Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03 Vol.9 No.2

Page 1

Holiday Program 2002 - Thank Heavens!

Right: Second graders Stephanie Legg, Paige DeBell, and Phebe Jenkins L--------=-----'-..;;...-L.:..----'--~"'___I

Above: Sommer Hams '14

Below: Fifth graders Hayden Hodges and Taylor Wilson

Right: Lauro Fuhr '15

RIght- Potrick Strecker '10 Photos by John Alley


Winter 2002-03 Volume 9, Number 2

BLue and GoLd Table of Contents

From the Headmaster .................... .. ......... .. ................................................................ 2 Spartan Spirit Day .................................................................. .. ................. ........ .. ... ..... 3 Kindergartners Cook Up Something Special by Kate Strickland ............................. 4 Wild About Animals and Books! by Marcia Edwards ............................. .. .............. ..... 4 The Fifth Graders " Camp In" at the Science Museum by Bren Wi/berger '10 ......... 4 The Lower School Teachers ' Retreat by Kerry Blum ...................................... ........... 5 Holiday Community Service Projects by Attie Pearsall '08 ....................................... 6 Steward Students Participate in Prejudice Awareness Summit by Aileen Giordano '07 .................................. 6 Seventh Grade Visits Washington by Patrick McKeown '08 ...................................... 7 Middle School Honor Roll .......................................................................................... 7 Students Celebrate the Work of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Clay Fulk '07 & Elizabeth Ward '07 ...................... 8 Steward Student Travels to Honduras on Mission Trip by Shelby Holland .. ............. 9 Sophomore Class Visits Agecroft Hall by Ben Giglio '05 ........................................... 9 Environmental Club Update by Mary Greenlee ........................................................... 9 AP English Students Get a " Rare" Opportunity by Sarah Martin '03 ......... ............. 10 Upper School Honor Roll .............................................................................. ............ 10 Thank Heavensl by Bonnie Anderson ........................................................................ 11 New Elements Flavor Annual Thanksgiving Assembly by John McAlister ............. 11 Lower Schoolers Put on Plays by Craig Smith ......................................................... 12 On me Covers

Holiday Concert a Big Success by John McAlister ................ ............................... .. .. 12

Spartdn $p m Da ~ P )to by Paul Busse

Flowers for Algernon is a Hitl by Will Metcalf '04 .................................................... 13

Front Fr ihme'l A (I Bert lI.ur eez and S dr . . Ivf rrsenoy

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The Spartan Spotlight: Kate Strickland by Brenda Turner .... ... .. ......... .... ...... ........ .. 14 My Trip to the Galapagos Islands by J. Dewey Brown ............................................ 17 Athletic Update by Janet Rice ................................................... .......................... .. .... 20 Alumni Action by Mary Harvard Nolde '93 ................................. .. ............... .............. 22

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Blue & Gold is published four times each year for The Steward School community. Headmaster, Roger A. Coulombe Editor, Kelley Cuneo Coordinators: Estelle Grossman, Shelby Holland, Donna Jackson, Mary Harvard Nolde '93, Rugene Paulette, Janet Rice , Brenda Turner

For more information on The Steward School, please contact Scott Moncure '83, Director of Admission, at 804.565.2315 or by email at smoncure@ 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23233 804.740.3394 Fax 804.740.1464

The Steward School accepts qualified students without regard to race, religion, nationality, or ethnic origin.

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From the Headmaster As we achieve success in our athletic program, we must reflect on the importance of sportsmanship. The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), of which The Steward School is a member, provides 路Principles of Good Practice" in many areas of school life including , among others, admissions, teaching, trustee responsibility, and athletics. The Principles are presented as guidelines for proper policies and procedures in the administration and governance of a school. In the principles recommended for athletics, reference is made to parents and expectations surrounding the athletic program. The role of the parents is crucial in the success of any athletic program , and I believe Steward is fortunate to have a community of parents that represents and reflects what is best about our School. When one considers the many games over the period of an academic year at which the parents and guests are in attendance-soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, and others-there is ample opportunity to observe the impact of fan/parent behavior on the tenor of the game. From that perspective, Steward 's parents earn high marks. Our spectators support our athletes and , periodically, they let officials know they disagree when a call that is made is wrong! During the basketball season , spectator and player behavior has become even easier to observe because of the confined nature of the basketball court. Officials and players are in closer proximity to the spectators than in any other sport. The intensity of the effort and determination of the players is quite apparent, and the role of those in the grandstands on the complexion of the game becomes obvious. Steward has many basketball teams, ranging from Middle School level to junior varsity to varSity, for both boys and girls. When one considers the number of teams playing, the number of players involved, the number of

MIAe Edwards 'OJ and Coach Burch Kef/sr, dUrI'1g if

TfJe girls varSily bas~etball team enJOV5 a

breaA at halftime Ph!")t b~ Johf' ~{e~

parents present, and all occurring seven days per week , numerous circumstances can lend themselves to inappropriate actions on the part of many. It doesn't happen. Game officials and spectators from other schools have commented on the pleasure of the experience when they come to our Athletic Center for games. Along with many of our parents, I am fully aware that there are schools whose spectators are embarrassingly hostile to good sportsmanship and fair play, and too often the play of their team reflects that attitude. At Steward , we are having substantial success in athletics across the boa rd , and the present basketball season-at all levels. for both girls and boys- is a prime example of that success. With that success , expectations of players also increase: to play with intensity, to win games, and to do so with the commitment to high standards of sportsmanship. With all of that, one can be very impressed with and proud of our athletes whose comportment is admirable at all times . There is a direct connection between attitude and success , and our teams are prime examples of that formula . Finally, I encourage all parents to make the time to see your sons and daughters compete . The school years pass so quickly. The concept of the team and team play is of great importance to our student-athletes, so I encourage all of you to share in this special time for these young people. Once that door is closed , it can never be opened again .

'IIars;ty bOys basketball

game Pharo by John AI/ey

Page 2

Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03


Spartan Spirit Day

It may have been cold and windy, but it was still a great day for students, families, faculty, and friends of Steward! Saturday, November 23, was very cold and windy, but that didn't keep Steward 's students, alumni , families, friends, and staff from the 2002 Spartan Spirit Day. The festivities were originally scheduled to coincide with Homecoming on October 26, but both events were postponed as a safety precaution due to the D.C.-area sniper attacks of late October. On the patio outside the Athletic Center, the crowd warmed themselves with hot chocolate and Starbucks coffee provided by the eighth grade as they listened to music performed by former Steward student Tom Somerville and his band , Stolen Roses. Kids enjoyed the game booths manned by Lower School parents, including the ball toss and the duck float. Art teachers Rugene Paulette and Cindy Grissom took turns painting butterflies, rainbows, and Spartans on faces at the booth sponsored by the senior class , and the seventh grade's cake walk was a big hit as always. The moonwalk was also a favorite of children big and small. Inside the Athletic Center, the Steward Bazaar offered visitors a chance to shop at more than 30 vendors , with products such as Discovery Toys and Southern Living at Home as well as a variety of handmade crafts including hand-knit caps and mittens, jewelry. and breads and relishes. Each vendor donated wonderful items to be used in the tenth grade class' raffle, which was a huge success. For those who were hungry, delicious lunches were available from Karen 's Homemades and Boardwalk Hot Dogs, and the ninth grade class sold cakes, cookies, and other sweets.

Over 30 vendors pamc,pared In the Steward Bazaar m the muJclplJrpose gym Photo by Paul Busse

;"/dS and parents enjOy games and fun on the patiO ourslde (he Athletic Center PhOto by Paul Busse

After the parade , Headmaster Roger Coulombe introduced the Homecoming Court. Later that afternoon, students, families, and friends were treated to JV and varsity basketball games In the gym. Spartan Spirit Day went off without a hitch, thanks to help from all the parent, faculty, and student volunteers who spent many hours working on organizing the event. Many thanks go to faculty advisor Dewey Brown for his work with the Student Council and the Parents' Association . Thanks also to Tonya Owen and Sharon Forbes , for their tireless work in arrang ing wonderful , highquality vendors for the Steward Bazaar-and then rescheduling everything; to Cricket O'Connor for her tremendous job coordinating the Lower School carnival ; and to Jennifer Gnapp and Michelle Belt for spending the entire day manning the ticket table . We're already looking forward to next year's Spartan Spirit Day!

