ... ;ox out!
Below: Bev Borum looks fo r an open pass to throw the b all in.
Above: The )V Girl s battle inside for th e rebound .
Lefl: A nn ie Stiles throws an outlet pass to newcomer Lizzie DeLaney.
JV G irls' Basketball 97
MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS' BASKETBALL Above: Coleman Smith controls the ball. Millwood Collegiate Tuckahoe MS New Community Richmond Christian Brunswick Academy St. Christopher's St. Christopher's Collegiate New Community St. Joseph's Fuqua Millwood "A" Team First row: Chris Skove, Jack Quinn, Clay Fulk, Matt Deacon Second row: John Lewis, Coleman Smith, Ryan Byrne, Hunter Phillips, Carl Dageforde, Coach Steve Ka utz
11 29 22 37 22 30 30 16 26 15 39 13 32
42 33 27 21 29 50 35 51 33 28 26 30 40
Overall Record 2-11
liB" Team First row: Christopher McKeown, Steven Rhodes, Sam Keller Second row: Bobby Ball, Peter Howard, David Dwyer, Barrett Deacon, Coach Maruca
98 Middle School Boys' Basketball
In the Middle School, there are four basketball teams. The boys' "A" team coached by Steve Kautz and the Boys' "B" team, coached by Mike Maruca, started their competitions in January. The h-vo middle school girls' teams began their action in early December. Coaches Wray Powell and Don Delaney played in Division II, while the "B" team participated in Division III and was coached by Mike Ferry.
MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS' BASKETBALL Above: Coach Gerry readies the team for the second ha lf. Collegiate St. Bridget's Luther Memuria l
l.ady of lourde. Co ll egiate Guld St. Mary's St. Catherine's
14 15 15 17 27
Over. 1I record
12 9
28 22 24 22
A" Tealll
'irst row: Kelsey Mohring, Leigh Bedinger. Anli111dil Lipscomb, Dana 'owell, Be th Dixon ;econd row: COilch Wray Powell, Johanna Reckenlwi l, Elizabeth )elaney, Ca loler Fitzgerilld, Amy i:lisger, An nil G reenlee, Coach Don )elancy
the shot.
liB" Team First row: Sara h Hargrove, Mary Delaney, Atti e Pea rsa ll, Amy Anderson, Veronica Tharp, Kathy Northrop, Grace Bezirdjian Second row: Coach Jenny Perry and son joe, Hannah Byrne, Rachel Kewer, Ellie Bryan, Corbin Leach, Beth Farmer. Sarah Young, Christine Cmig, Coach Mike Ferry
Middle School Girls' Roske tball 99
Above: Lauren Malizia defends the goal in the cold and against tough competition.
The Varsity Girls' Winter Soccer team had to endure the cold, wet, and snowy weather. Some of the LIS schedule had to be ca ncelled due to inclement conditions, but th eir overall record was 0-6-1. One of the best ga m es of the year was a loss to Trinity in the first round of LIS To urnament. Although the Spartans were defeated 2-1 in the closing minutes, the level of play and skill shown were improved. Steward had lost to Trinity by a score of 6-0 one week earlier. Juni or Amy Strickland was given the team 's 110% Award, Hilary Beck recei ved the Bes t Overall Player Award, while Ja cki e Moncure was named Most Improved Player. Beck was a lso named to the All-LIS Team.
Above: Jennie Estes, Katie-Beth Kurilecz, and Lorrin Valenzuela ready themselves for the game.
Above: The team congratulates Trinity after making a good effort in the competition. 100 Va rsity Girls' Soccer
First row: Mega n Rllodcs, Ililary Beck, Amy Strickland, Hilrpe r Eurly Second row: Lorrin Valen zuc la, Jenny Siddd ll, Jenn ie Estes, MJric-Sct h KuriJ ecz Third row: Amandil 1,ipsco mb, Ho lly Weisige r, Sarah Dela ney, SMah N c lson, Jack ie Moncure, Co le Johnson
Left: Amy Strickland drives the ball down the fidd, demonstrating the dedication that won her the 110% award for the season, Vorsily Girls' Soccer 101
Cheerleading SpartaR f
Front: Erin Kiker and Erin Anderson Standing; Lindsay Saltzberg, Laura Lecky, Austin Haas, Ann-Yates Wyatt, Breese Anderson, Ashley Cooper, Meg White, Rachel Petock
Top to bottom: The squad gives the team support. Seniors Ann-Yates Wyatt and Breese Anderson were strong leaders this year. The team is ready for the perfect cheer.
