The Steward
From the Headmaster·s Desk CONNECTION Analyzing Our Role in the Community From Without and From Within As we enter the second month of school, it appears that everything from classes and activities to fall sports is in full gear. The following pages of this edition of the Blue & Gold Connection will give you an idea of the variety of events and activities that go on around campus which enrich the lives and education of our students. Given recent changes in leadership of the School and the Board of Trustees, it is timely for us to examine the role of The Steward School in the communities it serves. To this end, last May the Board of Trustees authorized a comprehensive marketing study to be conducted by Independent School Management (ISM) ot Wilmington, Delaware. The notion of marketing a school is somewhat incongruous, suggesting that an educational program is to be advertised and promoted like the proverbial widget. However, it is imperative that each school identify its role in the geographical and professional community. By continually examining our strengths and weaknesses and revisi ti ng the basic questions of who our students are and how we can best serve them, we define ourselves and our future . The analysis and recommendations resulting from this review will serve as the basis of a long-range plan for Steward. It will assist the School in devising a strategy for prioritizing future needs and for managing growth . Additionally, the feedback should provide immediate and practical advice for improving our educational, admission and development programs. The marketing study is scheduled to take place this October and run through November. During this time, a number of teachers, administrators, parents, alumni, parents of alumni and community leaders will be asked to participate in analysis. Our ISM consultant will be Don Fudge who brings to the process a vast expertise, having worked with numerous independent schools throughout the U.S. During his visit, he will be facilitating workshops for trustees and administrators and conducting over thirty interviews with various school constituencies. As we enter this process, it is helpful to rem ind ourselves that we all market The Steward School. As students, staff, trustees, parents, alumni and friends of the School, we are all representatives of Steward to the greater community. Most often it is our simple pride, optimism and enthusiasm that "sells" the School to others. Finally, it is worth noting another big upcoming event that wi ll impact the School's future . The 1994 Steward School Phonathon is scheduled to take place beginning October 17th. This year, Phonathon Week will be the primary fund raising event for the Steward School's Annual Fund as we attempt to contact the entire school community on behalf of this critical campaign. Whether by phone or correspondence, this fall everyone will be asked to support the Annual Fund with a donation, and I encourage you to give generously.
Stephen M. Stackhouse
In this issue October 1994
• From Tea to the Farm Check out all of the • extra-curricular activities in which our students participate
• The role of advisors • Assemblies • Catch up with our athletic teams and see how their season . have progressed • Student Profiles
The Blue and Gold Connection is published monthly in an ellon to improve communications within the school family.
'Lower School ~port
Excelling Beyond the School Walls
Championships. This gave them the #1 doubles ranking in the Mid-Atlantic region .
Each year we have the good fortune to hear about how well some of our students do in activities outside of school. More often than not, we do not share the "good news" with the larger Steward School community. Here we will profile some of the students about whom we have heard.
Leigh 's younger sister, fourlh grader, Anne·Claiborne, 9 years old, participated in a few tournaments in 1994. She won her age group whife attending Nick Bolliteri's Tennis Acad emy in Florida. Anne-Claiborne also did well in the Petersburg Junior Tournament, winning the 12 and under age group. AnneClaiborne won the 10 and under Nations Bank Tournamen t hefd in Richmond . She also went to the finals in Martinsville and Portsmouth , VA. Anne-Claiborne plays #1 on the Bantam League team at Rain tree Swim and Racquet Club.
Ida Henley, a third grader, may at first glance appear to be a peti te little girl. In reality, she packs quite a punch. Ida has been taking karate at the Virginia Karate Club for a year and a half. She is a red belt and will test for her brown belt in November. Ida has been training for several upcoming tournaments. She placed fourth in her firs t competition in July using the bo staff. Over the first weekend in Oc tober she took a second place in her most recent competition. Ida has been promoted to the advanced weapons class where she will be learning about and using several weapons .
Sam Baronlan (third grader) - For the second year in a row, Sam walked away from the Slate Fair with a slew of ribbons including two grand prize (best of section) ribbons for his Raisin Molasses cookies and Pecan Pie. His nine blue ribbons were for: baked goods including Hummingbird Cake , Blueberry Coffee Cake, Raisin Molasses Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Pecan Pie ; and crafts including decoupage baske t, a wooden Chrislmas ornament, Mt. Rushmore photography and a reindeer visor. In addition, Sam earned three more red and white ribbons .
