mission statement The Steward School's Mission is to prepare each child for college and for life. Our core character values are ho nor, responsibility, and achievement, balanced by caring and respect for one's self and for others. Steward is committed to small classes and to small overall size, which allow for discovery
1984-85 Yearbook Photo. Where's the bow tie?
and development of each student's unique talents and passions, while providing more opportunities for individual participation. We believe an environment with a dive rsity of talents, abilities, cultures, and backgrounds provides the richest and most fully rounded
We will miss you and your bow ties, Mr. Coddington!
educational experience.
The Steward School admits students without regard to sex, race, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin
to all the rights, privileges, programs. and activities generaHy accorded or made available to students at the schooL
Published by THE STEWARD SCHOOL 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23238 (804) 740-3394
Administration Kenneth H. Seward Headmaster Carolyn Brandt Assistant Head of School Lisa Dwelle Director of Finance and Operations
Art Inspires Art: A N otewort hy Eve ning
Sarah Melvin DirecrorofDevetopment Scott Moncure Director of Admissions Wyndi Carnes DirectorofMarkeringandCommunicarions
T he Arts at Steward
Dan Frank Head of Upper School Mike Maruca Headoff'flddleSchool Deborah Hanger HeadofLowerSchool Publication Staff Tracy Lynch Copy Editor
Parents' Association Gala
Letter From the Headmas ter
Paul Blair, Paul Busse, Caston's Photography Studio, Cindy Grissom, Tracy Lynch, Sherilyn Smail Contributing Photographerl Andrew Mudd Contributing Writer
Printing Total Printing Company
H ere's To You, Mr. Coddington The editors have made ellery attempt to ensure the accuracy of
To College and Beyond
information reported in this publication. We apologize for any inadvertent errors .
H appy Birthday, Helen Dixo n
LEAp, Year Two
CrossrCHds is publidled three times I year by Tn. Steward School. AU rightJ reserved. No portion of this rN&.lIne may be reproduced without the written permission of Thl! Steward School. Address cnanges should be sent to Barbara Werderman, Development Office, The Steward School, '1600 Gayton Road, Richmond, Virginia 23238. SUgg~ions and comments regarding this publication lNy be sent to the editor, Tracy Lynch, at tncy.lynch@stew.rdschool.org. or m.it.d to The Steward School. 11600 G.yton Road, Richmond, Vlralnl. 23238.
Visit us on the web at
Drac ula at Steward
Sherilyn Smail De5ign Editor
LEITER FROM THE HEADMASTER It Isn't All in the Numbers
At Steward, it is always about more than the numbers. It is about answers to core questions: Did we learn to take better care of ourselves today? Better care of others? Did we take care of the community that is taking care of us?
We have had a grea t year by the numbers, no martel' how one chooses to cou nt. The budge t is balanced; the Annual Fund exceeded its goa l aga in thi s yea r; there are more qualified tudents who wish to enroll at Steward than we can accommoda te; seniors' sta ndardi zed test scores arc impressive, by national standards, as are their college acceptance lists. The number of students who had eam ed all f'>(s in evel), subj ect. all year, ami their parents filled every available square inch of our home for the Head mas ter's lisl dinner. When I arrived four years ago, we had on ly twe nty-five fewer students enrolled in th e schoo l than we have currently, yet the number of athletic teams has grown in that time from 26 to 39, wi th well over 80째1<, of all Middl e and Upper School students choosing to play! Ou r Varsity Baseball Team has scored 222 runs to their opponents' 30 total. In April, the Virginia Association of Inde pendent Schools eva luated us institutionally for re-accred itation using 76 standards, and we passed every one. Because of the progress we have made since September, the capital campaign i> ove r the half-way mark . With the recent approva l by th e Henrico County Planning Commission for Phase I, we are poised to move forward with construction; already, we are working clo ely with the architect and with Taylor and Parrish COlmruction on the plans for the first project-the Upper School expansion and renovation. My goals this year included accomplis hing a successful year one of the capital campaign, year two of the strategic plan, and year five of the VAIS acc reditation process. We have nin e faculty and sraff positions to fil l for next year (with the "best faculty" described in o ur Strategic Plan) , and since Jan ual), 2008, we have interviewed 37 candidates of the 184 who applied. As I look forward, I see the need to review and implement fu rth er the athletic strategic plan for all sport and teams, articulate a set of green initi atives, coordinate K-12 curri culum through mapping, and develop greate r diwrsity and opportunity for cultural immersion. But at Stewa rd , it is always about more than the numbers. It is aboul answers to core questions: Did we lea rn to mke better care of o urselves today? Better ca re of others? Did we take ca re of the community that is taking care of us? These answers cannOt be meas ured on a relative numerical sca le. And , regardless of our grade s, our SAT scores, our college acceprances, and our fundraising, wh o we are as people and as a school -and how we prepare our students for life beyond Steward- depends upon how we answer theT questions. We have accompl ished a great dea l this year. [look forwa rd to what lies ahead, and I sincerely appreciate what everyone has accomplished and how well we have taken care of each other.
Ken Seward
tAr~. ~raoc:\' about c-o\\ege ~e\ec-"oo~\ \\
Glossary T o
B e yond
GLOS.SA.RY (glos-uh-ree) ofTerms Acronyms: Most often seen these days at the fingertips of texting teenagers, acronyms abound in the college-application process (CAP) , so make sure you take note ASAP :
ACT: American College Test. According to www.act.org, the ACT "assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science [a component not found in the SAT]. The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay." This test is used primarily by schools in the middle regions of the country.
AP: Advanced Placement. Students can start taking AP classes-which provide a more intensive and extensive course of study than other classes, designed to prepare students for the AP examstheir junior year. It's possible to receive college credit for these exams, depending on the scores received and the criteria of the college the student ends up attending. Offerings each year depend of the number of qualified and interested students. FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid. By completing the FAFSA, students apply for federal and state student grants, work-study programs, and student loans. Much more information can be found at their website. It's useful stuff, so be sure to check it out: www.fafsa.ed.gov.
GPA: Grade point average. Once you hit 9th grade, colleges look at this part of your scholastic history very carefully. You'll want to keep an eye on it, too.
NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association . Want to continue playing sports in college? You' ll become quite familiar with this organization's Eligibility Center (formerly known as its Clearinghouse). Student-athletes and interested college coaches will need to work closely with Mrs. Brandt (for logistical purposes, such as grades, eligibility. and so on) and Athletic
Director Janet Rice (for arrangements about school visits and interviews) . There are several workshops held in Richmond each year for those interested in playing college athletics, including one by Bob Foley. These are anno unced in the Upper School Newsletter.
PSATs: Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test. Given to sophomores and juniors, but "only the 11th grade PSAT relates in any way to college admission. since the results of that test are used to determine eligibility for National Merit Scholarships," according to one college testi ng website. Steward requests that all tenth-graders take the PSAT. Why? Accordi ng to Mrs. Brandt, "You know, the old adage is true: practice makes perfect."
RAI S: Richmond Area Independent Schools. Their college counseling program sponsors the ever-popular and extremely useful College Night, held each spring at The Collegiate School. Steward is a member of RAIS.
SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test. Owned, developed. and published by the College Board (but administered by ETs- yet another acronym, for Educational Testing Service). This is the biggie- the test your hard work, . sleepless nights, and parental nagging have prepared you for. There have been a number of changes since parents took this test; now, for instance, t here are three sections to the Reasoning test: critica l reading, mathematics, and writing/essay. It is also possible to take subject tests (somtimes known as achievement tests"), which are one-hour tests looked at most closely by highly selective schools. lI
college Visits: There are two types. The first gets students off the Steward campus and on to those schools they're considerinl College visits are a smart move, explains Brandt, "because you can see the life of thl campus- the buildings, the students, the activities," all of which help students kno~ whether they can picture themselves then
Co l le ge
Gloss ar y
B eyond
10st students visit campuses their junior nd senior years. 'ype two are those made by college Idmissions reps to our campus. These visits Ire a great way for Upper School students to ~et preliminary information about schools :hey mayor may not have considered ~reviously-with little or no commitment. The circle of schools that visit Steward is widening; this year, Vanderbilt, UVa ., Georgia, Virginia Tech, James Madison, Mary Washington. Radford, and many others made the rounds. Mrs. Brandt posts the visit information thro ughout the year.
Common Application: The Common Application is an admission applicationonline and in print-that students may submit to any of nearly 300 participating colleges and universities. According to www.commonap plication .org. "once completed online or in print, copies of the Application for Undergraduate Admission can be sent to any number of participating colleges. The same is true of the School Report. Mid-year Report. and Teacher Evaluation forms." What's the benefit? Completing the Common Application "allows you to spend less time on the busywork of applying for admission. and more time on what's really important: college research. visits, essay writing, and senior-year
T er m s
~ own college-application process _ guru (see photo) . Mrs. Brandt . has been working with collegebound Spartans for 14 years. guiding them thro ugh class selection. application completion. essay writing, and school visitation questions of all kinds. Good news. parents: she's there for you , too (see One-On-One Meeting. below) .
Mrs. Brandt: Steward's very
Naviance: A must-have college application tool. according to Mrs. Brandt, this software system is made available to students in the spring of their freshman year. Both a college-search engine and an application-tracking system, Naviance affords students the opportunity to compare their personal profile with those of students who have been admitted to their colleges of choice. With a "Family Connection" component, this system helps studentsand their parents-stay organized during a busy time.
Differential Aptitude Test: Taken by students in the fall of their ninth-grade year. this test is part of a genre of testing that tests verbal, math. mechanical. spatial, and abstract reasoning skills. The results of the Differential Aptitude Test help guide faculty advisors and students in course selection.
Freshman Orientation: This is where
o f
One-On-O ne Meeting: The hallmark of Steward's college prep program. Mrs. Brandt is most proud of this component of the application process. "Sometime between students' ju nior spring grade-level meeting and the beginning of their senior year," she explains. "I meet with each rising senior and his or her parents. It really makes a difference to be able to look at each student individually, answer all questions. and make a plan of action for his or her senior year, which is busy and exciting, but can be scary." At the meeting. Mrs. Brandt gives parents a "College Conference Agenda" to map out timelines, goals. school tours, and more.
websites: What would college ap plicants do without the Web? Here are a few valuable sites:
the process all begins. Ninth-grade students take this course to learn more about GPAs, class selection in Upper School. and directing their efforts toward finding the college that is right for them.
http://www.stewardschool.org/spartanet/ webs/brandt/CollegeResources.htm (in SpartaNet; available to current Steward families)
Grade-Level Meetings: Held twice per
year for each Upper School grade, these meetings are invaluable for parents and students who want to be in the know. During students' freshman year and in the fall of their sophomore year. the meetings are parents-only. Beginning in the spring of their sophomore year, students and parents attend together.
B ey ond
http://www.fafsa.ed .gov/ http://www.usnews.com/sections/rankings
Members of the Class of '08 enjoy a spring day-and the chance to show off their new col/ege shirts.
Emory University
University of Alabama
Ashford College (Iowa)
Ferrum College
University of California - Los Angeles
Auburn University
Franklin and Marshall College
University of Colorado - Boulder
Barton College
Hampden-Sydney College
University of Georgia
Boston University
High Point University
University of Hartford
Bridgewater College
James Madison University
University of Illinois
California College of Art
Johns Hopkins University
University of Louisville
Charleston Southern University
Longwood University
University of Mary Washington
Christopher Newport University
Lynchburg College
University of Mississippi
Clemson University
Marquette University
University of North Carolina - Asheville
College of Charleston
Mary Baldwin College
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
College of William and Mary
Marymount Manhattan College
University of Northwestern Ohio
Corcoran College of Art and Design
Methodist University
University of Richmond
DePaul University (Chicago)
New York University
University of Santa Clara
Dickinson College
Notre Dame de Namurs
University of South Carolina
Dominican University
Old Dominion University
University of South Carolina - Upstate
East Carolina University
Penn State University
University of Tennessee
Eastern Mennonite University
Radford University
University of Virginia
Randolph-Macon College
Vanderbilt University
Roanoke College
Villanova University
Elan University
Savannah School of Art and Design
Virginia Commonwealth University
Southern Methodist University
Virginia Tech
St. John's University
Virginia Wesleyan College
The New School for Jau and Contemporary Music
Wake Forest University
Towson University
Wesley College
Tulane University
West Virginia University
Warren Wilson College
Ni:J Welcome Back} College Alumni January 14,2008 Each year in January, Steward invites a small group of recent alumni currently in different types of colleges to reflect upon their adjustment to life after Steward. This Alumni Panel gives current students the chance to ask pressing questions about the coming year, and the answersfrom their peers- often help to ease the uncertainty that naturally accompanies the college application process. Headmaster Seward sees a pattern in issues discussed . "Listening again this year, I was struck by recurring themestechnology, personal relationsh ips, and workload." It will come as little surprise to any parent of a teenager that in college, technology is a way of life. It is the medium through which assignments are posted and submitted, communication with teachers and classmates is conducted, campus events are announced, and meetings and classes are scheduled. As far as workload , the alumni on the panel said that they felt well prepared for the level of academic work; they
explained that although the amount of work was significantly more, they had more time to work on it, especially during the day. Time management and selfdiscipline, however, are key. So what is it like, Steward students wondered, to go off to a new place, make new friends, and live with a perfect stranger? The alumni offered advice taken directly from their experience of attend ing a small, close school such as Steward: establish relationships. Open your door. Get out of the dorm room to study. Sit in the front of your classroom so that professors will get to know you and you them. Don't be afraid to room with a stranger or to try new th ings- find ways to pu sh yourself to make relationships. "That really spoke volumes to me about the experience they had here at Steward," says Seward. "They established those relationships here, and their relationshipbuilding skills have helped them transition to other situations."
