1997 • Graduation Issue
Steve Stackhouse
The Blue & Gold
Sue Drzal Editor THE STEWARD
11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 804-740-3394
laudia and Ed Lawton and Mike Drzal we re commended for their ded icated Proce ing down the ai Ie of service LO the The teward chool gy mna ium ch 01. B ok filled with familie , fa ulty, and awa rd for friend , th la of 1997 received in the excellence fin al wo rd of prai e and be t va rious di iwi hes for the future at commencepline we re ment exerci e held on June 5. awa rd 路d th Junio r marshals Sara Ros moore follow ing tuand Ned Trice led this year' dent . enior enior who cho e to don t raditio nal hris Hines cap and gown f r the memorable (English and event. an), George Foll owing th invo atio n delivaubl (hi LOry Graduating Sentors Heidi Ansta (/) and Ifrah Nur (r) share a Joyful ered b Reverend Kenneth and mathematmoment before t he commencement exercises. Crumpton , Jr., se nior George i ), and Shawn Cauble i sued welcoming remarks . Lewis ( cience) ; juniors ara The award pre entation was The Upper hool horu ang a Ro moore (French) , Laura Ward followed by guest speaker The pecial number, We Arc ot A lol/c, (music) , and Becky Meyerhoff Honorable James . Gilmore III, (theatre); sophomore Attorney General of the ommonRuth William (phy ical wealth of Virginia. Following a education ) and Michael warm , per onal tribute written for Maszaros (Spanish); and each student by Mr. tackhouse, fre hman Carter Eberly hairman and President of the (Latin) . Freshman Katie Board , Mike DrzaJ, assisted the Drzal received the award headmaster in the presentation of diplomas. for the highest a ademic ave rage. Foreign exchange student Heidi Other awards of Arista presented teward with a farewell gih of her native Mexican distin tion included the U niver ity of Rich mond flag. Heidi will be returning to her Book Award LO junior homeland LO continue her education Meghan Hajek and the at a Mexican university. University of Virginia The ceremony closed with Book Award to junior Ned remarks from enior Sam Proffitt Trice. pecial enior and the chool Alllla Mater perawarcls were issued as formed b y the Upper "I.uol follows : Ihah Nur (The horus. A beautiful tent reception teward Award); George on The Green awaited the graduCauble (Academic Excelates and Steward families and lence and the friends . Headmaster's Award) ; Lainie Haskell (Alumni The Class of 1997 looks ahead Juntor Marshals Ned rnce (/) and Sara Rossmoore (r) lead the Award and the Dixon Class of 1997 In their processional. to promisi ng futures. ome of the Award) ; and Chris Hines colleges and universitie they will followed by senior peeche of great (the tephen Daniel Pie sAward ). be entering in the fall include sentiment by Emily Wolff and am Proffitt and hawn Lewis & Mary. the Univer ity of William Shawn Lewis. were al 0 recogni zed for their 13Virginia, Virginia ommonwealth yea r attendance at The Steward Head ma ter teve tackhou e Univer ity, Radford , Randolphchoo!. pre ented a eries of awards. R tirMacon, Louisburg ollege, Appalaing Bard of Tru tee members chian tate, and Lynchburg ollege.
A Step Toward the Future
Honors Dessert by Calolyn81andl On Tuesd ay, May 6, Upper School students who have earned ho nor roll grades during the year were celebrated . Dr. Anne Perkins , Associate Dean of the Jepson Leadership School at the University of Richm o nd, addressed the honorees, t heir parents, other relatives, and friend s. Thirty students received cert ificates fo r achieving honor roll o ne o r two marking periods . The nine stud ents receiving plaqu es fo r ac hieving honor roll the entire acade mic year included: ninth grade rs Katie Drzal , Carter Eberly , and Elizabeth Sumner ; te nth grad ers Michael Maszaros, Stephen Paulette, Fahad Qureshi , and Andy Stitt; eleventh grade r Megan Hajek; and twe lfth grade r George Cauble.
in extracurricu lar activities such as Stude nt Coun cil, Honors Symposum , and SODA . In additi on to these recognitions, the following were honored for acco mplishments as indicated :
Richmond Times-Dispatch Athletes Lainie Haskell (Grade 12) Shawn Lewis (Grade 12) Wendy's Heisman Nominees Meghan Hajek (Grade II ) Ned Trice (G rade II ) Steward Representative to the Hugh O 'Brian Leadership Foundation Stephen Paulette (Grade 10) Randolph-Macon Woman 's College Book Award (To the sophomore girl who most exhibits academ ic strength and leadership potenti aL)
Ashleigh McLaurin (G rade 10)
We llesley College Book Award (To the j un ior gi rl who has made outstanding academic achievements and made significant contributions to the school anellor general community.)
Emily Wolff (Grade 12)
we studi ed epic, t.ragic. a nd classical
Cabell Jones (G rade II )
Good Citizen Award of the Daughters of the American Revolution Lainie HaskeU (G rade 12)
On Thu rsday, May 22 , the Upper School Recogni t ion Asse mbly acknowledged hono r roll plaque recipie nts, winners of varsity letters, and students who have participated Page 2
One of Steward's most noted recent curriculum enhancements has been the creation of an Honors Symposium for selected ninth and tenth grade students for interdisciplinary studies. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Mrs. Brenda Turner and Dr. Louise Robertson many Steward students have benefited from this challenging and interesting program. One participant, Carter Eberly, describes the Honors Symposium and what it has meant to him.
