Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Dec 2019/ Jan 2020
Free Festive Fun and Christmas lights switch on! Free Festive Fun 8th December 3pm at All Saints Church Stradbroke. Father Christmas will be coming on his sleigh! (come and meet him). There will be free Christmas Activities and free food/ drink. Would anyone like to donate red wine, sausage rolls, mince pies, fairy cakes or any other cakes towards our event please. Also if anyone would like to volunteer to help on the day, it would be much appreciated. If you could volunteer on the day, please contact either Sue Childs (email iandschilds@btinternet.com) or Karen Ruth (email budtogether@gmail. com) Sue Childs
Stradbroke’s Christmas Walk 2019 By popular demand, the ‘Stradbroke Ranger’ (Dennis Merritt) and the ‘Stradbroke Ranger’s Assistant’ (Roger Turkington) will once again be leading a 3 mile round torchlit walk from the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre to Battlesea Hall on Wednesday December 18th. Upon arrival at Battlesea Hall, by kind permission of Adrian Lawson, you will enjoy a glass of Mulled Wine and a Mince Pie. As the weather will be cooler and the way possibly muddy, please wear suitable clothing, footwear and bring a torch which we hope you will use a little as possible in order to enjoy the beauty of a hopefully moon and starlit night! Unfortunately, you will not be able to bring your dogs, as there are working dogs on the farm. We want you to be aware that you will be walking at your own risk but know it will be a really enjoyable evening. We will be meeting at the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre at 6pm and there is no charge. Dennis Merritt 388382 and Roger Turkington 384248
Christmas with Radio Stradbroke Having ticked off a very successful appearance at Harleston's firework display, Radio Stradbroke's next outside broadcast is nearer home at All Saints Church for the Christmas lights switch on, on Sunday 8th December, from 3pm. Call in to say hello, enjoy the live music, carol singing, the new Xmas lights, & a visit from Santa. Last year was well attended, make 2019 even better! The day job carries on as normal, with regular Sunday Sessions at 10am, but it being Christmas, on Sunday 22nd December you can hear all the Radio Stradbroke DJs throughout the day, plus on Christmas morning at 9am 'Marty's Christmas Crackers' takes to the air with all the usual festive fun. Thank you for your support. Michael Hugman
Jack & The Beanstalk Puzzle House Pantomimes are back on tour for the fourteenth year to present a traditional fun-filled panto. Six actors portray a range of characters in a show full of songs, live keyboard music, thrills, spills and silliness. Join our hero Jack Trott in the village of Butter Vale as he dares to challenge the sleeping, evil Giant who lives in The Land Of Clouds. Bungling baddies Nabbit and Grabbit are sent down from the clouds to steal all the gold and to capture the Princess. A magical beanstalk gives Jack the chance to climb to The Land of Clouds and face the Giant. Can brave Jack save the day? The audience can help out by joining in with some songs and solving puzzles on the way! Meet Dame Buttercup Trott, Simple Simon, The Pieman, Queen Snootynose, King Takenshort and Daisy the cow in Jack’s adventures – but beware of The Phantom Cow! Box office 01379 384656. Tickets £7. 2020 Tour Dates January Sun 19, Thorndon Village Hall, IP23 7XL January Sat 25, Botesdale Village Hall, IP22 1BZ January Sun 26, Bealings Village Hall, IP13 6LH February Sat 1, Framlingham, St Michael's Rooms, 1P13 9BJ February Sun 2, Hoxne, St Edmund's Hall, IP21 5AN
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Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk Regular Activities Sundays 10:15-11:15 Worship Service Thursdays 13:30 Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Village Friendship Lunches (If you would like a lift to the lunches please contact Bruce) Wednesdays at 12:30 11th December with carols from the primary school children 8th January with a quiz and an item of interest 22nd January with a quiz and an item of interest Seasonal Activities Advent Services – Sunday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd at 10:15am Village Carol Service led by All Saints Church -- Sunday, 15th December at 4pm Readings & carols accompanied by the Stradbroke Hand Bell Ringers Carols around the Tree with the jolly sound of the piano accordion… Friday, 20th December commencing at 6:30pm -- an evening of festive cheer with family games, popular carols and Christmas music around the tree. Light refreshments will be served throughout the evening. Crib Service led by All Saints Church -- Tuesday, 24th December 6pm Christmas Day Service -- Wednesday, 25th December 10:30-11:15am It was lovely to see so many of you giving thanks on Remembrance Sunday at the chapel. The offering of £159.65 was given to the Village Poppy Appeal. We wish you all a very peaceful and happy Christmas and a blessed year ahead! May you know the Lord’s blessings in abundance. Bruce Francis, Pastor 01379 388744 or 07484 219 265 or bruceatsbc@outlook.com
Local Organisations Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Telephone: 07749445531 Do you need our help? For example, a lift to the surgery, or to a hospital for an appointment? Can we pick up a prescription for you? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm? Then contact Good Neighbours. We only charge for mileage. Our friendly volunteers will be happy to help. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice please. Carol Darling
Need help with transport? Borderhoppa buses are available to people of all ages who are unable to use ordinary bus services either because of mobility difficulties or because there isn’t a bus service for them to use. Our door-to-door dial a ride service can take you shopping, to medical appointments at GP surgeries, dentists etc. or to visit a friend or relative or attend a local club. Our regular members outings are very popular. We have trips to the seaside, garden centres, shopping trips, boat trips and pub lunches. If you would like to find out more about the great service we provide please call us on 01379 854800 or visit our website www.borderhoppa.org
Poppy Appeal
The Poppy Appeal is now drawing to a close, and donations are still being received. The organiser, Peter Chetwynd, thanks all The House to House Collectors who go round the village, and who raise a magnificent total for The Appeal, to all those who have donated so generously, and also to all The Village Groups and Organisations, who donate so generously for the wreaths that are laid. So far this year I have banked £3159 for The Appeal and on behalf of The Appeal again thank all those who have given so generously to this essential cause. Peter Chetwynd
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church wardens, Peter Chetwynd 384069; Karen Ruth 388762 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan. Services Due to the lack of church heating, services have moved, check below where we will meet. 1st Dec 11 am Gift service, Court House cafe 8th Dec 8 am HC in the Baptist chapel 15th Dec 4 pm Traditional Carol service for the village in the Baptist chapel 21st Dec 4 pm Blue Christmas in Court House 22nd Dec 10 am family@church in Fressingfield 24th Dec 6 pm Crib service in Baptist chapel 24th Dec 11.15 Benefice HC in Mendham 25th Dec 10.30 am joining with the Baptists in their chapel 29th Dec 10 am Benefice HC in Withersdale 5th Jan 11 am Café Church in Court House 12th Jan Join the Baptists at 10.15 am or check our notice board for Benefice services 19th Jan 11 am HC in Court House café 26th Jan 8 am HC in Baptist chapel 2nd Feb 11 am Café Church in Court House Our grateful thanks to the Baptists for giving us the use of the chapel for our own services PEW- Praying Earnestly for the World continues on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We welcome everyone to pray or listen to others praying with concerns and good news thanks. We gather in the Baptist chapel at 7pm; 17th Dec and 21st Jan.
