June 2019

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June 2019 No.453

The OVO Energy Womens Tour is coming back through Stradbroke! The race will come through Stradbroke at approximately midday on Monday 10th June 2019. Radio Stradbroke will be out, sharing commentary and live streaming video so if you are out of the village and wish to share in the excitement you can tune in at www.radiostradbroke.co.uk

Residents Pack! Advice from the organisers‌

Be sure to check the website www.womenstour.co.uk/stages for further information, updated ETAs and detailed interactive maps of all five routes!

Sponsored Page

Local Churches

Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk You would be most welcome to join us this June: Sundays Worship Service 10:15-11:15 Joint service with All Saints Church on 2nd June at the Chapel Wednesday 12th Friendship Lunch 12:30 – All Welcome! Wednesday 26th Friendship Lunch 12:30 – All Welcome! Thursdays Prayer Meeting 13:30 at the Chapel Bible Study 14:00 at the Chapel Hope in Eternal Life John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 14:1-3 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 6:35-40 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” May God’s blessings be yours in abundance, Bruce Francis 01379 388744 or 07484 219 265 or bruceatsbc@outlook.com

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Telephone: 07749445531 Do you need our help? For example, a lift to the surgery, or to a hospital for an appointment? Can we pick up a prescription for you? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm? Then contact Good Neighbours. We only charge for mileage. Our friendly volunteers will be happy to help. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice please. Carol Darling


Did you know that, along with our door-to-door dial a ride and outings service for members, not for profit community groups can hire our minibuses for their own outings. Go to destinations of your choice, visit your favourite places or enjoy shopping trips with your group. Our requirements are very simple. Your group must register with us as a not for profit organisation, cost of our annual group membership is £15, tell us the aims of your organisation and when and where you would like use of a minibus. If you would like to make a booking or for more information please call 01379 854800, email adminborderhoppa@btconnect.com or visit our website at www.borderhoppa.org

Local Churches

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All Saints, Stradbroke

Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church wardens, Peter Chetwynd 384069; Karen Ruth 388762 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan. Services: 2nd June 10.15 am Village service at Baptist Church 9th June 8 am HC said service 16th June 11 am HC followed by coffee and tea. 23rd June No service in All Saints 23rd June 10 am family@church in Fressingfield 30th June 10 am Benefice HC in Fressingfield

All Saints Church Fundraising Committee

Once again the Art Exhibition was successful, raising £1738.32 plus £51.80 taken for book at the car boot at the high school. Thanks must go to everybody who helped at the Art Exhibition in any way. Forthcoming events re: June 1 Coins on Wall and Cake Stall so please come and bring your pennies. We look forward to making it a bumper event. June 28 & 29 Flower Festival depicting Suffolk as it is Suffolk Day on 23 June we hope to inspire people to come. Coffee, Teas and Cream Teas will also be on offer in a marquee 10-5 each day. July 27 is the Annual Flower & Veg show in Roly’s hands in the Community Centre from 2-4pm. Bring your potatoes to be weighed. August 16 we have a Pimms Party in the Rectory Garden in Doctors Lane. More details next month. Once again thanks for supporting the aged ladies who work hard. See you on 1 June. The Committee extends its sympathies to Maria and family at this sad time. Mary Ellis st







From the Rectory Dear friends and neighbours

As I sit at my desk and write this letter, the sun is shining, my dog is outside sunbathing and I am looking at a colony of honey bees which have taken up residence in an oak tree in the garden. The bees are fascinating to watch even though I find them a little frightening. I love that the rectory garden has an area that is only cut once or twice a year and wild flowers, weeds and cow parsley abound, making it a good place for insects. I feel that I am doing something good for God’s creation. However, I like to watch from a distance, preferably from behind glass! Yes, I am not great in close proximity to any insect. Why am I mentioning this? Well, I was thinking about fear and how most of us have small or indeed big fears at some time in our lives. For me, fear is often linked to the unknown – what is going to happen in this situation? Why have I woken up sometimes feeling low or agitated? Will those honey bees sting me?? The first thing I do when I feel like this, is to call out to God and ask him to help me. Often, he doesn’t swoop in and make me feel better straight away; instead he directs me to the bible and specifically to one of his promises. This morning it was a few verses from the prophet Isaiah; Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. Being a Christian isn’t always easy, God doesn’t always answer our prayers by taking us out of a painful or fearful situation, but he promises to be with us in it. Knowing that he is with us, gives us the strength to keep walking through whatever life throws at us, waiting for the storm to pass so we can once again dance in the rain. God bless, Susan

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Hair Logic Closing It is with sadness we announce that

Hair Logic will close at the end of April. We are sorry to leave Stradbroke as we all

enjoy working there but the

circumstances are beyond our control. All stylists from Hair Logic will be

working at Sarah's Hair Design in Eye for the time being whilst we try to re-locate.

We thank all our clients for their custom over the years and hope to see many at

Sarah's Hair Design in Eye - 01379 871560. Many thanks from Sarah and team.

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Parish Pump

Meeting Of Stradbroke Parish Council 13th May 2019 Planning Committee meeting: Monday, 3rd June 2019 at 5.30pm Next full Council meeting will be on 10th June 2019 at 8.00pm, next PC Clinic Tuesday, 18th June 2019 (2.15pm): all at the Court House The meeting held on 13th May was the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the first meeting following the election at the beginning of May. The newly elected Parish Councillors are: Pam Cane, Don Darling, Chris Edwards, Jeremy Fox, James Hargrave, Kamal Ivory, Maureen John, Velda Lummis, Dennis Merritt, Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Peter Smith and Toni Wisbey. Stuart Gemmill was unavailable for the first meeting of the new Council but will complete all necessary paperwork by the next meeting on 10th June. James Hargrave was elected Chair and Jeremy Fox as Vice Chair. Members of the Council’s standing committees were elected and a Chair appointed to each one. Toni Wisbey will continue as the Parish Council representative on the Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre Committee. The Planning Committee will meet on Monday, 3rd June 2019 @ 5.30pm at the Court House for a pre-submission planning meeting with a developer concerning the Land South of Mill Lane – referred to in the Neighbourhood Plan as Policy STRAD18. The public are most welcome to attend. Further information can be found on the Parish Council website.

