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April 2017
Highways Update The Parish Council established a working party in early 2016 to look at traffic issues on Stradbroke’s roads. The working party would like to thank the residents who came to share their views with them at the recent meeting in the Library. So far this year the Parish Council has been able to: Secure a place on the TVAS rota which have been deployed in the village in recent months. Kill your speed signs are on order to be placed on the poles when the TVAS are not deployed. Reach agreement to replace the permanent VAS sign at Westhall that was damaged some time ago, with the help of Cllr McGregor. This will flash a picture of children running and the words slow down should a vehicle trigger it. Arrange for the Highways department to carry out a speed survey on the Laxfield Road. Arrange for our safer neighbourhood policing team to carry out surveys of New Street and Laxfield Road with a view to possibly deploying the SafeCam mobile enforcement unit. Stradbroke has in the past had a Community Speed Watch Group who had access to the community speed gun which is used by Laxfield, to add to this the Parish Council have recently investigated the cost of a community Speed Indicator Device (a pole mounted box similar to that used in Hoxne). This unit would need to be installed, the data it collects downloaded on to a PC and the battery charged ready to be moved between the sites. The Parish Council are keen to hear from any resident willing to join a Community Speed Watch Group to operate both the hand held gun during day light hours and to move/download data/charge the Speed Indicator Device. If you feel you could help with this, please contact Odile Wladon, the Clerk, at stradbrokepc@outlook.com or on 07555 066147.
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Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk Sunday worship in April -We welcome you to join us 2nd Joint Sevice at All Saints 11am (please note time change) Sunday Services at 10:15am - Guests 9th G. Lee 16th G. Lee 23rd S. Sealey 30th S. Sealey We welcome you to join us – our activities for April Monday 3rd Prayer Tuesday 4th & 18th 7:30pm Bible study Wednesday 12th 12:30pm Lunch Club, (Visit of East Anglia Air Ambulance) Thursday 13th 7pm for 7:30pm Joint Maundy Thursday service (Venue Baptist Church) Saturday 15th 10am Create & Chatter Wednesday 26th 10am Drop in for coffee Anniversary -- Remember -- Celebrate Yes it’s Spring, Some will be concerned with cleaning, many of my friends are buying seed as they prepare for the gardening season. This is the time for looking forward to new growth.. This is also the time of year when we celebrate Easter the most important festival in the Christian calendar when we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The natural world offers hope of new life and growth - equally the rising from the grave of Jesus is our guarantee of a new and exciting future if we place our trust in Him. Easter is an Anniversary when we Remember Jesus’ death and we Celebrate His victory. Anniversary - Remember - Celebrate The life of Jesus was about two thousand years ago but this year is also an anniversary of an important event which happened five hundred years ago. For 1517 was the year of the reformation. Martin Luther, professor of Biblical studies in Wittenberg Germany, after careful study came to the conclusion that the established Church in both practice and belief had departed from the original teaching of Jesus and the Bible. Luther restated the biblical principle that it not our actions or rituals but only reliance and belief in what Jesus has already done which can take us into a right relationship with our creator God. By today’s standards Luther’s legacy is mixed but on this most important topic his insights changed the attitude in both Christianity and culture. 1517 -- 2017 Anniversary - Remember - Celebrate - Stradbroke This year for us is a time of anniversary, remembrance and celebration for the records show that it is 200 years since the founding of our Baptist Church. There is quite a story in how it came to be, but through the perseverance of a number of folk the building as seen now came into place. To mark the occasion we plan to hold a special service followed by tea on Saturday 16th September. More details will follow later, however if you have any memories or photos relating to the past years and would be willing to share these then please contact me Eric Havers on 01379 388173 or email erichavers@btinternet.com. Anniversary - Remember - Celebrate - Stradbroke Please contact: John Ling 388751 (Church Elder)
Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531
The Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
All Saints Church Stradbroke, Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493 Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan Services: 2nd April 9th April 12th April 14th April 16th April 23rd April 30th April 7th May
11.00 am Family service joined by Baptists note the new time 8 am Holy Communion, said service for Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday 7.00 for 7.30 pm HC in Baptist Chapel Good Friday 2 pm Last Hour, hymns, readings, meditations and prayer Easter Sunday 11.00 am Family Holy Communion followed by coffee/tea 10 am family@church in Fressingfield 10.30 am Benefice Service followed by coffee/tea 11.00 am Family Service + Baptism followed by coffee/tea
The Prayer Group will meet again every Monday, from April 17th, 9.30 am at The Rectory, to offer praise to God for answers to prayer and His blessings and talk through the needs of the village. You are warmly invited to join us; listen to others’ prayers or offer your own. Our thanks to Pat Fill who hosted this prayer time and Lent study while Revd Susan was unwell.
Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee
The Pancake and Beetles was good fun and raised £92. Thanks to the Baptist Chapel for use of their hall. The Cake Stall on 4th March raised £85.76 and Roly sold potatoes, which are still available for the Village Show. Then on 11th and 12th March, we held our Book Sale. What a good event raising £535.31 and the books left over are going to the Play Park Mothers Day Coffee Morning on the 25th. Our next event is the Art Exhibition at the church on 25th- 29th May with preview on the 24th at 7pm. Entries are coming in but more are needed. We have had some sponsorship in and are looking for more. More details next month. Thanks for your books and support. Mary Ellis
All Saints - From the Rectory
We will be celebrating Easter this month, a wonderful time of year for two reasons; firstly, spring flowers all around and buds on trees and shrubs with the promise of more flower and fauna, and hopefully warmer weather. Around March I begin to long for the warmth of the sun. The other reason I love Easter is of course to do with God sending his son to live on the earth, be betrayed, rejected, put to death - all so we can have a relationship with our heavenly Father. I find Holy week quite hard as I consider the pain Jesus went through, Good Friday is even harder but I am always pleased to relive the story because each year I find another glimpse of God’s goodness towards us. Easter Sunday is probably the most important day of the year for me as we celebrate the resurrection and the eternal life Jesus won for us, but, not only something to look forward too but new life right here, right now; amazing. So many people have turned their lives around because of Easter. I bought a poster for the room here in the rectory where I gather with others to pray, have meetings of all kinds; I think the words are an inspiration and so I share some of them with you: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centred. Forgive them anyway If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. This Easter make a new start, change a bad habit, do good, love your neighbours, consider God - if you do, not only will you feel the warmth of the sun this year but the loving warmth of God’s Son too. God bless, Susan
Page 5 Ample Free Parking. Tel 01379 652 056
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Clerk’s Report
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Next meeting of Parish Council is Monday, 10th April 2017, 7.30pm at the Community Centre
MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 13th March 2017 Planning Applications discussed: 0492/17 Chestnut House, Wilby Road IP21 5HP. Councillors voted by majority vote to not support this application. 0600/17 Scotts Pine, Wilby Road IP21 5JN. Councillors voted by majority vote to support this application. 0533/17 2 Battlesea Green Close, IP21 5JN. Councillors voted by unanimous vote to support this application. Other planning methods: 0040/17 - The Priory, Drs Lane IP21 5HU: Granted 15/2/17 0310/17– Land adjacent 1 White House cottages, IP21 5HJ: Granted 13/3/17 0480/17 - Queens Head Cottage IP21 5HG – no update at time of meeting Parish Council Updates: Forms for the final grants for the Play Park improvements have been submitted. The gatepost at the cemetery has been removed for repair. A company has been identified to carry out the work to the gateposts at the Church. A letter has been received from a member of the public concerning progress on the Neighbourhood Plan. It was decided that an extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be called on 20th April. The Neighbourhood Plan Committee will be invited to update the Council on the progress to date and a plan going forward. The defibrillator cabinet has been received but awaiting outcome of BT consultation before installation in the kiosk can take place. Other: Cllr Mcgregor: Council tax has increased by 3% to cover adult social care and the Council are dipping into reserves during these tough times. New bridges planned for Ipswich and Lowestoft. It is proposed that the Police and Crime Commissioner will take over fire/rescue service. It is hoped to have a holistic approach to transport. Cllr Flatman: MSDC budget had increased by 1.64%. Paddock House and the site of the former middle school in Stowmarket have been earmarked for development of affordable housing. If there any concerns or complaints concerning Leisure facilities, Cllr Flatman will pass them on. MSDC have launched at new website. Cllr Flatman would welcome any comments on this. http://www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/ If you notice any problems with roads/pavements/footpaths – they can be reported at: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/highway-maintenance/report-a-highways-issue/ If you notice any problems with street lights – they can be reported at: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/street-lighting-traffic-signals-and-pedestrian-crossings/streetlighting/report-a-faulty-street-light/ Parish Council drop in clinic: The council drop in clinics will run on the Tuesday in the week following a Parish Council meeting. The next clinic will be: Tuesday, 18th April at 2.15pm in the Library. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum. Dog owners are requested to clean up after their pets and only use the bins designated for dog waste. Do not to use the litter bins when disposing of dog waste. If the designated bins are full, please take your bags home. Odile Wladon, Clerk . Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com
Mill Hill House, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA
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Dirty Oven??
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Life in the Legion—The Royal British Legion (Stradbroke and District Branch) Carl Lummis and Andrew Burrows, from Simonds Coaches of Diss, gave a talk to members and guests at the March midday monthly meeting at Laxfield Royal Oak; they brought along their new 59 seater coach which members were able to visit after the talk. Michael Burton, who presided, thanked them on behalf of the members and guests present. During the business part of the meeting the annual branch dinner was discussed; members have until March 17th. to book and pay for their tickets. The Royal British Legion Board of Trustees was discussed and voted upon. The next branch meeting will be on Thursday, 13th. April, to be held at our usual venue Laxfield Royal Oak, starting at 11.30 am when the speaker will be Lt.Colonel Roger Gwyn on his army service, members please attend if you are able. Michael Burton (Branch Chairman)
Stradbroke WI