Jordan Effron (third grade) has also been taking karate at the Virginia Karate Club since January, 1993. He is currently a red belt, having passed the white, gold, purple, blue and green bell tests. He is also participating in a karate choreographed class where the students are learning a lengthy exercise to the music of Exodus.
Sally Anne StraHon (fifth grader) has grown up surrounded by dogs! Her family has always had numerou s Samoyeds. For Christmas 1993 Sally was given the puppy Hogan's Hero , who has become the love of her life. Since lhen , Sally and Hogan took an eight week obedience class where both did well. After that experience Sally started handling classes and en tered as a Jr. Handler althe Harrisonburg Kennel show, where she took a second place on Saturday competition and a first on Sunday. She repeated the same results in her second show at the Salem Kennel Club show. Sally plans to show at the Virginia Kennel Club show here in Richmond . Apparently she and Hogan make quite a pair!
Profiles of Some Lower School Students
Jennifer Gray (fifth grade) has distinguished herself in the swimming pool. She swims for Granite Recreation Club. This past summer she was very consistent in her swimming, taking the majority of first place finishes in the dual meets in which she participated. In the Richmond Metro Aquatic League Championships she won gold in the 50 backstroke and the 100 individual medley. Her relay team took a silver medal. The Shelton sisters had a victorious summer in tennis. Leigh (fifth grade) , 10 years old, participated in several tournaments in 1994 and was quite successful, making it to the finals of several matches sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Tennis Association lor ages 14 and under. In the summer championships she was able to knock off the #3 seed. She earned a ranking of #8 in the Mid-Atlantic (12 and under) , qualifying her for the regional team which competed in a national tournament played in Nashville, TN. She played as #4 on the A team and had a great tournamen t, winning 5 ou t of 6 matches . Also, Leigh teamed with her doubles partner (Kristin Moran of Virginia Beach) and won lhe Mid-Atlantic Doubles Summer
While we have allempted to share some of the stories of our sludents, we know that there are others out there. So we hope we will be able to share the stories of more of our students in future issues of the Blue & Gold Connection.
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CONGRATULATIONS TO THE LOWER SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL Jennifer Gray President Anne-Claiborne Shellon Vice-President Treasurer Sara Korblau Secre tary Leigh Shelton 5th grade representative Reed Yancey 4th grade representative Ali Hord
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Mrs. Miller·s Farm by the 1 st Grade On Friday Sept. 23 our first grade class went to Mrs. Miller's Farm to pick apples. We looked at the horses. We fed them mints. It was their favorite food. Then we picked apples with an apple picker. Then we crushed them in an apple press and made apple juice. It was yummy! After that, we went on a truck ride with the puppy. We went down to the lake to catch fish in a net. We caught a bass! We had a "radical " time. We would like to go there another time.
Tea Party On September 22 the Second Grade hosted a tea party for facul ty and administration members, as well as a few upper school students The children greeted each guest, seNed refreshments, and made sure that their guests were introduced to several new friends . Everyone was made to feel very welcome and com fortable. The second grade enjoyed this opportunity to practice their very lovely manners ... and the guests were impressed with the warm hospitality!
Thanks Parents! I want to thank all the parents and children for the wonderful "found objects" being sent in for art classes. Look for these items to be coming home in the form of actual projects. Just yesterday a kindergartner was walking through the hall and recognized a project with some wallpaper that had been hanging in his house! That was because his mom had sent in rolls and rolls of extra wallpaper. Thanks to everyone who has helped . Keep those "throwaways " coming and you will be pleasantly surprised with their transformation. -Lynn Zinder
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Uz Shupe, Maria Yaro, Steve Stackhouse and Kale Kristofak at the 2nd Grade Tea Party
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New!! ftom
the Middle
The Steward School Parents' Association proudly presents
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While parents were at "Meet the Teachers" night Sept.29, French I and II students were busy doing their French homework baking! French apple pies, strawberry tarts, quiches, French puffs, baguettes with brie and camembert and eclairs were enjoyed for breakfast the following day by these aspiring student chefs! Everyone had remembered to do their homework and with delicious results!
