Grace I-tender~on The future belong; to thebe who believe in the beaut~ of their dreams;. -~Ieanor ROebevelt Dream big s;weet child -Congratulations; and love! Mom. Dad. ~mantha s L~~
Me an Frances Wri
Dearest Meggie Moo, "We hope your dreams take you ... to the cornores of you r smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known." ~ We are ALL so proud of you! ~
Love Forever and Always,
Mom, Dad , Kaitlin, Kel sey, Chase, Max, & Mickie
ce. cewok You have had such a wonderful 1st grade year. I am so proud of you! You never stop amazing me. Continue to work hard, read everything , and never stop learning . The sky is the limit for you . I love you! Mommy
Pete, Boo, Pumpkin , Bren Our beautiful, sweet daughter you are our pride and joy. We are 50 proud of you and love you dearly! - Mom & Dad Bren is called (mostly by me) The Button' because she has always been cute as a button. I am extremely lucky to have been a part of her life as she has grown from the adorable little girl into the beautiful person she is today. I love her dearly and will always be a very proud aunt. -Aunt Rhonda Bren my intelligent, beautiful and athletic niece! Continue on your path, I know life will bring you much happiness! I love you with all my heart and soul. -Aunt Becky Bren, you have been such a delight since the day you were born ! We are so proud of you! Love you always. - Nanny B & Pa Ken Strands of rope--together always. - Aunt Sandy
PATRICK COKER "DANCE is your pulse , your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. The expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy. Jacques D'ambroise Patrick, We are so proud of your many accomplishments and look forward to seeing what the futu re has in store for you. Whatever it may be, we know th at you will be dancing to your own life songl Love you, Mom & Dad A BROTHER is a friend God gave you; A FRIEND is a brother your heart chose. Patrick, you have chosen you r own stream in life and I am proud of You !!! Love you Bro, Drew Thanks Patrick for being a role model and inspiration for me! A Brother is a gift of the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the mean ing of life. Love your Iii sis, Kristen
Taylor Scott
Noel Thank you for the blessing that you are. We are proud of you.
Congratulations! Love, Pops & Mom Nadi ne
18 1
Hillary Cox Lane Congratulations , we are so proud of you! Watching you grow up and navigate life's challenges has been a joy for us. We know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. We look forward to watching you and your faith continue to grow. Love, Mom and Dad Hillary, congratulations! Have fun next year! Love , Amy
Robbie watson Congratulations Rob! February 19. 1991 What a day to remember - and you've kept us on our toes ever since! We are so proud of you for calculating how to graduate from high school and have time for your passions of hunting and fishing. We hope and pray that life's roads will lead you to education and a career that let you to do what you love (and get paid for it!). We love you always and wish you all the best that life has to offer. Mom and Dad
CharleÂŁ: Andrew Dale We are very Proud of You and wi~h yOU the best of luck in your continuing education ...and you ~ould know we will be renCing out your bedroorn...w ...good luck to you! IjUtt kiddingl Love you!!! Dad. Morn Chri~. and Kevin
Samantha Bisger "lh~
II lOSt ho,autiful ciiscovel'y true frield0 lIlake is that they cal l OI'OW sef1 arately without fjrowillO a~7a rt," eliazl' eth foUey
Sailialltha, You have haLi a wOlkierful experiellce at St ,ewarLl allLl omwll illt 0 a loeautiful younO wl'lllalllooth illsiLie alki out, Much happilleS0 to you! Love, MOIII, Fel'ciie, DaLi + Kililloeriy, AI1IY, Allciy, Alex aid Wyc
Omri Morris Omri, We had fun looking at these pictures of you growing up, It is tru ly an honor for us to have experienced all that we have been through together. Ultimately when we look back at your brief time at Steward, it can honestly be said that, , . .you made a difference!
Patrick Strecker We love you . We are so proud of the person you have become . Congratulations! The best is yet to come! Love, Mom & Dad You never know how much a place affects you , until you leave it!
J!lodet!ln !JiliveJ filfonebutnet
.rJ3,.fr" 'til 11'/". /'mll,
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Mar Ta lor Te Congratulations Sweetie! You made it! We are so proud of you and will miss you dearly when you leave for college. Do not forget where that beautiful smile can take you and never change that amazingly laid back demeanor. We love you, Mom and Dad Mary Taylor, We are proud of your accomplishments and love you so much! Enjoy college and tennis. Love , Nama and Granddaddy "As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person we can ; by making the best choices, by making the most of the talents we've been given." -Mary Lou Relton
Porter Lewis
Porter we are so proud of you. You are wonderful! !!!
Congratu lation s to you and th e rest of the class of 2020. Love , Mommy & Daddy
Amanda Pa' Kern "Orilf AllltlNrlil. GIJri MJJ(tI 0111' lim wilit fl ji(({'it>llJ Uflb/J !lid. Site iJ IIOW il /lrfltiOIll flld b({l!Ifi{tllfj(lllJtj WOlllilN. /IIiflJ bem illiltOlior illirl IljO/J fo wllfe/: /JOII jJr(lw lilfO fhr W{}lIrlrrfttt!/XrJlllI /JllllltaVl' brttlilif. YOIIItitW iltilltvrrl Jil /illiCit flllrl! jirfl/J f!ttl! GM wilt btJJ /Jilil iN !Jllllf Rrr'ji /JOII ill HiJ Ctlfr. ! (ow
11M ilrlVf/I/{lfeJ fllid Ilfwll/Jd
/JOII Wf/J lillie/;. (Grfllltljill wtllllif !:tW( bml JIJ jifO!lrlOO /JOII.) lilr fl ilrr. WW . Grflll((lIIa
"I( iftflfarr /J01I1' Itflllri lIIifJltf. •
/inti! fo rlt>. rill if Wiflt /JOfll'
Eec! 9:10 AIIIlllirifl.
Yollf oil fO /lfmf jimm! Todo/J iJ !JOlt!' dO/J! YOllf IIIOIIllf/liNIJ Willfiftj. SIl..../lt! 011 /Jollr if!(I/J1" l)1: SrllJ! ({Irfr SI! Prolld
00 YOW!!!I!
COltjrflflfl'flfttillJ Oil /Jollr bl!J rI(I/J!!! lir /bw /JOII JOIIIIICit!!!
ww. MOl/{. [)at! olldpell
P. S Plljijii(J (111(( i"'olfll'J... .. PlljijilCJ (lilt! PoIII(;
Jessica DeBell Your children are not your children . They come through you but not from you and though they are with you , yet they belong not to you . You may give them your love, but not your thoughts . They have their own . You may strive to be like them , but seek not to make them like you . We are so proud of the person you are. Congratulations. We love you .
Kelsey Kurdts Dear Kelsey: We love your passion, caring and zest for life! We watched you grow from a little girl to a confident young woman. You have provided so much pleasure, happiness and love to your friends and fami ly. We are immensely proud of who you are, how you handled numerous challenges in your life and the positive impact you have had on so many people. You have a bright, exciting future! We are delighted to support you as you continue to grow spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Congratulations! on your Graduation! We love you! Mom& Dad
17 1
The Trepp Family The very best buddy fami ly! Thank You!
Patrick Schmiederer Dear Patri ck, the year in Virginia passed by quickly. Yo u have managed th e challenges with great success. We are proud of you and look forwa rd to have you back in Germany. Love, Mom, Dad and Verena
Sam Dunn Congratulations on completing your 1st year at Steward! Bring on Middle School!! U Rock I!! Love Ya Lots, Mom & Dad
gara Levitt
Morgan and Carla
Congrat:ulat:ions Sara! We are w proud of ~ou. ErniHe lucern et: verit:at:ern.
What a wonderful year we have had with you both! Best wishes for the rest of school! Remember all the good times! We love you! Kim and David
Kelly Elizabeth Stosch TO<.l ay is yOLII' ,iayl Y,lur Illoullt aill is waitillO. St1 ... oet Lll1 your way.
Ke.lly - y,lUhave lYel1 suc:h a L"Ie.ssilIO. We. love you SL1 Illuc:h. COIIOI'atulatk111S I Love., Mall lillY, Da<.1.1y, Sarah & Louie.
Mary Pannill Stuart Mary, , When you were born , r we prayed you would just be a good baby. We never even knew what a good and kind person you would grow up to be . We are so very proud of you! Keep the faith . We all love you!!!! Mom and Dad , JEB and Babe Annie & Claire say Woof! Mooch says .. ... grrrrrr
MATTHEW GELBER Matthew, Your mother and I are so proud of you for all that you have accomplished since transitioning to The Steward School. You have shown a keen intellect and proven that you can rise to meet any challenge set before you. You have overcome adversity and met challenges head on with a drive that is admirable. We have no doubt that you will succeed at anything you set your mind to and wish you every success in life . We love you. Mom and Dad.
COVlgratlAlatioVlS, W~ltle~1
We are ver~ prolAd of ~OlA Love, MOVVl, Dad, K~le, aVId Patricia Lee
N" ncy Negus Tom Nelms M ark N ugenl
Robin Oli ff Rugen e Paulette
Terry Powe ll
Shah war Qures hi Lynn Ramsson Toni Rennie Janel Rice
Robin Rickeus Louise Robertson
Debbie Robson Melanie Rodriguez Bob Sanders Betsy Saunders Bruce Sccrest Chip Seidel
Todd Serr Ken Seward Beth Shamburger Terri helt n Whit Sheppard Sheril yn Smail
Craig Sm ith Kate Strickland Jenny Suarez Mary Ann Taylor BellYTharrington Chri s Tickle
Katherine Toman Carrie Vandervelde Bill Wade Jennifer Walker Ging ie W att
Hunter White
Jane Whitely Robin Williamson Sabra Willhite Charlene Wilton Lynn Zi nde r
K~th c rin c Goodpastu re Elliott Gravitt Chris Green M ary Greenlee Doug Griffith Cind y Grissom
Estelle Grossman Jenn y Hoar Bonny Haj ek Amy Hale Catherin e Hathaway Lee Hea ley
Rebeca Heidbreder Barbara Hickerson Ann Blair Hi ggi ns
Shelby Holland Eric Hopp K aren Huenneken s
W allace Inge Don na Jackson Alan Johnson Au gustu s Jones Catesby Jones Kathy Karmolin ski
Ken Kellner Leslie Kovach Susan LalOurelle Justin Lee Kim Linnell Na ncy Loyd
Chris Lundberg
L yn Lun sford Margaret M ac lin
John M cA li ster Chris M c Kee M an y M cMullin
Sarah M elvi n M onica M oehring Sara M ontgomery Piper M oritz And y Mudd Gardner Mundy
FdCU John Alley Bonnie A nderson Stephanie Arnold Michael Baynes Debra Beck George Bland
K erry Blum Delight Booker Carolyn Brandt Paul Busse
Sarah Cafazzu Joan Cameron
Rebecca Carell i-Sennetl
W yndi Carnes
Pat Caron Suzanne Casey M elanie Casper Chip Chapman
Elizabeth Coleman Ron Coles A my Cooper Jane Cov ington Lynn Defi ne Joe Dillow
Nancy Dorman Andrea Dowdy Linda Dun ville Li sa Dwelle Burks Echols Peyton Ellis
Betty Enright Afi Farj adi Debra Fi tzgerald Beverley Fox Dan Frank Jennirer Gnapp
ty & Std~~
MS Cheerleading
Front Row Cdfolyt DeCredico, Brdeden GIdney, Kathleen StUdrt, JdcQuel,flE' Meftel, and Ahsdll HefTIng
S.c' Row u",ch L"",u, AII""n Mtch.ll R.chd R.g.n, L,~ G"y, ond CC)dch D.vo,
~ JV Cheerleading
Fronl ~w 5usdn Mil!!, Gbelll-1.trP0. GfdCe Fralin, drd Ashley DeContr &'" Row ("",h Jo"", H.nOdh K. VI, Mefgon P""be<,hy, I'vl.Icky I'vl.IfO., Wid'" L.,gh While/ Abbey TWining, dod C ,:h Frd,zeI
Cheer edding
V drSlty Cheerledd,ng hdd
dn dwesome yedr with lots
of tdlent on
the squdd.