The March meeting was chaired by Carol Darling, our vice president, as our president Gill Bird was a little under the weather , hope you are much better now Gill, and was ably assisted as usual by Jane our secretary. All business and notices were dealt with and the birthday buttonholes distributed .The hostesses Jennifer and Annie were thanked for their efforts and we moved on to a report about the S.E.F.W.I. A.G.M. held at Trinity Park in Ipswich on 7th March. This was a good day out for a small group of us and we were treated to some excellent speakers who kept us awake in a rather warm hall. Thank you to Dorothy for taking notes and presenting our report. There were reminders about the Quiz night on March 27th and the group meeting at Withersdale and Mendham village hall on April 23rd when Duncan Slater will be talking about his adventures with Walking with the Wounded. Next we welcomed our speaker Professor Valerie Pomeroy who specialises in neurorehabilitation, a long word which means she helps people who have suffered any kind of brain injury to retrain their injured brain to regain as much use and bodily function as possible after an injury which has caused loss of normal functions. It has to be said that such a talk raised mixed emotions in our members as most of us have had some experience with friends or relatives who have suffered such injury ,mainly from having a stroke, but we were all soon at ease with her positive and practical approach to the subject. As this talk was of interest to so many, husbands partners and friends were invited to join the meeting and they joined in with the activities and Q and A session during the evening. Valerie explained that since the advent of M.R.I scans that were able to identify which parts of the brain were active during specific functions such as speech ,moving a limb, answering a question etc , it had helped to understand what problems would be created when specific areas of the brain became damaged , and how to set about the rehabilitation of the patient. We were told that our brains are not solid but have a plasticity that helps them to ‘rewire’ and use other parts of the brain to perform lost functions and improve connectivity. A great part of the evening was to help us feel and understand how a stroke victim might struggle while trying to retrain their brain. An attempt to draw in a given space using only a mirror to view the drawing caused laughter and frustration in equal measure , our hands did not obey us even though we knew what was needed to perform the action, feeling inside a bag with our eyes closed and wearing rubber gloves trying to identify objects in the bag and wearing spectacles with half shades on one side to demonstrate half vision loss was also rather bizarre. The general message was that rehabilitation was not easy but required long hard work over a long time but that with the greater understanding that scientists now have of how the brain works and which areas are involved there is so much more hope and positivity for some degree of recovery and retraining. The message is still to eat healthily exercise daily, don’t drink too much and don’t smoke and don’t ignore warning signs of possible troubles, but now there is the added message of hope and positivity for improvement in the outcome for stroke and brain injured people. Our thanks to Prof Pomeroy for a fascinating and encouraging talk we wish her well in her research and endeavours ,also our thanks to Pat Fill who stood up and gave testimony to the truth of all we were hearing in that she herself has made an impressive recovery from a stroke ,thank you Pat. Amidst much chatter we turned to the refreshment table for a well earned cuppa and biscuit and many discussions about the things we had heard continued well into the rest of the evening. Our next meeting is on April 13th at 7.30 pm when Ben Garland will talk to us about being a vet, all are welcome to pay us a visit. Prue Rush
The Stradbroke Over 60s
Just a reminder to members that our April meetings will be held on 6th and the 20th April and any visitors will be made most welcome. We hold our meetings in the Community Centre from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Our meeting on the 20th April will be the AGM. Please try to attend. We will be having hot cross buns and an Easter raffle with a game of bingo after. Joan Grimes
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Stradbroke High School
News from Stradbroke High School We know that students at Stradbroke High School have the best opportunity to succeed and this is borne out by some close analysis of last year’s results. In 2016, the progress made by our students puts the school in the top 15% of schools nationally (including grammar schools). The progress made since primary school, of our highest ability students was even more impressive, putting us in the top 10% of schools. Most impressively of all, the progress made since primary school of our most able students in maths was in the top 1% of all schools. We are delighted that the government figures recognise the hard work and commitment of our teachers and we are confident that future year groups will continue to make outstanding progress in their studies. Our hard working year eleven students are fast approaching their exam season, and preparation for this continues in school. We all wish them the best of luck in the run up to these exams and are delighted to offer a wide range of support for them. Revision sessions are already happening during lunchtimes and after school, and will be supplemented by days in the Easter holiday as well as a weekend residential workshop. I want to record my enormous gratitude to staff who are supporting our students in such positive ways. Finally, as many of our local community will have heard, sadly, Ray Carter OBE, much loved husband of Jane and father of Alison and Gill passed away on 26th February 2017 aged 86. He had been extremely ill for a number of weeks and died peacefully in hospital. Ray was the second Headteacher of Stradbroke High School (from 1972- 1990) and it was testament to his commitment to improving the life opportunities for young people that he never lost touch with the school. He was always interested in all our new developments and was extremely impressed by all the most recent improvements. Even in his final days he was still passionate about and discussing ideas for improving opportunities for young people and access to physical activity. According to staff who knew and worked with him, he was a real gentleman. John Axtell
Stradbroke Primary School
This term has been another busy one at Stradbroke Primary. We were delighted to receive a letter from the DfE confirming that Stradbroke Primary was in the top 3% of schools in the Country for progress! This is a remarkable achievement. Only one other school in Suffolk achieved this- All Saints, Laxfield (our partner school!) We would like to say a huge congratulations and thank you to our hard working staff and pupils. To be in the top 3% of 26,000 schools in the Country is a remarkable achievement. We had a fantastic “Legends and Legacies” day this term focusing on Science and Technology. Pupils learnt about computer programming, how to make musical instruments, they made the solar system on the inside of an umbrella and looked at the mathematics of Pythagoras! Class One had a very enjoyable visit to Norwich Castle Museum this term as part of their “Castles” topic.Class Two will be holding a “Suffragette March” around the school this week as they have been learning about and celebrating the life of Emily Davidson and Emmeline Pankhurst. The whole school also had a very touching Mother’s Day assembly where pupils read poems and delivered drama sketches all about their Mums. We raised money for Comic Relief this year through a bake sale and wearing red! Finally we end this term with an Easter Service at All Saints Church. We would like to wish all the readers of the Stradbroke Monthly a very happy Easter and will be back with news from our Summer Term soon. Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher 01379 384415
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Wingfield & District Gardening Club
Lucinda Skinner began her talk by describing how historically, gardens had been developed beginning with knot gardens surrounded by box hedges. This was later broadened to include beautiful views of the country (Capability Brown) followed by large borders as at Helmingham and Pensthorpe Millenium Garden. When making your borders, she said it was very necessary to remove common weeds like ground elder, nettles and chickweed before planting. Choose your plants at the right height, interspersed with bulbs, border irises, Echinacea for autumn colour, together with Hevchera. Silver and green foliage add variation and lighten dark corners. We meet again at the end of April for a forum with Matt Tanton-Brown. Carolyn Treylen
PlayPark Update!