Brotherhood Award of the National Council of Christians and Jews
West Point Society Award (Exceptional performance in academics, ath letics, community service, good citizenship, and leaderShip.)
Upper School Recognition Assembly
Honors Symposium Concludes Successful Second Year
T he Ho nors Sympos ium is a unique co urse offered by The Steward School. Mrs. Turner and Dr. Robertson teach th e course on a pre-selected topic. Fo r th e two years the course has been running, Mrs. Turner and Dr. Robertson have focused on t he to pic of heroes , but next yea r we will be stud ying famous trials. In t he first semester
Sara Rossmoore (Grade 11 )
Juntor Becky Meyerhoff and her mother pause fOI a photo during the Honors Dessert
were announced with Sara Rossmoore and Ned Trice being selected for this high ho nor.
WRlC-TV Best in the Class of 199 7 George Cauble (Grade 12) George Cauble , Ho nor Council Pres ident, announced th e stud ents who have bee n elected to serve on the Honor Council next year: From next year 's ninth grade, Will Perkins; from te nth grade Walter Wash ; from eleventh , Stephen Paulette; and from twelfth , Sara Rossmoore and Cabell Jones . Finally, junior graduation marshals
heroes, and during the second semester we studied media-made and unsung heroes. We have read articles, heard speakers, viewed film s, held discussions, read books, and staged a play all relati ng to the topic of heroes. Also, a "symposium " is held at t he end of each marking period. This year, they have bee n held at t he Fine Arts Museum of Virgi nia, The Virginia Histori cal Society, and The Hermitage High School Center for the Humanities. At these events speakers give their thoughts on the topic and th e stud ents discuss their opinions on it.
Possible Ho nors ympo ium participants are recommended by t he faculty, and the fin al decision of inducting them into the program is based on an appli catio n filled out by the student. T he other prerequisite o f entry in to the program is reading and "logging" a ummer reading ass ignment; in the e "logs", t he student has to reco rd the events of each sce ne and h is or her reactions to it. During the past two yea rs, the a signed book has been Oedipus
Rex. I would immediately reco mmend Ho no rs ympos ium to any student who has the opportunity to jo in . T he knowledge and insight ga ined in this cour e i more than enough remuneratio n fo r the extra wo rk involved. In my opinio n, nottak.ing advantage of uch an oppo rtuni ty i a shame and a waste. by Carrer Eberly (Grade 9)
Middle School Graduation The eighth grade of The Steward chool closed its Middle chool chapter with a graduation ceremony at 11:30 a. m. o n June 3 . Seventh grade marshals Jennifer Gray and Eliza BuUock led the proces ion of Middle School students , and eighth grade Pres ident Brantley Scott delive red t he invocation. Middle School Head Roger Coulombe gave certificates o f achievement to the Hono r students and an engraved plaque fo r the Highest Academic Ave rage in t he Middle School to eighth grader Ted Benson. Subsequent awa rd s were give n by each department head to the following students: Corbin Brierre (a rt and Grade 8 English) ; Mary Patterson (G rad e 7 English ); Austin Pittman (G rade 6 English ); Ted Benson (history and mathematics) ; Alex Duty (PE.lhealt h);
/-Ionors }'mposlum partICIpants were qUIre Impressed with the" off-ca mpus symposIum opportumties. They pose (or a phOlo durmg the symposIum held at the VIrginIa lenee Museum.
Caitlin Ro smoore (scie nce) ; Allison trickIand (mUSic); Roland West (theatre) ; and fo r fo reign language exploratory, Sarah Martenstein (French ); Anusha Abba i (S panish); and Ale.x Duty (Lat in). T he Grade Level Achieveme nt Awa rd , f r the student in ea h grade level who, in t he opin ion of t he fac ult , has hown the greatest overall growth a nd imp rove ment in all area of chooll ife th roughout the year, were given to La ura
Slabaugh (Grade 8), Eliza BuUock (G rade 7) and Talley Gregory (G rade 6). T he oveted tewa rd Awa rd , for t he student who best exemplifies the chara teristic of integri ty, co mm itment to academi achievement, high moral standard , and sen itivity to othe r t hat are mo t desired in a teward student, was given to eighth grade r Ted Benson . Midd le Schoo l Head Coulombe then pre ented the gradu ating eighth grader to Up per chool Head Caroly n Brandt. Mrs. Brandt poke to her upco ming ninth grade lass about t he mea ning of the chool' name and challenged the st ud ent to apply the key components of the defi ni t io n of a " teward "- re pon ibili ty, time and ta lent - to their own live . In closing, he urged them to "believe in yo ur elLbecau e we do." T he excited gradu ate rece ed to a reception held in t heir hono r.
EIght h graders Anusha AbbaSI (/) and Brantley SeOlt (r) smile (or the camera before therr Middle School Graduation ceremonies .
Page 3
Spirit Teams End Year
Middle SChool Marks End of Year wllh Varied Aclllilies A special asse mbly held on May 22 was the scene of special recogniti on for many Midd le Schoolers as they wrapped up the acade mic yea r. Margaret Maclin recogni zed thi s year's wi nners of teward' Spell ing Bee: Leora Rothenbe rg (G rade 6), Lorraine Hawes (G rade 7) , and Ted Benson and Roland West (G rade 8) . Lorraine Hawes went on to become the school champion and compete in the Private chool Division fina ls of th e Scripps Howard Spelling Bee held here at Steward . Coaches for the various sports also recognized M iddle Schoolers for their ath letic accompli shments with certificates of participation. Letters and pins were prese nted lO tho e participating in varsity sports.
