1998路99 Alumni Issue
Roger oulombe H endllln ter ue Drza l Editor THE
I L600 ayton Road Richmond, irginia 23233 04-740-3394
From the Headmaster
ew o llegiate Dictio na rv define the w rd alum ni a tho e \~ho have "attended or grad uated fro m a parti ular chool, c li ege , o r unive r ity." Webster define - tradition a "cullU red conti nu ity. " nd , finall y, o ne d efiniti o n of the word cha nge is " to und e rg tran fo rm at ion , tra n ition , o r sub titution ." These three words are e ntraltO what i tra n pi rin g at tewa rd . Alumn i a nd tradit io n a rc two pea in a pod . Alumni look back upon what they pe rceive a the hal yon da s. They remembe r th eir favorite cia s or teacher, tunt Talent Night, the holiday program , the prom , graduatio n. The memori es o f event a nd activiti e of year pa ' t as ne alu mni aid , "when we we re yo ung, without a care , a littl e c ra zy," evoke image and memories o f a perceived better time. It \ as a time in t hei r li ves that , while recogni zed as somewhat fo ot lo e a nd fancy free , wa a l 0 rdered , ta ble , and tru tured . Thing were predictabl e. One arrived at chool in the mo rning, met a nd chaued with friend at the lockers, cram bled to g t to firs t pe ri od cia s n t ime, sat with fri e nd s at lunch , went to alh l ti o r pla y practice afte r ho I, co mp leted homework, th e n o n to bed to re t up fo r an o ther day. It was all there , a nd there we re few un certainti c hool with it trad itiona l a nd fo rm a l way of doing thin g held it a ll t gethe r. And , alumni have the fo nde t wish th at the sc ho I will retain as mu h
a po ibl e the good thi ng they re membe r th at mad e the teward experience special. From th e perspective o f th o e of u wh o have the re ponsibilitya nd ca re for the chool in ur hand , we a re comm itted to main ta ining a muc h ofthe trad itio na l teward Schoo l a po sible. tewa rd has a lways bee n known fo r its small classe . In th o e cia se , no o ne is lost, a nd tud ents are expe ted to take an ac ti ve pa rt in their own lea rning and th at of their clas mate . mall cia e no t on ly allow teac her and lUdents to know eac h o ther well , they al 0 make it much ea ier fo r lea her and parent to c mmun icale abo ut the sta tu a nd progre o f t he ir on r daughter. No matte r how ra pitlly tewa rd may grow in the co mi ng years , th e re will co ntinu e to be a t rong effo rt to p rovide co nsiderable attention , e nc ur, gemel1l, and op portunity to beco me invo lved in th e art , athletics, and o ther areas o f school life that hav helped so ma ny alum ni di cover th eir potentia l and "to be what th y were becoming." Finally, the most imp rtant facet o f Stewa rd life that wi ll re main is t he one that is cent ra l to it mis ion : you ng people. 100 ften , when someo ne ment ion o ther indepentl e nt sc hoo l 10 al a nd nationwid e, the first re ponse is about it g rand fac iliti e , o r vas t camp us, or la rge enrollment , o r it t radit io nall y powerful foo tball team . hoo l is However, when tewa rd me nti o ned , the firstth ught that co me t mind is about lUdent . I iscu sio ns in faculty meetings ce nter on th e needs of ' tudent , o n the adjustm en ts and modificatio ns that tea her can attempt to enhance th e learning p ibilities for student . omething th a t will a lway re main at teward wi ll be a curri cu lum and overall program tha t fi r t and foremo st adtl re es the nced of the tudent . While the academi and behavi oral standard will rema in high , th e mea ns by
whi h those tandards will be met will be impl e mented with the need a nd individu a l lea rning style of the tudent in mind. That is the esse nce of the teward ex peri e nce. But , ch a nge is a l o in sto re fo r tewa rd . Two yea rs ago we started th e choo l yea r with a pproxim a te ly 280 st ud e nts. Thi yea r ou r prese nt e n ro ll me nt is 373. We a re growi ng, ye t our admiss ion sta ndard will re m a in tringent , ad mitting onl those st ud e nts for wh o m teward i the right m atch. Our a mpu Ma ter Plan will be brought to fruition in about four yea rs. The new add ition to Taylor H a ll is co mpleted , and cia es will begin in that bui lding o n t he d a a ft er spring break . G ro undbreaki ng for th e Ath letic ente r i chedul ed for late spring of thi s yea r, with co mpletio n o ne yea r away. In the sp ring o f 2000 , con tructio n will begin o n th e Paul R. C ra mer Ce nter for th e Arts a well a the Upper/ Middle choo l library a nd ad mini st rat io n building. Re novation of the Midd le and Lowe r ehoo ls a long with ca m pu land capi ng will co mp lete the Pl a n. Addi t io na l fac ulty wi ll be hired , th e curri c u lum will be expa nd ed , inte rscho lasti c athletic co m pe t itio n will be e nhanced , Significant techn o logica l growt h and development will take place , a nd th e art will be practiced a nd showcased at a s ta nd a rd by whi c h a ll ot hc r wi ll be jud ged . Tradition a nd c hange, a process o f what pe rh aps ca n be ca lled "divine te nsio n ." As things change, 0 they will a lso tay the sa me. t ud e nt wi ll c ntinue to be at the cente r of the Stewa rd expe rie nce in a n e nvi ro nm ent th at will excite , e nthu se , an d e nco urage exce llence.
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Alumni Return to Steward T he ho lid ay seaso n bring va ri ed ac ti vit ies o n S tewa rd ' campu s- a nd brings gradu a tes bac k to vis it th eir alm a mater. Faculty and sta ff look fo rwa rd to fo rm e r tud e nts returnin g with sto ri es o f co ll ege li fe, ch all enging career , and growing families . Jenn Sgro , As ociate Director of Develo pment: Annual G iving & Alumni Affair , takes great pride and pleas ure in reporting o n Steward 's alumni activities:
Classes of 1992, 1993 and 1994 GaUler for Special Reunion O n Saturday, Janu ary 2 nd , th e ci a e of 1992 , 1993 a nd 1994 had a clu ter five-yea r reuni o n. N earl y 40 peo ple attend ed inclu d ing gradu ates , fo rm er stu de nt and faculty. Roger and Kathy Coulombe, Carolyn Brandt , Ian Coddington , Janet Rice and Brenda Turner jo ined in the celebratio n. Thi reuni o n, ho ted by John and Muff aide (parent of Mary Harvard '93) wa a tremend ous succe ! Peyton Jones '94 , Catherine Leitch '93, and Mary Harvard Nolde '93 orga ni zed th e ent ire reunio n. T hanks fo r all yo ur hard work-it t rul paid off!
