Blue & Gold Feb. 2000 Vol.6 No.2

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1999-2000 Alu ni/Holiday ISSUB

Holiday Program


Cover Photo: Steward Alumni (I to r from rear) Shahwar Qureshi, Mary Harvard Nolde, Peyton Jones, and Scott Moncure - see story page 2 Top left: Stuart Smith, Grade 4 Top right: Fifth Graders (I to r) Finley Turner, Lindsey Goodstein. Monica Casper Middle left: Katy Kasper. grade 5 Middle right: First graders (I to r front) Zachary Corey, Claire McKeown. Borden Porter; (rear) Chrissy Edwards (with head turned). Stuart Good Bottom left: Kim Vilas, grade 7 Bottom right: Leigh Bedinger. grade 5

With the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King , Jr., Medgar Evers , the controversies surrounding the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal , a loss of idealism and a turning inward for many individual Americans occurred . The ideals of community service, therefore , waned significantly in the following decades, best exemplified , perhaps, in the period known as the "Me Generation ."

From The Headmaster

While it is difficult to determine if change is in the wind for this nation , it is clear, however, that schools continue to be the one constant institution that emphasizes th e importance of community service in their missions or philosophies; they thus establish formal programs that benefit both the needs of the school and those of the surrounding community.

As educators, we know the value of service to others , its importance to the moral and ethica l development of young people, and the role that parents, along with the school , can play in implementation. In the 1960's, the concept of serving others reached a high point, beginning with the call by President Kennedy that Americans respond to the needs of others on a world-wide scale through the Peace Corps program and later, on the domestic level through VISTA , Volunteers In Service To America. The idea of service to the community continued with the War on Poverty , a greater awareness of the plight of many Americans in Appalachia and other rural areas on the country, and in the activities and programs involved in the Civil Rights Movement.

It is this ethos of caring that gives life and meaning to a school. In our desire to emphasize the sense of fam ily and community at Steward , the role of parents takes on a greater importance. Within programmatic guidelines established by Steward , parents can design projects that allow them to work along with their children while simultaneously establishing the sense of r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . community involvement February 2000 Volume 6, Number 2 and social action .

The Blue & Gold Connection is published four times each year for The Steward School community_

Roger Coulombe Headmaster

Kelley Cuneo

Sue Drzal


Layollt & Design

The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233

The form of community service projects can be farreach ing and as varied as the imagination will allow. Middle School students at

the pre K-12 Georgetown Day School in Washington , D.C. assist in building houses as part of their community service program . Other schools host Special Olymics on their campuse s in the spring. Such SUbstantial programs may culminate in a week-long event, but the ongoing plann ing and preparation over previous weeks and months strengthen and sol idify the concept of family/school cooperation. Students sometimes see individual endeavors as overwhelming , but the results of cooperative ventures that involve many others demonstrate that much can be accomplished when people work together to achieve a common goal. Community service projects, however, need not be so extensive as to impact on the learning experiences of students. At all-school or grade levels such projects as beautifying the campus , planting a garden, cleaning a local park or stream, feeding the homeless and hungry through church programs, to name just a few , accomplish the desired goal of serving others. These activities are extremely important for students because they learn the value of giving something back to the community from which they have benefitted. Unlike the study of algebra or history or the like , where results of such study may not become apparent for yea rs, students learn that practical hard work leads to immediate and tangible results. These experiences may not strictly be called "school", but they certainly have much to do with education . A major component of Steward's mission includes the idea of "instilling the values of respo nsible citizensh ip" in its students; our consistent encouragement to our students to be actively involved in community service sustains that concept.

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ALUMNI ACTION by Mary Harvard Nolde Editor's NOle: About the

over Photo - Steward

is very fortunate to have several alumni on its staff also involved in the increasing alumni activities of the school. Shown on the front cover photo (from back, left to right): Shahwar Qureshi '90 (University of V irginia) returned to Steward in 1995 as a member of the tutori al staff, This year she is also teaching a grade 7 mathemati cs cl ass. Mary Han'ard Nolde '93 CS t. Mary's College; College ofCharleston)joined the administrative staff this past summer as Director of A lumni Affairs & Annual Gi ving. Peyton Jones '94 (University of Richmond) is now serving as President of the Alumni Association (story on page 6). A. Scott Moncure '83 has been wit h Steward since 1994 as Director of Admission.

