• • mission statement The mission of The Steward School is to provide a high -quality college preparatory program that encourages students of varied talents and abilities to develop their unique strengths in academics, athletics, and the arts, while instilling the values of responsible citizenship. The Steward School seeks and celebrates the individual talents of every student and is committed to offering its students an educational experience in an intimate and nurturing, yet challenging, environment. The Steward School will: • Champion small classes and limit the size of the overall student body so that it will have the ability to identify and develop t he talents of each student. • Provide opportunities for individual participation to an extent not possible in a larger school. • Ensure that each student acquires the values of honesty, integrity, and responsible citizenship by adherence to the Honor Code. • Provide structure and discipline adequate to give each student a moral and ethical compass. • Require that each child develops a sincere commitment to learn and grow. • Attract an enthusiastic, dedicated, and talented faculty who rejoice in helping each child reach his or her potential. • Ensure that the faculty and students are aware of and embrace the tenets of Steward's Mission Statement.
The Steward School admi ts students without regard to sex, race, color, religion. or national or eth nic origin
to all the rights, privileges. programs, and activities genera lly accorded or made available to stude nts at the school.
Published by
TH E STEWARD SCHOOL 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23238 (804) 740-3394
Midd le School Awards
,etter From the Headmaster
'ear-End at Steward
5 7
21 23 26 29 32 33 35
Lower School Awards
Fine Arts
l eadmaster's HolidaylBaccalaureate
Alumni News
:lass of 2007
a Llege Acceptances
pper School Awards
Kenneth H. Seward Headmaster Carolyn Brandt ASSIStant Head of School lisa Dwelle DiredorofFinance Sarah Melvin Dired<N ofDeveiopment Scott Moncure Director of Admissions
Dan Frank Head of Upper School Mike Maruca Head of MiddleSchool Deborah Hanger Head of Lower School Publication Staff
Tracy Lynch Copy Editor SheriLyn Smail Design EaltOT John Alley, Paul Busse, SheriLyn Smail, Caston Studio, inc., Jane Keller, Butch Keller Contributing photographers
Total Printing Company The editors have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of information reported In this publication. We apologize for any inadvertent errors.
Community Service
Board, Faculty, and Staff Farewells
Philanthropy Year in Review
Visit us on the web at
LETTER FROM THE HEADMASTER Dear Steward Community, A I reflect upon the year-end culmination ceremonies- all that was accomplished and so much to recognize and celebrate- I marvel at the collective institution al energy that is expended by everyone who makes Steward the successful school community it is.l always laugh when people who don't kn ow us well ask me if the school year is winding down. 1 tell
With each new school year, our
them that we don't wind down; we go faster and faster untU we Stop, and then we start all over again. In settings such as ours that thrive on and require full engagement from everyone, time to pause, recollect, reflect, and renew our energies is
community remakes
critically important to sustaining ourselves. This time allows us to improve upon what has come before and helps us prepare for what lies ahead. I hop that this latest edition of Crossroads finds you whUe you are engaged in thi:
itself, resets the clock frOlu the final hour
ki nd of "strategic retreat." Some yo u will see within these pages will not be with us next year. They have made their contributions and have moved on to ply their ski lls in nev settings. Others will return, but may nor be the same as we remember
to the first
them; they will grow several inches, suddenly take the form of young adults, or mature from travel, camp, summer jobs, or service.
hour-frOlu what has
With each new school year, our community remakes itself, resets the clock from the final hour to the first hour- from what has been accomplished tc
been accomplished to
potential yet to be reali zed. WhUe [ wish you well and celebrate all that we have been in this last year together, 1 am al ready looking fo rward to next
potential yet to
year's version of The Steward School.
be realized. Ken Seward
Fifth -Gra der Brantly Hathaway with Gra ndparents
Third-Grader A ' ndy McDonnell with G randmother
Fourth-Grade r Kathleen Stuart with Grandmother
The lower Schoolers perform in this year's Grandparents' and Special Friends ' Day product/on of "Sure Sounds Fishy to Me: An Underwater Tale"
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Fifth-Grader Carly Wren with family Kindergartner Gracie Goodpasture with family
Third-Grader Quincy Rhodes with fami ly
Fifth-Grader Anna Fuhr with Grandmother
Kindergartn . Gil . er A'Inslelgh wIth Grandparents Sunllll<'r
Spring Happenings Tug-of-war and balloon toss are some of the activities Upper School students enjoyed on their Field Day. The Seniors even had their first "snow day" of the year-but as usual, school was not cancelled . The Lower Schoolers enjoyed their Field Day as well, but the most fun was had by the seniors on Senior Prank Day-we all wonder if Mr.