Join us for Supper and a Delightful Evening of BINGO, Laughter, Prizes and the Drawing of Our Lucky Raffl e Winners!! $10 per person - children under 5 free (Soft Soled Shoes Required)
Advisor: Smack Dab in the Middle Of It Younger students here and elsewhere typically spend their entire day with one teacher in a self-contained classroom situation, That Lower School teacher comes to know the student quite well , builds a relationship with the student and his/her family, and is a person that the student can rely upon when there is a problem , As our students move to Middle School and Upper School, they no longer have a single teacher for the greater part of their school day, In a normal school day, our students can see seven different teachers, They may also be with a coach, a club sponsor, tutor or with another adult. Because of these busy schedules, it can be difficult for students to develop a meaningful relationship with an adult who can serve as resource and a primary point of contact regarding school issues, We provide a structure designed to help students find such a mentor among the faculty, This is our Advisory Program, In the Steward Advisory Program, each advisor in the Middle and Upper Schools has six to eight students, In Advisory students can relate to and appreciate other students outside their immediate peer group, and older students can help and encourage younger students in their group, The advisor has several responsibilities, One of the most important is to monitor the academic progress and social adjustment of his or her advisees, Part of this happens in the weekly meetings, The advisor is also the person to whom a student's grades and reports come, and is the one who hands these reports to students, It is the advisor's responsibility to
look for lrends, positive or negative, to offer congratulations or encouragement, and to be alert for possibilities of difficulty, The advisor should be the school 's contact with the student's family, We believe that our advisors should communicate with each family generally once each marking period , and more often if necessary, A parent who has a general concern about a middle school student should think to call the advisor first, unless the problem is specific to one teacher's class, Perhaps the most important function and responsibility of the advisor is to be a trusted and credible adult who can be available and listen to a student's concerns and who can advise a student about decisions and personal situations, Gaining this trust and credibility is not a quick or easy process, It is gained over time, possibly even over several years ' time, It is gained through conversations, demonstrations of genuine caring, and through the advisor's making him/ herself available frequently to the advisee, Advisors will occasionally become involved with their advisees in a project or activity that brings them closer together, In October, Middle School Advisory Groups will collaborate to put on a Halloween Carnival for Lower School Students, In the Middle School, each Advisory Group sends delegates to Student Council. There is, from time to time, an opportunity lor interaction over important school issues in Advisory meetings While the purposes are clear, the function and the format of the Middle School Advisory Program at Steward are fluid and can change to meet new needs and circumstances, At the center of the program, however, is the belief that each stu dent al Steward should have one adult who knows him or her well , can monitor his/her progress, and to whom the studenl can turn when he needs help dealing with an issue or a problem,
TO THE FUTURE ... Russell Perkins, the chairperson for this year's Annual Fund Campaign, spoke to the parents and faculty at Meet The Teacher Night at the School on Thursday, September 29th, Russell summed up his presentation in his initial remarks","We need your money!" He then went on to recap how our Annual Fund and other fundraising events provided computers, computer software, books for the library and classrooms as well as other instructional items, Russell concluded with a charge for everyone to make a generous pledge when they are called during the phonathon , This October all parents will receive a call to encourage participation in lhis year's Annual Fund, Volunteers are needed to make the telephone calls on one or more nights during the phonathon, which begins on Monday, October 17th, Training and a snack supper will be given each night of the phonathon which will run from 6:30 to about 9:00pm, Last year a number of parents made contributions in the form of shares of stock to the Annual Fund , This is an excellent way to avoid paying any capital gains tax on the shares of stock you contribute, yet still being able to claim the full value of the stock as a charitable contribution, You may call either your broker or the Development Office to investigate how shares of stock can be donated To offiCially inaugurate the new tennis courts, a m ixed doubles tennis tournament is being planned, Look for an announcement in one of the weekly newsletters,
and use them as a tool to improve performance on subsequent tests.