102 Cheerieading
Cheerleading Middle School
Top: Th, ;quad energizes the crowd . Middle: Koici Ellis, 1leather Mitchell, a nd Chl oe Higgins pose fo r the ca mera.
Above: 1l1e gi rl s in action cheering on the team. Clwerlead in g 103
Clockwise from above: Mr. Smith, Mr. McAlister, and Mrs. Turner surprise the audience with a musical number. Monica Casper, Sammy George. and Beth Howard perform in the Middle School Chorus for the Spri ng Concert. Kiera Hintz steps into the spotlight during the second grade play, "George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in Court."
Clockwise from left: Chloe Staples amazes the lower School Talent Night audience \",ith her beautifu l rendition of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." Ryan McKeown, Hayden Hodges, Allcn Edwards, and Taylor Wilson pcrform a comedy act for Talent N igh t. Kelly lange. Arzoo Jiwani, Kendall l3endheim, Jesse Harper, and Sarah Shimer entertain the crowd. 104 The Fine Arts
Clockwise from top left: Mr. McAlister introduces the strings ensemble, which i.ncludes Beth Howard. Will Metcalf and Allison Strickland give amazing performances in "The King and I." Amy Anderson works in acrylic. Alison Norton is an accomplished artist.
The Fine Arts 105
Flowers for Algernon
•••• • ••• by David Rogers Based upon the novel by Daniel Keyes NOVEMBER
Director Production Designer Stage Manager Ughting Supervisor Properties Supervisor Sound Supervisor Costume Supervisor
Craig Smith Andrew Mudd Sammy George Joe Matthews Hunter Belinguet Hilary Beck Craig Smith
TIle Players Will Metcalf, Tucker Bloom, Christina Nelson, Lindsey Leach, Ryan Childress, AlUla Greenlee, Lindsay Saltzberg, Bradley de Wet, Erin Anderson, Stephen Gianfortoni, Hope Frank, Mary Congdon, James Flynn, Thomas Davis, Kendall Huennekens, Preston Huennekens, Meg Robertson, Kathy Nor throp, Diana Keith, Sarah Carney, Katie-Deth Kurilccz
Set & Lig/.ting Crew Hilary Beck, Hunter Berlinguet, Brittney Bertozzi, Bradley deWet, Will Dickinson, Davis Glover, Scott Henley, Kara Johnson, Ricky Martin, Joe Matthews, Ja mes McCauley
Backstage Crew Hunter Berlinguet and Hea ther Wright Theatre Service ere'll)
Afton Bartlett, Mason Camp-Crowder, Ryan Childress, Will Clough, Moritz Eberhardt, Scott Henley, Michael Morton, Justin Saunders
Jill Nemur played by Christina Nelson visits with Charlie (Will Metcalf) after the life changing operation.
Above: Dr.
Right: Dr. Burt Seldon (Ryan Childress) consults with Charlie about the emotional roller coaster he is on as a result of his increased intelligence. \06 Flowers for Algernon
Production Staff
The story of Flowers for Algernon is the tragic tale of a man named Charlie Gordon, portrayed by Will Metcalf. Charlie is 28 years old and has the mental capacity of a seven year old. Doctors perform an operation on Charlie as an experimental attempt to raise his intelligence. The people who get caught up in the resulting roller coaster of events include the doctors who changed him, Jill Nemur (Christina Nelson), Jay Strauss (Tucker Bloom), and Burt Seldon (Ryan Childress); the family he has never had played by Mary Congdon, Ryan Childress, Kathy Northrop, and Kendall Huennekens; and the woman who loved him, Alice Kinnian (Lindsey Leach). They are all on board for the whirlwind journey Charlie goes through advancing his intellect and emotions, while down the spiral of descent into his previous state. The playas performed by the Steward students was sad, brilliant, and yet still hopeful.
Above: Doctors Jay Strauss (Tucker Bloom), Jill Nemur (Christina J\elson), a nd Burl Seldon (Ryan Childress) consult w ith ChMlie. Right: Providing a large part of the emotional drama, Alice Kinnian, pla yed by Lindsey Leach, fall s in love with Charlie.
Above: Charlie speilks with Dr. Jill N emur, who at times seems cold to his emotions and more concerned with her professional advancemen t. Right: Cbarlie conjures a communication with his mother plilyed by Mary Congdon.