(l eft to right) Brad de Wet '06, Michael Morton '05, Riley Sistrunk '07, Whitney Frost '06, Ken Seward, Katy Kasper '07, Katie Perkins '05, Carolyn Brandt, and Alison Norton '05
Ken on Campus By Barbara Werderma n, Alumni Coord inator
In 2006, Headmaster Ken Seward decided to develop a "Steward on t he Road" college visit ation program to learn more about specific colleges, build relationships, and check- in on ou r alum ni. Since its inception Ken has visit ed many colleges, including James Madison University, Virginia Tech, Roanoke College, and most recently Hampton-Sydney Co llege and Longwood University. This year, Ken traveled with me, Mrs. Bonnie Anderson (music teacher and Longwood alumna), and Mr. Justin Lee (US History Department Chair and Hampden-Sydney alumnus). Ken had the opportunity to meet with the Dean of Admissions at Hampden -Sydney and the Assistant Director of Admissions at Longwood, and he received campus tours from Steward alumni. Follow ing this year's college visits, all Steward alumni from Longwood and Hampton -Sydney gathered at Charley's Waterfront Cafe for dinner and catching up. Alumni, look out! Next March we could be visiting your college . Pictured L to R: Bonnie Anderson, Dabney Broaddus '07, Monica Casper '07, Lauren Harris '04, Ken Seward, Barbara Werderman, Rachel Petock '06, jack Quinn '07, Teri Fi tzgerald '06, j ustin Lee
Alumni Spotlight: Mike Edwards '03 Alumnus Mike Edwards '03 was known to be a well respected student-athlete while at Steward. "Mike was a hard-working student in the classroom and an exciting basketball player on the court," says fo rmer teacher Justin Lee. Mike carried these attributes with him to Hampden-Sydney College, where he became a sta r member of their basketball team. Heading to college from a small high school could have been intimidating, bu t Mike says that he felt prepared . "Steward helped me develop academically, socially, and athletically," he explains, all of which made it easier to adapt to the many new demands he faced . His most cherished memories involve the opportunity college athletics afforded him. "My most memorable college
What is
experience is when my Hampden-Sydney College basketball team won the 2007 Old Dominion Athletic Conference Tournament Championship. Entering t he tournament as the number-five seed, the only people who believed our team could wi n we re my teammates and I." The same determ in ation and persevera nce t hat had he lped him in the past helped his teammates earn the championship. "In winning the conference championship, I set a new tournament record for most poi nts scored in a tournament with seventy-one, and my team set a record for being the lowest seed ever to win t he tournament." They thus won a bid to the NCAA Division III Tournament, and although they lost in the second round, Mike knows he'll never lose the memories. Mike describes college as t he perfect ve nue for learning real-world analyt ical and decision-making skills. His advice for Steward students as they move forwa rd in their education? "Pick a college that best fits you. I have so many friends who
go to a school either because it was a fun school or solely for sports. Once they're there, th ey realize that the school wasn't right for them. Visit the colleges, and if at all possible, t ry to spend a weekend at t he school to see how it's atmosphere wou ld correlate with your personality," Mike advises. A 2007 graduate of Hampd en-Sydney, Mike now enjoys worki ng for Bank of America.
one thing you should learn from your parents before you leave for coLLege?
All fam ily phone numbers to make sure you can keep in touch w ith e veryone.
How to handle a bank account and keep track of your money.
How to say "What's your name?" and a good handshake.
Name: Riley Sistrunk '07 College: New York University Major: Business (Marketing)
Name: Katie Perki ns 'OS College: Meredith College Major: Music Education
Name: Brad de Wet '06 College: Virginia Tech Major: Theatre Arts and Communications
How to do laundry! Name: Michael Morton 'OS College: Ra ndolph Macon College Major: History
forget to bring to coLLege
• • •
An umbrella!
Name: Ashley Cooper 'OS College: University of Richmond Major: Psychology
Name: Joe Matthews '04 College: Clemson Un iversity Major: Business with a concentration in Marketing
A laptop.
Name: Rya n DeLaney '06 College: Un iversity of Virginia Major: Architecture
An outfit you ca n wear for special occasions. Name: Grace Astrove '06 College: Connecticut College Major: Art History (minor in Class ics) to
Peterman ('11), who played Dr. Seward, Lucy's suitor, stated, "I had to fear for my life, and then kill someone I loved." Actors invaded one another's personal spaces, whether it was with a romantic embrace or a bite on the neck. "We got closer to people than we normally do," explained Stephen Gianfortoni ('08), who played Count Dracula. Furthermore, the actors told a complex and mysterious story with dialogue written in a style from another century. They had to articulate long passages of dialogue in a meaningful and convincing manner. As one character exclaims: "In all the great rounds of its daily course, the sun rises on no life more miserable than mine. He has betrayed me!" The Theatre Department wanted to challenge the audience as well. The department has always balanced lighter, family-oriented productions, such as last year's Snoopy!!! and Sarah. Plain and Tal/, with darker shows like Arsenic and Old Lace and Little Shop of Horrors . With Dracula, however, the department wanted to shake up the expectations. Headmaster Ken Seward was happy with the success of the production , and with the buzz the play generated during the week in February. "Sometimes, it's good to throw people a curve ball. The audience came in not knowing what to expect, but they knew they were about to see something special. The entire performance delivered quite a shock." Diana Keith ('09), who played Renfield, says, "I think this show will be remembered for a long time, because it broke the boundaries of the generally reserved
Steward School theatre. We pushed harder than we'd ever pushed ourselves before." Dietz's Dracula also tested the limits of the technical side of the theatre program. The script describes many locations wherein the action jumps quickly from place to place, often needing two scenes represented at once. Scenes change from normal to supernatural, characters have magical entrances and exits, and a wide variety of strange props are required, including manacles, wooden stakes, and , of course, a lot of blood. "There were many firsts with this design, " explains Production Designer and Technical Director Andy Mudd . "It was the first time we used a projection, first time we flew an actor in a harness, first time we built trap doors in the stage floor, first time we revolved a set." The set had the tallest platform ever used in a Steward production, and half the scenery had to change during intermission. Mudd continues, "We built nine trapdoors into the set - into walls, into platforms and the stage, and even two into a bed." Coffins appeared from nowhere, windows slammed by magic, and the show started with a surprise. "It was the first time we had a live rat on stage, too." The use of musical underscoring was another first . Music played an enormous part in the production, to introduce characters and to set the tone . Many sound effects were incorporated into the show, from thunderclaps and wolves howling to castle doors slamming and church bells tolling. The cast was a good mix of veteran Upper School students and new faces from the
Middle School. Anna Greenlee ('08) played Lucy, a young lady who is seduced by Dracula, and her best friend Mina was played by Hope Frank ('08) . (Hope and Anna played the Brewster sisters in Arsenic and Old Lace in 2006.) Preston Huennekens ('12) played Mina 's fiance , who unwittingly assists Dracula in his desire to re-locate to England. Nick Peterman ('11) played Seward, and Jack Heyssel ('12) played Abraham Van Helsing, Seward's colleague who is called upon to help fight the vampire. Gianfortoni, who played the Count, admits that Dracula isn 't the star of the show. The star is Renfield, a lunatic in Seward 's asylum who aids Dracula in his plans. While Renfield is a man, Moehring took a chance by casting Diana Keith ('09) in the role . "Diana had to convince me that she could play the part as a slave to Dracula, without any hint of femininity or sexuality," Moehring states, "or else it would take the story the wrong direction . We always referred to Renfield as a man." Laura Skove ('08) and Eva VanTolingen ('08) played Dracula's vixens. Emily Robinson, ('B), Stephanie Legg ('B), Gordon Blair ('11), and Ben Zoghby ('13) rounded out the cast. Above all, the Theatre Department strived for two things through the entire project. "We didn't want the audience to laugh at the serious moments," says Moehring. "We had to pull them in from the very start. We wanted them to feel the pain and anguish and immerse them into this dark world." And secondly? "We wanted to give them a good scare."