Alumni News Fielding Archer had an article about his artwork in the Richmond Times Dispatch. It described his work and announced his solo show which consisted of his new artwork. These paintings were displayed in November at the Main Art Gallery. Bill Northen is the vice president and chief fi nancial officer for Sterli ng International , LTD . He has been kind enough to donate an eight-day , seven-night trip for two to London . This trip will be auctioned

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off at the Parents' Association Auction in April. Thanks, Bill.

Class 01 '81 Denise & Robert Dietz are now serving as your class agents. Please share your news with them at Thanks , Robert & Denise !

teacher at Longan Elementary School in Henrico County. She is also busy with craft shows where she sells her own creations . Congratulations to Wyman Smith and wife Lau ra on the birth of their baby boy , Parker, on February 1, 1999. Denise & Robert Dietz '81 are Parker's godparents.

Class of '83

Carson Box, son of Gwen Parker Box '83 and husband Doug.

Keith Fairly was promoted to Strategic Account Executive fo r Ikon North America and will be covering the entire state of Virgin ia. This will allow him to provide outstand ing solutions to companies so they may focus on their core competencies.

Congratu lations to Gwen Parker Box and her husband Doug on the birth of their son , Carson , on April 20, 1999 . Gwen has worked with th e Virgin ia Resources Authority fo r ten years and has been promoted to stay-at-home Mom. Gwen has accepted the position as your cl ass agen t. If you have any news you would like to share , please conta ct her at dougbox@msn .com. Thanks, Gwen! Chris Law is eloping with fi ancee Suzanne to Las Vegas because they want to get married in front of Elvis. A formal ceremony

Susan Hudgins Hood and husband Tom have moved to Kentucky for a year. Their next move wil l be to Fort Bragg , North Caro lina.

Class 01 '82 Marion Bailie is a 2nd grade

Susan Cramer Twmmg 'B4 & husband Larry wllh children Chad (I) and Amy

will take place at a later date for family and friends . They will be moving to St. Louis , Missouri. Robinnette Turner Wrobel and her husband Jeff are expecting their third child this summer. She is really enjoying her work with the home-school co-op in Harrisonburg .

Class of '88 Stephanie Kay has accepted the position as your class agent. Please share your news with her at Thanks, Stephanie. Jennifer Keller is working on getting her Master of Arts degree from North Carolina State University and is pursuing Entomology the study of bugs. She also has an exciting internship with a bee keeper. Matthew Smith married Anne Strawbridge Moore on December 17, 1999. They will continue to live in Nashville , Tennessee. Matt is con tract sa lesman for This End Up Furniture and is a cavalry officer in the Tennessee Army National Guard .

Class of '84 Susan Cramer Twining and husband Larry are enjoying th ei r time in Italy, where they expect to stay fo r another year and a half. Susan and Larry are expecting a baby in June and are thrilled to be having child number th ree in their family.

Class of '86 Curt Nichols joined two colleagues and started a law practice in Northern Virginia. He is also coaching a youth basketba ll te am on the side.

Ron Spillers is staying busy with his dental practice and enjoys making guitars . He did fi nd time to tie the knot with girlfriend Lorian Patti nson in October of 1999 . After a blissfu l weeklong engagement, the cou ple exchanged vows on the fron t lawn of their Bon Air home with all of their family presen t. Ron 's thoughts about the wedding were "It wa s perfect...thank goodness we had enough Di xie cups !" Corey Turnage is working fo r Richmond Decorating and is enjoying his job.

Class 01 '91 Mike Boston is living in Surfside Beach , South Carolina , and is doing very well. He wil l be getting married in Februa ry 2000.

Heather Teachey is working at B1 03 .7 FM as a sales representative. She has agreed to serve as your class agent. You may send your news to her at .