Midd le chool Engli h teacher and pirit Teams wizard Pat Cuneo report that in the t hird a nd final round of thi yea r' pirit l1:am co mpetition, th e old Team nce aga in came out on top. They were also the champio ns of the fir t round . The Gold Team an redit its victory to a variet or factor : ath letic ab ili ty, teamwork, e tracurricular involvement, and a hi h tea m grade point average. ongratulation hould al go ut to t he Red Team , winner f Round II of t he competition ,a well as to all of the student and teacher in th e Middle choo l wh e invol ement and enthu ia m made t he fir t yea r of pirit l 1:am 0 ucce ful.
Seventh Graders Retreat to WesIYlew b, I'll &1111'11 a way of celebrating th end of a great yea r (nOtlO mention the last yea r before the n et f final exa ms) , the eventh grad traveled
lodge ituated in the woods be ide a lake. Accompanied o n the overnight tay by midd l choo l teac hers Pat C un eo, Robb StottJemyer, and Pa ul a Yerkon , the eventh graders enjo 'ed hiking, fi hing, wimming, rootball , ba ketba ll , and just relaxing in the wilderne . Whatever they cho e to do, the tudentS t ok rull adva ntage of their time at We tview, leeping a t ta l of on ly ab ut four hour the enti re trip with ut howing any igns of ratigue. The student al 0 lOok a larg hare o r the re po n ibilit), by preparing all of the meal during the stay. A great deal of redit for the deliciou meal , h wever, must also go to par nt Betsy Bullock and Ra mona Miller who planned tw dav ' worth f meal ror 2 I people. Thanks to all o r their beh ind-th ce ne help, the tudent and tea her ate beller than anyo ne ould have ever expect clto while "r ughing it."
EI_ Srl1lII'S -lIUsted" Middle choole rs also enjoyed a 'ear-end "Roast" with a readi n .r of the eighth grad e "last will and testament" and a startling prophecy of t he lass of 200 I ele brating their 20th reunion in the yea r 202 1. Who , but Steward 's highl y im aginative English teacher Sandy Shaw co uld envision Anusha Abbasi, one of Steward 's acco mplished eque trians , giving up the port and, in tead , owning and managing a glue facto r ?
GIIIt PuIIIlsbId Also thanks to t he ffort of Sandy Shaw, t he first ed it ion of the Middle School Literary Magazine, Gold, was publi hed. T he 26page magazine feature the poetic works of a number of ta lented Middle Schooler.
Perfea pring lVea l her paved Ihe way (or an enjoyable sevenlh grade Itlp 10 WeSlv,cw on Ihe James . Here ,ma /arvand, ÂŤronli. Ram,<'Y Bsal (bac/..) and lac Sears ((ar tlghli lOasl mar hmal/ows 10 perfecllon
on May 29 lO Westview n the Jame , a 7 O-acre retreat 10 ated in o chland oun ty. The group pent two da s and one night in two
All in all , the trip was a great su ce , and one whi h we hope will become an annual tradition at tel ard .
Spelling Bee champio n were Daniel Klein (G rade 3) , Paul Bishop and Noah Schnoll (G rade 4) , and Dory KJein and Amy Strickland (G rad e 5) .
Lower School Celebrates Lower School student joined in graduate celebrations with their own special ceremony held on June 3 at 8:30 a.m. Following th e proce sion by the grad uati ng fi fth graders, Weezie Wiltshire, Head of Lower choo l, welcomed famili e and friends and thanked parent and teacher for making her fir t year in lhi pos ition such a fantastic and rewarding ex perience. Ed Lawton , father of fifth grader Andy Lawton , addre sed the Lowe r School tudent , reminding th em to rememb r how special it was to have Midd le Schooler rega rd yo u a friend . tudent Council officers and representati ves were acknowledged by sponsor Beverley Fox. Pre ident, Ida Henley; Vice Pre ident, Artis Mills ; Treasu rer, Sam Baronian; Secretary, Jamie Satterfield; 4th grad e re pre entative Paul Bishop and Jeff Kern; and 5th grade repre entative Jimmy Atkinson and Kristin Parrish . Awards were the n pre ellled by vari ous faculty members and department heads :
Perfect Attendance certificates were iss ued to J .B. Shaver (kind ergarte n), Kitty BaH and Sara Small (G rade I ), Reyn Davenport and Le igh Bedinger (Grade 2) , Anne Borum (Grade 3), Leigh Greene and Artis MiIls (G rad e 4), and Sam Baronian and Amy Strickland (G rade 5).
special urpri se prese ntation to depart ing Headm aste r teve tac kh ouse. A fi sh clock, designed by David and I erso nalized by each Lower chool student, will serve a a wonderful memento of the arti ti ta lents of the e student .
