Dec Jan 17-18

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ÂŁ1 where sold

December 2017/ January 2018

Cinderella Pantomime

Puzzle House Pantomimes present a traditional family panto. Devoted to her father Baron Van Tripp, Cinders carries out all the housework in the crumbling family home. She dreams of meeting the Prince at the Royal Palace. The evil Maldark and her scheming Ugly Sisters have other ideas. Can the Forgetful Fairy Godmother remember her magic in time to help? Six actors play a range of characters in a show full of songs, live keyboard music, thrills, spills and fun! Join in with the songs, solve the puzzles on the way, and make sure that Cinderella's dreams do come true. January 2018 show dates: Sun 7th Crowfield Village Hall; Sat 13th Little Bealings Village Hall; Sun 14th St Edmund's Hall, Hoxne; Sat 20th St Michael's Rooms, Framlingham; Sun 21st Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall. All tickets ÂŁ7. Telephone 01379 384 656. There are two acts and a short interval. Shows start at 3.00pm and end at around 4.50pm. Roy Preston

Radio Stradbroke Christmas Broadcasts

Join us for the traditional special broadcast on Christmas Eve, where all the DJ's will take a turn on the air, and as ever, Christmas morning at 9am can only mean "Marty's Christmas Crackers". Tune in at Michael Hugman


Sponsored Page Page 2

This page was sponsored by an anonymous donation to All Saints Church and received gratefully by Rev’d Susan.

Local Churches

Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk We welcome you to join us. Sunday worship in December & January Joint Service at All Saints Sunday 3rd December at 11am Village Carol Service Sunday 17th December 3pm at All Saints – Everyone welcome December Sunday Services at 10:15 am – Guest Speakers: 10 S. Merton 17 & 24 Carols 31 TBA th




We welcome you to join us – our activities for December Sat. 9 10am Create & chatter . Wed 13 12:30pm Christmas Lunch Club th


January Sunday worship 10:15am - Guests 7th & 14th Rev. G. Lee 21st Rev S. Sealey 28th J. Ling January 10th 12:30pm CAMEO Lunch Club January 24th 10am Drop in coffee Text? - Email? Card? - Personal visit? I guess this year many people will send their Christmas greetings by text or email. The more traditional will still purchase cards, envelopes and stamps. As a child it was always fun trying to guess who sent the card by checking the handwriting on the envelope. We think of cards as being part of the Christmas scene for generations but cards were introduced as recently as 1843 when a wealthy business man short of time to write personal letters, commissioned an artist to design a card. He drew a picture of merry folks raising their glasses in a toast. The caption underneath read. “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you”. The card caused controversy as critics complained that it encouraged excessive drinking. But the custom of sending cards at Christmas caught on anyway. Family and special close friends will no doubt receive a personal visit, possibly a gift but in some way the relationship will be marked as close and special. In fact this is what Christmas is all about - God making a personal visit to the world He created and continues to love. For our festivities celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus who made a personal visit to our world, bringing us each the offer of new and everlasting life. To be useful presents need to be accepted, opened, and the giver thanked. In the same way Jesus’s offer needs to be accepted and Christmas, the time we celebrate His birth, is a good time to accept and thank Him for all His gifts to us. Wishing you God’s blessing and peace at Christmas For details please contact: John Ling 388751 (Church Elder)

Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531

The Stradbroke Good Neighbours

Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

All Saints Church Stradbroke, Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069. If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan Services: 3rd Dec 11 am Gift service Tea & Coffee after - please bring unwrapped gifts for children and adults for SA Gift Appeal. 10th Dec 8 am Holy Communion, said service 17th Dec 3 pm Village Carol service - candlelight and music as well as much-loved traditional carols. 24th Dec 6 pm Family crib service - inter-active retelling of the Nativity story for all ages. 24th Dec 11.15 pm Benefice HC at Fress’field - if you need a lift, ring 384069 25th Dec 11 am Family HC for Christmas Day 31st Dec 10 am Benefice HC at Metfield 1st Jan 10.30 am Benefice HC Mendham 8th Jan 8 am H C, said service 15th Jan 11 am HC, T/C after 22nd Jan 8 am HC, said service 22nd Jan 10am family@church at Fress’field 29th Jan 10.30 am Benefice HC at Metfield

Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee

We are nearing the end of 2017 needing another £614.87 to reach our goal of £5000. The wine tasting by Adnams was a very enjoyable event. Thanks to the 60 people attending, raising £160. In December we have a Xmas Cash Bingo on Dec 8th and a Xmas Cake Stall on Dec 9th in Church Street, 8.30 am onwards. We are treating ourselves out for lunch on 10th Jan (well deserved). List of events for 2018: Jan 20th – Cake Stall; Feb 9th – Cash Bingo in Com Centre; Feb 13th – Pancakes & Beetles at Chapel Hall; March 17th – Book Sale in church, 10-4; March 18th – Book Sale in church, 1-4; April 13th – Cash Bingo in Com Centre; may 3rd to 7th: Art Exhibition in church; May 26th – Cake Stall; June 8th – Cash Bingo in Com Centre; June 23rd – Coins on Wall & Cakes, 8.30 onwards; July 21st – Village Produce Show; Aug 10th – Cash Bingo in Com Centre; Aug 18th – Garage Trail; Sept 22nd –Jumble Sale in Com Centre, 2 to 3.30; Oct 12th – Cash Bingo in Com Centre; Oct 19th – Cheese & Wine Supper in Com Centre; Nov 17th – Xmas coffee morning with hamper raffle; Dec 7th – Cash Bingo Xmas in Com Centre; Dec 8th – Xmas Cake Stall. Please save your books as jumble to help our funds. Lastly, the com wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Peaceful New Year. Mary Ellis

All Saints - From the Rectory

Dear Friends and Neighbours, What an exciting month December is: Christmas trees being lit, walking nativity, school plays, carol singing, carol services and wrapping presents; although I won’t be wrapping so many gifts this year. I have told my family and friends that I want to spend the money I have on making some good memories. I have already booked a pantomime for close family, ages are from 60-3, so should be fun! Wouldn’t it be good if more of us spent less money on presents and more time being together. As well as Christmas preparations, I am also planning my sabbatical or study leave. I will be away from the parishes from 2nd January until 26th March. I will be studying, resting and nurturing my relationship with God, and hopefully come back feeling physically, mentally and spiritually refreshed. I will be leaving the parishes in the capable hands of both lay and ordained colleagues; Rev Cathy Bladen and Rev Peter Schwier with help from Rev Andrew Vessey and Rev Rosemary Willis plus all our lovely wardens and PCC members and the numerous lay people in our churches, without whom we wouldn’t manage.