As members of the Homecommg Coun. semors DaVl Lorenzo and Mary Congdon fide In the parade Photo by Paul Busse

Page 3

Lower School (orner Kindergartners Cook Up Something Spedal By Kate Strickland, Kindergarten Teacher

Forty-four kindergartners and four teachers met one morning in the Dining Commons to make bread. This was the culminating activity after the students learned how yeast makes bubbles when given warm water and sugar. Each child brought in one ingredient, while the teachers brought the bakeware and measuring utensils. The children , who were divided into four random groups, were given labels bearing their assigned tasks . They blended flour with dry ingredients, mixed yeast with warm water and honey, and took turns stirring. Then on to the fun job- kneading a ball of dough to the perfect consistency! Luckily, most of the flour did end up on the

Local atJthor Gm/ef Clarke shares a booA w{(h founh graders Chnslophsr WaiAer. Caroline Rakes, MIchael Noffsmger and Mollie Hargrove Photo by Estelle Grossman

dough. It takes patience to make bread . The students had to

watch the dough rise-and then shape their dough and watch it rise again. One group made snake-shaped bread , while the other groups chose to shape theirs into a bear, a heart, and a rabbit. After fifteen minutes in the oven , the bread was finally done. Yum!

Kindergartners Lydia HeItman. JacQuelme Mane! Ryan Cornell. 8raeden Glancy. and Laura Fuhr wall for chelf bread co nse Photo by Estelle Grossman

Wild About Animals and Books! By Marcia Edwards, Coordinator, Steward Enrichment Program

The Lower School enjoyed a visit from local author Glnjer Clarke during National Book Week. She shared three books she has written for elementary-aged children. They are Wild Dad!, Sharks!, and Baby Alligator. Ms. Clarke talked about how she started writing and what inspires her. She shared with the students all the steps involved in getting a book published. Our students gave her lots of ideas for other books she should write .

The fifth Graders ;Tamp In" at the Sdence Museum By Bren Wi/berger ' lO

When The Steward School's fifth grade arrived at the Science Museum of Virginia for a -camp-in" on January 11 , we all thought that it would be boring-but we were all wrongl The first thing we did was to attend an introduction to the museum. We found out what we would be doing that night. There were at least 300 kids from all different schools there . After the introduction, the first thing we did was go to a robot class where they ta lked about how to make a

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Btue & Gotd Winter 2002-03

Lower School Corner continued robot. We were then put into small groups with the test of making a robot that would make it through an obstacle course . The robot needed to be able to knock a ball off a coffee can , go up and down a ramp , move the ball through part of the course, and dodge all the road signs. The only hard thing was, you had to make your robot using only Legos, a nuler, string , and a remote-control car! My team didn't win , but it was really neat! Next we went to a classroom to learn about the human body. We talked about some of the weird things about the body. Finally we got to the fun part- we made "snot: which was a lot like Gak. Making "snot" was my favorite! After that, we went to a survival class , where we learned about how to take care of ourselves in the wild . We identified animal tracks , made shelters, tried to build a fire , and packed a backpack with only the basic things we needed for survival. After a quick snack, we went to see a play. It only had two people in it. It was about a bear that comes into a man 's yard and he does not like it. I liked it because we got to choose whether the bear should die or survive. Well , the bear survived . It was a great play! Unfortunately, then we had to go to bed . We slept in the main entrance of the museum, and it was really strange but we finally fell asleep. In the morning we got up and had breakfast and then saw two Imax films. The first one was about rocks and the second was called Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees. Both movies were really good . We got home around 10:30 that morning. I hope everyone in the fifth grade had as much fun as I did!

Fifth graders Mdr}! Taylor Tepper. tNyart Moore ShelbY' Thompson, and BIlly Bel! bUild a rOOOI 8t rhe SCltmce

The Lower School Teachers' Retreat By Kerry Blum, Fifth Grade Teacher The Lower School staff recently had a wonderful getaway retreat over the weekend of November 24-25 We were offered the use of a private home on Afton Mountain, and we certainly enjoyed having time away to relax and diSCUSS Issues related to school , curnculum , and future plans. In addition to the diSCUSSions, the sixteen teachers hiked, ate wonderful food , and got to know each other In a different enVIronment. It's no wonder the Lower School teachers call each other colleagues and friends While we were disappointed to be away during Spartan Spirit Day at Steward, we wouldnt have missed this great opportUnity to spend time With each other l

LO'o'\<er School Head Debbie Hanger enjOys a hlA.e dUflng (he Lower

School teachers retresr

Congratulations to the Fourth Grade

Museum s Camrrln'

The fourth grade won the Lower School's General Mills/Campbell's box tops & labels contest! Page 5

MiddLe SchooL Update Holiday Community Service Projects

they hope to do a similar project next year.

By Attie Pearsall 'DB

These were just some of the community service projects in the Middle School that helped to spread a little holiday cheer!

During December, there were many community service projects popping up in Middle School advisories at Steward . Advisories came up with many great ideas and then worked hard to fulfill them . One example was Cindy Grissom 's advisory. They did a two-part service project for the Angel Tree and a

Steward Students Partidpate in Prejudice Awareness Summit

needy family. The Angel Tree is a project that helps get Christmas presents for children and adults who are not as fortunate as many of us. Half of Mrs. Grissom 's advisees brought in $20 each to take to Target and buy gifts for a four-year-old girl. The other half of the advisees went to the Dollar Tree and purchased necessities for a needy family. They also bought a little gift for each family member. Mrs. Grissom was impressed with the way her advisees pulled together to help out. The advisories of Chris Conquest, Craig Smith , and Catesby Jones also helped out during the holiday season. All three advisories sponsored a fund raiser to benefit CARITAS. It was a contest to see which homeroom could raise the most money for CARITAS. The winning homeroom got two free dress-down days. The contest lasted five weeks and raised over $150. This holiday season , another advisory helped make life a little brighter for one little girl. Stefanle Trickier's advisory got the name of a young girl from St. James Episcopal Church. The advisees pooled their money and purchased her a radio/CD/tape player. Everyone in Ms. Trickier's advisory was very happy with the results, and Srefsme Tnck.ler 's seventh grade adVISOry group partlclpares In a community service oro/eel Back row JadJe Moncure. Aiel{ Matlock Anna Greenlee ArtiS Pearsa I Margaret GuPton. Anne-Sims Honey. Scefanls Tnckler Front row Kelsey Mohrmg. Aarhy Northrop Photo by Maf1( Harvard Nolde

By Aileen Giordano 'DB

In November, Chip Chapman and a small group of seventh and eighth graders attend the Jewish Women International's Prejudice Awareness Summit at Congregation Beth Ahabah in Richmond . The group included Laura Skove 'DB, Patrick McKeown 'DB. Micah Keller 'DB. Aileen Giordano 'DB, Amanda Lipscomb '07, Nastla Komova '07, Tucker Bloom '07 , and Naureen Jiwani '07. The day began with an icebreaking activity, followed by an emotive presentation by Dr. Terence Roberts . He is one of the Little Rock Nine, a group of African-American men and women who were integrated by choice into a white school in Alabama in 1955. Dr. Roberts was tormented by students, teachers, and protesters alike, all of whom wished to keep the prestigious school segregated. It took an army of 1,000 National Guardsmen to get the group into the school , where they were then physically abused. After experiencing these horrific deeds, Dr. Roberts wanted to make sure that young people understood the evil of prejudice. With this in mind, he conducted his presentalion , which later served as a topic of discussion for the students. Representatives from private and public schools from all over Virginia came together to learn. This provided great diversity in races and socio-economic backgrounds, but all were friendly and eager to participate in the next activity, 路When I Felt Different. " After that, the non-violent conflict resolution plan S.O.C.S. was taught. S.O.C.S. stands for Situation Options Consequences Solution. Lastly, participants engaged in an open conversation about prejudice and its origin , ignorance. One of the foremost reasons for holding the summit was to spread awareness, and each school has decided to do something to raise consciousness . The Steward School students have many plans in place to help people respect and honor difference, both in the school and in the community. The students who were lucky enough to attend the meeting gained a greater sense of respect , especially after hearing Dr. Roberts speak.

