£1 where sold
Dec 2015 & Jan 2016
Claire, Helen, Lynda, Marianne, and Vicky would like to wish all the readers of The Stradbroke Monthly a very lovely holiday season, and to thank you all for your support in 2015.
Merry Christmas & a Peaceful 2016! Best Wishes! Your Stradbroke Monthly Editors x
Marty’s Christmas Crackers on Radio Stradbroke! Christmas on Radio Stradbroke can mean only on thing: “Marty’s Christmas Crackers”. Armed with a new playlist of songs, 9am til noon on Christmas Day live on www.radiostradbroke.co.uk will see a mix of festive and favourite songs in between wine & mince pies. Is there a song you want to hear? Then email studio@radiostradbroke.co.uk before the day. Send out messages to loved ones far and near, or just ask for your favourite Christmas track! Throughout December & January, Sunday Sessions continue from 10am to 1pm, with all the usual suspect DJ’s, or is that DJ suspects? Sunday 20th December sees us all on duty between 10am & 4pm, selecting songs at random. That is all I can say! Log on to www.radiostradbroke.co.uk for all of the above. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported Radio Stradbroke in 2015. Maybe 2016 will be the year we get a new studio? Michael Hugman
Aladdin Pantomime Stradbroke based Puzzle House Pantomimes present a traditional family pantomime based on the story of ALADDIN. Our happy-go-lucky hero is the son of Widow Twankey, a poor washerwoman in the city of Peaktoosoon. Aladdin dreams of the beautiful Princess Jasmine, unaware that he is the only person who can unlock the powerful force of magic from a lamp hidden in a cave in the Mountain of Dragons. Join in with the songs, solve the puzzles on the way, and try to make sure that the wonderful Magic Lamp does not fall in to the wrong hands! Six actors play a range of characters in a show full of songs, live keyboard music, thrills, spills and fun! Shows starts at 3.00pm. There are two acts with a short interval. The performances end at approximately 4.45pm. All tickets £7. Telephone 01379 384656. Jan 2016 tour dates: Sun 3rd, St Edmund's Hall, Hoxne. Sat 9th, Little Bealings Village Hall. Sun 10th, Crowfield Village Hall. Sat 16th, St Michael's Room, Framlingham. Sun 17th, Wingfield Barns. Roy Preston STOP PRESS! Our wonderful Claudene Merritt has retired from organising the distribution of the Stradbroke Monthly and we wish to thank her hugely for her 8 years of commitment to making sure the Monthly goes out on time to everyone! Can you spare a few hours once a month to organise the distribution of the Monthly? Get in touch with Odile the Parish Clerk or email the Editors on editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk.
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 674739 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches
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Stradbroke Baptist Church Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk
It’s Christmas! We welcome you to join us. Diary for December & January December Sunday Services at 10:15am Services led by 6 . J. Ling 13 Family Carol Service & Lunch***** 20 Rev G. Lee 27 No Service We welcome you to join us – our activities for December Bible study group Tuesday 1 7:30pm We pray together - Monday 7 7:30pm Cameo Christmas Lunch Wednesday 9 12:30pm***** Create & Chatter - Saturday 12 10am th
***** Please book for lunch***** Stradbroke All Saints & Baptist Churches Carols – By – Candlelight th Sunday 20 December 3pm At All Saints Church Music: Castleton Brass Everyone welcome January Sunday services at 10:15am Speakers: 3 Rev. G. Lee 10 S Johnson 17 TBA 24 “ALPHA” Sunday 31 M. Caplin We welcome you to join us --- our activities for January We pray together Monday 4 7:30pm Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday 13 12:30pm Create & Chatter - Saturday 16 10am Study Group-Tuesday 19 7:30pm Drop in For Coffee - Wednesday 27th 10am rd
“ALPHA” SUNDAY Discover more about Christianity…… From Sunday 24th January we are using ALPHA material for one service each month. This DVD based course looks at different aspects of the Christian faith. Ideal if you wish to discover more about the basics of what Christians believe. Christmas Fact or fiction? When was Jesus born? People who are naturally cynical about the Christian faith often point out that we have no real evidence that Jesus was born on 25 . December. A wide range of differing views are expressed - one fact worth realising is that the Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity celebrate the birth on 6 January. We just don’t know when Jesus was born but we do know that it was a miracle, for predictions made 600years earlier were fulfilled at Bethlehem on that first Christmas. It is equally important to realise that Christmas celebrations follow a long established pattern of Biblical festivals such as the Passover, Feast of weeks or Hanukkah and others. These important occasions and our Christmas are reminders and celebrations of God’s loving action on behalf of the people He had created. The correct date is not important for the real purpose is to celebrate God’s love in sending Jesus to this world, to be our friend and teacher who willingly gave His life for us. May you know the love and the blessing of God this year as we wish you blessings and peace for this Christmas and the New Year. Contact: John Ling 388751 (Church Elder) Jackie Hughes 384112 (Church Administrator) th
Can We Help?
The Stradbroke Our telephone number is 07749 445531 Good Neighbours Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Service Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you. If you are new in the village Good Neighbours have a welcome booklet that outlines our services and can provide useful information. If you would like a copy please contact us on 07749445531or collect a copy from the library.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
All Saints Church Stradbroke. Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493 Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan. 6th Dec 11.00 am Gift service + Baptisms 13th Dec 8.00 am Holy Communion 20th Dec 3.00 pm Village Carol Service + mince pies 24th Dec 6.00 pm Crib service 24th Dec 11.15 pm Benefice Communion here 25th Dec 11.00 am Family Communion 3rd Jan 11.00 am Family service + Tea/C 10th Jan 8.00 am Holy Communion 17th Jan 11.00 am Holy Communion + T/C 8.00 am Holy Communion 24th Jan 31st Jan 10.00 am Contemporary service at Fressingfield 7th Feb 11.00 am Family service + Tea/C Gift service, 6th Dec In this service we remember those children and families who have so little. We ask for any new gift, for any age to be brought unwrapped. All the gifts are given to the Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal.
Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee We have to date raised £4137.68 with 2 more events before the end of the year, the last being a Christmas Cake Stall on 12th December. We have already arranged our programme for next years dates (see below). I would like to thank the ladies of the committee who work hard all year to keep our church finances in order. Also a big thank you all who support us most generously. We all would like to wish you a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year. Events 2016; January 23rd Cake Stall, February 9th Pancakes and Beetle Drive, March 19th Collectors Fair, April 25th – May 3rd Art Exhibition, May 21st Coins on the wall and Cake Stall, June 11th-13th Flower Festival celebrating Queens 90th Birthday, July 23rd Village produce show, August 13th Summer Afternoon Tea party at the Rectory, Sept 23rd Harvest Supper, October 7th Cello and Chat with Hattie Benne H, November 26th Christmas coffee morning and December 10th Christmas Cake stall Mary Ellis
All Saints – A message from Rev. Susan Dear Friends & Neighbours, The media talks about climate change and the affect this has in some areas of the world. Last week the news showed people in Ethiopia needing help because there is not enough food and people are dying of starvation. Then there are the refugees risking their lives to flee from danger and poverty and living in awful conditions. There are others living with fear, hunger and homelessness and even in our country people need help from foodbanks and other charities. It is easy to fall into two camps about all this; we either think the problem is too big, so what is the point of trying to help; or we get disheartened and feel guilty for all we have. So, what are we to do this Christmas season when most of us are caught up planning celebrations with family and friends, buying lots of presents and planning lots of food and drink? Well, I think there is quite a lot we can do: we can cut back on the spending - maybe spending a little less on expensive presents and not going quite so over the top buying extra food and drink, much of which get wasted and using the money we save to give to a charity who is working to help those in need. Someone has said, ‘live simply so that others can simply live.’ We won’t put an end to hunger and conflict on our own but together we can make a difference. If we ask God to bless those in need and the efforts we make, who knows what might happen. A sentence from one of the Christmas readings; when the angel Gabriel went to Mary to tell her the amazing thing - that she would give birth to the son of God, Mary was confused and afraid, but the angel says to her; ‘nothing is impossible with God.’ This Christmas I hope you enjoy celebrating with others - I know I will but let us not restrict our celebrations to just enjoying ourselves but think about what we might do for others. Jesus was born into the world for a reason; he came so we might see another way of living; not living just for ourselves but for God and the common good. And the extraordinary thing about it is that as we bless others we find ourselves blessed too. God bless, Susan
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Clerks Report
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 14th December 2015. MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 9th November 2015 7 members of the public attended the meeting. Cllr Richard Pierce-Saunderson has resigned from the Parish Council. A vacancy now exists; applications are invited and further information can be obtained from the Clerk. Public forum: It was noted that Gerald Jenkins has resigned from the Stradbroke Charitable Trust and thanks were noted for the work he has done. The Speed Watch team informed the meeting that the following 3 weeks will be their last due to work commitments and shorter days. The equipment will be handed back to Laxfield until another team can be found. Anyone who would like to investigate this role please feel free to contact the Clerk. Planning (further details can be obtained from the Clerk) Applications considered: 3635/15 Erection of flat roofed rear elevation extension Old Police House, Queen St IP21 5GH Approved unanimously. PL\0279\15 anaerobic digestion plant, associated infrastructure & use of existing agricultural lagoons. Barley Brigg Farm, Laxfield Road This is a retrospective application further to the application granted in 2012. Following discussions the councillors voted on a proposal to reject the application on the grounds of increased traffic flow. 7 in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: 3074/15 create 9 additional parking spaces New Street Close, IP21 5JH Planning granted with a note to developers on landscaping. Other Business: Parking on the corners close to junctions still causes issues. The Clerk will ask the local police to come and give advice. It was reported that cars are speeding on the bend near Barley Green Garage. The Clerk is investigating a replacement for the broken traffic control sign. Cllr Flatman reported that she had had a complaint that the cats eyes had not been replaced in Queens Street following resurfacing work, she will ask for them to be replaced. Dog walkers are asked not to leave bags containing dog mess in the dustbins, please use the bins provided specifically for this purpose. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library and are posted on the Notice Board and stradbrokeonline.org.uk The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 14th December 2015.
Clerks contact information: Odile Wladon Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA
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Page 8
Stradbroke Bakery • • • • • • • •
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Life in the Legion—The Royal British Legion (Stradbroke and District Branch) Michael paid tribute to Branch Secretary and Chaplain, Revd. David Streeter M.A. who recently passed away, he worked with David since he first came to the village so knew him well. He said “He will be very much missed and “Thank you David” for all you did for the branch, may you now Rest in Peace”. The village turned out in force around the War Memorial paying their respects to all who lost their lives in two world wars and other conflicts. A short service was conducted by the Revd. Peter Schwier, who read out the names of the fallen. Steve Cook, from the Castleton Brass Band, sounded The Last Post and Reveille. 13 wreaths were laid by local organisations. Joyce Cooper carried the branch standard, the local county “H” Group Royal British Legion Standard carried by Sgt. Simpson of the Diss 1070ATC with their standard carried by Cadet Holmes. Revd. Dave Keeble from Trimley, a former member of the branch, conducted the Remembrance Service, in the Baptist Church. Spencer Kent the winner of the Annual Poetry Competition held for pupils at the High School on a Remembrance Theme, read his poem “A Sad Lonely Poppy”. A Poppy Appeal collection was taken. Joyce Cooper carried the branch standard at this years Festival of Remembrance held at The Royal Albert Hall, for the third year running. Thirteen members attended the AGM held at Laxfield Kings Head. Tribute was paid to members who had passed away during the year, Branch Secretary and Chaplain the Revd. David Streeter, MA., Phillip Lawson, Fred Farrow and Simon Crowe TD. Andrew Davidson was welcomed to his first meeting. Reports were given by branch officers and Alan King. Donations were made to the Poppy Appeal and Suffolk County Chairman’s Appeal; results to date were given out for Laxfield and Stradbroke. Officers re-elected for another year, the branch secretary is Bernard Mills, Branch Chaplain, Revd. Ron Orams, pending appointment of Branch Treasurer. Member Alan King reported that he was presented on November 11th. with the Legion d’Honneur medal on Wednesday,11 November at the French Ambassadors Residence, 11 Kensington Palace Gardens W8 4QP. by Rear Admiral Patrick Chevallereau. The next branch event is the Christmas Lunch and Carols on Thursday, 17th. December to be held at Laxfield Kings Head, all members to receive a letter. The closing date for the meal booking is 10th. December. Best wishes to readers for a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Michael Burton (Branch Chairman)
W.I. The Annual Meeting, not usually the most eagerly awaited in our calendar, was rather special this year, as our Secretary Dianne Maynard had the brilliant idea that everyone should wear a hat. Her wish was granted, and members arrived wearing hats of every colour, shape and style, and they all looked amazing. The reason for turning on the style was to brighten the mood, for it was the evening we were saying goodbye to three people who are held in high regard, our President Dorothy Readman, our Secretary Dianne Maynard, and our Treasurer Betty Chittock, as they were all retiring after lengthy terms in office. Also attending the meeting was Andrea Davies our W. I. Advisor, who came to conduct the voting procedure. In her report during the business section of the meeting, Dorothy gave a resume of the year, and thanked everyone for their support and help during her four years in office. Dianne delivered the Committee’s Report, and Betty gave her final statement. Both thanked members for their help and support during their terms in office. Jane Merritt was awarded The President’s Cup by Dorothy, for her outstanding service during the year. A special gift of thanks was presented to Dougie Chittock, who was also retiring after many years of supporting us in so many ways. His cheery smile and happy demeanour will be much missed by us all. To mark our 90th Anniversary, members received a newly minted 2015 2p coin in a most effective setting. Gill Bird then received the badge of office from Andrea Davies, having been elected as the new President for the coming year. Serving with her, her Committee, Jane Gemmill, Gwyneth Harris, June Hampson, Carol Darling, Lorraine Dunn, Prue Rush and Patricia Woodward. They were wished every success. Dorothy, Dianne and Betty received bouquets from the committee, with their love and thanks, and Annie Harbrow gave a warm and moving vote of thanks to them on our behalf. We all then enjoyed a much needed cup of tea, coffee and cake. Gill Bird