Other special awa rds included : Sportsmanship Music Art Theatre Blue & Gold
C itizens of the Year
Jimmy Atkinson Ida Henley Dory Klein Gray O'Brian Jordan Effron Tori Cannella Jamie Satterfield
The last award was T he Lower ch 01Award , prese nted to that member of the Lower Schoo l who, in the opinion of the fac ult " best exe mplifi e extraord inary effort, coo peration , and choo l pirit. Thi yea r' rece pient was Sam Baronian. Lynn Zinder, Lower chool art teacher, and David Parrish made a
Sam Baroman receives The Lower School Award from Headmaster Steve tackhouse.
Grandparents' Day Lower chool gra ndparents and pecial vi itor were t reated to a spectacular performan e in their honor. Bonnie Anderson , mu ic teacher, in coordin at ion with theatre in tructor Paula Verkon and Lynn Zinder and Rugene Paulette , art teachers , produced When "lVu're "lVIlIlg nt H en rt , a musical featuring variou selection from Di ney producti o ns. With every Lowe r School tud ent on tage , it was a perform ance of tremendou musica l ta lent and tunning costume . Following the program , t he tud ents entertained their vi itor in their ci a room with refreshment . Th i a nnual tewa rd tradition give grandparents and pecial fri end the op portunity to see first-hand what the teward experience mea ns to t hese tu dents.
Grandparents' Day (ealured (abu /oos
and (antastlC costummg-DlSney style!
Page 5
Fine Arts Banquet by Rugene Paulette From Romeo & Juliet to court jesters, the theme Shakespearean Feast was evident in the costuming as well as the decorations for the 1997 Fine Arts Banquet. A record number of attendee en joyed the lovely transformed audito rium which reflected Shakespearean theatre throughout. Maypoles, ivy, grapes, and flo ral arrangements decorated all the banquet tab les . T he stage was set for a scene from Julius Caesar where recipie nts rece ived thei r awa rds. Altendees d re sed
elaborate hakcspcilrean attire for this year's flfl~ Arts Ba nquet Seen here lire amberly Pearson. ElIzabeth umner, and Stephen
(left to righ t) Jennifer ' ~ll ou relfe, Sara Rossmoore,
T he feast, arranged by Connie and Tim Pearson , was delicious.
Fine Arts Awards - 1996-97 Music Highest Academic Award-Music Theory Fall Session Trent McLaurin Spring Session Eliza Bullock Highest Academic Average-Music Theory Spring Session Leora Rothenberg Most Accomplished Insuumentalists Fall Session Chris Byrne James Foote Spring Session Allison Strickland Most Improved Insuumentalists Fall Session Reed Yancey Sean Jackson Spring Session
Most Improved Vocalists Middle School Michelle Whitaker Upper School Taylor Collier Most Accomplished Vocalists Middle School Will Atkinson Upper School Justin Mehaffey
Theatre Best Acuess in a Leading Role Sarah Rossmoore (A Midsummer Night's Dream) Best Aaor in a Leading Role Justin Mehaffey (Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dream coot)
Art Best Aaor in a Supporting Role Taylor Collier (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
Most Innovative Artist Walter Wash Upper School Middle School Laura Slabaugh
Best Acuess in a Supparting Ra/e Elizabeth Sumner (Jaseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoot)
Most Promising Newcomer Upper School Caroline Vend Nick DeCrosta Middle School Taylor Brewer
Best Acuess in a Minor Role Mary Congdon (Backbone
of America)
Best Aaor in a Minor Role Ned Trice r Take 5")
Best Use o( Color Upper School Chris Hines Middle School Jamie Rose
Best Acuess in a Charaaer Role Ruth Williams r Take 5")
Best Use o( a Medium US (Clay) Camberly Punon MS (Graphite Pencil) - Ted Benson
Best Aaor in a Charaaer Role Harry Baron (Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoot)
Perseverance to a Projea Upper School Scott Adams Middle School Alex Duty
8est Technician
Direaor's Choice Becky Meyerhoff ((or year-long effort)
Most Accomplished Artist Upper School Chris Hines Middle School Corbin Brlerre
Award o( Special Recognition (or direaing 8ockbone o( America Drew Cosby
Artistic Enthusiasm Upper School Chris Hines Middle School Juliana Sumner
Award o( Special Recognition (or Choreography o( Joseph Ben Wolff
Adam Graves
Chris Dnal
Artistic Conuibution to Theatre Upper School Lalnle Haskell
The 1996-97 Fine Arts Award - Sara Rossmoore (overall excellence in all areas of the ~ne arts)
Other parents ass isti ng we re Janet Murray who assisted in sewing; Phyllis Meyerhoff, table decorating; and Susan LatoureUe who was responsible for making many of the Shakespearean costumes worn at the banquet.
peaker was Mr. John Williamson (father ofT SMUN member Dan Williamson ) Mr. and Mrs. Williamson are independent consultants to the United N atio ns, pecializing in refugee children . Both John and Jan Willi amson travel extensively and frequently to developing nations, Londo n and Ge neva fo r their work. Mr. W illiamson was able to give a pOignant view of current refugee conditions and problem .
Many studen ts received awards for their expertise in various categories in art, theatre, and music. We are proud of all participants in the fi ne arts program here at Steward. Ninety-four percent of ou r Upper and Middle School students are involved in o me aspect. It was a grand and glorious evening enjoyed by all.