A/umfll and ru"
'nC studcnfs foflowlf1g l he Alumm I'.nel D, uSSlon: (I 10 r) back: lones '98, M GOl/wald (gr. 12), E. wolrr '97, P lone '94; rron! ' Ros moore '98, emors I. Padow & I . Lalourcl/e.
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Member Ihe cia se 1992, 19 3, and 1994 pose (or Ihe camera dUf/ng Ihe" lanuary rrumon al the home o( the oldes.
Hoopln' It Up At Steward O n Sund ay, January 3 rd , Steward ho ted the Annu al Alumni Bas ketball Ga me. In th e pa tthe ma j rity of alumni represented we re from th e '70' and ' 0 ' , but thi yea r we had a st ro ng yo ung alumni tu rnout. Al t hough th e ga me sco res proved th e alumn i we ren't as in shape as our current va rsity teams, it was a fun d ay fo r all . A special t hanks goes out to the Alumni A oc iati o n fo r hos ting a pi zza party fo llowin g the ga mes fo r all th e playe rs to enjoy. We look fo rward to next yea r' challenge!
of R.i chmond ), Sara Rossmoore '98 (Ja me Madi o n Uni ve rsity) an d Emily Wolff '97 (Rad fo rd ni ve r ity) spoke to tewa rd juni or and senio rs abo ut college li fe . Eac h parti cipant d i cu sed uch t hings a how tewa rd co urses helped prepare th em fo r coll ege to how to get along with yo ur roo mmate. T he student fo und th e discuss io n to be ve ry inform ati ve and feel mo re pre pared fo r th eir transitio n.
Alumni Panel Discussion On Tue day, January 5th , fo ur alumni came bac k to campus to serve as members of a n Alumni Panelled by senior clas pres ident, John IGpley '99. Cabell Jones '98 (Hampde nSydn ey a llege), Peyton Jones '94 (U ni ve rsity
[nloying the alumm ba k(~bal/ game are (/ (0 r) Indy Mathews, lara Garner, oach Rice, Clay Coddlnglon (Ian' daughler), Slephame Kay, and Mary II.rvard Nolde, sealed, holding Slephame' daughler. AI/, on.
Alumni Class Notes C harlie Fle min g '78 and his wife are proud to announce the birth of their fir t child . J . Sid d e1Ca rd ayre ' 79 lives in R.i ch mond and own hi own company, Van ,0 , In c. Ro b Irby '79 live in R.ichm o nd and is an ope rati o ns director. He a nd his wife, ind y, have three girl -ages 8, 7, and three mo nths. h a rlie h e dd '79 live in Austin , l c 'as a nd is a ompute r tate a nal yst fo r the Texa Dep~ rtment of Menta l H ea lth a nd Mental Retard atio n. In hi spare time , he takes till I hotog ra ph , ing in a c hoi r and has a black belt in karate ! H is job keeps him b u sy prepa ring fo r Y:L 1<.. Fie lding Arc h er ' 0 i an ani t who fa u e p rim a ri ly o n po rtrait , la nd sca l es , and till-life . H e a nd his wif Meredith a re b u 'y Lr ling to keep up with th ir three so n , age 2, 5 a nd 7. M a rs h a ll Bro wn ' 0 live in Richm o nd wit h his wife Cathey and th ei r three c hi ldre n .
kee ping up with their n w baby boy bo rn o n April 19 , 1997 . Billy Bla ir ' I li ve in R.ichmo nd and wo rk at W VE. Lyn Nuckols Caudill '8 1 lives in Loui a, Virginia with her husba nd , Michael , and th e ir child , M rgan , bo rn on ovembe r I I , 1997.
D e n ise Fea th erstoll Dietz '8 1 and her husband , Robert ' I , happil y live in Ri hm ond with the ir two children, Danny 9 1/2 yea rs o ld and Katie 6 1/2 year o ld . Deni e wo rk for her father two days a week d oi ng book keeping and often voluntee rs at he r children 's sc hool. Robert is th e ales M a nage r at The Dietz Pres. Roben and Deni e also a re wo rki ng hard n o rganizing th e 1977 - 1988 reuni o n a nd the Alumni Aza lea Sa l .
Ke ith Fai rl '81 and hi wife lere a live in Richmo nd and tay bu y ra ising their two ch ild ren, Jess ica a nd halin . Ke ith is employed at Iko n Office o lutions. u san H udgills H ood '8 1 a nd he r hu banel , Thoma , live in Folk P Ik, LA.
Ted Baro n ian ' 84 live in R.i hmond a nd works at the ircuit ity o rp. Headquarters. Lo u Elle n Blackwe lde r '84 is the Director o f Ope ration at the Unive r ity of Richmo nd E. C la ibo rne Robin choo l of Bu iness. Lou Ellen al 0 stays busy as teward ' Alumn i As ociatio n Pre idem. Ma rgaret D isharooll M a ruri , 4 i a n at ho me mo m. he a nd he r h usband , Rodolpho, tay bu y kee pi ng up w ith their da ugh ter, Mari a . Ma ry HoJJ is Lewis Jupe '84 a nd he r husband , Rich a rd, have two daughter a nd a o n-Alexa (5) and Morga n (2) a nd Austin (2 months) . Je nni fer Le inen ' 4 live in Wo dbridge , VA , a nd works at PRo . as a e nio r ecu rity pecialist. Jay Pettit '84 a nd hi wi fe , Marie, have a on , Zach, and a daughter, Sa ra h. Ja I wo rk at Bergen Brunswick as a ware ho use up e rvi sor. Alex z iIas y '8 4 i married to Mervi a nd ha two children , hri top her a nd Sa manth a. Al ex works at Bes t Buy a the Di t ri ct Project Coordinato r.