I finish with some words from Charles Swindoll; ‘some gifts you can give this Christmas are beyond monetary value: mend a quarrel; dismiss suspicion; tell someone, “I love you”. Give something away – anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away wrath with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologise if you were wrong. Be especially kind to someone with whom you work. Give as God gave to you in Christ, without obligation, or announcement, or reservation, or hypocrisy.” God bless, Susan

Page 5 Ample Free Parking. Tel 01379 652 056

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Clerk’s Report

MEETINGS OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL (Next PC Clinic 21st November 2017, 2.15pm. Next full Council meeting 11th December at 7.30pm – both at the Court House) Planning Applications for consideration: DC/17/05565 - Erection of 6 No. dwellings, garages and new vehicular access roads. Land To The North Of Jubilee House, Meadow Way, Stradbroke, Suffolk IP21 5JW Councillors deferred discussions on this application as Affordable Housing obligations appear to be unmet. An urgent email will be sent to MSDC asking for the application to be withdrawn until this matter is resolved. 1837/17 – Erection of agriculture store building. Barley Brigg Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5NQ – awaiting report from Cllr McGregor - Suffolk County Council. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: 1550/17 – Holly Tree Farm, Barley Green IP21 5LY. Granted 3/11/17 DC/17/04056 – Cherry Tree Cottage, 2 New Street IP21 5JG. Refused 24/10/17 DC/17/04382 – New Street Farmhouse, New Street IP21 5JG. No objection 12/10/17 DC/17/04628 – Bluebell Cottage, New Street IP21 5JG. No objection 12/10/17 Parish Council Updates: • Councillors expressed their congratulations to the village on being awarded both the Most Active Village award (large village category) and a Special Commendation Award for Website of the Year (large council category). • A new Licence Agreement for the Community Shed was signed and sent to the Stradbroke Trust. • Paperwork for assigning the Lease for the Medical Centre has been sent from the Parish Council’s solicitor to the solicitor for the Trusts. • Committee structures were reviewed. • Replacement brackets for the swings at the Community Centre have been installed – the damage is being caused by the chains for the swings being wrapped around the top bar which is not what the brackets were designed for. • Concern about the amount of litter at Westhall was raised and councillors will look to move the bin to an area closer to the picnic benches. • Litter and rubbish at the playingfield is also becoming an issue. • The Clerk was asked to attend a meeting with Police and other village groups concerning an increase in reported incidents. The police have increased their patrols and have made suggestions on how to improve security at key buildings in the village. • The defibrillator is now in the phone kiosk and on the 999 system. The 1st Responders are looking into offering training within the village to anyone who might be interested. • The Neighourhood Plan is being drafted at the present time and training is being undertaken to help with the next stage in the process. Cllr Julie Flatman (MSDC) • has submitted the request for funding from her locality budget to help with the costs of a village map showing local features and details of the footpath network. Cllr Guy McGregor (SCC) · Said he would look into the urgent upgrade needed for the fence between the Fire Station and the Children’s Play Area at the Community Centre. Mobile: 07555 066147

Odile Wladon (Clerk ) email:

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Dirty Oven??

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The Stradbroke WI

November meeting of Stradbroke WI. This was our annual meeting when the years’ work and efforts are reported on and discussed by the members. This has been a busy and successful year with great speakers and 4 new fully fledged members. We thank them for choosing our W.I and welcome them to our ranks and hope they will be happy active members. Our treasurer gave a full financial report and was pleased to announce that all is well and healthy with our monies and that we have had a successful year with our fundraising. Gill our president gave a general report on our activities which have been many and varied and thanked the committee for all their efforts on behalf of the members. A special thank you went to Vivienne Goff for all her work and help behind the scenes as she regularly wields her marigolds and gentle humour to aid the frontline workers and for this she was presented with a silver cup to clean for the next year, umm to the workers comes more work methinks. Two members from Fressingfield W.I. Christine and Mary came to assist us as tellers for the official business of electing a new committee and Lady President and they were welcomed and thanked by Gill and presented with posies as a mark of our appreciation for their efforts. The business commenced and the old but not ancient committee was re-elected to continue with their efforts and after further voting Gill was re-elected as our Lady President. Good luck to everyone and thank you for carrying on. The activity for the rest of the evening was organised by committee member Patricia and this was a silent auction where many articles all of which had been donated by members were divided into small groups with comic titles and quiz questions to match the contents, all great fun with the ladies scratching their heads over some of the questions mixed in with the odd whoop as some groups realised they knew a tricky answer and were excited at their brilliance. Bids were placed on the groups of items and the last bid was the winning bid. With refreshments being served the evening continued until it was time to close the proceedings with Gwyneth announcing that we had raised just short of £100 over the evening. The ladies with the winning bids collected their goodies the evening closed with thanks and goodbyes as the members left anticipating the next meeting which will be the Christmas party meal with some homemade entertainment, so watch this space for the next report. As the next meeting is for current members and partners we look forward to seeing new interested ladies at our January meeting. Meanwhile if anyone would like more help or information about us just give me a call. Prue Rush 01379586468