Planning Applications reviewed at the meeting: DC/19/02401: Willow Cottage, Pixey Green IP21 5HH SUPPORTED DC/19/01930: Land North of Jubilee House, Meadow Way IP21 5JW OBJECTED Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: DC/19/00022: Land to the south of New Street GRANTED Parish Council updates: · Members of the public addressed the Parish Council with concerns regarding the planning application off Meadow Way. · Councillors reviewed the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and all reaffirmed adoption of the Suffolk Code of Conduct. · The internal audit report was reviewed and Councillors noted there were no audit points raised. · Councillors were reminded of the need to ensure that the Council held sufficient reserves as per the previous year’s audit. · Councillors noted that the first instalment of CIL had been received. · An update was given on the Community Land Trust which is being established in Stradbroke. · Complaints were received regarding litter and damage to the play equipment at Westhall, as well as use of motor bikes on the playing field. These matters will be looked into further. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA

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Dirty Oven??

Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie

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May 2019 Meeting Of The Stradbroke W.I. The meeting opened with a welcome to all from Gill followed by a rendition of Jerusalem, always a good start. Gill went through the usual business and thanked our hostesses for the evening, Margot and Joy and to Joan who could not join us on the night but provided the table flowers and birthday posy for Wendy. From here we moved straight to our speaker for the evening Pam Mead who was to talk to us about crystals. Nobody was quite sure what this would entail but we soon learnt that Pam had worked for what used to be The Standard Telephone Company and was involved with the storing and keeping of crystals .Why? you might ask. It seems that crystals are an integral but small part of most communications and radio systems as each crystal carries its own radio frequency and helps to enable transmissions . The more mature of us particularly the boys will remember their crystal sets which they would have built at home or in school , great fun in the days before our current technology. These crystals were also to be found in aircraft transmitters, navigational aids and the old fashioned valves that used to run our TVs and radio sets. Some of our members asked about the possible healing powers of crystals but this was not a subject that Pam felt she had specific knowledge of but admitted that she made sure her husband had a crystal in his trouser pocket and he stayed well for 38 years, good. At this point one of our members informed the meeting that she always wore a most attractive crystal on a chain around her neck to protect her throat and singing voice and this had proved most effective over the years. Who knows. Pam had also brought along some samples of crystal in the raw and as jewellery and ornaments which were greatly admired by all the members. Pam was thanked by Linda on our behalf for a most interesting talk and display , thank you Pam. Next we moved on to the resolutions which were presented to us as usual by Jennifer with the aid of a couple of quizzes to test our knowledge, or not, on the subjects. The first resolution was .A call against the decline in local bus services and a request that the government and local authorities should give more help in the form of subsidies to help the transport companies to run a viable service After some lively debate for and against the resolution was passed unanimously. The second resolution was entitled , Don’t fear the smear, which urged W.I. members to be encouraged to attend for their smear check so that cervical cancer could almost be eradicated. This caused some lively discussion some of it about the wording as every female of appropriate age and beyond current restrictions should attend for checks as cancer is not fussy about whom it attacks and at what age, and that more nurses should be trained to perform a comfortable smear test for all women. In the end the vote was, 9 in support, 8 against and 4 abstentions, therefore the resolution was carried .Interesting. There was a little more business , mostly information, to deal with and refreshments were served as the members carried on with their interesting discussions. The meeting drew to a close and the ladies went home looking forward to the June meeting when David Webb an actor from the Hi Di Hi will come to talk about his time on the series, should be fun all welcome on the 13th June. Prue Rush

Life In The Legion – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch

The Chairman Mr Bernard Mills, led the May meeting. Twelve Members gathered together to share friendship and exchange news. Those who knew Ted Bootle, past President of the Branch, will know he was a doughty WWII, RASC soldier, who was attached to 6th Airborne Division. His role was to deliver ammo and supplies to the troops after landing on DDay. He tore through the German lines, possibly a little lost in the chaos, with his lorry of food and ammo, to reach the Pegasus Bridge and Major Howard. He was a welcome sight to troops who had run out of ‘bullets’. Ted subsequently fought on in various locations, ending up in Palestine Peace Keeping, until he was demobbed in 1947. Alan King, the current President, who was a Sherman Tank, wireless operator at DDay, and a fellow holder of the Legion d’Honneur, paid tribute to Ted (94) whose funeral was 2nd May. Ted was a good friend to the RBL and to Laxfield village. His ashes will be scattered at Laxfield at a future date. News:-The Branch is participating in the Stradbroke Church Flower Festival 29/30th June. Jill Graham has volunteered. Future Meetings, come and join us, member or not:- The speaker at Laxfield at 7pm, 13th June is, Lucy Croft. Nat West Bank. Subject 'Scams’. The speaker at Stradbroke Old Court House, 7pm on 11th July, is Dr John Wyke Consultant Gastroentorologist at Ipswich Hospital. Subject '‘The Digestive Disorders Foundation Suffolk, and the Bowel Cancer Screening Program.’ 12th Sept, 7pm at Stradbroke, Geoffrey Robinson is speaking about Buffalo Bill’s 1903 visit to East Anglia. Interested in Stradbroke talks Contact:- 01379 388602 to save a ticket. Leave name and contact number for return confirmation. Thanks:- The Chairman wished to sincerely thank Mrs Jane Fisk and her helpers in Horham, for all the fine work carried out as poppy organiser and collectors over many years. Is there a local volunteer who would take up the role? R.G.W. RBL contact:- Bernard Mills mills.laxfield@gmail.com

Rosemary Warne, MBE, DL

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Stradbroke Court House and Library News