Class of 20 ......................................................................................................... fro nt row, left to right
Carter DeCook
Jack Qu inn
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
Lauren Christian
Taylor Thornton
Steward student since 9th grade 2003
Steward student since 7th grade, 2001
Elida Buchsbaum
Tim Brinn
Steward stu dent since 10th grade, 2004
Steward student since 4th grade, 1998
Mary Wa rden Good Steward student since Kindergarten, 1994
back row, left to right
Katy Kasper
Beth Howard
Steward student since 2nd grade, 1996
Steward student since 7th grade, 2001
Commencement Ceremony Awards
The Brantley Blair Scott Leadership Scholarship: Given to a student or students who have demonstrated an appreciation of The Steward School Mission Statement, an involvement in extracurricular activities both at school and in the community, an enthusiastic school spirit, and the ability to accept additional leadership: Sammy George and Beth Howard
The Michelle Anderson-Haigler Performing Arts Scholarship: Presented to the student who most exemplifies the enthusiasm for performing and love of music that characterized Michelle Anderson-Haigler, a member of the Class of 1991: Dabney Broaddus The Spartan Club Scholarship Award: Presented by the President of the Spartan Club, John leitch, to student athletes who are recognized for their major team
contributions, who inspir teammates, who have m contributions to the Sch and who have demonstr leadership qualities: Cart Cameron Taylor The Parents' Associatio Awarded to a member of for whom the decision to Steward School was key achieving his or her pote
Class of 2007 .......................... " .......................... " ......................................................... front row, left to right
back row, left to right
Howard Chang St ewa rd student since 10th grade, 2004
Jong Boo Kim
Spencer Robinson Steward student since 11th grade, 200S
Zain Ghaznawi
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
Cameron Taylor
Brandon Hawkins
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Justin Wright Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
as shown the most growth-academic, odal, and/or behavioral-since his or her nrollment: Michael Reazin Parents' Association Scholarship II: warded to a member of the senior class ho has spent the majority of his or her I career at Steward, has demonstrated nsistent diligence in the classroom, and as enhanced the Steward community in understated, yet critical manner: hristopher Skove
The President's Award for Educational Excellence: Recognizes academic success in the ciassroom. Students must earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.S or higher on a 4.0 scale: Carter DeCook, Christopher Skove, and Cameron Taylor The Academic Award: Awarded by The Steward School Program Committee to those members of the senior class with a grade point average of 3.75 or better in a challenging academic program: Elicia Buchsbaum, Charles Carter, Alex
Godschalk, Tyler Harris, Katy Kasper, Nastia Komova, Josh Mclemore, Kaitlin Meyer, Megan Rhodes, and Riley Sistrunk The Alumni Award: Presented by the president of The Steward School Alumni Association, Ed Zakaib '86, this award recognizes the graduating student who has demonstrated, through works and actions, those hopes and dreams that the alumni have for the School: Carter DeCook
Class of 2007. 路............................................................................................................... front row, left to right
back row, left to right
Tyler Harris
Alex Godschalk
Steward student since 7th grade, 2001
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Jonathan Wauford
Riley Sistrunk
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Kaitlin Meyer
Christopher Skove
Steward student since 6th grade, 2000
Steward student since Kindergarten, 1994
Nastia Komova Steward student since 6th grade, 2000
The Stephen Daniel Pless Award: Given annually by the Pless family to the senior who best exemplifies the spirit and perseverance demonstrated by former student Stephen Daniel Pless during his years at Steward before his untimely death: Zain Ghaznawi The Faculty Award: Awarded annually to members of the senior class who best exemplify the qualities of character, integrity, leadership, and responsibility:
Alex Godschalk, Tyler Harris, Kaitlin Meyer, and Cameron Taylor The Dixon Award: Named for Helen Dixon, founder of The Steward School, who was present at the ceremony and assisted by her granddaughter, Beth Dixon '08, this award is given annually to the member of the senior class who has made outstanding contributions to all phases of life at The Steward School: Katy Kasper The Headmaster's Award: Presented each year by the Headmaster to members of
the senior class who are "unsung heroes," contributing to the life of the school with enthusiasm, energy, and spirit: Mary Warden Good and Riley Sistrunk
Upper School Awards Departmental Book Awards English: Katy Kasper Visual Arts: Josh Mclemore Performing Arts: Sammy George
Class of 2007 路............................................................................................................... . left to right
Holly We isiger
Sammy George
Steward student since 7th grade, 2000
Steward student since 6th grade, 2000
Mary Margaret Watson
Camm Garrett
Steward student since 6th grade, 2000
Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
Dabney Broaddus
Monica Casper
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 5th grade, 1999
'lnguage: Katy Kasper tiley Sistrunk tics: Katy Kasper harles Carter
recipient will be awarded a scholarship in the amount of a $6,000 tuition grant toward the recipient's Steward School tuition: ElUe Bryan
activities and who demonstrates leadership qualities. This student embodies the spirit and enthusiasm of The Steward School: Peter Howard
xtracurrlcular Awards an Spirit Scholarship: This p has been established by arents Elizabeth and Michael recognize an Upper School ho embodies the very best a Steward student. The selected
The Nolde Scholarship: This scholarship was established by the Nolde family, Mr. and Mrs. John Nolde, and their daughter, one of Steward's most active alums, Mary Harvard (MH) Nolde '93. The Scholarship was created to recognize a rising junior or senior who is very involved in extracurricular
