Graduation 2 o o
To the left: Lee Patton accepts the Student Council Association Award from Butch Keller, Head of the Upper School.
Below (from left to right): Carter Henley, Ann Yates Wyatt and Lyne Minardi share a moment before marching in.
Below: Ronnie Spears accepts his diploma from his dad, Ron Spears, who is a Member of the Board of Trustees.
Below: Allison Strickland accepts The Dixon Award from Steward's founder, Helen Dixon.
Below: Mike Edwards accepts the James V. Buis Athletic Scholarship Award from James Buis' father, the Honorable J. Stephen Buis and his brother Errete Buis.
@ BLue and GoLd
Summer/ Fall 2003 VoLume 10, Number 1
Table of Contents
From the Headmaster ................. .. .. .... .... ........... ... .. ........ .. .......................................... 2 Graduation 2003 by Carolyn Brandl ....... ..... ................................................................. 3 Special Recogn ition Awards ......... ... ................................ .. .... .... .. ..... ... ...................... 4 Upper School Recogn ition Assembly ......................................... .. .......................... ... 5 Baccalaureate 2003 ............................................... .... .. ...... .......................................... 5 Upper School Honor Roll .................. ... ... .. .... .... .............................. ..... ..... .. ............ ... . 6 Volunteer Work in Goochland Offers New Perspective by Evan Lyne '04 ............... 7 A Trip to Quebec by Ryan Childress '05 ... .... ... ........ ........ ....... ..................................... 7 Twelve Juniors Inducted into the National Honor Society by Shelby Holland ......... 8 Owens & Minor " Head Cheerleader" Speaks at Convocation by Carolyn Brandl ... 8 Eighth Grade Graduation by Donna Jackson ............................................................. 9 Challenge Discovery Conquered by Anna Greenlee '08 ....... ....................... .. ...... .... 10 Middle School Honor Roll ............................................................. ... ....... .......... .. ..... 10 Graduation Memorable for Students by Deborah Hanger .. ...................................... 11 Third Grade Learns Economics Basics by Nancy Loyd ..... .... .... ... ... ........ ........ .... ..... 11 Flon!. The Class of 2003. Phoro by Gfen" New.
Bock ClockwIse from Uppel Left路 rht! seventh grade enjoys a cnp to Choi!enge O,s(o~-ef}l: The '02-'03 VOr]lty Giro (OtfDSSe team ta~~s
a moment
CO regroup,
The ''02,'03 VOl"5"lty Boys BasketbalJ Team
was undefeated for che season
Virgmla Commonwealth Conferenct? aC 13
O. Bottom Raw left to nght Boo [}focon '04, RIcky Mortm '0.,. /of/J:e 拢dtltords ''03. Joe Matthews '04 [hns HOr'\lej '05, Jeremy /(armolmsk. ''04 (on laps). Top Row left to nght: KnOe Perkins '05 Jesse
Gamsan '04. Ronme Spears ''03, Roya,., K,rr ''03. Coach BulCh Keller. Ben Brow,., '04.
EphraIm Edmunds '03. SImon Bennett '04. AllIson ScncA/and ''03' "Munchklffs" Albert Thompson 'J4, Hamson Talton '1 ... Notollf 8endhe.m '1' John路Hunter WIII,oms 'J4. Keaton Busser 'J., Sommet Hams '1' In the productIon Pure ImaginatIon" performed at GrondporenlJ
Day 1003
The French Day That Almost Wasn 't by Terry Tosh ...... ..... .. ... .... ............................. 11 Rain Takes a Rest for Beach Day by Deborah Hanger .. ................................... ........ 12 Dixon Hall Gets a Makeover by Deborah Hanger ........... .................. ........................ 12 Steward Welcomes New Faculty by Carolyn Brandl ................................................ 13 Music Students Close a Successful Year by John McAlisler ............................ .... ... . 14 Fine Arts Awards 2003 " The Nifty Fifties " by Cindy Grissom .... .................. ............ 15 Theatre Delivers Variety for Spring by Craig Smilh ............ .. .. .. ...... .. ..... ... ... .... ... ..... 16 Spartans Win 3D !! ! by Bulch Keller ........... ............................ .. .. .. ............................... 17 Spring Sports Wrap-Up by Janel Rice .. .................................................................... 18 Czech Mayor Thanks Steward by Sieve Kautz ........................ ................................ 19 Dancing at Steward by Melanie Casper .. ... ... .. ............ .............................................. 19 A Celebration of Philantropy by Graham Sellors ......... ............ ................................ 20 Michelle Anderson-Haigler Remebered by Brenda Turner ......... ................. .. ... ....... 21 Alumni Action ............................................. .. ..... .... .... ..... .... .................... .. ................. 22
Blue & Gold is published four times each year for The Steward School commun ity. Headmaster, Roger A. Coulombe Editor, Holly Rodriguez Coordinators: Estelle Grossman, Shelby Holland,Donna Jackson, Rugene Paulette, Janet Rice, Brenda Turner
For more information on The Steward School, please contact Scott Moncure '83, Director of Admission, at 804.565.2315 or by email at smoncure@s tewardschoo~ org.
11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 804.740.3394 Fax 804.740.1464
The Steward School accepts qualified students without regard to race, religion , nationality, or ethnic origin. Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
Page 1
From The Headmaster The Mission of The Steward School With the dramatic transformation of Steward over the last five years resulting in outstanding facilities that include the Cramer Center for the Arts , the Athletic Center. the Middle and Upper School library and administration building. and the renovation of all three division buildings, Ihe following question has arisen periodically: "Will the mission of the School change?" The answer Is a straightforward and unequivocal no! Throughout the years during which so much physical change has occurred at Steward, the Board of Trustees has been very clear and steadfast in its determination that Steward would remain faithful to its original mission. In early September of this year, at a specially scheduled meeting, the Trustees and School administration discussed the School's mission , reaffirmed its intent and spirit, and then emphasized specific ways that the mission will continue to be implemented .
RICky Martm 04
Varrlty Boys
[he ball down the field
In 0
spnng 2003.
• retain Middle and Upper School tutorials/after school help sessions to emphasize individualized attention. • maintain the excellent collaborative effort that exists from kindergarten through 12th grade between teachers and tutors in serving students. • expand and develop an overall program that best serves the needs of all students. • reaffirm the axiom that smallness can lead to greatness, and that we should appreciate the gem that is The Steward School.
In essence, Steward . as a college preparatory school , will continue to do the following : • emphasize small classes. • attract students with diverse abilities and talents who thrive and express themselves in a small and nurturing environment. • continue homogeneous grouping in core courses in the Middle School, and Honors and Advanced Placement courses in the Upper School. • encourage participation by students at all levels in every facet of School life such as the arts, athletics. clubs , and in the implementation of the Honor Code and the Code of Responsibility.
Page 2
Jay Edword! "06 focuses on 0 clan QUlgnment
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
~ Graduation 2003 The Class of '03 gathers for Commencement in the Cramer Center By Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head of School After days of rain , the skies cleared as the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2003 was held in the beautiful new Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts on Thursday evening, June 5, at 7:30. The class processional was led by junior marshals Hilary Beck and Jeremy Karmolinski. Following the welcome by Lee Patton, the vice president of the class , the Rev. Chip Chapman , member of the Steward faculty, delivered the invocation. The first of the senior speakers was class president Alex Benson , who began by presenting the class gifts to Headmaster Roger A. Coulombe. The Class of 2003 continued its tradition of generosity by donating two seats to the new theater, one in honor of Bonnie Anderson , Steward's choral director, and one in memory of former Steward student Michelle Anderson-Haigler. The class also made a donation to the Fine Arts Department for professional development and designated any remaining class funds to the Michelle Anderson-Haigler Scholarship Fund at Steward. Alex then spoke to the class about his relief at having "made it" to graduation and the discomfort of being expected to say good-bye to his classmates. Instead , he chose the theme of "thanks: He explained that he fully expected the Class of 2003 to become great parents in the future because they had such good role models in their own parents - and he thanked the parents for all they had done. Allison Strickland , President of the Honor Council , addressed her class , noting that she wanted to go beyond the usual graduation topic of "strive for your goals." She reminded the seniors that as a group they had a strong tradition of giving , assisting causes as varied as the Czech Republic flood relief effort in the summer of 2002, Project Smile, and the Children's Hospital. Allison reminded the class of the words of Arthur Ashe: "From what we get, we can make a living. What we give, however, makes a life: She then challenged the class members to continue to be stewards as they go their separate ways , serving and living lives of love and compassion towards others. Following the senior speeches , Board of Trustees Chairman Fernand Baruch acknowledged retiring Board of Trustees members Kimberley G. Bolger, Belinda Byrne, James V. Duty, Keith M. Fairly, Ann Carol Marchant, and William R. Waddell , thanking each one for their years of service to Steward. Headmaster Roger Coulombe then recognized the Alumni Board President Faisal Qureshi. Mr. Coulombe made speCial note of the two students who have attended Steward for 13 years , Alex Benson and Allison Strickland. The two senior international students, Davi Lorenzo and Tim Zeidan , then made brief remarks and presented the flags of their countries to the School. Mr. Coulombe announced the Awards earned by the Class of 2003 (these are listed separately in this issue of Blue and Gold). Then , as is tradition , he delivered brief
comments about each member of the class. Following this came the long-awaited moment when Board Chairman Fernand Baruch presented the diplomas to the Class of 2003. The ceremony concluded with closing remarks by Mr. Coulombe and the benediction by Rev. Chapman . The ceremony was followed by a lovely reception under the stars on the Waddell Terrace.
A spedal thank you to Andy Mudd, the Division Assistants (Lindo Dunvil/e, Joan Cameron, and Lee Healey), Lee's husband, Eddie, and to Debbie Fitzgerald for their efforts to make graduation in the Cramer Center ond the reception on the Waddell Terrace so spedal.