Am Neese Ke lle ' 0 lives in Virgin ia Beach with he r hu band , lerry, a nd th e ir twO c hi ldren , Meli s a a nd Aus tin . Am wo rk a t ho me a a medi cal t ra nsc ri pti o n is l. Jo hn Mo n cure ' 0 a nd his wife, La uric , live in Virgi nia Bea h with their twO daughter . Jo h n curre ntl wo rks in pha rll1 aeutica l a le . Bill No rth e n ' 0 live in Ri hm o nd with hi wife , Je nn a, a nd their twO bo) . Lisa C lemolls Ba ke r ' I a nd her hu band, Ri ch, are d o ing well. Ri ch i a e ni o r sv tems a nalv t and Li ' a tay bu y by ho me- chooling th e ir -yea r- Id o n, Jo hn atho n, and
[nJoy'ng ,he reunron are (/ r) Jeremy MIller '94, gue5l, JeSSIe McCollough '94, Adrienne Duke, Tanya Morley. and Sara lIebb '93
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William Robertson 'S6 cu rrentl y is a chef in C hapel Hill. Sandy Szilassy 'S6 lives a nd works in Virginia Beach . She currently works at a Disney Sto re and is going to go back to sc hool to coach ph ys ical ed ucatio n at a n eleme nta ry sc hool. Ed Zakaib 'S6 and his wife, Robin , live in G le n Allen a nd have two children, Perry a nd Marion. Mark Mayers 'S7 li ves in Glen Allen and wo rks wit h his father. Jennifer Cronk Mont y Agee '94 and hI bnde, 7Iffany. Ityron iones '94 served as a 'SS is th e concie rge groomsman In the weddmg at Main Street Robin Brown Kocen ' 5 i th e Ce ntre a nd was recent ly appo inted co-ow ner of Babystuff & Kids as Secreta ry of the Ric hm o nd Area located in the Tuckahoe hoppin' Concierge Assoc iation. Ce nte r. he a nd her husba nd , Ann Nichols Crosby 'SS lives Brya n , live in Ri chm o nd with th eir in Richmond with her husba nd and 7 -year-old o n, Jo rd an , a nd their 5 their baby. yea r- o ld daughter, Jess ica. Jorda n is enro ll ed at Steward in th e fi rst grade.
Joanne Konstantinakos '90 works fo r a n adverti ing age ncy in New Jer ey. Heather Teachey Leeson '9 1 is working fo r GT E. Jarratt Ramsey '91 is rece ntly engaged . Jimmy Benson '92 and his wife Jen ni are living in Ri chm o nd . Jimm y is selling real e tate in the area. John Harler '92 is a chef in Califo rni a. Cindy Mathews '92 is living in Richmond . Cab Briggs ' 93 li ves in Richmond and coac h es S trike r
occe r.
Jamie Brock '93 i living in Del Ray Beach, Flo rid a. Catherine Leitch '93 li ves in Richmond a nd works for Virgi nia
Busilless Magazille . Randy Morchower '93 live in Phoenix, Arizona. in
Mary Harvard Nolde '93 li ves harleston , South aro lina.
Monty Agee '94 li ves in Mec ha ni csville with his wife, Tiffan y. M o nty i a po lice offi cer in H anover Cou nty.
Mary Browning Almany 'S6 work as a paralegal at Hun ton & W illi ams in the corporate and -ecuriti es department. Her husband, Paul , is a netwo rk e ngineer. David Baker 'S6 live in Mechani svill e a nd is selling real es t.ate. Anne Hanson 'S6 is curre ntl y stud ying a t J. argeant Rey no lds to become a Regi tered Nur e. She is al 0 on the Dean's Li st. Kelly Massey Owens 'S6 li ve in Mechanic ville with her husband a nd so n, Robert Tyler, bo rn o n Ju ne 2S, 199 7.
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Ron 5,,,l/ers. lass of 1988. plays aguila r Ihal he handcrafled. Ron Sl OPped by Slcwa rd 10 share hI hobby w"h Rugene Pauk.rc and her art classes . Ron IS also currenrl srudymg denllwy al Mev.
Be n Swift '94 and hi wife , Dari , got ma rried in Septembe r '97. Ben works for Media One.
Upcoming Alumni Reunion Classes of 1977-1988
Corbin Adam son '96 i a debutan te of the 1999 Bal du Boi . Geo rge Cauble '97 i a student at the University of Virginia. Tricia Fallst Britt '97 ma rried Paul o n January 16, 1999, at Mount Vernon Baptist hurch du ring a mall fam il y wedd ing. Cathe rine Wood y '98 was her maid of honor. Paul is in the Navy a nd currently attending boot camp in hicago, afte r which they wi ll relocate to a yet-to-be determined Navy base. Emily Wo lff '9 7 i Radford University.
tudying at
C hri s Drzal '98 i a student at Randolph-Macon ollege . He has taken his theater tech talents to his new chool. In the fall he worked o n several of the co llege ' theater
May 15-16, 1999 Mark your calendars now for a fantastic cluster reunion of the Steward Classes of 1977-1988. Special events are being planned for the occasion. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Saturday, May 15 - a semi-formal cocktail party at the Fox Hall Swim & Racquet Club. Sunday, May 16 - a family picnic on Steward's campus w ith games and events for the entire family.
More information will be mailed to alumni throughout the next several months. If you are interested in joining the committee of al umn i planning these events, please contact Jenn Sgro in the Steward School Development Office at 804/740-3394, ext. 522.
prod uctions in luding Doctor ill pile of H imself and A Cllli stlllas
In Memoriam
Carol. He has been named "master
electrician of the Rando lph-Macon Theater Department. Ad a m Graves '98 came back to teward during December to help out with the Holiday Program.
James Vawter Buis '92 The Steward School commun ity was saddened to learn of the death of James Buis, Class of 1992, in a vehicle accident during military maneuvers in South Korea while serving with the United States Army. James was an avid outdoorsman and wh ile at Steward flourished in both sports and academics. As friend and classmate, Faisal Qureshi '92, said in his eulogy: '~a m es
was a loyal, dedicated, hard-working, selfless man. Often times, a man amongst boys . I am privileged to have been part of his life. James, you will be with u forever, in our hearts and our memorie. We love you." The Senior Lounge in the Taylor Hall addition has been named in honor of James. All gifts received in his memory will go toward an athletic scholarship in his name.
