Blue & Gold Sep. 1994

Page 1

The Steward School

From the Headmaster·s Desk CONNECTION A New Chapter and A Familiar Purpose On behalf of the entire faculty, staH and administration, I want to welcome all new and returning students and their fami lies to The Steward School for the new school year. I trust that the first few days of school have gone well for children and parents , and that both are getting comfortable with the new routine and challenges of the academic year.

In this issue September 1994 :

The start of school is characterized by a mixture of renewed energy, fresh outlooks , anxiety, excitement and anticipation . This year's "back to school jitters" may be heightened because of an array of changes that mark a new chapter for Steward . The extent of the changes run the gamut from a new Headmaster and over fifty new students to twenty-seven new computers . The details on these changes can be found inside this first edition of the Blue and Gold Connection. Since moving into the Headmaster's Office this July, I have been inspired by the commitment of teachers, trustees , parents and students to the School and their support of my new role in it. I have heard numerous stories about how this school has touched and changed lives. These stories have reaHirmed my initial impression that The Steward School is a very special place, and they are a tribute to Paul Cramer and his leadership over the past 19 years. In a time when educational reformers are talking about smaller schools, favorable teacher-student ratios and learning differences , I am reminded of how progressive Steward is . It is my goal to build upon these strengths in the years ahead . The Steward School will remain a college preparatory school attuned to the needs of the individual learner. We will continue to offer an educational program that nurtures and challenges in a family-like atmosphere. It is my hope that along with this familiar purpose, you will find a new energy and openness.

Welcome new students, teachers and our new school counselor.

Read about the curriculum ' changes and additions throughout the school.


'. ,.

Cheer on our athletes as they excel in fa/I sports .


Parlez-vous francais? Our Middle Schoolers will soon with our new exploratory foreign language program.


Read about the Development Office's exciting plans.


This monthly newsletter represents the first step in our eHort to improve communications within the school family and to do a bit of "braggin'''on our students and the School's achievements . Enjoy the newsletter, use the information and feel free to give us feedback on what you would like to see in future editions . i

Stephen M. Stackhouse

See the new activity period ' offerings in the Upper School Report.

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The Blue and Gold Connection IS published monthly In an eff ort to Improve commUnicatIOns within the school family




'Lower School 'Rยงport ..... ~ ~


The Lower School faculty, as well as the Middle and Upper School Science Departments , had an exciting beginning to the new year when the National Diffusion Network (NON) presented its Hands-On-Sclence Workshop on September 1 & 2. The workshop is intended to provide elementary students with hands-on instruction emphasizing the process of science. The National Diffusion Network (NON) is a U.S. Department o f Education system that seeks out exemplary educational programs and then shares these programs with educators across the country. Our trainer was Helen Herlocker who is a teacher from the Carroll County Public Schools, Carroll County, MD, where the program was developed. The process approach to teaching science is consistent with our holistic approach to language arts and math .

Welcome to tbe new students in the Lower Scbool, We're so excited to bave you witb us! KINDERGARTEN Monty Anderson Leillh Bedinger Pa~Conway

THIRD GRADE Nathan Kane Stephen Kane Heywood Pemberton Jamie Satterfield Brad Souder

Mary Warden Good Christopher Jacob Bobbie Lou Long Jaquelin-Pai~ Shelton FOURTH GRADE Christopher Slwve Jacob fram finley Turner Robert friuman Joseph Vesley Elizabeth Ward fifTH GRADE Christopher feuerman fiRST GRADE Bradley DeWet S!:COND GRAD!: Artis Mills Alison Norton Maria Yaros Jesse freedman '. ,':