One of the principal goals of a co llege preparatory school is to help each student determine the best "match" between student and college during the college selection process. As part of this matching process, Steward students take both aptitude and achievement standardiLed tests during their Upper School years. Through these tests we are able to help students understand how much they have achieved and how to better reach their potential. This year we administered aptitude and achievement tests to students in Grade 9 on October 11 . The aptitude test was the Otis-Lennon and the achievement test battery was part of the Stanford Achievement Test series . We switched from spring to fall testing this year in order to get the test results back earlier (by midyear) and to enable classroom teachers to pinpoint both strengths and areas to stress during the remainder of the year. It is important for the ninth grade parents to note that they may not see signilicant increases in achievement when they compare these ninth grade achievement scores to last year's because those tests were administered in late February, These scores will be only eight months apart rather than the usual twe lve months and it will be too early to reflect progress from the current academic year. On October 11 sophomores and juniors took the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT). This two-hour test measures verbal and mathematical aptitudes. The verbal part includes two thirty minute multiple-choice sections with questions involving analogies, sentence completion , and critical reading . The mathematics part measures arithmetic, algebra, and geometry skills . The two thirty minute sections include multiple-choice questions requiring computation and analysis and separate student-response problems. A revised PSAT was introduced last year and the student response section is new, requiring students to ca lculate their own answers rather than select from multiple choices. Also new in the PSAT is the ability to use calculators for the math section. For sophomores the PSAT is the first opportunity to practice for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I), the college admissions test used by most colleges as an entrance requirement. For juniors this test is also the first step in the qualification process for the National Merit Scholarship Program. When the test results are returned to the school, Mrs. Brandt will meet with the students to explain how to analyze the score reports
While October 11 was "stress" day with testing for grades nine through eleven, some of the seniors faced the SAT I on Oct. 8. Others can look forward to the experience on November, December or January test dates and juniors will be en couraged to take SAT I in the spring. SAT I is administered at large area public school test centers . The format of the revised version of the test (which was also introduced last year) is similar to the PSAT, with verbal testing including analogies, sentence completion, and critical reading, and math including computation, quantitative analysis, and student response problems . As part of both the PSAT and SAT test preparation process, Mrs. Brandt holds an introductory session for students in grade 10 and a general review session with grade 11 and grade 12. These are followed by separate review sessions in the English and math classes. The main purpose of all of these sessions is to be sure students are familiar with the format of the test and some basic strategies to follow. Some of the seniors also will be taking one hour SAT II achievement tests in December and January. The English test includes both multiple choice questions and a 20 minute essay; the others are all multiple choice. These are used for admissions purposes by the more competitive schools and for placement in freshmen classes by other schools. Special review for these tests is offered by the individual subject matter teacher and/or department head.
Class Officers
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Congratulations to the newly elected class officers. Grade 9
• • • • • • • Grade 10 •
Grade 11
Grade 12
President Vice-President Secretary Historian
Aaron Payne Chad Whitten Catherine Woody Sara Rossmoore
President Secretary Treasurer
Lainie Haskell Lory Shilflet! Shawn Lewis
President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer
Corbin Adamson Jason Gregg Ellis Ann McClung : Heather Cohn
President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer
Cheryl Mayers Alec Kean Jenny McComas Alex Rojas
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The Writers "You're going on a field trip on a Friday night? With a teacher? You 're crazy!" But that is exactly what three of the six writing portlolio students did on September 16. After a delicious dinner at the Robin Inn, the students Tara Garner, Kristin Walton, Ellis Ann McClung, and their teacher Sandy Shaw listened to writers Carolyn Chute and Denise Giardina read from their works. Since all of these students are aspiring writers, hearing and seeing professionaf authors share their art was a valuabfe opportunity and an insightlul experience. On campus the portfolio class meets three times weekfy, and the students work on creating a purposeful collection of writing which includes the following stages of writing : pre-writing, several levels of revision and peer evaluations. The portlolios will reflect the students' efforts and growth as writers. In addition, each student will be involved in individual goal setting and personal reflection on the writing process. To create more avenues for writing ideas, each student has a subscription to Writing magazine, and the class has ordered Poets and Writing for personal and class use. Because writers of all ages are published in these magazines, publication is definitely a goal of each student.
Lower Gauley Rafting Trip On early Saturday morning, October 1, while most of the Upper School students (and maybe faculty, too) were fast asleep, one group of students was awake and on their way to West Virginia for an action-packed weekend of white water rafting. Warm (80 degree) sunny weather with water temperatures between 60 and 65 was perfect for rafting. The group began its adventure about 2:30 in the afternoon on rapids which varied in roughness from class I to class V. The names of the rapids are indicative of their intensity: Upper and Lower Mash, Heaven's Gates (beller known by some as Heaven Help Us), Roller Coaster, and Pure Screaming Hell!
