The Steward
March Madness-Steward Style There are a number of cliches that characterize the month marking the beginning of Spring such as March comes "in like lion and out like a lamb." The days are noticeably longer, the weather is warmer and plants are beginning to bloom. Along with Spring Break and daffodils, the turn of the season is marked by the NCAA Basketball Tournament which advertisers and networks have dubbed "March Madness." The catch phase could easily apply to Steward School because of all the recent activity around and beyond campus .
In this issue March 1995
Our March included a schoolwide production of The Adventures of Mary Poppins , participation in the National Model United Nations Conference in Lower School New York City, a new community club lacrosse team , the beginning of golf, Theme Week ................ 2 tenn is and canoeing seasons, Differential Aptitude Testing and SAT preparation. I Alternate Program ...... 3 e month began with a revised Alternate Program that included a 10th grade iology trip to the Florida Keys and a camping trip to Keystone , Colorado. Other upper schoolers were involved in career and community service intern' ships at places like the Venezuelan Embassy, City Hall, Theatre Virgin ia and area rescue squads. Middle schoolers enjoyed mini-courses exploring Virginia landmarks, computer graphics, military history, ceramics , rug making , ethics and backpacking. Lower schoolers participated in Theme Week transforming their classrooms into different historical locales. They also bailed Mr. Rossmoore out of jail by reading books and raising funds for the American Heart Association . March concluded with a wonderful auction hosted by the Parents ' Association at Tredegar Iron Works. The auction was a great success and tremendous fun . In addition to funds raised to benefit the library and computer programs at Steward , the unprecedented number in attendance, auction items and involvement were inspiring to me and speaks to the strong support this School enjoys. Many thanks to all involved and especially to this year's chairman, Linda Proffitt.
i Florida Trip .................. 4
; Keystone ...................... 5 ; !
Winter Athletic
; ; Wrap-Up ....................... 6 ,
Honor Roll .................... 9
1 Road to Citizenship .... 9 ;
1 Auction 195 ••••••••••••••••••• 8 ; !
j 1
March was a very busy month at The Steward School , and inside this edition of Blue & Gold Connection, you can read about March Madness-Steward style. I !
The Blue and Gold Connection Is publIshed monthty tot The Steward School community Headmaster Stephen M. Stackhouse
Stephen M. Stackhouse
Editor Uz Shupe
••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWER SCHOOL
Doldrums? No Excitement! In most schools, February and March are considered the "doldrums. " Not at The Steward School, not this year! The Lower School developed two very exciting programs in conjunction with Fathers' and Special Visitors' Day, which generated a great deal of enthusiasm, fun and satisfaction: The Reading Incentive Program and Theme Week. The Reading Incentive Program is an annual six week program that encourages each of our students to read, read, read! This year, for each book read,1O¢ was donated to the American Heart Association on behalf of the student by our generous sponsors Samuel Baronlan (father of Sam Baronian in the 3rd grade) and Diane Major (mother of Steven Major in 2nd grade). Over the course of the six weeks each student was challenged by his/he; teacher to read a certain number of books. For example, kindergarten was encouraged to read 25 books and fourth grade had five chapter books and 20 picture books to read to meet their challenge. Students who met the "Challenge" were invited to a tasty celebration dinner in the Auditorium the evening before Spring Break. In late February/early March during Middle and Upper School Alternate Program, the Lower School plans, coordinates and implements a Theme Week. This year was "A Time In History." The first through fifth grades studied a different time and place in history, and then proceeded to recreate that time and place in each classroom. What follows is an account of what took place in each room, according to Fifth Grade reporters: "The First Grade did a one room school house (in the 1800's) where one teacher would teach kindergartners to 20 year olds. Their only heat source in the winter was a wood stove . They also showed how they would be taught back in those days. The (students in the) class dressed like children would have dressed in that time. They told what the punishment would be if you were late or did something wrong . They told how they would live back in that time."