A Special ‘Two Rivers Book Festival Event’ At The Library On Thursday 20th June 1-4pm Folded Book Art Workshop - Transform an unwanted book into a work of art through folding and cutting, with the Book Surgeon Michael Holton. Adults and children 8 years + £12 (W&BA members £10) Book Your Place At The Library 01379 384768 Court House Café The next ‘Friday Friends’ Café is on Friday June 7th 2019. These café sessions are dementia-friendly but open to everyone, so come along and meet people for a friendly chat. There is usually someone on hand for anyone needing advice and support. Events coming up: Summer Lunch In The Meadow on Sunday 14th July 12-4pm Tickets £15 available now in the library. Booking essential 01379 384768 Stradbroke Library/Court House Weekly Events Monday : Tiny Talk Baby Signing 10.30 am. Contact Gemma Patnell 07855181253 Rummikub Club 2-4.30pm Tuesday: ‘Jumping Beans’/Rhymes/Stories/Craft for 0-4yrs old 10-11am. Wednesday: Pilates (please contact Nikki Hambling 07899888778). Thursday: Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm. Last Thursday in the month ‘Thursday Bookgroup’ 2.30-4pm for the over 50s. Friday: First Friday in the month ‘Friday Friends’ dementia- friendly café session 10am-12pm. Saturday: Court House Café 9.15am-12.15pm. Maureen John Library/Post Office manager

Lottery Bonus Winners

4, D Leeder; 10, P Chennery; 41, T Moore; 24, J Dann; 3, M Jenkins. £48 donated to Over 60s; £48 donated to the Contact Club; £24 donated to the Church. M Ellis

Wingfield and District Gardening Club

At our last meeting Tom Harbinson talked to us about ponds, both artificial and natural. He suggested that if your garden pond had developed a leak you take it back to the beginning. Remove any fish and plants involved and if possible keep some of the water, repair the liner. There are some excellent products available, then top up to the required level. Replace the plants and fish, water lilies can be split t this time and if you are replanting in a natural pond or moat, even an eight inch piece if root will grow. Iris and marsh marigolds can also be put back in at this time, De-oxygenisation can occur with hot weather or pollution but he said that ponds can be better without water weed. Very dark shadow can kill anything so trees over the ponds and moats are not a good thing but willows can be pollarded. Pond weed can be removed by raking. Canadian pond weed is very invasive and must be removed. Very fine chalk can be used to improve once some of the silt has been removed. If you ish to keep them fish such as carp and rudd can be used. On 25th May we visit Pm and John Back’s garden in Syleham and on 8th June we visit Finch’s in East Bergholt. Meet in Community Centre car park at 9.30am on 25th May to visit Syleham garden at Whitehouse Farmhouse and on 8th June we visit Natalie Finch in East Bergholt. C Traylen

Stradbroke Allotments & Gardening Association (SAGA)

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to mulch fruit crops. To mulch simply means to spread a layer of garden compost, composted bark or decayed manure to a depth of several inches over the area of the plants, this helps to conserve moisture, keeps the soil warmth in the soil and in the case of fruit trees, encourages the fruit to swell. On the allotment there is more lettuce, radish, leaf beat, spinach, carrots, turnips and peas to sow to ensure a continuity of supply. Marrow, courgettes, cucumbers and sweetcorn sown in individual pots can also be planted now. Strawberries are now in need of straw or matting to keep the fruit off the soil and prevent them becoming gritty. Place nets over them to keep the birds away. Traditionally the best time to sow fennel is after 21st June, the longest day of the year. It’s said that the plants are then less likely to bolt. Modern varieties are more forgiving, so any time in June should give you a crop in early autumn. Ivor Hyde

Wingfield Open Gardens -The Great Garden Trail

June 15th & 16th 11am - 4pm, we have 18 gardens open , scarecrow trail, Open Studios art exhibition/ sale and plant and craft stalls, supporting St Elizabeths Hospice and St Andrews. Lots of refeshment venues & light lunches. Tickets at GWC equestrian centre. Lorraine Ware

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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.

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Radio Stradbroke

June is a busy month for Radio Stradbroke with appearances at Horham Fete, the Ovo Womens Cycling Tour, plus a staff trip to the Radio Caroline boat, but all roads are leading to 'Stradbroke Music Day' on Saturday 13th July on the Playing Field. Already 15 musical acts are booked, including headliners 'Hemingway', Breeze Redwine, Red Glass, & several local musicians including local Primary Schools. Entrance is FREE. There will be a bar, burgers, hot dogs, Fish & Chips, Ice Cream, refreshments, trade stalls, a Lazy Car Boot Sale, Classic Car Display, & face painting. We would like more stalls, more car boots, & most importantly, more volunteers to help on the day with some of the above. You can email studio@radiostradbroke.co.uk message the Radio Stradbroke Facebook page, or ring me on 07796-465347 to offer help, or ask any questions. As I said it is a FREE festival for the benefit of you, the local community. Please support us. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Village Archive

The Fox Family In the churchyard, to the west of the church, is the large green Fox family tomb – a family that had been in the village since, at least, the 16th century and lived at Battlesea Green. We know this through extracts from the Church Wardens accounts which show that in 1524 Will Fox was paid a subsidy in Goods of £18 and in 1568 payment of £1 was made to Thomas Fox in wages. Several entries in the book were made during the 17th century for Ship money, Hearths and Land and in 1751 the following entry records: “And contrary to agreement made with the Foxes by Mr Will Bedford and me, Jno Rix, monies allowed them for I scarce no what!”. Moving on to the 19th century the accounts show that in 1810 “Mr Charles Thurston paid at bishop court and Chancellor Cooper for the opinion of the money due to the tomb respection Mr Foxes will . . . .£1:19/-.”. This refers back to part of the inscription on that green Fox family tomb which reads, “. . . This tomb, by deed of settlement, is to be kept in full repair with annual rent of lands . . . . the overplus to be laid out and dispersed as bread at this tomb to such poor of Stradbroke and at such time as they desire.” Clearly the family were charitable, travelled, intelligent and of some wealth. They cared about their village and their neighbours. They also left us with a puzzle. Firstly, the tomb bears no dates and secondly, around the margin of the tomb slab there’s an inscription which translated reads “Here lies the dust, shadow, nothing”. Source: www.stradbrokearchive.org.uk SARA, Ann Readman

