£1 where sold
February 2018
Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan
On Saturday 20th January 2018, Stradbroke Parish Council launched the Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan. The Vision of the Neighbourhood Plan: “Stradbroke's vision is to be a core village that works for the needs of its residents and surrounding villages by providing good quality housing, educational facilities, business and local retail opportunities. It will achieve this through phased growth of these services, and necessary infrastructure to support that growth. The NPPF principles of sustainable development will govern how to achieve this growth in a planned manner.” The Parish Council has agreed 12 objectives it needs to fulfil to achieve the vision. To help the Parish achieve its objectives, the Neighbourhood Plan contains 19 policies to guide development. The Parish Council has allocated 4 development sites to be included in the Neighbourhood Plan. These 4 sites are expected to generate between 130 and 222 houses over the next 20 years, this together with planning permissions already granted will bring growth to the Parish using a structured and managed process. The complete Draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan, plus supporting documentation will be available on the Neighbourhood Plan pages of the Parish Council website: www.stradbrokepc.org A hard copy of all documents will also be available to view in the Stradbroke Library: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 2pm till 5pm and Thurs/Sat 9am till 1pm What Happens Next? There is a strict process which dictates the production of a Neighbourhood Plan and ensures that the final result represents the true wishes of the community. We are now entering the Formal Consultation Period for the Plan. This will run for 6 weeks until 2nd March 2018. It is during this time we need your comments on the draft plan. These can be made by either: completing the comments box on the Parish Council website at www.stradbrokepc.org; or emailing the Clerk at: stradbrokepc@outlook.com ; or writing to: The Clerk, Stradbroke Parish Council, Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA The deadline for comments is 5pm on 2nd March 2018. After this period all the comments received are collated and any necessary changes are made to the plan. The plan is then submitted to Mid Suffolk District Council who will also consult with the public. After these consultations, Stradbroke’s plan will go to an Inspector who ensures that there are no areas of the plan which contravene other local or national policies that would prevent implementation of the plan. When this is complete there follows a local referendum on the plan which is the community’s final opportunity to either accept or reject the plan. If the plan is accepted it remains in force until 2036 and guides development in our area with respect to the wishes of local residents. Parish Clerk
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Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk We welcome you to join us. Sunday worship in February: 4th Joint Sevice with All Saints at Baptist Church at 10:15am (please note time) Sunday Services at 10:15am- Guests 11th Rev P. Langford 18th D. Keeble 25th G. Lee We welcome you to join us – our activities for February Mon. 5th Pray together Tues. 6th & 20th 7:30pm Bible study Wed.14th 12:30pm Lunch Club Sat 17th Create & Chatter Wed. 28th Drop in for coffee Back to normal? Another year has passed into history and the new appears to be passing at an alarming rate. Within those days at the turn of the year it was surprising to hear the number of people who greeted me with. ”Happy New Year”. In fact it was heard so often that my response to a friend was. “What New Year? it looks very much like the old one, same poor weather, same old headlines, same old problems so what’s new?” We all know that changing the date or making New Year resolutions don’t actually change anything - it is putting those intentions into hard practice that will have the desired effect. A very wise man has written. “We cannot change yesterday that is quite clear or start on tomorrow until it is here all we have is today that’s why it’s called the present”. Yes, today is God’s gift to each individual and the big question must be how do we respond, will our actions today enhance the lives of others or are we consumed with our own importance and prestige? The Bible is quite clear that it was God our creator’s intention that we should care for each other, care for our planet and live in relationship with Him. In fact it could be argued that it is only as we place our faith and trust in a loving God that we are fully equipped to care for each other and this wonderful planet we share. Can you help? We are hoping to shortly appoint a Minister at the Baptist Church and we need to provide three bedroomed accommodation for his family, Do you have a property which might be available to rent? Or do you expect to be selling within the near future? Please let me know. Please contact: John Ling 388751 (Church Elder)
Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531
The Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493; Rev Cathy Bladon 01379 588311; Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Cathy. Services 4th Feb 10.15am Churches Together at the Baptist church 11th Feb 8.00am Holy Communion, said service 14th Feb 7.30pm Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday at Hoxne church 18th Feb 11.00 am Holy Communion 25th Feb No service in All Saints church 25th Feb 10.00 am family@church at Fressingfield 4th Mar 11.00am Family service, followed by coffee/tea Revd Susan is on a time of sabbatical from church and pastoral duties. These will be overseen by Revd Cathy during the next 2 months. Revd Susan will still be about the village, but for all faith and church queries, please contact Revd Cathy or Peter as above. Ash Wednesday is on 14th February. A traditional service to include ‘Ashing’ will be celebrated in Hoxne church at 7.30pm. Anyone needing a lift should check the church notice board in the porch for those going, or ring Peter 384069.