Stradbroke Primary News

We have had another busy and great half term at Stradbroke Primary. This term our topic in Class 3 and 4 is Espionage and we recently took Years 4,5 and 6 on a special themed “Spying” educational visit to Spy Missions in Cambridge and Duxford Imperial War Museum. Class 2 are studying the Victorian era and had a special Victorian themed visit to Gressenhall Work house Museum. Class 1 are very lucky to be working with “Charlotte’s Wood” this academic year. They will be going on a series of visits throughout the year to do special “Forest School” themes activities. We are very excited about our Nativity Play this term which is going to be “Lights, Camel, Action!”. They children are practising hard and we are looking forward to a fun production. Our Friends of School have organised some great events for this term. We recently had a family fun quiz night and have a Christmas Popcorn Evening planned for the children. Our annual Christmas Fair takes place soon. At the end of term both Stradbroke and Laxfield Primary are going to Norwich Theatre Royal to watch the Pantomime “Sleeping Beauty”. This is always a lovely way to finish the Autumn term and the children really enjoy the Pantomime. We have lots of Christmas events planned including Christmas Jumper day, our Friends of the school Christmas lunch, Christmas dinner, our nativity, a special Christingle service at All Saints Church, visit to Norwich Theatre Royal Pantomime and our Pyramid Carol concert. December is a busy and special time to work in a Primary school. We have our next visits for new Reception pupils starting school in September 2018 at 9.30-10.30am on Wed 29th November 2017 and 9.30-10.30am Wed 7th February 2018. If you have a child starting school in September 2018 please feel able to bring them to one of our transition sessions or contact our school to arrange a tour. We wish all the readers of Stradbroke Monthly a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher

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LIFE IN THE LEGION – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch

As usual it’s a very busy time for our branch of The Royal British Legion with the Annual General Meeting and Remembrance Sunday. Firstly the AGM was attended by 14 members and guests. All branch officers were elected for another year. The new officers are the Branch Treasurer, Mrs L Orams (Laxfield), and the Membership Secretary, Mrs P Stanford (Worlingworth). Guest speaker was Alf Bloomfield (Saxmundham), our representative on the Suffolk County Committee. The branch committee were re-elected with the addition of Major Rosemary Warne, MBE, DL. Branch Secretary Bernard Mills will be our delegate at next years Annual Suffolk County Conference, to be held at Needham Market next January. The next branch event will be our annual Christmas Lunch and Carols, to be held at midday at Laxfield Village Hall on Thursday, December 14th. All members will receive a notification letter. To all readers, “Happy Christmas and a good New Year”.

Remembrance Sunday

As in previous years, the village turned out in force around the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday to pay their respects to all who lost their lives in two World Wars and other conflicts. A short service was conducted by the Revd. Susan Loxton, who also read out the names of the fallen. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Chris Evans. Branch Chairman Michael Burton gave the Legion Tribute and also the Kohima Epitaph. Fifteen wreaths were laid by the local organisations. Joyce Cooper carried the branch standard, as she did at this year’s Festival of Remembrance at The Royal Albert Hall on November 11th in London. This was followed by a Remembrance Service at Stradbroke Baptist Church conducted by the Revd. Dave Keeble from Felixstowe, who was a former member of the branch. Branch Chairman Michael Burton read a Poem and a collection was taken for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman

Stradbroke High School News

We are pleased to announce that we have officially joined the Sapientia Education Trust and are looking forward to developing lots of new opportunities as we work in partnership with the other schools in the multi-academy trust. As part of the enhancement of our students’ education we will be providing transport from Stradbroke to Wymondham College from September 2018 for the benefit of those choosing the college for their sixth-form study. This is a key priority for us as the impact of limited regular public transport throughout rural Suffolk continues to be an obstacle for post 16 education. For furthering our students’ opportunities in another way, we would like to thank the volunteers from Roger Skinner Ltd; BQP (Dalehead Foods), Galloway Coaches, Sandale Stables, BEAT, the NHS, St Peters’ Brewery, BT, About People (UK), Grasshopper Lawncare and other individual business people who gave up their time to provide mock interviews for our Year 10 students last month. This cross curricular event highlighted the importance of developing excellent written and verbal communication skills. Students also learned from feedback about the ‘soft’ skills required to successfully form a positive impression in a formal setting…and what to do next time to come across even better! Across the world in America, one of our students Zak Hills-Brown (right) won three Gold medals (in Korean kata, team kumite and team points fighting) one Silver medal (in Japanese kata) and one Bronze (in continuous fighting) becoming Under 14 Korean Kata World Champion. Competing at WMAGC 2017 World Games to represent Team GB, Zak was one of 23 participating in the tournament where all the hard work he put into training really paid off – well done Zak! Looking towards the end of this year and the beginning of 2018, we are grateful to all our students and staff who have donated food items to the Waveney Foodbank Christmas Hampers which are being distributed in the run up to Christmas. Each of our 13 hampers will provide what we hope will be a delicious addition to the ongoing work of the Foodbank in feeding even more people including the elderly and those living in fuel poverty. Further Christmas focus can be seen at our Christmas Carol Concert, at the High School on Tuesday 5th December at 7pm where everyone is welcome so do please put this heart-warming event in your diary and join us for what promises to be a magical evening for all the family. For further news about what is happening at school, please don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @stradbrokehigh, or Instagram stradbrokehigh and via our Facebook page. If you prefer, you can always contact us via email or telephone 01379 384387. Sally Clarke

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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.

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Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News

Stradbroke Court House and Library Trust, The Court House Café volunteers who keep our Community Café going and the staff and volunteers of Stradbroke Library and the Post Office, would like to wish all their customers and supporters a very Merry Christmas for 2017. Thank you all for your brilliant support throughout the year. We have a good selection of charity and V & A Christmas cards on sale as well as our very popular Christmas Vouchers for loads of stores and online, perfect for friends and family that you have difficulty choosing presents for. ‘Jumping Beans’ is on Tuesday mornings and very popular with stories, rhymes, music and craft sessions for children 0-5 years old and their parents or carers. Supported by HOME START. Call Stradbroke library 01379 384768 or Julie 01379 384768/ 07542785649 for more information. It is now the time when we get busy in the Post Office and I know sometimes we have queues but just remember that we do the best we can and that you are supporting keeping the Post Office flourishing in the village. Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager

Radio Stradbroke

Following our Autumn upheavals, the good ship Radio Stradbroke is plotting a path through choppy waters with renewed vigour as we approach Christmas. Realising our pockets are not as deep as we hoped, we are looking for ways of funding ourselves for the next twelve months. We are grateful to Stradisphere for a donation, but need a good fundraising event. Music is at our core, so we are delighted to confirm that those local legends of rock RED MECCA will be performing at the Community Centre on Saturday 9th December, from 8pm. Tickets on the door £5. Support from Michael Clayton. There will be a bar & a raffle. We will be sharing the profits with the Aplastic Anaemia Trust, in memory of Hayley Adams, because some things are more important than running a radio station. So come along on the 9th, spend your £5, & enjoy yourself. Donations of raffle prizes are welcome. Contact anyone from Radio Stradbroke. On the broadcasting front, Sunday Sessions continue unabated, with a special on Christmas Eve, where all the DJ's will take a turn on the air, and as ever, Christmas morning at 9am can only mean "Marty's Christmas Crackers". Keep supporting your local Community Radio Station, especially on December 9th. Michael Hugman

Wingfield and District Gardening Club

Our October meeting was an extremely interesting talk by Peter Smith on bees. The process of setting up a hive with both a base unit and a box above in which the bees can store honey with one queen and about 200 drones. The necessity of keeping the base wall above ground so that mice etc can be kept out. The drones will feed the queen and she will lay about 2000 eggs a day. From February to November. They need to be fed during the winter with a mixture of sugar and water as pollen is lacking at this time of year. Peter also stressed the necessity of using smoke to calm them when handling although he believed that beeds are not basicallu fierce. There are problems caused by veroha mite and colony collapse and care should be taken to keep hives clean as bees hate dirt! Our first meeting in the new year is gardens in winter with visits to Church Farm, Wilby, and Old Hall Cottage at Pixie Green. We meet at 9.45 at the Community Centre, Stradbroke. Caroline Treylan

Lottery Bonus Winners

32 M Ellis; 28/10, 4/11, 11/11 – no winners. This means the next No will earn the winner £100. Good luck. £48 to Play Park and £48 to the White Hart Bowls Club. M Ellis

When Should I call 999? Call 999 when: Incidents are happening now, someone is or feels in danger and cannot get to safety ask for the POLICE. If someone is on the roof of a building phone immediately and ask for FIRE SERVICE - report a person trapped on a roof. Call 101 for the police if: Incidents have previously occurred, you are safe and no person needs immediate assistance.

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Antique Restoration

Ian Brown LCGI

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Parish Council Notes

From the Chair...

A huge well done to the Village on recently receiving two amazing awards. Firstly, a thank you to Lynsey Smith for putting together the application for Most Active Village. We were awarded Joint 1st Place with Shotley in the Large Village Category. Well done to all the clubs and groups that help to keep Stradbroke Active. Also, the new Parish Council website was awarded a Special Commendation in the Large Council category of the Website of the Year awards. On behalf of the whole Parish Council I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Carrie Barnes, Chair Stradbroke Parish Council

Stradbroke are joint winners of ‘Most Active Village Award’

On the evening of Tuesday 7th November, Stradbroke was awarded Suffolk’s Most Active village award as joint winners with Shotley at the ‘Suffolk Association of Local Councils’ annual AGM. This huge achievement and this recognition was made possible due to a variety of groups within the village. The plaque that Stradbroke was awarded will be displayed in the village hall and below are extracts from application detailing all the fantastic events that Stradbroke has to offer. ‘Stradbroke is an active village with the central point being Everyone Active swim and fitness centre that offers a variety of exercise classes and swimming events. This year they were ranked second nationally in the Swimathon for the number of participants which is a huge achievement for a village swimming pool with thanks to the enthusiasm of Len Phoenix and Maria Smith. For the past three years Stradbroke has hosted a triathlon by Active Outdoor Sport, aimed it beginners and is followed by an Aquathlon for children, which involves lane swimming and running around the track. The running track was funded and built by Stradbroke Charitable Trust, which is open 24/7 to the public and has encouraged a variety of age groups to get active and help achieve their personal goals. The Trust has also funded the permissive path linking lots of public footpaths, which had increased the number of walkers. They have also funded the allotments, which is full of families and a mixture of generations spending time outdoors. This year the Parish council organised its first ‘Sports Open Day’ for the local sports clubs to offer free taster sessions to encourage more memberships and to engage with the village. The event was a success with several clubs increasing their membership. The sports included: Badminton; Tennis; Table Tennis; Bowls; Swimming: Cricket; Personal Training; Petanque; Youth Football, and was supported by the WI with refreshments and cakes! The senior football team has been restarted this season and there is an unofficial triathlon club that train together throughout the week competing from novice to GB level. The recent Tour of Britain passed though the village where we lined the street to celebrate with commentary from radio Stradbroke and the church was dressed in flags. Stradbroke strives to be an active village that continues to expand its sporting events and participation, year on year. The whole village is proud to achieve the most active village award 2017 and hopefully we can use it to generate even more engagement from the village and continue to support the wider community’. Lynsey Smith, Parish Councillor

Letters to the Editors

I would like to thank you all for a wonderful party (no presents but donations to Walking With The Wounded) £500 was given. Thanks once again. Dorothy Richards A message of thanks. In memory of Stan Cotton Maureen, Sonia and Mark would like to thank everyone who attended Stan's funeral and joined us to celebrate his life. Also for the many cards and letters of support which have been a great comfort to us, and the many generous donations for St Elizabeth’s Hospice in Stan’s memory. We would also like to thank the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service for their attendance and support and the personal messages and lovely memories of Stan during his 26 years service.

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Page 16

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The Stradbroke Archive and Records Association

