Blue & Gold March-April 1997 Vol.3 No.2

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APRIL 1997 • Riverston Visit • Stunt Talent Night Alternate Program • Athletics Update • Alumni News ... and other exciting news from The Steward School

Steve Stackhouse Headmaster


11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 804-740-3394

From the Headmaster's Desk Inside this edition of the Bille & Gold Conllectioll , you can read about the va rious school activities t hat mark the begi nning of pring. As usual, Steward has been a bu y place. In late February, the Science Fair highlighted the research pro jects of tudents in the Middle and Upper Schools. In athletics, we concluded basketball and in tramural indoor soccer. Special co ngratulatio ns go to the Boys' Varsity Baske tball team fo r compiling this tea m's be t reco rd in the School's history and to t he undefeated Girls' M iddle School tea m . Befo re Spring Break d uring Al te rn ate Program Upper Schooler tud ied careers, communi ty serv ice and colleges through inte rn hip and special programs. Middle Schoolers explored my te rie in lite rature, histo ry, math and science. In the Lower Sch ool, science was the subject for the annual T heme Week. Every day during t his week, all Lower Schoolers, K- 5, tudied different science to piCS and we re involved in a va riety of hands-o n projects. Upon our return fro m break, go lf, tenni , lac rosse a nd canoeing seasons began. In add ition, Steward was th e host to fifteen studen ts fro m th e Riversto n Sc hoo l in Lo ndo n alo ng with th eir Headm aste r, Mi chae l Lewis, a nd hi s wife, Janina. Over t he pas t two yea rs, a ve ry special relatio nship has grown amo ng t he students a nd sta ff of our schools. I know th at as a res ult of t he succes of t heir vis it ma ny of our tude nts are looking fo rward to next yea r when we are scheduled to go to the UK. March is a time when we begi n

to think abo ut next yea r. For our senior , college accepta nces and scholarship offers continue to ro ll in . Fo r underclass men, letters of reenro llment fo r the 1997-98 academic year we re recently issued . If you have not already do ne so, please res pond as oon as poss ible. We anticipate th at several classe will be closi ng out. An early and accurate enrollment count helps us plan more effecti vely for t he upcoming yea r. T hank you for yo ur cooperation in this matter.

classes at Steward , tour neighboring attractions, and experience true Virginia hos pitality in the homes of the ir Steward host families. T he week-long vis it was coordinated by Catesby Jones, Dean of Activities fo r Steward .

T he Steward School established a relationship with Riverston in 1994. In the spring of 1996, ten Steward studen ts in grades 10 th ro ugh 12 traveled to London to vi it Riversto n and similarly experience English ho me life. T he relaEnjoy t hese beautifu l days of tionship ha been mutually benefispring and o me by Steward when cial and eXCiting. As Steve you have the chance. We are Stackhouse, Steward 's Headmasblooming with gorgeous pring te r, stated : "Many schools have blossom o n our ca mpus and student exchanges, but here at excitement in our cia srooms. Steward we have established a choolwide program that has allowed our t uden ts to make a genuine personal connection with a new part of the world. It has been exciting to see these fri endships grow over the pas t few years. Students and Catesby jones accepl s a loken of appreciation from Michael Lewis, Riverston's their families Headmaster, at the farewell recepl ion. correspond with one another and have connected on personal trips. The Rive rston program ha enriched our school. ..

Entertaining the English

Refreshed fro m pring Break, Steward chool students returned to academics on March 17 raring to go and ready to entertain visito rs fro m Steward 's sister school, Rive rston, of Londo n, England. Acco mpanied by Headmas ter Michael Lewis and hi wife Janina , 15 Rive r to n tudents arrived at Steward on March 19. Ranging in age fro m 11 to 16, they had an oppo rtunity to atte nd

T he Ri ve rston gro up arrived on a snowy day in Was hington, D.C. , and braved the elements to see the primary sights of our nation's capi tal. Upo n arriving at Steward , host families met their charges for the wee k. After experiencing several school days at Steward, the Riversto n group and their hosts were entertained at a Saturday evening American barbecue at the home of Steward 's Board Chairman and his wife, Mike and Sue Dna!.

P. 1 1

The last few days of their visit centered around trips to Richmond's plantations, Williamsburg, Yorktown , and Jamestown, and a trip to Charlottesville to see the University of Virginia and Monticello. The Parents' Association hosted a Wednesday evening reception in Riverston's honor on the eve of their departure. Michael Lewis presented Catesby Jones and the

Michael Lewis and his wife/ Janina, at Jamestown.

host families with memento photographs of the visiting group and expressed his gratitude for a memorable visit. Lewis commended Jones for his organization of the trip, and

Thanks to the following Steward families for their Southern Hospitalrty in hosting our Riverston students. Leslie & Howard Baron Belinda & Ned.Byrne Becky & James Duty Carter & John Felvey Ronny & David Hajek Susan & Will Hazell

as he said to one of the parents involved . "Not only was the trip well organized , but no one has any idea of the extent of Catesby's efforts to be sure that everything went smoothly. He fielded nightly phone calls from host families with questions ...he made sure that everyone was content with their living arrangements ...and he and his wife Sarah entertained Janina and me in a most glorious way." Janina was quick to point out that the one thing she wanted to take back with her to England was the Jones ' daughter, Liza, a tar attraction of the tri p for the Lewises . Host families and Steward friends bade a sad farewell to their British counterparts on March 27. All parting remarks indicated an enjoyable and enlightening American adventure. Headmaster Lewis summarized the visit: "After nearl y three years of preparation this, our inaugural visit to The Steward School, has been an overwhelming success. The generous hospitality of the Steward pupils , the faculty, and the parents has enabled Riverston pupils to benefit from a real insight to American education and the American way of life."

Mr. and Mrs. Ned Byrne and their son, Chris, (middle left) were hosts for Riverst on student James Murphy (middle right).


Jeanie & Eric Lafone Rugene Pau.iette Connie& Tim B. Pearson Laura & Ed Rossmoore Kate & Lex Strickland

Plans are already underway for a retu rn visit to Riverston for Steward students in 1998 .

Riverston student Matthew Moore omes to the fa rewell recept ion dressed Ali-American style in a Tazmanian Devil lie!

Ida Henley sho lYs her mart ial arts l alen15.

acrobatic routines. The Annual "Wanna Be Contest" was also a big attraction with group like the Temptations and 17Ie Vii/age People competing with Elvis , RuPalll, and the Spice Girls. Ano ther highlight of the evening came when four band involving teward Winners or Ihe ' Wanna Be' conlesl w ere ' The Templal ions'-I 10 r. Melvin Todd, Will Murray, and Jason LewIS. students performed . From dances, including a jazzy interpreand immediately followed it with a tation of "On Broadway" to a phenomena.! karate routine.

Stunt Talent Night

The even ing concluded with the declaration of winners for the "Wanna Be Contest, " judged from audience applau e. This year' honor went to the Temptations. NI who attended had a wonderful time. The spirit exhibited by both the performer and the audience is yet another sign that The teward chool is tru ly unique. The fact that everyone had the opponu ni ty to perform , from the shy soloist to the polished gym nast, made the evening a very pecia.! one for all students, parents, and gue ts.

Stars are Born Steward Style teward chool boa 15 of small num bers in the classroom fo r the student-to-teacher ratio is low, but amo ng the 280 students on campu , nearly half performed in the School's Stunt Talent ight held on February 25 . The annual event has grown to uch proponions that the auditorium was fi lled within the first 15 minutes and tickets ales had to be suspend ed early. The uniqueness of the evening wa the fact that 36 acts ca me from all t hree levels of the chool. tudents from the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools performed a huge variety of talents including dancing, inging, lip y nc, comedic routine , karate, instrumental performances, and

by Bonnie Anderson Ra chael Meyers and her dad, Stanley, performed wll h I he Macarena Mamas & Papas.

contemp rary ong/dance act to "That Thing You Do," the performer put forth their best effon . Some of the novelty acts incl uded se ond grade ch ickens dancing to "The Chicken Dance" and Macarena Mamas and Papas, an act with a gro up of founh grade girls and thei r fathers pre enting an intere ting way to perform the "Maca rena." Two Middle School student presented an excerpt from the Abbott and Costello sketch "Who's on First? " and a fifth grader sang "[ Enjoy Being a Girl " ArtIS Mills (I) and Ford Fischer(r) as ' The Blues BrOl hers.'





