Yearbook 2009 Vol.36

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Corintbian Table of Contents Serliors Up~r&h~l



US Clubs & Organizations Firl.e Art'S

At:hletics Faculty & Staff

4 M 88 100 118 120 126 144

Year1::x:>ok Editors:

Alex: Currunings '09 Madison Ellis '09 Beth Farmer '09

Kevin Friend; Freshman, 4 years at Steward

Mason Mire; 6th Grade, 8 years at Steward

"The small athletic teams creatc leadershjp skills. Also being a part of band helps me get involved with students outside of acaderrucs and sports."

"Ms. Maclin is one of my favOlite teachers. She has good comebacks."

vis. Soucek; US History teacher and coach

Maclaine Ellis; 8th Grade, 3 years at Steward

"I enjoy the athletic teams because there is a never"Teachers are always willing to help outside of give-up attitude. We rely on each other to suceed, class. Everyone is friendly, and I like the small class and whether we win or lose, we do that. It says a lot sizes. And the Wilderness Adventure Program for 8th graders is super, super fun!" about the community."


Wortham; Senior, 13 years at Steward

"The Steward School is a welcoming and friendly place. It is very accepting of others' viewpoints and is concerned [or others' well-being. There is a laid back yet hardworking atmosphere."

Austin Carpenter; Senior, 1 year at Steward "This is my first year here, and I would definitely say it's the tight community that makes us who we are."


2009 Class


A very special THANK YOU to our Class Sponsors, Mr. Mundy &

Mrs. Define!

VP: Kel,ca Pieters Secretary: Ellie Bryan Treasurer: .Iamil' Adal1ls Historian : Alex CUl1lmings Gracie Andrews Homecoming Court: l30hhy Hall & Chillc Higgins Float Theme: Scooting Our Way to Victory

VP: .Iamcs Dooley SeCTetar)': E1I'l' Hryan Treasllrl~r: Ji.lllli~ Adam ... Historian: Alex CUlIlmings (iraeic Andrews Homecoming ('ourt: Peter 1I0\\ard &. Vcronica Tharp Float Theme: Litt Ie 'VlcTm;,id Activities: Cia" Loc~-in

'09, So Fine!

Virginia James Adams You can spend your time drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them . Mom , Dad, Whitney and Leigh : Thank you for all that you have done, I wouldn't have made it this far without you . Good Luck: JAA, RAA, SSB, TEB , PWC, KKF, TMM , BEO , MHT, MD.

Tae-Sung An "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." -- David Beckham I want to say thank you for everything to my friends, my family, and all teachers at The Steward School. Faith is the most important value I believe in.

Eric Anderson "If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined , one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau "I never think of the futu re. It comes soon enough ." -Albert Einstein "All lies and jest. still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. " -Simon and Garfunkel Special thanks to Mom , Dad, Lucy, Montie , Sam, Kevin , Colson, Cor-ay, James, Bobby, Hunter, Jake, Andrew and everyone else whom I forgot to mention but will not forget.

Elizabeth Grace Andrews "Anything in moderation " - Hobie "Dream as if you 'll live forever. live as if you'll die today." - James Dean

Robert B. Ball Jr Thanks Mom . Dad. and Kitty for supporting me over the years. To my boys: Sam . James. Colson. Eric . Hunter. Corey. Kevinthanks for the great times . To the golf team : Drew. Han . Dozier. Gilliam . and Mr. Jonesthanks for the good times during golf season. Thanks teachers for all of your support.

Corey Blount First, I would like to thank God for everyth ing that has happened in my life . I would like to thank my parents for supporting me in everything I have done and my sibling s, Christian and Chelsea, for being the best little brother and sister anyone cou ld have. And for my Granny Brownie, I wi ll always miss you. You brought joy to my life and I know you're in a better place now, R.I.P. Granny. To the rest o f my family and friends, I love all of ya' il and even though I didn't mention you r names, you know who you are .

Ellie Bryan "You only live once and when you're done you 're done. so let the good times roll". Stevie Wonder Thanks Mom . Dad . Jeb. Gussie. Buddy. Sammy. Teddy. and Beau for everything! I love ya'il Ellie Bryan

Rvan Burgess I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for all of their support through high school. I couldn 't have done it without you. I would also like to thank Coach Secrest for all that he has done for me. I had a great time playing baseball with the guys and the big three . "They will fight against you , but they will not overcome you , for I am with you to deliver you ." Jeremiah 1:19

Austin Carpenter "It's hard to beat up a person who never gives up." Babe Ruth "Excellence is to do a common thing in any uncommon way." Booker T. Washington Mom , Dad, Adam, and Allison I love you so much, thank you for everything you have done. And thanks to all my friends.

Michele Caspel live. Laugh. Love. To everyone who has been there for me through the tough times, the fun times, and the happy times , I say thank you . To my family, I love you all and I couldn't have done th is without you . To my friends , thank you for always being there for me, it's been a wild ride .

Andrew Coker Its hard to believe this chapter of my life has come to an end. Thank you everyone who has supported and helped me along the way. Thank you Mom and Dad for pushing me and making me the man I am today. I love you and am thankful for all you have done for me. Patrick and Kristen - I love you and whenever you need me, I will only be a ca ll away. Coach Secrest - You have helped me reach my goals, and for that I can never show enough appreciation. Jeremiah 1: 19 My Friends- Thank you for all the memories. I will hold these friendships for the rest of my life. I will miss all of you and wish you the best of luck!

Christine Craig A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be. A friend is someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. James Dean Mom, Dad, Grandad, Aunt Betty, and Uncle Bill Thank you so much for everything. The crewWe shared such amazing times . I love you guys. Don t be gored without me.

Alexandra Cummings How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? - Dr. Seuss

James Doolev Melri Gralsi - Latin Proverb II' you want 10 be bappy ror the rest of your lire never make a pretty woman your wife-Jimmy Soul Two men enter o ne man leaves. Tina Turner

Keri Drummond "Courage is not the absence of fear. but rather the judgment that someth ing else is more important than fear." Ambrose Redmoon Thanks Mom and Daddy for helping me through the toughest time in my life and for your continual love and support and everything you have done for me. Gram and Grandaddy: Thank you for all you have done for me.

Madison Ellis "Don't frown because its over. Smile because it happened ." Dr. Seuss Mom and Dad, thank you for supporting me in everything I do . I love you. Clay, stay who you are. To my friends, thanks for the laughs and always being there .

Elizabeth Farmer "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us ." -Emerson To Mom . Dad. Kate . and Will . You have prepared me for the next years of my life and I can 't thank you enough. I love you all. To my Friends . Thanks for the laughs.

Danielle Fraizer Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through . No matter how your heart is grieving , if you keep on believing , the dream that you wish will come true . Cinderella I used to believe in forever. But forever is too good to be true. Winnie the Pooh I trade sweat for strength . I trade doubt for belief. I trade cheerleading for nothing .

Emilv Snow Friend Memory is a way of holding on to the th ings you love. the things you are . & the things you never want to lose. -K. Arnold 1 Corinthians 10: 13 First say to yourself what you wou ld be: and then do what you have to do.--Epictetus Mom and Dad : Thanks for everything . Without you I wou ldn't be the person I am today. You mean everything to me and I am so lucky to have grown up with such a close relationsh ip with you . I love you. Kevin Thanks for always loo king out for me little bro. I know I can always count on you . Keep working hard! I love you.

Emilv Hazzard "I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it ." Audrey Hepburn Much love to my family, for your constant support over the years and all the love you 've given me. I love you so much you have no idea. And to the Crew: love you forever.