Class of '92 Jimmy Benson agreed to serve as your class agent. Please share your news with him at jimmyb2@mindspri Thanks , Jimmy ! Coleman Dejarnette married Edie Wyman on November 20 , 1999. Jimmy Benson '92 and Faisal Qureshi '92 were groomsmen in their wedding . Randy Howard grad uated with honors fro m the Commonwealth of Vi rg inia Law Enforcement Academy on December 17, 1999. Be careful with speeding , eve ryone ! Kate Porter Murray is th e manager at Irresistibles, so stop by and let her help you with your wardrobe. Faisa l Qureshi graduated from University of Richmond Law School in December 1999 . Congratulations!

Class of '93 Jamie Brock is living in Del Ray Beach , Florida and working for Teligent as a site acquisitions specialist. Cathy Cooper is living in Charleston , South Carolina , and works at the Carolina Yacht Club as sailing co ord inator. She has just retu rn ed from a tri p to Italy , where she had a great time. Marshall Jamerson is currrently working with The Oakland School as a counselor. She is applying to nursing school for the upcoming year. Michael Malarkey and his new wife Caroline are living in Rialto , Ca lifornia.

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against the University of Georgia . Congratulations ! Whitney Hajek is working hard on the varsity cheerleading squad at Syracuse University, where she has been accepted into the School of Communications. Scott Howard is working with a construction company and is very active with his local fire department.

Meghan Hajek '98 (center) has become a k ey member of rhe CarnegIe- Mellon crew

Stephanie Mann is living in Boston and has received the lead role in the production of Alice in Wonderland. She will also be performing in the opera Four Acts. Both productions will be held in Boston in April. Congratulations , Stephanie. Alex Mayers and wife Krysti are currently living in Michigan, where he is working on a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Languages from Andrews University. He is also working as a teacher's assistant.

Class of '94 Monty Agee and his wife Tiffany had a baby, Caleigh Elizabeth , on November 12, 1999. Congratulations !

Nathan Daniel has just moved back to Richmond and is working for Honeywell Company . He is the SAP training coordinator for new computer software.

Cabell Jones attends Hampden-Sydney College and has declared his major in history. He hopes someday to return to Steward and teach in the middle and upper schools. He has also accepted the position as your class agent. Please contact him at would love to hear from you .

Jeremy Miller is working for Ukrop's and enjoying it. He and his fiancee are planning a 2000 wedding.

Class of '95 Frazier Orgain graduated in December 1999 from Virg inia Military Institute. He is now student-tea ching at Short Pump Middle School.

Class of '96 Corbin Adamson IS in game. her last semester at Mary Baldwin College . She is student-teaching at Shelburne Middle School. What a lucky group of seventh graders !

Class of '98 Meghan Hajek is captain of CarnegieMellon's crew team , which she helped row to victory Monty '94 & TIffany Agee wl rh n ew daugh rer Ca/elgh .

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Aaron Payne is attending Marshall University where he is a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Sara Rossmoore is a resident assistant at James Madison University, where she is an education major. She has also accepted the position as your class agent. Please contact her at She would love to hear from you .

Mike Schirick is a sophomore at William Paterson College and is playing basketball for them . His team is leading the New Jersey Athletic Conference and is ranked among the top NCAA Division III schools. Ned Trice IS a sophomore at Virginia Tech and is majoring in geography. He plans on taking a NOLS trip to Africa and enjoys other activities such as kayaking and climbing .

Class of '99 Scott Adams is currently playing in a band while attending Ferrum College . He and Drew Cosby '98 reun ited recently and had a great time catching up. Matt Gottwald attends College of Charleston. He is taking an EMT class this semester and will hopefully work with the rescue squad . He says hello to his classmates and has accepted the position as your class agent. Please share your news with him at jmgottwa@ed Thanks , Matt! Emily Padow has started spring training fo r synchronized

Alumni rerum to Steward to partiCipate In the Alumni Panel DiSCUSSion (I to r) Amanda Taggart '9 9, Ned Trice '9 8, Whitney Hajek '98, Meghan Hajek '98, Stephen Paulette '9 9, Alec Kean '95, and Sara Rossmoore '98.

swimming at Wheaton College. Her team is ranked fourth in the country. Congratulations , Emily! Stephen Paulette has joined Phi Chi Theta business fraternity and has also helped start up Freshman Fellowship at the College of William & Mary. Rusty Perk ins loves Virginia Tech . He received his EMT certifi-

cation and joined the Rescue Squad Team in Blacksburg . He has also accepted the position of your class agent. Please share your news with him at . Thanks, Rusty !