SPARTANS Hitting It Out of the Park All Year Long! Basketball:
Field Hockey:
The Boys' Varsity Basketball team finished their 2007-2008 season with 21 wins and only 5 losses. These fighting Spartans were this year's 2007-08 Virginia Commonwealth Conference (VCC) Regular Season Champs-and went on to be the VCC Tournament Champions (for the 6th year in a row) and compete in the state tournament.
junior Jamie Adams was named to the RichmondTimes-Dispatch's First All-Metro Team , which includes players for public and independent schools in the Richmond metropolitan area.
The Varsity Golf team finished the season with a 13-1 record and they sit atop the VCC rank ings. In addition, they are ranked #3 Division II of the VISAA state poll.
Th is year's team won the LIS Division II Regular Season Championship and repeated as LIS Tournament Champions.
Cross Country:
Congrats also go to the Varsity Girls' Basketball team, the 2007-08 League of Independent Schools (LIS) Regular Season Champs and Tournament Runner-upl Julie Remmers and Beth Dixon were selected as All- LIS players for the season.
Senior Tim Wiles was named VCC MVP, and senior Liz Delaney was named MVP for the girls' division for the third straight year. The girls' team earned VCC Repeat Championship honors .
Boys' Soccer:
The Varsity Girls' Volleyball team finished with a 6-9 record in the LIS . This earned them the 4th place for the LIS Tournament. The team improved tremendously throughout the season and their future looks bright in the highly competitive League of Independent Schools(L1S). Senior Kelsey Mohring was named to the All-LIS Team.
Senior Carlton Burke was named VCC MVP. The Boys' team went on to be regular season and tournament repeat champs.
Baseball: At press time the Varsity Baseball team has an unbelievable record of 21-1, is ranked #1 in the VCC, and is currently ranked #3 in Division II of the Virginia Independ ent School Athletic Association (VISAA) state poll. They have made it to the semi-final round of the state tournament. This year, for the first time, we fielded Middle Schoo l and jV baseball teams as well. The future of this new program looks strong.
Tennis: The Varsity Girls' Tennis team continues their amazing record (see story on page 15). They remained undefeated in the VCC and finished with an overall record of 17-2, with their only losses to Godwin. The Varsity Boys' Te nnis team also did well with a 10-7 record .
Lacrosse: This spring, Steward added a]V Girls' Lacrosse team to our MS and Varsity offerings. Their record this season was 9-1 , while the Varsity reco rd stood at 6-9. The Varsity Girls' team is currently ranked #7 in Division II of the VISAA state poll. The Varsity Boys' Lacrosse team is playing hard and has a new coach this yearPatrick Swope. Hatton Taylor and Chip Chapman still head up the MS boys' team.
Girls' Soccer: The Varsity Girls' Soccer team played well this spring, and with a large number of girls currently participating in the MS program, the future looks bright!
This year, with our strong participation rates and growing programs, we have added five Varsity teams: girls' lacrosse, boys' soccer, field hockey, baseball, and girls' basketball.
Find out all the details and updates at
ALL Strings Attached Varsity Girls' Ten nis Team Athletic Director Janet Rice walked through the lobby, beaming with pride. "Did you hear?! " she asked with her trademark intensity. "The TimesDispatch named Girls' Tennis as the second-ranked team," she answered before anyone could respond-and the n, smiling wider, added "in the WHOLE regionl" That kind of pride follows the Vars ity Girls' Tennis Team on and off the courts. And with good reason . In the past three years, the girls' team has established an unbelievable 61-and-3 record. Yes, that's only three losses (all to tennis powerhouse Godwin) , and enough wins to help establish them as VCC Regular Season Champions every year since 1998 and VCC Tournament Champs every year since 1999.
A record like that doesn't just happen, especially to a team with girls ranging from sixth to twelfth grades. "They're all just great girls. Really talented, and the most mature and thoughtful middle and high school girls I've ever experienced," says head coach Kate Crone, a newcomer to the team herself. Crone, this year's VCC Coach of the Year and a former high -school and college player and pro at Westwood from 2003-2005, reflects that the relationships that have formed through t he years are, in part, to cred it for the team's success. "Most of the girls on the team have been together since about sixth grade," she explains. "The girls have special relationships as a result-and so do the parents."
Captains (and graduating seniors) Kemis Noble, Dana Powell, and Elizabeth Hickman led the team to a 17-and-2 record this season. Powell plans to play next year at Methodist University in North Carolina; Crone knows she is well prepared for the challenge of collegiate-level tennis. "She's been able to play on a vars ity tennis team since 6th grade, so she knows how t he game is played. She's had years and years of experience to prepare her." Crone knows, too, that the girls' future looks bright whether on the tennis court or off. "Tennis is a sport that teaches you how to act with poise. Plus, it's a social sport, so players are able to look at this as the beginning of a lifetime of playing." Luckily for us, we're able to see them get off to a great start.
For the past few months , Steve Prince's students explored the artistic expression of loss and recovery. "Through the process of art, I challenged the students to take those hurts, pains, misfortunes in their lives and channel them through their art to leave a historical record of the significance of that event in their lives, thus using art Thematically, the music centered on New Orleans and its unique flavor of music
as a tool of healing and rejuvenation." Each student wrote a poem based on
and art; complementary performances
these themes; Prince worked with
presented more "modern" versions of
students to utilize the tenets of jazz
jazz-including a toe-tapping, head-
music embodied in syncopation, call and
banging, student-led rendition of
response, and improvisation. Prince
Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit." "Both [verSions] invo lved 'jazz' music, yes, but
explains, "The students translated their
the styles are very different," says
poems into visual iconography just as a jazz musician may take his or her
forgotten. That evening, two artists joined
Norfleet, an acclaimed musician and music educator. On stage, Norfleet
surroundings and translate the experience into sound, or a slave took the hardships
forces with each other and Steward
couldn't contain his enthusiasm for the
of working in the field and restated that
students to educate, entertain, and-yesinspire.
culminating performance of months of
hurt in the form of a spiritual. Those
hard work with Steward students. And
spirituals eventually became the
judging by the whoops and hollers from the crowd , he wasn't alone.
foundations of American jazz."