All Aboard for Lower School Theme Week! - Dressed in Colonial attire the 4th grade rides the wave. •
The Second Grade did their theme on the future. "They each made a computer for the fut ure. They used Mr. Stackhouse's speaker phone to have a class conference call with an author. They taught us how to recycle and make recycled paper. They made a solar-powered oven to cook brownies. They each wrote a book with the cover made of recycled paper. They went to the computer room every day and used the computers for E-mail!" The Third Grade theme was the Ancient Egyptians. "They wore headdresses and necklaces that they made in art class. They were also buming incense in the background. The incense was used in the burial ceremonies. They talked about many things. For example, how cats were very sacred . Also about the paper papyrus. In addition, they talked about mummies and tombs. It was very neat! " The Fourth Grade did the time of the Revolutionary War. "The rich people lived in a big fancy house. The house looked big on the outside , but the inside was small . The kitchen was another building that was separate from the house, so they wouldn't bum the house down. The people that were rich sent their kids to private tutors. The women wore big puffy skirts that looked like mushrooms. Carter Saunders wore an authentic costume from the period. The men bought 'slaves' to do all the gardening and house work. The fourth grade also showed
how different classes of people lived other than the rich people." The Fifth Grade studied Ancient Greek civilization ."They concentrated on Greek myths and legends and the study of Greek Gods and Goddesses. They learned that the stories told in Greek myths formed part_ the religion of Ancient Greece. Also, the ries illustrated the nature of the gods and taught what pleased or angered them. They did not. however, set out the rel igious rules or ideals. The class sewed their own togas and wore them during the programs.
They designed their own mythological monsters to outwit the fierce minotaur. The highlight of this unit was the court case they enacted. In this Prometheus was on trial. He was accused by Zeus of having stolen the gift of fire and giving it to the humans . Was this an act worthy of severe punishment? Or was Prometheus really a hero?" The case was presented several times with a different outcome each time! The highlight of Theme Week in the Lower School was the Fathers' and Special Visitors' Day. The dads and visitors were treated to breakfast and then to individual classroom visitations to observe results of the hard work by their child. The week was a tremendous success!
MARCH 1995
The stock market class and math mysteries classes considered strategies of a different nature.
Exploring the 4r"0rld-Middle School
Students were overwhelmingly positive about the entire program and expressed a desire to have the majority of the courses offered again next year. The response repeated most often on the evaluation sheets sum up the feelings of most Middle Schoolers about this year's program: "Next year, make Altemate Program longer!"
The Middle School Altemate Program focused on an "exploration" theme this year. Middle School students chose from a variety of electives. The electives, most of which were designed to extend or enrich the curriculum , included a math class, four different art courses, two computer courses, a number of reading and writing courses, and several history/social studies courses. The exploration theme aptly fit the two courses which studied Egypt and Latin America. Exploring , though, was also evident in the art classes which created ceramics, made paper, and designed and produced canvas floor cloths. Both students and faculty found themselves subjects for the cartooning class! The set construction class and the computer graphics class created art of a different kind while the film class examined art from a different perspective, studying the tec hniques of Alfred Hitchcock.
& of the classes explored beyond the four ' lis of Steward. Each day, the students in the community service class traveled to Hanover Manor in Ashland , an assisted living residence for senior citizens. The joy they brought was reflected in the thank you note we recently received, signed by all of th e residents. Also on the road was the
••••••••••••••••••••••• UPPER S CHOOL A LTE RNATE PR OGRAM
Exploring the World-Upper School Ceramics Class-Matthew Myers
Looking at Virginia's History class , using scavenger hunts to discover information in area museums. A number of the classes stressed critical thinking skills. The Choices and Decisions class discussed good consumerism and practiced what they leamed in a comparison shopping expedition to Food Lion, The Grocery Store, Ukrop's, and 7-11. The school's dreamers worked to "create a perfect world" , developing nations, forming alliances, trading, and defending their borders. Also involved in defense discussions and strategy were the two military history classes.
Middle School Rug Class-(Ieft to right) Anusha Mbasi, Emily Padow, Carrie Hebb, Christine Beil, Jessica Gray, Michelle Whitaker.
Upper School Alternate Program is a twoweek spring rninirnester which enriches the curriculum with on-campus and off-campus opportunities . This year the Upper School Alternate Program theme was "Exploration." Grade 9 was on-campus exploring college, career, and community service opportunities. The exploration began on Thursday, March 2, with Ms . Shupe, our counselor, leading the students through a self-directed interest inventory. On Friday, March 3, the students spent half of the day working on Virginia View, a program which focuses on possible majors and college choices . The remainder of the day they learned strategies for the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test which they will take in the fall of the sophomore and junior years and the Scholastic Assessment Test which they will take in the spring of their junior year and the fall of their senior year as the entrance test for college admissions. Ms. Brumberg and Ms. Tumer led Virginia View; Ms . Maclin and Ms. Brandt worked on test preparation. Monday, March 6, focused on career exploration. The day began with a presentation by Susan Spencer Gunn, the Acting Director of the Career Placement Office at Virginia Commonwealth University. Earlier this month the students completed a poll for Ms. Brumberg stating careers in which they were most interested . The remainder of Monday was spent hearing presentations by career men and women in these fields , including Susan Froetschel (free-lance writer), Mike Thompson (Counselor), Brad Sauers (law), Arthur Seidenberg (health careers), Tom Shupe (athletics), Donna Coghill and Helen Panagoulis (Theatre Virginia) and Ken Wilson (science).
