February 2021
Broadband Improvement Event Coming Up...
(See Page 20 for more information from the Parish Council Broadband Working Group…)
Keep Up to Date with Local COVID 19 Information... The Radio Stradbroke Home Service To listen to your very local Internet Radio Station, every day between 10am - 1pm, log on to www.radiostradbroke.co.uk or get the TuneIn Radio app on your phone, or through your smart speaker,
Get Involved! Make, Do & Friends... What’s your view of Stradbroke? A local arts charity is inviting Stradbroke residents to contribute to poems about the village – by picking a picture and then having a chat on the phone with a poet. The home page of the Stradbroke Village Archive (http://stradbrokearchive.org.uk/) features a map of the village, stuck with numerous pins; each pin represents an image or document relating to that particular spot. Residents are asked to click on these pins to view the images and select the one that appeals to them most; it may be a spot they know, or a memory it evokes or it may be just because it’s pretty and makes them feel happy.
That image provides the focus for a chat with poet and performer, Arji Manuelpillai; he will telephone the resident and, in talking about the image, gather different views of Stradbroke, from which he will create a series of poems. It is hoped that the poems, along with copies of the images, may be displayed in the library café for people to enjoy, once we’re all able to start meeting up again. They will also be posted to the Make, Do & Friends blog site at https://www.makedoandfriends.co.uk/ Make, Do & Friends is a creative programme, intended for older people (55+) living in rural areas of Suffolk and run by Suffolk Artlink. Anyone wishing to take part should first contact either Candida or Carrie (details below) who will be responsible for setting up the phone calls and generally making sure that all you have to do is enjoy taking part. If you would like to take part, but don’t use the internet, please call us and we’ll see what we can do to include you in the project. Participation is free, and places are limited, so please contact us as soon as you can, so that Arji can get in touch and start painting a picture of Stradbroke in poetry. Candida – candida@suffolkartlink.org.uk Telephone 07857 002974 Carrie – carrie@suffolkartlink.org.uk Telephone 01986 87395
Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk
A blessed year ahead to you and your loved ones! May God’s grace, mercy and peace to be upon each one in our community. The Chapel remains open for worship on Sunday mornings – you are most welcome to join us: Sundays: 10:15am Worship Service We are fully compliant with the latest Government laws/safety guidance for COVID-19. Monthly Manna will resume again following the lifting of the current COVID restrictions. May I encourage us all with the Word of God from Psalm 33 Psalm 33 (New International Version) 1 Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. 2 Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. 4 For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 5 The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. 6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. 7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. 9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. 10 The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. 11 But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. 13 From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; 14 from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth— 15 he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do. 16 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. 17 A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. 18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, 19 to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. 20 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. 21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. 22 May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you. May the Lord add His blessing to the reading and hearing of His Word. Please let me know if we can pray for you or your loved ones. May God bless us all, Bruce 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or psalm34.8@yahoo.com
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan. Parish church buildings are closed…. so what is All Saints church doing? Find us on our website: sancroftbeneficechurches.org or our facebook page: Sancroft Benefice Churches Every Sunday at 9.30am we have a Zoom online service. We would love you to join us. See our website: sancroftbeneficechurches.org for a link that will take you to the service or any of the following: During the week… Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10am - a short service of Morning Prayer with bible reading and short meditation, live on facebook but you can access it any time. Monday evenings at 6pm - a short service of Evening Prayer, different weeks, different styles. Ash Wednesday - 17th February - Service of Holy Communion - will be recorded and put online on our website and facebook page. Lent course online: Revd Gini Williams is running this informal course on the Psalms on Zoom - no previous knowledge needed. Link on the website. Book club! Revd Susan Loxton is going to run an informal book club online, Thursday afternoons, 2pm, Feb 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th. If you have missed being able to make a donation to All Saints Church through service collections or supporting the usual fundraising events that could not happen, you can still do this through http://sancroftbeneficechurches.org/
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
On a cold morning we held our X Cake Stall (thanks to the Spar for hot drinks), we made £221.55 on the stall. Thanks to all who supported Janet and myself. We also drew out the X Hamper which was won by David Cracknell. This raised a magnificent sum of £473. Many thanks to the bakery staff for selling tickets for us. The hamper money is going to the heating fund. Thank you all so much. We are so glad to have Julie Ward home from hospital after 3 ops. The committee also send out thoughts to Roly Copping on the loss of his wife Angela. Roly is not too well at present, hope your recovery is soon. We thank him for all he has raised for the church during 2020. We really appreciate this. Mary Ellis As church treasurer I should like to thank everyone who has donated to church funds during this dreadful lockdown. This is much appreciated, especially now when we cannot have services, and are desperate for funds. Thank you all so much. Mary Ellis
From the Rectory… Dear friends and neighbours
My prayer for 2021 is a prayer for unity – pulling together rather than coming apart; accepting difference for all of us, to be free to be fully ourselves. 2021 has not started too well with a new lockdown and unrest in America as power changes hands. We have yet to find out what the impact of Brexit will be. Whatever happens, there will definitely be a need for us to look out for each other more than ever. By the time we get to February, we are well past any revelry enjoyed at Christmas and New Year and it feels like spring is a long time coming. Every year at this time, I start waiting and watching impatiently for the signs of new growth – snowdrops and crocuses, buds appearing on trees and bushes. It feels like I am doing the same with the world, this year, and there are the buds of new hope are gradually appearing, even though, like spring, it feels like we still have a way to go. There are some positive signs, with vaccinations, calls for calm and unity in the USA, and new efforts to reduce emissions and slow global warming. Unity has never been more important and is a vital part of making sure people do not get overlooked as we slowly adjust to a new normal. Unity, far from meaning that we should all think, look or act the same, is about pulling together even though we do not necessarily agree with one another. Being open to joining in with something even if it is not exactly what we would do or how we would do it. We cannot do much about the whole world, but we can work together for the good of our communities. We have already had a great experience of this in 2020 and it is being carried forward into 2021. It feels like we are having to dig a little deeper and persevere longer than we had hoped but together we will make it through and hopefully with a lasting realisation of what is most important to us and our neighbours. God bless, Revd Gini
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Parish Pump
STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL Next full Parish Council meeting is scheduled for: 8th February 2021 Stradbroke Parish Council information: • Details of all meetings can be found on: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/ • Agendas for all Council meetings will continue to be issued only on the Parish Council website. · All details of how the public can join the meeting remotely can be found on the website or on the agenda. MEETINGS OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 14th December 2020 & 11th January 2021 Councillors co-opted Antony Bush at the December and welcomed him to his first meeting in January.
Planning Applications SUPPORTED: DC/20/05332 & DC/20/05333 – Chestnut House, Wilby Road IP21 5JP DC/20/05126 – Land South of Mill Lane (comments submitted). DC/20/05543 – Windrush, New Street IP21 5JB DC/20/05718 – 7 Bishops Way, IP21 5JR DC/20/05851 – 11 Bishops Way, IP21 5JR DC/20/05715 & DC/20/05716 – Barley Green Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5JT DC/20/05796 – Buildings at Lime Tree Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5JX DC/20/05694 – Wretts Farm, Kersley Hall Lane IP21 5LA DC/20/05917 – Land to the South of New Street Planning Applications OBJECTIONS submitted: DC/20/02052 – Reconsultation, Castle Hill Farm, Castle Hill IP23 7JT DC/20/05516 – The Ivy House, Wilby Road IP21 5JN, the Council will apply to register the Ivy House as an Asset of Community Value. Councillors noted MSDC planning outcomes as follows – DC/20/03143 – Stradbroke Antiques, Queen Street IP21 5HG GRANTED DC/19/00789 – Listed Building Consent, Town Cottage, Church St REFUSED DC/19/05968 – Land at West Winds, Drs Lane APPEAL ALLOWED DC/20/04357 – 2 Town House, Church Street IP21 5HT GRANTED DC/20/04570 – Havensfield Farm, Fressingfield Road, IP13 8EN GRANTED DC/20/02052 –Castle Hill Farm, Castle Hill, Thorndon IP23 7JT REFUSED SCC0005520MSArt27c15: Barley Brigg Biogas, Suffolk County Council approved the application with 2 new conditions including the necessity for a transport plan to be submitted within 3 months.
Parish Council Updates: • The precept for 2021/22 was set at £36,620, which is a 4% increase on the total precept set for 2020/21. • Mr Trevor Brown was reappointed as the Council’s internal auditor. • The meeting between the Council and the Community Centre has not taken place. • A valuation of a fair market rent for the Health Centre is underway; this figure will be proposed in the new lease which is under negotiation. • Works to replace water heaters and taps at the Health Centre has been completed. • Tree works at the health centre is complete and partially complete at the Church. Works on the trees at the tennis courts will be completed by the end of January. • The ditch at the Health Centre was overwhelmed by storm water and the car park was pumped out. • Quotes for additional work at the Health Centre were reviewed and a decision deferred. • The registration of the Parish Council land is being held up by the current working conditions as a result of the global pandemic.