MUN parents, organized and led by Ann Maszaros, prepared and erved three complete meals for ove r 100 participant , an outstanding feat. Sponsoring busines e were extremely ge nerou in provid ing food and supplie . The Blue Marlin Restaurant, co-owned by Steve Fixman , fathe r of Steward jun ior David , provided one meal of tacos , a nd other donatio n were given by Wal-Mart Grocery, evs Pharmacy, McDonald 's , Rite Aid , Farmer Jack's, Hannaford , Einstein Bagels, The Smokey Pig West, The Knit Nut, Barnett's Hallmark Shop, Ben Franklin , Wendy 's, The Ice Cream IGtchen , Taco BeU , and Chick-Fil-A which provided 1,000 chicken nuggets with sauces!
Steward's Second Annual Model U.N. Conference Draws 83 Students by HOffa Meye" MUH Sponsor High praise from participating schools resulted from our second Model U.N. conference, TS MUN II (The Steward School Model United Na tio ns II ). T he student delegates conducted three model Security Councils during a Friday through Saturday simulatio n of the work of the actual U .N. Securi ty Counci l. Each Council worked with different topics and was chaired by an Old Dominion Univer ity student. The Steward School Model U.N . Society members served as hosts for the conference and as vicechairs and rapporteur in the committees. Aaron Payne, vice president of TSSMUNS, spoke to the 83 delegates from Clover Hill, Richmond Community, and Cape Henry Collegiate Schools at the opening ceremonies, and welco ming speeches were given by Headmaster Steve Stackhouse and Head of Upper SchooVDirector of Studies Carolyn Brandt. The keynote
Other activities of TSSMUNS this yea r included atte nding t he U.S. Naval Academy Model U.N. o nference in November and the Old Dominio n Unive rsity MUN in Febru ary.
STEWARD SPRING SPORTS FINISH 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bl Coach Janel Rice Girls' Tennis Team Captures VCC Tournament TlUe For The 3rd straight Year!!! The 1997 girl ' tenni squad tied with t. Vincent de Paul for 1st place in the Virginia Co mmonwealth Conferen ce (V C) Tournament for the t hird co n ecutive yea r. The team placed 5th in the League of Independent hool (LI S) Tournament. Senior co- aptains Lainie Haskell and Nikki Voltz
led the team through incredible example of singles and double play. Ha ke ll , at the # I single positio n, a nd Voltz at the # 2 spot went undefeated in all of their ingles competitions in the vee. Lainie Haskell remained undefeated t hro ughout her junior and senior seasons against VC schools, whi le Nikki Voltz remained undefeated against both V e and LI chools this eason. In addition , Voltz wa victoriou in all tou rn ament matches fo r the past three years. Teamed together fo r # I doubles, this dynamic d uo went undefeated in the VCC fo r the second co nsecutive yea r. LaiJlie HaskeU was also named to the ve All Academic Team. Eighth grader El.izabeth Larus clinched the #6 singles Litle at the V e l b urnament. Larus and fellow classmate Ashlee Healey teamed up as #2 doubles partner and placed 2 nd at the tournament.
Another eighth grader, Caitlin Rossmoore, and junior Meghan Hajek came in 2nd place in the # 3 doubles position . Freshman Margaret Hazell overcame an ankle injury to capture the 3rd pl ace trophy at the #4 singles spot. Congratulations to t his team for their VCC three-peat!!!
BoyS' Tennis Team Clinches VCC 3rd Place Position The boys' tennis team saved many of their good shots for the Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC) Tournament. Freshman Chip Cosby captured the # I singles title at the tournament. In that quest, he only lost two games . Ove rall, he had six wins and three losses during the season with only one of those losses in confe rence play. Cosby, the team's best allaround performer, teamed with so phomore Matt Gottwald as # 1 doubles panners. GottwaId is described by his coach as a consistent playe r speciali zi ng in net play. In the tournament, these teammates finished in 2 nd place at the # I doubles spot. Gottwald also received the VCC All-Academic Awa rd. Junior Ned Trice, playing in t he # 6 seeded singles position, placed second and came in fifth place when teamed with eighthgrader Alex Duty for the # 3 doubles tournament play. Duty was Steward's # 5 singles playe r. The #2 doubles team consisted of sopho more Josh Goldberg and senior Chris Hines. T his duo clinched third place at t he tournament. Next year, this squad has a strong outlook because they lose only one se nior to grad uation.
the team's best player conSistently turning in the lowest scores . He averaged a total of 46 strokes during his 9 hole matches in only his second yea r on the team. Seniors Shawn Lewis and Sam Proffitt contributed to the tea m's success. Nine team members consistently scored within five strokes of each other contributing to the depth of this squad . Shawn Lewis and Walter Wash we re named to the VCC All-Academic team . Congratulatio ns to the Virginia Commonwealth Conference Tournament Runner-ups!!!
Middle School Lacrosse Wrap-Up by COlchll Adlm Cohen ,I Robb StolUemY6' Congratul atio ns to the boys' lac rosse team at Steward for a winning season in their fi rst yea r. This was a great experience, not onl y for the team , but the coaching staff as well. What the expe rience did for us cannot be described in wo rds; however, it did bring a gro up of different people toge ther to reach a common goal. T his common goal was to win.