The Steward School will be one of the first schools using the recently updated material covered in the workshop. We are most fortunate that materials needed to support this effort were provided by a grant of over $4,000 from Heilig-Meyers . We are indebted to Mrs. Janet Meyers, mother of second grader Rachael and fourth grader Brian , who spearheaded the effort to identify desirable science programs and the funding to implement them. This summer NBC's Dateline did a piece on 'f\dult Kindergarten" at Abington Friends School, PA, a "re-discover the kindergartner in each one o f us" concept. The idea of inviting parents and teachers to experience the kindergarten program firsthand was well received by our own teachers Cheri Wolff, Ginger Chalkley and Robin Ricketts. Ed Rossmoore went to the Abington Friends' program. Look for opportunities in the near future to participate in Robert Fulghum's Alii Needed to Know I Leamed in Kindergarten "refresher" course at Steward . The playground development plan became a reality last year through the efforts of Jack and Phylis Pardee, the grandparents of former students Sarah and Elizabeth Peterson . They raised about $13,000 for improvements to the playground . Instead of merely requesting suggestions from the faculty and ordering from catalogs , we will involve the Lower School Student Council, following the fall election . We would like their help in identifying the eqUipment they would like and use l Then we will consult with Mrs. Brandt's Economics class to set a strategy for" getting the biggest bang for our buck! " We have already contacted two playground vendors who are willing to work with us in this unique approach to having older and younger students work together. In February, we will host a parenting program titl ed "Does Sibling Rivalry Exist in Your House?" This presentation is part of a series of parent workshops called Parent Talk presented by Canterbury Nursery School under the direction of Terri Hirsch. She will be offering programs around the city at several sponsoring institutions, including the Children's Museum, Collegiate School, All Saints Kindergarten as well as The Steward School. Please add th ese lectures to your list of "Important To Do's"!

yet to be ~MAG~HED

The Steward School

Fine Arts Fair Coming October 1 to students in "rades 4 - 8

September 11 - October 01, 1994 SIp',mber 1J

Soccervs. st. Christophel's JV (A) - 4:15 p.m.


Sepltmb" 14

Hockeyvs. St. Gertrude's (A) 4:00p.m.


!MIddle School Family (6:00 p.m.) & Dance (7:30 p.m.) IVarsity Soccer vs. St. V incent de Paul (H) - 4:00 p.m.

Septmlblr 18


Soccer vs. (A) - 4:00 p.m. Soccervs. (H) - 4:15 p.rn.


S.pI.mbtr 20


ield Hockey vs. st. Margaret's (A) 4:30p.m.

SIp/1mb" 22

S,p/1mb" 23

Septlmb,r 24

Welmme Reception for all parents uckahoe Woman's Club 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. r s Soccervs. Tandem (A) - 4:30 p.m. Soccervs. Christchurch (A) 4:00 p.m.




Hockeyvs. Collegiate JV (H) 4:30p.m. SIp/1mb" 25

Sep/lmb,,. 26

Hockeyvs. St. Catherine's JV (H) 4:30p.m.


Collegiate "A" (A) 4:15 p.m.

SIP/1mb,,. 27

arsity Soccer vs. St. Arme's (H) 4:30p.m.

SIpt.mber 28

SIpt,mb" 29

S'pt,mb,,. 30

Parents' Association Meeting (Meet the Teachers) 7:30 p.m.

Lo_rSchooJ Student Council Speeches (Voting to follow)



Hockeyvs. Trinity (A) - 4:00 p.m.

Hockeyvs. YES (H) - 4:00 p.m.

Oclob" J



October 02 - 15, 1994 Octcher J

Hockeyvs. CoUegiate N (A) 4:00p.m.

October 4

Meeting of grade 11 Parents & Students 7:30 p.m.

Octoblr 5

Soccervs. CoUegiate N (A) 4:00p.m.

Family Math Night (K-8)

Meeting of grade 10 Parents - 7:30 p.m.

Soccervs. Tandem (H) - 4:30 p.m.

_ Soccervs. St. Anne's (A) 4:00p.m.

Soccervs. Richmond Christian (H) lField Hockeyvs. 4: 15 p.m. !Fredericksburg Academy (H) - 4:00 p.m.

