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CONTENTS Faculty/Staff 4 Seniors 8 Upper School 52 Middle School 60 Lower School 68 Special/Events 82 Sports 102 A Look Back 120
The Steward School
Shahwar Qureshi, Bill Wade and Christel Johnson
i , I , Jon Sirko, Shelby Holland and Gail Heaton Jane Keller, Justin Lee , Marcie Soucek , Gardner Mundy and Ian Coddington
r------~------- Butch Keller, Lee Healey and
Ian Coddington
Vandervelde, Maggie Mansa Riverson, Mike lAaruca and Jon Sirko ~irsch,
Faculty/Staff Jenny Haar, Kate Strickland and Catherine Hathaway
Jay Parrish, Betsy , Sabra Willhite and Lyn Lunsford
John i Monica Kallman and Meg Barlow
The Steward School
Leigh Blackwell Bedinger Well Steward, it's been 3n extremely lung 13 years ... Thanks Mom for your support and luve. You're my number-one memoo. Dad. I al11 forever grateful lar my education, much love. HEY AMANDA' LOOK , r PUT YOUR NAME ON MY PAGE! I heal1 you! Are the 50 words over yet? "So long and thanks for all the fi . h." -- Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy
Tim Brinn High school was an adventure, for me, that is finally over. It would not have been near as adventurous without my mom, dad, brother, Jake, Taylor, and I almost forgot, Megan. To all the other Steward kids, ya'll made it interesting, too. It's been fun. Peace out.
Dabney Kaye Broaddus To the Gang: ?
Thanks for all the memories and crazy times. I'll miss you al l!: Carter, Sammy, M-. Monica, Camm, Jonathan , Justin , Cameron, Zoo lander, and Kelsey. Shawnae: I will alway" bc you r Asian chipmunk ... Remcmber Puerto Rico! Kira: I'll always love you. You have made me who I am today. Thanks to my parents for their love anti ;upporl.
Elicia Buc hsba um "The only way to have a friend is to be one." - Ralph Waldo Emerso n
"We'r e onJy gonna die from our own arroga nce, so we might as well take our time." - Sublim e
"Th ere' s noth ing left to do but smile, smile, smile. " -G rateful Dead What you leave behind is not what is engrav ed in stone monuments, but what is woven into the Lives of others ." - Marshal T A nastas io
"Toss away the stuff you don't need in the end but keep what 's impo rtant and you know who's your friend." - Phi sh
The Steward School
Charles D. Carter Neutral Milk Hotel, Twu-headed B oy "Two-Headed boy A U fl uating in glass The su n il has past Now il blacker tban black I can see as you lap 0 0 your jar And l'111 li stening to hear where you are" "It's better to burn out than Lo fade away" -Neil Young "[ could survive on being alive but having no Life" -Mart; n Carr
Monica Lee Casper "The Gang:" MM. Camm , Sammy . Car1er. Camero n, Jonatha n , Justin. A lexande r. Dabney , and Ke lsey: Thank you for always being there for me. We've had some awesom e times. You art! all my best friends , the ones that I will never forget. I wi ll miss you and know that I wi ll always love you. My Fam il y: Thank you for always support ing me. I love you. Love you all. Munica
The Steward School
Howard Chang Yo! I still think I'm the best basketball player on the planet. Ja Jack, thanks for sitting on the bench with me during basketball season. Justin , Brandon, Cameron, Spencer, I'm peacing out, thanks for making fun of me the past three years. Jong Boo you are so Korean , but I love you!! Ha-ha! T would not be Howard Chang without my family , so thanks a lot. I really appreciate it and T love you a ll.
Lauren Elizabeth Christian Mom, Dad, Will, and all of my grandparents: Thank ya'li so much for everything and always being there! 1 love ya'll so much! What doesn 't kill you makes you stronger.
They ay it takes a minute [0 find a specia l person, an hour tu appreciate [hem, a day to love th em, and an emire lifetime to fo rget them. Don'[ regret something [hat once made you smile.
The Steward School
Shawnae LaVaughn Claxton To all my friends and family , thank you for sticking by me when I needed you. Always remember that 1 love you and will always be there for you. To Anthony, you are truly my best friend and I love you so much! To my Asian Chipmunk, I love you like family and I hope that we remain as close as we are now.
Adam Matthew Dawes
oC' a rs:ov.J.A -
s,\J.JE!f2}. berr~ r-e.aJ.j r~r
M!~ .
ar-e \A~ c.kU'-â&#x201A;Ź'(-E1A~ ~ po. G\..~ ar-e \A~W ~~ r~r po. A.r-e pu Jr~~? ':br~~ ~~~. ':br-epl~_\'\<~ a\r4~.
':Do we, Jo we. ~~w ukeA we. {\j 7 ~ we, ukeA we. ~ Jo we. eke?
The Steward School
Carter Ann DeCook To the Gang: Sammy. Camm, Monica. Dabs, Cameron, Jonat han, Kels. M2, Justin , & A lexander: "Friendship."
"Seek him always with hours to li ve for it is his to feel your need, but not your emptiness & in the sweetness of Friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasure. For in the dew of lillie things the heart finds it. morning & refres hed." -Kahlil Gibran
To my parents: Thanks for your ;lIpport. J love I love you all and will miss you always. oxox Cruter
Taylor Camm Garrett "Here's a toast to all those who hear me all too well. Here's to the night we felt alive. Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry. Here's to goodbye, tomorrow's going to come too soon." --Eve 6
~ri ~ '0
The Steward School
Samantha Kristine George Mom and Dad: T hanks fo r all yo u p ut up with. I love yo u so much.
To the Gang: May our moments of laughter outweigh the mo ments of tears. May our mo ments of drama out weigh our friendships, and our mo ments of me mories outweigh the time together.
Carter, Dabney, Carum: I never will fo rget. Mr. and Mrs. Keller: Don't ever change. Thanks again .
Corinthia n
Zain Ghaznawi Steward School, you have been a great place fo r me. You have been like a turning point in my life. 1 will always remember Steward School and its great facu lty. r am very thankfu l ror Mr. Moncure for all he has done for me. Mr. Seward ... and yeah , I will always remember you Mrs. Strickland. You have done so mueh for me. Ms. Pau lette, I wi ll always remember you. You have been a great person for me. My great host family INA , PATRICK AND MARK, you have been so hell>i'ulto me. Finally, I am very thank ful for my Mom and my Sister. YOLI have raised me to be ZA IN .
The Steward School
Alexander Michael Godschalk Thanks Steward for being such a great place for the past 4 years. To my Family: Two thumbs way, way up! I Heart You! Chris: Best friend, Great times, Stay cool! Monica: Muhhneeeekahh! We made it! Miss you! Leigh: I'll never forget the block + the bus! Anna, Laura, Hope: Have a Great Senior Year!
Mary Warden Good Thanks to all my teachers for guiding me along the way; I will miss you all next year! Mrs. Healey, I cannot thank you enough for all you do for us. Tlove you and will miss you very much next year! I'll be back to visit ~ From September '94 to June '07, it's almost over. To the class of 2007: Good luck in college and keep in touch!!
The Steward School
William Tyler Harris
"Lifeisa highway, I want to ride it all night long . If you're going my way, I want to drive it all night long ... "
'I lift my eyes up to the hillswhere does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made of Heaven and Earth'
-Tom Cochrane-
-Psalm 121: 1-2
Brandon Hawkin s My boi Cameron ... yo u mess everythi ng lip ... always. My boi Justin. a.k.a. Jay. we fina ll y oll tta here ... GU RLZ !!! M y boi Spencer. .. what about those bapes? Howard ... When you run , don' t tri p on anything and everything that is in yuur path . "Fami ly and fri ends... what's good? Virginia ...what's guod? The World ... what's good?" -Brandon Hawki ns
The Steward School
Elizabeth Christine Howard Thank you to my fami ly for supporti ng me. I love you. Dad: You will always be in my heart. Comfort Zone Camp: My second family. Katie and Brcn: "Some people come into our li ves and qui ckly go. Some stay [or a while and leave footpr ints in our hearts." The Gang: The man y outings to va rious places, the ups and downs that always work themselves out, and the friendships which started in grade school for some; we will be friends forever. To all my teachers who were there for me: Thank you.
Kathryn Julia Kasper Mom and Dad: T hank you. [ would not be who 1 am today without your support , encouragement, patience, and most of all your love. You inspi re my determ in ation to succeed and 111y dri ve to always do my best. You have taught me some o f the most important li fe lessons, but yo u have also set me free to learn on my own. Christine: Where would I be without you? You ha ve taught me to relax and to la ugh at myse lf. We grow closer everyday, and T am excited to see what you will accom pli sh in the years to come. Justin: You are my hest friend and your love has helped me th rough anything and everything. Bei ng with you puts a smi le on my face that never turns into a frow n ... I will always love you. The Steward School: Th ank you to all the teachers who have chall enged me and guided me. Th ank you to the admini strators who have given me an 0PPol1llllity to exce l outside the classroom. Thank you to my friends who have laughed with me, cried with me, and hel ped mo ld me into the person [ am. I have learned so much about myself through my time at Steward that I know [ am prepared for whatever life may bri ng.
long Boo Kim
Thanks to everyone who supported me. I love you guys!
Anastasia Komova I would like to thank the most important people in my life, my parents , for making so many sacrifices for me . Friends came and went, a sad as that may be, but my parents were always there for me no matter what. Their support and understanding was invaluable to me all these years and T could not have done it without them. 1 love you so much !
"If you have fairh tne size Of a mustard seed - you Cdn say to a mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move, and nothing will be Impossible for you" fV1ATTHEW 17: 20
Ann Lunsford "There are places I'll remember All my life, though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life, I've loved them all" - The Beatles
Coldon Martin All In All Is All We Are -Nirvana
The Steward School
Josh McLemore And still soaked in greed and stj\l drenched in consumerism We make our way home somehow Does it ever go away? Does it ever stop repeating? The CD never stops And the TV's always on ... The days go by as we live like the games we play And this war that binds us to drive on cruise
The Faulty - Rainy Days In The Big City
Kaitlin Meyer I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer.
The Steward School
Justin Richard Mohn There was no telling what people might find out once they felt free to ask whatever questions they wanted to. - Joseph Heller
Sarah Dena Nelson So scared of being older... I'm only good at being young .. . Christina- Thallk you for being the be;t sister I co uld have ever asked for! Grandma-You arc the most hea utiful woman r have ever met! Thank you for loving me unconditi onall y... You arc my sunsh ine ... Mommy- Thank you for everything you've taught me. I love yo u. Papa Bear- ''!' lIlove you forever. I'll like you for always, as long as you're living your baby I'll be" ... Thanks to every sin gle one of my friends for shaping me and helping me discover myse lf! Thank you to every teacher I' ve ever had for teaching me to grow. To the Class of '07. I hope all your dreams cume true! & last but not least. .. thank you Heaven ly Father for all yuur mercy and the gifts you've given me.
The Steward School
Peter Quinn To Rob, Bud, Jonathan, Matt, Tim, Nancy & Chaz, ladies .. . your memories will never be forgotten. Don't forget cookies, crackers, sodas, and snacks . To my family ... thank you so much for everything a nd T love you.
"Celebrare we will for life IS short bUl sweer for cerraln ." -OMB
"There are bad times, bur that's OK, jusllook for [he love in it. don't burn the day away. " -OMB
Michael D. Reazin Mom, Dad, Lynne, Grandma, and Grandpa, there are no words to tell you how gratefu l
Tam for your constant g iving and teachin g. I am trul y the luckiest person in the wor ld to have a fami ly that revolves around care and love. You hay!! given me much 1110re than r deserve and I will take everything with I11 C to college and thro ughout life. Thank you Lo all my friends; I will always cherish those "oncc in a li fe time" and "it eo uld o nly happen to us" moments . Good Luck Be njamin, Joh n, and Rando lph, and rememher the one thing about life: 1( Goes 011.
I just want to say that I'm honored ... and moved ... and truly touched ... and I really do want world peace. -- Gracie Lou Freebush
The Steward School
Megan Rh odes Everyone that has touched my life -- Thank You -Mom, Dad, Steven, Tim, Taylor, Polly, Chelsea, Monica, Kaitlen, and many others.
Spencer Say lor Robinson Mom, Dad, Shelby - Thanks for everything, for all the love and all the support. I love you. To all my friends and fam ily, Thanks and Jove. "If the game shakes me or breaks me I hope it makes me a better man," Notorious B.I. G
The Steward School
Steven G. Rogers To all of those friends, family, and awkward acquaintances who have helped me throughout, I give my thanks. And to all of those who have called me a loser, well you are all wrong; I tried, so technically I am a failure. Remember, children , self-esteem is not important, just remember to judge the people around you and grade yourself on the curve.
Nathaniel Riley Sistrunk Cameron, Brandun, Justin , Spencer- It has been fun mak ing fun or people these last couple of years: too had it has to end . I'll miss you guys. Jack, Adam, Josh , Monica- Soccer these years was awesome. I'll mis~ play ing and going on away trip. with yo u guys. Sammy, Dabue)', Carter- There's so much I didn't geTthe chan c to say, but thanks for making Steward full of drama these years. I love you all.
The Steward School
Christopher Skove Thanks to everyone I have met throughout the years. Thanks to my parents, my sister, and the rest of my family and friends. Alex- The phone is ringing, I wonder who it is?
Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln
R. Cameron Taylor First, I give much deserved praise to God. I would like to thank my mother for being the most intluential person in my high school career. I send thanks to all of the faculty members, with a special thanks to Mr. Serr, Mr. Keller, and Mrs. Turner. And thanks to all of my critics for pushing me to higher levels of success.
The Steward School
Mary Taylor Thornton I want to say thank you Mom and Dad for always being there for me and for everything you have done for me. Brooke, I want to thank you for being my big sister and always being there when I needed YOll. Sorry Brooke, Mitch, Sammie and Tucker tJlere was no room for your picture.