Over 60s

At our AGM all our officers and committee where re-elected and agreed by the members. In May we had a trip to Stonham Barns and whilst there we went to the Arc Theatre and were thoroughly entertained by their old time musical acts. On 6th June we are having a speaker, Mr Dennis Dewsbury some of us have seen him before he is very entertaining. Then on 13th June we have a trip to Lowestoft, and on 4th July we have an entertainer, a Barry Peters and his music. That’s another few events to look forward to. Our June meetings held in the community centre at 2.00.to 4.00 p.m will be on the 6th and 20th June, all will be made most welcome. Joan Grimes

Saving All Saints

We are delighted to let you all know that we have been accepted onto the next stage of the application process for funding from The National Heritage Lottery Fund. Things are really beginning to move forward and a lot of hard work is ahead. We will keep you up to date and don’t forget to help this cause by buying those lottery tickets – it could be us! Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Carol Darling and Jane Merritt

Letters to the Editors

I have had given to me a painting of Stradbroke Ivy house, painted in 1970 by J Flaxman. In very good condition. This will go to the highest bidder and the money will go to the church. Contact M Ellis on 01379 384642 if interested. M Ellis Dear Editors, We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all those residents and friends who sponsored our London Marathon challenge. We have already exceeded our target of £4,000 and with money still coming in we expect the final sum to be nearer £4,500. A sincere Thank You all. This will make a huge difference to some of the poor children who have suffered severe trauma and abuse in early life and will give them the opportunity to have a normal and healthy future. Don and Adeline Darling

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Antique Restoration

Ian Brown LCGI

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Council Notes From the Chair…

Elections took place for 13 parish councillors for the next four years on 2nd May 2019. All seven of the existing councillors were re-elected and six new councillors have joined us. This means we now have a full house of 13 councillors: Pam Cane, Don Darling, Chris Edwards, Jeremy Fox, Stuart Gemmill, James Hargrave, Kamal Ivory, Maureen John, Velda Lummis, Dennis Merritt, Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Peter Smith and Toni Wisbey. At the annual meeting of the parish council I was pleased to be re-elected as Chair for the next year with Jeremy Fox as our Vice-Chair. It is good to have a full team again and hopefully there will be more stability in membership of the Council. Unfortunately public life in Stradbroke has become somewhat toxic in recent years. It is disappointing that disagreements on issues with strong views entirely legitimately held have turned into personal dislike and grievances. The election of a new council gives us a real opportunity to put aside these differences and work together for the benefit of Stradbroke. The Council ought to set a better example to and show that we can disagree with out it becoming personal. That we can respect our clerk and remember that Stradbroke is her workplace. I make this appeal to the whole council, not just newly elected members, We all need to behave better and where necessary apologise for past mistakes. I know that all 13 of the members of the new Council want to make Stradbroke a better place to live and that all of us have given a lot of time to various organisations and groups to make Stradbroke better. Let us put our energy into that, rather than fighting each other so that we can achieve even more. Please note that due to the cycle race events the next parish council meeting will now start at 8pm (rather than 7.30pm) on 10 June at the Court House. James Hargrave, Chair, Stradbroke Parish Council

From Mid Suffolk District Council Minor Adaptations – £1,000 to £5,000

The Councils offer grants for minor adaptations designed to assist and support residents and their families cope with the challenges of living at home with long term conditions. The minor adaptation grants are open to all homeowners, private tenants and Babergh and Mid Suffolk property council tenants in the districts. You will need to submit a letter from your GP or specialist confirming your diagnosis with your application and proof of property ownership. Grants are available between £1,000 and £5,000. A maximum of £5,000 can be granted to an individual in a 3-year period, for the following Living with Dementia Adaptations include: · Talking reminder clocks · Bathroom fittings (e.g. toilet seats and rails) · Labelling sticker booklet Installing a key saf Terminal Illness / End of Life Adaptations include: · Removing door thresholds · Installing pivot hinges · Widening doors Installing additional radiators relating to health conditions Home from Hospital Adaptations include: · Removing door thresholds · Installing pivot hinges · Widening doors Installing additional radiators relating to health conditions One Step Closer to Home Sometimes carrying out adaptations may delay you being able to return home. Depending on availability, we may be able to provide accommodation closer to home, to be nearer to family and friends. Please contact us on 0300 123 4000 or email our Property Services Team to discuss any adaptations work that you need to support you and your family or carers in your home. You may find that we are able to offer grants for minor adaption works not listed under the grants. Mid Suffolk District Council

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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615


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Forthcoming Events

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Horham Village Show

Horham Village Show , Saturday, 15th June, 1.30 - 4.30 pm. Old School, and the Church Tower open. Fun Dog Show, Arts and Crafts, and much more, BBQ, and a Bar. Not to be missed. 01379 384869 Margaret Streeter

Rummikub Club

Rummikub Club – Summer Sessions The Rummikub Club will continue throughout the summer on Mondays with the exceptions of the Bank Holidays. We begin games shortly after 2PM and usually end around 4:30PM. You would be most welcome to come along and join with us. Amy, Bruce and Jacky

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market

Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market. Saturday 1st June 9.30am -12.00pm outside All Saint's Church this month, plus inside the Royal Oak, and set up around Church Plain Our enthusiastic stallholders will be ready to welcme you outside this month due to wedding preparations taking place inside the Church, plus of course there will be stalls set out in the Royal Oak as usual. This should make for a very lively Market with the Green Elastic Band adding to the ambience by performing outside on Church Plain (weather permitting naturally!) The log fire was very appealing in the Oak at May's Market as the weather was less than kind, let's hope for warm and dry weather for this Market, and for the wedding later in the day. Bread has made a welcome return, with lovely loaves from Suffolk's Penny Bun Bakery. Sourdough, wholemeal and seeded, they all looked delicious and sold out quickly. Tasty, seasonal, first class asparagus from Middleton should be back, plus Anglian Organics' lovely veg. Local and delicious beef, pork, lamb, lots of good crafts, baking, vintage and collectibles, plants and garden items too. Always something of interest and a few treats too. Refreshments will be available from the Royal Oak, offering breakfasts, bacon butties during the morning then lunches after, plus all the usual drinks, hot and cold. A selection of cakes and pastries to take away or eat al fresco will be available from the bakers' stalls. Gluten, egg and dairy free available as well. Why not pay a visit to the Laxfield Museum which is just across the road, and open from 11am – 12 midday on Market mornings? This community Market is so popular there is always a waiting list for indoor stall space, but do contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852 for info on availability. The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you on the first Saturday morning of every month – A Suffolk Market run by lovely friendly people - looking forward to seeing you there! Carolyn Nichols