Attention Steward Graduates! We want to know where you are, what you're doing, how your /i(e is changing. Phone, (ax, or mail your news to Steward and keep us posted!
Azalea Sale Returns Ma rk you r calendars for Ap ri l 16 and 17 for the retu rn of the Alum ni Association Azalea ale o n campus. This i a great opportun ity to spruce up your ya rd for spri ng and support Steward's Alumni Association as well. More informati on will be available soon.
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Holiday Happenings As is t radi t io nal at Steward, th e holidays were fill ed with co mmunity servi ce pro jects fo r t he less fo rtu na te at every grad e level, rigo rous rehea rsals fo r th e a nnu al Holid ay C ho ral To ur, a nd fin al p repa ratio ns fo r t he offi cial ki ck-off to Winte r Break, th e Ho lid ay Progra m , complete with extravaga nt se t and costum es. Leading up to th e ni ght o f stard o m for t he Lowe r Schoo lers, Bonnie Anderson , Stewa rd's music tea he r, helped spread holid ay chee r t h ro ughou t th e area with th e ta le nts of her choral gro ups. She repo rt on th ese eve nts whi ch have beco me part of Steward 's holiday tradition.
On the Road Again T he Stewa rd Scho I Mu sic De pa rtm e nt hit th e road aga in fo r t he te nth ho lid ay ea o n. Thi s yea r 's Goodwill To ll r in clud ed pe rforma nces at Lakewood Ma no r, G inte r H all We t , ed a rfi eld , Beth a ny o m p lex , a nd Rege ncy M all 's So ulld oj (h e Senso ll co nce rt se ries. T he st ude nts we re e nt hu sia ti c a nd full of ho lid ay chee r as they prese nted co nce rts t ha t bro ugh t miles to t he faces of ma n alo ng t he to ur. Mr . Sall y Brown , a reside nt of Lakew od Ma no r, se nt a
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Fourth grader Meaghan Cook helps Sant a (alias laro lt y member Ronny HaJelV dl5t flbu te lavors (0
nursmg home
reS Idents dUring
the choral
tou r.
lovely note t ha nking Steward fo r t he co ntributio ns to the hol iday atmo phe re a t th e fac il ity, stating: " It is such a delight hea r y ung peo ple sing, a nd your yo ung folks we re quite spectac ul a r." We hea rd a pprec iat ive co mme nts fro m all of t he ho mes we visited . T he stud ents also di stribu ted favo rs made fo r the re id ents by Stewa rd ninth grader Larraine Hawes , a me mbe r of th e U pper School Cho ru s, a nd her mo th e r, Gale. By d is tributing the e favo rs, each child made pe rso nal co ntac t with a res id ent of th e di ffe rent fac iliti es . T he stu de nts we re eage r to pa rt iCipate in thi
hool recorder lass members (I to r) Joh n C la, e" Kendall Tat e, and Rut h l uller
act ivity at eve r top on t he tour. Eac h yea r th ey lea rn th e lesson of th e j 'y o ne fee l when they give th ei r ta le nt for other to enj oy. Santa (ali as facu lty me mbe r Ronny Hajek) jo ined the gro up to help in th e mi sia n of spread ing holiday cheer. T hi yea r' to ur theme wa CO li er (h e Wo r/rl illith Love.
Sounds of the Season Preceding th e Lower School stage prod uctio n for the Holid ay Progra m on Decem be r 17, The Stewa rd Sc hoo l musicia ns bro ught in th e holid ays with a li vely co nce rt of va ri ed h liday electio n . The co ncert o pened wit h the eighth grade trio: AJli son Strickland , Aynsley Wilton , and Mary Congdon . T he set th e pace for a succes ful eve ning of entertai nment pe rfo rm ed by the Up per chool Co nce rt C hoir, the Middle School Reco rde r c1as , and t he Middl e S hoo l tri o . Austin Brazzell (grade 5) e nded t he co nce rt po rti o n f the eve ning with a flute solo. The cho ral me mbe rs 100 1ed extre mely ha rp in th eir new red cumm erbund a nd t ie sets do na ted by the Pa re nts' Associatio n.
Steward Goes Galactic by 80nnle Anderson The 1998 H lid ay Program thi s yea r was literall y alit of this worlri . The inte rga lactic celeb ratio n included o ur uni ve rse and beyo nd- t t he planet Grump io us , t hird moon to Jupiter. Fo r ove r two t ho usa nd yea r t he Grumpions h ave bee n co ntinu a ll y bickering a nd quabbling. D u e to a slight pace mi hap , the Gru mp ion we re b ro ught before the Inte rGa lact ic o un c il of Peace . Their puni hment inc lud ed a t rip to ea rth durin g th e ho lid ay ea n LO ho pe full y" weete n up " th e attitude of the Grumpion . Earth durin g Dece mbe r acco rding to Eart hlin g M ic hae l i a time of peace a nLi goodwill to all , th e perfect place for the Grumpion LO be reformed. As the SLO r unfo ld the a lie ns were introd uced LO ri nge rbread men, ho lid ay gift , ho liday ca ndi e a nd trea ts, ho liday light , and now. They heard th e caroller ing Let There Be P~ncc 0 1/ Enrtll a nd decid ed that th y need ed LO make a cha nge and take back t hi s loving kindne s
f Ifth graders (I to r) Anne Logan Taylor, Phll"p Carter, and Ryan DeLaney ar" 路out of Ihls world" rn the" holIday program co rumes.
t the pla net of Grumpious. Special effe cts made th e space hip appea r t take off and land while clo ud parted reveali ng a beautifu l vi llage ne Lied in the muuntai n of "/\.Jlytown A. U . .A. "
The teward School community t hank it wonderful fine art d partment and many volunteer fo r this spectacular performance which brought holiday cheer to all!