Seven Steward Grads Return for Alumni Panel Discussion Seven alums came back to campus in January to help the juniors and seniors understand what college life is really like. These 1995-1999 graduates all agreed that Steward did a fantastic job of preparing them for college life. They talked about their coursework and stressed time management as one of the keys to success. Believe it or not, our alumni even admitted how important it is to go to class. On behalf of The Steward School , we thank our alumni for sharing their holiday break with us!

Alumni reunite to play (or cheer on former classmates) Came.


the Alumni Basketball

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The Steward School Alumni Class Agents

Hoopin' It Up with Alumni This year we added a little twi st to the annual basketball games by teaming the 70's and 80's against the 90's. Stewart Jones '88, Keith Fa irly '81, Bo Steele '87, and Corey Turnage '88 played a "cu tthroat" game against Matt Gottwald '99, Rusty Perkins '99, Brian McGehee '97 , and Welly Sanders '98. Catherine Leitch '93 , Mary Harvard Nolde '93 , Cindy Matthews '92 and Meghan Hajek '98 ca me and had a blast playing a small three-an-three game . Thank you to all who pa rticipated and came to the social at Shackleford's afterwards.

Alumni SpotlightPeyton Jones '94 Peyton Jones left Steward in 1994 .. .now he 's back! Let's learn a liN/e more about Peyton and how he has reconnected with Steward.

Deni se & Robert Dietz '8 1 Gwen Parker Box '83 Stephanie Kay '88 Heather Teache '9 1 Jinuny Ben on '92 abell Jones '9 8 ara Rossmoore '9 8 Rusty Perkins '99 Man G rt\ aid'

Plea e contact yo ur la age nt if yo u ha e an nel to ha re. A I 0, i o u are in tere ted in being a la agent, pl ea e contact Ma ry Harvard Nolde '93 in the De e lo pm ent ffi ce at 804) 740-3394 ext. 522

Throug hout college, Peyton rem ained involved with The Steward School. He began his involvement as an alumnus by participating in events such as the Alumni Panel , where he shared his college experiences and insig ht with current studen ts about how to beg in the college admission process. Peyton also assisted with the implementation of the school 's marketing plan . He gathered information from various media resources to determine the best method for spreading the mission of The Steward School. He also served as the class agent for his graduating class and was the Chairman of the Alumni Annual Giving Campaign for 1998-99 . Currently, he is the PreSident of The Steward School Alumni Association . enjoyed sharmg


Rusty Perkms '99 (left) and Cabell jones '98 old limes at the Alumm SOCIal.

Paye 6

dfdiet do ugbox stephaniekay earthl hlCc'lchey lindspring.eom j immyb2 G lindspring,com CBJ78 ao l.eom l.COJ11

What years did yo u attend Th e Steward Schoo l?

I enrolled in 1989, which was my eighth grade year, and I loved il. I graduated in 1994. With what types of activities we re you i nvolved ?

Two activities had a great impact on me. The first was serving on the Honor Council from 9th until 12th grade. It was difficult at times, especially when my friends had to come in, but it gave me the sense of honor and showed me how Important the honor code is to live by. The second was when I worked on S.O.D.A. (Student Organization for Developing Attitudes). I enjoyed the interaction with the lower grades. What helped y o u t he mos t at Steward ?

I found that Steward's close environment, including the low studentlteacher ratio, provided the atmosphere I needed to develop confidence in my own abilities. Steward placed an emphasis on the development of our written and oral communication abilities, through writing and public speaking

My main goal is to increase involvement. When people call, I want them to be able to get right into a commiNee or help organize an event. This is the way we need to start. I know it will take some time for things to run smoothly, but if we start with the simple things the Alumni Association will become a strong organization.

I am open to suggestions, questions, comments, or concems from anyone. Please feel free to email me at and I will provide you with as much information as possible. Alumnl and current students prepare ro barri e for rhe r eboundl

courses, where I gamed skills th at I have found to be absolutely critical to my success both m college and in my work today Where did you go to College?