Car Boot Sale

Horham Car Boot Sale, Community Centre Meadow, Saturday, 1st. June, 10.00 am “late risers” 11am buyers. Bar, Refreshments.( £5.00 pre booked, £6.00 on the day Karen 07775672220) In aid of Community Centre Funds. Margaret Streeter

Stradbroke Cinema

On June 20th we will be showing ‘On the Basis of Sex’. A biopic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - this is a triumph against all odds story. The film follows Ruth as she enters Harvard Law School and ends in the Court of Appeal with her winning the tax case that set her down as one of America’s most important Attorneys. We witness how through this period Ruth had to cope with being patronised and discriminated against at every turn because of her gender, but she is determined to succeed. Her fight against prejudice and injustice is sympathetically played by Felicity Jones. The film is not just about her legal crusade but also tells of an extraordinary marriage with her husband, Marty, that lifts it to new heights. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Entrance is £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under and everyone is welcome Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt

Scrap Metal Collection – in aid of Charity

Following our successful collection in December last, which raised over £400, we are holding by popular demand another collection, also in aid of Charity. The skips will be parked in the Community Centre car park on June 15th between 8 am and 12 noon. If you can’t bring the scrap, give us a call and we can arrange collection. All monies raised will go to our chosen Charity – CHILDHOOD FIRST. Don Darling 01379 388098

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Forthcoming Events

Horham Classic Car get together

Horham Community Centre, Classic Car (Commercials, Bikes etc.) Get Together. Saturday, 6th July, 3.00 pm onwards. BBQ and Bar. Ring David 01379 384493 (After 6.00 pm. please) Margaret Streeter

Heveningham Hall Country Fair & Concours

Heveningham Hall’s long-standing Country Fair and its newer sibling, Heveningham Concours, both return to the 5,000-acre Capability Brown landscape of Suffolk’s finest Georgian mansion near Halesworth on Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June. This year’s Country Fair, which sees all profits and proceeds raised go to charity, includes lots of attractions both in the main ring and throughout the parkland. Attractions in the main ring this year include: · Joseph’s Amazing Racing Pigs Ye Olde Redtail Falconry Display · The Devil’s Horsemen Spitfire displays · Dog & Duck Show Suffolk Punch Horses · Tractor Parade Other attractions include Bungee Catapult; Sheep Show; Dog Show; High Lodge Clay Pigeon Shoot; Off-Road 4x4 Experience; Classic Vehicles, WW Military Vehicle Display; Gun Dog Scurry, Flower Exhibition; Nature Corner, Kimmy’s Mini Zoo; plus shopping, tasty local food & drink stalls plus lots of live music & entertainment throughout the weekend. Hemsby Lifeboat will also be entertaining the crowds with rescue displays on the lake. Following its hugely successful inaugural year, Horsepower Hill, a timed drag race for invited classic, super & hypercars along the main estate road, returns bigger & better for 2019. Heveningham Concours, now in its fourth year, once again sees around 50 of the world’s rarest and finest cars grace the Kim Wilkie-designed grass terraces to the rear of the house in a spectacular display of engineering and design prowess. A new Concours Village featuring luxury brands including the English winemaker Gusbourne, auctioneer Bonhams and Mercedes-Benz is planned for this year and, once again, there is a separate aviation concours featuring some of the world’s finest propeller aeroplanes. All proceeds & profits from Heveningham Concours & the Country Fair go into a charitable trust which funds a local dementia unit, various cases of need locally and has contributed substantially towards building a new centre for a Community Care Nursing Fund where the local hospital was closed. It also supports local schools with equipment & Heveningham Concours provides a full ‘i-mobility’ design scholarship at the Royal College of Art. Tickets for the Country Fair and Concours are on sale now. For more information, please visit www.countryfair.co.uk or www.heveninghamconcours.com Country Fair Tickets (in advance / on the gate) Adult: £15 / £18 Children (5-14): £6 / £8 Over 60 or disabled: £13 / £16 Family: £37 / £42 Children (under 5): FREE Dogs: FREE Parking: FREE Heveningham Concours Tickets (in advance / on the gate; all include entry to the Country Fair) Adult: £25 / £28 Over 60 or disabled: £23 / £26 Family: £57 / £62 Children: FREE with accompanying paying Adult Parking: FREE Concours Souvenir Catalogue: £20 / £20 Dogs are not permitted in the Concours The Heveningham Hall Country Fair is well sign-posted and is accessed via the B1117 between the villages of Heveningham and Huntingfield. Postcode for Sat Nav is IP19 0PN. The Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust is a registered charity (number: 1095403) Mike Stephens

Stradbroke Walking Group

This is a free successful – now in its 3rd month! - Community-led informal Walking Group meeting every Thursday. Please come along and join us for a friendly, gentle 30-45 minute walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Antiques Centre (Queen’s Head) at 10.30am. Longer walks can be arranged too, as long as we have enough Walk Leaders. Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or ability - all you need are sensible shoes – and we look forward to seeing you and enjoying a chat with a cup of tea, coffee and cake in the Stradbroke Antiques Centre afterwards. For more information contact either Annie Groves or Dennis Merritt Tel:07557 633 824. Email: annie.groves@suffolksport.com Tel: 01379 388 382. Email: dennis_merritt@hotmail.com Dennis Merritt

Phoenix Singers Concert

Phoenix Singers – Saturday 6th July 2019 – 7.00 pm – at Framlingham College Mozart : Requiem And Other Music Tickets: £15, under 18s £7.50, available from Hall Farm Butchers, 25 Market Hill, Framlingham, Juniper Barn, Rendham. William Glasse william@glasse.org.uk 07802 597071, choir members, and at the door. Charity No. 1076549 Stephanie Askew

