June 2018
Following last year’s major success when the men’s tour came through Stradbroke the women’s race is set to take Stradbroke by storm on Wednesday 13th June. The route comes along the Wilby Road and then turns rights at New Street T junction and proceeds along Church Street and out of the village towards Laxfield. This year not only do we want everyone to cheer the competitors on and decorate the route/houses but later in the day we’re having a party! Fun for the whole family on the Playing Field. Crazy bikes, Simulators, Open Air Cinema (Jungle Book), Radio Stradbroke, BBQ (Fressingfield Scouts), Licensed Bar and soft drinks. If the great British weather lets us down then we move everything into the Community Centre. The fun starts at 6pm and goes on until 9pm everything is free of charge except food and drink. Do bring your own chairs, rugs, woolly hats and anything else you might to ensure a great evening. Roger Turkington (on behalf of the Community Centre and Mid Suffolk District Council) (Editors Note: The OVO Energy Womens Race is expected to travel through the village at approx. 12:50pm onwards. See Page 12)
Stradbroke Youth Engagement Project: Catch 22
“Catch22 are in the process of confirming all details for the start of the free sports project on Monday 4th June 7.308.30pm every week on the school field. Suffolk Positive Futures are working with Suffolk Police and Stradbroke High School to deliver a free sports project every week to the young people living in and around Stradbroke to stop boredom, increase fitness and provide positive role models. The project is currently part of the Tesco Bags of Help in store voting competition and the more people that vote for our project will mean we can deliver for more weeks and reach more young people. To vote just ask for a blue token from the tills and pop it in the Catch22 Suffolk Positive Futures box.” Stradbroke Youth Project
Jobs Club
Jobs Club help comes to Stradbroke Courthouse on Monday 2nd July 10am-12pm. The Harleston Jobs Club will be bringing their Jobs Club service to Stradbroke Courthouse on Monday 2nd July. Drop in anytime from 10am-12pm to get help with: · · · ·
Job searching CVs, covering letters and application forms Interview tips and advice Training opportunities * Careers advice IT help Volunteering opportunities Business start-up information
*Free training such as First Aid, Food Hygiene, Customer Service and IT is available at the Information Centre with free transport provided into Harleston. The Jobs Club is funded by the European Social Fund, all our services are free and confidential. Please contact Lucy Marjoram on 01379 851920 or email jobsclub@harleston-norfolk.org.uk for further information. Lucy Marjoram
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Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk You would be most welcome to join us this June: Sunday Worship Services 10:15 June 3rd will be a combined service with our friends from All Saints Church at SBC. Speakers this month: 3rd, 10th, 17th B. Francis; 24th D. Keeble Wednesday 13th Lunch Club 12:00 Saturday 16th Create and Chatter 10:00 Wednesday 27th Drop in for Coffee 10:00
Got Questions? Good! Bring them as we look into the Good News of Jesus Christ. Mondays between 2 & 3pm, Thursdays between 7 & 8pm Dear Neighbours and Friends, Thank you for such a warm welcome to Stradbroke! It has been my great pleasure to meet so many of you and chat awhile as I have been going around the village. What a beautiful picture of Suffolk you present together: colourful and sweet smelling gardens, the anticipation as bedding plants and seeds are carefully sown and laid out, climbers secured to reach upwards with their bright arrays – and, with the Lord’s blessing of sunshine and refreshing rain, the picture will only become more appealing. But my real delight was found in your kindness and conversation over a cuppa or as you took a break from your labours in the garden or rested awhile from your walking. Thank you for taking time to welcome me. May I also assure you of a warm and friendly welcome at all of our activities throughout the month held at the Baptist Church building. If you haven’t been for a while, or if you’ve never been, please come along and meet us and see for yourselves what we do. Beginning on Monday, June 18th 2-3pm, and Thursday, June 21st 7-8pm we will be creating a time to gather and explore some of the basics of Christianity and the life of Jesus in all its life-transforming relevance to us today. Please come along and explore with us. So, until we meet again, may the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Bruce Francis – Pastor, 0755 360 4119, bruceatsbc@outlook.com
Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531
The Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church wardens, Peter Chetwynd 384069; Karen Ruth 388762. If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan.
Services: 3rd June 10.15 am Churches Together at the Baptist Church 10th June 8.00am Holy Communion, said service 17th June 11.00 am Holy Communion, followed by coffee & tea 24th June No service in All Saints church 24th June 10.00 am family@church at Fressingfield, for the Benefice, all welcome 1st July 11.00 am Family service, followed by coffee & tea Hand Bells are practised fortnightly in the Community Centre. If you are interested in joining the group, whether you have experience or want a new challenge, give it a try. Contact Graham, 384022 or drop by on 6th June at the Sport and Social Club room. Visiting church bell ringers are attempting a 3 hour peal from 1pm on Sunday 3rd June.