They performed routines dt hdlf time dnd high-level stunts between qUdrters dt the
V drslty Boys'
Bdsketball gdmes. The squdd pldyed d big role in the
Spdrtdn SPirit DdY pep rdlly, dnd they orgdnlzed the Lower School Jamboree athletics night, which IS always d faVOrite.
MS Gold Girlsl Basketball
Gold Team Scoreboard U, AI 5.,n" Ct,hok School 5.,n" Ctthoi,c School Calks.,. School Sl M,ch.eI', Ct,halk School"d Houl< St Edward E"phany School S, Md.y', School CoIkgrdl.SchooI
I'JI Row MalY Jane Apostle, Haley Cumm,ngs, Meg Tropp, Vi.g,n,. F.,I,n,
5.••h SI.w.n,ki, Ann,e Mye~, and COdc!, Dowdy Middle Row AlI,e Tatte~lI, Elrzabeth Fern.ndez, Julie Coch •• n, Abby Dwelle, Leslye Rome.o, dnd Cdrmen M.ngdnello F.ont Row Anu Geel, Helen Russell, dnd Grace Pope.
10 17
7 19 12 17
Hedd COdch Andred Dowdy
22 4 16
MS Blue Girlsl Basketball
Blue Team Scoreboard Us Them Colles"'t. School CoIleg.ot< School All S.,n~ c.thoI~ School
S. MIry's School St Moeh.eI's c.thoI~ School St Edwdrd E",ph.,ny School
16 18
10 17
24 17
21 18
He.d COdch: Morgdn HutchISon Row: C,sSdndrd M..tinez, N.t.lre 8endherm, MorSdn Schroder, CI.ire Krrchm"r, Phebe Jenkr"" Annd Fuhr, dnd Coach Hutchi",on Front Row Ell.. Cosby, l.!vlnld Johnson, Chloe C,"leS, Gndsey Lubn, s..m.lnthd Bryont, dnd Hdiley路Morr. Ragon
Varsity Gir 51 The Varsity Girls' Basketball Team endured a tough season, but with a year's worth of experience and dedication. and every player returning路 the groundwork for next season has already been laid. Every player had the breakout game, but they seemingly did so on different nights. Over the course of the season the girls got to know each other's playing style and how to work together on the court. Sarah Burroughs '11 played well at the point guard position, and Chrissy Edwards 11 filled her role nicely at the shooting guard. Tanner Roe '11, who saved her best game of the year for last, was a consistent shooting guard, while Ryland Scott '11 made her presence felt at the post position all year long. Lucy Anderson, Sarah Austen Holzgrefe '13, Olivia Edwards '12, and Samantha Cummings '12 filled out the remaining leam members, and seNed the team well in multiple capacities. In general, the team got better as the year went on and that was no more apparent than at the game they played at Fredericksburg Academy. Having lost 34-17 to Fredericksburg at home a week earlier, the team, playing with only six girls, made the necessary adjustments, and at the end of regulation they found themselves tied. Unfortunately, in the extra session the girls simply ran out of energy and lost by a few points. With confidence and determination the girls will make next season a season to remember.
Scorecard Them 45
Us 15
R,chmond ChrlS"an School
43 43
Blessed-SclOdment Hugenot
17 34 23
St MdrSdret's School
Richmond Chflstldn
Covendnt Schoo!
48 49 34 43 45
23 24 18 21 17 36 23
T"nlty Ep,scoP<l1 School i,
Covenant School
I路'.'ldt~l ..... t 1 ~1'I.l11'>;:'r>\)
Sl Gertrude HS (S:rwoltdlrrJ,t,lI>;,)l'\611.:;...wO'\Gf!'-t'1II)
SL Md'Sd,et's School Frede"cksburs ACddemy Frederdsbuo,j ACddemy Sl Md'Sd'et's School 'U'JD. "'lIfltj.....'"""I11
Justin Lee, Hedd CQ<lch Coach
Morson Hutchinson, ASslstdnt LdHY CUmmlng'3, ASSistant
MS Boysl Basketball
Blue Team Scoreboard Seven Hills School Collegiate School Collegiate School Collegiate School Richmond Christian School Collegiate School Sl Chnstopher's School Sl Chnstopher's School Collegiate School
20 15
42 19 32
25 22 35
45 23
19 23 23
58 41
33 aT
Hedd COdch: W dlldce Inge Assistdnt COdch: Ken Kellner
Gold Team Scoreboard Them Us St. Christopher's School St. Christopher's School St. Christopher's School St. Christopher's School St. Christopher's School Collegiate School 5l Christopher's School St Christopher's School
Will Grattan, and Coach Lee Front Row: Eren Grdes",r, Chance Diffee, Luke Cdldwell, Forest Andrews, Tyler Ludlam, Jackson Wellons, and Josiah Armstrong_
39 29 29 28 31
32 42 22
Head COdch: Charles Oliver Assistdnt COdch:
JV BOiS' Basketball
Scorecard Them St Ch"stopher's School Fuqua School Kenston Forest
Tidewdter ACddemy Richmond Christrdn Blessed路Sdcrdment Hugenot Blessed路5.odment Hugenot BrunsWICk AUldemy R;d,mond Christidn Governor's School Southdmpton ACddemy Govemor's School Tidwdter Acddemy Fuqua School Kenston Forest Brunswrck AUldemy Southdmpton AUldemy Tidewdter AUldemy (Vccr"""""",,)
15 53 42 27 31 33 27 27
62 22
37 50 34
22 33
47 36 41 35 31 27 45 54
33 35 26 47 35 67 27 46
Andrew Bldzdr, Hedd COdch RYdn Nieses, Assitdnt COdch
Front Row Andr拢IN uldweJl, Hdrnson Mire, DeMd/co Nelson, culd Tim Brdnln
B,ck Row COdCh B~,.r, Kevrn Fr~, Kendrd Pews, Park.. Leep, M,k. DeCr.eko, Mark Th.rp, .nd COdCh Neises
Basket6a l
Scoreboard Kenslon Forest
Tdewo .., Ae.demy R"hmond Ch"",on School Bk.",dSdcoo'n<nl HUg<nol Bk.sed,SdCromenl Hugenol Amdoo AeoJemy BrunSWIck Acddemy
R,ehmond Ch,,",on School Governor's School Soulhhomplon Aeodemy Governor',S,hool Tdewol.. Aeodemy Fuquo School Kenston Forest
Brun,lew,ek Ac.demy Soulhhomplon ACddemy Ame"o Acodemy R;ehmond Ch"",on School
EJl,elt Grov,lt. H••d And,ew Blow, As."onl COdch RYdn Neises, ASSISltmt COd
Ch" Ph,II,p', A",,,onl Cooeh Jom,. \'II,Ii,ford A,."onl COdch
Them U,
63 41 30
43 2 70
52 70 65 33 51 34 59 74 49 68 41 62 48 63 29 53 31 41 49 46 31 60 21 64 35 71 21 54 34 52 43 62 48
Varsity Boysl Steward's Varsity Boys' Basketball 2009-2010 season got off to a slow start with a record of 4-4 after the first eight games The team, made up of seven new members and four returners, decided to bond together and take a "Hard Hat" mentality for the rest of the season. This approach paid off. The Spartans concluded the season winning fifteen of their fina l seventeen games. The team had many great highlights this year. A few of those highlights included beating Tidewater Academy in the finals of the VCC Championship by one point, beating Fuqua in the semi-finals off the VCC Tournament on a last second play, and making it to the quarterfinals of the State Tournament. Junior Adjehi Baru was named the VCC Tournament MVP and First Team All Conference in the VCC Pat Branin and Andrew Adkins were named Honorable Mention All VCe. Patt Branin was also VCC All-Academic The Spartans were a young team this season and they will be back next season with some loftier goals.
F,oot Row- Josh 8rut:e .nd N k WestmOfet.nd M.d e Row M.nog<l lloyd Chombt.s, D."" Pierce, Ch.n", Chong, Pdt B'dn,n, Tumer B,eeden, dnd W,II,fo.d 8"dc Row- Cooch G'dvllt, Mil., Nolfs,ng<l, Kevin P""ee, Adrehl So,", And,ew Adk,ns, Hdyden White, .nd Cooch Ph,II,ps
MS Volley-ball , he Middle School Volleyball Blue team finished Its season With d 4-6 record Many of the match", were extremely dose, severdl times gOing IntO extra points. The tedm worked very hard al season, Improving thell skills dramatically
JV Volleyball The JV Volleybdll team started off strong winning 7 of their first 9 matches. Plagued by injuries and illness dunng the second half of the season, the Spartans finished the season 7-8. The team was lead at the net by freshmen Elizabeth Gooding, MYla Jones, Ana Leahy, Morgan Penberthy, and sophomore Carla Schlrephake. Running the offense were 8th-grade setters Lindsey Lubin and Hailey-Marie Ragan. Sarah Dickson ran the defense In the libero poSition.
Scorecard St Margdfet's School Tnnlty EplSopol School Collegiate School Trinity Episcopal School Blessed-Sacrament Hugenot St Mdfgaret's School St Gertrude HS New Community School Covenant School St C.therine's School Richmond Chnstian School St. Anne's Belfield Tdndem Fnends School Blessed-Sacrament Hugenot St. Cdthenne s School
Win Win Loss Win Win Win LOISS Win Win LOISs LOISs Loss Loss Loss LOISs
C~I Juson, He-old COdch Andrea Dowdy, Assistant Coach
O mll Mom~
HlidY Ldf)t
Sen"" '10 Delen5e SpeodllSl
Amy Lone Jumor tIl
Defense SpeCldl'5t
JunlOl'll Seu~
Odne McKeown '11 Outstde Hitter JUnior
And:e:d Dowdy V.."lY COdCh ClI JUI()n
BIen \X/llbelgeT
5.,,,,,10 Seuer
Tayb Scott Senior '10
Varsity Gir Sl The Vorslty Volleyboll teom storted the seoson off strong defeating St. Gertrude's in 4 games to toke 2nd place in The Steword Invitotlonal under the direction o f Coach And reo Dowdy and Coach Cat Juson. Omri Morris and Bloir Oliff led the way offensively receiving All· Tournament honors. The team played a competitive schedule consisting of Division I and Division II League of Independent Schools. The Spartans were led by seniors H illary Lane, Omri Morris, Blair Oliff, Taylor Scott, and Bren Wilberger. The team finished the season with an 8-10 record, falling to St. Catherine's in the LIS T ourndment.