The James V. Buls Athletic Scholarship: Given in memory of James V. Buis, Class of 1992, to a junior or senior student in good academic standing who has made a significant impact on the athletic program at The Steward School: Carter Fitzgerald (contlnuedonpageI7)
Class of 2007
.......................•.•.•.......................................•...........••.•...........•..•............... left to right
Ann Lunsford
Coldon Martin
Steward student since 9th grade, 2003
Steward student since 8th grade, 2002
Adam Dawes
Michael Reazin
Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
Steward student since 10th grade, 2004
Leigh Bedinger
Josh McLemore Steward student since 6th grade, 2000
Steward student since Kindergarten, 1994
Charles Carter Steward student since 7th grade, 2001
Leigh Blackwell Bedinger
Chia-Hao (Howard) Chang
Zinullah M. Eshaq Ghaznawi
Timothy Allen Brinn
Lauren Elizabeth Christian
Alexander Michael Godschalk
Dabney Kaye Broaddus
Adam Matthew Dawes
Mary Warden Good
Elicia Devorah Buchsbaum
Carter Ann DeCook
William Tyler Harris
Charles David Carter
Taylor Camm Garrett
Brandon Michael Hawkins
Monica Lee Casper
Samantha Kristine George
Elizabeth Christine Howard
athryn julia Kasper
Peter john Quinn
Richard Cameron Taylor
ong Boo Kim
Michael David Reazin
Mary Taylor Thornton
nastassia Sergeyevna Komova
Megan Lynn Rhodes
Mary Margaret Watson
nn Carico Lunsford
Spencer Saylor Robinson
jonathan Leslie Wauford
oldon Berkeley Martin
Steven Graham Rogers
Holly McRae Weisiger
oshua Robert McLemore
Nathaniel Riley Sistrunk III
justin Michael Wright
aitlin Sloane Meyer
Christopher David Skove
· ... •• • LaSalle University
• : ' , •L1JIB'ZmlD
University of Richmond University of South Carolina University of Tamp'a
o 0::
(Co ntinued from page 72)
The Allen Law Firm Scholarship: Awarded by the Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen law firm, founded in 1910. This award, given to a senior, is one of thei r high school scholarship programs: Beth Howard
o o
Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Award: The Leaders and Achievers Scholarship is awa rded by Comcast to a student who has demonstra ted a commitment to community service and who possesses a positive attitude, proven leadership skills, and strong academic achievement: Beth Howard
Interact Club: Recognizes a student for outstanding participation in and contribution to the community: Corbin Leitch
and respect in the classroom and toward the subject matter. New this year, t he Effort and Attitude Honor Roll recognizes the students who consistently demonstrated above average and superior effort in all their classes and who earned Effort and Attitude Honor Roll for the first three marking periods. 9th Grade: Samantha Bisger, Taylor Booth, jeoung Han, Grace Henderson, Kelsey Mathews, Ryan McKeown, Blair Towers 10th Grade: Ellie Bryan, Christine Craig, Alexandra Cummings, Madison Ellis, Emily Hazzard, Christine Kasper, Lianne Sisson 11th Grade: Hector Ayala, Beth Dixon, Anna Greenlee, Anne-Sims Honey, Annie jung, Kelsey Mohring, Lexi Wiles, Tim Wiles, Hali Yun 12th Grade: Sammy George, Tyler Harris, Katy Kasper, Kaitiin Meyer, Riley Sistrunk, Christopher Skove
Richmond Times-Dispatch Athletes of the
Year: Given to a male and a fema le student who exemplify athletic commitment and performance: Carter DeCook and Tyler Harris
MiniMester Award: Given to the student or students who exhibit exemplary spirit and adventure towa rd the Alternate Program experience: Kelly Williams
Service to the School Award
Outstanding Beadle Award : Given to a student who has demonstrated exceptional service to the School and its commun ity: Beth Howard
(L (L
The American Association of Teachers of French: Recognizes students for outstanding achievement on the National French Contest exam: Laura Skove
Academic Awards Effort and Attitude Honor Roll: These grades are assigned at the end of each marking period by teachers to provide a general characterization of students' classroom demeanor. Students are graded on t heir effort, attitude, initiative, motivation, cooperation,
:J Leadership Awards Student Council Association Awards: Recognize the commitment of classroom representatives to the student government process and activities. Tenth Grade: Ellie Bryan, Madison Ellis, and j.E.B. Stuart Eleventh Grade: Annie jung, Margaret Spotts, and Lexi Wiles Twelfth Grade: Carter DeCook and Alex Godschalk
17 Summer 2007
Upper School SCA Officers: Secretary: Christine Kasper Treasurer: Taylor Thornton Vice President: Kelsey Mohring President: Michael Reazin ABCD Award: Given each year to a member of the SCA who, as voted on by the president and the sponsors, goes above and beyond the call of duty in devotion to the Steward community: Kelsey Mohring
The American Classical League and National junior Classical League: This certificate of merit recognizes outstanding student performance in the National Latin Examination: Caleb Brown and Ryan McKeown
Upper School Honor Council: Given each year to those students held in the highest esteem by their peers for their integrity and honesty. They embody the standards, principles, and responsibilities of the School: Alexander Tharp, Peter Howard, and Grace Henderson, and seniors Michael Reazin, Megan Rhodes, Cameron Taylor, and Katy Kasper.
Leadership Council: Consists of both elected and appointed members. Each grade is represented by one elected member. Members of the Leadership Council are expected to be the model citizens of the Upper School. This year's Leadership Council members are: Beth Howard, Kaitlin Meyer, Amy Bisger, MinhDat Tran, Ellie Bryan, and Sam Elliott