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
We managed to fund £10, 853 last year to pay for our Parish Share. Without your help this would not be possible. We strive very hard to raise funds, so if anyone wishes to contribute, we would be very pleased, either a donation or a weekly payment. We would be lost without the building, especially the clock to tell the time. It’s a focal point in the village, so let us maintain it that way. We also have to insure the building which costs over £3000 each year. So funds are always needed. Thanks for taking a minute to read this. “We made it”. Last year we raised £5224.17 thanks to all your support. We start with a cake stall on 20th Jan, then Bingo on Feb 9th, 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Feb 13th is Pancakes & Beetle Drive in the Baptist Chapel hall at 7.30pm. Come and have a fun evening for £3 including coffee & pancakes. Good value and saves you a lot of work. March 10th cake stall with sales of potatoes for the village show. This year we are having the book sale in church with stalls. Anyone wanting a stall please let me know. Sat 10-4pm, Sunday 1-4pm. M Ellis 01379 384642. Please let us have your books as last year it proved successful. Videos and CDs also. Without your help it cannot be viable. Let’s start 2018 with good vibes. Mary Ellis, PCC Treasurer
From the Rectory
Dear friends and neighbours As I write this letter, the new year has only just begun and I have two streams of thought running through my mind, new beginnings and identity. The beginning of the year is traditionally the time of new beginnings, or at least for making resolutions to do things differently. We resolve to become healthier, to see our friends more, to find work or a new job, etc. It’s about resolving to make changes that will make for a better state of health and quality of life. At the beginning of the year, we in church celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. Baptism for Jesus was the beginning of something new. From then on Jesus’ work and ministry on earth really began. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven opening and the Holy Spirit descending on him like a dove, and a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ God confirmed who Jesus was. Out of knowing his identity, Jesus too could live as the person God had made him to be. The way we live comes out of the knowing who we are. The Bible has a lot to say about who we are. God calls us beloved, his children, his friends, joint heirs of his kingdom. Our new year’s resolutions may be long forgotten but it’s never too late to discover who we really are and how much God loves us... and to discover a new way of life. Jesus said “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” God bless, Cathy , Curate
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Clerk’s Report
MEETINGS OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL 11th December 2017 & 8th January 2018 (Next full Council meeting 12th February at 7.30pm, next PC Clinic Tuesday, 20th February (2.15pm) : both at the Court House) Planning Applications supported: DC/17/05777 – Erection front, rear and side single storey extensions. 11 Woodfields DC/17/06137 – Outline Planning application – erection of up to 9 dwellings and garages. Land North of Laxfield Road Planning Applications not supported: DC/17/05565 - Erection of 6 No. dwellings, garages and new vehicular access roads. Land To The North Of Jubilee House, Meadow Way. DC/17/05571 – Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved. Erection of 40 dwellings (including 14 affordable dwellings and 6 shared equity dwellings) and associated access road, new public open space, fishing lake and public footpaths. Land at Grove Farm (Land north of Westhall) Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: DC/17/04746 – 3 Priory Close IP21 5HD: granted 15/11/17 Parish Council updates: At the December meeting Ellie Wharton was elected Chairman of the Parish Council. ¨ 3 councillors (Jim Baker, Carrie Barnes and Lynsey Smith) resigned prior to the December meeting. ¨ 2 new members were co-opted at the January 2018 meeting and will take up their positions on the Council at the February meeting. The Councillors would like to hear from anyone who would like to be considered for co-option at the February meeting. Please email or write to the Clerk (contact details below) by 5th February if you are interested in being considered. ¨ The Stradbroke Trust no longer wish to be responsible for the Community Store sited at the playing field. The Parish Council would welcome applications from any village group that is interested in taking on the store. Please apply by email via the Clerk (contact details below). ¨ The budget for 2018/19 was set at £32,292 ¨ Councillors agreed to launch a consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan and released the Site Allocation Report and appendices. ¨ The Parish Council wrote to MSDC supporting an application made by the Sports & Community Centre for S106 money totalling just over £27,000. This will enable the Trustees of the Centre to organise essential works required to update the building. ¨ New rules concerning Data Protection are being introduced during the course of the coming year and this will have an impact on the way the Parish Council carry out their duties. Councillors have noted this and made provision in the budget for the costs that will be incurred to ensure full compliance. Odile Wladon (Clerk ) Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA
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LIFE IN THE LEGION – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch
Thirty seven members and guests attended the Annual Branch Christmas Lunch and Carols; held at Laxfield Village Hall with a very special meal supplied by Bakewell Catering. Douglas Chittock played his electronic organ for the the Carols, Branch Chaplin the Revd. Ron Orams gave the Christmas message, prayers and the blessing plus Grace at the start of the meal. Arrangements were made for the event by the branch secretary, Bernard Mills, assisted by his wife Ann. Branch Vice-Chairman, John Graham, represented the branch at the funeral in All Saints Church of Mrs Mary Stones, who was one of our oldest members, and our branch secretary many years ago. To close a very Happy New Year to all readers. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman
The Stradbroke WI
