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Rolling Through The Year Music has defined generations. It changes lives, creates memories, inspires people of all ages, and plays a role in our life everyday. It can bring you up when you are feeling down, pump you up for the big game and bring back memories of your last dance at prom. So sit back, relax, put on some tunes and turn the pages to experience your year through photos, music and memories ...
Faculty 4
"Your education ain't complete, T-T-T-Teacher gonna show you, how to get anA" -Jackson 5 2
Senior Pages 8 Class Pages 5
"I will remember you,will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories" -Sarah McLachlan
''I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up. Nc me! Not me! Not me!" -Peter Pan
The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and the Start of a New Year The Upper School, Lower School Playground, and Admissions building were all reconstructed and added to over the summer thanks to contributions by alunuu and our Stewa rd COlTnn unity. Below, Mr. Steward welcomes studen ts and faculty to the new facilitates during the first days of school.
Arts 98
['he costumes, the scenery, e makeup, the props, the Jdience that lifts you when )u r down" Inni e Get Your Gun
Athletics 102 Senior Ads 121
"Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on go, play!" -Smash Mouth
"These are the moments, these are the times, lets make the best out of ou r lives" -The Calling 3
)wer School Administration: Mrs. Dunvilie, Irs. Hanger, Mrs. Cullinan
Kindergarden Teachers: Mrs. Strikland, Mrs. Hathaway. Mrs. Taylor,
First Grade Teachers: Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Wilhite. Mrs. Lunsford
lcond Grade Teachers: Mrs. Whitley, Mrs. )vington , Mrs Ricketts
Thrid Grade Teachers: Mrs. Lloyd , Mrs. Casper, Mrs. Whitely
Fourth Grade Teachers: Mrs. Grossman, Mr. Tickle, Mrs. Goodpasture
Ith Grade Teachers: Mrs. Fox, Mr. Coles, Mrs. um
MS. Administaration: Mr. Maruca, Mrs. Cameron , Mr. Jones
MS. English Teachers: Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Maclin, Dr. Robertson
S. Science Teachers: Mrs. Hale, Mr Busse
MS. History Teachers: Mr Jones, Mr. Inge, Mr. Chapman
MS. Math Teachers: Mr. White, Mrs. Plotkin
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Seniors in the class of 2006 experience, spend or expend: 47,250 hours in class, 315 exams, 105 college applications, 31,50: cups of coffee or hot chocolate, 421 hours worrying about their public speaking speech 217 all-nighters, 74 college essays, 23,625 hours sweating on the playing fields, 33,600 hours studying for gov ernment, 15,750 hours in the senior lounge, 70,580,013 important ("I swear!'': cell phone calls, 3,920 h o urs dancing the n ight away, 39,375 calories burned w alking to economics class, 146 lost books, 49 last minute extensions on assignments, 831 song lyrics you will remember for the rest of your life, 90,726 verb conjugates and formulas you probably won't, 4,725,000 mile~ on your car from driving nowhere, 1 57,500 minuets in assembly, 1,575 minuets taking formal senior photos, 700 hours finding the perfect graduation outfit to be worn on June 5, 674 parents, siblings and close friends watching you cross the stage for your diploma, 700 photos of you at that exact moment, 800,589,201 unforgettable memorie that will last for years and years to come.
A senior in the class of 2006 will bE relllelllbered forever in the following pages; meet them all here ... 8
Ashleigh Elizabeth Albright
Ben (Benny, Mellie, Branch) - You're my best friend and I love yo u more than anything . .. you rea lly have been there for me thl'O lIgh eve rythin g . . th ank you ... fo fuu fhink n,ey fnders land fs? LOfrin (La la) - I have known YO ll longer than anyone ... RMS ... ca mp ... People to People. number one, make the rules . .. waa\vaa. . OlU cheese sauce Ayers - You've always been there for me . . . especiall y when it came to you know who . . . our underwear obsession . .. Food Nicole (jaJa) - )'ve rea ll y enjoyed getting to know you better this yea r . . . ARGG HH! Rabid possums . .. Bob . .. wha t if I \'\'antcd to have a costume party? ... the weight room . .. Tar Tar Mom - You 've been my best friend my entire Ijfe~ Thank you so much for being the best mom in the wliverse and beyond; I have loved always being ab le to tell you everything, th ank you. Are you calling me fat?
Dad - Thank you so mllch for being supporti ve of me and bein g a wo nde rful father. To everyone thank you for on amazing junior and senior yea r - Harper (my soul sister, C HEESE!), Ka ra, Liz, Leigh, Jenny a nd everyo ne else "Time yo u enjoy wastin g, wa., not wasted" - John Lennon
"Misfortunes show those \-vho are not rea ll y friends. " -Aristo tl e "Th.e only lhing tha t makes life possible is permanent intolerab le uncertainty; not knowing wha t comes next." - Urs ula K. LeC uin
Grace Champlain Astrove To Mom, Dad, Ann, Ll"lgh Ann, tkonnett. and J.lck I don't think I can thank you enough for a I that "ou have done (or me, from the moment I entered thl<; \\ nrld ~ uu h,,\'(" cared lor me with all vour heart and [ appreciate every little thins; you have done . I would not be who I am t(xby without ,111 of ~ullr IIml', patience and mfluence In my life. I )...now tha t mv family will be wilh me th rough .mylhing and because of that you are thl" mO"t Import.lIlt pf.'oplt路 10 me I love you tons and ex tend my everlasting gratitude for everything you have given me. To Ray Ray. LLfq. Austin, i::miJ:r Marc;halJ, (h,17.2.),. L1uren, Soph Soph, Jackson, Rohert and Ilann,lh: These P,lS! two years have been filled wiLh fllf'flmnl'l) tlMt I willl,lUgh and cry abou t for years, the days have flown by uS too quickly and no ..... that it is time to SOly goodb)'c I can't bellf'Vf' the \. . ,1)' you havc tou ched my life. Everv day rOll haYe been there for me; from the latc nights, \0 the trips, to the baking parhes, to "nnw ("I( tl1l' 1)(.';,1 and hardest moments of our youth you have defined friendship for me and II-noW' that we will always be close. My life wa" nn t cnlll pk'lL- until I mt..'t all o f you, II(we )'ou so much and want to thank you for everyday I havE' had YOU in my life: you' re my life and I will al ..... .lys, OlI\V.ly~ lU\ll' you. All my love, Grnde Pacie PrinCl'SS Pea Pod To 11t>1, 5, lmh, Luu isa Olnd \1 ichilel Thank vou for bri~hteninA e\len' si nAle day of my hfe, for all the laug.hs and for all the hugs. You are the mn,,' (.tTlllg ,md ~wcet cst people I have ('\'cr I-nown and 1 don 't knO\\ how I wou ld Aet throu~h everY d.w without you. Tn K..I..,l'.I : Yuu arc the cooiesl kid [know, m\' experience on the Steward s tage would nol of been the same wi thout you . I hope vou r next three yt'iHS ar(' (1 1k'l.! \\ ith the best moments of your life on and off the stage; 1 love you and will always be here for vou. Tn my h",lthl'r.:., In)' men lars, LOLX..E 2003, Anna. SeniOb 2006; Thank )'OU for being a part of m)' life, for changing and enhancing who I am and pn'puIIIg ml' fur the big ....'orld Ihal awaLt-. me. [ .....ould nol be ..... here I am or who 1 am Iociav withoul all of your encouragement and lo\'e. lWst wlslu..",- to thl' ClilS;, of 2006, WE FINALLY MADE: IT! '"It's hMd to :. 10l~ mad when there 路s so much beau ty in the world." -American Beauty
William Afton Bartlett
well i would have to say these four years have gone by quick. but maybe that because i ca n 't remember them. thanks dad for always being there for me and keeping me busy in school by texting me during elass. thanks temple for also always being there for me too and thanks for being the best stepfa the r anyone could ever have. thanks mom for .. . well every thing, without you whipping me into shape, i would still be in hi gh school. thanks steward sell00l for . . . um. ok time for the jokes! if i forget something, well sorry. i'll try to start from th e beginning but i cant promise anything. here we go . .. well i don't remember anything freshman year so now for sophomore year. tHere was ben & ricky ... the lobster ... fire ... alaska ... of course, jay . . . alice in wond erland ... oh man, the crackers! that was crazy jay & brad, one of the best nights. that night's walk was sweet! i'Ll never forget the sky & the road. jay . . . had to no t come to sell00l on the 20th . . . that swnmer was hm. junior yea r, probably my fa vorite year Wltll the summer, thanks to you brad. man this was a crazy year. where to begin? there was the kit ... not having to do anything & still made good grades . .. those times spent at jay's house before bbaLl practice . .. milling with cameran & travis that day. man that was scary. quick do a chinese fire drill! ... chilling at brin's house before soccer pracTice . . . chilling at my house before, well an y practice, good times ... how could i forget, mine and everyone's baby, absolu te hidden strength. something that no one wi ll ever forge t ... milk! milk! ... the jug . .. that night we mexi packed iT & chilled with the jug! man that was a good cherry . . . playing hacky sack during break even in the freeZing cold .. . the time brad forgot who he was ... the tim e james almost blacked ou t, actually the time he didn't almost blacked out ... big mike & sjoerd, those guys are so funny. i miss mike and how goofy he was. i miss sjoerd and how He was a jerk to everyone and how he was always talking abou t reeb ... wayne and i and our boxing matm . . . ryan's basement! ... april 20th! that day in the shagging wagon. cJ1illing at friendly and then after school and thEn again just for kicks .. . the rome trip! good times, if i co uld only remember half of them. the best tinles in rome: well every night, going to the grouchy store every day in the train station, getting asked what was in my backpack, lousia & i hanging out the window, getting lost in ro me that day, the day we flew over haha, elizabeth getting popped on By the bats, "an one", m y orange hoody, fanta , trying to walk back to our hotel. bad time in rome: well leaving . . . chilling with jake and brynie ... those nights at th e billiards hall, haha .. . at the end of the year being with britney, goOd times .. . that summer sucked . .. dont worry is still had my fair share of fun that summer. senior year. i can only do half the year cuz it only nov now, by anyways ... winning the demo award . .. ab olute seniors ... you kNow ill a senior when ... homecoming ... teri, how about a little some som e during 5th period . . . going to brian park .. . douglas, teIi, and i in anatomy class, haha . look it a picture of teri's upper lip ... mrs. mush mush . .. all the class meeting we had .. . 80's day! .. . still going to steward . . . shim sham! ... jay leaves, ma n that su cks ... it was a Good thi.ng i wasn ' t homecoming king ... the senior IOLmge, i think that explains itself . .. da ph ish .. . ian and i breaking our promises, and holler to all the jokes in the future. now for some afton phi losophy: pack every day to the fullest ... live everyday one day at a time . . . everything happens for a reason . .. don ' t regret anything, learn from it .. . good thing, bad thing, who can say. well i think that's it. peace out!!
Beverley Anne Borum
SEI\'"IOR YEAR. yeah da:.sof 2006!! . When.: tu:.t.lr\ . Uuruld-U.H'.11 I:. lI1<lrrll.,j hI the 1.lvlt' • l..llU ' ~ol, Au!>hn, .l IlJ "h,ll p /1,1\(> .. p'·ciall·Vl.... hir in lOt' hC';ld h,;,h IhM r("j rubbc>r ha ll.u I'("C'('<:" being .. porty "PIC<", "nna-bllniUlil bo.:Ig.l kid·o nnrUh' girl., httle baby of 1M famIly .. like a prayer .. dancing wi lh Mr. Inge. girl \'our shoe~ M~ r AD. (!1,I;hth Jtrad ... .lltemal" progldm .. Philip S~II"~ me III my unJ... rv.~.!r •• l.tp hne •. ~\in).; ""loP ..... 1111 I.UlH!><l in till' lihrolry, Mr. Kl'Ilt:r v.dlf-s up. droppmg b()(lk... from Ihe top o f Ih(' ..",irc.'S(' purrl<.- G.uorildc on Harpi'r''> "",(,alN Ur-.;C b ... sketball (<Imp . You don't m't'Ci th.?se .. JUST G IV[ \1[ TH[ CIIANG!!!" ... haIry mon1..ey. hitting 01)' head on ') shelf afterfijilhhng for <l :.hirt ilnd then peeing 111 my panb beo;duse I Woll> Jau).;hm).;!oO h.m.l. '·rid.I Y llI);hll.M~kI'lWIl ~Jrm.... JV b.l ..kl·ll.,,1I "l lrin ).: 11\ ttw I1I1t.Jdll'1ft lht' field dunng IJcr.-I'j.~· pr,lcticl.' Charm"n'" hi~tory cltI~~ 11th gr"dl.' ba~\..elhi\11 seaSQn fun ,l"d lough "('nons I(,<lm bondmg {through su ffering} .. human bowhng .s.. oor oh what fun. thr~ s tooSo.'S . . focus ml::mones .• ,hake and tarf. au):,u~t "~\.. 0Ilt.' _ ~h\}vllll).;~tdh .. X-LUU1\ IKY K{X_KS!! IX)KKS KL I .. '\1\1J Mlt(\IAl,I'H>P1 E j\ K.. IK)N IN(, .. MI , So.'f!, you rock Thilnks for heing such 11 gre~t cOoleh oaeh Leik, you were like m)' mom thai rear, Thanks for making me fN'1 "we.;.:,m(' eH'n when I Wb running a:. slow.l:' my grandmother would wal\.. Coach Ruwland. girl \01.1 an' like ffi, Iud.. )" chann. Thanb for ~i ... m" 1lIt.' SOffit.' uf ... vur IMlura l :.pnntm,.; "p'.. '11 . . 11i/Uwr ,tup'. pldymg in ttl\' I'MII pit Jt !>.ld)',1 1.(,1 Ml\lo{( ;,\lo{FI • 111 ... g~dt nmning pitrtn('r calls to In'" bo(s hou!lt' at like 10-:;0 .:heering Mr Mundy ailM r,lce . l a u ~hmga\ LIZ':JconversaIIOns w th Ihe toilet m the bathroom befOt'e prachce .• SAM. my h !' bro, . you are ~\lch a 10"",(, bul "I.' allime you for It. K~p up th.lt Nn!ll(1 bv ... h ah" ,ml1 try 111 ,t IU ).:\·t y"ur hip" .... 1 "' .. Ir . U III K Ilrhl'" "ith \1.1n~arl'l Wl'r,' fun YOt. 1\1)1) FIV .. ' I 1/ · M\ h~tll! iast midgd "nd bah)' You rock gIrl Kl!ep on laughing Oh jusl peachy' Gclt"'~ alt,leW at H.,llowl"en on the hay ride T('I the X.counll') Team. Yo u a ll are like m)' walh l~llc" famIly Than"s fOI m,l\..IIlR me lauRh ~v hdlJ. I t.I ... \, lUll !>CnJJll~ Illl! care packilRes. ·h...·n J'L'(lplt'" ""'rdrin,;" i~ m~ hi" KO II CAlli I il and Ma rgarr'l, ......... mg rh(-' f-'\om~m oi rmllv R('I;;(' .11 vec HallnwI~'n 2005 VarsilY S.,sketb...11 05-06 .....as mteresllngly fun. l\o~' for the Important par!. \lom, thanks for ),;uiding m.:> Ihl'Qugh lire with.l posilhe attItude and stren~t l\. and than" you for ngorous ly flghtm).; fllr those] ... e.u~ 'ruu ",1111 mot" Jtt' me In monumental W,I)''>. YvU~Tl' " h} I Ju thl-Kd.l\ 1m l.ih'. I ICl\j',lfld mi~~ \'1111 I),ld Ih,lIlk<' fl'r p,lrl'nllng ml' wl lh Mnm, ,mrl lhank )'OU fllr toll'rilllf1).; me for these pasl few yea rs Thanks f('or teach ing me how to dIscipline myself. and than\.. vou fllr being Ihere when I .... as ilt a low pom!. You have taught me and are stlll ieachm~ me how to cope WIth life and whal a lanuly IS Ihert: Ivr. \\'Ilhout you. I wouldn t klllJ\' hu ... til e)(prt·~~ my .... 'lf.IIIlH· VIlU. "'Vilt, I admirf-' ,IIld lonk up rn you wh,.." il com('~ III ;u:hic\'ing ,,,I'I;1! I .... .1nl ;1nd wurkiliK hard. St!-eing you go Ihrough the navy, college. and te.lehing now. has lilught me tha I it you M!t you r mitld to it, )'OU can do anything. Iklh.thanJ..s for belllg there for me as d sLs ter dnJ ilS a IIlothl'r a ftel \1o m p~ . 1111~ll l l f~ w lt.h \llU III !>I' IIIdl1Y ,\ay& I don't know hllw IU pu t It intn \I.(lni-.. Karh,'rml'. m)' ...·ild <;i'ih'r, IhJnk~ 1M tl.":Irhing me the \·"Iu£' of hein~ mc H,l\'ing you ,11;.1 .. i<:l(' r ha.;, 1,1Ilght me 10 focus on what matters and h ave fun at tht> same lime. Beb)'. thank!! for bemg the~ as a godmother in many wilyS. You b ring mycreall\e sLdeout In mdn} ways. Aunt S;afdh, my rOOIl Il"", Il hUlk Ihdl .. dl1 t ll~ h ):..IV, HIU dn' prettv Ulu\_h 1l1\' nl.llt.'rnal buddy. .[ h.lnk!. 1m ,,[Iltli' C;uldl'n (;irl c'pi<;("I(ll''l ;1n,1 b.l('k o,(T,lleh('~ Mammy, Ihan~ you for he!n).: ~Llch ,1 great grilndmolh(' r Yllur ,irtuI' hilS aifeclf!d my work ethic without end. Ket'p on cr,'ftmg! To my f"mlly, thank you lor b.:?mg 11w~ for me da~ and night 1 don 't \..n ow what I wou ld do wllhout )'ou. 11'dn\.. ~uu fvr lH.Jkll1,t; 1111' Ihe p~'r~tll1 I •.lIll tll<.l.I\. I 1,,\1' v'J II I UUI ..." ~Ir1 Wl',t.' u...~11 Ih rou!!h il i1 11, Imd he(,k ii'" h(o('n a long ro.,d Rul yOIl hll\'(' !!tayt>d by my side the ... hole wa)', ,lnd I love you for il I'd prob.lbl)" be Ih(-' .lOII social nerd of Ihe grade that I ... as in middle school If it wasn' t for )·o u. Good liml'S Jt the farm,en~r smce lo .... er school. Thank., for un-leashing my h ldJ .. n pl!rwndlliv, Wlul·"'Viut. M h:''''<l. AIl II't.'. H"rpcr. Icol .... ~Illl (..rdl~ !1I,1nk... !t,r u..'IIl):, there ft.II Illl'~'" fll~'11ds. rhank~ hll y,h'ing ml' Ihl~' willi, :I\Vo'<ooml.', fu n, daring. ,lnd e rM')' moments in my life [mean you ,lre ,,11 b.l~I("llly what "dd~ thai edge to my life. Uke before. J would probably be ,1II1isOCLal, ,solaled, and in/erlor if it wasn t for y·all. To all m~ friends.lhank.i forentlbhng me 10 m"ke II thlOugt> Ih", lough hdrJ !-,.Irbol my lile. tl\.ll fl;!dlh Ill""dn~d lot tu mc. M h~w, [ I ·~ MY ISm IHI)A" LOSER' Mr. U 'I hdl1k", lIlT hdpinS ml' thrllLl~h Ih(' mugh timf-'I; QUN'nlf" Th;lnk .. fnr mOTi\'illlng m(' 10 \"a rio,,~ wa)''l C:irl, you f".leI mt'l kl' a book Th,lIlks for hearIng me vent on my b.1d days. I probably wou ld h.we had to go through some mtenS(' therapy If II ~'asn'l for you and ~our 5<hol.u1r adVice. You a re I, \..", a mom to me Ilo ... e ya Th.lI1\.. \·uu fvrbnn):,lll);uUllhc '11111::' ptJl't III me \Ir~ A. you haYt' knn .... n m.· ~u\("I '1 wa .. tW(' ff'N IJII YOIl hm'(' hcIJX"'.i m£' Ic('mendoLlsly in gmwin~ up YOLlIHt> .lIsa li~e a rnNhcc to m,' Thank you for guiding me through the rough times with mom. and for st'''mg ,m e,ample when 11 comes to gelll n~ th rough parts of hfe that are rough. r rom you,l ha ... e Ut..'t'11 able to C)r.J.'r~", lIly~iftlLfuu):,h ~1U):,JIlx"ml th r"u~h pl"ymg thl-'PI..lIlU III .... d\·~ Ihd t I ~h!l don't undl'r-. t:lnd. YIIU aI"(' .lma7 ing MN R od 'i~ lIe 7 Ik.ln~ s f(lf the tl';l{hin~ and ad\'islnS me alllheSC! vt':ns, and thank rOll for l;lking me to Spain It wa~ a ...·~mt> To e\eryone, TOr 0' TIl E MORl\IN! And en)o;. trfe ':U2 YOu onl) hfe once and s hortly MUAH!
Langdon Taylor Christian V
Thank." to everyone who ha s helped me a long the way including my family: Mom ~n d Dad, BL"'Cky and JOhIUl)', Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, <1 nd Cous ins. Liz, Lau ren, Em i.ly, Rache l, Teri, Aus till, James, Travis, Grace, Rob, LInd Sophie a long with eve ryo ne else tha nks fo r the grea t times. Do ug ... "Co ahead and hit one and they \vill get the poin t." James ... "I mean . . ." Emi ly ... "DEAR GOD G IVE ME C A I\:CE I ~! " Gooc h land Co un ty Fire- Resucc: Manakin ~: Th ank YO LI to ever yone at the
station who hilS made my time there a lifech\l nging experience in cluding Matt, Jamie. Lawrence. Krdig: (an d Jenni e), Rand y, Andrew, FR EA KAZOID!! !, Daniel and Meredith, Josh, WL, Aa ron, and all th e rest. "Sometimes yo u ge t shovv n the Li ght in the stranges t of places if you loo k at it ri gh t. " Gra teful Dead
"r was born co untry and that's what I'll a lways bt:!." -A labama " In the end my fri ends we w ill all be togeth er again. " -OAR " If I l eav~ here tomorrow would vou still re member md 1 mus t be traveli ng on now. The re's too many places I'vt" go t to set:!." Lynyrd Skynyrd
1'0 begin wit h I have to thank my parents foremost and ou tright . They han.' bL'Cn Ihe greatest in flu e nce in my life a nd sti ll eire. I 'I::.p ire 10 be exactl y like them everytby. I mll.sl thank The Stewa rd School of wurse. I km... w I have had some of the most d~ica l ed teachers around th.)! have taught me so much about academic. as well as liff" in gene ral. I thrmk the ddministration a nd Mr. Seward for ... u mmm . well anyv..'ay KC is aU 1 have tu say abou t that. WE SHALL ALWAYS REMEMBER THE LIST!! haha extended mt'Ctings for Ihl:' <;enior class were fun .1S I' m sure everyone will ag ree. ''I'm stressed, mOeHl, whine, compla in " [an's respon:.e, "SUCK IT UP!" hahn Ian you know we could hdve sta rted the revolu tion. r rip to Liberty gas station, 20 bucks, trees, 50 bucks, knuwing everyonf' a l Homecoming IS having .'1.5 good a time as you, priceless The Hi:!<Irt Walk, never kne\v I cou ld have so much fun worki ng for charity, w ink wink, and of course wa ffle house afterwards. 1 don't know about you but I loV<.' the t;\sle of dead scalp skin they should make ,I cerea l. Ewwww\\Jwwww! 7¡ 60 t h~ day s ta rled ea rly a t Friend ly's m the Shagen Wagon .. . leIS just leave it at that. Molson and Afton my t\'\'o best rricnds in the wr.rld tha nk you for al1 Ihe good timL'S ~lI ch as the best party I have e\'cr been too mi nus the ,vhole broken jaw a nd blood all over thp p ink ba th robe. Pushhhhh .. . This is a public serviCt~ annoum:cment, If a nyone has any information regarding the comba tant tw m~ plea se call 1-8OOkick their butts! I remember the re W,lS lhis one time when I completely lost my identi ty or how 'bout the time I hmJ a seiz ure! !! Ilahahaha ... The jug reigns king over all. To the cu lt I ~hL1U remember the allm ighty COLPLINC foreve r. Cubord o f patriks love, wobbale ~...'ars, sp.3nking inferno, the sock pu ppet, partick jun jor jllsl tn na me a fe w . And to fo llow a Iradi tion thai might last for the next threl.! vears 10 come GOOD TIMES IN THE BASEME\JT!!! "Your mom ~n't going to show up ra nd omly again is she?" Liz yo u gal Ihpre fi rst w ha t can I say ... !Nh ite houses. Aladdin's my home awa y from homp, if Ihey kno â&#x20AC;˘.,.. me by n':lllle I'm not "urprised . Mr. Kautz my long lost friend a nd ad visor panca kes will alwuys be on th ~ menu for you . The ~ hool is al a los:. with ou t you . Dope wars on the basketball bus, Ii alo madness in th~ hotd rooms, holL'S in chalk boards. Cole Johnson and his crazy escapades in the D<.lIry Qucen wilh fri es in his ears, Gallo, "He was on his heels coach, I saw him, on h IS IlI..'Cls, " Gallo "hey Hilary check thj:. out! " haha haha 50 ti mes 8 times 4 onions ???????? Brad ley do it quick ~ The )r.;lant :.pider, the seem in the .sky, " \Nhat wru; Hmt!" "Oh il was just a bird," " I fed uwmcible right now" huh I wonder w hy ha ha YL'S she was a seventh grader and you know wha t T thin k she is hot a:. .Ill Hades. HO\.... stup id (an a n actor be, I promise you you're not thinking stup id t!nollgh. "Excellent Mr. Smilhf'r,," Travis I don't knuw what tha t was but I honestly could n' t re,ld my <;cri pt! Haha If you 've read this far you have no life turn the page stupid!
Bradley Gene de Wel
Ryan DeLaney
Education is a progressive di scovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant (1885 - 198 1) We are all in the gulter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Osca r Wild. (1854 - 1900) Life is far too important a thing ever 10 talk seriously about. Oscar W ild. ( 1854 - 1900), Lady Windem lere'. Fan, 1892, Act [
'fhe Cult, Legal Pads, jen-j en The Engine, Inspirati onal Post-its, BBC. nle Smiths, Waffle House, We Leapt A nd The Ne t Appeared, Jun g-Boo's Girlfriend, Veroni ca, Rain, just Do It Do It Do It Do It Do Tt I\"ow, jude Law An d A Semes ter Abroad, We Had An Hou r To Kill In Baltimore So . . " Gettin g Los t, My CC Homies, Picnics, Paddington Bea r's Hand y Sui tcase, The Mu ffin Ma n a. k.a. Uncle Wally, The River, Pandas (acid or dancing), Pajina, Cn nad ia ns Rea ll y Do Lie, The Wiggles, Teen People, Hovercrafts Full Of Eels, Whi te Houses, Bleeding Emo Hearts, Tim Kaine Loves You, [s It Drink Drank Or Drunk?, Ru ss Po tts, 70 Melons, The Hoff, Chees-Its, Road T ri ps, No One Und ers tan d s Me Except For Si mpl e Plan, FF, Bowlin g, Gaston, The C utlass, The Tolerance Song, Bevylicious, The Belmont And Pa tterson l ncident, Yellow X-Terras, Tea, Crayola
lI1.ake it Suntory till1.e.
'- 0_ "
big city '05 To be free is to have
achieved your Ide.
Harper Earlv ! Time you enjoy wasting . was not. wasted.
John lennon
aeems 10 happen to mUSIc.
You11 feel like laughing with me. And you'l open your windows 80mebmes lusl for lhe fun of II while you're looking up at the
A prayer ror the 'Mid 8t heart, kepi in _
And your fnends wdl be amazed to see you laughing
tell them, 'Yes, IYS the stars. They always make me laught路
Charlotte: Let's never come here again because it will never be os much fun.
'" fox ""lIy. and
Theresa Elizabeth Fitzgerald
I just want to thank all those who made these past fom years so memorable. James ... thank you for being my friend since 8th grade, we definitel y had our ups and downs, but you've been by me every step of the way. Ms. Healey, thank you for letting me escape to your office when things just got a little rough; you mean so much to me! Mom and Dad ... thank you for everything you have taught me, and thank you for always being there for me. Carter, have fun . To aU my Godwin friends, thank you for keepi ng me sane these past four years ... and thank you for teaching me how to live. "The world's a rollercoaste r and I'm not strapped in - maybe I should hold with care, but my h ands are busy in the air" -incubus "momma always told me not to look in the eyes of the sun, but momma that's where the fun is" - Bruce Springsteen "When she woke in the morning, she knew that her life had passed her by - and she called out a warning, don' t ever let your life pass you by." incubus "and for the million hours that we were, well 1'1l smile and remember it aIL, then I'll tmn and go - while your story's completed, mine is a long way from done." -Siste r Hazel 10/23/05 ... Schultz ... forever loved and forever missed
Andrew Alton Frank
"Stupid is as stupid does." -Forest Gump
Those Articles of Confeder'ltion an be'lt you 'lt one thing ... Anim'll butchery, "Your going to school to le'lrn to cre<lte ste'lks?" All those movie nights. Lizzie K'l r'l L<jte night ch'lts Doug "You know if you S'l id it th is w<ly.. " T<lylor -''T'ltur'' I think I Hn'lily got use to 'III your confederqte stuff H<lrper, Ashleigh - III <llw<lYs miss our <lrt c1<lss. Ashleigh my shins will <llw<lYs hurt. Br'ldley - "P<lintballing with the Fu nd'lment'll Christi'lns Nicole
Theatre Tech
- "Good evening "
oh ye'lh sorry guys <jbout my obsessions. For those of you th'lt don't know, they 'lre the Y'lnkees, C'lliforni'l, 'lnd the Air Force. Ms. Paulette, I' m 90in9 to miss our 'lrt c1'lsses. Nobody to te'lse 'lnymore. (The pen that you couldn 't open 'lnd countless others) Ms. He'lley, thank you so much for t<lkin9 are of'lll of us. You are so awesome. of course the b<l seb<lll te<lm, some of the best times. Ah Sp<lin trip good times
The one thin9 I really won 't miss when I '1m in college, the word "Y'<lll "
Elizabeth Ashton Franklin Do you remember when ... ? This is a slmp le q up<;tion asked every time a group o f friends get together after years apilrt li ke at a reunion or by chance at a theme park, so 1 deciJed to ans\ver that question now before \\'e forge l all of the fun hrnes we had in the lTI<l ny years o f The Steward School. Ka.ra - We \. . . ent to Rome a nd saw tho~e hot guys across the hall ???? "Liz, how do yo u d csc ribt! the guys across the hall ? Grrrroww lll l" Do 1I remember getti ng Ready for every hom€'Com ing and ('vcry prom? How abou t this one . 00 yuu Remem ber A LL of you r boyfrien ds?!! ! I know I do. A nd thi s on e. Do YOLI rcmt.:mbcr d riving to the beach w ith Whitney, M'U ssa. Harper .md me?? Girl through a ll 7 years you have been Iny bl,..'!)t fri end at steward and you Know you a lway" will be. Keep in tuuch cuz im sti ll kPeping track of yo ur boyfricnus!!! l'vlike and Dabney - ThP beach trip before my senior ycar was so m uch fun!!! Do you remember coun ting pt;.'Oplc. How about the cute baby?!! Or the HO I Guys a t th e beach . "Sdil boat!!" What about taking pictu res in thc 5.'\nd??? Now just for Mike .. , l\ote.:; in C hemistry. hangi ng at the mu ll. hanging with Kara! And fo r Dabney .. Chorus c1ds::. . . . Wh at else is there to say dbou t that? James River a nd Deep Run homcoming. your pa rty, and of course the Pucrto Ricans!!! You two a re incred ible and I wish YOli were g rad ua ti ng wit h me! 11;p..'(> fu n tha i 1.151 ycar thOlt J mn not there cuz you know you wtll miss me!! Kis5(>5!
To Ju slm M . - Do you remember going to McDonalds and tha t guy yelled a t yo u?? Do you remember crawling thro ugh my ca r wind ow?? Do yo u remember torm enti ng me in the hnll with Cj?? Do you rem embe r Frolicking in the ha lls du ring ou r frt"{' periods?? I know I will alwnys remember all of these silly th ings th"t we uid!! Steven G - Do vou remcmber bein g backstage fo; OJ;;vp, . .... last yeM?? I know I do. And how about layi ng out in the o;un o n those weekend pf(lchces?? Wha t abou t wJ Lking me to art when you should have been in thea ter?!! And I will always remember you r hugs in the h,, 1\ way! To CJ - Du you remem ber han ging out ,',lith me and Kirste n late on weekends? How about the way you tCdsed me in the ha ll ways? Do you remember lis tening to music? How bout litis o ne w hich I w ill never fo rget jUlllpill~ o nto my car a t Red Robins when I was with Josh, Olivia. and Stevcn ?? Tha nks for the fa ce print and ha nd marks! To Sammy - Do remc mbe r gomg to Colleg iMe's homeco ming? Wha t about the crazy Uilm"nt..~ before? OR the wi ld football ga me before that?!! Do you reme mber thc mllsit.li::. and all of the fu n that we h'l d at practices ami backstngc? To Crazy Ashleigh and Ayers - Do you remembe r you r underwenr fetish? Or how abou t stats. Cla<;s? I know I w ill a lways remember those times! To Lorrin - Do you remember all of thc trips tha t we wpnt on? How abou t of the fi ghts \ve had ? Whilt about the nun in Wa lmart? What a crnzy time we h.ld thro ughout o u r four years togt:the r! And don', forge t going to the RO L LI ~G STONES concert! To my Shawnae - Do you remember u ance club? How about your birthday a t stewa rd With the Limo?? Or how about just acting like FOOLS in the halls of Steward? Wha t abou t talking about all uf you r guy friend s?? To Andy - Do you remember wo rking o ut in the summers and then going for icecrea m afte rwards? Do you remember all of the times you p icked me up a nd carried me away from my clas:,room?? Do you remem be r .11\ of the mov ie n igh t<; that turncd into wrestling matches? Kirsten and I will prevad one da y! Josh - Do YOli rCI11~mber throwing pa int in ilft class?? What abou t the blessed pa per football ? Wha t about ho mecom ing and Prom? And we can ' t forget UKROPS!!! Do you remember goi ng to the P laying Field? And climbing th rough my eM window?!! Oh a nd we can' t forget hangmg out w ith Ruben. Mall. Zach. and the rest of your guy friends. Everybody know.:; I have so much more to say abou t you because you are my c\'crytlu ng. I ha nks to a n a maz i n~ Kara my junior a nd senior yean. have been wonde rfu l. Yes we have had our rough times but we got through them. You mean the world to me and always w ill !! And to th e res t of my friends - the years at Stewn rd h.1Ve been fun . Do ya H remember when we \vent to Eag les I.a ndi ng for 8th a lt ~ rn ate program and we weren' t dl lowed to take our cd pl<tye rs?!!! Do you remember the Riverston trip?? how about the trip to Rome? I know no one will evpr fo rget lha t trip!! ! To Those I di d p lays with - they \\'crc all so much fun and ALL of you better keep in tou ch and lell me when you are in one so, can come a nd w.1h::h. Al1 of you wi ll go far wit h nc till~ ! E::.peciaIly you SHcky T!! To the field hockey tea m .. . r lea rn ed so mudl from • • •II:i......___ ___ <111 of you. lJinner stops were alwuys an adven ture a nd even the bus ndes were fu n . We ac tua ll y became preLly good. Carter and Beth yall taught me so much abou t defense!! You guls are absolu tely CRAZY~!! Out J love ya! To the CLASS Of 2006 - good luck a t school next yea r. J w ill trul y miss all of you and w ill kppp every onc of you a t hea rt forever Don't g£tt into too much trouble when you all go away ... on second thought that could make rcwl ioru. that much more fun. But serious ly have fun and keep in touch!! And last b ut not lca::.t to my MOM - you gave me a chance at life and I always will be gratefu l for that. Yo u are amaz ing for putt ing up wi th all of my fr icnds .md for puthng up with me. Than k you so much !! I love you and atv.tays will no ma tte r what I say because I am smarter than you !!!
Whitney Dara Frost
Ayers Elizabeth Gilman
Vars ity Volleyball '05 - I' m lookin' fo r a (ute face, Snl<1 JJ wal!> t ;md ,I big behi nd ... everybody's got a li ttle junk in the trunk . Git 't.'r done!! ! ... J mean ... TIC ! Lorrin - Good times a t Raintree! L1St day of junior year behind Godwin ... do we h.we pictures of that? Jt'sus Rumble ! Me silting in crea m cheese hefore senior homecomin.c; ... Ashleigh w iping it otf . So much drama! Love you, girl! You BEITER keep in touch. As hleigh - BOYS ARE STUPIDI CELL PHOt\.[S ARE STUPID! Me hav ing to explain to Ben how to act . you getting into lSU . Thanks fo r listening to me! You' ve been a true friend through it all!
UNDERWEAR Tanaka - Elephant Gang! Tha nks fo r EVERYTHING! R[VE!'lGE! Dav id and Duffy .. RL"N! !!!! . BAAl l (sheep)!! Jay - You're my baby! I love you S(l much! Thanks (o r putting up with a ll this emotional craziness, , Vour ho use on the weekends, hehe", I g uess [' m just trying to S,lY thank you You' ve been there for me ,.".hen nobody else has", that means the world to me! You're amazing! Love love! Shawnae - \,\'hat am I ganna do without you? It helps to know that ['m not the only messed up flne haha, . lo\'e you! Keep in touch! WEIRD AL - "you must be a mally lonely guy!" Orel - A LBi NO SQU1RRELS Dad - Drama! Tha nk.<; for keepmg me on track this yea r! J love yo u so much!!! Disney World! Than ks (or s u pport ing me With d iving and volleyball a ll these yt>a rs! Vou' rt>.m MI'l.l7.ing (ather, wouldn ' t trade YOll fo r the world! XOXOXO MOIll 111 ie - [Iovp my momml.;>I! 1 I don' t \'\anna leave home! I love you . thanks for uoder<;l.1ndlllg \\ h(' n I h.we menial breakdowns! You're pretty, and r don' ! knc)w wh,l! I wo u ld have done without y,)u!! Thanks fo r b("lng Ill y mnlllmu' . ,XOXOXO Mill - You 're my p Lldgc bu ckt,t! I kw(' hi ~ falnp<;s! O h Mill! You 'd li.,ten when nobody ('lse wuu ld, )'uLl ' n: my (,l\'orilt" mealloaf! Thilll k.... l ittlÂŁ' ur<1ngt' b<11l uf hlub l
Sarah Fox Greenlee
"@A!l)fiI3Gli\l!l> ~ 1I!J~~011l ~ ~m~~fiI3~."
Austin Howell Haas Wilt . what? Mom and Odd - Th.. nk Y" 'iO mU(h for everything )'0\.1 h,we don;.> I am Ml grall'ful for YOUT support and encouJlgel1"e1lt. I don i !.now ho ... I would haye made .\ ... ithou t you Il:uy«. Tha... k )'ou for helping roo get to tillS pomt. you'l'l! oolh amazing I lo~'t')"ou so much. A\lt1u .nd wrry - Thank you both { Of e... erythm~ ),ou h<'l\'(' dOf1t' for me 1m 50 apprKJau\e 10 h.~ t! !>ourh an aWl"ioOme 'limn), Aunt! thank rOll for bemg there for me no m.. uer
.... h.t.l
yuu buth
loU Is.! - [1\) bll, i Im'(' 'fOil so much lnanks for delhng wi th Illl' fo)r lik[, ['IC'o'['nrly bilhon ye<1ll"S Life would tuck "',Ihou l )'01.1 The farm. "~ou should put tttosc girl~ (In ... It'itih" tNoI Inght OIl the farm ,ami yuu had m drive 1TIt' fttOUfid the whole I'M!);t day so I wouldn't pu ke . dtM "'011';:/11111; ... flashing liw ""orld all 1M 8011 (lrt memoue; .. blblil ... "pilling r nln: on 1M s,de ....·.II.. breaking lape measures. "whert'S the shoe. on Iht!n.· il is" I 1\ [)(><;igra thlt lime I h it you .... hill' )'OU w'-= dnving and y"lJ fruked oul .. ~ we got In oil light md I made }'OU wl.e 111'nOnle ... 'Ilm]~~ly driv,"~ around shen In mud .lot 51. Chrlb .. your mom nll'ng Ine oo~ Specloll] wlmmlrg. ~ms U'I yo ... r pin ts it the "'iller pump .. taeD bl-Il and be\",s number mAybe If we oJri~~ J I'( lund long (,Mugh, we wil l find. pAtty Dr.pel FIshE$ IsbOO .•. 2 ,:1110.1 22 . luut' Law. "nlrf('W' at Fis~rs7 but we were wllh pre~'\}n" .. IG. ' love you boo l Me.. " g:irl~ pmk tnd .. ys. the donk .. grow up au~hll .. , Iwu-hundrl'd -blln"i~ "1m the \..eepel of thl." bvul., ith my \H..'ek" ('~9./I g-unlt I Ierberl ... hey yo sasquash. pli rmin!i to kill meek .. ! il\ Ihe ),;Ildwin r ~rkl n g lot what hilppens H'I the 1,,"1 bl ~ ys 111 thl' tl'T1t cheer \IP emo kid mild o)mo bunn)' ... your out 01 Ihe ~\}llI p. " 1m nul !;cttint; scrvlr<', I nl'ed SI1 r\'~ Rob - you tned 10 "-ill me. Bob Mn rl"y's dt'lId~ Ch3l. i ! ..... eal' 1\ wu a deer ... you forgot my bJ.. y ~ h .ll" strik., cle ... cndy hllho" dll ndng to the donI. In cha1.~ uri\c-..... ay . r h.l7 hreak ing Ihe su nroof .. (hal., you o ..... e me for a year i no .. h .. 1f ul Ill y hie grace's P.1 rt )' 00 hanky p.aoky and 00 shoe. up~t .. i"" .. the hOi tub, who.se fOOl i, Ihat? thl! movie cllin p _. fre.:-z.er Ill~n padldlt: . jack Kclti nll:, In frouble wi lh la l e pal rol, .. "hi, this i~ pauook". rnh. }'0t1 drwe ft purple car . ~hey enllly, wha ls hiS lasillame?" bl,june II on thl' nl'W girl Iale nights .1 fum • . . 123 call .. )o;ht.!11Il danC"l' . halloween party .. b~b) ~howo!r' ..... ho? Mlk.e lone. oniun I'il\~ .1 tl ln Ih.. mormng my dad is off li mits .. Cdr !In.'!> • trip til the beach - we almOSI made It, 1m gOIllS to n\lss you all so lIIuch, I h~ n k~ for being ~ fli nt! lo\'e you 11111
Jon Brinsfield Hill TIl
Fln.IOff, I want to thank my pMenls and fam ily for always bem!; there fo r flU' UX}" '" and !:> lI pporling me through everything. I couldn' t have ever made II wllhOlu t Y" I II. 11nYl' yllu fnn'\'l'r ,md a lways! Momma. rou are my best friend and Ilo\e )'OU so much! CI)ul l luck without me ne'" year when it's Just you and d ad! And daddy, I love YIlU ",n I1lllch! lh,mks for introdl1cing me in to Ihe wo rld of footba ll , CO PANTHERS! I'm s nnna nw,~ y'a ll ! XnX(l My lIme al Stewilrd 1i,1'> bl'l'n '>hort, but enjoyab le. Thanks 10 all my friend,. w ho befne.nded a South Caroli na cnunlr.~ 1;;,,1' St.-11m,..., '{l6, I absolutely love y 'alP Anme, thanks fo r being my iirs t friend a t Ste w,Jrd, . too bOld you didn't know whM you wert! gellin ' you r~e l f into, lol! I lope your medllal (nndili\11 I'" gl't Lt'tkr in thc yeMS to come! Than~ {or everything ~irl! MUW Al l! Willi, Kilgur!' (;;lmpa lgning wi th you was HILARIOUS ~ " If yo u have ,1ny que~tlnns, plea:-.t>1.. 111 B-[· [ -1, p, I\J "~' Hi ll at . . lol! ' That wn~ p riceless! Love yil girl ! Lou is.l, tha nks (or a lll lw g reat times OIl 1 he Farm and a1l the "you know ..... hat ... lille night talks. lo!! Much 1m" , M'l.i~ ...a, pllUl lIg: rilp h ~ d .I:,..... was grea t with rO ll . "Wha t's that? , . . Chicken , T I IA T'S CHICKF.f\. ?11" hahi'l h.l' Thai W.1SO ' , one of my better moments, lol! Congr.l ls on ROiln"kl' :lnd goud luck in the tu ture, lo\,'c yil! \3(>v, you crack me up girl !! You have alw.1Ys been able to makt' all' laugh! I'm so glad 1\' 1.' had like el'ery class together Senior year! You .1lways 111..1.1., 'I'm in tl'rc~ti n g.! lhlnk ~ (or a lwrtys being there (or me! ( lave vo u and vou will be ~ u (ce,sfu l a l any mll"~l' you go to, don', worry!! And wa tch al l those "all nighters"P Muwah!! Ha rpt'T, '>'ltlU m;Jny grea t times in so little time , Homecommg m~ht, Y are ~ou rolled up III a . a rpf'e You luok li ke a weenie!! Whitney is a llama, LLA.\1A! Ilaha! And then there 1)-, tht~ lVeigh t room, b your sponge r<'lcist? I'm 21 3 " nd you 're 1/ 3 of a wha t? I Jaha ! And Ihe Ihen~ IS the IIll,ttll ...Ilng , . . haha l Love ya girl! You re awesome! Gracie, Rockville buddie::. ,' nd the Senior n ip ..., YES! Haha, [a ve )'a girl! Ktlrole, thimks for helping me I\' hen I W <l :-, cn ppled, yn u ' rt' dnl.l/ lllg! [' Ill ~Idl workm ' on those cookies for ya! Haha! We sun:i\'e<I Mrs, Lawrence's d.ISS, YF5! I on' yn! Ash[eigh, if ,. il bummer we just bec.'nlC good friends Senior Year, YOU Me ... unn fuull y ! Bt ,b ,11111 TI'n, hah;;lh.l' We are sooo retll rded! 5,1\'(, me a seat on the couch .11 lunch anti ~t ' lr ~rillin' l· ....ery dang drink you open! Pirate shoppin ' and those 21acllcs lalk!il aLu ml ynu, h ,III,III..I' U mm Yl'''', Sold ly she'" my friend, haha ! Jk ~ Love ya girl! Thanks for alwav" being tlwn' tll listen nnd fo r all the great arg uments, loll Taylo r, thanks for always pulllu ' till tho..' gum l n[' cliu ntr y nlll .. ic in tht, lounge! Lorrin, Liz r .. and Emi ly, b.lsebalJ mclna~in~ \\',lS a bla ... I' Lornll, "'~I rr~ you hild to go get a U those fou l balls and Liz, it was g reat AettlO' 10 know )" IU bl'l h ' r ' YtlU ilr(" nlV t~ml'! Love y'all! Carter DeCoo ., . BAI I I hahilh.~! Relay for Life IVa!!> .l (ompll·tt! HLI\ST' You are awesome! LO\·c ya girl and good luck your Senior year! ]nlldlh,lI1, YtJU arc sooooo "tu pid ' I just made lhilt 85 to make you feel belter aboul }'ou rsdf . , . lol! Til Ihl::' HUll , PH'CII math d nss nnd of course MR G." C RAC KER! Haha, I seriously W.1S talklll' ,1bollt tne f{Hx:i! Haha ! Love y'ill l! Andy, Ihllnks for being there whe n I n(!(!ded SO mLYlnf' to ta lk to anti nn, I dun', butcher anima ls!!! Haha! And the Articles of Confederation beat me.lt tl1l' Hn[y thlOg I'm good at l! Good grief! Best of luck in the future ~ Much love! And Ult:!Jl . . IIwrt' IS Duug, [lll [ canno t about get into ALL of the laughs we have sha red, well, Illa lnly Ih<.l l YOU h,1\'l' s hMcd since a ll the jokes were ah,:ays on me, lol! Icc skatlll' was so fun , ~1r, 0 1ympldll, h ,l h,l, )'I.',! h ri ghtl Try not to obsess TOO much over Dan, goodlle~~ ~ Atllll' n!llVil':", '''I h ;lt girl is ilL TCH!!" hahana l Our study haBs wi th our two mo"t fa vorih- peoplt'. AlIlllH ... 1,111 fight!>, ['II pllnch you in your face! GO [IO ICIES! Yes, I hal·C triplet fncnJ .., .. hlp drouling l We' re gonnA take a road trip to SC JUSt so you can meet 'em ilnd S,'I 1111\ I'r With ! Hah;')1 \I, .•thm ' i:. bt'ttcr thlln the Soulh And just remember, "Sa ltines are all 5.1 1tv and s tu ff .... hl:"ro'a .. crackcrs i'lrC jU!it (fad(ers" haha, I'm sO inSightful like that! I knOI\ th .. rl' ML' plel1 ty morl' but I'm iU~1 gonna w rap it up right her~ and just say thank, for '1 I way~ bdng Ih (!rea llt.1lT1'lk.in ~ IlW laugh! Good luck at Longwood! Love yil! Thanks to all my frj end ~ duw!l in goud (II' Fort .\ 1ilJ, Soulh L il ro!ina w ho made my 8 years Ihere great. I miss y'alJ sooo much, t"'opt,< rillly I::lisa and nUlhe Scbastyan family. Will, Catherine, I3nlldny, Laurl!ll, RY,II\, nil thl' Whitcgw\'c bunch, and the soft ba U team ! Love \,'.111 forever! -SWEET SOLTH ERN G IRLS, RI;Sr IN 'I HE WOI{LD"· ·
Jocelyn Nicole Hill
YAY STEWARD SENIORS '06, WE r-.oIADE IT! - ·t'\lllll,," -
Daniel Mehran Kamiab Hesari
I mean •
• •
. . . I don't really know what to say since I 've been here for not even 3 months. Michael , alder Franke, viel gleuck bei deinen diversen Integrationsversuchen bei unzaehligen leuden deren namen ich hier jetzt umstaendlich auf unsere Art und Weisse ins Deutsche, uebersetzen koennte, aber naja "scheisse gal". Howard, servus , zipfelklatscher! I hope you're gonna keep on working on your German , so that you're gonna be able to understand the greatest masterpiece of German literature, the "Arschficksong". If you don't: Auf's Maul , gelber Schwanzlutscher. Svenja, altes Bademoden Mannequin, viel spass noch mit deiner doch aeusserst sympathie ergreifenden Gastfamilie. Bin ja gespannt ob du deine 30 min. joggen jeden tag durchhaelst. Sarah, thanks for being my first real American friend. I also thank you and Michael a lot for last Friday. The concert last night was pretty awesome and hopefully we're gonna have a lot more good experiences like that. Lori and Bill , thanks for hosting me and treating me like I was part of your family. I appreCiate everything you enable me to do. Charlie and Whit, thanks for the fun you make me have at your house. I really enjoy seeing you fighting each other ... An aile: Euer Praesident ist fuer'n Arsch!
