Blue & Gold Feb. 1997 Vol.3 No.1

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FEBRUARY 1997 • School Transition • Holiday Hoedown Focus on Alumni • Athletic Update • ...and more IIMlss1n1 Allllni • Honor Roll • New Siudenis 11

Steve Stackhouse Headmastel"

New Blue & Gold cover and format de igned by Mitra Pahner



11600 Gayton Road RichlTIOnd, Virginia 23233 804-740-0394

ard community.

School Enters ANew Look for a New Era Transition The Blue &Sold

The Steward School is brimming with excitement. A we ente r our 25th lea r, plans are unde rway to cel e brau~ in tyle in eptember 1997, twenty-five yea rs afte r welcomin g its first st ude nts . Re fl ec tion s of past success and dynami c plan for th e future set the ton e for an in v igorating e ra in the School 's histo ry. Likewise, The Blue & Cold is changing with th e time and comes to you with a new and updated look. Through five a nnual iss ue a nd a circu lation of more th a n 1,600, The Steward chool constituenc will see tewa rd in action and learn of exciting thing " to co me. Pictures 'a ple nty and a rticl es contributed by "tud e nts , a lumni(ae) , fa culty , and others will add eve n more Spartan pice to our publica tion . Read a ll about it in The Blue & Cold ...and share yo ur scoo p . If you have noteworthy new of in terest to The S teward School co mmunity , let u know. end information to U S at I 1600 Ga ton Road , Ri chmond, VA 23233 , or fax to 04-740-1 464. S ue DrzaJ, Editor

From the Headmaster's Desk As we begin t he second se meste r, S tewa rd will enter an c-xciting period of tra n s ition w it h a ch a nge in leader hip in th e months a head. In ovember, I informed th e Board of Trustee of m y inte nti o n to res ign at the conclus ion of tJli academic yea r. Based upon the exte n s ive re ea rch and unanimous recomm end a tion o f th e Head Search Committee , the Board of Trustees appOinted Roge r Coulombe , curre nt Head of th e Middle chool , to beco me Steward's fourth Headm as te r. Mv d ec i ion to leave tewa rd came afte r co ns ide ra ble re fl ection about my pe rso na l ca ree r pa th and goals and th e be t academic setting for achieving them. Steward wi ll co ntinu e to h ave a specia l place in m y hea rt. [h ave e njoyed my association with this Sch ool, and [ am es peciall y proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together. [n th e past few yea rs , Steward has grown bigg r and be tter in ever as pect. M y congratu lations a nd bes t wi hes to Roge r on hi s appointment. Roge r i a good friend a nd an accomp lish ed profes ional with ma ny yea rs of experien ce in indep end ent edu ca tion. I wholehea rtedl co ncur with tJl e Search Committee' reco mm endation. Stewa rd is in ca pable hand s , a nd it won 't miss a beat. I wi ll be working clo e l WitJl Roge r to e n ure a smootJl tran sitio n . C h a ng j inevita hl e in th e li fe of an y orga nization a nd is a necessary part of our grOWtJl and progress . I am confid nt th a t t he cha nges a t S teward in rece nt days will be po itive for all co nce rn ed .

25th Anniversary 1997

Message from the Chairman of the Board T h e e ntire Stewa rd co mmunityowes teve a d ebt of gratitud e for hi s m a n co ntributions to teward over the pas t three yea r . His te nure h as bee n ch aracterized b I unpreced e nted growth a nd progress in our chool and aca d e mi c program . Hi qui et lead ers hip h a ta pped th e crea tivi ty a nd e ne rgy in th i co mmuni ty and g iven grea te r focus to o ur miss ion . His effo rts h ave pos itioned th e School to rea li ze its full pote ntial. Some of S teward 's mos t nO k1 ble accompli s hm ents und e r h i lead ers hip include : • Increasing s tud e nt enrollme nt 25 % in two yea rs-54% growth in Upper chool. • Increas in g Annua l Fund revenues by 150% in two yea rs. • Initi a tin g a Long Ra n ge Pl a n based upon input from co n titu en t retreats . • Initiat ing a Ma te r Ca mpus Plan with associated fac iliti es a nal ys is . • [mpl e me nting a compute r curriculum a nd re ource progra m for all grad es . • In t rodu cing foreign langua ge ins tru ction in the Middl e a nd Lowe r School s . • Imple mentin g curriculum e nri chments in cludin g: honor sec tion s in e lec ted math courses ; elec tives in SAT prepa ra tion ; photogra ph a nd psychology; Honors Sympo ium ; revis ions to Alternate Progra m to provide a more conce ntrated academic fo eu ; an acceleralion program in Lower School m ath . • Esta blis hing a sis te r chool re lations hip with the Riversto n School , England. We app laud Steve for his co ntributions to The S teward School a nd wis h him s uccess in hi s future e nd eavors .

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Shortly after Steve's resign atio n became known , a Search Committee chaired by Charles. C. Satterfield m was fo nned and the services of Wickenden and Associate ,a leading ed ucationa l search finn , reta ined to ass ist th e Commi ttee. I a m p leased to report tha t a t its meeting o n la nuary 2 1, 1997 , the Board of T m stee unanimous ly a pproved the selectio n o f Roger A . Coulombe, cu rrently Head of t he M iddle School a t Steward , to assume tlljS post effective I ulv I, 1997 . 0

T he Search Commi t tee concl uded tlltH Roger i <Ul outstanding educa to r a nd lead er who will ably lead Steward in to th /i.. ture. T his recommend ation was based upon th ree primary factors: • Roger'S o u tsta nding wo rk as Head of the Middle School and his yeal'S of experience in indepe ndent sclloo1 teaching <Uld administratio n . • lim Wicl enden's as e sment , based on his 'x-ten ive knowledge of th e national pool of C<Ul did ate , t ha t Roger was tlle best person for the job. • T he Committee' unan imo us concl usion after Roger's fonnal inter view tha t he wa ' th e .-ighl person for the jo b, especial ly given his understa nding of teward and its needs. T he fact t ha t the Commillee was able to m ake thi s decisio n so ex-pedi tious ly a nd Wi tllou t a dissent ing vote after a mo nth of concen trated effort i a tribu te to Roger's ou tst:md ing qualities. T his a ppointmen t will allow fo r a smooth tran sitio n in tlle mo ntJls a head , as Roger and teve work closely togethe r to ensure tJla t tJle growth and p rogress Steward has e njoyed in recent ye<U'S will continue. Your Board of T m stee rema ins committed to tJle prom.isiJl g and sound future o f T he teward School.