December was our Christmas party evening and the ladies and several gentlemen arrived in their party attire ready for some fun and were greeted with a smile and a glass of sherry kindly donated by the wine club, the sherry not the smile. The hall and tables had been beautifully decorated by the committee members and with Christmas lights and bright chatter the evening was soon in full throw .A greeting and welcome from our President Gill Bird and then the excellent food was served by the cheerful catering staff. Our music was provided by a glamorous lady called Blossom who sang a mixture of blues and jazz accompanied by Steve on his guitar ,you could almost believe you were in a sophisticated restaurant somewhere ,well almost. Towards the end of the evening yours truly made an entrance dressed in nurses uniform and cap pushing a trolley of instruments and other goodies .The reason for this was to perform some health and safety checks on the audience , to provide necessary medication and support for those with health problems to prepare them for what was to follow. Once they had demonstrated some muscle strength and an ability to perform C.P.R. to the tune of Staying alive it was considered safe to proceed to the next part of the evening when to the accompaniment of Blossom singing Hey Big Spender our own our very own Lorraine dressed to kill and moving with amazing agility sashayed seductively around the floor shaking and shimmying with considerable skill. There was a great deal of laughter at our little party piece for which we were grateful and the evening gradually drew to a close and I hope a good time was had by all. As usual January blew in cold and wet but there was still a good turnout of members and after the routine business and presentation of birthday posies, and thanks to our hostesses the members settled down to hear our own Dorothy Readman give a talk on the Jam Factory that ran during the war years in Stradbroke. This was a war effort instigated under the auspices of the Ministry of Food but which was run by the Stradbroke W.I. A fine lady called Mrs Biddle wife of the local vicar was the President at this time and, as the excellent organiser that she was, instigated the start up of the jam factory in The Hay Barn in 1941. Fruit and sugar were purchased under the control of government licence and the ladies of Stradbroke set to and made their jam and later chutney which was sold locally at a fixed price . A great effort on behalf of the whole community providing workers ,storage space ,oil stoves and all that was needed for this enterprise ,we should be very proud of them all. Dorothy has researched this subject and written some of the history and details in a small book so if you would like to know just ask her I am sure she will be happy to answer your questions. Following the talk refreshments were served and naturally with jam as the evenings subject we served scones with jam and cream , absolutely scrummy . Our thanks to Dorothy for all her hard work in preparing this most interesting talk it was greatly enjoyed by all. Our next meeting will be on February 8th when Sharron Jarvis will present Singing for health. Do come and join us you will be most welcome. Wishing you all a happy healthy 2018 Prue Rush
A belated Happy New year from all at Stradbroke Allotment and Gardening Association. All is very quiet at the allotments this time of year what with dark night, rain cold weather and several petty break ins which are a nuisance. However all the seeds for the upcoming growing season have been ordered and received, bring on the spring. The chicken co-op are still hoping for newcomers to join in, be part of the co-op and get some lovely fresh free range eggs. If interested please contact Sue on 01379 384502. There are still a few plots available at the moment, so now is the time to get one and get ready for the spring, and get some lovely fresh fruit and veg, you can't beat home grown. If you are interested please ring Tony on 01379 384465. Sue Childs
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Stradbroke Primary School
Happy New Year from everyone at Stradbroke Primary School! The end of last term was a very busy one, with the whole school enjoying a joint-school visit with Laxfield Primary school to see the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ pantomime at Norwich Theatre Royal. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all and was a great way to get into the festive spirit. We also enjoyed our most successful Christmas Fair yet and would like to thank the Friends of the School for all their hard work in planning and running the fair. This term, we are looking forward to a glitzy disco linked to our whole school theme of ‘All the World is a Stage’ – the red carpet is being dusted off as we speak! We have lots planned for this upcoming term including class 1 returning to Charlotte’s Wood for more outdoor learning fun and, very excitingly, we are taking children from Year 4, 5 and 6 to the world-famous Snape Maltings concert hall to perform a piece for ‘The Celebration of Schools’ Music’ in March. We will also be recognising Safer Internet Day, Sign 2 Sing (a charity which works to transform the lives of deaf children) and World Book day. Yesterday, our Junior Road Safety Officers planned some great activities for ‘Be Bright Be Seen Day’, which saw them promoting keeping safe on the roads, especially in the darker winter months. We have our next visits for new Reception pupils starting at school in September 2018 on Wednesday 7th February (9:30 – 10:30am) and Wednesday 21st March (9:30 – 10:30am). If you have a child starting school in September, please feel able to bring them along to one of the transition sessions or contact our school to arrange a tour. Hannah Hunt, Head of School
Friends of Stradbroke High School
FOSH scrap metal collection Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH). A huge thank you to everyone who bought a ticket for our Christmas raffle and helped raise a fantastic £432. Our next fundraising event is our free SCRAP METAL COLLECTION on Saturday 24th February from 8am to Midday at Stradbroke High School. So load up your car with your unwanted metal (no fridges or freezers please) and the Friends will help unload into the free skips. New members needed! - we are a small group of parents, carers, staff and members of the local community raising funds for the benefit of the students; we would love to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining FOSH please text 07927 295702. Lucy Game, Chair
Stradbroke Archive
Happy New Year! By the very nature of a new year it's time to reflect on the past and make resolutions about the year to come. Resolutions are quite often broken however well intended, but the past remains solidly the same. Looking at the rich history of Stradbroke and having an understanding of the historical foundation helps when making predictions and decisions about the future. Our roads, our houses, our shops, our infrastructure, our community have evolved over a long period of time and by looking at old records we get a picture of that which is constant and that which forms the soul of Stradbroke. Our village is old. It's very old. Stradbroke is mentioned in the doomsday book. There are 69 listed building listings with English Heritage with a monument registration on The Priory moat which is a stunning number of protected important markers in such a small village! The archive charts the four main roads which form the crossroad (the constant) of Stradbroke and that is not surprising as the schools, shops, services and the other historical constant - All Saints Church - are centrally found. This is where we say 'Good Morning' to our neighbours and friends whilst buying the paper or catching the school bus and where we meet to pay homage and say 'Goodbye' to those no longer with us. The crossroad is the heart of Stradbroke. Looking through the census returns from 1841 to 1911 and watching the move in agricultural automation, where the occupation of farm horseman becomes that of tractor driver, farrier becomes mechanic and yard boy becomes scholar, is both interesting and reassuring. Hopefully in 2018 we will begin to see news about the release of the 1921 census return. This will be an important document as, other than the 1939 Eve of War register, there will be no more census information released until 2051. So, what about the future? Well that will be for all of us, the community, to decide. Rock on Stradbroke!! Ann Readman. SARA