Bonnie Anderson Honored for Steward Service Thi ea r' H o lid ay Program co ncluded wit h a urpri e and welld se rved ho no r bestowed upo n mu ic teacher Bonnie Anderson . teward pare n ts Luke a nd Sally Newcomb (d aughter Sarah is in grade 6) made a ge nerou gift to name th e Mu ic Di recto r's ffice in the pl ann ed new Fi ne Art Building in hono r of Bonnie. teward has be nefited from the mu ical direction ta lent of Bonnie Ande r n fo r 14 yea rs. ot o nly does she coo rd inate the annual Ho lid ay Progra m , Bonnie a l a o rga nize the a nnu a l Gra ndparent ' Day mu ica l p rog ra m a nd tunt Talent ight a nd work w ith tu dem at all level with their cho ral prese ntati o ns. She is a n in va luab le a se t to teward 's fin e a rt department. o ngratul ations , Bo nnie , o n t his worthy ho n r; and thank yo u , Luke and a lly fo r givi ng her thi wonderful recognition .
8011111" Ander on (Iefr) beams wllh pflde followrng Ihe pre entallon of her honor after Ihe /lo/lday Pr08ram . Luke and ally eIYcomb, contflbutors, Jorn her for the phot o.
Spread ing Holiday Cheer Top left: Faculty member AI Cadaret plays a jolly role in the Holiday Program. Top right: Fifth grader Harper Early sings the solo portion of "let There Be Peace on Earth." Middle righ t: Fourth graders display the menorah. left bonom: Chesley Goodstein makes a perfect M&M candy for the festivities. Bottom right: Stuart Good (left) and Mollie Sarah Hargrove make precious gingerbread men .
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Top: Judging from the expression on Steven Brinn's face. it appears he was having a great time participating in the Holiday Program. Bottom: Middle School trio (I to r) Allison Strickland, Aynsley Wilton, and Mary Co ngdon.
Top: Upper School Chorus members entertain Holiday Program guests. Middle left: Phillip Wood and Lauren Costello are "out of thIS world." Middle right: Samantha Spangler IS all wrapped up for the holidays. Bottom: Sarah Hargrove, WIlliam Shimer, and Lin Cogar make perfect lifesaver treats.
Pagl I
lower School leads Busv life Art Decks the Walls of the Lower School Halls A walk thr ug h Di xo n Hall wi ll qui ckly reveal th e ani tic ta le nt o f tewa rd 's l we r c hoo le r . lav "alie n ," weav ings, Mona Li a portraits, Faberge eggs , hin e e handmade paper, a nd m a ny other pecia l project h ave bee n o n di play t h rougho ut th s hoo l yea r. l y n n Zinder, l ower c hool a n tca hcr, has bee n a tru e in p irati n to bring o ut the c reative be tin t h ' e yo ung an i t . Many vi itors to tewa rd co mm el1l o n th e e, ce pti o nal tale nt o f o ur tu del1ls so uniqu ely exhibi ted . tO p by a nd ee for yo urself!
Grade 4 Play Goes on Tour Th i year's fourt h g rad e prod ucti o n , TIr~ Fnlltnslic M,: Fox, bro ught de lig ht to ma ny nursery sc hoo l in the a rea a the e l ow r Sc hoo l cl1lertai ner to k th eir play n to ur. T hey vis ited th ree diffe rent nursery sc hools in t he a rea afte r their pre mi e re pe rfor m a nce o n tewa rd 's tage fo r fe ll ow tudents a nd pare l1ls .
t he R.i chmo nd Animal Leagu e. The fourth g rade repo rt that thi eve nt re ulted in a co ntributio n of a pproxi mately S 100 to ai d thi s o rga ni za ti o n in its e nd eavor . Pictured below i Sar ah DeLa n ey (\eft ) wit h he r siste r, Mary Grace (rig ht) a nd I.ower hoolers (/ 10 r) Roblll Fra yser, I'Inn myt h, 6ccc. Smylh, and th ei r beloved Lor; Rc,ba h (rear) dISplay II,e" Mt'slle self-port railS. ca nine. "S to rm y" got hi s na me fro m the circum tance which brought him to the Dcl aney ho use ho ld . It The Furry" Feathered EnJov a see ms he wa a iml es Iy wa nd e ring Steward Morning on Pel Dav th e il1le rsta te, u ffer ing fro m M o rning a rri va l at sc hoo l o n neglec t a nd abuse wh e n t he Fe bruary 5 was no t likl: a ny o th e r. Jo ining th e fo urth g radl: rs th at m rning were their most prizeJ po sessio ns--their favor itc pctS or uniquc co ll ection for Pet D ay. Bu n nics, Bea ni e Ba bies, birds, fi h , dog , a nd ca ts we re all there fo r l owe r c hool tud e nts to admire _ rn return they made donations to
DeLa ll e y ~ tJutted h im , just befo re a maj or sto rm hit the a rea. They bro ught him h me a nd no doubt to rm y is g rateful fo r hi s rescue. He' a loyal, ' e ml e co mpa nio n with a mutua l admirat io n for hi owners!
fourth grader
Page 10
how theatflca ll a/enl
their produa /on, 路 1he rantaslIc Mr. l ox:
Middle School Devoles Time &Energy 10 Community Service teward 's Middle choolers are not on ly involved with slUdies and the many extra-curri ula r activitie o n ca mpu , th e a re a l 0 d evo t ing co ulllle ho urs and effort to serving th ei r co mmunity. When they a nn o un ced a CIOlhing drive to help the victim o f Hurri ane Mitch , the Midd le chool halls were fi ll ed with ge nero us d o nat ions fro m tewa rd familie . These items were ent to the Bless the hilrlrel/ FOllllrinlioll to a id in th e relief e rf rt fo r citi ze n in Ho ndura . pearhead i ng th e d rive were eighth grader Drew F ie lds a nd his mo ther, H e le n . A mo ne tarv do nation fro m sa le o f lunchtime nacho under th 'd irect io n o f ighth grad e clas spo nso r, Sandy Sh aw, was a l 0 ent to lhe rga niza ti on . Middle choo lers co ntinu ed th ir cha ritable e rvi e by as mbling ho lid ay tockings fo r di tribulio n to les fo rtunate children through th e a lvati o n Armv.
MIddle Schoolers proudly dISplay rhe srocklngs prepared for dlSrflbullon rhrough rhe Salvarlon Army
H elp for the homeless is o n th e age nda for Middle Schoole rs a we ll . Eac h mo nth a select group trave ls to St. Pau l's Episcopal hurch l help p repare a nd serve mea ls to needy Ri chm ond citize n . They are to be co mm ended for their ded ication to improving the lives o f other .