Development DUlce Update hIIm SI/lt/81111lf

25~A~ Celebration Schedule

Annual Giving Enorts Continue to be Strong The fund raisi ng efforts at T he Steward School continue to be very strong. As of April I , 1997, Steward has received $ iO 1,460.25 in gifts . We' re closing in on our goal of $ 125,000. Gifts can be received through June 30, 1997, to be counted in this year's Campaign . It is important to realize that the cost of a Steward tui tion does not cover the cost of educating a child at Steward. If you have not already done so, please cons ider a gift to this yea r's effort. We will continue to work on collecting pledges and other potential sources of gifts for T he Steward School and stress the im portance of participation. The fo llowing list shows t he participation level for each constituent group: 100% Trustees Current Parents 74% Faculty/Administration 40% Alumni(ae) 18% Congratulatio ns to Ray Tate, Lower School C hai r, and the Lower School for their strong Annual Givi ng efforts. T his divisio n cu rrently holds the honor of the highest percentage of participation.

September I997* Thursday September 18


Distinguished Guest Series Kick-Off

September 19

Campus Celebration Gala Reception


Tennis Tournament

September 20

Sunday, September 21

Tennis Rain Date


Golf Outing

September 22

T hanks to the following 25th Anniversary Committee members for dedicating their time and talents to planning for these events. Helen Dixon Paul Cramer Co-Chairs Ray Tate LouEllen Blackwelder 251h Anniversary Committee Carolyn Brandt Marion Cheanult Sue Drzal Janet Rice Dick Turner Jim Slabaugh Honorary Chairs

The Parents' Association wi ll

ho t the gala receptio n to be held on the evening of September 19.

Annual Giving Drall Donor List The donors li sted on the following page are those on record as co ntributing gift to the 1996-97 Annual Giving ampaign between July 1, 1996andAprill , 1997.

25th Anniversary To Be Celebrated In September The Steward School will ma rk a special milestone in its history in September 1997 with the celebration of its 25th An niversary. Plans are undenvay for numerous festivities to commemorate the occas ion. PIII14

Upper School students (orm a human "25" to commemorate the hoors 25th Anniversary. The phOlo was being shOl (or the 1996路97 yearbook cover.

The following is a draft donor list of those contributors to the 1996-97 Annual Giving Campaign as of April I, 1997 (donations received since July I, 1996). Gifts received through June 30, 1997 will be included in this year's Campaign. This list reflects only gifts to unrestricted Annual Giving and does not include outstanding pledges, restricted gifts, gifts of capital and endowment funds , or gifts in kind. Please note that undesignated memorial contributions are applied to unrestricted Annual Giving and also appear on this list. Please contact the Development Office at 740-3394 if a contribution is listed incorrectly or omitted. The final 1996-97 Annual Report to be published in September will include a list of all contributors for both restricted and unrestricted gifts to the School. The 199697 Annual Giving Campaign ends on June 30, 1997.

Mr. & Mrs. W. Alan McCollough MI. & Mrs. Stanley H. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. John J. Muldowney Mr. & MIS. Luther A. Newcomb Mr. & Mrs. John A. Nolde, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rankin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Rivera Mr. & Mrs. James A. Slabaugh Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Stinson, Sr. The Ukrop Foundation Hour Club (S861 to S999) Mr. & Mrs. T. E. Hall, Jr. Spartan Club (1500 to S861) Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Bullock, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cannella Mr. & Mrs. George H. Cauble, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ward Good Dr. & Mrs. John A. Harler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Harris MI. & Mrs. Clay R. Jacob Mr. Saied & Dr. Fereshteh Jarvandi Mr. & Mrs. R. Clifton Long Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lon

Helen Dixon Founders Circle (15,000 and above) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Ruble A. Hord 111 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford B. Sauer Headmaster 's Circle (S1,500 to S4,999) MI. Thomas Crowder & Mrs. Carrie L. Camp The Flagler Foundation The Burruss & Satterfield F Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Tate Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Turner 1971 Society ($1,971 to S1,499) MI. Oliver J. Pruitt, Jr. Steward Society (S/,OOO to S/,971) Mr. & Mrs. Fernand Baruch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Camp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Congdon, Jr. MI. John Sidney delCardayre Mr. & MIS. Michael P. Dnal Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Stanford A. Fischer MI. Richard H. Haskell Herndon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ruble A. Hord III Mr. & MIS. Paul Lanier MI. & MIS. Edward R. Lawton Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Jr.

Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson rs . Bruce H. & Deborah W. Ward Blue & Gold Club (SIOO to S499) MI. & Mrs. Ali Abbasi Mrs. Hugh Adams, Jr. Mr. Giovanni Aliberti Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Anderson II Mrs. Robert A. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. Arikian Mr. & Mrs. Darryl L. Aspey Mr. & Mrs . Neil A vent Mrs. Janie K. Balderson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ball Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brian Ball Mr. & Mrs. Mark Baron Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Baronian, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Dixon Bartlett Ms. Patricia B. Barton Mr. & Mrs. L. Dan Barzel Mr. & Mrs. David Bedi Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bedinger, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bedinger Mrs. Patricia Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ray Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Bisger

Mr. C. H. Bistline Ms. LouElIen P. Blackwelder Dr. & Mrs. Leon W. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Perry W. Britt Mr. & Mrs. Mahmoud Bsat Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C. Byrne, Jr. Mr. & MIS. Ronald A. Cain, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Cauble, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. L. McCauley Chenault Drs. Frank & Mary Churchill Mr. J. H. Cochrane Mrs. Emily Cockrell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Conway, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cosby, Jr. Mr. Paul R. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. DeLaney MI. & Mrs. Thomas L. Disharoon Mrs. Helen F. Dixon Dr. & Mrs. Howard Duke Mr. & Mrs. Rowland W. Dwyer Mr. Frank L. Faust . & Mrs. John V. Felvey Fe ton Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Finnegan, Jr. rs. Isabel Anderson Fitzgerald . William B. Fountain . arab. K. Gaus Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gianfortoni Dr. & Mrs. Alvin I. Goldstone MI. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Graves MI. & Mrs. Lester H. Graves, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Greene, Jr. MI. & Mrs. Hunter Greenlaw, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Hargrove, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hatherley Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hazell [II MI. & MIS. Tucker L. Henley Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Hines, Jr. Miss Morgan A. Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Clay R. Jacob Mrs. Helen C. Johns Dr. & Mrs. George M. Kasper Drs. Andrew M. & Wendy S. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Darry M. Komblau Mr. & Mrs. John T. Leitch Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Ligon

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Loving Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Lutterbein Mr. Robert L. Massey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGowan III Mr. William McMillan, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Miller Mr. Michael Morchower Mr. James W. Morris [II Mr. & Mrs. David L. Mueller Mr. & MIS. Donald R. Murray Dr. Jill V. Narron Mr. & Mrs. Marshall L. Norton