Tuesday, March 7, included visits to area workplaces which were top choices in the student survey. These included WCVE (communications), Retreat Hospital (health careers), and West End Printing (business). Wednesday, March 8, focused on community service, beginning with a presentation by Pat Peltier from United Way Services. The group then visited the Medical College of Virginia, the Science Museum, and the YMCA to discuss volunteer opportunities. Thursday, March 9, Mr. Stackhouse and Ms. Brandt took the group to Virginia Wesleyan College and the College of William and Mary for presentations by college admissions officers and campus tours . One highlight was being treated to lunch in the Virginia Wesleyan student cafeteria. Friday, March 10, concentrated on resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills useful in seeking both part-time employment whi le in high school (e.g., during the summers) and fUll-time employment in later years. While grade 9 was on-campus, almost all of the tenth grade was on a biology exploration in the Florida Keys, led by Ms. Roughley, science department chair, and Mr. Rothman, math teacher. The eleventh and twelfth graders were involved in internships in a variety of locations. (see accompanying article)
Off-Campus is a Success Diversity is the key word describing the offcampus segment of Alternate Program this year at The Steward School. From Key West, Florida and Keystone, Colorado, to Washington , D.C. and Richmond , Upper School students were actively involved in the classrooms and laboratories of the larger community. Seniors Parke Rhoads and Cheryl Mayers had separate out-of state experiences, while Alex Rojas worked for the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. Parke assisted Mr. Woodhouse with the group of eighth and ninth grade students at the Keystone School in Colorado. Cheryl Mayers assisted Ms . Roughley and Mr. Rothman with the grade 10 Biology trip. Alex was especially pleased, stating that the embassy experience would assist him in the planning 01 his career. The embassy invited Alex to return to continue his work after he completed his studies at Steward this spring. The remainder of the seniors and PAGE4
juniors enjoyed off-campus intemships in the Richmond area.
cil. Stephanie Foard traveled east each day to work at Glenwood Golf Club.
Monica Kallman and Heather Cohn were working directly with the community's youngest citizens in centers for child care and pre-school activities. Shannon Meade looked very much at home working at Chippenham Medical Center when off-campus coordinator, Ms. Brumberg, visited her on the job.
In Goochland County, Dickie Haskell, Tara Garner, and Ellis Ann MCCIU.
Responding to "911" calls of the community on different sides of the river were Jason Gregg and Corbin Adamson . Each worked side by side with the experienced volunteers of the rescue squads. If Jason hears the phone ring, he says his first reaction is still, "Is that a priority one?"
Suzanne Reynolds had the opportunity to work with the promotional staff of WKIK radio during promotional outings around the town , and also to learn the behind the scenes workings of a radio station. She has been asked to return this summer to continue her work. Charlotte Sullivan said she "was very pleased with the different kinds of activities she did" at the American Red Cross. Kenya Young, working with legal aid, had the good fortune to not only see the mounds of paperwork a lawyer must face each day, but also to be in a court room. David Moeser and David Stokes worked at the Maymont Foundation. Their supervisor called Ms. Brumberg personally to express he r thoughts on the outstanding work they were doing!
Catherine Beil served her internship at Century 21 in south Richmond, and Ben Reif worked downtown at the State Department of Soil and Water Conservation. Ben was in the field on several projects. Above the hustle and bustle of the busy city streets of downtown Richmond , Frazer Orgal n traveled each day to the serenity of Richmond Hill where he worked on a construction project for that ecumenical retreat center in Church Hill. Jenny M c Comas was busy behind the scenes at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, seeing first hand the work that goes on there, and Alec Kean was at the Richmond City Coun-
worked at a family services center and w involved in such activities as assisting I the food bank and working directly with children after school. Tara said she could sum up the week as "a real learning experience." Ms . Brumberg was very busy and very proud visiting all the students "on the job". The off-campus experience was and is a time in which each student learns something different about the community and about him/herself. WELL DONE, FOLKS!
•UPPER •••••••••••••••••••••• SCHOOL ALTERNATE PROGRAM
Sophomores See Sights in Sunny South During Alternate Program this year, sophomores had the opportunity to travel to Key West for a biology trip. We left Richmond by train on Wednesday, March 1 arriving in Miami on Thursday, March 2 and then driving to the Florida Keys in rented vans. The group stayed in tents at Sunshine Key_~ Resort due to a generous gift from . . . . John Knorr (a parent of two former Steward students). While in Florida the students saw many sights: turtles at the Hidden Harbor Turtle Hospital, endangered Key deer (living only on Big Pine Key, they are related to our Virginia white-tailed deer), alligators, dolphins at the Dolphin Research Center, sharks, barracuda, spider crabs, sea anemone and many other marine organisms. The weather was beautiful until
Lainie Haskell and two "friends" in Key West.