Flo'vvcrs for Algern on 107
The Middle School and Upper School Holiday Concert was a big success! The 8th Grade Instrumental Ensemble began the event with some traditional holiday melodies, performed by novice and veteran intrumentalists together. The Eighth Grade Chorus followed with several upbeat Hanukkah and Christmas selections. Highlights of their performance included soloist Matt Deacon on "Those Gospel Angels" and choreography arranged by the students. The Recorder Ensemble performed music specially arranged for recorder with synthesizer by Mr. McAlister. Their songs included "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and Avril Lavigne's "Complicated." The Upper School intrumental ensemble performed next. This group, consisting of two guitars and a clarinet, delighted the audience with renditions of "Shenendoah" and "Will the Circle Be Unbroken." Other Upper School instrumentalists performing were the Upper School Trio, consisting of a flute, a violin, and a clarinet, and the Upper School Rock Ensemble, that jammed to riffs from The Doors and Sam and Dave. Instrumental soloists included violinist Teresa Kaiser and guitar player Jesse Garrison. The Upper School Choirs included the Select Chorus performing holiday selections, and the Select and Mixed Chorus doing a mixture of holiday tunes and Baroque classics. Some highlights of the event included the inaugural performance of the Middle School Instrumental Ensemble, with twenty three students performing their two selections extremely well. The combined Middle School and Upper School Choirs filled the theater with the gospel sounds of "Soon and Very Soon." The concert concluded with all participants of the concert either singing or playing holiday favorites in a sing-along with the audience. The Middle and Upper School students ha ve begun a new tradition, and set a high standard for future Steward School musicians.
Above: Teresa Kaiser played wonderfully on her violin in front of the entire student body
108 Holiday Concert
Above: Playing the guitar is a new hobby for Brett Sandberg.
Left: The 8th Grade Chorus members let it all out as they sang "Three Gospel Angels."
Above: The Upper School and Middle School Chorus com bine to perform "Soon and Very Soon."
Above: Jesse Garr ison on guitar. Above: Amy Anderson and fell ow Middle-Schoolers make mu sic on recorders. Above: Ben C,iglio from the Upper Sc hool plays his clarinet.
Right: Reckenbiel demonstrates her musical talenl un the violin .
Left: Allison Strickland , Brenna Beauford, and Anne Borum sing with the rest of the Upper School chorus.
Ho liday Concert 109
tf(9~J9!/ P'f~ DECEMBER
19, 2002
Over two hundred angelic voices graced our stage singing and dancing to the holiday repertoire. The story revolved around heaven's newest member "Noel" (Kendall Huennekens) and her monotone singing voice. In order to be included in the heavenly choir, Noel needed to be able to sing. All of the different clouds of angels attempted to help her "find her voice." There were cherubs (Kindergarten), and snow angels (Grade 1), rock'n roll angels (Grade 3), Jewish angels (Grade 4), and Spanish (Grade 5). It wasn't until the Junior Angel Choir discovered that Noel's voice did not fit into all of the heavenly chords, and she became Below: The Kindergarten class sings, "I am an angel, that's what my mommy says." a popular member of the choir. St. Peter awarded the little angel with her gold wings and in her excitement she flew high in the air as the entire heavenly group performed "Sing Merrily, Sing!" The angelic lower school teachers were responsible for guiding the classes and making Thank Hea vens a memorable experience for all.
Above: Laura FuJu, a kindergarten angel really shines. 110 Holiday Program
Above: The choir dir~ctor, Whitney Menges (far right), leads the members of the All Star Chorus. From left: Thomas Davis, Elizabeth Tyson, Taylor Scott, and Shelby Thompson.
Below: Kendall Huennekensisthefirst to fl y from the Cramer Center ceiling! Below: Billy Belt and Elliot Doub sin g "Wherever music is must be Paradi se."
Below : Patr ick Strec ke r p lays SI. Pe ter. H e is giving the orde rs o u t in heaven .
Above: Hayd en H od ges pla ys Ylarty, the Je wi s h ch oir d iretor. Oy vey'
Good Job Lower School! Ii oli day I路'rogram 111
Love and Laughs
Act One: Love Romantic Comedies
Act Two: Laughs Comedies by Christopher Durang
The Lovesick Computer
•An• Evening • • 2003 • • • • of One-Act Plays FEBRUARY
21 & 22, 2003
by William Thomas Crew Presented by the Theatre 8
Who Am I This Time by Christopher SergeI Based on the short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
DESIGNED BY ANDY MUDD The Players jennie Estes, Charles Ca rte r, Amanda Lipscomb, Leigh Bedinger, Steven Rogers, Christopher Skove, Caroline Sellers, Lindsay Sa ltzberg, Coldon Martin, Ryan Childress, Montie Anderson, Kelsea Pieters, Diana Keith, Stephen Gia nfortoni, jenn y Siddall, Mary Congdon, Scott He nley, Sammy George, Moritz Eberh ardt, Wi ll Metca lf, Kathy Northrop, Katie-Beth Kuril ecz, Tucker Bloom, Sel & Lighting Crew Hila ry Beck, Hunter Berling uet, Brittney Bertozzi, Brad ley d eWet, Will Dickinson, Davis G lover, Tyl er Ha rris, Scott H enley, Kara j ohnson, Ricky Ma rtin, j oe Mat th ews, j ames McCauley, lay Pruitt, Steven Rogers
Theatre Service Crc'w Afton Bartlett, Mason Camp-Crowder, Rya n Childress, Wi ll Clough, Moritz Eberhardt, Scott Henley, Michael Morton, Jus tin Saunders
Clockwise from above: Mortiz Eberhardt, Will Metcalf . and lindsay Saltzberg. enjoy the final applause for their excellent performances. Mary Congdon takes the part of the somewhat eccentric Ellen Terry in "The Actor's Nightmare." Moritz is frustrated by the direction of the stage manger played by Kathy Northrop . Katie-Bet h Kurilecz is Sarah Siddons.
112 One Act Plays
Mrs. Sorken Upper School Performance Theatre DMVTaJent Upper School Performance Theatre The Actor's Nightmare
The King and I • Rodgers • • • and 2003 • • • Hammerstein APRIL 24-27,
The Players
Will Yfetca lf, Thomas rJ r1v is, Alli so n Strickland,
Ryan Chi ld ress, Coldon
Student Production Staff Orchestra Bonnie Anderson - Piano cAlister - Percussion urilecz Teresa Kaiser - Violin Christina Nelson Elizabeth Ward - Cello Joe Matthews Donna Woo - Flute Scott Henley Ben Giglio - Clarinet Hunter Berlinguet Gr,aig Smitli'- ConGU<oton:Braaley De Wet Kara Johnson Patrick McKeown
T'l y lnr K,ullltliinski, Jul ia \ '10" [')" Amy \Jmli1l"op, H,l ill'), I\1 nri,' Ragan, Ryland Sml l, T'lyln r Snltl , Finn Sm y lh, Laun~ 1l Xu
Martin, Ryi'1I1 ner .aney, Au.;; tin Tanaka, Moritz Eberha rdt, Coleman Kay, Vfelissa Slwlhurne, \1ary
Congdon The Royal Wives - [ri ll I\ndl'rson, I3rc.1na iord, L,-, i ~ h Bedingl'T, Bla kel\" Cohell, H\ lpe r ran k, [liL.lbd h rr,l;lklirl, Salllnw C~'(1T g L", Beth H oward , Erirl K ih;r. Lind ",-'y Lt"ach. A Ill.m u ;l Li r~L') lllb, K(' I ~,-'} \ lohril114_ K.l thy North n ' p , K.llie I'('rk m ~, L.1ura Sbwe. Amv
Strickl'l1lu. Mimi T.lna k.1, !-I.n"den H()d~,-, ~
Th e Royal Princes .1nd Princesses - Kl'nd<llllk-nc ht"lm. ,\ I.... ;\, lkC.lpri, O li \"i.l D" C.lp ri, S-H,l h D lr kson, Br~ rt> D'S unw~ M ich .ld DlI ll'\. [3rOt) \..(' Ll i~("n,
Ad.1m H.1<; ... -Hil l, JI''''-' t-i llh, KenJ,l ll H tll·nn ... kl'ns. l'r6 toll
Clockwise from above: Elizabelh Franklin and Amy Strickland play two of the many wives of the King. Moritz Eberhardt takes the lead as the King of Siam. Allison Strickland amazed audiences with her Singing ability, taking the lead as Anna Leonowens. In this picture she talks to her students, the children of the King. Mary Congdon handled the role of Lady Thiang with ski ll.
The King and I 113
LoW"er School • • • • 2003 • • • •
Stunt Talent Night Right: Eliza Jones sings "Aquarius" in appropriate 60's attire.
Below: Third graders entertain the crowd with a musical number.
Right: Austin Chung amazes the crowd as he splits a board before everyone's eyes.