Our fundraising event for this month which is an EASTER TREASURE HUNT on Saturday 15th April 1.30pm-3.30pm, Starting at Westhall Play Park. Hunt around the Village as a family for the Easter stamps hidden at different Village locations. The cost is £2 per child, collect all the stamps and come back to Westhall to receive your prize of an Easter egg (While supplies last), we will also be providing teas, coffees, hot chocolates for the price of a small donation. We have fantastic news, we have received a grant of £4000 from the Suffolk Rural Fund to boost our Fundraising total with this and an application to mid Suffolk for funding having gone in March which will secure the additional funds needed to complete the project, the Stradbroke All Stars (the group behind the Festifull among other things) also increased their donation by £100 to £1900, so thank you. We are pleased to say that we can start the next phase of the project, ordering equipment and project managing the dismantle and removal of old equipment (see article from Don Darling) and the installation of the new. We hope this will all commence within the next 12 weeks an all be finished before the start of the summer holidays. We are so pleased with how well the fundraising has gone in such a relatively short time! Although we have reached our total for the installation and equipment, we also plan to purchase some Picnic & Park Benches. If anyone would be willing to donate an amount for a bench to be purchased and put in memory of a loved one please email Ellie elliestradpc@outlook.com. Anything we now raise will go towards benches, possible turfing and to the maintenance and servicing of the new and existing equipment. As a fundraising group we plan to continue to do a couple of Fundraising events a year with the possibility of turning our very successful Family Disco into an annual event, any money raised from these events will also go to maintaining and servicing the equipment and building up a pot to then put towards future improvements/additions or replacing older equipment that we felt were still in a good enough condition to keep. As always a massive THANK YOU to the continued Support we have received form the whole community, We have all thoroughly enjoyed every event that you have joined us in supporting, the community spirit to which we have been privileged to witness and be a part of has been truly fantastic, so again Thank you is probably an understatement! Ellie Wharton, Katie Eagle & Gemma Coe
Book Club
I am thinking about starting a book club, nothing too serious, as much a social evening as a literary event! Perhaps meeting once every six weeks or so on a rota basis, at the home of those who would like to join in. Books to be chosen either from a hat or again on a rota basis so that we read something we might not choose for ourselves. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me on 01379 388232 or by email c.johnson26@btinternet.com. Caroline Johnson
Good Neighbours AGM
The Good Neightbours AGM is on May 16th at 3.30 pm in the Club room . All welcome. Jane Gemmill
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
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Library, Post Office and Court House Café News Every Monday afternoon a Rummikub games Club runs from 2.15-4.45pm. It is free to join and learners are welcome. If you are interested in coming along ring Mike/Yvonne on 01379 388955 or just turn up. Rhymetime for babies and toddlers is on Monday morning at 10 o’clock. For more information ring Sarah on 07584313318 or call in at the library. Maureen
Stradbroke Archive
The Stradbroke Witch On 12th July 1599 Doll Barthram of Stradbrook was tried and executed for witchcraft at Bury St Edmunds. She was found guilty on the ‘evidence’ of her neighbours. The testimony against her was as follows: Doll Barthram falling out with Joan Jorden for refusing to give away her master’s goods, sent three toads to destroy her rest in bed. The first being thrown in the middle of the chamber, returned and sat croaking on her bedside, until silenced by being cast out of the window. A second batrachian, arriving a few days later, suffered a death by burning and a third visitor, being taken downstairs to be incinerated, “she (Joan) was violently thrown down”. One Simon Fox, having put the unfortunate reptile into the fire: “a flame arose at the stair’s foot where the toad lay when Joan fell and grew so great that it seemed to endanger the house, yet no hurt was done.” . . . . . “a spirit, which the night before had come down the chimney, in the shape of a cat, and said his name was Gyles, came now again at 11 o’clock at night, first scaping on the walls, then knocking, after that shuffling in the rushes: and then (as his usual manner was) he clapped the maid on the cheeks about a half score times and slavered as to awake her . . . . . kissed her three or four times and slavered on her and (lying on her breast) he pressed her so sore that she could not speak, at other times he held her hands that she could not stir and restrained her voice that she could not answer.” The spirit in appearance: “was a thick dark substance about a foot high, like a sugar loaf, white on top and being charged he shot up as high again” . . . . . “he had an audible voice, quite distinct from that of the maid, both speaking at once.” Answering questions the spirit said, “Joan, Joan, I come for thy life, I will have it, I am a boy, boy; My name is Gyles; an old woman who dwells in the street gave me that name to wit, Doll Barthram”. Returning yet again, “the spirit possessed Joan Jorden (many credible persons observing a moving lump in her body) her powerful struggles transporting the chair to which she was bound, round about the house, a yard at a time, 6 strong men hanging thereon”. So there we are! Today, throughout Stradbroke, many houses which still stand from that time bare Anti-witch (Apotropaic) marks which are usually found at openings such as doors, windows, hearth and loft. Houses we know are Valley Farm, Thirkettles, Timbers, Wooten Farm, The Chantry, All Saints Church and Doggetts. The marks are recorded and digital images of wax rubbings taken may be seen on the Stradbroke Village Archive. http://www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/items/show/764 http://www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/items/show/763 http://www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/items/show/766 source:Elizabethan and Jacobean Journals 1591-1610 by George Bagshawe Harrison http://www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/items/show/405 Ann Readman, SARA.
Thank You
FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS STRADBROKE, (FOASS), would like to express grateful thanks for a very generous donation, which has been made to us anonymously. The money is to be put towards the repair and upkeep of our church building. There are very urgent repairs needed; the absolute minimum that has to be spent is estimated to be £120,000. FOASS has worked hard over the years to raise the necessary funds, but as our savings have increased, so have the costs. We would like to think that this donation, made obviously by someone who loves and values our church, will inspire others to consider helping in whatever small way they can. Carol Darling – FOASS treasurer