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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com


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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

The cricket season had its usual unpredictable start, in so many ways. At least in all four matches we have fielded 11 players, small progress, but progress nonetheless. As predicted, the dream of playing at Lords has gone for another year, one of three away defeats, which has seen 250 miles racked up. Whether jet lag contributed to these losses is debatable, but at least the longest trips are over. The weather has been a factor, with horizontal hail holding up play frequently at Lakenheath. At least it has been an unbeaten start at home with a comfortable win over Woolpit. We have even had interest from some prospective new players, but as yet, none have taken the leap of faith & played a game. Off the field, I am delighted to report that Skinners are sponsoring the Cricket Club again in 2019, giving us the financial impetus to resurface the practice area in the Autumn. You too can help us by logging on to www.calor.co.uk/shop/communityfund where you can vote for our project. If we get enough votes by 17th June, we could get funding for this. Please give it a look. Thank you for continuing to support your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman

White Hart Bowls Waveney League Results Wortwell Home Won Scole home won Bedingfield away won Mid Suffolk Results Shotford away lost

Mendlesham Home Lost Thorndon away won Thorndon waveney League cup home won

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club

Lynn Ruth

Hello everyone, the following is our second report of the new season that began with the green opening on the 20th April. Results to date Played April 23 WT Stradbroke win against Wortham April 30 WT Stradbroke lost against Hoxne May 09 WT Stradbroke lost against Thornham Magna May 13 SL Stradbroke win against Halesworth May 14 WT Stradbroke win against Shotford ( Waveney Cup) May 17 WT Stradbroke lost against Connaught May 20 SL Stradbroke win against Earl Soham May 21 WT Stradbroke win against Beeches WL - Waveney triples league, SL - Saxmundham two woods league May 04 - In house Presidents Cup Was won by Richard Ruth and the runner up was June Alderton The following is the scheduled games for the near future. May 24 Sl Stradbroke v Yoxford Away (Junior Cup) 27 SL Stradbroke v Laxfield Away 28 WT Stradbroke v Dickleburgh Away June 03 SL Stradbroke v Dennington Home 06 WT Stradbroke v Gissing Home 10 SL Stradbroke v Wenhastn Away 11 WT Stradbroke v Pulham Market Home 13 SL Stradbroke v Yoxford Home 17 SL Stradbrokev Sweffling Home 18 WT Stradbroke v Diss A Away 24 SL Stradbrokev Leiston Away 25 WT Stradbroke v Wortham Away Normally home games at Stradbroke start at 7.00pm and you are more than welcome to come along and watch the local team in action. June 08 - Stradbroke In house Les Parker mixed pairs competition starting at 5.00 pm. Bingo for bowls May 10 - Raised ÂŁ123.10 and we thank both attendees and Mary and her helpers for this contribution to club funds. July 12 - The date for the next scheduled game will be Friday July 12 in the community centre from 7.00pm. I understand from the membership secretary we had two new members join this year, if you have an interest in joining us please give me a call on the number below. You can also come along to the community green on either Wednesday or Saturday afternoons from 2.00 pm to the friendly roll ups. Many thanks for reading this report and hope to see you on the green. Regards Roy Lee 01379 384729

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road,Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

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Sports Roundup

London Marathon Challenge – Epilogue

Well it’s all over! We both finished and we live to tell the tale. Adeline, my daughter started 15min before me, as planned, but that was the only part that went according to plan. Our aim was to meet up at the 15mile mark and we would run together to the finish. The first 6 miles were very congested as we all tried to find a comfortable running speed. I managed to meet up with Carol in Greenwich (6mile mark) who was shouting above the roar of the crowd and told me I was only 3 min behind Adeline! Not what we planned, so I slowed down. By the 12 mile stage we nearing Canary Wharf and Docklands, and looking forward to seeing Carol again. I was starting to struggle with knee problems and I still hadn't met up with Adeline. Then suddenly I heard a call from the other side of the Road and there were Carol again, shouting and cheering. I nipped in and out of runners for a quick hug and a drink only to be told that the tracker app said I had overtaken Adeline. So much for all our best laid plans. The next meet up was also in the Docklands about 30mins later and by this time my knee was crippling and I needed something to strap it up. I called in at one of the first aid stations to get a knee support. I hobbled into the nearest First Aid tent with an ambulance parked alongside, and asked if they had an elasticated bandage - "a what!" said the aged lady attendant. "You know, one of those bandages that stretch and you can use to support a knee or muscle injury," I said. "Ooh, I don't know if we have one of those, then, can you believe it? I was ordered out of the ambulance by the head honcho without so much as smile. From there on I experimented with different running gaits to relieve some of the knee pain, during which time, unbeknown to me, Carol had contacted Adeline by phone to say I was in trouble and suddenly to my surprise there was a familiar voice shouting "Dad, Dad" it was Adeline she wasn’t behind my but in front and had run back to find me. She gave me an excruciating massage for about 5 minutes which did make running a bit easier. The crowd were unbelievably supportive. All we could hear was, "Go on Don, Go on Adeline you can make it, just keep going." Gradually the miles slipped by and we evolved a unique way of running together. Adeline would run at a constant pace and I would walk 15 yards and then run 30 yards, this was as far as I could run without the knee collapsing. But in this way our average average speed was the same. Walking gave my knee a rest, and a burst of running allowed me to keep up with Adeline. Turning into the home straight, the finishing line, was one of the most welcome sites ever and we jogged over it together as planned; Adeline looking as fresh as a daisy with a huge grin on her face, and me grimacing with a forced smile and close to collapse. But all’s well that ends well. Don Darling

Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre Small Group Training With Moira Fitter, Leaner, Stronger This 6 week small group training course will give you an all over body workout along with an online 6 week programmed exercise routine and nutritional advice. Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 18th June 2019 - 23rd July 2019 Cost: £39 gym member / £45 non-gym member To book onto this course simply contact us in centre or telephone us on 01379 384376 Spaces are limited to 8 participants so dont delay book today! OVO Energy Woman's Tour On Monday 10th June the OVO Energy Woman's cycle tour will be coming through Stradbroke, to celebrate this great event there will be activies taking place on the playing field and in the community centre from 18:00 - 20:00. Everyone is welcome. Please note the Womens Tour activities and events are being run by the District Council.