GillIn Pheldn Sophmorel2 Llbero
Ry.;Jn Johnson
Sophmo<e '12 Out~ldt HItter
MolloI'( Burgess Junror'l1 OPPOSltlt I
8dck Row- Cwch JuSOfl, Hllory Ldrte, 81011 Ol,rr, BltIl W,lbelger, Omll Moms, Clcllf€ McKeown,
Scorecard Southstde Bdptist ChrlStldn School
SL G.,tud. HS
~chrnond ChflStldn School 51 MOIgdret's School
TfimlY EpcscOPdI School
Coileg"" Schoo T."clem F,,.od, School
Tnnlty Ep'SCOPclI School SI MdI9"ret's Sc~ooI
N",tJ, C,"" Sd"", St G.n,ucJ. HS COvendnt School Sl c,th..".', School CVHM
LOI' Loss
LOll LOll LOI' L""
R.chmood Chnsll,Jn School
Woo Won
Sl Anne', IleIfoeid BI.".,d·S.",,,,.,,t Hugenot
SL Catheflne's School
Loss LOI' LOI'
Andred Dowdy, Hedd COdch Cat Juson, Assistant COdch
MS Gold Boysl Soccer
Scoreboard Collegiate School St. Edward-Epiphany School Amelia Academy Collegiate School St. Edward- Epiphany School
Wellans, Quincy Rhodes, dnd Andy McDonnell Row Wendell, Con"", Bleyl, Amon GoeI, Mark Leopold, Cldyton Leep, Con"", Pdrnsh, Chr. Jones, Pdtnck Nedle, dnd Coach Dennâ&#x20AC;˘. Not Pictured Gray Chambliss, Tayler Ledhy, dnd Mason Pdtnck
Head Coach: Tommy Wendell Assistant Coach: Kyle Dennis
Us Them 1
7 0 0 6
3 0 1
3 0
Us Them Tandem Friends School Richmond Christian School St. Christopher's School Fredericksburg Academy St. Edward-Ephiphany School St. Christopher's School Fredericksburg Academy Richmond Christian School Tandem Friends School
0 4
0 1 0 2 0 0
4 7
4 4 3 3
MS Blue Boysl Soccer
Head Coach: Kyle Dennis
'-<lnnoO<OII. Jord.n,
Chri> DeCont;, Luke C.ldv..,II, Tyler M;re, Owen Ca.ter, Will Fa.mer, and Scott Roper s"ck Row: Coach Wendell, Ja""" Marmoleio-Mendez, B.antley Hath.way, DeMarco Nelson, Sean O'Neil, Buck Patte""n, Cabell Glanq', Aubrey N,chols, Will Cox, .nd Coach Denn;s
T"n ry Epoco",1 Sen""
A melld Acddemy RIchmond Chnstldn Chrlstchun:h EpSCOCd
I 2
WIdtSlngnam Aolderry Fredencksburg ACddemy Tnmty EpJSCOPdi School Amel~ Ac.d"",y &'nner ChrtStldn School
3 0
Fre(h;~HCk~buI9 ACddcmy
3 5 6
Ollls!Church School An-<l" Ac.d""'Y
3 4
'-V路,( , ""'".,-,,
Richmond Chrtstldn VI
Chro Green, Hedd COdch Ross M dcKer1Zle, Assistdnt COdch
Varsity Boysl
M",no, Pdt< Middle Row
Heth Owen, A",:kew c"klwell, dnd Fdboo V,lId Addr~ NiChols., JdCob Roed, Pedro Plllron, Peler T~, Patrd
Antonio TomdyO, Comeron O'Connor, dnd Omld IVIcJhbdn Ekk Row Tdnner KIf~Pdlr!ck, jdmes Neels. KhOd Trcln, Andrew Ddle. GIIl<lm McKeQ'Ntl, Peyton Jenk,ns, Ben W,Ii'dmson, Kevin Froend, dnd loch Mdl1no
M drtlnez,
Hughes, Rwn
Boy's Varsity Soccer got off to a flying stdrt with the Steward Invitationdl. This year's edition Sdw the Spdrtans crowned Tournament champions after d 3-2 victory over New C o mmunity and a trilling 5-4 pendlty shoot out win over local Rivals Richmond Christian in the chdmpio nship mdtch. This edrly tdste
of glory would
Inspire the boys to overcome the woes of Idst
sedson's record of 2-9-1. The Spdrtans would roll thro ugh the entire reguldr season with d 9-4-1 record, while occupying the filst pldce seed In the VCC with d 6-1 record
A diSdPpoinbng display in 2008's VCC tournament
would not be repedted in the 2009 tourndment Stewdrd eXdcted revenge from their sole VCC reguldr sedSOn loss to Amel'd ACddemy by ous ting them in the semi final round o f tourndment pldY by a score o f 6-1 The stage was set for the findl between cross town flVdls, Richmond Christian (2nd) dnd The Steward School (lst). Throughout the season, the Spartans had faced Richmond Christian on three sepdrate occdsions. Although Stewdrd was victorious in edch o f the three meetings, each game was full
passion dnd only decided with last minute goals The Spdrtans could not have asked for a more perfect performance in the champ ionship gdme. Stewdrd jumped out to an edrly ledd dnd would extend it to 6-0 before halftime. The find I would eventudlly end at 7-1 wi th Steward redlizing a presedson gOdl of becoming VCC reguldr season chdmplons as well dS VCC tournament Champions.
MS Gold Field Hockey
. .'\..a\ 'Ii>\-
Gold Team Scoreboard Us Orch..d House School
CoIi<9'ate School
3 2
SL Cothe"ne', School SL Mchael', C"hol~ School
1 3
51. c,thennt's School CoIks~l< School
Mollwood School
Sl Cd\herlne's School Back Row Mary Apest"" ElI'e Hall, All.son Mitchell, Elizabeth F,nto, H.ley Cummings, Rebecc. Salvioni, M".nd. Stinson, Coach Beirne Middle Row Rachel R.g.n, Helen Russell, Carmen Manganello, Megan Tattersall, Ellie Cosby, Grace Pope, Allie Tatte'SdIl Front Row路 JulIe luomo, Mered,th Hughes, Mdckenzle Urnes
Not Pidutred Braeden Glancy
Hedd Coach, Plunk.t Beirne
MS Blue Field Hockey
Blue Team Scoreboard
u, 51 Cdt"'"",,', School CoI~t< School Mllwood School 5l', C,lhoIoc School 51 c,thet,,,,,', School
0 2 6 0 0
O,ch"d H""",
CoIleg,,,. School
Them 8 I
0 4
0 2
Head Coach: Bonny Hajek Assistant Coach: Plunket Beirne
Bock Row Virg,nia Ham,lton, Chloe Staples, Kotheleen Stuart, Ca,y Wrenn, G"ce Fralon, Claire Klrchmier, Susan Mire, Coach Halek Middle Row Cabell Harper, Keaton Bu,ser, Lily Gray, Em,1y Pa"i" Ol,v;' ." Ashky DeConti, Laura Fuh, Front Row Skylyr Philips, Virg,n .. Villano
Fie d Hockey The 2009 Va""lY F..Id Hoc "" began tne ~
MddenzIE: K.·chmIC '12
by caphmng the- Ste-......~td InvltdtlOtldl
Ch.mpoonsh,p and def.. "ng Sl Gertrude and NdllSemmond Suffolk Academy. The team ended the """'" in 3rd oIace in the League of Independent Schools D,y""", II b."de! The tedm W(lS !(lnked In the VISAA every wetlc throughout the "'ason At the sea"",', end, the SPclltdns weI'(" ranked #6 in the ~wte tournament and kxt a 2·1 ""tch.up w,th #3 Fred""lsbws Academy P,oibab/y the best w:tay of tho :.e~SOI1 W4S d 3-2 overtime wIn dgdll'lSt SL Mar9d'"'' Sc100i when only 1\ "t.,.e.s were ","'dl able to pL,y, GS ITIdIlY of them W€1~ recovenng from the SWIne Au which hIt the team h"d Dunng tho _k puor to the LIS TOUIOdmetll, 15 out of 22 ~ we1e sd 4nd the redm never rcally recovered dh~
p\<y.., were chosen to the All LIS Tum Lauren Sau", Rv\dnd and M"IY Taylor Topper Ry~nd Scott WdS .Iso to the V1SM 2nd «am All Stdte Fodd Hockey Team and the 2nd Tram R'ochmond Times·D"Pdtch All Meoo Ttam lor lodd hod.y
Lau,en Hushes '13
H"nndh Krud", '13
Cathe",," Towm '13
Abbey Tw,n,ns '13
Gir s
T.,Iex Booth '10
G,dC' Hendeooo '10
S"ph,n.e P.,J""," '10
S,osch '10
M.ry St""" '10
7 2 2
o o
T,ndem F,,ros School St G."ude ..,S N,",emond路Sulfo~
0 0
F,ed,.cJt,b.,'3 Ac.demy School Cdoe Henry Colle9 ". F,ed"c\sb."g Ac.Klemy St M.......'s School Nmm Cos, School WdJslnghdm ACddemy Coli"""" School
S, Am's 8el1.ed
2 4
3 3 2
I 0 2
o o o 2 2
o 2
St G.",uck HS T,ndem F"ends SCW 0 T"noty Epsco",,1 School 0 St M.'9d'''' ScW 5 Coven,", ScW f-_____4 1 Fredrdsbu,g Acc!demy J,nct R.ce, H.,d Co.och Beth Scott. AS~stdnt COdch 5
MOIgdn Hutch,nSOtl, ASSlsldnt COden
R.cheI W,ko, 'II
5.Jm Cummings 'j]
Gir Sl Cross Country The girls cross country team won the VCC Championship Meet for the fourth straight year, where Tanner Roe and Brooke Faison finished in the top 5 to earn medals and All-Conference
Not Pictured: Kdki Pdtterson '12, dnd mdndgers,
Lucy Anderson '12, dnd Ceeli Brddshdw '12
~ co'recc rd 2nd of 6 1st of 6 4th of 6
2nd of 6 1st 01 6 4th of 4 1"01 6
Todd Serr, Hedd COdeh 'vce ~ #\dude BImrd路
~ H"grngt F~,
o,,uo,jl1, ~o;~.~~I)"IF~!
Boys' Cross Country
Wyatt Jamerson '11
The highlight of the boys cross country team was a 2nd place finish at the VCC Meet at Brunswick Academy. But season-ending Injuries to three runners kept the boys team from achieving its full potential. However, Wyatt Jamerson finished in 5th place at the VCC Championship Meet to earn A ll-Conference status
Boyd Ch.mb)'" '12
Elh.n M,.,,,ello '12
D,n",1 S,""'" 12
Ben C"dwell '14
\'1/,Ike< Pol,ng '15
Not PICtured Finn Smyth '11, Pres:on -Iuennekem '12,
Alec \'1/,11",," 12, J.cIc Rhod", '13, and Forrest Andrevv\ '14
Meet CoveT'Idnt Invitdtional
VeCM<et VCCMoo Velltas Chrlst,an & Collegldte JV
VCC Ch,mpoonsh,p Meet State Meet
Todd Serr, Hedd COdch " veL ....\tr.l BSH Fuq..... R.:"f'IIJfId ("J.oMh.lI' -"'1'~1IooForO!":I
Team work makes the dream work
Cast Michael . . .. . . . ...... .Finn Smyth '11 Mike ....... .. .... Cabell Glancy '14 Phil ............ Kendall Bendheim Tanya .......... . ... Grace Cote '12 M • .,.h •• 11 . . . . . . Preston Huennekens '12 Heather ....... . . Claire McKeown '11 Mrs. Caldwell .. . . .. Ann Schimmels '11 Edna ......... . .. Virginia Villani '15
~I Understudies Michael ............ Zach Barnard '12 Mike/Marshall ..... Quincy Rhodes '16 . Phil/Heather ...... . Emily Robinson '13 Mrs. CaldwelllTanya. Virginia Villani '15 \
Assistant Director .... Emily Robinson '13
Cast Alex Dennison .... .Christian Rennie '13 Ernie . . .......... . Danny Kovach '16 Sally Bean .. .. ... .. . Lauren Perry '14 Monica Welles ....... Grace Cote '12
Loretta .... .... . Natalie Bendheim '14 . . Lloyd Andrews ... ... Mason Patrick '16 Bella Lamb . .. .. ... . .. liza Jones '13 Karen Daniels ..... .. Emily Robinson '13 David Mathews . ... ...... Ian Scott '11 Leo Gibbs ..... . . Carter McGhee '15 Police Officer .. .. Josiah Armstrong '16 Police Officer ..... . Stephanie Legg '13 Frank Heller . .... .. .Mike Waddell '13 Mr. Santoro ....... . Adam Mickle '15 . lieutenant McElroy . . Virginia Villani '15
>- Understudy ,_ \ lloyd/David/Leo .. Matthew Whiting '15 Assistant Director .. .. . Ariel Dantona '11
J: .. and Instrumental Music
Above: Eighth-grader William Strickler.