Octch,r 9

October 10

Octohu II

Columbus Day

Stanford Achievements (Gr. 9) PSATINMSQT (grs. 10 & 11)

Soccer vs. Tuckahoe Middle (A) 4:15p.m.

Meeting of grade 6 Parents & T each.,rs 7:30p.m. Soccervs. Christchurch (H) 4:00 p.m. Hockeyvs. VES (A) - 4:00 p.m.

OcJoIur 12

Soccervs. CoUegiate "B" (H) 4:15 p.m.

Oclob., J5

OctobÂŤr 13

Meeting of grad., 7 Parents & Teachers 7:30 p.m. Hockeyvs. St. Gertrude's (H) 4:00p.m.

Reot-A-Jun.ior Day 1\1arsity

Soccer vs. New Community (H) 4:00 p.m.


The Middle School is beginning a very exciting year. With eighty students, there are more of us than ever before. The sixth grade is especially large, with thirty-two stud ents. Eighteen Middle School students are new to Steward. Returning students will see much that is familiar and several important changes. Many of the teachers have new classrooms . Several have new assignments. We have made a deliberate effort to concentrate teaching assignments so that in most cases one teacher is responsible for all of the instruction in a given subject at any grade level. For instance, Mrs. Shaw teaches all of the English for eighth grade, Mrs. Duke teaches all of th e Science for grade 7, etc . Anoth er change is that Middle School students will be studying a Foreign Language. Most students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will have exploratory Foreign Language two or three days per week, sampting French, Spanish and Latin during the year. As in past years , several of our eighth grade students will be taking the first year of one of the foreign languages. Mathematics is another area of exciting change. There are new textbooks, and there is a new emphasis on helping students learn to use mathematics as a language to describe events in their world, and as a tool for the solving of real and meaningful probtems. While we will continue to focus on building skills in computation , our emphasis will be on the use and understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts .

We are providing Middle School students access to whatever level of mathematics they are able to master. This year, for example, one of our sixth grade students will be taking Algebra 1, and several of our eighth graders will be studying Algebra 2.

Computers are everywhere in the school this year. Twenty-seven computers are in many of the classrooms, the library, and the computer lab. Additionally, we have distributed the Apple II 's into all remaining classrooms. This is a part of our emphasis to use computers as tools for learning and instru ction . It is also a coordinated effort to build a curriculum that prepares our students for tomorrow's technology and the future. This will be accomplished through the joint efforts of our new computer teacher, Mitra Palmer, our increasingly computer-literate faculty, and a handful of our students who are challenging us and helping us learn the new programs. Strong support from the Board of Trustees , and several significant gifts to th e school have enabled us to move forward significantly in this area. Special thanks go to the Parents' Association for supporting this effort. Middle School students will find a number of extracurricular opportunities available to them this year. With help and encouragement from the Parents' Association, we are providing occasional afterschool excursions to activities like bowling, skating, etc . We have increased the number of dances, and will be developing a daily after-school activity area which is largely student-organized and monitored. The Midd le School Student Council will be a very active organization this year.


"hello" when you l:ee thel:e new l:Iudentl:: Gtade {) Anu~ha Abbll~i

Cotbin Btiette ~u~annllh Hartill Molly ~auet Btantley ~cott ~teven ~eivatd Jay ~tauffet

Michelle Whitaket

Gtade 7 Btandon Brugh Cattet [betly Ben ~oley Matgatet Hazell Andtea Meil Mat Tetty Gtade '6' JeJ:lIica ~tam

Matthew Gtanl John ~chott JeJ:~e Wallin

cially glad. Welcome back to Robbie Aliberti (Gr. 9), and to Dickie Haskell and Matt TImmons (Gr. 11) . Finally, a warm Steward welcome to Alex Rojas, 0 u r American Field Service student from the Dominican Republic; Alex is the newest member of the class of 1995.

