Blue & Gold June 1995

Page 1

The Steward


June 1995 Graduation ••.•••••••••••• 1 Upper School Recognition Assembly •••••••••••••••• 11 Athletic Awards ..•..•...

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Fine Arts Awards •••• 11 Middle School Final Assembly ......... 5 Buddy Day ................. 9 Honor Roll •......•...•... 14 DARE Graduation ••••.• 8 HIKE Open ................ 9 Lower School Final Assembly ••••..••• 6 Grandparents Day •• 12

The Class of 1995: (front) Monica Kallman, Susanne Reynolds, Jenny McComas, Cheryl Mayers; (back) Parke Rhoads, AJec Kean, AJex Rojas, Frazer Orgain.

KLldos •••••••••••••••••••••• 12 Alum ••••••••••••••••••••••.. 13

The school year ended with a flourish on Wednesday night, June 7, as the nine proud graduates werdhonored by administration, faculty, family, friends, and fellow students. The Junior Marshals, Corbii\ Adamson and Ben Relf, led the procession of the Upper School students, followed by th~ faculty, and, finally, the graduating members of the senior class. Following the invocation by The' RA'end Martin F. McCarthy, Rector of The Church of the Epiphany, Senior Parke Rhoads; o~ outstanding welcoming remarks. ; Heacrnasler

Tr als' Ensemble then presented a musical selection, followed by a solo, Time in a Bottle, sung blseWMonica Kallman , accompanied on piano by senior Jenny McComas. !




(Conlmued on next page) !

Stephen M StaCkhouse Edito(

UzShupe Desogn & Layout M,lra Palmer

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The two Senior speakers were Alec Kean and Alex Rojas , AFS exchange student from the Dominican Republic. Excerpts from the two speeches are included. Alex then presented the School with a flag from his country for display in the library along with the other flags representing the homeland of past AFS students. Mr. Stackhouse , headmaster, then announced the following :

RETIRING BOARD MEMBERS Richard C. Lawrence Carrie L. Camp

Gene Cox addresses the graduates: (/-r) The Reverend Martin McCarthy, Robert Larus, Steve Stackhouse, Gene Cox, and Paul Cramer.

Herbert C. Peterson Christopher J. Lansing Susan A. Drzal Robert L. Massey

Awards 8I1Dlis;! - /lenlti/er Altll MceoJllas - Vrnde 12 'Jrenclt - He/tjalllill ?:ltoJlfas leei/ - Vrnde 11 Jlisto!:'!! _ eharles :DnvidMoeser - v rnde 12

The guest speaker, selected by the senior class, was Gene Cox, News Anchor from WWBT-12. His entertaining remarks also provided some food for thought for the graduating class . Paul Cramer, former Steward headmaster (1975-1994) offered his reflections (some serious comments

.tntill - Kellua eaJlfcil/e VOIIIID - Vrnde


Matltelllatics - /lenlli/er A,," Mceollfas - Vrnde '2 Scimcc _ eltarks :DnvidMoeser - v rnde 12

and some humorous reminisces) on the class of 1995.

SpaJ1ish - 'Jrnzer MaCON OrDaill - vrnde 12 Art - /lmNi/er AJIIIMceOlllas - vrnde '2 Mllsic -MOllica Jlope KIllllllall - vrade 12 ?:ltcntre - /leJIIIi/er AIIII Mceollfas - vrade 12 Jliphest .Acndellfic Averf1je ...-:;;:;;::::::".,.. /lelllli/er AIIII MceOJlfas - (jrade 12 Alllllllli Award - ellerulAJllf Mauers - vrade '2 Ullivcrsit!l 01 leicltllfolld Hook Award 811is :AIIII McellllfD - vrade 11 /leilersulf Schular - 81iznbcth eorbilf AdallfsoN - vrade , , Sfcpltell :Dnllic/ Pless - MOllica Jlope Kal/lHaJf - vrade 12 Jfcmllllasters Award - Parke Veitch leltoads - vrnde '2 'l>ixull Award - ellerulAlllf Mauers - vrnde '2



Mrs. Anderson congratulates an enthusiastic Monica Kallman


e MARCH 1995

from any other I had ever taken. From the minute I walked into this class I felt very comfortable . Over the course of my illustrious career at Steward you could find me there at any given time during the day, whether I was working or just talking with my teacher. Now this was no ordinary teacher. This teacher stood by me through some rocky times here at Steward, and I always knew I could (urn (0 him to talk about what was going on in my life . So, Mr. Imirie, I guess I wou ld just like to thank you for what you have done for me, and I am sorry more Steward students won't have the experience of having your class. Good luck in graduate schooL .."

Yet, like some strange scientific study we all volunteered, even begged, to be crammed into a tight, crowded windowless room we called the Senior Lounge. For seventy-seven thousand and seven hundred (77,700) minutes of our lives we came together, settled our differences, and developed an appreciation for each other. We learned to stand up for ourselves in a mature way and to combine our resources for such purposes as a new Lower School playgound design.


"It is my duty tonight to welcome you, and I feel that it is important to explain just what it means to be a Steward graduate first. In a four part study of American school children, New York Times write r Stacia Tauscer claims: 'Modern school systems have been plagued with extreme farsightedness . We worry what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he/she is someone today.' Never has a statement been so incorrect when applied to Steward . Steward has given us one simple tool necessay for survival both now and in the future. I have been through several different school systems and I can honestly say that Steward has successfully brought out the individual in each senior here tonight. In most schools the teachers can bore(dig) for hours without ever striking oil. However, at Steward, the teachers make an effort to make every class an experience to learn from. Nearly every lesson is filled with student essays and debate. Class discussions


Teachers care enough to notice when a student is having trouble, academically or otherwise, and will often work very hard to help such students . Many times , when my mother has fallen ill, I have stayed awake late in the hospital with the company of a teacher. I have visited those same teachers when they have fallen ill. To many teachers, this graduation may seem like the loss of a good friend, but I assure them, these friendships never die. Steward has allowed students to develop by learning from each other as well. The senior class is essentially 10 individuals from different backgrounds who have been forced together to share in each other's lives. Some of us are thoughtful and quiet, and some of us are not so quiet! Some of us are simple country folk, and others are hyperactive city dwellers.