Mary Margaret Watson Seniors! It's been an awesome fou r years, best of luck to all of you. To the "gang" Monica, Dabney, Camm. Kel sey , Sammy. Jonath an, Cameron, Ca n er, & Justin - Thanks for all the crazy weekend night s we've spent together and the awesome memories we've had. To my teachers, coaches, and everybody else who have helped me make it thi s far, thank yo u for a ll your SUppOl1, dedication , patience, and encourageme nt. To Mom and Dad - Thank you so much for every thi ng, [ love you both .
The Steward School
Jonathan Leslie Wauford To my friends, and the class of '07, this says it all: "See you and me Have a better time than most can dream Have it better than the best So we can pull on through Whatever tears at us Whatever holds us down And if nothing can be done We'll make the best of what 's around" --OMS
And to my family: Thank you. Simply, Truthfully, Absolutely, Completely, Indefinitely ... thank you. You have no idea what you have done for me.
Holly Weisiger Family and fr iend s - Thank s for your suppon ! Love you! KR , BT. ST. DR - My 3 heroes! 1 love you! Thanks for believing in me! Ms. Weber - Thank you from my heart' I'll miss you and your hugs. RR girls - You 'll be in my hean forever!
"Without a struggle, there can be no progress." "Live, Laugh , Love."
The Steward School
Justin Wright Yo ... you know who this is ... the kid of freshness, boy of niceness, and the son of perfection. I've been here 3 years, and 1 took over this place. It's about time for me to be out, so Brandon , Spencer, Cameron, Coldon, Riley, and Howard ... if you keep dreaming ... and keep believing ... and one day, you can be like me ... I'm out... I.
The Steward School
Sammy G eorge
Jack Quinn
Zain Ghaznawi
Brandon Hawkins and Kaitlin Meyer
Mary Warden Good and Alex Godschalk
The Steward School
c/ab5 Student Council Association Mr. ~lundy. prc ~ i ucllt Mi chae l Re'l? in, Lex i Wiles, secre tary Chri"'linc Kasper. Al ex Godsc halk. C;lru.:r DeCook. Madi')on E l li~. vice-president Kelsey Mohring. Ellie Bryan. Margaret SpOilS. Annie lung. Not pictured: lrCa!'lu rer Taylor ' r horn l on
Junior Class Officers
Senior Class Officers secretary Elicia Buchl>haum. vicc- pre!'l ide nt Lauren Chrisllan, treasu rer Riley
pres ident Pol ly CUllnella. treasu rer Laura Skove. vice-president Hope Frank.
S i~ lrunk .
:-.cc:relary Mimi T an<lka
president Sammy George
Sophomore Class Officers \l il:c- pres idenr Kelsea Pieters. sec retary Elli e Bryan. pres ident Peter I lm. . 路ard , treasurer Jami e Adam !'!
Honor Council (Jr<Jcc H l.:m.lcr:,on-9th. Mic.. hael Reatin - 12th. Megan
Rhodes- 12th. Peter Howard- 10th. Cameron Taylor- 12th. Alexander Tharp- 11th. Katy Ko<per- 12th
Freshman Class Officers vice-pres idem Allen Ed wards. pres idem Sam Bi . . g:er. treasu rer Gi ll iam I lughe ~. ~ecre l ary Taylor Boolh. hi ~lo r i an Mary Stuart
Leadership Council Su m Elli oll . Katy Ku ~ pe r . Kaitlin Meyer. Belh Howa rd. Can er DeCook. Amy Bi .. gcr. MinhDat Tran. Not pictured: Elli . .: Bryan
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Film Appreciation Club
Football Club
Foreign Language Club
Game Club
Coffee Club
Interact Club
International Cuisine Club
Spirit Club
Sudoko Club
Latin Club
Outdoor Club
....IIJ Club
Conservation Club Stewardship Club
The Steward School
Heclor Ayala Carol ine Baron Charl ie Beebe Amy Bisger Michael Brady Caleb Brown Kevin Buckler
Carlton Burke Ryan Byrne Poll y Cannella Will Carter Page Conway Tucker Dare Mary Martha DeL.1lley Elizabeth Delaney Leandro Diaz Beth Dixon All Eltom Caner Fitzgerald Hope Frank Slephen Gmnfo noni
Anna Greenlee
Margaret Guplon F.li 7abclh Hickman An ne-Sims I ioney
Quunyua Johnson Anme lung
closs of 2008
Alex Matlock
Patrick McKeown Kelsey Mohring Kernis Noble
Dalla Powell John Reazin
Cameron Scales
Michael Scherger Paul Scbl.nslein Nick Shaw Laura Skove
Michael Sliwinski Adum Smi th
Margaret Spoils
Peter Stoehr Mimi Tanaka Alexa ndcr Tharp MinhDai Tran Kelley Trimmer
Eric Tucker Eva van Tolingen
Chelsea Voltz Harrison V o/eniJek Jake Waldbauer Tim Wiles Lexi Wile'\ Kelly Will iams Anna Woodburn
The Steward School
Tae-Sung An Eric Andersun Gracie Andrews Robby Ball Corey Blollnt Ellie Bryan
Jacob Buchsbaum
M iehel e Casper Christine Crajg
Alex Cummings James Dooley
Keri Drummond Madi ,on lillis Belh Fanner
Dani Prar/.cr Emily Friend Emily Hazzard
Chloe Higg ins Peter Howard Christine Kasper Diana Keith
Sam Keller
Helen Ki m Co rbin Lei tch C:llherine Lillard
Skylar Macdonald
Humer Meakin Kevin Meyer
class of 2009
Heather Mitche ll Keith Murphy Peter ;\ eel, Ethan Pease
Colson Perkins Kc lsea Pieters
Jordan Rennie
Jake Roooman Carrie Ruffin
Lianne Sb~on \-lark Smiley Becca Smyth J.E.B. Stuart
Veron ica Thorp
James Thomhill Andy Vaughan
Peyton Ware J.T. Wauford Nadlan Wi ll ett Cames Wi ll hite Ell iot[ Wortham
The Steward School
Samanlha Bi:,ger Taylor Booth
Marl-..us Brenner Thoma5 Davis Ashley Dawson Jess DeBell Allen Edwards
Sam Elliott Caroline Elvey Charhe Forbes Jeoung Han
Grace Henderson Jeremy Hillner
Gilliam Hughc!> Jenny Jung Amanda Kern
Richard Ki,h John-Walker Knight
Claire Kramer Hillary Lane Ali~t.m
Ben Leahy Gary LeClair Sara Levin Worth Lewis Chri,topher Maesrrello
Zach Marino Noel Manl1le7
closs of 2010
Kelsey Mathews Ryan McKeown Whilley Menges Cara Milby Cc k: ~tc Na~ h
I31. ir Oliff Jared Pease
Stephanie Perlman
Nate Price Taylor SCOII
Kelly Stosch Patri!..:k Stn.:ckcr Mary Stuart Mary Taylor Tepper
Blair Towers Brian \Vat"ion Robbie Watson Parker Wheal Breon Wilberger
Charlie Willlall1sun S"roh Ylicha
The Steward School
Student Council Association (From row L to R): Melissa Nunn. Leah Ostendorf. Kendall Hucnnckc ns, Stephanie Bc..:nnclt: (2nd row L to R): M rs. Cameron, Alex \lewman. Sam Forbes. Julia Finley. l\1argarel Beirne. M r. Jones
MS Choral Club (Front row L to R): Chrissy edwards. Kalherine Fore. Kendall Huennekens. Mary Leigh Whi te. Moll y Ca ner. Lisa Morgan. Leah Ostendorf: (2 nd row L to R): An n M archetti, Emil y Rohinson ,
Charlotte Levering. Danielle Ashj ian. Gray Li ttle: (3 rd row I . 10 R): Lauren
Saurs. Samh Shimer. Liza Jones. Olivia Edward;: (4t h row L to R): Ana Leahy. Kenda ll Bend he im. Hannah Krudys. Morgan Penberthy
8th Grade Band (From row L to R): Kemp Bartleu. Wyatl
Jamcr~ ()n .
Richard Foley. Zach
Corey. Rache l Wi lcox. Moll y Gagon: (2nd row L to R): Pete Dooley. Mi chael
Noffsinger. Navid Mahban. MUll Ryan Lambcn. Borden Poner,
C harne~.
Kevi n Pierce. M alt Hall
FOCUS (Front row Lt~ R): Pete Dooley. Chri, )' Edwards. Kate Cunway; (2nd row L to R): Ryland Seon. Finn Smyth. Zaeh Curey. Rachel Wilcox. LiL Ke lley; (3rd row L to R): Maddie Arthur. Drew Noble. Wyatt
Jamerson. Kemp Barllell , Chli re McKt!o\\ln, Eleanor Jones
Recycling Club (Front row L til R): Ryland Seem, Jake Rowe. Ajoy<l Speight: (2nd row L 10 R) : Pete Dooley. Gorde n Poner.
MaddIe Al1hur. Amy Lane. Amenct Judah
Wrestling Club (Front row L to R): Elhnll Mae~trdlu. John Dozier. \Vesl Camp-Crowder: (2 nd row L (0 R): Christian Rennie. Ryan L..1mbert. Sam Fortx:~. Ben Olinger, Alex Newman. Mr. Chapman
French Club Margaret Beirne. Sarah Shimer. Lauren Saurs
The Steward School
Maddie Anhur
Daniello A>hjian Kemp BUrllell :vIane Ilcl1
Gordon Blair Mallory Rurgcs!<I
Swoah Burroughs Sally CUIlIl
Mall Charnes Kate Conway Zoch Corey Pete Dooley Chris>y Edwards Ryan Fadonl Brooke Faison
Kate Farmer
Richard Foley Molly Gagon Stuart Good Mall Hall Thoma~ Huwell \Vyatt Jamerson
Ellie JOlles Amenet Judah Taylor
Liz Kelley Ryan Lambel1 Amy Lane 'avid Mahban
Megan McGhee
Claire McKeown James Neels Alex Newman Drew Noble Michael Noffsi nger
Emily Norman Melissa Nunn Maya Pemlh:wn Madeleine Phillips Kevin Pierce Borden Poner Tanner Roe Ji.lkc Rowe
Ann Schimmt;!l~ Parker Scboonover Ryland SCOll Finn Smyth Ajoya Speight Ell a Valentin e Rachel Wilcox
The Steward School
Elinbe,h Alcoll
Lucy Ande~(ln Asplundh
Mrtrgarer Rcirnc
Kendall Bendheim Caroline Blank We" Camp-Crowder "lolly Carte r
Boyd Chambliss John Clemen! Harrison Clement Corrine Cooley Gracie Cote
Samantha Cumming:-. Teddy Dillon
John Dozier
Oli",a bl:lwards Julia Finley Sam Forbc~ Scottie Fralin
Rubin Fray",r Kevin friend
Audrey Gallagher Thea Gergoudis Andrew Gnapp Jes;e Harper Samantha Hcndl.:rson
Jack lIeysell
Pr\!,tun Huennelens
closs of 2012
Peyton Jenkl ns Megan Ke ll ey MacKenzie Kirchmier
Ethan Mucstrello
Tim Marino Chris :.1cGcc
Scan Mc Keown
Harrison Mire Lisa Morgan Marie Mullin:, Carter Norman
Mackenzie Nunnall y Ben Olingt.!f Heth Owen
Kendrick Pe lc r~ Chine Pieters Caroline Pinney COllnney Pol lard
L ogan Pryor Randy Reynolds Lauren SGlurs Tay lor Schoonover Sarah Shjmcr
Niml. Stinson Khoa Tran
The Steward School
Monica Ashjian
Jame" l3:Jker
Henry Bussell Colby Redell Stephanie Bennett
Me lina Bricker Arc her Brill
Mason Butler And rew Cald we ll
Blair Carnes PaIge DeBell :vIaclai ne Ell ;' Ka lherinc Fore
Emmy Goode
EliLaiJc lh Good ing Kendal l lI uennekens
Lauren Hughes Eli73 Jones Myia Jones Alex Juy ne~ Daniel KhOUry
Mallory Kn ighton Hannah Krudys Ana Lcahy Parker Leep Charlotte Le"ering Gray I.lItl e Courtland Lyle
closs of 2013
Omir' Mahban
Ann Vlarcheui
Mad.y Marcia Mari lh Vl on tague Michelle Napper Addi-.;on Nicholl\
Cameron O'Connor Leah O!'llcndorf
Morf an Penberthy
David Pierce Chri.5tian Rennie Jack. Rhode, Emil} Robi n ~on
Gray;nn Shelly
Yvorne Taylor
Mark Tharp Cathl:rine Towers K ri Sh~ n Tully And"w WalInce Mary Leigh White Ben Zoghby
The Steward School
C/{Jb5 Student Council Association president Hailey Marie Kagan. vlce-preo;;idenl Olivia DcCa pri. In:asurcr Camc~. ~cl:re t ary Ca.'isandm Martinez: fifth -grade represen lmives: Natalie Bendheim. C laire Kirchl11ier. Baxter Carter: fourth-grade
Roper. Mason Mire. Braeden Glancy
Robotics Club
Destination Imagination
Albert Thompso n. Malco lm Moore. Bryce D'Su mey. Viclor Savage. Zacha ry Z ura
Mark Leep with Clayton Lccp. Chris J one~. Brittney Law horn and Victor Sa\',lge
Pottery Enrichment Class
C'laslics meel aftc r school for si x weeks and include kindergarten through tifth-grade slUdents.
Paule tte. alung with helpers from the Middle and l :ppcr Schonls. leach Lower
School <:tudenl'i hand-building lech nique<; whi le cre~m n g beauliful works of an at
our Sculpture Studio in the Cramer Center. Ulher :lfter school enric hment classes include crafts. jewelry making. cooking. chess. water colOf. dance and sport!oJ.
Yoga Enrichment Class
Taught by uur own '\chool nurse. Ali Farjadi. yoga (,;1<1\:-' for ,IX week~ at a time.
m ceH
afrer sc hool
Students Ie am to ~ln;lc h thelT mmds and bodies by practicing rd axatinn. ncxibilllY. breathing and posture.