Lee Potton OJ. VICe P,esldeM oj hIS (/05S. extends audIence ot graduatIOn.
""e/come CO che
Page 3
Graduation 2003 Continued
Graduation 2003: Special Recognition Awards Student Council Association Award : Melissa Lynn Shelburne, Kourtney Dylan Boughey, Carter Reid Henley, Braxton Lee Patton , Dan iel Dennis Welsch Honor Council Award: Allison Kate Strickland , E. Christi law Byrne III, Ryan Jeffrey Kerr Prefect Award : E. Christilaw Byrne III, James Michael Edwards , Blake Anderson Frostick, Pamela Renee Lawrence, Mel issa Lynn Shelburne , All ison Kate Strickland James V. Buis Athletic Scholarship Award : Given in the memory of James Buis '92 to an Upper School student who has made a significant contribution to the athletic program at Steward - J . Michael Edwards
President's Award for Academic Excellence: Recognizes academic success in the classroom - Mary Evelyn Congdon , Pamela Renee Lawrence, Carrie Nicole Morris, Brett Steven Sandberg , Melissa Lynn Shelburne Academic Award - Presented by the Steward School Program Committee to those members of the senior class with a grade point average of 3.75 or better in a challenging academic program - Brett Steven Sandberg & Pamela Renee Lawrence Alumni Award: Given in recognition of that senior who has demonstrated the hopes and dreams the alumni have for The Steward School - Mary Evelyn Congdon Stephen Daniel Pless Award : Given annually to that senior who best exemplifies the spirit and perseverance demonstrated by former student Stephen Daniel Pless during his years at Steward before his untimely death Andrew M. Ware
University of Richmond Book Award : Christina Nelson The Richmond Chapter of the University of Virginia Alumni Association - Jefferson Book Award: Jeremy Karmol inski Brantley Blair Scott Leadership Scholarship Award : Given to the student who has demonstrated an appreciation of the School's mission statement, including an enthusiastic school spirit and ability for accepting additional leadership Kourtney Dylan Boughey The Michelle AndersonHaigler Performing Arts Scholarship: Awarded to the student who most exemplifies the enthusiasm for performing and love of music which characterized Michelle Anderson-Haigler All ison Kate Strickland Parents' Association Scholarship: Presented to the member of the senior class for whom the decision to enroll at Steward was key to better achieving his or her potential and who has shown the most growth since enrolling - Ephra im Christopher Edmunds Allison SrricJdand '03. Honor [ounol Prejldenl 2002-2003. oddlesJes the
Parents' Association Scholarship II : Presented sel or C/QjS. to a member of the senior class who spent the majority of his or her school career at Steward , has demonstrated consistent diligence in the classroom , and has enhanced the Steward community in an understated, yet critical manner - E. Christi law Byrne III & Andrew M. Ware
Page 4
Upper School Department Book Awards Awarded for exceUence and enthusiasm within a particular afl?(! of study: Art - LrndseY Leach Choral MUSIC - Katie Perinns Computer So'ence - Rachel Lana Economics - Pamela Lawrence English - Carrie Morns French _. Alex Benson Graphic Arts _. Chnsona lIelsan History - Edward Fu/ler Instrumental Music - re~so Kaiser Latin - Christina lIelson Mathematics - Spencer N. Best Pel/arm once Theatre - Mary Congdon & Moritz Eberhardt Photography - Hilary Beck Physical Education - Carrie N, Moms Saenee - Edward O. Fu/ler Spanish - Ann Yates Wyatt & 8, Lee Patton Technical Theaue - Hilary 8eck
Upper School Appreciation Award - Presented to senior student(s) who best exemplifies positive attitude , accountability, honesty, and dependability. The first recipients of this award are - Ephraim Christopher Edmunds & Ann Yates Wyatt Faculty Award : Awarded annually to that senior who best exemplifies the qualities of character, integrity, leadership, and responsibility - Pamela R. Lawrence Headmaster's Award : Given annually by the Headmaster to the senior who has been an "unsung hero: contributing to the life of the School with enthUSiasm , energy, and spirit Melissa Lynn Shelburne The Dixon Award : Presented by Steward School founder Helen Dixon , this award is given to that member of the senior class who has made outstanding contributions to all areas of life at Steward - Allison Kate Strickland
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
Upper SchooL News
Upper School Recognition Assembly Each year, the Upper Schoot gathers to honor students who have made significant contributions to The Steward School and to lhe community. Below are recipients of some of the awards for the 2002·2003 school year. Richmond Times·Dispatch Athletes of the Year: J. Michael Edwards & Allison K. Strickland Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award : Spencer N. Best University of Rochester Humanities/Social Sciences Award : Jeremy Karmolinski Randolph·Macon Woman 's College Book Award : Morgan Hutchinson Central Virginia Wellesley College Book Award : Lindsay Saltzberg College of William and Mary Leadership Award : Spencer N. Best Smith College Book Award : Hilary Beck West Point Leadership Award : Jeremy Karmolinski The Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond Award : Tim Zeidan Daughlers of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award : Allison K. Strickland
r,m ZeJdon '03 and DoVJ Lorer-IO '01, two mternohonol srudentJ. shore chelf f!JCpenences as swdentl oc Steward.
CoLLege accepta nces for the Class of 2003 are as fo LLows. While severaL students have not yet made their finaL decisions, the highlig hted schoo ls are those in which the remaining members of the class have decided to enroLL. Congratulations, Graduates! Auburn University Averett CoUege Belmont University Bridgewater College (2) College of Charleston East Carolina University Eastern Kentucky University Elan University Emory and Henry College Ferrum (allege franklin Pierce College George Mason University Hampden·Sydney College Hampton University Longwood University Lynchburg College James Madison University (2) Johnson State Coltege (Vt.) Maharishi University of Management Mary Baldwin College Marshall University Marymount Manhattan College Mary Washington College Morgan Sta te University Na ropa University (Colorado) Christopher Newport University
Old Dominion University Pfeiffer College Presbyterian College Radford University Randolph·Macon College (3) Randolph· Macon Woman's College J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Roanoke College Southern Vermont College Tidewater Community College University of Alabama University of Mississippi (2) University of Richmond University of South Carolina University of Tennessee University of Vermont Virginia Commonwealth University (2) VCU School of Fine Arts (2) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Va.Tech) Virginia Wesleyan (oUege Wagner (allege Wheeling Jesuit University Wittenberg University
Baccalaureate 2003 By Shelby Holland , Fonegn Language Department Chair A theme of love permeated the Baccalaureate Service, which was held on Sunday, June 1st, at the Gayton Kirk Presbyterian Church. Following a greeting by senior class sponsor Rugene Paulette, and scripture readings by Sarah Martin & Ephraim Edmunds, Headmaster Roger Coulombe spoke on stewardship , especially as it applies to our own mission as stewards at the Steward School. He related our definition of a steward to a speech made in England in 1844, which defines stewards as "servants of Christ, and stewards of the mystery of God." "Whatever your faith , culture , or beliefs: he continued , "human life Is a Irust, a gift of the bounty of GOd . As stewards we are here to manage that trust and to be true to it," he said . The guest speaker, the Reverend Dr. Nelson Quid of Third Presbyterian Church , spoke of the force of human love. Under Ihe direction of Mrs. Anderson , The Upper School Chorus provided music for the service , and senior Allison Strickland beautifully sang "The Greatest Love of All ." After a final scripture read by Kourtney Boughey, the seniors headed to the Graywolf Grill for a special dinner with Iheir families . Page 5
Upper SchooL News Continued
Thank you to the businesses, parents and alumni parents who contributed cash or prizes to After Prom in 2003:
1011 IIrr eardwll), IIII 'lIed . .. 'II' '(10 : Iclt'll rd efiaa! ) lIl11 or> , flllors '::'" :JIII'SI;
Glory Days Blockbuster Hollywood Video Casa Grande Sakura Japanese Restaurant leonardo's Pizza O'Charley's Panera Stuffy's Atlanta Bread Company Disco Sports The Stewilrd School Parents' Association Mr, Butch Keller Flohr Family Shamburger Family Best Family Matthews Family Beck Family Mr. and Mrs. William Beck Mrs. Betty Best Mrs. Mary Beth Metcalf Mrs. Kithy Matthews
'/1"(1111 : Slell'lm! Selioo! ' l'rolll
' /f 'fie,, : .1(1/ , r;-,.2oo ' ' /f'firre:
' Fox ]fall !lIb .J{OIl>I'
From top golftg (ounter clockwIse' W'it Melealf '(}4 Prom King l003. enjoys
o game oJ pool oc che After Prom porty. for: Hall Club House decorared
ntghr co remember- Mil. Turner
to the donce /loor co show
And all ather parents who helped with Pram and the Post-Pram Porty
Upper School Honor Roll & Headmaster's List Second Semester (5), 2002-2003 Academic Year (Y) , Headmaster's list (*) 9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Beverly Borum (Y) Philip Corter (Y) Taylor Christian (5)
Brittney Bertow(S. 'f) KeVin Bojarski (5. 'f) Clay Corter (Y) A5hley Cooper (Y) 'Ben Giglio (5. Y) Nathan Jamerson (5. Y) Rachel Loria (5. Y) Rachaet Meyers (5, 'f) Sarah Newcomb (5. Y) Carrie Ryan (5. 'f) Cary Thompson (5. 'f)
Enn Anderson (5) Hilary Beck (5. 'f) Spencer Best (5. 'f) Claire Ha (5, Y) Lauren Horns (5. 'f) Iva Jansky (5. 'f) Teresa Kaiser (5. Y) Jeremy Karmolinski (5, 'f) Coleman Kay (Y) LIndsey Leach (Y) Evon Lyne (5) 'Christina Nelson (5. 'f) Carrie Newman (5) Lindsay Solt.zberg (5. 'f) Amy Strickland (5. Y) Kendall Tate (5. 'f)
Eddie Fuller (5. Y) Pamela Lawrence (5, Y) Oovi Lorenzo (5. 'f) Brett Sandberg (5, 'f) Ann Yates Wyatt ('f) Tim Zeidon (5. 'f)
Bradley OeWet (S. Y)
Ryan DeLoney (5. Y) Sarah Greenlee (5. Y) 'Katie Beth Kurilecz (5) Seidney Morris (5, 'f) 'Elizabeth Newins (5, 'f) Rachel Petock (Y) 'Jenny Siddall (5. Y) Anne Stiles (5. 'f) Kayla Ward (S'f)
Page 6
Blue & Gold Summer/ Fall 2003
~ Upper School News Continued Alternate Program Sends Spartan Volunteers Out of Virginia by Laraine Brumberg. Supervisor of Alternate Program In spring 2003. 118 upper school students went off campus during Alternate Program. Ten of these students went to Quebec with Ms. Gail Heaton and Mr. Cabell Jones. The internships varied from community service organ izations to business locations and local government. Students were located as far north as New York City and as far west as Texas . Nearly all of the students received excellent reports from their supervisors. One report from Evan Lyne's supervisor exemplifies such excellence. From the Goochland Fellowship and Family Services. Donna Goff, Evan's supervisor stated: "He has been an eager, pOlite. and hard-working volunteer. He helped produce a manual for our pre-school along with his various jobs in the office: Congratulations to all the students who represented Steward so well in the community.