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
By the time you have the December magazine we will have had the Coffee & Craft event. Our final event is the Christmas Cake stall on December 7th. Hope to see you there. Many thanks for all your support during 2019. We wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and see you in 2020. A list of events for 2020 are included to avoid any clash of dates. We welcome Ellen Nunn onto our committee and wish Pat Fill a speedy recovery from her fall. We also have a Christmas Bingo in the Community Centre on13th December. Come celebrate the election. 2020 Events: January 18th Cake Stall; February 25th Pancakes & Beetle Drive; March 7th Cake Stall & pots for Village Show; March 28th Book Sale; April 28th – May 4th Art Exhibition; June 20th Coins on Wall and Cakes; July 25th Village Show; August 22nd Garage Trail; September 19th Soup & Pud lunch; October 16th Wine Tasting; November 14th Coffee & Crafts; December 12th Christmas Cake Stall. Mary Ellis
From the Rectory…
Dear friends and neighbours Dark mornings and evenings; some people go out to work in the dark, are inside and come home in the dark. I don’t think anyone likes it, but it really affects some people’s mood, no wonder most of us welcome the colours of Christmas. How do you dress your tree? Along with an eclectic, colourful mix of baubles with memories, collected from places I have been, I now have multi coloured lights as they remind me of the variety of God’s creation. Can we ever do better than the wonderful colours of nature, particularly in the height of summer or the autumnal colours of green through to gold and every shade in between. It seems to me that Christmas magnifies how we feel; if we are feeling happy or sentimental, we get more so during the Christmas season; likewise, if we feel sad and lonely, that can feel so much worse. We humans often hide how we feel behind a ‘I’m fine, you?’ but there is no need to put on a happy face for God because he knows our every thought and feeling. I don’t want to encourage us to all walk around looking sad, but I do think it is good to acknowledge how we are really feeling sometimes. So, if Christmas makes you feel sad, no matter the reason, come and join me in the Court House for a short, quiet, service we call the blue Christmas service; where you will get the chance to remember loved ones, light a candle for them or a situation on your heart, and be together for a while, followed by a cup of tea and a mince pie. Saturday 21st December at 4pm. Christmas is a time to celebrate hope for all humankind, a time to get together, share food and laughter and tears. I wish you a joyous season and a hopeful and peaceful New Year. God bless, Susan
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Friendly Professional Carer Offers quality care in your own home Personal care & associated tasks N.V.Q trained Trained in dementia Manual handling References available Contact Andrea 07872530567
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Parish Pump
STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL Next two Council meetings will be on 9th December 2019 & 13th January 2020 at 7.30pm. No PC Clinic in December, next clinic Tuesday, 21st January 2020 at 2.15pm, all in the Court House. MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 11th November 2019 A minute’s silence was observed at the start of the meeting to remember Carol Smy, the Clerk to the Council from 2007 to 2015, who sadly passed away at the end of October. Planning Applications supported by the Parish Council: DC/19/04920 and 04921 – Planning Application & Listed Building consent– conversion of garage to additional living accommodation. Byeways, Doctors Lane IP21 5HU Planning Applications decided since last meeting: DC/19/04117 – Mark Peacock Landrover – Discharge of conditions 4, 5 and 15. Granted 23/10/19 DC/19/04316 – Verdons Farm, Verdons Lane IP21 5NN Refused 26/10/19 DC/19/04646 – Tanglewood, New Street IP21 5G No objections 1/11/19 DC/18/04706 – Land opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road. Appeal dismissed 6/11/19 DC/19/04531 - The Old Lion Queen St IP21 5HG Granted 8/11/19 Parish Council updates: · Whole Council training on the Code of Conduct and Cllr Register of Interest took place immediately before the full meeting; therefore there was a shorter agenda than usual for this meeting. · Councillors noted that name of Ethel Tate had been added to the War Memorial in time for the Act of Remembrance. · Councillors agreed that the Clerk will liaise with Suffolk County Council’s Highways Department to identify possible solutions for the highways matters raised with the Parish Council. Councillors will meet to review any suggestions made by Highways and will then consult with the public on a way forward. A public meeting will be held in February 2020 where all residents and village groups will be able to hear about any proposals from the Highways Department; alongside the other recommendations in the Parish Infrastructure Improvement Plan (PIIP) which the Council approved this year. The PIIP and all associated documents can be viewed at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/piip · A list of minor highways works was approved for submission to Cllr McGregor. · Councillors approved a donation of £184 towards the purchase of new Christmas lights; Cllr McGregor has already donated £400 towards the lights and Cllr Flatman £250 towards the Lights Switch on Event on 8th December. · The Communications and Press & Media Policies were reviewed and approved. · Repair work to the drain pipe at the Health Centre was noted; the Council are hoping to progress the water heater upgrades as soon as possible. · The Stradbroke Trust withdrew their request for the Parish Council to lease the Allotments Site from them. · Cllr Wisbey continues to liaise with Suffolk County Council over the recent changes to the local bus routes, in particular the removal of the 482 service. · The maintenance working party will see if it possible to move the goal posts at Westhall to allow the grass area to recover. The recordings of Parish Council meetings are available at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/podcast Dates for Committee meetings will be added to the home page of the Parish Council website when agreed. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your Parish Council
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Dirty Oven??
Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie
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Here’s my advert!
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Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down...
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How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?
Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows: Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!