Karole Leman Johnson lOW am I s upp o~ed to condense 6 years of memories in to this li tt le space? Well, I haH>In <;till'l \\';Ih Li z. girl, you know you' ll always be best friend ' in school' even when we St"'>' o uL !t'<; bt.'i."n a IU(loo ll g :'IX Yl!<lr.:., but WE l\.1ADE IT! But I Ctln't ICilvt' UK' ml'munL~ behllld. 1<1ke- Sll re II rW\I:-r fo rgt·' 81h grilll ... altern.l le progrtlffi. Michael and Nat han aka N INJAS!!! SUMMER OF 2004 550, catman, lJav id nnd tichael Ri,.-'E!sc, Rome, backstreet boys and Mr. Mac. d ress shopp ing. "OMG I'm rooming wit h il pn~ p , " " (;A-ROV{L," Justin, LIZ vs. 'AVID (and Lorrin), the )0'5, the nun al wa lmarl, MARCO'! POLO'! Hul chocolate ilnd peppermint pattk"S. my ido l Ry<lfl, ba::;i..clb.l ll trlrs. K,lT.l your boyfriend ':, h.ua::;~ms me," prom ilnd homecommg (always at your house), ou r moms, our 'coLlege visit / starbucks / mnll tri p: lis nc)' movies, The Beach, food, rice cakes, LorAd.,m, Lornn's problem .. (nPed I <wi) more?) Anti 10 Qu.lIly lla: my fa von te liieCond cousin. Ie got so many memories; blue bike, blue ..hirt, tWUb. " mill nun my mumma-my momma said." runmng. ANT~1 . lovc and b,l ~kdb'llI , ttin ~ld(, WilYL. p.IllCOlkl.", s mcl«!rs (king SiLed.). moments, "count on me." "YOU PERSO ," mice, Shaquana and LaVawnd ra, A.ITENCiON ." fume boyz. monkeys. s talkers, " LaKeis ha i<; a OAMF" s ub sandwldl, "Do Ih.l A town sto mp," sign of Ill(> "I,l k(', d £'Old l.imais, trey's mom, our hai r. <;Iashlng tlr('S, ~ Iil l ker.,· friL·nel . [~..'trull boyz (~1ario, Lee, Thomas! c.:ory). iii bit. Yosem ite, pmk cups, plllk I t.!t('~. p ink n 'l pk1 n~. s..'u bie and p lay-doh. our list (ski ttles. Bmndon. Jus tin. Carlton, AJ, AJ Dadd y, Dry-an , Bry-ant. Kate, T-O-Double· 'izzle. T ravis, Ki t-Kat. Matt, D-Rake. Ron, Umanuel, Tory, JR, IV, "'..,ug., Sh.1nnon. F.lJII .I ~ I I( 5, Shorly, Oilia f ume boy al OTI,R), " I-IFY ARA)'1 ELC ITA ," ..hnppmg, malls, shO<.'!>, parkmg IUb, DTLR, big lots, hot pockets and fud~c b'm" LHetime movies. "AN t) WH.l\'1 ARE au DOlN? YOL A B.I" .. Ali, Carlton. and the boys bathroom." And who could forget abou t Shawnae: 'We been through a Jot with dance, ,d bre, "OMG You're SUCH an IDIOT". ur boys, and brf', Sdrl, .1I1d bre, limos, a nd bn.·, prom, and Te, .md brL', food , ;"I nel b r...•• remf'mbt~r tat photography cla ..s? You find my cn yet? Pw..·rtu RJC<lI1!;I! Sh(lwnae Amerie Honey Diion LtlVawn Claxton!! To Lorrin - aka white lOcol.lh..·• Clfl, km gl> d ominion. drug tests. trash cans, ur not black, I' m sorry, TINKE RBELL IS GOING TO LOS[ IIl: R "VINGS, lit ca r, ur air, ur boyz, CO LE, Rome, among otha things". keep yaseH nult<'l Imllhle. And to ill)' bruth,ls, Scidnl'}' and Ad am ' don', kilO'." how I >uld've made it through these )'i'i1 rs w /o yal1 1t .~ hard to thmk of u~ grad uating, chocolate, d a rk chocolate, and Uenali moose tracks reaking up DIOIDIDIDIDIDAOfDlOILJAOILJE Adam - we been th rough rough times, U l.l lki ng wlo think in and Sclying some mean stu ff ova the years, but I still got much love 4 3. Thanks for all the songs that got stuck in my head, and whf're <In? my cd s? Sc id - ..... h\.,I\ 1I gOlllg 10 :.tMt drivlIl agai n ? I/ k 'ah bul 'IrE'.ll \'\It> are brotha and ..ista , .. "omehmcs, ou know my momma and you r gma \\'Oll ' t eva ~top t<llkmg bout us. Keep it only the Wll}' u (an love ya! And what about everythLng e lse? J mean, the Rome tnp illonc h.I~!:oO I,my m,,·mon&..~ · D.....id and hlS question. 'the bid et incident,' gelato and pizza, the nuns. ansry J"'''u<;, p ickpocket, the boys acrO"-s the hall.lraqi monkev, my hair (thank you Michael), te dye, room keys, bus breaking d own, Louisa and the blTd!;, Mr. Kl'ndig'!> wall, gH~'''~ ' more gdato ,1IId pi..u..l, tru. purpl..• dug, th(' A \1 AZING ..hnpping ..Irret . . . To ,,11 my f(OlIow « hi es - thanks for making my Ihea ler career amilLlng ~1'ly coolon headset and try not to make \1r. Mudd mad. To all the da ncers - we had an OImaLmg run ., d anc\.' practict.· JOgle oog l(" hilW II.IC trrnt.! kdl Scidney. 'mama bre: my soul sistah Kelsey, Kevin, t"len t mght 0;, 'hi t me: ..hdwnae'<; d,lnce, Mvrtle Beach. Keep dancing and slav fly . Taking a trip :>wn m emory la n e I d istinctly remember racist cnokip.., vnl1~yhilll gil mes, L'O LUltry mU~IC, "Dlml'," "bourn boom" (thank yuu R.lchcl). me bnng rilcist (rcillly, Juslin, I'm noll , th(' mall, laying match nlt1kt>r (l.i7 you hay£' ,I lot tu thank me fori!). tree monkeys, Mr. Marshall 's mice, ho-jo. yo·yo-y~fro, Mr. Ross' s Monday morning class. Lastly I must s ho ul out my _'O plc..·s: SENTORS!!! Obit! MlKEY - .Vl lKEY ! LOVE YOL'!! We've ~en through S()()O milch!!! '.;hnppmg: Is raeli guy, " m i k.~, wh"l tI d oln ,l iter school?', caramel apple cider. I'MA .MISS OU BOO!!! Shou ts o u lto Iva, Davi, Pa uli ne. Saki, SjO£>l'd , Midllt:', SV(:l1i, WhitFro, M'Ussa, Harper (m y bench g i rl~!!), Sti1l's, Nicull: - (tin lintel> tn "'till!. ['U alway ~ be there 10 help you hen u b re.,k a If'g! Sammy, Oabncy , q (~tay ~xy), steven (1 d on't know how 1 would d o government \,.:ithou t you), Steven, Sarah Young (yo crazy tail), dance team l club, ~hcky '1'., ail', JU ~IIII , .111 11 b lilck peop le (Scid , Adam, Shawnae, Jus tin, Brand on. Ca.meron, Ril(,)', QII.ll1yllJ, C.1tllon, Ali, and Corey), all ihe annoying midd le schoolers, jV Vollevball Team "all crazy hoochies), a U actors and techie.. on the p lay .., I3FS T O F LUCK TO THE CLo\SS OF 2OOb, SYTl."Cta, Scnpps, lndM, Lmtbey, Whitney, Enn. Justyn, Aj. Domlneck.l, Amber, arlos, Shakeela, Jam ~ - y'all mean the world 10 m e!1 Keep it pappin! .\1uch love!! MISS Lori - thanks for keeping my hair decent, m)' family (Mommy. Pamela, 1Jayna, ."1om, Aunt II) - Ihank:. fo r bcm there when 1 need it, ya little girl is grow in up! Byron - stilY SWeP t .lnd kl'€'J' making Ihal monp),! 1ucho .l mor! Aaron - do it big son! ! Love ya!! Sarah - I swear <;Ia} (001 and much Ime! To all three o f y 'al l - make sure I'm the bndL'Smmd at you r wl.-ddmg. Jila ,md QUL'CIUe - y'd]1 bettt.! ) ur my sista" . remember "1, 2, 3, SISTAI tS" haha :oep in touch . . kwp II real a nd lake care o f yourscJi!l l 0 tha rest of my VA fami ly - keep It popplO!! All my SC famil y - keep II gan~sta haha , , , love y'aU, To aU m y Phlly familya ll coml.' down vis it us d own here in VA!! Special thanks to my fellas: Juan, Kory, Drpw, Ayej,' ye, Will, Rry.anl - wi lhoul y'a ll l know I couldn' , have made it, thanks fo r being the re ,r me w hen I needed a shoulder to cry on . ~ace, Love, il nd Bull('lproof MarshJllallu ..... ~ 'K.'l role -
Emily Marshall Jones
,. {Jf th(' Wd! in Ih!' ,·tld, w(' ran ,,11 r~ 1I n frU'nrl, W(·IIIr.,lI '~ o;omrthlng t h~ t ! t..llu ..... J.~ trul!. I", a thousand ~'ear~,and ~ thQusand teaes, I'U come fmdlng my f1r1~\n~ 1 (TPW C.IU!;ot' IV me !hmughuut I!temity .here h. "•.ml~wh",rl! W", are .... ('lcome tog(). t said jI' __ om~hing ffi>to t ho'l lTI<.'oll'lq II 10111'1 m(', WOOl I'm wi lh m)' f;m,j~ [ iN'i oomt'. -oA.to:
Mom, Dad, Brud, Ellie, cll1d Steve: I will miss you so m uch next YCi.1 f, but don' t wo rry l' m sure I' ll be home nil the time with my lcHmd ry! TI)ank YO ll for EVERYTHI:-JG, 1 couldn' t have chosen a be tter f<1m ily and 1 lo\'e you mo re than il n ythi ng .
Liz, Rachel, Au~tin, G ral lI" H,l1lnOlh, ,1!1d C h.l7; Y'a ll ,m" thl' best friends I cnuld .,.,k fIll" Th.lIlb fm.t ll thL' cr,II:Y lillie". ' l\ln 't believe we wnn'! hI' tl1g,' thl'r ne\t )'l', Ir , I' ll !1l'Vl'; forgC'l dny uf y'all as long a5 111,,1" .1 0d I k ltllw wl" 11 bl' fr iends for ti ll:' rl~t uf o ur lives. llo\'e yO ll 11lll', In , b,I'> II..1 11)" y uu Me my lifl' . K b~l'''!
Louisa Darragh Kendig I mean .. . ANNE BORUM we gri.lduated. piua davs. fi"her islnnd, yelling on 1l'11r11 ~ cou rt:., Holden boys, jumping off dock. bevy pnrties, Jack ynur fir~ t ki5s don't yo u remembe r?! Racing days and many mort' ml'morit'S I c"n'! remember! I lovE' you bevy!! We did it! UAAS - BFf !Otnce the day we met! Special
swimming, Ben Do\'er Faml
•.:nough sa id . .. Golf carting. we
were dee r wa tching! !, 2 & 22, Irllh'lIl med rcines, chasing Preston wi th a shovel, everyone out \1f tlll' l,\ f \\It' arc (c[cbrnling Austin's birthday! FISHERS ISLAND! lxm Fin'''_ JUdL' Lw.... lG, (III g.·ez bob, lx-v '.,. pil rty we wcrc dancing & thi>rl \\'l' Wl'TL' on the floor, hiding fmm p,Irl'nts. mom calhng the co p'>, fO f£,\ Pr ,lIld d l wa)"s we arc togelh<.'r IIU mailer wha t kind o f fight or how 111U1 h v.c change GOOD! I IO Vl' I\wolin HQ\VELL I IAAS! Meekal - 11.11)' bruughl u s 10 each o lhf'r! RAUN(;, d inner!! w/Soucek, ca lms in chemistry, Km·.l ~ h Jllltmg us, our chem , Exam gT.,dL'S combilwd was like a 55, "b l,1w ing b('vy," BUF (one o f the first o nes), climbing on the ron( "II ... not Ih.ll steep". HARPER we hne been together since we thClUght you \\lere a boy! Peeing in yo ur 1).1. kYiud, Bi lly Ta lenl concerts, Wlwrl Al l Eist.' Fai ls. Beverley asking the guy 10 kiss he r, nmning awa), from A-.h, dld~ing Ashley aro und with her bra and lollipop, Urban Legends, spleen, \\l·.1~J, sleeping on Indy bug, BDF, gol f L.lrl, the fu ssy \vorm al the bMn-., TV, w intergreen, rhe Edge! Whitney IhtN' countless d ays of driving around .,fler BEI,\LL, prom at the fMm, MOFS '! M y fo re\'e r crush on Ur famil y' 'ic'l:'llel' d:~s ..... hen Annie used to be "IIJ piJ Ivo, Yu, and Dr'\ VI, TG IF, m.1k'"-IIP, my h'l ir wont sl rai~hlen, Cha rlc ... klTl, &\" S parly and the h.1nd~, h!~I(Jr)' mghts, regard. we are the d.1ril / J.tITilghs' Fla l lire, SCUb.1 d avs, I.alling till' f1l11nl'~ IV I th.: 3ign. AN N IE Stil ~ kf'e]l ~ 1 )' l ing il p lease. All those nig,hl" In )'uu r dlti~. supper troopers, ".ah I gill cow poop in my e ... e!" VA be,1Ch, <;nf'al.i n ~ 11111 (If the house, screaming Lhl' ~PKl' g irl songs, our fo rever lo ng ,.,.<llk, "pmll>(' l lk' Annie," BEVS and your b,wkp.lt'k that n ever lefl your back, risher Island, driv ing aro und listeninp; 10 cnulllry! MISSA - " d id I just walk into a dorm ruorn"" U I go 10 the gas s lation and get hlJ ffiL' cand), can I get a little bit o f you hx.l? BlW. pool at the farm do you "\I.;'n remember? FITZ, nahnah I lov£' yn u, BUf canllive without you and _ In d,uk bowling allies, "1 have DLACK H A m, it's all your fa ult .. weekll l,l tt,' r " yea mom ma [ love my d ark h.lir," Oppr.ltiun Bacon Bit:" field hoc key, Ch.1r1c-.tun, yo ur noises, " nahnah J hope I am WI th yo u w he n 1 get my first lid,pl" SARAH lust d o it! ~QES, yo u r marrying Prl')lun, raking leaves, cotlilgC cht"e'W, yliUr d.ltmg my COllsin? whIte Iltlu,*,s, church, BDF 4 in Ihe mnmrng Cnldl)!!, Taylor and I were watching you! N icule - alii can say is Laup;hing DI<;POI-.c l
Homecoming nig hl "!'oh\,.' wun't stop laughing ' Sh e is s lill laughIng, lOOK, not s l oppin~. 20 m in. lall·r ~hl' wi ll stiLI be laughing!" LUNDSFORD OMG remember to t.1k(> )'(Iur clothes off when you iron them, " uhhMooIKI ' "O\.1G I was .1sieep and I wuke lip to a mooing noi<:e dnd I lhClughl I \\-., ... In ,1 fll'ld!" Random I liccups. IT A I V! ! \-\,h<'l' can I sa)' about Italy, other than I love the fact that Li7 Newin's and I got popped on, $10 for a hOI chocolale. K. lr,l ilnd I Me a million M&.\1's In till' hOl 11 just to look al the Italia n boys, I II Fr,mkLin had the best e)'e m.lke·up .JIld K,l ra had Ihe BEST hair, I il l mt1~ 1 killed Harper by making her laugh, Ml'l'k.,l. Afton and I hung ou l a windn\\ fur hours, Annie did you re.l lly -'1ll't.'/l'! O r d id yo u" They thought AllOie (I'll uut 01 windo ..... b ut it ..... as just A flon ,md I trying 10 break a bottle. S('III1' , ... tra nger tried to kiss M'IiS5.1 in th,' ~\Tl'eI with her big white jack(·t , tUl) milny men g rabboo me and <;o nw guy , , ~kl..'d me ou l on a datt', I figured Oul Ihat Lorrin and Ashleigh wI'n' 11,1' t.Ta,des t people I 1.11('"" Gypsies pick·pocketed my dadd y Ii)...' pVl:'ryd,l)' but thanks 10 Mr. I L'C those gypsie s never stoic 'lIlylhing, the v iews were un belll·v.tblc, the best view W,15 w / \1r. Lao-e, \1i S"'l, Meekol l we had LI) g t l throug h Fabio and 500 steps 10 see it. ..\(Ion .. you and l ...... ilI go 10 ROM,\ together some summer! YOU ALL .... made my Roman t::xpt'ri"!lct· unforgettable, thank you Dr. V for making il p05;:.ible! 1 H A~KS \1QMMY AND DADDY I-UR ~E~D I~\lG ME TO 5'1 EWA I~.D WH ICI [ LED m All rl-[E~I:. GREAT MEMOR.!ES!
Kathleen Elizabeth Kurilecz
7'b{III{YOII 1){lsl figlll YMIJ(or "II Ibl' /ll'fl/llf {/Iit/llilles 1~birb .1'0111111禄1' gllIPIl lilt. 'Wilbolll S!U{III. fD, 111/{1 'pr;: I, 10'))1', SIINJOn. {lilt! ilis/lilP /III'. !J tOlllr/ 1I{''))f/" hit'e IIMt/e iIIItiS/rIl: oYI(lI/11 b{l( (lIIt/wl!1 flhMys be nlib lIIf. (lilt! Y alii i Ib{lII{ YOlIl'llollgb jor 11l'/: J{1Ir/l~b{11 ~'ill(1 q/til(1II1;j WOIlIrI be fIIwgb jor glllllig lilt 2D - Ibe fIJolII(lII lVbo jr"1J)
blVIIgbt IIIf 10 t!mllli {lilt! 10 /lil{ II/l fI boo!;! 7'b{III{:.' 100 for 1lbo l:!ejJJ /III' gmlll{{let/ fllltl Kooh. Tbest Ibm {ur 111.1' /rllllily {lilt! 1l'b{11 fillll of Ib{III/.:}路 Ij' mOllgll, for tbey {II7 /lflll of 1~blll IIIII{es /Ill' lift 1Wllltletjlll? 'Tb{IIIt.!'OIl fllso elg Yi'{m for "iJfoplr ""iJ{j' .l11t!gi'. !JIIII, J::{'igb. lJmtlley. '"Eml(lfI, .I{llIIes. 'DII{/' 'lQJIII, ,51(Olltl', illlfl (tllllll' [lIglisb /r1l1ll!Y路 Tbe lillles {Illr/lnl),t/s "l b{I禄,' .rb{trftl mlb tbelll {lir pnidfSJ 10 /lif. Tbis /lfl.rl Sllil/lIIer 1WiS /lflllitlll{lr/y Ibe best lVilb 1001II1IfSS lIigbL\' III }{lIlIfS: Ib{l{ lIigbl Ollt ,wib 'Ri!rlw/' {lilt! 1II0millgs SJiell11~ilb J/I{I~f. Tbest /lflSI eigbl b,,)'e {/Illlfll/1' bl'l'II JIll! so )"011 lIe.1"! eigbl ye(l/J b({Pe fI 10110 filII' liP 10.