Center, sharks, barracuda, spider crabs, sea anemone and many other marine organisms . The weather was beautiful until last two days. The entire up was completely enched by a sudden rain in Key West. In spite of the rain, many students would say that Key West was the highlight of their trip! We returned to Richmond by train on Friday, March 10, exhausted but happy!
••••••••••••••••••••••• UPPER SCHOOL ALTERNATE PROGRAM
A Rocky Mountain High
The students and their teacher chaperones (Mr. Rothman and Ms. Roughley) owe a debt of gratitude to our parent
The Keystone Science School experience was truly awesome and will be remembered always with thoughts of cold, snow, laughter, teamwork, great food and the appreciation of the wonder and power of nature.
Sea turtle at Hidden Harbor Turtle Hospital.
The seven students (Key Easterly, Ali· cia Freeman, Matt Gottwald, Steven Just, Parke Rhoads, Ned Trice, Jesse Walsh) and I boarded the plane in Richmond not knowing exactly what to expect. We were met at the Denver airport by Jen , a young woman who became our guide, instructor, nurse, "mother", friend and drill sergeant for the next nine days! During our time there the classroom was the great outdoors, the classes were Cold
Weather Survival, the Science of Snow, Environmental Issues, Wildlife, and Astronomy, and the method of learning was cross country skiing, downhill skiing, ice skating, and winter camping! Each lesson was accompanied by outstanding meals and great camaraderie. Above:"Home Away From Home" Left: Bottle-nosed dolphin says "hi!" at Dolphin Research Center. Below: Ned Trice, A/isia Freeman, Mr. Woodhouse, Steven Just, Jesse Walsh, Matt Gottwald, Key Easterly, Parke Rhoads at Keystone.
Every day was a new and exciting adventure, and a reconnection to nature that can be overlooked in the daily routine of our lives in Richmond, Virginia. The entire experience was educational, invigorating and very positive, and we look forward to maintaining that contact with the Keystone Science School. -Woody Woodhouse Math teacher and outdoor enthusiast.
chaperones (Pam Douglas, Jeanie
Latone, Pat Lewis and Linda Proffitt) who helped to make our trip memorable! Students who participated were: sophomores George Cauble,
Paul Douglas, Lainie Haskell, Kate Hulcher, Bruce Lafone, Shawn Lewis, Brian McGehee, Travis Nida, Sam Proffitt, Melissa "iver, Brandon Sullivan, Nikki _tz, Baughan Wilton, Rose Wolff and senior Cheryl Mayers, - Leslie Roughley Science Department Head
Middle School Winter Athletic MathStudents Wrap-Up Hit Big-Time Girls' Basketball Scores On Tuesday, February 7, the 7th graders and a few 6th graders taking advanced math classes participated in the Virginia Mathematics League Math (VML) Contest. Our scores were terrific! In the contest directions, it is stated that a score of 15 points or more "should be commended ." Over 8 5% of our students scored 15 and above, a truly outstanding achievement. The top five student scores are considered our team score, and have been sent to the VML. Congratulations go to the follOwing 6th and 7th grade students.
Ted Benson (29 points) Carter Eberly (27 points) Jessica Gray (25 points) Rachel Whitten (23 points) Andrea Nell (23 points) . Honorable Mention to our sixth place scorerCaitlin Rossmoore (21 pts .) - Patti Woodle Math Department Head
It's Coming Again! Language Arts Week April 18路24 Theme: Sampling Shakespeare's Language
This year during Language Arts Week, the middle school students will discover the influence of William Shakespeare on our language. During the week they will illustrate insults by Shakespeare, study words coined by Shakespeare and create their own, and write Shakespearean graffiti on the graffiti board. The celebration will culminate with a Shakespearean performance by members of Theatre IV. "Be that as it may, too much of a good thing is all Greek to me!" PAGE 6
Although the overall record was 4 wins and 15 losses, the girls ' basketball team made slow yet consistent improvement throughout the season. In the U .S. Division II tournament, the Spartans defeated St. Vincent de Paul High School in the first round and then lost to Virginia Episcopal School, the #1 seeded team. In the final four games of the season , the team really gelled . One highlight was a 32-33 loss to Richmond Christian in mid-February. Th is game showed the progress the team had made since the early January game with the same school that ended in a 50-6 loss. The team was led by co-captains Cheryl Mayers and Lainie Haskell . Mayers led the team in scoring with an 18 point per game average and grabbed an average of 6 rebounds per contest. Mayers also became the second Steward varsity basketball player (male or female) to score 1000 points(See article below). Haskell was the floor leader for the team and averaged 7 points per game. Other players who saw much action were juniors Corbin
Adamson and Kenya Young as well as seventh graders Blair Jacobsen and Rachel Whitten. The middle school members of the vari i team played and won two games aga' Millwood School's middle school team. middle school girls were sixth graders
Ashlee Healey, Elizabeth Larus, and Caitlin Rossmoore along with seventh graders Jessica Gray, Marga路 ret Hazell, Blair Jacobsen, and Rachel Whitten.