Chloe Higgins Mom Dad Bear - thank you for everything ... I Love You . HMB RSH RPS JMT HMM ESF VJA LHL CAF CEV RCB and everyone else that's made a difference ... I Love Ya'ii. "I can't believe that we would lie in our graves, Wondering if we had spent our living days well, I can't believe that we would lie in our graves, Dreaming of things that we might have been" DMB

Peter Howard It's been a rollercoaster throughout the years. Mrs . Healey: UR a mom away from home, Mundy: always keeping me on my toes, bad business Q : UR the best. mom, dad , my family I love U all, Joise : I would not be who I am without U, & everyone else who has helped me & made me what I am 2day. My man Sam- its been an interesting 8 years, There aren't enough words my man, but there is always basketball. Tae-Sung: whatz up kid , Elliot: the beamer will rein, Jordan : why say words when looks say millions? Coach Secrest: I will play under you any season. Thank you all. See you in the future. I'm out. N ever back down and never give up.

Christine Kasper We're adults . When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? - Meredith Grey Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you 'll die today - James Dean All I can say is I can 't possibly thank you all enough because without each and every one of you, I would not be the person who I am today.

Diana Keith Laufbkioin breyta um lit (The leaves change their colors) Via finnum yl (We find our ambitions) Gr6aursetjum og gefum lif og via springum ut (We plant and we give life and we blossom)

Mea hendur ur v6sum (With our hands out of our pockets) - Sigur Rs

Kaillvn Kelleher I did it! Thank you mom, dad, Kristy, and everyone else. I really love you l "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."- George Sand "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They wen t out and happened to th ings."- Leonardo da Vinci

Sam Keller Thank you to everyone that has helped me make it this far: Mom and Dad , my families, my friends, my teachers , and everyone else. Kevin, Petey, Colsi, E-rock, Co-rey, Elliott. Cuz, Berry, Prospect. Mekazoid, Bob the baller, Mrs . Healey, Mr. Secrest. and all my people .. . thanks for all the good times. "Only God can judge me so I'm gone , either love me or leave me alone. " Jay-Z

Helen Kim "Shoot for the moon . Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. " - Les Brown Thanks to all of my family and friends. You are the ones who made me who I am today. I love you all.

Eliza Corbin Leitch "I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you 're making a mistake you can't undo?" Meredith Grey Thanks Coac h Rice and Ellie Bryan Thanks Mom, Dad , and Anne Peyton! Love you

Catherine Lillard Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are . -Kurt Cobain Thanks to all my family and friends for all the support they've given me over the years, and for all the great memories I have because of it.

Skvlar Macdonald A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but is braver five minutes longer CRalph Waldo Emerson) God enters by a private door into every individual (Ralph Waldo Emerson) There is fun to be done CDr.Seuss) Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened CDr.Seuss) If you get confused, listen to the music play (Grateful Dead) If you 're not first , you 're last CRicky Bobby)

Kerry logan Mellon See you and me ... Have a better time than most can dream ... Have it better than the best. So we can pul l on through Whatever tears at us . . . Whatever holds us down And if nothing can be done We'll make the best of what's around DMB To all of my friend s and all of my friends that are close enough to be family, I'd like to say thanks for putting up with me for these three years JTW, AC.BS.RB.GC.SSB.BEO Mom and Dad and Coach Secrest - thanks for all the support through my school years. Without you guys I wou ld not have any of the opportunities I have today. Jeremiah 1: 19 Mafia

Kevin Mever To my pa rents for always supporting me and loving me. you are the best. To Sam. Colson . Eric. James. Elliott. Jordan . Andrew. Hunter. Corey. Davis . Carnes . and Bobby for the laughs. To Rebecca & Madison for getting me through . I couldn't have done it without you . "Your life is worth much more than gold ." -Marley

Heather Mitchell "But tomorrow may rain , so I'll follow the sun" - the Beatles "If ever there is tomorrow when we 're not together .. . there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart ... I'll always be with you." - Christopher Robin

Keith Murphv "Man was born to dream and every man must weave a dream in his life. We hear a lot about poverty but our worst poverty is the lack of desire, hope and dreams ." -From a speech written by my grandfather, Thomas H. Murphy

Peler Neels [ would like to thank my parents. brothers, and all of my family. You were al l very helpful to me. I would aLso like to thank everyone who has helped me during my time in high school, because [ appreciate all of the support. Thank you eve ryone! "All men d ie, but few reall y live." Brave/wart

Colson Perkins Thanks to everyone who has helped me through my time here at Steward . Thanks especially to my parents who made it all possible. Also thanks to my friends Kevin . Sam . E-rock. Jakbra . Thill. Hmeak. Bball . JEB. Elliott. Jordan. Petey. Alex. and Madison for making my time much better. "I take three Lis to the head : love. live. life. and then 1'm dead ." Lil Wayne

Kelsea Pieters Hey, 2009! Its been a barrel of laughs . Don 't forget me and I won't forget you . Oh . .. aren 't we aging well? - Da r Williams

Julie Remmers My family, I love you all and cou ldn't ask for more love and memories you have all blessed me with . Dad and Grandma . thanks for al l the love and happiness that you have given my throughout all these years. You two are my role models because of the affection that you give other people. Thanks for supporting and believing in me. Paige, for thi rteen years you've been by my side through everything . Thanks for all the unforgettable memories and joy you 've brought into my life . Elliott J : I can't wait for another JMU adventure. You can 't shake hands with a clenched fist. -Gandhi

Jordan Rennie To my Mama: I love you. Your craziness has influenced me and taught me to let my freak flag fly. with limits. To Pappy: I love you and you're the man I wish to be in every way. You've taugh t me how to live. what to do. and how to do it right. To Vikki: I love you too. you sta rted me on guit-fiddle ... and I'm never gonna stop. To Elliott: I love you. You've gotten me through Steward man. Jeb: I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you and I don't know how I did before. To Petey: I love you buddy! To Kroll: four years at Steward has been incredible with you. You're my sista from anotha motha girl. I'm gonna miss you when you're gone. Th anks Steward. Peace!

Jake Hoodman "Life is one big road with lots of signs . So when you 're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind . Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live! " Bob Marley "You ain't gonna miss your water until your well runs dry" Bob Marley

Carrie Runin Its one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson We 're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? - Meredith Grey

Brock Shiflett It's not goodbye, it's see you later. "They will fight against you , but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you" Jeremiah 1: 19 Thank you Coach Secrest. I would not be who I am today without you . Thanks Mom, Dad , Kristin, Mrs. Oliff Good luck SB,MTI,PC,GL,AA,RK,MT,PP Blair and Kate thanks for everything , I love ya 'il

Lianne Sisson The only way to gain immortality. Is to live a life worth remembering .

Rebecca Smyth "We 're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time!" -Bryan Kornblau

I.E.B. Sluan Mom. Dad . Mary. Kathleen thanks for supporting me in whatever I do. Love ya 'il B Flaig Youuuu know what I mean? Rob. Brad . Rusty. Cozzie . Brandon .Kevin. Brian . Blake . Chief Rowland. Chief Ferguson thanks for letting me ask you an annoying amount of questions. Mike and Haley thanks for being there for me. Jordan . Elliott . Colson . Dani . Peter we'll keep in touch I'm sure.

Veronica Tharp Inch by inch life's a cinch; yard by yard life's pretty hard, I cannot say good-bye to those whom I have grown to love, for the memories we have made will last a lifetime and never know a good-bye Thank you to my family and friends, Thanks for being there for me; ya'il are the best !

James Thornhill Thanks to all my friends for the fun and support the past four years. Thank you Mom and Dad for supporting me everyday. Thanks Hunter and Chloe for always being there for me.