On 12th July 1599 Doll Barthram was hanged at St Edmundsbury for her ‘devilish’ witcheries against Joan Jordan, servant of Simon Fox of Stradbrook. The report in Elizabethan and Jacobean Journals by George Bagshaw Harrison, goes on to report her crime: ‘First this Doll sent three toads to plague the woman in bed, and afterwards in the perceiving of many of good account (among them Anthony Aldam, gentleman, Will Godbolde, chief constable of Hoxham, Mr Randall the vicar and others) she sent a spirit that came about 11 o’clock at night, first scraping on the walls, then knocking, after that shuffling in the rushes and then (as his usual manner was) he clapped the maid on the cheeks as to awake her, and kissed her three or four times and slavered on her: and lying on her breast he pressed her so sore that she could not stir nor speak. The shape which they saw the spirit then to have was a thick dark substance about a foot high, like a sugar loaf, white on top. This spirit had also a voice for it spake divers times, saying ‘Joan, Joan, I come for thy life’, and that his name was Giles and that Doll Barthram had sent him. Where upon when one John Sheereman replied that he should not have her life, the spirit said, ‘I will have thine then; I come to thee; I come’; and with that offered towards him to the great astonishment and fear of him and the rest present. But for that time he vanished away. This maid was again and again tormented by the spirit, and thrown so violently against the wall as if it would have driven out the side of the chamber, and cast into a strange fit; her head and body were bent backwards almost to her hips. She lay as if were dead. Her teeth were so fast closed that a man could not open them though with all his strength he assayed it with a dagger and a key. Nor would she move though a stiff dry rush was thrust into her nostrils, neither at the bending of her fingers, nor yet as a great quantity of aqua vitae was poured into her mouth. At last she opened one of her eyes, gazing therewith very strangely, then the other, crying, ‘O Barthram, thou hast killed me.’ Witch marks are found throughout Stradbroke in a number of the old houses: In Memory of Christmas Ruffles! On the 20th December 1847 Samuel and Mary Ruffles welcomed their new baby into the world and named him Christmas. Baby Christmas lived with his parents and 3 siblings in Barlow Green. His dad was at first an Agricultural Labourer and then a chimney sweep. Christmas grew up in Stradbroke and at some point moved to London – no doubt looking for work. By 1891 he is married to ‘Jane’ and a general labourer. Jane and Christmas didn’t have any children but remained in the same house in Woolwich until his death in 1905. Jane continued to work as a fishmonger until her death in 1923. Every year at this time we think of Christmas Ruffles and smile. SARA, Ann Readman

Fressingfield Scouts

The group members have been busy through September and October with outdoor activities such as archery and air rifle shooting. There have been visits to the Norwich Astronomical Society Observatory at Seething to work on Astronomy badges, Bewilderwood for the Beavers, an Activity day at Eaton Vale Activity Centre and to Alpha Gym in Eye for a taste of Martial Arts. The Explorers have had a weekend camp near Wells in North Norfolk. Over the first weekend of the half-term break the two Scout Troops (ten and a half to fourteen) combined to put on an Expedition Challenge for the over twelve and a halves. Seven Scouts took part, they hiked from Eye to Hoxne via Brome and Oakley on the Saturday afternoon, camped overnight in Hoxne then hiked to Stradbroke via Denham. They used footpaths where possible and navigated with map and compass. On the way they assessed churchyards for wildlife benefit and footpaths for accessibility. During the entire weekend they were accompanied by Storm Brian which made for an interesting overnight camp and some slightly nervous leaders! The group have to produce a report and presentation before they are awarded their badges. Everyone enjoyed the experience and learned a lot. It was especially good to see members of the two troops working together so successfully, the leaders have been asked to set up this Challenge again. On 2nd October we held a Quiz in St. Edmund’s Hall, Hoxne and raised over £500, thank you to everyone who supported us to achieve this fantastic result. The focus for the second half of this term will be preparation for the Gang Show on 15th December at Hartismere School, there is also a senior sections bowling trip to look forward to on 1st December. Michael Knights

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema

On December 21st we will be showing ‘A Sense of an Ending’. A superb cast star in this Booker Prize winning, best-selling novel by Julian Barnes. Jim Broadbent plays a grumpy retiree shuffling through life embarrassing himself and his daughter (Michelle Dockery from ‘Downton Abbey’) and frustrating his ex-wife (Harriet Walter). Out of the blue, he receives a diary bequeathed to him in the will of the mother of his first girlfriend. The diary was written by his best friend in his youth and the past floods back revealing a painful love triangle. Disturbed and unsettled, he shares this with his ex-wife before his early love reappears (Charlotte Rampling) to add to the confusion and drama. A film that makes us think about whether we really know ourselves or if events from the past trap us forever. Beautifully portrayed by all the cast and resonant of a typical British attitude. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under. Full details can be found on the Village website that is at Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt

A Christmas Card Tree for Stradbroke

Imagine a life-sized cut-out Christmas tree, adorned with fairy lights, and containing hundreds of Christmas messages written to your friends and family. This is the spirit of Christmas to be celebrated by everyone signing the tree in All Saints Church on Saturday 9th December. On Sunday 10th December the tree will be on show at our traditional Christmas Lights illumination, with mince pies, sausage rolls, mulled wine, carol singing and reindeer. All welcome. December 9th Tree signing 8am-4pm, suggested donation £5 December 10th 4.30pm-6pm December 16th Further opportunity to add to your message, outside Spar. Carol Darling


From Page to Screen: Adapting Literature for Film Stradbroke WEA. A new 7 week course begins on Wednesday, January 24th at 2.15pm in the Community Centre looking at and analysing how Literature is chosen, edited, altered and adapted to fit the medium of film. The tutor is an experienced member of the BBC Films team who will take us through the processes with many visual examples for the group to discuss the effectiveness or otherwise. Certainly a course for those who enjoy Literature but might become frustrated when they see their favourite book transferred onto screen. Remember ‘Pride and Prejudice’ ? ‘War and Peace’ ? The cost is £50.40 (free to benefit holders). You are invited to attend the 1st session without commitment. For more information please contact me on or 01379 384248 or 07730011951 Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Chair of Stradbroke WEA

Stradbroke Community Centre

The Story of the Community Centre Site. Saturday Jan 13th 2018 at 7.30 p.m. Visitors to Stradbroke are often astonished at how many splendid facilities we have and also how well situated they are, so close to the Village Centre. They wonder how has it been possible for a village of this size to have such a splendid Community Centre, a Swimming Pool and Gym, a Medical Centre, a well-drained Playing Field and so many different Sports Clubs, open to all. This illustrated presentation by Gerald Jenkins is an appreciation of all the hard work put in by so many volunteers and enthusiasts over the years. Without them and their drive and generosity, most of the improvements and additions could never have been achieved. Not , of course, that there have been no problems and difficulties to overcome on the way. One of them even needed an official referendum to resolve! This presentation was first given in 2012 and perhaps it is now time to repeat it and to bring it up to date. For those who have recently moved into the village it will be a chance to get to know how Stradbroke has changed over the years and of course for those who have lived here for a long time, there is the pleasure of remembering and recalling the successes and problems of the past 50 years and more. Entry is £3 at the door and the bar will be open. All proceeds will be donated to FOASS in order to help with repairs to the fabric of the Church. Gerald Jenkins