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News
Christmas is over and we are back to civilized working patterns in the Library and Post Office. Thank you all for supporting us and bearing with us through the queues for Christmas post. Small branches of banks are closing in our local towns so don’t forget that you can pay cash into most of the major banks at our Post Office. Usually you can do it on your debit card but sometimes you need to ask your bank for a special card for paying in. Call in and we can check your card to see if you have a cash deposit facility on it. You can also pay cheques into your bank account with us. We have cheque deposit envelopes for all major banks for this purpose. The Post Office is becoming a bank facility for rural communities like ours. Saturday 10th February is ‘Yummy Bacon Bap Day’ in the Court House Café so come in and get yours along with all our usual delicious cakes etc. I am hoping to open a ‘Dementia Friends Café’ session, once a month from April onwards. It would be on a Friday morning from 10am to 12.00pm and would be a café session for people affected by dementia, either as a sufferer or a carer, to meet and relax in an informal social setting and enjoy conversation/ coffee/tea/cake etc. There would be support and advice available and to share experiences for anyone that needed it, as well as an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation in a safe and supportive setting. I would need volunteers to help me organize this, so if you are interested in becoming involved please contact me at the library (01379 384768) or e-mail me at maureen.john@suffolklibraries.co.uk If you feel this is a good idea for our community and would be interested in coming along, please also get in touch. Our Court House Café Vintage Tea planned for Sunday 18th February from 3-5pm is almost sold out but we have just a few places left so first come first served. £6 per ticket. Maureen John Library/ Post Office Manager
Radio Stradbroke
Radio Stradbroke enters 2018 with its usual mix of music for your delectation. Sunday Sessions run every week from 10am - 1pm, covering all genres, eras, & musical tastes. If you want to get involved, by advertising, sponsoring a show, or being a presenter/DJ/Broadcaster, contact the station, email: studio@radiostradbroke.co.uk visit the website: www.radiostradbroke.co.uk or Facebook. There is something for everyone! Michael Hugman
Wingfield and District Gardening Club
A very good evening was enjoyed by members at the end of November which included out AGM Sue Jacks has resigned from our committee due to lack of time, bus has been replaced by Lynn Edwards whom we welcome. The other members of the committee remain to see us through the coming year. We have donated money to an excellent organisation “Beyond the Wall” who help with garden experience children with learning difficulties at Thornham. In January we view “Gardens in Winter” on 27th at Wilby Village Hall car park at 9.55 am. News of this next month. We meet at Brundish Village Hall on the 17th February to hear about “Willow Weaving” from Charlotte Blythe at 7.30pm . Caroline Treylan
Lottery Bonus Winners
11 E Elliott £100; 8 D Cracknell £25; 19 S Ayton £50; 14 E Elliott £25; 41 A Naulls £25; 34 A Copping £25; 5 D Cracknell £50. £48 donated to Tennis Club; £48 donated to church; £48 donated to Stradbroke & District Bowls Club and £48 donated to the Over 60s Club. Since Mike and myself have been doing the lottery we raised £30,000 for village charities – unbelievable! Thanks to all who have numbers . M Ellis
When Should I call 999? Call 999 when: Incidents are happening now, someone is or feels in danger and cannot get to safety ask for the POLICE. If someone is on the roof of a building phone immediately and ask for FIRE SERVICE - report a person trapped on a roof. Call 101 for the police if: Incidents have previously occurred, you are safe and no person needs immediate assistance.
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
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Parish Council Notes
From the Chair... I was elected at the December 2017 meeting to take over the role as Chairman. 3 Councillors have sadly decided to leave the Parish Council and I would like to thank them all for the contributions they have made. Jim very quickly started to help the village by working with Nick to repair the broken gate post at the cemetery and fixing up our new dog litter bin on Wilby Road. Lynsey was very keen to promote a more active village and organised a working party to tidy up the fitness track, she also successfully entered the village for Most Active Village 2017 in which the village was awarded joint 1st Place. Carrie was a Councillor for a number of years and took over the role as Chairman back in May 2017. Carrie has always worked hard on behalf of the village through the Parish Council and has introduced many new and innovative ideas to help the Parish Council run smoothly. My job as Chairman will be a lot easier thanks to the dedication and hard work that Carrie put in. The Draft Neighbourhood Plan is out for consultation. I would urge you all to use the opportunity to have a look at it and comment to us, so that we can make this the best plan for the future of Stradbroke. On behalf of the Parish Council, I thank everyone who has been involved in the development of this plan over the last 3-4 years - without everyone's input we would not have the draft plan we have today Ellie Wharton, Chairman, Stradbroke Parish Council
Community Defibrillator Always phone 999 if you need help. The operator will advise if you need the defibrillator.
The cabinet is locked - the 999 operator will give you the code to unlock the cabinet. Parish Clerk
Want to know how to use a defibrillator? Go to the British Heart Foundation website at https://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/how-to-save-a-life/defibrillators/how-to-use-a-defibrillator where there is a video and explanation. The St Johns Ambulance offer a free app with First Aid guidance for emergencies— good to keep on your phone!