We are delighted to be beginning the year wi th increased enrollment over last year. We welcome back all of our returning Upper School students . In addition, we are excited to have the ninth grade, the class of 1998, joining the Upper School and look forward to an exciting four years ahead. An especially warm greeting for those ninth graders who are also new to Steward School: Lori

Eaves, Matt Hinkle, Becky Meyerhoff, Erin Robinson, David Ryder and Amy Strathy. Hello, too, to Brian McGehee, Mark Mehrhof, Chris Ray, Lory Shifflett, Brandon Sullivan, Nikki Voltz and Katie Wimbish, new students in grade 10, and to Anne Maury and Kenya Young, the newest members of the jUniO~-

cia". Wheo "udeo', leave .

Steward and then decide to return, we are always espe-



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The Upper School is looking forward to an exciting year both in the classroom and out. Our curriculum has been expanded to include a new writing class entitled Portfolio class , taught by Sandy Shaw. Students who enjoy writing and want to refine their writing skills will be working with Sandy on writing and perfecting the revision process throughout th e year. A second addition to the curriculum is an extra period of

science in both Biology and Chemistry. These two lab courses now meet six periods per week rather than five and will utilize the additional period to pursue increased laboratory experience, taking advantage of our fine new science lab facilities in Taylor Hall . When you visit the school you will notice several changes in the location of rooms . The senior lounge has now been moved to Taylor Hall to further define that building as the center of Upper School activities . Upper School assemblies will also move to room 24, the same room where Upper School lunch occurs, in an effort to give the Upper School one location with which to identify

One of the major attractions of the Steward experience is the opportunity to participate in interscholastic athletics and other extra-curricular activities . In an effort to increase the options available to Upper Schoolers, the Friday activity period has been changed to include a larger menu of activities and to hold activities on alternate Fridays so that students may choose two, rather than one, activity per year. Examples of activities available include Battle of the Brains/Odyssey of the Mind which will work on preparations for the local Battle of the Brains competition and also focus on creative problem-solving activities. SODA will train Upper School students to work in lower school classes, helping them with activities related to developing relationships and a sense of respect and responsibility for self and others. Other activities include Photography Club, which will work on photos for the yearbook as well as other photographic experiences, Yearbook, Literary Magazine, Chess Club, and Lower and Middle School aides . 'IWo new activities this year will be a Steward School newspaper and a CommWlity Service Club. We anticipate that all of these activities will provide students with the opportunity to relate to one another in a more relaxed setting than is possible in regular classes and to develop leadership skills as well. The Upper School students will choose the activities on Friday, Sept. 16th and the Activity Period will begin on Friday, Sept. 23rd. Steward is a community, and every student is encouraged to be a contributing member of that community.

IIMeet the New Faculty! II The Steward School is happy to welcome five new staff and faculty members to the Steward "family". The second grade will receive the patient love and direction of Deborah Co.yers , a well educated and experienced teacher. Her degree in Elementary Education from George Mason University has been utilized in many creative directions, from Program Director of St. Fatrick's Episcopal Day School, through all grade levels of Lower School in the Northern Virginia area and now here with the second grade. Secondly, Mitra Paba.r, a native Richmonder, comes to Steward as our Computer "Guru". With six years in a computer-oriented environment, and a Master of Teaching degree from VC.U. , she will teach K-12 computer classes AND the teachers as the need arises. Ms. Fblmer knows both IBM and Macintosh computers and tons of software applications! We are indeed fortunate to have someone with her extensive background and energy!