Ok .. . so that first paragraph was sweet but I must mention WIGGLES a.k.a. Ryan, JEN JEN the engine (do dance now), and LIZ; and I iust can't be sweet when talking about them ... They Rock Like No Rock; they are people of Waffle House and (even though their Hogwarts letters have never come) they have the power to make VCRs fly and bathtubs transform into toilets. Captain Wiggles has been a brick in the small of my back since 4th grade I wouldn't have it any other way though. And What about Jen . .. without her would roofs be black? ... would fingers taste good? how would my head be shaped? All the times we three share from rollen up in the Cutlass and meeting lying Canadians to husband hunting in Monroe Park . .. I wouldn't trade them for anything ... well maybe an exhilirating historic discussion or a clone of Logan Echolls. And the lessons we have learned will serve me well for how could I make it in life without knowing about tolerance and the true-white houses - American dream? These three are toxic but so what? I will always be proud to count myself as one of the Cult and to stay true to the letter C. 30
M'Lissa Ariel Levitt " I Mean ... Who do you think you are~" "You have In rorg'~ 1 IIbOUI whlll other people Sly. " hen )ou're supposed 10 die. or when )'ou' re suppostd 10 be loving. You ha"c 10 (orget llbo u! HII th ~ t hings. You hav to go on and be crazy. Cr:oines.<; is like l u~ an'! n." - Jim ! lI endrix
TcuUlSCuio .... '."' lu""olut"l,. lov" y'ull% " If J've learned anything, it's that you should have the people who love you around you for as long as you can ," -Sweet November " Dream as if you 'll live forever .,. live as if you 'll die today." " Li ft: mme., prcll~ r" .., II you don ' , SlOp and look around once in 3 while. )'ou could miss i," - Ferris Bueller' ~ Day Off "When you were there. you couldn't wa it to 1t",H"(' ... now that },C'u'r(> goot", you mis!; it Ilki' Cr,17} N
V U .... ity VoU",.INlIIII•...,•• ~' nluch lovc~"
ull _ore thun Iifcl
"I always tell the girls, never ta ke it seriously. If you never take II seriously, you never gel hurt. If you never get hurt, you always have fun , and if you ever get lonely , you just to the record store and visil your friends." -Almost Famous "The nUN W:l~lccJ oj !Ill du.y'! is one without laughter" _13. 13. Cummings
" I feel like an Idiut. Ihlt I am un id iot, so it kinda works out. " -Billy Madison
l"llrsit!·'I'cnni!1lti,.'ougj_rl~brlugune'''· luca.. t1ugtot''e'vo ..drj"'cr% "Don't
comp romi.~
yourself. You're aU
got." -Janil Joplin
ROUlcTrip05wlL"tlu: I""...... r;IH,fmy Iifc% "Takl'
l ,In..'
of ;'Ill you r memories. For you cannot relive them." -Bob Dylan
Adam Timothy Lonon
My stay here at the Steward Schoo l has been ok ... A few ups, a few dow ns, but I will alwa ys keep the memories of the years spent here in my min d . I would like to say that I am not going to sin gle anyone out except for m y family . First I wou ld like to "rive a shout out to my fam il y, especially my Mom - Elaine, and my Dad - Aaron, becau se without them r wouJdn ' t be in thi s s itu ation ri gh t now. They have truly been the backbone of my existence and without them I am merely a person. Second ly, I would like to tha nk a ll my teachers fo r putting up with my unique a ttitude and demeanor. La st but not least, I wouJd like to than k the students. Those who like me, those who didn't like me. J love you all the same. My best fri ends, they know who they are. I hope we spend years to come together althou gh we will go off on our sepa rate ways. Keep your hea d up in everyth ing you do! P.5. Humm, is that right!
James Claiborne McCauley ... what a trip man ... Bonnaroo 04 right travis? ... man, I know you're not with us right now and you should be ... miss ya dude ... String Cheese 03 ... be careful next time taylor ... teri ... enemies/lovers for life, thanks for keeping me sane at this place ... My sister Elizabeth, stay strong I know you're gonna do a lot of great things ... Grandpa ... you really don't know how much I appreciate what you have done .. . I'm out y'aU, peace
"Waiting for the time when I can finally say That this has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way" -Trey Anastasio
Elizabeth Layton Moran
, "I'd rather laugh with tht:: sinners tha n cry with the sain ts, the sinners are much more fun . .. you know that only the good di e young.
You know you're a Steward senior tvhen . .. thegathauTuth ... no hanky panky and no s hoes upstairs, .. he llo plant, he lJ o bush, hello mums . .. pink Friday's . .. casa .. , the stein . .. is that a JLo? ... Time slo\ved down, but Liz didn't! ... \!\fait, when did you hit a tree? ... Two.Hundred.Uunnies ... Your toenai ls are huge! ... childhood in a cup . .. Broke-Phi-Brokc . . . Do you even o . . "n a tux-
edo? ... Meet me outside in 15 m inutes, two blocks away, on the left sid e of the car. SEND, SEND ... Hi, this is l3adonk . . . Bootsie and Bunny ... Sioetcrs ... I'm not black, im German .. . Go 'head . .. Look at the bears! Those are cows, Li z ... Capta in Awkward ... the Rachel voice ... the Danke ... My goal for __ is tn hoo k up . . . padidle ... Grow up, Austin! ... Rob, your car is purple ... gela ti! . You're not going to kiss me arc YO ll? . You've got mono, that sucks! .. . I mea n . . . you're my life . . , craft day at Sta rbucks . _. your face . . . You 're a ferrety-ferret. God, [ still smell like a ferret .. . J kind of miss yu u ... Max the l3unny ... the good pa rking space at Relay for Life ... You wo uldn't happen to be hiding in a locker wo uld you? ... We're over! . .. wai t, what? ... clap clap dap dap clap ... Rob, it's all your fault! . . . 35 seniors (38) ... Rob's "emergency board mee tings" .. . Do yo u even know how to sail? ... Jack, take a shower ... Just give us Pace. . You're a sad emo bunny . . a check for e levent y-billion dollars ... rollerskating in Ashland . Flamingo-nappin g . .. I bet you went to public sehoul .. . Sizzle ... black like Emil y's soul . .. black w idow infested basset ho und ... the Dutch . . . the Shaggin' '\rVagon . , . How can lawn gnomes be o ut of season? .. , dancing in bras and oven mitts to Footloose in the kitchen at the garden ... dancing in bras and bunny ea rs to the danke in Chaz's d riveway ... I'm Nordstrom wate r, I tase like a Prada bag ... You should come with a warning label ... r don' t kn uw wha l you' re talking about! Do I know you? Where are we?! ... Who can I call for a wrench a l three A.M .... lunchab les for dinner at 7-eleven on homecoming night .. . 1, 2,3, he's yours ' ... I'm not getting service, what if my mom is tryi ng to ca ll me? , , . Jack~son .. _San-to . .. I'm an outlaw . .. Just go with it, ca ll me dadd y, _. erno is the . .. Sandcx, perms, and scrunchies. Oh my! . .. ca r wars . . vit h me Ernily and Ra y . .. spirit fjngers ... freezer men ... O,A.R , , . the official preppy handbook ... Ihe clique movie . . It's my week to be book holder ... Just because it's $16 doesn't mean it's cute ... Stephen . . . ev ian ... Nighty! ... Alii Want for Christimas Is You ... Okay, now you 're just making up dit dots ... Grace, Aus tin, Jack, Rachel. Rob, Em il y, Chaz, and Hannah ... I ha ven't even known you guys for a year ye t, but yo u're some of my best friends a lready. Sometimes it's been really hard, but it's a lways been really fun. I know J can count on you, and [ know I can be myself arOlmd you. I don' t know what I'd d o wi lhout yo u, I'm going to miss you all so much next year! I love you! xoxoxo
Scidney Adonis Morris
Wh;)t I h;)v{, to s<1.y " FIrst than~ you to my number one Lord and 5.lviur JCSI] " Christ. Second ly than>: to my GRANDPARENTS who raised, nurtured, ilnd struggle with me , , , lie\' Adam, , ' hm mm hi LI!.It right t Whooooohoohoooohoooo! Halla at me sometime im dnvtn now . Ka role, " its been ,1 lonjo; tune.1t :;teward , don' t trip, II know u stilt like me Shawnee " WUI up sis, '\.','e bickered too dagon much this year Sb ut that's \\-hal we do, I J ldn', ml'dll lu hurt yuur kclins H awk .. we stuck together Slllce kindergarten, kc.>ep your ga me feme-mber when I p id'ybov, u mtgh t getlltl my II'vl,I,. Cameron T qujt bball CU'Z of you, )' did we always ha te one another, anyway halld .It mll>.~ JI1 )' fur ml' '>(1 1 r,m gl'1 <;j)m{' of the .lpple pie Justin . wutup playboy. I'll nC\'er be on your level, keep dOl" wut 1I UI) , ClI r!'y . . It 1'/,1" gnvd knowing 1\ for II year, bUI 11 kc.>ep on playing hnrd aiight. quanyttil, .. stop [ettins; Kara boss vou, dnd put M II11I' b<1 :--~ in )'Illlr voice Teri pot o f GOLD BLLLLAAAA'\llllI U 111 , ,. ~\I'hltne)· .. , my q u ~n " Grace. na vI' a btg .. milt, . Emily it's hme to let them know. Sara. d on' , change for Anybody . ,. Stiles Gilman Le\ill .. get her dUlle l.aufl'nV im giv~' u ;1 dead leg, any yea you are a BTG too. Afton .. homeboy keep III 'ouch.. Bnn. ,. u2. Dougl'11>. ill <;('1' tI
.,1 a 'iChool .. Ri chard
Harper .. keep It
f(!a l ... Jenny ... u were suppo::oed to teach me ho ..... to riut' .t hll r",·. Iit'V .• u clown, remem bN Ihat pnrty at ),our hosue . ,"b.1Shir .. hope )'ou liked the ;;i.ltes ,
W.IY to :.tep up .. , d"wes . . , u my homebuoy . y ler , .. r' lI c u in the O lympics. , . Rob, .. wu t iJ' up w ith u Ind s le ..... ard girls .. Jack. , , let m e know when >"ou al1u.aJ ly 10 sOnlL,thll1g with a girl. , . c.scales ... keep that J w eI lilglll .. Ja ke , homeboy, keep in touch we have l)('('n ril'nels for" while, .. Dabney . .. BTG don't gt."t '> \l rgc..'ry, tL'L'p in touch .. Sophie .. . I shu ldve Iil'item:oci to u . -AoniciJ the ..... hite girl wilh a black nam l', u never made my time lor me and i know why. " La ul'I'll C , .. wen r u ~o in g to let me d ri ve your car . , , Carti'.r , , . don 'I ehnnge . ~'t mmy . . take a chill pill . .. Beth. our lilt\(· ~l'Crcl , us fa r I:' I know .. Katy K , .. hey wifey, I propo'>t' J tu you . lilSba ... freaka leak . , . Ka tilinM .. , u r th., bt":,1 , VlcaganR . y r u so bossy Taylor T , .. u have m't) tWtnS, md wake up earlier. makeup does wonders . , . Polly and )a vid . we never did any thing togethe r In C'elf'brdlL' our lirthday =-Carrios. November 6th ride or dip , . (Vlleha (('' C P up your game lax. bbalJ, and soccer " . \1I ch c!c ,md ::hristinc . keep up your grades don't chang.? . Mrs. -len ly, don't lorget your son, u meant ,110( to me . . M:.. ~('''<-'Cc a n d Elv, , u both meant a lot to me ac; wel l, Ms. Reece 1 taught me how to be myself and be proud flf II, ely yuu .erVl'd as my role model and as my friend, kp(>p in to uch . VIr G the mastermind behind my ca rt"t:'r, ('vl'rything u a ught has been he lpful, oh yeah can I d nve your Pursche . ::oach Secrest and Coach Keller ... Ih t· pl.')'l'r th<1t u teveloped ou t of Ole will forever remain, 1 h,lv\.' come to 'l'<1lize tha t a ll the skills you taught me n n Iltl' l'oml will help lle in life, thanx, oh )'cah Coach Keller, can 1 get that coupon or some pi in college .. , Mr. Lee, ~1rs. KOV.1Ch, Mrs. ;olland, Mrs. Turn er, Mrs. Latorelle, Mr". G rel'nlcl', Mr. :lrown, Mr. Coddington, M rs. ritz, Mr. Ing (>, M r:.. {od riguez, Mr. Moncure, Mrs. Pauiellt>, ('\Mch RiCl', Mrs. ;helton ... thanx . , . M r. Alley, , . ill "",nd u ... umc of photos
Elizabeth Newins
The CUL T ... trips to the bay ... chee e-it's .. .tweed vans ... dancing along to the Spice Girl movie ... "we leapt and the net appeared" ... sing ing at the top of our lungs-jude law, tox ic. etc ... sheets ... car rides... yellow X-terms, 1.. 2 points! ... Paddington bear sll itcase .. . piper pcrabo .. wigg les ...vmars! .. .movie nights .. .Iittle mcn on littl e tiny plate .... swings ... late nigh t walks...WALTER!. .. I hate PEOPLE' ... rom<l 05' -trippy airpolts,elevator rides .. .Camp ... Ru~ k y ... the basement. .. dominating Amish men ... bad rap songs ... waflle ho u ~c in in our prom dresses .. .fee ling you ng again at a concert! ... Ryan falling as lcep everywhere! ... scandalous behavior. .. late ni ghts. talks and eveything in between ... the list of al the good time~ eou ld go un and on ... Ryan- Keep being awesome, you never rai l to put <I ~ mil e on my faee ... KB- You are going to go so far in lire and I can't wait to hear about it! Never give up on those dream~! Thanks ror a lways being there for me .. .Jenn- Your strength and creativity cunti nues to amaze me.Thank you for being the best rriend I cuuld ever a,k for. Lots of love to you .. .To all of my other friends and my ent ire fa mily- Thank you fo r everything ... " Make the most or yo urselr ror that is all lhere is of you." Ralph Waldo Emerson " Dream big and dare to rail." orman D. Vaughan " Li fe isn't about finding yourself... it' s abuut creating yourself. " George Bernard Shaw
Rachel Leigh Petock
Hannah - who de heck do you th in k. you Me, Einstein's .. fl er every s leepover . EMO KTDS. . you
are 5000 grosS!> ... "ukay mom, guys I ga lla );u.'· ... don' t talk like that or it ",,, ill be permanen t .. , remember whim th!!)' showed up at your
huu~c dt
3 A.M .... Every YE'a r
Auuln - mends sire... 7th !tude '0
RlNNI[SI <11('"
~grow ur~ Volin mt'
ttlr~ bo'm~
thai ...·«'I..end ..
I sUrTlmd ... r"
blue mono
, I 2,),CALL. ~tlll..!s
OMG' 1m nol seIling «('nit\!
our dane", O,A.R :XX.:e! golnM.'S O1lnl no nolla b.to:l.. ~lrI 1 IO\l' yvu !oI.l
much We have been thrO\.);h so mud • .amJ of these men'IOrH!S would holl .. ~I the same w,thout you!!
Rob -
you drive a purple
car ... fi re station ... jU'5t
go w it h i t ... frpak. tpnt shopp ing <It dick's. I can' t even h;mdle YOli . But I love vou so m uch! 1m here fo~ vou whene\'er you nero m~!
since 7th grade has been iHvesame wi th you. I love YOli so much. We will be best friends forpver!
Jeffrey Beach wee k '04 .101.1 '05. scoopcr .. , FUYlA sti nks il lot , and SO do payphoncs, .. iJlI the diJ nccs, o.. Ro.ly RiJY .. , IUJl(.h tiJble, gela ti's,., Yuur my best fr iend. Group - CASA! . , . sizzle's ... GUN IT ... our M,.'<. rd society ... li ttJe caesar.:; ... p in k
Fnd"ys .. , mean girls ... cheering ... B DO~K ... longchamps ... hootie·hoo . aU I wan l for Christmas ... elevently·billion dollar.:. ... cookie making pa rty ... im the keeper of the book this week
Sophie and lau ren - I am going to miss you g uy:; SO much next year! You beller be up to sec me every si ng le weekend! Good luck at stcwic nex t year. I LOV" YOU CI RI.S!
Liz - Ni'\\, g irl I II cnJlt..'i!~ weekends together . IU'" 1£"w\' ) Hur t,l r .11 "hoof Hannah's hou:.c Emma
the stem. lenir.. ou r leg king'3 dominion !'iofillpo;. hrl'.Ikmg Mkh<lc!'s bench . I';mera . . our ~ng - ~ '1 111 1~ I .Im :;0 happ)' thot we ho ve gotten so clO"ot~ I h,Wl'''U much fun wllh you ond 1m gomg to miSs to; 111 IlI' l'
car .:I(\IJ(·nl
"Ith you
~uur (.meeT
)'OU Mlll1l1lh IIcd YCilr r YOli bette r come and visit me'! I lovt> )011' " l l1l1.'.m, 1 kind<l miss ..
Jack -
Jack:..un Pulluck ... I see you baby.
PADIDDLE C.ln we spoon? ... lake a ShOWN ... kisses' M.lke sure you come visit Ol(> nex t year! I love you!