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
The Art Exhibition was quite successful. We could have done with a few more visitors, this was due to the lovely sunny weekend. To date, the artists have not been paid as yet a final total next month. But thanks to everyone who worked so hard. Our next event is a Cake Stall on May 26th in Church. June 2nd a Book Sale in church, 10am to 3pm. June 8th is Cash Bingo in the Com Centre at 7.30pm. June 23rd is Coins on the Wall and cakes, 8.30 onwards, so please save your coins for our church. Once again, many thanks for your support. Mary Ellis
From the Rectory
Dear friends and neighbours I was listening to the radio this morning and apparently Archbishop Justin Welby has said that he is going to use as inspiration for the Royal Wedding talk a song that has been in the pop charts by Stormzy, called “I’m blinded by your grace”. I know this song because my daughter had texted me the YouTube link to it, thinking it may be something I could use in church, and, after listening to the words, we did just that at one of our family@church services.The younger members of the congregation liked it particularly and so did some of us older ones, and for those who didn’t like it, I am sorry that you probably had it going around and round in your head for ages because it’s a catchy tune! Apparently when a song won’t go away it is called an ‘ear worm’! I can think of worse words going on in our heads: some of us have words echoing in our heads for years, like ‘you’ll never make something of yourself, you’re stupid/ugly/silly…’ the list goes on. Negative words can have a negative effect on us that can prevent us from reaching our potential because we don’t think we are good enough. Well, I have news for you; God thinks you are good enough, good enough to send his only son to die so that we can be friends with God. In the bible we read in the very beginning the story of creation. After God created each element of life, he said it was good, and when he created humankind he said, it was very good. So, when you doubt yourself and think you’re just not good enough, remember that God says you are. We need to remind ourselves that we humans, both men and women, are all deserving of respect, love and kindness, and if that is not your experience then talk to God about it and allow the warmth of his love to warm your heart. Thinking about the words that may have affected us over the years should make us more careful what we say to one another. Next time we are tempted to say something unkind, let’s remember those ear worms and say instead something positive and encouraging. God bless, Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Parish Pump
MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 14th May 2018 Next full Council meeting 11th June at 7.30pm, next PC Clinic Tuesday, 19th June (2.15pm): both at the Court House. Planning Applications considered: DC/18/01697 – Land adjacent to Street Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5HX Councillors requested more information on this application as they were unable to reach a decision from the information available. DC/17/05565 – Meadow Way, IP21 5HX Councillors reviewed new information available. The new information was not sufficient for the Councillors to change their original decision not to support the application and reasons for refusal were sent to Mid Suffolk. DC/17/02603 – Land formally known as Mark Peacock Landrover, Neaves Lane IP21 5JE Councillors noted that additional comments by the Parish Council have been submitted in response to reports uploaded by the applicant. Applications granted: DC/18/01305 – Valley Farm. Change to permitted development to 3 dwellings from 2. 1071/13 – Grove Farm. Listed building consent granted DC/18/01541 – Silver Glades, Drs Lane IP21 5HU. Remove large stem near power lines. Parish Council updates: • As this was the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council the election of Chair and Vice Chair took place. James Hargrave was elected Chair and Maureen John was elected Vice Chair. • Councillors noted the resignation of George Chaplin. The Parish Council has 4 vacancies that can be filled by co-option. • Councillors reviewed the structure and membership of all Committees and Working Parties. • Councillors reviewed the Internal Audit Report and noted the two points raised: firstly, the amount of the precept for 2018/19 needed to be noted in the minutes – the figure was approved and shown in an appendix but should be in the minutes too. Secondly, Councillors noted the comment that consideration should be given to the level of reserves the Parish Council currently holds, as these have been depleted with the purchase of the play equipment. Both points were noted. • The Asset Working Party will meet with representatives of the Community Centre to resolve the issue of the gates to the rear of the Community Centre. The Asset Working Party will also review correspondence received from the Stradbroke Trust and arrange a meeting if appropriate. · The Parish Council will investigate setting up a Parish Council email account for each member of the Council. The cost to the precept will be approximately £650 per year. · The Parish Council were pleased to support Catch 22 in their Youth Project with a grant of £250 and were happy to pass on the details of The Stradbroke Trust to Catch 22 to make an application to them as they had offered to support the project too. Grants were also made to Mid Suffolk CAB and Stradbroke Contact Club. • A letter was received concerning dogs being allowed on the play area at Westhall. The Parish Council would ask dog owners not to let their dogs foul in this area. Odile Wladon (Clerk ) Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org
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Life In The Legion R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch
The Annual Dinner (Spring Lunch) for the above was held on Thursday 19th. April in Laxfield Village Hall. 57 Members and Guests enjoyed a 2 Course Lunch provided by Bakewell Catering of Scole, with the Chairman, Michael Burton presiding. The Royal Toast was proposed by our President, Alan King, a Normandy Veteran and holder of the Legion d’honeur. Our principal Guest was Michael Cole of Laxfield who entertained us with a brief history of his working life as both a Newspaper and Television Reporter, who proposed the Toast to the Legion. The reply on behalf of the Legion was given by the Suffolk County Chairman, Ken Rowbottom, a member of our neighbouring branch - Fressingfield. The Toast to our Guests was proposed by our Secretary, Bernard Mills, and he welcomed particularly Alf Bloomfield, our County Representative and the County Standard Bearer, and our former President Ted Bootle - another Normandy Veteran and holder of the Legion d’honeur. Ted’s family had brought him from Leicester where he now resides. On behalf of the Guests, Dawn Cavilla, Chairman of Fressingfield Branch, suitably replied. It was a nostalgic occasion as our Chairman would be retiring, after more than 30 years in the Chair, at the AGM in November. As a consequence the President presented him with the Ken Richardson Shield, which is within the Presidents remit, Penny Stanford, Membership Secretary, presented the Tommy Campbell Preston Tankard for “best attendance”. Finally Ralph Williams, on behalf of the committee and members, presented him with the Simon Crow Tankard, for the person “Who had done most for the Legion in the past Year.” It was the first time all three awards had been given to the same person - a very appropriate unique occasion. Penny Stanford and Joyce Cooper (Standard Bearer) had arranged a most successful “Hamper Raffle” which produced welcomed proceeds for Branch Funds. Bernard C Mills, Secretary Branch Secretary, Bernard Mills, was the speaker at the May Monthly meeting held at Laxfield Royal Oak, who spoke on the history of our great ex-service organisation, “The Royal British Legion”, and on behalf of the sixteen members and guests present, Branch Chairman Michael Burton, who presided, thanked him for a most interesting talk. During the business part of the meeting the recent annual dinner was discussed; and yet again was a very successful event. The Branch Chairman, Michael Burton, thanked all for their work in particular branch secretary, Bernard Mills, and his wife Ann. Branch Officers gave various reports which included Branch Standard Bearer, Joyce Cooper, Membership Secretary Penny Stanford, Laxfield Poppy Appeal organiser Karen Sands, and Branch Secretary Bernard Mills who also gave the Treasurer’s Report. The next branch meeting will be on Thursday June 14th. to be held at our usual venue Laxfield Royal Oak, starting at 7 pm; when the guest speaker will be Caroline Mackinson a project co-ordinator for the Citizens Advice Bureau, all invited to attend. Michael Burton (Branch Chairman)