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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email:

Page 20

Forthcoming Events

Children’s Society Coffee Morning

Tuesday 23 January, 10.00 – 12.00 at Thirkettle Cottage, Queens Street. Everyone welcome, especially our box holders. We will use the day to empty last year’s boxes and send the contents to the Society. Anyone willing to hold a box for the coming year will be most welcome to join us. Alison Hackett 388872

Phoenix Singers

G F Handel’s masterpiece - MESSIAH. Saturday 16th December 2017 7.30 pm at Framlingham College Chapel. Tickets: £12 and £10 (£6 and £5 for under 18s) available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham. Contact: William Glasse : 07802 597071, choir members and at the door. Stephanie Askew (publicity)

Prize Bingo

Prize Bingo For Burns Night on Friday 26th January 2018 at 7.30pm in Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments, plus a flyer to win a Hamper. Julie Ward

Contact Club

We are a friendly club which meet in the Community Centre every Tuesday at 10 am to 1.30 pm. We begin with a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits and members chat. Afterwards different activities take place, playing cards, bingo, raffles and once a month Polly comes with gentle exercises and fun and music. We also provide a lunch for £2.00 if required. (This needs to be booked in advance) if no lunch required we charge 50p for coffee. Why not come along for a coffee and see if you would like to join our group. Anyone living on their own would be very suited to this. For more information contact Stella. Stella Goddard

Over 60s

Stradbroke over 60s: we were all very busy preparing for our annual sale and coffee morning on October 21st which turned out to be a big success, raising the total of £500. Our most grateful thanks for your donations and to everyone who helped on the day, and of course to all of the people who came along and supported us, the proceeds will be used towards our Christmas lunch and party. On October 25th we had a trip to Bury St Edmunds where some did Christmas shopping. The weather was kind to us once again. We are now looking forward to an entertainment afternoon on November16th by courtesy of Pat Rosemary, and Dougie our friends from Stradbroke. Our closing get together of 2017 will be our Christmas lunch and party on December 7th when we will have Bakewell Caterers from Scole providing the meal, and entertainment by the "Times Past Duo" we then have a break, and commence our 2018 meetings on February 15th. When new members will be most welcome. May we take this opportunity one and all, to once again thank you for your support, and to wish you all good health, and a very Happy Christmas and new year. Joan Grimes

Rummikub Club

The last meeting will be Monday 11 December and we will restart on Monday 15th January 2018 at the Courthouse 2.15pm-4.45pm. Are you interested in playing this stimulating game socially? Bring along your friends. Learners most welcome. Enquiries to Mike or Yvonne 388955 anytime or leave a message.

Fressingfield Sponsored Dog Walk

The Fressingfield New Year’s Day Charity Dog Walk will once again start from The Fressingfield Swan from 10.30 on Monday 1st January 2018! We are again fund-raising for EACH, East Anglia's Children's Hospice's, 'Nook Appeal". This aims to raise Ten Million pounds to replace the existing Quidenham Hospice, a converted country house, one of the oldest children's hospices in the country but now too restricted to cater for the demand and complexity of care EACH need to provide. The Nook will be a new hospice at Framingham Earl near Norwich. The "FDW" will finish back at the Fressingfield Swan where a choice of free hot soup and bread will be served to walkers not to mention Bonios for the dogs and appropriate treats for any other animal participants. Why not follow this up with Mats famous carvery which will be served from 1.15pm.-pre-booking is essential on 01379 586280. What do you need to do now? Just register by email at or call us on 01379 586002 and we'll provide your sponsorship forms. Come on - do it now! We look forward to seeing you on the FDW on NYD! Carole and Trevor Orchard

Page 21

Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 Wide selection Christmas Trees (Norway and Nordman) from Pot to 9ft tall from £10 Hand made Holly Wreathes available now Wide selection of Local Fruit and Vegetables in stock Cut flowers and pot plants available to make bouquets or basket arrangement Bags of Potatoes Red or Whites £6:50 Bags of onion £2:50

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

Even though a ball has not been bowled since September, & will remain so until April, a thread normally runs across the bleak midwinter, linking the two. This year, it seems, someone has blown up the bridge! We are awaiting next seasons fixtures, the blocks around which the Summer is built, leaving no focal point to look forward to. The weather cannot decide if it is Autumn or Winter. The grass grows, then it stops due to rain or frost, leaving equipment forlornly lying in limbo, neither parading across the green sward, nor tucked away for rest & repair. Even 1743, with all that entails, seems frozen in time, and like Tutankhamun's tomb, maybe better left undiscovered. So many imponderables mean planning is difficult. The Cricket Club AGM will probably be held on Thursday 18th January. Confirmation will be published over the Christmas holidays, & the ever popular POP MUSIC QUIZ is provisionally booked for Saturday 3rd February. Pencil that date in your diary, if indeed your 2018 diary has arrived. Needless to say, mine hasn't. Christmas wishes to you all. Keep supporting your local Cricket Club, however dysfunctional it may appear! Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre

Swim England Special Recognition Award We are delighted to announce a national award has been dedicated to Hayley Adams. Family members attended this prestigious award ceremony at Birmingham University to receive Hayley’s award presented by former Olympic diving medallist & TV Presenter Leon Taylor & GB International Swimmer Ellie Faulkner for her recognition & contribution towards sport. This much deserved award is an accolade to Hayley s hard work at the Centre, she went above & beyond to ensure her students achieved the most out of their lessons. The whole team here would like to acknowledge not only what a great Teacher she was but what an amazing and caring person she was, who was held in high regard to everyone she came into contact with whether in her lifeguard, swim teacher or fitness instructor roles. Christmas & New Year Opening Times: Please visit our Facebook page for opening times All the Colleagues at Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre wish you all a Happy Christmas and a fit & healthy new year! Maria Smith