"I came to Steward 2-1/2 years ago from another private school here in Richmond. Steward was different from any other school I have come in contact with. I had never been in a school where the entire grade would fit in(to) one class. Now, I'm not the greatest student, but for some reason I felt important at Steward. rs . Brandt came to me and told me I was _ w ,lng Battle of the Brains. It was never a stion. It was as if I had received a royal ree. The teachers here at Steward were onderful. They always tried to answer my questions , even if I asked the same one over and over again. From Ms. Myer's riveting history lessons to another class I want to tell you about. This class was different

in a simple history or art class can open a new world of perspective for a student . Teachers take time out of their private lives to spend time with individual students.

When th ree of us wanted to take college courses, Steward had enough interest in us to make it possible. When we wanted to play sports not offered at school, such as Lacrosse, Steward arranged for coaches or allowed students to participate in other clubs. Only here could I be the Steward calculus student. This all boils down to one word Mr. Cramer taught me that makes Steward the exception: RESPECT. Steward respects the students' needs, personalities, and thoughts enough to treat each student individually. Instead of forcing each student to be one type of person, the School treats each person as though he/she was the only student at Steward. Steward respects the students enough to give them the freedom to be individuals, and in turn, the students respect themselves . We have been taught to be better people today, so that we can be better people tomorrow... "


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-tI---pa-r,-tin :-C:--'g- /i-'Cm - nr/(s with the Steward family after his year hcre. ..

"When I arrived in Richmond on August 10,1994 to begin my year as an AFS student, I had been told only that Richmond is a small city that is especially pretty in the Springtime. I brought along equally simpte expectations ... 1 expected a fairly easy year of fun-filled days of new friends and experiences. Those simple expectations have been realized but in ways quite different from my early vision. First of all, my academic expectations included the be lief that my classes woutd be difficult because of the language barrier. Classes are challenging at Steward, but the willingness of the teachers to help is limitless. My teachers were always willing to give me the time and the help I needed in order to understand a con-

Parke Rhoads (with Ms. Rice) really knows how to dress for the occasion!


cept or complete an assignment. My new-found knowledge includes information on the stock market which I learned in economics; an introduction to the American genius, Thomas Jefferson, about whom I learned in History; a love for the French language which I recognized as a result of my foreign language class here; and a new interest in the Fine Arts which I developed in art and theater classes. I also knew nothing about computer when I came to Steward, but I now consider myself proficient. In addition, I was able to play soccer for Steward, an opportunity thai gave me a chance to improve myself in the area of sports. As for English, I spoke English when I arrived, but there is no better way to become truly competent in a language than to speak and write it every day. English verbs and prepositions continue to torment me , and sometimes word order is a problem. For example, I sometimes say "Trust of Boardees" rather than Board of Trustees, but everyone still seems to know what I mean . Even my wildest expectations did not include two experiences that were especially meaningful for me this year. Those experiences were Model United Nations (MUN) and Altemate Program. When I participated in three MUN sessions and worked at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, I was taking the first real steps toward my future, a future in international diplomacy.

Cheryl Mayers


to the administration, my teachers, and friends for a wonderful year. Richmond is. small city that is pretty in the springtime, but now I know that it and Steward much, much more ." _


As for my expectations about friends , I quickly learned that real friendships take time to develop. I have learned how to listen to what others think even when their ideas and beliefs are completely diHerent from my own. I have also learned to repect the beliefs and feelings of others and never to take real friendship for granted. As I leave Steward and Richmond to return to my home in the Dominican Republic, I will take with me many more memories than I had expectations. I will remember the many people who have helped me, what I have learned, and most of all, my host family, the Paulettes , who made home and Steward forever inseparable in my mind . Thank you

Susanne Reynolds and Monica Kallman prepare for the processional.

MARCH 1995

Middle School Final . ssembly

cess. Do you remember that some of you were absolutely sure that the secret of success was getting .. .that the more possessions you accumulated, the more successful you would be? For just a few minutes today I'd like to suggest a different way to look at life. I suggest to you that the secret to life is not getting but giving. Does that sound crazy? To give instead of get? Let me explain what I mean.

Middle School's Final Assembly of the 4-95 School Year was held in the Gymsium at 11 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 7, only minutes after eighth grade students completed their last exam. Following a brief ' welcome by Headmaster Steve Stackhouse, Jay Hughes presented a gift to the School from the Eighth Grade.

Do you remember when you were little and a parent or grandparent treasured a holiday card you made with crayon or magic marker? Do you remember the person saying it meant more to them than the fanciest Hallmark creation? Why? Because with that card you were giving a part of yourself.

The Student Government President (Stephen Paulette), Vice-President (Alisia Freeman), Secretary (Willie Paoletto ) and Treasurer (Clayton Haskell) were recognized for hard work and excellent leadership by their advisor,

Ms. Woodle. Students who had achieved Honor Roll or Iggies (Improved Grades Group) during the school year were recognized with certificates. These students have been named in previous issues of the Blue and Gold. The following special awards and recognitions were also made:

"To all award winners I would like to begin by adding my congratu lations to those of faculty, family, and friends on this special day. The printed program in your hands calls this the final assembly and appropriately so because it is our last chance to acknowledge and ce lebrate the accomplishments of so many of you in this room.

The Head of the Upper School and Direcof Studies, Ms. Carolyn Brandt _ . ve an inspirational and thought provok. . speech which was very well received he attentive Middle School students and _ parents .

For you eighth graders, though, today holds an added significance. I've overheard several of you in the hall talking about eighth grade graduation. I would like you to consider for a moment another word used to describe today-commencement.

Following the ceremony, there was a luncheon in the gym for eighth grade students and their families.

Commence means to begin and I think I like that word better. Life really is a journey through which you move. You are now ready to begin the next part of that journey, high school, a period both scary and exciting at the same time.

presents Jennifer Latourelle with The Steward Award.