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Forthcoming Events
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Radio Stradbroke
As the clocks go forward, Radio Stradbroke stays the same! Easter normally heralds a move to “Summer Music Nights”, but due to poor listening figures in competition with Corrie, we are sticking with Sunday mornings, up to Stradisphere in July, with three hour shows. Hope that refreshes your musical appetites, sufficiently? Details of shows will follow soon. Up to Easter, we have the following shows: Sunday 2nd April 10:00 – 14:00 “Kim & Wally’s Request Show”. So famous, it needs no embellishment from me. Email studio@radiostradbroke.co.uk for a request Sunday 9th April 10:00 DJ Huggy “A to Z of Popular Music (Part 2)” & 12:00 DJ Richard Pierce does likewise, from N to Z, just like we said we would. Easter Sunday 16th April 10:00 Prof Kim (1987), 11:00 DJ Wally (1977), 12:00 DJ Huggy (1997), 13:00 Station Manager Marty (1967), play you the Top 20 chart hits from this day in those years. Whatever your age, it will stir some memories. Keep it Radio Stradbroke! www.radiostradbroke.co.uk Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre cinema
On April 20th we are showing ‘A United Kingdom’(12) Starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike and set against the breath-taking backdrops of the African savannah and period London, A United Kingdom tells the inspiring real-life romance of Seretse Kharma, King of Bechuanaland (modern day Botswana) and Ruth Williams, the London office worker he married in 1948. They faced fierce opposition from their families and the British and South African governments. A United Kingdom celebrates one of the greatest love stories ever told. Doors open at the Community Centre at 7pm for a 7.30pm showing. The bar will be open and ice-creams will be on sale during the interval. Entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16 year olds and under. Jane Merritt
Stradbroke Hand Bells
The Stradbroke Hand Bell are a small group, who meet every fortnight, on a Wednesday, in the Club Room of The Stradbroke Community Centre from 7pm to 8pm. Do come along and listen to us and even join in! Graham Johnson 01379 384022
Stradbroke Church Village Show
The village show is on the 23rd July. Potato competition buckets and potatoes are still available. Vegetable and tomato plants are now ready. Call at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. All proceeds to the Village Show. Also, I am have a plant sale and open garden on Saturday 20th May from 2pm – 5pm and on Sunday 21st May 10am to 12 noon, then 2pm to 5pm. A good range of vegetables and bedding plants at 21 Woodfields. Roly Copping 01379 384839
Cancer Research coffee and curios
The Old Lion will be opening a pop up shop on Good Friday and Easter Saturday, from 10 am until 4 pm, selling handmade gifts and jewellery with bric a brac and curios. We will also be opening the pop up shop with afternoon teas on Saturday 20th May from 11.am until 4.30 pm. All proceeds from the teas and raffle will go towards cancer research. Mary Thompson
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is being held on 27th April starting at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. All village clubs/organisations are invited to present a report and all villagers are welcome to attend. If you would like a copy of the agenda or the minutes of the last meeting, please contact me (copies will also be available on the night). Odile Wladon, Clerk. 07555 066147 stradbrokepc@outlook.com
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Forthcoming Events
Swimathon 7-9 April 2017
Looking for a swimming challenge? There is still time to register & join us for Swimathon raising money for Marie Curie Cancer Care. We have sessions for swimming 1.5k, 2.5k or 5k as an individual on Friday 7th, Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th April or why not get together with family or a group of friends & join us for a fun morning on Sunday 9th by entering a team of up to 5 swimmers, distances of 1.5k or 5k, we guarantee a fun atmosphere! More information or to register at Swimathon.org or contact the Pool. Triathlon & Aquathlon 20th & 21st May Spaces are selling well for this award winning event, we still have spaces left for Saturday evening or Sunday mornings 160m swim, 17k cycle & 3k run, Super Sprint Triathlon. Beginners & more experienced Triathletes are welcome! Juniors are invited to join us on Sunday afternoon for an Aquathlon (swim & run) distances dependant on age. For more details please go to Stradbroketriathon.co.uk We also require volunteer Marshals for this event – be part of the fun & enjoy the atmosphere whilst ensuring the safety of our competitors. Please email Mariasmith@everyoneactive.com to volunteer or for more information. Keep up to date with all our events & activities, follow us on facebook – Everyoneactive-Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre. Maria Smith
Friends of All Saints Church
Combined with the Annual Art Exhibition on Saturday, 27th. May, we are holding our Annual Church Path Plant Sale 10.00 am onwards. Remember the stall, please, when you are pricking out seedlings and dividing plants.! The later date is in our favour! Margaret Streeter, Tel: 384869. Carol Darling caroldon01@gmail.com Margaret Streeter
Phoenix Singers : Great Cathedral Anthems. Saturday 8th April 2017 St. Michael's Church, Framlingham at 7.30 pm. Tickets : £12 (£6 for under 18s) available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham William Glasse - william@glasse.org.uk, 07802 597071, choir members and at the door. Charity No. 1076549 Stephanie Askew (publicity).
Lottery Winners
4 D Leeder, 26 J Sparrow, 21 C Mayhew, 46 M Ellis, 43 D Bickers. £48 donated to Art Exhibition, £48 donated to Pudding Party, Bowls club, £24 donated to Good Neighbours. M Ellis
Books ‘n Bric-a-Brac Sale at Sibton
The Friends of St Peter’s are holding a spring Books ‘n Bric-a-Brac Sale at Sibton church on Saturday 29th April from 10.30am until 4.30pm. There will also be clothes and Bring ‘n Buy. Admission is free. Refreshments will be available. Parking on the Glebe Meadow the Yoxford side of the church (IP17 2LX). For details and to donate items please telephone: Rosie on 01728 660369 or Diana on 01728 660236 or Andrew on 01728 453349
Ceildh Dance
Ceilidh dance with Harbour Lights (plus stepdance special). Saturday June 10th 2017 in Wilby Village Hall IP21 5LR. Doors open 7 for 8-11.30pm. Bar Food & Raffle. Tickets £7.50 (not on door). Contact Doreen 07591499912. Many thanks Doreen
Haydn ‘Seven Last Words’
St Peter’s church Westleton, April 14th, 7.00pm. Kenneth Sillito & Roger Garland – violins, Michael Dolan – viola, Michael Hurwitz – ’cello, with meditations by the late Dr, John V Taylor, formerly Bishop of Winchester. Andrew Campbell
Pop-up shop to rent in Framlingham from April!