Andrew Vaughan For these eighteen years , for giving me houses to live in, for feeding me delicious food, for keeping me on track with my work, for letting me go to th is school, for the Apple and the Volvo , Mom and Dad, love you and thank you . "live for yourself - there's no one else more worth living for" - Rush - Anthem

Elizabeth Peyton Ware "Don't you worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright." -Bob Marley "We'll make the best of what's around." -DMB Mom , Dad , Andrew , and Sammy - I wouldn 't have made it without your continuous love & support I I love you! Class of '09 - Thanks for all the memories! I love you all!

1.1. Wauford Jonathan: CBobbaganush) Thanks for everything , I could not have made it through school without you. Thanks to my friends for always being there. I will never forget any of you . Logan, Drew, Brock, Burg, you guys are like family, I know this is not goodbye . I have had so much fun with all of you through the years . Jeremiah 1: 19 Mafia To my family: you guys have pushed me to where I am today and I love all of you. Ricky Bobby: "If you're not first, you're last. "

Carnes Willhite "To laugh often and much ; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends: To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others : To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child , a garden patch , or a redeemed social condition : To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded ." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Thanks to all my friends Cya 'il know who you are), Thanks family for supporting me and pushing me the whole time, Everyone keep in touch .

Edwin Wortham VI "The most difficult things in the world Must be accomplished through the easiest The greatest things in the world Must be accomplished through the smallest." -Tao Te Ching "Know what is enoughAbuse nothing Know when to stopHarm nothing This is how to last a long time ," -Tao Te Ching

A Look Back on the Class of



OHNlNE.SORNE! How tnafDI times hCNe we said that over the 'ast four years? Or really. I euess. how many times has Ms. Define screamed that at us? When we entered hieh school. without a doubt. we had no idea how much we would erow throuehout our dalls in the Upper School or how much our surroundine world would chanee. We hCNe eXPerienced a world that sometimes felt as if it was collapsine in on itself. and yet we weathered it all. toeether. We hCNe helped each other UP. pushed each other forward. and most often. made each other laue.h. In fact. altfJoul!h our class as a whole mall not hCNe been the smartest. most athletic. or most artistic class to eo throueh Steward. one thine we hCNe alWallS been is entertainine. Whenever we are toeether somethine amazinely hysterical or cOmPletely unexpected alWallS seems to occur. From our freshman year. which beean with drCJlJ'&filled lock-ins. all the Wall UP to the end of our senior year. we hCNe alWallS been laue.hine. As freshmen. we had the JOY of takine a class trip to ~assanutten. or as our class cleverly named it. Mass of Nothine. where while s/(iine. our very own Beth Farmer tumbled all the Wall down the mountain. as the entire class watched from the lifts. Our tricks did not stOP there. In order to show our distain for the eirls dress code and demonstrate the ease of the boYs. all the eirls showed UP to school in oxfords. khakis. ties. and sneakers. Somehow. keepine our shirt tails tucked in did not prove to be as hard as the euys made it seem. And who could foreet our sophomore trip to Belle Isle: some of us had a lovely time trOmPine throueh the forest and raftine down the river. but for others that did not fulfill their interest. Alex and Kelsea felt the need to cannon ball into the river. fully clothed. Perhaps the most memorable experiences are those that we hCNe had the privileee of experiencine once every year. Field DalI comes to mind: a time for fun in the outdoors. and in the case of the Upper School boYs. a time to take your shirt ott. run to the fields. and plall a eame of football. of which the only purpose is to prove why Steward does not hCNe a team. All of our time toeether has been filled with excitement. but one trip has become the pinnacle of our experiences as a :/ass- the SCCNeneer hunt throueh Richmond City. Only the Class of 2009 could pull ott wanderine throueh every inch of the city in our J. Crew sweaters and Sevens jeans. while soakine wet. freezine to death. rubbine massive blisters on our feet. and feeline just sliehtly out of place. Our spontaneity and charm serve as a mutual bond which has broueht us only closer in our years toeether. As we prepare to eo our separate WallS. I can not help but look back on the ereat times we had toeether and wish there could be more. but then aeain does anyone really want to walk the entire perimeter of Richmond twice? In all seriousness. there is not a Person that knows our class who could not aeree that the Class of 2009 truly is an upliftine. 짜TlClZinely eifted eroup of individuals. After so many years toeether. it has become apparent that 09 really has been fine. -Christine KaSPer 09

Top: S.llll.JIltha CUIllI lllloc Ilders, MlClaine Ell ~mlllth,l Henderson h: 19ing out on J sUlllmer dJy BottOIll: Seniors dttrnel d McC.Jinl PdUn rdlly

Top: Ador.. ble Junior girls rei.:lx Jl the "Riv.lh"

130 ttom: A group of liPP,T Schoolers spend lime in the GalaPJgos sun

Left; Junior o"ew crUlSln' on the wdter

Righ t: Sluden ts spend J dJ)' by the iJmes River

Right: Taylor Booth, Grace Hfnderson, ~A.lIY Taylor T ('PiXr, K.:lte Fan11er, ':l11d Samantha Bisgfr

Above: Sfnior ooys Jre prepared for rough W J ters

Top: LlIlller Roe an:! Rylar~ Scott sporting shack'S Bottom: Richard Kish cruisin' around Al-ovt': Freshlllen girls enpy thf Llst days of SUIllJ1lCr

Atovc: Ste\ vard Llciies SOJking up SOJ11f rays


Andrew Adkins Alex Aldredge Samantha Bisger Taylor Booth Andrew Dale Thomas Davis

Jes Debell Allen Edwards Caroline Elvey Chari ie Forbes Jcoung Han Grace Henderson

Gilliam Hughes Anqi Huo Jeony.lung Amanda Kern Davis Khoury Tanner Kirkpatrick


Richard Kish John-Walker Knighr Claire Kramer Kelsey Kurdts Hillary Lane Ben Leahy

Sara Levitt Chris Maestrello Zach Marino Noel Martinez Ryan McKeown Whirley Menges

Svenja Meyer Omri Morris Celeste Nash Blair Oliff Jared Pease Stephanie Perlman


Taylor Scott Madelyn Stoneburner Kelly Stosch Patrick Strecker Mary Stuart Mary Taylor Tepper

Robbie Watson Parker Wheat Bren Wilberger Megan Wright Siirah Yucha


Someday many years from now We'll sit beside the candles and glow Exchanging tales about our past And laughing as the memories flow And when that distant day arrives I know it will be understood That friendship is The key to live And we were friends And it was good.

-- ---

-----appened When

_ _ _ Ov r the--;;Stiewye-ars, the United States has certainly been throllgh a lot. Despite the many hardships facing our great nation, SUch as war, natural disasters, and an economic crisis, our commu Ity-has managed to ban together and unite as one. Here are some events, both - gC!Qttar bad, that we students have witnessed since 2004.

-- -




~~O October 27,2004: ~ ~.-- unitld:The Boston Red Sox defeat November 2, 2004: the St. Louis Cardinals for Gov. George W. Bush their first World Series title defeats Sen. John Kerry in 86 years. for the U.S. Preside



---- ~~---------~ ~~

o July 24, 2005: Lance Armstrong wins his 7th Tour de France marking the end of his


August 29,2005: Hurricane Katrina hits the Gulf Coast, most significantly impacting New Orleans. 1,836 people lose their lives in what is the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States.

o April 16, 2007: 33 students are killed by gunman, Seung- Hui Cho, the campus of Virginia Tech.


o November 4, 2008: Sen. Barack Obama defeats Sen. John McCain for the United States Presidency.


