Blue & Gold July 1998 Vol.4 No.4

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199a Graduation laue

Roger Coulombe Headmaster


11600 Gayton Road Richmond , Virginia 23233 804-740-3394

The Class 011998 Moves Ahead The lass of 199 said farewe ll to teward faculty and friend o n Ju ne 5 at omme ncement exercise in the tewa rd Gy mn as ium . Process ing down the ais le in teward traditional white gowns and tuxedo , the 25 graduate were led bv Junio r Marhal , Steph en Paul ette and Michael Maszaros. Cabe ll Jon es , Pre id nt of th e la f 199 , iss ued welco ming remark , fol lowed by the invoca tion de li vered by Father Jo hn Leona rd . The elen Enemb le and Upper choo l C h ru ang pecial ele ti o n a fter whi ch speeche f great se ntiment were given by en ior Ashleigh McLaurin , Aaron Payne , Sara Ross moore , and eni r vocali ts ed Trice. Ca mbe rl y Pearson , Sara Rossm oore , Erin Robi n son , and Laura Ward pre ented a se ntiment a l ele tion , Ycw'l/ Ilvny Be n Pnr/ of Mr, whi ch b ro ugh t tear to so me , i nd icati n "J t he cl se-

ne which has developed in t his cia over their yea r at teward . Those in attend ance were indeed privileged t hear a mo tin pirin and eloq uent message from gue t peaker Reverend Leonidas Young. Renecting on even t in hi own life , Reverend Yo un g urged the gradu ate to u e the benefits of their education to e rve o ther .

H eadma te r Roge r TWin gra duar es Meghan and WhItney IIaJek share a speCIal moment after recelvmg their dIplomas . oul o mbe then presented a serie o f music; and enior Becky awa rds. Retiring Boa rd of Tru tee Meyerhoff and Adam Graves for members Bob Laru s , Ruble Hord , theatre . To m Ro bin son , M arykay Sta inba k , and Bet ty lie LePage The University o f Ri chmond were recogni zed for their dedi ated Book Awa rd , pre ented an nuall y service t teward . to the junio r who ha demontrated contin uin g excellence in Foreign exc h ange tud ent academi c, was awarded to Mai Imoto (Japan) and Alex Michael Masza ro . Fellow Con cha ( hil e) pre ented Mr. juni r Steph e n Pa ulette rece ived Co ul o mbe with n ag from t heir The niver it o f Virginia B k ho me co untries. Award , prese nted ea h yea r to The epa rt melll Book Award s, the jun io r wh o best repre elll recog nizi ng di stingui hed achieveTh mas Jeffer o n's co n epts of melll in the variou s holarship , leader hip , a nd di illine , were citize n hip . award ed the foil wing eniors Meghan H a jek , stud ents: Andy titt, Whitney Hajek, Cabell Jones , grade I I , for En Ii h; A hle igh Mclaurin , Camberly enior ara rson , Sa ra Rossmoore, and Pea Ro smoore for French ; cd Trice were recogni zed fo r their eni r Laura Ward fo r crv icc lO l ewa rn as Prefects, r Ie h iSlor),; ';I lh g rad e r Ted model for the tud ent body in Benson for Latin; co mmitment to t he code of re p neni r Meghan Ha je k sibility. r r mathemati ; 11th grader John Kipley for M eghan Haj e k wa pre ellled ph ysical education; the Academi Award f r her Michael Ma zaro , ach ievement a a memb r f th e grade I I , for cience . nio r cia who ha earned a and pani h; enior cumulative grade point ave rage of Ca mberly Pearson for 3 .7 o r better in twemy-o ne o r art; enio r Sa ra more core ubjen . Rossm oore , Erin Ned Trice was the recipient f Robin so n , and JUnior Marshals MIchael Maslaros (/) and l ephen Pau leffe the Alumni Award , I re eJ1led by Ca mberl y Pear 'o n f r (r) prepare 10 lead [he 8raduale III the" commencement

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Alumni Associatio n Pres ide nt LouElJen Blackwelder, to that e ni o r who best exemplifies the school spirit and co mmi tme nt essential to the co ntinued success of The Stewa rd chool.

Best Wishes to the Class of 1 998 Their Future Plans : Robbie Aliberti Eliza Chenault Drew Cosby Chris Drzal Adam Graves Chris Hagy Meghan Hajek Whitney Hajek Matt Hinkle Scott Howard Cabell Jones Ashleigh McLaurin Bec ky Meye rhoff Laura Murray Aaron Payne Camberly Pea rso n Erin Robinso n Sara Rossmoore Welly Sanders Mike Schirick ed Trice La ura Ward Catherine Woody

Seniors Chris Hagy, Meghan Hajek, Cabell Jones , a nd Sara Rossmoore eac h received the President's Award for Educatio nal Excellence. T he Stephen Daniel PIes Awa rd , which is prese nted each yea r to t he member of the se ni o r class who best exe mplifies the spirit and perseve rance demonstrated by fo rm e r stud e nt Ste phen Daniel PIe s during his yea r at Stewa rd befo re his unt ime ly death , was awa rd ed to Welly Sanders, who has bee n a Stewa rd student since kind ergarte n. Cabell Jones was the proud recipient of The Head maste r's Award, a specia l recogn itio n t th e eni o r who has been th e "un ung hero," co ntributing to the life of the schoo l with enthu sias m , energy, and spirit. The coveted Dixo n Award , named for and presented by Mrs. Helen Dixon , t he found e r of The Steward choo l, wa give n to Sara Rossmoore. This award signifie