Although we always hope to see a hot, sunny June, with our variable climate this is not always the case. However, should the weather turn out to be dry then the gardening job which should be at the top of the list now is watering, plants are growing rapidly and need both water and food if they are to give of their best and evening gives more time for water to soak in overnight. The battle against weeds is relentless, in every square metre of soil it is estimated that there may be as many as 100,000 weed seeds. Why are they such a bad thing? The simple answer is that they compete, they drink water and absorb nutrients from the soil, they crowd your crops for space, hogging the light and putting them in the shade. Pumpkin and Winter Squashes can be planted out this month, they need lots of well-rotted compost or manure. Runner bean plants can be planted out. I always dig a trench, fill it with well rotted compost each year, so as the soil and compost is always changed, I can keep them in the same place each year. Tomato plants can be planted out they will benefit from protection against the wind, and they need regular removal of the side shoots, these grow in the angles between the leaves and the main stem. Tie in new canes of hybrid blackberries that have grown up this year, they will not bear fruit, they should be tied in securely during this month and next. In the Autumn the old canes that carried this years’ fruit should be cut down to ground level and the new canes will take their place to fruit next year. Next month it is the annual flower and vegetable show at the community centre on Saturday 21st July and it would be great if we can have some more allotment members exhibiting, I do have 4 catalogues available many thanks in anticipation. Ivor Hyde
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Stradbroke W.I
May meeting of Stradbroke WI. The evening opened with the usual offices with Gill reporting on an enjoyable group meeting hosted by the Fressingfield W.I. and a brainstorming session organised by M.S.D.C. and B.C. discussing the issue of inactivity in the older population and others and how to address the problem. There were many interesting ideas but most of them scuppered by the lack of transport and funding, nothing new there. Next Jennifer lead us through the resolution for this year which was to lobby the government for parity between the care provision for physical health and that provided for mental health issues .A short quiz demonstrated some scary statistics regarding the numbers of mental health sufferers and there was a great deal of lively discussion where most members agreed the principal but not the presentation of the resolution. A vote was taken and the resolution failed on the grounds of agreeing with the principal but nothing positive in lobbying the government as this was already a big issue fully in the media with high profile supporters. Thank you Jennifer. Our speaker for the evening was our own David Merritt a retired commercial pilot who came to talk about his flying experiences and the background to being a commercial pilot. David began by explaining the strict criteria for pilots , the ongoing training and examinations the hours that could be flown in a year and the routine medical and physical health checks that they have to pass to keep their licence to transport hundreds of people around the world thousands of feet in the air with only one set of wings between them. These rules we all found very comforting but then we heard about the fun things that can happen!! The obvious risk of terror attacks are well known and our unpredictable weather can cause chaos on the ground as well as the skies but we would not think about temperature changes as the plane passes over factories with furnaces causing air turbulence or ice forming on the wings and around the engines making control and power of the aircraft more of a challenge, the placing of some runways that require extreme precision to negotiate safely and of course the Irish version of a precision radar controlled landing in the fog which translates to the air traffic control looking out of their window and talking the pilot down. I may never fly to Ireland or anywhere again. In all good sense David and his thousands of passengers are still alive to tell the tale so perhaps it’s not all bad. We also heard about the use of morse code and the phonetic alphabet used universally in communications and were given papers demonstrating both methods. Now for all quizzers did you know that all the Piper manufactured aircraft are named after Native American tribes e.g. Cherokee Apache e.t.c. . Caroline gave our vote of thanks to David for a fascinating talk then we all rushed off to find a hot drink to warm and soothe us in equal measures . Our next meeting will be 7.30pm on June 14th when Steve Pomeroy will talk to us about all things Bamboo ! so do come and join us you will be most welcome at the community centre . Prue Rush
Stradbroke Archive
As this year’s bowls season begins and the competitions get under way SARA is reminded of an event which took place in 1947 and was reported in the Norfolk and Suffolk Journal and Diss Express within their Friday 19th September edition. That year The White Hart Bowls Club travelled to Felixstowe where the Vice-Captain’s team beat the Captain’s team. “Apparently the party after the match decided to refresh themselves both inwardly and externally; having successfully completed the former they proceeded to the seashore where, unfortunately, one member of the party somehow managed to get out of his depth and fell fully-clothed full length into the sea.” “Had it not been for the prompt action of Mr Allan Ward of Church Street, Stradbroke who, without hesitation, although also fully clothed, dived in and brought him to the shore, the outing might have been marred with serious and fatal consequences.” Today’s Stradbroke has a great deal to thank Allan Ward for since, without his intervention in saving the Webb photographic plates and then depositing same with the Suffolk Records Office, this village would not enjoy the wealth of visual historic images we may now view at the Stradbroke Library in Queen Street. SARA Source: www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk Ann Readman. SARA
Stradbroke Primary School
Can you believe we are halfway through the summer term already! As ever, the children have been working really hard. The children in Years 2 and 6 have been so focused and worked their socks off when completing their SATs. They have done their absolute best and we are so proud of each and every one of them! This term, we took a team of 8 year 6s to a swimming gala at Diss Swimming Pool. They represented the school beautifully, supported each other and came fourth out of twelve teams – congratulations to those who participated. We are very excited to welcome musician and composer Aga Serguo-Lugo into our school later in June. Throughout the day, he will be working with each class to explore music from a range of different cultures with the day culminating in a performance for parents. We first met Aga during ‘A Celebration of Schools’ Music’ at Snape Maltings in March where he inspired everyone and we can’t wait for his enthusiasm to spread throughout the whole school! Hannah Hunt, Head of School
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Organisations Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News