Clothes Recycling New clothes recycling facility in Stradbroke. The two new clothes recycling bins situated next to the bottle banks by the swimming pool, are proving a huge success and all the profits will be spent directly on the pupils at the Primary and the High School. Please support this new initiative to help further improve our village schools. Many thanks. The Friends of Stradbroke Primary and High Schools
Lottery Bonus Winners 11 C Howes 16 D Bickers 38 D Penycate 11 S Ayton £48 donated to Tennis club, £48 donated to Stradbroke and District Bowls club Happy Christmas to all who support this lottery. Mary Ellis
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Stradbroke Primary School This term has been a busy one at Stradbroke Primary with lots going on. We had our annual Year 5 and 6 visit to London to see Tower Bridge and the Museum of London this month. Our children in Year 2 and 3 also achieved Arts Awards for their puppets and sculpture creations which they made at the East Anglian Museum of Rural Life. Years 4, 5 and 6 will also be taking part in a writing workshop there shortly with the author James Campbell. This week both of our schools achieved a Bronze “Food for Life” award. A Food for Life award signifies that the school is providing healthy school meals, positive lunchtimes and food education that has a positive impact on both pupils and the wider community. To achieve this both schools have created growing area and Stradbroke held a very successful Farmer’s Market after our Harvest Festival. Around £250 was made which will be used by our SNAG (School Nutritional Action Group) who act like a school council on growing and food issues. We also held a Gardener’s World Day at Stradbroke where the children learnt more about growing, food and gardening. Sadly this term we say goodbye to two long serving and wonderful members of staff Mrs Karen Hillen who is a Teaching Assistant at the school and Mrs Linda Walsh who is our Head of School. Both ladies are retiring at Christmas and we wish them both a long and happy retirement. In January Miss Hannah Legood takes over from Mrs Walsh as Acting Head of School. You may remember she won the Excellent in Teaching award at Suffolk County Council’s Raining the Bar awards last year. We have every confidence that she will do an excellent job. Our schools will be celebrating our first full term as the All Saints Church School federation by taking both of our schools to the Pantomime “Snow White” at Norwich Theatre Royal. It will be a lovely way to end the term and it is always fantastic to bring the children and staff from both All Saints, Laxfield and Stradbroke Primary schools together. A big thank you to our friends who have paid for the coaches so that this visit will be free of charge to parents. Finally may we wish all the readers of the Stradbroke Monthly a very Happy Christmas! Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher
Stradbroke High School School Wows Council’s Director for Children and Young People Sue Cook, Suffolk County Council’s Director for Children and Young People praised pupils and staff at Stradbroke High School’s Awards Evening on Thursday with three words: ‘Wow, Wow and Wow!’ This was the opening remark of the keynote address of the evening, during which pupils were presented with certificates and trophies for effort and achievement. In front of an audience of families, staff, governors and pupils, Ms Cook presented all the evening’s awards and commented on the school’s recent GCSE exam success* by saying “ You are amazing and you should all feel very proud of yourselves for what you have achieved. I knew that I would be inspired and impressed by your successes because this is a great school and everyone here will have helped you achieve your very best.” Ms Cook went on to reiterate the sentiment of the Chair of Governors, Andy Smith and Head Teacher, Andrew Bloom, who referred to the importance of developing a Growth Mindset,** and then congratulated the pupils on their perseverance and tenacity saying that a person’s choice of response to the challenges they face ultimately affects how well they progress. In conclusion, Ms Cook drew an analogy with the hard work of a spider, relentlessly repairing and renewing its web, without being disheartened or giving up when it was torn down; she said that the same attitude had prevailed at the school and pupils should continue to focus on future possibilities which would put them in good stead for the rest of their lives. Head Girl, Heather Cutler and Head Boy, James Cleverley addressed the audience to thank Ms Cook for her words of inspiration and presented her with a token of thanks. For more information please contact Sally Clarke on 01379 384387 or email sally.clarke@stradbrokehigh.co.uk. Note to readers: * Over 70% of pupils at Stradbroke High School achieved GCSE grades A* to C in the summer of 2015 and pupils made exceptional progress in relation to their prior attainment at Key Stage 2, far in excess of national averages. **Based on years of research by Stanford University’s Dr. Carole Dweck, Lisa Blackwell Ph.D., and their colleagues, students who learn to adopt a growth mindset show greater motivation in school, better grades, and higher assessment scores. When students and educators have a growth mindset, they understand that intelligence can be developed. Students focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and make better progress. Sally Clarke
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Parent and Toddler Group On Thursday mornings 9.00-10.30am
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Archive and Records Association - SARA The first piece of news is the amazing legacy that Geoffrey Smith has left this village through his passion for photographing events that happened from the 1950’s to the 1980’s. Mike and Linda, Geoffrey’s children, are generously sharing around 2000 of these images with us. SARA are almost half way through uploading the images onto a new dedicated Archive site and launched this collection on 21st November at the library café as part of The National Archives ’Explore your Archive’ week. This is a digital Archive and we are hoping that anyone with information and memories of the images will share them by adding these to the archive by logging on at www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk/gsa and adding their memories under the photographs. The second piece of news is to do with the Stradbroke 1840 tithe map. ‘The Tithe Commutation Act of 1836 asked that payments of tithe in the form of farm produce should be replaced by a money payment. Tithe was a tax, which was paid to the local church. Each map will show at least the boundaries of woods, fields, roads and waterways and the location of buildings. The houses are sometimes shown in enough detail to show their shape.’ http://www.historic-maps.norfolk.gov.uk/tithe.aspx There were three original maps produced for Stradbroke - two are kept at the Suffolk Records Office in Ipswich. Both maps are in a poor condition and cannot be viewed but the County Conservator has agreed to repair the better of the two so that the village may have a copy to hold here within the Stradbroke Village Archive. SARA is very grateful to them for doing this and putting this work high on their list of items for conservation. We hope to have a digital file by the end of the year. Our intention is to then have a physical copy professionally produced for everyone to view. Ann Readman, Stradbroke Archive and Records Association
Stradbroke Over 60s Our sale and coffee morning in October was very successful. Almost all of our members helped on the day, and provided a great deal of saleable items. Thank to you all. Also a huge thank you to everyone who supported us for this event. We had our usual two meetings in November, now our next get together and last of this year is to be our Christmas Lunch and party on Thursday December 3rd, after this we will take a break until 16th February 2016. We should like to express our very best wishes to you all for a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year Joan Grimes
Friends of All Saint’s Church Don’t forget to order your calendar! On Saturday, 30th. April, 2016 is our Annual Church Path Plant Sale, from 10.00 am onwards. Please remember us when you are dividing your herbaceous plants! Margaret Streeter
Stradbroke Craft Club Our new 'term' starts on Monday, 11th January 2016, we have an interesting programme for this term', and you are welcome to drop in and see if it suits you. We meet 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. on Monday afternoons fortnightly 2.00 - 4.00 p.m. in the Community Centre. The cost for each session is £1.50 which includes tea or coffee. For further information contact Claudene Merritt 384439 or Lily Lofts 388586. Lily Lofts and Claudene Merritt.