• Tennis Courts - All documents will be resubmitted to Suffolk Legal as a follow up. • Stradbroke All Stars (SAS) were accepted as a user of the Community Shed. · A ROSPA inspection of the fitness equipment on the playing field was reviewed. Some pieces of equipment were removed due to rot that caused them to become unsafe. · Cllr Edwards and the Clerk received delegated authority to respond to a consultation on a permit review at Denham Mill.
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Available recordings of Parish Council meetings plus all papers, accounts and information can be accessed via the Parish Council’s website. Video recordings of recent meetings are available on the Parish Council Facebook page. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 Email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com Website: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/ PC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StradbrokePC Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA
From The Chair..
At our December meeting we co-opted Antony Bush onto the council. We now have 12 councillors and one vacancy. If you would like to be considered for the vacancy please email Odile our clerk on stradbrokepc@outlook.com for more information. Our December and January meetings both had a number of planning applications to consider including applications relating to two of the four new sites in the Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan. Councillors supported an outline application from Earlswood Homes for the site on Mill Lane (behind the Primary School) but wanted to see fewer houses to bring it more in line with the neighbourhood plan policies. We also supported a full application from Lovell for the site on New Street which we were pleased to note complied fully with the policies in the neighbourhood plan. The Council strongly objected to the application to allow the Ivy House pub to convert to a house. We have applied to register the pub as an “asset of community value”. Together with our district councillor, Julie Flatman, we have requested that this decision is “called in” to a Committee of Mid Suffolk District Council rather than decided by council officers. We are continuing to work to try and keep the Ivy House open as pub and we are very grateful for the large number of comments posted by people in the village on Mid Suffolk’s website opposing the application. These comments really help the Parish Council to make as strong an argument as possible on your behalf to Mid Suffolk. Our view is that the Ivy House has great potential to be a thriving business – particularly with more development in the village coming in the near future. Our next meeting is on Monday 8th February 7.30pm online and you can see details on our website at https://stradbrokepc.org about how to join the meeting. James Hargrave, Chair of Stradbroke Parish Council
Suffolk Police
We are urging the public to be particularly vigilant following a rise in vehicle thefts in our part of Suffolk over the last 2 months. Remember, keep your vehicles LOCKED at all times when not in use & ensure any home CCTV is fully operational. If you have a dashcam capable of recording while the vehicle is stationery and without the ignition on, activate this function, which usually starts recording when movement is detected. For more information on vehicle security please go to https://www.suffolk.police.uk/sites/suffolk/files/vehiclesecurity_0.pdf Tree surgeon tool theft - Suffolk Police are urging people to security mark their tools after a number of thefts connected to tree surgeon equipment. Four have occurred in as many weeks in Woodbridge; East Bergholt and Barton Mills. For advice about the security of power tools, follow the link to our First Principle crime reduction tips from the Suffolk Constabulary Official Page here: https://www.suffolk.police.uk/advice/crime-prevention-z PC 187 Simon Green, Community Engagement Officer, Halesworth Police Station
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Here’s my advert!
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Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down...
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How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?
Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows: Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!
Rachel Lead
KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed
Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology One-One and Group sessions available via Zoom rachelpbck@gmail.com www.ukkinesiology.com 01379 388031 07733 105752
Please send your advert to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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Dirty Oven??
Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie
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Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Stradbroke Good Neighbours are now offering lifts to hospitals and Drs etc. We can only take one passenger sitting diagonally opposite the driver and masks and hand gel will be provided. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed. Good Neighbours 07749445531 Jane Gemmill and the G N Committee
Stradbroke Court House and Library News
Opening hours for the Post Office and Library as normal. A new stock of greetings cards has arrived, so come and have a look. Our library is the only one open in Suffolk at present because of the Post Office. You can take books out from our shelves but unfortunately until all Suffolk Libraries re-open again, you cannot put reservations on books from other libraries. I will let you know as soon as anything changes regarding this. We had a phenomenally busy December this year in the Post Office and with Boris Johnson cancelling the Christmas break for a lot of families that had to travel long distances, the days leading up to Christmas were manic with customers bringing in loads of parcels for posting to their loved ones. Thank you to everyone for being patient as the queues were long and formidable. We made it through and working life is now back to being manageable. A key was found outside the Court House and handed in. If anyone has lost one, please call in and collect. Maureen John, Library/Post Office Manager Maureen John, Library/Post Office Manager
NOTICE: DOGS ON PLAYING FIELDS A reminder that dogs are not permitted on the playing fields at either Westhall or Wilby Road.