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Roger A. Coulombe Roger Coulombe brings over twenty-seven years of administrative and teaching experience to his new position at Steward. Just prior to JOining Steward as Head of the Middle School, he served as the Headmaster of Harrells Christian Academy (NC), a K-' 2 school similar in size t o Steward. Prior to that appointment, he spent ten years at Charlotte Country Day School ~ eight as Head of the Upper School. Other administrative expenences Include a tenure as Associate Headmaster at Lake Forest Academy (Il) and Dean at both the Nichols School (NY) and Chadwick School (CA) . As a teacher and faculty leader, Roger taught middle school students for four years and served as a history department chair, a dorm parent, a student advisor and a basketball coach. Roger is a graduate of Assumption College in Worcest er, Massachusetts. He has attended the Graduate School of Government at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and holds a Masters in Guidance and Counseling from Roosevelt University in Chicago. He also served as a member of the Peace Corps teaching English in Thailand. Roger and his wife Kathy have two sons ages 2' and 24 .

Holiday Hoedown T he leward Scllool, a long with fa m ily a nd fde nds . were treated to a pedal Ho liday Hoedown o n Decem ber 19 . T he gym was tra nsfo mled in to a fes tive farm , even d ecked oul wiu, cacti a nd ch ili pepper Ula t IiI up the stage. Ho liday music could be heard loud a nd clear as tJle M idd le School <Uld newly-fo rmed pper School Cho m s sang songs celebrati ng Ule many holidays of tllis season. T he recorders perfomled elegantJy WiUl o ng refl ective of tJle j o~'o u ti me. T he holiday _pi.-it brighte ned as t he Lower Scll oo1was led in to th e gym . An elabora te set depicti ng a beau tiful l OY ~ h op n ll1 bv coun trv el ves strcld lCd across thi.: gylll. ' Yoakum , the head elf, p layed by Ida Henley and Dwight (Heather Hajek), fir ' t in c11a rge, e..\.l'ressed unhappiness because tJle toy shop did not have eno ugh mo ney to opera te. T he first grad ers echoed th e sen ti men t of the mo ment by singi ng a darling 1 5110uJcla. COlllda, Woukla B CCll 50 Good. Promoters Te..x Oordan Effron) a nd Roadie Va.1et (Robert Turner) were able to save ule day wiu, an

idea fo r a wonderful cou n trv how to ra ise mo ne for the cause. -nle how, to take p lace in Hous to n , was to tar San ta himself Oimmy Atkinson) and his s idekick Mrs. San ta (Kendall Tate). N. tJle fourth grad e ' talliorvreindeer rocked . tJle econd grade " Elfises" rolled. T he audience wa moved to tJleir feet a t he th ird grad e SOUtJl of ule Border d a ncers led them in the Macaren a. T he bam c.1.m e alive Wi Ul song a nd dance-even ule chickCll (kinderga rtner ') cam e out to d a nce and strut uleir ta il fea thers. Ho u ton was a verv success/i..J place to ho ld a f'u nd raO j cr. Santa a nd all his elves, Lorette Po insette (AlyPittman), Do lly Holiday (Gray O'Brian), Minn ie Pea rl (Ambika Bedi) , Reba Oamie Satterfield), McEn tire (Amy Strickland ), Mary (Dory Klein ). C hap pell (Lauren

Harris ), Carpen ter (Tori Cannella), W yn o nna (Sally Summerson), ludd (Kristen Parrish ), Brooks (Sam Baronian), Gartll (Brad Souder), Vince (Haywood Pemberton ), G ill (Andy Lawton) , Cyrus (Austin Pittman), <Uld Bi1ly Ray (Will Way) brought ule house down with tlle be ' t ever foot-sto mping, handclapping, spectacular Holjda Hoedown.

The Stars 01 Steward

4 th Grade remdeer-re d nose


ali' .

aul Cramer enJoys H admas ter P Former de GoodwIll Tour. the holl ay

Page 3

The Spirit Of Giving Abounds All studen ts of The teward School hared in the spi.-it of ule sea on through va.-iou means of community service. WheUler collecting food a nd e10uling for the less fo rtunate or bringi ng miles ulfough singing, teward students spread holiday ell eel' throughout the Rimmond area. Led bv Bonnie Anderson , Steward '; music teamer, aU ulJ"ee e1loral groups embarked on a "Goodwill Tour" to bri ng Ule jo s of the sea o n to ma n UlJ"ough ong.

Goodwill Tour We left die sci 1001 al 11.'lIffXlSl ten , again .1ncI :Igain; in two so~uglJ( lines. 171e sIwil/est one WtlS Philipinc.

Mrs. Bonme Anderson. MUSIC Teacher, and the Upper School Chorus take thelf talents to the mall during the GoodWill Tour.

Sharing with Others Throughout the Holidays

and jael<ets. We were ha pp to help oUlers in need over the ho iida , ea o n. E1iz ~bel.f1

u lms

(Gracie )

lower School We 5:U1g OtU'dlOnlS carols (wire. We 路U1gofwintcr.snow, and ire. First, 11'1': H'CIIIIO Ginter Hall, ateour/undl, II1<:nlo ule lllall! 0:1)' lno, lie went 10 (1)flon Crossing, ate at Friendl),'s, Ihen hil L'lI<ewoocl I viUlOtlt flossing!

WesaJ1glviulallourOuisoTk1SdJCer. Wlla (a W :ll' , 10 sl.1Ft tile ,I'mr!

Jessica Willi:U1lSOfl (Grnde4)

Jessica W""amson (I) and Blair Sutton (r) get In the holiday Spirit With song.

Page 4

In ule spirit of being ul ankf-tll for what we have, the Lower chool colle ted canned a nd pael aged goods for m e Refugee a nd Immigration ervi ce ' of ule Catho lic Diocese of Ri ellmo nd . T he students filled box after box with the spe iaJ foods ula t ule refugee would find helpful. It was a wonderfu l tart to ule holiday ea on a t T hanksgivi ng.

Middle School During ule holiday ~o n , ule M iddle chool tud nLS held a ca nn ed food d.-ivc. As eighul grader , w wanted to do mo re. Our ad i ors sugge ted we pick angels from the Angel T"ee. W e went to Regency quare a nd tool nine angel for mi ld I' n age~ 12 or 13. T hen we divided in to groups, and each group rece ived one o r two angeL. o me groups pooled uleir money and went 5ho l ping, a nd other brought in items for their :lIlgel. . TIl groups bo ught th ings such as pants, hoes , socl(S, shi rts,

Lower Schoolers (I to r) David Pamsh, Rachel Meyers. and Damel Klein collect food for refugees.

Upper School T he pper mool tude nt ouncil pon o red a .'Inned food drive for th ho lida . Du.-ing the weel of Decem ber 16th, the pper e1lool collecte I ca nn ed food for Ule le "s fortunate. T he food went to the alvation rmy. The ppe r e1lool Student ounciJ wou ld like to m ank aU tho e who panicipa ted . It wa a big succe ! Emil)' Wo l ff ( enia r)

ASpecial Holiday Gilt Charlene Wilton , teward ' . Director of Leaming Re ource Center, and her family (husband , David Leahy, and on, Ben) received a very special gift this holiday eason . Ana , the Wiltons' newly-adopted Romanian daughter, came home to Ashland! Charlene de o;bes lhis entimental joumey.