For those in attendance, Art Inspires Art: A Celebration of Jazz, which took place on April 11, is a night that won't soon be
Artists-in-residence Stephen Norfleet and Steve A. Prince worked with Steward students this year in entirely different
In his time with Steward students,
The poetry readings from selected students flowed like music from the stage. The
media . Norfleet is a jazz musician; Prince, a visual artist and speaker. Both, however,
Norfleet explains, "I've been doing what I
thoughtful silence of the audience soo n
would call Jazz Improvisation Workshops . Basically, this means that I've been relating basic information to them : scales, chords,
gave way to laughter and rhythmic applause, however, as Prince made each
incorporated the history of jazz in their work with students-from the foundations
audience member a participant in a traditional New Orleans African American
jazz to the influence in American culture
how to create a chord, and how to improvise within a simple song form." In
as we see and hear it today. The evening,
this case, he continues, "The song form was
which included performances by the
the basic 12-bar blues. This is historically
humor, he and his son, Elijah , acted out the embodiments of loss and recovery-
important because jazz musicians took
the "dirge" and the "li ne"-that make up
and solo instrumental
what the blues musicia ns (who came
the very essence of these traditional
performances, student poetry readings, and the unveiling
before them) did and expanded it, making it their own ." Also , Norfleet adds, "the blues comes from the Mississippi Delta,
funeral processions. Audience members waved white handkerchiefs, which
of jazz music, improvisation, and modern
.) Stephen Norfleet Group, student group
which, geographically, is very close to New Orleans."
funeral. With energy, vibrancy, and
symbolizes the release of the white dove of peace, while Norfleet's music and Prince's energy lit up the room .
The subsequent unveiling of beautiful,
The prints, made by students and Prince
jazz-inspired prints was that much more
through a block-carving print technique, created in part using Prince's unique
breathtaking. The prints (see above) were, in Prince's words, "the labor of the students
steam-roller method, met tremendous
and teachers over the month of February
applause from the already electric
as we reflected on the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans to the
to remind us all of the evening and the
fashioning of the American landscape."
lessons of art and life that these two
crowd. They will hang on Steward's walls
In his eyes, this evening "showcased the
talented men have given all of us. What
seamless tie between music, literature, history, and the visual arts."
a gift.
Top photos: The pr ints created by Prince and students are treasured gifts to the School. Far right photo: Steve Prince Bottom photo (L to R): John McAlister, Rachel Wilcox, Ryan Lambert, Andrew Caldwell, James Baker, and Stephen Norfleet Group drummer Emre Kartari.
Did you Know? This summer, Ms. Ruge ne Pau lette, Chair of Visual Arts at Steward, will serve as this year's first artistin-residence for the Virginia Partners for the Arts Program in Virginia's sister state, Santa Catari na, Brazil. Virginia Partners will provide fund ing for her travel through a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cu ltural Affairs, the U.S. Department of State through Partners of the Americas, and the Virginia Partners of the Americas. Ms. Paulette 's residency is part of the Bridging Cultures through t he Arts project; visiti ng artists from participating schools will visit respective partner schools for a period of 3-4 weeks and work with the teachers, students, and communities. The artists wi ll be given t ime to explore the area a nd get a feel for the cu lt ure, t he people and their customs, and their food . It is quite an honor for Ms. Paulett e to be se lected for this unique program.
Happenings ... "Whirled" Peace Day (pictured below) took place at Steward on September 21, 2007. Lower, Middle, and Upper School students, facu lty, and staff participated in t his national event that celebrates peace. Th is year St eward recognized our international students and employees. In a brief ceremony, students "planted" their ha ndmade pinwheels in t he shape of a peace sign, and then our students and staff fro m around the world held up a flag from their native country and introduced
t hemselves . The event ended with a speech from Awer Bul, a "Lost Boy From Sudan" and last year's vis iti ng artist , who spoke on the importance of peace and his mission of giving art workshops to children in Sudan. From April 24 to April 26, Steward presented its spring t heatre performance, which was free and open to the public. "Mont hs on End" was a humorous look at how a young couple becomes surprisingly intertwined with a circle of friends and family whose lives are poised between happiness and heartbreak. Followi ng t he young couple t hrough a yea r in t hei r new lives together, the diverse scenes and characters in this student-run play created a delightful theatrical experience encompassing a range of emotions from hap piness to sorrow and everyth ing in between. James Dooley, Laura Skove, Anna Greenlee , Thomas Davis, Finn Smyth, Prest on Huennekens, Hope Frank, Gracie Cote, Diana Keith, and Gordon Bla ir starred.
Steward Students Create Mural Earlier this school year, Saxon Shoes approached Th e Steward School Visual Arts departm ent about painting a mural in the store , which is located within Short Pump Town Ce nter. Gary Weine r, President of Saxon Shoes and parent of Steward Alumnus, Evan Weiner '01, knew that Steward's commitment t o community and e mphasis on the arts would be the pe rfect match for creating a fun and wh imsical piece of art . "Our st aff receives positive comments every day from patrons walking the steps," expla ins Weiner, "And when they find out it was paint ed by Steward students, they are even more interested."
Photgraphy Students on the Town
The colo rful mu ral, entitled "The Old Woman in the Shoe," will be on permanent display. Student s in grades 6 through 12 helped Art De pa rtment fa culty members Cindy Grissom, Rugene Paulette, and Lynr Zinder complete th e artwork. The formal unvei ling and reception was held at the store on Monday, April 21 , 200S. At the reception Mr. Wei ner presented students with a check for $500, 10% of the week's total sales; Steward donated these proceeds t o ART lSo-t he students' non-profit orga nization of choice.
A photography exhibit at the Richmond Camera store on Patterson t his fall showcased the work of students Beth Farmer, Carrie Ruffin, Cameron Scales, Emily Hauard, Kaylen Schwartz, Keith Murphy, Kemis Noble, Nick Shaw, Veron ica Tharp, Whitley Menges, a nd Grace Henderson. Mr. Alley was especially proud of the students' work, saying "It was a very strong collection of images."
. •
• • •
• III •
Show is on disp'lay tnls year from April 30 until • •
.. .. . .
familial talent oy featur'ng artworK from .
Exhibits off Campus The Steward School Annual Sun Trust Art Exhibit is a multimedia art exhibit featuring all Steward Artists in Middle and Upper School. Media includes photography, encaustic painting, oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas, graphite pencil, colored pencil, collage, watercolor, woodcut prints, and more. We always have an amazing presence at our annual participation in this show, which ran from May 7 until May 23.
The Littlest Bards On February 21 the Sth grade class proudly presented their class play. But there was something different about this performance-mainly that it was performed in a language virtually foreign to all of its actors. Mrs. Moehring adapted three Shakespearean plays- Romeo and juliet, Comedy of Errors, and Hamlet-to create a mini-version of three classics. "The students really stepped up to the challenge," she says about the morning, "and did a spectacular job at something that was frankly tough for them to do."