Mrs. N. R. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Nugent Mr. & Mrs. Alex Paoletto Mr. & Mrs. David M. Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Perkins, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Armistead Peyton Mrs. Robert S. Preston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Reibach Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Restorick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rogers Mr. J. David Rose Sr. Mr. Gerson D. Rothenberg & Dr. Susan Solomon Mrs. Melanie L. Salken Dr. Sidney Schnoll & Mrs. Phyllis Hirschfield Mr. & Mrs. John L. Schott Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Sears, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Slabaugh Drs. Ralph E. & Sharon Small Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oded Stitt Mr. & Mrs. George W. Summerson Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Tate, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Thurston Dr. & Mrs. E. Winston Trice Mr. Aubrey G. Tuggle Mr. William A. Walsh, Jr. Dr. William Way Mr. & Mrs. Dennis West Stuart L. Williams, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. W' ~~. Mr. & Mrs. Buck W' Mr. & Mrs. John H. W Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Worth Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Wy Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Young Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zindorf Contributors (Up to J99)

Mr. & Mrs. M. Fielding Archer Mr. Benjamin C. Banks Mr. Theodore Baronian Dr. & Mrs. Richard Becker Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Benson Mr. Charles Davin Bickel Dr. & Mrs. David M. Binder Mrs. Natalie Bisger Mr. & Mrs. James T. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Joel Blum Dr. Mavis H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bruce Ms. Sara S. Brunk Mr. George H. Cauble ill Mr. Jonathan A. Cauble Miss Virginia B. Chalkley Mr. John Cabell Chenault Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Chenault


Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Clements Mrs. Mary P. Coalson Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. Coddington Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cosby Mr. & Mrs. Roger Coulombe Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cuneo Mr. & Mrs. Bill Define Mr. & Mrs. Jason Deonanan Mr. Louis B. Cei Ms. Dawn Di-Benedetto Ms. Sandra M. Dollar Mr. & Mrs. O. W. Dudley III Mr. & Mrs. James C. Duke, Jr. Mr. lrby P. Dunn III Ms. Susan Early Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fabbie Drs. Michael T. & Sarah P. Farrell Capt. Morris C. Foote Mr. & Mrs. Clive D. Fox Miss Tara A. Gamer Dr. & Mrs. James A. Giglio Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Grossman Mrs. Anita Grymes Mrs. Susan H. Grymes Mr. & Mrs. David Haje Mr. Cary W. Hall Mr. & Mrs. uel A. H

Mr . r. & Mrs. Paul W. Hodge Mr. & Mrs. David Holland Mr. & Mrs. J. Kimpton Honey Mrs. M. E. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hudson Dr. & Mrs. Horace 1. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Jacks on Mr. & MrS. Bruce James Mr. W. S. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jupe Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Keck Mr. Michael H. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. V. Holt Livesay Dr. Brockton A. Livick Mr. David MacKenzie Mrs. Margaret D. Maclin Mrs. Margaret D. Maruri Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. McCormack Mr. & Mrs. William H. McFaddin Mrs. Margaret M. McKaig Mr. & Mrs. Craig McLaurin Mrs. Norva J. Meyer Dr. & Mrs. George Meyerhoff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Meyers Ms. Dawn R. Moss Mr. & Mrs. John G. Myers, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nelson Ms. Barbara Nichols Ms. Mary Harvard Nolde Mr. & Mrs. William M. orthen II Mr. Frazer M. Orgain Reverends Graham & Claudia Patterson Ms. Rugene S. Paulette Dr. & Mrs. David B. Pemberton Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Poage Mr. & Mrs. William S. Porter Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rossmoore Ms. Leslie Roughley Mr. & Mrs. Prentice W. avage Mr. & Mrs. William Schluter Col. & Mrs. Stuart M. Seaton Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. hupe Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sizemore Mr. & Mrs. David J. Skove Mrs. Ann Soller Mr. & Mrs. John L. Stinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robb Stottlemyer r. & Mrs. Lex Strickland Mrs. Dorothy Spencer Suskind Mrs. Chesley M. Tredway Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Twining r. & Mrs. Jim Vencl Mrs. Hugh P. West Mr. Clarke D. Whitaker Ms. M. Ashley Wilson Ms. Charlene Wilton Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wood Mr. Robert W. Woodhouse IV Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Woodle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wortham Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Wrobel Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Yancey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Young Mr. Edward O . Zakaib

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zinder

KIndergartners Get a Taste 01 the Orient Kind ergarten stud ent in Mrs. Strickland's class studi ed the country of hina for th e entire mo nth of January. The learn ed about famous landmarks like the

ChflSlme Ka per IrI

her hand al ChOpSlicks.

Greal Wall , the ice city of Harbin , Moun t Eve res t, li fe on the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, and a few custom o f the peo ple. T hey helped make fri ed rice u ing a wo k. With th e hclp o f Lynn Zinder, the Lower chool art teacher, and Gene Sawyer (head o f M ain te nance), the children also mad e their own Chinese drago n. T he gra nd fi nale was a trip to a hinese re tauralll where th e children sampled everal hinese fo ds and learn ed to use chop ti cks. They record ed t heir impres ions and their new-fo und in fo rmatio n in keep ake books.

Fourth Grade "Party Animals" M anye nthu ia t i pet owner , and eve ral reluctant pecie in clas ic age ,vi ited teward o n February 2 during what has be-

come an annual event for the fourth grade, Pet Day. As the proud owners are given the opportun ity to how off the ir pets, visitors are encouraged to make a do nation for t he Ri chmond Animal League. For those tud ents whose homes do not includ e a pet (o r t hose who e pets might object to th e fanfare) , they were invited to di play variou collection such a uper hero ac ti on figu re or baseba ll card s. Weezie Wiltshire, Head of Lowe r S hool, was urprised wi th a pecial pac kage for the evelll by Gene On Fe Sawyer and the Ric fTJ Q maintenance staff-a Spot clea n-up kit! As usual, it was a ucce sful evelll, as de cri bed by participating sllldellls.

t ime somebody say something good about our cia


Pel Dar - by Robllw16r On February 2 , 1997 , fro m :00 - 10 :0 in roo ms 13 and 14 of The teward School, th e Fourth Grade had "Pet Day." Most peo ple brought in cat and dog but a few peo ple brought in o me strange pets su h as a cockateel and an air plant. Pct were not the on ly thing brought in. One per on brought in uper hero act ion figure , and two peo ple brought in ba eball card . We had Pet Day becau e we earn ed all our impre ive po illl . Impre sive poi nts are pOillls we earn every

Mrs. Souder rece,YeS a donallon on behalf of Ihe Richmond Ammal League from Fernando Rivera and Morgan HUl chm on.

Pille 7

Fourth Grade Play nOn Tourn Under the direction of Ms . Paula Verkon , Steward 's theatre teacher, Mrs . Grossman's and Ms . Goodpasture's fourth grade classes presented their play to t he Lower School and parents. T hey t hen took the show "on the road ." Their first perform ance was at the Children's Museu m on Saturd ay, January 25 . The tou r then went to two nursery chool , Fir t Presbyterian Church Nur ery and Reveille School on Monday and Tue day of the following week. The fourth grade ended t heir tour with a performance at Cla rk pring Elementary School in Richmond on Tuesday afternoon . Besides hav ing a wonderful time performing for other schools, this experience taught the students about cooperation, adaptation , and re ponsibi li ty.

From chemistry experiments to romping with reptiles, it was a week full of education and entertainment!




Marine Biology Day


JcI 00 1

1I111Dlh SchllDII It was March 5 , 1997 . The whole Lower School was crowded into t he gy m. We were the re because it was theme week.. The theme was" urfin' Science." We were listening to Mrs. Ricketts talk. abo ut S.CU.B.A. gear. .CU .B.A . sta nds fo r Self- onta ined Underwate r Breathing Appa ratus. I hope we get to do it aga in next yea r.



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Chemistry Day III Philip GlllIlDfllllIl O n Friday, March 7, we did experiments in as em bly. The per on who wa doing t he experiments wa Mrs. Hajek.. We we re doing the experiments becau e it wa chemistry day in T heme Week.. One of the ex periments we did was blowing up a balloon with bak.i ng soda and vinegar.

Surffng Science Week

Pili 8


'2. I I

Fourth graders in a scene (rom "Th e Orher Person's Shoes,", rhe play rhey rook on rhe road.