Mr. Woodhouse (math teacher), Ms. Roughley (science teacher), and Mrs. Haskell (parent) accompanied Corbin Adamson, Robbie Aliberti, Allsla Freeman, George Cauble, Lalnle Haskell, Carrie Hebb, Kate Hulcher, Monica Kallman, Ben Relf, David Ryder, Alex Rojas, Welly Sanders, Brandon Sullivan, Ned Trice, and Chad WhlHen on this exciting adventure. Mr. Woodhouse paddled his kayak and was able to assist Robbie Aliberti as he swam (unexpectedly) through Lower Mash (rumor has it that Mr. Woodhouse also showed off a few of his kayak tricks to the admiring audience of students). However, Robbie was not the only new member of the Gauley River Swim
Night Out On Wednesday night, Sept.20, eleventh graders Anne M a ury, Dickie
Has k e ll, Ellis Ann McClun g , Elizabeth Schroeder, Ben Reif, and senior foreign exchange student
Alex Rojas joined Mr. RIHenhouse at the Barksdale Theatre to watch Lanford Wilson ' s romantic comedy Talley's Folley. The play contained no set or costume changes , very little action, no special effects (other than crickets chirping and occasional background music playing) yet the students were enthralled by the humorous and heartbreaking dialogue. "Very dramatic," commented Ben Reif. "Ileit like I was in touch with the actors at all times." High praise was also given by Anne Maury, who met the actors after the show. "It was cool. " Other juniors are already asking when Barksdale 's next play will open .
Team. Almost all of the participants came out of their boats at one point in the 4 1/2 hour trip. George Cauble, for example, had an invigorating swim in what is known as the "Hell Hole." All had a great time and plenty to ta lk about over a hot dinner prepared by Ace Whitewater. The group "roughed it", sleeping at the Super 8 in Beckley, West Virginia. After a nutritious (?) breaklast at McDonald's ("there is no accounting for teenager tastes in food," remarks Mr. Woodhouse, who is noted for healthy eating), the group headed back to Richmond, complete with pictures to show and stories to tell.
We1re So Proud! BaHle of the Brains is an academic challenge program sponsored by Ukrop's Supermarkets which includes an initial round involving a written challenge and subsequent rounds involving television competition. On September 24, four members of Steward's team (seniors Alec Kean , Jenny McComas and Parke Rhoads, and sophomore Shawn Lewis) took the written test at VCU along with representatives Irom other high schools in Richmond and surrounding counties. Steward is one of only four Richmond area independent schools (the other three are Collegiate, SI. Christopher's, and st. Catherine's) which move on to the 40-school television round.
Science Department News
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You Scream! I Scream! We aI/ scream for Ice Cream!
", Mrs . Wolff 's kindergarten and Mrs. Thi s year students in Biology and Chemistry will have Chalkley's first grade students made Ice cream class 6 periods per week, with the additional period de." under the direction of the juniors in MS '"Roughley ' ~ voted solely to laboratory work. This is a marvelous op,},:~ chemistry class . The second annual Ice cream portunity to increase usage of our new laboratory facilievent was held on Friday, September 30. The junties in Taylor Hall. Students learn better by doing, and iors instruc ted the younger students on the fine this is certainly true for the study of science. Chemistry art of making ice cream using plastic bags, milk, students will have their laboratory period immediately folvanilla, sugar, salt and ice. The ice cream was lowing the classroom period allowing for the performance "topped off " with chocolate chips or M&M 's. Our of more complicated and/or time-consuming experi- ~1;'F' special guest was the world famous ice cream ments . A few of the experiments planned for this year's critic and counselor Uz Shupe, who pronounced chemistry students include . making pennies turn to the product, "Delicious!" Ms. Roughley would "gold ", making ice cream, and conducting a series of ~fu like to thank all of her chemistry students (Corbin reactions with a single element, copper.
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The biology studenls will conduct experimenls invo lving regeneration of planaria and several dissections, ending with the fetal pig. Biology students will also be working on projects for the Steward School Science Fair to be held at the end of February. Science students in grades 8 and 9 will also submit projects for the Science Fair.
The Sport of It All:
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Schroeder, Charlotte Sullivan, and .. Kenya Young) for a job very well done! ~t}
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, ". :to. I The Steward Field Hockey \ «',i ... . ~/ squad opened the season at the Trin'. '"#0 I Sr:\~'-; ",......0- --.- .~ " ity Invitational. After a first round 5-0 loss to Trinity, the Spartans clinched third place with a 5-2 victory over l.C. Byrd. Juniors Tara Garner and were chosen to the All-Tournament Team. At the time of publication, the team has a 3-3-1 overall record and a 2-0-1 record in the League of Independent Schools Division II with victories over St. Margaret's (6-0) and Trinity (2-1 in overtime) and a hard fought 1-1 tie with VES. To begin the season, the Varsity Soccer team captured the 1994 Steward Invitational. The boys defeated Grove Avenue in the semi-final and clinched the title with a 2-1 win against Belmead. Currently, the team has a 1-3 record in the Virginia Commonwealth Conference . Senior goalkeeper, Frazer Orgaln is on track for a record making season of "goalie saves. "
Middle School Soccer is off to a 2-2-1 start. The interest in soccer has been strong for the last two seasons ; therelore, we plan to have two teams for the '95 season . For this year, we 've expanded the schedule to try to allow more playing time for all players. GO SPARTANS!