The next ‘Friday Friends’ Café is on Friday 1st June. We have decided to open up these sessions to anyone who would like to come for coffee, cake and chat. There is always someone to talk to at these friendly open café sessions and Maureen and Kamal are on hand with information and any concerns that you might need some help with, particularly printing off forms or IT assistance. But we will try to assist with anything else. The ‘Friday Friends Café’ will always be Dementia Friendly and Vicky from Age UK comes along to support but it will also be welcoming to those that just want to come along and have a friendly chat and meet other people in the village. Our next ‘Bacon Bap Saturday’ in the café is Saturday 2nd June. The smell of bacon and coffee ensures we have a full house for this monthly event. The Women’s OVO Energy Cycle Race is on Wednesday 13th June and coming through Stradbroke at approximately 1pm. The Court House Café will be open from 11.30am to celebrate this unique event, so come and join us. We still have some tickets left for our ‘Summer Garden Party’ on Sunday 24th June from 12 noon to 5pm at Moat Edge, Cedar Close, Stradbroke by kind permission of June and Allan Hampson Tickets are £15. There will be Pimms, a large variety of Canapes plus Strawberries and Cream. Tickets are £15, so get yours quickly before we are sold out. Book at the library or phone 01379 384768 or 07507802360. LIBRARY NEWS The Summer Reading Challenge starts in July when school breaks up. This year the theme is ‘Mischief Makers’ and involves Dennis the Menace and his pals from the Beano. More information in the next Stradbroke Monthly so watch this space. So calling all children to sign up and do the challenge, which involves reading 6 books through the summer holidays. Bookshoots We are thinking of starting a project for adults and children in the summer holidays. This would involve reading a children’s book that has been filmed, watching the film at the library, then coming together to talk about it—three sessions in total, and not just for families. If interested, contact Maureen at the library. More details in July’s magazine. This could be a really fun project for us all to take part in! Maureen John Library/ Post Office Manager
Radio Stradbroke
As the sun shines, Radio Stradbroke breaks out of the studio like a prize bloom, spending as much time doing outside broadcasts as the continuing Sunday Sessions. We combine both at Dublogic, at Debenham Hall, on May 27th, followed by Horham Village Fete on Saturday 2nd June, British Heart Foundation Craft Fair in Stowmarket on Saturday 9th June, & finally the Womens Cycling Tour of Britain, which passes through Stradbroke at lunchtime on Wednesday 13th June. We should be in peak broadcasting condition by the time Stradisphere comes around on 6th & 7th July. It is year 5, the biggest & the best yet. We are proud to be the host broadcaster. It is 12 years since we planted that little acorn. Not quite a mighty oak, but Radio Stradbroke should have a preservation order slapped on it. You would miss us if we were gone! www.radiostradbroke.co.uk & TuneIn Radio. Michael Hugman
Wingfield and District Gardening Club
Helen Hillier came to give us really good ideas on container gardening. She described how she always used broken polystyrene at the base to provide good drainage, followed by peat-free compost. Early in the year branches and gathered pieces of wood were used to provide a structure against which plants were tucked into the spaces created. Daffodils, alium, cowslips, pansies and a little trailing ivy. In suitable containers rock plants can be used, the background being broken tiles used like rock strata, with compost between. Tiny aqueliga, saxifrage, auricular and sempervivums dressed with fine gravels. Herbs are very successful and in the case of mint, contained. She suggested golden oregano, lavender, lemon mint, rosemary, sage and lemon balm. In another pot she used cornus trimmings in the centre with ragged robin and dianthus around them. On 23rd June we re-visit the gardens seen in January. We meet at Wilby Village Hall car park at 10am. C Traylen
Over 60s
We had two meetings in May, both very well attended, we have two more new members. who were welcomed by us. On the 31st we have a trip to Wroxham Barns. Our June meetings will be on Thursdays the 7th and the 21st in the community centre at 2.00 till4.00, why not come along. On 21st we will be having a musical quiz arranged for us and played by Dougie Chittock. Our next trip will be on Thursday 28th June to Oulton Broads including a 2 hour boat trip which we are all looking forward to. Joan Grimes
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
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Parish Council Notes From the Chair…
I’d like to introduce myself as the Chair of Stradbroke Parish Council this year. My name is James Hargrave and I have lived with my family in Stradbroke for around 14 years. Maureen John is our Vice-Chair this year. Firstly I would like to thank Ellie Wharton who was our Chair for the latter part of last year, she stood down as Chair but she’s continuing as a councillor. George Chaplin resigned after the April meeting and we thank him for his input over the last 3 years. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Nick Stones for his many years of service on the Council including taking on the Chairman's role when needed. Nick decided to leave the Council earlier this year. We currently have four vacancies for councillors and are looking to co-opt people to fill these. If you would like to be considered please get in touch with our clerk Odile Wladon on 07555 066147 or email stradbrokepc@outlook.com. We will offer support and training for new councillors and you only need to sign up for a year as there are elections in 2019! We are aiming to co-opt councillors at our next meeting on 11th June. There is lots going on at the parish council as you can see from the “parish pump”. Mid Suffolk District Council are conducting the final consultation on our neighbourhood plan and the next stage is for this to go to a planning examiner before a referendum later this year. You can see some frequently asked questions about the neighbourhood plan below. We are also working on a few things to bring the council a bit more up to date by moving to online banking enabling us to pay our bills online and we are conducting a trial of Council email addresses for each councillor and online storage for council papers and documents. You can keep up to date about what is going on at the Parish Council on our website http://Stradbrokepc.org James Hargrave, Chairman of Stradbroke Parish Council
Neighbourhood Plan FAQ
1. What is CIL and what are the advantages of it? CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) is a planning charge paid by the developer to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of the area. Mid Suffolk do keep some but Stradbroke will get an amount directly. It can be spent in many ways such as: · Physical infrastructure: e.g. highways, transport links, cycle ways, energy supply, water, flood alleviation, · Social infrastructure: e.g. education, health, social care, emergency services, art and culture, sports halls, community hall · Green infrastructure: e.g. play areas, public open space 2. Who monitors and reviews the plan? The Parish Council will continually monitor development and will review the Plan on a regular basis. Formal reviews with Mid Suffolk will take place at a minimum of every 5 years. 3. What is meant by 'Affordable Housing' in the Plan? Housing provided by bodies such as local councils and housing associations. It does not mean houses that are “affordable” on the open market; these are referred to as low cost market housing or starter homes. The Clerk
Lottery Bonus Winners 38 D Pennycate; 20 J Bedwell; 41 P Shelford; 5 D Cracknell. Donations of £48 to the Over 60s Club; £24 to the church; £24 to White Hart Bowls Club. M Ellis
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
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The original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 18th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke. A place to talk to the village. Post your village group updates, local events, lost & founds and items for sale!