Volunteer Work in Goochland Offers New Perspective by Evan Lyne '04 For Alternate Program . I worked at Goochland Fellowship and Family Services (GFFS). I selected this internship because I have lived in Goochland County all my life and I wanted to give back to the community. I also wanted to work at a business that was in Goochland so that I did not have to drive too far to get there . I had heard a lot about Goochland Fellowship and I felt that this was the place for me to donate my time and efforts. Goochland Fellowship and Family Services is a non-
From left to nght: Nel/ie DeLaney '11. Amy Northrup. KOlJrtf1ey Boughey '03. En" Andetson '().o Rylond Scott 11 and Kendall Tote- '().4 enJoy the spnng sU'Ishme or Q
profit organ ization that helps residents and families from Goochland County get food , shelter, and transportation . A large portion of the organization 's budget comes from profits generated through the Commonwealth Polo Match, organized by the Fellowship. They also accept donations and have many other smaller fund raising activities . The first day I was there, I had the pleasure of driving around with a Meals on Wheels representative for Goochland County. We dropped off food for two people , both of whom lived in houses without plumbing or electricity. My experience at GFFS was exactly as I thought it would be. I did a lot of office work . but I was exposed to how the average person lives and was shown how lucky I am. I have a lot of respect for the employees who work at GFFS.
A Trip to Quebec by Ryan Childress '05 Last spring ten students, two teachers, and one chaperone went to Quebec, Canada for Alternate Program. I was a bit worried I might not have a good time, but when I walked into the first trip meeting and saw who was going - Sarah , Erin. Audie, Alex , Nick, Brett. Moritz, Melissa, Will, and me, I knew we all were going to have great time . Even the adults, Mr. Jones, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Heaton, looked as if they wanted us to have a good time , too. It started off a little hectic. After seeing that snow was forecast, Mrs. Heaton called a meeting to ask if we would like to leave a day earlier from Richmond and arrive in Washington to spend the night in a hotel to be sure that we did not miss our flight. We all agreed and left a day early. The first night we went out to a beautiful little restaurant and ate some delicious food . That night we all went toboggan sledding , a little scary at first, but still fun . The next day we saw some sights and at night went to a sled park. We went down tall hills on little inner tubes that we tied to one another so we all went down together. The tour guide asked if we would like to do something he had never done with a tour group beforecross-country skiing. We all had a great time even though some of us were a little frustrated with getting the skis on the shoes. Our tour guide had one more surprise for us. He invited us to his house to have some homemade French onion soup. We saw Ice Age at his house and then went upstairs to eat the soup , which was the best French Onion Soup I have ever tasted . We then went back to the hotel to prepare to fly home. We did not forget why we were there . We all practiced speaking French , which we think helped us greatly with our hearing and speaking of the language.
SODA event.
Upper School News Continued
Owens & Minor "Head Cheerleader" Visits Steward for Convocation by Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head of School
the NorJonol Honor Sooery ceremony.
Twelve Juniors Are Inducted into the National Honor Society by Shelby Holland , NHS Sponsor On February 6th, twelve juniors were inducted into the National Honor Society in an impressive ceremony held in the theatre of the new Paul R. Cramer Center for the Arts . NHS members Mary Congdon , Pamela Lawrence , Melissa Shelburne, and Allison Strickland tapped the following new inductees: Hilary Beck, Spencer Best, Claire Ha, Lauren Harris, Jeremy Karmolinski , Coleman Kay, Christina Nelson, Lindsay Saltzberg, Amy Strickland , Kendall Tate, Teresa Kaiser, and Ivo Jansky. The ceremony included a welcome by Headmaster Roger Coulombe. After the tapping and induction presentation , guest speaker Cheryl Groce-Wright, family program director of Great Schools and Families here in Richmond , gave an inspiring message charging students to do their best during their crucial high school years. Upper School Head , Butch Keller, ctosed the ceremony with final remarks . The National Honor Society, in its fourth year now at Steward, ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. A facutty council of five teachers and two advisers selects students for membership on the basis of the NHS criteria of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. To be academically eligible at Steward, a student must have a cumulative scholastic average of 3.5 or better, and must have actively demonstrated qualities of leadership, character, and service. Add itionally, every member must consistently maintain these qualities throughout his/her years of schooling.
Page 8
Convocation , the official school-wide assembly kicking off the school year, was held Monday morning, September 8, in the Pau l R. Cramer Center for the Arts theatre . In attendance were all faculty and staff as well as students , K-12. Convocation is a ceremony which especially recognizes and honors the seniors as they begin their final year at Steward. The program began with a processional in which each member of the senior class led in a member of the kindergarten class. The program began with the welcome by Headmaster Roger Coulombe , the invocation by Middle School Head Mike Maruca, and the Pledge of Allegiance led by representatives of the Lower and Middle School. Meg Robertson , head of the Upper School SCA, then introduced the guest speaker, Hugh F. Gouldthorpe, Jr. Mr. Gouldthorpe, a graduate of VMI , successfu l businessman, and active community volunteer, is the Vice-President of Quality and Communications at Owens and Minor. After hearing his energetic speech , students and faculty would agree that his business card title of Owens and Minor 路 ch lef cheerleader" is perhaps a more apt description . He is well-known for his book 路 1Always Looked Up to Giraffes路 and his speech followed that theme , explaining that we can all learn from giraffes, noting especially that giraffes are noted for reaching for their goals and for their big hearts. Interacting with the seniors on stage as well as the audience , he held the attention of all. Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head, then thanked Mr. Gouldthorpe, giving him a gift from the School. Convocation concluded with an inspiration song by the Upper School Girls Ensemble, with new ninth grader Dabney Broaddus as featured soloist. Mr. Keller, Head of the Upper School, concluded the event with the benediction . Owens & Minor Head Cheerleoder路 Hugh Golildthorpe;" Imp"f'S
the Steward commumty ot Convocation.
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
MiddLe SchooL Update
Eighth Grade Graduation by Donna Jackson . Middle School English Teacher On June 6th, the eighth grade class was honored in the Middle School Final Assembly, marking their transition to the Upper School. Seventh grade marshals John Reazin and Laura Skove led the class into the Cramer Center. Teacher Chip Chapman gave the invocation , and Headmaster Roger Coulombe welcomed students , teachers, parents , and other guests. Eighth-grade representatives Megan Rhodes and Tucker Bloom presented the class gift, and the Middle School Chorus performed. Middle School head Mike Maruca recognized students who achieved honor roll status and Headmaster's list status during the year. President's Awards for Educational Excellence were presented to eighth grade students who earned a grade point average of a 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Recipients included: Tyler Harris. Tarina Hesaltine, Katy Kasper, Kaitlin Meyer. Megan Rhodes . and Donna Woo . Katy Kasper received an engraved plaque for maintaining the highest academic average in the Middle School. Elizabeth Ward received a certificate for becoming the Middle School Spelling Bee Champion .
Megan Rhode) 07 prelenU th~
CJass GIft at
gfadlJotlon n spnng 2003.
Middle School Final Assembly Awards Faculty Honor Roll Students recognized for their scholarship, effort and portidpation Sixth Grade Bobby Ball Sora Corney Beth Former Poulina Lange
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Amy Anderson Tyler Harris Grace Bezirdjian Beth Howard Amy Bisger Katy Kasper Aileen Giordano Nastia Komova Anna Greenlee Kaitlin Meyer Patrick McKeown Megan Rhodes Kelsey Mohring Donna Woo Johanna Reckenbeil Laura Skove
Grade Level Achievement Awards , which are presented to the student in each grade level who has shown the greatest overall growth and improvement in all areas of school life. were given to Beth Howard , grade 8; Page Conway, grade 7; and James Dooley, grade 6. Eighth grader Megan Rhodes received the Steward Award . which is presented to the student who best exemplifies the characteristics of integrity, commitment to academic achievement, high moral standards, and sensitivity to others. Carolyn Brandt. Assistant Head, presented graduation certifi cates to all eighth graders, and Mike Maruca closed the ceremony by addressing the rising ninth graders. He then invited students , families . and guests to the Waddell Terrace for a reception organized by Steward parent Becky Dixon .