Maddie Arthur Kemp Bartlett Patrick Branin Mallory Burgess Sarah Bunoughs Charlie Chang

Patrick Coker Kate Conway Zach Corey Ariel Dantona Chrissy Edwards Brooke Faison

Kate Fanner McKenzie Francis Stuart Good Thoma Howell Wyatt Jamerson Ellie Jones


Taylor Kannolinski Liz Kelley Jack Kelly Amy Lane Gary Leclair Taylor Lynch

Navid Mahban Claire McKeown Aaron Messner James Neels Drew Noble Michael Noffsinger

Emily urman Nicholas Peterman Kevin Pierce Michael Prokopchak Glenn Rhodes Tanner Roe


lake Rowe Kendal Sadler Ann Schimmels Kaylen Schwartz Ryland Scott Finn Smyth

Ella Valentine Nil.. Westmoreland Hayden White Rachel Wilcox


Robert Aldredge Lucy Anderson Zachary Barnard Kendall Bendheim Ciceli Bradshaw Joshua Bruce

Molly Carter Boyd Chambliss Gracie Cote Samantha Cummings John Dozier Olivia Edwards Sam Forbes Kevin Friend Audrey Gallagher Camille GilbeJ1 Jesse Harper Samantha Henderson


Preston Huennekens Peyton Jenkins Ryan Johnson Mackenzie Kirchmier Ethan Maestrello Tim Marino

Chris McGee Connor Melton Harrison Mire Carter Norman Mackenzie Nunnally Hem Owen

Katherine Patterson Kendrick Peters James Phillips Ch loe Pieters Logan Pryor Lauren Saurs


Hunter Sawyer Sarah Shimer Daniel Simon Nina Stin 011 Christian Tamayo Kboa Tran

Sebastian Vera Brain Fabio Villa Alexander William,


Class of 2012

We've "gt ~~irit...



--~~~~ ,





W~IV~ 82

"gt ~~il'it...



A look at some of Steward Upper School students路 favorite pick-up lines and catch phrases. hair do路s and style dont路s.

-Kelly Stosch.

ITm over it!1I -8eth Farmer

Trevor Armstrong Monica A hjian Henry Bassett Colby Bedell Stephanie Bennett Melina Bricker

Archer Bri II Mason Butler Andrew Caldwell Blair Carnes Gabriel Chaberl Paige DeBell

Maclaine Ellis Sam Fink Katherine Fore Elizabeth Gooding Kendall lIuennekens Lauren Hughes

Liza Jones Myia Jones Alex Joynes Daniel Khoury Mallory KJlighton Hannah Krudys


Ana Leahy Parker Leep Stephanie Lcgg Charlotte Levering Greg Lindgren Gray Lillie

Courlland Lyle OmidMahban Ann Marchetti Macley Marcia Mariah Montague Michelle Napper

Addison Nichols Cameron O'Connor Leah Ostendorf Morgan Penberthy David Pierce Christian Rennie

Jack Rhodes Emily Robinson William SchimmeJs Grayson Shelly Michael Sims Yvonne Taylor

Mark Tharp Catherinc Towers Kristen Tully Abbey Twining Mike Wadde ll Mary Leigh White

lake Wilke, Benjamin Zoghhy


Dodi Allocca Forrest Andrews G.I. Apostle Natalie Bendheim Keaton Busser Ben Campbell

Benjamin Cardwell Chloe Carnes Baxter Carter Marguerite Chabert Clara Cooke Ashley DeConti

Sarah Dickson Justin Dozier Bryce D'Surney Grace Fralin Anna Fuhr Cabell Glancy


Anthony Grant Will Grattan Cabell Harper Brantley Hathaway Phebe Jenkins Claire Kirchmier

Lindsey Lubin Tyler Ludlam Cas~andra Martinez Craig McLane Tyler Miracle Susan Mire

Jordan Nichols Seth Olinger Buck Patterson Lauren Perry Jimmy Phelan Hailey-Marie Ragan

Morgan Schroder Chloe Staples Walker Stettinius William Stlickler Harrison Talton Li II Thompson


6th (]~

Cameron Bachman Connor Baird Samanlha Bryant Luke Caldwell Kevin Cameron Ellie Cosby

Joseph Costello David Cross Parker Daniels Rebekah DeBell Olivia DeCapri Chris DeConti

Chandler Diffee Claudia Eck William Farmer Elizabeth Finto Megan Frayser Laura Fuhr


Matthew Gelber Braeden Glancy Erell Graesser Lily Gray Virginia Hamilton Lydia Heitman

Lavinia Johnson Mark Leopold Jacqueline Martel Carter McGhee Mason Mire Allison Mitchell

Patrick eale Aubrey Nichols Megan Norman Sean O'Neil Emil y Parri s Skylyr Phillips

Jackson Pieters Ford Pitts Walker Poling Emma Rhodes Scott Roper Miranda Stinson

Kathleen Stuart Elise Taylor Jack Trepp Sam Trepp Virginia Villani Matthew Whiling



Lower School


Pro ram . . . .

Lower School


.ÂŁ_ ........


William Allocca Erin Ambrose Mary Madison Andrews Mary Jane Apostle Josiah Armstrong Edward Blake

Mackenzie Carnes Owcn Carter Katherine Chambers William Cox Haley Cummings Will Define

Zoe Dwelle Elizabeth Fernandez Virginia Fralin Ellie Hall Whit Hathaway Abigail Herring

Meredith Hughes Will Jackson Christopher Jones Danny Kovach Brillney Lawhorn Taylor Leahy 106

Clayton Leep Sarah Lindamood A very Maestrello Carmen Manganello Thomas McAndrew Ashley McCreary

Andy McDonnell Connor Pan-ish Carter Pelers Grace Pope Jessi Puryear Rachel Ragan

Gray Redmond Quincy Rhodes Leslye Romero Helen Russell Sarah Sliwinski

Allie TaLlersall Megan Tattersall GalTetl Toler Meg Trepp Jac kson Wellons Jane Elizabeth Wilton


Kip Ambrose Ross Arrington Joe Beauregard MaUory Bedell Jamie Benson Smith Blake

Mamie Brennan Emma Campbell Lily Cardozo WiU Delaney Tucker Diveley Caroline Duley

Luke Forbc Savannah Ford Sam Fortune Glenn Frank Griffin Gayne Logan Glancy

Christopher Harvill Katie Hearns Ashley Higgs Connor Hughes Adam Kimbrough Patrick Kirchmier


Chris Koemer Andrea Lindgren Adair Logue Jacqui Marchetti Jordan Marcus Tana Mardian

Catie McKinnon Amanda Micr Nikki Nadol ki Mary Ann Neale Olivia Notman Anna O,bome

Liza Ostendorf Noah Poling Sydney Renkenberger Isahelle Rhodc Cole Richardson Gaby Ruiz

Kendall Schroder Landun Smith Morgan Van Davelaar Drake Wielar Dougla> Williamson Claire Xu


.Tuluan Lou B Jack Caldwell Christian Carlow Dean Chambers

Carter Chambliss Aimee DeBell Connor Engclke Hannah Feder Elizabeth Fix Manhew Frayser

Sarah Fuhr Mackenzie Grady Whitney Graves Scotti Harri son Gray Hathaway Lily Henderson

Molly Herring Henrietta Howard Henry ingram Will Ingram Jill Kovach Laibst.ain 110



Missy McDonnell Reed Moslow Hugh Notman Connor O'Brien Madison O'Neil

Carter Pattersun Caroline Pitts Lydia Puryear Eli Rhodes Bai ley Scott Hayden Smith

Aaron Stein Hunter Thompson Gracie Wielar Connor Wilkerson Caroline Willhite Somers Wilton