Yoga helps childre n develop sclf-<I\\'areness. improve p hy~ i ca l and cognitive :Jnd m crea~ ~If-e,tee m. wh ile inspiring il11:Jgination and cre..1Ii vi ty.
StudCnlS leilrn coordmatlon. flexibihty and stillness.
"ik il l~.
Mad Science Enrichment Class PaniClpanl '\ make and take home
differe nt science projects each week.
Sponsored by the
Science MUhl!um of Richmond. Mad
Science C I Cl ~~ meets afler 'ic hool for si x.-
se~~ i o n :-..
Slude nlJ, engage in fun . interactive and educationa l hand ~-ofl uctivilic... Ih:11 in,1I1 1a clearer unde rstandi ng of sdcm.:c and how it affects the world around
Student" cre~l[e a crysta l garden. tum teeth iJ1lJ il sound-blasting rad io, unlock the my"tcry of Houdini 's Illrgical chains and (;on~ t rlJct a ~uper :..IUn! pl:lne.
The Steward School
Dodi Allocca Natalie BendheLm Kc:.-lIon Bu~~cr
Ben Campbell Chloe Carne;
Rax ter Omer Br~ce
A;hley DeConti Mah DIC~SOT1 Jacki e Dillon JU ~ lin DOlicr ~"latlhe\V
DunJevy Andrew For\! Grace habn
Anna Fuhr l ena Giltx:rt Cabell Glancy
Will Grattan Sarah Graves Cabell Harper Sommer Harris
ElrJntley Hathaway Phebe Jenkins Claire Klrchmier
Lindsey Lubin Martine!'
SUs.1n Mire Morgan Mi;1r
closs of 2014
Samantha Nadel Jord, n Nichols Seth Olinger Georgeanne Pace Laurell P~rr) /lail<y Marie Ragan
C~lr ...on
Schroder Chi", Staple; Walker Steninius WiIIiJm Stridler
lIarrison Talton Ashton Tankersley-Higgs
Albe, t Thompson CumnTully OzWilietl John-Hunter Williams Carll' Wren LaurlJl Xu Zachary tum
The SteNard School
Cameron Bachman Thoma~ Cage Lu ke Caldwell
Kc\<in Cameron
Ellie Cosby Ju,eph Co'tello David Cross
Hekah Dellell Olivia DeCapri Chri"opher DeConli Chance Diffee Claudia Eck Eli zabeth Finto Megan Frny~a
Laura Fuhr Maria Gergoudi~ Braeden Glancv Matthew Gnapi> Eren Gme \cr Lily Gray Virginiu Hamilton
Lavinja Johnson Briana Lee Jacqueline Marlel Caner McGhee
Mason Mire Alli,un Mitchell Malcolm Moore
closs of 2015
Julie Morgan PaIick :-leale Bnnt ~ewm.m AL brey Nichols
Mngan Norman Se,n O'Neil
Enily Parns Skylyr Phi ll ip, J al ~kson
Pielerli Furd Piu.=, Wllker Poli ng
EllIua Rhodes
Scott Roper
Miranda Stinson Kalh leeo S,uart Elise Taylor J.;k Tropp S, m Trepp V l r~inia Villani
The Steward School
WiIlAII"""a Erin Ambrose
MCiry Madison Andrew~ Edward Rlake \-1ackenzie Carnes OVYen Carler
William Cox ::;pencer CulbcrlMIIl
Haley Cummtngs Will Deline Zoe Dw<lIe
Eli'l3beth Fernandct. Virginia Fr.llin
Maeve Goodan
Whit Ha,haway Meredi,h Hughe, Will Jackson
Chris Jones Dan Kovach Brilrney Lawhorn Taylor Leahy Clay,on Leep Sarah Lindumuod Avery 1I1,",,,ello Cannen Manganello Rachel Marcus Thoma.',> McAndrew
Ashley McCreary
class of 2016
Andy McDonnell Cal ly Murray Bolle Pace Co lnor Parrish CW1er Peters
Grace Pope R~II ; h cl
Gray Redmond Quincy Rhodes Le路.lyeRomcro
He len Russell
Eh/ahelh Scott
S,"nh Sliwinski Si r lOne Stein
M{g Trepp hu e Elizabeth Wilton Dal'id Yi Ra;hel Young
Caltim Zura
The Steward School
Kip Ambrose Ros~ Arrington
Mallory lJedell Jamie Benson Smith Blake Jack BobilL
Mamie Brennan LIly Cardozo Will Delancy Tucker lJlveley Caroline Duley Luke Forbes Sam FOl1UIIC Logan Glancy
Chrislopher Harvill I-hmter !-Iellam:,
~allh c\V
Adam Kimbrough
Patrick Kin;hmicr Chri;lophcr Koerner Adair Logue
closs of 2017
Jacqui Marchclli Jord 10 Marcus
Tam, lvlardian Calll ~
Griff Meyer Taylor Nadel
Nik,i Nadolski Ann Neale
Ma~ f
Oliva Notman Liza Ostendorf Will Pillman Noah Poling Sydr ey RenkcniJcrgcr
l,alo<路lI. Rhodes Kendall Schroder Lancon Smith
Morgan Van Davelaar Drake Wielar Duuglas \Villiamson
Claile Xu
The StE ward School
Caitli n Allocca AriulUlU A llderson
Robert Gray Boland Lou Bricker Jack Caldwell
ChriStian Carlow Carler Chambliss
Aimee DeBell Con nor Engelke
Hannah Feder B~n
blizabeth Fix
Muuhe\'" Frayser Sarah Fuh ..
Whitney Gra ves Hal Gray Scotti Harrison
Gr<lY Hathaway Li ly Henderson Jill Kovach Caroline Laihstain
Mis',y McDonnell Cer)'s Miller Reed M os low
Hugh Notman Con 10f O'Brien Madison O'Neil
Cart er Pa ttcrwn Car(liine Pitts Eli Rhotlc ~ I Ian jl>on Rice
Con lor Rogers
Calc b Rogers Bail ,y Scott
Hay Jen Smith Aaron Stei n Hunter Thompson Grace Wi elar
Caroline Willhite Sorrers Wilton Park er Wright
The Steward School
Caperton Bei me Sam BobilZ Trace Coles Charlie Cox Max Craig Andrew Culbertson
Katie Define Charlutte Dudley Abby Dwelle Michael Fortune Ainsleigh Gil
Grace Guodpa.'\lurc Ash ley Greenberg
Aidan Guslin Emma lIall William Hobb, Kayla lI udnell Christopher Jackson Belidehem Juuah Anna Kilduff
closs of 2019
Robert Marchetti
Bentley Mescall Jaden Meyer Lird~ay
Audrey Notman Elizabelh Pam, Alex Poling Ca 1hen Sn;ith
Ty ler Steinfau Muy Lyk Taylor
".bella Vita Audrey White Ph.! Wood Kevin X ino
The Steward School
The t=ads
Inlernal'oool ,It.de<:hls f'om "ou-d If.. world gather n If.. ESt oHa. w,,~ o"ecta Carr. Nouncrn-Monl
After tes1ing
posture Zo n Ghazmwi
decdes tf.. Iod..", sysl... may be 0 gool odd"on 10 Nv Coddrglons
o t<ie
Helen: Annie: MinhDat: Hector: Caroline: Peter: Paul:
Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea
Vietnam Puerto Rico Germany Germany Germany PuenoRico Taiwan
Fourteen students from five countries joined the Steward community for the 2006-07 5Choo1 year. Under the guidance of Mrs. NaumannMonti. they learned firsthand about life in an American school. city. and country. As happens every year. however. they generouRly taught us about life in parts of the world that few of us will ever sec-- and we are the richer for their presence.
ord .b1 Boo K.m en9Y Ircif os ntemational $'\.dents
Howard Cf-cn,;j IImC
Arne JLfig s路ops I, tna ranway on "'IE!( way 10 doss.
A g'Ot.p 01 hlermltonal s!udeot. pose befcre ... isiting th:J ~!tcroO Zoo:n Woshrglon JC
Sck em orO Peler 51""
exoer ence ~w residents were p..nisned
d...-rg Cc<nol I,,,..,.
.;"g ord <hoc Tron bod- In time lr coslune while vlSlhrg
Zo", Gmr<lw;. !emy IraJel
the GoVerT'(';l('S Pcoee
Sophcymre Caey Bklu11 greels TM t-b'lOfobic Judge Rage< L Gregory wfo spoke 10 tt-e Upper md Mddle
h "i!; lee irToduces Frol'l::~ Gay Powers
JlXlior Pe"er Stoeh-
Jr wro spoke obo.,l h" folh.- ono tl-e
Is one
works with v~th9 artist of lhe losl Boys of I..., Sudan.
T e t=acts
h~taic U2 ir1cident
Sc'-.ooIs In
EnricI: mentand non-tuditiona1leaming
oppon unities: that is an essential part of what The Sleward School is all about!
Throughout the year. talenttd speakers. wrilers,
performers and artists
come to Sleward to share their experiences and gifts y~th the students, faculty and staff. The Artist In ResideJH:e Serle! "The s.'utiellls are given the opportunity ofa Uferim4 10 won- t. /I a mutual project that WI II sUIy in Steward's IUllis fi)rel'er.â&#x20AC;˘
Alex MatIod<. "The arzists all have different techlliques. jtyles and st riLs, which inspire nul. "
Their stay may be temp(Ury, but the al1iats' impact on the Steward
comn unity remains. TM Pnncelon Foolroles b-r-g Mtdde Sd-oo"r DoriekJ BrEMer on sloge 10 erroree lhe. pecformonce
Seventh-grocer Courtney Po;ord poses wltf-.
of Vr9nlo
TM mp'o", of lhe "=<ty bosketbon L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100'" mool
G!em Will",s hel",,, if., L.pper School the mea1ing of tne music VJilhlP on
Caal,n Kreter~Fororda the Poe' lcueat.
cooch ord aulhor Morg:x.
.lazz &reo-bIc. Slepheo Nxfoo' performed for the Middle enJ L\oper Schools
The Steward School
Tho ..-.dergaten doss of 20'9 woh C>.Jl of lhe gyT after ConvocotiOr
.â&#x20AC;˘ g' Bea,rger Doboey Brocx:ld.s Gales Cal.,. crd the res! of Ire scroo,*",
ood 'he l ..dcrgorlen doss
.'II" >-b-ogcc rcoJ of Lo",er School "..elcorre +e stlJdents. fOClJlly ad
board membe-,
" __ .education shollid teach you how to /il'e wi.~el.v.
how 10 make
good choice.~, how to be good. when
else is lookillg. II should keep you lip at nighl not ill wo,.,:\' or in work, bw in wonder, wondering who JOU are. who YOII want to become, and how ),011 will gellhere. and whal difference you willl1Ulke ill Ihe lives of others. "
-Ken Seward. Convocalion. Septemher 7. 2006 T.... lroe..9"'len doss wools pohently fa
Mr Sewold ",eIcomes students foruly crd
E,g,Ih-grooo Molly Gogo<1 occomoanles
assernl:>y k> beg n
boord """""'" '0 1M CHe<r<ToY
+e chorus or fL-.
s.,.."" Brcrdon 1-bwI" ... crd Belh Howcrd Ieod h> kn:lcr9"'len doss ""Ih
o+.er senic:lrs
_ _ _ _..J
Chor16 pcr;a~ a S<X'9 ;or Ire sct-ooI. -------------~
Eig,th-groder Ell.. h-.es gives 0 speech to t", Middle rrd Lpper Senook
/vir Seward welc0fJ'e5 the M,dd~ end iJppe' Sohool stedents end teocws
GeflHOO slLd......."ls POll' sign
Sc.hlcn5teln 000 Peter Stoehr
the I-Iorcr Cede
T e t=acts"Personal Honor. PersCllallntegrity. and Resp"ct in Tlwught. Wora, and Deed toward individllUls a/ld instilillio/ls are the esselllial qualities of a stude"t (II the Sleward School. 1 will /101 cheal, lie or steal. This is my pledge."
Ever:r year each Stewml student and teacher signs this pledfe. 2006 wa~ no e).ception. S"plember 21. 2006 M ddIe Sohool st.dents silT the I-Iorcr Cede
â&#x20AC;˘oyb- Booth ard Sorronll", Boger
<oty Kasper- .-rerrbe.- of the seoior em ond
p!"es.dent of the '""""'" Co<rdi odae<ses the
sogn the I-Iorcr Coo,
E'>1';,.gocb- Jo.-e Rowe soeok.s to the ' - - - - - - - - - Mdole a>d LJppe, ScnooIs.
Sencr Tyle.- Hams SIgns II..., H""", Cooe
The Steward School
The t=acts
dter recelVI"'g Ire.-- doss r f'9i.
sr:oler p.IlicY Loora Skove.
t-er rng one a
Coo;, ... Page Conway ord 0eIse0 Vol", sl-a-e one logeth.r alta reooow-g I"", doss -,"3'-
On October 19. 2006, the class of 2007 presented cias rings to the class of 2008, saying to each recipient: "May this ring signify your prid~ in The Steward School and always bring you fond memories of.;your time spent Mre." Pl'iortothe
cenNIlOIJy, the
juniors choose the seoiors whom they want to present them with dteit rings,
Senior Belo t-'owcrd ",<Jr' Kelly w,n,O!TlS OM Kelsey MoI-rng ord ."..,. Mcry Magsel \VO"'SCYI enpy the receohon.
Selor Celdon Mcr'n 9."'" Brown ~~ 'T9
~ftcr loceivng ther nrgs. some iU'iOf girls smile for t'"18 camero
Sel", Ale, Godsd-ok odd-esses 1M I"''''' ord ser>ors csse<rI:JIed for tOe C>CCOS<:n
i""''' Caleb
May "'\artl-o and ~L Delcrey pose for o pidue w th ther paer-s 01 receptÂŤ\
Specker Deo"" ~osper +ar", he.hougnts OOOJI ,fe ad honor
Eva van ToI<>geo performs a solo on
+" flute
The ~actS' National Honor Society was instituted at Steward in 1999. A faculty council of five
teachers and one adviser selects the
11 th- and 12th-grade students for membership.