Above: Freshman Christian Rennie, Junior Rachel Wilcox , & Freshman Greg Lindgren.
Right: Freshman Omid Mahban
Above: Middle School Band performing in the Winter Instrumental Music Concert Below: Upper School Band with Junior Rachel Wilcox performing a solo during th e Winter Instrumental Music Concert
Above: Freshman Perry Zakaib
Chorus Above: Th e Upper School Chorus performing in the Winter Choral Concert.
Below: 8th Grade Chorus performing in the Winter Choral Concert
Right: Freshman Ana Leahy performing a solo
12. Amanda Kern '10 13. Kaylen Schwartz '11 14. Thomas Howell '11 15. Drew Aldredge '12 16 Maclaine Ellis '13 17. Claire Kramer '10 18. Sarah Burroughs '11 19 Yvonne Taylor '13 20 Ryland Scott '11 21 Ryland Scott '11 22. Yvonne Taylor '13 131
isual Arts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6
Amanda Kern '10 Elizabeth Gooding '13 Abbey Twining '13 Amy Lane '11 Kaylen Schwartz '11 Tanner Roe '11 7. Megan Wright '10 8. Madelyn Stoneburner '10 9. Madelyn Stoneburner '10 10. Harrison Mire '12 11 Harrison Mire '12
International Day
Holiday Program
"Out of this World"
Career Day
Lower School
..:... _....
.I • • •
Destination ImagiNation is the largest creative problem solvin g orga nization in the world . Each year, tea ms o f up to seven young people work together to crea te a unique solutio n to o ne of five published cha llenges. This yea r' s cha llenges ranged fro m building a device to move objects over a six foot tall wall or building a robot to writing an origina l story fro m two viewpoints (with a tea m created puppet as Teach!?l, .md this year's P.wl R.
well) or researching endangered species
Carner Best Faculty AWdrd
( fro m the basking shark to the la nd line
Winne" Mr. Chris Tickle
telephone) and then performing an improv
skit about w heth er or not it should be saved . Additiona lly, teams were faced wi th num erou s instant chal lenges desig ned to test their team's ability to think and act quickly. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but all involved would agree that DI is also FUN !
Caelan Nlead
Amy Mertz Ri ley Norris
Juslin Parham Joey Pope Bryce Reid
Soph ie Shafer Julia Viggiani L ily W ood Griffin Wri ght
Kin ergarten
Kaylee Board Anne Marshall BOIh Cmoline Brumagin Eitan Burton Lauren Currin Sa'eed Das her
Will Elles Macy Gerber Anna Gorey
Rachel Hall Daniel Hei lman Jackson Hill
Mariam Hobbs Carter Hopp Thomas Hu bbard Alaina Jefferson Walker Landry-Seward
Sophie Liddy
John Lu cas Grace M archeui Casey M cClendon Dy lan Murray A nna Pas tore
Mary Paslore
Ben Poling Saara Quresh i Caroline Rn y Mimi Reyno lds Jake Smithson Joshua lein
Casie Siein fa u O dder SIU lt s
Gnlcie W,lgner Hailey Whtl rram Z ar ia Willi ams
Katheri ne Williamson
Ama l Ali Trooper Bearden
Sadie Bell An ya Bhargava Andrew Bland
Georgia Camrell
Cody Cames JOl1ah Costen Jonathan Creager Kennedy Crook Ken non Cu mmings
Alex Eiben
Tyler Ernst
Carter Fornash Griftin French Harrison Gelber John Wesley Hall Ethan !-I opp
David Horace Grace Inge Sigllc Johll snld Stephen JohnstOn William Jones
Ashby Lambert
ra e
Mackenz ie Jones Anna Kildufr Olivia Koerner Henry Landry-Seward Dabney Levcrty
Porter Lewis
hrisliull Ll oyd
Kat ie Lucas Anna Luger Gracie Mc Laug hlin Hlllller M illi ga n Caroline Mosiow
Eric Norris
Lyd ia Osborne Zayd Rehman Sophie Ri ce An na Reese Richardson
Ca llen S mith
Sydney Whiling
ra e
David Andrews Emma Bcnson Kaitrin Boâ&#x20AC;˘.trd
Glenn Bohlman Trey Boll Maggie Boslain
N icholas Both Lill y Brand Sophie Campbell Mark Came:,
Shahccd Dasher Will Eiben
Erik Engelke Jack Ford Elliot French Ainslcigh Gil Cl<lire Gorey Jack Grady
Channing Haas Alexander Hall
Nicole Harrison Znch H:lITisoll Olivia Hobbs after Hogan
. am Hughes A n'ln Jabb;:tr Chris Jackson Roben M ;:m;hcui Ben tVlarcia
Lilli Marci:l Ben tl ey Mescall Cole Mier Lindsay Milligan Li zzie Parri s
Alex Poling Rya n Pope earthen Smith
Tyler Steinl'att Zachary Venuble
IS<.tbella Vita Audrey White Colin Whiting
Capenon Beirne Gracie Burrc s~ Ivcy Chancy
Trace Coles Cox
Ch arl i~
Zachary Crtllll Katie Define Evelyn DUOlccr Abby Dwelle Michael Fortune
Gabrie lle FnllHa Margaux Gaeser Sam Geissler Gracie GOOdpast ure
Hal Gray
Aidan Gustin Emrn;l H all
Jesse I-I all William Hobbs KayIa Hudnell
N ikki Leopold
ESlCban Marmolejo路 Suarcl. Missy McDonnc ll Reed Moslow Con nor O'Brie n
Madi son O'Neil Carter Pancrso ll Caroline Pilts Lydia Pu ryea r Bailey SCOIl
Hayden Smith Aaron Stei n HlJntcr Tholl1ps() n Connor Will.. crso/l Caroline Wil lhite
Somer;; Wilton Parker Wri ght
Cuiti in Allol.:ca JuJU:l1l A rmstron g Lou Bri cker
Jack Caldwell Dean Chambers
Caner C haTllbli s~ Co nnor Engelke Hannah Feder
Elilnbelh Fix {\4latt hcw Fnly. .cr
Sarall Fullr rvl Gnldy Scoll i Harrison
Gray 1-I;.Hh away Lily H e n dc r~U I1
M ol ly Herri ng Henry Ingram
Will ingr;:ml Jill Kovach Caroline Llibslain
A ndrea Lindgren Ad'lir Logue Michael M ar:llllo Jacq ui M archcni
Ta na Mardian Cati e M cKinn on
M ary McLaughlin Ama nda M ier Nikki Nadolski Mary A nn Nc.dc A nna Osborne
Li za Ostclldorr
Noah Poling Syd ney Rcnkcnbergcr Cole Richardson Gilby Rui l Kcndall Schroder Land on Smith
Li za nl 0 lll p~o n IVl organ Van Dil ve laar
Claire Xu
Kip Ambro ..c
Cameron Arnlslrong Ross Arring ton
Cole Ba;;cll Joe BCtluregard J;ullic Benson
Smilh Blake Bryce Brown
Emma Campbell Tucker Di ve ley Caroline Dul ey
Sam Dunn
Luke Forbcl>
Savannah Ford Sam Fomme Glelln Frank
Griffin Gayne Logan Glancy
A shley Higg' Connor Hughc\ Adam Kimbrough Patri ck Kirchmicr Chris Koerner
ThOlnas Kowal
ra e
Lower School
Righ, S.m T,epp & Slcylec McDondld
Abov. I) Cc"9 NkCI."" & G,oce F"I,n 2) C,,1y W,,", C~" CooIce, An"" Fuh" Lndsey Cubm, Merg.n Sch,od.., H,m"", T.lton, loue," P<I1Y" Cabell GI.ney, & N.,.I" B.ndhe.m 3) Lil, G,,,, & Cd,ni,n DeC,.,ke 4) S""n MICe, Keaton Busse" & Em,I, P.ÂŤ, 5) Chloe Staples 6) 80,,,,, Cd"" &M.ttWell
We're /JancÂŁn{J
the N/4ht Awaq
Abov., I) Jadson ~~t." M..tthew Wh,tong, & Scou Ro"., 2) Jenk,", & Buck P.t<"""" 3) MOIg" $ch1OO., M.t< Wolf 4) h,Iey.M,"e I<!gdn & L.u,en Xu 5) loUI,," Xu & Cabell G~ncy 6) s.".h Doc:ksoo. DeM6rco
Crc:lll) M~!'W!,
Bock Pdtttrson,
Phebe jenkins, Timmy Brdntn, Brontlev
H"thdWdYI Lilt
Thompson G,,,,, f"ln, Goo. K"chm~ , Cabell Ho,,,.,, W'I G.. u.n, ' An.. fuh, 7) Cviy W,en & An.. fu!" 8) An.. fuhl MOl",,' $ch,ocfe" & ChIo. Carnes L.ft I) B....., c..rer, Will G,.u.n, & G J Aoo<tle & G..y Ch.mbl .. 3) Em,1y P...
2) 01.... DeCo""
In the fall, the Middle School SCA held a food
drive to support the Clinic, and Middle School students donated 250 lbs. of food. In December, the Middle School held a dance,
which included a coat and mitten drive to support the Goochland Free Clinic. An estimated 30 coats and 25 sets of mittens were donated.
Every year the Middle School selects a non-profit organization to support. This year they chose The Goochland Free Clinic.
Middle School CommunilV Service: The Goochland Free Clinic
Get Involved! Chorus
Pi ctured: Lydi a HeiLman. M ~_ CtlTal.l<l. Vi rgi nia Vill ani Not Pictured: Simone Stei n. Matthew Whi ling. Garrell Toler. Parker Danieh. O livia DcCilpri . C"rolyn DcCrcdico. Anu Gocl. Mrlson P:uri ck. Jane Elili.lbc th Wilton
Destination Imagination
Above: MS DI Club Leader, Mr., Jackson
Back Row: Connor Pari !)h. W ill Jackson Middle Row: Dan Kovach. Tttylor Lea hy From Row: Mary Madi $on Andrews. Grace Yucha Above: DI Prog ram Coordi nator. Mr. Tickl e
Not Pi ctllrcd: Qui ncy
Rh odc~
10 1
MS Clubs Latin Club
Newspaper Club
Front Row: Grace Pope. Rachel Ragan. Virginia Villani
Front Row: 0 .1I1I1Y Kovac h. Quincy Rhod es. And y McDonnell. Eleanor
Second Row: A nll Goel. Danny Kovach. Zoe Dwelle Th ird Row: L auren Perry. Cabell Glancy. Emily P<lrris B:lc k Row: Dr. Vande rvelde. Se th Oli nger. Dr. He id breder
Back Row: M ason P:'lIrick . Mrs. J ack ~ o n . Olivia DeCapri. Will Jack!)on. S imone Stein
Giorda no. Garrell Tolcr
Not Pic tured: Clayton Leep
Student Council
Back Row: Cabell Glancy. Na t.die Bendhcim. Mrs. '路Ialc Middl e Row: Matthew Ge lber, Maso n Mire Front Row: A nu Goc l. Owen Giord:lr1o
Brittney Lawhorn
Taylor Leahy Claylon Leep A very Maestrello
Cannen Manganello Thomas !\iIc And re\\
Ashley McCreary Andy McDonncll An nie Myers onnor Parri sh Mason Palrick Brandon Perry
C:lrrcr Peters Grace Pope Je.. sic Puryear Rachel Ragan Gr.;]yson Redmond
Quincy Rhodes
Leslye Romero
Helen Russell Sarah Sliwinski Simone Stei n
Allie Tattersall Megan Tattersall
Garrell Toler Meg Trepp Jack son Wellons Jane Wilt on G r:lcc Yuella
Will A llocca Erin A mbrose
Mary Madison A ndrews Mary Jane Apostl e Josia h A rmstrong
Edwmd Bhlke
Connor Bl cy l
Robe rt Booth Mackenz ie Carnes Owen
Cl1 rlCr
Katherine Chambe rs Jlll ie Cochran
William Cox
Ha.ley Cummings Will De fi ne
Zoe Dwe lle Andrew Farlow Eli zabeth Fern andez
Virg inia Fralin
Eleunor Giordano Owe n Gi ordu no A nu Goel
E ll ie Hall
Wh it Hatha way
Abigail Herring Meredilh Hughes Juli e Iliomo
Will Jackso n Chris Jones Dan Kovac h
call 0' Duty: Modern Warfare i The most anticipated game 01the year,
& sequel to the "Most Played Online
Video Game" in history according to the 2009 Guinness Book 01 World Records, provides gripping and heartracing action as players face off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. "So entertaining and the features are amazing!" . Danny Kovach '1 6
nano shoots video Now wah video CJmÂŤj,
larger K'~. ,md FM r6dio with~PiMt'.
iPod Mano SGa 5th Generation This latest generation of the Nano features an integrated video ca mera
with special effects, microphone, FM Radio with iTunes tagging, and Live Pause,a built-in pedometer, Nike+i Pod Support and speaker. "I like how it can shoot video and obViously listening to my favorite music." - Elizabeth Fernandez '16
Apple Macbook This notebook computer is the bestselling Macintosh in history. "You can take pictures with it and it is so FAST! " - Helen Russell '16
iPhone 3Gs
~ ... " ' .!":'J.