As you set out on that joumey, I'd like to give you a helpful hint, a secret to help you make the next four years good ones. Let's begin with a story from earlier this year. Some of you eighth graders may remember the day I subbed for Mrs. Shaw. You had been reading a story about success and Mrs. Shaw left us with the challenging task of defining suc-

I suggest that you approach your high school years the same way. Give that same gift of time ... to yourse lf, your school, and your commu nity, and you will benefit as well. Here are a few ideas : Give yourself a gift-by taking advantage of the courses you take in high school. Your teachers and your fellow classmates have knowledge and experience to share with you which will make the years after high school much easier. Listen .. .participate ... be involved in your classes .. .give to the classes and you will get much more from them. Outside of the classroom, also give of yourself. Those of you who have never played on an athletic team, pick up a hockey stick or a lacrosse stick or try canoeing. You have skills you don't even know you have-and our coaches will help you. Those of you who have been involved in sports, try something new as well. You don't like theater? How do you know? Audition for a play or volunteer backstage. Read Jenny McComas 's story in the literary magazine about what theater has meant to her life-and try it yourself. Those of you who have enjoyed theater or sports, but say, 'I can't draw'-I'II bet Mrs. Paulette can convince you otherwise if you try her class. Those of you who found the eighth grade assembly speeches terrifying ... sign up for Model UN. In a few years you will not only feel comfortable speaking in public but you will be leading-and winning debates-in front of hundreds of people. PAGE 5

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}{igltest AcmlCllfic .Average • UtI Hmsoll Art .Award • ~aulor eollkr ellglislt Award. 6tlt (jrmfe • "Micltdle Wltitnker 8J1glislt AWIJrd, 7tlt (jrnde • /lessir.n (jrIJU eJfg/islt Award, 8tlt (jrntle • "MicltlJd"MlJszlJros


'Jrellclt Award • ?:au/or eollkr ..entill AWlJrd • flOlHlJille }{IIJfKc!er SplJJfislt AWlJrd • elJrrk }{eb/J }{istoru .Award • 'JlJltmf QllfCslti "MailtellllJlics .Award • "MicltlJd"MlJs.znros Pltusica/ 8dIlClltiolt .AwlJrd • "Mllrat Hi/gill SciCllce Award· '.David HlIXloJf ~ItCIJtre .Award • !JeJfJfifer ..entollrdle

eOlHlllelldlJb/e ~espoJfsibilitu altd :Depor/Illmt • /leHllifer (jrau "Mos/ Jmprol!Cli, 6/1t (jmde • eUlfiltin /lOltlfs "Most Jmprovcd, 7tlt (jrlJlic • "Mllml Hi/gill "Mos/ JllfProvcd, 8tlt (jrntle • /lellllifer ..entOllfCl/c ~lte Stcward AWlJrd, preselflai to Ilta/lIl(mber o//lte "Middle &ltoo/ wlto, ill lite Opilliolf 0/ tlte /IJCII/tU best eKemplifies eKtraordilfaru effort, cooperlJliolf IJIld scltool spirit weill 10 dgltllt grmfe silldelll !Jelllfifer ..enlollrdk. I __-r-----=-

sion of the limitless opportunities which lie ahead in life. All you need to do is try. You won't fail . You can't fail. Someone very wise once said th~ the only failure is the failure to try. _


So, what is the secret which I leave you? The secret of living is giving . Try it . . I promise you won't regret it! Thank you."

Graduation Day in the Lower School The Lower School Final Assembly began on Wednesday, June 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the School gymnasium with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance lead by fourth grader Anne·Claiborne Shelton. The "Star Spangled Banner" was then sung by the 2nd grade.

Ed Rossmoore reiterated the year's theme of "catching one another be ing good." Announcing that Mrs.Wolff had hand delivered certificates of recognition to the Spartan Patrol , Mr. Rossmoore then gave the first assembly award of the dayA Spartan Patrolman, Matthew Stal' " back, for offering his services "above . beyond the call of duty. " The Spartan . trol was begun by Mrs. Wolff (Kindergarten teacher) two years ago as a helper system for the younger students who might be nervous about "how, when and where" to do the many activities at the School. Another person "caught" for offering an invaluable service to our teachers in the LS

Look beyond the four walls of this school as well . Have you ever volunteered in a hospital or nursing home? Helped with a class in Sunday School? Prepared a meal for CARITAS? Start this summer. Look for chances to share a part of yourself with someone else. What do all of these suggestions have in common? They are expensive-because they use the most valuable resource you have-your time. They will also bring you the greatest wealth-because they will bring you self-confidence, poise, and a viThe Lower School Chorus adds some music to the Final Assembly.


MARCH 1995

was Grace Broaddus (sister of our own Mrs. Chalkley). All year long, Tuesday was the "day of Grace." She would stop by each Lower School classroom to ~ eck in with the teachers to see what _ .,~aterial.s might be needed from the public libraries to support classroom irlstruca:>n. And like a little elf-on Tuesdays " other set of material would appear!

Awards Spd/inn lJee 3rd vrmfe - Salll fJaronian 41h vrmfe - :Drcw Shdhorsc IIlld :Donnff '(horn 5th vrmfe - Sara J(ornb/nll .cower ScIt(J()/ eltalllpion - :Dorff Klein

A special award (a backpack filled with school supplies) was given to Mr. ' mirie by Will Hession on behalf of the students and faculty of the Lower School for his in.spiration and unending energy in bringing out the best in each and every student. The best of luck to him.

(l@l'aphu !Jec Sara Komb/all and ehrisloplter .Maszaros Mal Altendance 2lfd vrmfc - Knle vamer flIfd Arlis .Mills 3rd vrmfe - Salll fJaronifllf and Am!! Slriddfllfd 4th vradc - Allison Sfricilf1lfd and Alflircw Ware

The 3rd grade was "caught being good" more times than any other class in the area of cafeteria and recess etiquette and received audience recognition of applause as the class stood. A most appropriate song Take a Dream and Make It Happen was sung by the 4th & 5th Grades with solos by Leigh Shelton and Ramsey Bsat.

Sportsmanship - ealherine-.Ceifllt Sltd/on Mlisic -And!! fJafllclt .Art -.Ma/'!f Asltle!! Sllin/on

Jennifer Gray, the Lower School student council president, reviewed the year's events and certificates were ~anded out to the Student Council rep. sentatives by 5th grade teacher Ms.


Fox. e

s. Jane Whitely, parent of Jennifer and Jessica Gray, shared her 9 year perspective on The Steward School. Having started as a part-time tutor, Ms. Whitely had heard that her daughters did not need to come to Steward, but she quickly learned after getting to know the faculty and staff that she wanted her children to attend this school. And she and her daughters have chosen to return each year since.