The NBS is one of the oldest and most ~8ious national organitations for
hip scboOl~ Membenbip i based
on scholarship, leadenship, character and service. "/t is an honor to be recognized for
contributions you give 10 tM school. 4S, well oslor the hard work you have put into your academic career."
Bisge路 receives her NI-iS and pon from f-Jeodmosrer Ken
ll-e enl", /007 No',,,,,,,11-btr Society
d'ilor Any
pose for
piChse ofter tho ccrt:.:mony
' - - - - --
Irdxtcc Caneron Scales stordi wlfr his - - - per""t, grordrothe.- crod u-de. US leco<:h.r Bruce Sea..,
Hect", Ayda PeU SchIoootan M,r/Dot h,., and Amle 1Lf'9 ore 011 lnterrokml studen!>s wna cra ~s 01 Ire '\HS
Se<>or R'ay Stsl""" lighl, one 01 tre I"" cooo:Ics rep-e5eOI''"9 I", pineda, of Ire ~5
The Steward School
The t=actS'
Senior class princess and J:::nrce MOfIl~o COSp€r c:rd Iv\k:.-1aeI Ream "",Ie for- Ire oome<as rung If.. pcm""
Soph:::more closs prinCess ord prirce Chloe r<OO '" or<! Booby Bal' "de n lhe pc"x:lc
fYr'CCSS or-d fJnr~ /I/Iay
layer Ihorn·Qr1 and Tim
Brm wove
parade spectator.
Once a year in the fall. Sparlan~
al Steward
gather with returning alumni to share their school spirit. Despite Friday's rain, the Great Tailgate kicked off the festivilie~ .
Spartan Day.
on October 28. 2006. crowned Monica
and Tim Brinn queen and king. Spartans enjoyed a parade. costume contest, food. "Rocktoberfest" with student and community musicians. and finally a homecoming dance. lower School stude,ts show pep rally
!"leI' sop It 01
ifi.Of'S Ah Etern one TlO(.Elf Dare oress l4' .. but os who-'?
~xlh-g'ade stuoents wh:lop-ll....p 00 ther dass 'loot n If.. "",adc
Perer'S Peyton E s. loo TI'OI p, end Kelly S'utY ""toy If.. Sp 'it Day fesl villes as .rey preocr. 'The Ha,r,fed Bu.'
Ser.or guys ord C\lcn some rroe teoc:hers os cheer""""", for If.. pep 'oly - - - - - - - - - - '
e\-(", ...,
s.,.,,,, doss p'00lss ard prlrce leigh Bcd'1!C' rnd Coidon Mal n "de n tte po,cde
Jl.1'liCf" cbss pnrw:::es<> ord prin:e Mim, Tcroko rnd /-h,,,,," Vozenk,- on"" II-e hYrecom rg dora.
Sophomoce closs prJ'a!ss ord prjr<:e Chloo H'd9r6 rnd Bobby Boll stnrd w th freshmc>1 doss princess oed prJ'a! INh IIcy M",,짜> rnd Gory leCbr
"On Spartan Spirit Day you wake up anxious and excited ready to ride on a decorated float, scream. and ~boul for the players. and share the true
meaning of Steward spiril." Sarmy George - 12th qgde
"Spirit brings us together a~ one."
San Forbes - 7th gada
S\.denls d<::lIXe to some g-eot rruslC at t.. orrool honeoonirg dorce.
Thea Gergouds and NII'Xl the porade
S+inson rloe 00 their closs' Iloot in
Mal 'I
Toyler 1h:xntoo, louren
CiYStio:1 Ko II" Meye< ord Elldo
dr.... Lf> "r<'9 Solrt We<!<
.he rhytlrr SOC'"" 01 II-e pep bend ",,"IS 01 ' - - - - -- - - - - - tl-e asp roUy
The scoooI IT'OSCOI +e Sport", boasts Slew",d prde " tl-e pacde
The Steward School
The t=ads
MIs Paule-Ie Is all
decked 0.1t
n plrote gco- for '~'e
pep roll,
costume to crolhercvcl by polllirg
I-c< lace
This year, in addition to the twice-a-year school-wide rallies. the Upper School had its own pep rallies before special events to demonstrate school spirit. The Upper Schoolers dressed like pirates for one pep rally. Rumors had been floating around the building that Johnny Depp would be at the pep rally. Needless to say, everyone got a little excited.
Am, go Spartans! I..PPc< ScOOoi sh.dents ec>gE<Iy owo,t,"9
l--e starl of Ire pep roily
w,ed on pirolc fevE.'f
the .+001 Copte"n Nv $cwCTd gel'
K.",s i'ob", Beth Dt,on Koltlin Meyer 0-.:1 hnte ."da'lS rave the" pic!...e
ta-en WI;' -he "Iamous Copbn Jock Speno,.....
M .. !-'eoey crd Cood> RIce oonce 01 the pep roly WillKe ...
Senors ,'V\;dOO Reozr crd ScrCT1 NeI<oo bel :or"gnogs 01 o-her ";pro",
=Iror of soph:.r.:.e lOa., Bryon,
abo..- Ire
""w cd compdgl
"'" Merges,
cT.o'mal 01 I.... boad crd
'01"" 01
The t=ads
'v','f- ,ley M&:rges oed,,,,,,,, tI-e """",bled guests
"The general look of Steward has always been consislelll and strong, especially the image of the equilateral cross... But it was time to take Steward'.~
look inco the
21st Century. The new campaign captures who we are. while moving /L~ ahead to who we strive to be. "
-Wyndi Carnes, Marketing and Special Evenls Coordinator
These new ods rove stcrled 路0 oppea- :n
Ore 01 're YOll'9'" ,Iucenls lei.. I,me out ' - - - - - - - from lis~ening ato.r the new ~ the camero
PCI"e'lts ard students lire loP
I,ll trell"
' - - - - - - pia'" lor d,mer lis leol I'h 1'.'),;1.
smile for
newspapers crd
..Iu-.icr Petrick McKeown sto'MJ scrne 0= If-., new cds !oJ Sieward
ge''''g lyds?J
The Steward School
-he l"",y Sf-uHki p'""",led by he spor,led
f,eshren !Yen Wiberger and Ashie y ~ and ,rde--9O"""'" Aud'ey Vlhl. '1'1"1 01
.11. I'm thankfuf for
Thanhgl\-mg. I'm going 10 Nt'" Jersey. where my
Uad\ frunily liv"s. and WOW. il
i•• big lrumfy' I have 13 cou~in!o..
10 M.."(;(md cOII'.. in"l. In
aunh and uncle!oo, and one grandmother. 1llcrc loIUR.' iii. a 101 of love u) ~n around there .md a lot of kis~s from my aunh and
uoclc.' ... t'doy !Wrte Rcxm
Lowa-SdOO ·I'm Ihankful for my parenll;
who have always lx.~n supponiH' of me whether it wa,
""'cer, ba.vkelball, ballel, ,,,,immlng. ptncil collecling. lenni~.
fie ld
Ill",.ey. hip-hop, 'inglng or :t.:ling. And I am Ihankful for ellery l'Iingle teacher ht!re hec311se they are enthusia!ttic
and dedicated 10 helping each studenl reach his or her poIenlial." GrqdeCqte
MtddeSdOO .And I hope you all are in good health. If you are, he lhankful for lhal. In my country lhe ",ar i!; goinll 00 tlmJ the "iChooh. get humed. II" reali, hard 10 live there and life i> v~ry dilflcult. 11\ ...11> good 10 have ptace. Be manlful for having pea"" here."
TI", '..1 goder, "",'arm 'To Celebrate
Tha... sg vrg :x,y .
Secand·gocle<. Do.-gIos \AI """"" Jordon Mao. or'<'i Acbn Krnbr~ oIoy a Th:r/.sgvng I...., en lher ,ybphores.
\41'lO! a perlCffl'la'CeI K~gcrTEW"EIf
Aud-ey W"'I. ecrro I-er 1,11e os 1,molhy
TII'''Y 2CXl6
Mary Worden Good. ,"""Iy Gogor, J...'f"ny .k.rg a'ld t-l-.lcn Kim
eiOY Iter 111'"5' H-aisglvng prog"'" 01 Slewo-d
Lower ScnooI's Co路je McKirn::Jn pkrys corrbred dx:" presenl, '~OU"o 01 Thcrb
lhe f"ge' cyrrhob as lhe seccrd grade "'V' 1tu<sg.Virg路
Music Box Tis the gift to be simple. 'tis tile gift to he free. 'tis the gift to come down where we ollght to be, and when we find ollrseil'es in the place jlL~t right. 'twill be in the valley of Im'e IIml delight .. . " '0 come ye thankful people, come and raise the song of harvest home. lilt is ~ufely gathered in, e're the willter stonns begin ... " '0 beallliful for spacious skiesfor amber waves of grain, for pllrple mountaill lIu~ie.vties ub(}~'e the fruited plan. America! America! God shed His grace all thee. and crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea 10 shinin1: sea. " Annual school-wide Thanksgiving Program. November 21. 2006
The ,"xli> ord
L-_ _ __
_ _ __
The upper Schcd dx:" comb!"", the,r vocals n foorru;y do.r rg lheir pertorT<TCB lor +e
Lower Schcd ,Iucienl CXJVoCil pr",deni HoI~Y
\evenlh-gr~ d",m
~ 1:"'9s 路hylhmc beols 10 ThcrOsgov ng p路og.cm
TIxxJ. gcxxiness for great m'JSk:.. T>-e L\::per Schcd .,...~ """"me
Mme Rcucn cxldes.se. l>-e sdro
c..'fI1 rc sdool c:orm'U')!'Y
Patrick McKeow'"l rrovde~, t"le Lf)
me beat to
per forrrw:;n..c
The Steward School
Mus-ic Box
Tl-e L\Jper ScMoI nus""", 1"I"n u. sop'-oomore Colson Perk", pe<forms a soa
""""",,'01 M""" CY_ carrbre lheir taleo" in ce~bralia<l 01
"Lully. lullay. thou lillie tillY child. byebye. lully lullay.. .. "Sing we noel, noel. Iloe/.. "
"olltside YOllr window on this willter night. / call see a wonderland .~parkling and white." ''jllst hear those sleigh bells jingling. ring ting tingling. tno..... "in the meadow we can buiM a snowman, and pretend that he is Parson Brown ..... "On December five and twenty. .film, fum, fum ..... "/ really can't stay, I've got to go 'way, bllt baby it's cold outside. ..
Middle and Upper
School Holiday Program. December 4 & 5, 2006 'Tesfma, membec, of It.. U""", Sc"Oal 'piZZOLZ' 10 their 0001 selection
odd a I!t"le
Sen'Of Sa-vny Gecrge also "",for"" "" final solo rurg the CO'1CCrt.
Sen or Dabley Brooodus perfOllTlS "" last >ok> for the "'Idoy ,,,,,,,eel
Sf-aw plays tte gu.lcr wf-j.
wotchrg CoI,on Perk.ns loke cMrge
T"e ",gh'h-grodc chorus dclg,1S lhe oudierce with the roliday dassie, Snowl Lei il Scowl Lei II Snow l'
let It
lng ~ Fvo van Tolir'9C'" the flute with ·he rTlJSic errernb:e
JlTIOf Tim
Wiles corw:ent'·olcs 0' hs rotes.
Eightr-gaders Ryrnlornba"t Bordo.'!') Portor /I/lIJlt ard Kevin PiOfL'C ~'Ow lreir toent en the
Mus-ic Box "Up on the housetop the reindeer pause. out jumps good old Sallfa Claus. down through the chimney with lots of toys... .. "leh steh an deiner Krippe heir. 0 Jesu. du meain Leben. ieh komme.... "Lookin'for Sallta Claus high and low. Listenfor Santa Claus' 'ho. ho, ho.' Sean'hin' for Santa Claus left and right. Where could he be tonight?" "We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy lIew year!"
.hnor Coleb Brown keeps tha percus.s1OO sect on ir lhe beat
kin MeAlI,I€!. lhe g..ru of Irs".r",,,,aI music prepares 10 dO-eel It., US ensemble
Tl-e '"Ih crd se,enl'>-gode d-o< so"g ' - - - - - - - - - - ·WI"ler WcrderfJ"
])., Sel-ool seled cho,.,; put. ils vocals work n f.olidcy spirit.
SoP-oncre Pete- rt:>woro I:xx:r:;ts his
sa,q:h,re skiBs dJrg 0 sob
The Steward School
Bock to
F,fth grode<s ploYlng tf" lead roles 01 ,"ves snowmen and reindeer
"Ire enflre Lower Scrool pcrlOHns ,f" F,...,IeJ'
F,;lh-grader Seth Olinger ploys 'M..
Ge,,,," '
Place Elfw,' is alive and living in the North Pole! For thls year's annual Lower School Holiday Concert. students performed Back to Rudy's Place. Students sang and danced in full costume to many original songs and compositions written by our own Bonnie Anderson.
Lower School students performed twice during the holidays for family and friends,
l\"d-g.ode Polar Beer, perf",,,, 'Stroll"
f>lth g'ode<s perl""" tf" "Rei<'deei -wist.'
Fifth-grader Bo,I", Corler pays tf" pod 01 'E;ru,'
~norew Fore Justin Oozier ana /IIw:J!1
CAAlevy ploy the par'> ofRe<1oIeer HCl(icrs'
Susoo Mile Doc. Allocco cOO So-oh
Druon ""'l os 'M Caribou Sisters:
Down 0 Frosty Averu:'
f,ftj,-g-oder f bley Mar" Ro9'"
f,'s'-g'ode Bves perjam 'Busy Busy Busy' ord â&#x20AC;˘ We
weors ootlers cod
Are $ootos Jves
rose Ir her port
'Rudy .ce R.""""
Back to Rudl/SPlace This year Rudy has a dilemma and needs help from everyone in the North Pole to save Christmas. Rudy has to save the toy workshop from being shut down by Mr. Grinch. He gets belp from all of the penguins. snowmen, toys. reindeer. polar bears. and last but not least, Santa's elves.