"Over the Top"Cheryl Mayers Scores 1 000 points Cheryl Mayers scored her 1OOOth point
in the basketball teams' final game versus the Central Virg inia Patriots. Mayers needed 20 points in her final high school basketball contest to reach the milestone. Thirty seconds into the second half, her 1000th point was scored, and she ended the game with 29 points and her high school career with a total of 1009 points! Cheryl becomes only the second Steward varsity basketball player (male or female) to accomplish this task. Jennifer Keller (Classs of '88) is still Steward's all-time scoring leader. She netted 1136 points in her career. Mayers and Keller played bask. ball in their middle and upper school years, but the 1000 points were scored while in varsity competition in grades 912. Mayers ends her basketball career at Steward having a-chieved many goals . She was the team's leading scorer and rebounder, a League of Independent Schools Division II All-Star for four years, the team's Most Valuable Player, and a member of the 1993 tournament and regu lar season champi ~ ship team. C~ GRATULATIONS Coach Janet Rice congratulates Cheryl Mayers on reaching her 1000th point in CHERYL!!!! I!! her basketball career.
MARCH 1995
April 16 - 29, 1995 April / 6
Apnl1 7
Apr" 18
April 19
April 21
Golf vs. Christchurch (A) 3:00 p.m.
Grades 4 & 5 to Washington, D.C.
Boys' Tennis vs. Collegiate IV (H) 3:30 p.m.
Girls' Tennis vs. St. Margaret's (H) 4:00 p.m.
Lower School to Theatre IV (Charlotte's Web) 9:15 a.m. - 12 :00 noon
10:00 3.m. - 2:00 p.m. Grades 3 & 10 to National Aquarium Golfvs. Kenston Forest (A) 4:00 p.m.
Ap ril 22
Girls' Tennis vs. St. Anne's (A) 4:00 p.m. Middle School Dance (TBA)
April 23
Apnl 24
Golf vs. Benedictine (A) 4:00 p.m.
Girls' & Boys' Tennis vs. Huguenot Academy (H) 4:00 p.m.
10:00 3.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Golf vs. Southampton (A) 4:00 p.m.
Girls' & Boys' Tennis vs. Tidewater Academy (H) 4 :00 p.m.
Lacrosse vs. Catholic IIigh School (H) 4:30 p.m.
Lacrosse vs. Chesterfield IV (A) 4:30 p.m.
April 26
Apnl 27
Apnl 28
April 29
Interim Reports given to students (grs. 6-12)
Lacrosse vs. Blue Ridge IV (A) 2:00 p.m.
Grades 4 & 5 New Games Challenge with MAPES schools I :00 - 3:00 p.m. Registration deadline for SAT taken June 3 Girl s' Tennis vs. SI. Anne's (H) 4:00 p.m.
April 30 - May 13, 1995 April 30
May 1
May 2
Girls' & Boys' TelUlis vs. Fuqua School (A) 4:00 p.m. Lacrosse vs. Norfolk Collegiate JV (H) 4 :30 p.m.
May 4
May 5
Girls' & Boys' Tennis vs. Covenant (H) 4:00 p.m.
K to Ginter Botanical Garden
Lacrosse vs. Christchurch (H) 4:30 p.m.
Grade 7 to Barksdale Theatre
May 6
Boys' Tennis vs. Collegiate N (A) 3:30 p.m. Girls' Tennis vs. St. Catherine's (A) 4:00 p.m. Lacrosse vs. Tidewater (H) 5:00 p.m.
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May I)
Lacrosse vs. Chesterfield JV (H) 4 :30 p.m.
VCC Golf Toumament (TEA)
Parents' Association Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. - Library
Spring Music Program (K-12) 7 :30 p.m.
Lower School Grandparents' Day I :00-2 :30 p.m.