Stradbroke Tennis Club

Following a strong campaign in the South Norfolk League the Club finished as runners up in Division One which is a significant achievement for the club. The Club AGM is to be held in the Clubroom at the Community Centre on Friday 26th January 2018 at 7.30. The agenda with a covering letter will be sent to members early in the new year. We are currently looking for a new treasurer so if you can help out please get in touch. We are only a small club and it will only take a few hours of time over the course of the year, you do not have to be a member of the club to take the role on. At this time of the year family and friends visit, with all-weather courts play is all year round, so if you want some exercise during the festive season why not come and have a game. Courts can be hired through the Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre at £6.00 an hour (£4.00 for children). You can contact them on 01379 384376 they have rackets that can be hired and tennis balls for purchase. Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club

Hello everyone, as indicated in my last report we are in the closed season for outdoor bowls therefore this report will be brief. Bingo for Bowls- Friday November 10th. Another excellent evening, organized by Mary, which raised £155 for the club funds. We thank members and non-members who participate in these events, your support is really appreciated by the club. The next Bingo will be on Friday 12th January at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre. Annual General Meeting. This will take place on Monday 27th November starting at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre. All members are requested to attend and take part and support the committee for their work throughout the year in keeping the club up and running. We look forward to the new season which begins in April. May we take this opportunity to wish you the readers and all our membership the season’s greetings with A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. If you have any questions, please contact me on the following number. Roy Lee (01379 384729)

Page 23

Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

We are on AirBNB

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

E J BROWN Builder

Page 26

Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253

Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

News & Views

Page 27

Fressingfield Scout Group Old Boys, and Girls, Network Fressingfield Scouts are trying to contact anyone who was involved with Scouting in Fressingfield in the past. The Old Boys, and Girls, Network is an informal group with the simple aim of meeting up, reviving memories and catching up with old friends and colleagues. We plan to have 2 or 3 get togethers a year as well as supporting Scout Group social activities. Whether you were involved as a Beaver, Cub, Scout, Venture Scout, Explorer, Leader, Helper or on the Group Executive (Parents) committee in the past please get in touch to join this informal network. If you were a member of the group but do not wish to join the network, we would be very interested in any memorabilia such as badges, uniforms, books, and especially photographs you may have either as a gift to our archive or to copy. Please contact us if you have anything. Contact Michael Knights, email, 01379 668060 Or Eammon Andrews, email, 01379 384207

Michael Knights

Here is an archive picture, we think from the early seventies, can you see yourself or can you name some of these young people.


Borderhoppa would like to wish our passengers and everyone that has supported us throughout 2017 a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Borderhoppa Admin, 01379 854800

Poppy Appeal

The Poppy Appeal is now drawing to a close, and donations are still being received. The organiser, Peter Chetwynd, thanks all The House to House Collectors who go round the village, and who raise a magnificent total for The Appeal, to all those who have donated so generously, and also to all The Village Groups and Organisations, who donate so generously for the wreaths that are laid. So far this year I have banked £2637 for The Appeal and on behalf of The Appeal again thank all those who have given so generously to this essential cause. Peter Chetwynd

Calendar Launched in Aid of Deafness Charity

The winners of a local photography competition, raising awareness about untreated hearing loss, have been rewarded with their photos being featured in 2018 charity calendar. The ‘Sounds of Suffolk’ competition was created by family run hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, who have a local clinic within the Eye Health Centre on Castleton Way. The competition has helped encourage those struggling with hearing loss to seek help, as well as highlighting some of the incredible sounds that can be found in and around our county. During a prize giving presentation, the calendar was officially unveiled, along with a series of greeting cards which are both to be sold in the run up to Christmas. Competition winner James Stannard and second place runner up Stephen Squirrell attended the presentation, along with Brian Platt and his hearing dog Elton. All sales from the calendar and cards will be donated to the company’s chosen charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Hearing dogs not only help deaf people by alerting them to sounds they would otherwise miss, but they also give a deaf person a newfound sense of independence and confidence with their loyal companion and true friend at their side. The Sounds of Suffolk calendar and greeting cards can be purchased for £4.99 and £3.50 respectively from The Hearing Care Centre’s website or by calling 01473 230330. Matthew Coward, Business Operations & Marketing Manager

Stradbroke Church Village show

Stradbroke Church Village Show on Sat 22 July 2018. Potatoes for the Bucket Competition will be on sale at 50p each in Church Street Sat 10 March. Regarding this class I have had comments from exhibitors and visitors that this class is not being run according to the rules in the schedule. Therefore, this year it will be one bucket per person, each member of a family may take part. The handicraft section will be Class 61 – crochet any item; Class 62 – a knitted soft toy; Class 63 – a knitted scarf; Class 64 – any item of embroidery; Class 65 – a picture 8” x 11” max, mounted or framed pencil, water colour or oils. Photography classes will be any sort of transport, the coast, sport people taking part. Looking forward to more exhibitors. Schedules will be available in March. Enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 nd


News & Views

Page 28

Curry House

On Saturday November 18th, the Stradbroke Community Centre hosted the “Curry House” where 68 guests sat down to an excellent Curry meal, served by the renowned local chef Nick, from Authentic Tandoori and his talented assistant Monica. The SCC was appropriately decorated and with subdued lighting, Indian music and a Bollywood movie in the background - it made for a very enjoyable evening. The £420 raised will go towards upgrading the interior decor of the Community Centre early next year. Jane Merritt

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market in and around All Saints' Church, and the Royal Oak pub Saturday 2nd December from 10.00 to 12.30. Everyone is welcome at our friendly market, Christmas items including fabric and foliage wreaths; Christmas cards and wrapping paper; pre-loved and vintage items, and beauty products; children's clothes and books; china, glass and jewellery; an enormous choice of gifts and other locally made crafts; Why not order in advance from our friendly stallholders, who will be offering a range of goods, including crafts and home-made foods, for Christmas? Do come and join in with the carol singing provided by the All Saints' Singers! For more information, or to book a pitch, please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852. Pitches just £3.50 - pre-booking essential for inside pitches. Buskers and singers welcome – just contact Catherine. Laxfield Market - The Friendly One! Catherine Cawood

Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre Opening Times

Saturday 23rd December - Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 17.00 Sunday 24th December - Adult Swim Fit 8.30 – 9.30, Swim 4 Everyone 9.30 – 11.00 Aquafun Mats Session 11.00 – 12.00, Swim 4 Everyone 12.00 – 17.00 Monday 25th December - WHOLE BUILDING CLOSED Tuesday 26th December - WHOLE BUILDING CLOSED Wednesday 27th December - Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 11.00, 50+ Swimming 11.00 – 12.00 Swim 4 Everyone 12.00 – 17.00 Thursday 28th December - Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 17.00 Friday 29th December - Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 17.00 Saturday 30th December - Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 17.00 Sunday 31st December - Adult Swim Fit 8.30 – 9.30, Swim 4 Everyone 9.30 – 11.00 Aquafun Mats Session 11.00 – 12.00, Swim 4 Everyone 12.00 – 17.00 Monday 1st January - WHOLE BUILDING CLOSED Tuesday 2nd January - Adults Only Swim 7.30 – 9.00, Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 20.30 Adults Only Swim 20.30 – 21.30 Wednesday 3rd January - Adult Only Swim 7.30 – 9.00, Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 11.00 50+ Swimming 11.00 – 12.00, Swim 4 Everyone 12.00 -19.30 Ladies Only Swimming 19.30 – 20.30, Adult Swim Fit 20.30 – 21.30 Thursday 4th January - Adults Only Swim 7.30 – 9.00, Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 - 17.30 Junior Swim Club 17.30 – 18.30. Swim 4 Everyone 18.30 – 20.30 Adult Only Swim 20.30 – 21.30 Friday 5th January - Adults Only Swim 7.30 – 9.00, Swim 4 Everyone 9.00 – 10.00 Adult Swim Fit 10.00 – 11.00, Swim 4 Everyone 11.00 – 20.30 Adult Swim Fit 20.30 – 21.30

` Maria Smith

Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.

If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact

Page 29

Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP

Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : Some evening appointments available




TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Page 30

Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP

Page 31

One of my favourite parts of the week is when I return home to Suffolk after a demanding schedule in Westminster. There is always plenty to do in Suffolk throughout the year, but especially so during the build up to Christmas. The dedication and commitment of our local community volunteers is to be absolutely commended. When visiting the fayres and markets I very much enjoy taking time to browse the many stalls and always make an effort to buy locally. We have such a fantastic range of small and independent retailers, not to mention farm shops and local producers and it’s very important that we do our best to support our local economy. Time for Christmas shopping is always difficult for me, spending my time in Parliament midweek and then often working over the weekend, so I’ll certainly be taking the opportunity to stock up on some gifts and presents. I always look forward to Christmas at home in Suffolk, spending time with friends and family and making time to relax and enjoy a break away from everyday business. Spending time together away from the daily pressures of work is so important for us all, but we should also remember those who may be spending Christmas without their loved ones, perhaps an elderly neighbour or those who are remembering family who are no longer here. We have a great sense of community spirit here in Suffolk and many churches and community organisations have boxes set aside to collect donations of food for those less fortunate than ourselves, so perhaps help to spread some Christmas cheer to others and donate even a small contribution. A little goes a long way in making someone feel that they’re not alone. As winter is now upon us, the chance of severe weather also becomes more likely. Whilst our gas and electricity network companies work to ensure that the networks are as robust as possible, storms, floods and other extreme weather can still cause damage and disruption. Living in a rural county like Suffolk, it’s important that our communities are well prepared, just in case of power cuts or gas emergencies. To be Winter Ready: • Know your free emergency numbers – in a power cut, dial 105 and for a gas emergency, dial 0800 111999 • Be prepared – keep a torch handy and keep your appliances serviced regularly to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. • Vulnerable households can get extra support by signing up to the Priority Services Register – contact your network for further information. Visit to find out your network operator. • Keep an eye on the weather forecast and if you have a power cut or gas emergency, please check on neighbours too.

May I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. For more information, please visit my website

Go to and sign up and we will notify you when the new edition is online!

Village Diary 2nd

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market, (see page 28)


Jumping Beans at the library, and every Tuesday morning (see page 12)


Contact Club meet in Community Centre, and every Tuesday, at 10 am (see page 20)


Table Tennis Club meet in Community Centre @ 7.15pm, and every Wednesday


Over 60s Christmas lunch and party (see page 20)


All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Cash Bingo (see page 4)


Christmas cake stall in Church Street from 8.30am (see page 4)


Baptist Chapel Create & Chatter at 10 am (see page 3)


Red Mecca in the Community Centre from 8pm (see page 12)


Christmas card signing, 8am to 4pm at All Saints Church (see page 2)


Christmas tree illumination and Christmas card tree viewing (see page 2)


Rummikub in Court House, 2.15pm to 4.45pm, (see page 20)


Parish Council meeting in Court House at 7.30 pm (see page 6)


Baptist Chapel Christmas Lunch Club at 12.30 pm (see page 3)


Opportunity to sign the Christmas card tree (see page 2)


Phoenix Singers ‘Messiah’ at Framlingham College Chapel at 7.30 pm (see page 20)


Stradbroke Cinema showing A Sense of an Ending in Community Centre (see page 18)


Radio Stradbroke Christmas Eve Broadcast (see front page)


Radio Stradbroke presents Marty’s Christmas Crackers at 9am (see front page)


New Year’s Day charity dog walk from Fressingfield Swan at 10.30am (see page 20)


Baptist Chapel CAMEO Lunch Club at 12.30pm (see page 3)


Stradbroke & District Bowls Club bingo in Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 22)


Story of Stradbroke Community Centre at 7.30pm in Community Centre (see page 18)


Puzzle House Pantomimes presents Cinderella at St Edmund’s Hall, Hoxne (see front page)


Rummikub in Court House, 2.15pm to 4.45pm, (see page 20)


Stradbroke Cricket Club AGM (see page 22)


****Submissions to The Stradbroke Monthly STRICTLY by this date!***


All Saints Church Fundraising Committee cake stall (see page 4)


Coffee morning iao Children’s Society, from 10am to 12 noon, (see page 20)


New WEA course starts in Community Centre at 2.15pm (see page 18)


Baptist Chapel Drop in for Coffee at 10am (see page 3)


Tennis Club AGM in Club Room at Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 22)


White Hart Bowls Club prize bingo in community centre (see page 20)

Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.


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