Letters to the Editors Kay and Chris Edwards and Terry wish to thank all of the people in the village who so kindly sent them cards and messages of good will support and love over Christmas. Small gestures from big hearts. We feel you will understand why we ourselves did not send cards this year. C Edwards Alan, Sarah and Peter would like to thank everyone who joined them to remember and celebrate the life of a dear wife and mother, Joyce. We were amazed at the number of family and friends who joined us at Seven Hills and afterwards at Wilby. This was a great tribute and showed just how much Joyce was thought of. Thank you for the numerous cards and messages of sympathy and donations for the St Elizabeth Hospice who lovingly cared for Joyce in her final days. Finally, thank you to Ellen, Audrey, Dawn, Isabel, Alan, Peter and Vicky for their help with catering and after the service. Sarah Hammond
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
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Forthcoming Events
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Over 60s
We were to start this year’s meetings on February 16th. But due to unforeseen circumstances this date has been cancelled. We will now be starting on Thursday March 1st. We do hope that you are all well, and have been able to avoid all the infections that are going around. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Our March meetings will be on the 1st and 15th from 2.00 to 4.00 pm in the Community Centre. All visitors will be made most welcome. Joan Grimes
Bingo at Syleham & Wingfield
The monthly BINGO at Syleham and Wingfield village hall raises funds for locally nominated charities and good causes. Bingo evenings are the last Friday of each month. Come along at 8pm. 26th January and 23rd February events will be in aid of Meningitis Now. This is a national charity (no. 803016) raising awareness, campaigning, supporting as well as funding research. Meningitis has many different forms and can affect anyone. Babies now have vaccines against some forms as part of their early routine vaccinations, but are still not protect against all forms. Children, teenagers and adults can all be affected. There's lots of information on the Meningitis Now website and they have a 24 hour helpline 08088010388. Julie Thompson
Muppits at Syleham
The Muppits will be playing at Syleham and Wingfield village hall IP21 4LT on Saturday 17th February 8pm until late. This event will raise funds for the 1st Fressingfield Scout trip to aid Mothers' mercy Mission House in Kenya. As well as the music there will be a bumper raffle, 50:50 bucket and hot dogs & bacon rolls. Ticket in advance cost £6, while the on-the-door price is £7. Contact Aimee 01379 586151 or Pat 01986 785105/ yankybrit2014@gmail.com Pat Flint
Prize Bingo
Prize bingo evening. Friday 23rd February 2018 at 7.30pm in Stradbroke Community Centre to raise funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. Many excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments. Plus a flyer to win a Hamper . Julie Ward
Wingfield Barns
Friday 9th February – 7.30pm Kick In The Head - Old Herbaceous Described as “Downton Abbey with gardening tips”, Old Herbaceous is the humorous love story of a single-minded yet gentle man with a passion for plants and is a charming one man play which has entranced audiences around the country. An acute and sometimes hilarious observation of relationships between the classes in a simpler age, Old Herbaceous is sprinkled with witticisms and epithets. The evening blossoms into tender humour, much in the traditionally understated English style of the early 20th century. As Old Herbaceous, renowned actor Giles Shenton truly lives the part of the legendry Head Gardener, Herbert Pinnegar, inviting you to feel included in a private chat from a bygone, comforting age. Keeping you engrossed, amused and emotionally engaged from start to finish, Old Herbaceous will leave you with a feeling that, perhaps, all’s right with the world. Tickets £14/£12 conc. Saturday 3rd March – 7.30pm Charles Garland - Once Upon A Labrador. Once Upon A Labrador is a new show, with Alfie the Labrador making his theatrical debut. It would be quite wrong to suggest that Alfie is a “performing dog”. He does not walk on a tightrope, juggle, or dance on his hind legs. Don’t think this is because his grandfather was Carpenny Walpole, Great British Champion, International Champion, and Nordic Champion. Alfie is very modest about his ancestry and never mentions former achievements by close relations. The reason for his reluctance to follow current trends and audition for TV talent shows is simply that Alfie is happy to be a Labrador. Nothing more. And it has to be said that he maintains this role with dignity and distinction. Charles Garland writes whimsical verse, plays, music and trivial comedy lines. But he is also the proud partner of Alfie, and hopes that you will come and see them both doing what they do best. Tickets £10. Contact the Box Office on 01379 384505 for tickets. Anna Castleton, Operations Manager
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema
On Thursday February 15th we will be showing ‘The Exception’. Occupied Holland in 1940 is where the abdicated German Kaiser is now living. He is played by Christopher Plummer at his grumpiest with Janet McTeer as the prickly Empress. Henrich Himmler (the magnificent Eddie Marsan) is coming to dinner amid the rumour that the Nazis may restore the Kaiser’s rule in Berlin. The film follows a German soldier, Brandt, as he goes ahead to investigate the Kaiser’s suitability and who finds love on the way in a surprising quarter. When Himmler arrives, there is a spectacular showdown and sparks fly. What or who is the exception? The film suggests it is the Kaiser who, despite his reactionary views is much better than Hitler. A riveting WW2 thriller filled with espionage and romance. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt
To the Internet and beyond! WEA
Do you have basic IT skills but wish that you could use apps or use the internet more efficiently? Would you like to know how to send visual images or even short films electronically to family and friends? Would you like to know more about social media or how to use IT to manage all areas of your life better? If so, you may like to come along to a workshop that is being run by Stradbroke WEA on Tuesday, February 20th between 2.00pm and 4.00pm in the community centre. There will be no charge but limited numbers. Look out for the posters and discover more about this on the village website: stradbrokeonline.org.uk Booking essential as limited places. Please contact me on gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951 Gillain Rennie-Dunkerley
Stradbroke Past and Present
Friday February16th at 7.30 p.m at the Community Centre This presentation by Gerald Jenkins of a selection of his collection of very early black & white photographs of Stradbroke together with some colour slides taken in recent times shows clearly how much our village has changed and yet how it has remained easily recognisable throughout. Amazingly, during this last year, several views of the village taken more than a hundred years ago have resurfaced via Mrs Foulsham’s effects. They will be shown for the first time, accompanied by modern colour pictures taken from exactly the same spots. One of the themes this year is the response of Stradbroke in 1940 after Dunkirk and how the fear of invasion was dealt with. Whether you are new to the village or have lived here all your life, it will be good to get to know what a rich history we have and to learn how the Millennium Project was able to rediscover so many images and to bring them into the modern electronic era. Entry £3. Proceeds to FOASS for Church repairs. The Bar will be open. Gerald Jenkins
Coffee morning at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall
Our next 'Come along for coffee' event will be on Saturday 3rd March from 10.30 to 12.30. Come along, meet friends, meet new people, have a look round our village hall... See you there. Julie Thompson
Stradbroke Church Village show
Stradbroke Church Village Show of flowers, vegetables and produce will be held on Saturday 21 July 2018. Potatoes and buckets for the heaviest crop will be on sale at a cake stall in Church Street on Saturday 10 March. Consider having a bucket, only 50p. This is a fun competition. I would like to see more vtake part this year. Schedules for the show will be available at the Bakery shop and the Library. Enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 st