Parker Wright


Caperton Bei rne GracI: Burress Ivey Chaney Trace Coles Charlie Cox Katie Define

Evelyn Dumccr Abby Dwelle Michael Fortune Gabrielle Franta Margaux Gae>er Samuel Geissler

Gracie Goodpasture Hal Gray Aidan Gustin Emma Hall Jesse Hall William Hobbs

Kayla Hudnell Sam Hughes Christopher Jackson Robert Marcheui Ben Marcia Lilli Marcia


Bentley Mescall Cole Mier Lindsay Milligan Audrey otman Liaie Pan-is Alex Poling

Ryan Pope Sheldon Reed Carthen Smith Tyler Stcinfan Zachary Venabl e Isabella Vita

Audrey White Colin Whiting

11 3


Asblee Barbuto Emma Benson Glenn Boblman Trey Boll Margaret Bostain Nicholas BOlb

Lilly Brand Sophie Campbell Mark Carnes Garrell Cullinan Shaheed Dasher Will Eiben

Erik Engelke Jack Ford Elliot French Ainsleigh Gil Claire Gorey Channing Haas

A lex3ncler Hall Nicole HalTison Zach HalTison Christie Hearns Olivia Hobbs Carler Hogan


Mackenzie Jones Anna Kilduff Olivia Koerner Hellry Landry-Seward Dabney Leverly Porter Lewis

Katie Lucas Anna Luger Gracie McLaughlin Hunter Milligan Caroline Moslow Laura Nichols

Eric Norris Lydia Osborne Lilly Phillips Zayd Rehman Sophie Rice Callen Smith

Sydney Whiting



Amal Ali Sadie Bell Anya Bhargava Andrew Bland Georgia Cantrell Jonathan Creager

Kennon Cummings Alex Eiben Tyler Ernst Carter Fornash Griftin French Hanison Gelber

John Wesley Hall Monroe Hill Ethan Hopp Grace lnge Breanna Johnson Signe Johnsrud

Stephen Johnston William Jones Ashby Lambert John Lucas Grace Marchetti Casey McClendon 116

Dylan Murray Cody Musick Kerry Nease Anna Pastore Mary Pastore Jasmine Piu

Ben Poling Saara Qureshi CaroliJle Ray Colin Reed Mimi Reynolds Joshua Stein

Casie Steinfatt Calder Stutts Gracie Wagner

Katherine Williamsun




Bac.: J.. Row: Claire Kramer. J.E.B. Stuart. Jell ny Jung:

Middle Ruw: Camille Gilbert. Christine Kasper. Kell y Stul,,(;h. Beth Fam,er; Front Row: Parker Wheat, Molly Carter. Kate Farmer;

Andy V:lughan, A lex Cummings. Colson Perki ns. Kev in M eyer. 路.mantha Bi'ger. Taylor Booth . Jeoung Han. Ryan Mc Keown. Kell y Stosch.

Len to Right:

Grace Hcndcr"on. Svcnja M eyer. Emily Hazza rd . Ju lie Remmers

(Not Pictured: Ellie Rryan. Grocie Cote. Audrey Ga llagher. Jake Rowe. Rache l Wilcoxl


Back Row: Pi:lCr Howa rd . Veronica T harp. Presion HuclI llt;kcn:-.:

Bac k Row: Patrick Coker. Madison Ellis. Kelsea Pieters:

Front Row: Madi . .un E lh ~, Kaylen Schwanz

Middle Row: T aylor Kannolinski. Allen E dw ard ~. Sam Hcnderl\on;

(NO! Pictu red : Grace



H e n der~on)

Front Row: Samantha Bisger, Sam Cumm ings

BIG SISTERS, LITTLE SISTERS Bu(.;k Row: Anna Fuhr. C laire Kirchmier. Sarah Dicksun, C hloe Staples. Dodi All occa. Cassundra Maninez, Morgan Schroder, Ma llory Burgess. Hailey-Marie Ragan. early \Vren. Linl1sey Lubin. Ry land SCOIt Front Row: Susan Mire. Keaton Husser. Chloe Ca rnes. Lauren Perry. Lauren Xu. Natalie BcmJheim. Chrissy Edwards (~Ul

Pictured: Maddie Arthur. Brooke Faison. Kate Farmer,

Stuart Good. Phebe Jenkins. Ell ie Jones, Liz Ke lley. Amy Lane. Emi ly Norman. Tanner Roe. Ann Sch irmncis, Rachel Wil cox)


Back Row: Becca Smyth. Ch lue Hi ggi ns, Alex Cummings: Front Row: Bt.:lh Farmer, Chrisline Kasper. Kelsea Pieters: (1\'ot Picnrred: Kate Farme r. C laire Kramer. Corhin Leitc h. Carrie Ruffi n. Lauren Saul's. Sarah Shiner, Kell y Stosch )


Back Row: Sarah Shimer, Sam' lenderson. Lauren Saul's; Fron! RO\\:: S.\111 Cum mings. Chloe Pich.:r!'>. Olivi:.t Edwards


Left to Righl: Navid Mahh<lIl, Nik Wes tmoreland, Kem p Bart lett, Glenn Rhodes


Left to Right: Sam Bisger. Mary Stuart and Taylor Booth: (Nol Piclureu: Alan Euwaru:-,. Gill iam Hughes )

11 9

Indrumental Music C ChoI'l1G

1 tt..


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Steward SPartans}\

thletl• CS


Boysl Team

Girls Team l

Team Captain : Mac kenzie Nunnally

Te:un Ca plnin : Aiel' Willioms

Us Them

Us Them St. Mnrgare t's vee <W Ho me 5 1. Murga rd's

vec @Fuqua

Coll egiale J V



1st of 5 Teams




1st of 5 Teams


vee @ IlSH Ve.ritu.., Chrislian \V vee @ Richmond Christian JV In\haliomll @ Collegiate

vee Championship


21 1st of 5 I~

34 T~3 m."


1st of 4 Te-anlS 2nd of 5 Teams Ist nf5 Temm.

Slut! Ujdgc

vee@ Home vee @ Brunswick vee@


Collegiate J V

vee@BSH Ve.rita~


V('(' @ Kit'lunt)nd Chrb liull J V In ~ il atio n a l @ Collegiate

vee Clmmpio nship



3rd of STeams 3rd of S TeanlS 41h ur !li I'l'lIms





4 th or 5 Teams 41h of 4 Tl'UIIIS

4th of 5 Teams 4th of 5 Teams

vec ~ l eeL" ind udl:' Bruns\, ick AL"UdcfU). 8S I-I . F'UlIIIU. & Kicluuond Christian

The Girls' Cross Country Meet for the third consecutive year, and four Stewa rd cross country runners finished in the top seven to earn medals and where chosen for the VCC All-Conference Team. Theywere Gray Little '13, Mackenzie ' unnally, Brooke Faison '11, and Kak.i Patterson '12. At the State Meet, where five runners are needed to get a team score, all four of our runners finished in the top half, led by an All-S tate pe rformance by Gray L ittle. The Boys' Cross Country Team was a very young and enthusiastic group of young men, with all five of its runners in the 8th and 9th Grades. Jake Wilkes '13 was also named to the VCC AJJConference Team. Overall Cross Country team chemistry was outstanding trus year.