LIS Girls' Tennis Tournament (TEA)
VCC Girls' Tennis Tournament (TEA)
LIS Girls' Tennis Tournament (TBA)
VCC Boys' Tennis Tournament (TEA)
Honors Awards Program (grades 9-12) 7:30 p.m.
Registration deadline for ACT taken June 10
Varsity Boys' Basketball The varsity squad struggled to a 2-18 overA::ord, but the final two games of the . on were the team 's best games . Throughout the year Shawn Lewis was in command of the floor from his pOint guard position while also leading the team in scoring with an average of 12 points per game. Senior co-captain Frazer Orgaln led the team in rebounds, averaging 12 per game. He was also named to the Tri-Cities Independent League All-Star Team. Sam Proffitt added strong rebounding and tough defense while George Cauble led the team in assists with approximately 4 per game. Brian McGehee came back from an early season injury to be a threat from the forward position .
Middle School "Ii' Team This squad finished the season with an overall record of 1-10. They beat The Covenant School by a score of 35-29. Eighth-grader Sean Baskerville led the team in rebounding while averaging 11 rebounds per game. The scoring was evenly distributed among the players throughout the season .
Sean Baskerville, Key Easterly, ~ie Adamson, Steven Just, and _ g Melzig all averaged 5 points per game . The defense was anchored by
Stephen Paulette and Tony Costa.
Middle School "B" Team This team concluded the season with a 1-8 record.(4 of the losses were by 3 points or less). Walter Wash led the team in scoring with a 12 point per game average, and the leading rebounderwas Edward Cook. The floor leaders were the two point guards Harry Baron and Ben Foley while Danny Mclemore's defensive play intimidated the opponents. A highlight of the season was the 28-26 overtime win vs. Collegiate 's 7th grade "B" team.
Intramural Indoor Soccer The six intramural teams of four players completed a round-robin toumament. The winning team included Drew Cosby, Aaron
Payne, Parke Rhoads, and Alex Rojas.
&ering Camps The varsity cheerleaders will hold a cheering camp for lower school students and their friends on Saturday, April 22 at the Steward
gym. The team also plans to attend a team camp this summer. Interest in the middle school squads was high and therefore we had two middle school squads this winter.
BRAVO! BRAVO! Accolades and Kudos to the outstanding cast and crew of the production of The Adventures of Mary Poppins. The beautiful, realistic set designs, costumes, and elaborate staging of such a difficult story is a credit to the director, Mr. Imirie , and the many dedicated and talented students , staff and parents who gave of their time and effort. There were 56 students and 7 adults involved in the play's production, March 30April 2! Congratulations on a job
well donel
The Long Road to Citizenship Clive (husband), Anthony, Nicole, Michael (children) and I sat in the interview room feeling very apprehensive. The burly Immigration official started going through the standard set of 'questions to which each of us had to answer yes or no. Questions like: "Have you ever been a member of the Nazi Party? Have you ever been a Communist Party member?" One of the oddest questions for us, being from South Africa, was whether we had ever practiced apartheid. Obviously our answers were "no" to every question. The reason we left South Africa was our opposition to apartheid. Our joumey started in April, 1985. The political turmoil in South Africa began to concem us, particularly with regard to the future of our children. Clive sent resumes from South Africa to many firms in the Southeast and received a number of offers. In April, 1986 we came to live in Richmond and Clive began a position with a firm In Ashland on a temporary work permit. After about two years we decided we liked the United States and Richmond in particular, and made application for permanent residence. Getting the temporary work visa was difficult and expensive working through an immigration attomey in Miami. However, we had no idea it would be even more difficult to get permanent residence. To become a permanent resident , Clive would first have to go through "labor certification ". In this process the position he held would be advertised in local newspapers and national trade joumals to ensure that no
Americans were available to fill the position. The ads could not be person specific and a generic format for each position is required by the Department of Labor. Fortunately there were no responses to the ad and Clive obtained labor certification. Next step was the interview noted above at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in Norfolk. In addition to the awkward situation described previously, we found , to our dismay, that our attorney from Miami had lost the original labor certification document! While sitting in the interview office in Norfolk, several frantic calls were made between our attorney in Miami and the Labor Department in Philadelphia. Eventually the official agreed to proceed with the interview on condition that are-issued document reached him within two weeks. Having obtained our permanent residency in 1989 we decided that we were now safe and re~lIy didn't have to bother about citizenship too soon. One can only apply for citizenship five years after obtaining permanent residency. However, our sense