Middle School Honors Symposium Mod eled after the success ful Uppe r chool Ho no r y mposi um which o ffe rs a l he ma ti additio nal academic stud y fo r selec t students, a Middle School vers io n of the program has bee n implemented . Offe red to sixth a nd seve nth grad e rs wh o a re cho e n by t he Middle chool facu lty a we ll as th eir fo rm er fifth grade te ac hers, these students are focusi ng o n this yea r's to pic, H eroes nllri llcro;lIes. pecial leclU res, field t rips, and readings are ex perienced by this yea r's 14 participants in th e gro up. The progra m , spo n o red by the Cente r for Adva nce ment of Learni ng, is taught by Do nn a Jackso n and Lou ise Ro be rtson .
U's a marrer of sou nd and lIght: MIddle hoolers arc ' In training' fo r rhe rechnrcal compleX/rles of reward School producrlollS Here (I ro r) oah Schnoll, am Cares, and Jeffrey Kern work wlrh Ryan Imme, tnt enm theatre Instructor. In preparation (or (he Iiolida y Program fh,s behmd .he scenes role IS a ruo afly Imporrant aspccr of reward's theat er department.
Page 11
Upper Schoolers Await Opening of Taylor Hall Addition Whe n t hey return fro m pring break, Upper Schoolers will have a c ha nge o f scene ry in t he ir s hedul es! The new Taylo r H all add iti o n will be o pen for classes! Afte r mo nth of wa tching th e co nstru ti o n of th e bea utiful to ne structure, Uppe r c hoole rs will be a ble to e nj oy the e ight s pac io us, m od e rn class roo m s , wo nderfu l S tud e nt o mm o ns a nd locke r a reas , a sla teo f-th e-an co mputer la b ... a nd a fa bulo us Se ni o r Lo u nge! Tuto ri a l s pace fo r th e Ce nter fo r Ad vanceme m o r Lea rning a nd Middl e!
Upper Schoolers (and f" ull y) are anxIous 10 occupy Ihe beaul/ful addlllon 10 Taylort-lall.
U pper admini located and see
chool de pa nm em and trati o n offices will also be in th e new rac ility. Sto p by thi s attractive additi o n to
Stewa rd 's ca mpu s during th e grand o pe ning o n March 26th and see how we a re growing!
Congratulations Honor Roll Students I = First Marking Period
Grade6 Hunter Berlinguet Jonathan Cauble Brittany Curtis Kate Garner Philip Gianfortoni Leigh Greene Morgan Hutchinson Nathan Jamerson Jeffrey Kern Rachael Meyers Artis Mills Sarah Newcomb Fernando Rivera Noah Schnoll Lacy Slabaugh Emil tainback Jessica Williamson Annie Wise Wallace Young
1,2, 2,S 2,S 1, 1,2 S 2, 1,2,S 1,2,S 12, 1,2,S I 2,S 1 1,2,S 1.2,S 1,2, 2, 2 1.2.
Grade 7 Erin Anderson Jimmy Atkinson am Baronian Spencer Best Tori Cannella
Page 12
I,_,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,
2=Second Marking Period
(Grade 7 cOlltilllled) Heather Hajek Berkeley Halperin Lauren Harris Ida Henley Mary Krumbein Andy Lawton Lindsey Leach Kristin Parrish Alyson Pittman Jam ie Satterfield Brad Souder Amy Strickland Sally Summerson Kendall Tate Robert Turner Lily Wyckoff
Grade 9 1,2,S I 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S I,S 2 1.2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2 S 1
GradeS Allison Balzer Chris Byrne Mary Congdon Philipp Schmidt-Ullrich Hunter ears Matt Strader Allison Strickland Juliana Sumner
S=First Semester
1,2,S 1,2,S I,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 2 2,S
Jason Anderson Laine Ashker Alii on Boor Eliza Bullock Jennifer Gray Christopher Maszaros Laura Wei iger
1,2,S 2,S 12,S 2,S 2,S I 1 2,S
Grade 10 Ted Benson Corbin Brierre Alex Duty Elizabeth Laru Di vam Mehta Caitlin Rossmoore
1,2,S 1,2,S 1,2,S 2 2 2
Grade 11 Joseph Carter Jessica Gray EI izabeth Sumner Walter Wash
IS 1,2,S I I,S
Grade 12 Stephen Harler Timothy Ligon Michael Maszaros Stephen Paulelle
1,2,S S I,S 2
Fall Athletic Wrap-Up by Coach Janet Rice
Varsity Soccer Concludes Best Season Ever T he 1998 va rsity soccer team had a tremendous eason. The teams ' record of 18 win -2 10 se is the be -t in choo l hi story, and th e squ ad captu red th ree champ ionships along the way: th e Stewa rd Invitational and the V C and T IL title. The seaso n began with a win in th e champion hip ga me of our In vitational. Th e tea m went on tow in 12 traight ga me before th eir, first . loss. Incl ud ed in th e tea m s 1 WillS were 1 1 shu t-outs , a cred it to th e team's stro ng defensive unit ancho red by goalkeeper Stewart Felvey and defensive tand -out Will Perkins , Ted Ben son , and Mat Porter. A stro ng midfield allowed for a smooth transition from defe n e to offen e and viceve r a. Se nior Stephen Paule tte and Rus ty Perkin s , alo ng with jun io r Justin Bowman and. ophomore Alex Duty, manned thi S midfield area. T he ab ility to core was another t rengt h of the '9 squ ad . Stewa rd ou tsco red their . op p nents 6 goa ls to 20 goa ls with 13 out of t he 18 team member ta ll ing goals. Junior Eric Sternberg led all regul ar season scorers totali ng 15 goals fo r t he ea on. Murat Bilgin ad ded 16 goa ls wh ile Jared Cichoki put in 14 goals throughout regul ar seaso n and tournament play The eason ended with the teward team capturin' twO league
regula r season and to urn ament titles. Four new banners are hanging in the gym representi ng the , team's accomplishments. tewa rd s victo ri es were in the Tri- ities Independent League (T IL) and Virginia Commo nwealth Conference (V C) . Many individuals were honored a well. Ted Benson was named to the VCC Ali-Academ ic l eam. Justin Bowman and Ma t Porter were named to t he VC Ho no rable Ment io n team while Mura t Bilgin , Jared Cichocki , Stephen Paulette, and Will Perkins were named to th e VCC AII- onference Team . Coach Ian Coddington wa named V C oach of th e Year, th e fifth t ime he has cl aimed that honor. I n the TCI L, fou r playe rs were named to the All-Co nfe rence Tea m: Murat Bilgin , Justin Bowman , Alex Duty, and Will Perkins .