Play Area The Children’s Play Area Working Group has completed a survey on the need to improve and upgrade our existing Children’s play areas within the Stradbroke. The main findings from this survey are as follows: • Westhall is used more frequently than the Community Centre play area, but many residents prefer to take their children to play areas outside the village • Although both play areas are in need of improvement, the one at the Community Centre is in a worse state compared to Westhall • There are many suggestions for more modern and additional equipment, such as a zip wire, roundabouts, new swings just to name but a few. • There is clearly a need for play facilities for teenagers which are not covered by the existing facilities. The most popular suggestion is a Skate/Bike park • There is clearly an urgent need to upgrade and improve our existing play areas. If we implement the changes suggested by the survey that would result in a doubling of the current usage and parents would not feel the need to take their children to play areas outside of the village. The full results of the survey can be found on the village website -stradbrokeonline.org.uk. Next steps for us include obtaining some prices for new equipment and start applying for grants. Don Darling, Ellie Wharton and Oliver Last
Page 13
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Page 14
Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema Saturday, 5th December - 10.30 for 11.00 am we are showing Inside Out (PG) Animation, Adventure Comedy. Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) is a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl, but her world turns upside-down when she and her parents move to San Francisco. Riley's emotions -- led by Joy (Amy Poehler) -- try to guide her through this difficult, life-changing event. However, the stress of the move brings Sadness (Phyllis Smith) to the forefront. When Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley's mind, the only emotions left in Headquarters are Anger, Fear and Disgust. Soft drinks and icecreams in the interval. (Under 16s £3.) Thursday 10th December - we are showing “Mr Holmes” (PG) 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and icecreams on sale in the interval. Entrance is Adults £5.50. (Under 16s £3.) a delightful film, full of humour and sadness as Mr. Holmes revisits his last case, and finds his memory isn't quite what it used to be. He has retired to his cottage by the sea and taken up his well known hobby of beekeeping or apiculture. With him are his housekeeper, Mrs. Munro (Laura Linney) and her son, Roger (Milo Parker), a precocious young boy. Go and see this film if you are a fan of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, light-hearted at times, but also very poignant when it needed to be. Thursday, 21st. January will be the first film of the new season, title to be announced. Margaret Streeter
Stradbroke Youth FC Christmas Party Stradbroke Youth Football Club will be holding a Family Christmas Party on Sunday 6th December 4pm – 7pm at Stradbroke Community Centre. Fun, Frolics, Food, Father Christmas AND......Parents V (Older) Kids Tournament - Plus a Raffle like no other! Tickets on the door £4 adult & £2 U16. Queries to: Tracey Kellett – 01986 785514 Tracey Kellett
Christmas Trees at Town Farm I am pleased to say that we raised a total of £60 last December for St Mary’s Wilby, St Lawrence’s Brundish and All Saints Stradbroke Churches from folks who came to see us at Town Farm for their Christmas Trees. Trees grown here will be available again this year. A selection will be freshly cut for you to choose from and delivered to your door if you wish. I am aiming to be here for folks to come and choose on Saturday 5th and Saturday 12th December but please telephone first to make sure we are here. Many thanks to all and best wishes for the festive season. Steve & Sally Lee 01379 388653
Concert St Michael’s Church, Framlingham are hosting the Phoenix Singers on 12th December at 7.30pm. They will be singing The Messiah Part 1 and other Christmas Music. Tickets are £12 and £6 for under 18’s and are available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham, William Glasse - William@glasse.org.uk, 07802 597071, choir members and at the door. Stepanie Askew
Race Night Wilby’s Coronation Hall are holding a Race Night on December 4th. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start . Admission will be £1 on the door which will include your racing programme. Bar will be open and we will have hotdogs for sale. Come along and have a flutter and enjoy the thrill of the race track. Maggie Berry,Secretary,Willby Hall
Prize Bingo for Burns Night Friday 29th January 2016 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. To raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments, plus a flyer to win a hamper. Please join us for a fun night out. Julie Ward
Children’s Society Coffee Morning Wednesday, 20 January 10.00 – 12.00 at Thirkettle Cottage, Queens Street Everyone welcome, especially our box holders. We will use the day to empty this year’s boxes and send the contents to the Society. Anyone willing to hold a box for the coming year will be most welcome to join us. Alison Hackett 388872
Christmas Carols - Mince Pies - Sausage Rolls - Mulled Wine The season of good will is fast approaching, so why not take part in a friendly informal gathering to celebrate the coming of Christmas. This is an open invitation to everyone to meet outside the church on December 13th at 4:30pm. Courtesy of the Parish Council we will be able to enjoy hot sausage rolls, mince pies and a warming glass of mulled wine as we sing Carols accompanied by Stradbroke’s very own brass ensemble. Don Darling.
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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ www.eyeflooring.co.uk DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED
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MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
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Forthcoming Events
Page 17
WEA WEA (Workers' Educational Association) will begin another series of talks and discussions on Wednesday, January 27th in the Community Centre 2.15pm - 4.15pm. We have just completed an excellent and stimulating series delivered by John Parker who used to have the Art Gallery in Stradbroke before moving away. Luckily for us, he is back in the area and gave us all terrific insight into Art Appreciation across the ages. Everyone who attended was inspired by him and we all learnt a great deal. These are informal but informative talks sponsored by the WEA which anyone can attend simply by having an interest in finding out more about the subject area. They are not taught lessons, assessed or accredited but an opportunity to join in discussions and be presented with facts and thoughts of others led by a very experienced tutor and specialist in the field. Even if you do not know anything about the subject matter you will come away fascinated and enthusiastic. The series beginning in January is The First Plantagenets where we will be introduced to the rich and varied reigns of 3 very different but all exceptional monarchs - Henry ll, Richard the Lionheart and King John. Lots of gory and salacious detail to be expected from these controversial kings. The course runs for 7 weeks with a break for half-term at a cost of £46.00 with concessions but do feel free to come along to the first session on Jan 27th before making up your mind. There is also the facility for you to dip in and out at an individual cost per session attended. If you have any queries please do contact me at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 We look forward to seeing you next term. Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley
Stradbroke WEA Spring Term 2015 “The First Plantagenets” Investigating the reigns of Henry II, Richard The Lionheart and King John TUTOR - Mr Brian Statham STARTS Wednesday January 27th STRADBROKE COMMUNITY CENTRE From 2.15 to 4.15pm. Anyone is welcome to attend the first meeting before committing themselves to the course. Course fee £46.00 FOR 7 WEEKS. THE SECRETARY : 01379 384248 Jane Gemmill
Special Stradbroke Christmas and New Year Walks Walk 1. A Guided Christmas Torchlight Walk of about 3 miles. Tuesday December 22nd at 7.30 p.m. from the Community Centre. See what our footpaths out to Battlesea Green and back are like in the dark on the shortest day of the year! When we get to Battlesea Hall there will be a welcoming glass of Christmas Cheer and mince pies, courtesy of Adrian Lawson. On this date we can hope for a frosty starry night and there will certainly be no Moon. Do bring a torch and it is a good idea to wear boots. Walk 2. New Year's Day. Make this your first walk of 2016! Sunday January 1 2012 at 10.30 a.m. starting from the Community Centre. Walk off all those meals and celebrations with our traditional 5 mile circular walk via Thorpe Hall, Horham and Wootton Green. Boots are strongly advised. There is no need to book for either walk, just come along and do bring any guests you have staying with you. Gerald Jenkins (384 825) Footpath Warden
Stradbroke Past & Present Saturday January 9th 2016 at 7.30 p.m. at the Community Centre. A slide show by Gerald Jenkins During this past year yet more photographs of Stradbroke from the sixties and seventies have come to light from Geoffrey Smith, via his son Mike. Looking back still further there are archive pictures from 1863, the time of Henrietta Ryle, the wife of the famous Bishop Ryle. She was an early pioneer photographer and was responsible for just some of the splendid pictures of Stradbroke now available which cover the past 150 years. Stradbroke has also been blessed with some good artists, including Frank Ward, Rufus de Pinto and John Brunsdon. This year, for the first time, slides have been made of many of their pictures. And, following the story of the origins of our water supply last year, we shall have the story of ‘small beer’ and the former pub, ’The Butcher’s Arms’ on the Wilby Road which closed in 1922. £5.00: to include a glass of wine or a soft drink with the proceeds going to FOASS. Hopefully this will be the year when the Church roof really is made watertight! Gerald Jenkins
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Forthcoming Events
Santa is on his way! Every year, the Rotary Club of High Suffolk helps Santa to visit local towns, delighting children and raising money for local children’s charities. This year, Santa will be touring around Stradbroke on Wednesday the 9th December. Listen for the music, and the knock on your door, from 6pm until about 8pm! More information from: info@highsuffolkrotary.org Dr Chris Sharpe 01728 685522
Library/Post Office/Court House Café News Christmas is fast approaching and we now sell lovely Greetings Cards and Christmas Cards in the library. Call in and see our selection. Christmas stamps are now available. The new bus timetables are available, so come in and pick one up. We also do photocopying and printing. We sell gift vouchers in the Post Office that can be redeemed at many different outlets. They can be for any amount that you want. Call in to see our selection. They make excellent Christmas presents for those you have difficulty knowing what to buy. We still need a few more volunteers to help in the café, which is open, Thursday and Saturday mornings 9.30am-12.30pm. If you feel you could help, call in and see me in the library. On Friday mornings there is a regular Singing/Rhymetime session at 10.30pm for babies and young children in the café room. Come and join us and have some fun! Confidential SNAP advice (see informationbelow) is available in the café room on the second Tuesday in the month. The next date is Tuesday 8 December at 2pm. Merry Christmas to all our customers from the Library/Post Office/Court House Café....and a Happy New Year! “Are you worried about housing? SNAP may be able to help…… SNAP is a government funded organisation that can assist you if you find yourself in housing difficulties, are facing eviction or repossession. SNAP has been established since 2008 and offers free housing advice, support and guidance to those who are worried that they may lose their home or are already homeless. Supporting over 380 people at any one time, the only conditions are that you must have a housing need, be able to access public funds, live in Suffolk and are aged 16 or over. SNAP is committed to helping people in Suffolk to maintain their homes and live independently. SNAP is able to assist those who have housing issues, for whatever reason, by working with them to address rent or mortgage arrears and debts, to apply for social housing or look at alternative housing options. Support workers are trained to liaise with landlords and local authorities in order to claim discretionary housing payments and backdated housing benefit if clients are eligible for these. SNAP workers can also provide support with form filling, help set up utilities, maximise income, advise on applicable benefits and offer budgeting and debt guidance. SNAP can also signpost those with additional needs, for example mental health issues, severe debts, physical or sensory disabilities and learning disabilities to appropriate organisations. If you, or anyone you know is experiencing difficulties with their housing they can get in touch with SNAP via the referrals team, CARA, on 01473 467727. Everyone who applies will be offered advice on their housing issues and those deemed eligible for further assistance will receive an individual assessment.” Maureen John th
Worlingworth Grand Christmas Fayre A Grand Christmas Fayre is being held in the Community centre on Saturday 5th December from 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m. Light lunches will be served from 12.00 noon to 2.00 p.m. and there will be stalls selling gifts, cakes, tombola, bulbs and a grand draw. Admission is adults 50p to include a cup of tea or coffee, children free. All proceeds in aid of St Marys church funds. Vera Abbott
Wilby School Christmas Fayre Wilby School Christmas Fayre on Saturday 5th December between 11:30am - 2.00pm, at Wilby School, Brundish Road, there will be Mulled Wine along with other refreshments, BBQ, Stalls include, Fair Trade, Decorations, Crafts for children to buy and make, Cakes to buy, Tombola, Lucky Dip, Games and much more, Luxury Hamper to be won in the Grand Draw, and not forgetting a VISIT FROM FATHER CHRISTMAS. If any one is interested in having a stall at this years Fayre, please contact Justine Barber on 01379388040/justine.barber@hotmail.co.uk for more information. T. Sampson
Christmas Quiz Friday, 11th. December - Community Centre Grand Christmas Quiz. Tables of 4 £10. Bar will be open and a Raffle. To Book a table ring Tony Potts 384713 or Don Darling 388098 Don Darling
Valentine Dinner Dance Friday, 12th. February Valentine’s Dinner Dance, in The Community Centre at 7.30 pm Tickets £20. rogerturkington@suffolkonline.net Tel: 384248 Roger Turkington
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For all your carpentry needs—plus painting, decorating, tiling, plastics, outdoor wooden structures, etc ..
Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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News & Views
School and businesses commit to enhance pupils’ futures Apprenticeships, work experience, work place visits and teacher engagement in business were top of today’s agenda at the second Business Association of Stradbroke High School meeting (BASH). Ian Whitehead of Lane Farm in Brundish, who are hosting a tour the butchery and charcuterie business next week, sponsored the meeting where members committed to develop apprenticeship opportunities for the school’s pupils at organisations such as Lane Farm, Hill Farm Oils in Heveningham and The Wild Meat Company in Woodbridge. In developing links between the classroom and workplace, Helen Reed, the school’s acting head of science is to spend a day at Roger Skinner Ltd. of Stradbroke, to be able to include the real life application of science into the science curriculum at the school. Helen said; “Our objectives involve collecting details and examples of any microbiological testing carried out on the products and learning about what scientific equipment is used in the labs and how this is similar to our school equipment.” Other business representatives, including Amanda Havers of Tiddlywinks Nursery in Fressingfield and Lawrence Frohn of Hill Farm Oils in Heveningham, have committed to support the school in developing work experience provision for pupils, whilst on November 20th several BASH members will come into school to run mock interviews for Year 10 pupils. During the careers day in November, pupils’ C.V. writing skills are to be honed by a STEM Ambassador through Connect Education and Business. STEM lead, Sue Goodchild is also providing her previous retail management experience to run pupil interviews whilst BASH member, Simon Evans from BT in Martlesham, is preparing pupils to give a 2 minute presentation as part of their role play exercise on the day. Rob Ansell of Castle Clothing Ltd. in Halesworth explained that whilst the company is very lean in its operations, the management team are happy to act as pupil mentors or to highlight, through running workshops, the operational and cultural aspects of importing goods from the Far East. Head Teacher, Andrew Bloom thanked those present for their commitment to supporting the pupils and said; “The experience and opportunities provided by local businesses through this forum are allowing pupils to explore a wider range of future career paths and make more informed choices about where they go after leaving high school. This in turns adds relevance to the qualifications they are currently studying and boosts aspirations “. The next BASH meeting, organised by Sally Clarke, the school’s Director of Enterprise, is to be held at 7.30am on Thursday January 28th 2016 and anyone interested in going along can contact Sally on 01379 384387 or email sally.clarke@stradbrokehigh.co.uk. Sally Clarke
Having a loved one with dementia to stay for Christmas Christmas is an important social occasion, but it can be stressful for people with dementia, their carers and family. It is important that people with dementia are able to celebrate with the family too and shouldn’t be excluded. Here are a few tips on how to make the stay less stressful for your loved one and to help everyone enjoy the occasion and feel relaxed. Plan for the visit – Get advice from the person that normally cares for them. This could be another family member, friend or even their home care worker. They will be the one that knows them the best and will be able to give you tips to help you plan for the visit. Getting help if needed – Ask for help from family or friends or ask a local care company if they will be able to do some adhoc care. Safety and security – Make sure that you look around the house looking for anything that could be a potential hazard for the family member. For example leaving lights on at night so they can find their way around, makings ure anything that could be harmful is out of reach. Noise - The house may become quite noisy and busy during Christmas, or over the entire festive period, this can make it easy for a loved one to leave the house unnoticed. Food and mealtimes – food is a large part of Christmas festivities if your loved one has lost their appetite or has difficulties eating this can cause concerns. Let you loved one take their time don't hurry the meal time. If there are children around the table plan activities that will keep them busy while your loved one finishes their meal without feeling rushed. Be prepared for changes in the person's behaviour with so much going on it can make them feeling anxious or nervous. Think about how they might be feeling. With a bit of planning and preparation it should help to make the Christmas celebrations go smoothly with everyone having a lovely time. Claire Bewley Director at My Care at Home based in Stowmarket Tel: 01449 763086 www.mycare-athome.co.uk
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Kickboxing Eye “Monday” Diss “Wednesday” & Harleston “Friday” Kung Fu Dickleburgh “Tuesday” Bungay “Wednesday” & Needham “Thursday” For Fitness Confidence & Discipline Adrian: 01379 853894 07949 187169
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Bags of Potatoes and Onions are Available Available now Autumn Bedding plants (Sweet Williams, Pansies, Bellies Daisy ) Winter Vegetable Plants ready now Large selection of Spring Bulbs We have a good range of Local and home grown Vegetable and Fruit too Fruit Trees and Hedge orders available now Now available Holly Wreaths and a wide range of Christmas trees.
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club It seems slightly odd, dispensing Christmas Greetings when Advent hasn’t even started, but if it is good enough for the Queen, it is good enough for the Cricket Club! Like Her Majesty, we have had an Annus Horribilis. 2015 has seen the A Team withdraw from the Sunday Alliance League due to lack of players, attempts to introduce new members through Turbo 10 was tried, and palpably failed, & despite some notable individual commitment, we just could not get a Ladies team off the ground. Add this to the general air of apathy from much of the youth of the area, to whom the word exercise has disappeared from their vocabulary, and what was our national summer pastime, is fast becoming a minority sport. Are we disheartened? Of course we are! I have never been very good at thanking people for their efforts, but the work of the Committee does not go unnoticed, nor do those who volunteer, and/or raise money for the club through fund raising. Thanks also, to The Ivy House for sponsoring the club, & The Queens Head for hosting our meetings & our end of season awards night. I trust that is not the reason it is currently closed! The New Year sees Junior coaching start up again at The High School on Tuesday evenings, along, fingers crossed, with a new initiative to forge links with local Primary Schools with a view to introducing cricket to a new generation. The Vikings will embark on another season in the Two Counties League on Saturdays, Sundays will see more Academy type friendlies being played, and hopefully some sort of 20/20 competition will be starting. Cannot promise that 2016 will be an Annus Mirabilis, just an Annus Normalis would be good. Best wishes for the festive period. I am off to brush up on my Latin! Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club We are now appreciating our new goal posts and nets, but we would like it if when you play in them, could you please leave the net pegs alone. Thanks also to the youth for their donation to the posts. Results V Kesgrave Kestrels Lost 2-1 V Sporting 87 Drew 3-3 V Stowupland Falcons A W 10-1 V Kesgrave& Willis Lost 2-1 The November Bingo raised £78. The next one is the Christmas one on December 4th. Come and have a fun evening. January Bingo is on 8th and the February Bingo is on the 19th. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke Youth FC This has been the most successful start to the season since the Club began. We now have 3 teams competing at Under 8s, 13s and 15s as well as large group of children taking part in training sessions. The U8s managed by Callum Muttock, play competitive football but with no league tables, so that children focus on the enjoyment of playing rather than the results. Nevertheless, they have had some very successful results already. The U13s team, managed by Jerry Streeter, are lying 4th in their league (of ten) having played 6 games, won 3, drawn 2 and lost 1. The U15s are having their best season since the team was formed having won all of their leagues games and are 3 points clear at the top of the table. In addition to the teams there are also a large group of children from age 6 to 11 who now take part in the training sessions on Thursdays at 5:30pm. Thanks to the work of the High School, the MUGA is now completely floodlit enabling more boys and girls to take part in the training sessions. If anyone wants to bring their child along they will be more than welcome. Don Darling
Swimathon & Sport Relief Mile Swimathon Event
18th March—20th March Sport Relief Mile Event
Sunday 20th March Entries to open in December via the www.swimathon.org website Stradbroke Short Course Triathlon & Aquathlon
Sunday 22nd May 2016 Triathlon (15yrs+) 8.30am—12pm 160m Swim, 17k Bike and 3K Run Aquathlon (8yrs—14yrs), 8yrs—40m Swim and 500m Run, 9-10yrs—120m Swim and 1500m Run 11-14yrs—160m Swim and 2000m Run Booking will be done directly with Active Outdoor Sports through their website once registration opens in December: www.activeoutdoorsport.co.uk Maria Smith
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804
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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
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P a n a c h e H o m e & A c c e s s o r i e s A large range of products including: Décor, Gifts for all occasions, Clothing, Costume Jewellery and Chalk Painting Workshops Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays 10.30-15.30 Unit rear of Chestnut House, Wilby Road (B1118), Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5jP Telephone 01379 388691 info@panachehomeandaccessories.co.uk
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.
Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Mon – 10am to 6pm; Wed – 10am to 6pm; Fri - 10am to 6pm Sat – 10am to 4pm; Sun – by appointment (please ring) Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays
Page 26
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
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(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Round Up
Page 27
White Hart Bowls Club Our presentation night was held at Stradbroke White Hart. Our thanks go to Alison and Max for a lovely meal. Club cups were awarded as follows; Alec Abbott Cup Les Ruth runner up M. Smith, Chaudron Cup R. Ward runner up M. Ransome, Spurling Cup R. Ward runner up Les Ruth, Saunders Cup Les Ruth runner up C. Grosvenor, Anson Trophy R. Ward runner up M. Grigg, Chambers Cup T. Brown runner up G. Nunn, Ward Trophy J. Ward runner up M. Garrard, French Trophy B. Ryan runner up C. Grosvenor, Two Wood Singles R. Ward runner up W. Coe, Three Wood Singles Les Ruth runner up G. Nunn, Four Wood Singles Les Ruth runner up R. Ward, Pairs R. Ward & W. Coe runners up B. Ransome & R. Wilkinson. Well done to all who took part. Lynn Ruth.
Stradbroke Badminton Club With darkness setting in early again, that must mean it's badminton time. Club nights are on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 till 10pm, so if your interested come along to the High School Sports Hall to say hello and have a go. If you would like more information call Keith Lead on 01379 388031, or visit www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk and go to the club's page. Results. Ipswich and District Badminton League Div. 5. Stradbroke 9 - 0 Glevering Stradbroke 6.5 - 2.5 Meridians B The men have got off to a great start beating Glevering 9-0 at home on our opening game of the season. We weren't sure what to expect from Glevering who were relegated from div. 4. Everyone played really well and we came away with our first 2 points. The second match also saw us up against unknown opposition, Meridians B. Promoted from div. 6 and getting off to a great start by winning their first 5 games, we knew we would have a tough game on our hands. We all agreed their was room for improvement but still prevailed winners, ending their unbeaten run and extending ours. George Chaplin
Stradbroke Tennis Club The club will hold its AGM on 29 January 2016 in the club room. At present we are in urgent need of a secretary. Without one we cannot function. We as a committee have worked hard to keep the club running for years and me for one would hate to see it close. So come on, surely someone will fill the post for us. We only have about three meetings a year. So it would not be to onerous a task. Please let John Bedwell 384796 or myself on Mary Ellis 384642 know. Hope to hear from you asap. th
Diss Rugby Club are currently recruiting new and existing players Diss Rugby Club as a whole and in particular the Under 15s team, is currently recruiting new and existing players for their exciting forthcoming season. This modern Club provides a very welcoming, family friendly, supportive environment, which is looking to become the best in the area. If you have any young ladies or men who are keen on rugby, or who wish to take on a new sport for their PE GCSE or D of E award, then they should contact Robin on the email address below. Robin Harwood <robinjharwood@gmail.com>
Can you support The Stradbroke Monthly? The Editors of The Stradbroke Monthly and representatives of the Parish Council wish to appoint two voluntary posts in the new Stradbroke Monthly Governance Board. The two roles are: Independent Chair of the Board and Independent Village Member (Ideally from the contributors, advertisers or a village resident.) Experience of working on governance groups or committees is essential for the Chair position. For more information about the board and the roles please email governance@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk
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Well the weather had to change. The fact that it did so, so violently was unpleasant. Luckily not too much chaos was discovered up on the allotments. A bit of damage included a moved shed or two and a bit of bending of metal poles and canes. The soil has been sodden for about a month now, so not much digging has been done, and if this weather continues, I again will be very behind with it all. I have learnt so much patience since the allotments started up. The weather has rarely been kind, so we have all had to adapt to it and accept that some years the harvest will be hard won. Garlic and winter onions are now in, but it’s now really too late for anything else. Broad beans planted in sodden soil will just rot, although you can put them in modules in a cold frame if you wanted to start them off earlier. The birds have found a welcome picnic on the allotments so any seeds sown or plants planted must be protected from both these aerial pests and the other ground pests that have discovered the delights of the site. I am happy to say that the site is now fully occupied although I am sure in January we may have a plot or two available again. For now though, time is well spent browsing through the seed catalogues and planning next years’ assault from the warmth of your house. Helen Pleasance
Garden Birds The long winter nights are upon us, and we are all cosy and warm with our feet up, the heating on, a roof over our head and food and water at plenty. It's the total opposite story for our birds. Through winter there is only one thing on their mind 'Survival'. Even in the milder winters times can get rather tough for our smaller birds. Food can easily get scarce in the countryside, this increases the importance of having extra supplements from our gardens. Feeding birds is something many of us do and every little helps. Whether it's just 1 feeder, or 5, it all makes a difference. Also it's a great pleasure to have many different birds coming into the garden. The bird species you attract may depend on the type of food you're providing. Here is a short list of what foods generally attract which birds: Wild bird seed mix is the best all round food. There is a little bit of something for everything including Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, House Sparrow and Chaffinch (from a feeder), plus Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Robin, Dunnock and Blackbird (from a tray). Sunflower hearts in a feeder is heavily favoured by Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Siskin and Brambling. Niger seed in a niger seed feeder is preferred mainly by Goldfinches, I have strong childhood memories of seeing 6 or more Goldfinches chomping on seed in my back garden. Peanuts are another widely used food source and will once again attract tits and finches (as mentioned above). Fat balls/cake can be used in feeders or loose. They are great for birds in the winter because of the extremely high fat content. This allows the birds to maintain fat reserves - vital during the winter nights. Fat ball/cake are also favoured by mostly tits, including Long Tailed Tits. Birds will rely on their fat reserves to get them through the cold days and nights. Extra feeding will make a huge difference to them - it may be the difference between life and death throughout the winter, so get feeding!! Any questions or queries on this article or if you have birds in your garden that you don't know, please send pictures to me and I will be happy to assist! Email: jcs94@hotmail.co.uk Jamie Smith - Stradbroke resident (Assistant Warden Sizewell Belts SSSI for Suffolk Wildlife Trust)
Christmas Vegetables Etheridges Nurseries are now taking orders for Christmas delivery (free for local area). Phone 01379 384204 with your order. We have available; Broccoli, Butternut Squash, Carrots (bunch or loose), Cabbage (green, white, red), Celeriac, Cauliflower, Green Courgette, Garlic, Leeks, Mushrooms (cup or flat), Onions (English or Red), Parsnips, Potatoes (white, red, midis or bakers), Swede, Sprouts (stalk or by weight), Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Cucumber, Celery, Lettuce (Iceburg or Little Gem), Spring Onions, Cress, Tomatoes (English, cherry or vine), Peppers (green, red or yellow), Apples (Cox, Russet, Bramley, Gala), Bananas, Grapes (white or red), Grapefruit (Marsh or pink), Kiwi, Lemon, Lime, Oranges (med or large), Pineapple, Clementine, Pears, Dates, Melon, Satsumas. Penny Wint
Stradbroke Calendar – 2016 The new Stradbroke Calendar, produced courtesy of FOASS, will be on sale from the beginning of December. The photographs for this calendar were submitted by residents of Stradbroke and the main 13 full size images were chosen by public vote. It is a colourful calendar full of photographs of Stradbroke village life. The photos illustrate just how diverse and attractive our village is and how lucky we are to have so many different things going on throughout the year. Priced at £6 it is a perfect stocking filler. Copies will be on sale within the village or you can order them from Jaqueline Holmes, Church House, Queen St. (01379 384986) Carol Darling
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
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M. Daniels (Sid) For control of rats, wasps, mice, moles, hornets, squirrels, ants, cluster flies and fleas.