THE PROBLEM Dogs on children's playgrounds represent a major health and injury hazard: Toxocariasis - a rare infection caused by roundworm parasites, most commonly found in cats, dogs and foxes faeces. ·
Children and young adults are usually affected due to contact with contaminated soil or sand within play areas by swallowing the infected egg. ·
There is evidence that dogs can also carry E.coli and hepatitis in their faeces.
There are over 7,000 admissions to hospital for dog bites and attacks annually in the U.K. and under 10s were most likely to be admitted. (NHS Digital) ·
Information on the footpaths available for walking dogs can be found at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/footpaths PC Clerk Mid Suffolk District Council has stopped brown bin garden waste collections again. They have also requested that residents DO NOT HAVE BONFIRES the smoke & fumes can be very dangerous for neighbours with COVID-19
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Friendly Professional Carer Offers quality care in your own home Personal care & associated tasks N.V.Q trained Trained in dementia Manual handling References available Contact Andrea 07872530567
My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Village Archive Wanted: Dead or Alive
The following advert was placed in the Ipswich Journal, published on Saturday 29th October, 1743. “Whereas Richard Deeks, late a prisoner in Ipswich Gaol, under sentence of Transportation, broke out on the 14th of September last from the said Gaol; This is therefore to give notice, that if any person or persons secure and bring the said Richard Deeks to Jonas Edrington, Keeper of the said Gaol, he or they shall receive ten guineas reward. NB: He is about five feet nine inches high, about 32 years of age, a ruddy complexion, light thin brown hair (if not cut off) a large scar under his throat which comes up his right cheek, has fawning speech, had on, when he made his escape, a cinnamon coloured coat and waistcoat with a small cape of the same colour and a pair of Buck’s skin breeches. Therefore, if the said Deeks makes any resistance, the person or persons apprehending him may answer shooting him as the law directs, then he or they shall have five guineas. He has been seen at Barley Green, near Stradbrooke and at Stratford, both in Suffolk as I am informed. Signed Jonas Edrington.” It appears from a further report in the Ipswich Journal dated 21st December 1743 that Richard Deeks, who was originally convicted for stealing silver from the home of The Fox family and sentenced to Transportation for 7 years, was re-captured alive in Stradbroke whilst staying at a relations home. Three of the Fox sons apprehended him this time and it was reported that when Deeks realised what was happening he jumped out of his bed and ran a mile or two without shoes or stockings before he was overtaken. One of the young men threatened to shoot him if he didn’t surrender at which Deeks replied that he would be obliged to him for that as he would kill any man who tried to take him alive. The first of the Fox sons who tried to do just that, received two knife wounds in the head, and one in the breast and would probably have received more had the knife not broken into bits. SARA doesn’t know the outcome of this second court appearance or the outcome of the Fox son’s injuries. We do know that the Fox family were an old established family in the village at that time and that there is a family tomb within the churchyard of All Saints Church. The inscription on the tomb is the subject of debate and understanding. More information on the tomb may be found within the Stradbroke Village Archive website. Source: BNA, Stradbroke Village Archive. Ann Readman, SARA
Radio Stradbroke
It was with equal measure of surprise & delight that I learned that last week Radio Stradbroke broadcast its 300th consecutive show since we started the 'Home Service' at the start of Lockdown in March 2020. We are now in the middle of Lockdown 3, with both still going strong. As well as the best music, we have brought you all the local news you need about Village services, the Doctors Surgeries, Schools & Shops, particularly at a time when rules about opening and closing have changed more than once. To listen to your very local Internet Radio Station, every day between 10am - 1pm, log on to www.radiostradbroke.co.uk or get the TuneIn Radio app on your phone, or through your smart speaker, as we head towards a full year of daily programmes. Thank you. Michael Hugman
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01379 677 770
Poppies & Daisies Tearoom Come and visit our vintage style tearooms in the heart of Stradbroke. We offer classic Afternoon Teas, Cream Teas, Over 30 Loose Leaf Teas, Homemade Cakes & Scones and Hot & Cold Food Served all day
Poppies and Daisies 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HT Tel; 07921512052
Find us on Facebook & Instagram
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Letters To The Editors