Lower Schooler took an enthusiastic look at the various aspects of science during thi yea r's Theme Week entitled "Surfing Science." A wide array of activities brought students in grades 1<-5 in touch with all a peets o f the ubject.


11 rperology Day

C 5








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Archaeology Da, lit hr!. SInd" On March 6th, Mrs. Maszaros came to tell u about rocks. he came because it was "Surfi ng Scie nce" Week. " urfing Science" Week was about the world of science. T he day Mrs . Maszaro came was Arc haeology Day. Mr . Maszaros helped us make rock necklace .

Mrs . Whitely ' s third grade and Mrs . kindergarten have been S rickland ' s s udying the con inent of Africa. I asked my cousin ,

Grayson Pritchar

t.o come over

to our class Wednesday to tell u s about Africa and African drummi ng . He brought a friend with him whose name was Larry Boone. Larry knew a lot about drums and he was the one who taught Grayson all about drums and how make and play them . Larry and Grayson both make their own drums. Larry and Grayson played some African beats for us . Last summer they both wen to Senegal and his summer will go there again. Larry told us about African stories. He helped us learn about the magical powers they believed in and their culture. He taught us not to judge a person from where he lives or how he lives or how he looks . We learned how they eat only with their right hand , not their lef hand. Grayson and Larry bo h play their drums with an African Dance Company called Ezibu Muntu. They perform African drumming and dances . While Larry and Grays o n w ere drumming for our classes , other cl a sses like the fifth gra e came in 00 . I hope Grayson and Larry and some of the Dancers fro m Ezibu Mun tu wi ll come back to perform for the whole Lower School .

Right : Anne

Borum ass;st.s La rry Boone with rhe African drum

present at ion.

0 11 Friday, March 7th, Walter the Giant Storyteller came to read a lot of books to us. He read in differelll voices. He read sometimes s lowly a nd som etimes ja\路/. He read /0 us a/

school ill (he gym--Morgan Hutchinson

Living the Excitement Learning with Flair ... and Loving Every Minute! I

Sl eward parent, Dr. Dwyer, shares rime wlrh Lower School students.



Alternate Program Dners Varied Activities Each yea r prior to Spring Break students in the Middle and Upper Schools are given the opportunity to ex pand t hei r hori zo ns through a "mini-mester" of seven school days. Alternate Program , as it is called , varies for the different grade level . Th is year's Alternate Program for the Middle School was coordinated by Margaret Maclin.

Mystery In the Middle School by Margartt Maclin The Middle School explored the t heme of Mystery in this yea r' Alternate Program . Si)( classes examined both fiction and real-life situations through a va riety of learning activities. Courses fo r this year's program were Sherlock Holm es: Master D etective, Mysteries of the Ancient World, H ow to Host a Murder, U nsolved Mysteries of the nventieth Century , Whodunit?, and Detective S tories for M ath PTvblem Solving. As one eighth grader

stated, "Alternate Program was great, and I liked it as much as last yea r. I just wish it could have lasted longer."

Rugene Pauletl e applies green makeup 10 Blake Frosrick (or his role-playas Killian Kli/agan In ' How 10 Ho I a Mystery.'

Page 10

Upper School Alternate Program-Something lor Everyone!

In order to explore our personalities, we went to Challenge Di covery and took t he MeyersBriggs Inventory. Challenge Discovery is a unique program t hat offers both mental and physical exercises such as climbing to the top of the fi fty-foot Alpine Tower, bei ng led blindfolded by someone t hrough the woods and " not ri er" (don't

Uppe r School Alternate Program conti nues to grow in scope and size. Ninth graders embarked on a journey of elf-exp loration . Twelve students in grades 10-1 2 participated in a science! technology trip to Florida under the direction of Science Department C hair Leslie Roughley and Norva Meyer. The remai ning Nlnrh graders get an opponunll to check oul Ih e news sLUdio of Channel 6. Upper Schoolers partici pated in career and ask)! We also took the Meyerscommuni ty servi ce internships here Briggs aptitude inve nto ry. This i a and out o f state under the upervitest with certa in que tions which sia n of Alternate Program Chair determine personali ty lypes . For Laraine Brumberg and faculty example, an INFJ is a person who is members Shelby Holland and an introvert, intuitive, fee ling, and Todd SerT. T he experiences are judging. captu red in va rious articles wh ich foll ow. T he 1997 Alternate ProFor the next few days the ninth gram was an overwhelming success. grade learned about d ifferent Steward students we re not onl y careers. T he first way we did t his was by having Career Fai r. This Fa ir impressed with their experiences, but those individuals with whom was an op portunity for different they in teracted during the Program peakers to come and talk to were impressed with our students. students about the ir jobs. So me of From the Governor's Office came the speake rs included a hotel t he comment, " If these are the manager, a re tau rant manager, a ki nds of students Steward turns model, a doctor, a computer proout, then Steward is doing a fantas- grammer, and an Arm y official. The t ic job." Alternate Program also had other gro ups come throughout the week. 9th Graders Focus on Challenge ome of these guest included the and the Future During Alternate Rescue Squad and t he Red Cross . Program We also went off ca mpu to visit Retreat Ho pi ta l. by Katie Drzai & Caroline Venci For Alternate Program this yea r the nin th grade had an opportunity to explore their personali ties , different careers, and certain

The last part of ninth grade's Altern ate Program was pent off campu at Mary Wa hingto n

College, V U , and Randolph Macon College. We had a chance to tour t he campuses, a k questions, and even try the food . All in all this year 's Alternate Program was a fun, educational experience. As ninth graders it gave us a chance to look ahead to the future .

Off-Campus Internships Show Varied Interests by IMaInI Brumberg

Thi spring at Stewa rd Upper School students in grades la , II and 12 had the opportunity to go off-campu fo r internship at business locatio ns or with volunteer ervice organi zations. The students chose a variety of activi ties, taking them allover the Richmo nd metropolitan area and beyond . Laraine Brumberg, Shelby Holland, and Todd Serr visited the tudents at their job locations and met with their supervi ors . everal students decided to work in hospitals and other health related areas. John Schott was at MCV Drew Cosby worked at Lifeline Ambulance, Scott Adams was at the Tuckah oe Rescue quad , and Caleb Nugent traveled in a tri-state area to work in occupational medici ne. The Virginia Eye Institute wa Michael Maszaros's choice as he wanted to be involved in opthamology, and Heidi Arista chose to investigate fir t hand her interest in dentistry. AshJeigh McLaurin was located at the We t End Veterinary Ho pita!. Miriam Baron, Amanda Taggart, and Eliza Chenault fo llowed their inte rest in anim als, especially horses , and wo rked in outdoor rural setting . Ned Trice cho e to go downtown to Martin Accounting where he had the opportunity to work with several of that company's clients. Andy Stitt tried his hand at news and reporting

at The Far West End Pres , and Matt Hinkle wa at omputer Renaissance. Emily Padow chose to work at t he overnor's Office. She said she really like finding out some of t he inner workings at the tate's highest government office and learning how that office communicated with the citizen in the Commonwealth. Nick DeCrosta worked in Henrico County chool where he taught music to younger students. ick explained that "he en joyed the re ponsibility of having hi ownclas ." "Itwa hard wo rk," he said , "but good hand -on experience." Jessica Sizemore worked with yo ung chi ld ren al o. he was located in Penn Ivania with a private nu rse. Jes ica commented tha t "working in this environment gave her mo re reas urance in a job she thought he wan ted to do." Alice Avent wa in a private day care work ite. he said he wa glad to have the opportuni ty to choo e something he wa interested in for the Alternate Program internsh ip and li ked t he per onal re ponsibi lity this experience gave her."