Awards for Subject Excellence Art: Computer: English: French: History: latin: Math: Music: Physical Education:
Science: Spanish: Theatre:
Kaitlin Meyer (8th), Margaret Gupton (7th) , Dani Fraizer (6th) Aileen Giordano (7th), William Shimer (6th) Kaitlin Meyer (8th) , Aileen Giordano (7th), Christine Craig (6th) Elizabeth Ward (8th), Grace Bezirdjian (7th) Katy Kasper (8th), Patrick McKeown (8th) , Paulina Lange (6th) Caleb Brown (7th) Katy Kasper (8th) , Aileen Giordano (7th) , William Shimer (6th) Beth Howard (8th), Donna Woo (8th) . Anna Greenlee (7th), Christine Kasper (6th) Sammy George & Matt Deacon (8th) Amy Anderson & Patrick McKeown (7th) Veronica Tharp & Barrett Deacon (6th) Katy Kasper (8th) , Aileen Giordano (7th), Paulina Lange (6th) Katy Kasper (8th). Hope Frank (7th) Coldon Martin (8th) . Laura Skove (7th), Dani Fraizer (6th) Page 9
Middle School Update Continued
Challenge Discovery Conquered By Anna Greenlee '08
three times. After lunch we climbed a tower. belaying each other up and down. We enjoyed replacing the everyday academic challenges of school with the physical demands of Challenge Discovery.
The seventh grade went with class sponsor Amy Hale and teachers Margaret Maclin and Paul Busse to
Anno WlXKtbum '08 and E\l11 vonTolmgen '08 enjoy 0 day ',.
9 0,
In lh~
on j~erol tnps In the '02路 'OJ
9reoi outdoors at
school yeor, mCiudmg
Challenge Discovery. When we arrived . we split into three groups. In the morning my group did logic challenges. The first challenge was to have the whole group go on and off of a platform balanced off the ground without upsetting the balance. Next we had to build a bridge out of three boards from one elevated platform to another without letting the boards or a person touch the ground. Afterward we went to a web of rope which we had to pass through without touching the rope more than
Poromount'J Kmg s DomIniOn, Wo.shmgron D ( ond Peumburg. In the oboYf
photo Polly (onneUo '08 and Hope Fron' '08 brol'l'u!' In 0 gift shop dunng 0 lou' of (lYll War lItes In Petfrsbufg
From left to "yht fvo vanTo/mgen '08. Stewart Horgro . i 09 Anno ~~ oodbu'n "8 ond Joy PrUItt
examme a (MI Wor
Middle School Honor Roll & Headmaster's List Second Semester (S) . 2002-2003 Academic Year (Y). Headmaster's List (*) Grod~ 6 Bobby Ball (4, Y) Elbe Bryon (Y) Hannah Byrne (4,S, Y) "Sorah Carney (4.5. Y) "Blakely Co~en (4.5. Y) "K.n Urummond (4.5) David o..yer (4.5. Y) Madison Ellis (4.5. Y) Beth Former (4.5) Sarah Hargrove (4.5. Y) "ChnstJne Kasper (4.5. Y) 'Diona Keith (4,S. Y) Sam Keller (Y) "Paulino Longe (4.5. Y) Do In Lee (4.5. Y) Cathenne LiUard (4.5,Y) AI"" M"",l/an (4.5. Y) Colson Perkins (4.5. Y) Ke/$ea "'eters (Y) "WIlliam Sh'mer (4,S.Y) I/othan Willett (5. Y) Dmn Wong (4.5. Y) "Sarah Elizabeth Young (4.5. Y)
Page 10
Grod~ 7 Amy Anderson (4 .5) "Katherine Boll (4.5. Y) Groce Bezirdijan (4,5. Y) Page Conway (4 ) "Emily Dameron (4.5, Y)
Beth Ihxon ( Y)
Hope Fronk (4 5 . Y) Stephen Gianfortom (Y) "Aileen Giordano (4.5. Y) "Anno Greenlee (4.5,Y) ElIzabeth Hickmon (S. Y) Micah Keller (4) Patrick McKeown (4,5, Y) Kelsey Mohring (4.5, Y) Jacqueline Moncure (4.5, Y) Attie Pearsall (Y) Johanna Reckenbeil (4,S, Y) Lauro Skave (Y) Adam Smith (4.5, Y) Yash,mi Tanaka (4,S.Y)
Grod~ 8 Matthew Deacon (Y) Clay Fulk (') "Tyler Horns (4.5. Y) Torino Hesoltlne (4.5. Y) Beth Howarrf (4. Y)
"Kathryn Kasp., (4.5. Y) Anastasio KDma.a (4.5. Y) "Kaitlin Meyer (4,5. Y) Megan Rhodes (4.5. Y) Steven Rogers (4.5. Y) Elizabeth Word (4.5. Y) Donna Woo (5. Y)
Blue & Gold Summe,/ Fall 2003
Lower SchooL (orner
Graduation Memorable for Students
Lower School Final Assembly Awards
By Deborah Hanger. Head of Lower School The Fifth Grade Recognition Ceremony took place in the Cramer Center on June 9. 2003 at 8:30 AM . This year the fifth graders were featured in a Power Point presentation . Parents were asked to secretly send in three pictures of their children focusing on them as a baby. grades K-1. and a recent photo. Children were surveyed about their Lower School experiences one afternoon. unknowingly writing their own scripts for this project. Suddenly the interviews and the pictures were flashed before their eyes during the recognition ceremony and they surely were surprised by the results. What fun we all had watching the transformation of these wonderful students. sadly knowing they are leaving Lower School for many new adventures in their development.
Computer French Music Spelling Bee
Sportsmanship Theatre
Jessica DeBell (5th) & Kelsey Kurdts (5th) Taylor Baath (5th) & Samantha Spangler (5th) Brandon Wilberger (5th) Mary Taylor Tepper (5th) Thea P. Gergaudis (3rd) Sean R. McKeown (3rd) Lisa Morgan (3rd) Claire M. McKeown (4th) Caroline V. Rakes (4th) Benjamin W. Leahy (5th) Isabella P. Pearsall (5th) Shelby Thompson & Whitley Menges (5th) Thomas Davis (5th)
The French Day That Almost Wasn't by Terry Tosh . Lower School French Teacher
Third Grade Learns Economics Basics
Originally, the Lower School planned a celebration of Quebec's Winter "Carnaval" for Monday, Feb. 17th, 2003. Enter a blizzard. The speaker from Montreal was stuck in Ch icago. Clement. the French baker at Jean-Jacques, was stuck in Florida because he could not fly into Richmond . Forty-seven parents had volunteered their time to make the day fun for 208 lower schoolers . but it snowed. and snowed and SNOWED. French Day, and the rest of the school. was cancelled .
by Nancy Loyd . Lower School Teacher The Third Grade recently completed the Junior Achievement program. Both consultants for the lessons were Steward parents: Mrs. Karla Boughey. former Director of Development at the Junior Achievement of Central Virginia (mother of Kourtney Boughey '03). and David Kewer. a business consultant (father of Rachel Kewer '09). The five programs included: studying about city planning . economic development. jobs within different businesses. connections between producers and consumers and completing bank transactions. Each student received a certificate and a Junior Achievement t-shirt. Many thanks to our excellent volunteers who not only taught the 3rd graders much about economics. but also shared Interesting personal experiences.
Not to be daunted, we regrouped for Feb. 26 ... You may remember 4 inches of micro sleet? Foiled againI But three is the charm . On the 3rd of April . we celebrated "French Day Lite." It was a balmy 72 degrees, so our plans for an ice castle were scrapped. Lyse Trudel , from Montreal in the Quebec province , came all the way Page 11
Lower SchooL Corner Continued
to Richmond just to share her country and French roots with us. Every single child in the Lower School received a souvenir (which is the French word to remember!) from her company, Oberthur GT. You may be wondering about this French (Canadian) Connection. Whitley Menges' mother, Penny Kyle , does business with Mademoiselle Trudel's company. Mlle. Trudel gave a lovely power point presentation about the entire Quebec region. James Authier's dad, Rob , performed FrenchCanadian folk songs while we ate our "pique niques." He also led us in the Canadian National Anthem , which is in French and English, of course . We made crepes, as usual, but this time they were covered with Maple Syrup in honor of the Canadian flag and tree. One dad and eleven moms made this and our pique nique possible. All the excitement of full French Day was compressed into two short hours. It might have been "French Day Lite ," but it was still 100 percent fun .
LOVlnla Johnson IS. DOVld [ross IS. Ju/Je Ho(gon 15 and Eren Groesser '15 shore on actIVIty In ,Jo15 ... ,[h teacher iyn L.unsford. Lower School Students Jiortrd rhf OJ路 0.. school '1eor In a newly rpnovated D,xon Holl.
Dixon Hall Gets a Makeover Rain Takes a Rest for Beach Day
By Deborah Hanger, Head of Lower School
By Deborah Hanger, Head of Lower School
"Wow: " It's beautiful ," "Look at the Dining Commons: "Terrific lockers: "It's Awesome: were just a few of the comments made by the Lower Schoolers and their families when they first saw the newly renovated Dixon Hall on September 2, 2003. When the current sixth graders were invited in for their first showing , many asked to come back for one more year in the Lower School! Since last May, when we vacated the building , the construction crews have knocked down the interior walls and created fabulous new classrooms with built-ins for teachers and students, a Discovery Lab with full kitchen , offices, workroom , and amphitheatre in the new library, conference room , and larger area for the Center for Advancement of Learning. In addition, three wings were built on to accommodate our additional classrooms, new Dining Commons with kitchen facilities and a primary entrance with administrative offices. These facilities were designed by the teachers who visited other campuses in the area, both public and independent, to create an environment that is functional , aesthetically pleasing , and child-friendly. The teachers worked frantically two weeks before school unpacking fifty boxes each and setting up for the ch ildren. With the add itional help of Warren Montague and crews, Frankie Silva, and Lynn Zinder we were able to color code our doors and provide signage that delineates grade levels. Farrar Pace helped us get rocking chairs in each ctassroom and many others worked to set up the library and ensure our beginning was almost flawless. Many thanks to all who provided support with this major endeavor. Your generosity of time, energy and financial resources will enable our children to experience learning with optimal facilities.