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Lync hburg College Arizona State Uni ve rsity Randolph-Macon College Und ecided Virginia Tech School of Engineering University of Virginia Syracuse University J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Hampden-Syd ney College College of William and Mary George Mason University Braxton School Marshall University Palm Beach Atlantic College Georgia Southern University James Madison University Ba rton College William Paterson College of New Jersey St. Mary's College of Maryland Smith College Ra ndolph-Maco n College

o ut tanding co ntribu t io ns to all phases of li fe a t Stewa rd . Femand Baruch , Jr. , C hairman a nd Presid ent of the Boa rd of Trustees, ass isted Mr. Coul o mbe in prese nting t he gradu ating se ni o rs

their diplo mas. As a speCial urprise , past board chairme n a nd curre nt boa rd members whose children were in the lass of 1998 we re called forward to prese nt dip lo mas to their so n a nd daughte rs. The Selec t Ense mble performed a beaut ifu l a capella

Senior Lau ra Ward receive her diploma (rom her Dr. Deborah Ward.


mOl her

and Board

0 1 Trusl co


version of the Steward A lma Mater, fo llowed by clos ing remarks by Headmaster Co ulo mbe and th e bened ictio n by Fathe r Leo nard . Man y thanks go to Nancy Gottwald and he r tea m of vo luntee rs fo r coo rdin ating th e spectacul ar tent receptio n on T he Green fo r gradu ates and thei r families and fr ie nds fo llowing th e ceremony.

Ja mie Satterfield , Spe ncer Best , Je nnifer Gray, and Matt Porte r. The President 's Award fo r Edu at ional Excellence wa presented to a ra Kornblau and Jennifer Gray. pecial department awa rd were pre ented as follows: Eliza Bullock (an); Morga n Valentine and li sa Marsto n (E nglish); Sara Kornblau (hi LO r I and French ); S pe ncer Best (mathematics); Jennifer Gray (P.El health and Latin ); Lorraine Hawes ( cience); H ea ther H a jek (mu ic) ; Mary Congdon (th atre); and Ad a m Britto n ( pani h).

Middle School Final Assembly T he Middle chool held its annu al fina l a embly on Jun 4 . T he eighth grade clas were led in their pr ce ion by thi yea r' .. teward ," C h r is Byrne , Hunter Sears , Allison tri ckland , and Juliana Sumner (much li ke lhe ppe r cho I Prefects, th e teward erve a ro le m de l and ho tes eslh st f r the Middle hoo l). M usical sci Clions were offered from the 6th and 7th grade re o rd er

cia s and vocalists Talley Gregory , All ison tri ckl a nd , Ayn Ie Wilton , and Mary Con gd o n. Eighth grade clas pre ident El iza Bullock delivered the invocation and pre ented lhe class gi ft. Middle ch 01 Head Noe l W il so n pre ented certificate of achievement to tudent who had achieved honor roll status during the year. Two tudents hared th i vea;' honor of a hieving the highest acadcmi average a nd were presented special plaq ue for thei r accompl i hmen : Lisa Mar to n and pen e r Be t. Students ea rning th e honor f Faculty Hon r Roll (a student who receive nom inatio n for ed ucational ex ellence from at least three fa ulty members) incl ud ed lui s Byrn e , Megan Hodges , am Ba ronia n , a ll y UllUllerson, Au s tin H a milto n ,

Grade Level Achieve ment award s, pre ented LO t ho e tudents wh o, in the opini on of the fac ul ty, have shown th e g reatc t a era ll growth and improvem nt in a ll areas of ch 01 life t hroughout th e yea r, we re award ed to Rob ert Turn er (G rade 6), Chris By rn e (G rade 7), and Matt Porter (Grade ). The coveted tewa rd Award , for the student wh o be l exemplifies the hara tcri tic o f integri ty, commitmellllO academ ic achieve ment, high moral tandards, and en ilivity LO others that arc mo t Ie ired in a tewa rd tu dent , wa given to eighth grader Jenni fe r Gray. After the eighth grader received their certificate of Middle hoo l co mpletion , pper ho I Head Carolyn Brandt delivered rema rks, welc ming t hem to the Up per hool fo r the next a ademic yea r. T he eighth grade class and their fam ili e and fri end enjoyed a beau ti fu l out ide re ption follo\ ing the ce rem ony.

t . lne Ashker beams WIth p"de alter receIving congratulatory bot/que/5 (ollowlng her Crade B graduatIon