The lastest, most powerful iPhone yet. It's a phone, iPod, and internet device
_ . ..-....::A.
in one. ti lt's so cool becau se you can
talk on the phone, play games, and listen to music all at the same timer'
- M organ Schroder '14
selling, genre-defining, cultural phenomenon is the highest-rated music/rhythm game ever.
III can
easily stay up all night playing it!" Olivia DeCapri '15
iPod Touch Create personal playlists, surf the
send emails, view photos,
wa tch movies, and more on one
device. "It's all-purppose anything from music to photos to games." - Seth Olinger '14
top gifts everyone was talking about Wii Fit Plus Software combin ing
fitness and fun, in cludi ng exercises, yoga activities, balance games, & customizable workouts to target specific body areas or to fill specific intervals of time. "Great, fun way to get in shape !" - M organ Schroder '14
Kindle 01 Amazon's wireless reading device with 3G wireless that lets you download books anytime, anywhere. Its display auto-rotates from portrait to landscape as the device is turned. "It's totally built for the reader & can carry an entire library of books with you." - Cabell Gla ncy '14
Wii Flt
Verizon Droid Eris This year's hottest new mobile smartphone with touchscreen offering instant access to email, Google Search, You Tube, Facebook, Twi tter, instant messaging, and more. "There are amazing apps fo r th is phone. I love it!" - Chloe Carn es '14
Patrick Nea le Aubrey Nichols Megan Norman
Scan O'Neil Emi ly Parri s Skylyr Phi llips
Ji.lckson Pieters Ford Pills
Walker Poling Roper Rebcccil Salvioni
Jack Sims
Minmda St inson
Kathleen Swan El ise Tay lor J'lck Trcpp
Sam Trcpp Virg inia V illan i
C'llllcron Bachman S~lIna1Hha
Luke Ca ldwell
Kevin Cameron
Gra y Chambliss Elli e Cosby
Da vid Cross Parker Daniels
Oli via DcCapri Chri s DcCollli
Ca ro lyn DcCrcdi co
Chance Diffee
Will Farme r
Eli l abcth Finlo M egan
Fray~c r
Laura Fullr Mau hcw Gelber Bracdc n G lancy
Erell G rae.... scr V irg ini~\
Lily Gray Hamill on
Lydia '"leitll1an Lavinia Johnson M ark L eopo ld
Jacqueline Mart el Ttlnncr Mayes C ~lrt e r
McG hee Adam Mickl e Mason Mire
All i ~ on
ra e
Cassa ndra Martine z
Craig McLane Ty ler Miracle Susan Mire DeMarco Nelson
Jordan Nichols
Selh Olin ger Buck P<:lucrson Lauren Perry Jimm y Phelan
Hailey-Marie Ragan Morgan Schroder
Chloe Staples Walker Slcttinius
William Slri ck ler Harri son Talton Lin Thompson
SUIll lller Williams
Matt Wolr em>ly Wren
Lauren Xu
Forrest Andrews
G.J . Apostle Na lali e Bendheim Timothy Brnnin Kea ton Busser Benjamin Campbell
Benjamin Cardwel l ehloe Carnes Ba ;~ l c r
CClflcr Clara Cooke Bryce D'Surney
Ashley DeConli
Sarah Dickson Grnce Fralin Anna Fuhr Cabell Glancy Ama n Goel Wi ll Gralwn
Cabell Harper Bram ley Hath away Phebe Jenkins Clai re Kirchmier
Lindsey Lubin Tyler Ludlam
ra e
Middle School
We're all that & a lot more!
5partan 5PIKlrWeek &5partafe5t [EMERGENCY EXIT ONL Y
2010 09-10
August 2009: Revered Massachusetts United States Senator Ted Kennedy dies of brain cancer.
February 2010: Toyota recalls 8.5 million cars and trucks including the popular Prius, making it the largest automotive recall in history.
thnks fr th
September 2009: Singer Kanye West takes the microphone from singer Taylor Swift as she accepts the "Best Female Video" award during the MTV Video Music Awards in NY.
February 2010: The W inter Olympic Games come to Vancouver, Canada. Apolo Ohno now holds the America n record for most Winter Olympic medals with seven.
October 2009: David Letterman tells his audience that he is the victim of an alleged extortion attempt and admitts to havi ng relations with several members of his staff.
February 2010 : On day six of the Olympic Games, the US wins six medals, breaking the record for most medals in one day of five.
October 2009: Three days after the world watched a giant balloon fly through the air as a tearful fam ily expressed fears that their 6-yea r-old son was inside, authorities announce the whole thing was a staged hoax.
February 2010: A massive, 8.8 Mw earthquake rocks Chile. Th is is the 7th strongest earthquake in recorded history. According to NASA, it may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet by 1.26 milliseconds. 81
2009 stewardschool @yrinrvw:
June 2009: H1Nl is declared a global pandemic
November 2009: Tiger Woods admits "sins" and litrdnsgressions" to his family, friends, and fans. The admission comes aher a Cdr crash in his front yard brought the glare of the media spotlight on the golf superstar's personal life.
June 2009: Aher a long battle with cancer, Farrah Fawcett, of 'Charlies Angels' fame dies at the age of 62.
November 2009: White House Crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi arrive at a state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the White House in Washington.
July 2009: The world mourns the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, at his televised, star路studded funeral at the L.A. Staples Center.
November 2009: In the deadliest assault on a military base in U.S. in history, Major Nidal Malik Hasan rampages through Fort Hood in Texas on Nov. 5, killing 13 people, including 12 troops and wounding more than 30.
August 2009: First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor is sworn in to the U.s. Supreme Court.
January 2010: A catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake hits Haiti. An estimated three million people are affected, with over 200,000 reported as dead.
ORGAN ZATONS Stewardship
Yearbook Committee
Bock Row G,dC" Cote, Kelly Stosch, K..t. Fd,m"" dnd (I.",. K'dme' Th"d Row Ltuoen 5.u", Amy Ltne, Cld'" McKeown, dnd B,ook. Fd'son Second Row Em,ly No,mdn dnd K.nddll Bendhe,m F,ont Row M, Rom",n, Pdtnd Cok.., Stu"t Good, P,eston H""nneke"" 5.'dh Sh,me" Bovd Chdmbl"" dnd Mok. o.,c,ed,co
Honor Council
Bock Row Celest. Na,h, Stepha",. Th"d Row Tdylo, Ka,mol,,,,k,, Em,ly No,man, dnd Ann Sch,mme~ Second Row Stua,t Good, G,,,,,. H.nd",,,,n, and Ell", Jones. hant Row MdCl"ne Ell", Chloe Pen.", dnd Ma'Y Le,sh Wh,te ot P~tu,ed Ch,,,sy Edwa,d" K..thenne Fo'e, Anna Leahy, Macky Md'Od. MIChel" Nappe', Mo,san Penbeothv, Adam She" Abbey Tw,n,ng, and Kelsey Wnsht
Bock Row G'dce Hend."on, Mdllo'Y Bu,!!"," dnd GoIl'dm Hushes F,ont Row K.ylen Schwd,tz, Mo'Sdn P.nix,thy, Mddelyn Stonebuone" dnd P,eston Huenneken,
US CLUBS and Leadership Council
Bdck Row: Mddd,e Arthur Kdylen Schwdrtz, Anql Huo, dnd Sdmdnthd Cummings SiSsel Not Pictured 5dm F,nk and Cd",,"on O'Conner
Front Row Sdml.U1lhd Henderson, and 5dmdnthd
Latin Club
Front Row 81dlr Olrfl, GrdCI< Cote, Rdchel Wilcox, dnd Kelly Stosch
Diversity Club
B"ck Row Jdke Rowe, Moms, 1 Smyth, Ddvis Thud Row Tdylor Scott, Meddie Arthur, Kelsey Kurdts, dnd Jdred Ped'" Second Row Ann Schimmel" Anql Huo, dnd H,lldry Ldne Front Row Anel Ddntond dnd lV\rs Greenlee
"AL! AL! ALLEN!. ... STEVE!"
IIYeee Boiiiiiii
"Life is a joke .... just laugh!"
"Freal, frea/"
Mariah Momaguc Mi ~ h c ll e
Napper Addison Nichols Cameron O'Connor Morgan Penberth y David Pierce
Ibad Rehm:lll Christi tlll Renni e
Jack Rhocles Emily Robi nson Jacob Roctl Adam Shor
M ichael Sil11l:o Y vonne Taylor
Mark Tharp Peter Thomas Catherine Towers
Abbey Twining
Mary Leigh Whi le Perry Zaka ib
Benjamin Zoghby
Moni ca Ashjiall Henry Bas:-.c tl William Bi ce Victoria Booher Maso n Butl er A ndrew Caldwell
Bluir Carne ...