Hollins University Creative Writing Book Award: Rewards an Upper School sophomore or junior female student for her hard work and talent in the field of creative writing. The recipient, who, in the judgment of her English teachers, has shown a serious interest in writing poems, fiction, or creative nonfiction, must possess at least a 3.2 GPA: Alexandra Cummings University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award : Given to the student who exhibits outstanding academic achievement and superior intellectua l promise in the field of science: MinhDat Tran University of Rochester Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award in Humanities and Social Sciences: Recognizes a student who exhibits outstanding academic achievement, leadersh ip, and a demonstrated commitment to understanding and addressing difficult social issues: Kelsey Mohring The Kodak Young Leaders Award : Given by t he Eastman Kodak Company and the University of Rochester, this award recognizes outsta nding achievement by high school sophomores and juniors in leadership and academics: Hector Ayala 2007 National Merit Scholarship Program, Letter of Commendation: Given to students who place in the top five percent of more than one million students who entered the 2007 Preliminary SATINational Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test: Charles Carter
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Recognition: These certificates of recognition are presented to ninth-grade students who, in the opinion of the faculty, demonstrate great leadership potential and an interest in community service. These students attended a regional workshop in March that involved leaders from across Virginia. The Steward School participants t his year were: Claire Kramer, Kelly Stosch, and Patrick Strecker
SpeciaL Recognition Awards K-12 Award: Recognizes those seniors who have attended Steward since Kindergart en: Leigh Bedinger, Mary Warden Good, and Chris Scove Randolph-Macon Woman's College Book Award: Presented to an outstandi ng female tenth-grader who possesses both leadership and academic potential. This student qualifies for a merit scholarship if she applies and is accepted to Randolph-Macon Woman's College: Madison Ellis The Randolph-Macon Book Award: Presented each year to a well-rounded junior who demonstrates strong leadership skills and academic ability: Lexi Wiles West Point Leadership Award: Awarded to a rising sen ior who demonstrates exceptional performance in the areas of academics, athletics, community service, good citizenship, and leadership: Alexander Tharp The University of Richmond Office of Admission Book Award: Given to a junior who exhibits extraordinary academic and extracurricular leadership abilities and consistently demonstrates intellectua l curiosity within the classroom that promotes discussion and enhances the learning of others: Laura Skove 2006 Jefferson Book Award: Given annually by the Richmond chapter of the University of Virginia Alumni Association. Recognizes an outsta nding student who demonstrates leadership and honor both in and out of the classroom: Hector Ayala
The Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond Award: Recognizes a student for outstanding qualities of character and values and for fostering good relationships among different races, religions, and nationalities. This student strives to improve human relations and intergroup understanding: Cameron Taylor
Junior Marshals: It is traditional at graduation for the Faculty and Seniors to process and be led by two juniors. The honor of serving as junior marshal goes to the two juniors who, in the opinion of the Program Committee of department heads and division heads, best exemplify Steward students who take academics seriously and who contribute to the School community: MinhDat Tran and Lexi Wiles WRIC Best in Class: Awarded to the se nior whose academic performance places him or her at the top of the graduating class: Katy Kasper
End-of-the-Year Academic Honors Honor Roll Students: Congratulations to the following students, who-based upon a final, end-ofthe-year grade of B- or above in each class- have achieved the Honor Roll for the 2006-2007 school year: Ninth Grade: Samantha Bisger, Taylor Booth, jessica DeBell, Caroline Elvey, jeoung Seok Han, Grace Henderson, John-Walker Knight, Hillary lane, Alison lanshe, Gary leClair, Sara levitt, Blair Oliff, Stephanie Perlman, Kevin Strecker, Mary Stuart, EleanorTowers, Elisabeth Wheat, Sarah Yucha Tenth Grade: Tae Sung An, Robert Ball, Alexandra R. Cummings, Madison Ellis, Elizabeth Farmer, Mary Fraizer, Samuel Keller, Hali Kim, Catherine lillard, Kevin Meyer, Peter Neels, Kelsea Pieters, jacob Roodman. Carrie Ruffin, Lianne Sisson, Rebecca
Smyth, Veronica Tharp Eleventh Grade: Amy Bisger, Elizabeth Delaney, Mary Delaney, leandro Diaz, Elizabeth Dixon, Hope Frank, Elizabeth Hickman, Anne-Sims Honey, Erik Markowitz, Kelsey Mohring, Kemis Noble, Nicholas Shaw, Michael Sliwinski, Margaret Spotts, Yoshimi Tanaka, Timothy Wiles, Anna Woodburn Twelfth Grade: Elicia Buchsbaum, Samantha George, Alexander Godschalk, Tyler Harris, Beth Howard, Megan Rhodes, Riley Sistrunk, Christopher Skove
Richmond Alumnae Pan hellenic Association Book Award: Recognizes an outstanding Headmaster's list: The following students have female junior who earned the honor of being on the final Headmaster's demonstrates strong List by achieving a year-end grade of A- or above in leadership skills, each of their classes for the 2006-2007 school year: participates in Ninth: Kelsey Mathews, Ryan McKeown philanthropic and Tenth: Eric Anderson, Christine Craig, Emily Hazzard, community service, Christine Kasper is an academic achiever, Eleventh: Hector Ayala, Anna Greenlee, Yu-jin Jung, and exhibits a posit ive â&#x20AC;˘ MinhDatTran, lexi Wiles, Hali Yun attitude: Twelfth: Katy Kasper, Ann Lunsford Margaret Spotts ~ummer 2007
o 0:::
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Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students, who, by earning a year-end average of a Bor above in each class, have been named to the Honor Roll. Sixth Grade Monica Ashjian, Colby Bedell, Archer Brill, Paige DeBell, Maclaine Ellis, Katherine Fore, Emmy Goode, Lauren Hughes, Eliza jones, Alex joynes, Hannah Krudys, Ana Leahy, Parker Leep, Charlotte Levering, Gray Little, Mariah Montague, Michelle Napper, Cameron O'Connor, Leah Ostendorf, Morgan Penberthy, David Pierce, Christian Rennie, jack Rhodes, Em ily Robinson, Catherine Towers, Kristen Tully, Mary Leigh White, Ben Zoghby Seventh Grade Lucy Anderson, Clark Asplundh, Margaret Beirne, Kendall Bendheim, Grace Cote, Samantha Cumm ings, Teddy Dillon, Olivia Edwards, julia Finley, Sam Forbes, Robin Frayser, Kevin Friend, Audrey Gallagher, Andrew Gnapp, Samantha Henderson, jack Heyssel, Megan Kelley, Sean McKeown, Harrison Mire, Carter Norman, Heth Owen IV, Nina Stinson Eighth Grade Maddie Arthur, Mallory Burgess, Zach Corey, Brooke Faison, Kate Farmer, Stuart Good, Matthew Hall, Eleanor jones, Amenet Judah, Taylor Karmolinski, Ryan Lambert, Amy Lane, Michael Noffsinger, Maya Pendleton, Tanner Roe, Finn Smyth, Rachel Wilcox