Many thanks to everyone who brought their boxes along on Tuesday; we are happy to say that the total we collected was £558,23. We were sorry not to be able to offer our usual coffee and cakes but we look forward to getting us all together sometime when it’s safe to do so. Thanks again. Alison 388872 On behalf of Roger, Ali, Carla and myself, I would like to thank all our family and friends for the good wishes, prayers and enquiries following my recent stay in Addenbrookes. It turned out to be a lot longer than anticipated but with their care I am now recovering at home. I still have a few issues to resolve but I am definitely improving. Thanks also for all the lovely cards, flowers and gifts which were very much appreciated. A special mention must go to my friends at the White Hart bowls club for the beautiful floral arrangement and also to my friends on the Church fundraising committee for their bouquet which arrived in January to cheer me up after Christmas. Once the weather is a bit brighter, I hope to see a few of you while out walking and hopefully at a few village events later this Summer (restrictions allowing). I hope everyone keeps well and stay safe. Julie Ward The Poppy Appeal organiser Peter Chetwynd, wishes to give belated thanks, to the local Spar and Horham shops for their support in having collection boxes, and those that donated so generously. Thanks also to the Village Groups and Organisations, who donate generously for the wreaths that are laid. So far this year I have banked £1349 for the Appeal. In these difficult times I am pleased to be able to congratulate Michael Burton on receiving his 50 year service award in raising funds totalling £3729, not forgetting 26 pence for the Appeal. Let’s hope this year the collectors will be able to come a “knocking” on your doors. P Chetwynd
Lottery Bonus Winners
47 R Lee £25; 32 R Ward £25; 18 V Lummis £25; 59 no winner; 23 L Rowe £50; 6 D Davidsen £25; 37 R Chambers £25; 53 no winner; 27 C Dawson. Money donated to Contact Club, White Hart Bowls, Over 60s, District Bowls and the church. M Ellis
Useful Phone Numbers Fressingfield and Stradbroke NHS Medical Centres Fressingfield Medical Centre. Tel: 01379 586456 / 586227 Stradbroke Medical Centre. Tel: 01379 388313 / 384220 www.fressingfield-medical-practice.co.uk Samaritans: 116 123 24hours Citizens Advice: 03444 111 444 9am – 5pm weekdays Shelter: 0344 515 1860 8am - 8pm weekdays, 9am - 5pm weekends ACAS: 0800 470 0616 24hours Relate: 0300 0030396 BOOKING appt. Monday-Thursday: 8am to 8pm, Friday: 8am to 6pm, Saturday: 9am to 1pm Universal Credit: 0800 328 5644 Chemist 01379 870 233 (Eye) 01379 642 436(Diss Boots) Norfolk And Norwich University Hospital 01603 286 286 Ipswich Hospital 01473 712 233
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The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 19th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.
Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
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OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday 07:00-20:00 Saturday 07:00-18:00 Sunday 07:00-14:00 Phone number 01379 388547
Local COVID 19 NHS Information
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Up to date vaccination information can be found at the Suffolk and North East Essex COVID-19 Vaccination Service website https://sneevaccine.org.uk/
Suffolk and North East Essex Long Covid Assessment Service (SNELCAS)
People in Suffolk and north east Essex suffering significant physical or mental health issues associated with COVID19 now have access to a single, integrated package of care. The Suffolk and North East Essex Long Covid Assessment Service (SNELCAS) is a virtual clinic which will refer patients directly to the appropriate services or specialist clinics for their needs. Clinicians within the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (SNEE ICS) have so far treated more than 700 patients who have developed longer-term health problems after recovering from the acute phase of COVID-19 in hospital. A significant number of patients have also been managed in the community after reporting symptoms to their GPs. Long Covid is defined by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as, ‘signs and symptoms that develop during or following an infection consistent with COVID-19 which continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis’. The condition usually presents with clusters of often overlapping symptoms that may change over time and can affect any system within the body. Many people can also experience generalised pain, fatigue, persistent high temperature or mental health problems. Patients reporting symptoms to their GP that are significantly impacting their health and wellbeing will first be assessed to rule out other potential causes and, if necessary, will be referred into Secondary Care for specialist treatment. If after 12 weeks their symptoms have not improved, their GP will refer them into the SNELCAS screening hub. From there they will be further assessed and can be referred into a combination of other services such as physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, dietetics, mental health services and social prescribing, with further hospital treatment if necessary. Excerpt from.. https://sneevaccine.org.uk/2020/12/21/new-care-package-for-long-covid-patients-launched-in-suffolk-andnorth-east-essex/
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Seeing the cricket square either under snow or water stretches the imagination that the season is just three months away. Of course, these matters are out of our hands, but having lost most of last Summer, we do not intend to lose any of 2021 through lack of preparation. Saturday League fixtures have been arranged, in two halves in case of a delayed start, plus we have entered the Suffolk T20 Plate & National Village Cup competitions. The financial, and moral support the Club received last year from the governing body (ECB) right down to the villagers of Stradbroke, has motivated us to keep going through difficult times. The next 'new normal' is our AGM, which will be held remotely on 'Zoom'. We very much value the opinions, ideas, support of all of you who have an interest in the welfare of the Cricket Club. It is on Thursday 28th January at 7:30pm. If you want to be part of it, the Meeting ID is: 845 7654 2354 & the Passcode is: 6Ss4n8. It would be good to hear from you. Thank you. Michael Hugman
News & Views Borderhoppa