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Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03

Middle School Update continued Seventh Grade Visits Washington 8y Patrick McKeown '08

On January 16, the seventh grade went to Washington , D.C., on a field trip . On our way to the Smithsonian , we stopped across from the White House. There we saw protesters setting up for their protest against the war with Iraq . Next we went to the Smithsonian Museum of Art where we saw the George Catlin exhibit. George Catlin is well known for his Native American paintings. The unique collection of works . which ranged from Indian lacrosse paintings to original buffalo warrior battlements, took up two floors. The favorite artifact of our group was a recreation of a tepee from the Sioux tribe . Our last stop was the Pentagon. The tour there was extremely informative and interesting. Some of the people in our group were Invited to Sergeant Major Jack Tilley's office. He is a high-ranking Army officer. The Pentagon has seventeen restaurants , a post office, a bank, and a

vending machine for renting movies. There is a hall for every branch of the armed forces. In the Air Force hall, there are models of every plane that has been built up through the year 2001. A new part of the Pentagon was being built to honor those who died there on September 11 . The Pentagon had a biography on each individual who perished that day. On the walls they had the names of all the victims. There were also pieces of paper and charcoal , which were there for visitors to trace the victims' names and put them up on the wall. The Pentagon hosts a room for the recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, from the Revolutionary War through the Kosovo conflict. There has only been one woman who has won the Medal of Honor. She was a nurse in the Civil War. On the tour we walked a mile and a half, but it was worth the long walk . It was an educational and exciting trip.

Middle School Honor Roll & Headmaster's List Second Marking Period (2), First Semester (5), Headmaster's List (H) Grade 6 Ellie Bryan (S) Hannah Byme (2.S.H) Sarah Camey (2.S.H) Blakely Cohen (2.S) Chnstlne Cra'9 (2.S .H) Ken Drummond (2.S H) DaVid Dwyer (2.S) Madison ElliS (2.S) Beth Farmer (2.S) Danl Fra zer (S) Mark Hargrove (S) Sarah Hargrove (2.S) Chloe Higgins (2.S) Christine Kasper (2.S.H) Diana Keith (2.S.H) Sam Kelier (2.S.H) Rachel Kew..r (5) Paulina lange (2.S.H) Cathenne LIllard (2.S) Ale. McMillan (2.S) Colson Perkins (2.S) Kelsea Pieters (S) WIlliam Shlmer(2 .S.H) VeronlCB Tharp (S) Nathan Willett (2.S) Elliott Wortham (5) Elizabeth Young (2.S.H)

Grade 7 Grace BezlrdJlan (2,S.H) Cart Dageforde (2.S) Emily Dameron (2.S) Beth DIXon (2.S) Stephen Glanfortoni (2.S) Aileen GIOrdano (2.S .H) Anna Greenlee (2.S.H) Margaret Gupton (2.S) Elizabeth Hickman (2.S.H) Patnck McKeown (2.S) Kelsey Mohnng (2.S.H) Jackie Moncure (2.5) Allie Pearsall (2.S) Johanna Reckenbell (2.S.H) Laura Skove (2.S) Adam Smith (2.S) Mimi Tanaka (2.S) Juliana Thurston (2.S)

Grade 8 Mon~e Anderson (2.S) Tucker Bloom (S) MonlCS Casper (2.S) Sarah Delaney (S) Tyler Hams (2.S .H) Tanna Hesal~ne (2.S) Beth Howard (2.5) Naureen J,want (2.S) Katy Kasper (2 .S.H) Nastia Komova (2 .S) Ka,tlin Meyer (2.5) Megan Rhodes (2.S.H) Chnstopher Skove (S) Mary Margaret Watson (S)

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Middle School Update continued

Students Celebrate the Work of Martin Luther King, Jr. By Clay Fulk '07 and Elizabeth Ward '07

What does Martin Luther King, Jr. Day mean to you? For some people , it's a day to congregate at the Arthur Ashe Center to celebrate freedom . For others , it's a day to spend time with family and friends . There are many different ways to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and at The Steward School , we commemorated the holiday with a special guest speaker, Tony Cosby , and his pianist. Kevin Puller. Mr. Cosby, who is the founder and director of Theatre & Company as well as a drama coach for Richmond Public Schools, reenacted several of Martin Luther King , Jr.'s speeches . A graduate of Bowie State University, Mr. Cosby majored in theatre and became an actor shortly after his graduation. A few years ago, he was asked by a church pastor to read some of Martin Luther King , Jr.'s speeches as part of a special church service on the national holiday.

Tony COSby performs severa! of MarTIn Luther Kmg. Jr 5 speeches for Sreward s Middle and Upper Schoo! srudents

Afterward , many people approached him, telling him how much they enjoyed his performance and how deeply it moved them. He then decided that he would perform these speeches at many functions throughout the region . Here at Steward , he recited three of Dr. King's famous speeches: "I Have a Dream ," "I've Been to the Mountaintop," and the untitled speech that was spoken at his funeral. As Mr. Cosby spoke , musician Kevin Puller

as 50 death threats per day. "I don't know what will happen now ... 1just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land . I may not get there with

played the piano In the background . Between the

you . But I want you to know tonight, that we , as a people ,

speeches, Mr. Puller also sang the famous spirituals

will get to the Promised Land . And I'm happy, tonight. I'm

"Everything Will Be All Right" and "We Shall Overcome ."

not worried about anything . I'm not fearing any man. Mine

Their performances were simple, yet beautiful , and very

eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord ." The

moving. "I Have a Dream" is Dr. King's most famous speech . He gave the speech in 1963 during the famous March on Washington , a massive demonstration for equal rights for blacks. In it, Dr. King expressed the dream that one day his children might "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Although many

prophetic and haunting words still ring across to us almost 40 years later. In the untitled speech of his that was read at hiS funeral , Dr. King expressed hope that he would be remembered not for his fame , his Nobel Peace Prize, or any of the other awards he had received , but for being a

members of the audience had heard the speech before ,

drum major for peace , justice. and righteousness. Tony Cosby touched many members of his

Mr. Cosby's gestures and expressions brought the

fascinated audience with his expressions and emotion .

speech alive for them once again . "I've Been to the Mountaintop" is a moving speech that inspired people to carry on the fight for civil rights after

He concluded his presentation with a challenge to the student body to pick up Dr. King's torch and fight for justice and peace .

Dr. King's death. He gave the speech the night before he was killed , He had gone to Memphis to lead a sanitation workers' march. His speech was written as if he knew he might die soon because he had been receiving as many Page 8

Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03

Upper SchooL News Steward Student Travels to Honduras on Mjssjon Trip

Sophomore Class Visjts Agecrojt Hall

By Shelby Hal/and, Foreign Language Department Chair

By Ben Giglio '05

During the first two weeks of January, senior Lee Patton was in San Pedro, Honduras, on a mission trip , The trip was sponsored by St. James Episcopal Church in Richmond , and its purpose was to aid in constructing a school and to do work at the local orphanage , Lee's father James and older brother J.D. also went on the trip . Each day began at 8:00 a.m. with six straight hours of construction on the school , followed by a break for lunch . Afterward , the group headed to the orphanage for the rest of the afternoon, where the trip's members entertained the more than sixty children with games and fun projects. Lee is no stranger to Central America . This is his second mission trip to Honduras, and one of several to Central America . It helps that he is nuent in Spanish. He was one of only two people on the trip who spoke Spanish , and since very few of Ihe Hondurans spoke English , Lee was a valuable asset.

In mid-January, the sophomore class visited Agecroft Hall, a mansion bUilt in Tudor England. The house was built in the late-fifteenth century near Manchester. In 1926, Thomas C. Williams, Jr. bought the house and relocated it to Richmond . Mr. Williams and his family lived in Agecroft until 1967. In 1969, the house was converted into a museum and opened to the public.

Senior Lee Patton enjOys the beaut., of HondurdS during hiS miSSion rr'p m January

Upon arriving at the mansion , we heard a lecture entitled "The Life and Reign of Elizabeth I: Following the lecture, the tenth graders toured the estate and learned about the many uses of the artifacts displayed in the museum .

Environmental Club Update By Mary Greenlee, Science Teacher

The Environmental Club continues to recycle the white paper on campus. Thanks to all of you who carefully sort your papers before you put them into the bins. Our first Gayton Road Clean Up of 2003 was held on February 8. For those of you who missed it and want to participate, we have two more scheduled for April 12 and May 10. Each clean up starts at 11 :00 a.m. and lasts aboul two hours. Participants must be 18 in order to pick up along the road , and the club will provide gorgeous day-glow vests and gloves. In other science news, the greenhouse is currently over-wintering a variety of ferns and plant specimens for our botany labs. The biology class has just planted 100 corn seeds from a cross of two heterozygous parents. The resulting offspring should exhibit the classic three-toone ratio of dominant to recessive phenotypes. This demonstration parallels the famous pea plant crosses done by Gregor Mendel. The environmental science class is planning a sunnower project to increase availability of food resources for our urban bird friends. Anyone interested in volunteering for the Gayton Road Clean Up, or any parent volunteers who would like to work with students in the greenhouse, should contact Mary Greenlee at Steward at (804) 740-3394 ext. 418 or by email at greenlem@stewardschool org .