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Forthcoming Events
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Red Feather Club
The Red Feather Club in Horham has a packed calendar of events planned for 2018 with dances, open days and a quiz. Saturday & Sunday 16th & 17th June: The 95th arrive at Station 119, 75th anniversary weekend - details to be announced. Saturday 23rd June: Dance - The Devils Cut Combo are back by popular demand with guest DJ Slimboy. Sunday 24th June: Americana Day. Public open days: The last Sunday of the month from April to October. 10am-4pm. May 27th, June 24th, July 29th, Aug26th, Sept 30th & Oct 28th. The Red Feather Club is four miles south-east of Eye off the B1117 (IP21 5DG). For details of prices, times, ticket availability etc for dances and other Red Feather Club events visit our website at www.95thbg-horham.com. For Sat Navs, our postcode is: IP215DG. 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, Coldhams Hill, Denham, IP21 5DG, enquiries@95thbg-horham.com, www.95thbg-horham.com. Mike Ager
Lyrical Jukebox at Wilby Village Hall
Wilby village hall proudly presents Lyrical Jukebox live on Saturday June 30th. Doors open at 7pm - tickets only £5. Bar - refreshments available. Playing music from the 50s to the 80s. A real mid-summer music fest for you to sing along to, there’s certainly something for everyone! We would love your support. Tickets from : alisonandian5@btinternet.com or tel. 01379 3881 Ian Taylor
Heveningham Hall Country Fair Weekend - 30th June & 1st July
Aviation and motor sports concours, aerobatics, action horses, bungee jump, power boats, sheep show, Horsepower Hill, Wall of Death, dog show. Supporting local charities. Open 10am to 5pm. www.countryfair.co.uk Volunteers are essential to the successful running of the fair so I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has some time to spare and would enjoy becoming involved. Mike Stephens - 01986 798583 or email foodee@hotmail.co.uk Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust - registered charity number 1095403 - For the Community - all proceeds raised by our events go to local charities. Temporary Road Closure for Air Displays To comply with Highways and Civic Aviation Authorities regulations, there will be a temporary road closure from Heveningham Hall main drive entrance to the first junction in Walpole, on Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July, for approximately 30 minutes between the hours of 2.45 pm and 3.45 pm. Mike Stephens
Ceilidh Dance
Ceilidh Barn Dance. Come, dance have a go, watch, enjoy and have fun. With- Harbour Lights Ceilidh Band- Caller Niki Acott, Plus Stepdance Special & Dancing Jig dolls on Saturday July 21st 2018, at Wilby Coronation Village Hall, IP21 5LR. Doors open 7pm for 8pm start till late. Bar-Food-Raffle Available. Tickets £7.50- Book ASAP. No tickets available on door. Doreen- 07591 499912 Matthew O’Connor
Huntingfield Open Gardens
Huntingfield Open Gardens Weekend including an Art and Photography Exhibition on 9th and 10 June from 12 - 5pm. Entry £5 couple, £3 single. Mike Stephens th
Rummikub Club
The Rummikub Club is closed for the summer and will recommence later this year. Date to be advised. Mike & Yvonne Wilkins
Horham Fete
Horham Open Village on Saturday, 2nd. June, Car Boot starting at 11.00am Fete 1.30 - 4.30 Arts & Craft Exhibition in the Old School with Cakes and Ale, and a “Masterpiece” to paint. There will be a Dog Show and Agility Demonstrations on the meadow as well as the usual stalls and tombola. Open Church Tower, Classic Vehicles, Teas, BBQ, Live Music and Morris Dancing, Radio Stradbroke. Tel: Old School Arts and Crafts - Christine 384168, Car Boots - Karen 07775672220
Phoenix Singers
Phoenix Singers – 7.00 pm – 7th July 2018 – Framlingham College. Poulenc Gloria, Brahms Requiem. Tickets £12 (under 18s £6) – available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham, Juniper Barn, Rendham. William Glasse william@glasse.org.uk – 07802 597071, choir members and at the door,Charity No. 1076549. Stephanie Askew
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Cinema
On June 21st we will be showing ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’. Funny, brutal and breathtakingly beautiful. Frances McDormand excels as a mother taunting the police to uncover the truth about her daughter’s death. The billboards she puts up on the entrance to town are central to the themes of this film that is full of rich characterisation, wit and moral questions. The film had 7 Oscar nominations and won 2 - Best Leading Actress and Best Performance by an actor in a supporting role. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under. Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt
WEA An Afternoon with Roy Tricker
WEA Talk. The WEA are delighted to welcome Roy Tricker to Stradbroke on Tuesday June 19th at 2.00pm when he will be giving a talk about Eccentric Clergy in Suffolk and beyond followed by a visit to All Saints Church, Stradbroke where he will share his expertise about the church. As a former Regional Officer for the Churches Conservation Trust, Roy’s love and knowledge about churches, their treasures and people is infectious and he was recently awarded the British Empire Medal for his services to Heritage in Suffolk. If you would like further details please contact me at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951. The cost will be £6.00 Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Stradbroke WEA Chair
Stradbroke Church Village show
The village show is on 21 July. Schedules are available from the bakery shop & the library. Enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 st
Concert at Dunwich
On June 3rd 2018 at 3.30pm St. James’ Church Dunwich, IP17 3DT: A concert of Baroque music given by the WOLLASTON CONSORT; Julie Harmer – flute; Peter Clayton - harpsichord & organ. A Sunday afternoon concert followed by tea & cake. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Andrew Campbell
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market
Saturday 2nd JUNE 10am -12.30pm Your friendly community market held in All Saint's Church & the Royal Oak and outside on Church Plain”. This month there will once again be around 40 stalls, some of them faithful regulars and others new to us. The market is never the same two months running so do have a good look round. There’ll be a wide variety of goods on offer in each venue. There’ll be delicious local foods for meat eaters and vegetarians alike including Laxfield goat’s cheese (with low food yards rather than food miles!), sourdough bread, free-range eggs, organic vegetables, and maybe more asparagus, too. Not so local but just as delicious is the virgin olive oil to be found in the church and don’t forget the Fairtrade foods on offer in the Oak. Then there are the crafts – do have a look in the Oak at Christine’s beautiful stained glass decorations and watch teenager Pyro Jack doing his pyrography. In the church, Robin Bartlett has some lovely turned wood for sale, Jacqui King sells hand-made soaps … and you can find out about the 2018 Horticultural Show. Talking of horticulture, there’ll be plenty of strong healthy plants for sale. There’ll also be a selection of secondhand and vintage items. The bellydancer duo who entertained us at a market last year will be with us again at the June market. So why not settle down with a drink and a slice of the Scrumptious Sisters’ cake of the month to enjoy … Spiral Tribal Bellydance! And when you’ve finished at the market, why not pop across the road to see the new exhibits at Laxfield Museum? It will be open from 11am until noon. The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you for a sociable time on the first Saturday morning of every month. Always different, always friendly! For a pitch, please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852