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Page 30
BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716
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SPH BULDING SERVICES Brickwork Specialist, General building work & Property Maintenance. Free Quotations & advice. Mobile 07863 164499 Home 01379 388238
Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Should we legalise cannabis? Over the last few months, a new system has been introduced to allow members of the public to petition Parliament by e-petition. Under this new system a petition with more than 100,000 electronic signatures may be put forward for debate in the House of Commons and I was recently pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to one of these Parliamentary debates on the controversial subject of the legalisation of cannabis, which was put forward by Paul Flynn MP. As an NHS doctor working in mental health, I am unable to support the legalisation of cannabis not only because of my medical experience but also on the evidence evaluated by the Royal College of Psychiatrists which outlines both the mental and physical health problems associated with cannabis use. Although there is currently a de facto decriminalisation of the possession of cannabis in many parts of the country, the legalisation of cannabis is a very different matter to decriminalisation as legalisation would provide a legitimacy to the supply of a substance which we know to be physically and mentally harmful. The Royal College of Psychiatrists has made clear the strong link between cannabis use and poor mental health, especially in young people. For example, a study of 1,600 Australian school-children aged 14 to 15 found that children who use cannabis regularly have a significantly higher risk of depression than non-users. Adolescents who used cannabis daily were five times more likely to develop depression and anxiety in later life. There is also growing evidence of a link between cannabis and physical health problems. New research has found that the cannabis plant contains cancer causing materials that can damage peoples’ lungs. In this country we have long taken measures to discourage cigarette smoking and it would be inconsistent to legalise the supply of cannabis given the increasing evidence of the harm it causes to physical health. However, an important issue that I raised in the debate is the growing evidence from around the world which supports the use of cannabis and cannabis products in the treatment of people with chronic pain and its medicinal use for palliative care. I believe that there is a case to review the law to better facilitate the research and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, but this is quite a different matter to supporting the legalisation of the drug. I valued the opportunity to bring my medical knowledge and experience to bear in this important Parliamentary debate, and it is important to remember that most countries in the world have not legalised cannabis. I remain unconvinced that legalising the supply of, and access to, a substance that is harmful to both physical and mental health would be a good thing for people in Suffolk or for this country. I should like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy Christmas and a harmonious and healthy New Year. For more information please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com.
Letters to the Editor Borderhoppa Community Transport would like to wish all their current and future customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Many thanks to you all for your support throughout 2015. We look forward to seeing you in 2016. Carole Tilston The Poppy Appeal is now drawing to a close, and donations are still being received. The organiser, Peter Chetwynd, thanks all The House to House Collectors who go round the village, and who raise a magnificent total for The Appeal, to all those who have donated so generously, and also to all The Village Groups and Organisations, who donate so generously for the wreaths that are laid. So far this year I have banked £2784 for The Appeal and on behalf of The Appeal again thank all those who have given so generously to this essential cause. Peter Chetwynd Thank-you Revd. David Streeter 1942 - 2015, Rector of All Saints Stradbroke, 1982-2012 Margaret and Daniel wish to thank everyone for their prayers, comforting words, cards, letters and flowers; and the donations to St.Elizabeth Hospice. A private service was held at Seven Hills Crematorium on Tuesday, 3rd. November. A Memorial Service at St.Mary’s, Horham will be held in the Spring. Margaret Streeter Stradbroke All Saints church treasurer would like to thank Steve and Sally Lee for their kind donation from the sale of Christmas trees, also to the two parishioners from Stradbroke who donated £132 towards the church roof alarm. This will cost approx £5000. So anyone wishing to support this would be welcome and perhaps we can then stop and keep our lead on the roof. Mary Ellis
Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will send you an email to tell when the new edition is up online! Village Diary December 1 Contact Club meet in the Community Centre at 10am – 1pm and every Tuesday 1 Badminton Club meets at the High School 7.30pm – 10pm and every Tuesday 4 Babies and Toddlers Rhymetime at Stradbroke Library 10.30am and every Friday 4 Christmas Bingo & Hamper iao Football Club 7.30pm at the Community Centre (see page 22) 4 Race Night at Coronation Hall in Wilby 7pm for 7.30pm (See page 14) 5 Town Farm Christmas Trees available today (see page 14) 5 Wingfield Barns Christmas Fayre 12pm – 4pm 5 Worlingworth Christmas Fayre 12pm – 3pm (see page 18) 5 Wilby Primary School Christmas Fayre 11.30am – 2pm (see page 18) 5 Stradbroke Cinema showing Inside Out at 10.30am for 11am (see page 14) 6 Stradbroke Youth Football Club Family Party, Community Centre 4pm – 7pm (see page 14) 9 Santa is visiting Stradbroke from 6pm to 8pm (see page 18) 9 Cameo Christmas Lunch Club 12.30pm at the Baptist Church (see page 3) 10th Stradbroke Cinema showing Mr Holmes (see page 14) 11 The Court House Cafe Christmas Community Meal 11 Christmas Quiz at the Community Centre (see page 18) 12 The Court House Cafe Christmas Community Meal 12 Christmas Cake Stall in Church Street (see page 4) 12 Town Farm Christmas Trees available today (see page 14) 12 Phoenix Singers present The Messiah (see page 14) 13 Christmas Carols at 4.30pm outside the Church (see page 14) 14 Parish Council Meeting at the Community Centre 7.30pm (see page 6) 20 Stradbroke Radio’s Sunday Sessions are on the air 10am-4pm (see front page) 20 Carols by Candlelight at All Saints Church 3pm (see page 3) 22 Guided Christmas Torch light walk. Meet at 7.30pm by the Community Centre (see page 17) 25 Stradbroke Radio live on the air 9am-noon , “Martys Christmas Crackers” (see front page) st st
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January 1 New Years Day Walk 10.30am from the Community Centre (see page 17) 3 Aladdin at St Edmunds Hall, Hoxne at 3pm (see front page) 8 Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke Football Club at the Community Centre 7.30pm (see page 22) 9 Past and Present Slide show at the Community Centre 7.30pm (see page 17) 11 Craft Club starts today between 2pm-4pm every fortnight on a Monday. (see page 12) 13 Cameo Lunch Club 12.30pm at the Baptist Church (see page 3) 14 WI meet in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 17 Aladdin at Wingfield Barns at 3pm (see front page) 20 Childrens Society Coffee Morning 10am 12 noon at Thirkettle Cottage (see page 14) 21 Stradbroke Cinema new season film to be announced. 22nd *****ARTICLES FOR FEBRUARY EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE PLEASE***** 23rd Cake Stall All Saints Fundraising Committee (see page 4) 27 WEA present a series of talks and discussions 2.15pm-4.15pm (see page 17) 27 Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church 10am (see page 3) 29 Burns Night Bingo iao Stradbroke White Hart Bowls club (see page 14) st
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Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. The Stradbroke Monthly is published under the auspices of the Parish Council Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.