Charlene Wilton wi th son, Ben, and newly adopted daughter Ana.

The Journey to Ana After nine months of filling out fom1S and answering qu e tions, 10 hour of A .ing in econo class eats to Buchares t, Romania , and then a eve n-hour tra in ride up into the Ca.-pa thian Mounta ins LO the town of Pielra eamt, we fin ally arrived at the orphanage on tl1e mo ming of Decembe r 16, 1996. Doina, our Romanian oordina tor, had cautioned us tha t Ana Gabriela , o ur newl adopted almost two-year-old , would probably be very sh and uncomfortable witl1 an physical a ffection a t firsL We were pleased when she allowed me to hold her shol1:.lyafter they brought her in to see us. Because tl1ere were no men who worked at the orpha nage, she was initialJy leery of David . ulOugh he wa nYI ed up to him after the ftrs t da . Commonwealtl1 Catl10lic harities, tl1e organization which coordinated u1e adoption process, had wa med us tl1at mo t of the children coming from the orphanage would have developmental delays.

Witl1 one caregiver for each twenty infants and very limited resources, we were told to expect the dtildren to be delayed or have some "quirks. " The cl1ildren tended to be fearful of tra ngers, hesitant in new ituations, or uncomfortabl with hugs and kis es. Many cl1i ldren engaged iJ1 head-banging or rocking, whi h was their wa , of comfOlting themselves, or twiddled the ir fin ge r in front of tl1eir face , since the ir fingers we re frequ enuy the only LOys tlley had to pia ' with. It wasn 't unus ual for cllildren to cream between each bit of food , in an effort to get u1e caregiver to ~ ed tll m a nd no t tll ' o Uler children . ince most had never left the orphanage since being placed Ulere, they were cared by mo tio n such as riding in cars, tra in , o r plan e '. Ana urpris d us in many wa . he was clearly a lIIvivor, a nd one of tlle favored children in the orphan age. Ins tead of the tllin , sad , and siclJy child we exp cted , he is chunl y, happy, a nd very healthy b Ro manian standards. he tool tlle seven-hour tra in ride bacl, LO Bucharest in stride, did grea t on tl1e pla ne home, a nd handled the cha o of my fami l 's hristmas gau1ering better Ulan I did. he a ppears to be on target developmental I , a nd even a head in ome areas. he was po tty tra ine I at tl1e orpha nage; tlle staff line th e children up after meals and ma ke them it on bowls on the Aoor. he 1I es spoon and feeds herself witl1 little me . he had relatively few "quil'l ." he can quiclJy guzzle a glass of mHk, which was helpful a t tl1e o rpha nag 路 to get ome of the ra re -econd helpings. he eats a lmo t aJ1ything you give h r, but has a pparenuy not bee n ex poseu LO frui ts. he pan icl ed when bathed ; we heard tha t in Romania the children we re bath ed infrequentl ; and when the were, it was in cold wa te r with lye soa p for the ir ha ir. he has adjusted rema rka bly well to ali of tlle chan ges. a few da s of relative sh nes , she now babbles lo udl in Ro ma nia n , dumps every-

thing o ut of a U the cabinets , and clo mps around ule house iJl her big brotller's shoes . The trip to Roma nia was exciting, but also quite sobering. It is such a poor country tllat it made David and I awa re of how mucll we take for granted . People look at Ana and say what a lucky girl she is, but in fact we ar ' the lucky ones. Aml is a delight, a nd a wonderful addition to our fa mily.

Focus on Alumni In tllis edition of The Blue & Gold, we pa tribute to our a a nd tll ir acllievements since graduating from teward . Though tl1e ir contributions to Steward are diverse and tl1e chosen roads to travel differ, Steward alumni share in U1e pride U1at C<:lcll had a n impact on u1e School 's growt.h and success.

What is an Alumni Association? All good ScllOOls a re upported b a ~tron g a nd active alumni body. At Stewa rd , the Alumni Association crves as liaison between tlle School a nd our alumni constituency. The teward School i young-25 years oung in 19 9 7! Beca u e of our YOUtll , we d o not have the advantage of as large an alu mni bod as other schools, but we can be just as active and committed . WiUl only 255 alumn i on record as of Ja nuary 1997, ule involvement of our graduates becomes eve.n more important to Steward. LouEllen Blackwelder '84 , President of the Alumni Associ.a tion , hopes to 'ee more a c tive participation b

a lumni: "Our job i to support teward and to keep u1e a lumni in toucll with tl1e chool. This is our opportunity to retllm ometl1ing to the School which was 0 much a part of our young live ." T o keep alumni in touch with teward , tl1e Associatio n plans severa l alumni fun ction annually. Page 5

Alumni are invited to come "back to school " in e.-u-Iy January for an alumni basketball g,une and pizza social. Shortly after Steward reconvenes from the holiday break , the Alumni Association hosts a breakfast for teward seniors, followed by an Alumni Panel Discussion assembly for juniors a nd seniors. These events give upper schoolcrs the opportunit), to ta!.k about "life after Steward " with those who have first-hand experi ence. An a lullmi fund raising activity is held in the spring. This car, the Alumni Association plans to replace the azalea sale with a potentially more profitable event-a House Tour. The Alumni Association oftlcers took the opportunity during the holiday season to sample a house tour and sec how it might be beneficial to Steward's alumni fundraising effort (see plloro below). The Alumni Association has three executive officers: President (LouEllen Blackwclder '84) ; eeretary (Scott Moncure '83); and Treasurer (Gwen Hudson '83) . Sandi Dollar, Director of Development, works closely with the Alumni Association and assists with uleir voluntcer efforts. AI 0 , alumni are encouraged to share uleir news for publication in Tile Blue & Gold, the chool newsletter, a nd should send a lumni upda tes to Sue DrzaI , editor, in ule development office.

I ALUMNI UPDATE I Class of 1979 J. Sid delCardayre, who earned his B. S. degree in economics and cum puler science a t the University of Ricllmond, i- now Pre iden Owner of Van Go, Inc. , the Ricllmond area 's la rge I private wheelchair transpOl-t comp<U1y. His sideline pass io n i being an instrument pilot, and Sid repol1S spe nding the past ho lidays in Hawa ii.