Tikia Bonner teaching arts and crafts in an afte rschool program at hiloh Baptist Church. Chris Hines spent his hours at the Art Gallery, while Jeremy Salken wo rked at Caston's Studio. Ruth Williams enjoyed her experience at Soccer World . Habi tat for Humanity was fortunate to have Scott Howard with them helping with the onstruction of housi ng in Church Hil!. For an internship with an unusual fl avo r, read the following excerpt from Lainie Haskell abo ut her work at a llama farm! The report and comments by superviors in the community were excellent-not only did Steward students benefit from t he experience, but the e area busi nesses benefited fro m the hard work and dedication of our Uppe r choolers as well .

Life on a Llama Farm lIT lIllIl, Nil_II

Alternate Program is a great time to obtai n experience in a workplace and discover what you might want to do in t he future. I want to work with larger animals in a zoo some time down the road, and I felt that an Alternate Program experience might help me learn more about working with and mai nLaime Haskell l ends 10 (he llamas during her Allernal e Progra m Inl ernsh.p. taining animals. T herefore, I decided to work for Dr. The variety of Alternate Prohelby Jarrell and his wife on a grams designed and developed by lla ma farm . T hey have more than the students themselve ranged twenty llama and sell them as pets . from tho e of Matt Gottwald working on boat in Florida to Plgl11

My responsibilities included: cleaning the bam, feeding the llamas . preparing the fleece . and walking the llamas. The barn was extremely spacious, and all stalls were connected and open to each other. The llamas were free to roam in and out of the bam. The llamas ate hay and grain . During feeding time. one llama in particular would spit. This made the others lose their appetites so that he could eat first. I never got hit. but there were a couple of close calls. During April , the Jarrells cut the fleece from the llamas and sell it to spinners. My job in preparing the fleece was to separate the coarse. straight. unwanted hair from the soft, thin hair that is put into sweaters . Finally. my last job was to walk t he llamas. We put harnesses on them and would walk them around trees and over fences and tires. This would help prepare them for shows (like dog shows) that many of the llamas would attend . I had a great time helping the Jarrells out with their llamas. The job was a wonderful experience. I know it will look good on my record when I'm looking for a job with animals in the future .

Alternate Program, Florida Style II, Lilli, RlJlllhl" Under the leadership of fellow faculty member Norva Meyer and myself. fourteen Steward Upper Schoolers journeyed to Orlando during Alternate Program to experience the many wonders of central Florida. Those making the trek were Robbie Aliberti, Taylor CoDier. Chris Drzal. Trida Faust. Alisia Freeman. Josh Goldberg.

Pili' 12

Adam Graves. Brannan Heywood, Cabell Jones. Will Murray, Stephen Paulette. Welly Sanders. Laura Ward. and Emily Rose Wolff. We began our journey on February 27 by Taylor Collier (I) and Robbie Aliberti (r) enjoy Ihe slghu al Sea World. fl ying fro m Richmond to the ti me spent with the skate, rays, Cincinnati , Ohio, and then to Orlando. We stayed at the Wilson dolphins. and manatees before the park actuall y opened to the public. World Hotel. which instantly became known as "Wally World " T he third day. we explo red the ideas during the duration of the trip. The and technology fou nd at Epcot. T he next day. we traveled to 1ampa weather was simply magnificent to experience an N rica n adve nture every single day. with average temperatures in the mid- BO째 . at Bu ch Gardens. T he students were able to get "up close and Fortunately. no one ex perienced personal" with a variety of different severe sunburn ! species , including Ni le crocod ile . alligators. and even an em u! tuden ts partic ularly enjoyed "wi ld" rides on the Montu . the world's largest inverted ro ller coaste r. The fifth day. students explo red Di ney World . taking in t he many shows and ride found in thi magnificent park de igned by Walt Di ney. T he next day we all learned a great deal about the co mplexities of anim ation at MGM tudios. Everyone learned to draw a Disney characte r from a " real" Oi neyartist. On our fina l day in Florida, we pent the morning o n Oi covery Island . a zoological park in the middle of Oi ney World . The students saw Brannan Heywood gels 10 experience lhe Ih,,11 of man y endange red pecies. induding space travellhrough simulation. man y bird . We concluded our trip Our first full day in Florida wa with a vi it to Di ney Village where spent at Kennedy Space enter and tudents purcha ed souven irs and Space Camp where tudents exhad lunch at Pl anet Holl ywood. plored the concepts of space. T he Tired but happy. we returned to students particularly enjoyed the Virginia afte r running a hort race company of our guide, Joe. who thro ugh the Atlanta airport! imparted all kinds of interesti ng Mrs. Meye r a nd I would li ke to facts. not just about space! Ou r thank t he parent fo r t heir support second day. we enjoyed t he sight and sounds of Sea World . es pecially of our t ri p. and we are most im-

pre sed with the gro up o f stude nts who mad e us proud to be their chapero nes .

Steward Is Site 01 Spelling Bee II, MI"II'II MI&1I11 On Wedne day, Feb ru ar 19, Steward ho ted th e Private chool Divi io n fi na ls of t he cripps Howa rd pe lling Bee. tewa rd 's winne r, seve nth grade r Lorraine Hawes, rep re ented t he choo l as she competed agai nst winner from 2 1 independent sc hools throughou t eastern and ce ntral Virgi ni a. T he Bee winne r, Be tsy Ferris fro m o rfo lk o llegia te, will go o n to co m pete in th e regio nal fin al in April.

d ents are required to design and co nduct an experiment, write a report, and create a di splay boa rd . During the cience Fair itself, eac h student is interviewed by two judges. Thi yea r' d i ti nguished judges in luded: Be tts ie Gibb (fo rmer tewa rd Science Fair First Place wmners ato r) back: Elizabeth Su mner, Mike Hatherley. DaVid F,xman; (ront: e ll/1m Rossmoore &, St ephen Paule/te. teac her); Trisha Duke ( tewa rd science teac her); Shannon Richard Chemistry in the Community ( he mi st fo r Al lied ignal ); Dr. Bill 15t Place - David Fixman Dwyer (c hemi t fo r Philip M o rris 2 nd Place - Welly Sanders and Lower chool pa rent); Robb 3rd Place - Adam Graves Stottlem ye r ( teward cience Honorable Mention - Clay McElveen teac her); O r. Mary Elli son (Di recto r of Re ea rch, UNO ), Bill Chemistry (QA Manager for aue r Laycock 15t Place - Stephen Paulette E tracts) ; Dr. Roland Brie rre 2nd Place - Fahad Qureshi 3rd Place - Meghan Hajek (retired DuPont chemi t and Midd le hool parent); Frank Honorable Mentions - Cabell Jones & Kovach (mechani cal e ngi nee r fo r Heidi Arista AMF ), and Richard Jupe (ph ici t for Philip Mo rri ). T he cience D epartmen t exte nd gratitud e to th e judge for the ir enthu ia tic and d edicated partiCipatio n in thi yea r' fair a nd co ngratu la tions to the winners.

Middle School Enjoys Distinguished Speakers Series lIT SIll'" SIIIW

Steward spellmg champ Lorra me Hawes contemplates a tough word dUflng the diVISion fi nals.

Science Fair 1997 II, L,sll, ROlllhl" Student in grade 8-1 2 participate in this yea r's Science Fa ir, held o n T hur d ay a nd Frida , Febru ary 20-2 1. The eve nt OCCl! ~S every two yea r for tudents in the fo llowing classes: ea rth scie nce, phys ical scie nce, bio logy, chemistry in the co mmunity, a nd chemistry. tu-

Earth Sci e nce 1st Place - Caitlin Rossmoore 2nd Place - Katie Drzal 3rd Place - Ted Benson Honorable Mention - Jamie Reed

The Middle School ha had three speake rs as part o f their Di tinguished peake r Series.