I aNended the University of Richmond's E. Claibome Robms School of Business, graduating m 1999 with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Marketing . Now that you have graduated , what are you doing?

I am workmg with CircUIt City Stores, Inc., m the corporate offices. I work in the Merchandising Department as a control buyer Basically, I mont tor the flow of goods through the company When thmgs are out of stock, we buy more to replenish the supply. I am also The Steward School Alumnt Association President, which has been fun because I have been m contact with people I have not seen in years. What are some of your goals for the Alumn i Association?

I have great expectations for the Alumni Association m the year to come . Already we have worked to expand the opportuntties for partici-

pation through the creation of new positions, such as association officers and commiNee chairs. As a group, the association has been extremely successful m its endeavor to increase the number of events and social gatherings it sponsors. These have included the addition of regular gatherings for "Socials" at local restaurants , social events held on the Steward campus, and the Alumnt Basketball Challenge.

Alumni Association Azalea Sale April 7 & 8, 2000 Volunteers are needed! Please contact Mary Harvard Nolde about helping out on Friday and Saturday to sell azaleas. 740-3394 ext. 522

Annual Giving Update The 1999-2000 nnual i in g ampaign i \ ell und rway! Accordin g to nmpaignChairman Luke ewcomb. "O ur goa l i etat 15 1,75 0 and we I o k r. rward to the challenge ofnot j u t meetl ng it but exceeding it." te\ ard has al read rai ed 139,089.62 in gifts and pledges a of February 4, 2000.

MAKE IT HAPPEN! 1998-1999 74,087.36 ash in Hand: 17.559. 10 Pledge Balance: 路M Pledge Balance: $2.975.00 94,621.46 ash & Pledges

1999-2000 101,946.13 $34,584.92 $2,558.57 $ 139,089.62

The 1999-2000 Annual i ing nm paign end on Ju ne30 , 2000. If o u ha e any que lion regarding nnual Givi ng or \ o ul d like to serve as a volunteer. please con tact Mary Hanfard Nolde '93 in th e Developm ent ffi eat (804) 740-3394 e t. 522.

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Holiday Happenings at Steward The true spirit of the season was evident on Steward's campus during the weeks preceding the holidays . The traditional Thanksgiving Program featured choral selections and special presentations from various members of the student body . It was a meaningful way to begin this time of family celebration and thanks.

Santa with a speech on the importance of "tradition ." The factory workers and elves (Grade 5) created an e-mail that went out to all of earth's children asking them to light a candle in support of Santa . The reindeer took Santa on a pre-

Charity Begins at Home Good deeds were abundant at Steward for the holidays. The Lower Schoolers collected "Toys for Tots" and the front hall of Dixon was literally filled with gifts that brought happiness to many Richmond children . Our K-5 students also collected canned goods for a refugee family for Thanksgiving .

The annual Holiday Choral Tour brought cheer to many citizens in the Richmond commu nity ; groups from all divisions of the school participated in community service activities to make the season special for the less fortunate; and the annual Holiday Program was a spirited kick-off to the winter break .

Santa Overcomes the Millennium Blues by Bonnie Anderson The 1999 Holiday Program began on a "blue" note with Santa (Leigh Bedinger) in the midst of a slump due to the fact that the oncoming Millenn i um would be a time of change . He would no longer be needed to del iver the holiday toys because on -line shopping would be the trend of the future . Of course , the Millennium bugs (Grade 1) didn't help cheer him up either. It took the coopera ti on of the toys (Kindergarten) , the reindeer (Grade 4) , the disco Santas (Grade 3) , and the heavenly angelic band (Grade 2) to begin lifting the sp irits of the not-sojolly old elf! Mr. Simon (Spencer Hamrick), the local toy factory owner, pitched in to help the cause by supplying the toy factory with extra toys as well as encouraging Page 8

Upper School chorus members entertain local nursing home residents with the sounds of the season.

holiday flight to view the grand illumination . It was just what was needed to lift his spirits and get hi m back on the job for Christmas Eve 1999. The "Millennium Blues" was an energy packed performance that brought smiles to the performers and the audience. We would like to thank everyone involved in making our traditional Holiday Program another successful evening !