PresidClft's edllClltion Award {or OJits/andinuAcmlemic AchicvemClfIjClfni/er Vralf. Sara J(ornb/nJl, '(rclfl.Mc.&mrill IIlfd.Mar!! Ashle!! Slanlon eitaClf of Ihc VCllr -.Micltael.Maszaros



.Hcmf of tlte 'cower Sch(J(}/Award (.A1f tlnsllnfl .Hero) .Mllrff Asltleff Slalfton

.cower Sch(J(}/Award -presClftcd b!!.Hcmfmaster, Steve Slac/mollse, was awardcd to - jcnlfi cr ra~

Mr. Rossmoore presents Amy Strickland, Sam Baronian, Mis Mills, Kate Garner. Andrew Ware and Allison Strickland with their certificates at the Lower School Final Assembly.






process of becoming an adult... So I offer you some advice and one comment.


First, use your new freedom wisely. Becoming an adult is much more than just physical development. True adults think and behave in certain ways. I mean that they act respons ibly. Think ahead and come to class on time and prepared. Keep up with your homework even though it may not always be checked by the teacher. Enjoy the snacks and candy available in the school store in moderation! Always remember that your primary purpose here is to learn.














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"This final assembly of the 1994-95 academic year is traditionally known as a recognition assembly, and many individual students and classes have been recognized for their achievements.. . However, I want to take this opportunity to recognize each and everyone of you - the boys and girls of the Lower School, for your part in an excellent school year. In my first year as headmaster, I have come to realize that outstanding effort, citizenship and achievement is a daily occurrence at The Steward School. Congratulations. I am proud of you, and you can all be proud of all you have learned and of your accomplishments this year. Thank you for making this first year such a special one for me. This assembly has a very special meaning for those of you in the fifth grade. This is your last day as a student in the Lower SchooL .. Your school day next year will be very different than what you are accustom to. You will have seven or eight teachers, instead of one. You will change classes at the bell and be in classrooms throughout the campus. You will have an advisor and a locker. You will begin most days in assemblies. You will be eligible for interscholastic sports, like soccer, basketball, tennis and field hockey. You may even start taking some high school courses ... However, more will change than just your daily routine. Your years in the Middle School will be a time of great change academically, social ly and physically. Through these changes, you begin the long


Secondly, take advantage of your new opportunities to get involved in school life. Pursue your interests and try new things. Participate in athletics and in the fine arts. Join a club or student organization . The more you are involved school the more you will enjoy it and the more you learn about yourself. Finally, remember that you are not alone. When you hit the inevitable "bump in the road ," remember teachers, counselor, administrators and parents are here to support you . Feel free to ask for guidance. Don't be afraid to share a problem or concern. In many instances another point of view can be helpful, even comforting. Remember that we believe in each of you and want you to believe in yourself. ~

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" ...Beginning in Kindergarten there was the

freedom to decide how to best spend that precious morning free time- a choice that we as adults make every day. In 1st grade the teacher provided a multitude of centers following seatwork that required a child to use high-level time management skills;

skills most parents have to put into play constantly. Second graders learned to communicate through writing- a life-long pursuit. In 3rd grade a student's global awareness was increased by discovering ttA ch ildren around the world are proba ~ more alike than they are different and need to playa part in the furture of the vironment. Grade 4 students learned th would not be wise to say 'My mother forgot to put it (homework) in my backpack: and that the ultimate responsibility for any class assignment was theirs. These 5th graders have worked hard this year to master math, SCience, geography and language skills. The students ... have already started to think of themselves as middle schoolers and they are armed with the confidence to believe they will succeed. We want them to be selfassured, but not self-centered, because a leader is one who understands himself and cares about others."


The Nike Dominion Open The Nike Dominion Open occurred June 14 at the Dominion Club in Wyndham. Steward School provided volunteer supp" by staffing the main concession tent at ih· event benefitting the American Red Cr and the YMCA. The volunteers who ma a difference were Dick and Bart Levy,


Scott Moncure, Leslie and David Roughley, Bill Garner, Lee Cook, Deidre Turner, Dave Mueller, Ross Hotchkiss, Sue and Chris Drzal, Cates by Jones, Benny Shelhorse, Sam Baronian, Nick and Nicholas DeRuosi, Craig, JoAnn, Rachel, and Chad Whitten, Laura Ward, Tom and Liz Shupe, Frank McCormic k , Steve Stackhouse, Bob and Denez Yancey, Jamie Reed, and the Rossmoores-Ed, Laura and Caitlin. Thanks to you all for your help!

D.A.R.E. Graduation The annual Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DAR.E.) Graduation was hel~ Tuesday, May 23 for fifth graders. A impressive ceremony was directed by • 'icer Steve Francis, our DARE offi_ Two fifth graders, Ramsey Bsat . Sara Kornblau read their essays about MARC H 1995

recognized those students who earned honor roll for every marking period thiS year: Grade 9, Chris Hagy, Sara Rossmoore, Catherine Woody ; Grade 10, George Cauble, Lainie Haskell, Shawn Lewis ; Grade 11 , Kenya Young , and Grade 12, Jenny McComas.

CONCESSIONSTAND STAFFED BY THE STEWARD SCHOOL . Caitlin Rossmoore, Laura Ward and Steve Stackhouse volunteer at the Nike Dominion Open.

how they plan to employ the strategies leamed th is year to lead healthy and safe lives. In addition , Officer Francis asked three of his former DARE students to speak at this year's DARE Graduation. Sara .ossmoore (9), Shawn Lewis (10) George Cauble (10) shared their own reasons for and experiences in being to remain drug and alcohol free.


The fifth grade performed an most inspiring song, Take a Dream and Make It Happen. What fitting words for these students in preparing for the future .

••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWER SCHOOL

Buddy Day On Tuesday, May16, rising sixth graders experienced what it will be like to be in the Middle School. The class of fourteen fifth grade students chose sixth grade students to be their "buddies" for the day. The day began with the annual recognition assembly for Upper School students. Grades 5 through 12 attended. Following the assembly, fifth graders went with their sixth grade buddies to exploratory classes, regular classes, lunch, and then to Physical Education.