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Doug Hinckley 191 Heads Spartan Sports Alum Doug Hinckley, who is currently studying Child Psychology and Recreation Therapy at Virginia Commonwealth University, will instruct our after school sports program, Spartan Sports. The program, which is designed for Lower School students will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. While Do'u9 was here at Steward, he was captain of the varsity soccer team as well as the lacrosse team. Welcome back, Doug! Spartan Sports begins October 18. If you would like more information, please contact Ed Rossmoore, Head of
Lower School.
Library News This year we are trying a new approach in building our library collection. Beginning in October we will give each family an opportunity to donate a book, or some other form of library media (CD-ROM, magazine subscription, etc.) in honor of their,ch ild's birthday! So look lor a letter in the month of your child s special day asking you to help expand our library collection. Of course , you are Iree to make donations to the library any time during the year. We do appreciate your continued support!
Cross-Curricular Chance The Art Department invites all Steward parents, alumni, patrons and friends to visit the display of paper prayers in the art room and to see them again on October 20 at the opening of an exhibit at the Anderson Gallery! Ms. Paulette's contact with the Anderson Gallery (one of the largest galleries of contemporary art located on the VCU ca mpus) resulted in a crosscurricular, inter-disciplinary, community service opportunity lor art and history students. Art students from grades 6-12 and the 9th and 10th grade students taki ng World History are involved in a community service project designed to promote AIDS awareness in the community. The Steward students became involved as a result of an exciting presentation given by VCU student interns Amy Gral and Amanda Aboul Hosn of the gallery. A slide show of sample paper prayers at Japan's Nakayama Temple emphasized their importance in Asian culture as expressions of good wishes for health for the ill or for continued good health. The practice of
A Standing 路路0" Rose and Benj amin Wolff had the experience this summer of being in the musical performance of '~nnie ". This was produced by the School of P erforming Arts in the Richmond C ommunity (SPARe). They trained in several areas including vocal performance, dance, and acting and learned
hanging paper prayers is only part of the cultural tradition, which includes prayer boards of wood , prayer pebbles and votive plaques. Especially poignant were ornate prayer bibs hung around a Buddha statue, seeking good health for inlants and children. Another aspect of the presentation was medical inlormation shared by Irving Schiff, a volunteer who works with AIDS patients at the Richmond Aids Ministry (RAM) and Ms . Heather Meyer from the Lung Association. This was followed by a question and answer session. Ms. Paulette (art), Ms. Meyer and Mr. Jones (world history) hope the families and friends of the participating students and the entire Steward community will visit the arl room and the exhibition, October 20th at the Anderson Gallery. Individuals will be able to purchase a paper prayer for a $25.00 donation to RAM as part of the community service project. The students have been invited to attend a reception at the gallery during the exhibition of their work. At that time, the Steward students will view the artworks 0 1 practicing artists(including actress Julie Harris) as well as other participating school students.
prolessional tec hniques from local talent such as Jacqueline O'Conner, Joe Pabst, Staci Trowbridge, and Jeri Cu tier-Vol lL. The highlight of the SPARC summer was that every performance ended with a standing ovation!
Prelude At all grade levels, the music department is off to a great beginning with the largest number of choral participants ever!! The Upper School Girl 's Ensemble has thirteen students . The Middle School Chorus has sixteen members , both boys and girls. The Lower School Chorus is comprised of third, fourth, and fifth graders , numbering fifty members' These groups will perform at school functions and throughout the Richmond area. Dates have already been set for a busy December.
Woodworking with Mr. Imine: Anne-Claibome Shelton cuts outa fish shape
The Girl's Ensemble will audition for the District I chorus on November 10th at Douglas Freeman High School. This is the second year Steward has participated in the District Festival. Monica Kallman was our representative last year at Districts and a finalist in the All-State Chorus Audition .