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Lower School Celebrates Lower School students paved tJle way for final assemb lies with their 8:30 a.m. ce remony in the Auditorium on June 4. Following the procession by fifth graders, Weezie Wiltshire, Head of Lower School, welcomed familie s and friends . Lowe r Schoo l Student Council president Morgan Hutchinson gave a summary of the yea r's activi t ies . Student Counci l officers and representative were acknowledged fo r the ir ervice by ponso r Beverley Fox: President, Morgan Hutchinson; Vice Pre ident, Katie-Beth Kurilecz; Secretary, Sarah Newcomb; Treasurer, Rachael Meyers; 5 th Grade Representative , Noah Schnoll and Artis MiUs; and 4th G rade Representatives, David Parrish and Mason Camp-Crowder. Various awa rds were then presented by faculty members and department heads. Individu al clas Spelling Bee champio ns were Evan SchnoB and Elizabeth Ward for G rade 3; Ryan DeLaney and Anne Logan Taylor for Grade 4; and Noah Schnoll and Jeffrey Kern fo r Grade 5. Evan Schnoll was recogni zed as the School Champion . Perfect Attendance certificates we re issued to the following: I(indergarteners Samantha Spangler, Shelby Thompson , Charlie WiUiamson , and Natalie Wong; I st graders Elliott Wortham , Will Michael , Brooks Ross, and Ked Drummond ; 2 nd graders Kitty Ball , Cary Baronian , Chris Jacob , Hunter Ross, and Josh Stafford; 3 rd graders Steven Rogers , Ben Michael , and Grayso n Goodstein; 4th grader Louisa Kendig; 5 th grade r Leigh Greene , Morgan Hutchinson, and Artis Mills .

Paae If

Flllh grade graduale share Ihe moment - lap Proud parents /1m and Kendall labaugh wllh daughler, ta . MIddle Icll : hool Counsclor I II hupc pme \\/Ih Ruth fuller MIddle flghl : Luke and Sa lly ewcomb w ll h daughler Sarah . 80/1001 lell : t ower chool Head Weel,e W,rlsh" wll h Walla e Young. BOIlom flghl : CIa smales (110 r) LeIgh Cre nc, Anme WIse, Lacy labaugh, and Morgan Hut hlnson.

Special awa rd s included :

Sportsmanship Morgan Hutchinson Leigh Greene Music Alison No rton Art Noah Schnoll Theatre President 's Education A ward Noa h Schn oll Philip Gianfortoni Rob Dwyer Rachael Meyers Spartan A ward Jessica Williamson Annie Wise Blue & Gold A ward Artis Mills Citi=ells of the Year Rob Dwyer Nathan .Jamerson T he pec ial Lo we r chool Aw a rd , prese nted to th at me mbe r of t hc Lo wc r School wh o, in t he o pini o n of t he facu lty, best exe mp lifies ex trao rd in a ry effort , o o pe rat io n , a nd sc ho o l s pi rit , wa pre e nted by H ea dm a te r Co ul o mbe to Sara h N ewcomb. Liz S hup e , choo l Co u nse lo r, who will unfortun a tely be leavi ng tewa rd fo r a wond erful o ppo rtuni tyas Stu lent Adv i er at th e U ni ve rsit ' o f Ri ch mo nd , add re sed the Lowe r Schooler wit h a pecia l me age.

2nd grade hobos performing dUflng Grandparents' and SpeCIal (fiends' Day W", Ga mer, Ben Sauer, Cary Baronlan, and Beth D,xon.

Grandparents' " Special Friends' Day W ha t ha beco me an a nnua l evelll teeped in trad itio n a nd exci te me nt was , o nce again , a t reme nd ous u es fo r the Lowe r cho I. G ra ndpare nt a nd pecia l friends werc treaLcu on M ay to a falllClsti c produ cti o n, Tile Ritylizll/ ÂŁrpn:ss , feat u ring musical sclec ti o ns fro m yea rs pa t a nd costum e remi ni ent of th e eras . As u ual, the ct wa a to und ing, th e mu ic incrcdibl e, and the attc ndan ce

(110 r) Jay PruIH,

ove rwhelming. Tha nk to Bonnie Anderson , mu ic teac her, fo r o mpos ing the produ ction a nd to art teac he rs Lynn Z ind e r amI Ruge ne Paule tte a nd thea t re tea her Paula D e Leona rdi s fo r th e ir t reme ndo u effo rt . Foll owing the produ ti o n, tewa rd staffer a nd Uppc r chool . tud ent pitched in to help e co n vi ito r to th c Lo\\'e( hool bui lding with um l re ll a as a tre mend ous sto rm blew in during the fin a le. pi rit we re not dampe ned , howeve r, a nd all e nj oyed rece ptio n III t he Lower cho I clas roo ms.

T he Lowe r School ho ru s c nt e rta in ed g rad ua t i n a ttendees with no ta lgic se lec ti o ns, lIVe Arc Tile C ilildn:n of Tall/ arrow a nd )v u'/I A lways Be A Pa rt of Me. T he g rad uati ng fift h g rad e rs a nd t he ir fa milies t he n e n joyed a bea utiful rece ptio n a nd a cha nc to bid summ e r fare we lls fo llowi ng the ce remo ny.

alal,e Wong. kindergartner,

po es lVuh her grandparent s after I he speCIal produdlon

Page 5

Fine Arts Banquet The 1997-98 Fine Arts Banquet took on a Caribbean theme with th ose in attendance dressing in imaginative island atti re and ocializing among palm tree . T he annual event was a lime for recogni zing t ho e Middle and Uppe r School tudents who participated in fine arts activities during th e academic yea r. T he awards given during the eve ning are listed be low.

In addition to those awa rd listed , se niors who have consiste ntl y dedicated time during their yea r at teward to the fi ne arts were recogni zed : laura Ward , Adam Graves, Chris Drzal , Chris Hagy, Erin Robinson , Camberly Pearson , Sara Rossmoore, Drew Cosby, and Becky Meyerhoff.