of comp lacency was rude ly dis turbed one night when we all were at din ner at Applebee's. After returning home, I found that I had lost my purse and therefore, my green card! We reported the matter, to the police and after searching Applebee ~hlgh and low we decided to apply for Citizenship instead of going through the laborious process of re-applying for replacement green cards. Howeve r, we would still have to wait about three years before becoming eligible. In July, 1994, we were advised of our interview date and a friend of ours , who had been throug h the process recently, faxed us a list of the 100 most frequently asked questions. These questions concerned U.S. history, govemment and the constitution. One sunny morning last August, we once again traveled to Norfolk for another interview. We studied our matenal frantically in the car all the way there. We arrived around 8 a.m. and were fortunate to be relatively near the start of the line. Once inside we had to present all our completed application forms with biographical information. We went in one at a time. Everyone fared well except for me who was chastized for being without my greencard for so long! I'll never forget a wizened old Asian man in front of us being told by one of the immigration officials: "Sir, you're about five years too early. Come back in five years time and we'll be able to process your application." He
shook his head and protested vehemently but to no avail. Six months later (February, 1995) we still hadn 't heard a thing . Anthony would be 18 in June, requiring that he make separate application for citizenship (under 18 year olds automatically become citizens when their parents are naturalized), and Nicky had planned a trip to Australia and needed a U.S. passport because her greencard had never been renewed when she turned 14. When would this nightmare end? We wrote to the INS for help. Two weeks went by with no word. We drafted another letter. The day we were to mail it, we received notification of our naturalization ceremonyto be held March 15 at the U.S. District Court in Richmond . Eureka!! We had made it. The ceremony was very pleasant and quite moving. There were 45 people, almost everyone from a different country. We were amused at the difficulty the assistant attorney general was having with pronouncing most of the names. The Judge made a very patriotic speech and one thing he said really struck me: "There are many democracies in the world but the U.S. is the only one which had a constitution that protects minorities." We left feeling very pleased that this was all behind us and that we were now true Americans. In fact, true African Americans. We went straight to the Post Office to apply for passports. We had to hand in the beautiful certificates we had just received, documents we wanted so badly to show all our
friends . Well, they would just have to take our word for it. No more filling in forms with "legal alien" which always sounded like something from outer space. We are now proud to be United States Citizens! -Beverley Fox Fifth Grade Tea cher
AUCTION 195 Supercalifragilisticexpialidoscious! Pardon us, Mary Poppins, but it just sounded like the best way to describe the Steward Auction '95. Three cheers for our wonderful Auction '95 Committee, and we hope the list of names is complete. If not, please forgive us, but in your heart you will know you were part of the successful event. Preliminary figures indicate we took in the phenomenal sum of $43,800 ... sincere thanks and congratulations to the following helpers : Auction Chair/Decorations ............. Unda Proffitt Solicitations .................. .... ...... ...... Sharon Wilton Display and Organization ................... Sue Drzal Lynne Fischer Claudia Lawton Booklet .... .. .................... .......... Sally Carrington JannHenley Food ........ .... .. .... .. ................... Nancy Gottwald Beverages/Bar .. .. ....................... Susan Greene Sally Newcombe Publicity .............. .. ............. .. .... Cindy McCarthy Correspondence ............ .... Marykay Stainback Corporate Solicitations .. ..... George Cauble, Jr. Reservations and Treasurer ....... Ann Maszaros Invitations .. .............. .. .................. ... Rita Lannon
Solicitations (Calling, Soliciting, and Picking Up) Pam Douglas Nancy Gottwald Barbara Jean Long Nancy Kristofak Judith Kronmeister Claudia Lawton Valerie Lees Marykay Stainback GinnyThom Judy Wilton Sharon Wilton
Saturday Decorations Unda Proffitt (2 a.m. 'til Sunday) Becky Satterfield (Saturday & Sunday for .. cleanup) Nancy Gottwald Debra Jacobsen (Early, with coffee and .... doughnuts) Mary and Eddie Padow (For donating the gourmet lunch spread for all of the workers on the day of the Auction.) Debbie and Russell Perkins (For cleaning and sweeping Tredegar, and Russell was also a spotter for AI) Pam Mazmanian Janet Meyers Sue and Mike Drzal (Sue typed and arranged the bid sheets and Mikel a spotter for AI) Valerie Lees Judy Wilton Cathy Schott Brenda Cain Lorraine McGehee Jeanie Lafone BetseTrice Mia Norton Lynne Fischer Susan Greene Sally Newcomb
Assembled Bid Signs Terry Warthen
Alumni Bartenders LouEllen Blackwelder Gwen and Mark Hudson Heidi and Mike Clements Stephanie Kay
Auctioneer AI Orgain
Ann Maszaros, Unda ProffItt, Claudia Lawton. and Nancy Gottwald prepare tor the auction.