AJdy Day ended mid-afternoon with a .



eting between fifth grade students and Levy, Head of the Middle School. estions were typical ones asked by Ightly anxious eleven year-olds who are


looking forward to a new year of school. How much time do we have to get from one class to the next? What happens if we are late? Will we have a lot of homework? What if we don't get it all done? The discussion that followed was educational and reassuring. All students agreed that Buddy Day had been worthwhile, and that sixth grade would be a great adventure.

••••••••••••••••••••••• UPPER SCHOOL

Recognition Assembly On Tuesday, May 16, the Upper School held its traditional recognition assembly. The Middle School was invited to help honor the Upper Schoolers and to become more aware of the many opportunities available to them as members of the Upper School. Mr. Stackhouse extended a special welcome to grade five which had joined the sixth grade for Buddy Day (see separate article) .

Mrs. Brandt explained that the assembly would acknowledge honorees in academics and in extra-curricular activities other than athletics and fine arts, which hold their own assemblies (see separate articles) . The assembly began with a performance by the Upper School Girls' Choral Ensemble under the direction of Mrs. Bonnie Anderson . Mrs. Brandt then

Various department heads then presented awards, beginning with Mrs. Anderson 's acknowledgment of Kate Hulcher's selection to District Chorus . Miss Leslie Roughley, Science Department Chair, made her lab awards, including the Golden Scapel Award to the best anatomy student, David Moeser, the Golden Test Tube Award to chemistry student, Ben Reif, the Test Tube Brush Award to Shannon Meade, and the Silver Scalpel Award to Kate Hulcher .

Mrs. Norva Meyer, the Model United Nations (MUN) sponsor, presented certificates to the Upper Schoolers who had participated in one or more of the MUN programs this year at the University of Virginia, Old Dominion University, and National New York City MUN . Over half of the Upper School partiCipates in at least one of these very popular programs. Recognition for outstanding work all year for MUN was given to Fahad Qureshi - Best New Delegate of the Year, Chris Hagy Most Improved Delegate, Laura Ward Outstanding Research, Heather Cohn - Sponsor's Award, Parke Rhoads Most Valuable Member. Special recognition was given to Cheryl Mayers and Alex Rojas , our American Foreign Service (AFS) exchange student, for being an Honorable Mention delegation at Old Dominion . Additionally, Alex Rojas was named Steward Delegate of/he Year and honored with an engraved plaque displayed in the main office. As chairmen of the Social Studies Department, Mrs. Meyer also acknowledged Parke Rhoads, grade 12, for his volunteer work as a teacher of a four-unit Junior Achievement economics course to the fourth graders. Athletic Director, Janet Rice announced Steward's Richmond Times Dispatch Scholar-Athletes, Cheryl Mayers and Frazer Orgain. Cheryl was also honored by the newspaper as one of the top ten female scholar athletes in the metropolitan area and was the recipient of a $1,000 scholarship. Cheryl also received Wendy's High School Heisman Award. Student Organization for Developing Attitudes (SODA) participants including junior PAGE 9

Corbin Adamson, sophomores Hilton Graham, Lainie Haskell, and Kate Hulcher, and freshmen Chris Drzal, Becky Meyerhoff, Aaron Payne, Sara Rossmoore, and Chad Whitten were then recognized by sponsors Janet Rice and Brenda Turner. These students teach units to fourth graders on issues such as respect and responsible decision-making. Engraved pewter cups (compliments of program sponsor, Ukrop's) were presented to Battle of the Brains team members George

Cauble, Alec Kean, Shawn Lewis, Jenny McComas (captain) and Parke Rhoads, by thei r coach, Mrs. Brandt. Mr. Stackhouse the n awarded certificates to tenth graders Bruce Lalone, Brian McGehee and Sam Proffitt with heartfelt thanks for thei r help during the Parents' Association Auction. Every year certain colleges present book awards to local high school students. This year two college book awards acknowledging academic excellence and additional contributions to the school community were awarded. Mrs. Marion Chenault, a member of the Steward Board of Trustees and alumna of Randolph-Macon Woman's College, awarded that school's book award to sophomore Lainle Haskell . Mr. Stackhouse presented the Wellesley College book award to junior Kenya Young (Two additional book awards were made at graduation on June 7; see separate article) . Finally, Mrs. Brandt recognized Cheryl Mayers, recipient of the Brotherhood/Sis-

terhood Award presented jointly by The National Council of Christians and Jews and the Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond. The brotherhood award is given in each of the high schools in the Richmond area to the member of the senior class who best exemplifies the qualities of mutual respect and greater understanding among people. Jenny McComas was the winner of the OAR Good Citizen Award. The DAR sponsors a national high school recognition program to stress the qualities of good citizenship among senior high school students. Criteria include good character, dependability, seNice, leadership and patriotism. To conclude the assembly, the Junior Marshals were announced. A Steward tradition IS that the entire Upper School is a part of the graduation processional. Each year the academic committee, consisting of librarian, department heads and division heads,


selects two members of the junior class to lead the processional. The students this year were selected for their positive attitudes and contribution to the School community. Congratulations to Corbin Adamson and Ben Relf - and to all of the students acclaimed on this special day. They have truly taken advantage of the opportunities which Steward offers - and we are proud of all of them!

2. Lainie Haskell (10th grade) - finished 2nd place in her singles bracket and 1st place in her doubles bracket in both tournaments . 3. Nikki Voltz (10th grade) - was undA feated in tournament play and had only regular season loss.


4. Corbin Adamson (11th grade) - _ undefeated in regular season and tournament play.

Spring Sports Wrap-Up

5. Rachel Whitten (7th g rade) & Tara Garner (11 th grade) - finished 1st in the


6. Lindsay McCormick (9th grade) placed 3rd in the singles bracket in both tournaments.

The newly formed club lacrosse team posted an overall record of 7 wins and 1 loss. The club, composed of boys from five different schools, played a JV schedule and defeated teams from Christchurch, Norfolk Collegiate , Catholic High School, Blue Ridge, and Chesterfield Lacrosse Club. The sole loss was a 10-11 decision against Tidewater Lacrosse Club. Steward senior, Frazer Orgain, was the team's leading scorer. The club plans to compete at the varsity level next spring.