Class of 1980 Fielding Archer, a grad uate of VC with a B.A. in Pa inting a nd Printmaking, is now a not ed artist. He and his wife , Meredyth, li ve in Midlothian and have three childre n : Julien (5) , Eli (3) and Henry (new born ). Amy (Neese) Kelley a ttc nd e.d West Virginia Uni vers ity and 1 he Brax ton Schoo l upon graduati o n from Steward and is now sclfe mployed medi ca l transcriptioni t. She a nd her husba nd , Terry , live in Virginia Beach wilh daughte r Melissa (6- 1/2 ) and so n Austin (3) . Amv reports th a t " Lhey a re dOing-great and wou ld love to hea r fro m a nyo ne when th ev arc in th e a rea. John Moncure, who earned his B.A. d egree in Biology/C he mislt)' at Elo n College , a lso li ves in Virg inia Beac h . Jo hn a nd his

wife, Laurie , are parents to Mary Lee (7) and Katie Lynne (5). John works in pharmaceu ti ca l sa les as a te rl'itory bus ine s manage l" for Bris to l-M eye r Squibb .

Class of 1987 Robert and Denise (Featherston) Dietz live here in Riclll110nd. Robel1. conlinuc. to work in managemen t wiul T he Dietz Pres ", a lthough ule compan y was "o ld to Owen Prinling ompa ny a nd his dad has since retired . De ni e nll1S the clubhou e for ule swim and racquet faci li t), at Fox Hall , the We t End subdivis io n in whicll they live. Both are very invo lved in ule activi ties of th eir cllildren , Danny (7-1 /2 ) and Katie (4- 1/2 ). Robert coame Danny's soccer tea m (indoor in hesterfi eld County during the winter a nd trikers in the fall) , a nd Denise is a room parent for Danny'S Short Pump Elementary mool cia s and Katie 's River Road Bapli t ursery group. Keith Fairly ha d lots of news to report. On ove mber 14 , 1 eiul and his wife Tere a became ule proud paren of a o n , Chalin MacI..aurin . Daughler Jessica is now 15 mon ths o ld a nd , acco rding to 1 eilh "into everything." pon graduatio n from teward , I eith attended Jam es Madi on ni ve r ity a nd

e~ln1 ed hi ~

B.B.A. d egree \Vith a

ma jor in ma nage ment. He now has a career wi th II o n Office olulions as a color graphics a nd imaging spe ia li L His wife, formerlya registered nu r 'e in U1C newbom inte rmediatc care unit of M V, plans to take Lime off to sta ho me with the kids.

Alumni ASSOCiation officers (I to r) LouEl/en Blackwelder (PreSident), Scott Moncure (Secretary) and hiS wife, Gin, and Gwen Hudson ( Treasurer) enJoy a holiday house tour.

Page 6

Susan (Hudgins) Hood and her husband , Tommy, who is a Major with ule . . Am1\!, . arc currentlv li ving in Gemlany after his extended tow" of duty in Hungary.


erseas a..~s ign m e l1l has given tJlem tJle o pportun ity to travelthey particula rly enjo ed a vi it to Italy an d have bee n skiing seve raJ times in erm a ny. usan and Tom m, have fou nd living off-base in a ma ll Gennan town ve rewa rd ing. nleir e mla n neighbOI , who have Rve children , have beco me close friends, and usan i tlleir la tes t bo m ' od mo ther. usa n , w ho wa~ wo rking as a fl ight

Wyma n is till "running" and i a n a tive mem ber of tJle Tucl<ah oe o lul1le r Re 'Cue quad . h r 19 2 teward grad uatio n , Sydney Vogt, has eam ed a B. . ien e ' degree in Huma nities & fro m CU a nd manied C h risto pher Dudav. he is now Ass istan t Gen ;al Man ager of tl1e o mmonw altJl Park u ites Ho tel here in Richm o nd . 111

raJlci co , o ne highlight being a tour of tlle W ine o uno . Robinnette (Turner) Wrobel a ttended aJem o Llege a nd gradu路 a ted from V Wi tJl a B.S. in Presdlool Administra tio n in 1993 . fter working a t tlle Ellwood House fo r 14 yea rs, Robin nette has recently opted to sta ho me a nd be a full-time wife to Jeff aJld mo m to tJleir new o n , Jeffrey Scot Wrobel, Jr., w ho was bom o n July 23, 1996.

Class of 1984

Alum Sandy SZIlassy (leh) was high scorer for the g"'s' alumm basketball game. Steward players Jenmfer and Jessica Gray (rear) and Elizabeth Laros (center) jOin the defensive effort. Alum Jamie Brock (fight) goes for the pomts.

nu rse, is n w at home enjoying garden ing. A graduate of Wi lliam . Mary, she re tumed to Willia m burg for her I I tJl las. r union tJlis past raj!.

Class of 1982 Marion Bailie lives in Ricllmond and ub5titute teaches in Henrico ounty while ontinuing her studi part-time. Finding a ta lent in crafts , Marion can be found at many area craft shows. Blair (M cGee) Raber and husband , Steve, live in BetJlesda, MarylaJld . Bla ir reports tl1at going to icc skating les ons, \楼imming, a nd gymnasli for daughters Katie (6) an d Margaret (3- 1(2) keeps her busy!

Wyman Smith has been witl1 irginia Power for almo t 15 years, wo rki ng in infomlation tecl1l1010gy. H and h i wife, laura, whom he ma rried in 1995 , live in tlle In nsbrook area (with tl1eir 3 dogs a nd a cat). Laura is a registered nur 'e at Henrico Doctors' Ho pita!.

Class of 1983 Gwen (parker) Hudson received her Badlelor of Arts degree from tJle University of Virgi nia and is now employed witl1 tl1e Virginia Resources AUtJl0rity. he and her son, Hayden, bom on June 2 , 1996, live in GI n Allen. wen is very active with tl1e Alumni Association as Trea urer, and i helping to plan a new fundraising activity, a Hou e Tour, coming up tJl is spli ng.

A . Scott Monrure ame "bacl to cllool" in tl1e true ense of tJle word . After graduati ng from Elon ollege in orth aroli na, Oll retumed to teward, tJlis time as Director of Admission. Helping tJle School rca h a record enroll ment in 1996 of 2 2 students and bei ng active WitJl the Alumni Association has kept ott busy. However, he still has time to enjoy trav I WitJl his wi~ , Vrrginia Bryan (Gin) , and romping WitJl tJleir belo ed pugs Ba i and Leon. cott and Gin recentJy enjoyed a fall trip to a n

LouEIlen B1ackwelder, who gradua ted from Lyncllbur o llege WitJl a B.A. i.n nleatricaJ Design , is now a M a rketing Pro je t Manager fo r en o路a] Fideli ty Ba nk here in Ricllmo nd. Happil e ttJed in her new ho me WitJl caJli ne o mpaJlio n andy, LouEllen has been active! involved witll tewa rd a tJle Al um ni Associa tion Pre ident a nd memb r of teward 's Board of Trustees for everaJ ea .

Mary Hollis (Lewis) Jupe headed to Mary W ashington o llege post- teward a nd earned her B. . degree. ow Pre idenl! Own er of Associa tio n M a nagement Co n ultaJl ts, Inc. , Mary Holli i ' a lso a mo m . he and hu band Richard have two da ughters : Alexa (3 ) and , ju t in the n ick of press time , Morgan Ashley, bo rn o n January 2 1, 1997 . M ary Ho ll is

Steward grads enJoy a SOCial aher the game.