Phoenix Singers - Eternal Light
Saturday 24th March at St. Michael’s Church, Framlingham - 7.30 pm Programme to include : Pizzetti – Messa di Requiem; Mendlessohn - Three Psalms; Albinoni – Adagio Tickets £12 (£6 for under 18s) available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham. William Glasse william@glasse.org.uk 07802 597071, choir members and at the door – Charity No. 1076549. Stephanie Askew (publicity)
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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Forthcoming Events
RoughCast Theatre Company Spring Tour
RoughCast Theatre Company Spring Tour: March 12th – 31st Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare Passion, injustice, hypocrisy and power are at the centre of Shakespeare’s darkly comic exploration of social justice and sexual politics. Lord Angelo, appointed to govern in the absence of the Duke, insists on the strict implementation of 'the all binding law',sentencing to death the young Claudio for getting his wife-to-be pregnant. But what of Angelo's control and authority when he falls prey to exactly those urges when Isabella, a novice nun, pleads for her brother's life. Caught up in the action are a medley of nuns and prostitutes, a pirate, pimps and friars. Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. Venues: 12th – Old Kings Head, Brockdish; 15th – Beccles Public Hall; 16th – The Hub, Huntingfield; 18th – Wingfield Barns; 23rd – St Edmunds Hall, Hoxne; 24th – New Cut Arts, Halesworth,; 25th – Southwold Arts Centre; 30th – The Fisher Theatre, Bungay; 31st – Diss Corn Hall. Tickets £10/£8.50 concessions, £5 full-time students. For booking details visit www.roughcast.co.uk or tel 01379 586745
Red Glass playing live
Local band, Red Glass, will be playing at Syleham and Wingfield village hall IP21 4LT on Saturday 10th February. Event starts at 8pm and costs just a fiver entry on the door. This band of talented lads, who are now busy studying various aspects of the music and media industry, will be launching their EP at this event. Don't miss this opportunity to see this great band on their way UP. J Thompson
Point of View photography exhibition in Cratfield
Points of View will be just that - four different ways of responding to what we see and do. We would love to have an audience and meet fellow photographers! We open on Friday 13 April 2018 (Paybar) and continue on Saturday 14 April 2018 when we will be offering tea and homemade cakes and scones in the best Suffolk tradition. Our Points of View will take in wildlife, travel shots, and docklands in styles from the pictorial to abstract, colourful and fun to thought-provoking. Photographs by Chrissie Kitchen, Nick Eade, Candy Blackham and Geoff Moore. Entry is free but donations are welcomed for two local charities. More information next issue. Candy Blackham
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market in and around All Saints' Church, and the Royal Oak pub Saturday 3rd February from 10.00 to 12.30
Why not visit our friendly market, where you can see and buy: · preserves and home baking; local and free-range eggs, beef and pork; · organic fruit and vegetables; · wonderful craft items, made locally; · pre-loved and vintage items, and beauty products; · children's clothes and books; · china, glass and jewellery; · an enormous choice of gifts and other locally made foods; Growing in popularity, now over 30 regular stalls, varying from month to month, and now open all year. The perfect place to meet up with friends - hot and cold refreshments available, both at the market and in the Royal Oak pub. A special item to cheer the dull days of February - hand-made Belgian chocolates! For more information, or to book a pitch, please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852. Pitches just £3.50 pre-booking essential for inside pitches. Buskers and singers welcome – just contact Catherine. Laxfield Market - The Friendly One!
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 Hedging Plants Yew Box Laurel etc Fruit Trees In stock now Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Shallots Available Now Large Selection of Fruit & Vegetables in stock Don’t forget to order your Valentine Flowers for your loved ones
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
New Year, new Committee. Well not quite! Loyalty & continuity were the watchwords at the recent Cricket Club AGM, as we hurtle headlong into our 275th year as a home to cricket. The elected officers were as follows: President - Don Lummis, Chairman - Michael Hugman, Secretary - Richard Pierce-Saunderson, Treasurer - Caroline Johnson, Welfare Officer - Fergus Morgan, Vikings Captain- Matt Wise, Youth Development Officer - Fergus Morgan, Groundsman - Michael Hugman, Minutes Secretary - James Gilbee, Website - Matt Wise. Malcolm Tenneson, Alan Hutchison, Ben Flatt, & James Webster were re-elected to the Committee, & we welcome Ian Flintoff aboard. As well as overseeing 275th Anniversary celebrations, they agreed to support 'All Stars Cricket', an ECB nationwide initiative, introducing cricket to the 5 - 8yo age group, through the Cricket Club, & through local Primary Schools. Again, the Club decided against charging a subscription for playing members, & match fees will remain at £7 (£5 FTE). But be under no illusion, Stradbroke Cricket Club still sails in choppy waters. Your help is invaluable, either as a player, volunteer, parent of a keen young cricketer, or a fund raiser. The first chance to help the Club is by attending the Annual Pop Music Quiz on Saturday 3rd February, 7:30pm at the Community Centre. Teams of 4, entry £5 per person (inc light refreshments), £40 prize to the winning team. There will be a bar & raffle. It is the only event of its kind in the area, so do not miss out. Thank you." Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre
Hayleys Hill. Running club members ventured out in the Snow in December, to unveil a plaque in memory of Hayley Adams. The hill, now dubbed 'Hayleys Hill' is situated on the footpath just past Valley Farm. This seemed a fitting tribute, as Hayley would often encourage runners on this hill as part of their run sessions. Thank you to Stuart & Jane Gemmill for allowing us to place this on their land! Swimathon 27th- 29th April 2018 Help us retain our title of being one of the top Pools in the UK & join us for the world’s biggest fundraising swim - Swimathon 2018. There’s a Swimathon challenge for everyone, for all ages and abilities, from 400m to 5k, there’s no excuse not to take part this year" Join as an individual or why not swim with friends, family or colleagues & be part of a team (team swims usually take place on the Sunday morning, last year the atmosphere was amazing!) For more information or to register go to Swimathon.org Triathlon & Aquathon Following on from last years award winning Triathlon & Aquathlon, we have again joined forces with Active Outdoor Sport to host Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathlon 2018! This year we are offering a choice of 2 dates for the Triathlon – Saturday 19th May starting at 5.30pm & Sunday 20th May starting at 8.30am with the Aquathlon following on Sunday afternoon. The chosen charity is SARS (Suffolk Accident & Rescue Service) This local charity voluntarily provide specialist Doctors & Paramedics to assist East Of England Ambulance Service at the scenes of incidents where patients require an enhanced level of medical care before they reach hospital. Entries are now open, please go to www.stradbroketriathlon.com for more information, Many village residents volunteered as Marshals last year, we would love you to join us for the great atmosphere & to cheer the triathletes on, please send an email to Mariasmith@everyoneactive.com to register an interest! For more information on any of the above events please call in & see us! Maria Smith
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Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
We are on AirBNB
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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E J BROWN Builder
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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports RoundUp cont...