Team: Jennifer Gray , Jessica Gray, and Laura Slabaugh. The yo unge r members of the tea m played three "Middle School o nl y" ga me aga inst Millwood and ove nant, winning all t hree contests . Heather Hajek and Ida Henley were the team 's leading
Cross Country Th e cross country team's bright light was junior Chad HeaJey. As a new team member, H ealey quickly esta blished h imself as a gifted runner. He now holds t he chool reco rd for th e 3 . 1 mile event with a best ti me of 19:4 1.
Middle School Soccer T he Middle School soccer te am 's record was 9-7 -2 . Seventhgrader SaUy Summerson did an outstanding job as the goalkeepe r whi le eighth-grader Matt Strader paced the team on th e field.
Congrat ul ation to all of the team member and t he coac hes o n th is awesome seaso n!
Field Hockey T he overall record of the 1998 fie ld hockey tea m was 610-2 . Mo t of t he tea m ' 10 ses t ill a rel awere by one goal. tively young tea m (no se nio rs and two ju nio rs), the quad c red mo re goal th a n in the previo us seaso n. Fre hm a n Jennifer Gray led th e tea m 111 coring foll owed by 8 th grad e r Juliana (Shortstop) Sumner and 7th grade r Heather . Haj~k. A. stro ng defensive UllIt will be In place agai n next yea r: juni or goalkeeper Jessica Gray, along wi th sweeper Laura Slabaugh and back Ashlee Healey, Brantley Scott. and Allison Strickland , will return wi t h much experience for the '99 season. Offensive playe rs were M a rshaU Felvey , Ida Henley, Caitlin Rossmoore, Jamie Satterfield , and 'Shortstop' Sumner. T he midfield wa cont rolled by Jennifer Gray and Elizabeth Larus. Three players w re named to the LI S All -Star
Winter AthletiCS by Coach Janet Rice
BOYS' Varsity Basketball T he 1998-99 varSity boys ' team tarted the season participating in the Highland c h oo llnvit~ti ~ nal Tournament in north ern Vlrgll11a. Afte r defeating Calva ry Temple, th e Spartans fell to tourn ame nt ho t Highland School in th e finals. I Cu rreml y, th e team ' record ta nds at six wi ns and seven losses. The tarti ng five con i ts of enior Stephen Harler and Rusty Perkins, juni or Jason LeWIS , and so phomo res Alex Duty and Will Perkins. At Bille & Gold press time Harler is the team's leading scorer while Will Perkins snag th e most rebounds. Rusty Perkins ' gritty play puts h im at th e top of the .. teal" category.
Pagl 13
Girls' Varsity Basketball This o ung team (no ju ni o r o r eni o rs) is off to a relative l good sta rt with t he ir record sta nding at seve n win nin e los es. Mar hall Felvey leads th e tea m in co ring, averaging 7 .2 pints pe r ga me. Je nnifer Gray is the leading rebo und er. T he tea m 's fl oor leader is po int gu a rd Ash lee Healey . Caitlin Ro ss moore a nd Elizabeth Laru s round o ut t he starting fi e .
Girls' Middle School Basketball The Midd le chool girls' team i off to a nothe r great tart . /\fter los ing a scrimmage co nte t , the team 's official game reco rd sta nd at eight wins a nd two 10 es . The squad ho pes to " threepeat" a t he I ivi sio n III league regul a r ea o n champi n . ' h ortstop' Sumner control. the o ffe ns e from her position a po int guard . All s ion trickJand a nd La u ren Harris help to a ntra l the boa rd Sixth grader Le ig h Greene a nd Wallace Young a rc includ ed in th e starting line-up.
Boys' Middle School Basketball The boy bega n th e ir James in early Janua r y. The '"A" team is und"e r the dtrecli o n o f oac h Pa t
A pcp rally kICking off Ihe \\Illler baskel b.lll season fea lUred baskl~balll eam members
p,e-edflng contest
un eo while Wallace ln ge is at the helm fo r th e " B" tea m . urre ntl y the "/\ tea m 's reco rd is 2 -6 a nd the " 13" tea m sta nd s a t 1-8 .
Girls' Winter Soccer T he girl ' wi nter soccer tea m , in it se a nd caso n , is pl aying the JV tea m ' o f o th er league ~ c h oo l . T he progra m will a sume va rsity ta tu nd e r oac h Racha e l nex t ,"ca r. Beln~onte , t he tea m secured a victo ry in th e ir first ga me. They currentl v have a win/ lo ~ reco rd o f
Cheerleadlng Je nnifer Latoure lle , senio r, lead thi s year's Upper ch 01 ch eering qu ad o f e ight. Their s pirited ro utin es a nd nthu ias m a rc g re a tl y a ppr ia ted by fa n a nd team me mber . Be au e of heavy invo lvem nt in girl ' P rt thi s winter, a Midd le choo l cheerleading qu ad co uld no t be fo rm ed . W atch for a complete winte r sports wrap-up in the spring issue of the Blue & Gold.
Steward School Day at University of Richmond tewe rd Trustee a nd nive r it o f Ri chmo nd H a ll o f Fa mer Ray Tate !" " v iLinl a f,,11 aft e rn oo n o f
e nj oy me nt fo r m. ny o f R foo tba ll fa n fro m teward . Al l ludent a n I th eir fa mi lie were invited to altend the nation a ll ), te levi cd ga me aga inst Del wa re o n ovem l e r 14 . ' heering the pid rs t vi tor y, the ' tewa rd uppo n e r e nj oyed a bea utiful sunny d ay with fellow students, fa milie , a nd facultv. Th a n k , Ray, fo r thi s w nd er'ful o ut ing! ( I'e back cow,. piloto.) Ihe bo)'s' vars,' bask!'lbailleam ,,"h cruche, Iml Outy (fl8hl) and lonalhan Coulombe (le!I) proudly d /5p l,' Ihelr second place trophy "'<'<II L<1 a' 'he I I,ghland khool In,IIallonal
Page 14
Distinguished Guest Series Provides Continued Excitement on Campus The Robin Found ati o n' grant for teward' Distingui hed Gue t Se ri e continues to provide interesting and unique gue t on campus to enrich the lives of our tud em . T he year' se ri es wa kicked off with th e AS BO L Dixiela nd Ba nd on opening day, and Dr. Raym o nd Spe n ce as gues t speaker for Steward 's first annual co nvocation in eptember.