Highest Academic A verage Music Theory fall SesSion Spring Session

Kristin Parrish Spencer Best

Most Innovative Artist Upper School Middle School

Jess i ca Gray Aynsley W i lton

Most Promising Newcomer Mast Improved Instrumentolist fall Session Spring Session

Morgan Valentine Andy Lawton

Upper School Middle School

Eliza Goldman Carter Henley

Best Use of Color Most Accomplished Instrumentalist fall Session Spring Session

Joe Matthews Ambika Bedi Ida Henley Spencer Best

Musical Contribution to Theatre for "Godspell" Justin Mehaffey Kristin Parrish

Upper School Middle School

Most Accomplished Vocalist Middle School US - Male US - female

Lorraine Hawes Andy St itt Emily Padow

Most Improved Choral Student

Perseverance to a Project Upper School Middle School

Taylor Collier Eliza Bullock

Most Accomplished Artist Upper School Middle School

Caroline Vencl Taylor Brewer

Stephen Paulette

For excellence in art, music, and theatre

Pille B

Best Actress in a Supporting Role Godspell Sara Rossmoore

Best Actress in a Minor Role Museum Cynthia Johns Best Actor in a Minor Role Godspell Ted Benson Best Acress in a Character Role Godspell Amanda Taggart


Elizabeth Sumner

Best Actor in a Character Role Museum Just in Bowman

Artistic Enthusiasm Upper School Middle School

Er i n Rob inson Eliza Bullock


Camberly Pearson

Artistic Contribution to Thea tre for "Godspell" El i za Goldman

Kristen Miller The 1997-98 Fine Arts Award

Best Actor in a Leading Role Godspell Andy Stitt This is a Test Michael Congdon

Best Use of a Medium US (Sculpture) Catherine Woody US (Watercolor) - Sara Rossmoore MS (Graphite Pencil) - Austin Hamilton

Musical Contribution to Theatre Amanda Taggart Taylor Collier

Best Actress in a Leading Role This isa Test Alice Avent

Hannah Hong Chr istopher Maszaros Best Actor in a Supporting Role Godspell Taylor Collier

Contribution to the Music Dept. Hannah Hong




Artistic Dedication to Fine Arts Productions - Stephen Paulette The Art Club Award - "49 Hours of Service" - Margaret Hazell

Best Technician fall Spring

Chr is Drzal Andrew Rankin

Director 's Choice - Becky Meyerhoff "for year-long effort" Lighting Design & Special Effects Adam Graves

Directing - This is a Test Drew Cosby

The Fourth Honors Symposium by Carler Eberly 77,c 1997-9 HOllars 禄'lIIposilllll rOllelllrierl it ye(lr of the thfllle "Cre(lt 7'路i(l / .. lIIith (I IIl1 iqlle project fo r its III ellluers. Carter 拢berry, grarle / 0 III/'Illuer of the grollP, h(lre the experiencc.

Fo r the la t mark ing period o f t he ca r, T h e tewa rd c ho I H n rs ym po ' ium u ndertoo k it mo t a m b itious project to date; we wr te o urt case f r the imagin ary tri a l of John Diamo nd . tart ing fr m the info rmati o n given to us by Mrs. C arol y n Brandt, we split into two gro u ps a nd created arguments for t he d e fen se a nd pro ecut ion . Walte r Was h , C orbin Brie n -e, and I worked a attorney for the defen e ; Katie D rzal , Ted Be n son , Anu s h a Abbas i, and C aitlin Ross moore were th e attorneys fo r the prosec u ti o n . On the defense ' ide, As hl ee H eal e y a nd La ura S la baug h played the witnes es . Acting a witne e f r the prosecuti on were Eli za b eth S umne r , AJ ex Du ty , Sara h Marte n s te in , and Eli z abe th Larus . H a rry Ba ron played the rol e o f the defendant, John D iamo nd . Afte r lea rning about t he ba ic o f a t ri aJ from M rs. Bra ndt, o u r two 'roups bega n co nstructing t h eir C;1 e . Over th e cou r e of everal weeks we examined a ll the d eta il pre ented to u and as embled ou r ca e . Fin a ll y, t h e da y o f t he t ria l ca me . T he trial wa co nducted at the T . Wi lli am La w c ho I, loca ted o n the nive rsit of Ri c hmo nd ca m p u , under t he Hon o rabl e Judge Robe rt H e rring. T he jury was selec ted at ra nd o m from the aud ie nce. Ex,cept fo r o m e o ULSid no i e from bat and birds, the entire tria l we nt with o ut any

tro ub le. Both ide o f the ase gave very co m pelling arg ument , a nd in the e nd t he d efe n e managed to lo we r t he cha rge fro m fi r t-degree mu rder to se a nd-degree murder. Jo hn Diamond was ac u cd o f hoo ting hi girlfriend , Trudi Doyle, afte r a n alte r a ti o n at the Tru ck to p a fe , an lexandria din r. T he in itl e nt to k plac in ide a glass vesti b ule with a fo ur foot high upport wall at the bo tto m , so t he o nl y living per o n who aw t he entire struggl e was Diamond hime lf. The wim e e in luded two wa it re e at th e shooting, each with d ifferent view ; an o ffi ce r wh erved with J hn Dia m o nd o n the police for e; the coroner wh o exa mined Do Ie; the offi cer who inves tigated the case; a farmer who wa ea t ing at th e Cafe during the shoo t ing; and , of cour e, Jo hn Di am o nd him elf. T he nOi n between witne se ' reports c reated a difficult e nv ir nment for ettin up a co un case, but we m a naged . T he fina l ma rking period ha bee n my las t a nd m o t inte res ting parti ip a ti o n in t he H ono rs y mposi um program. I would encourage anyone who has the o ppo rtunit to take it. It h as bee n o ne o f the mos t u ni que xperience I've had at The tewa rd chool.