Art Exhibition
Every weekend and Tuesdays, 11 am until 5 pm, in June 2018, Wingfield Barns will be hosting the very interesting and varied work of 7 Suffolk artists in conjunction with Suffolk Open studios. At least two of the artists will be there at every opening to discuss their work, if necessary, so please come along. We look forward to seeing you. Sue Clarke
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
Sports Roundup
Page 20
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Hello everyone. In this report I will not comment on the weather, you may recall that I did so in my last report and then we had that particularly wet spell. The green opened as scheduled on 21 April and it was a pleasure to welcome some new faces, not as many as we would have liked, however, it was an encouraging start to the season. As I suggested in the last issue, if you were unable to come to the opening, please feel free to come along to the roll ups on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm, when you will be most welcome to join in, but please remember to wear the flat-soled shoes of trainers to protect the green. We will supply the bowls. I have included in this report the home fixtures for the remainder of May and for June and you are more than welcome to come along and watch a game in progress and someone will always be on hand to advise as to how the game is played. These are evening games and usually start about 6.45pm.We sincerely hope to see you on the green and to get involved in the bowls scene. st
League Fixtures: Waveney – 2 woods
Saxmundham – 4 woods
Tues April 24 Wortham H Stradbroke Lost
Wed May 9 Sweffling H Stradbroke Lost
Tues May 1 Shotford A Stradbroke Lost
Mon May 14 Leiston H Stradbroke Won
Thur May 10 Thornham Magna H Stradbroke Won
Mon May 21 Peasenhall A
Fri May 18 Connaught A A
Mon June 4 Aldeburgh A
Tues May 22 Beeches H
Thur June 7 Yoxford H
Tues May 29 Dickleburgh H
Tues June 12 Long Stratton H
Mon June 11 Wenhanston H
Mon June 18 Dennington A
Fri June 15 Gissing H
Mon June 25 Laxfield H
Tues June 26 Wortham A Non-league games Sat June 23 Barrs Cup H in-house competition, starts 5pm Bowls Bingo. This raised £90 for the club funds and our thanks to Mary and helpers and of course to all who took part. The next bingo is on Friday July 13 in the Community Hall and starts at 7.30pm. Congratulations to June Alderton, winner of the President’s Cup and Mike Murray who was the runner up. This was played on May 5 . In closing we thank you for reading this report and sincerely hope to have the pleasure of your company in response to our appeal for new members. Please contact me if you need further information about the club. Best regards, Roy Lee (01379 384729) th
White Hart Bowls Results as follows. Waveney League: Thorndon away won 81-58 Scole home won 62-52 Mid Suffolk League: Shotford away lost 48-74 We played Waldringfield in the Sun Bowl and go through to the next round winning 95-69. Lynn Ruth
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road,Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
The cricket season is like Christmas. You look forward to it for months, when the day finally arrives you open your present, only to find socks! Thursday night, the sun shines, the pitch looks immaculate, Saturday morning, it is under water. I don't know who Sod is, but I don't like his law! Patience is a virtue, & a week later we won at Woolpit. Seven days on, we lost in the rain to Elveden. Rain, win, lose. A microcosm of Stradbroke Cricket Club. Fergus Morgan has been the star, Runs, wickets, & five weeks of coaching in local Primary Schools. The upshot of his efforts is that 14 Juniors (9 - 11yo) have signed up for Friday Night coaching, & encouragingly, 9 more (5 - 8yo) for the All Stars programme on Sunday Mornings. There is still plenty of room for more. In time we will see if the word 'legacy' actually means anything. June sees us host the two Primary School Kwik Cricket festivals, & if you yearn to watch a match, the Club is at home on Saturdays 9th, 23rd, & 30th June, & Sunday 3rd June, all 1pm starts. Finally thank you to those former players who have taken time to relive days gone by with me. The history of Stradbroke Cricket Club still has more holes in it, than a colander, but a picture is emerging. Anyone else with similar memories, please get in touch with me. Thank you for supporting your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre
Stradbroke’s Swim & Fitness Centre hosted its best ever SWIMATHON 27th – 29th April, with its highest ever entry of 233 swimmers taking part in this year’s Swimathon raising funds for Cancer Research and Marie Curie. This has put this “mega” small North Suffolk pool into third position (number of swimmers taking part) in the UK, amongst some 600+ pools that take part. If that is not sufficient the Swimathon film team plus Swimathon’s icon leader Duncan Goodhew MBE attended the entire Saturday session. Duncan is an amazing inspiration producing a huge “wow” factor for swimmers taking part and a large number of families and supporters turning out for the event. He presented medals, started swims, encouraged every one and even got into the pool to accompany some swimmers (not everyone can say they have swum next to an Olympic champion!). It was Duncan’s fourth visit to the pool, his first being when he opened the facility in 1991. Yet again organisers Maria Smith and Len Phoenix have taken this pool into the top five participating centres throughout the UK. The centre’s management company Everyone Active have fully supported the event with Stradbroke being their highest performing pool throughout the country. Highlights include Stradbroke Primary School Team of 7 youngsters (5-7yrs) called Class Act all of which recently learnt to swim via the centre’s swim scheme each achieved 600 to 1000 metre swims. They were Nuala Duffy, Ellie Smith, Ruby Dixon, Ruby Howard, Emily Sanders, Mollie Orvis and Danny Russell. The fastest 5000m swim came from Stradbroke resident Jenny Thompson who clocked an amazing 1hr 11mins for her 250 length effort. Organisers Len Phoenix clocked his 30th consecutive Swimathon and Maria Smith swam her 23rd. Nikki Hambling amazed everyone by doing half her 5000m in butterfly stroke, while Steph Harvey romped through her 5000m having learnt to swim from the Adult Learner group during the past year. Friday evening 5000m swimmer Sue Robinson achieved 5 Swimathons, (various locations) over the weekend, finishing in the Olympic Pool in London reported back that Stradbroke was her most enjoyable and best organised venue. There’s more! Three teams of 5 from Stradbroke High School all completed the 5000m distance. Autistic nine year old Rylan Cox astounded everyone by achieving a 400m swim coping with the huge crowd and 20 length swim. His highlight was meeting Duncan Goodhew plus his Swimathon medal. Finally on Sunday morning Stradbroke Swimathon hosted 20 teams (mostly of 5 swimmers completing 5000m). It was a carnival atmosphere with a huge chunk of friendly rivalry. The proceedings kicked off with 80 year old Dave Penycate recuperating from recent hip surgery defied his non swimming ability with 3 lengths of the pool followed by roof lifting accolade from all the teams. Just two words sum up Stradbroke’s Swimathon 2018 success- “ECSTATIC & EXHAUSTED”! Len Phoenix