Beading Necklaces with Susanne Reynolds (from left) Andy Baruch, Ramsey Bsat, Jamie Rose, Joel Mazmanian and Nat Terry
Fine Arts Fair!
An additional class is being offered this year in music for the middle school. This class will study music history and how it relates to the other arts. It is a class based on listening skills. Therefore, we are in need of expanding our musical library. "Don't throw out any old classical recordings .. . WE LIKE RECORDS . So please donate!' We also are in need of a CD player if anyone might have an extra CD player to donate. Exciting things are happening in our music department and we look forward to a rewarding musical year.
Jewelry-Making with Mrs. Paulette: (from left: Ramsey Bsat, Mrs. Paulette, Anne Maury, Missy Jacobsen and Andy Baruch
Face (& Body) Painting: (from left) Camber/y Pearson, Joel Mazmanian and John McMillian
Leather Tooling with Mr. Rothman: (from left) Jennifer Latourelle, Rachel Whitten and Nat Terry
Holes The Westhampton Chapter, Order of the DeMo/ay has installed its 1994 officers. Drew Cosby, a ninth grader at the Steward School, will be the Senior Councilor. â&#x20AC;˘
STUDENT IN SYNC - One of our students is a published writer! Charlotte Sullivan is an IN SYNC reporter for the Richmond TIMES -DISPATCH. Late last spring Charlotte sent several writing samples to Mary Louise Taylor, the editor. Charlotte was selected and has since attended two summer workshops and written one story. IN SYNC replaced the YOUNG VIRGINIANS as the youth section of THE TIMES-DISPATCH . Parents and students are encouraged to notice the Writing Board in the hall outside room 24 in the MS/Fine Arts building , where you will read Charlotte's and other written work of the stud ents.
WELCOME TO ALEX! Steward 's American Field Service (AFS) student this school year is Alexander Rojas from Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. During this year Alex is living with the Paulette family.
heavily stressed in the Dominican Republic . Students spend one to three years in kindergarten, six years in primary school, and six years in secondary school. All subjects are mandatory. Course electives are not possible as we know them . Of interest is the fact that high school seniors remain in class while teachers come to them on a rotating basis and courses during the final year are taugh t at the college level! Alex's career plans involve foreign diplomacy because 01 his love for his home country and his wish to represent and promote it. He hopes some day to live in the U.S. lor a while as an ambassador from his country. The Steward School Model United Nations Soci¡ ety will participate in two Model United Nations simulations this year. The University 01 Virginia, Charlottesville, will be the site of the first MUN on November 3-6. The second one will take place February 8-11 at Old Dominion University in Norlolk, Va The research and preparation meetings take place from 7.00-9:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening.
THE STEWARD STORE (hours: 8:00-8:30 a.m. , 11 .3012:30 daily) The Steward Store, run entirely by parent volun leers, is unique because of the variety of products it offers its students and faculty. Here is a helpful supplies and price list. Make sure you have the latest Spartan sportswear! FOOD: apple iuice ..... ................... ................ .......... ..... .................. 35 orange juice .. .. .............. .......... ... ..... . .... . ............ 65 so ft drinks .. ..... ...... .. .. .... ..... ............ .. . ...... 50 .. ................. 50 ice tea .. ................. . ..... ..................... bottled wa ter ..... ........ ................ ...................................... .. 60 crackers & chips ... ........ . .......... .... ........ ...... .. ....... 35 . ......................... .. ...... .45 microwave popcorn .... pizza ........... .................... ..... ... ................. ........ $1 .- 1 25 cheeseburger .......... .. ... ......................... .. ............ .. $1.25 chicken breast sand...... .............................. ..... .. .... .. ....... $1.25 com ......................... .... .................... .... ................ .............. 75 tunchables ...... ....... .. ............... ... .. .... $2.00 Chocolate bars ..... ...... ........ ... ........ ........ ... . 50 nachos and cheese ... . .. .. ........... .. .... .... ..... . $1 25
Alex comes from a close family in Sanlo Domingo. His father is a cardiologist there, and his mother is an advertising manager. He also has a younger sister, Michelle. Alex finds a close friend and confidante in his mother. Alex people here are all so nice that he's adjusting quickly. From a foreign exchange student' s perspective, the comparison and contrast 01 two societies is always interesting. Society is more restricted here. In the Dominican Republic there are no age limits on drinking and smoking, and young people generally enjoy more social freedom .. On the other hand, school there is more rigorous. Proficiency in math, the sciences, and foreign language is more
Polybinders ....... .................. .................................. $2.00, poster board '22 x '28 ............................... ............. .. . .40, lockermates .. ............... ......... ..... .. ...................................... ... $10 00 art pencils .. .. .... .. ........... .... .. .. ......................... .. ....... .. .... .. .... 90 sketch pads .. .. ............ .. .. . ..... ......... ........... .. .. .... .. . .. ............. $4 75
SCHOOL CLOTHING sweatshirt s ................................................ .......... ... .... $15 00-$28 00 sweatpants $17.00 .. ....... $9.50-$17.00 t-shirts .............................. .... ....................... flannel plaid boxers ......................... ....... ....... ...... .. .. .. ....... . $1500 miscellaneous -cups, pennants, stuffed animals
The dedicated parent co-coordinators 01 the store are Rose Marie Howard (784-6042) and Mumtaz Qureshi (740-3637) . Volunteers are stili needed on the 1st,2nd and 4th Mondays and the first Friday of the month .