On June 2, 2003 the clouds parted and the sky turned blue. It was just in time for the Lower School Beach Day. This annual event, coordinated by third grade teacher Melanie Casper, is our end of year celebration and our appreciation for the children 's support of our many community service projects. This year we enjoyed the talents of Jonathan Austin , a local juggler and musician, along with a fun activity led by Bonny Hajek in the multi-purpose room. She transformed the space into a giant ocean and all of us became sea plants or animals learning about our habitat, needs, and movements. Lunch was served on the grounds by our terrific room moms. It was a great day for th is wonderful activity and we all enjoyed being outside after a spring of rainy weather.
Congrotulations to this year's redpients of the President's Academic Excellence Award! These fifth grade students maintained a grade paint average of 90 or above in ALL subjects during the first three marking periods, and met other qualifications: Page 12
Brendan Auman Samantha Bisger Taylor Booth William Drews Allen Edwards Hayden Hodges Ben Leahy Izzy Pearsall Patrick Strecker
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
FacuLty Notes
Steward Welcomes New Faculty by Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head of School At the first full faculty meeting kicking off the school year, Headmaster Roger Coulombe expressed pleasure at the quality of people who continue to join the ranks of independent school education and especially those who have become part of our faculty this year. JOining the Lower School faculty were Beth Curry as part-time counselor, Lyn Lunsford in Grade 1, and Chris Tickle in Grade 4. Most recently a teacher at Millwood School, Beth earned a B.A. at Gettysburg College , a Master's in Education in Sport Psychology and a Master in Arts in Teaching from the University of Virginia , and a Master in Education in Community Counseling from LynChburg College. Lyn , a Richmond native who has moved back to town with her family, graduated from the College of William and Mary and taught at Collegiate. JOining her at Steward are her daughters Ann in grade 9 and Sara in Grade 12. Chris Tickle was most recently a member of the Middle School Faculty at Stony Point School. A graduate of UVA, he is currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at Mary Baldwin College. Middle School faculty additions this year include Bev Harris as physical education/health teacher and department head, and Sally Plotkin as math teacher. Bev holds a B.S. degree in Physical Education and a Master's Degree in Sports Management from the University of Richmond . She Joins her son , Tyler (grade 9) , and daughter, Sommer (grade 2), who were already members of the Steward family. Sally Plotkin's degree is from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. She most recently served as a Middle School Gifted Resource Teacher In the Henrico County Schools. The Upper School math department continues to grow with the addition of Brian Ross and Bruce Secrest. Brian, a VMI graduate, returns to teaching after working at Davenport and Company in Richmond . Bruce Secrest earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Liberty Baptist College and comes to us from Commonwealth Christian School. He brought his daughter Brooke, an eleventh grader, with him. Carrie Vandervelde joins the foreign language department as teacher of Latin in Middle and Upper Schools. Carrie earned her B.A. at the University of Virginia and her M.A. at the University of Texas at Austin where she also earned her Ph.D. Prior to joining the Steward faculty, she was an adjunct Instructor and visiting instructor at the University of Richmond . David Koon has become the new Strength Training Coach , teaching Middle and Upper School P.E. and teamteaching Upper School Psychology. He earned his bachelor's degree from East Carolina University and a Master's in Exercise Science at Indiana State University. He has served as a P.T. and consultant on strength and conditioning at Health South in Richmond . This summer we have had some exciting additions to the administrative staff as well , including Will Carter in
Information Technology, Danielle Cohen In Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving , Lisa Dwelle as Director of Finance, Terry Powell in the School Store, and Holly Rodriguez in Marketing. Will holds a B.A. from DePau l University and an M.A. from VCU , a certificate In Training from the University of Richmond and certification In programming from the Computer Learning Center. He JOins us following a stint as a PC technician for The Solution Enterprise. Damelle, a University of Richmond grad, has done graduate work In communications at VCU . After serving as a legal assistant at Hunton and Williams she became the Community Relations Coordinator and then the Program and Development Coordinator for the Legal Information Network for Cancer (LlNC) , in Richmond . Lisa Dwelle, a graduate at the E. Claiborne Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond , comes to us from KPMG LLP, where she was Assurance Senior Manager. We also welcome her daughter, Zoe , a member of the kindergarten class. Terry Powell, an active Steward volunteer for years , now becomes a member of the staff as well . Terry and her husband, Wray, have served in vanous volunteer capacities as athletic boosters, assisting With the annual campaign , and coaching and cheering on the vanous sports leams. Terry and Wray have two daughters at Steward , Jessie in grade 11 and Dana in grade 8. Holly Rodriguez, our new Marketing and Communications Coordinator, earned her B.S. in Mass Communications and Public Relations at VCU . She has served as a writer on the VCU academic and medical campuses , and has also worked for Virginia Business Magazine as an editorial assistant, for Inside Business as a staff writer, and as a free lance writer. The enthusiasm that all of these new hires bring to the Steward family has energized us all!
From left. to nghl. Holly Rodnguu. Chm Tickle. 8non ROll. Sally P/otkJn. WIll Carter. Came Vandervelde, Damel/t Cohen. LIsa Dt.tllt and Brucf! Se[(t'Sl. Not
photographed: Beth Curry Bey Haws. O(J't,1d Koon. iyn Lunsford and Ttll)' Powell.
Page 13
Fine Arts at Steward Music Students Close a Successful Year with Last Performance by John McAlister, Instrumental Music Teacher Middle and Upper School students in the music department concluded their formal performances for the 2002-03 year with a very successful spring concert, Choir Director Bonnie Anderson and Instrumental Music Director John McAlister presented their various performing ensembles doing several different styles of music. The eight member Eighth Grade Instrumental Ensemble played selections specially arranged for their unique instrumentation of three violins , three saxophones , a flute , and a cello . This was followed by the Eighth Grade Chorus performance that included jazz choreography and a special slide show prepared by Mary Margaret Watson and Beth Howard . In the inaugural year of the instrumental music program , the Upper School Class Ensemble - two guitars and a clarinet - arranged two ballads and Elvis Presley's "Don 't Be Cruel" to showcase their talents . This was followed by the Middle School Recorders who performed Pink's "Get the Party Started" and two tunes from the movie "Shrek: Soloists for the evening included senior soprano Allison Strickland performing "The Greatest Love of All" and violinist Teresa Kaiser performing Dvorak's "The Romantic Pieces, No. 1'The Upper School Select and Mixed Choirs performed a number of selections. These songs included an Andrew Lloyd Webber medley, the beauty shop style harmonies of "Fun in Just One Lifetime: and Kenny Loggin's 路Your Heart Will Lead You Home: The Eighth Grade Chorus later joined Upper School Mixed and Select Choirs for their two gospel selections, "River in Judea: and ' Like a Mighty Stream."
Page 14
Stncklond 'OJ. Breono Beauford 'OS and Bev Borum'06 perform .select1ons ot the spnng 2003 concert.
Ellzobeth Word plays eefia ond MOIyWarc1en Good '07 ploys 'nstfumentol conar!
dunng on
The Middle School Strings made their debut performance with Handel's "Royal Fireworks Music: The Middle School Band, made up of members of the eighth grade ensemble and the Middle School Band Club , rocked their performance with "Gimme Some Lovin'" and "Celebration." Another rocking performance was provided by the Upper School Rock Ensemble, who began the concert with a pre-show jam session , and later performed tunes by Led Zeppelin and Van Halen . The evening concluded in a big way with all of the evening 's performers coming back on stage for a performance of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and ' God Bless Amenca : The day after the concert, all the performers returned to perform portions of their concert again for the Lower School. The students' hard work and dedication culminated with two terrific performances.
Congratulations to Audie McDougall, Class '03 for winning 3rd place in the Impressions Coffeehouse series, a juried art exhibition show.