MARCH 1995
•DEVELOPMENT • • •• • • • • OFFICE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••
Preliminary organization and wrap-up report
To the futu re ...
JoAnn Whitten A\nnMaszaros ~arykay Stainback Sharon Wilton Nancy Gottwald Susan Greene The event could easily be described as a Gala with outstanding entertainment by the "Mecca Motown Mammas" (who brought a "cool " $1500.00 atthe auction), but there was only one black tie in the audience and it was worn by AI Orgain IV, our wonderful auctioneer. AI was not only dressed to the "nines," but he was his usual dynamic self, enthusiastically selling everything from a life-size picture of Marilyn Monroe to a trip to The Greenbrier. Congratulations on another job well done! An unnamed individual was heard to say "Boy, isn't he great, he should have been a trial lawyer! " Keep it up, AI. The individual was told you already were one. Another person who deserves mention is Mr. Terry Dorn, Ethyl's Manager of Richmond Properties. Terry came down on Saturday while the Auction Committee was setting up " decorating to see if everything was in . .. Thanks for everything , Terry!
This year's Annual Fund Campaign has enjoyed the same degree of success as the last two Steward Auctions. This IS due in large part to the untiring efforts of our Annual Fund Chairperson, Russell Perkins. Russell is the personification of a "get the job done" individual without whom we would not be 15% over our goal of $75,000. The job could not have been accomplished without Russell's team of volunteer parents who carried out the successful phonathon in October to mark the kick-off of the campaign. To date, we have received pledges and donations in excess of $85,000 and the campaign does not end until June 30, 1995. A preliminary listing of all contributors is being finalized and a draft will be mailed out soon. We make every effort to keep accurate records, but when the initial list of contributors is mailed out, please let the Development Office know if the information regarding your contribution is not correct. You will notice the establishment of Gift Clubs when you receive your copy of the preliminary report of Annual Fund contributors. Regardless of the Gift Club level, please remember that every gift is very important to the School. Thanks to everyone who helped us exceed our goal.
Honor Roll MaikitlgPaiad3 Grade 12 Jenny McComas Cheryl Mayers David Moeser Parke Rhoads
Grade 9 Chris Hagy Brannan Heywood Undsay McCormick Sara Rossmoore Welty Sanders Kristin Walton JeniWoodall catherine Woody
Grade 11 Kenya Young
Grade 8 David Buxton Michael Maszaros Ashleigh McLiJurin Fahad Qureshi
Grade 10 George cauble LiJinie Haskell Shawn Lewis Emily Rose Wolff
Grade 7 Carter Eberly Blair Jacobsen Hunter Lansing Dina Miller
Adam Rafeh Abby Rinaca Josh Spain Rachel Whitten Grade 6 Anusha Abbasi Harry Baron Ted Benson Corbin Brierre NexDuty Susannah Harris Romaine Hunkeler Cynthia Johns John McMillian caitlin Rossmoore Steven Seivard Laura Slabaugh John Stinson Michelle Whitaker
Activities that helped get us through the winter blues Do the February/March doldrums get you down? Our Upper Schoolers have been involved in a number of activities to fight the blahs. February 23 Stunt-Talent Night, emceed by sophomore Emily Rose Wolff and senior Frazer Orgaln, provided an opportunity for talented upper schoolers like sophomore Kate Hulcher, senior Jenny McComas, and the Up. per School Girls Ensemble to perform and for a number of "gentlemen" to participate in the annual Miss Steward contest. Then, on February 27 the seniors held a rockathon to raise money for a class tri p and contri butions to their economics class Lower School playground project (which was approved at a Board of Trustees Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting in February). The twenty-seventh was a good day to rest and rock because the rough drafts of the major English/economics research project were due at 8: 15 that morning! The next day the tenth grade held its major fun d-raising event of the year, the second annual faculty-student basketball game. The student team included seniors Alec Kean, Frazer Orgaln, Alex Rojas, juniors Corbin Adamson and Kenya Young, sophomores Brian McGehee, Lalnle Haskell and Shawn Lewis, and freshmen Scott Howard, Aaron Payne, and Erin Robinson, coached by Hilton Graham and Baughan Wilton. The faculty team included Mrs.
Brandt, Mrs. Harbaugh, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Rossmoore , and coaches Palmer, Rice, Rothman, and Pepellav. The students won the hard fought contest by a two-point margin! On Friday, March 3, the ninth grade invited the second grade to join them for lunch in the "big people" lunchroom, Room 24. The group enjoyed pizza, cupcakes, and drinks and a chance to have fun together.
Nonprofit Organization
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