************ heck 0111 (h e pholOs on (he inside cover pages for a glimpse of (h e Jim-filled Holiday Program!

Middle and Upper Schoolers also got in the spirit with various classes , clubs , and advisory groups taking on projects to benefit others: • Mrs. Mary Turner's advisory group collected and donated more than 70 coats to ACES for needy ch ildren. This group also adopted a needy child for Chri stmas . • Mr. Maruca's advisees provided Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas gifts for two fam ilies in Richmond . • Ms. Malone's advisory collected 362 canned goods and donated them to the Centra l Virg inia Food Bank.

• Mrs. Duke's group wrote special notes and made tray favors for delivery to the Children's Hospital throughout the year. • Mrs. Meyer's World Studies and Government classes made and displayed a poster for a "charity of the month" fund raiser. They have already sent funds to the National Wildlife Fund and the Free Tibet movement. • Mrs. Maclin's advisees raised money with a "dress down day" which they donated to the Salvation Army Thanksgiving Fund . • Mrs. Karmolinski's group provided a Thanksg iving meal and holiday gifts for a young mother and child . • Mr. Inge's advisees adopted a family for Thanksgiving and conducted a toy drive and "servant" auction to benefit the Salvation Army. • Ms. Shaw's advisory group began a paper recycling program to benefit our enviro nment. • Members of SAD.D. sold handmade angel ornaments to support the many awareness projects they sponsor throughout the year.

Lower Schoolers help local Mannes load rhe many roys collecred for rhe Toys for Tors Program (I ro r) Tanner Roe, Roben Gregg, Emily Norman, Claire McKeown (m rhe (ruck) juliana Thursron and Jackie Moncure

Things are Lively in the Lower School Steward's Lower Schoolers have enjoyed an array of activities in the past few months- numerous field trips, in-class cultural experiences , "special" days ("twin day" was a favorite), arts & crafts, and reading ... reading ... reading , One of the highlights this fall was National Book Week in November when parents, trustees, Steward staffers , and others visited

Lower School classrooms to read a favorite book to the students. The week began with a special presentation by John and Alexander Wallner, well-known authorslillustrators of children's books. A Book Character Parade concluded the week's activities with Upper School student council members joining our Lower Schoolers in the fun in costume. Thanks to the many who shared their time and talents to make National Book Week so special for the children .

• The Environme ntal Club sponsored a post-holiday tree recycling program . For a nom ina l fee , they picked up and discarded Christmas trees . Funds will be used fo r environmentally conscious programs of this organization . Our students are to be commended for their dedication and commitment to comm un ity serv ice! Ferd Baruch, Chairman of Sreward's Board of Trusrees, rakes rime ro visir a Lower School classroom and share a favonre book.

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Middle/Upper Schools on the Move! Middle School Looks to the Future by Mike Maruca, Head of Middle School Because of both the need and the desire to provide a better learning environment and some updated facilities , Steward has given the go-ahead for a renovation of the Middle School. Shortly after the ink has dried on final exams in early June, the gutting of most of the existing Middle School building will begin. Work is scheduled for completion before the 2000-2001 academic year begins . The plans call for raising the existing auditorium floor to the level of the stage so that the entire Middle School will be on the same floor. A kitchen facil ity and teachers' lounge will be placed at the south end of the auditorium ; the remainder of the auditorium will be used for seating. Space lost by the installation of the kitchen and lounge will be recovered by using the present stage area for additional seating (can you picture all that?) .

Seventh graders gather by {he lockers: (I (o r) Cary Thompson. Lacy Slabaugh Rachael Meyers. Erin Curris. Blair Su({on. Wallace roung. Lindley Flohr. The Middle Schoolus can look forward {o expanded and Improved facili{i es next year.

computer-ready, and a computer lab with sixteen stations will be added . Bathroom facilities will be significantly upgraded , along with an improved locker system and an adjacent playground/basketball area specifically for Middle School students.