Emily - sloo te r cap tai n awkward chcpring sleepover the notebook )'ou' re 0 111 of the comp ... grow n lip song o n your bir thday . "Emily, wha t's on
ick's nt'Ck?" ... I love
~Ol;\ IIIi' m\'
rC"lll'mborr our rr(\m,~ if we lroL'n'l m.urk--d h\' t~ lime w~ U~ 40 tner. "'t' 110'111 marry eM'h MMT m~-l!' to tho' cit)', and walch W')Ilnd Ih~ city
r" ...k~
f(Or the rest of Ol;.t Ii\b "the rrer911'rs are oomlng" !!<In·to 1 10...• )'ou. I lou> you, I kll'I'~ you' Th",'t" \'011 for e\ll!'r}lhlng vou ha" .. JOni.' iot me' You'no /11110'&)':1 th..'re for ."... and I c.Jnt 'hank \'1)1.1 l'f'tOugh
r:r~1' M h;tl'lk~ no ~ho...... ur~r,lI"
fI,h lI.1~rgif'
r.1(:er do.' r.lC(" I,hitl' ~lrlr' ,,,,1
'\'d ... lilt" Ch"~1
l'liel. ...11
c. . . . .\t·. ' Mm Teri - h.l!hmom
ni~h ly'
1\111 1';11
Mom, Dad , and Malt - Th.mk yuu ~o much for a ll of your suppor!. I Cou ld n't IMve done it withoul you ' I will miss you gUYS ~o much next yeM I love you l
so much.
I'm goi ng to miss YOli SO Ill"uch next yeM, you are my li f(>!
piI!'~km 01 1M
\OU ·ITWI Mo.e .1 r""f' donI :ea\'l!'
1m going to miss \IOU wa)
much' n-.- P.Jst 'WO reM'S hne bl!'en awesom .. wi th rou l Ilo\\:' Y(KI '0 much tOl.\
en>w . ,Rlh gradt:'
field Irip, , J,lmE><. drtlllld
gPI ou l o r
Ihe> dO'>f»I! W(> h,l\ l' ,j(>fillrl('ly h,1I 1 our up .. ,md dllwn:; bU I It ,Ill cm1l'~1 good 1 lov(' you l LllI,J(l luck n('x l
)'l'M .It i.lmgwuud'
Ian Barrett Roarty
So it has finally come to an end ...
"Yeah dude, I rock" -Steve 0 "Nature is a language, can't you read?" -The Smiths "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. " -Edgar Allan Poe
Douglas Matthew Smith
Hi, my name is Doug. That is God spellcd backwards with a iii bit of u wrapped up in it. Although I will also rcspond to Dougla" Doug, Dougo, Dougis, D-fresh, Dougiefresh, Dr. D, and O uglas ... Andy - T don't even know what to say but if we match one more tim e I am gonna be mad . But seriously 1 wish yo u the best of luck at wherever yo u go even if it is the Torth Anne - r wi ll miss our wheel of fortunc lime spent together. I mean I know it
was not that great for you but you havc to admit last summer was good fun . . . I mean aside from the whole you bcing sick thing we had some good times, plus I got to become friends with your mom and pla n part ies with your gra ndfather in college. Harper - Bark, Ba rk, Wolf, Wolf . .. tcll yo ur mom I will be (lver to watch TV with you all soon. Nicole - " Is that chicken?" ... "Sal tines are all salty and stu ff whe reas crackers are just crackers" the past few years have been interesting to say the least. And for the record I was in thc 94 Olympics and I wou ld have won it if 1 didn't fall. And yes Dan is thc coolest person ever and for the record lonly hang out with you to get to Dan, but soon I will be onl y hanging out with you to get to Catherine . . . All joking aside it has been fun and I am looking forward to our trip to Sc. Solelsoul Twin - Camp need [ say more Teri - "[-Ii my name is Teri and I am a volunteer ca lling on behalf of Jerry Kilgore. I am proud to support jer!)"s views for honest reform in Virginia" , , ' " Hey Douglas do you know Kelli Whitescarber?" , , , Song of the South , ' , Although nothing will evcr bc as funny as everyday in Anatomy class with Afton Whitney and M'lissa - Good times in photography And most import.ntly MRS, HEALEY - You remember that time we ma tched a nd saw how jealous evcryonc was. I Love yo u Mrs, Healey and don' t wor!)' 1 will come back and visit you and we will go out to lunch. And for the reco rd, to everyo ne [ have offend ed, I just like a good laugh and if that has been at yo ur expense then J am sorry,
Anne Randolph Stiles
I mean ... who do you think you are? ..SENIORS 2006 ... Thanks yall for everything, I don't know how I could have made it tbrough the put couple oflllOlllbs with out you! Yall are the absolut best ftieod" ever ... Rome Trip 2005- ~I calm down I dido't fall out the window-<lon't let her in-yea sme I'U swill:b with you .. .Homecoming 2005.. .Bcn Dover ... Rob got what at tile gas station? Can I get me oome oftbat too?... Git-R-Done .. .R.acing ... TIC ...TK- Bact that what up?... whecl offortune in the bospital ... M'Lissa J really can't talk to you when your likethis ... the list .. .! may be missing an organ luat lea.I J have a brain ... 90Jooatl-om when', our study party .. . fiusbing DVDsdown the toile! ... Mom, Dad, Gray, and Clay love yaU so much and thanks for everything you have belped me through and I'm glad we can all finally agree that [ am the prinoess! ... RememM yaU life is like a game of poker, you gotta play the band yoW' dealt "Heck yea I'm American" - Van Zant '1 hope you get the chance to live like you were dying" -Tim McGtaw ''l'm proud to say I'm fium the country and [ like it that IWY" -Tracy Byrd ''l wanna know how forever feels" - Kenny Chesney "l got you in trouble in high school" -BnId PaiJley "Wonying is like â&#x20AC;˘ rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere" -Van Wilder
Larrin Elizabeth Valenzuela
Ile\ "",II rc n1l'mber me in 9th grade- ... I[Ult.'t shy and ne\"(~r rea llv lalkt>J In ,myonc, whnte\'er happened Iu ttmt girl?? \jow J <1m louJ \llllgoing and you can't get me to ~hut up lnl . Ayers JESUS RUMBLE!!! lui good time.; . . l'cmembt'T SANTA ISN'T REAL!!!. Drivmg III ""-hool in the morning. . L .... t d"y of school picture" in "nur t,lf You' re Rude Crude and SOCially Ln.lCCept.lble .. . StudYUlg rnr l'''ilffiS at you r JXIOI ... 101 );(It-.J bnw... . liz and Kara (U's 1I11l'l)ssible to ~epara te Y,ll1) If Dury gel<:. I1mt Tinke rbelle is gOing to k)M' her Wings . The Jo's ... Engl.md . PUIple hair d ye • L.l!'lt night in Paris ouff said ... Wal·Mdrt . I he nuns in Wal'~'larl . I<UME . . Ang ry Jesu,> . .. The ruUl" in Kl,.lmc espeCially the an!;r)' unes KaTil r YI I am bl.l\ k Carl a l Kings Dommion . Trash C:ms . MARCO!!! rOLO!!!! K:1ra your hilir in Rome . . . 1.11 ~Itting on Adam~ bed eating Ort'i"S .1Ild drink ing Capri Sun . . 'CRASH" LOR RI~ W IIAT DID YOL [X)?I?! 1 OO\J'T Kr\OW L1ZZ IF Hf-"lP ME!! ~ ! ... Stant';. Cllllt,'rt Koua the bor al Wendys .. Ka ril y uu .md you r boy problcll1'. I iL the Silme goes for you K;lTil <, Iways being in the middlc . . If t- he wants to fight [will tilkl' ht'r on .. You're mad at her !~I. R F.t\ I)Y it's nol ('ven 2 markinA penud!" [01 sorl)' bout th"t ... LJI mole dil~ piC ... choc(ll;lte fi~hls . . ,II till' mall Ghetto Sport}' Gothic. ye.J. h'e a!"(> special. , . LII' till' ketchup bottle from Arbv!> ' , . B,l"l'ball ,. Ma th C1.1 s~ all fuur yt',us , , , t\·[r. Brown h.we IIw t vi ling lik's nlh'oys been tha t color?? , . , I h:1\'(' no idea how I am gOing 10 make it next year without \ al[ lill" !If g Uild !tmes I will miss you guy.. Ashleigh you s tepped "11 my tool . England Ireland Wales firMil Boys and lots of them ." Look it' s a HAM ". Chocol"tl' ,lIld \/anilln squirrel ice crc<lln. , 1\'Ie yelling <It Andy. ,ROMf' h<1hn good timl'S", you d nvlIIg 11\:lilr god save me .. , The Whll..- Stripes ." w rc:stlinf.; In ~nu r ,Ilt ic . • Ci-fEESE SAL'CE Mrs Kay., CA \1P! !! . I II J{T , BAG,. hin:'s . Itll' \\'hl t~, thing outside Mrs. Fla k,' the wmdow , , , ul'ing locked in the guest room Ihrl'l' times in 48 homs ' , , BILLY SHU'I UP!!! ,mgry puffer fish . . d,mcing OIl cam p yea tlM t's alwolY" tun 101 ,. mountain board ing . \[OLDER YOU IDIOT DON "I GO I.:---J THERE! !! . , . the ... llImp remember when I d id n' t ta lklt l y~1lI for a week straiAhl be I thought it would be funny ., Addlll oIka bllg bite., 1M TURN ING [ ,f- f--[ ,. tooshic shak.e". rHl b'll1kidy on the horney,., gru\! bl.l),. ,lIlornmgs at Aunt Sarah's . . Ilun', to uch my h.lir, • You uuln'l tak.l' y.lllr adde rol did you . . Inl ubu.. . This is rc.1U y good vugll rl and granola . . JulIet aka FA IT\' Ihl' li ghts arc talkmg to nw, ,love you babe", Au~11I1 T 11\1 t\ I'J{[ EST . here com~ thl! allpl.Jtll' ROME" , Gelato <tud pina , Afton's bri;:;hl m ange ~\\'l" lt'lhirt ,., D,wid's questions .. I'opc<tner "getting lost (t)( !;lld kno ....'s ho\,· long, , . DJ\1d ~t,jlllhng o ubide the hotel when we \\I'rl,.' <l~king fo r d ire<:bons, , .•Ig,lln angry Jesus . . Red holir d ye ., n ll' b u... brc.:lking down ., our flig l,1 being cnnceled .. , thl' w~in[ g u.\" nn the plM'Ic, , . DRUG TEST?!?! . . H,\rper l>tarbursts ' .. PURPI ,F CI{..I\ YONS, Whilni!v .1IIJ [ 11' N thl' st<lTbu.:'ks a ll OVER m\ car Inllh,lt was funny .. . Lei).;h our mows and dr iving II) schoolm the IIll'ming ,All good tum.'S ' I Ill'S(; four year~ h.wc been gn';lt thank ~ fo r "II the good tim(!~ olllJ
ml'mories". Be cooll>t<ly 111 -..ctlOol! '!
Richard Wesley Wheeler
No not cousin Richard! Well , it's finally over. After what, 13 years of school, I'm freel But it's been a lot of fun; ex. Elevator of ·doom", you shot me in the back, ·What's that noise?" This year has flown by. I remember spending many hours in the Photo-lab, and even more hours in the senior lounge (which I'm surprised we still have). I'll miss TSS but then again ... there are more challenges to be conquered. Most importantly for the last time (at least at this school)l, MY GLASSES ARE NOT CRACKED! A word of advice to the class of 2007; Watch out for Ms. Turner, take econ minor not major, and use your free periods wisely. Quotes for the year: "If a man doesn't keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of a different drummer." . Thoreau "Ufe is what happens when you are off making other plans." ·John Lennon "Blinkin ... what are you dofng?" "I'm guessing and I'm guessing that no one is coming." ·Robin Hood Men in Tights "Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through trying to save" . Will Rogers "Always leave them laughing when you say goodbye."
(Above) "Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Whose The Vainest Of Them All?": Adam Lonon and Teri Fitzgerald
(Above) Best Smile: Adam Lonon and Louisa Kendig
(Below) Class Clown: Ian Roarty and Bev Borum
(Above) Best To Bring Home To Mom and Dad: Taylor Christian and Grace Astrove ey Morris and Grace Astrove
(Right) Drama King and Queen:
no YOU
r-111Nl<. YOU AR~?
SChl )01
Class Officers and Student Coucil the
\/Vho organize and brighten our days at Steward...
9th Grade: David Dwyer, James Dooley, Madison Ellis, Elliot Wortham and Carri e Ruffin
10th Grade: Polly Cnnnella, An na Greenlee, MinDat TraJl and Mimi Tanaka
11th Grade: Michael Reazin, Megan Rhod es, Taylor Thorton and Elida Buchsbaum
12th Grade: Whitney Frost, M 'lissa Levitt, Bradley De Wet and Harper Early
2005-2006 Student Council Associa tion Charlie Bebe, Tinl Wiles, Louisa Kendig, Whitney Frost, Beth Dixon, Grace Astrove, Alex Godschalk, David Dwyer, Michael Reazin, Mr. Mlmdy, Christine Kasper, Kelsey Mohring, Taylor Thorton, Anne Stiles, and Ms. Soucek
Fellow Christian Athletes (n Petanque(2), Book Club(3), Fantasy Sports Club(4), Film Apprecia tion Society(S), Philosophy Club(6), Interact(7), Foreign Language Environmental Club(9), Leadership Council(lO), Poetry Club(ll), Culin aIY Club(12) and The Stewardship(13) Puzzle Maker and Code Breaker
Bashir Ahmadi Leigh Bedinger Tim Brinn Dabney Broaddus Elicia Buchsbaum Sophie Burtoff Charles Carter Moruca Casper Howard Chang Lauren Christian Shawnae Claxton Adam Dawes Carter DeCook Camm Garrett Sammy George
Alex GodschaLk MaryWarden Good Tyler Harris Brandon Hawkins Rob Henkel Beth Howard Katy Ka5per Jong Boo Kim Nastia Komova Svenja Launer Ann Lunsford Coldon Martin Josh McLemore Kaitlin Meyer Brett Miller Justin Mohn Sara h Nelson Jack Quinn Michael Reazin Megan Rhodes Steven Rogers c.J. Rosati Cameron Scales Michael Schmitt Riley Sis tHUlk Christopher Skove Cameron Taylor Taylor Thornton Nick LJlbing Jake Wa ldbauer Mary Margaret Watson Jonathan Wauford Holly Weisiger Justin Wright
Charlie Beebe Amy Bisger Michael Brady Caleb Brown Kevin Bucklcr Carlton Burkc Rya n Bymc Polly Cannella Will Carter Page Conway Tucker Dare Eli zabeth DeLa ney Mary Martha DeLaney Beth Dixon
Ali Eltom Carter Fi tzgerald Hope Frank Stephen Gianior toni A nna Greenlee Margaret G upton Elizabeth Hickman Anne-Sims Honey Quanytta Johnson Annie lung Micah KeUer Jane Lee Esther Lin Erik Markowitz Alex Matlock Patrick McKeown Kelsey Mohring Kemis oble Dana Powell John Reazin Laura Skove Michael Sliwinski Ada m Smith Margaret Spotts Mimi Tanaka Alexa nd er Tharp MinhDat Tran Kelley Trimmer Eva van Tolingen Chelsea Voltz Harrison Vozenilek Lexi Wiles Tim Wiles Kelly Williams Arma Woodbmn Hali Yun
Jamie Adams Eric Anderson Gracie Andrews Bobby Ball Corey Blount Ellie Bryan Jacob Buchsbau m Hannah Byrne Michele Casper Christine Cra ig Alex Cummings Barrett Deacon James Dooley Keri Drummond David Dwyer Madison Ellis Beth farmer
Dani Fraizer Emily Friend Emily Hazzard Chloe Higgins Peter Howard Chri stine Kasper Diana Keith Sam Keller Rachel Kewer Helen Kim Corbin Leitch Catherine Lillard Skylar Macdonald HW1ter Meakin Kevin Meyer Heather Mitchell Keith Murphy Chloebeth Ott Ethan Pease Colson Perkins Kelsea Pieters Jordan Rennie Carrie Ruffil1 Hila ry Sa unders Liann e Sisson Mark Smiley Becca Smyth J.E.B. Stu art Veronica Tharp James Thornhill And y Vaughan Devin Wa ng Peyton Ware J.T. Wauford Nathan Willett Carnes Willhite EU iott Wortham Sarah Young
Above: 6th Grade Officers: Margaret Beirne and Sam Forbes.
• 1V\1""L.E
Alex Aldredge Brendan Auman Nathan Baggs BilJy Belt Samantha Bisger Taylor Booth Markus Brenner Chip Brierre, [V
Courtney Cooper AJld rew Dale Thomas Davis Ashley Dawson Jess DeBell Allen Edwards
20 1 0
Sam Elliott Charlie Forbes Maggie Glasgow Grace Henderson Jeremy Hillner Hayden Hodges
Jenny Jung Richard Kish Claire Kramer Kelsey Kurdts Hillary Lane Ben Leahy
Worth Lewis Christopher Maestrello
ZachMarino Noel Martinez Ryan McKeown Whitley Menges
Cara Milby Celeste ash Natalie Oldfield Nate Price Hayley Redmond Taylor Scott
Ellen Sliwinski Patrick Strecker Mary Stuart Mary Taylor Tepper Blair Towers Elizabeth Tyson
Robbie Watson Parker Wheat Bren Wilberger Charlie Williamson Taylor Wilson
Maddie Arthur Kemp Bartlett Marie Belt Gordan Blair Steven Brinn Mallory Burgess
Sarah Burroughs Sally Cann Matt Charnes Kate Conway Pete Dooley Chrissy Edwards
Ryan Fadool Brooke Faison Kate Farmer Richard Foley Molly Gagon Stuart Good
Matthew HaU 1110mas Howell Wyatt Jamerson Eleanor Jones Amenet Judah Taylor Karmolinski
Liz Kelley Amy Lane Phoebe Lin Navid Mahban Megan McGhee Claire McKeown
Alex Newman Drew Noble Michael Noffsinger Emily Norman Melissa Nunn Maya Pendleton
Madeleine Phillips Kevin Pierce Borden Porter Tanner Roe Jake Rowe Ryland Scott
Finn Smyth Ajoya Speight Meredith Thompson EUa Valentine Rachel Wilcox
Elizabeth Alcott Lucy Anderson Clark Asplundh Margaret Beirne Kendall Bendheim Caroline Blank
West Camp-Crowder Molly Carter Boyd Chambliss l-lilrrison Clement Jolm Clement Corinne Cooley
Gracie Cote Samantha Cummings Graham Diffee Teddy Dillon John Dozier Olivia Edwards
JuLia Finley Sam Forbes Scottie Fralin Robin Frayser Kevin Friend Audrey GalJagher
Thea Gergoudis Andrew Gnapp Jesse Harper Samantha Henderson Preston Huermekens Peyton Jenkins
Megan Kelley MacKenzie Kirchrnier Ethan Maestrello Tim Marino Chris McGee Sean McKeown
Harrison Mire Lisa Morgan Marie Mullins Carter Norman Mackenzie Nunnally Ben Olinger
HethOwen Kendrick Peters Chloe Pieters Caroline Pinney Courtney Pollard Logan Pryor
La uren Sa lUS Sarah Shimer Nina Stinson Minkhoa Duy Tran
/\ND CATt-ERIt-.E. TQl.£RS.
NOT PICT\.JRED l\uslin Chufl<O, Phebe J en~ins
Lower school students celebrated French and Spanish Day. They made passports and "traveled" to countries and enjoYed crepes, making a Picasso puzzle. drove a car and spoke a French or Spanish greeting to have their passport stamped and continued on their journey. They all had a fun day!! 68
Far Left:
Lower school students participated in Career Day. Thestudentslearned about being a dentist, a surgeon, a firefightel\ icecream truck drivel\ Left:
Families eat together at the Spaghetti Dinner Night.
Mr. Seward talks to families at the Spaghetti Dinner
Left: The Richmond Sym phony performs for the g..-=--.I students.
â&#x20AC;˘ LS Collage
5th Grade- Class of 2013
James Baker Hemy Bassett John Beaty Colby Bedell La u ren Bennett Stephanie Bennett
Daniela Brenner Melina Brickt!r Archer Brill Andrew Cald well Paige DeBell Katherine Fore
Ermny Goode El izabeth Gooding Kendall Huennekens Lauren Hughes El iza Jones Alex Joynes
Mallory Knighton Hannah Krudys Ana Leahy Parker Leep Stephanie Legg Charlotte Levering
Gray Little Mackenzie Marcia Mariah Montague Crawford Moore MicheUe Napper Addison Nicbols
Cameron O'ColU1or Morgan Penberthy David Pierce Jack Rhodes Emily Robinson Grayson Shelly
Yvonne Taylor Mark Tharp Catherine Towers Kristen Tully Mary Leigh White Ben Zoghby
5tb 0rade "Presents:
eVe Legend of Anne :eonnv
Cbe Fiftb <Oraden; bad an amazing time working under tbe direction of IDs. Kallman and mrs. fiatfield in tbe re-enadment of C!Je Legend of ~nne .:&nnv. Cbev enjoyed tbeir time spent on stage ading Q5 pirates.
~ ~tm"t~ Q~"~~ ~m C~A~~"CUS
"~m~~~~ C~ ~ ~~ ,.~,~ W~~.. ~
"m~m~~ ~ kAtt~~
A~" ~~.. l-lA~mt", "'" A ~tM..CUS JCt3 wl"t~ "t~ ~"'~ A~" ~m C~ A~ ~"t~'A~ "t'C A~" ~~~~Q ~tAV!
4th Grade- Class of 2014
Docli Allocca Na talie Bendheim Annaliese Blan k Keaton Busser Ben CampbeLl Sydney Cardozo
Chloe Carnes Baxter Carter Austin Chung Ashley DeConti Sa rah Dickson Jackie Dillon
Justi n Dozier Bryce D'Smney Matt Dtuuevy Andrew Fernandez Andrew Fore Grace Fralin
Anna Fuhr Jena Gilbert Cabell Glancy Sarah Graves Cabell Harper Sommer Harris
Brantley Hathaway Phebe Jenkins Claire Kirchmier Lindsey Lubin Susan Mire Morgan Mistr
Jordan Nichols Georgeanne Pace Hailey Marie Ragan Carson Rice Morgan Schroder Chloe Staples
Walker Stettiniu5 William Strickler Harrison Talton Ashton Tankersley-Higgs
Albert Thompson Curran Tully Oz Willett John Hunter Williams Paul Wood Lauren Xu
3rd Grade- Class of 2015
Cameron Bachman Thomas Cage LlI ke Caldwell Kevin Cameron Ell ie Cosby Joseph Costello
David Cross Bekah DeBell Olivia DeCapri Christopher DeConti Chance Diffee Michael Duley
Claudia Eck Elizabeth Finto Megan Frayser Laura Fuhr Maria Gergoudis Braeden Glancy
o Photo Available
Matthew Gnapp Eren Graesser Lily Gray Virginia Hamilton Lydia Heitman Lavinia Johnson
Remi Klein Briana Lee Jacqueline Martel Carter McGhee Matthew McKenney Mason Mire
Allison Mitchell Malcolm Moore Julie Morgan Patrick Neale Aubrey Nichols Megan orman
Skye Phillips Jackson Pieters Walker Poling Eli Reece Emma Rhodes Scott Roper
Elise Taylor Virginia Villani
3rd Grc8de Presents: The ;3rd .graders had a great time pe~ forming In the play, "Asas da Boboleta .. They enjoyed dressing up into different characters.
Second Grade- Class of 2016
Will Allocca Mary Madison Andrews
Edward Blake
Mackenzie Carnes Owen Carter William Cox Haley Cummings Zoe Dwelle Eliza beth Ferna ndez
Virginia Fralin Maeve Goodan Katie Hardin Whit Hathaway Meredith Hughes Will Jackson
Darmy Kovach Britt Lawhorn Taylor Leahy Clayton Leep Sarah Lindamood Carmen Manganello
Rachel Marcus Thomas McAndrew Belle Pace Connor Parrish Carter Peters Rachel Ragan
Gra y Redmond Quincy Rhodes Leslye Romero Helen Russell Elizabeth Scott Sa rah Sliwinski
Simone Stein Jan e Eli zabeth Wilton David Yi Rachel Young
1st Grade- Class of 2017
Austin Acheson Ro!;s Arrington Ma ll ory Bedel l Hunter Benes Jamie Benson Smith Blake
Jack Bobitz Mamie Brennan Bryce Brown Lily Cardozo Tucker Diveley Caroline Duley
Luke Forbes Teagan Giese Logan G lancy Christopher Harvill Ashley Higgs Mary Beth Hopkins
Adam Kimbrough Pa trick Kirchmier Chris Koerner Adair Logue Jacqui Marchetti Jordan Marcus
Tana Marctian Corbin MataClmas Catie McKinnon Griff Meyer Nikki Nadolski MaryAnn Neale
Olivia Notma n Will Pittman Noah Poling Caroline Pryor Sydney Renkenbergel Isabelle Rhodes
Kendall Sclu路oder Hayden Taylor Morgan Van Davelaal Drake Wielar Claire Xu
Kindergarten- Class of 2018
Caitlin Allocca Arianna Anderson Robert Gray Boland Lou Bricker Jack Caldwell Christian Carlow
Carter Chambliss Aimee DeBell Charlotte Dudley Connor Engelke Hannah Feder Ben Finberg
Elizabeth Fix Matthew Frayser Sarah Fuhr Whitney Graves Hal Gray Lily Gumenick
Scotti Harrison Gray Hathaway Lily Henderson Jill Kovach Caroline Laibstain Grace McKenney
Cerys Miller Reed Moslow Hugh Notman Connor O'Brien Carter Patterson Eli Rh odes
Harrison Rice Caleb Rogers Connor Rogers Ba iley Scott Hayden Smith Aaron Stein
Hunter Thompson Gracie Wielar Caroline Willhite Somers Wilton Phil Wood Parker Wright
The seniors got to know the youngest members of the Steward Community during Convocation before the official start of the school year.
The Steward tradition that officia lly begins the new school year, welcom ing seniors into their fi nal year and kin dergartners to the Steward com munity.
The seniors had the privilege to welcome the new kindergartners to the Steward Community on the morning of Convocation. Meeting and walking the kindergartners in has been a Steward Tradition for many years.
Administrators gave inspirational speeches to welcome new and returning students to school.
{Honor Code Signing} This we believe: Personal Honor, Personal Integrity, Honesty, and Respect in thought, word, and deed toward individuals and institutions are essential qualities of a student at The Steward School.
Above. Mr. Seward and two students sign the honor code. Each person in th e middle and upper school sign the code each year. and are expected to maintain their honor to them selves and the school everyday.
orable Soe4ecrles .., Lifeis not about finding yourself: Life isabout honesty, and intergrity are three qualitites that mal<e un nI)W and how we are definedby others .. . I believe the choices we make oonle f,roni within. We should do the righllhing not because someone is watching going to recognize us for good deeds, but because we know it IS the thing to do." -Katy Kasper. President of the Honor Council
Tailor Wilson
Mr. seward
Elisha Buchsbaum. louisa Kendig. KatyCasper (President) . Ryan Delaney. Madison Ellis. Alexander Tharp. Not Pictured: Megan Rohdes
â&#x20AC;˘_ _ â&#x20AC;˘ Mr. Secrest
It is a tradition at StetAlard each year for the Senior Class to present class rings to the Junior Class. On October 18th the Senior Class presented class rings to the Juniors. Each Junior picked a Senior beforehand to present their ring to them. After the rings tAlere presented~ the Juniors tAlere given a red rose and had the choice to give it to their parents or a special person in their life. It has been said that tAlhen the Juniors receive their rings~ they can officially title themselves as Juniors and Upperclassmen. 90
National Honor Societq Inductions National Honor 50ciety Katy Ka5per; 0 1arle5 Carter; AnnIe 5tlle5, Tyler Harri5, 5aran Greenlee, Cameron Taylor; Kaitlln Meyer; Ryan DeLaney, Liz Newin5, 8radley de Wet Not Pictured: Jenny 51ddall and Riley 5i5trunlâ&#x201A;Ź
T~e NatioVlal HOVlOr Societ~ was iVlstitlAted at T~e Steward Sc~ool iVl 1999, A faclAlt~ cOlAVlcil of five teac~ers aVld OVle advisor selects stlAdeVlts from t~e 11t~ aVld 12t~ grades for members~ip iVl t~e NHS, SelectloVl Is based OVl clAmlAlative sc~olastic average, T~e NatioVlal HOVlor Societ~ raVl~s as OVle of t~e oldest aVld most prestigiolAs VlatloVlal orgaVlizatioVls for ~ig~ sc~oolstlAdeVlts iVl t~e VlatioVl aVld ~as c~apters iVl more t~aVl 6D% of t~e VlatioVl5 plAblic aVld private secoVldar~ sc~ools, 91
Spirit Day 2005
Boys Varsity Soccer "The soccer team made a huge showing at hom eco ming, win ning 6-1 against Trinity. Goa ls were scored by Brin Hill, Daniel Kamjab, Afton Bartlett, Brett Millel; Tucker Dare, and Ryan Byrne."
Girls Varsity Field Hockey "The gi rl s played a great game but unfortunately lost to Trini ty 0-2. Nevertheless the game was well played and the girls put all their effort into a g reat game."
Gir ls Varsity Volleyba ll "The gi rl s played an amazing match agai nst Tr inity and won 2-0. The team, lead by Sammy George and Annie Sti les, showed the crowd an exci ting game."
2005 HOMECOMING COURT Freshmen Class Prince and Princess: Peter Howard, who plays varsi ty soccer and TV basketball and Veronica Tharp, who plays JV volleyball and varsity tennis.
Sophomore Class Prince and Princess: Tun Wiles, a drummer for the pep band who plays varsity soccer and is treasurer of the SCA, and Lexi Wiles, an actress and varsity cheerleader.
Ju nior Class Prince a nd Princess: Justin Wrigh t, pianis L in the pep ba nd who plays varsity Lennis and Ca rter Decook, who plays varsity field hockey. Senior Class Prince and Princess: Seidney Morris, a varsity basketball and lacrosse player and GraceAstrove, an actress who plays varsity tennis and SCA representative for the seniors. Seni or Class Prince and Princess: Afton Bartlett, who plays varsity soccer and basketball, and Whitney Frost who p lays varsity soccer and is presiden t of the senior class and Interact. Senior Class Prince and Princess: Ian Roarty, an actor who is the senior leadership couneil representative and Teri Fitzgerald an admissions associate and former SCA representative.
~===::::=--Grand Marshalls: Ma tt Sadler, a middle school teacher and socce r coach and Gardner Mund y, an upper school history teacher and tennis coach. 93
l.~. ',1M.' "".""fl...
""."f. CI.,," IIttwfi,,"
STEWARD The Steward School is so greatful to have rna ny international students join in our commwuty for the school year. Students come from Europe, Asia,
and the Middle East to join in our American way of life. Steward School welcomes these students so they can learn about us, but more importatantly so we can learn about them and their culture.
At Steward we are devoted to making our international students feeling like they are in a comfortable environment where they can shtdy and feel at home.
hnmersion into the American eu lture enriches both the international student and Steward's
A nurturing school commurtity offers international students a supportive and stimulating environment in which to further their general education while expanding their skills in English.
Each and every student is able to express themselves the way they want, in academics, arts and athletics.
The Cast and Crew Ponyboy- Thomas Davis Dallas- Coldon"Martin Two-Bit- Finn Smyth JonnyCakc- Harper Early Darry- Gracf Astrove Soda pop- Stephen Gianfqrtoni Sandy- Sammy <George Cherry - Elisha Buchsbaum Marda- Leigh Bedinger Bob- Steven Rogers Randy- Chrisopher Skove Jerrx- Daine Keith Mrs. O'BrianMadeline Philip Doctor- ~ames Dooley Nurse Hope Frank Paulie- Kelse Pieters Miss Sync- Anna Greenlee Extras- Emily Hazzard, CJ Rosati, Gracie Cote, John Dozier, Juliz Finley, Claire McKeown, Celeste "'ash, 1 exi Wiles, Gordon Blair, Preston Huennekens Jake RoWe, ayton Ware Crew- Kara Johnson, Camm Garrett, John Reazin, Patrick McKeown, Rob Henkel, Margaret Gupton, Sarah Greenlee, Alex Newman Directed By: Craig Smith Tech Dircctor- AnCly Mudd
_ _....he ast and Crew bby Brewster- Hope Frank Rev. Dr. Harper- Chirstopher Skove Teddy Breater- James Dooley Officer Brophy- Tim Wiles Officer Kleill- Diana Keith Martha Brewster- Anna Greenlee Elaine Harper- Sarah Nelson Motimer Brewster- Alex Godschalk Mr. Glbbs- Gordon Blair Johnathan Brewster- Bradley deWet Dr. Einstein- Finn Smyth Officer O'HaJ"a- Madeleine Phillips Lt. Rooney- Grace Astro re MT. Witherspoon- TJ10lll s Davis
Artists: Emi ly Jon es, Hali Yun, Sarah Dixon,Howard Chang, Dana Powel, Sculpture by upper schol students, Mallory Burgess, pillows by the third grade art class, Rachel Yow1g
Photographers: Riley Sistrunk, Adam Lonon, Chris Skove, Carrie Ruffin, Margaret Spotts, Crace Astrove, Micheal Brady, John Reazin, Ri chard Wheeler
"Numbers don't judge a season, it's the amount of heart that you put into it that counts the most." - Chip Briere
MS Soccer Richmond Christian Tandem Millwood Collegiate B Trinity Collegiate A St. Christopher's Trinity Tandem 102
4-0 3-1 2-3 5-0 4-1 1-2 0-2 3-1 3-1
Varsity Soccer Wakefield Richmond Christian Amelia Academy Christchurch Benedictine Fredericksburg Academy Collegiate Trinity Richmond Christian Trinity Dendigh Baptist Christchurch Stonebridge St. Christopher's
4-0 4-0 6-0 3-1 1-2 1-1 0-2 1-2 0-3 6-1 1-2 5-0 2-4 0-9
The Varsity Soccer Team had a great group of nllVS I I cannot wait until next year. I hope we have as powerful as a team, next year. -Adam Dawes *Class of 2007*
Rater: llinySaurdm. Lanm Smn. Brm ~.
lBxt 'vVIHl. ~ ~ ~ YOt:ll':€J Dmi Frat2H:. Ver:aJJCa'Ihrrp. Ra:hlKevver. Lrura~ E'm!ly funl Chd-ffl by Lm Will:agx
,IU uollelll .. 11
uarsitg uol18gllall
M.S. UDlllYBlill Season Stats Richmond Christian Collegiate St. Catherine's BSH Collegiate St. Catherine's Collegiate BSH Richmond Christian
Kate Conway, Jesse Harper, Sam Cummings, Corrine Cooley, Ajoya Speight, Amenet Judah, Amy lane, Stuart Good, Ashley Dawson (Captain), Worth Lewis, HillilrY Lane, Claire McKeown (Not pictured). Managers: Katie-Beth Kurilecz and Ian Roarty. Coached by Teri Shelton
Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Lost
Girls and Boys Season
Ryan DeLaney, Sam Elliot, Matt Hall, Hayden Hodges, Alex Godschalk, Peyton Jenkins, Jong-Boo Kim, Sean Mckeown, Cameron Taylor, Bev Borum, Elizabeth DeLaney, Quanytta Johnson, Margaret Spotts. Coached by Todd Serr
Fork Union Invitational Tandem (Deep Run Park) VCC Meet (RCS, BSH, Fuqua) Maymont Invitational Collegiate JV / St. Margaret's / St. Gertrude's VCC Meet (RCS, BSH, Fuqua) @ RCS VCC Meet (RCS, BSH, Fuqua) @ Fuqua VCC Meet (RCS, BSH, Fuqua) @ BSH Collegiate VCC Tournament (Deep Run Park) LIS Meet (Norfolk Academy)
Ms Girls Basketball "white Team" Gum Rfrults IRI
Oxttnd fure
36 2B
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CbllI#e G:t-m
10 14 10
nls. nls.
nls. nls.