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Organisations Life in the Legion – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch
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In October the Rev’d, Major Mandy Jenkins, a retired Army Padre, and recently retired Ipswich Hospital Chaplain spoke to the Branch. She explained that as a grandma she elected and was selected, to join the Army. She attended a short six weeks course at RMA Sandhurst, to learn the rudiments of being an officer, attaining some of the skills required, including Leadership, physical fitness, Nuclear and Biological personal protection, and taking part on exercise. Tough for an over 40 year old. A Padres role is threefold- 1. Spiritual; 2. Welfare for troops and family; 3. Education, helping soldiers to relate to the stated six core value, such as Courage, Discipline, Respect for others, Integrity, Selfless Commitment, and Loyalty. Mandy served in many locations during her 11 year service including Canada with the 1st Battalion RRF, and six months in Iraq in temperatures of 55 degrees, where she went on ice lolly patrols to meet the troops. She retired to St Barbara’s Garrison Church, Deepcut, and become National Chaplain of the Normandy Veterans Association which is now disbanded, but she supports the Spirit of Normandy Trust, and she is Chaplain to the Army Widows Association. Her last two clergy appointments were to, Snape as a team Rector, where she became an Ipswich Hospital Chaplain, and to Rendlesham. The Chairman thanked her and said it had been a Blessing and an honour to hear her enthralling talk. 10th November. Stradbroke Remembrance Service at the War Memorial, was attended by the Chairman and Standard Bearer. A Service was afterwards held at Stradbroke Chapel. The Branch AGM was held on 14th November. The Chairman reported that progress towards increasing membership during the year had been disappointing, however individual members had been active, especially the President and Standard Bearer who had travelled, both in the UK as well as to D Day events in Europe. The President had raised a considerable sum for RBL Suffolk Welfare through the sale of home-made poppies. Experiments with Summer meetings in the evenings and at different venues, had not in his view, been a success, however the Committee will be looking at the way ahead in January when the 2020 programme will be discussed and shaped. He thanked the retiring Officers and Committee for their hard work. The team for the coming year is Chairman Bernard Mills and Vice Chairman John Graham, assisted by Ralph Williams, Penny Stanford, Joyce Cooper, and Karen Sands. Ron Orams is Branch Chaplain and Joyce Cooper Standard Bearer. The Next Meeting in December is before the Christmas Lunch at the Royal Oak, Laxfield. We wish you a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Make a New Year Resolution and join us in 2020. For information about the RBL contact:- Bernard Mills mills.laxfield@gmail.com RGW.R G Warne MBE DL
November 2019: Annual Meeting of Stradbroke W.I. Gill welcomed twenty seven members and guest Andrea Davies our W.I. Advisor. We sung Jerusalem and our hostesses Vivienne and Sue were thanked for the lovely birthday posies and table flowers. Jane then went through the correspondence. The litter pick ladies, eleven in total, were thanked by Gill for diving into damp ditches and battling with brambles to clear the village roadsides of rubbish. Gill then asked if members might prefer to have our meetings in the afternoons, either all year round or only in the winter months. There was a good show of hands for the idea, making it worth considering for 2021; next year’s program being already planned. Gill then presented the Presidents award to two of her retiring committee members, Jane Gemmill and Carol Darling, thanking them for their support over the last few years. We then moved on to the Annual Meeting. After the reports was the election of next year’s committee. Four current members retired, including Gill, our president. Andrea spoke to the floor and asked for volunteers, with a good response. We now have a committee of six, with Linda Webb as our new president; congratulations Linda! Also a huge thank you to Gill, who has worked so hard over the years that she has spent on the committee; we have all thoroughly enjoyed working with her. Moyra then gave the vote of thanks to the committee and to Andrea. The raffle was drawn, and Gill closed the meeting with the reminder that our Christmas dinner was on the 6th December. Carol Darling
Stradbroke Community Land Trust
The Start Up Support Programme Stradbroke Community Land Trust have been fortunate to have been awarded a Start Up support grant from The Community Led Homes Start Up Support Programme. This aims to help groups of local people to develop their own community led housing solutions. Funded by the Community Housing Fund from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). More information can be found at www.communityledhomes.org.uk/get-funding Community Led Homes is run by four leading community-led housing organisations: Confederation of Co-operative Housing, Locality, National Community Land Trust Network and UK Cohousing. Community led housing is a way that people and communities can come together to solve their own housing challenges and provide high quality and affordable homes. The homes are managed or owned by the community in the way they want. Stradbroke Community Land trust is excited to be partnered on this journey to create homes for Stradbroke residents that will always give benefit back to our village. SCLT
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Stradbroke Court House and Library News
Our charity Christmas cards are on display in the library. If you want to support national charities as well as a local community charity like the Courthouse, please come in and have a look at what we have on offer. Don’t forget our gift cards for Christmas presents. There are lots of different high street outlets to spend them, so everyone gets a choice. They are ideal for those it is difficult to choose presents for. The Post Office/Library will be closed on Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th December. We will reopen on Friday 27th December and then continue as normal. The next Friday Friends Café is Friday 6th December. These café sessions are dementia friendly and there is always someone on hand to talk to, for those that need advice and support. As this is our last session before Christmas there will be mince pies and a choir visiting for some carol singing. Our Luxury Christmas Hamper raffle is up and running at £1 per ticket. This year we have several other prizes, so call in at the Court House Café and have a go! The draw will take place on Saturday 21st December during our café session. The Court House Café will be open on Saturday December 28th, so call in for some good coffee and good company. Pick up a leaflet for Christmas posting dates in the Post office. I found a pair of spectacles underneath the pump shelter behind the Courthouse. There were some young people sitting there the night before, after a parish council meeting. I usually have to clear up the rubbish left behind and found the glasses the next day. So if these are yours, please call in to the library and collect. Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! Maureen John Library/Post Office Manager
Carol singers needed!
If anyone would like to sing some Christmas Carols, we have arranged to sing at The Dementia Cafe on Friday 6th December. Please let either Sue Childs know email( iandschilds@btinternet.com )or Karen Ruth email (budtogether@gmail.com) Sue Childs
Over 60s
Our annual sale and coffee morning was a success, where we raised £572 for our funds. We wish to thank all who donated items for sale, raffle prizes and homemade cakes, also all those people that turned up on the day to support us. Well done and thank you all. We also raised £50 from our 50\50 stall in aid of the childrens hospice. We are looking forward now to our last event of 2019 which is our Christmas party and lunch on 5th December where we are to be entertained by a very talented duo called the Passed Times. We would like to remind all members and guests to arrive by 12.30 for 1.00 pm lunch . Our 2020 meetings will restart on 16th January, weather permitting. May we wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and new year. Joan Grimes
Contact Club
Firstly I would like to thank Mary Ellis for her donations to the contact club from her lottery during the year. These have been a great help to us and we are very grateful. This is a voluntary run club and we raise money from raffles etc. We have only had one outing this year, we went to Yarmouth in August which everyone enjoyed. We are looking forward to our Christmas lunch outing in December. We will not have a meeting this year on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. We will be back on Tuesday January 7th 2020. We would welcome anyone who would like to join us, we meet every Tuesday at 10 am for coffee and biscuits friendly chats and games etc, for just £1.00. If you would like to stay to lunch it will be an extra £2.00 but I would like to know this in advance so I know how much to buy. A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all and look forward to seeing new faces next year. Stella Goddard
Stradbroke Allotments And Gardens
Surprisingly December is not as lean a month as you might expect. With luck your winter brassicas should be at their peak now: Brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflowers, and the almost indestructible kale. Fresh root vegetables-parsnips, celeriac, swedes, and turnips should still be in good supply and you will have potatoes, beetroot and carrots in storage, and although it is late in the year you may still be picking salads such as endive, corn salad and perhaps even lettuce, rocket and a few oriental leaves too, if you have been growing them in a cold frame or under cloches. We do have some plots available to rent. Full plot £50. Half plot 30 and Raised beds £15. Please contact Tony John on 01379 384456 (evenings please). Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Ivor Hyde
Lottery Bonus Winners
13 R Warne won £75; 32 E Elliott £25; 40 E Elliott £25; 31 A Naulls £25; 17 R Copping £25. £120 given to local organisations in the village. M Ellis
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Archive
American Hospitality During the second world war the American Airforce practiced racial segregation. This meant that there were two local USAAF bases. Both of these bases held Christmas parties for local children in 1942. The following report was made in the Diss Express: ‘The Commanding Officer, Officers and enlisted men of an East Anglian A.A.F. Group invited the children to the number of 112, from several places, including Athelington. Denham, Eye. Horham, Hoxne and Stradbroke to a Christmas party at their station Wednesday week. Transport was provided for the children and they were welcomed (by) the Commanding Officer, who said that the Group had left their homes in U.S.A., they wanted to Invite some "little brothers and sisters” to share a Christmas party, so that the children would remember Christmas of 1942, as an American one. Hosts and guests then heartily sang carols and other songs and games followed, in which all took part with zest. Meanwhile, the tables were laid for a superb tea, which vanished with equal zest. The climax of the afternoon was then reached. Father Christmas, no longer using reindeer and sleigh, but in his flying kit, with his flowing white beard, was rushed from his aeroplane to the scene of the festivities in a Jeep. With his loaded sack went to the Christmas Tree to the accompaniment of gleeful surprise. Each child went to the tree for a personal gift, neatly wrapped and inscribed with the recipient’s name and the name of the donor. In addition there were other prizes, for which the recipients drew lots. After thanking their hosts, with rousing cheers, the party were taken to their homes. leaving their hosts, at least happy as they were. What a gesture of International and Christmas goodwill, such parties and such lavish generosity by U.S.A. Forces have been throughout Britain. Another fine gesture was made by a body (of)U.S.A. coloured troops who are stationed somewhere in East Anglia. Boxing Day they sent vehicles Into the towns and villages around and picked up the children playing in the streets and conveyed them (to) their headquarters where they had a right royal time at a party given by the Officers, N.C.O.s and men. After fine tea and games, the children received gifts and were afterwards conveyed home, very agreeably surprised and happy at their afternoon’s adventure, and (at) the same time very grateful for such friendly gesture.’ Source: BNA report dd:01.01.1943 We have just finished updating the archive website at www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk (as well as the Geoffrey Smith Archive at gsa.stradbrokearchive.org.uk.) We hope you like the new design and find it easy to navigate. There are about 4000 images to view on the main site alone with more to come. The photographs range from 1864 and photographer Henrietta Ryle, through photographers Wllm. Girling, Harry Webb, Geoffrey Smith and now to Jon Wilson. Stradbroke has been, and still is, rich with such generous donors of documents, photographs, film and audio memories. Thank you and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year. Ann Readman, SARA
Friends of All Saints Church - The Clock
“The Repair Shop”, our clock is on its homeward journey under the care of Ian and Jack Haward. We will soon be able to rely on it for the time - under the watchful eye of the winders Karen and Richard; and they will no longer have to undertake so many trips up the tower when the mechanism is finally fixed. We did not go along the route of electrification, under the guidance of Ian Coote, Diocesan Clock Advisor. The emergency work on the stonework and guttering continues thanks to Historic England. Renewed thanks to everyone who supports All Saints Church, Stradbroke. Margaret Streeter (Chairman Friends of All Saints Church)
“Put The Heat On” - Appeal update
More ‘Heated’ Discussions Our shout for ‘HELP’ to deal with our devilish problem - no heat in our church and frozen knees, has resulted in two things: First the receipt of many kind and generous donations from members of the community to return the heat to our pews, and secondly, the breakdown has given an unscheduled opportunity to look at the old boiler and radiators to see if they are indeed sustainable and fit for purpose for the future. A feasibility study is now taking place to look at the state of the present system with a new tank, and the possibility of providing an alternative, updated system. The aim is to provide a costed, suitable and sustainable warmth to serve future generations, as did our fore-fathers. Please continue to help us to ‘Put the heat on’ and chase away the Blues, not to mention our little friend Lucifer! As they say- ‘Rome was not built in a day’, but it has lasted a life time or two. Donations are acceptable at the Post Office (with a slip provided at the PO Counter), in an envelope marked ‘Church Tank/Heat Appeal’ C/O Mr P Chetwynd (Church Warden). MANY THANKS. --------------PUT THE HEAT ON: ALL SAINTS CHURCH STRADBROKE DONATION I enclose £ : Cash/Cheque (Made out to ‘All Saints church, Stradbroke’) Name: Tel No: Address: NB: If Donations exceed the ‘Put The Heat On’ Appeal Total, excess will be put towards the roof.
J Chetwynd
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Poppies & Daisies Tearoom Invites you to…..
Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
the official opening of their New Gift Shop & Christmas Shopping Event Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Santa’s Lucky Dip Game!! Friday 6th December 5pm to 8pm Santa’s Lucky Dip £5 per child Poppies and Daisies Tearoom & Gift Shop 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HT Tel; 07921512052 Find us on Facebook & Instagram
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Council Notes From the Chair...