Stradbroke Tennis Club
After a cold and damp start the tennis season has now got underway and league matches are being played in both the Lowestoft and South Norfolk League. We are in the top division of both leagues and after an encouraging start we hope to consolidate our position in Division one in both leagues. A junior coaching programme is also underway and if you want more information please contact Andy Bedwell on 07725 851426 or 01379 384796. Andy is also available for Individual and group coaching for Adults and Juniors. Club afternoons are held on Mondays and Thursdays from 1.30 so why not come and have a game you will be most welcome. We are keen to attract new members all standards are welcome. Subscriptions have not been increased this year and therefore remain good value. For further details give me a ring on 01379 384557. Courts are also available for hire through the Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre. You can contact them on 01379 384386. There is a charge of £8.00 an hour per court and £4.00 an hour per court for under 16. With Wimbledon nearly upon us why not take the opportunity to have a game, the courts are in good condition and we are fortunate to have such good facilities in the village. Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club
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For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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E J BROWN Builder
Page 26
Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
News & Views
Page 27
Stradbroke Trust
After the recent heavy rain in April and subsequent washing away of part of the entrance to the Allotments, with the associated risk of flooding a nearby home, we have installed another drainage pipe to run alongside the existing pipe, costing £916.50. This will prevent any future damage and with the entranceway being also strengthened will hopefully last for many years. We gave a donation of £500 to the Stradbroke High School to help towards the costs of a visit to The Foundling Museum and the Globe Theatre in London. Nowadays school visits are very expensive and we are pleased to help, if we can, towards trips or projects which can benefit the educational health and well-being of local children. Following the recent anti-social behaviour, we were approached by a project called ‘Catch22’, asking if we could help financially to support a programme. This is to be held at the Stradbroke High School, and is aimed at helping young people develop the skills and confidence to reach their goals and achieve through activities, education, and volunteering opportunities, a reconnection with their local community. We are happy to hear they have now acquired the necessary funding and we have donated £750 towards a very worthwhile project We were very grateful to receive a donation of £230 from the family of the late Eric Cox’s funeral collection. Mr Cox was instrumental in the formation of the Stradbroke Charitable Trust and this donation will go towards improvements to the Stradbroke Surgery Jane Merritt - Secretary for The Stradbroke Trust
Friends of All Saints Stradbroke
Some of you may be aware of our recent two unsuccessful applications to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant to help us make the most prominent building in our Village – All Saints Church - not only completely waterproof, but also to enhance the interior with an exhibition and performance area, kitchen and disabled toilet. We have been assured, by The Archdeacon, that this building is here to stay, BUT it is in dire need of renovation works to make it weathertight. Our funds stand at £49,161.17 and we are extremely grateful to all our 59 Members, who pay £10 per year, 5 Life Members, for the Food with Friends events, the support we receive at our annual Plant sale and for all the donations we have recently received. However, we are sorry to say that this is nowhere near enough to pay for the basic works needed, amounting to £114,000, just to stop the rain getting in and preventing further damage. We are now starting again with renewed vigour and approaching other sources for funding. Can you help too? Would you consider becoming a Member and paying £10 a year? Would you like to be involved with our fund raising or as a Committee member? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, please contact Margaret Streeter – 01379 384869 or Jane Merritt – 01379 388382. Our AGM will be on Monday July 9th at 7pm in the Webb Room at the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to come. Thank you. Jane Merritt – Secretary for FOASS
Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre
We are keenly aware of the problems we have had regarding the new heating system and know it has affected some user groups more than others. We are asking for your patience as we all get used to the system. The decorators have almost finished giving the Centre a new look and our chosen colour scheme, following advice from a Design Consultant, is proving a popular talking point. Change is a good thing! We held an enjoyable evening on May 12th listening to the Jazz refrains of local ‘Stradjazz’ founder, Bob Kerr. His 5-man band led us from ‘Button up your Overcoat’ to ‘Pineapple Rag’. We were also treated to singing from April Groen, a renowned Jazz singer from Horham, plus jiving and dancing from members of the audience! We will be holding a ‘Family Fun Sports Day’ at Westhall in the summer where you can showcase your sporting prowess - so watch out for the posters! Jane Merritt, Chairman, SSCC The Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre was held on Tuesday, 15th. May. Reports were given by Jane Merritt, the Chairman, and Mike Moody, the Treasurer. No one on the committee wished to stand down so they were voted back “en bloc”, with the inclusion of Toni Wisbey who is the new Parish Council rep. The officers are Jane Merritt (Chairman), Mike Moody (Treasurer), David Merritt (Bar person and Caretaker), Roger Turkington, (Bookings Manager), Margaret Streeter, Secretary. Margaret Streeter
Letter To the Editors “I would like to thank the Stradbroke Community Centre Committee, for the enormous amount of hard work that they put into the stripping, cleaning and refurbishing of the hall. They also put considerable effort into acquiring funds from various organisations to finance the transformation. We have been very fortunate for some time in having a Community Centre with excellent facilities, but it is now even better equipped, and has greater versatility. It provides Stradbroke with a venue suitable for a wide range of functions, both public and private. Well done! Carol Darling”
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Sports Roundup cont...