The season staned out o n a ro ugh note wi tll t hree losses to Miller School, Collegiate, and Chesterfield . Our boys we re to ugh, though , and they knew deep down inside they had what it takes to win . After we got our first win, the boys were a different group aItogether and stan ed to believe not onl y in themselves , but t he coaching staff and the School as we ll. Winning was now a question of pride fo r the players . O ur biggest t riumph of the season was playing Coll egiate three times in t he sea o n ... and beating them twice out of the t hree, once in overti me and t he other in regu lar game time. The players and the coach ing staff wo uld like to tha nk everyone who came out to suppon t he team du ring t heir home and away games . T heir suppon d uring the season trul y made a difference. Finally, the coaching staff wo uld like to express their gratitude to all the you ng men who panicipated. You are the stars of the season and each one of you is a standout in the eyes of the coaching staff. Agai n, congratu lations on your winning 'easo n, and we look fOl\vard to next yea r's seaso n.
Steward Golf Finishes Besl Season Ever... Clalms VCC Tournament Runner-Up nUe This team with an overall record of 4 wins and 2 losses finished with a flurr y at the tournament. T he boys fini shed in 2 nd place behind golf powerhouse Brunswick Academy. Eight-grader Jamie Rose was Page B
Sl eward coaches Adam Cohen Oe(l), Pal Cuneo (cenl er) and Ian Coddingl on (righlJ made presenLalions 10 Lheir players during l ewarefs annual Alhletic Awards Desseo .
last bows as Spartan athlete .
Athletic Awards Night
In additio n to the many awards Ii ted below, recognition was al 0 give n to tho e panicipati ng in new pons at teward--indoor soccer and the anoe Cl ub.
Amidst a beautifu l background of balloons and ta bles un iquely decorated depicting t he various ports at Steward (coordi nated by teward 's dynamite decorator and enior mother Linda Proffitt ), the 1996-97 Steward athletes were honored fo r their victorie and comm itme nt to excellence. It was an evening of excitement for all athletes and nosta lgia for tewa rd seniors as t hey took thei r
The special awa rd prese nted at the conclu io n of the evening to Sam Proffi tt, La in ie H as ke ll, and Sh awn Lewis, are al 0 unique in t hat the are not pre ented every yea r. O nl y when ath lete perfo rm in uch a manner as to de erve these high honors are they betowed .
Laura Slabaugh receIves {he {rophy for 11096 effor! on Field Hockey.
1996-97 Athletic Awards Varsity Soccer I 10% Award Coach's Award MVP (Offense) MVP (Defense)
Stephen Paulette George Cauble Shawn Lewis Sam Proffitt
Middle School Soccer Most Improved Coach's Award MVP
Trent Mclaurin Ted Benson jamieRose
Field Hockey Most Improved I I0% Award MVP
Sarah Martenstein Meghan Hajek Lainie Haskell
Cross Country I 10% Award MVP
Meghan Hajek Fahad Qureshi
Varsity Girls' Basketball Most Improved MVP
Meghan Hajek Lainie Haskell
Varsity Cheerleading Most Improved Most Spirited MVP
Sara Rossmoore Meghan Hajek Whitney Hajek
Varsity Boys' Basketball Most ImprOVed I 10% Award Outstanding Point G uard MVP
Stephen Harler George Cauble Shawn Lewis Brian McGehee
Ted Benson jamieFoote Will Perkins
Middle School "B" Basketball Most Improved Coach's Award MVP
Matthew Stainback Nima jarvandi Sean jackson
Middle School Girls' Basketball Most Improved Coach's Award MVP
jennifer Gray Elizabeth Larus Ashlee Healey
Athletes Receiving Medals for Achieving 5 Varsity Letters: Ashlee Healey Elizabeth Larus Caitlin Rossmoore Margaret Hazell Scott Howard Chris Drzal Meghan Hajek Sara Rossmoore Ned Trice Paul Douglas
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
8 8 8
Achieving 12 Varsity Letters: Middle School Lacrosse Most Improved Mr. Hustle MVP
Mark Miller Ted Benson David Wood
Shawn Lewis
Golf Most Improved MVP
jason Lewis jamieRose
Grade 12
Achieving 15 Varsity Letters: Lainie Haskell
Middle School "A" Basketball Most Improved Coach's Award MVP
Other Special Awards:
Grade 12
Special Athletics Department Awards for Overall Excellence in Steward Sports:
Boys' Tennis Most Improved I 10% Award MVP
Ned Trice Matt Gottwald Chip Cosby
Girls' Tennis Coach's Award MVP
Lalnie Haskell Nikki Voltz
Sam Proffitt I 10% Award "for that athlete who knows no limit"
Lainie Haskell and Shawn Lewis Coach's Award "for exemplary dedication to athletics and sportsmanship, and for unselfish t eam play and support"
Page 9
Development Report by Sandi Do/lal Steward is entering t he fin al phase of its 1996-97 An nual Giving Campaign, and wh at a successful yea r it has been. We are pleased to report that Steward has rece ived gifts of cash totaling $ 12 1,996.25 , as of June 16, 1997 . T his is already an increase of 22% ove r las t yea r's goal of $ 100 ,000 and we are ve ry close to reaching this yea r's goal of $ 125,000 . All gifts for the 1996-97 Annual Giving Ca mpaign mu t be received by June 30, 1997 . O n behalf of T he teward School, I would li ke to th ank everyo ne who supported th is yea r's campaign. W ith your upport we have bee n able to access t he Inte rnet; increase t he num ber of computers in the cl ass room; increase the salaries and upport of professional deve lopment fo r t he fac ulty; and purchase a publ ic address system fo r the gymnas ium . I wish everyo ne a safe and relaxing summer and look forward to seei ng yo u at the 25 th An ni ve rsary Celebration in September.