Black History Month Celebration Th is year, the Upper School Jazz Band had the opportunity to perform at the February 2008 "Living the Dream" Ceremony held at the Arthur Ashe Center in downtown Richmond. The program included speeches and greetings from Governor Timothy Kaine, Lieutenant Governor William Bolling, and Attorney General Bob McDonnell. The keynote speake r was Reverend Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, who had served as Dr. Martin Luther King's Chief of Staff. The band played to their largest and most prestigious audience to date by playing a twenty-minute prelude before the event began and performing Tito Puente's "Oye Como Va" as a featured selection.
On That Note .. . Musical Milestones Several students earned music honors this year. Seventh-grader Christian Rennie earned a position in the first violin section of the top orchestra for the 2008 Central Regional Junior Orchestra, becoming the first Steward student in the history of the six-year instrumental music program to make a position in this Orchestra. Ninth grade flute player Molly Gagan earned a spot for a second year in the Richmond Symphony Youth Orchestra. Senior Caleb Brown first earned a position in the percussion section of the 2008 District One Band; then, this winter, Caleb earned a position as the drum set player for the 2008 Virginia Commonwealth University Greater Richmond High School Jazz Band. Lower and Middle School Choral Music Teacher Megan Barlow and Middle and Upper School Instrumental Music Teacher John McAlister both perform regularly with the Commonwealth Winds. Membership in this ensemble is by invitation only and includes many Richmond -area band directors, music educators, professional musicians, and retired military band members. Mrs. Barlow is a bassoonist and Mr. McAlister is a percussionist with the ensemble. At a recent state conference, Mr. McAlister was
awarded a fifteen-year certificate for his service as a Virginia music educator. This year, the instrumental music department started a new ensemble called "Varsity Jazz" (pictured at top). This group of experienced jazz improvisers has performed at special events throughout the year such as the Parents' Association Spaghetti Dinner, Spartan Spirit Day, Middle & Upper School Grandparents' Day, and Convocation. Members of Varsity Jazz were the only current Steward students who participated in the special memorial service held in honor of Paul Cramer in October. In February, the group performed a program on the history of jau for senior citizens sponsored by t he Friends of the Twin Hickory Library. The Upper School Jazz Band made their first -ever appearance in a band fest iva l at the Jazz Titans ofTomorrow Festival, held on the campus ofTrinity Episcopal School on Saturday, April 21. The event included a clinic with VCU's Director of Jazz Studies, Antonio Garcia, and a performance on an outdoor stage under a tent with professional sound and lighting and a contingent of Steward Band supporters. Other schools represented at the event included Collegiate, St. Christopher's, Maggie Walker Governor's School, Trinity, and VCU Greater Richmond High School Jau Band. (lOÂť'u.b" III
.IX \
The Paul R. Cramer "Best Faculty Award
The Lower School Holiday Program, (see photo above) "The Ult imate Gift," was excellent this year, and featured an original script written for our students by Bonnie Anderson and named for an original song by Mrs. Anderson . All of the students in Lower School participated in the production, which featured misfit toys looking for a loving home. Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day, held May 9, was another memorab le experience-both for the Lower Schoolers and the ir visitors. The theme was "What's More American?," a program that reinforced the concept of patriotism in our children and the audience by re mind ing everyone of the effort and contributions made to create our nation based on the musical Red, White, and Blues-and adapted by Mrs. Anderson. In November, Upper School Choral students auditioned for positions in the District Chorus (which took place at Deep Run High School on Friday and Saturday,
February 8 and 9) . Taylor Scott and Kelsey Mohring represented Steward in the District Chorus. Middle and Upper School choral students participated in October's "Pumpkin Palooza," an event that benefited the Faison School for Autism. The groups performed several selections in an outdoor concert held at the Carillon in Byrd Park. The Goodwill Choral Tour was held November 30th and included four local senior facilities. Choral students performed at Lakewood Manor, Cedarfield, Ginter Hall West, and Westport Hea lth care Facility. The students shared handmade favors constructed by Barbara Woods, Keri Drummond's grandmother. It was a joyful day for both the residents and our students as they shared the joy of music with our community of seniors.
This winter, at the annual dinner for Faculty, Staff, and the Board ofTrustees, Headmaster Seward presented the inaugural Paul R. Cramer "Best Faculty Award." The Cramer Award will be given annually to the faculty member who best embraces the characteristics of "balance, perspective, and humor" celebrated by fo rmer Headmaster Paul R. Cramer. The award was established to continue honoring Mr. Cramer, who passed away in the summer of 2007, and his many contributions to The Steward School. The Cramer Award recognizes and celebrates the core qualities that lie at the heart of the School's mission and are reflected in the spirit and practice of the recipient's work and relationships. We are honored to announce that this year's winner is
Rugene Paulette Mrs. Paulette, the Chair of the Visual Arts Department, has been with The Steward School for twenty-two years.
Congratulations! Headmaser Ken Seward presents the Cramer Best Faculty Award to Rugene Paulette. Presen t were Mrs. Paulette's fa ther, mother (Mr. and Mrs. Sea ton), and son Stephen '99 to share the occasion.
Gala 2008 The rain couldn't dampen spirits on April 5, 2008, when the Parents' Association hosted this year's gala, Monte Carlo Night on the James Riviera. Parents, faculty, and friends rolled with the weather: a last-minute dress-down notice allowed folks to don their boots and jeans and have a great time at the home of Hank and Cindy Wilton. Thanks to everyone who helped make the evening a success! t this year's fundraising gala, Monte carlo Night on the James Riviera, one lucky member of the Steward commun ity purchased a one-of-a-kind, original painting by acclaimed local artist, Parks Duffey.
Hosts. HMIk and Cindy WlltM
Parks Pegram Duffey III is best known for his realistic, yet playful, paintings that visually capture an institution's history in a single painting. Some of his most noted works around Richmond include St. Christopher's, St. Catherine's, University of Richmond , Virginia Commonwealth University, Monument Avenue Easter on Parade, and Strawberry Hill Races. Mr. Duffey was commissioned by the School in 2006 to capture the beauty of The Steward School's campus on canvas. Duffey was an artist-in -residence during the 2007 academic year. Parks spent one month on campus demonstrating his painting techniques to all three divisions. Students gave Parks recommendations on the campus activities and traditions that are represented in this painting, some of which include academics, athletics, graduation, and even "Whirled Peace Day." "It's amazing how well he has captured the life of the School," says Ken Seward. Prints are now available in the Spartan Shop, located in the Athletic Center.