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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226

eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

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Here’s my advert! Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down... How long can I have my advert in the Monthly? Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows:

E J BROWN Builder

Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!

Please send your advert to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk

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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253

Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

News & Views

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Open Farm Sunday

Open Farm Sunday, 9th June, Shotford Hall Farm, Harleston, IP20 9QT, 11.00am to 5pm. Free Entry. Visit our mixed farm to discover where and how your food is produced and used and how farmers look after the environment. Ever wondered what it’s like in the seat of a tractor or what technology is involved? How are animals reared and cared for? Come and find out and get close to the machinery, touch the animals and meet the people actively involved in farming. Enjoy a tractor and trailer tour, take a leisurely riverside walk or get busy in the children’s activity barn. Refreshments available. For more information, contact Tim Lewis on 07767 708106. Libby Alexander

Suffolk Day

As part of the Suffolk Day celebrations taking place in our county on June 21st, there will be a special dedication to all things Suffolk on the village community centre website stradbrokeonline.org.uk. To headline the event, Flashes of Fiction writers will have a number of pieces on different aspects of what Suffolk means to them. Do dip in and they would welcome responses - this is easily done through the website. Are you doing anything special that day? Have you thoughts about whether King Edmund should replace St. George as our patron saint? Are you a true born and bred Suffolk person with tales to tell? Are you an in-comer? If so, why did you move to Suffolk? Do let stradbrokeonline.org.uk know with or without images and be part of the special feature. Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, BigSky Writers

The Friends of All Saints, Stradbroke (FOASS)

We are sure that each time you pass All Saints Church, your eyes are drawn towards the Church clock, and would miss its chimes. Well it is beginning to show its age, having served the Village well since 1874 and is now in urgent need of repair. The clock is a pivotable part of life in Stradbroke and we must ensure its keeping good time and chiming. These repairs will cost £2,700 and we are asking if you would be willing to donate towards these costs – no matter how small – or large! Life wouldn’t be the same without the gentle chimes of our wonderful old timepiece. FOASS has been raising money over the past few years but this has been specifically donated towards the Church roof repairs and we are protecting these particular donations. Please contact me if you can help on 01379 384869. Thank you, Margaret Streeter

Raising charity cash with fashion and fizz

A fun-packed evening of fashion and fizz held at a popular Suffolk pub has been heralded a success after raising nearly £800 for the Pear Tree Fund. The Queen’s Head at Bramfield organised the fashion show on Friday (26 April) after choosing the fund, which was formerly known as Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund, as its charity of the year. It featured runway shows from Donnatella's of Oulton Broad and Gorleston, while Cabello Salon of Halesworth styled the models’ hair and Peter Eyles, from Another Angle Studios in Lowestoft took photographs. A range of local independent retailers also held stalls and donated a percentage of their profits to the charity, while a grand raffle was also held, with prizes including dinner at The Queen's Head, gifts from Donnatella's, a magnum donated by Majestic Wines and award-winning Adnams gin. The fashion show was the first in a series of special events planned by the pub to raise money for the Pear Tree Fund. Profits from the sale of a frangipane and pear tart which is currently on the pudding menu will also go towards the charity, while a music quiz, book sale and family quiz will take place later in the year. The Queen’s Head will also sell a trio of homemade chutneys to boost the coffers still further during July. “We were delighted with the support we received for the evening, which was a fun opportunity to raise money for this fantastic, hard-working local charity,” said Kate Wood, owner of The Queen’s Head. “Our thanks go to our fabulous catwalk models, everyone who donated raffle prizes or volunteered to help on the evening and those who came along to enjoy the show. We look forward to seeing you all at our next fundraiser in May!” Ted Edwards, Pear Tree Fund trustee, said: “We would like to pass on our thanks to Kate and her team at the Queen’s Head, and to everyone who made Friday’s fashion show such a success. We are incredibly grateful for the fantastic support we receive from our local community, which makes a real difference to vulnerable local people when they need it the most.” To find out more about the Pear Tree Fund and how you can support the charity, visit peartreefund.org The next event at the Queen’s Head will be a big charity music quiz, which takes place on Sunday 26 May from 7pm. Team of up to six will be welcome. Liz Hearnshaw

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News & Views

Van owners urged to be vigilant Motorists in Suffolk are being urged to keep their vehicles secure following a series of van thefts. The warning has been issued after 28 Mercedes Sprinter vans that use keyless entry were stolen between October 2018 and April 2019 with the majority of offences taking place in Ipswich where 23 vans have been stolen. Vans have generally been stolen overnight from residential areas and car parks. Keyless theft of a vehicle occurs when criminals use a transmitter to amplify the signal being emitted from the genuine key inside the owners house to reach the vehicle outside. This allows it to be unlocked and driven away in seconds. Commander for Southern area Supt Kerry Cutler said: "We’ve seen a rise in the theft of vans in the Ipswich area in recent months, with Mercedes Sprinter vans being the primary target. "I would urge anyone who owns a Sprinter van to be vigilant and take sensible measures to protect your vehicle. "As a consequence of these thefts we are conducting a letter drop to all registered keepers of such Sprinter vans in Ipswich in the coming weeks to raise awareness of the issue amongst owners. "Of course, the message is relevant to all vehicle owners – make sure you use as many preventative measures as possible to keep your vehicle secure.” Officers are urging owners of such vehicles to be vigilant and take sensible precautions. In summary owners can take the following steps to reduce the risk of this theft: · In the house, store keys away from accessible doors and windows, inside a Faraday bag (search RFID security at www.securedbydesign.com for details of police preferred specification products) and then potentially into a metal tin. Several anti-theft pouches are available which are designed to block signals emitted by the key. · It may be possible to disable the keyless entry function. Check your owner manual or seek advice from your local dealer if required. · Use physical security measures such as steering wheel locks or wheel clamps to compliment your vehicles own security (www.soldsecure.com) · Owners could also contact their local vehicle service dealer to see if there are security upgrades that can be carried out. · Ensure that basic security measures, such as checking the doors and windows are secure, are always done. · Where possible, park vehicles within secure compounds covered by CCTV. · If you cannot park the vehicle in a garage, park it on a well-lit drive or well-lit area as close to your property as possible. For more details on the above guidance you can go to the Constabulary’s A - Z of crime prevention - First Principle site and go to Keyless car and van theft Anyone who may have information about such vehicle thefts should contact Suffolk Constabulary on 101 or report it online via Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Saxmundham - Appeal after burglary at art studio Officers are appealing for witnesses or information after a burglary at a business premises in Saxmundham. The incident took place sometime between Friday 10 May and Sunday 19 May at an art gallery/studio on the High Street in the town. Offender/s forced entry at the rear of the building by smashing a window and then caused extensive damage to property and original artwork. Sergeant Dan Peck said, "This act of sustained mindless vandalism, causing significant damage to valuable artwork and property is so disgraceful to see in our community. Enquires are continuing and I would urge anybody who has any information that could assist the investigation to call Police. "To reassure local residents and businesses we will continue to carry out pro-active patrols in the area.” Anybody who saw anything suspicious during the time above or who has any other information is asked to provide an online update via the constabulary website: www.suffolk.police.uk/contact-us/existing-report-update or to telephone Suffolk Police on 101 quoting reference 37/28708/19. Alternatively, call the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Suffolk Constabulary https://www.suffolk.police.uk/