Page 9

Upper School News continued

AP English Students Get A "Rare" Opportunity by Sarah Martin '03 On Wednesday, January 8, the AP English class traveled to Charlottesville to visit the University of Virginia's Special Collections Library. One of the most extensive in the nation , the collection includes illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages as well as original pages from Gutenberg 's Mazarin Bible (c. 1455), the first book ever produced with the printing press. Students also viewed original printer's copies of the Declaration of Independence (approximately twenty-five are known to exist) , as well as original manuscripts-complete with scratch-outs and changes- by such prominent American writers as William Faulkner, Mark Twain , Emily Dickinson , Walt Whitman , and Stephen Crane. The students also learned about the steps that libraries and museums must take in order to preserve one-of-a-kind literary and historical documents, including an MlJf :: Ebemafat OJ and BliJ.,e FraS(.c.. 03

elaborate underground , temperature-controlled vault equipped with a halon gas system , which removes the oxygen from the room in case of fire . Overall , it was a unique opportunity to view the actual pages that form our literary history.

Upper School Headmaster's List & Honor Roll Second Marking Period and/or First Semester Grade 9 Honor Roll Afton Bartlett Beverley Borum PhIlip Carter Bradley DeWet Ten Fitzgerald SCldney Moms Rachel Petock OougSmlth Anne Stiles Sam Z,mmer Grade 10 Honor Roll Bnttney Bertozzl Clay Carter WlliChnstian Ashley Cooper Chrts Harvey Nathan Jamerson Rachel Lona lauren MaliZia Rachael Meyers Sarah Newcomb Came Ryan Cary Thompson Wallace Young Page 10

Grade 11 Honor Roll Hilary Beck Spencer Best Malt Gallo FaIth Gray Claire Ha lauren Hams IvoJansky Teresa KaIser Jeremy Karmollnski Coleman Kay lindsey Leach Evan Lyne Chnsbna Nelson Came Newman Amy Strtckland Kendall Tate

Grade 12 Honor Roll EphraIm Edmunds Pamela lawrence Breit Sandberg Allison Strtckland Ann Yates Wyatt TimZeldan

H Ryan Delaney '06 Ben Giglio '05 Sarah Greenlee '06 Katie-Beth Kurllecz '06 Elizabeth Newlns '06 Lindsay Saltzberg '04 Jenny Siddall '06 Kayla Ward '06

Keep up the good work!

Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03

Fine Arts at Steward Thank Heavens! By Bonn;e Anderson, Music Teacher At the close of the final performance of the 2002 Lower School Holiday Program. Thank Heavens! , those two words came to mind not only as the program's tille but also as my perception of this year's production. Thank heavens we finally have a beautiful facility to showcase all of the hard work our students put into the program. Thank heavens we now have a technical director to oversee all of the technical aspects of the performances. Thank heavens we have a stage large enough to hold our evergrowing student population and allow us to preserve the "all Lower School production" that has become a favorite tradition of our students. Over 200 little angels sang and danced to the holiday repertoire . The cast was comprised of a second grader and fifteen fifth graders. The angels in heaven were led by SI. Peter (Patrick Strecker '10) and the head angel in charge of December celebrations , Gabnel , played by Taylor Wilson '10. Heaven's musical director, Gladys (Whitley Menges '10), held auditions for the All Star Chorus and inducted three new members, played by fifth graders Taylor Scott, Thomas Davis , and Elizabeth Tyson . There were other heavenly hosts who helped the newest member of the group, Noel, played by second grader Kendall Huennekens, find her place in the ethereal chorus. These guides included Marlissa (Taylor Booth F.tttt grader Ellabern Tyson plays a nelll. membf,1r 01 me heavenl.,. chorus Photo by John Alley

'10), Marty (Hayden Hodges ' 10), Danielle (Samantha Spangler '10), Mattie (Shelby Thompson '10), Celeste (Izzy Pearsall '10), Mickie (Samantha Bisger '10), Angela (Bren Wilberger '10), Pedro (Brendan Auman '10), and Aria (Mary Taylor Tepper '10). The story revolved around heaven 's newest member, Noel , and her monotone singing voice . In order to be included in the heavenly chOir, Noel needed to be able to sing. All of the angels were there to help her find her "voice: There were cherubim, played by the kindergartners; snow angels, played by the first grade; rock 'n roll angels, played by the third grade and led by Elvis (Harrison Jones '12), Jewish angels, played by the fourth grade; and Spanish angels from the fifth grade. It wasn't until the Junior Angel ChOir. played by the second graders, discovered that Noel's one note fit into all of the heavenly chords that she became a popular member of the choir. SI. Peter awarded the little angel with her golden wings, and in her excitement she new high in the air while the entire heavenly group performed "Sing Merrily, Sing!" Thank heavens I had such a wonderful group of students to direct this year! The rehearsals were wonderful , and the cooperation from the Lower School student body was amazing! Of course. the angelic Lower School teachers were responsible for guiding the classes and making Thank Haavens! a memorable experience for all.

New Elements Flavor Annual Thanksgiving Assembly By John McAlister, Instrumental Music Teacher The annual Steward School Thanksgiving program presented a variety of music and Thanksgiving speakers from each division of the School in the setting of the new Cramer Center Theatre . The Lower School presentation had much variety. The kindergarten , first, and second grades performed their songs with a little help from "Timothy Turkey" played by Sophie Lange '15 and "L.L. Kool K" played by Upper School student Katie Perkins '05. The third and fourth grade students presented the traditional Shaker tune , "Simple Gifts: The speakers were Student CounCil officers Elizabeth Tyson '10, Stuart Good '11 , Taylor Wilson '10. and Ryan McKeown '10. The Middle School presentation included songs about the joy of Singing from the Middle School Chorus. Page 11

Fine Arts at Steward continued

The Eighth Grade Instrumental Ensemble presented traditional chamber music and the Recorder Ensemble presented several selections including the latest from pop singer Avril Lavigne. The speakers were Mary Margaret Watson '07, Elliott Wortham '09, and Anne-Sims Honey

the musical Lovin ' Kmdness by Michael and Jill Gallina. The musical focused on the ways we can show love and kindness on a daily basis through the use of various musical styles, from '50s hop to modern rock. The production also featured rap sections that tied the entire


presentation together. Katherine Goodpasture's and Estelle Grossman's classes sang and danced Iheir way into the hearts of the audience with this upbeat production .

The Upper School presented Baroque selections from Handel and Bach performed by the Select and Mixed Chorus. The Upper School Instrumental Trio presented the traditional canon , "Dona Nobis Pacem: The speakers were juniors Teresa Ka iser and Spencer Best. The benediction for the event was a violin concerto by Friedrich Seitz performed stunningly by violinist Teresa Kaiser.

Lower Schoolers Put on Plays

A big thanks to all the people who helped make these two presentations possible , including Andy Mudd, who designed the set and lights for both productions; Criss McBride and Gale Montague, who handled the costumes ; Bonnie Anderson , who provided the music for Three Environmental Skits; and John McAlister, who served as music director for Lovin ' Kindness .