Audrey Caner Carlo:.- Cev:.tllo ... CI:'lirc Cu lbcrl"oll
Sarah Curlee Mncla inc
Sam Fink K:uhcrinc Fore
Elilabclh Gooding Kiera I-linll Sarah AU"itin Hol7grcfc Lau ren I-I ughc!l
Elil.a Jones Myia Ja ne .. Hi.llllwh Krud y" Ana Leah y Park cr Lecp Stephanie Lcgg
Chariollc Levering Gregory Lindgrcn COllrLland L yle Omid M ahban Ann Marchcui Macky Marcia
Top Movies
Top TV Shows
1. Avatar 2. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
1. Mad Men 2. Modern Family 3 . Ha rry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 3. Breaking Bad 4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon 4. Big Love 5. Up 5. Battlestar Galactica 6. The Hangover 6. Lost 7. Star Trek 7. Friday Night Lights 8. The Blind Side 8. Glee 9. A lvin and the Chipmunks: The Sq ueakuel 9. Sons of Anarchy (accordi ng to box office revenue)
(according to TIME)
Top Wii Games
Top XBox 360 Games
1. New Super Mario Bros. 2. Sports Resort 3. MadWorld
1. Batman : Arkham Asylum 2. The Beatles: Rock Band 3. DJ Hero
4. C ali of Duty: M odern Warfare: Refl ex
5. The Beatles: Rock Band
4. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from 5. Forza Motorsport 3
6. Dead Space: Extraction 7. Muramasa : The Demon Blade 8. Rabbids Go Home 9. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
6. A ssassin 's Creed II 7. Left 4 Dead 2 8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 9. Splosion Man
(according to MSN)
Top Googled Lyrics
1. "Poker Face" (Lady Gaga) 1===l 2. "Halo" (Beyonce) 3. "Love Story" (Taylor Swift) 4. "The Climb" (Miley Cyrus) 5. "Down" (Jay Sean) 6. "Just Dance" (Lady Gaga) 7. "Birthday Sex" (Jeremih) 8. "Use Somebody" (Kings of Leon) 9. "Heartless" (Kanye West) (according to Google Zeitgeist)
Liberty City
(according to MSN)
Top 9 of 路09
Most Popular iTunes 1. "Boom Boom Pow/' Black Eyed Peas 2. "Righ t Ro und," Flo Rida 3. "Poker Face, " Lady Gaga 4 . "I G otta Feeling," Black Eyed Peas 5. "G ives You Hell, " All American Rejects 6 . "Just Dance," Lady Gaga & Colby O'Donis 7 . "Party in the U.S.A.," Miley Cyrus 8. "The Climb," Miley Cyrus 9. "Dead and Gone," T.I. (Ie.t. Justin
Top Cioogle Searches 1. Twitter 2 . Michael Jackso n 3. Facebook 4. Hulu 5. HiS 6. Glee 7. Paranormal A ctivity 8. Natasha Richardson 9. Farrah Fawcett (according to Google Zeitgeist)
Top Tweets 1. Ashton Kutch er 2. Neil Patrick Harris 3 . Iran 4. O prah 5. Shaquille O 'Neal 6 . Larry Johnson 7 . Tracy Morgan 8. Pete Hoekstra 9 . Cory Booker (according to TIME)
(according to iTunes)
Top iPhone Apps 1. Pandora 2. M idomi 3. Remote 4. Yelp 5. ShoZu 6. NYTimes 7. WritingPad 8. Sta nza 9 . Jott (according to iT unes)
Top TV Episodes 1. "Stress Rel ief," The Office 2 . "Pilot/' Glee 3. "Come Ye Saints," Big Love 4. "Briar Rose, " Dollhouse 5. "Tiny Bubbles," Nurse Jackie 6 . "Apollo, A pollo," 30 Rock 7. "My O ld Kentucky Home, " Mad Men 8. "Taylor Stilts kin Sweet Sixteen," Party Down 9. "Phoenix, " Breaking Bad (according to TIME)
Helh Owen Kaki Palterson'1 Pennington Kendrick Peters Cait lin Phelan
Patrick Phillip~
Chloe Picler:, George Pryor Lauren Suurs Carla Schliephakc
Sarah Shimer Daniel Simon
Mason Sizemore Antonio Tamayo Minhkhoa Tr:m Sebast ian Vera Bnlin
Fabio Vi lla H ayden White
Alec Willi ams Benj:ullin Williamso n
Kel sey Wri ght
Drew Aldredge Lucy Anderson
ZilCh Barnard Kenda ll Bcndheim Ciccli Br.ld ~ h aw Turner Breeden
Jo"h Bruce M oll y Cnrter Boyd Chambli ss
Grace Ole Sam CUll1mings
Mieh'leI Dc red ico
Alex.mder DuBose Oli vi3 Edwards Kevin Fri end Audrey Gallagher Alex Gary Camille Gilborl
Samantha Hcnd c r~on Preston Hucnnekcm. Ellie Iverson Peywn Jenkins
Ryan Johnson Mackenzie Ki rchmicr
Ethan MHcs lrello Tim Marino Chri .. McGee Conner M elton H:trri ~o n Mire
Navid M ahban Claire M cKeown Aarom Messner J alllc~ Neels Drew Noble Michael Noff"\ingcr
Emily Norman Pedro Parron Kevin Pi erce Michael Prokopchak Glenn Rhodes. Jr. Ta nner Roe
Joe Ro!!cr..:; Jake Rowe Ke ndal Sad ler Ann Schimllleb P;'ltrick Schmicdcrcr Kaylcn Schw:II"11.
I.m SCOtl Ryla nd Seolt Finn Smyth Ella Va Icminc Nik Wc:-.tlllorel<ind Rachel Wi lcox
Andrew Adkins Maddie Arthu r K emp Bartl ett
Adjchi Barll P:urid. Bmnin
Mallory Burgc!<.!'
Allbon Ca rpenter Ch,t rl ;c Chang Kutc Conw;'IY Zach Corey A ri el D:ultona Chri ssy Edw<lrd ~
Broo ke Faisoll
Kate Farmer luarl Good Thomus Howell W yatt Jam e r~ on
Jos h Jarvi s
Ell ie Jones T aylor K:lrm olinsk i K c l ~cy Kern ... A my Lune
G.lry Lecl ai r. Jr. T ay lor L ynch
Upper School
路 .. 6y Mary Stuart 110 Even if it meant that we had to climb on top of each other's backs and hobble to the other side of the pit, e accomplished the task together. Then high school came along ... 1can 't ven name all of the challenges that we got through because we were a Ie to lean on each other and trust that we had friends surrounding us. All of a sudden , we have ar ved at a crossroad in our lives . We have walked beside each other every da , as friends must do, comparing government notes, shopping for prom dr sses , or winning (or losing) games. All of us have supported and stood by one another throughout high school , through all of the ups and downs, the highs a d the lows. Let us continue walking beside each other into the world full of 0 portunity and promise for each and every member of the Class of 2010. And a though the future may seem intimidating or mysterious, always know th t the Class of 2010 will always be here , walking beside each other, no matte where each of our paths may lead us. Never forget what it is that lies with n all of us that has given us the ability to walk beside each other for all the e years. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said , "What lies behind us and w t lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
A look back . .. Albrecht Camus once said , "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend ." As a member of Steward's Class of 2010, I have learned that to be friends, we must all walk beside each other in order to reach success. Whether we were thirteen year-olds on a Wilderness Adventure trip for a week, or seniors in high school just trying to pass a government test, the biggest strength of this class has been its ability to stick together and walk beside each other no matter what. I have attended Steward for six years , and not a single day of my time spent here have I felt unwelcome or alone. In seventh grade, during what we thought of as the dreaded P.E. class , the Class of 2010 was told that if we didn 't want to play capture the flag the correct way, we could just take a lap; the whole grade immediately started running a lap together. When the grade was all studying and attempting to pass the legendarily challenging Grammar Mastery test, we all studied and attempted to pass together. At every dance since Middle School , our grade made sure not to miss doing the "Cha-ChaSlide" in the middle of the dance floor together. At Wilderness Adventure in 8th grade, each group had to complete an IMPOSSIBLE task in which we had to cross over a "lava pit" (otherwise known as the ground) using a few blocks and some silly rules .
Sarah Yucha "The best pari of beaut y is that which no pi ClUre can ex pre,s." -Sir Francis Bacon T o M om. Dad, Joseph , Hann ah, and Grace. T hank you for everything. I love you ! "A ll your dreams can co me true. if you ha ve the courage to pur. ue them." -W alt Disney
Megan Wright " I n life we do th ings. Sum!;! we w i!o, h we had neve r done. some. we wi!'.h we could repl:!.y:\ m i ll ion limes in our head!'. but they all make LI S w ho we arc . A nd illlhe end. those experi ences shape every dctail abOll llls.
If we were to reverse ~l1 y or th em. we would n't be at the exact pl'lce that we arc today. So just live. Make mi stak es. and have wonde rrul tilll c~ but neve r. ever second gucs:.. who you arc. w here you ha ve been. ami
Illost importrllltl y. where il is Ihal you are going." - Sarah Jessica Parker
" Ir you
W:llli the rainbow. you gOll a put up
wi th the ra in." - Dolly Parton
Thank s M om. Dad. K'l il lin. and Kelsey for ~tli your ~ lI ppOrl :lIld love. I couldn't have made it through the..<.;.c
years without ya' ii.
Bren Wilberger " Even though we've changed and we' re all find ing our ow n place in the world , we all kn ow that when the tears fall or the mile spreads across our race, we' ll come to each other becau se no matter where thi s crazy world takes us, nothing w i ll ever change so mu ch to the point where we' re not all still rri ends." - Anony mous "If there ever is tomorrow when we' re not together , , , there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you beli eve, stronger th an you seem, and smarter than you think , Blit the most important thing is, even ir we 're apart , , , I' ll always be w ith you," Winnie the Pooh
Parker Wheat " Drea m as if yo u'll live forever. Li ve as if you'll die loday." - James Dea n To l11y famil y: M om, Dad. Remy. Susa nnah, and Emm a. T hank you for al ways being there for me th roug h thin and thi ck. I love you all Illore than yo u coul d ever know. Nana se nds her love, God bless yo u. I love you! To the girl s: r love you all so much. We have had so mu ch fun together these past yea rs. and I know there are more fun times to cO llle. T han ks for everyth ing. " If you want the rain bow, you have to put up with the ra in ." - Doll y Parton
Robbie Watson " W hen the Great Scorer cornc~ to mark u g~ti nSI your name. hl: w ri tc.; not i r you won or lost but how you plilycd the g.II11C"路 - Grantland Rice ''In al l of my pcrpl c!x ili c:\ and t.ii ~ trcsscs. the Bibl e has Ilc,'cr rai lcd to givc mc light and Iilrt:: llgth. Gencral Robert Edward Lee To my ramil y: You all have supportcd me ill way:.. I can ' t eve n beg in todc ... cribe: I because o f you.
where I :l1l11Od.ty
T o my frie nds: You ha v~ 0.1 11 had a pro found impact on me. :lIld I wi ll never forget ;IIlY or YOLI and allthc fun times we ha ve had. To Alex. Joel. & Jordan : You guy!'. are 10 the c1o~c~t thing I h'lvc c'e r had I() brOl hcrs. I wi ll alw.IYs remember the things you ha ve l<Iught Ille and ;.tll tlte fun limc!> we ha ve had.
Greg Thomas Alilhings change, and we change with them." "Omni a mutanlur, nos et mutamur in illis" --- Loth air [
"No matter how far water is spread apan , il will always coll ect back togelher. " --- G reg Thomas
Mary Taylor Tepper " Li ve wel l, laugh often. love much." M om, Dad. Nama. and Granddaddy: Thank you for your support and all lhat you have done for me. I couldn ' t have made it thi s far withom you. I love you. To my friends, these past co uple of years has been the besttillles of Illy life with you all. I will cheri sh these memorie forever. Keep in touch! I LOVE YO U! ''Take what you can from your drea ms, make them as real as any thing." - Dave M allhews Band
Mary Stuart " In [his great futllrc. you I.:an'! forget your pasl :- - Bob Marley "Love doc"Il ' lmake the worl d go round. Love is what nwkcl> thl! ride wurthwhile," -Fran klin P. J one~
Mom. D:I\.I. Jcb. and Babe. Thanh forcvcry lhin g----e~pecia ll)' for making me [he perso n that I am today. I love you al l.
Parker. I cou ld n't a ... k for i.l bener bc ~t friend . !love you! To all or my girb. I love you all. it' s been a fun ride . Olivia. Lit.. and David. than k you ~o much. for cw rything. 1 love you. Good luck Cla~:-. of 20 10 and thanks ror all o r the laughs!