Headmaster's List
The following students-whose final. year-end average for the school year was an A- or above in each class-achieved the Headmaster's List for the year. Congratulations on this accomplishment. Sixth Grade Stephanie Bennett, Daniela Brenner, Melina Bricker, Andrew Caldwell, Jr., Blair Carnes, Mallory Knighton, Courtland Lyle, Yvonne Taylor Seventh Grade Caroline Blank, Molly Carter, Harrison Clement, john Clement, Scottie Fralin, Thea Gergoudis, Ben Olinger, Logan Pryor, Lauren Saurs, Taylor Schoonover, Sarah Shimer, MinhKhoa Tran Eighth Grade Navid Mahban, jake Rowe, Ann Schimmels
Faculty Honor Roll
Awarded to Middle School students, as voted on by the faCUlty, who have shown special effort to succeed in the classroom-students who give 110% through completion of assignments, paying attention in class, striving to do better, and being good citizens. Sixth Grade Monica Ashjian, Melina Bricker, Daniel Caldwell, Blair Carnes, Mallory Knighton, Charlotte Levering, Ann Marchetti, Morgan Penberthy, Emily Robinson
Madeleine Elaine Arthur
Sarah Delaney Burroughs
Christian Brooke Edwards
Anne Stuart Good
Danielle Corbin Ashjian
Sara lawrence Cann
Ryan Alexander Fadool
Matthew Carrington Hall
Charles Kemp Bartlett
Matthew Albert Charnes
Brooke Kristen Faison
Thomas Adams Howell
Marie Catherine Belt
Katherine Sirles Conway
Katherine Kemper Farmer
Wyatt Reece Jamerson
Gordon Kelley Blair
Zachary Michael Corey
Richard Douglas Foley
Eleanor Armistead Jones
Mallory Shepard Burgess
Peter Wayne Dooley
MaryElena Joanna Gagon
Amenet Assefa Judah
Seventh Grade Kendall Bendheim . Molly Carter. Grace Cote. Julia Finley. Thea Gergoudis. Sean McKeown. Logan Pryor. Lau ren Saurs. Sarah Shimer. MinhKhoa Tran Eighth Grade Marie Belt. Mallory Burgess. Zach Corey. Ellie Jones. Taylor Karmolinski. Ryan Lambert. Amy Lane. Navid Mahban. Maya Pendleton. Nick Peterman. Madeleine Phillips. Tanner Roe. Jake Rowe. Ann Schimmels
Steward Award: Awarded to the
,slL/oel1lwho best exemplifies the ~ ch'ar~lct!'ris:tics of integrity, commitment
President's Award for Educational Excellence Marie Belt. Ellie jones. Maya Pendleton, Madeleine Phillips. Kevin Pierce, jake Rowe, Ann Schimmels Highest Academic Average Kevin Pierce Spelling Bee Champion Stephan ie Bennett Grade-Level Achievement Awards
Awarded to the student in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades who, in the opinion of the faculty, has shown the greatest overall growth and improvement in all areas of school life throughout the year. Sixth: Henry Bassett; Seventh: Thea Gergoudis; Eighth: james Neels
Foreign Language: Seventh, Spanish: Scottie Fralin; Eighth, Spanish: Madeleine Phillips; Sixth, Latin: Courtland Lyle; Seventh, Latin: Sarah Shimer; Eighth, Latin: Ann Schimmels; National Latin Exam Award: William Shimer History: Sixth: Parker Leep; Seventh: Ben Olinger; Eighth: Navid Mabhan Mathematics: Sixth: Andrew Caldwell; Seventh: Taylor Schoonover; Eighth: Ann Schimmels Choral Music: Sixth: Eliza jones; Seventh: Lauren Saurs; Eighth: Danielle Ashjian Instrumental Music: Sixth: Erin Roukous; Seventh: Sarah Shimer; Eighth: Molly Gagon
Subject Excellence Art: Sixth: Blair Carnes; Seventh: Lauren Sauers; Eighth: Madeleine Arthur
Physical Education/Health: Sixth: Henry Bassett and Lauren Hughes; Seventh: Ben Olinger and Lauren Saurs; Eighth: Ryan Lambert and Amy Lane
Computer: Sixth: Eliza jones; Seventh: Sarah Shimer; Eighth: Zach Corey
Science: Sixth: Andrew Caldwell; Seventh: Lisa Morgan; Eighth: Marie Belt
English: Sixth: Blair Carnes; Seventh: Lisa Morgan; Eighth: Madeleine Phillips
Theatre: Sixth: Katheri ne Fore; Seventh: Molly Carter; Eighth: Gordon Blair
~aylor Marie Karmolinski
james McWilliam Neels
Madeleine Grace Phillips
Parker john Schoonover
Elizabeth Catherine Kelley
H. Alex Newman
Kevin Thomas Pierce
Sidney Ryland Scott
~yan james Lambert
Andrew Michael Noble
Clifford Borden Porter
Finn Daniel Smyth
~my Bennett Lane
Michael Lee Noffsinger
Emily Taylor Norman
Tanner Bates Roe
Ajoya Elaine Speight
Mahban Elizabeth McGhee
Maya Virginia Pendleton
james Patrick Rowe
Ella Gordon Valentine
~ laire Malayne McKeown
NichoLas Kyle Peterman
Ann HarLin Schimmels
Rachel Lee Wilcox
o o I
Lower SchooL MarshaLs Lu ke j. CaLdwell, David A. Cross, Mason R. Mire Student CounciL Recognition President: Hailey Marie Ragan Vice President: Olivia DeCapri Secretary: Cassandra Martinez Treasurer: Chloe Carnes Fifth-Grade Representatives: Claire Kirchmier, Natalie Bendheim, Baxter Carter Fourth-Grade Representatives: Braeden Glancy, Scott Roper, Mason Mire Academic Awards Art: Georgeanne Pace Computer: Sarah Graves French: Natalie Bendheim Music: Bryce D'Surney and ChLoe Staples Sportsmanship/PhysicaL Education: Samantha Nadel Theatre: Baxter Carter Library: lindsey Lubin Mathematics League: jena Gilbert, Sarah Dickson, Bryce D'Surney, Morgan Mistr, Ben Campbell, Lauren Perry, Andrew Fore, and Hailey Marie Ragen
Dorothea Reid Allocca
James Baxter Carter, Jr.
Natalie Grace Bendheim
William Bryce D'Surney
Keaton Coleby Elam Busser
Ashley Paige DeConti
Matthew Harrison Dunlevy
President's Academic Excellence To be eligible for the President's Award for Educational Excellence, students must earn a grade point average of 90 or above during the 1st three marking periods in all subjects. Additionally, students must have high motivation, initiative and integrity, intellectual depth, and leadership qualities in all areas and be above the 85th percentile in standardized testing in math and reading. Dodi Allocca Sarah Dickson Andrew Fore Morgan Mistr lena GiLbert Georgeanne Pace Sommer Harris Baxter Carter Seth Olinger SpeLling Bee Third-Grade: Clayton Leep, Elizabeth Scott, and Meredith Hughes Fourth-Grade: Sam Trep p, Elizabeth Finto, and Laura Fuhr Fifth-Grade: HaiLey Marie Ragan , Chloe Carnes, and Chloe Staples
Benjamin Cabell Glancy William Dearing Grattan
Andrew Jacob Fore
Sarah lawrence Graves
Grace Coley Fralin
Anne Cabell Harper
Benjamin Robert Campbell
Sarah Thomas Dickson Jacqueline Anne Dillon
Anna Isabel Fuhr
Chloe Alden Carnes
Justin Richard Dozier
Jena lee Gilbert
Sommer Davis Harris Brantley Davis Hathaway, Jr.
Special Awards
The Head of Lower School Award:
Citizenship: Mrs. Blum's Class: Ben Campbell and William Strickler Mr. Coles' Class: Chloe Carnes and Brantley Hathaway Mrs. Fox's Class: Morgan Schroder and Ca bell Glancy Fifth-Grade Punctuality Recognition: Bryce D'Surney, Sarah Dickson, Andrew Fore, Anna Fuhr, Cabell Glancy, Brantley Hathaway, Claire Kirchmier, Li ndsey Lubin, Susan Mire, Seth Olinger, Georgeanne Pace, Carly Wren Spartan Patrol: Wi ll Allocca, Edward Blake, Mackenzie Carnes, Owen Carter, Zoe Dwelle, Vi rginia Fralin, Maeve Goodan, Chris jones, Brittney Lawhorn, Clayton Leep, Sarah Lindamood, Andy McDon nell, Connor Parrish, Grace Pope, He len Russell, Meg Trepp, jane Elizabeth Wilton, Rachel Young, Caitlin Zura
The Head of the Lower School Award goes to an individual or individuals who exemplify excellence in every area related to athletics, academics, the arts, and character. This person demonstrates a positive attitude in every aspect of school life and always goes the extra mile to benefit from the opportunities available at this school. The student selected has been nominated by teachers for his or her commitment to achievement, peer interactions, and leadership skills: William Bryce D'Surney
: The Lower School Award: This award is given each year to a Lower
School student who, in the opinion of the faculty, best exemplifies extraordinary effort, cooperation, and school spirit. This award is voted on by the entire Lower School faculty: James Baxter Carter, Jr.
. .............. .
2014 CLASS GIFT: Fifth-grade students gave this unique and beautifu l Lower School banner as their parting gift. Each child was able to select a bead, which will be hand -sewn on the banner. The students chose from several designs, styles, and fabrics to make the banner truly their own. Lower School parent janet Tym inski then made the students' creativity come to life in the finished product, which will hang in the Lower School conference room. Pictured:Janet Tyminski and her daughter, jena Gilbert
Phebe Ann-Scott Jenkins
Jordan Alexander Nichols
Chloe Arendall Staples
Curran Patrick Tully
Virginia Claire Kirchmier
Seth Donald Olinger
Osman Kingsley Willett
lindsay Faith Lubin
Walker McDaniels Stettinius
Georgeanne Carter Pace William Charles Strickler
John-Hunter DeLee Williams
Cassandra Raquel Martinez
Lauren Elyse Perry
Susan Isabella Mire
Hailey Marie Ragan
Morgan Lawrence Mistr
Carson Patrick Rice
Harrison Lee Talton
Carly Cansino Wren
Ashton Loyd Tankersley Samantha Elaine Nadel
Morgan Brooke Schroder
Lauren Reeves Xu Albert Sidney Thompson IV
Zachary Stratton Zura ~
20 06 . 20 07
And the Fine Arts Award goes to ...
A RT A WAR DS The Stewar d School Per manen t Collect ion: Hali Yun Most Promising Newco mer Middle School : Ann Marche tti Upper School : Ke lsey Mathews Best Use of a Medium Middle School : Graphite Pencil: Lauren Saurs Acrylic on Canvas: Alex Newman Upper School: Watercolor: jenny jung Oil on Canvas : Ethan Pease Mixed Media: Chloe Higgins Acrylic on Canvas : Peter Stoehr Cha rcoal: Lexi Wiles Most Accomp lished Artist Middle School: Maddie Arthur Upper School: Annie jung ""ost Innovat ive Artist lItiddle School: MinhKhoa Tran 'Jpper School : Emily Hazzard ~est Use of Color l1iddle School: Liz Kelley lpper School : Christopher Maestrello
'erseverance t o a Project 1iddle School: Ch loe Pieters Jpper School : Keith Murphy
Fine Arts Award recipients Alex Godschalk
with the Fine Arts faculty . (L to R) Bonnie Anderson, john McAlister, Monica Moehring, Craig Smith , Alex Godschalk, Patrick McKeown, Rugene Paulette , Andrew Mudd, and john Alley.
P HOTO GRAP HY A WAR DS Best Photojo urnalis m john-W alker Knight Best Portrai ture Carrie Ruffin Best Digit al Effects Tim Wiles Best Landscape Margaret Spotts
\rtistic Enthusi asm 1iddle School: Amy Lane Ipper School : Catherine Lillard
Best Print Elliott Wortha m
,est Composit ion fiddle School : Thea Gergoudis
Best in Graphic Design Andy Vaughan
10st Improv ed Artist fiddle School : Megan McGhee 'pper School: Lianne Sisson
Best in Web Design Christine Kasper
lost Dedicated Artist fiddle School: jake Rowe 'pper School : Lexi Wi les
and Patrick McKeown pose
Best in Digital An imation josh McLemore M ixed Media by Chloe Higgi ns
PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT AWARDS CHORAL MUSIC AWARDS Outstanding Chorus Club Member: Morgan Penberthy Best All Around in Choral Music 6: Liza jones MVP in Choral Music 6: Leah Ostendorf Best All Around in Choral Music 7: Lauren Saurs MVP in Choral Music 7: Sarah Shimer Best All Around 1st Soprano Bth Grade Chorus: Stuart Good Best All Around 2nd Soprano 8th Grade Chorus: Ellie jones Best All Around Alto 8th Grade Chorus: Maya Pendleton MVP in 8th Grade Chorus: Danielle Ashjian Most Improved 6th Grade Chorister: Addison Nichols Most Improved 7th Grade Chorister: Teddy Dillon Most Improved 8th Grade Chorister: Sally Cann
Middle School Director's Award: Molly Carter
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC AWARDS Most Accomplished Sixth Grade General Music Instrumentalist: Erin Roukou s Most Accomplished 7th Grade General Music Instrumentalist: Sarah Sh imer
Highest Academic Average 6th Grade Instrumental Music: Myia jones
Special Recognition in Technical Theatre: Daniela Brenner
Highest Academic Average 7th Grade Instrumental Music: Carter Norman Most Accomplished Beginning Middle School Instrumentalist: Rachel Wilcox Most Accomplished Middle School Instrumentalist: Ryan Lambert Most Accomplished Middle School Instrumental Soloist: Molly Gagon Most Improved Middle School Instrumentalist: Matthew Hall Most Valuable Player for Basketball Pep Band: Michael Brady Most Accomplished Upper School Instrumentalist: Patrick McKeown Most Accomplished Upper School Multi-Instrumentalist: Ca leb Brown Most Accomplished Upper School Instrumental Soloist: jenny jung Most Improved Upper School Instrumentalist: Allen Edwards
Molly Gagon and Amy lane
Most Accomplished Beginning Upper School Instrumentalist: jared Pease
Outstanding Achievement in Acting: Emily Robinson Outstanding Achievement in Acting: Madeleine Ph illips Most Promising Newcomer in Acting: Nicholas Peterman Outstanding Achievement For Three Years of Technical Theatre: Camm Garrett Outstanding Achievement in Technical Theatre: Anna Woodburn Outstanding Achievement in Technical Theatre: Charlie Forbes Outstanding Achievement in Technical Theatre: Erik Markowitz Outstanding Achievement in Acting: Anna Greenlee Outstanding Achievement in Acting: Hope Frank Outstanding Achievement in Acting: Christopher Skove Most Improved in Acting: Thomas Davis Most Improved in Acting: Diana Keith Outstanding Dedication to Theatre: Alex Godschalk
................................. Steward Athletics had a championship 06-07 season What a year of accomplishments! Nine teams won their conference tournament championship, four teams made appearances in state tournaments, and four teams were undefeated in regular season and • tournament conference play-to name a few.