Physical Science 15t Place - Mike Hatherley 2nd Place - Wade Britt 3rd Place - Caroline Vend Honorable Mention - Derek Garnett Biology 15t Place - Elizabeth Sumner 2 nd Place - Jennifer latourelle 3rd Place - John Schott Honorable Mention - Jeremy Salken DaVid Leong, head of Veils theatre department, ralks wirh Middle School tudents.


The first speakers were Taj McWilliams and Deena Evans from the Richmond Rage. Both are college graduates with English majors and pioneers in the field of professional female sports. The second speaker was David Leong, the head of the theater department at VCU . He is one of eight fight masters in the country and has choreographed fight scenes for many fi lms and plays. The last speaker was Dr. Martha Mahey, the head of the Montessori School, a former art gallery owner, and mystery writer. H er presentation on writing mys teries tied in with the Middle School Alternate Program theme .

eason. George Cauble sank 15 three point hots, wh ile also leading the team i as ists . Junior Mike Schirick was the team's fourth leading scorer, averaging 9 .2 point per ga me. Statistics are impres ive, but the unde rl ying RIchmond Rage leam members faJ McWilliams (/) and Deena Evan (middle) IVllh Coach RIce, Sandy haw, and Rage public relal lons manager. ucce s for th is team was their and in the last two seasons, t his ability to wo rk together with an team totaled a 26-8 record( a .7 64 attitude. Whether it was un elfish winning percentage) . The tea m capt ured the Tri-Cilies Ind epe ndent


Varsity BoyS' Basketball TeamTournament Finalist The 1996-97 varsity boys ' basketball team ended the seaso n with a 15 -4 win-loss record , the best ever for this boys' team. (See cover photo) . Under the guidance of Coach Stan Pepeliaev for the last four yea rs, the team has developed into a championship squad . Stan inherited a yo ung, but excited , group when he arrived at Steward and molded them into team pl aye rs who patiently executed their offense and defensively exas perated their opponents. I n hi s first yea r, Stan led the team to a 7- 10 record , bu t the next season that record fell to 218 . Determined to create a winning squad , Coach Stan worked with some playe rs over the summer,

Congrats to Our Spartan

Basketball Teams! Pagl 14

Schools(T I L) tourn ament championship in 1996, and gained the tourn ament final this year. Goi ng into the 1997 tourn ame nt, the team wa riding a I O-game winning streak with 10 ses only t Amelia Academy and eventual TC I L Tournament ham pions Heri tage Christian . Of the te n team member , five are enior who began their high school caree rs with Coach tan . These pl aye rs led the team in many catego ries t hroughout t heir high school yea rs. In grades 9-1 2, the fo llowing enio rs amassed these point total : hawn Lewi

73 point

Brian McGehee

629 point

Geo rge Cauble

397 points

am Proffitt

157 point

Paul Dougla

34 pint

During this eason, the scoring was led by Brian McGehee with a 12 point per ga me average followed by junior Stephen Harler (9 .9 ppg) and Shawn Lewis (9.4 ppg) who also directed the team from his position as point guard . Harler, a newcomer to teward thi s year, oftentimes ignited a scoring streak by si nking three point h ts. He totaled 42 three pointers t hi

patient pass ing t h at pcncd lip a

coring opportuni ty r defensive pOSitioning that led to teals and rebounds, thi group wa prepared . Coach Stan guided them well from the bench , but the guys howed tenacious defen ive pre sure which ften led to sco ring opportunities. enior Shawn Lewis and George Cauble created many offensive opportunities for t he team through their defensive pres ure. Control of the board was al 0 important fo r the succes of the team and the rebo unding leaders were Brian McGehee, Sam Proffitt, and Mike Schirick. llvo pia er were named to the T IL Al I- Star team for thei r play througho ut the enti re ea onShawn Lewis and Mike Schirick. ongratu lat ion to all of the team and to Coach Stan who i leavi ng teward after compi ling an impressive reco rd . We expect to see all of the eniors baek for next year's alumni game.

Winter Sports Wrap-Up The girl ' varsit I ba ketba ll team ended t he eason with a disappointing record of 2- 12 , but the very yo ung squad hopes to

improve over th e next few seasons. The bulk of the team members are middle school players and th is group should be much improved in a few years. Lo ne se nior, Lainie HaskelJ , wa the team leader as well as the scoring leader, ave raging 9.2 points per game. Al t hough chosen as a League of Independent Schools(Ll S) All-Star everal t imes fo r fi eld hockey, Haskell wa also chosen as a representative for the LI S All-Star Basketba.ll Team this winter. The Middle School girls' ba ketball team ended th ei r seaso n with a 8-0 record fo r the regu lar sea on, but they lost in t he tournament semi-finals to eventual Division III champio ns, St. Mary's . Throughout t he season, the girls outscored th eir opponent by an ave rage of B points per game. o ngratulations to this team !I! T he Middle School boy' Baske tball "A" Team co ncluded their winning seaso n under first yea r coach Adam Cohen . The overall record was 6-4 with victo ri es ove r New o mmun ity, Be lmead , H eritage hri tian , and Ce ntral VA Patriots . Under the directio n o f first yea r coach Pat Cuneo, the Boy ' Middle School Basketball "B" Team posted an ove ra ll reco rd of 5 wins and 5 losses. This is the be t reco rd ever reco rded by a uB" team .

Spring Sports Outlook Seve ral new coaches a re taking over the reins of o me of the pring athleti c teams. Lynn Define will direct the girl ' tenni team. This squ ad participates in two conferences , the Virginia Com monwealth Conference(VCC) and the League of Independent Schools( LIS ). The team won the VCC title la t spring, but seve ral top players from last yea r' ladd er

are go ne. teward 's senior players , Lainie Haskell and Nikki Voltz will lead th e team thi spring. Both were dom inating forces last year in both single and double play.

student interest. H opefully, by ta rting the team at the middle school level, the sport can be built from the bottom up and our hopes are to eventually expand and add a junior varsity and var ity level team .

The boys ' tennis quad wi ll participate in the V C u nder t he di rection of new coach Ronny Hajek. The boys ' team has lost several of their form er top seeded players to t he golf team , but so phomore Matt Gottwald will as ume the leadership of this group.


Parents' Association II, . , . , StI/Il111ck, Pm/dill' T he Parents ' Association applauds those outstanding volunteers responsi ble for the success of the 1996-97 school yea r. The teward chool is ve ry fortun ate to have t he support of such a tremendous network of hard workers who have made li fe o n and off campu a profitable and rewardi ng experi ence for the stud ents, the parents, and the School. We look forwa rd to the upcoming festive events which will serve to fi nis h our yea r with a bang!

The go lf team , und er the direction of veteran coach Catesby Jones looks forwa rd to a successful season in the VCe. Wi th the addition of some experienced playe r who switched their allegiance fro m tenn is to golf, this squad hopes to e tab lish itself as a power in the conference. Steward will host the annu al conference tournament in May.


Coach Ian Coddington will once again sponso r the whitewater can oe club. Afte r training on a lake, the club will t ry to ma ter the James Ri ver. An exciting add ition to ou r spring spons line up is the middle school boy's lacros e team under the direction of Adam Cohen, Robb Stottlemyer, and stud ent as i tant coach Rusty Perkins. Steward had JV and varsity lac rosse teams in th e past, but th e teams we re eliminated due to lack of

On Frid ay evening, April 25, teward 's first Spri ng Family Festival an d ca rn iva l wi ll feature games, bingo, activities and evem s fo r all ages. D inner will be served and our long awa ited raffle drawing wi ll be held ! T he raffle kick-off began March l B... and the prizes are fa ntastic! A ca h pri ze of $5,000 is the grand prize; 1st prize i a hightech computer courte yof ircuit City; 2nd prize is a poollable

The Steward School Parenu' Association

Spring Family Festival Friday, April 25 - 5-8: 00 p.m . Come join the fu n:

Games, Food, Bingo, Raffle Drawing ... and much more!


courtesy of West End Trophy and BEl Medical Systems; and 3rd prize is a treadmill sponsored by Jumbo Sports. Steward students are selling like crazy in the hopes of winning their own rewards by selling the most tickets or the winning tickets. The Spring Book Fair will be held on April 28 through May 2 in the School Library. Lifesize puppets will perform '''Traveling Jack & Company," stories of a folktale theme, by Applause Unlimited to get the week off to a great start. Sharon Wilton has done a very creative job with the library decorations and the success of the Book Fairs. Enjoy the warm weather, and make a commitment to insure these last three months of the school year are super for yo u and yo ur children . Thanks for your help and support throughout the 1996-97 year.