Following a number of comments from local residents a group of councillors, our Clerk and local county councillor Guy McGregor are meeting with representatives from Suffolk Highways early in December. This meeting will look at the feasibility of making improvements to roads in Stradbroke in particular to discourage speeding. One of the things that will be considered is if a 20 mile per hour speed limit in the centre of the village would be a good idea. You may have noticed that there is now such a speed limit in Eye. In the New Year we will hold an open public meeting to put these ideas to village residents. Any changes like this would need full public support and evidence from traffic surveys. We will publish the date of this meeting in the next Stradbroke Monthly. Following the success of last year’s Christmas lights switch on event in the Church there will be another similar event this year on Sunday 8th December starting at 3pm. The event is free and all are very welcome. Our next parish council meeting is on Monday 9th December 7.30pm at the Courthouse - as ever all are very welcome to attend. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! James Hargrave, Chair of Stradbroke Parish Council
Suffolk Police
The Halesworth policing locality has seen two incidents attended separately in November by our Neighbourhood Response & Rural Crime Teams, both resulting in very positive outcomes. On the 12th of the month, a burglary occurred, during the early hours of the morning, at the Co-op Supermarket in Chancery Lane Debenham, where the ATM was forcibly removed from the wall of the building, causing a great deal of damage. Response officers from Halesworth attended and managed to track the thieves to a rural location where they were about to start forcing the ATM open to steal the cash. The ATM was recovered with the cash intact, all three stolen vehicles used in the crime recovered and a suspect arrested at the scene. The suspect was remanded in custody and, at their remand hearing, pleaded guilty to burglary. They will be sentenced in December. On the 13th of the month, the Rural Crime Team, assisted by civilian colleagues from the Technical Support Unit (also based at Halesworth) and other Officers, attended a rural location in the Mendlesham area, acting on a report of suspect males hare coursing in a field. On arrival, routes were blocked by Police and the Constabulary’s drone deployed. Four males had been reported as being involved and, although two were quickly located with dogs on the blocked road, there was no sign of the others. Suspecting they were hiding in a nearby field of maize, the drone, using a heat seeking camera, spotted them. The drone pilots were able to direct Police dog handlers towards the suspects trying to secrete themselves. All four males were interviewed under caution at the roadside, mobile phones and cash seized and the males reported for summons on suspicion of offences under the Hunting Act 2004. PC 187 Simon Green
The Stradbroke Trust
In the November edition of the Stradbroke Monthly, the Chair for the Stradbroke Parish Council inferred that The Stradbroke Trust used the money received in rent from the NHS to ‘subsidise’ the Stradbroke Allotments and this money is now being used by the Council solely for the Surgery building. In accordance with our Objectives the rent received was used to maintain the Surgery building to a very high standard as demanded by the NHS but any surplus was directed towards health-related projects of which the Allotments was one. The Stradbroke Trust no longer has surplus funds. The Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners Association suggested that the Parish Council could manage the site more efficiently and as a Parish Council has a duty to provide residents with Allotments, we did ask the Parish Council to consider taking out a Lease from the Stradbroke Trust for the Stradbroke Allotments. This income would allow the Trust to continue to fulfil its Objectives. However, the amount of information, without any assurance that this request could be considered seemed unreasonable and we have decided to maintain the Allotments with our very limited funds for a further year. Jane Merritt, Secretary for The Stradbroke Trust
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The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 18th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke. A place to talk to the village. Post your village group updates, local events, lost & founds and items for sale!
Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
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Letters to the Editors
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Stradbroke Allotment and Gardener’s Association Unfortunately we have decided to close down SAGA. We are closing it down after our Fundraising Events, the first one being our Quiz on the Saturday 30th November and our joint Fundraising Event Free Festive Fun on Sunday the 8th December. This will not affect the allotments and anyone wanting an allotment, please contact The Trust. Sue Childs, Chair SAGA A message from the SAGA Treasurer We have been running the Stradbroke allotment association for five years now and as I was on the committee from the beginning I would like to thank some of the people who have given an enormous amount during that time. Firstly our chair people - Luke Heydon the first chairman who designed and helped set up the allotments with the Trust. Without him and his gardening and design knowledge it probably wouldn’t have got off the ground, his guidance helped us all to get started with our plots. The next chair was Gill Palmer who helped set up the chicken co op and wrote faithfully each month for the Stradbroke monthly as well as organise an annual fundraising quiz. Then came Tony John who has worked tirelessly to secure the site after all the break ins by project managing the making of the new gates and taking time out to fit them. He has also worked on the main shed to make it secure after windows were broken and fitted large water tanks to make use of the roof to lessen the water bill. Susan Childs our last chair has had a difficult job in recent days and she had thrown herself into the role with good Will and dignity. Thank you Sue for your cheerfulness. Now the secretaries - Secretaries do an enormous amount of admin and Helen Pleasance was our first. She did the bulk of the work when we started, giving way beyond what she probably should have done. (One particular memory is seeing Helen collecting up the rats one morning after they had been poisoned!) Judy Andrews was then acting chair and secretary at a time when she was moving away from the village. Lastly Elizabeth Medvei was our last very efficient secretary who probably attended more meetings and wrote more letters than she bargained for when she took the role on. Also thanks to Toni Wisbey, a committee member who recently stepped in as an acting secretary. A few others who I would like to thank are Gerald Clark who kept the site mowed each season for the first four years, Dorothy Readman who was on the committee for four years and collected the subs. Dennis Readman who was regularly strimming to keep on top of the thistles. Mary Thompson who ran the shop for a time and ran a Sunday tearoom to bring in extra funds. Also thank you to everyone who came and supported and donated to our produce stalls and open days. These past two years Ivor Hyde has been the site manager and done an enormous amount to keep the allotments looking respectable. This year he did the bulk of the work in cutting the perimeter hedges and clearing up and burning the waste. Ivor, I hope, will continue to contribute his piece to the village magazine acting as the Monty Don of Stradbroke sharing his wisdom and experience of growing fruit and veg and telling us what we could be doing each month. Lastly Thanks to Darren one of our newest allotment holders who has been a great support this year in bringing free mushroom compost to the site and giving his time with a digger to make two plots usable for the new family. He and Emma have also organised a quiz which we haven’t done for the last two years. I hope anyone who reads this in time will consider coming to support our last fundraising effort to secure funds for this year’s insurance and water bill costs - 30th Nov 7pm at Horham Community Centre with our most excellent quizmaster Michael Hugman. There will be lots of prizes to win. Lifts are available if you want to use the bar. Come along even if you haven’t got a team as we can fit everyone into one. The questions won’t be all about gardening! Kay Edwards Criminal/unsociable behaviour. During the past year or so I have been obliged to ‘step-in’ when witnessing this kind of behaviour in Stradbroke. The latest occurred in Wilby Road at the junction with Priory Close when I witnessed two young boys kick over a two-foot white marking post. Previously I saw two other boys climbing on the low roof at the rear of the Village Hall. The third was three older boys [16/17] jumping on the equipment in the kiddies play area adjacent to the Hall. Being a retired Police Officer of over 34 years’ experience, I am NOT suggesting vigilante action but it is the responsibility of residents to take what action they can to stamp out bad behaviour. Reporting to Police 101 [or 999 if urgent]; having a word if you feel confident enough or at least making them aware you are watching them are things that we can all do to curtail similar behaviour before it gets out of hand. This is ‘your' Village, keep it crime free. Should anyone require confidential advice on similar matters please do not hesitate to contact me on 01379-384-707 or mobile 07768-622-164. Bryan Threadgall It is now that time of the year when I would like to wish my neighbours and friends a Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year. Margaret Hewitt, 7 Grove End