From the Library by Rachel or/Hln The libra ry ha man peo ple to th a nk fo r a succe sful ca r. A pecialthank yo u to Mrs. Malinda Ta y lor a nd Mrs. C indy Young fo r t h ir decorat ing talent a nd ma ny ho ur s pe nt o n the Bo k Fair. The chool com m unity has benefited in u ing the many b~ok d o nated b , I a rents in ho no r of teach r t his yea r. everal tu to r in th e Lea rning Resource Area do nated book d u ring th e Winte r H o lid ay ea on in ho no r of the tud nt with wh o m they wo rk. The Board of Tru tee a ll o tted fund s to pur h a e four new co mpu ters a nd a printer ca pa ble f h a nd li ng the type finte rn et sea rc hes ur tudents need for re earch projects. T he M idd le and Up per chool library received book d o nated in ho no r o f Andre w Ra nkin , H e ath e r H a je k , a nd Chris toph e r a nd Mi chae l Maszaros . We al a a pp reciate the b o ks and video d o nated in hon o r of ma ny Lo we r hoo l stude nts' birthda - as listed below.

Library Birthday Book Donations Honoring Grif very arah ray Avery athan Baggs Cary Baro nia n Bill Belt Amy Bisge r Polly a 11 11 lIa Page onway Zachary ooperstein Beth Di on William Drews Ford Fi che r Will arner Ma Warde n Good amantha 路Good man

J rdan Ko en B n Lea hy Corbin Leitch Zachary Ma rino Whitley Menges Ra hael Meyers iobha n Restorick Fernando Rivera Luciana Rive ra Wart auer ikki a er Chri tophe r kove oleman mith tuart Smith amanlha pangl r

Josh tafford Blair utton Kelse Taylor Mary Taylor Tepper he lby Thompson Betsy To h Eliza beth Ty o n Kelly Lynn Valentine Brendon Wilberger Alex William athan Wolff Phillip Wo d Edwin Wortham, VI Laura Wright Thomas ells hul

Paga 7

Spring Athletic Wrap-up - by Coach


Girls' Tennis team Captures VCC Regular Season Crown T he 19 9 8 girls' tcnni s ' q uad we nt unde feated in regula r seaso n play in th e Virgini a om mo nwea lth o nference (VC ) a nd fini hed a the to urn a me l1l runn er-up. T he girl s al 0 play in th e League o f Ind ep nde l1l S h o ls ( LI S ) a nd placed -I t h in th e ove rall sta nding.. t t he V l o urn a me l1l , se nio r coa pta in M e g h a n Ha je k was na mcd t th e VC All- cad e m ic tea m and al 0 ca pt ured the # -1 eed singlcs t itle. In additi o n , Heathe r H a je k c la im cd th e # 6 s ingle ch a mpi o nsh ip. Eli za beth La ru s placl:d e o nd in t he # 5 se ded positio n. In d o u ble . Eli zabe th La ru s a nd As hl ee H ealey ca ptured th e # 3 d o u blcs ti t le wh ile sixt h grad e rs To ri a n ne lla a nd H ea th e r H a jek la imed th e # 2 d o u blcs cro wn . At the LI S T urn a ment . H e ath e r H a je k clinc hcd t hc # 6 eedcd s ingles t i t ie .

T h rougho ut thc seaso n. thc tca m had three playe rs g und efea ted in th ei r in des fli ght in th e V C. T he e playe rs were H ea th e r H a je k . Megh a n H a je k a nd Elizabe th Laru s. In addit ion , H eathe r H a je k aiesby jones drsplays Ihe symbolIC glfl bcSIOlVeci upon hIm hy hiS teilm al the Alh lNlr Awards Dessert . also wcnt u nd efeatcd in Thc rc we re eve ra l highlight d u ring a ll o f her ' ingle a nd d o ubles play the spring caso n-Ju s ti n Me h affey in bo th leagues. T his i. qu ite a n hit a gra nd lam ho mer aga inst acco m plishm e n t. e pecia ll v fo r a We t End hri ti a n. C hri s By rn e sixt h grade stud ent. o n 路ratul ahad a ' parkling d efe nsivc play at tio ns to th e tea m fo r a fin e seaso n . 2 nd ba e aga ins t New Co mmuni ty. Coed Softball a nd the tea m had a 9 -run fi fth in ni ng against thc We t End Home Al th o u ' h teward 's first coed chool Tea m. o ftball tca m wa winles . th ev d id make ign ifica m pro ' rcss a mJ ' Boys' Lacrosse imp rovc mcl1l th roughout thc T hi s yea r th e b y' lacrosse caso n-bo th in the fi eld and be hind tcam co n isted o f tud e nts in the plate. nab le to play at ho me g ra d e 6-9 . Ne xt year, the tea m u n til ncxt ca o n d ue to c n trucwi ll be d ivided in to '2 tca ms-a ti o n o f t hc field . th e playe r a nd M iddl e Scho o l sq uad a nd a )V the ir pa rel1ls a rc to be co mm end ed tc a m. T he tea m 's reco rd was 6fo r the ir high Icve l o f co mmitme n t.