"Belie\'c" by Glen Ballard/Alan Silve.m
Relieve in w/rat your heart is saying. Hear Ihe melody that',\' playing, There's no lime 10 wusle. There so milch 10 celebrate. Beliel'e ill what you feel inside, Ami gil'e yOIll' dreams the wings to fly, You hal'e el'ery'//rillg you IIeed. if you just Reliel'e.
n-e Penquin 'emilY ore played by -he filth grader;
T"Ie secord-grode snow1'lefl -eve a oily old timel
KoJerg::rleners '..... arm
hears os 'oys ord "Ne
' - - - - - - - - - - perforrN'g1oys Toys, Toys' !\fe Sullo's E' ves.'
5eccrd-grade Srowmen werm Ifwlgs LO w,lo Il-efrosty Herd Jive.'
hlth-gcxh "'yee ::)5.Irey "",,,,"", hs Sanlo solo.
The Steward School
The ~Qds
Third-geode m.cient, May Mod""" Ardcw> Old 'canes' Zoe Dweille C,,-oy Rdnord (;coce Pope 0'1d Q.!l'ICY R""rJdes oct OJ! rv:r.v C'eeSe was ascovereo
F",,'h-g-oder Megan Fraysec pbys Doro'~y r 'n.. New Greotest Stones
Eve.- ToleI'
F,fth-grode ,tucient, eoce I He. per 01d Roga. ore port 0' the secono e)::peo hoo to lne new WCT d n the Wav:Jer Yecn ' -\o,ley 100 'e
All the stars are out at Steward! Each year. every grade in the Lower School puts on its own theatrical performance, All of the plays this year were written by theater teacher, Monica
Kallman: "What {like be~1 is seeing kids who are trllly ill emlraeter alld really pretending to he
something or someolle else. "
What do the actors think? "{like doing theater because { get to be silly," To.cker DIvely
"The plays are as much filII to wlllch as rhey are /0 perform in!" Baxter Cater
nth-grader. Keaton Bu..er 01d G路oce 'i-aLn 1M stage for the nc)(1 scene
Fif-h grooers show f.clr ocl'19 skills In "Virgiria: T>e WorcJcr Yeor>
l.<d-grooer> Jo.ny Kovach SiJOOre Stein aOO Avery fv\oestrello ore
spokesTen ir'J '('fleCI- Moments
Food H"eory ,
the hre Gion-s in Ire secane
grade pby ',"rac'Tld 'ok Tales'
Secood-grade Kip Arhose Ja<:q;1 Madhetti 01d """., Benson " 'AradYlid Fok Tob'
SccoOO-gode ',pde<, Matthew Md: rron In 'Arod-nld Fo~ To ..:
I lenter I..,IIOITIS and Cotie
FOlJ"th-grode student A,hey Ndds as Tigger ord Tl-rrnos Cago us Peter Pm in
The New Greatest Stories Ever T"d.'
TIl1C-gc:de sluc:k.->r·s Ccrmen Manganello. o..-is ,ones William Cox cOO Elizabeth Scott demonstrote the.r oct;,g skills
The Titles Fifth-Grade Play: "Virginia the Wonder Years"
Fourth-Grade Play: "The New Greatest Stories Ever Told"
Third-Grade Play: "Great Moments in Snack Food
Second-Grade Play: "Arachnid Folk Tales"
Or:s-opher iJeCmh crd low'110 .i.-.h=n ploy -h>sd cOO Gretd Ie the fo ....th-g'ode ploy. 'll-e f'-ew Greetest Stories Ever Tck!: Secord'grodO's Nilkll\bdolil one ' - - - - - - - - - - N\cm,e Bren"lCl'l poy rot-....es,!/l '.Aroc"TId
Fot 'cles.
F,fth-grodws Scxrmer Hacc•. Ben Co-npbf,tl cOO &ycc O'$urey ,r 'V<g,rKl the WorJo. Yean;.'
F()iJth-grode sh..dents Bise Toyia os ·,Ake JulIE!:
N""fP' os MOlC,1 \;Ye' and Maio Gergoodis os the 'Mod Hotter."
The Steward School
In the Ad
Chis Skove moch the Kel1ers oller the periormcJ"oCEt
Hope Frao;i stands wltf her doc oed fer
Amo G,_1ee crd a
new/y recei ...eo roses
off stage.
PAUL: Then why is it windy in here? CORIE: I don't feel a dmft. PAUL: I didn't say a draft, Tsaid wind. There's a brisk, northeasterly wind blowing in this room. CORTE: You don't have to gel sarcastic. PAUL: I'm not getting sarcastic. I'm getting chapped lips.
Winter Play, Barefoot ill the Park hy Neil S;"/(II'
T"cros Dov •. Arm Gr'*"'ee Hope 0 ... Slave Steph.n Confwar> ord Pot,d. NkKeo"m tCJi.:e t'"ef" row:..
Thoroos DoviS or'" A<rrl G,eeclee study tfe;, I..,...
GlOOlor'nni pbyed t!-Alr l¢O,'S negix:r Vdor Velasco
Gr. Si<ove ood Hope fraN< sfore a lovng go7e as Ire neWlywed d-oroders
POO &ollcr ord Co,",
100 Corinthian
'0'1 converse
Som Trepp b,,rl, grader nWOIts hs
F,lif,.grader Gloe Sla~es sla"" os 1151
em yOU <;peN 'owesorre7 ' low... cn:J lv\;dci., School dossrocm cn:J g'ode-k,vel spetng bee Wl:'T'lefS
The top spellers of the Lower and Middle Schools gathered in January to compete in The Steward School Annual Spelling Bee. Fifth-grader Chloe Staples finished as the first runner-up of the competition.
"It was a good experience. YOII really get 10 bum: your spelling words. and it is cool 10 be lip there competing. "
In re
Stephanie went on to represent Steward in the Richmond Times Dispatch Spelling Bee. Private School Division.
patina ubt rfuge
nor "'" at
Port;c~'l s 01 Ihe
The spell,," Dee ,""I speller, tI.rd·glocie 1='0 M·. Vvhl. y congralooles he
Eighlh-grader AlA, Newrooo md se'''€f''1th-goder Seon ~eown wc t in Ihe wrgs os He ey !via... Rogan Icl.es
speIIrg bee ,esl belweec
+e poe "" low« School leocJ-e<s AN Todde OIXJ
1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Q..eooBeei Srxtf..gader Sl~"ie SIT
Berra" " all
r'OT-e<J S'eword:) ~ rg
The Steward School 101
0 I
3 6 7
5 I
0 Trinity
Fredencksburg Acad. Waker.e ld Schuu l
5 0
Amelia Acad .
4 2
Richmond Chrbtiall New CommunilY Highl and School
5 0
SI. Ch ri stopher's
3 Richmond Chri ... Lian (VeC TOllmamenll
102 Corinthian
lli Them 0
4 2
2 0 0 0 0
6 5 0
Collegiate Green Millwood A Colleg iate Green St. Ed ward 's A St. Christopher's Richmond Chris tian Richmond Chris tian St. Christoph er's
0 0
2 10 2
0 6 0
New Community T antlclll
St. Edw ord's B Mi llwood B Collegiate Gold Tandem New Com muni ty
The Steward School 103
5 ('oll cgi:.llc JV Covenant 51. C<lllll~rillc':-, JV Frederi cksburg A cad.
4 2 I I
Tan dem
4 3
Sl. Margaret's Nonh ('m"
Frl.!dcrichhurg Ac:ul.
Marga re t '~
0 3
0 0
2 0 0
104 Corinthian
5 3 3
St. Calhenne s JV
Coven:ml (LIS Semi -Fina!;) Frctlc flck ~hurg Acad. (LIS I -inal<) Ch",halll Hall (51. QIr. Fi nals) (OT) Frederick ~ burg Acad. (51. Semi -Final<) (OT)
2 0
0 2
Us Them I I
2 7 3 I I
2 I
0 0 3 3 0 2
.!.!l! Them 51. Catherine's !\ Frclicricki-lburg Acad. Collegi:lle Gold Millwood Millwood Fredcrick.bu rg Acad. Coll egiale Grec n 51. Anne's SI. Catherine's B
4 0
0 2 2
Orchard Hou se Collegiale White Frederic k ~burg Acad.
Orchard HOll,\C Fredericksburg Acad. S<oo)' Point Mill wood SI. Michac !"s JV Stony Point Collegiate White
The Steward School 105
lli Nansemond Suffolk Nansemond Suffulk
Trinity Richmond Christian
3 0 3 3
SI. Ma.rgaret's
3 2
Tidewmer Acad .
SI. Gertrude's
51. Gertrude's
2 3
0 I
51. Catherine'),
'Ionh Cross
0 0 3
1 I
3 0 2 3
0 3 3 2
Covenant SI. Margarer' ...
SI. Annes- Belfield SI. Catherine'!,
Richmond Christian Trinity SI. An nes- Belfidd (LIS Tuum.)
106 Corinthian
3 3
Us Them
Us Them
0 2 0 0
3 0 2
T idewater Acad. SI. Genru de's
Richmond Christian
2 0 0
2 0 2
3 2
Sf. Marga re,'s
Sl. Gertrude's St. Catherine's Covenant Sl. Margaret's
New Community
I 2 2
Sl. Annes-Belfie ld Sr. Cathenne's
I 2
Richmond Christian
2 2 2 2
New Com munit y Richmond Christian Collegiare
St. Catherine's Co lleg ialc S1. Catherine's
New Com munity
Co ll eg iate Richmund
C hri ~ li an
Wi n
vce leet (RCS.BS H. Fuqua )
Co lleg iate JV
VCC Mee t @
Wi n
Richm ond C'hn"li an
MaY lllull1
22nd of 3g
In vil3tiona l
vee Meet @ Fuqua VCC Mee t @ BSH
2nd or 4 2nd or 4
nth of S
Win SWl e M eet @
Woodberry Fore"
108 Corinthian
14th 01 2M
Cameron Taylor Tim Wiles Alex Newman Sean McKeown
18thof215 41stof215 5th of 60 14th of 60
MAYMONT: Cameron Taylor Tim Wiles Sean McKeown Alex Newman
22nd of 293 33rd of 293 30th of 85 35th of 85
Elizabeth Del aney Kendall Huennekens Ma ry Stuart
31st of 174 10th of 36 47th
MAYMONT路 Elizabeth Del aney 19th of 246 Kendall Huennekens 18th of 66
VCCMcct (RCS. BSH . Fuqua)
2nd uf 4
Co llegiate JVI
SI. Marga ret', VCC Meet @ RCS
2nd of 3
VCC Meet
2nd of 4
2nd of 4
vec Meet @
vee Tournament
IlSH LI S Meet @ Collegla,e (Goochland Fields)
7th of 8
Stare Meet @ Woodberry Forest
The Steward School 109
The HcighL'" School POIO I1l;)C School Fuqua School Tidcw:.ll er Acad .
66 Richmond Christian
Virgin Valley HS
Lake Mead
49 55 61 Cape Ilenry Coil.
Southampton Acad. Brunswick Acad .
88 73
Ridummd C hri stian
Tidewa ter Acad. Fuqua School
66 82
Kent;;lO n I'orest
Rmn swick Acad. Amelia Acad.
Kcn~tun Forest
vee 75
I'uqua School vee Southamptun vee
110 Corinthian
Southampton Acad.
58 7R
46 51 47 55 26
Them 56 32 32 41 41 19 35
Fuqua School Ti dl.;!walcr A c ~ d . KenSlon Faresl Cenl ral VA Triniry
Richmond Christian A mel ia Acad. BS H SOll thamplon Acad. Brunswick Acad. Southampton Acad. Richmond Christi an SI. Chri'LOpher's T idewater Acad.
29 29 16 34 37 32 37 38 New Commu nity 33
28 29 32
Fu qua School Kenston Forest BSH Bru nswick Acad.
32 41
Southampton Acad . Fuqua SdlUUI
A melia Acad.
The Steward School 111
Us Them
Us Them
112 Corinthian
Collcgi:lIe 4 Collegl:lte 3 Collegiate I SI. Chri>lnpher\ I 51. Christopher's 5 Cullcgimc I Collegiate 2 SI. Chr;,tuphcr', 3 Seven Ihlls SI. Christopher', 2 Cnllegime 3 SI. Christopher', 5
48 36 45 50 47
Ch..::-.apcakc Acad .
Trinity Collegiate 3
23 42
52 46 52 52 45 57
42 45
32 25 30 30 20 37 39
47 45 24 36 26
51. Christopher's 4 SI. Chris topher', 3 51. ChriSlopher's 5 St. Chris to pher's 2 SI. Chris topher's 6 Collegiate 2 SI. Chris topher's .'i Collegiate 4 Collegiate 2 SI. ChriSlopher's 6 Cullegiale 2 SI. ChriSlopher's 5 SI. Christopher's 4
25 21 24 27 36 45 3R 35 33 31 34
34 44 34
39 33 42 42
28 47 3Y
51 28
26 19 52 27 69 34 39 47 40 26 19 26
25 47 45 32 45 46 32 16 33 43 39 34 3~
Tidewa ter Acad. Frcdcri c.: hburg Acad.
Christchu rc h School New Community VES
K...:rrvancc Acad.
53 27
51. Margare",
I-redericksburg Acad.
Richmond Christian
61 74 .11 46
Sf. GClrudc'!-.