A Great opportunity for anyone wanting to "test the water with their business" or even use it as an art gallery. It is in a great spot, just off the market hill and with a week costing as little as £180, why not give it a go. Contact Val Philpott for more details on: Email: valhawes@hotmail.co.uk Phone: 01379586732
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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Forthcoming Events
Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre 2017
The 2017 Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre will be held on Sunday 30th April 2017 at Earsham Hall, Bungay NR35 2AN. Gates will open from 10am until 5pm. Entry to the public will be £5 for adults - under 16s free. Free entry for exhibitors. As usual there will be hundreds of classic vehicles on show in the beautiful grounds of Earsham Hall (last year 370). There will also be live music, children's entertainment, a wide variety of stalls, autojumbles and catering outlets. Dawn Collis, Bungay Area Lions Club
A three day flower festival with the theme, "Colours of the rainbow" is being held in St Mary's church on Saturday 29th, Sunday 30th April and Monday Ist May open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily. There will be various stall's, raffle and tea's, light lunches will be served from 12.00 noon. On the Sunday a,"Songs of Praise " will be held at 6.00 p.m. All proceeds in aid of church funds. Vera Abbot
DEBENHAM JAZZ FESTIVAL 5th, 6th & 7th of May, 2017
Debenham Jazz Festival is happening for the first time this year, but it’s no amateur show! The man behind the festival, Bob Kerr, is a well known figure within the jazz scene and beyond, and has been running the ‘Stradbroke Jazz Festival’ for 14 years. A recent move to the village of Debenham sees the move of the festival too. Bob Kerr has been touring with his own band ‘Bob Kerr and his Whoopee Band’ for nearly half a century and still tours to this date. Kerr is also very well known for his time in bands such as ‘The Temperance 7’ and ‘The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band’, -the latter who had hits such as Monster Mash, Urban Spaceman and My Pink Half of the Drainpipe. He also fronted ‘The New Vaudeville Band’ with which he performed their no.1 hit on Top Of The Pops, ’Winchester Cathedral’. The Debenham Jazz Festival sees a brilliant line-up of superb jazz music from East Anglia and beyond. There are currently 11 bands confirmed for the weekend, with a great variety of styles. It is largely due to Kerr’s brilliant field knowledge and musical connections that we will see a festival with such a variety of talented musicians on our doorstep. The festival takes place at the Debenham Community Centre, over 5th, 6th and 7th of May 2017. A great venue with room for both seating and dancing, as well as additional seating areas for chilling out. The venue also offers secure camping facilities at the rear of the building for those that wish to do so (Local B&B’s are also available). There will be a full bar and food outlets serving freshly prepared hot and cold food throughout the festival. Over the weekend we’ll see a host of some of the finest musicians East Anglia has to offer. Including: Nicola Farnon Trio, Tad Newton & Jazz Friends, John Petters, Spats Langham, Rosie Val & the Cambridge Jazz Company, as well as Norfolks hottest Dixie Mix and of course Bob Kerr and his Whoopee Band, plus many more! For Full line-up, ticket information, camping details and more, head over to the festival Website www.debenhamjazz.co.uk. There is a special ‘Early Bird’ offer of discounted tickets if bought before April 5th. It looks like the festival will sell out, so don’t delay getting your tickets in. You can also find the festival on Facebook and Twitter, -look out for promotions through those as well. Johanne Rindom
Wingfield Barns
We have lots to look forward to this month at Wingfield Barns. Tickets for the following are on sale now - call 01379 384505 to book. Friday 7th April, 7.30pm Open Space Theatre Company presents ‘See How They Run’ by Philip King. A former colleague calls on a vicar’s wife and ignites a delicious farce of mistaken identity. Set in a postwar English village, King’s play originally ran for 18 months at the Comedy Theatre in London’s West End, notching up 589 performances with a cast which included the young Joan Hickson. A fast-paced drama of blissful hilarity. Tickets £11/£9. Saturday 8th April to Monday 17th April The Royal Photographic Society Creative Group return with their annual exhibition in Gallery 1 and 2. Open 11am to 4pm, Wednesday to Sunday and open Easter Monday. Barry Freeman will also be displaying his ‘Retrospective Exhibition at Wingfield’ in Studio 4 during this time. Saturday 15th April, 7.30pm Adrian Adlam, violin. Adrian Adlam is Head of Strings at Winchester College. His varied musical career has led to his appearance as guest leader with several European orchestras including the London Symphony Orchestra, the Hague Philharmonic, the Orchestre d’Auvergne, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie and the Scottish BBC Symphony Orchestra. His programme here will include works by Bach, Ysaya, Ridout and Monk. Tickets £10. We have a vacancy for a part-time wedding administrator! Wingfield Barns CIC has been successfully hosting weddings for 6 years and offer a superb venue at realistic, competitive hire fees. We are looking for someone with organisational skills and who has an interest in helping make that special day for wedding couples. Like to know more? Please call Anna Castleton, operations manager at Wingfield Barns, for more details about this interesting post. 01379384505. Email anna.castleton@wingfieldbarns.co.uk Anna Castleton
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
Larger selection of Vegetables Plants,Tomato Plants all ready early April Bedding Patio and Hanging Basket Plants available in April Larger Selection of Local Fruit and Vegetables in our shop Wide selection of flowers available all year round. Easter Flowers available
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Let us start with some non-news! The Annual Horse Race Evening has, unfortunately, been postponed from April 8th, provisionally to September 30th. In keeping with the current malaise at the Cricket Club, two of the four pivotal members are unavailable on that night. One annual event that IS happening, is Nat West Cricket Force Day, on Sunday 2nd April, from 10am to 1pm. We need all the volunteers we can muster to carry out those vital pre-season tasks, such as: cutting & rolling the square & outfield, erecting the practice nets, sweeping the artificial pitch, painting the scorebox, repairing the fence, & the vandalised rainwater harvesting system (water butt), tidying the shed, & stock taking equipment. If you feel you can spare three hours, please turn up at the Playing Field. In return, you will get gratitude, bacon roll & a free T shirt, & a sense of satisfaction. The weather is turning more crickety, which is good, as the season starts on April 29th. Adult practice night is Thursday from 6pm, starting April 27th, & junior coaching commences on Friday 5th May, 6pm to 7:30pm. We have offered coaching to Year 3 & 4 pupils at Stradbroke, Wilby, Fressingfield, & Laxfield Primary Schools in the Summer term, so hopefully the next generation of Stradbroke cricketers will take their first steps to the wicket. Keep supporting your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club