Our third newcomer is just that! With a recent Master of Teaching degree in Secondary Educati.on from VC. U. , Claarles Ro .... a. is well prepared for hIS new dutIes as teacher of upper level math courses including Calculus, Algebra, one Middle School course and other duties as may arise. He will also help the Athletic Department as a coach of Middle School basketball. Fourth is Li. Shape, whose primary responsibility will be counseling K-12. With a Master of Educ<;'tion degr~ from U.Va., Ms. Shupe has had the opportunity to expenence the professional business world, .college counseling and teaching (5 universities), non-proht, milItary and religious work environments. Wow! She "sounds" so ~ld. But she is young at heart and eager to get back to her hrst love of working with "kids" of all ages. And our fifth newcomer is Lya. Ziader, our art teache r for the Lower School. With outstanding credentials, she has been a teacher within a school system as well as given individuallessons. She brings a wide variety of artistic experiences and modalities to The Steward School. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from VC.U., has developed Art Training Workshops for teachers and camp counselors, and is eager to share her love of art with her students. Take an opportunity to welcome these newcomers.

ALUMNI NEWS On August 20, the Alumni Association hosted the annual Summer Field Hockey/Soccer Tournament. The weather was perlect even il the play was a little rusty! With help from their Coach Janet Rice, the alumnae field hoc team won the

Pictured is the winning team: (left to right) Lou-Ellen Btackwelder '84, Stephanie Kay '88, Heidi Steeber Clements'81, Heather Teachey Leeson '91, Gwen Parker Hudson '83, Cindy Mathews '92 and Coach Janet Rice.

Shirts: (Iefllo right) Fielding Archer 'BO, Sam Proffitt '97, Chad Whit/en '98, Alex Mayers '93, Robert Dietz '81, Michael Clements '83 and Rob Irby '79.

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between odd and even graduation years, After a very intense game, the boys decided to continue on for another thirty minutes . Pictured are the "shirts" and "skins" of the day. When the games were over, several 3-foot subs were waiting along with other refreshments for all to enjoy. Tours of Taylor Hall were "sandwiched" in between games and after dinner. The day was a tremendous success . We look forward to the Alum ni Basketball Game on November 26 and the Azalea Sale on April 7 & 8. If you would like to place your azalea order ahead of time, please contact Scott Moncure in the Admission Office at school.


Skins: (left 10 right) Ben Swift '94, James Buis '92, Adam Northup '92, Kurt DrOleski '92. Bill Ceaser '94, Matt Smith '88, Jeremy Miller '94, and Scott Siries '94.

After the out-ol-shape girls "crawled" off the field, it was time lor the soccer game. The teams were divided

The Alumni Association plans to stay in touch with the Steward Community on a monthly basis . If you have news regarding our graduated students (or 01 students who might be interested in attending Steward) , please feel free to contact the Admission Office.

The Parents' Place The Parents' Association is now in full gear. As your calendar is filling up with this year 's commitments, please don't forget to save time for The Steward School. The faculty, staff, and students appreciate all that is done through volunteerism at the School , and we look forward to having you become involved in a number of different ways . The Volunteer Checklist categorizes our needs and is essential for coordinating this year's events, so please complete the form sent to you earlier and return it to the office as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing each of you on September 22nd at the welcoming Reception for the Headmaster, new parents, and the entire Steward Family. The Co-Chairmen of the Fall Bingo and Dinner, Ann Haskell (741 -5560) and Ginny Thorn (262-8006) , are

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Sport of It All:


'-.:_._The summer of 1994 was a very busy and successful one for several of the Spartan athletes. Junior Tara Garner, who played on the 16 and under AAU basketball team last spring, participated in the Richmond Athletic Federation Basketball League this summer and will continue during the fall . In addition , she has been selected again to participate in the Field Hockey Futures Program.

Hunter Lansing (7th grade) topped off a successful summer of golf competition by winning the boys 1213 yr. division of the Eagle Junior Tour "Tournament of Champions" . During th e 9 hole event, Hunter played his final four holes four und er par, including an eagle, to finish with a 1-underpar 35 1 Another Spartan of note is senior Frazer Orgain who is the starting goalkeeper for the 19

busy planning for October 28th. Help is needed with raffl e ticket sales, baking , booth work, decorations and set up . Give them a call and get involved.

The Ukrop's Golden Gift Program will begin September 26th. This year your UVC Card will save receipts for you. Remember Steward in January when you receive your personal Golden Certificate letting you know how much your purchases have accumulated . This provides us an easy excellent way to raise money. Call our Ukrop's Receipts Chairman, Becky Satterfield (2886002) , if you have any questions . Check out the School Store! They have a great inventory of Steward hats, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and school supplies to meet all your back-to-school shopping needs . Support OUR School! Tutoring started for selected students Monday, Sept. 12th. Steward wi shes the best of luck to Mrs. Linda Stocks and Mrs. Karen Lukhard, former tutors in th eir fu ture endeavors. We will miss them .


See the enclosed school calendar for the Fall Athletic Schedule!

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and under Striker Soccer Travel Team. Congratulations to you all, and we will watch and cheer you on as th e year progresses . We want each parent , friend and student of The Steward School to attend all athletic events coming up this year. There is a real need for a school "fight" song to be sung by the student body during ou r events to rev up th e team and the participating crowd. Any student or parent interested in taking on the challenge of creating a school spirit song!!!? Bring suggestions to the office for The Blue and Gold Connection . Let's aim for an October 5th deadline. Okay? As the Fall teams prepare for the upcoming year, we are encouraged by the number of students participating . There are 25 students out for middle school soccer, 20 boys for varsity soccer, and 20 girls for field hockey. Is there a Spartan mascot out there? Let's find one!


Contributions to the Annual Fund and Capital Fund as well as revenues from special events like the Parents' Association's Auction and Bingo Night bolster the school's budget to enrich the curriculum , expand our facilities and sponsor student activities . Last year the generosity and hard work of the School community made the following possible:

The Steward School owes a debt of gratitude to the growing number of individuals whose love of our school and knowledge of our needs has given them cause to share their resources with us. This has enabled us to continue to grow and provide an excellent environment for educating our students for generations to come. The tennis courts and our newest building , Taylor Hall , are but two instances where our needs tC,·g,'Z,···b2lD are being met by the generosity of our parents , grandparents, and friends.

* Completion of Taylor Hall, including 4 class-

Russell Perkins will be th e chairperson for this year's Annual Fund Campaign. Parents will serve with Russell as school division coordinators for the campaign. Ray Tate will head the campaign in the Lower School , Jim Slabaugh in the Middle School, and AI Orgaln in the Upper School. The Annual Fund Campaign will kick off on September 20th and the Steward Phonathon will take place during the weeks of October 17th and 24th. You will be receiving more detailed information in the weeks to come, so be watching for it in your mail!

After School Program The After School Program has a new location and evening phone line. The program has relocated to Dixon Hall in room 14, overlooking the Lower School playground . Voluntary Study Hall under the direction of Norva Meyer has also moved to Dixon Hall in room 13. For the convenience of parents who need to be in touch after the school switchboard closes, there is a direct phone line to Mrs. Healey in room 14. It is 741-3817

rooms and 2 new science labs.

* Two new tennis courts and the renovations of the existing courts .

* New computers for our lab and many class* * *

* *

rooms New computer software and accessories Hands-On manipulatives for science instruction New library books and resource materials Music equipment including a piano and much more

The Annual Fund makes a difference for our students and for our school.

The PARENTS RECEPTlON this year will have both a change in format and location . The Parents' Association will host a reception for all parents this year, in order fOI them to have an opportunity to meet Headmaster Steve Stackhouse, new staff and faculty, and new parents. The reception will be held at The Tuckahoe Woman's Club at 4215 Dover Road, in Windsor Farms , on Thursday, September 22,1994 from 6:30 p.rn. to 8:30 p .rn.

'Fine ~rts 'Fair "8oming October 1 "§rades 4-8 !A fun day for all! (see enclosed flyer)



Nonprofit Organization

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