Stradbroke Football Club
The Seniors hope to field a side in the SIL League in the coming season. Anyone wishing to play, contact Olly Self, New Street, Stradbroke or M Ellis, 01379 384469. The Club is also looking for a secretary as our long time secretary, S Hambling, has retired from the position. This is not an arduous job but we must have one to minute, especially we now hope to field a side. We shall have our AGM soon. M Ellis
News & Views Borderhoppa
Need help with transport? Borderhoppa buses are available to people of all ages who are unable to use ordinary bus services either because of mobility difficulties or because there isn’t a bus service for them to use. Our door-to-door dial a ride service can take you shopping, to medical appointments (excluding hospitals), to visit a friend or relative or attend a local club. Our regular members outings are very popular. We have trips to the seaside, garden centres, shopping trips, boat trips and pub lunches. If you would like to find out more about the great service we provide please call us on 01379 854800 or visit our website www.borderhoppa.org Borderhoppa Admin
Determined Pat to take on charity challenge
A determined grandmother is gearing up to take on a colossal challenge this summer by walking 120-miles in just 10 days to raise money for the charity which cared for her husband before his death. Pat Rennie, who lives in Holton, will trek the Suffolk Coastal Path from Lowestoft to Felixstowe and the Sandlings Walk from Ipswich to Southwold, in memory of Bud, her husband of 54 years who passed away in June following a brave battle with cancer. As well as honouring Bud's memory and marking the anniversary of his death, Pat will also be raising funds for Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund (HCNCF), which provided vital support to allow him to remain at home in the last few weeks of his life. Supported by members of her family, she will begin her trek on 19 June and hopes to finish within 10 days. To make the achievement even greater, Pat will be taking on the challenge just days after celebrating her 75th birthday. "To me and my family, Bud was our rock," said Pat. "He had a quirky sense of humour and even in those last weeks could make me smile. He was truly a lovely and remarkable man and will always be my hero. "I decided to take on this challenge to honour Bud's memory and as a way of thanking people for their incredible support. Finishing the walk would be a real achievement for me as I will recently have celebrated my 75th birthday. It's also likely to be an emotional few days, as it will give my family and myself the chance to share our memories of a wonderful man and reminisce about the happy times we spent together. "HCNCF made such a difference to us by providing the specialist equipment and additional nursing support to allow Bud to remain in the comfort of his own home, where he was at his happiest, in the last weeks of his life. I hope that by raising as much money as I can for the charity, other people will also be able to benefit from the same exceptional level of care which helped us so much." Dr Kevin Maclusky, chairman of HCNCF, said: "We are really pleased that we were able to help Bud to remain at home during his illness and are incredibly grateful to Pat for taking on this challenge to raise funds for our charity. "We wish her all the best for the walk and look forward to congratulating her on her achievement afterwards." To sponsor Pat, visit https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/patrennie1
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
Page 30
TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
Page 31
Working to secure better mental health services for patients and their families in Norfolk and Suffolk, our local MP, Dr Dan Poulter secured an urgent debate in the House of Commons on Wednesday 2nd May, calling on the Government to provide greater support for mental health funding across Norfolk and Suffolk. As someone who works in the NHS as a mental health doctor, Dr Poulter has first-hand experience of the challenges faced by staff and patients on a daily basis. During the debate, Dr Poulter also highlighted the need for greater communication between the NHS and local councils to ensure closer working and enhanced delivery of services for patients, particularly for those with complex care needs. Mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk have been under-funded for decades and many of the challenges faced by the Trust are compounded by a lack of funding. Extra money which has been allocated by the Government specifically for mental health services has been redirected into local councils and the acute physical health sector to help overcrowded A&E departments attempt to meet their waiting targets. This has been to the detriment of the provision of mental health services in the area. Despite its best efforts, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has also been hampered by worsening recruitment problems. Capacity to recruit trained professionals in the East of England is particularly challenging; the East of England has the lowest number of Consultant Psychiatrists per head of population, compared to anywhere else in England. It is incredibly difficult to transform and improve quality of care without a qualified workforce to deliver it. Dr Poulter is a longstanding supporter of the Trust and although there are current issues with lack of capacity and staffing difficulties, he believes that with further support from the Government, the team at the Trust can make improvements for the benefit of patients. Speaking after the debate, Dr Poulter said “I am especially pleased that in responding to the debate, the Minister was both receptive and sympathetic, encouraging the Trust to submit a bid to Government for further funding. However, I also want to see greater joined up thinking and communications between the NHS, our local councils and the Police; this will help to deliver financial savings that can be put straight back into frontline patient care, whilst at the same time also improving outcomes for patients and their families here in Suffolk.” Dan Poulter
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
Village Diary May
26th All Saints Church Fundraising Committee cake stall in the church (see page 4) 27th Radio Stradbroke on air at Dublogic in Debenham (see page 12) June
1 ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 12) 2 Horham Village Fete, with car boot starting at 11am, (see page 17) 2 ‘Bacon Bap Saturday’ in the Court House café (see page 12) 2 Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 10 am to 12.30pm (see page 18) 2 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee book sale, 10am to 3pm (see page 4) 3 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 3 Stradbroke Cricket Club home game, starting at 1pm (see page 22) 3 Visiting bell ringers attempting 3 hour peal from 1pm (see page 4) 3 Concert at St. James’ Church Dunwich at 3.30pm (see page 18) 4 Stradbroke Youth Engagement Project due to start (see front page) 5 Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday 5 Jumping Beans for babies/toddlers/children under 5, and every Tuesday 7 Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 8 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Cash Bingo (see page 4) 9 Stradbroke Cricket Club home game, starting at 1pm (see page 22) 9 /10 Huntingfield Open Gardens Weekend (see page 17) 10 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 11 Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 7.30 pm (see page 6) 13 Baptist Church Lunch Club at 12.30pm (see page 3) 13 Women’s Tour of Britain passing through Stradbroke (see page 12 and front page) 14 WI meet in Community Centre (see page 10) 16 Baptist Church Create & Chatter (see page 3) 17 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 19 Parish Council clinic in Court House at 2.15pm (see page 6) 19 WEA talk in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 18) 21 Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 21 Stradbroke Cinema presents Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ (see page 18) 22 **Deadline for submissions for July/August edition strictly by this date** 23 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Coins & Cakes (see page 4) 23 Stradbroke Cricket Club home game, starting at 1pm (see page 22) 23 Wingfield and District Gardening Club garden visit (see page 12) 23 Dance at Red Feather Club (see page 17) 24 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 24 ‘Summer Garden Party’ from 12noon to 5pm (see page 12) 27 Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee (see page 3) 30 Stradbroke Cricket Club home game, starting at 1pm (see page 22) 30 Lyrical Jukebox at Wilby Village Hall (see page 17) 30 Heveningham Hall Country Fair (see page 17) st
nd nd nd nd rd rd rd rd th th th th th th th
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July 1 Heveningham Hall Country Fair (see page 17) 2 Jobs Club help at Stradbroke Courthouse, 10-12pm (see front page) st
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.