Patrick Strecker First orr. I W:lIlt 10 thank Illy mom. dad. and oth er ramily members who have supported me th roughout my
entire life. On to the nex t onc. da BOYS: Yeamuta boii ii I don't kn ow wh ere to slart . Bubba GI()ucts. 7 11 . MINIM UM 400hp. bcrrrrbalOv. IiI'. l11oby. and lhal wonderfu l saturday nighl CARPET TO STA IRS! I also wa nt to say a Iii' sarneLhin about lacrosse, to my teammates. I huve never been so proud to play with you guys for m)' entire high school career. Even though 10 some it isn't much to look back on. but forgel the people who qui t on us. forget those who talk <tbOUI liS. they don't know anything. YO U guys made me enjoy every bit of it. I hope ya'lI do well wi thout me. Las tly. I want to th ank my grade and other friends who ha ve made high schoo l my fa vorite. so far. -l years of my life. PEA S I'm gonmt m i ~s the SHEE out o f ya' ll. " Why are you lay ing down? I say (hm it beal S standing lip What's got you feeling so down . I hold lip my empty cup My fr iend. as you ca n see, I ha \'e nOlhing to pour Invi ted in. I gave all I had and they showed me the door," . Pcrpclual Groove
Kelly Stosch "Then as it was. then aga in it will be though the course may chan ge sometime. rivers al ways reach the sea." -Led Zeppe lin
Madelyn Stoneburner " How did il gel so laic so ~OO Il '! It's nighl before iI's afternoon. December is here before il ~ JUIlC. My
goodness how the lime hus new n. How did il gel so [;.i!C so soon '?" Dr. SCliSS M orn and Dad路 T hank you ~o mu ch for all [he support. Lime. and effort you h.lvc put into making my life so wonderfu l. I trul y app rec iate eve ry th ing both of you ha ve done for me. I love ynu more than ' ....ords can
describe! Jennie ,mel Kmhryn . YH' lI have been the best sisters ,l nci friends thai I cou ld ever ask for. I look up \0 both of yo u so Illuch ~lIld love YO LI wi th all my heart.
To m)' fri end s - I' ve had some of Ihe best l i mes in my li fe with you guy". From smil es (0 (eMS . fro l11 broken hearts 10 unco ntrollable laughler. we've always been there for each ot her and that' s why I lovc ya' il so much, No matter whe re we end lip or who we berriend wc' lI be tOgether to the end,
Taylor Scott To Mo m, Dad, Ry, B and Mo : I am fro m love a nd acceptance and creati vity. I am fro m the love fo r th ose Bl ond e haired, Blue eyed clones I call my sisters. Ry (the odd girl out 'cause of her brow n eyes), B and Mo, From th e love th at my mom and dad ge nerated.
Stephanie Perlman "They love to lell YO ll 10 slay inside the lines, but 50 mcI Ilin g's bel ter 011 the o ther side." - John M ;:lycr Mom and Dad: Thank you so muc h for supporting me and lovin g me for the pas t eightee n years. I f y a'J1 hadn't pushed m e so hard 10 be my very best. I would n't be the person I am loday. I love YOLI both bunches.
M eli ssa: You 're the best sistel' a girl could ask for. You arc my best friend. ,1Ild the perso n who I look up 10.
I love you smell s.
My gi rl s: Thank you so muc h for bei ng there for me and puning lip with my bad comebacks over the past four years. I could not ask for beucr, crazier, weirder frie nds. I love ya' l! so so Illuch.
Jared Pease Thank YOLI to all my friends w ho have ~d way s bccnl hcrc for me tlnd alwa ys will - especi all y Spencer. Chris.
Scott. and my brOlher. Ethan . ." wou ld rather be hated for w ho I am then loved for w ho I'm not.'路 - Kurt Coo:!!n "Cause
you pray fo r me too. What have I done LO be a SO il
<In an gel ? What have I done to be worthy"'-Jaml!s M u} nnrd Keenan
"If pUSS ~IIl<l dog c an ge l toget her. wh y ca n'l we love one anotherT- Bob Marley
"Cred ulous al best. your desire 10 believe in angct"i in the heans of men. Pull your head on out your hippy haze and give a liste n. Sho uldn 't ha ve to say it all again. The uni verse is hosti le. So imperso nal. Devour to survive," - J:mk:!> fI,l:tyn3t'd KCl'nan
"1 will
110 1 live
life in a cube. I will nm wear the corporate noose. I wi ll not ac hieve your drenms."
~S w:Ullpllllng
Blair Oliff " ) be l ieve lhat everythin g happens for a rcason. People change so Ihat you CU ll IC..lrn to lei go. thi ngs go wro ng so th tH yo u apprec iate th em when their ri ghl . YO ll beli eve li es so YO ll even tuall y leilrn to trust no one
but yourself. am.! sometimes good things filII apart so better thin gs can fall wgclhcr," - Maril yn Monroe "I Can Do A ll Thin gs Through
hriS1 Who Strengthens M e" -Phil ippians 4: 13
Mom. Dad, Greg. Ashley. and Carli - I am so blessed to h'1VC such an ::tm<lzing ramil y. Thanks for .l lways bein g there and supporting me through i1 all. bu t 1110S1 of all thanks fo r making me who I am today! Word ~ could never describe how much I l ove y' all !
To my great group or fri ends路 Thanks for all of the memories tha i I will Ilever forgel ! I wi sh YO LI all th e best to come!
Celeste Nas ''Turn the quiet up, turn the noise down." - Eri c Chu rch "A sense of humor. li ke a tru e fri end, sees you throu gh bad times." " Love the life you live. Live the life you love. " "N ever say goodbye. becau se goodbye means go in g away, and going away means forgel1in g." - Peter Pan
Omri Morris Djd, Fran. Jewel. Brandon, Evan . Chico and Dusty: Th ~ for believi ng in me when I didn't believe ill myself. Ya'lI g:we me the strength 10 pu sh through I h o~c lat e ni ght papers, hlSI minUle projec ts, and lei's nOI forgellhe -t5 min. com mUle to school. Incver the importance of famil y unti l now, and I wou llin 't trade it for the world, Love you guys!! Ben ton: I coul dn't have gOllcn through all thi s without you, ,I love you, Steward Friends: Thanks for li stening to nl) DIVERSITY rant ~ and accepting me for me, Volleyball was the bes t experience (Thanks M rs, W ilberger and Brcn), Love you guys ! !! 4 rCil1 -I rC.II !
B.T. . - (Brea k The Cycle. Be The Change)
Whitley Menges " In my star. I am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: so me are born great. some achi eve greatness . and . ome have greatness thrust upon ' em." - William Shakespeare "Li ve the life you've drea med." - Henry David Thoreau " We li ve. we love. we give, bu t we never give up. If we give up, we have not accompli shed our one goa l in life." - Anonymous " Life has Illany [wists and turns in it, yo u have to lake what yo u are gi ven and use i t for the best. " - Unknown
yan McKeown I would like to thank my rriends. my famil y. and my teac hers for supporting me and helping me grow throughout my time at Steward. Through your gracious love and encou ragement, you have all led me 10 become the person that I am today, and for that. I am eternall y graterul. When I look back on m)' time at Steward. I will remember the littl e expe riences-lhe learnin g. the laughter, the leisure-a nd how they all amalgama ted to shape my very identity: I spent some or the best times of my life at Steward. making friend s and memories that I will hold close to my heart. for the rest o f my lire. .. It 路s true that we don ' t know what we' ve got until we lose it. but it 's al so true that we don' t know what we ' ve been missing un til it arri ves."
Noel Martinez "After climbing a great hill . one onl y finds that the re are man y morc hills to dimb." - Ne lson Mande la .. \ di dn't rail the test I just fOllnd 100 way!-. to do it wrong ."- Benj::nnin Franklin " \ make mistakes but !C"lrn from every o ne. ~md whe n i l '~ ::. ... id <llld done I bet thi s brother be a better o ne If I upset yo u don't s trc~s. Never forge I. th al God isn't li ni :-. hed with me yct.'路 - Tupac Shakl1J' \-Vell , after Ihinecn long. long ),eMs. it"~ finall y ove r. Thank you 10 my fum ily for suppol1ing me through
everyth ing. th e goud limc:-. and the bad. Than ks to my friends fo r all the memori es we've shared and ,til the stupid mi stakes we've made that we ca n now look b;lCk on and hHigh. I honestly Ci.lnnot S:IY I' d be the person I
am today witho Ul all of y Oli . I' m not sure if that's
goocllhing. bUI il
w hat it is.
" I know it see ms hard so mctimes but reme mbe r one thin g: throu gh evcry dark night. there' s ~I bright day after th aI. So 110 mailer how hard il gelS. stick YOll r chest O UI~ keep ya head up .... and handle it." * Tupac Shakur
Zach Marino " Hockey Players ha ve Fire in their Heans. and Ice in th eir Ve ins"路 Unkn ow n
Words to Remember: Cree. Shce . Fu ze. Dees. Man gus. Wrench. Peas. Jell y. SAI NT CHR IS S INT. Broken Bridge. Bu bba Glouds. Yee Boi. " Why Don't You Come 0" In ''. VA Beach 09'. Rip Sallce. Rock ie, ''The Be<lst", " Poppin' them dur"路 Redman. The Loch, Carpet to Stairs. Tool, Got A Lit' Fight, 400 hp. Moby. The B01l0 111 . Sev Run S HH: You Will Be In My Heart Forever. Good Luck: TMM. MK . SC. SF. " Donn y". PeY lon. Chris.
Gary, Al ec (Creole). and Pm. Thank you Fri end s for bein g there 111e. The Boys: Charlie. Patri ck. Andrew. Tanner. Ki sh. Allen. A lex, Gary. and Gi lliam. I had a lot of fun wilh all of you. Thank you (0 my parent ~ the IllOSI for prov idi ng me w i th such a great educ3tion and pU Shing me to succeed. I love YO LI.
Christopher Maestrello I cn ll 't believe (he year's ove r. There arc so many things I vvould've liked (0 say that lhere was never (ime for. Thank you Mr. Chapmnn for hing mc (hat success is w hat happens after you l o~e. Th ank you M om and Dad for pUll ing up with me for so long. TIumk you Mrs. Defin e for being my first interesting Engli sh teacher. Than k you Nh. Pau lcltc for accept ing my art eve n though most o f it is absolute garbage. Th ank you Eliot. Jord"ln. PCler. Jake. Colson. Jocl. and Coac h Co les for all the good laughs. Thunk you B en. Dani. Donny. Harry. Ingrid. Jaspe r. K ai. Ri chard. Sam. Ti m. Carl. and Sean ror every single summer we spent together. "AII our dreams ca n come tru e, if we ha ve (he courage to pursue them'" - Wult Di sney "Championg keep playi ng lImil (hey gel il ri g hL"
- Bi llie JÂŤ'n King
Sara Levitt Roben and K aren: Thanks for guiding me through li fe. Mi ssa: Thanks for, whatever you do (: Love you guys " I trade swea t for strength . I o路ade doubt for beli ef. I trade cheerJeadi ng for noth ing." Try: To make an effort to do or acco mpli sh so mething; attempt
Ben Leahy ca n't bclic.:vc lhal it has really been 13 years. Thanks to all of my fr icnd)o throug hout the years. with whom I h;I\'c too Illany Il1cll1oric!- 10 eve n beg in n:tllling thcm . You guys have made these 13 at Steward tru ly g reat. ami I'll mi ss all YO LI . And t h al1k~ 10 my purc llls for always pus hing me to reach my pote ntial. I wou ld n't be whe re I am IOday wit hou t YO li guys.
"T ime YOli enjoy was ting. wilS not wasted." "Gelling o ld is a fa sci natin g thing. The ol der you g~t. the o lder you want to gel. " - K eith Riclmrd ~ "They say hard work never hurt anybody. bUl l figure why take the chance."
Hillary Cox Lane i carry your hean with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never with out it (anywhere i go yo u go, my dear; and whatever i. done by onl y me is yo ur doing, my darlin g) i fear no fate ( for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world ( for bea utiful you are my world, my true) and it's you are w hatever a 11100n has always meant and w hatever a sun will always sin g is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree ca lled life; w hich grows hi gher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is th e wonder that's keepi ng the stars apan i carry your hean (i carry it in my heart) -e. e. cummings
Kelsey Kurdts ''There comes a time in li fe when you ha ve to let go of all th e pointless drama and the peop le who create i t and surround yoursel f wi th people who make you laugh so hard that yo u forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all , li fe is too short to be anythi ng but happy." -Anonymous
Claire Kramer "The pess imist complains about the wind ; the optimist ex pects it to change; the rea li st adjusts the sail s." Willi am Arthur Ward Mom and Dad thank you for your patience and love. Jess thank yo u for always being there and for always looking out for me. Thank yo u to my friends and family for all of your support.