Page 27
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club
Hello to you all and A Happy New Year. With the outdoor bowls in the closed season until the green opening on Saturday 21 April at 2.00 pm there are no results to report, however there are some social events to inform you about and we hope that you may be able to attend, and they are as follows. The club held its A G M in November with no change to committee members. An item for discussion is the concern that the club needs to increase its membership. On that point we invite you to the green opening detailed above where you will more than welcome and if you are comparatively new to the village why not come along and extend your social experience, as well as getting involved with the sport. This invite applies if you just want to play in social roll ups and or become involved in playing for the club in league games. I will give a further polite reminders in this magazine as we approach the open season. In the meantime if you would like further information do not hesitate to give me a call (01379 384729) Bingo - March 9th. The next bingo for bowls will be in the community centre at 7.30. Thanks to those that attended and to Mary Ellis for organizing the last bingo in January which raised ÂŁ104.50 for club funds and we are extremely grateful to you all. Pudding Party - March 24th. An event not to be missed and will be held in the community center starting at 7.30 pm so please watch this space in the next issue when we will give detail of the price of tickets and who to contact. Club Annual Dinner. Actual date in February to be confirmed and will be in the White Hart, members will be notified by David. As always we thank you for taking the time to read this report and if you have any queries please contact me. Roy Lee (01379 384729)
White Hart Bowls Club
A good time was had by all at the presentation night. Thanks go to Alison and Max. Results as follows: Alec Abbott Cup: Winner M Smith; runner up J Ward Chaudron Cup: Winner Les Ruth; runner up B Ransome Spurling Cup: Winner M Garrard; runner up C Grosvenor Saunders Cup: Winner Les Ruth; runner up J Whistlecraft Anson Trophy: Winner Les Ruth; runner up Caroline Smith Chambers Cup: Winner Les Ruth; runner up G Nunn Ward Trophy: Winner T Brown; runner up M Ransome/M Paris Oakes French Trophy: Winner M Paris Oakes; runner up Pat Grigg Two Wood Singles: Winner R Ward; runner up M Smith Three Wood Singles: Winner R Ward; runner up M Grigg Four Wood Singles: Winner R Ward; runner u[ M Grigg Pairs winners: Lynn Ruth & Roger Ward; runners up Les Ruth & Roy Wilkinson Mike Readman Cup: Winner M Paris Oakes; runner up R Ward Lynn Ruth
News & Views Borderhoppa
Need help with transport? Borderhoppa buses are available to people of all ages who are unable to use ordinary bus services either because of mobility difficulties or because there isn’t a bus service for them to use. Our door-to-door dial a ride service can take you shopping, to medical appointments (excluding hospitals), to visit a friend or relative or attend a local club. Our regular members outings are very popular. We have trips to the seaside, garden centres, shopping trips, boat trips and pub lunches. If you would like to find out more about the great service we provide please call us on 01379 854800 or visit our website www.borderhoppa@btconnect.com Borderhoppa Admin, 01379 854800
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News & Views cont...
Calendar Launched in Aid of Deafness Charity
The winners of a local photography competition, raising awareness about untreated hearing loss, have been rewarded with their photos being featured in 2018 charity calendar. The ‘Sounds of Suffolk’ competition was created by family run hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, who have a local clinic within the Eye Health Centre on Castleton Way. The competition has helped encourage those struggling with hearing loss to seek help, as well as highlighting some of the incredible sounds that can be found in and around our county. During a prize giving presentation, the calendar was officially unveiled, along with a series of greeting cards which are both to be sold in the run up to Christmas. Competition winner James Stannard and second place runner up Stephen Squirrell attended the presentation, along with Brian Platt and his hearing dog Elton.