GOLF The young, dedicated golf team was winless this spring, but one individual deseNes special recognition . Seventh-grader Hunter Lansing was named to the Virginia Commonwealth Conference Ali-Conference Team. This is quite an accomplishment for a middle school golfer!!!

CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS' VCC TOURNAMENT TENNIS CHAMPS The girls' tennis team closed out a great season with an overall record of 11 wins and 4 losses. The team participated in the League of Independent Schools and the Virginia Commonwealth Conference finishing the regular season in second place in both leagues. In toumament play, the girls' team captured the VCC Tournament Championship and finished 2nd in the U.S. Another season highlight was Steward's 5-4 victory over SI. Catherine's. This avenged the 3-6 loss to the Saints earlier in the season. Several individual accomplishments should be noted:

doubles bracket at the VCC Tournament.

The boys' tennis team had an overall record of 3 wins and 7 losses posting victories over Southampton Academy, Huguenot Academy and Tidewater Academy. Steven Just (8th grade) played at the #1 seeded position and was named the most outstanding player.

Congratulations to the teams and coaches. A special thanks to Coach Woodhouse, who is leaving after coaching the tennis team for four years. ANNUAL STEWARD OPEN TENN. TOURNAMENT Each year Steward hosts an intramu_ doubles tennis tournament. A team consists of 1 student and 1 adult. The 1995 winners are: 1st Place - Lainie Haskell and Mr. Woodhouse 2nd Place - Cheryl Mayers and Mark

Mayers ('87) "B" Flight winners - Steven Just and Mr.

Mack Myers "C" Flight winners - Sara Rossmoore and Mr. Rossmoore


1. Cheryl Mayers (12th grade)- remained undefeated in regular season singles play for the second straight year.




' «e

Athletic Awards .Mil/die Sclt(!(ll Sl1«er

emcltcs.AWl1rti ............................ eltnd Wltittm .MIISI Ottfstalldillg .......................... SI((I(II !lIst

Hcst Use %.Medillm ............. /JWIIIIlIfJi(!fWf1lJd .Micltael.MoS2'l1ros

PerS((l(ffllIC( to Project ............... /I(lfIl!l.Mcf!Ollflls t:nUlor (lullier Valllaole ......................... Stcplten Palllellc emc/lcs.Awarti ............................ WlieJiasiell .MosIAcC(llllp/'sltedArt 51 lI. W/lIIlIIJ(. 'gW(KJIi rltcsAWflrti ............................. .Mllral Hilgill I I . . ...... . ~ ~ 1.Me, .Mosl Olltslfllidillll ....................... elterul.Maucrs kIa, aSZilrtJs Vorsitu S«ccr Artistic tlltltllsinSI1/ ····················Cn~::~~::;; .Most JI1/pruved ............................ ScollJillWarti virls' ?:cltllis

Varsit!l £etters Awarded

(](J(lcltes.Awarti .... .......................... SflIII Pro/fill

5 Varsitll,Cettcrs enflled,


.Mosl Valllable ...................... ...... 'lraur Orllaill

SlIowlI JAvis


Hloir !acoosell

!mproved JilstrIlI1ICllllllisl .......... !lomoillcJillllkcler ellndJiaJiq;

.Most !I1IPJWeti .............................. /lcssicl1 vmU

!laeltel Wltillm

emcltcs.Awirrd ............................ elt(T'!lI.Ma!l(T's

10 VarsitllUtcrs enmed,

I l096 .Aworti ............................. 1fiillieJioskll

'lraur Or!1flilf

.Masl Vallloole ..................... tllis .Ami .Mcelllll!1

15 Varsity Utcrs enmed,

.Middle Sclt(!(ll ':,.4" /Josietball


I l096.Awarti .......................... Stcplt(lf Palllellc

16 Vor$itllUlers enflled,

.Most Vallloole .......................... Seml/JasKcrville


.Middle Selt(!(ll "H" Hasutbnll

Athletic Vepartmellt's Righest R{Jl/ors

.Mosl Jmpr(1fled ............................. tdwarti (](!(IK (](J(ldlcs.Aword ................................... Ho Wise

Jiigltrsl.Acmiclllic .AvertJgc ................. ?:ed /JeIfSl1I1 /loslt Spoilf JIllPrtJll(.f/ V(J(Olisl ...................... /lCIfIl!l.MdJollfllS .AlldU Still .Acc{1/l/plislted V(J(O{ist ................. .Molrica Kollmoll tmilll Now ~/tCl1tre eltenper 611 lite fJoZt11 Hcsf Actrcss ill J:aIIIill!1 !lole .............. !lose Wolf/


Hcst.Actrrss ill SlIpportill!1 !lule ... !mllu.MdJoI1I1lS

"1ur Iltololltkle wltu muws lIulilllil"

/Jcsl.Aclrcss ill.Millor !lole ....... (]amber/II Pr:IlrSl1If

1rl1Zer Orgaill

Best .Ac"'r ill SlIpportill!1 !lole ..... Slcpltm PalllettC

tonc/tes Awnrd

/Jest.Aclor ill.Millor !lole ............... eorlcr tber/U Specinl.Aword 0/ !lccllflllitioll ...................... Paps

emclles .Aword ................................ !losc Wolf/

"1ur exelllplar!! dedicaliull Iu olltk/its alld spurtSJHOllsltip olld/ur IIl1sel/islt t((JJH pia!! 11M sllpporl. "

Virls' HasKefmll



st Valllaole .............................. Walttr Waslt


.Middle Sclt(!(ll elteerlmders


ltcs.Award ................... ... /lcllllifcr /JJlollrelle Varsit!l elt«r/(mkrs

11096 .AWflrti ........................... Saro !lossl1/(!(Ire

.Mosl !11/pr(J(!(l/ ......................... lltultel Wltittm emcltcs.Awarti ............................ /JJillieJioskdl .Mosl Valllaole .. .......................... elleryl.Ma!l(T's

The Fine Arts Banquet

/IV elllo /JJcrossc .Mosf Vollloble ..................... ....... 'lraur Or!1ailf


.Mosl JII/pruved ............................. Sam Pro/fill .Most Valllable ............................ 'lraur Or!1aill



Jmpr(J(!(l/ .............................. Will Permls

.Maru Pappills /Jcsl.Aclress ill J:aIIIill!1 !lOlL ..... (]urWII.AdfllIlSl1I1

"All that Glitters .• was the theme of The Fine Arts Banquet held on Wednesday evening, May 24, in the school auditorium/ turned elegant dining room. With much pizzazz, fanfare and fun, the following students were recipients of awards.