Hyun Ko First of all , I wa nt to thank God who always loves me and leads me in good ways. T hough the time that I spent at Steward was not long, it was great time a nd a great experience. I definitely want to thank my mother. Mom, I will remembe r all your sacrif ices, a nd I will pay back with love and by being a good Chri sti an. I love you so much' My o nl y brothe r Yu n, I love you, too. Thanks to all my famil y who helped me a lot. My BEST FR IENDS JongH yun and Justin!! Even though we all are separated now, we are FRIENDS forever!! I can ' t write o n here all my fri e nds and church teachers in LA , I mi ss all of you. Of course I love my friends in VA, too !! THANKS Y' ALL! '
Richard Kish Dad. M om. Mary K atheri ne, and Dav id: Thank you so mu ch for every th ing YOll 've done for me. You' ve al ways bee n there for me and I know you al ways wi ll be. A ndrew. Pat. Baru. Josh: Its been f Ull & it' s nOl the end. Th ank s for all the limes I w ill remembe r the rest o f my li fe. Y Oll guys keep ballin' cau se next year no one will SLOp yo u. Zach. Gilliam. A lex, Tanner. Bren. Grace Streck. Gary, Joe: Thanks for all the great timcs & keeping things li vely. School wo uldn ' t have bee n as fun without you all. Keep in louch. To the rest orlhe class 01' 20 I 0 & everyone e l s~ who has bee n apart o f my life that I forgol to I11cl1l ion. bm will neve r forgCl: Thank you so much for aJllhe memories. '" hope you get the chance . to live like you were dying:'- Tim l\!lcGraw
"Now be fore I pack and th ings and l e~l ve, there's so mcthin' I need yH' lIlo lIl1ckrSl'.lI1d. I seen otta thin gs in my lifc time. that 's why J w<llk the line. I'm just a simpl e man. [md I ain't in the things for cheep thri ll s, but all my scars hea l. so don't you eve r cry for me. I ai n' t ashamed w here I'm from , you always will co me, take n ride through the cou ntry. " - John Michael M ontgomery
Tanner Kirkpatrick Yeeee Boooiii l The l ime ha. co me! A s I look back, I am rea ll y goi ng to mi ss this place. I wa nt to thank all my fri ends and fami ly for supporting me lhroughoulmy li fe . To Iha boyz
sev runs. bubba gloud s. shreddin, MOBY . sli ghtly stooped, 400 HP, Beauford. Too many good ti mes ... stay chi ll. Sam x2, Pebbles Good luck nex t year.
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom li stens." Jimi Hendri x "A friend s is someone who give ' you 10lal freedom 10 be your elf," Jim M orri son Well the clock , ays it' s li me to roll yeah ... PEACE!
Amanda Kern M om, Dad, and Jack- Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have gi ven me through the good times and bad, I wouldn ' t have gotten to this point without you. You've helped me co mplete yet another chapter in my j ourney of life. Campbel l Aaron M essner- Thank you for always be in g here for me no matter what. You always know how to make me smil e and [ don't what I' d do without you. Your the best fri end I could ever ask for. A lways smil e, cause it can bri ghten anyo ne and everyone's day. A lways be proud of your accompli shments cause [ ' m sure proud of you. A lways hold your head up high and most impor tantl y ... A lways remember, I love you.
Jenny Jung First of all , I thank my family who supported me, beli eved in me, and gave me thi s big opportunity to co me to A meri ca . Thank you so much and I love you. I also thank eac h and everyone I met at The Steward School. For thrusting out hi s or her hand to help me and for gi ving me an opportunity to become a pari of the Steward family . Because of you guys, r could stand strong without my famil y for fi ve years. Thank you guys l I am going to mi s you all and I love you guys so much !
Anqi Huo T o my dear si ster A nni , I do n't kn ow how much my leav ing home has affected your li fe, but I'm always with you eve n though there is a PaciJic Ocean and a continenl of North A merica n bel ween us. I beli eve thai you are a brave girl , de fin itely. ju st based on WHOS E si ster you are. I would like to tell you Ihat Ihere are a 101 of peopl e th ai I appreciate: my parents, my teachers, my host families, my fri ends, and alilhose fell ows walkin g around smiling 10 I i fe, whi ch encouraged me to go forward . I f one day you co me 10 Stewa rd, or anywhere else in the world, say thank you to those peopl e who helped you and me. Love, Anqi
Gilliam Hughes T o M y Friends, '路Tru ly great fri ends are hard to find . dirficult to leave, and impossible to forget. "
To M y Teachers, " A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itsel f to light the way for others." I thank you ror ligilli ng the way ror me.
Grace Henderson M om. Dad, Sam. and Li ly: You were always there to support me and encourage me. I dedicate everything to you guys . I couldn't have donc it without you all. I love you! SS H, EPW. MPS, JHW, SLC, MMK. SDB: I love you all so much!! Thanks for all the memories . "Celebrate we will , because life is short, bu t sweet for certain ." - DMB 'The questi on isn't 'what are we going to do," the questi on is "what aren't we going to do?'" - Fcrri s Buel ler
Allen Edwards " I've been to the looney bin and back."
essica DeBell Family : Thank you for beli ev ing in me and for su pporting me. M orn : Th ank you for al ways bein g there; you are one of my best fri ends. Dad: Th ank you. Paige: Enj oy hi gh school. Bekah: Lea rn to enjoy school; it never goes away. A imee: 1 will mi ss your ense of humor and watching you play sports. Phy li s A nn and Joe : Th ank you for being there when my famil y needed you most; you guys are li ke my second grandparents, Nan: You are like a second mother to me; you are always there when we need you, even i f you are in the middl e of somethin g. Caroline and Sara Frin k: Y ou are like my li ttle sisters. Thank you everyo ne for your support, and 1 wil l mi ss you all.
Thomas Davis shan of breat h. wa lkin g proudly in our wi nlcr Coats, wC<irin g smells from laboratories. ftlei ng a dying nation of mov ing paper fantasies. listenin g 10 the new lold li es. wi th supreme visions of lonely tUlles. Let the sunshine in." - HA il?
"We starve. loo k. at one an other
"Ot her people'!' success is nO! your fnilure." - Gavin C reel " What
we say. wha t we bel ie ve. ,vhat we chant. whm we want. is equalit y. Is equa lit y." - Slaceyann Chin
I'm onl y !\ayill g goodbye La the school. T o the rest. I ca n't wa it 10 live the rest of my life wi th you. M om. Dad. and Grace. thanks for loving me. William. J love YO ll more than words ca n ex press. My Ca rneg ie ivlell ol1 and SI. G's famil y. J am who J am beca use or your love. Mr. Sm ith. tha nk s for helpi ng me d iscove r my passions. I can't wai t \0 live. and to love each or you more, as the days go by.
Andrew Dale " 1 seldom end up where I wanted 10 go, bUI almost always end up w here I need to be." - Dou glas Adams I would like 10 th ank my parenls, leachers. and fell ow students for a wonderful time at Steward.
Patrick Coke " In lhree words I ca n sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on'" - Roben Frost Admini strators. leachers. fri end. , and fami ly, I hold a special place in my hean ror all of you. T here are no words to describe the impact yo u have had on my li fe and I will never forget the grea t memori es durin g my time at Steward . ... T hank you' "You onl y li ve life once. but if you li ve it right. once is enough." - Adam M arshall
, ,............. J
Taylor Booth " [ f a Illan does not keep pace with hi s compan ions, perhaps it i because he hears a different dru mmer. Let him step to the music he hears," Henry Da vid Thoreau
M om and dad thanks so mu ch for everything, J love you, Sam and M ary Tay lor it 's been ten years of laughs I can't believe y' all won't be there nex t year. M ary J couldn ' t have gotlen through hi gh schoo l with out you, Class of 20 I 0 good luck! J love ya' II !
Samantha Bisge " How lucky I am to have something lh at makes say in g goodbye so hard ."- Annie M om, Dad, Amy , Ferd. Kimberl y, Andy , Alex, Wyck - I couldn ' t have as ked for a more lov in g and supponi ve fami ly, Th ank s for every th ing, I love you al l. For the girls - I coul dn't have made it without you all. T hanks for the smi les, lau ghs, tears, and shoulders to cryan, Y ' all are the best. I love you and good luck,
lex Aldredge M om and Dad - I love you. Thank you for always helping me. Gra nny - I love you so mu ch. Tha nk you for helping my fa mil y as much as you did. I w i II never forget you. Drew- good lu ck in your years left at Steward. Work hard at schoo l and baseball. Good luck to everyo ne nex t year at college. T hank s for all the memories. "No maller where you go, there you are:'-A nonymous so ldier
Senior Class History
2009 Prom Prince and Princess _.
• Class OHicers
. -!
Prince: A ndrew A dki ns
,~~, : , ~
Samantha Bisger
Homecoming Parade Float Themes Freshmen Year: "Row, Row/ Row Your Boat"
2006·2009: President · Sa man tha Bisger, Vice Preside nt ·
Sophomore Year:
Allen Edwards, Treas urer· Gilliam Hughes, Secretary . Taylor Booth, Historian - Mary Stuart.
"Grateful Dead: Keep on Truckin'"
Junior Year:
2009·2010: Pres ident· Samantha Bisger, Vice President -
"Building a Legocy"
Anqi Huo, Treasurer· Gill iam Hughes, Secretary . Taylor Booth, Historian· Mary Stuart.
Senior Year: tlSeniors"
Class of 2010 Homecoming Courts Freshmen Year: Whitley Menges and Gary LeClair
Sophomore Year: Mary Taylor Tepper and Richard Kish
Junior Year: Omri M orris and Charlie Forbes
Senior Year Princesses: Taylor Booth, Claire Kramer, and Bren Wilberger
Senior Year Princes: Gil lia m Hu ghes, Tann er Kirkpatrick, and Richard Kish
Homecoming Queen & King: Bren W ilberger & G illiam Hughes
Most likely to dppedr on Jerry Springer Show" SARA LEVin Most likely to be the next Billy MdYs PATRICK STRECKER
"I'mgood enough, I'msmdrt enough, dnd goshddrnit, people like mel " ZACHMARINO
likely to dPpedr on "Americdn Idol" OMRI MORRIS & THOMAS DAVIS Most likely to Sdve the world from dngry SPdce dliens BEN LEA HY
for All We Know ...
Class Clown Madelyn Stoneburner & Patrick Strecker
Friendliest Claire Kramer & Richard Kish
M ost Artistic Jenny Jung & Jared Pease
Mary Taylor Tepper & lach Marino
M ost Intellectual Kelly Stosch & Ryan McKeown
Omn Morns & Jared Pease
M ost li kely to Have d Family Tay/or Scott & Gilliam Hughes
Most likely to
Omn Morris & Jared Pease
Hillary Lane & Ben Leahy
The way WE see it.
Senior Superlatives Best Smile Bldir
OI,ff &
T dnner Kirkpdlrick
Best Couple
Biggest Flirt
Kelly Stosch & RYdn McKeown
Grdce Henderson & Thomds Ddvis
Alex Aldredge
All Together Now
"I love how at Steward you can walk down the
hall and
always see a friendly face," - Amy Lane
"The strong sense of community at Steward makes me look forward to each day I spend here ," - Ann Schimmels
Table of Contents Seniors Upper School Middle School Lower School Fine Arts Athletics Faculty & Staff
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