While music and theater will become itinerant and temporarily housed in the new athletic complex, the art rooms will remain where and as they are for this coming year. In additi on , almost all classThe following summer, presuming rooms will be enlarged and made all goes according to plan , the large art rooms will be converted into two additional spacious classrooms The Steward School community is and a science lab. pleased to welcome the following Wilen all is fin ished , new students and their families: the end result will be a great boon for stuBrianna Bloom - Grade 11 dents, faculty , parents , Tucker Bloom - Grade 5 and all those invested Maureen Collier - Grade 9 in The Steward School Ellis Harman - Grade 11 commun ity. September Heather Keisch - Grade 10 should bring a very


Evan Weiner - Grade 11

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welcome sight to all sixth . seventh , and eighth graders.

Middle Schoolers Dance the Night Away by Wallace Inge The Middle School celebrated their return to school from a long , hard winter vacation on Ja nuary 7 with a winter wonderland dance complete with snow. To keep warm , the students danced the night away to the tunes of a professional DJ . The special event of the evening was a stunning performance on th e dance floor by 8th grade president Spencer Best and 8th grade science teacher Kendall Malone. All are hoping for a repeat performance by th is amazing duo at future Middle School dances!

Grade 6

Seniors Plan for the Future Exams concluded before Upper School students began their longawaited holiday break- two weeks of relaxation , family activities, ringing in 2000, and gearing up for the next semester. However, for many seniors, the days were fi lled with fine-tuning essays and college applications. Graduation is just around the corner, and there are important plans to be made. The Steward School is COliegepreparatory, and this extends well beyond the academics. Upper School students and their parents are fortunate to have guidance throughout these important four years in the college searchl application process. Bu ilding an admirable transcript of grades and extracurricular activities is just the first step. By their junior year, students are begin ning to focus on specific colleges in which they are interested . Perusing the abundance of publications and videos ava ilable at Steward , the search for the perfect "life after Steward" gets

Tracey Best (2, ) Anne Borum (2,S) Philip arter(2) Lauren Co tello (2,S) Bradley De Wet (2,5) Ryan DeLaney (2 ,S) arah Greenlee (2,S) Hannah Huber (2 , ) Katie-Beth Kurilecz(2, ) Jame McCauley (2) David Parrish (5) Michael Reese (2,5) Anne tiles (2 , ) Kayla Ward (2, )

Gmde 7 Humer Berlinguet (2 , Jessica Bro\ n ( ) Brittany urtis (2, ) Lindley Flohr (2,S) Kate Gamer (2, ) Phi lip Gianfortoni (2,5 Leigh Greene (2, ) Morgan Hutchin on (2, ) alhan Jamerson (2, ) Jeffrey K rn (2, ) Merrick Kranz(2, Rachael Meyers (2,5) Artis Mills ( ) Andrew esmith (2,5) Thomas Neu chu I (2 , ) arah Newcomb (2 , ) Al ison onon (2 , ) oah chnoll (2, )

Grade 11

Lacy labaugh S) Emily Stainback (2,S) Kevin trader 2,S) Blair Sutton (S) Jessica Williamson (2,S) An nie Wise (2,S) Wallace Young (2,

Ted Benson (2,S) Corbin Brierre (2,S) Neal Bums (2) Alex Duty (2,S) Sally Gottwald (2,S) Ash lee Healey (2) Divan1 Mebta (2,S) Caitlin Rossmoore (S)

Grade 8 am Baronian (2,S) pencer Best (2,S) Heather Hajek (2,S) Berkeley Halperin (5) Austin Hamilton (2,S) Lauren Harris ) Jerem Karrnolin ki (2 ,S) Coleman Kay (2 , ) Mary Krumbein ( ) Andy Lawton 2, ) Kristin Parrish (2, ) tad Raab (2, ) Jan1ie atterfield (2,S) Brad Souder (2 ,S) Kendall Tale (S)

Grade 9 hris Byrne (2, ) Mary Congdon ( ) Drew Fields ( )

Grade 10 Jason Ander on (S) Laine Ashker ( ) usannah Harris ( Leigh Ivan (2 , )

Grade 12 A lexa Baker (2,S) Katie Drzal (2,S) Jessica Gray (S) Kristen Miller (2,S) Derek Richard (2,5) Caroline Vend (2)

Headmaster's List (Semester grade point average oj 3. 75+) Alexa Baker- Grade 12 Derek Richard - Grade 12 Ted Ben on - Grade II Sally Gottwald - Grade II Jason Anderson - Grade 10

Congratulations to Honor Roll & Headmaster's Li t tudents! 2 = 2nd mark ing period Honor Roll = Ist semester Honor Roll

underway. Campus visits and , in some cases , personal interviews foll ow--then begins the paperwork.