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema
On December 19th we are showing Yesterday. A hopeless songwriter wakes up to find that he’s the only person who can remember The Beatles in this lively comedy from Danny Boyle and Richard Curtis. A thoroughly delightful fantasy comedy with all of Curtis’ regular ingredients of his previous films giving us lots of laughs and goosebumps with the bonus of it being set in Suffolk. We’ll all enjoy spotting the different locations from Halesworth to Lowestoft as well as extras in the film including our home-grown Ed Sheeran. It’s Sentimental, Sugary and Sensational. We will also be listing our Spring Season films for you to make your choice online. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Entrance is £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under and everyone is welcome Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbroke online.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt
Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre
Have you ever thought about being a Barman? If the answer is YES then look no further. The resident Community Centre Barman has retired from duty and we are looking to find a replacement. It is a voluntary role but has many benefits including meeting lots of fellow residents, working with a friendly Committee and best of all giving something back to our Community. As Barman you will be a member of the Committee and responsible for all aspects of running the bar including buying, prices, and general stock management. In summary it's a great opportunity to get involved in one of the most active and important organisations in the village and help us put a smile on people’s faces when they come to the bar. If you want to know more about the role just give either of us a ring: Jane Merritt (Chairman) – 388382, Don Darling (Vice Chairman) - 388098
Stradbroke Walking Group
Stradbroke’s free Community-led informal Walking Group meets every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 30-45 minute walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Antiques Centre (Queen’s Head) at 10.30am. Longer walks can be arranged too, as long as we have enough Walk Leaders. Unless it is really raining, we will be walking! Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or ability - all you need are sensible shoes – and we look forward to seeing you and enjoying a chat with a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Antiques Centre afterwards.For more information contact: Dennis Merritt Tel: 01379 388 382. Email: dennis_merritt@hotmail.com
Learn: The English Civil War 1642 - 1651
Simon Doney is returning to look further at the causes of the English Civil War. For this course he will be exploring the experience of war, why Parliament won and how and why the King was brought to trial and executed. The 7 week course begins on Monday, January 13th 2.30pm - 4.30pm at Eye Bowls Club and the cost is £40 including refreshments. There will be a half-term break. Stop Press: Sue Pine will be presenting an afternoon session in March looking at Philosophy and Refugees. We can guarantee controversy, debate and enlightenment. More information in the future. If you would like further details about any of the above or would like to be added to our mailing list for a regular newsletter please contact me at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951 Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Chair of Learn:
Learn: Classic Cinema Matinees
After the success of “Kind Hearts and Coronets” in November, Learn: are pleased to invite you to a matinee showing of “Great Expectations” on Monday, December 16th at 2.00pm in Stradbroke Community Centre. This 1946 gothic masterpiece by David Lean will set the appropriate atmosphere just before Christmas with a short introduction at the beginning and followed by mulled wine and mince pies at the end. The cost is £6.50 to include refreshments and tickets can be purchased at the door. For further details or enquiries please contact me at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951 We look forward to seeing you there. Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley
Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre
New Year’s Eve Family Disco. Saturn Disco invites you to celebrate New Year’s Eve in style at the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre. On December 31st at our Family Disco you can dance into 2020 whilst enjoying a buffet from 8pm until 1am. There will be a Bar and tickets are available now from the Stradbroke SPAR or Roger Turkington – 384248. Adults £14 and under 12s £7. We look forward to seeing you there! Walter Reeve
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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Forthcoming Events
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market on Saturday 7th December 9.30am -12 midday inside All Saint's Church & in the Royal Oak and outside on Church Plain (IP13 8DH) Yo, ho, ho – guess what? This month's Market will be choc-full of stallholders offering lots of goodies for Christmas – why not come along and see if you can do all your present shopping in one place? Save on time, travel, energy, and no doubt on cost too. Shop locally and have a very green Christmas! Items on offer include crafts, cards, wrapping paper, stocking-fillers, stained glass, local honey and wax products, hand-made candles and soaps, free-range eggs, bird food, cakes and baking (including gluten free and dairy free), meat pies, sausage rolls and quiches, delicious preserves, Fairtrade items, local free-range meats including pork and grass-fed beef, organic vegetables, charity hats and beautiful festive wreaths. Many more items include vintage and pre-loved goods... and there'll be a special stall selling Laxield's very own Robin Hood January pantomime tickets (oh yes, there will!) But why wait until the festive period? Treat yourself to something nice while you're at the Market and enjoy entertainment too, which this month will be provided by the Sandlings Recorder group. Refreshments will be available in the Church, and in the Royal Oak breakfasts, bacon butties and teas/coffees, beers and lunches (and no doubt a log fire too) will all be on offer, along with quick bites to purchase from the bakes stalls. This lively Market is very popular with stallholders and customers alike, so there is always a waiting list for indoor stall space, but do contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852 for info on booking a slot. Don't forget the Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market is now held every month of the year, so we hope to see you all again on 4th January 2020. The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you on the first Saturday morning of every month – a Suffolk Market with a lovely friendly atmosphere -looking forward to seeing you there! Carolyn Nichols
Stradbroke Art Group
Key dates for December/January: Monday 2nd December – last meeting of 2019 and Monday 6th January – first meeting of 2020. This newly formed group is still open for new members. Currently there are eight of us with varying artistic abilities and places for four more should you wish to learn, develop your skills, or put aside a time each week for your own painting projects. We meet on Mondays at 10am in the Hall at Stradbroke Baptist Church and aim to finish between 12:30-1pm. There is a small charge of £5 per session. Tutor, Les Bragg of Harleston will offer cup of coffee/tea, a piece of cake and a warm welcome to all who come along. For further information or to reserve a place, please contact Bruce Francis on 01379 388 744, or bruceinphp@yahoo.com. I look forward to meeting you. Les Bragg
Stradbroke Chess Club