By Craig Smith, Perfarmance Theatre Teacher

In November, the third graders presented Three Environmental Skits by Judy Jehn . Nancy Loyd 's class presented the skit "Help!", in which Mother Nature and some girls and boys questioned "Globey- the Earth , about the problems of endangered species , pollution, and deforestation. In "Be TREEmendous : presented by Melanie Casper's class , a group of students and animals tried to convince a pair not to chop down a tree by explaining all of the good things trees give us. Jane Whitely's class presented "Alice in Woodland : an adaptation of Lewis Caroll's tale that focused on the environment and the importance of forests. After a slight snow delay, the fourth grade presented

The fourth grade cast of LOVIn I\mdness

Photo b..- M,chael Morron

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Holiday Concert a Big Success By Jahn McAlister, Instrumentat Music Teacher

When the school year began, the Fine Arts department had only penciled in the date for a December concert in hopes that it would become a reality. By December, Choir Director Bonnie Anderson and Band Director John McAlister had assembled eleven different ensembles to perform a variety of selections in a variety of styles. The Eighth Grade Instrumental Ensemble began the event with some traditional Christmas melodies performed by these beginning and experienced instrumentalists. The Eighth Grade Chorus performance followed with several upbeat Hanukah and Christmas selections. Highlights of their performance included soloist Matt Deacon '07 on "Those Gospel Angels" and choreography designed by the students. The Recorder Ensemble performed music specially arranged for recorder with synthesizer accompaniment by Mr. McAlister. Their songs included "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and Avril Lavigne's "Complicated: The Upper School Class Ensemble was next to perform. This group, made up of two guitars and a clarinet, delighted the audience with their renditions of "Shenandoah" and "Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Upper School instrumenta lists were also represented well by the Upper School Trio of a nute, a violin , and a clarinet and the Upper School Rock Ensemble that showed the audience how a jam session really works with riffs from The Doors

Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03

nne Arts at Steward continued

and Sam and Dave. Instrumental soloists during the evening included violinist Teresa Kaiser '04 and electric guitarist Jesse Garrison '04 . The Upper School Choirs included the Select Chorus performing holiday selections and the Select and Mixed Chorus doing a mixture of holiday tunes and Baroque classics . Some highlights of the event included the many performing groups that had large numbers of participants. The inaugural performance of the Middle School Instrumental Ensemble was a treat with 23 students performing their two selections extremely well . The combined Middle School and Upper School Choirs filled the theater with the gospel sounds of "Soon and Very Soon: The concert concluded with all participants of the concert either singing or playing holiday favorites in a sing-along with the audience. The Middle and Upper School students have begun a new tradition with such a successful Holiday Concert and have set a high standard for future Steward School musicians .

Flowers for Algernon is a Hit! By Will Metcalf '04

Anyone who didn't see the Steward School performance of Flowers for Algernon on the brand-new main stage probably heard about it. As far as productions go, it was a wonderful success. A ton of work went into th is production , and for two-and-a-half months the actors and crew labored for hours in the theatre to bring this complex story to life. Director Craig Smith and Technical Director Andy Mudd each did an enormous amount of work in order to make Flowers a success. After spending countless hours with each other, we all became a sort of family, especially since we had worked together on the production since the beginning of the school year. The story of Flowers for Algernon IS the tragic tale of a man named Charlie Gordon , whom I portrayed. Charlie is 28 years old and has the mental capacity of a seven year old. He is ' operationed on" in an experimental attempt to raise his intelligence to an astonishing level. The people who get caught up in the resulting roller coaster of events include the doctors who changed him, Jill Nemur (Christina Nelson '04 ), Jay Strauss (Tucker Bloom '07), and Burt Seldon (Ryan Childress '05): the

JUniors V\; 1 Mercalf and Chrlsllna Nelson play Charlie GorGon dnd Jill Nemuf m

Flowe's '01 Agernon Ph


by John Alley

family he has never had , played by Mary Congdon '03, Ryan Childress, Kathy Northrop '08, and Kendall Huennekens '13: and the woman who loved him, Alice Kinnian (Lindsey Leach '04). They are all on board for the whirlwind journey Charlie takes through his advancing intellect and emotions, and down the spiral of his descent into his previous state. It is moving, sad , brilliant, and yet still hopeful. There are a few interesting theatre traditions at Steward, and I'm sure they will sound totally bizarre and strange. The first is the Ritual of the Nickel. The nickel is literally a coin , which all the actors and crew gather around to touch . Then the director hides the nickel somewhere on stage where the actors can see it. It symbolizes the unity of the cast and crew, and when I saw it during one performance, I paused- partially for dramatic effect, but mainly to think about all the people I had gotten close to in the past three months. Another fun tradition is that we eal Lucky Charms cereal before every performance; the meaning behind this one should be self-evident. I would like to thank some people behind the scenes , especially the parents who brought us food during the final week of the rehearsal , and all the technical people, including Joe Matthews '04 , Hilary Beck '04 , and Stage Manager Sammy George '07. Thanks also to the patrons of the play for making the first major production in the Cramer Center such an incredible success. Please be sure to join us for our spring musical , The King and I.

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The Spartan Spotlight The Steward School is fortunate to have three wonderfulldndergarten teachers, including Kate Strickland. By Brenda Turner, English Teacher

Back in the "bad old good days' or the ' good old bad days' of the early fifties when I was beginning my journey through "formal education ," public kindergartens did not exist in Richmond . My parents did what other parents did-they scrounged around for a place to send my siblings and me for some form of education before they turned us over to the FIRST GRADE TEACHER. My mother did the best she could at home with crayons and coloring books , scissors and paper, picture books from the library and Goldenbooks sold at the local grocery store; and , when all else failed , she pulled out the fly swatter. However, after my brother ripped off the rabbit ears of our black and white television and our reception was gone, Mom lost her best ally in the world , Captain Kangaroo . Kathleen Martin's search for a diversion for at least one of her children intensified. Suddenly, on a sunny September day in 1956, I found myself at Humpty-Dumpty College , located in a stately, old home on Skipwith Road . Apparently, a group of brave-hearted women had realized the need and heard the cries of mothers with children who required more socialization skills and some sort of educational preparation beyond what could be provided at home; and they started a "kindergarten : I had no idea what kindergarten was , but I knew I wouldn 't have to look at my brother and sister for three hours, three days per week; so I was excited about the prospects. While I am sure I enjoyed my one-year stay at Humpty-Dumpty College , even graduating with a BS degree (Bachelor of Shenanigans), I don't recall any1hing special about the experience. Unfortunately, I don 't think I was alone. But my, oh my, have times changed . According to one of my pint-sized sources in the Lower School, "Kindergarten is one of the 'bestes!' things about Steward School on account of all the cool stuff you learn and do. And my teacher Mrs. Strickland was reall y nice. I liked her as much as I like my dog: Kate Strickland has been a kindergarten teacher at Steward for eight years , and she is one of the most modest teachers I know. She would rather talk about her work than about herself, but the inquiring minds of our Blue & Gold readers need to know this information. Born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon , Kate is one of six children . Her father was a Lebanese general surgeon who started his own hospital to provide medical care for indigent patients. Kate's parents met and married when Kate's Page 14

mother. a missionary nurse, came to work for the hospital. She ultimately started her own nursing school to provide the necessary instruction for skilled nursing care for their community. Kate recalls that her parents' patients, who often did not have money, would barter for medical care. "I remember some of my dad 's clients paying him with houseplants, cheese , or produce from their gardens." Though times were lean for their family, Kate remembers the thrill of living in an international city that she calls ' the Switzerland of the Middle East. I remember my father taking us to art galleries, operas, theatrical performances, and any other cultural event he could find : She goes on to add , "Where else in the world could a child go skiing in the morning and swimming in the afternoon ?" Of course living in Beirut. Kate was exposed to and began speaking fluently in several languages, including French, Arabic, Armenian , and English. When she was in kindergarten , Kate came home from school one day, crying to her mother that she could not understand what the teacher was saying , nor cou ld she recognize any of the letters she was writing on the blackboard. The instruction was all in Arabic. She had to learn a new language and a new alphabet, a daunting task for a small child who spoke English and Armenian at home. With the loving support of her parents and because she had no other choice , Kate decided to return to kindergarten and get with the program. After graduating from a small private school , Kate attended the American University of Beirut and then

The Smc41and Famtlv Allison ~ate. Am~ and Le\

Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03

The Spartan Spotlight continued transferred at nineteen to Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville, Tennessee, where she received a degree In Early Childhood Education, Kate laughs, "I had to find foster parents to take me in over any holidays we had because my family was in Lebanon ." She chose education after her mother remarked to her that she thought Kate would make a great teacher because , of her six children , Kate was the shy one who was able to engage children and because Kate was always interested in learning, "To tell you truth ," says Kate , "I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but being a teacher didn 't seem appealing even though I liked working with children ." In spite of her reservations , Kate joined the ranks of the few, the proud, and the chosen , and returned to Beirut to teach kindergarten in an Arabic/English school. Then the Civil War broke out. I would like to set the stage for the implications of teaching small children in, for all intents and purposes, a war zone . Helping kindergartners adjust to life beyond mom 's apron strings is hard enough. Imagine trying to teach children anything while bombs are whizzing through the air, and teachers are scurrying for cover for their students and themselves or trying to load buses so that they can transport their wards to safety as quickly as possible. Imagine trying to sustain some sort of continuity in lessons when the government has imposed strictly enforced curfews that mandate all civilians vacate the streets, bringing an entire city to a standstill, and no assurances when schools will reopen are forthcoming. More Importantly, try to fathom fostering tolerance and respect for divergent political opinions and religious beliefs in a breeding ground ripe with fear and prejudice to mere babies who have lost their parents, relatives , or Aare and her c ass before Steward's annual Holiday