114 Lower School Stunt Talent N ight
Middle and Upper School • • • • 2003 • • • •
Talent Night
Above: Ic:-,..,c C.1rrbol1 j:-, <, c rowd pleaser pl (1 ying "C r(lIY Trilin" w ith the Upper ~c h ool Rock rn~t..'l n h1t, Right: l\cCI..'i \' ing :,pcci.1 1,'pprccia tion frtl l11 SL'ninr A ll boll Stric kla nd, Mrs. Ande rson 11<'IS been l-\ lIi ~oJ1 ' " I1lll~ic
Above: "ViIi
ll'.lChc r Illr 11 yl·.1r ~ at
~'I etca lf
sings John
L~ nnon ' ::,
~ t t.·\\ · ard
" Im ag ine."
Above Ri g ht: Donna Woo is accomplbhed on the fl ute with her rend it ion of " M y H ear t \'\I ill Go On." rVl id d le and Up per School T()lent Night 'j 'I 5
Fine Arts Fair
• •• •
2003 ••••
Ste-ward Art
Clockwise from left: Mr. McAlister, Michael Noffsinge r, Olivia Edward s, and Anna Woodburn p lay in a kazoo band. Mr. Sm ith pa inted fa ces including his own. Chri ssy Edwards makes her own decorated boa rd game. Taylor Karmo linski puts the fin;shing touches on her work.
116 Academics
Fine Arts Banquet •• • • 2003 • • • •
Stew-ard Art
Clockwise from lef t: Amy Bisger, A ttie
Pe ar~all,
Kelsey Mohrin g, Da na Powell hd\'C fu n in th t.: fif ties th enw. Mrs. Paulet te em u John RusClk share (l dance. C o ldol1 Mar tin t-. in gs ka raoke. !Vlrs. And e rson i<; d ec kpd out in 50's gar b. Lintlsey
Leac h, \-Vill Me tca lf, a nd Christina N elso n have fun loo kiin g thro u g h the list of Karaoke selections. Michael Morton plays a 50's tou gh .
E ne Arts lJanquet 117
Clockwise front above: Hunter Jennings gets his work done in the library. Mr. Alley's advisory poses for a group photo. Andy Baruch takes a thoughtful break.
Rachel Petock, Teri Fitzgerald, and Carrie Newman work closely in the Mac lab. Ryan Delaney, Jenny Siddall, Katie-Beth Kurilecz, Sarah Greenlee, and Ayers Gilman are recognized for academic achievement. Kyle Dennis finishes his Engli sh paper. 118 Academics
Clockwise from above: Philip Carter works in study hall. Davi Lorenzo prepares for a test. Faith Gray, Teresa Kaiser, Allison Strickland, and Teri Fitzgerald pose for the camera during Academic Awards Night.
Academi cs 119
iJkademic Comyetition Clockwise from bottom left: Eddie Fuller, Hunter Berlingu et, Nathan Jamerson, Chris Brown, Spencer Best, Kate Garner, Morgan Hutchinson, Rachael Meyers, Pamela Lawrence
Pnvironmenta{ C(ub Left to Right: Mrs. Greenlee, Lee Patton, Kyle Dennis, Tony Iantosca, Joon Ch oi, Chris Byrne
120 Clubs
First row: Carrie Ryan, Kendall Tatc, Aust in H~ ~s, Rachel Preston, Lyne Minardi, Ann Ya tes Wyi1lt, Ca ry Th om pso n Second row: Rachel Lor ia, Lindsay Li ll ard, Kiran Versi, Austi n Carler, Ja mes Schreiber, Carter Shamb urge r, Jenny Siddall Third row: Katie Pe rk ins, Boo Deacon, Lauren Ma li7 ia, Audie McDougall, Coleman Ka y, Me lissa She lburne Fourth row: N ick Lauher, Mike Edwards
First row: Rac hel Loria , Kiran Versi, Morga n Hutchin snn, Katie IJe rkins, Boo Deacon, Frin Anderson, Kendall Tate Second row: Kourtncy Boughey, Fai th G ray, Kate Garne r, Maggie Ha nn an, \rleg Robertson, Erin Kiker, Audie McDougall, Rachel Preston, Tc ri Fi tzge rald Third row: Rachael Meyers, Sa rah Newcomb, Car rie Newman, Austin Hamilton, Danny Welsch, Lauren Harris, Ricky Martin, Lindsay Sal tzberg, Gwen Joseph, Kevin Bojars ki , Spencer Best, Matt Gallo Fourth Row: Chris [la rvey, \1rs. Tuohey, Tim Zeid an, Joe !vIiltthews, Jeremy Karmol insk i, Lee Pa tton, K r le Dennis Clubs 12 1
Upper School Clubs Chess C(ub Clockwise from left: Andy Frank, Kara Johnson, Nick Lauher, Sarah Greenlee, Evan Lyne, and sponsor Mrs. Siewert