We are so pleased to announce that our full dial-a-ride service is back up and running. It has been a long period of uncertainty for everyone but we are now able to once again provide transport around the local area for our members. However, we all need to continue to be alert and take all the precautions we can while attempting to go about our usual business. Seating will be limited for a while to allow for the correct social distancing within the vehicle and we will ask passengers to use the hand sanitisers provided on the vehicles and to wear face masks. We are also asking that where possible, the driver is paid in the correct change as we are trying to limit the amount of cash that is passed around. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the office on 01379 854800 or email adminborderhoppa@btconnect.com. We look forward to seeing you all soon! Borderhoppa
UPDATE! Buses and Other Services for Stradbroke
You can book our two community buses in advance for different services now during Covid 19. The offices are very friendly and helpful. Drivers are volunteers. Borderhoppa (pay up to £10 pa to join) See advert in this magazine. Regular bus service to Harleston on Wednesday and Diss on Friday. 01379 854 800 Socially distanced: limited no of passengers, masks, deep cleaning, Covid safety first, etc. BSEVC - Passengers for medical appointments at present, one passenger at a time: deep cleaning, masks, etc, Covid safety first. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - James will pick up small amounts of shopping, do posting, etc, if you phone ahead. Please phone the office regarding the service, as things may change. 01449 614271 118 - There is a limited 118 bus service from opposite The White Hart to Ipswich and back, Monday to Friday. Details are posted in the library and around the village.
Toni Wisbey
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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News & Views
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Faster and more reliable Broadband for Stradbroke The Parish Council’s broadband working group have been looking at options to get faster and more reliable broadband in Stradbroke. We looked at several options and have decided to work with County Broadband who are a local East Anglian supplier of high speed full-fibre broadband. They provide their broadband services to rural communities across Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Most recently they have started to supply villages in South Norfolk such as Bressingham, Pulham Market and Great Moulton. County Broadband provide what is called a fullfibre broadband service bringing a fibre-optic cable right to the door of every premises rather than relying on old-fashioned copper for the last part of the connection as BT’s fibre to the cabinet solution does. This enables two main benefits. · The connection is much faster. Currently most people in Stradbroke have connection speeds between 10Mbps and 30Mbps. Full-fibre connections are available from 50Mbps to up to 1000Mbps · The connection is much more reliable. Copper cables are an old-fashioned technology that was never designed for high speed internet. How would County Broadband do this? County Broadband are able to use the existing BT open reach infrastructure such as telephone poles and ducts in the pavement to bring their fibre cables to the door of each house. Some people might need some work done such as digging a trench and this would be individually agreed. All installation is included free if you decide to take a connection from County Broadband. How much would this cost? Installation is always free. Current prices for broadband are shown below: Speed
Cost per month Notes
Six months free 300Mbps trial
£28 for first six months
£29.50 for first six months
If you also want a landline telephone then prices are below: Plan
Cost per month Service
Unlimited calls to UK Landlines starting 01, 02, 03
Unlimited calls to UK Landlines starting 01, 02, 03 and UK Mobiles
Unlimited calls to UK Landlines starting 01, 02, 03 and UK Mobiles plus selected international numbers
Please help to get this option for the whole village! Express an interest in the service without any commitment to buy! To bring the service to Stradbroke, County Broadband needs “expressions of interest” from around 40% of Stradbroke households. Expressing an interest does not mean that you are committing to buy the service just that you will receive further information from them and be offered the chance to place an order. To express an interest: 1) Go to https://countybroadband.co.uk/ 2) Where it says “let’s get you started” enter your postcode into the box and click “go” 3) Scroll down the page until you see the “register your interest” option, click “go” Fill the online form in with your details and click “register” (If you had a form sent to you in the post you can also fill that in and return it.) When could this happen? If enough people express an interest the project moves into the second phase (orders) and then if enough orders are placed into the third phase (design and build). Once the service is built then County broadband will be in touch to arrange individual connections. This could happen later in 2021. More information Check out Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/FullFibreStradbroke James Hargrave, Broadband Working Group
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
Our Farm Shop is Open. Well stocked with Home & Local Grown Fruit & Vegetables. Sacks of Potatoes £8:50 Nets of Onions £3. Orders can be taken. Red/White Onion Sets Shallots and Seed Potatoes Now in stock. Fruit Trees, Laurel, Box in Stock. We offer a Large Selection of Hedging Plants Orders can now be taken for Valentines Please check out Facebook page ETHERIDGE NURSERIES for all information. e.g Fruit & Vegetable list.