Prograrr: m December

friends for reasons they cannot understand. For Kate Strickland, the challenge of a lifetime barged through her classroom door and sat right in the front row, demanding attention. Kate Strickland , the shy child in a family of six, went about dOing what she was trained to do---maintaining the routine as best she could , teaching the three R's, and trying to console and encourage her children if only for a little while . As tensions in Beirut increased, Kate's family decided , for her own safety, she should return to the States. When Kate returned to America , she decided to work towards a master's degree in career counseling at Virginia Commonwealth University while she held down a full-time job working for the Commonwealth of Virginia . At

Helpi ng ki ndergartners adj ust to life beyond mom's apron strings is hard enough. Imagine trying to teach children anything while bombs are whizzing through the air. that time in her life, Kate was eager to help students find the right career path. Given her recent experiences in Lebanon , where being trained and suited for her job made a critical difference, Kate was keenly aware of the importance of selecting a career that fit the needs of her clients . In the midst of these endeavors, Kate met Lex Strickland, her future husband , at a church conference: one year to the day after their first date, they married. As the years progressed , Kate and Lex became the parents of two girls, Allison and Amy. A stay-at-homemom, Kate spent time caring for her young family and performing volunteer work for her church . When the time came for Allison to enroll in kindergarten , Kate visited seven schools before deciding on The Steward School. Kate comments, "I was looking for a small school that provided a nurturing environment and a solid education. After talking to Jane Edwards, the kindergarten teacher, I was sold . Allison 's experience was so positive that we decided to send Amy to Steward as well ." With both of her girls in school , Kate decided to try substitute teaching at Steward (she was driving to the campus on a daily basis anyway); and when she learned of a vacancy in the teaching staff in Lower School, Kate decided to apply and was hired to teach kindergarten by Ed Rossmore, the division head at the time. As a kindergarten teacher at Steward , Kate has

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The Spartan Spotlight continued

made many commendable contributions, but none is so popular as her classroom trips to foreign countries, where children tour the world without leaving Dixon Hall, Our

customs of their host. During their excursion, students keep journals, produce artifacts representative of the culture, and sample the cuisine. Then they are off to

kindergarten students have visited China, Russia , Greece, Africa , and Australia , for example. The fact that Kate has a love of geography and international studies as well as a fervent belief that children in the twenty-first century will need to understand cultures within their own country and abroad, has compelled her to create a curriculum that exposes students to a world beyond Richmond , Virginia . With the help of her colleagues, Betsy Saunders and Christine Vermillion , and parents who are willing to share

another country, and the whole progress begins again. want to sign up for this class. Not only is Kate a master at involving her students in group activities , she also has a talent for accommodating the needs of the individual. Debbie Hanger, head of the Lower School remarks, "Kate makes the effort to design

Aate and daughrer Allison. who wd' graduate 'rom Steward (hiS spflng

their travel experiences, our kindergarten students have logged more miles on their classroom plane than the most frequent of fliers. In preparation for their trips , students pack their bags with clothing appropriate for the climate where they are going , secure tickets and passports, and learn about currency exchange so that they can buy gifts for their families. Once they arrive at the "airport," they have lessons about airline security and board their plane, sitting in the seat designated on their tickets . While "in flight," they might hear from the "pilot" about points of interest they are flying over or interesting facts about the country to which they are journeYing. Once they land, students pass through customs and have their passports stamped. The real fun begins as they tour the country, visiting all of the important landmarks and historical sites and studying about the culture and Page 16

lessons that target the special needs of her students. For example, in math she has created task cards that span the spectrum of the math skills of her students, and she does it in such a discreet way that children who may be struggling with a concept do not feel they are less capable than other children who may need to be challenged . She applies the same tactics to reading groups," Mrs. Hanger continues , "Parents appreciate Kate's quiet manner and her willingness to help their children become successful learners: Cates by Jones, dean of the Middle School and parent of Eliza Jones '13, who was once of Kate Strickland 's kindergarten students, concurs : "Because of Kate Strickland , who instilled the love of reading into her students, our daughter has a passion for books that I know will continue for the rest of her life: Another special treat that Kate offers to kindergartners is that she opens her classroom to Upper School students (including both of her daughters) who volunteer their time to help in the morning before school starts and who provide positive role models for the younger children who see that the big kids like school as much as they do . Furthermore, at an early age, Kate's students start to learn about the importance of school community through their interaction with older students, and the Upper School students take a break from their teenage angst and learn how to be kids again. As the adage goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Such is true for the journey all children take upon the "long and winding highway" to graduation. Getting off to the right start is essential for success , and that's why skilled and dedicated kindergarten teachers like Kate Strickland are crucial. But don 't take my word for it, go by and see for yourself. You'll find a classroom teeming with activity, thematic bulletin boards that change on a regular basis, enticing and colorful learning centers, and eager faces. If you're lucky, you just might be able to hop on the classroom plane and take a little vacation . Yes, indeed, kindergarten and kindergarten teachers have come a long way since my days at Humpty-Dumpty College. Blue & Gold Wint er 2002-03


FacuLty Notes

My trip to the Galapagos Islands was the opportunity of a lifetime for me, as both a teacher and student of biology. By J. Dewey Brown, Biology Teacher

Having been a student of biology and a teacher of biology for more than 35 years of my life, I longed for an opportunity to visit one of the most popular ecological sites on earth. The Galapagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin during the mid-part of the nineteenth century. There he collected much of the data he used to write one of the most popular and controversial books ever written , The Origin of the Species through Natural Selection . Since his book pointed out in detail how organisms have transcended the centuries in an orderly but complex interplay with nature, Darwin's basic themes have permeated and remain basic tenets upon which modern day biology is built. I just had to visit the Galapagos Islands once in my lifetime . In November 2002 , my wife Patricia and I had an opportunity to be within 600 miles of the Galapagos Islands as we were attending a professional meeting in Quito, Ecuador. We managed to find the time to spend about four days traveling by ship to four of the major

Mr Brown enjOYs rhe amazing sighls of rhe Galapagos Islands Photo b~ Pamela Brown

islands in the archipelago. Of course , these islands are very fragile and must be well protected. All members of our group on the ship had our guides to protect us, as well as the integrity of the islands. The terrain is very rugged and all of the days were spent on the islandS observing the habitat, the wildlife , and their behavior. Some of the most unusual animals on earth have adapted themselves to the varied and harsh conditions on these volcanic islands . I must admit that tears came to my eyes as I first set foot on Baitra, the first island visited . A 35-year dream was beginning to come true ... 1 would finally experience some of the same sites that Darwin experienced over 100 years ago. Of course, I was armed with much more knowledge about genetics, ecology, evolution, ethology. and all the varied sciences than Darwin. All the biological sciences were just beginning to bloom during his lifetime. Darwin turned out to be one of biology's greatest contributors . All the islands are uninhabited by humans except Baltra , where we landed , and Santa Cruz, the site of the Charles Darwin Foundation. The islands have been visited by sailors over the centuries , and they certainly left their mark. Baltra has the only airstrip where scientists and visitors can land. Once visitors pay the $100 entrance fee , they are free to go and meet their guides. Crewmembers and guides met and greeted us and transported us from this open air terminal to our respective boats and ships. Life on a ship is much like any cruise ship-lodging is wonderful , and the more you pay, the better it gets. The meals are gourmet, and shopping and bars are available onboard. Once you get into a transfer boat that takes you to an island , then you are in the wilderness. You and your group will commune with nature for the day. Armed with plenty of water. hats, sunglasses. snacks, suntan lotion , and lots of nlm in your camera , you are off for one of the most wonderful ecological adventures of a lifetime. The nightly overview presented by our guide would set the stage for what we would encounter on our morning and aftemoon outings the following day. We would always return to the ship for lunch at mid-day and have a chance to rest. I sat in the lounge and viewed National Geographic films showing animals. plants, and behavior