Key dates for December/January: Thursday 5th December – last meeting of 2019 and Thursday 16th January – first meeting of 2020. A newly formed and welcoming club whose objective is to provide the opportunity to play chess either on a friendly or competitive basis and would welcome others who wish to come along and play or learn the game. We meet in the Courthouse on Thursdays 7:30 – 9pm. If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact me on: 01379 388 744 or bruceinphp@yahoo.com Josh Francis
Phoenix Singers
Phoenix Singers : Saturday 14th December 2019 : Framlingham College. Benjamin Britten : St. Nicolas And Other Christmas Music Tickets £15 – under 18s £7.50, available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham, Juniper Barn, Rendham, William Glasse william@glasse.org.uk 07802 597071, choir members and at the door. Charity No 1076549. Stephanie Askew (publicity)
Children’s Society Coffee Morning
Wednesday 15 January, 10.00 – 12.00 at Thirkettle Cottage, Queens Street. Everyone welcome, especially our box holders. We will use the day to empty this year’s boxes and send the contents to the Society. Anyone willing to hold a box for the coming year will be most welcome to join us. Alison Hackett 388872
Rummikub Club
"The Rummikub Club" will be closing for the Christmas / New Year period. The last meeting will be Mon 16th December and we will start again in the New Year on Monday 13th January 2020. All are welcome, especially beginners. Mike & Yvonne 01379 388955
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 With Christmas just a month away. Etheridge Nurseries is stocked up with homemade Holly Wreaths & Christmas Trees (Potted to 10ft) (Norway / Nordman) Please check our Facebook Page for updates on all our produce. Including our Local Fruit and Vegetables.( Potatoes ÂŁ8 a bag Onions ÂŁ3 a net) Cut Flowers & Pot Plants. Please contact the Nursery on 01379384204 or 07881440140 for any orders or queries
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
When all should be batoned down for bleak midwinter, the almost daily rainfall has meant that the grass is still growing, & needs cutting. Another sign that 2019 will not leave us is the delay in getting next year’s fixtures from the League, so no news on that until the New Year. One date for your, as yet, un-purchased 2020 diaries is the AGM to be held at The Ivy House on Wednesday 15th January at 8pm. Your Club needs you, & your input on how we run it. You are probably fed up with talk of Elections, so why attend? Well, Stradbroke Cricket Club is run by volunteers for the benefit of the Club, not by self-centred egotists attempting to fulfill their own agendas. It is run on a budget, not on unrealistic debt. Education comes first, with qualified coaches teaching cricket to your children in Schools & at the Club We care for the environment, maintaining a field where everyone can enjoy outdoor activities & all the health benefits that go with it. As for leaving Europe, we rarely leave Suffolk! So please help us to keep all this, by attending & hopefully offering your services. Finally, my monthly plea for help in filling in some gaps in the history of the Cricket Club. I need some info on seasons 1956-58. The Newspaper Archives have no Diss Express for those years. Old scorebooks, press cuttings, even personal memories, are most welcome. Contact me on 07796-465347. Thank you. Enjoy Christmas & welcome the roaring twenties on a positive note. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Tennis Club
The Club has had a successful season in the Lowestoft and South Norfolk Leagues. We have finished third in the top divisions of both leagues which given the resources available is a noteable achievement. The Club's AGM is on 31st January 2020 in the Clubroom at The Community Centre at 7.30 and all Members are invited to attend. Courts are available for hire through Stradbroke Fitness Centre at £8.00 an hour for adults and £4.00 an hour for children. Their number is 01379 384376. New members are welcome. Social Play afternoons are on Monday and Thursday from 1.00 to 4.00 so why not come and have a game. For any further details give me a ring on 01379 384557 Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club
Stradbroke Badminton Club
On behalf of all the clubs and Coastal Leisure Learning using Stradbroke High School I can say that we were all very shocked to receive a letter in mid-October from Sapientia Trust informing us that all lettings would cease after Christmas. The Trust, which runs the school’s affairs, placed us in a very difficult situation, particularly halfway through the season. Stradbroke Badminton Club has been playing at the school for about 30 years and the members, including 8 juniors, who are mainly local have really appreciated the facilities of the sports hall being in this village, providing an excellent, well used venue for the local community. We could not understand the rationale of having such good facilities not being used in the evenings. They said that they had been subsidising lettings for a number of years. We questioned ‘why have you not approached our club, along with others, to discuss this matter rather than just issuing this declaration??’ All the clubs met to discuss how to respond, and subsequently sent strong replies requesting that the Trust reconsider their regrettable decision. This resulted in a further letter from the Trust offering lettings in the New Year at an increased hire cost of 55%!! (with a further review in the Spring!) This increase is just too much for our badminton club, so regrettably we are re-locating to Hartismere School in Eye which can offer much the same facilities, still on a Tuesday evening, for a modest increase in cost. We are sorry to be leaving the village after 3 decades, but we really have no choice. Our last Tuesday evening will be the 17th December. Contact Keith on 01379 388031 if you need more information or go to Stradbroke on-line. Keith Lead (Secretary)
White Hart Bowls Club Prize Bingo
Prize Bingo for Burns Night on Friday 24th January 2020 at 7.30pm in Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, and refreshments, plus a flyer to win a Hamper. Julie Ward
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club
Hello everyone, we have little to report at this time of year as we are in the closed season period until April. However there are a couple of items. Bowls for bingo: The last session resulted in £65 for club funds and we appreciate the attendance of those that took part. The next session will be in the Community Centre starting at 7.30 on Friday January 10th. May we take this opportunity to wish you all A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best regards, Roy Lee [01379 384729]
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
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Sports Roundup cont...
White Hart Bowls
On Saturday 9th of November some members of our club went along to the Park Hotel Diss to the upper waveney League presentation night to support those who had won trophies. I think our club was well represented in these games. The trophies won were as follows. Michael Grigg winner of the gents singles. Roger Ward and Roy Wilkinson winners of the gents pairs. Julie Ward and Roger Ward runners up of the mixed pairs. Michael Grigg, Michael Smith and Malcolm Paris Oakes runners up in the all male triples. Michael Smith our club captain went up to receive the shield for our club coming runners up in Division two. I think we all had a lovely evening with good food and company. Lynn Ruth
Forthcoming Events cont... Quiz night for Stradbroke Allotments
Stradbroke Allotment is holding a fundraising quiz! Saturday 30th November at Horham Community Centre. Doors open 7:00pm for 7:30pm sit down! Teams of max 4 at £5pp. A fantastic luxury hamper for the winning team. Nibbles, raffle and bar! Please show your support and come along to support this event. Booking is essential! Contact Darren on 07584162646. Emma Ward
Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall events
Fri 13th Dec 8pm Purple Star Karaoke Christmas party New Year's Eve disco tickets on sale from the bar at the village hall or from committee members - 10 each. Julie Thompson
News and Views Suffolk High Sheriff Awards 2020