Hello everyone, welcome to our club news where we hope that you will find items of interest. The club held its annual dinner and presentation at the White Hart last month, for which we thank Alison and Max for an excellent meal. We now look forward to the new season of bowls which runs from April to September, in fact the green by the community centre opens on Saturday April 22nd at 2.00 pm. We sincerely hope that you will come along and introduce yourselves when we can supply the bowls to give you a taste for the game, all we ask is that you wear flat shoes or trainers to protect the green. All clubs depend on new members to join to keep the club alive and ongoing and we are no exception. If you are new to the village/area this would be a great way to become involved with the club and the community. Through out the season we have non- league roll ups on the green on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2-4 pm which is when members play against each other in friendly competition this is a great way to become involved with the game. As a matter of interest our first league game is a home game against Wortham on Thursday 27th April starting at 7.00 pm, you might like to come along and watch, and some one would be on hand to explain the rudiments of the game. Friday 12 May - Cash Bingo A fund raiser for the club is the cash bingo night starting at 7.30 in the Community Center for which the bar will be open, all are welcome and we hope to see you there. Thank you for taking the time for reading this and hope to see you at the green opening. If you have any questions please contact me on the following number. Roy Lee (01379 384729)
Stradbroke Tennis Club
Our Junior Tennis Course commences on Wednesday 19th April at the club. There are still a few places left and Andrew Bedwell, the Lawn Tennis Association qualified coach, is keen to ensure that young people between eight and fourteen who live in the village are involved. It is an ideal oppurtunity to join a local club, receive first class coaching and have the oppurtunity to play at the Junior Club Night which Andrew will be running on a Friday. For further details please contact Andrew on 07725 851426 or email abedwell86@gmail.com Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club
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Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
We are on AirBNB
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
A complete hairdressing service in your own home. (trims, sets, blowdry, perms and colouring.) Specialising in herbal and organic products, Including Colour Herbe, Permanent Haircolour, Free from Ammonia Alcohol, Parabens, Perfume and Odour. Also Indian Head Massage
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
E J BROWN Builder
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
News & Views
Page 27
Borderhoppa Group
Can you spare some time to help with a vital community service? Borderhoppa, the provider of community transport across 56 parishes in South Norfolk and North Suffolk, urgently needs volunteer drivers to help with regular outings for residents in the areas covered by the scheme. Community transport works because of the goodwill and time given by people who volunteer as drivers, office staff and trustees. At present Borderhoppa needs drivers to help with outings, including trips to the coast, lunches and visits to garden centres. Service users value the outings as ways of getting out and about and meeting up with friends, which many people are otherwise unable to do, either because they don’t have a car or don’t have access to a regular commerical bus services to and from where they live. Drivers need to have a D1 category on their licence, basically, entitlement to drive a minibus with no more than 18 passengers. Mileage expenses are paid but the time commitment is a gift to the community. To find out more, call Borderhoppa on 01379 854800 or e-mail adminborderhoppa@btconnect.com. Carole Tilston
The Better Broadband Subsidy Scheme
The UK government is committed to providing every home and business across the country with access to a basic broadband service. If you can’t get a broadband speed of at least 2Mb per second, you could qualify for a subsidised connection worth up to £350 to boost your internet speed. The scheme is delivered in partnership with local broadband projects across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Visit basicbroadbandchecker.culture.gov.uk to find out if you are eligible for a subsidy. Fill out a simple application form. If you qualify you will be emailed a unique code. Use the code with selected service providers to get a subsidised broadband service. Laura Sampson and Sandra Brown
Are you able to help spruce up the Fitness Track?
The Parish Council and Everyone Active Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre are teaming up to maintain the Fitness Track. The Track is a fantastic asset used by Everyone Active and members of the village; it needs to be maintained so we can continue using it! We would like to invite all of you to come to the track on Saturday 22nd April with your rake, broom, gloves or secateurs to join in with Parish Councillors’ and Everyone Active Staff between 10-12pm to clear the debris and cut back a few branches. We will be able to provide tea and coffee and we welcome any cake donations to help sustain the volunteers. Please feel free to bring your running trainers for a spontaneous run afterwards! If you have any further questions, please ring Lynsey Smith on 07823325186. Lynsey Smith, Parish Councillor
Children’s Play Park – Demolition Gang Wanted
The installation of the new play park equipment is now being planned. We hope the contractors will be able to complete the work before the summer holidays. To save costs we have agreed with the supplier to remove the old equipment and prepare the site for the contractors to install the new equipment. We are therefore looking for volunteers to join a 'demolition gang' to help in the dismantling and removal of the old equipment. This includes old metal climbing frames, large wooden structures, swings as well as a number of smaller items. Anyone willing to volunteer their services, either for the demolition, or for the provision of tea and refreshments while others work, would be much appreciated. Contact Don on 388098 or Ellie on 384469 for more details
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Should I mention the storm that swept through our little bit of paradise? OK you asked for it. Our beautiful polytunnel was destroyed. And I mean obliterated. Nothing was left standing apart from a few bits of twisted metal. It took so long to build it and barely any time to clear up after storm Doris. We won’t be putting her back up. We all feel it is a bit too windy at that part of the site. It has made way for another plot though. So we now have a whole plot (250 sq m) and a half plot left for occupancy. Please contact me on 01379 388253 or helenpleasance@talk21.com for further information. Our AGM is coming up in May. We are in need of a new Chair person and a new secretary. All posts are up for re-election, but these two posts will be vacated at this meeting. We need these two posts filled as the committee can’t run without them. If you would like more information please contact me. The site is gradually going green again. As much weeds as veggies this time of year, but still looking pretty. Lots of seeds in my green house already and by time of publication my potatoes will have found their summer homes in the ground as well. March takes such a long time coming, but now it is here and us gardeners have our work cut out. Helen Pleasance, Secretary Now that the Spring is upon us,The Black Barn Cafe at the allotments will be open on some Saturdays or Sundays. If you see an A board out at the bottom of Drapers hill, this means that tea, coffee and cake will be served, donations only towards the up keep of the allotments. We also supply gardening equipment and gifts. We look forward to seeing you there. Mary Thompson
Forthcoming Events Take on a challenge for your local hospice