~ Gil.
rung.te Gil. st ~White
Rata-: Rylarrllliitt.. Amy I.sre. MreJrth Th:np:m. Sflmt Gx.d. Sally- CBnn. TBllI'H' Rre. Elrlahith AIDtt. SrottJe FraIm. .hm l1aq:a-. Mrlmzle Kn.-d-nmr. 0Ma ~ l=y Arrl:mn Cla:hrl by Mi:ltgn Hutc.hm:n
st ~ st ~
Ms Girls Basketball "G.I. Team" Gum Rfrults
13 10
16 17
15 2B
18 14
st MaryS stlvfdmk
16 10
12 22
Rata-: O:!rtsy :&I.warch Kate Jin.m:.r. Tayh- ~ R.och:i Wib::nr. E& Jng,
&ml.Sa:m.nnt:- ~ nls. st Mruru; nls.
nls. nls.
Ella Vamtlre. Mfgm Kffuy. Sammtba. Ch:rmrg:. Ghal <bte. Sao:srr
tba. Hnl:mn l.amm Qrurs, Sarah SI=. Cla:hrl by Mile JJan:ntcfaro
Ms Girls Basketball "Blue Team" Gum Rfrults st Mruru; ~White st~
st EdwarcE White
Rata-: Sam&gr. Taybr Ecotb. Sarah ~ ~CIxp:r. G'Im I-hm-Mfgm ~ 'vVh!tily ~ Qkte l\&h, MarySUl'lId Mary TayhTega'. Barr TClVVl'm, Fl!7sh4h 'ryan Parhr'v\1lait Cla:hrl by M!m::ie ~
U: 7 nls. rls. nls. 17
Thm 17 nls. nls. nls.
31 10
nls. 11
st lvfdmk
st Edw!ml Rei
nls. nls. nls.
nls. nls. nls.
~ AeÂŤ'.mr:t
Ms Bogs Basketball "white Tea." Th
Se.m Htlkl-
st Chrrtq:hic 4
st Chrrtq:hic 3
36 47
Nw Clm.runrt:y
st Chrrtq:hic 5
11 nla ria nla nla
nla nla nla nla
Nw Clm.runrt:y
Rrlm:rd <kdJ,n
Rata-: Wefi,~. Terlly rum. R;yan Fa:m. Ssm R::ro:s. 'Ih:xrm
H:Jwdl. \Nyatt Jau:as:n Ri::.bstd Ki;h elms 1v1i:fffi. l-Iamrn. Mire, :crew N±h Flnn ~ Kh:a Tran CbrlJ:d by Jnmy Rlx:h
st~6 st~6
41 28 21
23 23 22
'31 41
nla nla nla
ria nla nla
B:lwarch l\n:Ire.v <hlw. Pratm ~ peytm J:nJarn. NM:l. Mlhlm. Tm MBrro, Pe1B:s KtnJrd L:gm Pryor. CbrlJ:d by Rm illB
st Chrrtq:hic 4
<lu:m Rm.Jltg
26 21 33 31
37 28 35
26 21
nla nla n'a
n'a nla n'a
~ Se.m Htlkl stcmt.qms2
Kimn Pare. B::ro:n Perter. l-Iamrn. Clmnt J.rn Chrmt Kimn FraU CbrlJ:d by Walloce Trgl ~ N:ifmgr.
Ms BOIS Basketball "BI.e Team"
Ratel-: .Ak ~ ClIrp :Ehne, 0m1Ie R::ro:s. Matt Omn:s Ri::.bstd BEy.
Ms B_.S Basketball "Cold Tea .... <lu:m Rm.Jltg
Rata-: Osclc ~ Kil:qJ EarM ~ &ror:a:-. PEttr D::cl:ly. AIm.
<lu:m R£rulti
~3 st~5
Fre:lerL:kYJl":tg lIciKbny
liAO 12-62 \路nr!lllUl. Eplfl..opoJ
\路rrpjrllB. Ep~
S,t 2\1arwrets
hu:ler-murg Aab "Y
?5-78 ~;t
1\ ~"81.s
TrillJ:y Tri.'] ty ~C'crt~
C) Th1s ~ Chrll Bru:e Se:re-t woo sbb to dv.v-
his hde1hill dalli ar:d ~by~
ire JV ~ Brldhill
fIo.%jUO. &hrl
'I'ahwttr Aadmy
72 '17 23 '!l 35
Rmt Aadmy Ordlan
Aadmy &.nwd: .Aadmy .A.uDoa Aadmy
JIBo. <hmmI1짜 Ilrlrg> l3io(:bt fIo.%jUO. &hrl
39 39 "ll '!l ~
44 47 43
'17 '17 9J 44 48
Eric Anderson, Corey Blolmt, Carlton Burke, Rya n Byrne, Will, Barrett Deacon, David Dwyer, Peter Howard, Sam Ke ller, Hunter Meakin, Mark Smiley, Ja mes Thornhill, Harrison Vozenilek. Coach Bruce l!lo!IaLoIloIIIlRI:l~_ _.....:zJ~...:Io:,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _...J Secrest, Assistant Coach Jeremy Ruch
Uar BD S m:ave:l. ~ :roth Wln III a
hDethill cnd!.Th3 ~ &hd crH:mt.ed ~vdb-
1'1fG With a:pregnt.ail:n by
Oudyn &mrlt am Chch
T....... Amtmy
58 8> 42 41
S::.'~m Amtmy
va:: 'I'md;y Em r.ntmlUst Ims.vd:~
Rdmni <lob!n ~m~
~ &.n..dAmtmy
.Amila Amtmy
T....... ~ ~~ fup.&h:d
r.ntmlUst Em
M tJ;
95 94 58 54 68 % 45 61 91 76 M
63 51 75 75 4l
63 38 75 !lJ
42 76 56 37
Adam Lonon, Cameron Morris, Cameron Scales, Michael Schmitt, Jack Quinn , Howard Chang, Brandon Hawkins, Micah Keller, Alexander Tharp, Spencer Robinson, Afton Bartlett, Jake L-----"""""'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _....L..._ _---.::!o....--'ol!L.._.l:l Wa ldbauer. Coach Butch Keller, Assistant Coach Aaron Lonon 11 5
Middle School Cheerleading MS Cheerleaders Front Row: Brook Faison, Chloe Peters, Mackenzie Nunnally, Liz Kelly, Marie Mullins. Back Row: Taylor Scott, Bren Wilberger, Ashley Dawson, Ellen Sliwinski, Haley Redmond.
varsitg Cheerleadi g I
Varsity Cheerleaders: Chelsea Voltz, Page Conway, Mary Martha De Laney,KeriDrummond, Dani Fraizer, Rachel Kewer, Heather Mitchell, Hilary Saunders, Peyton Ware, Lexi Wiles, and Coach Fraizer.
&:I1f/Mu!'.l /i1.1. mit'.lill-IMo'rlfl1Cf 111(1路) -/111. /,11 uUI.k a ,'iliclulIGnt! mwalii. Jfp rle.~osnfrl ItIIO maw!.) anrl I/IOIM in (ohiunclt掳Nt lIIilll 10001f1, lIIirMlf, ant! IIj1pfl .)('11001 ml .l.1Ir1ml.l I~ ;ailll IIlwai.l, onp rifl'Olf(/ 10 IIIP mI I(/WH 0/ :;{fll1i j/lait'.w allli IIIP 01/11'1 10 .//0/11 Ihf dillf1.'ify of ;('(1;1f aWl.lflrl I/IP I)lmld. 'J/laIlY .l.adml;, IMIHfll a!cns.~(/p ...JIll. ' eJla.';' anrl paillM IIIP muw! !hal (.) I芦alrrl M I/IP IMII in IIIP ml buildifiS' Mlf .iar/ml.l 06.'/Ulfrl ../111. 0I(/./i anrl Iti.\ ;ainlinS" IdIlt1'ue.l. (;;llf .yconrl !IIwa/ i.) lit/II!!;' in I/,P ajlptl ..r/100i rCIIIIllOfI.l (Uf({. 0 /1 f .ill{/ml.l If({wr/ a /n/ flom .JIl l. '(;}W./i anrl IWlf !llUlIf(1 10 (,f I'ml of 11,f.)
c路tilin!5 IImlw.
"..,- rwmr. ',) ,)feonc. mi' -in-Ie,¥r. fflCf {llao ,./d l,1 - onia c.; lorrhii. (ililf i,) an ({Il'wf willllin3 ;olk ouSinalfy !tom €Iwilmfallrf 1I0W fil'ln3 ill IIIP!fliclll71ond wa, ifNf/ ,'1:11001 iudrn/J wmArri clolfly lilt/I! fi/ol1ia in /lIP Imliotl of a clay ,'l:IJ;lwf. (Sacll uNPI .<£11001 cal iutirnl 1{(f/ illjllli in Illi.) /IIanrtf/{ttl pwirtL ?Jltffj rleu'Sl1etf, "ofd«/, rmm/, ami Iwinifrl lite ;ctd;/tae. cJl can (,e Itil'fr/ in Ihe ,S1dfllilliiw/t'Of/ huilrfil1f). '0 he middlp
'l:lwof anr/ IMIPI ,'1:11001 .jUr/fIIl.} mell de.~'[!-;f1lXf and caUllXi .I rim; M p Ilwl i.) /oi/lf{f in ({ wall 'leulplLaf of A Ii',}j C;:Jonia'.). (JI i,1 in Illf hall/llay of Illf ml ('wfrlif1!;'. 71/,Piur/ml.) lemf/fi{ aioul /lif c/WWcitlidt·c,) of caulin!) .Il1f/ mofr/itl!;, rlay {iOIll Ilti.j {abaloub mliJ.
-·,.·,. L "",. s.
"Although geJ tlllg readlf fOJ! the perforMalices were IIerve-racklllg. I alwalfs klle~ thelf would pUll through:'
Club 1"lt tat•• an athelete to once, but an rtist to be a dancer.' -ShOMO
Dallce for Ifourself. If SOMeolle Ullderstallds good:' - Lois Hurst
Sporty Seniors Take Center Stage
Both Athletes And Their Parents Were Recognized
Coach Janet Rice and Mr. Ken Seward gave plaques and tokens of appreciation to seniors and their parents on February 14th. The ceremony honored a number of seniors and highlighted their varsity letters and honors including all academic teams, coaches' awards and captain positions. 121
2005-2006 STAFF
Editors: Annie Sties and Grace Astrove Photo Editor: Grace Astrove Staff: Camm Garrett Shawnae Claxton Holly Weisige r Sponsor: Cindy Grissom Special Thanks To: John Alley and Paul Busse
Whitney, it's hard to believe that the baby of our fa mil y is graduating high school and will soon be heading off to college. The young woman you have become has made us very proud, more than words can say. As you head off to college in September, remember that we wish you lots of success and good luck with this next stage of your life. Continue to work hard, make good choices and wise decisions. Most of all remember that your family is always here for you, ready to celebrate your achievements and support you through difficult times. We love you so much, Whitney. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Mom, Dad. Stephen & Josh
Congratulations Elizabeth!
You did it! Iamso proud of you. Love/Mom
":!foUl' mother was tru/r brilant to have rai.~eJsuch
Congradulations M'Lissa Love, Mom, Dad, and Sara
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Jlt; :1)arl.'",/ 7Ish!el,/h fa/w !}1oo-bah. {/../,,/-boo. 7//,il,.lolI, aa,/eibU 11 n,/, Iwe 1I11,/,/pl. babb,/ iool. S1Iuj/let11"',/""" //1111'01' . ..fWl.''!,jU7Iiol'/Jar/n er. bab,! {/ofl. 8wet'llove. boobleflllwll. r, sweel slu/f. IIlfirs/'molt)(n {路heel y. llOne,! 1,11 11 "'/,
POO(//'" boobs}
,nere are 110 worrls
10 [!escI'Ibe /' ow mllc/' i N/ ,/oa hl'oll,//'Ilo 111,/ /,/e or /'01{) IWI',/prollfl Jalll
0/ the
beau";'ll'l{}/1"9 woman 'Iou have h('com e.
7111 "''/ love, JI(DlII 111,/ fa/", Jltolll1l1,/ sa/'l71l1: Jltolll/l1,/ !J),,,t. t/'e best mod,,1' '" //'e ull/Verse ami b",/Im'/) 127
Fire & Rescue
Congratulations on a job done! Love Mom and Dad
Taylor... The years have gone by too fast!
_An!) Di ve Queen
" TWant To Be Alone"
Little Devil
Movie Star
Cool Grand Kid
Swee t Little Kitten
It's Official- Quite A H andful
ALL OF THE ABOVE! Congratulations, Ayers! We love you and we're proud of you! Lots of good luck next year and all of the other next years of your life! Love, Mama and Daddy 129
GRACE! Congratulations Class of '06! Thanks for being you. Thanks for being here. Thank you for your love, Boo. Love you tons xoxoxoxoxoxo Love, Dad and Ann
It's Gracie Pacie Adventure, smile &fun, dazzling resplendence.
Anne RandolphYou will always be our princess. We love you so very much! Mom, Dad, Gra & CIa
You have worked so hard and here you are at graduation . Congratulations! I know that you will attain your dreams. 1 will love you forever! 143, Momma
Congratulations Andrew, The possibilities for your future are as vast as the view from the San Francisco heights! We love you, Dad, Mom and Hope
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you knOw. You are the guy who'll decide where to go. -Dr. Seuss
Liz Moran Congratulations to our Junebug- we can't believe you are all grown up and going out on your own - you have been a joy in all our lives and we are so very, very proud of you You have so many gifts and talents that you have yet to learn to use We know the years ahead will be wonderful for you But remember that your family will always love you too!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Will and the rest of your crazy relatives!
"I hope you never fear those
ITtOunta~ns ~n the distance
Never settle For the path of l east t'esistance L~v~n nlight l11,ean tak~n chances, 6ut the:i:'e worth takixt Lovin~ n1,ight 6e a n1,istake, 6ut
lis worth m.abxt
Dorll let son1,e heLL-6ent heat't leave you b~tter When you conle close Lo seLLil~ out, t'econsider Give the heavens above n1,ot'e than just a passing glance And when you get the cho~ce to sit ~t out or dance
I hope you daxlCe!
cLeeAnn Won1,ack) 133
''Our dreJllls Jre defined by our ~------. heJrts-Our future is defined by our dreJlns."
Ry,m. dre so prOL you. You dn' such d person, your sense of hUlllor, your intelligence; your integrity dnd your generosity define YOll. This elly Imrks d gredt xhieveillent, but it is only the , beginning. Follow your hedrt dl1Cl do your best, dl1Ci Jll the potentiJl within YOLi is sure to be redlizeci dnd bring dnd you IlJppiness. Love Al WdYS, Mom dlld ;:;.:;;.:.~ Ddd .........."
Trf3, Tel'/. Tc!c/-rf3erli.'
Tel 'lcz-6eliCZ, 7 lieJ'eJ'cz -C!Iz'c10er/i 7 lie £:2uee7I. rf3uttel'lZecza
We !oJ/e y
OU cZlla'czI'e J O j/l 'OUclr
M Gll2. D ad' cz7LaCczl'{eI' 7u1lr;; CZ7LaOJ1)e71
~e'ye b!uuglir (;Iou rlZlJ' T IZe J1)oliaiJ' 7W}() {;IOUI'J' ro c07It?uel:1 J
qjO/l l
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O 'l V v
c~ t tCe P'-V~1~0c)') !
~e love !lOU./ ~em/J!eo! ;9tXJd {tICk
Congratulations Richard! We are so very proud of you. We Love You, Mom, DW, Lindsay and Emily
Congratulations Lorrin! ~===~~~
It has been quite the journey and always with a smile. I'm so proud of you!
Love, Mom
Afo, Pfff, just because you are leaving doesn~t mean you n stop listening to me! Kemp
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jan, • • • We're both real proud of you, and • • .we're waiting to see you light up the • • -World Mom and Dad • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • eo •
y -n,..nKs -=-or everythins, :t1l been
1V!J ~v, L:iZZy flllt! J
T'hflJl{ YOlt for ([ll the lote nights, road trips, tlUlJce purties, /1IJ1 times, laughs, tears all tI 10'Pe. ;J wi/I lJe'Per/orget my /a'Porite .liooten untl ,}lJill ul"rlJays, o/woys 10'Pe you... ([/1 my /o'Pe, CParie
Man, You hove aome a long way'
Time lOr new od-e.ntur~ andcho//engesl We love yotd Mom & Tenp'e andYowser Brutus 8eelMke