The Parents' Place The Parents' Association was extremely busy in September. Many thanks to Debra Jacobsen and the
Middle School Room Mothers who hosted the Middle School Family Social. The wealiler, lood and fellowship proved to be outstanding. The Welcome Reception held at The Tuckahoe Woman 's Club was certainly a labulous evening! The smoked salmon, hot crab dip and beef tenderloin seemed to be a hit with all. The night would not have been successful without the eflorts of numerous parents who generously donated food and time. Be sure to thank co-chairmen Susan Greene and Linda Proffitt lor a such a grand job!!
Meet the Teachers Night also was a tremendous success on Thursday, September 29th. Sue Drzal , Directory Chairman, is to be commended lor having the Directories completed and distributed during that evening. The Directories contain a wealth 01 information this year, including directions to all "away" athletic events. Thanks also to Wanda Bower , Hospitality Chairman, for providing refreshments in the Library during Meet the Teachers Night. The first Parents' Association Board meeting was held September 13th. All parents and guardians are now in-
vited to allend the Parents' Board meetings as approved by a majority vote. We feel this will provide an excellent way to learn about the Parents' Board and how it interacts with the school. Please check your Directory for upcoming meeting dates . Babysilters are provided for your convenience . Your interest and suggestions are welcome. Plan to attend our falilundraiser Family Fun Night on October 28th and join in on the dinner, lun games, prizes and more. The Ukrop's Golden Gift Program began Seplember 26th. Remember Steward and plan to donate your "Golden Certificate" in January. Thank you for your interest and support!
Teaching Students to IIThink Firstll "Think First" is the name of an assembly being oflered Tuesday, October 18, at 8:30 a.m. for the Middle and Upper Schools. It is a nationally acclaimed head and spinal cord injury prevention program. Its intention is to alert students to the danger and causes of head and spinal cord injury and the program has a strong "buckle up" and "don 't drink and drive" underlying message. The participants will be a neurosurgeon, a registered nurse and a spinal cord injured individual. The program has been well received by other schools th roughou t Richmond .
Notes HELPFUL HINTS Lunch lime Students have several options for lunch . They can (and most do) bring a lunch to school. Occasionally a club or class will sell tacos, nachos or pizza, bul quantities are limited . OccaSionally an advisory group will order lunch Irom outside. There are drink and snack machines in Room 24. Another option is to buy lunch at the School Store. Parents are encouraged not to rely too heavily or continuously on school store food for your children's lunches. Even with two microwaves available, some students wind up waiting a long time to heat their frozen pizzas, leaving little time to eat them .
A reminder to The Steward School Community about parking . Please be aware of the "restricted" spaces and follow the policies designated in the Student and Parent Handbook.
Driveway Dilemma - Picking up and dropping 011 students will always cause some congestion in the driveway. Here are some requests and suggestions that may improve the situation for everyon e. 1. Limit your speed in the driveway to 5 MPH. Always be prepared to stop suddenly if a child comes into the path of your car. 2. If you get out of your car and leave it unattended, make sure it is in a marked parking place. Leaving your car in a loading zone or a fire lane may gain you a minute or two, but it is unsale for our students and their lamilies . 3. Middle and Upper school students are picked up at the flag pole. Lower school students are picked up at the loading Lone near Dixon Hall. II you have both in your car pool, pick up all at the lower school loading area.
4. Pass cars in the driveway only on (he left.
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