38 36
St. C3therine's C()vcnanl Trinity Tam.k m 5t. Margaret's
56 33 30
Trinil)' Tandem New Commu nity
S1. Genrude
35 25 61 31 3-1
Richmond Christian Frctlcrk:k;..,burg Acad. (LIS) Covenant (LIS) Spirit JV
New Community
The Steward School 113
.lli Them 17 12 15
7 14 14 21 11 32 7
15 10
9 Sl.
Catherinc' ~
All Saints St. Bridget'> SI. Catherine's Blue St. Mary's Collegia,e Gold
114 Corinthian
13 25
Coll egiate Gold St. Catherine's St. Mary's St. Mi chael's St. Bridget" A St. Bridget's B Lady of Lourdes Orchard I10use Collegiate Green
10 11
8 10 12 14 16 14
Them 20 12 30 41 18 15 26
20 20 (0'1')
Den Fraizer
"We have come a long way as a school community into really supporting our athletic programs and the school itself. "
"Spirit is different at The Steward School because parents and students get involved and we make an effort to support our teams. " . MS co-captains
a.\soo Voltz
"The spirit we ha ve come to accommodate will most definitely be around for a long time. We 've come too far to let it all go and we will always have a 'Howard' we all love to cheer for at the end of the day. '
The Steward School 115
116 Corinthian
The Steward School 117
118 Corinthian
The Steward School 119
Beyond Steward . .. The popular socialnetworking Web site MySpace surpassed its 1OO-million-users mark in August.
120 Corinthian
The controversial Pluto was kicked out of the solar system's planet group by the International Astronomical Union when it met on August 24 in Prague. It was redefined as a "dwarf planet. "
Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin died in September after being struck in the chest by a stingray barb during a diving expedition.
a look back on a year of our world, our lives, our time In September, Katie Couric started her new job as "CBS Evening News" anchor, becoming the first solo female anchor of any nightly newscast.
North Korea nuclear test occurred October 9.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 12,000 on October 19 in its highest close in a 11 O-year history. The Steward School 121
Beyond Steward . .. On October 31 , TV game-show host Bob Barker, 83, appeared in his last "Price is Right" episode .
122 Corinthian
Democrats gained control of Capitol Hill in the November elections, with Nancy Pelosi named the nation's first female speaker of the House.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld resigned from his office on November 8.
a look back on a year of our world, our lives, our time NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson was crowned Nextel Cup Champion on November 19.
For seizing the reins of the global media, for found ing and framing the new digital democracy-TIME named its Person of the Yea r for 2006, and it was YOU .
Thirty-eighth president, Gerald R. Ford, passed away at age 93 on December 26. The Steward School 123
Beyond Steward . .. "Pirates of the Caribbean" was the top-grossing film of 2006.
124 Corinthian
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon took over as United Nations secretary-general January 1, succeeding Kofi Annan .
"Grey's Anatomy" won Best Television Series Drama at the 64th-annual Golden Globes in January.
a look back on a year of our world, our lives, our time On February 4, the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29-17 in Super Bowl XLI.
At the 49th-annual Grammy Awards in February, the Dixie Chicks won album and song of the year for work on their latest album "Taking The Long Way."
Martin Scorsese's "The Departed" took home four Oscars, including Best Director and Best Picture, on February 25. The Steward School 125
Beyond Steward . .. For the first time since 1986, Virginia sent four teams to the NCAA basketball tournament for March Madness--Virginia Tech, University of Virginia , Old Dominion University and Virginia Commonwealth University. 126 Corinthian
March 19, 2007 marked the fourth anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq.
Mitch Alborn received recognition for his 2006 Forbes Bestselling book, "For One More Day."
a look back on a year of our world, our lives, our time Google bought YouTube for $1.6 million.
Rolling Stones top pick for Album of the Year 2006: Bob Dylan 's "Modern Times"
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize: Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2006: Turkish writer, Orhan Pamuk The Steward School 127
Beyond Steward . .. March 2007: Mini-Y2K panic that came when Daylight Savings Time arrived three weeks ahead of time
128 Corinthian
Technology Trends: blogging , vlogging and podcasting
Fashion Trends: skinny jeans and tights, mini skirts and dresses, platform boots and ballet fiats, retro tees and punk
a look back on a year of our world, our lives, our time The Year's Buzzwords: Truthiness Web 2.0 Netroots K-Fed to Fed-X
Most popular: Most popular car in America Most popular car color: silver Most popular sport in the world: according to sales: Toyota Camry. The Camry also made soccer Most popular fast-food franchise: its debut in the NASCAR Busch and Nextel Cup series Wendy's for the 2007 season. The Steward School 129
Mentor "Motivator"
How can a
describe Mr. Keller? 130 Corinthian
"Caring "
"Creative" "Energetic "
"Boisterous " "Tal/"
"Enthusiastic "
Friend "Positive"
Leader "Loya/"
••• "Oedicated"
"Funny" "Understanding" "Oevoted"
Thank you
"Generous" The Steward School 131
With thank~. ~ DVERTISING
H...·, to •
great 2000.2007
Jason Baranowsl.i
This yearbook would not have happened without the generous and devoled work of three people --
school yeas from your
eenf,.a' Vi"ginia
~rs .
lCarnlolinski, Busse and ~rs. Keller -whose effOlis stand behind nearly every picture and page.
Jan Defalco jan.d.r.kc@joruns.com
Shannon Dugan shannon.Juganijostons.com
www.josfen~ .e(,,"
Many. many t:hark~!
Mary Margaret W"t>on. February 10. t9R9 wa~ one of the mo, ! ex citing day:o. of our lives. and you've made :,ure the exc i Lcl11~nl hal:. continued . We are proud of how you have grown up and of what a fine Ix;r~on you have oocome. We hope and pray thaI'. :I, you head off 10 college. you wi ll continue 10 retine and pursue your intere~t::,. contribute yuur time and energy in the \cfvkc of olhcn., he safe (precious cargo! ). We love you.
Mom (llfd Da(1
132 Corinthian
and have fun.
Elizabeth HoW'ard Thanks for the Memories
We love you and will miss you!! World get ready; here comes Beth! Mom, Anna-Catherine, Peter, Michael, Radar, Rose, Nala, Valentine The Steward School 133
Hard wor
We love you and are very proud of you! Good luck at Wake Forest!
134 Corinthian
Justin Wright Congraml ationsJustin. We arc so vel)' proud of you. Boy, 18 ye31~ flew b)'. It's been 3 wonderful flight. Now go out and show tile
world your many talents. Aim high. dream big and show kindness. We'll miss your music, two forehands, juggling. and stylish dress. ~IUll1 willmis.<> that wonderful smile.
Lole. Love, Love Infi nite Lolc ,110/11,
Dad ({lid Alex
The Steward School 135
Taylor, Congratulations to the special gol who stole our hearts and filled our lives with joy. We ore blessed to have on incredi ble daughter. Love,
Mom and Dad 136 Corinthian
/<air/in Me)ler
· Liffie ~ ~re.. -t\.,e. VlUcc.t "",,~cc. ~~ppe-Vl to p::~1e.
-n,;.., ;.., -00 tnAe. ivI IMr CA<Oe.. We love '(1M eI~ eire. <00 prtMol of '(1M. wt,;\e. we eire. <00\01 ~t '(IMr 1at\e. ~rI· oICI'('<> o.re. over, we o.re exc-n-eol for '(1M ~ '(IMr future. "Qe.~...ber, t-ooICI'( ;.., ik. trot oICI'(
ofik. re.-ot of '(IMr life:
Go for it1tll
The Steward School 137
Michoe Reozin My, how you've grown! Michael, There are time that I am truly in awe of you. Your kindness, integrity and perseverance are unparalleled. You've made the world a better place. Congratulations on graduation! You don't need my helping hand anymore.
I love you! -Mom
B'flf!.M" &diM1.p1t Congratulations LeLe. I'm so proud of you. Love You, Mom
138 Corinthian
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - e.e. cummings I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities , and to the most special places your heart has ever known. - Author Unknown.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go. - Dr. Seuss The best helping hand that you will ever receive is the one at the end of your own arm. - Fred Dehner
Shoot for the moon . Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. - Les Brown
What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. - Eleanor Powell
. It
~ ~~!~ Jonathan -- We are so proud of the young man you've grown to be! Follow your heart; make wise choices and know we are always here for you. We love you. Mom, Dad, Emily and J. T. The Steward School 139
140 Corinthian
Way to go Mimi! We love you, Mom, Stu and Nana
Your help in creating the yearbook was indispensable. Your work was superb! Mayall your dedication pave the rood toward your dreams.
The Steward
Jacl< Quinn -----..
Happiness does not consist in having what you want, but wanting what you have. - Confucius
Love, Mom, Dad, Kelley and Ned 142 Corinthian
Sarllh Nt!4ffn
Sammy George
Evel)rthing you are and evel)rthing you hope for makes you someone velY special. "God must have spent a little more time on vou." We love you, . .\1om and Dad
To our ''princess'' with the ''powerful'' name: May you fulfill the wondedul plans and purposes the Lord has for you.
Petey! We've had some crazy times alright... Congratulations! The world's waiting [or ya!. .. -Sarah
We love you!!! Mom and Dad Christina & Grandma
The Steward School 143
144 Cori nthian
Send us comments at year book@stewardschool.o
A. Favor Ie oc路iv tv on the eighth-grace \'II' oerness ~.dvenhre ],e em arotirg zip!i"e B IV\rs Barbw and Ire eighth-grade dlOlr <.re a I smiles oller +eir seco"td-pbce win c路 &sch Gorders. C Pet Day The lower Sd-ool is row OCceptlrg ern re CCl/'lOOO-P.) I\:ow pl"ese'1ll'lg Bnello lee en.:: Iv f,..ny vlsllcr
II s ~ ~Id Dayl Sllo:lh-groder Mark Trcrp cerro! corron his
E. Mrs. Ko-mollnsl..1 and B-oeden Gk:rcy swap wardrobes dlrl'"'9 lower Sch::xJl's Theme VvC!:.i
CONTENTS Special Events 2 Sports 14 Recognitions 23 Prom 26 LS Graduation 27 MS Graduation 28 Baccalaureate 29 US Graduation 30
The ~adS'
po! ticlponts pose
for 0 group p'Chre
bch. boordng t+-e" II ghl
J"'Klr Kelly Willkoms loci. on t+-e role as crimaJ c::ore'c:ier os. port of I-B- interrd-ip
SopI-orncre Andy Vmgcn al woo' wih hs mentor
During Alternate Program, Upper School students engaged in a variety of enriching experiences. For the freshman cia s, the week included adventuring in the outdoors, hitting the ski slopes and exploring the nation's capital. Upperclassmen interned for businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations. Others set out to discover the cultural wonders of Greece, Argentina and France. Meanwhile. back on the hornefront, seniors fine-tuned and presented their senior projects.
Frcsl'wrcn girls take time 001 of their busy sc.'1edule in tre wilcemess to smIle for rhe
"'"'"" hdo""",-" _ • •" lor the carrera w~le wooleg at Habllal lor
H..monlty ruing olterrate J::rogrcrn
A dar ng Iresfmcn en<>Y' the zjp~ne ruing
2007 Supplement
mn mester,
Greece-trip portiCiooT'1ts tOLr the breothtokirg coo ~istQ(iea l sites.
Fresfmen woo '" leom-wid.-.g ",lis clu-"9 lfe We&< off f,om cbsses ----------
E""'Yi::odv bvss a clawri Sixt.-goder
S .Ih-goocr Dond Kfury demcr.t,ales ",foee ,"'-
Mcrg.rl Perberthy ,.",Ias fa
OOiut<::rl 01 NlIJ'/ff'O)'
wall of the classroom-away from the textbooks and chalkboards-became the classroom for sixth and seventh graders during Alternate Program.
Sixth graders explored Richmond from Belle IsIe a'Dd downtown businesses to the Bry'd and beyond.
Seventh graders meanwhile, worked doing community service at day-<::llre centers. shelters and other agencies that help our neighbors in
need. 'The stfIfknls open our ~ in the WtJ1 theymmtJie
chaJlnIges of the with incredibk 1IIIltUrity. entlutsiasm; care and hope.•
Dr.......... S"th g-ades osp;ncg scief1tisls Boo ZogI-b, Melino I)c,ci<er crd Ern ~C<>.ous. lesl Ire .....-ater q.olty of
the .laTe5 R"fr
Podq,onts of ..... xlh-gode
S;xth"9",d... Dor.eIa & ......... all sm,1as. b,1 ",de ...., • wordorng "N,II 011 th. n-do-cp CO'Te olf?
Se"""th-g-cde<s T,,,, Mum, San n:.oes - - - - - - - - crd i.e FrI.>y pause!r,,", I..... w<x< 10
In sarecre vol",eer c·
CJ1'\..re Prog'"CITt stnl e 0 pcre
else. shoes Seventh-g= Ire V'g-la I--oo-e.
Jue 0 io.Jg'l crd c smie
The Steward School
Mss.rn Irrpo.s;b!e? With
te<>'lWOll< t..., crew """'os
,I tlTo..g" t"e tongled web.
l'1e leorless O"'SY Edwads prep<res to ci mb the rroy wall
Back o路 the OOmes,eod Ryer Fodoo Tromas Howell end Boroen Porter.
For Alternate Program,
the eighth-grade class spent a week in the wilderness of southwestern Virginia. Faculty Chaperones; Mr,Chapman Mr. Jiancristoforo M . Lechner Mrs, Paulette Mr, White
Each day, student participated in various team-building activities and individual challenge including scaling high Walls, exploring hidden caves, canoeing wild rapids and experiencing the thrills of the zipJine. In the evenings,
campers relaxed around the fue, performing music, playing games and talking about the day'S adventures.
1..., whoe gong gothers on tre cob."
to cx:::pt ore one cst rrerr'lC:f'y of tt-e r kne together In >he Great Outdom.
2007 Supplement
hs de-ermirottO'l the """"toin
Alter 0 eng day tl-ese odventJers a-e ready for some rest crd relaxation.
Aex New""" Rym larber! liz Kel>ey
K..,.., Bate, Borden Porter Aoctew Noble
,,,,:I Motl Holl ""port one croll." os
ard Pe'e Dooley earely hag ~om tI-e rol路"", reo:x-d.ng rhe day'., eXClt'rrJ events.
they strive for bO'Cn:e.
GacOl BIo r stc\."1S
Ms. Rdells, BolllCl' Coder crd Nvs IlLm perlorm CO"" I naI A, osserrOiy
A'd-d ,"Iv, 1"':>1"""oy ready lor I3eoc1' Day.
Wi""'" 01 "" M P'ogrom p<Yfcrm on w>go "
'001 assembly.