Blue & Gold Summer 'Fall 2003
~ Fine Arts Continued Fine Arts Awards 2003 liThe Nifty Fifties" by Cindy Grissom. Art Teacher
' Tmc; Irts : /1I'ard Jor ' Lrcellcllcc ", : Irt . _)( U,'I" lllld • rheatre
)01' .) I aI/hell's "Nifty Fifties" was the theme this year at the Fine Arts Banquet. The Middle School's banquet was held in the Dining Commons on May 13 and the Upper School's banquet was on May 21 . The students , by tradition , come decked out in costume of the theme . This is a night to honor all students who participate in art , music and theatre . They had a fine meal of 1950's food (hot dogs, chips, macaroni and cheese. vegetables and a cupcake .) They entertained each other with a karaoke machine and hula hoop contests. The fun continued with our "bent nail" awards. and then on to the main event, which is what this night is really about. The Fine Arts awards were handed out by each department amid applause. Those who received awards are:
: tft> I"b : Iw{/rt/ .18 J{O/m -cn~cc
L",dsf)' Lmch
:-lrt ' DcpartlHent:
Most Promising Newcomer Middle School: Da-I n Lee ,Tlllc : lrts Upper School: Jaclyn Smith 'Dcpa rtmt'nt Best Use of a Medium MS: Elle Chasen ScnlOr : ~I\'(/rds US: Francisco Argueta ("Gouache") "For Continuous Years of Alison Norton ("Woodcarving") Dedication to the Fme Arts " Most Accomplished Artist Chris Byrne MS: Elizabeth Hickman Danny Welsch US: Claire Ha Tony lantosca '7fil'atrc •DepartlTlCllt :11I'ard~ : Most Innovative Artist Mary Congdon Outstanding Achievement, Theatre 6 MS: Chris McKeown Allison Strickland Dani Fraizer US: Carrie Morris Melissa Shelburne Outstanding Achievement, Theatre 7 Best Use of Color Matt Stafford Laura Skove MS: Tarina Hesalline Carter Henley Outstanding Achievement, Theatre 8 US: lindsey Leach Carrie Morris Coldon Martin Perseverance to a Project Special Recognition in Technical Theatre MS: Kathy Northrop Patrick McKeown US : Lindsay Lillard _\(II~lC 'Dcpar/mclli :ill'ard~ Director's Award for Year-Long Effort Artistic Enthusiasm Sammy George Most Accomplished General Music Instrumentalist: MS: Mimi Tanaka Outstanding Achievement, Technical Theatre US: Andy Frank MS: Devon Wang . Keith Murphy (6th Grade) Brittney Bertozzi Most Improved Artist Grace Bezirdjian. Kelsey Mohring (7th Grade) Ricky Martin MS: Ryan Byrne Highest Academic Average General Music: Hunter Berllnguet MS: Christine Craig. Paulina Lange (6th Grade) Outstanding Achievement, Aoo Aileen Giordano . Anna Greenlee (7th Grade) US, Technical Theatre for Stage Management Most Accomplished Beginning Instrumentalist: Hilary Beck MS: Mary Warden Good Outstanding Achievement in Acting US: Brett Sandberg Ryan Childress Most Accomplished Strings Club Instrumentalist: 'PliotoH ra ph)' 'Depa rtment: Mary Congdon MS : Colson Perkins Most Advanced Aesthetic: Moritz Eberhardt Most Accomplished Band Club Instrumentalist: Audie McDougall Lindsey Leach MS: Caleb Brown Best Camera work: Will Metcalf Most Accomplished Instrumentalist: Hilary Beck Allison Strickland MS: Elizabeth Ward Best Still Life: US: Ben Giglio Richard Wheeler Most Accomplished Instrumentalist SolOIst: Best Landscape: MS: Donna Woo Anne Stiles US: Teresa Kaiser Best Portraiture: Most Accomplished Vocal Musician: Will Lawson US: Katie Perkins Most Dedicated to the Medium: Most Accomplished Soloist: Will Clough US: Allison Strickland Best in Studio Lighting: Most Improved Vocalist - Select Ensemble: Austin Hamilton US: Rachel Loria Best Documentary Work: Most Improved Vocalist - Mixed Ensemble: ']>emlO /lcllt Stllt/ent Carrie Newman US: Erin Anderson Best Graphic ArtIst: : I rt ollertlOlI Most Accomplished Vocal Musician: Christina Nelson 1:.i"d,L')' Leaeli MS: Samantha George Most Innovative: Most Improved Vocalist: . filii" Ianto CI/ Joe Matthews MS : Megan Rhodes
B,'I" B""l ;(
Page 15
Fine Arts Continued
Theatre delivers variety for Spring by Craig Smith , Theatre Teacher In February, second grade classes celebrated President's Day with their presentation of "George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in Court." Mrs. Ricketts' class put young George Washington on trial for chopping down the cherry tree, and Mrs. Covington 's class showed Abraham Lincoln as a powerful attorney helping out an innocent young man. In April , the first graders presented a musical journey in search of good behavior with a musical adaptation of Diane Cuneo's story, "Mary Louise Loses Her Manners." Mrs. Pendleton's and Mrs. Willhite's classes danced and sang as Mary Louise searched through a restaurant, a doctor's office, a bus, and a library with ultimate success. The theatre season ended in May with the Kindergarten classes complementing their study of many countries with their presentation of "World Folktales." Ms. Vermillion's class told the story of a powerful African sultan and his unhappy spouse in "The Sultan 's Wife ." Mrs. Saunders' class helped us travel to Ireland with "Feet Water: a story about the importance of cleaning up. Mrs. Strickland's class took us back to ancient Greece and told the tale of "Echo and Narcissus." The presentation was completed by the students dancing to the music of the countries where the folktales originated. All of the Lower School class plays were directed by Craig Smith , designed by Andy Mudd, and costumed by Criss McBride and Gale Montague.
of the title character played by Lindsay Saltzberg. Moritz Eberhardt and Will Metcalf performed "DMV Tyrant : a hilarious sketch about a man trying to renew his driver's license without much luck. Extracurricular Theatre presented two plays as part of the evening. "Who Am I This nmeT by Christopher Sergei based on a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. tells the story of a young actor, played by Ryan Childress, who has no social skills until he is captured by a young actress, played by Sammy George. In "The Actor's Nightmare" by Christopher Durang, an unsuspecting accountant, played by Moritz Eberhardt, wanders into a theatre and is made to perform
Albson 5tnckCond OJ and Manu Eberhardt '0... dance", Rodgers Qnd Homf'lenrem.5 rh King ona I 0 produwon (hot mc uCed 7J !.!udeflts from all grade .E'h?U.
Mlchoel Dfews. lCendaU Huenne , ens '13 and Ale., DeCopn 13 pfrjorm In "Georgt' )~aJnmgton and Abraham LinCOln In (ourt. .. 0 ptay per/ormeo In If!cognlf/on oj
Pre tent Oay
Despite all of the bad weather in January and February, "Love and Laughs: An Evening of One-Act Plays" was presented at the end of February. The Theatre 8 class presented "The Lovesick Computer" by William Thomas Crow. The play tells the story of a high school student, played by Charles Carter. who creates a computer, played by Amanda Lipscomb , that falls in love with him. The Upper School Performance Theatre class presented two short works by playwright Christopher Durang. "Mrs. Sorken" is a sketch that gives the ra ther twisted view on the history of theatre from the perspective Page 16
various roles from Shakespeare to Beckett, none of which has he ever rehearsed . Each play was directed by Craig Smith and designed by Andy Mudd. In April , Rodgers and Hammerstein's "The King and I" was performed by more than seventy students from all grade levels at Steward. The cast, crew, and orchestra consisted of lower, middle, and upper school students. Many parent and faculty volunteers assisted with costumes, masks, food , and supervision . The cast of forty-nine was led by Moritz Eberhardt ('04) as the King , Allison Strickland ('03) as Anna Leonowens, Thomas Davis ('10) as her son Louis , Mary Congdon ('03) as Lady Thiang, Hayden Hodges ('10) as her son Chululongkorn , Melissa Shelburne ('03) as Tuptim , and Coleman Kay ('04) as Lun Tha . Stage manager Hilary Beck ('04) led an outstanding crew through the techn ically complex show. The musical was directed , choreographed , and conducted by Craig Smith , and deSigned and technically directed by Andy MUdd . Bonnie Anderson served as vocal music director and accompanist, and John McAlister served as Instrumental music director and percussionist.
Blue & Gold Summer/ Fa ll 2003
Athletic Update
Spartans Win 30!!! by Butch Keller, Head of Upper School It will probably be after college before many of the basketball players will realize exactly what they have accomplished last year. I have been coaching for over twenty years and this is only the second time for one of my teams to reach the thirty win mark. It is truly a remarkable feat. Some accomplishments reached by this year's team include: • The Trinity Invitational Championship • Undefeated Regular Season in the Virginia Commonwealth Conference at 13-0 • #1 State ranking the entire season • Virginia Independent Schools State Champions for Division III • Simon Bennett, Mike Edwards and Ronnie Spears earned All-Conference Honors • Ben Brown and Ronnie Spears earned All-State Tournament Awards • Ben Brown, Mike Edwards and Ronnie Spears were named first team All-State • Mike Edwards was voted Co-Player of the year in the VCC • Mike Edwards was voted the State's Most Valuable Player for Division III • Coach Butch Keller earned VCC Coach of the Year Honors as well as State Coach of the Year recognition • Jeremy Karmolinski was recognized as the team 's Most Improved Player • Simon Bennett was awarded the Coaches Award • Ronnie Spears was recognized as the Most Outstanding Player • Mike Edwards was recognized as the tearn's Most Valuable Player
The VarsIty Boys Basketball Team Weft' Vlfgmlo Mdependent ChomlJ,ofls /0' OIVJllon III
Schoou Stott'!
the 02·0) ~(hool yl'1r
This was a year of firsts for Spartan basketball. It was the first Tnnity championship. It was the first invitation to the prestigious Porter-Gaud Tournament in Charleston , South Carolina. It was the first undefeated season In the VCC . It was the first State Championship. It was the first time that the State Player of the Year wore a Steward uniform. Many of the highlights of the season will go unrecognized by the ordinary fan . The sweat and hours of practice that took place by the majority of the team during the summer and early fall required a tremendous amount of dedication. The chemistry that was evident to some was not a coincidence . This took many hours of practice , and sacrifices were made by all. Mike, Ronnie , Ben and Simon reaped many of the benefits but they will be the first to tell you that none of their personal successes , or any of the team's success could have been realized were it not for the unselfish play of their teammates. The addition of Coach Byron Johnson brought great enthusiasm to the team . His youth and Intensity could very well have been that little extra that the team needed. Coach Wallace Inge continued to be an inspiration to the team . This could very well be Ihe year that Jesse
Ray Tatt. parent and president of the Spanan Club and Burch "title,. Head oj Upper SchooL honor "tlke Edwards '03 WIth on aword
Garrison , Chns Harvey or Joe Matthews steal the headlines by making the winning free throw or nailing a three in the final seconds. Perhaps the crowning accomplishment for thiS team was the fact that they won with class. The school was proud of them not only as basketball players but as young men. Many thanks to all of you who shared in thiS team's unique and unforgettable season .