Proud alhlele dllpl.1Y Ihe" ." vards .1 Ihe IIlhlell lVa rd Ilealey. Ca.llon Ro<smoore. I aura I.baugh. and Jennifer

Page 8

1997 -98 Athletic Awards

Most Outstanding Most Outstanding

Varsity Boys' Basketball

MS Cheerleading

Varsity Soccer Alex Concha Murat Bilgin

Coach's Award Most Outstanding MVP

Morgan Valentine


Varsity Cheerleading Most Improved Most Spirited MVP

Middle School Soccer Ms. "Hustle" " nselfish" MVP Player of the Year

ally Summerson Reed Yancey Matt Porter Zac Sears

Jennifer Gray Jessica Gray Laura Slabaugh


Cross Country Coach's A ward MVP

Brantley cott Ruth Williams

Most Improved I 10% Award MVP (Offense) MVP (Defense)

Ned Trice Mike Congdon

Matt Porter Bo Wise Will Perkins Ted Benson

Athletes Receivi ng 10 Varsity Leiter Medals: Grade 9 Ashlee Healey Caitlin Rossmoore Grade 9

Coed Softball MS "A " Basketball I I0% A ward MVP

110% Award Coach's A \ ard MVP

Matt Porter Trent McLaurin

Lisa Marston Marshall Felvey

Justin Mehaffey

MS "B" Ba.fketball Most Improved Coach's Avard MVP

Most Improved Coach's A ward MVP

Indoor Soccer Recognition

Most Improved MVP

Varsity Girls' Basketball

Golf The 1998 g91f te a m retu rn ed o nl y th ree e perienced player from the prev io u quad . T he

Heather Hajek Elizabeth Larus

MS Girls' Basketball

Caitlin Rossmoore Marshall Felvey Ashlee Healey

The team cap tu red victo ries over Frede ricksb urg Academy, o ll egiate' Middl e c hoo l Tea m and o rfo lk o llegiate's Middle c hoo l. inth grad er Will Perkins provided mu c h f the offe nse thi yea r. Ancho ring the deren e wa fre hm a n Ted Benson .

Justin Bowman Brooking Chenault Jason Lewis

Mai Imoto For Superior All-Around Athletic Performance

Girls' Tennis

Stephen Paulette Murat Bilgin Eric Sternberg Alex Concha

Most Impro ed 110% Award MVP

Special Athletic Department Awards


Sam Baronian Austin Hamilton Robert Turner

Other Special Awards Athletes Receivi ng 5 Varsity Leiter Medals: Alex Duty Grade 9 Grade 9 Will Perkins Brooking Chenault Grade 10 Jennifer Latourelle Grade II Fahad Qureshi Grade II Drew Cosby Grade 12 Ashleigh McLaurin Grade 12

Winter Soccer Club Players' A ward Coach's A ward

Field Hockey I 10% Award MVP Most Outstanding

Erin Robinson Jennifer Latourelle Whitney Hajek

Most Improved Coach's Award MVP

Eliza Bullock Juliana umner Jennifer Gray

tea m was led bv Jason Lewis a nd Che'nault in most o f the m atc he . he nault had a top te n fi ni sh in the Virginia o mm o nwealth o n fe re nce (V C ) Tourname nt. ewco me rs JlIstin Bowman , Mike Congdon , and Alex Duty c ntributed ignificantl y to the tea m . Duty was na med to the VC Al l-Academic Team . A eason hig hlig ht wa teward ' d efeat of defending ch-a mpio n Brunswick Academ y during a home match .

Welly Sanders Stephen Harler Mike Schirick

Alex Concha /1\ C Soccer Player of the Year

Meghan Hajek Coaches' AlVard For exemplary dedicalion to athletics and sportsmanship, and for unselfish team play and support.

Canoe Club Once agai n the a noe Cl ub e nd ed t he ir " ea o n " with a n ove rnight trip down t h e Rappa ha nnock Ri ver. Due to t he s ignificant ra ins t hi s spring beeause of EI ino, lh e wate r leve l of the Ja mes Ri ve r so metim es preve nted the gro up from practiCing, but a ll of t he m embe r e nj oyed t he ca m a rad erie.

Page 9

In Memoriam

1997路9a Annual Giving Campaign Soars . by Jenn Sgro Steward enjoyed an exce ptio nal 1997-98 Annual Giving Campaign a nd is pleased to report that the chool received gift of cash tota ling close to $ 155,000. Thi is a n increase of 25% ove r last yea r' goal of $ 125,000 . These gifts provided the Schoo l with new equ ipment and furnishings, campus mainte na nce, and improve ments. These fund s also enhanced Steward 's ed ucatio nal offe rings through th e purchase of instructio nal materi al , li brary acq uiSitio ns, and facult y sup purt.