Right: vany. Robinson Bottom: w;.., RqnoIds and K.e Graham R.ynolds '82
IAN CODDINGTON: J U st th e F a c ts
, ethi cs teac her Title: Upper School Dean of Stud ents for man y year s; Track coach then US, then MS) ; Soccer coach Prev ious Titles: P.E. teac her (K-12, le") ; First Aid and Red sisting of app roxi mat e ly thre e peop (of "an exp erim enta l track team con Cross inst ruct or instance, the e Years): Driver of team s (using, for Add ition al Roles (In the Form ativ shimmied"); uniform and ok wagon with whe els that sho Bat tlew ago n-a "wo ody ole' stat ion blis her of the School's esta er; keep ance worker and grou nds nten mai ker; mar field etic athl washer; of the low ropes cou rse as "pea nut butt er," base d on one to rred refe ly nate ctio affe se, cour ropes tion . activities . Too many mor e to men ool of Hard Kno cks Edu cati on? (Sta nda rd Ans wer ) : Sch a deg ree in Child inia Com mon wea lth University, with Edu cati on? (Ac tual Ans wer ): Virg well , I think") Psychology ("which has served me at St. Cath erin e's ("She'll cy; 1 dau ghte r, "Clay," a 7th grad er Family: Married for 21 year s to Nan dne r Mundy.) day ," says Upper School teac her Gar make a grea t Dean of Stud ents one happier." irem ent? "Ecstatic. She couldn 't be How Doe s Nan cy Feel Abo ut Ret To test him, I ask if he's hist ory, but he'll "rea d anything. " tary mili larly ticu (par ding Rea : Hob bies has, and he liked it.); y peo ple have read nor care for- he man not that one , book rite favo read my on top of him ." Also, a violent dea th from books falling "die y likel will he says wife his , in fact . icularly backpack ing and C1 kayaking Scouting and being outd oors , part has been with the Boy Sco uts yes." He is still a troo p lead er and , "Oh g? utin Sco h Wit ive Act Still for over 40 year s. rked Wit h: 4 (out of 5) Num ber of Hea dma ster s He's Wo ed Stew ard's ethi cs cou rse of ner and Carolyn Brandt, he dev elop An Ethi cal Issue: With Brenda Tur oxy mor on," he says with a teac hing ethics to teen age rs is an stud y. "I've always mai ntai ned that original class cam e to being ther e." Seriously, thou gh . .. "The laugh, "bu t that 's neit her here nor s on teac hing stud ents life ers and realized we need ed to focu afte r we looked at rising ninth grad decipher, and make choices." per se, but learning how to listen, skills. It star ted mor e as not ethics, in 199 4. of Stud ents for the Upper School Dea n of Mea n: He beca me Dean n I first began." mor e facu lty here than stud ents whe Obs erva tion of Not e: "We now have Sys tem in the School; Stew ard: Establishing the Hon or at t men lish omp Acc le Sing gest Big g to work, it had to be in place. "We knew that if it was goin and ten writ e Cod or Hon the ing gett they did ." re com mun ity to believe in it. And scho ol-wi de-we had to get the enti ogue; the collegial ut Stew ard? : "The inte llec tual dial Wh at Will You Miss the Mos t Abo g else ." day . I'll miss that mor e than any thin discussion that take s place every le, you get that rare the Stu den ts?: "Every onc e in a whi Wh at Will You Miss Mos t Abo ut that feeling you get whe n exce eds you r exp ecta tion s. I'll miss individual who surprises you -wh o it just worked ." 't say her. But she' s a big et [Rice] will be disa ppo inte d if I don Wh o Will You Miss the Mos t? "Jan girl and she can live with it."
Ian the Out doo rsl
T\ T"kT f"t
I feel fortunate to have worked with a man of his caliber. For almost three decades at Steward, Ian has left his "mark." As Dean of Students, teacher, soccer coach track coach canoe club sponsor, Honor Council Advisor, and more he has had a significant impact on our School. Steward is lucky to have had Coddington as a valued employee and I am proud to call him a friend. -Janet Rice, Athletic Director
Ian Coddington: Dean of Upper School Students, Teacher, Scout Leader Extraordinaire, Family Man, Athlete, Coach, and Friend (See also: Coddy, The Dean of Mean, The Codster, The Cod, True Icon of The Steward School) Related Terms: Confidence Builder (n.): Like Mr. Cramer, my soccer coach at Steward, Ian Coddington. also believed in me .... Mr. Coddington was trying to help me reach my potential. I played better, and as a result, I gained confidence in my ability. I had little confidence in myself throughout junior high and ninth grade, but Mr. Coddington's trust in my ability helped me to overcome this.- Adam Northup, former student (from a 1992 Anniversary edition of Spartaneous, the School newspaper) Engaged (adj.): Ian has always made it a point to regula rly visit the art classrooms, just to see what the students are creating and to talk to them about their work. It is not unusual for him to listen to the critiques either, and to ask questions about the wo rk. He has shown such genuine interest in the art work around the school, and it is one way he gets to know the students.- Rugene Paulette (Visual Arts Dept. Chair) Flumadiddle (n) : Utter nonsense. This refers to half of what Ian says. If one can sort through all the flumadiddle he spouts (a nd his GW Bush vocabulary) , his words are very enlightening and full of old-man wisdom.-Wallace Inge Five Words (all adj.): Dependable, Comforting, Honest, Hardworking, Caring: He is the type of man that you know yo u can rely on. He is going to take the burden off your plate, add it to his own (along with everything else t hat he is doing), and make su re it is taken care of. Coddy is a man that has invested much of his life in the well-being of this schoolstude nts, teachers, parents, staff, prom, homecoming, theatre performances, athletic events, field day, field trips, discipline, Honor Council; the list does not stop. I have heard countless memories of his devotion. He is a man of integrity. He makes the people arou nd him better- I am a better person for knowing him. This school will miss him. I will miss him .Marcie Soucek (PE, Coach) God's Country (n.): Goochland, per Mr. C. Historian (n.): One of Steward's finest; great guest lecturer; seeks the unanswered truths of history. -Gard ne r Mundy (US, History) Inqu is itive (adj) : Always tryi ng to figure out what we are making in Lower School Art whenever he comes to visit.Lynn Zinder (LS Art)
"I Be" (declaration): Mr. C's response when you ask him how he is. Jalanced (adj.) : Just and Balanced. He's an incredibly nice and just guy. His personality is merciful and happy, but because of his job, he has to crack down every once in a while, and he does it in such a balanced way. He's always been there as a mentor, to talk through rough t imes, and to keep me in line in school. I'm going to miss him.- Jordan Rennie (Current Steward student, Class of '09) Memorable (adj.): I have some great memories of Mr. Coddington. One thing I will remember the most is whenever he would get up to make an announcement he would always use all of these long words that no one understood, but we all "got it." Another great memory I have is Senior Prank 2007. Our class put aluminum foil around anything and everything in Coddington's office . The look on his face when he saw his office the morning after was priceless!-Mary Warden Good (Class of 'O?) Munificent (adj) : magnanimous, charitable, benevolent, generous.-Kate Strickland (LS, K) Nonfragrantful (adj .): The smell of lan's running shoes in our sha red cubbyhole office in the old, tin gym. Not sure about the tin part, but definitely sure about the smell.-Bo nny Hajek (PE, Coach) Onomatopoeia (n) : A word that sou nds like what it is. Ian is what and who he is without fail; he does not hide nor shirk from what he believes is right. He does not mitigate; he shoots straight and stands tall. Regardless of the situation in front of him, he will weigh it agai nst his value system and render a complex response, tho ugh to the rest of us it may seem simple. To us, a hiss or bark; to lan, a lifetime of experience and compassion.-Dan Frank (US Head) Outdoorsman (n.): Takes countless scout trips while braving the elements in his "free time;" faithfully leads the greenhorns from the Into the Wild Class into the woods to learn survival skills.-Gardner Mundy (US, History) Oxymoron (n.) : He makes no sense, but he has more sense than anyone else on campus. Ian loves to use multi-syllabic words, and that fact, com bined with his convoluted conversational style, leaves one wondering what he is talking about. If one can get beyond that, one finds "Cod's Wisdom."-Janet Rice (Athletic Director) Sage (n): He used to tell me as a child, when I was a student here, "Suck it up, Turkeybird."- Monica (Kallman) Moehring (Class of '95, Theatre) Trustworthy (n.) : He's always been there for me-he's that way for everyone.-Hunter Meakin (Current Steward student, Class of '09)
Legacy (n.): Coddy is his own legacy. I'm often asked by people where I go to school, and when they find out, they always ask if I know Mr. Coddington. Coddy's perspicacious personality, humongous vocabulary, and gregarious laughter are all assets to his legacy. Everyone loves The Cod.-Dani Fraizer (Current Stewa rd student, Class of '09) Ethical (adj.): Ian only thinks in the ethical; alternatives are not in his vocabulary.-Shelby Holland (US, Spanish)
rHsms (n): Thore ever-so-e/oquent ') words of wisdom (?) offered by '. Coddington throughout each day. lee also: "Another piece of the zz/e," "To that end," "Wandering the wilderness," ·Twlnky dust," ontiFicate," ·P/ethora/· ·"11 keep r short," etc.)