'Foreian Lanauage C(ub
122 Clubs
First row: Bev Borum, Lousia Kendig, Austin Haas, Kiran Versi, Kourtney Boughey, Danny Welsch, Mrs. Rodriguez, Harper Early, Sarah Greenlee, Whitney Frost, Ann Yates Wyatt Second row: Yu Sasaki, Kara Johnson, Jeremy Karmolinski, Ryan Kerr, Mike Edwards, Ryan Delaney, Katie-Beth Kurilecz, Claire Ha Third row: Wallace Young, Blair Sutton, Davi Lorenzo, Tim Zeidan, Tva Jansky, Lee Patton, Chris Byrne
'Fi(m C(ub
Poetry cfuG First row: Kircll1 Versi. David Reese, Christina Nelson , Will Metcalf Second row; Lorrin Val enz uela, Kara Jo hnson
Syorts C(uG First row: Christina f\e lson, Will Me tca lf, Ton y lantosca, Au d ie McLJougall Second row: Carri e Mo rris, Lindsey Leach, Lindsay Sa ltzberg, Erin Anderson, Meg Rober tso n, Amy Strickland Third row: Alex Benson, Nick La uhe r, Mr. Cuneo
First row: Simon Benne tt, Je rem y Karmolinski, Ryan Kerr , Matt Gallo, Austin H a milton, Kyle Dennis Second row: Chris Harvey, Ri cky Martin, Evan Lyne, Joe Matthews, Ephraim Edmunds Third row: Matthew Stainback, Hunter Jennings, Mike Edw ards, Ronnie Spears Fourth row: Chris Byrne, Matt Stafford, Blake Frostick Cll1bs 123
Lower Eve Right: It's Measurement
Day in the Lower School.
Right: Fourth graders learn about life in the 17th century on their trip to Jamestown. Left: Students visited a Pumpkin Patch in the Fall.
Right: It was fun and games for Field Day.
Above: Blair BelUlett enjoys a sunny spring day with her classmates. 124 Lower School Events
Above: A juggler entertains Lower Schoo lers on Beach Day.
Right: The Kindcrg<lrten class take il tri p to th e Pet Shop.
Left: Chnssy Edwards makes a fLmny face during a SODA activity with Upper School students.
Above: James Moncure, Michael ~offsinger, Christopher Wa lker, and Borden Porter goof around on a !:leach Day. Lower School Even ts 123
1'fationa{ f}{onor Society February 5,2003 The National Honor Society had its inductions on February 5th. In order to get into this highly honored organization a student must obtain a 3.5 GPA, be involved in extracurricular activies in and out of school, and have the qualities of a leader. Ms. Laraine Brumberg and Ms. Shelby Holland are the two advisors for NHS. Allison Strickland, Pamela Lawrence, Mary Congdon, and Melissa Shelburne were the four members of NHS in 2002. This year twelve memebers were inducted. This is by far the largest number ever inducted. All twelve members were from the junior class. The juniors tapped this year were Spencer Best, Ivo Jansky, Jeremy Karmolinski, Coleman Kay, Hilary Beck, Claire Ha, Lauren Harris, Teresa Kaiser, Christina Nelson, Lindsay Saltzberg, Amy Strickland, and Kendall Tate.
Top: Melissa Shelburne presents Ivo Jansky with his National Honor Society pin. Above: The Upper School was honored to have a guest speaker at this assembly.
Above: Allison Strickland presents Lauren Harris with her National Honor Society pin. Above: Mr. Coulombe congratulates Jeremy Karrnolinski with a pat on the back. 126 Na tional Honor Society Inductions
Left: Mr. Coulombe speaks to the students about the importance of the ational Honor Society.
Below: Mr. Coulombe congratulates Claire Ha for her induction into the National Honor Society.
tThe tNationa{ IJ-fonor Society} tjnduction Ceremony There are four principles that a student must uphold in order to be Above: Melissa She lburne li ghts a candl e for the first p rinci pl e.