Above (le ft to right ): Samantha I3ryant, Zach AamO'lrd, Kak i Pallcr.::on, J:'tck Rh odc~. Cilpl;tin Alec Will iam.>. Dan iel SU lIUI1. Brooke Fuhon. Grny lillIe. Jake Wilkes. and Captain

Mac Kenlie f\unnaUy


Scoreboard Covenant School Fredericksburg Academy

St. Anne's Belfield School St. Margaret's School Nort h Cross School


Fredericksburg Academy

U 0



Carlisle School SI. Margaret's School


3 0

Coll egiate Schunl



T"inity Episcopal School



Covenant School



Tandem Friends School Covenant School

6 3

0 I



(LIS Tournament )

Fredericksbu rg Academy

(US Toumamen l Champ ionship)

\\'alsinghnm Academy


(Stitle Tuurna mcn t)

Head Coach: Janet Rice Assistant Coach: Marcie Soucek

The Varsity Field Hockey Team had a fantastic season finishing 2nd place in the LIS and was seeded in 6th place in the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA) State Tournament. Four players were named to the ALL-LIS Team: Jamie Adams '09, Beth Farmer '09, Ryland Scott '11, and Mary Taylor Tepper '10. Ryland Scott was also named to the Division II State All-Tournament Team for her performance in the first round vs. Walsingham Academy. In addition Jamie Adams and Ryland Scott were named to the VISAA Second Team All State Field Hockey Team and to the Richmond Times-Dispatch All-Metro Second Team .


Scoreboard Us Them SL Calherille's School Collegiale School ~!=~ Fredericksburg Academy SL Anne's Belfield School Collegialc School .Fredericksburg Academ.y St. Calherine's School Collegia Ie School Collegiate School Trinity Episcopal School


1 0 4 I I 2 I I 0 2

o 2 o o o o I

o 6

Head Coac h: Beth Scott Assistant Coach: Buford Scott

Blue Team Scoreboard Fredericksburg Academy Collegiate School St. Catherine's School St. Anne's Belfield School Collegiate School St. Catherine's School St. Michael's Episcopal School

2 0 0 3

0 4 0 2 2 0

Head Coach: Bonny Hajek Assistant Coach: Plunker Beirne

Gold Team Scoreboard Orchard Huus. School St. Catherine's School Holy Cross Academy Orchard Hous. School St. Catherine's School St. Anne's Rellield School St. Michael's Episcopal School

3 0 J 0 0 0 0

Head Coach: Plunket Beirne Assistant Coach: Lindsay Adkins 130

Scorecard Walsingham Academy Trinity Episcopal School H.khmond Christian School

Christchurch Seh"..,i

Amelia Academy Tandem Friends School Fredericksburg ACOJdemy Trinity Episcopal School New Community School Christchurch School Amelia Academy







2 2 5

5 2

2 1 2

0 3 3 4 3




I 3 3


Richmond Christian School Christchurch School (Vee Soccer Toumamenl )

Head Coach: Dave Hillgrove

Assistant Coach: Mark Nugent

With a young team, the boys fought hard and finished third in the VCC led by captains Peter Howard and Carnes Willhite. Gilliam Hughes, Tae-Sung An, and Zach Marino were recognized as three of the best soccer players in the conference for the 2008 season. Hughes was selected for his versatility on the field, having played four different positions: Sweeper, Stopper, Midfielder and Striker. Tae-Sung and Zach were recognized for their goal-scoring tallies (over 10 each) and blinding speed on the pitch.

13 1

Scoreboard Us Them o 2 Trinity Episcopal School 3 Sf. Christupher's School 1 StoneBridgc School 6 2 St, Christo pher's School 4 Trinity Episcuplli School 0 3 Collegiate School 0 8 Richm ond Christian School 0 I Ilichmond Christian School 2 2 ""alsingham Acadcm,Y

Head Coac h: Chris Green Assistant Coach : Casey Smith


Scoreboard Us Them Richmond Christian School (;oochhland Middle School SI. Christopher's School Collegiate School New Communily School Fredericksburg Academy Tandem Friends School Goochland Middle School Richmund Christian School St. Christopher's School Tandem Friends School Fredericksburg Academy

I 0 0 0 1 2 0 L 0 0 0 2

2 6 3 0 L 1 5 5 6 10 R 3

Head Coach: Kyle Dennisc Assistant Coach: Tommy Wendell

Scorecard St. Get1rude High School St. Ma rga ret 's School Collegiate School Tandem Friends School St. Gert r ude l1 igh School St. Catherin e's School

Wi n Win Loss Win Loss Loss

S1. Margaret IS School


North Cross School Trini ty Episcopal School Covenant School St. Anile's Belfield School

Loss Loss Loss Loss

Trinity Episc.opaJ School Tandem Friends School

Win 'Vin

St. Catherine's School Collegiate School

Loss Loss


Lisa Wilberger And rea Dowdy

The Steward Varsity Volleyball team finished up the season with a 6-9 record which earned them the 4th place seed in the LIS Tournament. The volleyball team fought hard in the tournament but fell to eventual tournament runner-up Collegiate School. Captains Christine Craig, Veronica Tharp, and Bren Wilberger led the way with big wins against St. Gertrude High School, Trinity Episcopal School, and St. Margaret's School. 134

Scoreboard St. Gertrude High School St. Margaret's School Collegiate School SI. Gertrude High School


Loss Win Loss Loss

ew Community Schuol


SI. Catherine's School St. Margaret's School Trinity Episcupal School Covenanl School SI. Anne's llel1ield School :-lew Community School

Loss Win Loss J~ oss

loss Loss

St. Catherine's School


Trinity Episcopal School


Scorecard Us Collegiate School Ware Academy


Ware Academy


New Community School


2 2 0 0 2 0

Cnllegiate School

2 0


1 1

New Community Schuol


St. Catheri ne's School


SI. Catherine's School


Coach: Terri Shelton Assistant Coach: Sarah Young


Scorecard K~nstnn

Furest Schl)ol

Fuqua School ;\laggie L. Walker Governor's School Tidewater Academy Nurth Cross School

Holy Cross Richmond Cbristian School Bl c.'iSed Sacrament-Huguenut Academy

Ca pe Henry Collegiate School Southampton Academy Brunswick Academ y Richmond Christian School Southampton Academy



5S 52 66 52 61 66 62 64 51 50

26 50 61 63 78 31 53


67 48

Fuqua School Kenston Forest School Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot Academy Brunswick Academy AmeHa Academy Illessed Sacrament-Huguenot Academy



81 58 67 45 75

61 49

34 66


A melia Academy Tide,,,aler Academy


71 44 38 63

46 62 58



(vee Tournarnenl) Southampton Academy



Tidewater Academy



(vee T oumamenl)

(vee Champioll <;hip)

Head Coach:

RJ . Spelsberg A ~s i s tant


Matt Bowles Charles Oli ver Riek Spelsberg

The Boys' Varsity Basketball Team had ano ther successful season! T hey finished with an overall record of 15-8, a conference record of 13-6, and made it to the VCC Championship - and they did it all in style sporting matching haircu ts. Both on and off the court, these boys showed what being a team is all about: from the heated last play of a close game to matching Mohawks to singing to Coach Chuck on the bus ride home. With five new teammates, the guys surprisingly formed a bond very quickly which led to their first three wins against Kenston Forest, Fuqua, and Maggie Walker. Three of the teams 8 losses were against Tidewater Academy, the number one ranked team in the state all year. The team went on to be finalists in the conference tournament. Davis Khoury and Andrew Adkins made AU-Conference and the AU-Tournament team, and Sam Keller made hono rable mention AIIConfe rence. The future is bright next year as Coach Spelsberg looks for the team to be even better next season and believes they will be competing for another champions hip! 137

Scoreboard Us


34 52 40 29

46 40 50 38



Southampton Academy

33 33 23 57 32 33

30 46 65 26 49 23

Amelia Academy St. Christopher's School




Trinity Episcopal School


Tidcwulcr Academy

35 47 57 42 70 55

48 39 55 38 53 47 47 32

Kcnston Forest School Collegiate School Fuqua School Maggie L. "Valker Governor's School