LLooked to him
oft.n Share his stories ( umoroUJ ana with Friends. A-;-Qstudent, I knewIn sev.r.1 different roles, such as • soccer advisor, and..h.onounnciLft.eulty
I learned frOll him
Insightful (adj): What I think is most remarkable about Ian is that he •gets h" -he understands kids and cares deeply about them as Individuals. He knows the difference between normal adolescent behavior and behavior that needs to be addressed. He also is one of the ·pillars of understanding" on the faculty and has not only supported but celebrated the mission of the school through the years.-Carolyn Brandt
Involved (adj): At /east once a year Ian would come to Fourth grade just to see what we were doing and watch the students in class.-Estelle Grossman (LS, 4) Admiration (n): I have the utmost respect for Ian. He is an amazing human being, and I admire him more than just about anv man I know. There will never be another Ian Coddlngton.-Lee Healey
I have known Ian for only slightly less than a year, but frankly, I have as much respect and adm iration for him as I have for anyone. His integrity is unwavering, and I appreciate the t hought and care that go into his decis ions. His consistency in following the intent and letter of the Honor Code may sometimes be a tough pill to swallow, but at the same time he inspi res respect and teaches lessons that we will all remember. As individuals, and as a community, we are better for having had his guidance. -Dan Frank, Head of Upper School
ING Into Year
The Steward School Latino Education Advancement Program (LEAP) Last year marked the beginning of The Steward School's Avanzando ("moving forward") Latino Education initiative. its flagship program, the Latino Education and Advancement Program (LEAP), seeks to mentor Richmond -area Latino students in the fundamentals of an independentschool education and academic experiences. More importantly, this summer program is designed to enrich and support the education of Latino students no matter what school they attend currently or will attend in the future. This summer, LEAP is back, and it is following on the heels of last summer's success. Through the 2007 program, 18 rising eighth-grade Latino public school
students and their fami lies were introduced to the demands of an independent school curriculum. During the summer of 2007, Steward offered a rigorous and enriched college-preparatory curriculum in Englishas-a-second-language (ESL), Spanish for native speakers, math, computer/ technology, and physical education, with customized segments on study skills. The program was administered by Spanishspeaking Steward School staff. Through the generosity of mentors in the community, LEAP students were able to extend their learn ing off-campus as well. The six-week program featu red field trips to community organizations with the
intent of broadening the horizons of these students, while teaching them valuable, life-long ski lls. Dr. Robert Shubert from Virginia Tech University gave the students a guided tour of the Solar House at the Science Museum. Dr. Eugenio Monasterio, a Hispanic physician from MCV Hospital, who is a native of Puerto Rico, spoke to the group about the need for bilingual health care professionals and gave the students a lesson on cell division. Dr. Karla Mossi, a native of Honduras and a mechanical engineer from VCU's School of Engineering, visited The
Steward School and performed a heatresistance experiment on an actual space shuttle tile. â&#x20AC;˘ VCU 's Director of Recruitment, Rodney Hall, spoke to the group on the importance of their high school curriculum and VCU Scholarships for Hispan ics. The students toured the john Marshall Courthouse and interviewed with judges Pustilnik, jenkins, and Gaden. Deputy Commonwealth Attorney ThorneBegland also detailed the hows and whys of court proceedings, and students observed criminal and civil court cases.
â&#x20AC;˘ The students visited St. Catherine's, St. Christopher's, St. Gertrude's, Benedictine, Trinity, and Collegiate. Engineers from Colombia taught the computer/technology classes, including Excel spreadsheets and AutoCad, a design program, and Kids Design to learn how to design, measure, and build computer-generated structures. They also built a model A-Frame House using blueprints. This summer, we will welcome back the initial 18 students as rising ninth -graders, who will mentor 18 new rising eighthgraders. During this summer's four-week program, the rising ninth-graders will move to the next level of learning while enhancing their time-management skills and continuing to improve their writing skills in both English and Spanish. These skills will help when writing lab reports and learning graphs on computers, among other real-life applications, including preparing for the kind of work expected in high school.
The students who participated in the summer 2007 LEAP program represented 11 different Hispanic cultures. To quote Steward Headmaster, Ken Seward, "We are reaching out to area youth at a critical age: their academic and personal interests are growing, but the educational and social opportunities available to them may be shrinking. LEAP seeks to bridge the gap between the two." The ultimate goal of LEAP is to offer opportunities to Richmond-area Latino youth that enable-and empower-these students to prepare for their future. As LEAP student Camille Gilbert puts it, "At first, we did not want to come and give up our summer. After, we did not want to leave." 30
Olympics Fever Hits Steward Steward's 3rd annual Write-a-Thon, held on Friday, April 4, gave students, faculty, and staff across all divisions a morning filled with creative writi ng exercises, good camaraderie, and just plain old fun . This year's writi ng theme centered on the upcoming 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. Students, paired with partners from grades K-12, visited writing stations across the campus. Learning about Chinese culture was an added bonus as students wrote fortunes for cookies, learned how to write Chinese characters, and more. Thanks to everyone for wo rking so hard to make this trip across the world such a success!
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"I give back to The Steward School because I know that Steward helped shape me into the person that I am today. I still keep in touch with my fellow classmates and enjoy attend ing Alumni events. I show my appreciation by making a gift each year to the An nual Fund. I know that I received a top-notch education because of the financial comm itment of others before me, and I would like to do that fo r the Steward student body today."
Alumnus and Current Parent
www . stewardschool.org/development/giv Nonprofit Organization
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*****"*AUTO*"'SCH 5-DIGIT 23229 Mrs. Carolyn R. Brandt 1412 Chowan Rd Richmond, VA 23229-5802
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