The t=actS' The final Aceelerated Reader Assembly recognizes those students who accomplished a "double platinum' award leveL Students reading enough books to accumulate 100 AR
points or more during the school year also attended a pedal luncheon.
Our end oftbe year
pany. 8eacb Day. was a fun experience. Students were greeted in the moming with the teacher beach-chair line up. They were treated to a moon..oounce, special lunch and ice cream.
Special art, reading and foreign language activities made tbi IL'it day of school one to remember! Moo crd
Ire A,ntO"Cilcs'
r:x-ovide g-eat err'ertoirrrent for t~
lnal AR """wy,
'---- -- --
Or Siewad ldoludges lor OJ 1>,'1 =e<rk>y: R<rdy - - 'Coes .Jcx:..sa, paJa Unv,IIe' AboiJ and Smon
Mrs. ::As>.,1Ie bokorg 'd.d y'
Beach Day,
'Tdd.' Cowei.
The Steward School
2007 Supplement
Eighth-groUcr [kinde ~Ian wows
the ~ with I-.er perk",,,,,,,,, 01 路Bod. Horse t' a Gerry Tree
.lTlQr Potricl fll\c.<eowr provides t--e bose fey the Iv\ed", B;g Bend, 'CoId D.d< I...,
Class Ad! Shth-gruocr Em RoJ.ous's delivers t--e soot-.rg satrds 01 Corio, Sozedo" 'R,roba
The t=ach This year's talent night had something for everyone: fantastic soloists, awesome bands,
faculty acts. gymnastic stunts... even a grammar lesson! The MCs of the
evening. Mr. McAlister and Mrs. Moehring. kept the pace and place rocking. The how concluded
with the Upper School Music Ensemble's performance of James Brown's 1 Got You (I Feel Good), better known in the Steward community as... The James Dooley Experience. "So good. ..so good... I got you'" ~l.likx
Fres.~ Noel Martinez and. Ethan Pease energize t""'le crowd with the Red I-bt Chili PeppP.f!>' torr '(0'11 S-op.'
Coleb Brown t ~ multi-talented
-rUSidcrl perlorPlS
n 'liS ~Kth !Tll.E.ICoI oc' of the
1rior POUI Sc.....Jcn;路en wah I"'C all""'"f> fo, the ,'v'.ediJn Big Bond.
+e brnd Brckelife.
Serocr Coidon IVlert" perl""", Grod, Batley & Bey"""., 'C'OLY II/Ie&ey'
The Steward School
The All A.,.",,,,,ao gcrg of footbo pby"" crd cl-eer00der, rely en ,'age fer 0 ~g, "",cd
The t=ads-
Se...cr 1\1e, Goc:Jsdoo CI'O,.nor lara Sove -eat >h,-gs .., w,+ Ih.r "",toge cham 'Ty as FocIcrso, crd ROZobeth
\~Ia oOOrobieCOl~fe; ~e
"'sh,~ CI'O
Or. Moe.trello n !'xTd P"""ana To.'I.
In the fall, Steward presented All American. an entertaining musical about a teacher who opens his students' eyes to the world of Physics and football. In the spring, the Cramer Center's stage was transformed into a charming Mid-
western homestead. Sarah, Plain and Tall i a touching story about setting out on a journey and finding a family. A big round of applause to all the and crew and to Mrs. Moehring. Mr. Mudd and Mr. Smith for a fabulous season. BRAVO!
A1J Amt.v.cc:ns bcx:t,.路smcrt protestors I-oZLO"d lexi W~es
Thomas Dov" Co,"路
"'....."""'"''''~.~,_, J
ord GrOCIe Cotc
as .ocob. '''9' 'Sha rg
gocc ""'"
to Sr-.cJi, b<ot'U po,..,d by dcssmote Nrl Pa'C'rnc:n
of rI-e
w," h., d-.Ic>"" pbyed by Scctt Rope..
end Emily Robnoo " .5ach i'fdn crd Tall
2007 Supplement
D""" Keith crd bne. Dooi<..'Y os ti'eir 2C1ny C"lCTOC'f!"'< 1>00,..011 ad lIy ~
s.....or Sr-.nmy (J."l<9<' crd
Footbol ,'cr Edw," .&.0,-, pbyed by Tim \'VIW!s 'NIh Aiel( Goc:Jsdoo sngng
Emily Robnson Dl.'I'路a-n
We Sp.rl ..... Sc.,.. lorg..oge ,
tre cLer 'l\cve's
_ _ _.J
Krde.-ga-''''''''' demans~ale r51<." '" T..., legend 01 t+-e C",1C'3C Mcncy K'rg'
'rn-godes Cervs /,,\iIe< Carer Erge ,e and Nv:xJ.,oo ONe.1 "The ,v"ria,!, lhe Bees and the W,"wom Tmos
ocl rg
lex-hon In
'The PrII'"Cess and
Ire Pea,'
First-Grade Play What's So Funny 'BoUI Peace, Love, and Understanding? The Acts ~Smj)e"
Fruit Family
"The Monkeys. the Bees and tbe Wigw8111 Trees"
KIndel prteIIl PIa Bats, Monlceys and
"legend of the Chinese Monkey King"
Pea" All plays wriuea by Mrs. Moehring Audrey Whle is SOU'd asleep 'n
're Pnrcess and ft.e Poo .
F"I路goo."s Missy Iv\cOomeIl C'TishCJ1 Cabw. Corror Roger~ "'" Ben Froecg
K,ndergarerers ,n 'I Know S",<>bwed a BoI'
Old lady ,\1"
perlcrm 'Sm,Ie'
F.st goders n 'n., rul F"" y Feud'
Somers Willon "'" Ben I-o-bcfg rorrole l"e 1r;1-gode ploy
The Steward School
The .J=acts
MerrOers of the orurn eosenbIe Sev9"l''''·grocl€f!. Holh Owen Wasi Canp-C-owde- Paylen 1crJ""
Senior ~urW}y lYooddJS pertCffTlln9 ~ origlU piece 'You l,ve In my Hea...,."
Ei>J1th-godec, Zoch Ccrey Rood M.ott tioll end SClpIUTICYC f'dl,..'f bword pa:foon l _ Fr~ a ddengng p ece
One spring season. two great cOlwens! The Instrumental
Music Concert was a huge hit. packing in original drum beats. songs from the cinema. a bit of jazzpizazz. some eclectic funk, and solos on the harp. flute and tenor
sax. Equally spectacular wa the "Sonnds of Steward" Chorus Concert that featured a variety of songs ranging from The Beatles' "Penny Lane" to Lauridsen's "Dirait00." The night also potlighted several solo performances.
Kudos to all the musicians, and special thanks to Mrs. Ander-
son. Mrs. Barlow and Mr. McAlister! The L\::pe- School Select EnserrCIe performs -Shoul Gkri w;ih solos by Deboey Broaddus ord ~'IICJ( IifTl Wile$.
Toe-Su-g I>,n ,'eps l<' to lho hlS"do port In the US Enserrble, pe<lor""""" 01 'Bye Bye lo"",,,' ~e
'l"iO"~ for
The Slxth- cro seventh gt'CXle recorde"""-'1'be plays '_eon on M.a
2007 Supplement
The si,""- and se~enlh-grode OOUS li~ 1
theN" vo~.e<;
11-. l'no<essiVe horn ,echen of lho Ih>er Sc-ooI5<rd
sio;}rg "Seize
FOU'"t"t-grade cb,vn;i!.h Sing
'Corrmotial In loTten LP
Oceon.' and
CerY' Milk.- ard the f.,t-grade doms perform 'It, AU the Same to t"e Cbn.·
Secord-grade ~arlish roe It-er 'u-es 'The Starfish Song' ard 'Ard Now for the S'CJ' •
The busy morning
began with a welcome from Headmaster Mr. Seward. foUowed by a theatrical produc-
tion performed by the entire Lower School.
Sure Sounds Fishy To Me! an adaptation of John Jacobson's Go Fish was the underwater tale by Bonnie Anderson. After the show, everyone attended receptions in the Lower School. Students spent the
rest of the morning with their grandparents and loved ones introducing their teaclJers. showing off their classrooms, visiting the book fair, and just having fun. Tl-e Sole F.h S"ters pklyed by
Fllth-gode sh:rks pklyed by Jorden 'Jid>ois Bry.:e D'Suney, Just'n C)ozler C""," Cernes Ard-ew Fore Jom-I-I.nter Wlli""" a-d Brantley rbtfoway.
' - - -- - ]};rd-gade """"""" sq.uo dar<e
mnscr Tolloo Ashley DcConti Arro FurY and Saru,>ha Nodel
' - - - - - - - - - TI-e cost pbyed by '11th g'oders
Klrxiergartener, Groce Goocipashre Willian Hobbs and /v\o'f, Craig sino 'Ocoon<> of
Fer '
The Steward School
The t=acts
Freshman Taylor Scott cod Britt Law!-orn gel,"", creative juices flowing to croft
tf-a- catOOl"6
,)-.:,-,-g r~
Oevec+-grader Wes> Ccrnp-Gowcier ideas wilh paine.- Gra'!
Cghl!'-g-ader SI",,'I Gooo w Ih ""ccd gad. s Ltny Cocdozo seac&ng I",
irspi"olon for their story revJl'ite.
What began not too long ago as a project for a few Lower School classes has turned into a schoolwide celebration of writing. Lower School students team up with Middle and Upper Schoolers to travel to different writing stations throughout the day. Teams (;reate cartoons, play with poetry and parody, practice writing letters, descriptions. and responses to art and music. The Write-a-thon concludes with .. Artist Assemblies." public-lI-peaking opportunities for students to select and share their work with a larger audience. ~jllh g"cdesl-bTison
Tal-on ad Carli Wren. Arne-Sims honey end Eri<
Markowitz pcrt'cipate " lhe le"er-wr,l~
OeYâ&#x201A;Ź<'th-gocb Her-"", C~I aod Hcgh
$opoomo.-e Keri Drurmoncl ccd helh grades Jexqcel ne Martel IT'de 0 gool
!\btrrUl work. togcl~1Cf 10 cCfl'lJiele t~
writrg teem
orl-insplred slory,
mar Morgcret Spotts masked borda.
2007 Supplement
Wake- Stethnius
quid. tin'e 001 hm their c:zs..sA9f'fYleflt to flash a smile
tole a
des(Tlptlve writlrg
E'ghl!,-gr""", Kale Conway oed """'" grade's Arnordo M", oed L"GO' Gkrnc:y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' are
100JSCd 00
!/'Cir ~s In
The Steward School
2 R 4
St. Ch r istophcr'~ Tandem Nansemond Suffolk
2007 Supplement
7 II 16 13
3 5 6 3 Ii 8
18 III II 14
4 9
II 7
5-13 II
4 6 14 14 R 6 6
12 17 14 10 9 I II
10 14 12
6 R 7 9
16 13
5 6 IS
Rebe l L.1.cro~se
Co\oellllll L
T rim ly
St. Catherine's JV YES Frede rid"bllrg Acad. Collegiale JY Green
Sl. C;.llhcri nc's JV T rin ity Tandem Cove ll ant Rehe l 1":lcro\Se
Swifl Creek TallJcm Patrick Henry
YES Covenanl
(LIS Toumallll.:nt) 7
Cape Henry Coil. (Slate Tuurnamen t)
The Steward School
I> 4
14 9 16
R 4
Catherine's B Ware A cad.
Rebel L1CroSSC Colleg iate Gold Rebel Lanusse
Collegiate G reen 2 Ware Acad. 7
2007 Supplement
5 3
14 b
7 9 0 .1 1 3
T rin ity St. Gertrud~ Fredericksburg Acad.
0 0
St. Margaret's Richmond Christi an Trinity Sl. Cmherine's Sl. Margaret's Richmond Chris ti an
1 6 1 5 5
Acad .
Co ll eg ime T andem
Co ve nalll LIS Toumamellt Co venant
The Steward School
The golf team broke the school scori ng record by eight shots in a win (Fuqua) and a loss (Woodberry). Jeoung Seok Han was medalist with an even par 35. Drew Nob le (40) , Gilliam Hughes (41 ), and West Camp-Crowder (41) contributed to the record.
Th e golf team finished its conference season 10-0 by defeating Southampton at Cypress Cove Country Club. Jeoung Seok Han was medalist for the Spartans with Drew Noble a close second.
Overall 11 -6 Conference 10-0
Brull"wic'" Acad. Collegiale JV Bl es~ed
Coach Catesby Jones named VCC Golf Coach of th e Year "Mr. Jones deserved this outstanding honor. His patience, determination and willingness to support the team undoubtedly led us to a victory this year. " -- Gilliam Hughes
17 1 177 181
190 IXX 175
I~ I
170 Southampton Acad. 171 Fuqua
Blue Ridge
Brunswic'" ACi.ld.
166 10/\ 186
1 ~5
233 15 1 187 100 239
BIc"sed Sacr..tlllclll-
IX5 185 157 157
188 177 153 176
SOlllhamplon ACalJ.
Wuodbcl'\) JV
219 368 100
Fu quu
vee Toumamcnt }53
2007 Supplement
Led by Jeoung Seok Han (2nd medalist) and Clark Asplundh (4th medalist) , the golf team won the VCC Golf Tournament at Fort Lee Cardinal Golf Course.
Us Them 9 6 5
3 8 7 6 0 4 5 I 7 8 I 6
3 4 6 I 2
3 9 5 4
TidC\vat cr Acad.
Blessed Sacrament-Hugue not Chri stc hurch Trinity Coll egiate IV Benedictine
2 I
Tidewater Acad. Lafayetlc HS
Blessed Sacrament-H ug uellot VCC Tournamcnt Nan~cmolUJ Suffolk Acad. Collegiate J V
3 3
FU:vIA Chrislch urch Blue Ridge Nansemond Suffolk Acad .
6 6
The Steward School
Fuqua Goowin SOUl hamplon Acau . Christchurch Tidewater Acad. Blessed Sacrament-
Fllqua Sou thampton Acad.