St Elizabeth Hospice has a range of different events and challenges taking place to raise vital funds this summer. There is something for everyone in 2017, whether you want to be part of the fun-filled, family-friendly Bubble Rush on Sunday 13 August at Christchurch Park, Ipswich or the hospice’s flagship event, the Midnight Walk on Saturday 20 May. This year the hospice is also offering a range of adrenaline-fuelled challenges, from braving a 10,000ft jump with fellow hospice supporters at our Parachute Party at Beccles Airfield on Saturday 15 July, to taking on the UK’s highest freefall abseil off the ArcelorMittal Orbit in the world famous Olympic Park. Joanne Rodger, events and challenges manager at St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “We are really excited to be able to offer a wide range of events and challenges to all our supporters in 2017; from getting covered in brightly coloured bubbles to braving jumping out of a plane - there really is something for everyone! “Taking part in one of the hospice’s events or challenges is a great way to do something fun whilst also raising money for a good cause, as the money raised from these exhilarating experiences will go towards providing care and support to patients and their families wherever it is need, whether at home, in the community or at the hospice.” Find out more about the range of events and challenges you can be part of in 2017 at www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk/events, call 01473 723600 or email fundraising@stelizabethhospice.org.uk Sophie Johnson, Marketing and Communications Officer
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
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Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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As I sit to write this month’s article, we should by now be continuing to enjoy the more spring like weather. With Easter almost upon us and the Suffolk countryside beginning to finally emerge from the colder winter months, I am looking forward to being out and about to enjoy the wide range of events which are starting to pop up. I am particularly enthusiastic about the marvellous food and drink offering we have here and my weekends at home in Suffolk are often spent at local markets and events. I always buy my food and drink locally to support our local businesses wherever possible. It never ceases to amaze me the sheer diversity that we have right here on our door step – from locally produced cheeses and meats, to cordials, cider, beer and wine, and sauces, preserves and pickles, all grown, packaged and produced so creatively right in Suffolk. The success of these businesses is vital to our strong rural economy and I think we all have a part to play in ensuring that we think local and buy local whenever we can. There is so much great work going on here already to educate our children and young people on the importance of not only eating well – a healthy and balanced diet, but also eating locally and seasonally. This is vitally important in reducing the number of miles our food travels before it reaches our plate and of course, fresh produce that’s in season always tastes so much better. I am also a great supporter of our local farmers and regularly meet with the NFU and the farming community; as we look to negotiate the very best deal possible for our farmers as we embark upon the Brexit negotiations, I will certainly be doing my very best to ensure that Suffolk is at the forefront of those important conversations. For those who may like to take part, my broadband survey remains open and can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DrDanPoulterBroadbandNovember2016. Please do get in touch if you’d like a paper copy. For more information please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com
Letters to the Editor
After attending the showing of “Portrait of a Village” on March 3rd, I feel some clarification is in order as to the discovery and saving of the old photo plates. After the photographer Harry Webb died in 1954, (Harry was the uncle of my late husband Alan Ward) and at the following house clearance (the old Post Office, Harry’s home) Alan had the foresight to rescue the cases of glass photo plates and old photos which would have been thrown away. They were stored in one of our outbuildings (not wet!) Some time later Alan shared them to Geoff Smith, who was interested in photography, to see if they were any good. Geoff picked out the best ones, processed them, with the result we see today. So I think some credit should have gone to my husbands foresight and action, without which there would be fewer local photographic records of days gone by. Maybe it would have been fairer to have shared the accolades equally. Ursula Ward Late Michael Ellis Thank you to all the 420 people who attended Michael’s Thanksgiving Service. What a show of respect for all he did for Stradbroke. People have been so kind to me. So many to thank personally. Such a lonely life now for all the family. There is more money to come, but so far the church has collected £1280 with more to come. Thank you all so much. Mary Ellis
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.
Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will send you an email to tell you when the new edition is online! Village Diary April 2nd Nat West Cricket Force Day on the cricket grounds (see page 22) 2nd Radio Stradbroke on air 10am with Kim & Wallys Request Show (see page 17) 3rd Rhymetime for babies & toddlers at 10 am in Library, and every Monday (see page 14) 3rd Rummikub Club in Court House, 2.15 – 4.45 pm and every Monday (see page 14) 4th Contact Club meet in the Community Centre at 10am and every Tuesday 4th Badminton Club meet at the High School at 7.30pm and every Tuesday in term time 6th Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre 2pm-4pm (see page 9) 7th See How They Run at Wingfield Barns 7.30pm (see page 20) 7th-9th Swimathon at Stradbroke Leisure Centre (see page 18) 8th Horse Race evening is postponed! 8th Phoenix Singers – St. Michaels Church, Framlingham at 7.30pm (see page 18) 8th-17th Photographic exhibition at Wingfield Barns (see page 20 for details) 9th Radio Stradbroke on air 10am with DJ Huggy & 12pm DJ Pierce (see page 17) 10th Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (see page 6) 12th Lunch Club 12.30pm at the Baptist Church (see page 3) 13th WI meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 9) 14th Haydn Seven Last Words St Peters Church Westleton 7pm (see page 18) 14th&16th Pop Up Shop at The Old Lion (next to Court House) (Page 17) 15th Create and Chatter at the Baptist Church 10am (see page 3) 15th Easter Treasure Hunt 1.30-3.30pm (see page 12 for details) 15th Adrian Adlam at Wingfield Barns 7.30pm (see page 20) 16th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10am (see page 17) 18th Parish Council Clinic 2.15 in the Courthouse (see page 6) 19th Stradbroke Tennis Club commences (see page 22) 20th Over 60s meeting in the Community Centre 2pm-4pm (see page 9) 20th Stradbroke Cinema: “ United Kingdom” 7 for 7.30pm in the Community Centre (page 17) 20th 7.30pm Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting (Neighbourhood Planning), Court House (see page 6) 21st ***ARTICLES FOR MAY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE PLEASE*** 22nd Open Day Stradbroke & District Bowls Club, come and have a go! (see page 22) 22nd Help spruce up the Fitness Track from 10-12pm (see page 27) 26th Drop in for coffee at the Baptist Church 10am (page 3) 27th Annual Parish Meeting, in the community centre 7.30pm (see page 17) 27th Wingfield & District Gardening club 7.30pm at Brundish Village Hall (see page 12) 29th Bric-a-Brac Sale at Sibton church from 10.30am to 4.30pm (see page 18) 29th- 1st May Three day flower festival in Worlingworth Church from 10-5 (see page 20) 30th Classic Vehicle Rally and Country Fair at Earsham Hall, Bungay from 10am – 5pm (page 20) May 5th – 7th 5th 12th 16th 20th-21st 20th 20th 20th-21st 25th-29th 27th
Debenham Jazz Festival (see page 20 for details) Junior Cricket Club coaching starts—Girls and Boys (see page 22) Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke & District Bowls Club in the Community Centre 7.30pm (see page 22) Good Neighbours AGM in the Club Room at the Community Centre at 3.30pm (page 12) Plant sale and open garden at 21 Woodfields, (see page 17) Pop Up Shop and afternoon tea at The Old Lion (next to Court House) (Page 17) Midnight Walk iao St Elizabeth Hospice (see page 28) Triathlon and Aquathlon at the Leisure Centre (see page 18) Annual Art Exhibition (see page 4) Church Path Plant Sale 10am onwards (see page 18)
June 30th
Ceildh Dance in Wilby Village Hall 8-11.30pm (see page 18)