Parents' Association Busy to the Finish T he Steward School Parents' Association concluded an extxe mely active and profitable year with various spring eve nts . T he Family Fun Festival in April fea tured a fabulous raffle, bingo, carnival games, food , and fun for members of the Steward commu ni ty. T he $5,000 raffl e grand pri ze was captured by Lisa Perkins, neighbor of Steward student and seller of the winning ticket, Jennifer Latourelle. Th anks to Circuit City, for the do nation of a high-
Paul Cramer, (ormer Steward Headmasler (lefl), lieadmaslcr l eve Stackhouse (cenl er), and /-Ieadma l er Elect Roger ou/ombe (nghl) enloyed an Annual Giving Celebrallon hononng Annual G,v,ng donors o( The Sleward SoC/el , 1972 SOc/CIY, Headmasler's Circle and /-Ielen DIXon Founder' Club gl(1 cal egones
tech co mpu ter fo r I st pri ze, to BEl Medical Sys tems and West End Trophies fo r sponso ring the 2 nd pri ze pool table, and to Jumbo Sports fo r spon oring t he treadm ill as 3 rd pri ze. Diedre Turner and Sharon Hord should take bows fo r the great success of the raffl e. Carrie Camp-Crowder is to be co mmended fo r orga ni zing a fu nfilled carnival, as well as vetera n bingo maestro Ann Haskell . T he spring Book Fa ir, thanks to many parent led by Sharon Wilton , also met with great success. At its fin al meeting of the 1996-97 yea r, new Parents' Association officers for 1997 -98 were installed : Pres ide nt, Susan LatoureHe; Vice Pres ident, Sharon Wilton ; Treasurer, Sally
Newcomb; and ec retary, Molly Anderson . pecial thanks go to our outgoing officers, Mary kay Stainback, Susan Latoure lle, Ann Maszaros , and Susan DeLaney for t heir ded icatio n and commitment. Following the May meeting a dessert honoring Head mas ter Steve Stackhou se was held. Also, just prio r to the last days of school, a well-de erved volun tee r rece ption was enjoyed in the library. T his also gave members of the
OUlgoing Parenl . AsSOCIallon presldenl, Marykay Slalnback (ccru er) received a special gl(1 o( I hanks (rom Incoming preSident usan Lalourelle (right). lier husband, Dudley, le(l, share I he momen!.
Parents' As ociation the oppo rtuni ty to appropriately thank Anita H a rba ugh , Administrative Assistant and Registrar, for her 13-year service to the School and unending assistance to the Parent ' Association prior to her resignation in June. A beautifiJ l ship's clock with a plaque reading "for all the ti me you've given us" was prese nted to An ita by Marykay Stainback.
Distinguished Guest Series to Kick on In September In con junction with the chool's 25 th Annive rsary elebration, T he teward School Dist ingui hed Gue t Series will kick off o n Thursd ay evening, eptember 18, with U.S. Air Force Cap tain Scott O 'G rady as the featured speaker. aptain O'Grady was shot down over Bo nia in Ju ne of 1995 while helping enforce the NATO no-fly zo ne. Surviving in a barren and ho t ile environment for ix da s, he
Thanks to the support of teward parents and friends of the fund ra ising activities o f the Parents' As ociation, this o rgani za tion was able to contribute approximately $50,000 to the School fo r the enhancement of the many programs offe red its tudents.
was re cued through a daring I mi sio n ca rried out by the U.. Marines. Hi subsequent book, Retlll7l With HOllor, was published in November 1995 . Captain O'G rad y wi ll share hi ex perience and life in ight with his T hu rsday evening audience as we ll as with Steward tude nt in a pec ial asse mbly on Friday, September 19. "We do n't know what we're capable of until we have to survive. Each of us is stronger t han we know--the key is learn ing to tap that power at wilL" ScO/l
Congratulations Honor Roll Students~ Please note that this listing includes honor roll for the 4th marking period (4), Semester 1 (S) and for the 1996-97 academic year (y), as indicated beside the student's name. Grade 6 W ill Atkinson Chris Byrne Mary Congdon Austin Pittman Leora Rothenberg David Sizemore Juliana Sumner Andrew Ware Ann Yates Wyatt Grade 7 Taylor Brewer Eliza Bullock James Foote Jennifer Gray Lorraine Hawes Sara Kornblau Christopher Maszaros Trent Mclaurin Mary Patterson Zac Sears Reed Yancey
4,S, Y 4,S, Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y
4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y S,Y S,Y 4,S,Y 4,5,Y 4,S,Y 4,5,Y
Grade 8 Anusha Abbasi Ted Benson Corbin Brierre Alex Duty Cynthia Johns Elizabeth Larus Sarah Martenstein Caitli n Rossmoore
Grade 9 Kat ie Drzal Carter Eberly Jessica Gray Michael Satterfield Eric Sternberg Elizabeth Sumner Walter Wash
4,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y 4,S, Y S,Y 4,S,Y S,Y 4,S,Y
4.$,Y 4,S,Y 4,S,Y S Y
4,S,Y 4,S,Y
Grade 10 John Kipley Tim Ligon Michael Maszaros Clay McElveen Stephen Paulette Fahad Qureshi Andy Stitt
4 Y 4,5, Y Y 4,5, Y 4,5, Y 4,5, Y
Grade II Meghan Hajek Whitney Hajek Cabell Jones Mike Schirick Ned Trice
4,5, Y 4,5, Y 4,S,Y Y 4
Grade 12 George Cauble
4,5, Y
Pili 11