Page 7

stated simply that she is "blissfully in love and enjoying life!"

Susan (Cramer) Twining is living in Virgi.nia Beach with hus band Larry, a C hief Pet ty Officer with the United States avy, and their two childJ'en , Chad (3) a nd Abigail (I). Susa n eam ed a degree i.n Psycho logy fTom William & Mary upon graduation from Steward .

Pearl e Visio n . She a nd her hus band , Robbie , live in Mechan ics rille and are expecting t he ir first dlild in June.

Sandy Szllassy, who gradua ted from the Univers ity of Virginia with a degree in Rhetodc, is now ma nager of the Disne. Store in Lynnhaven Mall in Virginia Beadl . She con tin ue to pia." sports and

Class of 1985

Speaking of Stewart Jones, he was o ne who head ed north upon gradua tion from tewru路d. Stewart attended T ho mas College in Maine, and from tllere went to Green Mountain College in Vennont, earnin J a B.S. degree in behavioral science. ow a return Richmo nder, Stewart works in sales with Life of Virg inia.

Robert E. Barton, Jr. head ed to FelTIlm from Steward . He is now a real esta te appra iser/co n ul tant with Ba rton & Company.

David B. MacKenzie is now an Audio Visual Techn.ici,m with VCU. He and his wife, Sharon, have a d a ugh ter, Nicole (born o n Valentine's Da in 1996). T hey have a current connection with Steward-Sharon 's s ister, Denise Laycock, is o ne of Steward 's new 1996 facul ty member (biology). Jill Narron spen t a lo t of ti me a t th e Univer ity of Virginia following he r yea rs at Steward , earning her B.A. and M .D. d egrees. he i now in Swn ter, South Caro lina , serving as staff ped.ia trician at Shaw Air Force Base. (Be ure to read the alumni fea ture a rticle o n Jill in tJlis edition of The Blue & Gold .) Suzanne Rahal ea rned her B.S. degree in marketing at Virginia Tech . She now reside in Springfield , Virginia , and works as a ales represen tative for G laxo W ellcome.

Class of 1986 Mary (Browning) Almany graduated fro m Vi rginia CommonwealtJl Univers ity WitJl a BA. d egree in English and is now a legal ass is t.:U1t for Hunton & Williams here in Ridlmond . She is married to Paul Almany, and they reside in G len Allen.

Kelly (Massey) Ownts se t her sights on being a n optician a nd recently passed tJle State Boards for Opticianry. She is a manager for Page 8

reports tJlat he a nd Stewart Jones recendy partied w ith Chris Oddeneu a t Martha's Vineya rd and a lso partied with Nick Fabiato (who happens to be his motJler's weightlifting coach at Courtside). When Cary's not o n the party ci rcuit, he is lead carpe nter for Steeber & Father Consu'uction here in dle Richmo nd area. He earned his B. . d egree in Psychology at the College of C harleston .

Alumn i Panel participants Stephanie Mann (Ieh) and Corey Turnage (rig ht) .

returned to tewa rd recently to be tlle high scorer in the girls ' annual a lumni basketba ll gam e.

Class of 1987 Bo St.eele proceed ed to Virginia Wesleyan fro m teward and earned his d egree in bus iness a nd Bo fo und his ni che in the real es tate industry a nd is now a Proctor Realty agent here in Richmond .

Class of 1988 Ann (Nirnols) Crosby a id a I'ece nt " I do," marry ing Thomas Ymcent Crosby o n October 26, 1996. W e leamed of t he pending nuptials during a Phonatho n cha t Witll her motJler, Barbara . Ann a lso works as a paralegal for Hall & Hall , a local law firm . Mom a lso told us that Ann 's brotller a nd fellow Steward a lum, Curt (Class of 1986), w ho was in dle wedd ing, has just passed dle bar!

Cary Hall has ma in t.'l ined hi Steward connectio ns by I eeping in toudl with other Steward alum. He

Stephanie Kay can often be seen around Steward ' campus as she is involved with vadous alumni activities. She a nd d a ughter, Allison (3), repo rt dlat all is well. Jennifer Keller ea rned her B.S. d egree in Bio logy a t Mary W a -Iungton a llege. She is now working widl the Tuckahoe Y.M.C.A. here in Ridlmond a nd we ighing career optio ns. Matthew Sn1id'l earned his B. . d egree in Bus ine s Administration with an emphas is on marketing from Ela n College. Residing in a hville , Te nnc see, he now works for T his End Up Furniture as contracl sales manage r fo r dle States o f Tcnnessee and Ken tucl<y. Malt is also a Field Arti llery/l nfa n 1I)' Officer in dle Ten nessee ation al G uard . Corey Turnage hcaded north from Steward a nd earn cd hi ociology degree at lhe University of ConnecticuL He is now an account repre entative WitJl Richmond Decorating and still enjoying his pasS ion for socce r (play ing w ith the Ridlmond Kid<ers). O nc of the fivc participants in dle Alumni Panel Discussion , Co rey ela boraled

that his cunent job gives him the opportunity to work with the public. o ne of the reasons he went into the field of sociology.

Class 011989 Benjamin Banks took the road

to Catawba COllege and VCU following his Steward da s. Now married . he and his wife. Jodi . are the proud parents of Logan Sims (6). Ben is a machine operator with Reynolds Metals.

Katherine Anderson found her place in o rth Carol.ina. Graduating from Meredith o Llege. he then worked for Ann Tavlor in Durham . • for a e..v. out that retail was not for her. she is now fini shing undergraduate work in art hi tory and museum tudies at tl,e University of 0 rt11 Carolina in hapel Hill a nd applying to graduate school . he Live in Raleigh .

Class 011990 Robert Cosby earned his B.S. degree in Civil from Virgin ia Tech. He and wife, Sarah, now r ide in Virginia Beach where he is an engineer with Mich ael Bake r.

Beth (Chalkley) Talmadge and hu band . Jack. live in Ri chm nd. Be th teache presch ool at Fil t Pre byteria n Nursery chool, and Ja I tea h scie nce at Huguenot Academ . BOtll plan to attCJld grad ua te chool in tl,e fall.

Class 011991 Virginia "Ginny" Chalkley received h er Bache lor of 1;:degree at Rand o lph Macon Woman ' College . Res iding in Lynchburg, G inny now teaches seco nd grad e at M adi o n He ights Elemental School. W edding be Us will be ringing for Gi nny in June. he a lso reports freque ntl seeing Cathy Leitch who is still at RMWC. Thomas Galvin. who atte nded V po t- teward . is now working at Walt Dis ney World 's Epcot C n ter in Orlando. He ho pes to

e mbark o n a career in " im aginee ring" (designinglbu ilding eve rything you ee around Dis ney pa rks) and move to the Mag ic Kingdom. Lee Kallman found his ca ree r in public re latio ns. Having earned a B.S. degree in peech Communicatio ns from Radford U nive rsity. Lee is now a n account executive with Alexa nder Communicatio ns in Atlanta, Georgia.