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website www.goddess-beauty.co.uk Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804
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Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
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Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
E J BROWN Builder
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Dan Poulter, MP
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At the time of my writing, the Prime Minister has addressed the nation once more and we find ourselves living under further restrictions, with the current advice being to stay at home to stop the spread of coronavirus. Whilst there is no doubt that in fighting the old variant of the virus, our collective efforts were working, but we now face the added challenge of the new strain of the virus, which is between 50% and 70% more transmissible. This new strain has led to a rapid surge in infections, hospital admissions and increased case rates across the country, including here in Suffolk. If we are to protect our NHS and in turn, ourselves and our loved ones, we must all play our part and follow the guidance so that our NHS can focus on the herculean task of delivering the critical vaccination programme. It is the vaccination that will finally free us from this virus and the restrictions it brings to all our daily lives Vaccinations have already begun here in Suffolk and I have been lobbying Ministers and Public Health colleagues to ensure that we have adequate site provision here in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich. Our public health team and NHS colleagues here in Suffolk are working tirelessly to deliver the vaccines as quickly and efficiently as possible, to those most in need and I would echo their plea to ask residents not to block phone lines to GP surgeries or hospitals enquiring about when the vaccine might be available – residents will be contacted directly, in turn, and invited to attend their nearest site for vaccination. Whilst I and indeed, our Prime Minister, understand just how frustrating this latest lockdown is, it is vital that we all continue to take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and those most vulnerable in our communities and to slow the spread of the virus. Again, I would like to thank each and every one of you who are continuing to play your part and following the rules. It is vital that throughout lockdown, we continue to protect jobs and our local economy, and the Chancellor has unveiled further financial support for businesses and individuals. Locally, the Suffolk Support and Advice Line can help with financial and employment advice - 0800 068 3131. In addition, the Home But Not Alone free phoneline, supporting the most vulnerable in our communities is available via 0800 876 6926. Both lines are staffed from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. As your MP, I shall always work hard for the people of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich and if there is anything I can help with, please get in touch via www.drdanielpoulter.com
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.
Village Diary
February 1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk, and every day 3rd Broadband Webinar County Broadband, go to www.countybroadband.co.uk/more/events (see front page) 8th Parish Council meeting – all can join remotely (see page 6) 11th Informal online book club at 2pm with Revd Susan Loxton (see page 4) 19th ***Deadline for submissions for March edition strictly by this date*** March 1st Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk, and every day
COVID19 - LIFE IN STRADBROKE PROJECT So… hello 2021… #lockdown
The Stradbroke Archive and Record Association (SARA) has set up a new online archive to capture what life is like in lockdown for the residents of Stradbroke. It is hoped that by collecting our social history of this global event in real time, that generations to come will have a real window into our village experience in 2020/21 This new archive is slightly different to the other two online archives, it is designed to allow really easy upload by villagers of their contributions - anyone can add photographs, short videos, memories (as text) and audio recordings from computers, tablets and mobile phones! SARA want to capture the every day types of experiences as well as the special events such as VE Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day etc... SARA want the village of now and in the future to see how the global pandemic has changed and affected our day to day life, so join in and add your experiences. Go to