ALUMNI NEWS Corey Turnage 188 IIStIll Klckln' 1111 lIT Cliff Nlclloll '86, CO".I/IIIIIII'1I1 Ask a Steward alumni how to describe Corey Turnage, and yo u will hear the word "soccer" somewhere in their description. Sure, Corey played tennis. And, oh yeah, he played basketball, too. In fact, he was a standout in drama as well. But first and foremost, Corey will always be remembered for his days on the soccer field. After graduating from Sl"wa rd in 1988, Corey attended the University of Connecticut, where he played four years of Division I Varsity soccer. During that time he received numerous accolades, such as Most Improved Player and Team Co-Captain. He graduated from UCONN in 1992 , earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology.

Sulu Rose, Class of 7997, showing one of her horses, "Country Club, " in Ocala, Florida. Sulu became a professional equestrian in November of 1996.

Pllll8 11

Corey acknowledges that there were rigorous demands confronting him as a student athlete, particularly in the first yea r of college. He credits Steward for preparing him to deal with the transition. "In college, I would see a lot of guys trying to figure out who they were. They were struggling in social settings, because they lacked confidence in their own identi ty. I think this is where Steward gave me an advantage. The school's size allowed the members of our class to express themselves as individuals. There was no

stereotyping or pressure to conform. Every member of our class was accepted (or at least tolerated) by the others, and that instilled a confidence in each of us." Confidence has enabled Corey Turnage to experiment on several fronts. He has coached high school

Corey Turnage

01 The Richmond Kickers.

soccer in t he Virgin Islands (St. Thomas) , played professional soccer in Charleston, S.c., and now plays for the U.S.I.S.1. Richmond Kickers. In add ition , he serves as an account representative for Richmond Decorating, where he services over 80 apartment complexes in Richmond and throughout southeastern Virginia. "I am interested in several aspects of business operations-marketing, customer service, public relations. Ten years from now, who k.nows what I'll be doing. But for now, r enjoy my job. I am anxious to see how far I can take it." As for soccer.. ."1 have always dreamed of playing as a professional, and right now that's what I'm doing. I want it to la t as long

as it can. When it's over, I will still play recreationall y or I will coach. I'll never qui t the spon . I have bee n play ing for too lo ng." In related matters, Corey's sister and father have also been busy: Delaney Turnage ( lass of I 992) will be getting married in October of this year. Delan ey is tud yi ng at V U and will soon be receivi ng her B.A. degree in Social Work. Neil Turnage (forme r Athletic D irector) will be graduati ng from M CV's School of Dentistry this spring. D r. Turnage will be practicing in Ri chmond at W. Baxter Perkinso n and Associate .

D .C. Now a paralegal with Hunton & Willi am law firm he re in Ri ch-

Alumni Keeping

mo nd, Joh n Cabell also enjoys playi ng soccer and tenn i .

In Touch During t he Spring Phonathon held at Steward on Ap ril 7 and , callers had a chance to catch up with orn e of Steward 's grads. We've al 0 heard fro m everal ince the la t Blue & Gold was pub lis hed . David Baker. Class of 1986. received hi B. . degree in hi tory fro m the U nive rsity of Richmond . Now an affi liate of Si mmo ns-Bake r Realty. David sells new ho mes in th i area. John Cabell Chenault, Clas o f 199 I , received a B.A. degree in policy and management tudi es. He atte nded Dickinson College and also d id an abroad program th rough Ame rican Unive rsity in Was hington ,


Max Cohen , Cia of 1988, i now an onh opedi c su rgeo n fini shing hi first yea r of re idency in Philadelphia. Pen nsylvania. PhiHp Crymes . lass of 1990 , atte nded Catawba and Ferrum . He is now an adve nture coordin ato r fo r The Adve ntu re C uild in Chattanooga, Te nnessee. Jason Krumbe in. las of 1987, i currently attending Nonhern Ohio Law chool. Jeanne (Neese) Loving. la of 1978 , came out to help t he Development Office with the Spring Phonatllon. he repon th at afte r the years of stayi ng home with he r two daughter . Sara (9) and

The Steward School Alumni Association First Annual House Tour in Goochland County

The Steward School Alum ni Associatio n will host a Spring House Tou r in Goochla nd Cou nty on Satu rday, May 3rd fro m 1 :00 - 4:00 p.m . The to ur will feature Sabot Hill, the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed , and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Morton (on Mi ller's Lane ). The Fox Head Inn wi ll also be open on the to ur (the bottom fl oor of the Inn). and refresh me nts will be served on the fro nt patio . O nly 200 tickets for th is event wi ll be avai lable . The tickets will be sold to ind ivid uals affiliated with The Stewa rd School and thei r guests. Tickets are $10.00 each and ca n be obtai ned by se nd ing a check to The Steward School and made out to The Steward School Alumni Association . Tickets will also be sold at th e Spring Family Festival. The Alumn i Associatio n th anks yo u in adva nce for yo ur support. If you have any q uestions please call Scott Moncure or Sandra Dollar at 740-3394 .


Jennifer (7) , she is now an outside travel consultant for Latitudes, Inc. Mark McDonald, Class of 1979, is living in Richmond with wife, Kelly, and thei r daugherr, Casey. William M. Northen II , Class of 1980, is an international travel consultant. He is vice president! CFO of Sterling International , a company he found ed . A finance degree from VCU led him to this position . Bill and his wife, Jenna, live here in Richmond wi t h their son , David, who was born in November 1995 . Shehwar Qureshi , Class of 1990, received her B.A. degree in psychology and histo ry from t he University of Virginia, Shehwar is self-employed and tu to rs in Latin and math . She is certainly no stranger around Steward , bringing her tutoring sk.ills to campu and also being involved in Steward 's Model UN . She is also active with the Jefferson Literacy & Debating Society. Lael (Meem) Scott, Class of 1991 , received her B.A. in English from Ra ndolph Maco n. Now married and employed by Heilig Meye rs, Lael spends spare time as a chat room host for America O nLine. She is also an avid equestrian , campaigning her ho rse in t he CVSJA.

It was great hearing from

Steward grads! Please keep in touch and let us know where you are and what you're doing.


Former Student Shares Photography Genius Brian Kreckman, a former Steward student, ca me back. to Ste\"'.'ard t.o wo rk wi t h the photography lass. Brian is shown here shanng .hls exper:ise with Heidi Arista (Camberly Pearson looks on). Bnan has hiS own free lance photography business and can be reached at 2 15-0228.

On-Campus Honors

Emily WolH Honored by Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond

Steward Students' Art Featured In Area Exhibits

Se nio r Emily Wolff was rece ntly elected as one of the recipients of the Youth Awa rds presented by t he Interfait h Council of G reater R.ichmo nd during a Brotherh ood! Sisterh ood Week ceremonyt in February. T his ceremony recogni zes second ary stud ents in the G reater Richmo nd Area who serve as role models in brotherh ood! iste rh ood ski lls, and who have helped to im prove hu ma n relatio ns and intergro up understanding in t heir high schoo ls.