771e J 997-98 A nnurI! Giving

Report will be published at t he end of August. Published in the Ann VanBrackle Fletcher last is ue of 77,c Blu/' & Gold ConnecClass of 1979 tion was a draft donor list of The Steward School family was saddened co ntribu tors wh ose to learn of Ann's untimely death on May 26 gifts had bee n 1998. We extend our deepest sympathies received as of April to her family, especially her husband, 1, 1998 . lnadvertGregory Fletcher. ently, two gifts received by that dale were mitted from this draft list. 199 will appea r in theAlI/lllrI! We wi h to t hank Mr. and Mrs . Gi l1illg Report. John R. Congdon , Jr. (Headm aste r's Ci rcl e) and Mr. and On behalf of The Steward Mrs. Richard Jupe ( o ntribut o r) Schoo l, lhank yo u to everyone who fo r their u o nati o ns a nu apo logize suppo rted this yea r's Annu al G iving fo r the e rro r. 1\11 gift rece ived Campaign . between Jul y I, 1997 and June 3D,

Calling All Alumni! T ake ad vantage of the hot izzlin' summ er to settle down in cool urroundin gs and w rite your news for future iss ues of Th e BIlle & Gold. We want to know w here fall 199 w ill take you--new college ad venture .. .an addition to our famil y .. .career change .. .exoti c vacation . Keep us posted on where you are and w hat you're doing. Send informatio n to Jenn gro , ssociate Director of Development: AnnualGi vin g and Alumni ffa irs, 1 1600 Gayton Road, Richmond , A 23233, or fax to 8041740-1464. a me :

lass of

urrent Addre s: Phone: e lVS

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( Work ) _ _ _ _ __

( Hom e) _ __ _

Congratulations Honor Roll Students! Please note that this listing includes honor roll for the 4th marking period (4), Semester 2 (2) and for the 1997-98 academic year (Y), as indicated beSide the student's name. Grade 6 Jim Atkinson Sam Baronian Spencer Best Tori Cannella Heather Hajek Berkeley Halperin Lauren Harris Ida Henley Lisa Marston Kristin Parrish Aly Pittman Jamie Satterfield Brad Souder Amy Strickland Sally Summerson Kendall Tate Robert Turner Grade 7 Chris Byrne Mary Congdon Megan Hodges Austin Pittman Philip Schmidt-Ullrich Hunter Sears Matt Strader Allison Strickland Juliana Sumner

42,Y 42,Y 42,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y 42Y 42Y 42,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y 2,Y 4,2,Y 42,Y 4,2,Y Y

4,2,Y 2,Y 2 Y 2,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y Y 2,Y

Changing with

the Times With th e e nd of eac h sc hool yea r co me cha nges within ou r midst--so me jo ful , o thers sad . It is with mi xed emo ti o n th a t The Steward School bids farewe ll to facu lty/staff me mbers who leave us . We are delighted that future challenging opportunities have occurred in their lives; we a re addened that

Grade 8 Laine A hker Adam Britton Eliza Bullock Jennifer Gray Sara Kornblau Trent McLaurin Zac Sear Reed Yancey Grade 9 Anusha Abbasi Collin Ackerman Ted Benson John Biddle Corbin Brierre Alex Duty Marshall Felvey Elena lantosca Cynthia Johns Sarah Martenstein Divam Mehta Caitlin Rossmoore David Wood

4,2,Y 4 4,2,Y 42Y 4,2,Y 42,Y 4 42,Y

4 4Y 42,Y 4 42,Y 4,2,Y 42,Y 4,2,Y 4 4,Y Y Y Y

they will no I nge r be on ca mpu to ha re their area of expe rti wit h our student . Liz Shupe, o unselo r, ha jo ined th e University of Ri chm o nd staff as tudent Adviser; Kristen Kawa (journali nl/Lea rning Resou rce Ass ista nt ) a nd Matt Caron (Histo r ) marri ed in June a nd have returned to the ew England area nea rer their fa milies; two re enl new mothe rs, Lyn n Define (E nglish ) and Cindy Wiltshire (B io logy) wi ll be taying at ho me to ca re for t hei r o n , Will Define (bo rn Jun e 13) and WiJIiam Wiltshire (bo rn Jul 7) .

Grade 10 Ju tin Bowman Michael ongdon Katie Drzal Carter Eberly Jessica Gray Walter Wash

4,2,Y Y 4,2,Y 2,Y 4,2,Y 4,2,Y

Grade 11 Michael Maszaros Fahad Qureshi Andy Stitt

4,2,Y 4,2,Y 42,Y

Grade 12 Meghan Hajek


Editor's ote: In the last is ue of The Blue & Gold, honor roll 1lIdents for Marking Period 3 were noted. Ida Henley (Grade 6) and David Wood (Grade. 9) were inadvertently omilledji'om this list. We congratulate them on their achievement and apologize for the error.

We look fo rwa rd to th e return of cience Department H ead Leslie Kovach , who was ou t o n mate rni ty leave following the bi rth of her so n, Danny, in M ay. Wedding bell a l


ra ng this

SUllllll er fo r Ada." Cohe n (L wer

choo l co mputer/la rosse coach ) a nd hi bride, Jodi , w h were marri ed o n Jun e 28 . B'st wishes to them for many yea rs f marital bliss! Watch for introd uctio n of Steward' new staffe rs in the fall iss ue of Dre Bille & Golrl.