Page 17
Athletic Update Continued
Spring Sports Wrap-up By Janet Rice , Athletic Director The spring sports season dodged the rainfall all season , but we had some success along the way. The varsity girls ' tennis team clinched the Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC) Tournament title for the 5th consecutive year. With an overall record of 7-8 , the squad was 6-2 in the VCC . With a predominantly middle school group, the Spartans had a good season. Junior Meg Robertson , the team captain , captured the Runner-Up title at the #1 seed in the VCC tournament. Seventh-grader Dana Powell won the #2 singles crown while classmate Polly Cannella clinched the title at the #4 seed . Freshmen Rachel Petock won the #5 single title while El izabeth Newins was Runner-Up at the 6th seed . In doubles play, Meg Robertson and Dana Powell were victorious at the #1 spot while Yu Sasak i and Polly Cannella captured the #2 title . Corbi n Leitch and Rachel Petock came in 2nd in the #3 seeded position . The girls also play in the League of Independent Schools (LIS). In the LIS Tournament, Dana Powell and Corbin Leitch won the consolation titles at the #2 and #6 singles respectively. In the second year back in existence , the varsity boys' team had a good season . The team was led by co-captains Edd ie Fuller and Bradley De Wet. The season ended with a 4-11 record , but they had a 4-2 record in Virginia Commonwealth Conference and placed 2nd in the VCC Tournament. Not bad for a team comprised of 50% middle school players . At the athletic awards night, seventh-grader Coleman Sm ith was named the team's Most Valuable Player while Roy Hamilton was given the Most Improved Award . The varsity boys' lacrosse team suffered an inordinate amount of injuries and were unable to play their remaining two regular season games. With an overall record of 3-12 , the team was unable to surmount the effects of the injuries. One very bright spot was the outstanding performance of senior goalkeeper, Blake Frostick . With 242 "saves", Frostick had a "save percentage" of 63% . Offensively, the leam was led by three strong attack players . Junior Chris Harvey had 26
lacrosse. The varsity golf team participated in the Virg inia Commonwealth Conference and finished in 4th place at the VCC Tournament. Taylor Christian led the team throughout the season and was named the team's Most Valuable Player, while Will Metcalf was given the Most Improved Award . We had a middle school boys' and girls' lacrosse team . The girls got off to a slow start, but ended the season at 4-6 and they won their last four games. Improvement was seen each week and the season ended with a 11-6 victory over St. Catherine's. The opposing coach commented on the Spartans' vast improvement since their previous game with the Saints. The middle school boys' team finished with an 8-6 record with victories over Collegiate , Nansemond Suffolk Academy, Tandem and Chesterfield Club. In addition , the team placed second in the VES Invitational. In the defensive realm , several players contributed to the success of the team by their performances in the goal. Barrett Deacon , Micah Keller, and Jack Qu inn shared the "keeper" duties and did a wonderful job. The offense was spearheaded by attack players such as Tim Brinn, Matt Deacon , Chris Skove and Micah Keller. At the athletic awards evening , Chris Skove was presented with the Most Improved Award , Matt Deacon was named Best Offensive Player, Micah Keller was chosen as the Best Defensive Player while Tim Bri nn was named as the team 's Most Valuable Player.
goals while classmate Au s tin H a m ilton added 23 .
Senior Alex Benson also scored 23 goals. The season began on a brig ht note with a 2nd place finish in the Steward Invitational. After defeating West End Club , the Spartans fell in a close championship match to Trinity by a score of 9-7 . The season's highlight game was a "come from behind" victory over Hampton Roads Academy in overtime . The Spartans won the game by a score of 6-5 and Chris Harvey scored 5 of the goals. The varsity girls' lacrosse team ended their season with a 7-8-1 record . One of the team's best games was a 15-12 victory over Norfolk Collegiate which was followed by a 10-3 decision over Nansemond Suffolk Academy. Sophomores led the team in scoring behind offensive players Kate Garner, Morgan Hutchinson , and Sarah Meigs. Katie Perkins was the goalie. Hutchinson and Meigs were named to the All-LIS team for Division II LIS Page 18
The Vomly Glrfj' Tenms Team '02,'03: Meg Robertson '0' (kneElmg). Dono Powell 'OB. Corbin Leitch '09, Polty Cannella 'OS. Rochel Peted '06. flizotH!th HeWinS '06. Internotional student Yu SUlak. and (oach Jane Tuohey (baCk row). The ladles
vee Tournament Chomplons In 2003 for (he fifth Consecutive Yeor,
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall 2003
Spartan SpotLight
Czech Mayor Thanks Steward By: Steve Kautz, Economics Teacher The Czech Republic suffered devastating noods in the summer of 2002 and the town of Blatna was particularly hard hit. Steward is connected to Blatna by having hosted students Vitek Ruzicka and Ivo Jansky in '02-'03. When the word came to Steward about the nooding, Steward staff and students contributed generously. More than $1 ,500 was raised at Steward and sent directly to the people of Blatna through a Czech foundation working with the New York based Foundation for a Civil Society. The Class of 2003 deserves special recognition for donating $1 ,OOO! The following is a note from Blatna's mayor regarding the donation (Thanks to my friend , Lubos Vins, for the translation): Dear Teachers and Students of The Steward Schooll In the name of Blatna I'd like to thank all donators who contributed to last year's Blatna flood relief collection organized by our friend Mr. Steve Kautz. We consider each single contribution an act of good will and solidarity! The money was used for covering the cost of necessary repairs and cleaning the town of the mud and debris. Dear friends , we thank you very much! Regards, Mr. Jiri Mikes Mayor of Blatna, The Czech Republic
Thank you from the Parents' Association for Another Successful Year! The Parents' Association thanks parents and students for all of your help this year. Here is a sampling of the funds raised and items that the school received because of your generous support, Franco's Frozen Dinners Target General Mills Boxtops Kroger Campbell's "Make a Difference Week"
$2400,00 $703,80 $778,10 Books, Recorder, Listening Station Two-way Radios 400 lbs. of Food donated to the Lamb's Basket
Dancing at Steward by Melanie Casper, Dance Teacher
And the Czech version " . Va~en l
uilitele a studentl The Steward Schooll Rad bych jmenem mista Blatna podlkoval v" em darcum, kte0i p0isplli do loaske sbirky na pomoc zaplavami posti<!ene Blatne, kterou zorganizoval na p0ftel pan Steve Kautz. Ka<!dO p01splvek pova<!ujeme za akt dobra vule a solidarity! Penlze byly pou<!ity na pokrytl nakladu na nezby1ne opravy, vyei ,}tlnl mlsta od bahna a trosek. Drazi p08tela, velmi Vam dlkujeme, ing. Ji01 Mikev, starosta mlsta Blatna, Eeska Republika .
Last spring Steward students received a grant from Partners in the Arts to participate in a dance program at our school. Students in kindergarten through eighth grades had an opportunity to work for five weeks with members of the Starr Foster Dance Project, a modern dance company based in Richmond . The Starr Foster Dance Project taught lessons by grade level which directly correlated with that grade's Social Studies curriculum . Students suggested topics . and then appropriate dance moves were created by the instructors. During four practice sessions , each class mastered movements that represented the content of their curriculum . Students in grades 3-8 then performed in a final dance exhibition in May. Through the tremendous efforts of Mrs. Zinder and generous donations from Partners in the Arts . students in grades 3, 4. and 5 had the opportunity to create a costume in Art class to wear for this culminating activity in the Cramer Center. All students, faculty, parents, and members of the Partners in the Arts Council were invited to view this special performance. Classes performed flawlessly, and the students stated they will always remember the content of the dances they learned. Many thanks to Partners in the Arts for this wonderful experience for our students.
Blarno'j tO~I?' now a publIC monument. protected the
town 'j cQslie for severol (en tunes.
Page 19
Spartan Spotlight Continued
A Celebration of Philanthropy and the Dedication of the Terrace By Graham Sellors, Director of Development On the evening of May 29, 2003 more than one hundred guests enjoyed hors d' oeuvres , beverages, and the atmosphere in the lobby and the art gallery of the Cramer Center, as part of the Philanthropy Celebration and the Dedication of the Waddell Terrace . Although it had been raining for days, the rain stopped long enough for the sun to show through , allowing the main portions of the event to be held on the terrace. Roger Coulombe, Headmaster, and Ferd Baruch, Chairman of the Board of Trustees , thanked everyone for their generous support in the Annual Giving campaign . Kevin Strecker, Chair of the Annual Giving Campaign , also thanked everyone for being a part of this year's Annual Giving Campaign and for helping to provide the funds necessary to cover the $1 ,200 per child enrichment over and above tuition . Mr. Strecker then thanked Russell Perkins, Chip Forbes, and Wray Powell for their effort, support and leadership as Division Chairs for the Campaign. Mr. Baruch announced that he was honored to be part of the evening's dedication of the terrace to William R. Waddell. He asked Bill to join him at the podium. Mr. Baruch expla ined that Mr. Waddell's relationship with The Steward School started in 1985. Throughout the 18 years Mr. Waddell has been involved with Steward, he has contributed much; the accomplishments include Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Steward School Foundation . Mr. Baruch thanked Mr. Waddell for his involvement and dedication to our school. He concluded his praise by stating that while he was grateful for every1hing Mr. Waddell has done for Steward he is still looking forward to him being Involved with the school in the future . Mr. Baruch asked Mr. Waddell's son , Keith Waddell , Steward Class of '87, to unveil the plaque that is on the wall on the terrace. The plaque reads:
honor and he said that he was grateful that his wife , all three of his sons , his two brothers and many of his friends could join him that night. Mr. Waddell also announced that he has purchased two stone benches to enhance the terrace. He wanted to continue the concept of using a defining word on a bench , similar to the bench dedicated to Lee Collier in her memorial garden. Mr. Waddell explained that one of the benches will have "Listen" on it and will honor his father. The other bench was jointly sponsored by Keith '87 and will have "Persevere" engraved on it. He hopes that as students pass by or sit on the benches in years to come they will reflect not only on the importance on those words in life, but on the fact that sometimes a balance must be struck between two virtues. Mr. Waddell hopes that this tradition will be continued on other benches that may be placed on or near the terrace .