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Faculty Notes continued

that I had only read about and seen on film. and I would say to myself. Get real! I probably will never see that! I was wrong . Within two or three minutes of leaving the boat. one would see almost everything seen and read about. It was almost like the guides had called ahead to the animals and said . "Get ready to perform. another group of humans are on their way'" I could never begin to describe the beauty of the terrain . Dark volcanic rocks dot the very small paths we must stay on. Remember. the animals have the right-ofway. Never pick up anything. never throw anything down . and remember one will not have a restroom or a snack bar while on the one-to-three-hour hike about this island. The entire time is devoted to observing and A marm~ QIJand ... arms Il5~d

on the rO("'5 PhotobyJ Der,.,ey Brown

1 must admit that tears came to my eyes as 1 first set foot on Baltra, the first island visited. A 35-year dream was beginning to come true ... 1 would finally experience some of the same sites that Darwin experienced over 100 years ago. communicating with the frigate birds as the males puff up their necks and reveal a large red puff to attract a female . Young blue-footed boobies are practicing using their wings for flight. These birds come in a variety of forms: blue-footed. masked, red-footed , but regardless of their special adaptation they all are beautiful birds that exh ibit skill in courtship. nest construction . protecting their eggs. protecting their young . flying in formation . and precision diving to catch fish for themselves and their young . And oh yes . the wonderful and entertaining sea lions appear to be the official greeters to all the islands. Everyone wants to rush out of the boat and hug them .. . but remember. do not touch the animals. We are there only to be observers of nature. The young sea lions call to their parents and the parents respond . The marine iguanas. the color of the gray-black volcanic rock , are there warming in the sun on the rocks after a stay in the cold water where Ihey munched on algae with their blunt snouts. They will

Page 18

spend most of the day getting warm after their chilling feeding experience In the water. One could hardly walk across Ihe rocks without stepping on one or two Iguanas. The colorful Sally lightfoot crab are interspersed with sea lions, iguanas, and the myriad of birds walking. flying . and diving. A look above us and we would spy a hawk trying to find a young animal to catch unguarded and to feast upon . The survival here is for the fittest. humans included . Remember, we were not riding in a climateconlrolled tram , we are walking over stones and boulders. up steep hills. down into ravines, and uphill again. We are out of breath and tired but continue to be very excited about our surround ing and the myriad of behaviors. Many. including myself, found a walking stick very helpful to get around . The islands are varied in elevation and position aboul the equator. Some are very tropical . others are very hOI and dry, and others are windy and COld. There are a blend of succulent plants like cacti along With small shrubs and then there are deciduous trees intermixed with all the others. Oh yes , look down and there is a very colorful land iguana in the path just watching me as curiously as I am watching him or her. I will just wait or find a small pathway around or possibly go back In the other direction. A quick turn around and a very dismal pond has pink flamingos feeding. These birds pay us little attention. They have never known humans to harm them. Most of the animals here have no fear of humans. The vegetation and terrain is different on each island . as are the animals. Of course . there are always Blue & Gold Winter 2002路03

Faculty Notes continued

boobies, sea lions, crab , and iguanas, but some islands seem better suited to the albatross. They are birds that nest on the ground. Both parents have to participate in nesting and caring for the young . The albatross have to fly further out in the Pacific to find their food , and sometimes one parent is gone so long that the other parent has to abandon the nest, eggs, and or young to go for food . When this happens, predators like the hawk will move in and feed on the eggs and young . Finches are everywhere. They have adapted themselves to live in all habitats on the islands. They, like Jane Goodall's chimps in Africa , have adapted to the conditions necessary to survive. The woodpecker finch uses a small twig to pry insects out of holes they make in cacti or trees . Some finches are ground dwellers and feed on seed or cactus flowers . Others live higher in the shrubs or trees feeding on fruits , seeds , or insects. Of course, some of the most famous animals associated with the Galapagos are the giant tortoises. These were once very prevalent on each island , but over the years sailors would take the turtles on their sailboats for food , thus reducing their populations drastically. Turtles were a good source of meat for the long sail back to Europe, and the sailors would fill the bottom of their sailboats with turtles in an upside down position and then slaughter them when there was need for fresh meat. The early sailors and visitors to the islands also brought goats and dogs and released them on the islands. The goats competed with the turtles for the same vegetation and food supply, and Quickly the turtle population experienced

a downward trend . The wild dogs and goats have almost been eradicated from the islands presently. Ecologicallyminded people are making sure they are never returned to the islands. The major focus of the Darwin Foundation on the Island of Santa Cruz, the one island inhabited by people associated with the conservation efforts, is to serve as a refuge for turtle eggs. Nurseries are established, and eggs are taken from the various islands and carefully marked and hatched, and the young are cared for until they can be repatriated back to their native islands. This process has greatly increased the giant tortoise populations on all the islands. One of my desires is to take a group of students to study and work at the Darwin Foundation . Of course , there is much more to share but possibly you could attend one of my classes when I teach the evolution unit. Here you might hear more about these fabulous islands that are truly a global commons that we must all help to protect from the ravages of irresponsible human intervention that would easily spoil this fragile living network.

Tht! O/ue-footed boobl8 IS one 01 many

beBUrdul bIrds on rhe Galapagos Islands Photo b~ J Dewev Brown

The Darwn Foundation IS workmg to

save the glanr conolse populations of the Galapagos Islands Photo by J Dewey Brown

Page 19

Athletic Update The winter athletics season is off to a great start at Steward, with studentathletes excelling at basketball, soccer, cheering, and even indoor hockey. By Janet Rice, Director of Athletics Note: This update on winter athletics is as of January 20, 2003. A complete wrap-up of winter athletics will be reported in the spring issue of Blue & Gold.

This winter we have eight basketball teams , one soccer team, and two cheering squads. The varsity boys' basketball team is doing extremely well and is the highlight of the winter season so far. Under the direction of Butch Keller, the Spartans' record currently stands at 14-1 . and they are undefeated in the Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC). At this time , senior guard Mike Edwards leads the conference in scoring with a 2S.9-point-per-game average, and he is at the top of the VCC in steals (averaging 7 per game) as well as assists (6.6 per game). Junior Ben Brown leads the conference in rebounds, averaging 13.1 per game. The team won the E. Dale Travis Invitational held at Trinity in early December. They defeated Colonial Heights High School and then Trinity to claim the championship. During the holidays, both the girls' and boys' varsity basketball teams traveled to Charleston, South Carolina, for the 32-team Porter Gaud Invitational Tournament. The four-day event was a great experience for both teams. The boys clinched fifth place. They won three games and only lost one. They defeated Victory Christian Academy (the defending champions) , Goose Creek High School (a SA Charleston public school) , and Charlotte Country Day School. Their

Sophomore Karle ParAms plays gOd/A.eeaer for rhe new Spanan Indoor HOCkey League

only loss was to Irmo High School , a traditional powerhouse from Columbia , South Carolina. As of January 20, the team is ranked #1 in the Virginia Independent School Division III category. The varsity girls' team , coached by Justin Lee , also captured the tournament trophy at the E. Dale Travis Invitational held at Trinity. They defeated Trinity and then Covenant School to clinch the title . There is one division in the League of Independent School (US) for basketball this season. Each school must play all other league opponents. Junior Maggie Harman leads the team in scoring with a 23-point-per-game average, and she grabs an average of 10 rebounds per game as well. Sophomore Morgan Hutchinson averages 3,3 assists per game. At this time their record stands at 6-8.