From the Headmaster

academ ic yea r wa inauurated by the ann uncemelll of a IS million giftt teward , and ca me to a clo eon th evening f June 5 with the graduati n o f the cia of 199. ith in that pe riod o f time, an enormou a mo unt of a tivity t ok place, e lling the t ne for the coming yea r . The yea r' la nd sca pe wa dOlled with many events , o me predicta b le and traditional , o me new o r improved . T hey included I o mec ming, Gra ndpare llls' Day, twO admision pre elllations with o uttanding a llendance, the H o lid ay pr gra m , the B k Fa ir, field da , moving up e remo ni e and final a se mblie fo r student in the fifth and eight h grade , and the cu lminat ing evelll of o mm e n eme nt in early June . It wa a yea r during which he Di tingui hed G uest Se ri e wa laun ched with the pre entati o n made by aplain cott O 'Grad y , fo llowed by the appeara nce of seve ral mu idan a nd peaker includ ing Ha l Wingo , who poke of hi man ' experiences throughout t he wo rld as a journalist, a nd Dr. Elliot Engel, \\;ho ntertained tudent and parents a like with hi a necdo te abo ut Edgar Allan Poe , Mark Twa in , and William ' hake pea re. It was a lso a year d uring which we were awarded a I ,000 gram from resta r Bank fo r computer fo r o ur libra ry, and 75 0,000 from The Robins Fo undati o n fo r the

Page 12

co ntinued pevelopment a nd expa nio n of o ur Lea rning Resources D 'partment, named th e teward Center fo r the Advancement of Lea rning, in to a multi-fa ceted program that would meet the need o f all o u r stud ems and pa rents. T he enter's seve n departments, which include program s fo r the Gifted a nd Talented , English a a Seco nd La nguage, a nd Pa re nt Education , are de igned to pro vide a en ue for the exp re ssion o f the many different talent fo r all stud e nts a t tewa rd and wi ll also erve a a mod el fo r simi lar progra ms regio na ll y and nati nail), The last 12 mo mh have ee n a rap id increa e in the Il an ning f the new fac ilitie Meet ings o f th e architects, faculty, ad mini strati o n , and taff have been held every few weeks t di cus pro jected prog ram needs o f the chool. Fro m th e e di s us io ns t he architect from Marcellus Wright Cox & Smith have deve lo ped plans and drawings that will provide the appropriate fac ilitie f r implementing t he very I rogre sive and fo rwa rd -looking educat io n deve loped by our facu ltv. The new ex ten io n to Taylo r H all , pro jccted to be o mp letcd b~' th e middle f thc next acad emic vear, will be the fi r t tep in the co mple-

tio n of the a mpus Master Plan . This then will be fo llowed by co n truction of the Athletic Ce mer that will a llow for the implementati o n o f a substa nti all y expa nd ed ph ys ical ed ucatio n program a well as providing a wonderful fac ility for our inte r cholastic athletic program . Co nstruction f the new Middle a nd pper chool librarya nd admi ni tration building will follow sho rtly thereafte r, with the renovati o n o f the Middle and L wer S hoo l bui ldings to co mplete the proce s. Finall y, the affi rm at io n of a curri culum e tab li hing a trong, college preparatory, tud e nt-centered program has et the LOne fo r all ur tudents a nd f r future Stewa rd tud ents. During the upco ming year we wi ll ca rryo n di s uss io ns o n devel ping a Writing Acr s the urriculum program fo r the wh o le chool, and we will loo k at o th er avenues that will reinfo rce our mmitment and determination to co ntinu e to develo p teward as o ne o f the fin est sc hool in the regi n. We 10 k forward to even greater 'cars a head o f us, a nd we believe that th is pas t yea r was a uperb fo und at io n o n which to build that great a nd reac hab le goal.

Thank You Parents' Association! The te ll'ard chool faculty, staff, admillistration, alld studellls lVould like (0 express 'h eir g ra titude fa 'he P a r e nts' Asso ial;o,,/o ,. afanlas lic year.

Your many OCIS of killdness--IIospitality evelllS. jLmdroisin activities, volUl1leer hours--are deeply appreciated. Thanks to the Parents' Associatioll executive officers for 199 -9 alld all the COlllmillees and volumeers fo r their extraordillOlY service:

President Past President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Susan LatoureHe Marykay Stainback haron Wilton MoHy Anderson ally Newcomb

ongratulation to Ann Maszaros - Volunteer of the Year!

It Was a Very Good Year! rop Rlght : Betsy ryson and her daughter Belsy (kindergarten) enJoy fleJd Day. M,ddJe: (Icfl) fill. J,enauJt congratulates fel/ow graduate Ned rflce lYuh a loss; (center) l1Iors Cambcrly A ar on (/) and I.aur. Murray (r) smile for the camera; (flghl) Grade (fiends C.,t JIn Rossmoorc (/) .nd Asl1lee Healey (r). .than WoJff (J..mdergarten) BOllom Jeft enJO)-ed bcmg on stage for randparents' Day. /JoItom fight Drrector o( StudIes CaroJyn Brandt pos with students recogl1lled durmg the Ilonors Dessert, Elena lanto ca (I) and Corbin Bflorre (r). On the far fight 15 Corbm's mOl.her, Mrs . fjflcrre

Page 13

The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233

Richmond VA



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