Students of the Class of 2000 take a breather In the Student Commons.

Each step of this process is cru cial, and the Steward faculty and staff are there every step of the way with helping hands ! It is a time of exhilaration and excitement. Students anxiously rush home in these months to check the mail for the hopeful words-"Congratulations, you have been accepted ... " The next step? Strolling into Mrs. Brandt's office, proudly presenting the letter that could hold the future ...and having the cherished "star" on the senior lounge window, sharing your accomplishment with all who pass by . What wonderful , memorable days for seniors ! Page 11

Winter Athletics Well Underway by Janet Rice, Athletic Director The winter athletic season is off to a fantasic beginning. At press time for this Blue & Gold, the boys' and girls' varsity basketball teams are boasting successful seasons. For the boys , the team's leading scorer is senior George Lucas , who is averaging 15.4 points per game. Under the direction of Coaches Jim Duty and Jonathan Coulombe, the team expects to continue on a positive note. Lena Kalvans , Steward's freshman standout from St. Petersburg , Russia , is the girls' team 's leading scorer and also the top scorer in the entire Richmond metro area (public and private schools) . She is averaging 30 points per game. Former Steward boys' varsity coach , Stan Pepeliav, is the new coach for Steward (with Coach Rice assisting) . The Middle School has three basketball teams : the boys' "A" team is coached by Wallace Inge; the "8" team takes to the court under the leadership of Coach

Th e MIddle School Cheerleadtng Squad: (back row, 1 10 r) Louisa Kendig , Anne Logan Taylor, Hannah Huber, Harper Early (front) Ashley Robertson, Kayla Ward, Lauren Costello, Tracey Best

Steve Kautz; the girls' team (coached by Janet Rice ) has a perfect record at press time !

Cheering Them On

The girls' winter soccer team is playing a varsity schedule for the first time. They are members of the highly competitive League of Independent Schools . Their new coach this season is Catesby Jones , a former Steward soccer coach and referee.

Steward is fortunate to have two cheering squads for the winter sports season . The varsity team now has three male members which gives a boost to team stunting ! Ronny Hajek coaches the enthusastic group.

Watch for a complete wrap-up of winter sports in the spring issue of the Blue & Gold.

The Middle School has a squad comprised of sixth graders with coaches Trisha Duke and Kendall Malone .

Mark Your Calendars for the

Parents I Association Auction 2000 Saturday. April 15

The Hermitage Country Club

The Varsity Cheerleadtng Squad (back, I to r) Tom Somervtlle, Taylor Brewer, Murat Bi/gtn (holding WhItney Frostick), Coventry Snell, Chrts Stanl ey, Coach Ronny Hajek (front I to r) Laura We/Slger, CharmIan Bonner, Annaltsa Palazzotto, Ashlee Heal ey, Ann Yates Wyatt, Talley Cregory, Jenntfer Cray.

Paye 12

Further details will be in your mal'l soon!

Holiday Program

1999 Top: Samatha Spangler. grade 2 Bottom: Sarah Hargrove. grade 3

Top left: Kindergartners (I to r) Kelly Longe. Heth Owen. Graham Diffee Middle left: Mackenzie Nunnally. grade 1 Middle right: Paulie Lanier. kindergarten Bottom: Fourth graders (I to r) Hunter Ross. Stephen Glanfortonl. Peter Diez. Chris Jacob

Back Cover Photo: 4th graders enjoy the Holiday Choral Tour (clockwise from far right): Emily Dameron. Anne-Sims Honey. Josh Stafford. Amy Bisger. Beth Dixon. Kitty Ball. Cary Baronian (Polly Cannella in center)

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The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road RIchmond, Virginia 23233

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