VarSIf}f pla~e, Morgan Hutchmson '05 lakes 8 shot

Ptloro b, John Alley

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The JV boys' team , coached by Wallace Inge, has a 4-7 record . They had seven losses in December, but are 4-0 in the month of January. They had a big win against the Knights of Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot, the #1 team in the VCC . There is a JV girls' basketball team for the Blue & Gold Winter 2002-03




~ Athletic Update continued first time this season. Ray Keohane is the coach . and their record stands a 2-4. In the Middle School . there are four basketball teams. The boys' "A" team (coached by Steve Kautz) and the boys' "B" team (coached by Mike Maruca) just started their competition in January. The two Middle School girls' teams began their action in early December. Coaches Wray Powell and Don DeLaney have the "A" team off to a 5-1 start in Division II . while the "B" team IS participating in Division III and is coached by Mike Ferry. The girls' varsity soccer team is led by new coach Frank Ph illips . Their record is 0-3-2. but thiS team continues to improve steadily. and they are dedicated athletes who brave the cold weather every day to participate in their sport. In addition. there are two cheering squads this winter. The varsity team is under the direction of Lee Healey while the Middle School group is directed by Jen Cofer. New this winter IS our Spartan Indoor Hockey League under the direction of Sandy Szilassy (1986 Steward graduate) and Donna Davis. a local official. There are twelve teams participating . Including public and private schools with a total of 120 girls involved . In the inaugural season. It has been a success. Three girls from the Steward team tried out for and made an elite team that traveled to a national Indoor qualifying tournament held in Virginia Beach. Teresa Kaiser '04 . Sarah Meigs '05. and Katie Perkins '05 had a good experience at the tournament even though their Spartan Elite Team did not qualify for the national event.

Old YOU know thai over 80%of slUdems In grades 6 through 12 panlclpale in alhleUcs al Siewardil

Help suppon Steward AlbleUes: Join the Spanan Club The Steward School is dedicated to providing a quality athletiC program to its students. Although the School's operating budget provides coaches. athletic staff, team uniforms. and sports equipment for this program , the overwhelming participation by students and the rapid expansion of teams have made it necessary to raise funds for additional equipment.

What Is the Spa nan Clubil Led by Ray Tate (parent of Morgan Hutchinson '05), the Spartan Club is a group of committed parents. volunteers, alumni , staff. and students who believe in The Steward School's commitment to athletics. and the values and skills athletics develops.

What Is this ,ear's goalil The Spartan Club fund raising goal for 2002-2003 is $50.000. This fiscal year ends on June 30. 2003. Examples of the equipment needed over the next few

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'1g squad

years include buses for transportation. field hockey goals, flag poles and flags . an outdoor concession stand. and team warm-up outfits.

How can I helpil You can participate with the Spartan Club by volunteering to help at the concession stand and by donating toward this year's fundraising goal. For further information, please contact Mary Harvard Nolde '93 at 804.565.2319 or by e-mail

Show your Spanan Spirit by supponino your Spanan Club! Page 21

ALumni Action It has been a busy winter for Steward alumni all over the world! By Mary Harvard Nolde '93, Annual Giving & Alumni Affairs

Class Notes Class of 1988 Max Cohen is a phYSician with the Greensboro Orthopaed ic Center, where he specializes in adult and pediatric spine surgery. His interests include cervical , thoracic, and lumbar surgery. Class of 1989 Katie Sei tz Powers and husband Ray are carrying on the Powers family tradition at Bon Air Woodworks, where they build high-quality furniture out of solid woods .


onsrantmakes'90 Carey HICkerson Cavanaugh 89.

Debbie GOldstone 90 and AShley ~'" /son Shepharason 89

Carey Hickerson Cavanaugh is living in Charlotte, where she works for Minute Maid Orange Juice as an office manager. Ashley Wilson Shephardson and husband David had a baby boy, William , in August 2002.

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Class of 1990 Joanne Konstantinakos is a senior account executive for Business Traveler magazine in New York City. She works on the marketing and advertising side. She IS also in graduate school working on a degree in international marketing and magazine publishing . Debbie Goldstone received her master's degree in social work from Virginia Commonwealth University and is now on the faculty at University of North Carolina as a clinician for children's research. Class of 1992 Emily Wilkerson Mears and husband Ken had a baby boy, Ranson , on Dec. 31 , 2002. He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Page 22

Class of 1995 David Moeser is currently attending classes at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. Class of 2000 Alexa Baker is studying in Paris at the International Education of Students, which is located in the Latin Quarter. She will also have the opportunity to study at the Sorbonne, I'lnstitue Catholique, and I'Atelier Nicolas Poussin. Alexa is living with a host family and is very excited about the experience. Class of 2001 Andrea Lehmann will graduate from college thiS spring and is planning on going to a bilingual (French and German) law school in the fall. She has also worked on her "Cambridge Certificate of ProfiCiency in English" which will allow her to teach English to adults. She IS hoping to visit Richmond in October. Laura Slabaugh appeared in eighteen field hockey games at Denison University. She also scored a goal that helped Denison capture a victory win over Oberlin. Evan Weiner is a senior systems engineer for Venture Networking Services, and he maintains a wireless Internet over the City of Richmond

Blue & Gold Win ter 2002-03

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ALumni ACDon continued because they will prove invaluable in college and beyond.

ALumni Return for CoLLege PaneL Alumni Ashlee Healey '01 , Ted Benson '01 , Clay Tharrington '02, Corbin Brierre '01 and Stephen Paulette '99 retumed to campus in January to share their college experiences with Steward 's eleventh and twelfth grade students. Each alumnus had a unique perspective and added something special to the presentation. Ashlee Healey, who attends James Madison University, shared her experiences in transferring from one school to another. She also spoke on roommates , and she suggested that students not live with their best friends because sometimes it may not work out. Ted Benson attends the University of Virginia. Ted urged students to get involved in a variety of activities around campus to make the most of the college experience. He also suggested that students develop good relationships with professors. Clay Tharrington, in his first year at Virginia Military Institute , spoke on the Importance of note taking . He said that most of his classes were more lecture-oriented and that learning proper note-taking skills is key to studying for tests . Corbin Brierre attends Randolph Macon Woman's College and explained the importance of regular attendance to classes. She stated that even though it can be very easy to skip a class , students get behind quickly. Students' regular attendance also helps the professor to recognize them , which could be helpful. Stephen Paulette, who will graduate from the College of William and Mary this spring , spoke to the students about writing skills. College students are constantly writing papers, and the Steward's English department prepared him well for these challenges. He urged students to take advantage of the opportunities to improve their writing during their high school years,


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daughrsf Bentley gel read~ ro bowl! Phoro by Mary Harvard Nolde

We are grateful to these wonderful alumni who shared their time and experiences with our students. Hopefully this will help our current juniors and seniors to be successful during their own college years!

ALums Turn Out for SodaL Oh , what a night! A social in mid-November brought many alumni out to the Richbrau Brewing Company in Richmond . Quite a few of our young alums came back, and they had a great time catching up and remembering old times . Everyone played pool and shared stories, and there were even some dance moves that were definitely something to rememberl A big thanks to those who came out and had a good time with us.


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ALumni Bowling 2003 The first Saturday in January was a great day for the alumni to get together and bring their kids bowling. We had a great mix of alumn i from early '80s to late '90s who participated in this event. Susan Cramer Twining '84 enjoyed bowling with her children , while Faisal Qureshi '92 managed to bowl and watch basketball on television at the same time . Not only did the kids use the bumpers, many of the adults did too! Jack Crosby, son of Tom and Ann Nichols Crosby '88, impressed everyone with his accurate bowling . There were strikes, spares , and even some gutter balls, but that didn't dampen the mood , and the laughing and joking continued throughout the afternoon! Page 23

Camps & Classes or all ages! lO_.r Sch Camp. & C, 00' a •••• F"

Ine Arts C 0" amp W t IscOVering Clay ~ercolor Workshop C amp Steward heerleading C GolfCamp amp Mathematics Iesnnis Camp R c/ence C " oCk. SCissors penter Classes KIndergarten PI ' aper aYCamp

Mlddl. School C.lftp. • CI ••• •• Fine Arts Camp Discovering Clay Watercolor Worksh?P " d Glass CreatIons sta~ection to Photography Intro u Adventure Camp summer Cheerleading Camp Golf Camp

Tenn~s camcPenter Classes " & SCIence MathematIcs Arts Camp Language

Look for new camps and classes listed in gold!

Upp.r School Camp. & CIa •••• Discovering Clay

W~tercolor Workshop

Camps and classes are filling up quickly, so register today!

StaIned Glass Creations Introduction to Photography Summer Adventure Camp Golf Camp Tennis Camp Elevate Your Mind Summer Writing Institute Public Speaking American Government SAT Prep (Verbal & Math) Geometry

For more information or to register, please contact Patrick Cuneo, Director of the Summer Experience, at 804.740.3394 ext. 538 or

Holiday Concert 2002

Above: Jesse Garrison '04 Below: Beth Howard '07

Below: Brett Sandberg '03

Photos by John Alley



THESrEWARDScHooL 11 6 0 ayron Road Richmond, Virg inia 23233

RILhmoml. Perm it No.

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