Tidewater Academy Richmond Christian School B1es.'icd Sacrament-Huguenot Acndemy

Southampton Academy llrunswick Academy Richmond eh_fistian School

Fuqua School Kellslon Fllrest School BlcsS\..~ Sacrament-H uguenut Academy

8runswick Academy Amelia Academy

Blue Team Scoreboard Us Them 39


Collegiate School Collegiate chool Collegiate School

18 30 22 46

31 34 25 25

Richmond Christian School



Collegiate School Tidewater Academy S1. Christuvhcr's SchUl.1 St. Christopher's School Seven lIill School

42 42 33

19 32

Collcgiatt SclUH'.1

Richmond Christian School


30 28

36 38

23 36

Head Coach: Wallace Inge Assistant Coach: Ken Kellner

Gold Team Scoreboard Us Them St. Christopher's School St. Christopher's School St. Christopher'S School St. Christopher's School St. Christnpher's Schnol

51. Christopher's School Collegiate School St. Christopher 's School Collegiate School SI. Christopher's School



26 29 25 34 22 19

28 35 27 29 28



21 22

29 19


Head Coach: Ron Coles



Trinily Episcopal

40 36 22

42 33 35

Goochland High School




46 42 30 24 54 25 41 52 28 23

Brunswick Academy Tidewater Academy

n ruvis in vi lallonul } (Trav i ~

In vilaliona l)

Tandem Friends School Covenant School

20 43

Richmnnd Christian Schnol Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot Academy 14 Steward lnyitational 40 Fn.- derickshnrg AC.ldemy 42

St. Margarel's School Covenanl School Richmond Christian School SI. Margaret's School Fredericksburg Academy St. Gertrude High School Tandem Friends Seh,H.1 SI. Call1erine'. School Fredericksburg Academy

(LlS Di vi>ion II Tuumamenl ) Covenant School (LIS Division II Tournament)


18 29 39 31 49 35 21 57 31


66 51 59 25 50

With fo ur returning seniors leadership was not a problem for the Girls' Varsity Basketball Team. The girls had high hopes this season and their determination showed on the court. The Team's difficult schedule made for a tough game every night, and despite going 9-11, the girls finished second in the Conference during the regular season and in the Conference Tournament. Leading the way were senior, Co-captain s, Julie Remmers (who was named to the All LIS team for the second year in a row), Emily Friend, Jamie Adams, and Veronica Tharp (who was named to the All T ournament team in the Dale Travis Tournament held by Trinity Episcopal School). Sophomore Ryland Scott and Freshmen Ciceli Bradshaw and Lauren Saurs contributed valuable time and points throughout the season and will bring valuable experience to next year's team. 140

Scoreboard Us Brunswick Academy Tidewater Acadcm}'

Collegiate School Collegiate School SI. Margaret's School St. Margaret's School Trinity Episcopal School St. Gertrude High Sch'K.1 Trinity Episcopal School

26 32 29 20 32

Them 31



24 26 15 9




18 16


Coach : Marcie Soucek

Scoreboard Blue Team St. Michael's Episcopal School 26 Our Lad y of' Lourdes 13 Saint l\1ary's Schcxll


St. Catherine's School Collegiate School All Saints C., tholic School Collegiate School St. Edward-Epiphany School Saint Mary's School St. Michael's EpiscClpal School

17 24 18 9 16 28 23

Head Coach: Piper Moritz Assistanl Coach: Andrea Dowdy


FACULTY &STAFF John Alley Bonnie Anderson Megan Barlow Michael Baynes Debra Beck George Bland

Kerry Blum Delight Booker Carolyn Brandt Paul Busse Joan Cameron Rebecca Carelli-Sennell

Wyndi Carnes Pat Caron Suzanne Casey Melanie Casper Chip Champan Maddie Chasen

Elinbeth Coleman Jane Covington Jennifer Cullinan Lynn Define Andrea Dowdy Linda Dunville

Lisa Dwelle Peyton Ellis BeLLy Enright Afi Fm:iadi Debbie Fitzgerald Bev Fox

Dan Frank Jennifer Gnapp Katherine Goodpasture

Elliott Gravitt Chris Green Mary Greenlee


Doug Griffith Cindy Gris,um Estelle Grossman Jenny Haar Bunny Hajek Amy HaJe

Debbie Hanger Catherine Hathaway Lee Healey Rebeca Heidbreder Barbara Hickerson Ann Blair Higgins

Shelby Holland Eric lIopp Karen Huennekens Wallace lnge Donna Jackson Alan Johnson

Augustus Jones Catesby Jones Kathy Kannolinski Ken Kellner Leslie Kovach Susan Latourelle

Justin Lee Kim Linnell Nancy Luyd Chris Lundberg Lyn Lunsford Tracy LynCh

Margaret Maclin Mike Maruca John McAllister Chfls McKee Many McMullin Sarah Melvin

Monica Moehring Scon Moncure Sara Muntgomery Piper Moritz Andy Mudd Gardner Mundy


Nancy Negus Tom

Ne l lll~

Mark ~lIgent Robin Oliff Jay Parrish Rugene Paulette

Terry Powel l Lynn Ramsson Janet Rice Robi n Ricketts Louise Robertson Debbie Robson

Melanie Rodriguez Adair Roper Bob Sanders Retsy Saunders Bruce Secrest Todd Serr

Ken Seward Beth Shamburger TelTi Shelton Sheri lyn Smail Craig Smith Mareie Soucek

Kate Strickland Jenny Suarez John Taylor Mary Ann Taylor Betty ThalTington A Ii Thompson

Chris T ickle CalTie Vandervelde Jennifer Wa lker Hunter White Jane Whitely Sabra Wilhite

Charlene Wilton Lynn Zinder

A sane .r- host!

A pi'Ofsaal_1 surfer! - Mr. Coles


A --'d-f~ travel writer! - Ms. Ramsson

A aankIp comadia1! - Mr. Kellner

The r-t of 77Iat~ Entert:airrI-.t to Interview the stars and be In the ~ about all the celebrity goaip! _Ms. Zindar



Jamie Adams "If there is ever a tomorrow when we are not together, there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe; stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But most important of all, even if we are apart, I'll always be with you." A .A. Milines's Winnie-the-Pooh In the game of life you are our yesterdays , todays, and tomorrows very own hat trick . Love, Mom and Dad

Jamie Adams "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind ." Seuss. In celebration of who you are, what you feel and all that matters! Love , Whitney and Leigh

Edwin Wortham VI CERtifico.tE Of DEDication This is to Ct>ttify that

__ .td, ~ I "'VI W.I\

~ t-• •~

born 01'1

ta o


and was

Presented to the lord in Dedicdtlon by


t;.. .

'!of :,t.



GI:.ell.-s ~:i;NwIt!ts




'IlWIIdt ~ ~

UNITED srms Of "'AEfUC(A

fllIil':" WlitOt~'hdIICtI\JO(ll:".