Above: Pa melil Lawrence was indu cted into th e society last yea r.
inducted into NHS. A candle is lit
Above: Mary Congdon is a proud represe ntil ti ve of the soc ie ty's pr in Ciples.
Above: A llison Strickland is a Senior membe r this yea r
symbolizing each one.
Nationa l H onor Society
Indu c ti o n ~
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY JANUARY 20, 2003 Tony Cosby is a very talented actor who travels the U.S. performing Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches. The Steward Spartans were very fortunate to have him come and perform for us on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Mr. Cosby performed three speeches: "I Have a Dream," "The Memphis Speech," and the speech read at MLK's funeral. His pianist to the right also performed one song and included the background music while Mr. Cosby was speaking.
Above: Mr. Cosby's very talented pianist, Kevin Puller, performed a song inspired by the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr.
Above: Mr. Cosby was a very powerful speaker. He performed three of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches.
Above: Mr. Cosby performs the "I Have a Dream" speech. 128 Martin Luther King Jr . Presentation
CULTURAL AWARENESS DAY JANUARY 30, 2003 The ESL department sponsored a Cultural Awareness Day for the Upper School. First, students experienced different types of foods from the Middle East. Then they were entertained after lunch until the end of the school day with a speaker on the topic of Islam and a dancer from India. Thanks to Ms. Griggs for pulling this all together.
Above: All th e upper schoo lers fill ed the Cramer Ce nter to listen to Dr. Majid Khan, who is the Principa l of the Is lamic /\cadem y of Vil路gini a.
Above: Malina Srirama was an amazi ng Class ical Indian Dancer who taught s tudents the mea nin g behind the moves.
Above: Dr. Majid Khan had an interesting s lide show that introduced students to his view of Isla m.
Cultura l Awareness Duy ] 29
Clockwise from above: Mrs. Hanger applauds the magician pertorming fo r the students on Beach Day. Hilary Beck, Joe Matthews , and Christina Nelson wear odd costumes on Rent-A-J unior Day. Ryan Kerr works for a doctor for Alternate Prograrn week.
Clockwise from left: Taylor Karmolinski has a great time on Spartan Spirit Day. Amy Strickland works fo r a designer for Alternate Prog ram. Allison Strickland is courted by Al ex Benson as they are both serenaded by the music of Teresa Kaiser.
130 Spartan Events
Clockwise from above: Austin Chung plays to the camera. Mr. McAlister, Mrs. McAlister, and Mrs. Anderson celebrate the opening of the Cramer Center. Alex Benson, Allison Strickland, and Moritz Eberhardt display a cosmopolitan flair. Ryan Kerr, Ronnie Spears, Mike Edwards, and Ephraim Edmunds show off their impressive winnings from the First Annual Senior Easter Egg Hunt. Lindsay Saltzberg worked with children for Alternate Program.
Spartan [ven ts 131
The Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts October 18-19, 2002
Cramer Center Dyeni'"8 !Events Above: Live entertainment greeted guests in the lobby for the festivities Friday night.
Above: Mr. Cramer gave a wonderful speech as he acknowledged former students and faculty members.
132 Cramer Center Opening
The dedication of the new Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts and the unveiling of Paul Cramer's portrai t were divided between two events. On Friday October 18, a black-tie evening was held for former and currrent trustees, parents, faculty, and staff. A short program was held handing Headmaster Roger Coulombe the key to the new building.
Above: The audience was able to admire the newly unveiled portrait, as Mr. Cramer provided remarks on his years a t Steward.
When introduced, former Headmaster Paul Cramer received a standing ovation from the audience. A performance by the famous Manhattan Transfer then entertained the happy crowd.
Mr. Cramer's portrait W 1 unveiled by his children. The political satire grouF The Capitol Steps followed the unveiling with a performance that had the aud ience laughing.
Mr. Cramer's portrait was unveiled on Saturday, October 19, at a slightly more relaxed evening for guests including former and current faculty / staff, alumni, and alumni parents.
Above: Guests enjoyed visiting during the reception in the lobby of the Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts.
Above from left: Students Teri Fitzgerald, Whitney Frost, Rachel Preston, and Sarah Newcomb volunteered as ushers for opening night.
" Mr. Cramer received a standing ovation during his speech."
Left: Mr. Cramer's children proudly unveil their fath e r's portrait, which now han gs in the lobby of the Cramer Center.
Above: Along with other honors, it was a night for the Steward School community to show their appreciation for the current Headmaster Mr. Coulombe. C ramer Center Opening 133
Above: Carbon Leaf guitarist Carter Gravatt takes center stage.