Edmund Rhoads has demons trated a r a l fl a ir for the internatio na l scene. After graduating from Bucknell U niversity Witll a B.A. focusing o n internationa l rel a tions. Ru ssian language. a nd Euras ia n tudies . Edmund found his way in to the international political development field . Living in Washi ngton . D.C. . he is now program as istant at the ational Democratic In t itute fo r In tern ational Affair . Life is never du UEdmund reccntl v ho ted two groups of Russi; n a nd Ukra inian political o rganizers who ca me to the U . . to o b erve the U . . el cl io n process. He's al 0 working with his orga nizatio n ' various field uffices tl1J"oughout thc Fonner oviet Un io n to set up train ing _eminars for Members of Pa rliament and civic a nd politica l organ izers in Rus ia . tl,e Bal tic La te • a nd the Georgian Republi . A1 o. Edmund states that in ear l 1997 he wi ll be heading to th e former oviet Union to provide ass istan ce to field offices ill setting up programs o n d emocracy build inw government d evelopment.

Carrie (Meyer) Suber received her B.A. degree in Po litics a t Randolph Macon Woman 's College. and i curre ntly continuing her studies in Po li tical Science in grad uate school at the U niver ity of SOUtll Florida. She a nd her husba nd . Luke. cal l Tampa home.

Class of 1992 Samantha Aron foUowed her tllea trical ambition and earned a B.A. degree from Ohio Wesle an niversity in T heao·e and French. he is now living and working i.n Was hington . D.C. . at the ArCJl a tage. a regional theatre. in production and casting. Sam a ntlla also reports doing some acting. and sa s he i about to begi.n work o n a movie called "HousCJnates" that will be out next spring. Jimmy Benson forged a head to Radford UnivCJ·s ity to tudy Finance upo n graduation from teward. ow a real e u"lte sales agen t with Hel p- U- eli here in Richmo nd . Jimm i awaiting anotller milestone in his life. He will marry Jennifer R. Peirce in June 1997.

Kate (porter) Murray is a true newlywed-man-ied to M ichael E. M urray on Decem ber 2 • 1996. Fornl er clas -mate Emily Wilkerson '92 was a bridesmaid! Kate graduated from l. Mary's o llege i.n R."11 igh with a n A.A degree and sub equenlly earned her B.A. degree in Sociology from Ho llin College. She and new spou -e Mike. who is shlclying to become a ph sidan as istant . a re reSiding in Fayettevi lle. orth arolina. Faisa! Q.u-eshl r ceived his BA degree in History and As ian Studies from tl,e Un iversity of Virginia. Now working as an administrative ass istant with tlle Ri chmo nd law finn of Thompson McMullan . Faisal is in the proce of applying to law c1,001 for next fall.


Dorothy (Spencer) Susldnd. who was wed to h usband . Greg,

Page 9

abo ut a year ago, was a nother Steward tudent to continue at Randolph Macon Wo ma n 's College. Do ro thy also went to VCU a nd ea rned a B.A. degree in Political Science. A teacher by profe sion , she is now teach ing four-yea ro lds at First Presbyterian in the moming and teaching kindergartners at the Jewish Community Center in the aftemoons. he is a lso working toward her Master of Arts degree in teaching.

These newscJips resulted fro m res po nses to a 1996-97 Alumni pdate fo rm se nt to a ll tewa rd a lumni o r phone co nversatio ns during ul e Annual Giving Pho na tho n held in O ctober. Re me mbe r, s ince " hea rsav" ca n 'l be our source, we need to hea r fro m yo u! Please ha re you r news. Dro p a line or call S tewa rd to kee p us infonlled !

Delaney Turnage , who a ttended the University of Alaba ma a nd i now a junio r at VCU , is working o n her B.S. degree in social wo rk a nd pla ns to continue studies fo r her Mas ter's. She wa inducted in to the Golde n Key la tio na l Ho no r Society las t spring. Wedding be lls will ring fo r Delan e and Scott Mescall o n October II , 1997. Also, Delaney reports tha t her fa uler, Neil , (fo mler teward facul tv member) will be gradu a ting -fro m dental school a t MC V in we spring!

Sweet Success Post-Steward

Class of 1993 Jamie Brock, is a student a t VCU and rema ins heavily involved in sports! Stephanie Mann , a December gradua te of Bra ndeis University in W alwa m , Massachusetts, pIa";!> to con tinue her music studies in opera in ).,Tf'adualt' ~dl UO I. During her vi~ it to Steward to serve o n the a lumni pa nel discu sion , she indka led that she wa in the proces of applying to va riou gradua t chool . In the meantime, she i livi ng in Bo ·ton and wo rking at u'le Disne Store.

Mary Harvard Nolde gradu a ted from St. Ma l)"s Juni o r College in Ra leigh a nd headed furth er SOUUl to the ollege of C ha rleston .

Class of 1996 Tara Garner is a t Dela ware Va lley o llege in Pennsylvani a wh e re he played field hockey during ul e 1996 fa ll sea on .

Page 10

Dr. JII' Narron tends to a young patient at Shaw AFB In Sumter, Sc.

T he uccesses of teward gradu a tes come in a U hapes and sizes, all profe 'sio ns a nd per o na l accomplishments. And in each case Slewa rd mo t likely played a pa l"!. in that achieve ment. One such ucc s tory is Ula t of Dr. Jill Narron, las of 19 5. Jill entered teward as a first grader a nd went o n to become tewa rd 's fi rst M .O, a lum . Lou Ellen Blackwelder ( la s of 1984) had a ch ance to vis it with Jill recenu v and reflect o n how Stewa rd contributed to her accomplis hm ent.

Jill Victoria Narroll Born:

January 7. 1967

Richmond irgilliu

Edl/cotion: The tcward

ni\ ersit of irgi ni a ni\ ersi t of Irglllia 1edi cal chool

197 -19 5 19 5-19 19 -1993

Coreer Puth:

Pcdiatl;c Rc idency Wri ght-Pattcrson Medi cal entcr 1993- 1996 Dayton. OH tal'l'Pcdiatrician ir Force Base lImter, hu\\


Hobbie.• :

Ant iqu ing and Tra \ eling Abroad

Her smi1e was familiar and her wo rds were kind . But to a nyone who know her, ulis comes ~ no ' urp.-i e. [n her 12 vear a t teward , Jill Narro n made man v friends a nd con tributed signific<tnlJy to enridl student life.