Do you know a volunteer, or a charity in the Stradbroke area, that has never won an award for the work they do? A group that has helped support you, or someone you know, on the road to recovery, or an individual or voluntary organisation that has united your community? The High Sheriff of Suffolk, Roz Eminson, has launched the 2020 High Sheriff’s Awards and is calling for entries for The High Sheriff’s Awards and we could have a winner!. They are designed to reward the volunteers, charities and community groups in Suffolk who devote their time and energy to improve the communities in which they live and work, to make Suffolk a better and safer place to live. Nominations are now open for the following award categories and priority in all categories will be given to those who have not previously been recognised. Volunteer of the Year Award - Under 30 sponsored by Birketts Volunteer of the Year Award - Over 30 sponsored by Ipswich Building Society Long Service Award sponsored by Ashtons Legal New Group of the Year Award sponsored by Policy Bee Strengthen Your Community Award sponsored by East of England Co-Operative Caring for the Environment Award sponsored by East Anglian Daily Times Road to Recovery Award sponsored by Barnes Construction The deadline for nominations is 20th January 2020. Full details are on www.suffolkcf.org.uk and for advice on completing the nomination forms for any of these categories please contact Suffolk Community Foundation on 01473 602602. There will be an exciting ceremony at Wherstead Park in March 2020, the winners accept their awards. Suffolk Community Foundation administers the High Sheriff’s Fund and works in partnership with them to arrange the Awards Ceremony. Vicky Beckley
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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
E J BROWN Builder
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
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Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
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News and Views
Transport from Stradbroke - Please note new information
There are two local community buses for all villagers (with wheelchair access). You book in advance and will be picked up from your home or a place you arrange beforehand (e.g. railway station). The offices are friendly and helpful. Leave your number, if not there, for call back. Book minimum 24 hours ahead, please. **Borderhoppa ** (membership £10 pa or £6 for 6 months. Takes 10 days to process) Runs 5 days a week. See article in Stradbroke Monthly. **BSEVC** Runs 7am to 7pm, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Up to 5 miles £2.40 single £4.80 return 5-9 miles £3.30 single £6.60 return 10-14 miles £4.20 single £8.40 return Book up to 2 weeks ahead. Medical appointments can be booked earlier. 01449 614 271 Office: 9—4 pm Mon-Friday bookings@bsevc.co.uk Text: 07493 866652 This group actively encourages people to book up so they can arrange a service the villages need. They are hoping to build up a regular service for the 10.15 to 1.30 to and from Diss, for example, if there is the demand. **Stradbroke Good Neighbours ** (cars) Please note: Runs 5 days a week, not 7 days as we said last month. See article in Stradbroke Monthly **CATS: Suffolk Coastal ** (eg Ipswich, Halesworth, Saxmundham, Southwold etc) 01728 635 938 You can get about! Some examples. Buses to the coast or Framlingham can be booked from BSEVC, who will then help you to change to CATS for part of your journey. There is now a regular CATS service (Wednesday) from Laxfield to Halesworth market and back and it is possible to book BSEVC for a Wednesday to go to the pick-up point in Laxfield and arrange for the return. Antoinette Wisbey
Mid Suffolk News Free Swimming for school holidays extended!
In partnership with Everyone Active, we're extending our free swims offer to encourage our youngsters to get active over the Christmas holidays. You can find the full terms and conditions below. Everyone Active terms and conditions (Mid Suffolk) · The offer is valid from 20 December to 5 January inclusive. · You can claim your free swim at one of the following centres: Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre, Stowmarket or Stradbroke Pool and Fitness Centre. · The offer is for anyone aged under 17 living in Mid Suffolk. · Normal rules for parental supervision will apply; children under 8 years and non-swimmers over 8 years must be accompanied in the water by a parent/guardian or adult over 18 years at all times, with a maximum of 2 children per 1 adult. · Accompanying parents/adults pay the normal casual swimming prices. · Adults accompanying children are encouraged to sign up for a free Everyone Active card per person, if they don’t already own one. Anyone under 16 can have a card with parental consent. · Customers are advised to check the pool programmes on the website for the times of public sessions. · Swimming lessons are not included in this promotion. Any customers who have a swim lesson direct debit membership which includes casual swimming will have the additional cost of casual swimming refunded to compensate. This will be taken off your direct debit after October half term, and you will be notified about the arrangements by e mail.
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
General Election Information
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Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.
Village Diary November 30th Court House Café 9.15am-12.15pm, and every Saturday 30th MORPHOLOGY perform live at Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall 30th Stradbroke Allotments Quiz night at Horham Community Centre (see page 24) December 1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 2nd Stradbroke Art Group meet at 10am in Stradbroke Baptist Church (see page 20) 2nd Rummikub Club from 2 – 4.30 pm and every Monday at the Court House (see page 20) 2nd ‘Tiny Talk Baby Signing’ at the Court House at 10.30 am and every Monday 3rd Contact Club meet in Community Centre at 10 am and every Tuesday (see page 10) 3rd Stradbroke Badminton Club meet every Tuesday, new venue from January 2020 (see page 22) 4th Table tennis in the Community Centre at 7.30pm, and every Wednesday 5th Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm, and every Thursday 5th Stradbroke Walking Group meet at 10.30 am and every Thursday (see page 18) 5th Over 60s Christmas party in Community Centre (see page 10) 5th Chess Club at Court House from 7.30pm all welcome (see page 20) 6th WI Christmas Meal in Community Centre (see page 9) 6th ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 10) 6th Carol singing at the ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 10) 7th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Christmas Cake Stall (see page 4) 7th Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 9.30 am (see page 20) 8th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk th 8 Free festive fun at All Saints Church Stradbroke from 3pm (see front page) 9th Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 7.30 pm (see page 6) 11th Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 13th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Christmas Bingo in Community Centre (see page 4) 13th Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall Purple Star Karaoke Christmas party (see page 24) 14th Phoenix Singers perform at Framlingham College (see page 20) 15th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 16th Learn: Classic Cinema Matinees in Community Centre (see page 18) 16th Rummikub Club from 2-4.30 pm (last session until January) at the Court House (see page 20) 18th Christmas Walk, leaving Community Centre at 6pm (see front page) 19th Stradbroke Cinema presents ‘Yesterday’ (see page 18) 21st Court House Luxury Christmas Hamper draw (see page 10) 22nd Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 25th Marty’s Christmas Crackers on air from 9 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 29th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 31st New Year’s Eve Disco at Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall (see page 24) 31st New Year’s Eve Family Disco at the Community Centre (see page 18) January 2020 4th Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 9.30 am (see page 20) 6th Stradbroke Art Group meet at 10am in Stradbroke Baptist Church (see page 20) 8th Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) th 10 Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Bingo in the Community Centre (see page 22) 13th Rummikub Club from 2 – 4.30 pm and every Monday at the Court House (see page 20) 13th Learn: The English Civil War, new course in Eye (see page 18) 13th Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 7.30 pm (see page 6) 15th Stradbroke Cricket Club AGM – all welcome (see page 22) 15th Children’s Society Coffee Morning at Thirkettle Cottage (see page 20) 16th Over 60s meet in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 20) 16th Chess Club at Court House from 7.30pm (and every Thursday) all welcome (see page 20) 18th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Cake Stall (see page 4) 19th Also 25th & 26th Jack & the Beanstalk pantomime (see front page) 21st PC Clinic at 2.15pm in Court House (see page 6) 22nd Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 24th **Deadline for submissions for February edition strictly by this date** 24th White Hart Bowls Club prize bingo in Community Centre (see page 22) 31st Tennis Club AGM in Community Centre Clubroom (see page 22)