•• • •
JV Volleyball Most Improved: Sarah Yucha 110%: Lianne Sisson MVP: Ashley Dawson
Varsity Volleyball Most Improved: Dabney Broaddus Coaches ' Award: Veronica Tharp MVP: Kelsey Mohring Varsity Boys' Soccer Most Improved: Riley Sistrunk 110%: Eric Tucker Coaches' Award: Carlton Burke Varsity Cross Country Boys MVP: Cameron Taylor Girls Most Improved: Page Conway Most Outstanding: liz Delaney JV Boys' Basketball Best Defensive Player: Corey Blount Coaches ' Award: Peter Howard MVP: Sam Keller
Varsity Girls' Basketball Offensive Player of Year: Beth Dixon Defensive Player of Year: Veronica Tharp
Varsity Cheerleading Most Improved: Amanda Kern Coaches' Award: Gracie Andrews Most Spirited: Dani Fraize r
Varsity Boys' Basketball 110%: Jake Waldbauer Coaches ' Award: Cameron Taylor Offensive MVP: Hector Ayala Team MVP: Spencer Robinson Varsity Girls' Soccer Most Improved: Page Conway 110%: Blair Towers Coaches' Award: Kaitlin Meyer
Varsity Boys' lacrosse Most Improved: Peter Stohr Defensive Player of Year: Ryan Byrne Offensive Player of Year: Jake WaldbauE Varsity Girls' Lacrosse Most Improved: Sam Bisger 110%: Carter Fitzgerald Coaches' Award: Jamie Adams MVP: Ellie Bryan Varsity Golf Most Improved: Clark Asplundh Coaches' Award: Bobby Ball MVP: Jeoung Han Varsity Baseball Coaches' Award: logan Melton Best Offensive Player: Alexander Tharp MVP: JT Wauford Most Outstanding: Cameron Scales
Varsity Boys' Tennis Most Improved: John Clement 110%: Michael Scherger MVP: Justin Wright Varsity Girls' Tennis Most Improved: Maclaine Ellis Coaches' Award: Kemis Noble MVP: Mary Taylor Tepper Varsity Field Hockey Most Improved: Sam Bisger 110%: Skylar MacDonald MVP: Jamie Adams 27
SrnnJ! l007
Summer Fest is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with former classmates. Steward graduates relived their high school years through the company of former classmates and faculty on June 23 . Many Alumni had not returned to campus since the major campus renovations. "I was surprised to see how much Steward has grown ; it actually took me a few seconds to figure out where the gym was. Even though the campus has changed, 1 am glad to know that the core values and mission of The Steward School are the same," said Graham Hickerson '89. With delicious food provided by Hickory Notch, a wonderful new Lower School playground for the children, and beautiful weather, fun was had by all. Tours of the campus were given to those interested and The Somerville 8rothers (Tom Somerville and Chris Maszaros '02) provided great entertainment. Bonnie Anderson even shared her musical talents spontaneously. Following the family fun , the Classes of 1986 and 1987 held their 20-year Reunion at Shacklefords, while the Class of 1992 had their 15-year Reunion at the home of Cassel Adamson '92 and the Class of 1997 celebrated their 10-year Reunion at Havana59. "Everyone had a great time and enjoyed catch ing up with one another about jobs, children, and location. There were also lots of laughs and chatter about the posters of old yearbook photos that Delaney and 1 had made. All through the evening people kept asking when the next reunion will be! The food was delicious, the weather was perfect and the Adamsons provided the ultimate location for our 1Sth! We are already talking about our 20th !" said Kate Porter Murray '92 .
Save the Date If you missed this year's Summer Fest, mark your calendar now for
Summer Fest 2008 Saturday, june 7 and don't forget about
Interested in planning your class reunion 7 Contact Alumni@stewardschool.org 3l
S\JmmCf 2007
The Great Tailgate October 26, 2007
OMMUNITY SERVICE Headmaster Ken Seward has said, 1 the
"With a name like 'Steward'
gates of our school, we have a certain obligation to
ach students to care-to care for themselves, for others, r each other, and for a cause beyond themselves.
e cause was school-wide, division-wide, family- or team-focused, or rough a personal commitment and cause, Steward students found any ways to put stewardship in motion during the 2006-2007 school ar. Below are just a few.
This spring, the Middle School Girls lacrosse team raised $890 for Race for the Cure and participated in the race on Saturday, May 12. Twenty-six girls either ran or walked the 5K at Brown 's Island.
..................................................•...•••....................•• MiddLe SchooL Students
Lower School students participated in "Jump Rope for Heart."
.ower SchooL Students Students collected socks, shoes, and sweaters for Norrell School students in need . Norrell is the Battery Park school that closed due to flooding earlier th is school year.
Each year, the Middle School chooses a local organization to support through a variety of fund raising and outreach efforts throughout the year. This year, students and faculty gave their time and talent to Comfort Zone Camp, a local camp (reaching thousands of families nation-wide) designed to help children who have lost people they love. In addition to periodic fundraisers ("break-thedress-code" days, etc.), the students contributed their time as well. Individual advisories sent "goodies" (such as tie-dyed pillow cases, school supplies, teddy bears, and other odds and ends) based on a eze wish list. Middle School students made notable contributions to other organizations, including Race For The Cure, which also featured many student participants.
Individual advisories also choose individual causes, such as one advisory that prepared and served dinner for CARITAS one evening at a local church.