12 Sep 1990 Sa '."SoI)






D.-!Ie" lW.ti DaII Of

IiIIrJnU ftdIldltDf*!id6n

09 Mar 2001 DIll" tIlpIl;IIa)n:08\jj Cf rip ,l_1 call1lUiad

08 Mar 200& ~IMo:IIliulkwls.


See Poge24

P< US AWORTHAM <V I «E DWIN « « « « « « « « « ««

0896521 ~ SA9009121M0603087«««< ~ ««OO

Congratulations Elliott! We love you! Your Family

'3 uI


Alex Cummings "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dear Alex, As you continue your life's journey, we hope that you will always have as much faith in yourself as we have 10 you. With immeasurable pride and love, Mom & Dad

Morgan Penberthy Mo - Congrats on graduation from Middle School!!! We are so proud of you and love you so much! Mom and Dad

Yearbook Editors Beth Farmer. Alex Cumminss. & Madison Ellis To My AmazinE Editors, I could never hcwe done it without YOU, ladies! Your dedication. creativity, & hard- work were invaluable! It was a blast workine with YOU three! Your peers should be proud! Thank YOU for everYfhinE! Good luck neKt year! I know fabulous thinES await you! -Ms. Carelli l50

Becca Smyth Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. M.K. Gandhi Wishing you success and happiness in the next journey of your life. Love, Mum , Dad , James & Finn

James Dooley Congratulations James! We are so proud of you and happy to see the fine gentleman that you are becoming.Your future is bright and full of promise. Remember to always keep your sense of humor and generous spirit. We love you . Mom & Dad

15 1



You fm ~ hear!: wi!:h gl~s: Take away all ~ ~s:: You fill ~ hear!: wi!:h laugh!:er ~. !:JOU make i!: beHer: ~as:e ~ !:roubles:. ThaC's: wha!: !PJ do. -Rod g!:ewar!: Congra!:ulation!;. 8n~!:j! We couldn't: be prouder of !:jou. Love. Dad. Man. S Kevin

Christine Ann Kasper

Christine - Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take , but by the moments that take our breath away. You take our breath away every day!! Love, Mommy & Daddy

J.T. WAUFORD "Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back" -Babe Ruth "One of the beauti ful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a ;it uation where you want to. and where you ha ve to. reach down and prove so mething " -No lan Ryan "Be at war with your vices. at peace with your ne ighbors. & let every new year find yo u a hetter man. -Benjamin Franklin ''The difference between the impossible and the po ~si ble lies in a man', determination" - Tommy Lasorda J.T. we love you and are so proud of all you've achieved, You are an amazing young man!

- Love Mom. Dad Emily & Jonathan GO TIGERS!

CHRISTINE CRAIG Christine , we could never express In words how much fun we have had being your parents. What a complete joy you are to us. We are so proud of the extraordinary person you have become. Congratulations! Love Mom & Dad

J.E.B. Stuart JEB, We love you. We are proud of you. Keep the faith. Have fun! Dad , Mom, Mary, Kathleen

BOBBY BALL Congratulations Bobby! We are so proud of you and we love you very much. Remember who you are!!! With love, Mom, Dad and Kitty



It's hard to believe how fast you have grown! You have always kept us laughing with your funny antics and wonderful sense of humor. We have enjoyed experiencing your milestones along the way and are looking forward to the next exciting phase in your life. We are so proud of you!



Much love , Mom and Dad


Lauren Pieter~ Keis. We are so proud of !:PJ today and alW<l4fo. Keep working hard Find rotnetNng to be p~,ionate about and be wllling to take ri>k, to achieve !:PJr dreatn>. It', hard to believe that !:PJ WIll be leaving for college ,CXJn! We WIll rri» our daIT':J do>e of !:PJr laughter <rod efferve>cerce. .».;t be !:PJr!:elf. <rod!:PJ WIll go far. We love ':JOU so ver':J truch! Morn~Dad

To a prett':J cool sider. You' aways amaze rre with ':JOUr abmt':J to make rre laugh. You have alW<l4fo been an inq>iration to rre and I don't know what I'll do without ':JOU! ~ve a blad at college and I WIll rni» ':JOU oh ,0 rnJCh. Love.CNoe

Dear KeI,ea. to go! You made it throug'1 hig, I WIll mi" ':JOU when ':JOU go to college. It won't be the ~ around here without !flU Come horne a lot! 157 Love. Jack,on



Ryan Burge~~ Where has the time gone? You have grown up in the blink of an eye! We are more proud of you than you will ever know for the young man you have become. You are a caring, sweet person with a huge heart. You have proven what hard work, dedication and determination can accomplish. We have loved every minute of every baseball game and look forward to watching you play in college. This is only the beginning for you. You can do anything you set your mind to . Your Biggest Fans, Mom, Dad, & Zach Ryan , you hold such a special place in our hearts and we are so very proud of you. God has big plans in store for you. Embrace them. Thank you for being such a blessing in our lives. We love you . Chris, Julie, Rachel, & Josh

Ryan , we are very proud of you and love you very much! Love, Nanny & Papa


HEATHER MICHELL MITCHELL Good times ... Great friends and lots of wonderful memories you 'll treasure forever! Heather, we are truly blessed to have you for a daughter. Always keep the sparkle in your eyes and the love in your heart as you pursue your dreams. Congratulations! We love you! Mom and Dad Congratulations! I knew you could do it! I'll miss you when you go to college . Love, Alii "What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God" -Eleanor Powell

Andrew Robert Coker

Drew. It seems like yesterday you were the little boy who always wanted to play ball. You've grown into a remarkable young man who has g iven us so much Joy. Your love of lire, smile and happy go lucky way is infectious! We are so proud of the man you've become and look forward to watching you play baseball at ODU. "With God All Things are Possible." Matthew 19:26 We Love You ... Mom & Dad I smile because you are my brother. J laugh because there is nothing ynu can Love you, Kristen do about it! It was nice growing up with somenne Jikc YOll- someone to lean on, someone


to count on ... someone to borrow clothes from! Luv Ya Bro! Patrick

Logan Melton WONI ~ON did we get to this point? You jJSt started kindergarten! You couldn't possibly be graduatingl We can't begin to put into words how rruch we've loved sitting at your baseball ga/T)8S in the freezing rain and the blistering heat and all of the perfect days in between. hitting the ski slopes; with you and your brother. being spending time on the beach or ¢ at home watching a funry movie or playing a game. When you were a baby. Mom used to sing you a lullaby that said. 'mon your little wings will be big enough to fy,' Well. it seems that now they are and you are re~ to try them out. There will be a f-uge hole in our home. but never in our hearts. when you go oft to college. We are very proud of the young man you have grown to be and we love you very. very rruch. Mom ard Dad Congratulations. bro! Good luck in college! I'll miss; you. I~. why didn't you put me on your page 71



Congratulations James "0" Tons of Love and Good Luck! !! Mom , Dad, Patrick, Sheridan , Bee, and Rossie

And remember. ... Make sure the holes in your net are always smaller than the fish you catch .. ..... A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush . .. ... And when you don't feel like going to work. ; you can bang on your drums all day (at your own place of course!!! )

Parker Scott Daniels Parker, You 've accomplished so much this year! We are so proud of you! Keep up the good work in school and on those drums. We love you, Mom, Dad, Goldie & Kendall

Skylar Macdonald THE STEWARD EXPERIENCE BY THE NUMBERS: 88,817 Miles driven (to and from school) 3,459 Lbs. of horse poop shoveled (mostly on weekends) 478 Choral rehearsals (many in the correct attire) 223 Chick Filet meals (on our charge card) 176 Sporting matches (some without injury) 56 BAM dental appointments (sorry, Mr. Bland) 33 Lost articles of clothing (in the back of the jeep) 6 College applications (all under duress) 2 Teeth lost to field hockey (less than Ms. Rice) WONDERFUL DAUGHTER (love, Mom and Dad)

Peter Neels Congratulations Peter! We are proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad , Andrew, James and Rose

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M{(eIi Love, MM/-

Nama & B~fJf/J Mib& Tara S/(Jif& Arf

Mark & (J. lfttffffIJ Perr;; & Clark Val1tf'/J & Aitlf/J CaMI1 & Grall! Mall/J~. Maddif. & MikfIJ Max

Danielle Frazier

YOU are We LOVE YOU 5UNCHES a nd more!


in all.':Jou do' XOXO Mom, Dad

& Lauren







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