LInda WaddelL Paut (tomtn Ann (oral
photo ot the dedlcatfon of rhe Waddell rerro(e
and SIll Waddell goth!?t for
路: ......................................................... :.
New Hours for the Bookstore
Effective Aug. 11, 2003
spnng Z003.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 a.m. - 1:40 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
路......................................................... . Page ZO
Blue & Gold Summer/Fall Z003
~ Spartan Spotlight Continued Michelle Anderson-Haigler Remembered A Steward alumna passes on, but is not forgotten By' Brenda Turner, Upper School English Teacher As many of you know, Steward School held a special place in Michelle Haigler's heart, and for a moment I would like to share with you how much Michelle touched the hearts and lives of our Steward community. Carolyn Brandt, Assistant Head of School, recalls Michelle as a student in the Upper School: "I remember Michelle's performance in two of our spring musicals. As Annie Oakley In "Annie Get Your Gun " and as Nellie Forbush in "South Pacific," Michelle literally lit up the stage with her energy." Laraine Brumberg, Michelle's American History teacher reminisces, "Michelle was always eager to come to history class . I thought I was the one inspiring her; the reality was, Michael Pierce was in that class , and he was her major interest, not the Monroe Doctrine." Ian Coddington, Dean of Students for the Upper School, contributes, "When Michelle was in the eighth grade, we had a ropes course in the woods at the back of the school property. One of the team building activities included a challenge where every member had to scale a twelve foot wall without the assistance of ropes or ladders. I will never forget the look on the face of Michelle and her peers as she came over the top of that wall ." In recent years, Michelle returned to Steward School and served in a number of capacities. She helped Lee A yearboci p '1ute oj "" heflt. 4"denon HOIl}le 91
Healey in the Extended Day/After School Program. Lee comments , "Michelle was an upbeat person who was always thinking up fun projects for our Extended Day children . She brought in her 'big boom box' and set up a stage in the Dining Commons where Phoebe Jenkins and Mary Lee White would lip sync to Bntney Spears songs ." Catesby Jones, Dean of the Middle School adds, "Michelle loved working with the Lower School students for Stunt Talent Night. She helped my daughter Eliza, when she was in kindergarten , to choreograph a dance to 'Dancing Queen.' My wife Sarah and I don't know who was more entertaining-Eliza or Michelle as she stood on the side Singing and dancing along with Eliza." Debbie Hanger, Head of the Lower School remarks , "Students in the Lower School loved Michelle. They lit up whenever she came into the classroom. She was a multi-talented young woman who was willing to help my teachers in any way she could . We had a 'Michelle box' Into which we
H'cheUe Anderson-HaIgler '91 ond her
son Houston.
would insert requests for special favors such as designing charts , laminating posters, and photocopying materials." Rugene Paulette, Head of the Fine Arts Department, concurs , "Michelle was invaluable to Bonnie Anderson as her assistant in the Music department. Not only did Michelle help with the day-to-day aspects of conducting a program for students in grades K-12 , but Michelle served as an inspiration and sounding board for many of Bonnie's ideas (or the Holiday Program and Grandparents' Day." Page 21
Alumni Action Class Notes Class of 1985 Sam Ketner is an advanced engineering leacher al Jamestown High School in Williamsburg . Last summer he taught at Henrico High School here in Richmond . Class of 1991 Carrie Meyer and her husband Luke Suber had a baby girl , Caroline Elaine. on January 19. 2003. She was born at 11 :15 p.m. at 20112 inches long and weighed 6 pounds, 20 ounces.
Several chIldren 0/ alumm enJoy tht?
School pool- on the Waddell renace
at Summer/est 1003.
Class of 2001 Andrea Lehmann received her undergraduate degree last spring from the College of Economics Berne-Neufeld, and plans to attend a bilingual law school in Fribourg, Switzerland.
John Klpfey '99 a paratrooper stGoofled tD
ltaly. penes for a photo oVrt, a Jello~
Class of 1992 Fa isal Quresh i and his wife Traci had a baby girl. At 19 3/4 inches long, Saara Hanifa was born on June 25. 2003 at 6:31 p.m. Class of 1997 Heidi Arlsta graduated from the Universidad Tecnolog ica de Mexico Dental School in July 2002. She completed a year of dental public service at a Mexico C ity hospital in
July and hopes to pursue a specialty. Class of 1998 Aaron Payne is majoring in Sports Marketin9 and Management at Marshall University. He is also the tournament director for the West Virginia Golf Association , setting up amateur golf tournaments around the state. Class of 1999 Fahad Qu resh i graduated from the University of Virginia Mcintire School of Commerce in May 2003 with a degree in business and a concentration in Management of Information Technology and Marketing.
Page 22
Sarah Martensteln is on the Varsity Equestrian team for the College of Charleston. and placed In an equestrian competition at the University of Florida in January 2003. Sarah is also the captain of the field hockey team this year. Class of 2002 Lainey Ashker started at the Univeristy of Virginia as a transfer student this fall.
Mark Your Calendars for Upcoming Steward Alumni Activities!
2004 January 3 Alumni Bowling 2-4 p.m. March Alumni Social (Date & Location TBA) April Alumni Azalea Sale May 21 Senior Breakfast TBA Alumni Summeifest 2004 June 8 Graduation
Blue & Gold Summer 'Fall 2003
~ ALumni Action Continued Casino Night January 25 - What a night! Fun was certainly had by the 150+ guests who gambled at the tables and bet on horses named Catch Up Coulombe , Barreling Brandt, Cooter, and Hot Coles. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event possible.
ALumni Gift Given at Senior Breakfast More than one hundred seniors, their families and faculty attended the 5th Annual Senior Breakfast on May 23. A great time was had by all , especially as Justin Lee . senior government teacher, read predictions about each senior five , ten , and even twenty years from now. Faculty members did a great job in devising these creative glimpses of the future. Faisal Qureshi '92, Alumni Board President, motivated the seniors with his uplifting speech and invited all of them to become involved with the Alumni Association in the fu ture. Last year's Distinguished Young Alumn i Gift was presented by Delaney Turnage Mescall '92, Vice President of Special Events, to Michael Edwards for his commitment and dedication to The Steward School and to community service. Thank you to all members of the Alumni Board who helped put this event together.
ALumni Attend Hurricane Henry Happy Hour On September 12, 2003, more than 30 alumni ventured through hurricane winds and rain to attend the happy hour at Potter's Pub. The alumni played musical chairs as they socialized with old friends . The main topic of conversation was "When I Went to Steward"; alumni were surprised to hear many of the changes including the weekly jeans day. Several alumni who had not been to the school grounds lately learned about the new facilities including the modern athletic center. Rumor has it that our dear gymnasium aka "The Barn" has now retired to a peaceful location overlooking Broad StreeURoute 250 in historic Goochland County.
ALumni Association Award DeLoney Turnage Mescoll '91 presents on award to MI~a? fdwarri5 at Senior Breo4!ast 1003.
ALums Share Good Times at Summerfest The sun came out long enough on Saturday, May 30, for the alumni and their families who gathered on The Waddell Terrace to have a great time on the Steward campus. Cabell Jones '98 and Drew Cosby '98 manned the grill cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for all - thank you Cabell and Drew! Several Alums and their children enjoyed splashing around in the water that accumulated after a stormy day. Steward continues to change; it now has a swimming pool on the Waddell Terrace!
At Graduation on June 5, 2003, Faisal Qureshi '92 presented Mary Congdon '03 with the Alumni Award . The Alumni Award is given annually to the graduating senior who has demonstrated , through works and actions , those hopes and dreams that the alumni have for the School.
ALumni Board Changes The Alumni Board would like to thank Heather B. Teachey '94 and Kate Porter Murray '92, who are rotating off the Board, for their commitment and dedication as members of the board. The Alumni Board welcomes Susan Cramer Twining '84 and Mary Harvard Nolde '93 to the Alumni Board for the 2003 - 2006 term .
Page 23
Announcing ...
a taste of steward The Steward School's First Cookbook Includes over 750 delicious and inventive recipes Contributions from grandparents, parents, extended family, students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the School Features over 50 student illustrations
Available now for $27 each at the Steward School Store. They make fantastic gifts, so think Spartan blue and gold when you do your gift shopping! Out of town? Want to order a copy and have it shipped to your house? Simply send your check for $27 plus $5 shipping & handling to: The Steward School. Attn: Cookbook Sales, 11600 Gayton Road, Richmond, Virginia 23233 or call Terry Powell @ 804-740-3394
Thank you for your support of The Steward School Parents' Association!
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Graduation 2
Above: Chris Byrne accepts his diploma from his mom, Belinda Byrne, who is also a Member of the Board of Trustees.
o o
Above: Pamela Lawrence accepts the Academic Award from Butch Keller Head of Upper School.
To the left: Ephraim Edmunds accepts an award for the Parents' Association Scholarship from Past President Judy Gupton .
Above: Tim Zeidan and Davi Lorenzo, both intemational students, present flags from their countries.
Above: Kourtney Boughey accepts the Brantley Blair Scott Leadership Scholarship Award from Butch Keller Head of Upper School.
THESrEWARDScHOOL I 1600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233
PA ID Ri c hmo nd , VA
Permit No, 9S