As a leader, Jill d lallenged each of us to make ou r marl a t teward . W hile ma inta ini ng her ho nor roll ~u'\ tus, Jill he took advan tage of all tha t Stewa rd had to offer. Jill plaved field h I ev, was ule ma nager fo r w e girl ' ba ' ketba ll tea m , a lways had a pa rt in wha tever play was going o n , panici pated in lude nt o un ci l, a nd wa a membe r of w e girls ' ho rus. As we reminisced abo ut Ule o ld days and ca ught u p o n the la test news regarding o ur dassma tes, Jill shared her though ts abou t teward with m e. "One of SLeward ' ~ grca t· etas t! is opportuni ty. ' tewa rd is almo t like a mini li beral arts college. I got to play fie ld hocke , be in pIa)", a nd ing in the ho rus. I could d o it al l, if that's wha t [ wa nted . [t was thi ~ same o ppo rt uni ty to participa te in everything w a t helped to prepa re me fo r VA. B , gradu atio n , I wa confid ent in mv 'el f a nd in m a bi1it to ulink on m)! fee t. While a t te,,;a rd , I didn 't ca re much fo r my public speal ing das , but it really made a di ffe rence fo r me. Especially during my re. idency. " ince gradua ting fl"o m teward in 1985 , JiU has com bined he r q ue t

for knowledge with her pass ion for helping others. Today, Captain Jill Victori a arron, M .D., is tationed in Sumter, South Caroljn a, serving as t.a ff Pedi atrician at haw Air Force Base. When her commitment to the Air Force i completed in June 2000, she hopes to return to Ri chmond and pursue a fellow hjp in pediatric cardiology.

Steward Alum Continue Excellence in Athletics For several teward alumni , athletic excellence has continued beyond the Steward experien ce. We recent! heard from the following concerning th details of their post- teward a thletic participation . Corbin Adamson '% play in the center forward position for Mary Baldwin 's Divi ion III field hockey team . The SdlOOI is a member of the Atlantic Women ' College Confe.rence. As a freshman, Adamson led the team in coring witll a total of II goal and was the third leading scorer in the on ference. Jamie Brock '93 palLicipated for tllfee yea rs on tile Virginia Commonwealth Unjver ity field hocl ey te.路lm. V U is a member of tile olonial Atllletic onference and is a Division I program. Brock i onl the tllird Steward alum to be involved in a Division I CAA program . (Sandy Szilassy '86 played fi eld hockey for four ears at the niver ity of ViJ'gilua , and Corey Turnage '88 was a member of tile Univer ity of Connecti ut soccer team.) In her ear a t VCU , Brod< played at tile forward or midfield positions. In her junior season , she was one of tile team 's ca ptains. In lhe fall of 1996 he was dj agno cd Witll a heart condition and forced to it out the e.'1Son. Her medicaJ condition is now under control , so Jamje may pa rticipate in the 1997 eason . Cathy Leitch '93 has played in the defensive weepe1' po ilion on th

ALUM MISSING FROM ACTION! We need help locating the following alumni. For those listed below, mail has been returned on one or more occasions. If you have current addresses for these missing Steward grads, please let us know. We want them to receive The Blue & Gold and other School material. Also, if you happen to be among the missing, but via friends or parents see this article, get in touch! We would welcome current information. Mike Boston '91 David Baker' B6 Tony Crowder '92 Clifton "Bo" Cook' B7 Isabel Fitzgerald' 87 Debbie Farley '93 Julie Farley' 88 Jack Evans' 92 Sarah Hebb '93 Martha Fay' 87 Nicole Greene' 90 Chris Levemore '88 David Lord' 87 Matt Lord' 90 Laura Linhart' 91

Randolph Macon Women ' College field hod<e team for t.hree sea on . T he Divi ion UI team i a member of tile ODA league. During her enior season , Leitch a was elected a team ca ptain . matter of coincidence, RaJldolph Ma on Women ' ollege played Mary Baldwin in th 1996 s ason , bringing orbi.n Adamson and Cathy Leitch to a fa e-off on the ficld . Mary Baldwin emerged victo.-ious. Leitdl wa also a member of RMW 's swim team in h r fre hman year, with tile 1000 meter freestyl as her evenl. he al 'o plans to play on her college's lacro se team.

Upper Schoolers enJoy the first Homecoming Dance at Steward.

Alex Mayers '93 Cindy Mathews' 92 David Lord' 87 Adam Matus' 84 Mark McDonald' 79 Adam Northup '92 Matt Sackett' 93 Katherine Scales' 87 Kern Smith' 88 Ben Spencer '93 Alex Szilassy '84 Karen (Braxton) Tufford' 83 Ann VanBrackle '79 Adam Vogt '86 Keith Waddell' 87

Juntor Ned Trice really gets In the spmt at the Homecoming Dance.

Student Council Inspires New Tradition On atllrday, January I , T he te, a rd hool tuden t ou neil , under th e able leade hi p of sen ior Emily Wolff, hosted the firs t teward Homecoming Dan e. A beadl theme, Witll decorations coordinated by senjor mom , Linda Proffitt, set the st.:1ge for dan ing the nigh t away and tossi ng beachballs aJ'ound the gym . Thanks to tile Parents ' Association, pearheaded by Cathy Schott, food wa aplent , and more tllan 60 of tile 9 Upper chool tlldenlS attended . Thi fi t-ti me ev nt proved to be a roaring lIcce s, setting tile stage for an otller teward trad ition . Page 11

Athletic Update Girls' Middle School Basketball Team Undefeated路路Captures Regular Season Title The Middle chool girls' ba ketball team is competing in Divi ion III of the Middle School League at Collegiate School. The games are played on Saturdays and Sundays. Of the fourteen-member quad , st." pull double-duty by partici pating on teward' varsity te.1m as well. As of press time, the girls were in first place with an undefeated record that stands at 8 wins and 0 losses. Division IU consists of teams from Collegiate, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Bridget ' , St. Catherine' , and St. Edward 's. The regular season cons ists of eight games. Beginning the first weekend in February, the te<lm wilJ compete in the league's toum amen t.

Boys' Varsity Basketball Team Ready to Defend TCll Title Posting seven victories in ten outings at press time, the 1996-97 boys' varsity basketball squad is off to a successful start. T he team has defeated Richmond Community, Richmond ChriStirul, New Community, Central Virginia Patriots, and Tri-Cities Independent League (TClL) opponent, Belme<ld. Averaging 49 points per gam e, Steward is ou tscoring their opponents by an average of five points per g:une. Four seniors lead the squad. Brian McGehee leads ule te<tl11 in scoring with an average of 12 points per gam e (ppg) . Shawn Lewis directs ule team from the point guard position and has an II-point per gam e average. Fellow classmate Sam Proffitt controls ule rebounding and average 4 ppg, while George Cauble averages 3 points from the guard position. Junior Mike Schirick rounds out the starting five and averages 9 points per contest. The team stands re<ldy to defend uleir 1996 TCIL Tomnament CJ路own.