M USIcal SClenll I
lamcy Turner demOnSlral eS h,s glass harp
"glas harp," a collection of glasswa re filled to exact level with disti lled water which , when rim are rubbed with moi t fin ge rs, create a flute-like concert of wo rks by the likes of Mozart and Beethoven. In ea rl Januar th e Me n age ri e Dan ce Com pany performed for tudents with a lale
enator I mil
Lower School students.
unique portrayal of t he solar system through dance. Nterwa rd , Midd le chool studems had the opportunity to participate in a wo rkshop with the dancers to learn balance and muscle contro l techniques in working with partners . This yea r' se ri es has many other notab le eve nt in store for th e Steward com munity. We are indeed privileged to be ab le to offer these enric hment opportunities to our tud ents and their fami lies.
am .
tate enator Emily Couri c poke to Middle and Upper chool tudent in late October. M . Couric (who e si ter, Kati e. i the well-known c -host of the "roday Show) impres ed ever one with her motivat ional rema rk . Im p romp tu , an a capella choral group of which Steward facu lty member Ga il H eaton is a member. performed fo r th e tudent body in ve mber. T heir mu icalta lents d lighted everyo ne, and what a treat to -ee our French teacher in anoth er role! Musica l scient ist Ja m ey Turn er delighted L wer choolers with a demo n tration of uniqu e instrument . u ing the cience principles related to sou nd . Featured was his
Whitney Kristian Haynes
November 13, 1987February 13, 1999
The Steward School mourns the tragic loss of our special fifth grade friend, Whitney. The joy she brought us through her laughter, her smile, and her vibrant school spirit will be greatly missed by her classmates, friends, and teachers. Pigi 15
Steward Welcomes Two New Staff Members Steward is pleased to we lco me two staffers who jOi ned us in ea rl y
1999. Tom Wh a tley has ass um ed the theatre teacher posi ti o n. Rya n Imirie had been se rving in a n interim capacity ince las t yea r's instructor Paula Deleonardis le ft to return to Pe nnsylva ni a. lom co mes to us from Florida. We pa rticu larly app laud his "fl exibility" and ab ility to dive right in to respo nsibi lities. H e had ba rel y et foot o n ca mpus when he was in th e
middle of the G rade 4 play productio n a nd rehearsals for the Winter One Acts. He has accepted a multitude of respo nsibilit ies wit h drive a nd determination and has already establi shed himself a a ty pi cal "give it yo ur a ll " teward fa culty membe r. We are fortunate to have him .
Introducing ... We welcome the fo llowing new students on campus who have joined our student body since the publicatioll of the fall issue of the Bille & Gold: Robert Watkins Nicholas Taylor Charmian Bonner Alexa Baker Whitney Frostick
Toni Rennie has jo ined the expand ing Ce nter fo r Advancement o f Learning to provide instru cti o na l suppo rt for Middle & Upper Schoo lers. Prio r to i ining the teward tea m To ni wo rked with th e
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
5 7 9 II II
Virginia Treatment Ce nte r. He r o ffice wi ll be located in the new Taylor Hall additi o n.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road ... to the Parents Association Annual Auction April17, 1999 - Hermitage Country Club I
Be prepared to enjoy an evening in Oz and bid on fantastic items and specialty packages offered at this year's annual Auction. Invitations for this spectacular event will be in the mail soon. Items for bidding are still being accepted-support Steward with your donation (use your imagination ... party packages, personal services, specialty items). Contact Auction Chairpersons Susan Greene (740-7190) or Dee Dee Sutton (282-3800) for further in formation.
There's no place like Steward... There 's no place like Steward... There 's no place like Steward...
----;]----' ~---'I - 1-' ~
Steward's P a ti 0 :
J ----;]---'IT~---'
I-C Creating a Legacy for the FutureJ -.]----'--;--~
Th e additioll to Tay lor Hall is close to completioll alld Th e tell'ard School will be offerillg bricks f or sale frOnl llO\ umil June 30, 1999 for the addition 's patio located on th e south west side of th e building and adjacent to the tudent Yo u may wish
om 111 011 and the enior Lounge.
ha ve a brick engraved in hOll or or memOl)' of a classmate, student, colleague, company,
fa mily member. fri end. fa culty member, or even yourself! Please do 1I0tlllis this opportunity to make your indelible mark 011 Steward histol)'! All benefactors who build the patio \ViII he remembered hy th e chool family as it grows and changes in th e century to cOllie. You are not limited to one brick: you ma), purchase as many as you like and have a diflerelllname on each one. Bricks can be parcha ed fo r 25 (6 " x 6") or $50 (6" x 9"). All purchases are IGx-dedllctihle. To place ),our order, please cOlllplete th e fo rlll helow:
------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------- ---------- ----
ORDER FORM Purchaser's ame : --------------------ddress :___________-:--_______-:--_ _ __ ity : ____________ tate Zip _ _ _ __ Engrave my brick(s) with the fo llowing inscription : 06 x 6 brick ($25 .00)
I would like teward to notify the person(s) of my gill. 1. Name Address ity tate
Z ip
2. Name ddress ity Zip 06 x 9 brick ($50 .00)
Enclosed is my check for $ ______
Pl ease make checks payable to The teward chool.
Please retum this order fo rm to: The teward chool Development Office e 11600 Gayton Road e Ri chmond, VA 2323 3 Phone #: 804-740-3394 e Fax #: 04-740- 1464
All Orders Due: JUNE 30, 1999
The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233
onprofi! OrgoniZlllion .. PO TAGE
PAID IUchmond VA ~iINo. 89S