Gooc hl and HS Charlottesv ille Chri sti an
Tidewate r Acad. Lafoye" . HS
vce Tournament
7 7
2 2
y 9 9
7 Y
2 0
8 5
I 4
R 6
Charlouc ~vil le
2007 Supplement
Us Then
Us Them Ri chmond
New CommunilY Millwood Mill wood Coll egiale B St. Chrislopher\ ~cw
2007 Supplement
15 12 16
5 2
5 2
12 12 14 15 CUlIlmunil Y 12
Christian Collegialc St. C:.uherine's Sf. Calheri ne's St. Edward's
4 :I
0 2 0
""",h-groder Kerdrd< Pe·er. Is )waded MVP " MS soccer rd ba.-ctooll
E>g"lhgroder Ry01 odooI b f.oracd WI:h +e Best Defef5ive Player if'! blJe
"E..'CC IfCS
ooy s soccer.
MVP " loeid I-od-ey.
The t=acts
lor preseoted by lIN Irge
Steward athletes are recognized for their
dedication. efforts and achievements at the Middle School Awards Ceremony and the IV and Varsity Sports Banquet
Players from each team are awarded the following honors: MO$I Valwlb~ Player
Coach's Aword Most Improved lJOPercent
Go Spartons! Eg,t"9'oder Toylcr .<ermol....1accepts J.er ow",d foe Best Cefeooer ;0 oocose
Cooc-h EhlOOcth Fro"" • awo-ded the
Sopho'nOfe Bobby
Virgna CorTlIrQ'lweallh Conler€n:"e Sprit
Cooch. Award" goll
Bol " f.o=cd w,lh the
A...... ao
Hoctor Ayala 00p<<XlC"""eS the stage ro : -- - - receive h:. olN~d fa OffC!n$lve MVP In bosketballron IW. Inge
Bg,thgroder Sorell BJrou;t. rcce<v'" J.er troo,y lor Mos· Volcble " girls tJ.., ----' Wetbal Iron M·, Rce
Sen"" M'" W'g; =epts +e award I" MVP n boys iemis.
The Steward School
The f=adS'
Pctner Md(eown pcrdcrs over the fT'eOOir-g of art Mr ,'\ney wonder-s f-ow LTg ,I bst. and Sco~
:'''»gocfe,. Mya Jmes '9C€<VC$ Hltesl Acodemtc
Eghhgmder Am Sch mmc!' oed sevenll>grodo Oloe
awad wimer tor Best
Av<.Yo:Je awad frO"'l fIlIr
A Iswcrtf. smiles at the w-de
Plete-s 0'0 rLwy 10 celebrote
with oolllf"liOr fvo
Pro''*'"'''' sm
Tolingc.'fl .
The FineAns Department sponsol"li a banquet for the MS and US to honor the talents, skills and hard work of the countless actors, architects, technicians, singers. musicians, painters, Sl:ulptors and photographers at The Steward School.
Among the many honored, junior Hali Yun was recognized for her contribution to The Steward School Permanent Collection. Senior Alex Godscbalk and junior Patrick McKeown were awarded the Fine Ans Award for their show of excellence in art, music and theater.
J...,,!a" Peter Stoe!T
the award
Best Use of a Nlcdun: Acryik: on Canvas from Ms Puu\>1e
Serooc ClT.'q:I1er S<ave accepts +c OuhkJ)::klQ Achie..,ement ;n Ac+rg Award frorr
'* M.rli 24
2007 Supplement
These slylish slxlh gmcers gather Woddell Tenor..e before t"'C
Etghlh-grodo, N\egJl McGhee Jet. Rowe. Iv\odd" Artlu Amy lO1e oed Liz Kely stond p-oud w th their teoe:i-a- fINs.. G'I!lSO'fl
I:x:r<,e' 00;)...
SopI""""e Dtoro Ke,," oed fresf-m:>, fforo:; 0.,.", sI-ow 01' tterr awO"ds 10-
Recipients of t--e Fre Arktl.wcrd jUlior Pch", Nd(eown end ""'" Ae, Gcdsd-ck - - -
Mos· Imoroved r Actng
fa Cl pdJe With I~....~ M:rlors.
The Steward School
The t=ads
T>-cy ve Ct짜>yed sere fire dr.rg crd ae ready to pcl'"ly
the5e ~eozir pose for pidlres befae
"Some Enchallted Evening..... This year the magic and excitement of the prom unfolded on a beautiful ship that sailed the waters of the James. On board. prom-goors dined and danced the night away.
Tbe Royal Court Michael Reazin Monica Casper Polly Cannella Ryan Byme The fun continued back on land with the after-prom party. Students enjoyed casino games, gladiator competitions. an obstacle course and prizes.
A "Ht.nner. 1~lne arrives on tt-e scene witr jtJniors and seniors E:O!'Jer fO board the
Eva von Tolingen oarces with her oole aT prom
prom >h'p
Fa- ArrY.J Greodec ord Zo n GroznoWI. lhe fen has cJroody ,Ioded
2007 Supplement
71-e Royals Prom bf"9 Md-oel Reozin. queen N'a"dCO Cosper. p"1rx:e Rvo., Byne and P"rcess PoiDy Comelb
Tim WII", Riley Sislrurk, Comeron Scoles and Corrvn Garrett ride to prom in style
Bo)C*er Corter wimer 01 -he lower School Awo'd fX)SeS with Mrs. fU"9e<
F,fTf. gacb,; 1.1"" to lloiley ""Irs e Rogrx> s Stude," COU'dI Reflecl""
Seven years before they finally leave The Steward School. the fifth graders celebrated the first graduation of their academic career. The Lower School graduation, held June 1. 2007. marked 48 students' progression to the Middle School. Although they soon will walk the haUs as sixth graders. they win carry with them the memories gathered from kindergarten through fifth grade. The graduation ceremony awarded select fifth graders for their academic. artistic and athletic accomplishments. as well as for dedication. character. honor and leadership held in high esteem at The Steward School. Fift,..grade grcrl..olcs Ql-oe Stooles. lcuO"l Perry. Georgecrne Poce ord Col:cll Gb-cy pose WIt+> the u..1:.e
Fifth-g'ode gocLotes Dod, Ab-c:o Phebe Je,t '" and Groce Frolw
n.. fifth-grooo gocLolr>g doss 01 2fXJ7
;ifth-grode gocLo'es Nato~ Ber&e '" Cloore Klrclrn.... and Keo= &"""
The Steward School
The t=adS'
The e ghh-grode C'Or- perfcyms 0 sweet nelod y about bve and
Alex Newman rxesenls the cbsE. 91ft to Mr Seward-backs I", ,'" Middle and Uppec ScOOoIl orcry.
James f'.1ee~ steps forward to recei'ol
the Grade level AchIevernerl. AwOl. fran Mr Iv'.oru:.o.
The graduating eighth graders looked like seniors ready to go off to college... Mr. Chapman's eloquent invocation and benediction were the bookends to the celebration ... The class donated a wheelbarrow (literdlly) of books to Mr. Seward as a class gift to the school... The eighth-grade girls chorus sang beautifully ... Mr. Maruca mused aloud about the top 10 moments from the year, including flipflops, student poetry and teachers getting on tangents ... and most importantly, everyone graduated! MS Graduation June 1,2007
n.. graeoote, gat..... toget"" en Waddell
Novid Mahbcn steps fo-wcrd to oc('"ept H-e
Terroce lor ore lro Mdd\e Sc'=f memory
Hstory Award
lleod 01 M;ddb Scf=1 Mr Maruoo roes a collec'ior 01 h.JrTlO'"OUS crd In.<.;Xing
Mallcry Bu-gess â&#x20AC;˘ -.:>"<Yeo wile T-e Stowo<d Award pr""",teo by Ms Brondl
2007 Supplement
To opeo the cerem:ny. M¡ Chapmen off", 0 heartfelt end personol invoca!ic1'~ for tOO grodl)otes. the r fom,I,6S Cf10 frierds.
middle-sd-ooI O"ECdofe..
00Jt io..e ",,-cries
gOOf exper,er'Ccs 0'1d sf.. has WOO with the
Keilier wnp:rts wores of 'IE!
Ire poems ~
The ~adS' The 2007 Baccalaureate Ceremony was a celebrdtion of the 37 tudents about to grdduate-a dedication to each individual as an athlete, a scholar, a volunteer, a performer. an artist and a friend. Fellow students and faculty shared words of inspiration. funny storie food memorie and weU-wisheS. Often through as faCulty
members took turns
sharing touching taries about each of the
seniors. Mr. KeUer concluded the ceremony with his soog-i1Ispired ~.
His advice: Alwciy.r be G always 1II1t1l3, your motIIeYWQ8:hi. fIut:
room. tUUl rtJrMntblr tItot to wIIom much is given muck ;s expected.
ll-:e SC"'lICr5 str:ke a
pcre In
Crom:.'f' Center lobby c路 Ixx;cobreote roc."toon
Sonmy Gecrge E\cth !"owe-d rim W,1es. Mr:ry M<:rg::ret WoI<= crd Dabrey &ooddJ5 golfebefore i+'C sldeshow p-esenlohon
Alex Godsd-dK recites FJgullS 'Ad I Really Nocd 10 Know I Lecrned in KW'OElI'"g::rten"
M, M.rdy wes (rnusong stor,es abou- _ _ _--' the "",or 1:00;.
Coldon Mort,n ond fcrnlly &.at with Mrs MoeiYocg d.... g the rec."t"",
A""t""t rIJod 01 Sc'-ooI Ms. Brcrdt wcIa:mes the stocleols .""""", "" fonilies to
the cerer'TlC':lf'1y
The Steward School
Me<po RI-odes Taylor Thoml"" A", lLf'Siord lauren crd f\.lostio Kcmovo sMW 011 tkir beoutifu go:i.oto-, goWr"6.
Q Yistian
Kaly K"""" ocx:e~'s Ite Dixon Awe from Slewcrd fourder -\elen Dixon CCCOlT1'X>'W by "" 9,arda.,ghler,
San",y Geoo-ge presenl, 'he """" doss gilt 10 M, SeW(rd.
Beth DI)(OO
"We have become the Family of2007. Whatever life has dealt us. we have come through, united by comradery and friendship ..." "As you drive into your future, remember to check your rearview mirror every so often so you don'tforget where you came from. " "Stay in toucll with loved ones, laugh when you mess up, and cherish life'S once-in-alifetime moments, for all of these experiences will become the lessolls and memories, which you taU with you in your hean in your journey through life. " 路Congratulations to the Family of 2007. "
Michael Reazin Class of 2007 Josh M:.ler=e ,ecelves tre A<.-odenoc Awcrd fran Mr (ei1e r
G,,:do<'" Ca,Ier DeCock and Spc>reer
wove 10 fnerds
ord fO'nily.
lhe cb" 01 2007 poses lor one b,I plct1.ce togeth<r as Stewcrd stuJcnh. before if'Cy offlCtoIly become oit.JlY',i.
2007 Supplement
The 9'odctOOfl process"" ~ by Ms. Bra,"" and M' Keller
oel Reaz n gives a "leCI"bt.'O'"mng :I- oboot tfa closs tfot res t.rred J
Waden Goad receives the Head.,.""ters Awoed feom Me Seward
Ty,ÂŤ ram recei\'es hs d porno h:m hs morn f'hysml ecL:ot on teoc1-ec M:s. Hac,s.
"In spite ofthe world's wild ride, twisting and turning, ups and cWwnS. attractions and distractions, this class persisted and achievedon " .....you hove seized a once-in-a-lifetime
chance to use your unique gifts, talents and abilities in a genuinely collective effort 10 " . . the world here anew..... "This is the moment to go forward into ,he future with your best self as your pifk... .. "On beholfofyour families cmdfriends. the .faculty, sI4ff and trustees. Congml/llations. good luck and Godspeed."
Mr. Ken Seward US Graduatiml
June 4, 2007 T,m Be"" Megon Rh:x:Ies ond Joe> ptC'~lTe
whle wOItPJ to' lhe ceremony to bogr1
Q...o, StT'llIe fry
fCll..rlder I-'IP.Ien DixQI'"> receives
KOltlin Meyer receives tne FcnJty Award
fmm Mr KAler
stcrd',,'9 ovohon b::fcre pre-;enhrg ~
Am l.tnJad rt..xc....cs I-cr diobra frOrT' : - - - - - - - - - I.,.- moll.,.- /;rs'-gooe ,"""'" Mrs.
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5ostn.r.. Ci'C"''''' tfa t-Ieacinost..- s AwaJ from Mr Sewcrd
The Steward School
2006 .. 2007
11600 Gayton Road Richmond , Virginia 23238 804.740.3394 www.stewardschool.org Enrollment: 616
e HALl YU "Steward has been my second family, showing support throughout the community, admjni stration helping teachers, teachers helping students, and students he lping fellow peers with kindness and respect for one another. "
PA TRICK McKEOWN "The arts program at Steward has provided me with an individua lity, which [ do not think I could have gotten in most other school s. 1 am very thankful for the experience and learning opportunities of this unique outlet of knowledge. "
MARY MARGARET WATSON "Steward has become my second home. Everyone is like a brother or a sister to me. Steward has meant a chance for me to excel in every aspect of life. It bas given me opportunities that 1 would have never had a nywhere else."
Sixrh-groder Ov-ishcr. Rennie peers th-041 a mic.-oscopc
to rT"d-e en ooservatlon
B (cr'cr Filzgerald crd Poly Ccrrello ccleomle Il.e US Pes: KO Iy d-e5SCO os pirate-., os Sfewcrd preoo'es to steal
Ryland Scot' ~-..,. las brlg-.1 ofter a ternl c gane os gooljel
her elrod,
re.oed II" """Iy leld fockey leam w~ r.,.,
Steward In"'l:oho"lOl
"Steward has succeeded in the amazing task of creating an environment that serves both as an intrinsic center of intellectual stimulation and a sanctuary from our bustling world."
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Irom Ire Compehtlon. C
lor scerce cless
"It's my third home ; friends and sports, what more do you need?"