Funding & Volunteering Fair
Babergh and Mid Suffolk are hosting a free Funding and Volunteering Fair this February for community groups looking to attract more funding and volunteers across the districts. The Fair is open to all parish councils, community groups, from sports clubs to village hall committees, and offers attendees the chance to tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience in fundraising and attracting volunteers. The Fair, in partnership with Stowmarket Town Council, is to be held at the Cedars Park Community Centre, Stowmarket, between 9.30am and 3.15pm on Tuesday 13 February. Several workshops will be run during the Fair, which will be manned by experienced community support agencies including by Janet Perry of Community Action Suffolk and Angela Lee-Foster from Suffolk Prohelp. Guest Speakers include Barry Salmon of Stowmarket Men’s Shed, a group supporting informal learning, individual pursuits and community projects in Stowmarket and David Blackburn, Stowmarket’s Town Clerk, offering advice on securing town council funding for community work. Cllr Julie Flatman, Mid Suffolk’s Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “It often falls to volunteers to navigate what can sometimes become a maze of unfamiliar rules to secure vital funding. By running this workshop, we will be able to break down these barriers and help residents and community groups secure the support they need to transform lives in their areas.” Cllr Margaret Maybury, Babergh’s Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “Babergh is a wonderful place to live, but whilst we enjoy beautiful countryside and historic locations they alone don’t give us that distinction: the hard work of our residents building their communities is just as important, and I’m delighted that we can offer this opportunity to support those individuals and groups seeking to make a difference. The skills, knowledge and opportunities covered in this workshop could be vital to any group looking to bring something new to their community.” Sarah-Jayne Thomas, fair co-organiser from Stowmarket Town Council said “it is great to have an event based in Stowmarket offering some really useful information to our community groups. We are proud to support all the amazing grass roots activities that happen in Stowmarket through our grants schemes and our new volunteer project StowVolunteers.” Those wishing to attend the Funding and Volunteering Fair can book a place by calling 01449 724 654, or by emailing Josephine Beever. Attendees must book in advance: attendance is free and a light lunch will be provided. Spaces will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis, with up to two spaces available for each community group. Mid Suffolk District Council
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
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Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Only recently, I was pleased to update readers of the importance of being “Winter Ready” and we have since experienced some very high winds and a resulting degree of disruption, due to Storm Eleanor. Our electricity network is built to be resilient, but despite best efforts, extreme weather can cause damage to overhead power lines resulting in some customers temporarily losing their electricity supply. Where this does happen, UK Power Networks have teams working around the clock to make sure that homes and businesses are reconnected to the electricity network as quickly as possible. Extra help is available to those who need it during a power cut, via UK Power Network’s Priority Service Register. Households with older, disabled or more vulnerable people, those with children under the age of five, or where someone uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity, as well as other reasons can join the register. Further information on the Priority Service Register can be found at www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority In the event of a power cut, please call either 105 or 0800 3163 105 – this is a free service and can be accessed from either a landline or mobile phone. Aside from reporting the power cut in the first instance, you can also call 105 to receive further updates on when power may be reconnected. Here in Suffolk, we have been relatively fortunate in escaping the worst of the winter weather so far but in the event of snow or icy conditions, the team at Suffolk Highways work tirelessly around the clock, often in adverse conditions to keep our roads safe and moving. I would like to pay tribute to the team of Suffolk Highways Officers who really do go above and beyond, often in very difficult conditions, to ensure that our journeys are as safe and as easy as possible. Suffolk Highways is responsible for ensuring that Suffolk’s roads, with the exception of trunk roads such as the A14 or neighbouring A11 and A12, are kept free from snow or ice, enabling us all to travel safely to and from our homes, schools and places of work. They treat all A and B roads, including those to 24 hour fire stations, Accident and Emergency hospitals and main bus and railway stations. They work very closely with over 200 farmers and contractors around the county, who remain on standby and ready to help in times of need. The team monitor the weather conditions very carefully, to assess whether spreading salt or grit will achieve the best results and teams are deployed around the clock 7 days a week when required. For further information and to quickly and easily request gritting, members of the public can visit Suffolk Highways’ online reporting tool at www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-andtransport/salting-gritting-and-clearing-snow/#tab4 For more information, please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com
Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will notify you when the new edition is online!
Village Diary February 3 Stradbroke Cricket Club Pop Music Quiz in Community Centre (see page 22) rd
3 Laxfield Produce Craft and Flea Market, 10am—12.30pm (see page 20) rd
4 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 1pm (see page 12) th
6 Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday th
8 W. I “Singing for Health” (see page 9) th
9 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee prize Bingo in Community Centre (see page 4) th
9 Kick In The Head - Old Herbaceous at Wingfield Barns (see page 17) th
10 Red Glass play at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall (see page 20) th
11 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 1pm (see page 12) th
12 Parish Council meeting in Court House 7.30pm (see page 6) th
13 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Pancakes & Beetles (see page 4) th
14 Baptist Church Lunch Club at 12.30pm (see page 3) th
15 Stradbroke Cinema presents The Exception (see page 18) th
16 **Deadline for submissions for March edition strictly by this date** th
16 Stradbroke Past & Present, a presentation in the Community Centre (see page 18) th
17 Baptist Church Create & Chatter (see page 3) th
17 Wingfield & District Gardening Club ‘Willow Weaving’ talk in Brundish (see page 12) th
17 Muppits play at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall from 8pm (see page 17) th
18 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 1pm (see page 12) th
18 Court House Café Vintage Tea from 3-5pm (see page 12) th
20 WEA IT course in the Community Centre (see page 18) th
20 Parish Council clinic in Court House at 2.15pm (see page 6) th
23 White Hart Bowls Club Bingo in Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 17) rd
23 Bingo at Syleham & Winfield Village Hall at 8pm (see page 17) rd
24 FOSH free scrap metal collection from 8am-12 noon at Stradbroke High School (see page 10) th
25 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 1pm (see page 12) th
28 Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee (see page 3) th
March 1 Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 17) st
2 Deadline for comments on Neighbourhood Plan (see front page) nd
3 Coffee morning at Syleham & Wingfield Village Hall from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm (see page 18) rd
3 Charles Garland - Once Upon a Labrador at Wingfield Barns (see page 17) rd
4 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am to 1pm (see page 12) th
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.