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP

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In recent months, the challenges facing the Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trust have been well publicised. Mental health services in our area need to improve; patients and their families deserve no less. Since the Trust was put into crisis measures (Special Measures), I have worked to ensure that health bosses are held to account and improvements made quickly and effectively. As a practising NHS mental-health doctor, I am uniquely placed to be a critical friend of the Trust as it makes these changes, attending regular meetings with ministers and Clinical Commissioning Groups (the people with the money that funds health services) in Norfolk and Suffolk, as well as with the Trust itself. Things do appear to be (slowly) improving. It is encouraging to see the new leadership at the Trust, with new Chair, Marie Gabriel, and Chief Executive, Professor Jonathan Warren, joining from the East London Trust, one of the most successful in the country. Their expertise will be invaluable. There will also be more funding, with an extra £5.7m for psychological (talking) therapies, longterm mental health conditions like schizophrenia, crisis resolution and early intervention. The Trust is also working with local charities to improve resources relating to suicide prevention and dementia. This represents a 6.3% increase in mental health investment locally, far exceeding the national Mental Health Investment Standard. I am optimistic that these changes will help deliver substantially-improved care for patients in Suffolk. There has been a lot of talk about restructuring: for me, this is unwanted and irrelevant. What matters is the quality of the services. I fear that splitting the Trust into three smaller units could create more problems than it solves, as the focus would be on restructuring rather than on improving the care and support for patients. I hope that our local health leaders agree. From my medical perspective, I understand that mental health is one of the biggest challenges facing Norfolk and Suffolk. There is much to do, but I am confident that the Trust can and will be turned around. I am pleased to be playing my part, holding ministers to account and providing a voice for those suffering from mental health issues locally. As a practising NHS doctor in the mental health field, I am in the unique position to be able to stand up for the needs of mental-health patients in Suffolk, and I shall continue to do so. For more information, please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com

Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.

If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact


Village Diary June 1st Friends of All Saints Church Fundraising Committee Coins on Wall from 8am (see page 4) 1st Horham Car Boot at Community Centre Meadow (see page 17) 1st Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 9.30 am (see page 17) 1st Court House Café 9.15am-12.15pm, and every Saturday (see page 10) 2nd Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 2nd Petanque in Eye, and every Sunday afternoon 3rd Rummikub Club from 2 – 4.30 pm (see page 17) 3rd Parish Council Planning Committee meet at 5.30 pm - all welcome (see page 6) 3rd ‘Tiny Talk Baby Signing’ at the Court House at 10.30 am and every Monday (see page 10) 4th Jumping Beans for babies/toddlers/children under 5, and every Tuesday (see page 10) 4th Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday 5th Petanque in Eye, and every Wednesday morning 5th Table tennis in the Community Centre at 7.30pm, and every Wednesday 6th Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm, and every Thursday (see page 10) 6th Over 60s meet in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 12) 6th Stradbroke Walking Group meet at 10.30 am and every Thursday (see page 18) 6th Stradbroke Youth Football at playing field, and every Thursday evening 7th ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 10) 7th Stradbroke Cricket Club coaching at the playing field from 6pm to 7.30pm 9th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 9th Open Farm Sunday at Shotford Hall Farm from 11am (see page 27) 10th OVO Energy Womens Tour coming through Stradbroke, 12pm approx (see front page) 10th Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 8.00 pm (see page 6) 12th Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 13th WI meet in Community Centre (see page 9) 15th Scrap Metal collection in Community Centre car park (see page 17) 15th Wingfield Open Gardens -The Great Garden Trail (see page 10) 15th Horham Village Show from 1.30pm (see page 17) 16th Wingfield Open Gardens -The Great Garden Trail (see page 10) 16th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 18th PC Clinic at 2.15pm in Court House (see page 6) 20th Folded Book Art Workshop at the Library (see page 10) 20th Over 60s meet in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 12) 20th Stradbroke Cinema present ‘On the Basis of Sex’ (see page 17) 21st **Deadline for submissions for July/August edition strictly by this date** 22nd Heveningham Hall Country Fair & Concours (see page 18) 23rd Heveningham Hall Country Fair & Concours (see page 18) 23rd Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 26th Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 28th Flower Festival (see page 4) 29th Flower Festival (see page 4) 30th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk July 6th Horham Classic Car get together from 3pm (see page 18) 6th Phoenix Singers Concert at Framlingham College (see page 18) 12th Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Bingo at the Community Centre (see page 20) 13th Radio Stradbroke presents Stradbroke Music Day (see page 2) 14th Summer Lunch in the Meadow, (see page 10)

Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.


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