.Accomplisited JlIstflll1/mllllist... .. ........ ?:ed HCIISl1If .Mllmt Hilgill

.Most Jilll(1fl(ltive .Artists.. ............. Wlie Jiaskel! UJ!llor (lul/ier

/Jesf .Actor ill J:,endill!1 !lole.. ........... ?:alllor (lul!ier Hcst.Aclor as Wa/J.·OII ................... MrtJlI Pa!l"C Specinl.AWflrtis 'Director's elloicc (cltofC(lf1mpltu) ........... HCII Wolff ':Moru Pappills" Hcsl .Actor ill eltomcter !lole ............ .Aaf/1ll Pa!lIlC ".All'" We/llilot tllds.As VOII axc !I" /Jest ?:ec/llliciml/ ....................... Saro !lossl1/(1(Irc Sll1Dc .;Ilfllla!1cr "?:lle emf$( .Actill!1 Sllow" 'Diret/IJr '$ eltoicc .Award .............. .AIIIISllo.A 6msi "/or UMr 10llU e//orl"

'Clfe 'lineAr/sAward was presmlcd tu /lenll!!

'/tCS.Awarti .......................... Jilillfer /JJIISill!1 .Mosl Promisilf!1 ;Newcol1/ers ........ Sltflltl101f .;I.(ent/c .Mceolllas "/ur excdlmce ilf Arl, .Mllsic O/Id eltrislillC /Jcll 'C1t(IJtrc.. " It was a sltillill; (//millg Itiglflight· Hous' ?:mllis Best Usc 0/ eo/Qr ................... /JmlfltnIlJicIIW(}(J(/ ing ullr stlldents /ur "All tltat vlil/ers. " .Alisin 'Jretl1l1l1l



where they met Ollie Octopus (Jacob Fram) and all of the other sea creatures (K-1 st grade) . Although they had a wonderful adventure under the sea, the family wanted to go home. So, the baby baluga led the family back to the top of the ace. where they were met by Captain Steve. Shelley and Johnny were pleased toA going home because "there is no place_ home!" The students in Kindergarten through 5th grades gave an energetic performance, singing and dancing their way throughout the evening. Smiles and loud ovations from their audience signified another successful Lower School performance!

••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSIC DEPARTMENT

Happy Mother's Day! On Mother's Day, the 8th grade music class and mothers were invited to a concert of jazz and contemporary selections performed by the Richmond Symphony under the direction of George Manahan and The Great American Jazz Ensemble . Following the concert, the students were invited backstage to meet with Conductor Manahan and Russell Wilson, renowned jazz pianist from the Richmond area. This unique opportunity was made available by Ms. Denise McLaurin, mother ofTrent and Ashleigh, and it was a very special aftemoon for all who attended. (including Ms. Anderson's mom!)

••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSIC DEPARTMENT

Spring Sprang! On May 11, The Steward School Spring Concert took place . This enchanting evening included performances from the Spring semester recorder class, the Middle School Chorus , the Upper School Girls' Ensemble and the Lower School "Sea Cruise" cast. The middle schoolers dressed as teenagers from the fifties and performed selections from that era including "Grease" and "Bye, Bye Love." The Upper School Girls ' Ensemble program consisted of spirituals including "Little Innocent Lamb" and "Sing Alleluia." The recorder class played a repertoire of folk songs and comtemporary tunes including Elton John's "The Lion King Medley."


The finale of the evening was the Lower School rendition of "Come and Let Me Take You on a Sea Cruise" that was presented again the following day for "Grandparents' Day" 'Come and Let Me Take you on a Sea Cruise' was this year's theme for the Lower School "Grandparents Day" held May 12. The play, written and directed by Director of Music, Ms. Anderson , was a "splashing" success. With Austin Pittman (grade 4) as the Captain of the S.S .Steward, Sara Kornblau (grade 5) as Malioki from the Hawaiian Islands and Andy Baruch (grade 5) as the Jamaican ship's steward, the cruise was a memorable one. Here's the story. Mom (5th grader Mary Ashley Stanton), Dad (4th grader Matthew Stainback), daughter Shelley (5th grader Sally Anne Stratton), brother Johnny (5th grader Chris Feuerman) and friend Michael (5th grader Will Hession) packed their bags and departed Richmond, Virginia for a lovely visit to the island of Jamaica, the beaches of Southern California, and Hawaii for some fun in the sun! While in Jamaica, the family was joined by two Jamaican ladies (Jen· nifer Gray and Leigh Shelton - 5th graders) .

KUDOS Governor's Schoo. Ted Benson, a rising eighth grader, has been selected to participate in the Aerospace Challenge course of the Mathematics & Science Center's 1995 Governor's School. The Summer Program Director, Gloria Clark, congratulated Ted by saying "You have the honor of representing your school and your school division as one of the best science students in the Metro Richmond area." Way to go, Ted! Upcoming Violinist Mary Ashley Stanton, a rising st· grader, performed on Tuesday, May16 The Richmond Symphony Young Perfor ers' Spring Concert held at the Carpenter Center. Mary Ashley, a member of the String Sinfonietta since January of 1994, was five years old when she began to play the violin after seeing Itzhak Perlman perform on a Sesame Street program. She has progressed quickly earning first chair of the

The family trip on a glass bottom boat turned to disaster as a tidal wave capsized the small boat and the tourists ended way down below the sea, MARCH 1995

petition the weekend of June 3-4 at the Briarwood Synchro Club in Richmond. We're proud of you, Emily!

"Heard it Through the Grapevine"


l ,'

Russell Wilson, Emily Padow, Ashleigh McLaurin, George Manahan, Mrs. Ferguson (Mrs. Anderson's mother) and Mrs. Anderson at the Richmond Symphony.

second violin section and then second chair of the first violin section in the String Sinfonietta. Bravo!

Word has it that Catherine Leitch (Class of '93) has been nominated by the Faculty of Randolph-Macon Woman 's College to serve as a Colloquium Fellow during the 1995-96 academic year. "Colloquium Fellows work with Colloquium Faculty to assist in cultivati ng the discussion atmosphere of the course, to model critical thinking and articulate response to the text materials, and to assist with both informal and formal writing assignments as appropriate" says Larry Bowden, Colloquium Director. Congratulations!

National Poetry Award


We are proud of your outstanding achievement!

Cheryl Mayers-Richmond TimesDispatch Scholar/Athlete Finalist Each spring all area public and private schools can nominate a male and a female to represent their school in the Richmond Times-Dispatch Scholar-Athlete Award . Cheryl Mayers was among the 10 female finalists. She will receive a $1,000 scholarship from the Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers. Congratulations!!!


• '*'_ ......... ,.... ....... _ .... -1141...,....



Early in the spring, 3rd , 4th, 5th, and the Middle School computer classes worked hard to create their own postcards for a contest sponsored by Club Kidsoft, a national magazine. We are proud to report that 3rd grader, Dory Klein , was selected as one of 12 students nationwide to have her postcard published in the magazine. Congratulations Dory!

..., _ _ ... \len.

' -....... triD1OI _lilt _..... ............ pod.Tho WId poto. .. _ _ ...... 12, _ _ 'DIill


)d$oII _ _


Out of 72,000 poetry entries and participation by over 15,000 high schools nationwide, Steward's own Adam Graves submitted an award winning poem that will appear in the National Poetry Society's National High School Anthology The President, Martin L. Keegan, wrote that "while consideration was given to form and style, primary Phasis was placed on the overall feelyour poem evoked. It was our judges nion that the poems selected displayed _ endous writing potential deserving of W:ial recognition."

In The Swim Emily Padow is a synchronized swimmer, which means that she performs "dance" numbers in the water meticulously swimming with the music. In fact, she is a talented one who just earned herself the opportunity to participate in the National Age Alp (14/15) Competition in Orlando, _ da. Emily placed third in her solo, secin her duet with swimmer, Courtney • . ' and second in the team (8 girls) com-



J/ollor J(oll-Upper SCHool grade .Morl<.illfl Period 4



eher!!1vA . .Mo!!ers /lmllifer vA. .Mceollfos







e. VOllllfl


Secolld Sellfester


eher!!1vA. .Mo!!ers /lellllifer vA. .Mceolllos

eher!!1vA. .Mo!!ers /lelll/ifer vA . .Mceolllos vAleXllllder f(ojos


e. VOllllfl

ehor/otte SlIllivOII Kell!!o VOUlffl


georfle JI. eouole vAlIlI.Mc.coill Jlosl<.ell ShowlI g. .cewis

georfleJl. eOIlNe vAlII/.MC.coill Jlosl<.dl Showlf .ccwis

georfle JI. eouole vAlIlI.Mc.coill Jlosl<.dl Showlf g. 'ccwis

ehristopher.M. Jlofl!! t. Ernllllolf Jle!!wood f(eoeccn .c. .Me!!erhoff Sorn t. f(osslIfoore Kristill.M. Woltoll /lmifer Woodall eotherille vA. Wood!!

ehristopher.M. Jlofl!!

ehristopher.M. Jlofl!!



Sorn t. f(ossllfoore Kristill.M. Woltoll /lmifer Woodall eotherille vA. Wood!!




f(eoecco 'c. .Me!!erhoff Sorn t. f(ossllfoore Kristill.M. Woltoll eotherille vA. W(J(Jd!!


e PAGE 14

MARCH 1995


e e


/eoll-Middle School

6th grade 41h Madilff! Period .A1IIISIIa .A Masi Jlarrll !Jaroll C:d !Jmson Corbilt IJrierre .AleK Vlltll





__ _

ROII/aille JlIIIIKe/er C!!lIthio !ohlls Elizabelh .&lrtlS 7:1'0Illas .ccPage Williallt Paolello Caitlill Rossll1oore


tr - I _ I


1i1lal .AIIIIslla .Abbasi Jlarrll Earoll C:,o !Jmson Corbul Erierrc .AkK Vlltll Slisamfah Jlarris Romaine JlllnKeler

C:holl1as ÂŁePage

C:holl1as 'cePage !Ollll .M~/lliall William Pao/etto Caitlilf Rossll1oore Slcvm Sd(IIJrd ,Collra Siaballgh !ohll Slinson .Michelle WhitaKer

!Ollll SlillS011 Michelle WhitaKer

William Paoktlo Caitlilf RosslHoore StcVClt Sdvard ,Collra Slabaligh !Ollll Siu/soll .Mielldk WhitaKer

71h grade Jessica vra!! IJlair !aeobsClt Jlllllter .&lltSilfg Villa Milia

Jessica vrall tJ/air Jacobsen Jlllllia ,Collsilfg Vilfa .Miller

.Adalll Ralclf .Abb!! Riltaca

.Adaltf Rafclt .Abbll Rinaca

!oslflla Spoilt Elizabeth Sll/llller Walter Wash ROc/lei Wllillell

!oshlla Spoill

Carler Eberl!! Jessica Vra!! Elair !acobs(lf Jlllnier ,Consing Villa .Milia .AndrCII/Vdl .Adam Raleh .AM!! Rillaca .Alison Rinaea !oshlta Spain

Raclte! Whil/(/f

Raelfel WhiltClf

:David ElIKlon .Malt vOl/wold

:David EIIKlolI


.Michael.Maszaros bsa .McComas .Ashleigh Mc.&lllrin Sleph(lf Palilefle 1allat1 Qllreshi ! Ohlf Schott .And!! Stilt

8th (katie Vavid 1IIIKtOll .Matt vottwald !ellllifer .&llollre/Ie Michael .Maszaros bsa .McColllas .Ashldgll.Me,Colirilf Stephen Pallklte 1allad Qllreshi !ollll Scholl .Alldll Slill

_ _

211d Sell/ester .AlIIlSha .Abbasi Jlarrll1laroll 7:ed lIe'ISOIl CorbuI1Irierre .AkKVIIIII SlIsamfalt Jlarris RolltaineJillnKeler Cllllihia Johns

.Asilleigh .MC,Colirill Stephell Palilelte 1ahad Qllreslli ! 01111 Selloll .Alldll Stilt

( I







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