Upper SchooL Students As a core part of the Upper School curricu lum, students are required to participate in various community service activities- whether in the school or in the surrounding community. Additionally, Upper School students this year held a coat drive, canned food drives, an art supply drive, and more. For instance, Mrs. Heaton 's advisory led a drive to collect school supplies for young children in Afghanistan . Students volunteered at a variety of places around Richmond . And again this year, the Upper School participated in the Race for the Cure.
Students worked to pull together about 25 boxes of food for local families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. During the wint er holidays, students collected for Heifer International, a program that sponsors animals for indigent families in th ird-world countries Lower School students participated in this February's annual "Jump Rope for Heart" to benefit the American Heart Association . During February and March, Lower School students collected pennies for the Children's Hospital. Lower School students and teacher Kerr; Blum Summer 2007
At the year-end Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon, the following members of the Steward Community received awards for their service to Steward. Congratulations to all. Five Years of Service Kourtney Boughey CAL Joan Cameron MS Division Assistant Jane Covington LS, 2nd Grade Betty Enright LS Librarian jennifer Gnapp Development Assistant
Rebecca Carelli-Sennett Executive Assistant to the Headmaster
Nancy Loyd LS, 3rd Grade john McAlister Instrumental Music Robin Oliff Assistant Director of Admissions Martha Romero Maintenance Beth Shamburger Human Resources
Butch Keller Head of Upper School
Jane Keller US Economics, Math
Terri Shelton US English Craig Smith Head of Performing Arts Department; English and Theatre teacher Robin Williamson Director of Afterschool and Summer Programs
Ten Years of Service
Meggie Hirsch
Gail Heaton French
Wallace Inge Assistant Director of Athletics; Coach; Teacher
Karen Lechner MSMath
Fifteen Years of Service Louise Robertson MS English Leslie Kovach US Science
Jon Sirko
Twenty Years of Service
Robin Ricketts LS, 2nd Grade Phyllis Slonaker Tutor
Retiring Foundation Board Members Jack Muldowney, Ann Carol Marchant, and Rod Smyth
Twenty-Five Years of Service Ian Coddington US Dean of Students Catesby Jones MS Dean of Students
Each year, members of Steward's faculty and staff nominate those who go "far above and beyond" the call of duty. Congratulations to the following, who received these Peer Awards. _---.
Retiring Board of Trustee Members Janet Meyer Charlie Menges
Jay Parrish Tutor
Denise Kasper
Terri Shelton US EngLish
Ron Spears
Bill Wade IT; HeLp Desk Nancy Dorman Receptionist Robin Ricketts LS, 2nd Grade Mary Greenlee US Science Lee Healey US Division Assistant
Retiring Foundation Board Members Jack Muldowney
Bob Sanders Director, Maintenance and Facilities
Ann Carol Marchant
Facilities Department Group Award
Rod Smyth
Merriwether-Godsey Group Award
THE ANNUAL FUND "FOR STEWARD STUDENTS" The 2006-2007 Annual Fund Campaign surpassed last year's total, raising more than $337,000 in unrestricted dollars. Spartan Club: $12,563
Designated Gifts:$52,424
TotaL AnnuaL Gifts: $402,535
THE ANNUAL FUND STEERING COMMITTEE This year Steward created a new volunteer team, the Annual Fund Steering Committee, to lead the 2006-2007 Annual Giving Campaign. This team, led by parent chairs Dan and Sally Caldwell, consisted of representatives from each school division, each grade level, grandparents, and members of the Spartan Club. Thanks to the strong leadership of these volunteers and the generous financial support of Steward parents, grandparents, faculty, friends and family, we exceeded our unrestricted goal of $295,000! This year's campaign raised more than $337,000 unrestricted dollars, an all-time high for Steward. Thank you volunteers, parents, family members and friends who made attaining- and exceeding- this goal possible. L to R: Sally Caldwell, Ken Seward, and Dan Caldwell
"As a member of the Development staff, it was incredible to see so many volunteers commit their time and energy to promote the advancement of Steward and to educate other parents on the importance of the Annual Fund. We saw the parent community truly take ownership of this year's campaign, and it was a great working team." -Ac.l Cl ir Roper, An nual Givi ng Coordinator
35 Summer 2007
PARENTS' ASSOCIATION IN GOOD COMPANY This year, the Parents' Association decided to mi x it up with a new fund raising party series, In Good Company. In lieu of hosting an auction this year, parents cooked up a series of eight themed parties hosted in various locations, primarily in their homes. Kelly Stuart, Special Events Committee Chair, added her recipe of success, along with her hosts and committee, to create a delicious series of unique parties and fun events for the Steward community.
Ma ny thanks t o the In Good Company Party Hosts jennifer and Stephen Bendheim Carter and john Bryan Wyndi and john Carnes Michele and Cam Cosby Sandra and Wayne Dawson
• •• • •••
• Left: Kelly Stuart, Carter Bryan, Kim Narcia and Nelissa OeCapri
Margaret and E.C. Eck Betsy and Randy Fralin Carol and Bo Gray Keyser and Rich Glancy Helen and Berno Hamilton Cathy and Patrick Kirchmier Kim and Peter Marcia Pam and Clark McGhee Karen and Mike Huennekens Anne and Farrar Pace
Cindy and Dennis Pryor Elizabeth and Don Rhodes Adair and Roy Roper Beth and Buck Stinson Kelly and j.E.B. Stuart Gail and james Xu A special thanks to Libba Farmer for hand li ng reservations l
• Right: Patrick [; Cathy Kirchmier and . • Betsy [; Randy Fralin • Bottom: Karen Huennekens, Betsy : Fralin, Peyton [; Nike Ellis
. ........ ..
SPARTAN SPIRIT DAY The Parents' Association also held a successful Spartan Spirit Day 2006. Festivities included children's games, a cake walk and bake sale, Betty Baugh's petting zoo, the bazaar, and the homecoming parade. The Parents' Association generated S18,OOO in proceeds from this fun-filled event! Be on the lookout for details about next year's Spartan Spirit Day. 36 Swrm..-r 2007
" FOR STEWARD STUDENTS" Your gift to the annual fund helped us raise an all-time high of more than $337,000 for our students.
Nonprofit Organization
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THE ST E WARD SCHOOL 11600 Gayton Road · Richmond, VA 23238 (804) 740-3394 • www.stewardschool.org