Peo ple pass ing th ro ugh Richmond's International Airpo rt recently we re treated to something special. An art exhi bit fo r Youth Art Awareness Month featured works of several Stewa rd art students. Brannan Heywood , Chris Hines, Camberly Pearson, Scott Adams , AJison Norton , Phillip Wood , and Anne-Sims Honey we re participati ng e 15 students--we conG o. gratulate t hem on this 0 acco mplishment.


Camberly Pearson' wo rk, Moolliite Sta r , was also selected fo r exhibi t at T he Youth Arts Awa renes Exhi bit sponso red by T he Arts Board of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. A reception was held on February 9 to ho nor artist and t heir fa milies.

ongratulations to Emily on this well-deserved honor.


Honor Roll Students

Marking Period 3 Grade 6 Chris Byrne Mary Congdon Austin Pittman Leora Rothenberg Philipp Schmidt-Ullrich Hunter Sears David Sizemore

Grade 7 Taylor Brewer Elizabeth Bullock James Foote Jennifer Gray Sara Kornblau Trent McLaurin Mary Patterson Zac Sears Reed Yancey

Grade 8 Grade 9 Ted Benson Katie Drzal Corbin Brierre Carter Eberly Elizabeth Sumner Alex Duty Walter Wash Cynthia Johns Elizabeth Larus Caitlin Rossmoore Grade 11 Meghan Hajek Cabell Jones Becky Meye rhoff

Grade 10 Michael Maszaros Clay McElveen Stephen Paulette Fahad Qureshi Andy Stitt Grade 12 George Cauble Ifrah Nur

A Job Well Done! Susan (Atkinson) Grymes , 1st grade teacher, wed Stokes Grymes on March 15.

Commencement Exercises to be Special Occasion This year's graduation ceremony, to be held on Thursday, June 5, 1997, at 8:00 p.m. , promises to be a special occasion for the eighteen seniors and The Steward chool family. The Class of 1997 ha opted to don the traditional cap and gown for this year's event. It is the first time in the School's history that seniors have not walked down t he aisle in white gowns and tuxedos . This yea r's commencement peaker will be Attorney General James S. Gilmore. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Gilmore participate in this exciting event. Following the ceremony, a beautiful tent reception of noted "Steward style" for seniors, their famili es, and guests wil l be held on The Green.

am Praml/, a 1997 senior who has been at Sleward since kindergarten, gets measured (or his cap & gown.

Upcoming nuptials: Mitra Palmer to Chris Friant in Jul y; Paula Verkon to Greg DeLeonardis in August; Leslie Roughley to Frank Kovach in August; and Sandi DoUa.r to Ronnie Shriner in November.

Best Wishes!


COOKIN '? That's what the Parents' Association wants to know! SEND INYOUR RECIPES for inclusion in the first Steward School cookbook to be published in the fall. Parents, grandparents. alumni, friends--send in a few of your favorites and make notation of your affiliation with Steward. Mail recipes to Steward Cookbook. I 1600 Gayton Road. Richmond, VA 23233. or FAX to 804/740-1464.


Looking Ahead With Steward AMessage from Roger A. Coulombe, Headmaster-Elect for 1997-98 Since being appointed Headmaster beginning on July I , I have spent a great deal of time co nveying my views on t he direction t hat Steward will take in the coming months. I would like to share my thoughts with yo u abo ut some of the areas which will receive emphasis , but I will leave the detai ls and analysis of such unti l a late r time, all of which will be explained more fully in future articles in publicaBlue & Gold. tions such as


The two areas of greatest importance will involve an expansion of, and greater atte ntio n to, the Honor Cod e and the ode of Responsibility. Each yea r we should focus on a theme, and next yea r we will emphasize honor a nd respo nsibility. T he Honor Code will concentrate on the areas of lying, stealing, and cheating, which wi ll include plagiarism. Under the Code of Respo nsibility, our expectations will touch upo n the areas of overall behavior that will include top ics on presentable dress, ve rb al and physical abuse, language, propriety and consideration in dealing with others , tobacco/a1cohoVdrug ab use, res pect for property as well as the feelings of others, and the li ke. Expectatio ns within both Codes will be conveyed in meeti ngs at the sta rt of the year, in advisories and assemblies, and will be reflected in part in our Distinguished Guest Seri es . Schools which possess high spirit and morale are t hose in which student involvement is substantial. Lower School grade level meeti ngs , as well as discussions at Middle and Upper School Student Councils, will involve students at nearly every

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level of t he deCision-making proce s, and they, along with the Ho nor ommittees, wi ll playa much greater ro le in the development and implementation of programs and procedures within the School. At the Uppe r School level, a Se nio r Prefect system will be developed. Central to the direct role of student leaders in the li fe of the School, a very select group of se niors is appointed to take on respo nsibilities for lunch superviion, library ass istance, Hono r ode implementation, and ge neral ad ministrati on of student life. Appointments from the present junior class will be made in May fo r the next academic yea r. Di scussions have begun among facu lty o n the development o f a Young Scholars/H o nors Symp sium Program for students entering the Middle School. Designed for particularl y ab le and highl y motivated students, discussio ns now being held at t he committee level are ce nte ring on such poss ibilities as indepe ndent accelerated programs in English, math, and science-with consideration in other disciplines as well-taught by our own facul ty, directed stud y, one-o n-one tutorials with voluntee r mentors, and the li ke. We are al a discuss ing the po sibility, begi nning in 1998-99, of extending the present Upper School Honors Sym posi um to th e eighth grade in the Middle School. We are also the reci pie nt of a very substantial and generous grant to begin a D istinguished Guest Se ries . T he grant wi ll allow us to schedule well- known speakers and perform ers such a poets, anists, musicians, write rs, scholars, poli ticians, and other noteworth y cont ribu to rs to Ameri ca n culture. T he prese nters will serve a co-curricular function. T hei r presentati ons will often reinforce the themes and directions of our program , e.g., the Honor Code and atte ndant value system , and they will also help to broaden our students' perspectives

on all the iss ues of the day, be they in the arts, politics, o r the social scene. T he D istingu ished Guest Serie will take place five or six time per yea r, the first presentation to be made in early September in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary celebration . In res ponse to many requests from parents and fac ul ty, a more co nsistent and clear dress code will be put in pl ace. A great deal of time is ta ken on a regul ar basis by the faculty and admi nistration in tr ying to supervise inappropriate a nd unacce ptable student dress, to the direct detriment of the teach ing and lea rning process . Like any good chool, our stud ents should come to school prepared to learn , and di stractions of dress do not serve that purpose. Our main goal at Steward i to foste r an enviro nment where qu ality education takes place, and we will do all we can to bri ng that abo ut-- for the students and the parents whose investment requires our cri ous attention. Finall y, because we are a college preparatory chool, atte nt io n to our overall standards--homework, classwo rk. research--will be give n se ri ous co nsiderati on. O ur students are certainly ca pable o f se ri ous, high-quali ty work, and they will live up or down to the standards we set. It is our res ponsibility a educators to create reasonable and wo rt hy tandard because students deserve nothing less. In summary, all of our efforts wi ll be devoted to a respo nse to the most impo rtant question in determining po licy: What is in t11e best interests of the students? I am loo king fo rwa rd to the challenges and possibilities o f the future, and I believe Steward will be an exciting pl ace for students to test and to



Life at Steward


IS •••

PHOTOS: Top Le(l : Lower Schoolers Sl udy Ihe Rain Fores!. Top RighI : Ned Trice displays his musical lalenls during Slum Talenl Nigh!. Middle Le(, : Laura Ward performs a Talenl Nighl solo. Middle RighI : Sleward mainlenance crew members ({ 10 r) Kevin, Bob, and Gene, prepare (or Iheir volleyball challenge 10 Ihe

en;ors , BOIlom : Nimh graders pose wil h leward alum and Allernale Program career (air participanl, LouEf(en Blackwelder (righr) .

Picture Perfect ..... 21

The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233

onprotit OrgUnlZlltlOn .S. PO TAGE PA ID RIchmond VA

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