From the Headmaster's Desk路 SI8'8 Stackhouse This is my last Headmaste r's letter for the Blue & Gold, a publication that we started producing upon my arrival three yea rs ago. In a few weeks, I will be heading off to Texas to become the Senior Director of Fort Worth Country Day School. The purpose of the Blue & Gold was to convey the excitement of Steward's campus to the community. Thanks to the efforts of Liz Shupe, Mitra Palmer and, most recently, Sue DnaJ , I believe we have accomplished that mission and that this publication is one of the School's best marketing tools. I want to thank everyone in the school community for a rewarding and exciting three yea rs . I will miss yo u. I have enjoyed my association with Steward. It has been a privilege to be a part of the School's significant growth and involved in the lives of its studen ts. My travels this spring to numerous schools throughout the United States have reaffirmed a belief that Steward is a great school by any measure. My experience at Steward ha given depth and value to my professional life as no other position could . In the next several weeks, the final draft of the School's Long Range Plan will be mailed out to the Steward community. Three years in the making, this 25 page document outlines goal and objectives for Steward on issues ranging from educational programs and administration to institutional finance and facilities . The Plan serves as a practical guide for Steward's growth in the years ahead . Most importantly, it represents the vision of the entire school family including the Board, faculty, administration, parents, students and alumni . The long range planning process began in October, 1994 with a marketing study of the School ' role Plgl12
in the community. In October and November of 1995 , the School organized a series of retreats that involved over one hundred participants. The dialogue and recommendations from these retreats became the basis of the Long Range Plan . In January 1996, goals and objectives were reviewed by the faculty and approved by the Board of Trustees. Throughout 1996 and in early 1997, the School worked to elaborate on the Plan with various architects putting together the Campus Master Plan . Thinking long-term ha had a profound short-term benefit for Steward . In recent years the Plan i a living and working blueprint for Steward. Through the planning process, a productive dialogue ha taken place on campus that has given focus to our mission and resulted in many immediate improvements. In fact, in the past year, writing the final draft of the Long Range has been like trying to hit a moving target with changes coming as quickly as the editing process . Case in point, at its May meeting, the Board of Trustees authori zed three building projects-the expansion of the auditorium , the classrooms addition to Taylor Hall , and the creation of a new athletic field . These projects address immediate needs and will have a ignificant impact on sludentlife. Slated to begin as early as possible, I anticipate the projects resulting in a number of architects and contractors on campu this sum mer. But, the planning has involved more than just bricks and mortar. Some of the educational program enrichments which have been launched by this process include: acquiring over 50 computers for instructional use; introductory French for grades 3-5; exploratory foreign language programs in the Middle School; expanded electives in Honors Symposium , SAT preparation, photography and psychology for Upper Schoolers; and the creation of Steward Summer Expe-
rience, a comprehensive K-12 summer program . The e and many othe r accompli hment reflect the activity of a school on the move , a good school looking to get even better. It has been an honor to be part of Steward ' growth and progress in the past t hree years.
Message from Roger Coulombe, Headmaster Elect On Jul I , I will take on the responsibilities of Headma ter at Steward . As I look ahead to the task, I am most impre sedby the knowledge that we are a chool that is poised to make a significant impact on the Richmond community, and that we will truly make a difference in the lives of students. Our emphasis on and com mitment to working with student in ways that identify and respond to their individual talents and ski ll s will remai n a hallm ark of ou r mi ion. One does not accompli h significant achievement in both student and overall choollife by anyone major program or policy change. Rather, the definition of a school occurs as a re ult of many, independently small changes that, when taken together. lead to institutional evolution, to a place where parents have great confidence in those with whom they have entru ted their children . In the coming weeks over the summer, I will be se nding a se ries of letters on a number of topics--dre s code, Honor ode and Code of ResponS ibility, academics and ho mework expectations , and a new rotating daily chedule, among other topics-to all parent and other constituents. With that process, I hope that all t hose connected to teward will have a clearer under ta nding of what we are at present and where we will be going in the yea rs ahead . I believe our future is very bright. I look forward to working with all of you as the newer Steward emerge .
PhOlo (le(t to right) Top: h" tme Ka per gets expert (ace-paintmg (rom teacher Kate t" kland du"ng the fa mily fun festIva l; SeO/or athletes Ikkl Voltz & Lamie Haskell enlOY the AthletIC Awards Dessert ; senior EmIly Wo/(( (I) shares th e lOY o( graduatIon with (" end and IUO/ r marshal Sara Rossmoore; (MIddle) luhe GIglio & leSSlca I,emore p'tched m to help as M Walk volunt eers; Parent Gus Colher talks to 10th graders lohn Klpley (1) and lim Ligon (r) durmg the 10th grade campau t; (bol lam) 10th Graders Slephen Paulett e and I nO/fer Latourelle rock the O/ght away (or the" annual Rockthon to earn money (or cha"'les; Coach Ike doubles a a (ortune te/ler (or the family fun fe IlVal
It Was a Very
Good Year!
The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond , Virginia 23233
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