Above: Carbon Leaf rocks the happy crowd of students
in the Cramer Center for the Arts.
On Thursday, October 24, Upper, Middle, and Lower School students were treated to the Cramer Center's very first rock concert. The concert was presented courtesy of the popular band Carbon Leaf. Performing a unique sound, the band blends traditional Irish folk sounds with popular rock music. After the concert, Carbon Leaf's band members went into the lobby of the theatre to sign autographs and to sell their CDs and Tshirts. The band provided a lively atmosphere for a fun birthday celebration. Cake and ice cream followed the concert as students and faculty recognized the 30th anniversary of Steward School. It was a wonderful day complete with a full range of festivities. Above: Kindergartner Ryan Cornell enjoys a cupcake at the School's 30th birthday party.
134 Birthda y Par ty
Above: Carbon Leaf rocks the happy crowd of stud ents in the Cramer Center for the Arts.
Right: Eig hth graders Mary Ma ragare l Watson and Sa mm y George show off th e poster they had sig ned by Carbon Lea f Band membe rs.
Birt hday Party l35
Spartan Spirit Day 2002 Saturday November 23 was Spartan Spirit Day. On the patio outside the Athletic Center, the crowd listened to the music of Tom Somerville and his band, Stolen Roses. Kids enjoyed the game booths, which included the ball toss and duck float. The moonwalk was also a favorite. Inside the Athletic Center the Steward Bazaar offered visitors a chance to shop at more than 30 vendors. After the parade, Headmaster Roger Coulombe introduced the Homecoming court. Later that afternoon, students families, and friends were treated to JV and Varsity basketball games in the gym.
Above right: Bobby Ball has a snack as he takes in the day's events. Right: Junior students Joe Matthews, Ashley Cooper, and Will Metcalf arrive for the day's festivities.
136 Spartan Spirit Day
:=lockwise from above: And y Frank, Annie ;tilt~s, Loui sa Kendig, Yu Sasaki, and Sarah -'; re e nle(~ have a grea t tim e Oil Spi rit Day. rom Somerville's band Sto len Roses enterta in s he [TO\路v d. It was a pe rfect day to relebrat!~ th e ;choo l'.., .10th annive rsary. Phi lip Ca rt er and ~i('hard Wh eeler sell food tr eats in t he Athl etic :-:e ntpr. Pam ela Lawrence worked the face xlinting booth.
Spart an Sp ir it DclY 137
Left: Mary Congdon, an accomplished dancer hersel f, shared her talents working as a teacher for this year's Alternate Program. Top: Kate Garner had a pleasant time working in a pet shop.
This year 118 upper school students went off campus during Alternate Program. Ten of these students went to Quebec with Ms. Gail Heaton and Mr. Cabell Jones. The internships varied from community service organizations, to business locations and local government. Students were located as far north as New York City and as far west as Texas. Nearly all of the studen ts received excellent reports from their supervisors. Ninth graders participated in a series of events focusing on career planning and community service. During the week, students kept busy visiting the campuses of William and Mary and Christopher Newport University. The off-campus activities included community service work. Students visited a nursing home and volunteered work at Goochland Family Services. Much of the week was spent with on campus actvities, including writing resumes and learning about job interviewing skills. Middle School students studied various topics, which included the River, Richmond, and the Arts. As in the past, Alternate Program Week was a fun and productive learning experience for alL
138 Alternate Program
C luckw ise from left: Milici It' Sc huu ler> E\'a Vun Tul if;e r,Ca leb Bro wn, Hun ter Phi llip" cUld CUll'lnan Snuth learn abu ut mudern cl rt frum their vis it tu The Virginia Mu seum. A lso,
as pa rt uf d fucu s on th e arts, 7th g raders, Ca leb Brown, Anna Woddburn,Jacki e Moncure, Page Conway, Jay Pruitt, Kitty Ba ll , C hrisiYlcKeown , Aileen C iordano, and A nna Creenlee v isi t the Channel 6 News stu d io. Ju ni or Joe Ma tth ews wo rk ed for a n orthoped ist. Breese A nd erso n worked w ilh children fo r he r il lLerna le progra rn proj ec t.
Altern ate Program 139
In Memoriam,
Michelle Anderson Haigler
Feb. 19, 1973 - Feb. 25, 2003
Teacher, mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover of music. We will miss your smile, your voice, and your spirit. "Tomorrow we'll discover what our God in heaven has in store," -Les Miserables
140 Me morium