Youth Dominates Girls' Varsity The girls' varsity basketball team , though plagued by youth and iJ1(~xperi颅 ence for ule 1996-97 The regular season champs (back, I to r) L. Slabaugh, J. season , is an ambiGray , E. Bullock, C. Rossmoore, W. George, M. Felvey tious squad with (middle) S. Martenstein, S. Stratton, J. Sumner, A. Hord, A. Strickland ( front) co-captains A. Healey and E. Larus. great potential for the future. WiUl only five players from the Upper Steward 's scoring leaders are all Scllool , ule team has six Middle eighth graders: Elizabeth Larus (6.2 School players gaining valuable point per gam e average) , Marshall experience uuough varsity e.-"1JCIiFeM:y (averaging 4.6 points) , and ence and playing in the Middle Ashlee Healey (averaging 3.2 points chool leab'u e. We can look forper game from her point guard ward to mis group resulting in a position) . Team ca ptains are very strong teanl in the nex1. few Ashlee Healey ruld Elizabeth Larus . years.

Page 12

Lainie Haskell (the team 's lone senjor) and Jessica Gray were chosen as the team 's co-captains. The current overall record is 1-8 with a 0-6 record in ule Le.1gtle of Independent c1100ls (LI S) Division II. The team's scoring leader is Lainie Haskell (8.4 ppg).

Boys' Middle School Teams Start Season The boys' Middle c11001 "A" and "B" basketball teams have just gotten underway. The "A"'s record strulds at 4-1 with ule victories over ule Central Virginia Patriots, Bebnead , New Communi ty, and Heritage Cluistian. The "B" team has a 2-2 record with victories over M iJlwood and Fredericksbu.rg Academy. Willie Paoletto and Steven Seivard are "B" teanl co-captains; Ted Benson and Will Perkins serve in Ulat capacity for the "A" terun.

And Cheering Them On ... Cheerleading, under the djrection of Ro,UlY Ha jek, is boosting pirit and support for the 1996-97 athletic teruns. Adding new stun ts to thei.r cheering fOnllation , the squad has al 0 mastered four unique dance routines to provide half-time entertajnment. Cocaptajns of the squad are Sara Rossmoore ruld Emily Wolff.

Creative Writing Class Motivated by Donovan On December 13, 1996, Mrs. Shaw's creative writiJlg c1as was fortunate to have poet Greg Donovan, past c11aimlan of VCU ' Creative Writing department, come a nd share hi thoughts , poems, and insigh ts with the class. He was contacted through the Associated Writing Programs with George Mason and V U, where Mr . haw participated in a ummer sem inar. M r. Donovan read to us hi poem "Sarah Henry, Phantom Wife: 1775 " from his book Callin His Children Home. Befo re he read the poem , he shared with u the process that c .-eal"d lh" POCI11 and facts about Patrick Hel"u)" wife and her mysteriou demise. Clo e to the end of the class, we read some of our poems. Mr. Donov31l gave his ins ights about our worl , pointing out good parts and offering a bit of constructive critici m . We would all welcome him back 311 time.

Steward Students Find Success Through Synchronized Swimming On December 7 and , teward junior Megan Hajek and sophomore Emily Parlow pa.rticipated i.n the regional ynchronized swim clinic at the Bri31wood Syncl1ro lub. The clinic was led b athalie Schneyder Bartleson , a member of the 1996 Atlanta gold medalist yncl1ronized swimming team. Megan and Emily traveled to an Antonio, Texas , in tlle spring of 1996 to qualify in the top 20 of their region and were invited to participate in this spectacular ev nt.

Honor Roll - Marking Period 2 Grade 6

Grade 9

Chris Byrne Katie Drzal Mary Congdon Carter Eberly Austin Pittman Jessica Gray Leora Rothenberg Elizabeth Sumner Philipp Schmidt-Ullrich Andrew Ware

Grade 7

Grade 10

Eliza Bullock Jamie Foote Jennifer Gray Sara Kornblau Trent McLaurin Mary Patterson Zac Sears Reed Yancey

Michelle Giglio Michael Maszaros Clay McElveen Ashleigh McLaurin Stephen Paulette Fahad Qureshi Andy Stitt

Grade 8

Grade 11

Ted Benson Corbin Brierre Alex Duty Ashlee Healey Elizabeth Larus Sarah Martenstein Caitlin Rossmoore Ben Wolff

Meghan Hajek Sara Rossmoore Catherine Woody

Honor Roll Semester 1 Grade 6 Chris Byrne Mary Congdon Austin Pittman Leora Rothenberg Philipp Schmidt-Ullrich Hunter Sears Juliana Sumner Ann Yates Wyatt

Grade 7 Taylor Brewer Eliza Bullock Jamie Foote Warren George Jennifer Gray Sara Kornblau Christopher Maszaros Trent MCLaurin Mary Patterson Zac Sears Reed Yancey

Grade 12 George Cauble Lainie Haskel Shawn Lew's

CONGRATULATIONS! A Job Well Done Megan , Emil , a nd other swinUllcrs frol11 the Brianvood SY11cl1ro Club, Octopi , a nd Dolpha lina in the RicllJl10nd area were trained a nd coaclled by the O lynlpi31l . Syn hro swl mm rs from 31-ound th country were also in attendance. Hajek said , " athaJie taught u mo t of the fir t la p of the O lynlpic routine. It was rea U nea t to have een their routine on t levi ion 31ld tllen be wimming it ourselves in tlle wat r. " That team mutin earned the 01 mpic T eam a perfect 10 from every judge. Mega n and Emil work very ha rd at theiryncl1ronized swimming sl ill s veral tim a week , sometimes attending as many as five practice - a weel . The swimmCfS do thi in order to build th e kind of strengtll , endura nce, and precision ne 路ded to be a champion syncll ronized S\vi mmer.

Grade 9 Katie Drzal Carter Eberly Jessica Gray Eric Sternberg Elizabeth Sumner

Grade 10 Michelle Giglio Timothy Ligon Michael Maszaros Clay McElveen Ashleigh McLaurin Stephen Paulette Fahad Qureshi John Schott Andy Stitt

Grade 11 Eliza Chenault Meghan Haj ek Michael Schirick Catherine Woody

Grade 8 Anusha Abbas, Ted Benson Corbin Brierre Alex Duty Sarah Martenstein Caitlin Rossmoore

Grade 12 George Cauble Shawn Lewis

E. Padow (left) Olympian medalist N. Bartleson (center) and M. Hajek (fight) .

Sarah Arrigo Nick DeCrosta Lorraine Hawes John Kipley Ben Lawson Ashley Robertson Kevin Strader

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

1 10 7 10 6 3 4

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16 .7 1. 19 2.1



3 4

• "

11 11-20

21-25 25


The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond , Virginia 23233

' onprofilOrganllatlon L PO T ,F PAil) RIc hmond \ \ Pi!nlllt '0. 95

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