i am a steward.
are you? The Steward School
you are invited to be a steward.
It’s difficult to imagine what The Steward School would look like without the generous contributions that many have made throughout the years. Since 1972, The Steward School has focused on providing our students with a personalized educational experience, combining academics, arts, and athletics. Today, our students have access to a vast array of resources, top-notch facilities, and exceptional faculty. Take a closer look and you will see that the Annual Fund is a vital component in maintaining the level of excellence we have come to expect at Steward. Annual Fund gifts support the people and programs that make Steward so special. From the talented teachers to the small classes, to the arts and athletics, the Annual Fund touches every aspect of school life. At Steward, we want to be good Stewards of our resources. One of the ways you can BE A STEWARD is by making a gift to the Annual Fund. Current parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty and staff, and friends are all vital to the success of each Annual Fund.
We ask that you join us in BEING A STEWARD!
trust, as a grandparent, you are as proud of your grandchild as I am of Connor. He is thriving! The Steward School is energized by a highly talented team of
farsighted leaders, who are redefining best educational practices. The result? The Steward School educates its students to be caring individuals in an environment
filled with intellectual inspiration and unwavering support as they discover who they are—so they can succeed in college and life. For that reason, I AM A STEWARD. —WALLY o’BRIen, GRAndPARenT To ConnoR, CLASS oF 2018
Grandparents have a significant opportunity to sustain educational excellence for their grandchildren. By making Steward a philanthropic priority, your gift will bring life-long benefits to your family.
contribute to the Annual Fund because my time at Steward has impacted me long after graduation. Giving back is a perfect way to show my gratitude to every-
one who was committed to helping me when I was a student. I am grateful for the friendships, education, and opportunities I experienced at Steward, and I contribute to keep the spirit of the school alive. A gift to Steward, no matter how big or small,
will benefit our students and our community as a whole. I AM A STEWARD. —BeTh FARMeR ’09, AdMISSIonS ASSoCIATe
There is no better way to show your support of and pride in your alma mater than by giving to the Annual Fund. Whether you are in college or graduated many years ago, your financial contribution, makes a real difference to The Steward School.
t is our mission to see all students as individuals and to encourage them to discover their true passions—the things that make them the best they can be.
You never know whose life you’re impacting, ‘that one individual.’ When we support the School and each other, we make the School better, we make each other better. I know The Steward School has changed my life for the better, and I know that together we change and impact the lives of all of our students. When we donate to the Annual Fund, we quantify to the rest of the world that we “buy” into our
mission, and as teachers and parents we must always lead by example! —CoRBIn oRGAIn ’96, MoTheR To Ann dARnLeY ’25 And GATeS ’24 And MIddLe SChooL MATheMATICS TeACheR
As faculty and staff of The Steward School, you are essential members of our community. Our faculty and staff members believe Steward is more than just a place of work; it is an extended family. It sends a positive statement to our entire community when our faculty and staff support the Annual Fund.
first walked on the Steward campus as a kindergarten student and have been involved with the School in some capacity ever since, first as a student, then as
an alumnus and now as a parent and member of the Board of Trustees. These experiences helped shape me into the man I am today. They also taught me the importance of being a responsible citizen and giving back to my community. I realize that my successes would not be possible without the commitment and generosity of others before me, so I AM A STEWARD of my alma mater so that others,
including my children, can have similar experiences now and in the future. —FAISAL QuReShI ’92, FATheR To ZAK ’24 And SAARA ’21 And TRuSTee
As one of Steward’s most enthusiastic and vested group of supporters, parents have the opportunity to ensure their children receive the best education possible with a gift to the Annual Fund.
teward was a challenging and supportive environment for my daughters as they grew up. I knew that it was one of the best things that I could do as a parent to
have them at Steward. Even though my children have graduated, I continue to support Steward because I believe in its future and want my grandchildren to have
a Steward education. I AM A STEWARD.
—MARY GReenLee, MoTheR To SARAh ’06 And AnnA ’08 And uPPeR SChooL BIoLoGY TeACheR
Even though your son or daughter has already graduated, Steward still needs your support. A financial gift is a way to say thank you to The Steward School for having provided your child with a great education and the stepping stones needed for future success.
Annual Fund Guide to Giving how do I contribute? you may act now by sending in your check, credit card information, or your pledge by using the enclosed response envelope. you may also make your gift online by visiting www.stewardschool.org/give or by calling (804) 565-2331. Where does my money go? your gift goes to our students. Last year’s gifts helped support faculty and staff professional development, 6 new SMART Boards, additional Ipads for our students and faculty, 31 LED theatre lights and a lighting console in the Robins Theatre. Of course, the list goes on. What is the value of a leadership gift? Members of the Founders Society are distinguished by their unrestricted gift(s) of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund. The Founders Society is a group of individuals, families, and friends who have expressed an interest in making The Steward School a priority in their annual giving. This society is the group that sets the pace and continues the legacy of the School for generations to come. how can I find out if my business will match my gift? Please contact your human Resources Department, or you may visit our online search tool at www.stewardschool.org (Support Steward>Matching Gifts). Thank you in advance for taking this extra step to double the value of your gift!
For more information on the Annual Fund, please contact the Development Office at (804) 565-2306. We would be happy to discuss how you, too, can BE A STEWARD!
The Steward School Annual Fund
“It’s for Steward students” Campaign year runs July 1 - May 31 annually
Founders Society Helen Dixon Circle $10,000 and above
Headmaster’s Circle $5,000 to $9,999
S teward Society $2,500 to $4,999
1 972 Society
$1,972 to $2,499
invite you to BE A STEWARD by joining me in making a gift to the Annual Fund.
This is a personal and tangible way to show
Spartan Society $1,000 to $1,971
C orinthian Club $500 to $999
G old Club $250 to $499
B lue Club $100 to $249
P atron up to $99 R estricted gift to be used for:
_____________________ teward is in my estate S plan.
o I would like to know more about Steward’s Planned Giving program.
your appreciation of The Steward School.
Please use this space for updating personal information, gift details, or alumni
On behalf of my fellow Board members, the
class notes: ________________________________________________________
faculty and staff and our students, thank you! — Maria Jones, Board of Trustees Chair
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
The Steward School 11600 Gayton Road Richmond, Virginia 23238 Development Office: 804-565-2306 Main: 804-740-3394 Fax: 804-740-1464 www.stewardschool.org The Steward School is an independent school and does not discriminate on its admissions policies on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin.