The Stradbroke Monthly May 2015

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£1 where sold

May 2015


Practical Guide for Voting in the Elections on May 7th 2015 Elections are taking place on May 7th 2015 to elect an MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich, District Councillor for Stradbroke and Laxfield and thirteen Stradbroke parish councillors. To vote in the election you need to be 18 or over on polling day and on the electoral register. It is now too late to add your name if you aren’t already on the register. The polling station for all Stradbroke Parish residents is the Club Room at the Community Centre in Wilby Road. You can vote any time between 7am up until 10pm. If you have applied for a postal vote you cannot vote in person at the election. You will be sent ballot papers in advance in the post, which you can post back, or if you leave it too late, hand in at the polling station. If due to illness or for work reasons you cannot go to the polling station you can apply to vote by proxy (this means someone can vote on your behalf). You can do this at any time right up until 5pm on polling day by calling 01449 724672 If you are voting at the polling station or by post you will receive three separate ballot papers for each of the elections. General Election – ONE Member of Parliament for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich You have ONE vote in this election and there are six candidates. Put a cross “X” in the box next to the candidate you want to vote for. All the candidates represent political parties and their names and logos are shown on the ballot paper alongside candidate’s names. Mid Suffolk District Council – ONE District Councillor for Stradbroke and Laxfield Ward You have ONE vote in this election and there are two candidates. Put a cross “X” in the box next to the candidate you want to vote for. Both the candidates represent political parties and their names and logos are shown on the ballot paper alongside candidate’s names. Stradbroke Parish Council – THIRTEEN Parish Councillors You have UP TO THIRTEEN votes in this election and there are eighteen candidates. Put a cross “X” in the box next to up to 13 candidates you want to vote for. You can vote for any number of candidates between 1 and 13 but if you vote for 14 or more then your vote won’t be counted. If you make a mistake before you put your paper into the ballot box (or post it back) then you can get a replacement ballot paper from the polling station staff or the postal voting helpline 01449 724672 See for more information

See middle pages for details of candidates in all of these Elections The Editors, The Stradbroke Monthly

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 674739 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.


PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk

We welcome you to join us…..Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am May Diary: At All Saints

VILLAGE SERVICE -- SUNDAY MAY 3rd 10:30am Joint service All Saints + Stradbroke Baptist Church- EVERYONE WELCOME Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am 10 N. Robinson 17th TBA 24th J. Ling 31st. M. Caplin We welcome you to join us th

Our activities for May Youth Club ALPHA Course We pray together Cameo Lunch Club Youth Club ALPHA Course Drop in For Coffee

Friday 1st Tuesday 5th Monday 11th Wednesday 13th Friday 15th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 27th

7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 12:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10 – 11:30am

Easter Alone on the mantleshelf an Easter Egg box looks as if it is still intact, but on closer inspection, sadly, you will find the chocolate is broken and my favourites, the Maltesers are long gone! Unfortunately things are not what they appear for in reality the Box which looks good is but a façade hiding the reality of emptiness. It’s easy to forget the reality of Easter, for our holiday is primarily an annual celebration to remind us of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Cross and empty tomb are the real symbols and in comparison Easter Eggs, flowers or Easter bunnies are like my empty box. A well-known preacher tells an interesting story of the occasion when he was visiting the supermarket. He noticed that the cashier was wearing a silver cross around her neck, and commented on the jewellery and her Christian faith. She replied,’Yes it’s lovely but I’m not a Christian’. The preacher explained that the cross was the Roman means of execution so cruel that it was reserved for slaves and non-Roman citizens. The preacher then suggested that if the next time he visited the shop he wore a gallows or a guillotine around his neck, what would her reaction be? She naturally replied, ‘Oh that’s horrible I don’t like that’. He was able to explain to her the real meaning of the cross. For it was on a cross that Jesus died to take the punishment that we deserved. The cross no longer holds the body in the same way as the tomb was empty, for Jesus rose from the dead. His death and resurrection give us hope and a promise that we too by trusting Him can be raised to life everlasting. Wearing the cross without the hope that Jesus gives is rather like my empty Easter Egg box. It looks good but has no substance or reality For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112

Can We Help?

The Stradbroke Our telephone number is 07749 445531 Good Neighbours Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Service Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you. If you are new in the village Good Neighbours have a welcome booklet that outlines our services and can provide useful information. If you would like a copy please contact us on 07749445531or collect a copy from the library.

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke Services: Followed by Coffee/Tea 3rd May 11.00 am Family service th 10 May 8.00 am Holy Communion 14th May 7.30 pm Ascension Day Deanery Holy Communion 17th May 11.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 24th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 5.00 pm Homegroup at the Rectory with tea and cake 31st May 10.00 am Benefice Holy Communion at Metfield 7th June 11.00 am Family service Followed by Coffee/Tea If anyone would like a lift to Metfield for that service, call Peter, 384069 Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan.

Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee The Art Exhibition is now underway with over 200 framed paintings and 80 unframed. I am now desperate for people to open their gardens on 13th and 14th June, otherwise the event will have to be cancelled. We have another cake stall on 23rd May in Church St, also Coins and Cakes on 6th June. We have tickets for a grand raffle to be drawn at the village fete at the Rectory on July 11th with £50 1st prize. The Art in church preview is on 29th April 7pm-9pm. £7 inc wine and refreshments. Then the church will be open daily 10am – 6pm from April 30th to May 4th. Hope to see you there. The committee wish Julie Hughes all the best. She had decided to leave the committee for the time being due to family commitments. Thanks for all your help. Raffle prizes are always needed. If you have any please let the committee know. Mary Ellis

From The Diocese Ever since I read Tess of the d’Urbervilles 30 or so years ago, I have resonated with much of Hardy’s bucolic grumpiness and a sense that whilst God was busy elsewhere, it was that he was busy elsewhere. Arriving at a church in the middle of a field, in a grey drizzle, in deeply rural Suffolk it’s easy to grasp Hardy’s pictures without too much effort. As a parable of life it seems that it’s possible to be standing rather mournfully in the drizzle whilst God is busy somewhere else. Of course, deep down we know that’s not true, but, my word, it can feel like it at times. Easter, a General Election, the Enthronement of a bishop, amongst all sorts of other things there’s much to be getting close to God about in prayer, and believing that he isn’t busy elsewhere but focussed in his love for you, expressed in his risen son – to save you from your own personal drizzle. So yes, sometimes faith can sometimes feel a bit like stomping grumpily around a field in the drizzle – but, thrown into such relief, Easter gives a real sense of the warmest of all loves to be sheltered by and to come home to. Risen is he. Alleluia. The Venerable Ian Morgan, Archdeacon of Suffolk,

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm

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Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

Next meeting of the Parish Council : AGM on Thursday 30th April @ 7.30pm. Then on Monday 11th May in the Community Centre

MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 13 April 2015 14 members of the public attended the meeting. PUBLIC FORUM: Rev Streeter announced he was compiling an entry for the Village of the Year competition PLANNING (further details can be obtained from the Clerk): Applications for consideration: 4005/14 erection of 54 dwellings together with associated garages, hardstanding, drainage and infrastructure including new accesses Grove Farm, Queen Street Prior to discussion the meeting was closed and comments were invited from the floor. The only point made was that a safe crossing point on Queens Street was needed without resorting to urbanisation of the village. The application was discussed at length and four letters were read out. Approval of the application was proposed and seconded; 6 members voted in favour, 5 against and there was one abstention 4006/14 works in order to form two barn conversions Grove Farm, Queen Street The Council reiterated its previous recommendation of approval 0748/15 erection of one and a half storey new dwelling with detached double garage and construction of footbridge Land at White Hart, Church Street The application addressed previous concerns and approval was recommended unanimously 0939/15 installation of solar photo voltaic panels on outbuilding within the curtilage of a listed building Brooklands Barn, Mill Lane Approval recommended unanimously for the above application OTHER BUSINESS: LIBRARY & COURTHOUSE: processing the results of the consultation on Post Office opening hours continued NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: the Housing Needs Survey had been evaluated and had resulted in a recommendation for 12 affordable homes for Stradbroke. Further details on The various work streams were undertaking research to inform the Neighbourhood Plan. POLICE REPORT: since the last meeting there had been 7 crimes: 2 x criminal damage (investigated and concluded); 1 x theft (investigated); 1 x attempted burglary (ongoing) and three crimes that could not be reported as information was not deemed to be in the public interest. PCSO Kane Martin stressed vigilance over postal, telephone and email scams: never divulge your bank details or pin numbers. PCC Tim Passmore would be holding a series of meetings inviting the public to ask questions on Suffolk’s policing. The Temporary Chief Constable would also be in attendance. The Mid Suffolk meeting would be held in Eye Community Centre on Wednesday 13 May 2015 commencing at 18.30hrs. END OF TERM REPORTS: Councillor Stuart Gemmill was not standing for election to the District Council in May and so this was his last meeting in that capacity. He thanked the Parish Council for its support and cooperation throughout his 24 years representing Stradbroke. The Chairman thanked Members for all their hard work over the past four years. He was pleased that so many people had put their names forward for election and wished them all well. ELECTION 2015: for the first time in many years there will be a ballot in Stradbroke for the new Parish Council. A total of 18 people have submitted nominations so do support them and cast your vote on Thursday 07 May 2015. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING This will be held in the Community Centre on Thursday 30 April at 7.30pm. If your organisation wishes to submit a report please contact the Clerk. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum, which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library and are posted on the Notice Board and The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 11 May 2015. This will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the first meeting of the new Council Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 07817 441195 Manfield House, 7 Norwich Road, Ditchingham, Suffolk, NR35 2JJ email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Stradbroke Bakery • • • • • • • •

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Life in the Legion “Life in the Legion” Seventy-seven members and guests attended our Annual Dinner held at The Community Centre on Friday, 27th March, the 29th since the branch was re-formed, with a super meal supplied by Bakewell Catering. This year’s theme was our Legion motto “Service not Self”. The guest speaker was Dr.Patrick Thompson from Gorleston, who proposed the Legion Toast, the reply was given by Ken Rowbottom, the new County Vice-Chairman from the Fressingfield. John Graham, our Vice-Chairman, proposed the toast to our guests, with the reply given by Air Commodore Bernard Wellingham, the president at Fressingfield. I acted as toastmaster and presented the trophies, the Ken Richardson Memorial Shield, to treasurer Bernard Mills, and the Tommy Campbell-Preston Memorial Tankard, to John Graham, who also ran a draw with his wife Jill. Table decorations were arranged by Margaret Streeter. John Elliott from Diss was the speaker at our April meeting. His subject was the Cyprus Memorial which was dedicated on November 8th 2009 to the 471 servicemen who were killed there, including his brother Peter. He brought along photographs, press cuttings etc. which were of great interest to the members present. John Graham proposed the vote of thanks to him. I thanked all who had helped at our recent branch dinner and branch Treasurer Bernard Mills gave his monthly report and Branch Welfare Officer Joyce Cooper reported on her service work. The next meeting is on Thursday 14th May at Laxfield King’s Head, at 11.30 am with a guest speaker being arranged. On Friday, 8th May at 2.00 pm around the Stradbroke War Memorial the branch will hold a short service to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of V.E. Day. All who are interested are invited to attend. “The Legion will always remember them”. Michael Burton, Chairman.

W.I. Our April Meeting was very well attended and everyone was in good spirits. None more so than our President Dorothy Readman who was quite literally in the pink, and why not she and her husband Dennis were celebrating their 55th Wedding Anniversary. Many congratulations. In the business this month Dorothy reported that 54 items knitted by members, had been delivered to the Neo-Natal unit at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, and were gratefully received. Also the Litter Pick in the Village was now well underway, and to date two large refuse sacks had already been filled. Dianne once again had her head hunting hat on, as she urged members to come forward to fill the committee posts that will become vacant in November. A new Press Officer is also being sought. The Stradbroke Festifull will soon be upon us and we are happy to report that the new bunting is now ready! We have all at some time had a blood test, and watched as the sample phial was labelled ready for dispatch to the Pathology Lab, and then waited the necessary few days for the results. But what happens to that blood in those interim days at the Path Lab? We were about to find out. Our speaker for the evening was Alex Holmes, a Bio Scientist from The Ipswich Hospital. In an interesting and engaging talk Alex gave us an insight into her work, telling us how technology and procedures have changed over the years. Huge machines have now taken over most of the manual work, and do all the testing, but the final assessment is still done by Bio Scientists like her. She amazed us with statistics, one of which was the number of tests carried out by the health service last year, a staggering 800,000,000. The NHS has its problems, but it was so good to hear Alex say that she never ceases to be excited about her work, and aren’t we glad. After a lively questions and answer period Alex was thanked on our behalf by Prue Rush. Gill Bird

Friends of All Saints Church Our Application to the Listed Places of Worship Roof Fund was not successful; we will apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund in due course. The Annual Church Path Plant Sale on Saturday, 2nd May, is at 10.30 am onwards. (Don’t forget us when you are dividing plants and pricking out seedlings) Concert by “Morning Chorus” is to be held in the Church on Sunday, 21st June and a Tea Party on Church House Meadow on Saturday, 22nd August To celebrate all that’s good about Stradbroke, FOASS invite you to contribute to the creation of the next Stradbroke Calendar to be published for 2016. Photos illustrating the best of Stradbroke will be published online each month and, towards the end of this year, there will be an opportunity to vote for your favourites. The top 12 will form the main images for the calendar. If you think you have photographs of something that shows what’s good about Stradbroke, then why not submit them to Photos@Stra The calendar will be printed towards the end of 2015, and available for sale from November. All proceeds will be donated to the restoration fund for All Saints Church, Further details about the competition can be found by going to the FOASS page Stradbroke Calendar - 2016 The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of All Saints Church is to be held on Wednesday, 15th July. 7.30 pm at The Community Centre. All are welcome.. Margaret Streeter

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Stradbroke High School Swimmer’s ‘Inspiring’ Visit to Stradbroke High School. Paralympic Swimmer, Fran Williamson visited Stradbroke High School as part of a free schools initiative. Fran, who has athetoid cerebral palsy, is a five-time World Champion Paralympic swimmer who has represented Team GB for ten years, has set a number of British, European and World records over the years, and has thirteen world and six Paralympic medals to her name. Fran Williamson has become our sports mentor as part of the Sky Sports Living for Sport project, which is helping boost the confidence, change behaviours, increase attainment and improve life skills of children through the use of sport. On her first visit to us she conducted a whole school assembly, where she talked about her own battle with confidence and how through sport she has grown personally. Her assembly was very inspiring and moved both pupils and staff. As part of the project, five girls and one boy were chosen to join a dance group, which at first was a daunting idea for them, but with the help and support of the PE department and the sports project the students’ confidence has grown. We are looking forward to Fran Williamson visiting the school again to teach an English lesson and do some practical activities with the dance group. Jill Whatling

Stradbroke Primary School This term sees us come to the final events planned to celebrate our 150th Birthday. A 1950s Music and Arts Day and a final whole school celebration picnic and Open Day. We finished the Spring Term with our Easter Service in Church, when the children told the story of Easter through acting, song and music. From Palm Sunday to the events of Easter weekend, the church was filled with a solemn atmosphere that burst into joyful song led by our newly formed (and growing) choir. Members of our Year 5 and 6 brass ensemble performed part of their Snape Maltings piece with confidence and finesse! Prizes were presented to children by Mrs Barrow for their amazing entries in a 'Decorate an Egg' competition. The range of creative and exciting ideas were just amazing! From a whole 'Harry Potter' scene to many very effective creations of minions, TV characters and others. The competition, organised by the Friends of the School, was an enormous success and the prizes of Easter Eggs were gratefully received. In addition, the Friends donated an Easter Egg for each child in the school. We are always very grateful for their continued help and support in school. Now we move on to this term with Class 3 visiting the Farm and Country Fair in Ipswich to support their fair trade topic and Class 4 making a return trip to Norwich Theatre to see a production of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, which feeds into their literacy and topic work linked to World War 2. As this busy term gets underway we are also looking forward to working on our KS2 production of 'Move it' - a song and dance extravaganza! Linda Walsh

Wingfield and District Gardening Club At the end of March we attended an interesting talk by Nick Cook on creating a 4 ½ acre wildflower meadow. The importance of sowing a mixture that was perennial rather than annual was stressed so that it became a permanent mix. They sowed in April, although it can be done in Autumn, some took longer to be established, but Oxeye Daisy usually flowers in the first year, cowslips and yellow Rattle take longer. Clovers, both red and white, the Vetches, Sorrel, Knapweek and Buttercup were all included. When these flowered, hay was made, followed in due course by grazing with sheep. All this encouraged wildlife, Barn Owls, birds and insects. We meet again on 28th May to hear about “Vegetable Growing” by Rodney Tibbs. Caroline Traylen

Friends of Stradbroke High School (FOSH) Dates for your diaries. We have arranged a number of new and popular events this year at Stradbroke High School as follows, all for the benefit of the pupils: Car Boot sale and cafe on Saturday 6th of June 8am - 1pm. The CARnival on Sunday the 13th of September 10am - 4pm. Scrap metal collection on Saturday the 7th of November 8am - 12. Beat the teacher quiz night on Friday the 20th of November. And the all new Xmas Craft fair on Saturday the 28th of November 10am - 2pm. Thank you for your continued support. Friends of Stradbroke High School. Nigel Brown

Lottery Bonus Winners 30 M Ellis; 48 D Bickers; 43 S Ayton; 19 R Ward. £24 donated to Good Neighbours, £48 donated to Over 60s club, £24 donated to Football Club. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke Over 60s On May 7th we are having a light tea provided by committee members, with entertainment by Mr Barratt and his wife from Happisburgh, entitled “Story, song and serendade”. We then have a boat trip arranged from Horning on the broads on May 22nd. Here’s hoping for a fine day. Our meetings are held in the community centre from 2pm till 4pm on Thursdays. Visitors will be made most welcome. Our May meetings will be on 7th and 21st May. Joan Grimes

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eMail to place your advert here!

Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 01379 384 046. at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.


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Old Market Place Harleston.

Parent and Toddler Group On Thursday mornings 9.00-10.30am

Parent and Toddler Group At Wilby C of E Primary School Everyone welcome, babies and toddlers up to 5, mums, dads, carers, grandparents ~ bring a friend! Enjoy tea and biscuits while your little-ones play Lots of friends, toys, art & craft, music, activities. Secure outside play area. Donation gratefully accepted. For more information contact the school office on: 01379 384708 Or just come along.

My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.

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Stradbroke Archive and Records Association The Election riots in Suffolk On the 6th December 1884 the Representation of the People Act enabled the majority of adult males of the population the right to vote - an increase of 67%. What followed in Suffolk at election time, which took place over several weeks, were shameful riots. These riots were reported in the local and national papers of their day. .. “EYE: ". . .about 9 o'clock the Liberals sent out several lads with sandwich boards bearing the usual electioneering advice, these being headed by a young fellow carrying a pole on the top of which were a couple of pigs. The Conservatives responded by sending a dozen sandwich lads who, after parading of the town for about two hours, made a charge upon the enemy, took the pole and pigs, and carried them round the town in gleeful triumph . . ." (both candidates arrived in the town from different directions) " . . .small crowds began to congregate in different parts of the town about four o'clock, and several small fights took place, in one of which a young Conservative labourer had his ankle broken. The Principal Tradesmen, as a precaution, closed their shops at dusk . .. ." FRESSINGFIELD: Reported from the Petty Sessions held in the Queens Head Stradbroke, several men were fined and imprisoned for attacking a Mr Davy of Stradbroke with mud and stones whilst he was trying to vote. It is reported that this was unprovoked and Mr Davy had to take shelter in a villagers cottage to escape. All across Suffolk such riots took place. FINNINGHAM: ". . Early in the day, indeed before eight o'clock, the people Wyverstone poured into the village with heavy sticks. They enquired the politics of persons coming to vote, and if they did not receive a satisfactory assurance that they were Liberals, used them more or less roughly. . . extra constables were telegraphed for . . . the mob was so violent and numerous that for several hours longer they held complete possession of the village, whilst the Conservative committee room was abandoned, and their teller at the booth was removed.. . . . ." (A candidate arrived in the village by carriage) " The crowd . . . saw that the horse was not decorated with yellow colours, and at once set on the animal savagely." This day ended with at least two of the policemen being hurt, one of whom was knocked down, struck in the mouth and kicked in the ribs. All of these newspaper reports are there to read free of charge if you have a Suffolk Library card by just logging onto the Suffolk Libraries web page and following the links for research. Stradbroke Archive and Records Association will be holding it's monthly Archive pop-in session on Sunday 26th April between 10am and noon at the Court House. The cafe will be open for coffee and cakes as usual. In the meantime we wish you a happy and peaceful election day on Thursday 7th May! Ann Readman

Radio Stradbroke Summer on Radio Stradbroke means just one thing: “Summer Music Nights”. Fortnightly broadcasts to soothe the midweek brow. The first you can hear are: Wednesday 29th April 8pm – 11pm Professor Kimberley Bannon presents “We Love the 80s” Bubble perms & leg warmers optional Wednesday 13th May 8pm – 11pm DJ Dave Mann presents “The First Disc of Summer”. Intrigued? Well listen in. Wednesday 27th May 8pm – 11pm DJ Richard Pierce presents “Untitled & Unbridled”. A must for music fans More next month. Log on to Michael Hugman

1st Fressingfield Scouts An evening with Simon Weston: Around 200 people packed out the Diss Corn Exchange on Saturday 28th March to listen to an exceptional talk by Simon Weston, Falkland’s War Veteran. Thank you to everyone who supported the event, the sponsors and particularly to Dawn and Chris Carman-Jones for pulling the whole event together. We raised over £1000 for the HQ development fund. Beavers go Jurrasic: 1st Fressingfield Beavers led by Lucy Davies, recently attended the District Jurrasic day. GROUP CAMP 2015: We will again be holding our Group Camp at Thorpe Woodlands near Thetford. Congratulations to the 15 strong swimming team from 1st Fressingfield that swept the board at the District Swimming Gala. Kenyan friends to join us for the summer: Paula and two boys from Mothers’ Mercy Home in Nairobi, Kenya will be joining us for two weeks in the summer. VACANCY – 1st Fressingfield Group Executive Committee: There is a vacancy for an ADVENTURE SCOUT parent representative on our board of Trustees. Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne.

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Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Cinema On Friday, 1st May, we are showing “Paddington”, at 6.30 for 7.00 pm. The Bar will be open and icecreams on sale in the interval. All seats are £3. Director: Paul King, Writers Paul King, Hamish McColl , stars Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, and Julie Walters. A young Peruvian bear with a passion for all things British travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he begins to realize that city life is not all he had imagined. On Thursday, 21st May, we are showing “Theory of Everything” at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and icecreams on sale in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. Starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, this is the story of one of the world’s greatest living minds, the renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who falls deeply in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde. The film is based on the memoir "Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen," by Jane Hawking, and is directed by Academy Award winner James Marsh. It's a love story with plenty of heartbreaking moments. Due to popular demand we are showing films during the summer months “Still Alice” is on Thursday 16th. July. Margaret Streeter

Library/Post Office/Courthouse Café News We are still waiting to hear from The Suffolk Libraries Board and Suffolk County Council about the go ahead for the library/post office hours’ consultation results. Meanwhile…. The Courthouse Café Will Be Open Every Week for Refreshments On Thursday (10am to 1pm) and Saturday (10am to 12.30pm) Mornings Starting Thursday 14th May Look Forward to Seeing You There! If anyone would like to join our team of cafe volunteers call in the library and speak to Maureen. The new April bus timetables are in the library.

Maureen John

Coffee Morning The Rustic Barn is opening its doors for a coffee morning on Bank Holiday Monday May 4th from 10am to 4pm. You will find us in the gardens of The Old Lion, Queens Street in Stradbroke next door to the library. We are serving tea, coffee and cakes. Have a browse around our barn at the antiques, Bric a brac, jewellery, lavender gifts and crafts. Come along and help raise funds for pancreatic cancer. Mary Thompson

Suffolk Village of the Year 2015 Stradbroke is entering Suffolk Village of the Year 2015. I am completing the entry form as Secretary of the local branch of the Royal British Legion. I will be describing places of interest and projects in the village, and giving information about all our facilities and organizations, and the quality of the community spirit in Stradbroke. We will all work to keep the general upkeep of the village to a high standard, and I look forward to telling the judges about special achievements. I will take note of all that is said at the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday, 30th April in the Community Centre, but I will also be very pleased to hear from Stradbroke residents about anything that is relevant to our entry. David Streeter, Doggetts Farm, New Street, IP21 5JG. Tel: 384869

Plant Sale Stradbroke Church Village Show plant sale will be at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke on Saturday 23rd May 2015. 9am to 1pm. Good selection of vegetables and bedding plants. Also ready for collection now are Tomato, cabbage and broad bean plants. All proceeds go to the village show. Roly Copping 01379 384839

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EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED

Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

Based in Laxfield, where I can offer: • Hot stone, sport, remedial and seated Massage • 121 Pilates workshops • Equipment tasters, stability ball, foam rollers and wobble boards • Pamper ‘get together’ Other services •Group Pilates classes in Debenham and Framlingham. •Mobile massage in the local area. •Onsite seated massage for business or friends Please contact me to find out more ….. Nikki Hambling 07899888778, email

General Election 2015 Central Suffolk and North Ipswich


Jack Abbott


Mark Cole


Rhodri Griffiths

English Democrats

Tony Holyoak

Liberal Democrat

Jon Neal


Daniel Poulter

Election Cand

General, District a

All 18 Candidates for the Parish Council themselves to voters in the elections. There taken from Mid Suffolk District Council We

Stradbroke Parish Co Caroline Barnes We moved to Stradbroke in 2000 after running a Village Stores for 13 years where I was Chairman of School Governors, Village Hall and Treasurer for PCC, now semi retired I would like to get more involved in our village. Notice of Poll 10 Eastlands, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JA Proposer Joan Eva Scribens Seconder Kenneth John Scribens

George Chaplin Notice of Poll 7 Ash Plough, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5HB

Proposer O. J Coles Seconder Oliver Last

Oliver Coles Notice of Poll 10 Ash Plough, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5HB Proposer George Chaplin Seconder Oliver Last

Stuart Crane I moved to the village 2 years ago and have served on the Parish Council for the last year. I am part of the Neighbourhood Plan process. I'm simply interested in working to keep Stradbroke a nice place to live. Notice of Poll Yew Tree Cottage, New Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5JG Proposer Maureen John Seconder Michael Marlow

Don Darling Retired, 9 years in Stradbroke. Activities include Youth Football, Festifull, Intervillage Games, Nature Reserve, Community Centre, Neighbourhood Plan, and supporting the High School. I believe we must do a lot more for young people – Stradbroke’s future depends on them. Notice of Poll Frythe Barn, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5JP Proposer R D Turkington Seconder G Rennie-Dunkerley

Lynda Ellison- Rose I have lived in Stradbroke for 2.5 years and volunteered as a councillor over a year ago. I work in NHS patient quality. My interests include cooking, exploring Suffolk, reading, attending village events and spending time with friends. Notice of Poll 16 Farriers Close, Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5JF Proposer J E Hargrave Seconder M E John

Stuart Gemmill Notice of Poll Valley Farm, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk

Proposer G. W Jenkins

Seconder P. D Smith

Brian Goffee I moved to Stradbroke in 2007 as I have family living in East Anglia. I have been a governor at Stradbroke High School since 2008 and help to run Stradbroke Good Neighbours service. Interests include finance, administration and strategic planning. Notice of Poll 3 Knevetts Close, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5LN Proposer C Knowles Seconder C R Jones

James Hargrave Lived in Stradbroke for 10 years. Children at both village schools. Parish Councillor for 4 years. Chair of Governors at Primary School for 7 years. Vice-Chair of Stradbroke Courthouse and Library Trust. Part of Radio Stradbroke and Village Website teams. Notice of Poll 3 Meadow Way, Stradbroke, Eye, IP21 5JW Proposer L G Ellison-Rose Seconder R A.C. Pierce-Saunderson

didates 2015

and Parish Council

District Council Election 2015 Stradbroke & Laxfield Ward


Julie Ann Lower Flatman


James Edward Hargrave

l Election were invited by the editors of the Stradbroke Monthly to submit a photo and a maximum of 40 words to introduce e was absolutely no requirement to submit information or a photo, it was a request. The Notice of Poll information has been ebsite and can be viewed at This is not a Stradbroke Parish Council Publication.

ouncil Election 2015 Gerald Jenkins Notice of Poll 14 Farriers Close, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5JF

Proposer S J Gemmill Seconder N. M Stones

Maureen John I came to Stradbroke when I was 14 and I stayed because it is a brilliant place to live. I am the manager of the Library and the Post Office and chair of SCALT and really enjoy my work in the community. Notice of Poll Deep Footings, Church Street, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5HS Proposer Michael Marlow Seconder Stuart Crane

Oliver Last I grew up in Stradbroke. I am married and have 2 young children. I am fairly active in the village and I am currently the chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee. I want Stradbroke to maintain its sociable community spirit. Notice of Poll Manor Farm House, Fressingfield Road, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5NJ Proposer N. M Stones Seconder O. J Coles

Velda Lummis. I have lived in Stradbroke for 34 years, my son was educated at the two village schools. Am involved with the football and cricket clubs. Also very interested in the future development of the village. Notice of Poll Veldon, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5JN Proposer Tina Mollie Smith Seconder Trudy Ann Cattermole

Richard Pierce Saunderson I have lived here for 9 years. I am parent-governor at the High School, Secretary of the Cricket Club, and administer a local charity. I am the Chief Executive of a national charity. I am a published novelist. Notice of Poll Spring Cottage, Church Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HT Proposer L. J Chalkley Seconder D Chalkley

Gillian Rennie- Dunkerley I have lived in Stradbroke for 15 years and worked in Suffolk for 18 years. I am an enthusiastic member of many village organisations and look forward to facilitating the expansion of these and new activities for all our residents. Notice of Poll The Bishop’s View, New Street, Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5JG Proposer L J Smith Seconder K M Lynch

Peter Smith I have served on the Parish Council for 25 years and have been Chair of the Charitable Trust for 19 Years thus involved in the creation of many projects eg the allotments, the Doctors' Surgery, grants to local schools etc. Notice of Poll Hayfield House, Neaves Lane, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5JE Proposer Nick Stones Seconder Gerald Walter Jenkins

Nick Stones Notice of Poll The Cottage Farm House, New Street, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5JG Proposer Oliver Last Seconder P D Smith

Ellie Wharton I have lived in the village for 6 years, have 3 young children with my husband, a local farmer. I was previously a Fitness Instructor but am now a stay at home mum. Family and Community are important to me. Notice of Poll 6 Eastlands, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5JA Proposer Maureen John Seconder James Hargrave

Page 18



Scott J Regan Chimney Sweeping & Window Cleaning Professional. Clean & Qualified Service Member of the Guild of Master Sweeps Membership no. REG-25-463 Telephone Number :-01379 678537. Mobile Number :- 07962 207846. Email:

Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106


Vine House, Church Hill, Hoxne, Eye Suffolk, IP21 5AT THAT CHAIR, SETTEE, ANY TYPE OF UPHOLSTERY SOFT FURNISHINGS, curtains, blinds, cushions, etc. FOR PERSONAL ATTENTION

Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206

Page 19


For all your carpentry needs—plus painting, decorating, tiling, plastics, outdoor wooden structures, etc ..

Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email:

Page 20

Forthcoming events

Stradbroke Church Village Show The Annual Flower, Vegetable and Produce Show will be held of Saturday 25th July 2015. Potatoes and Buckets for the “heaviest crop in a bucket” are still on sale at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. Schedules are available in the Bakery shop and the Library. Any enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839

Horham & Athelington Community Council Horham and Athelington Community Council are organising a Summer Fete on the Centre Meadow on Saturday, 16th May from 2.00 - 5.00 pm. All those sideshows you remember with affection have been brought out of store and, with a lick of paint, they will look as good as new!! Teas, Sweets, Ice-Cream, a BBQ and the Bar will be open. Entertainment will be provided by local musicians and dancers - Zumba, Morris, Rapper and drummers, Oh! I nearly forgot - Dog Agility and “A Dog most like its Owner” competition. In the Old School, there’ll be a Celebration of the many forms of creative expression practised by the residents of Horham, painters, graphic and glass artists, embroiderers, photographers, wood turners, cabinet makers, knitters, card makers, flower arrangers and poets; and the Church Tower will be open. It’s in aid of Horham Community Centre Playground Fund. M Streeter

Annual Fun Music Quiz Friday 8th May, Laxfield Village Hall. Time: Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. Max of 4 per team at £20 per team. Please bring your own drink & nibbles as we are trying to maximise the fund-raising! To book your table please call Caroline on 01986 798422. Raffle with great prizes i.a.o. Colostomy Association. Caroline Emeny

Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre at Earsham Hall - May 2015 Bungay Area Lions Club is holding another Classic Vehicle Rally & Country Fayre in the grounds of Earsham Hall, Bungay, NR35 2AN on Sunday 3rd May, 2015. Gates will open from 10am until 5pm. Entry to the public will be £3 for adults - under 16s free. IMPROVED PARKING & CATERING THIS YEAR! Bungay Lions invite you to a great day out for all the family. If you have a vehicle to show, you can obtain a registration form for free entry from: Michael Gardiner, Tel: 07599 935113 Email: Link to registration form: If you would like a stall at the event, contact: David Lewis, Tel: 07599 935165 Email: Website: Dawn Collis, Bungay Area Lions Club

Stradbroke Sponsored Dog Walk As part of this year’s Stradbroke Festifull we are holding a sponsored dog walk in aid of the Dogs’ Trust, Snettisham. The walk, which will cover about 5 miles will start from the Community Centre at 10.00 am on Sunday 28th June. Entry for this event is free but we are hoping to raise lots of money for this excellent cause. Sponsorship forms are available from the Post Office or from Sam Hackett on 388872 or Sam Hackett

First World War Tribute Everyone’s War, How We Worked, Laughed and Cried Starston is presenting a village tribute to the First World War to be held in St. Margaret’s Church, Starston on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th May. An important aspect is the service given by women who kept the country running while the men were away. The performances will start at 7.30 each evening. Tickets cost £6.00 each or £2.00 for those aged 16 or under and can be bought from Harleston Information Plus (01379 851917), The Pennoyer Centre, Pulham Market Tel: 01379 676660 or from Ann Leitch in Starston (01379 423387). Refreshments will be available in the interval and you might like to bring a cushion to sit on. This community event is a local expression of the national commemoration of the 1st World War. Ann Leitch

Worlingworth Flower Festival St Mary’s Church on Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd and Monday 4th May. Open from 10am to 5pm. Light lunches from 12 noon to 2pm. Various stalls, raffle and refreshments. On Sunday 3rd “Songs of Praise” at 6pm. All proceeds in aid of St Mary’s Church funds. V.Abbott. 01728628272

Page 21

Kickboxing Eye “Monday” Diss “Wednesday” & Harleston “Friday” Kung Fu Dickleburgh “Tuesday” Bungay “Wednesday” & Needham “Thursday” For Fitness Confidence & Discipline Adrian: 01379 853894 07949 187169

Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307


Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 We will have our Fruit and Vegetable list in the Butchers, or if you phone us we will send you out a copy. .Seed Potatoes , Onion and Shallots available now. Large selection of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Leeks plants available now. Hanging basket and Bedding Plants available from the end of April. Fruit Trees available. Good Deal on Compost . Don't forget Easter. So why not get in early and order her , a lovely Bouquet, Basket of flowers . Or a planter of some plants . If you ever have any Gardening questions , why not come up and see us and Roger will help you out.


Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club A copy of the 2015 Wisden landed on my doormat this week, the smell of freshly mown grass, crisp laundered whites. Yes, the cricket season is here again. The fortunes of the Cricket Club read like a tide map. There is a general feeling that fortunes are rising. Often, events away from the wicket are a good gauge. Annual Race Night was attended by 70 patrons, including several cricketers. People have gone out of their way to say how much they enjoyed the evening & the ambiance. This may explain why over £1100 was raised on the night, a much needed cash injection for the club. Thanks to all who contributed, a sentiment echoed to all those who helped on Nat West Cricket Force Day. Despite inclement weather, there is now a ball retaining fence around part of the Playing Field. On broader matters, an ECB survey shows that less & less people are playing cricket every year. In light of this, Stradbroke are one of 9 clubs in Suffolk investing in “Turbo 10”, an even shorter version of T20 cricket, specifically designed to last one hour, for lapsed cricketers & newcomers alike, who do not have time to play the longer game. Details will be rolled out during the Summer, but a trial “match” involving our Junior Section takes place on Friday 8th May. Junior coaching commences every Friday after that. For more details, ring Tom Smith (384403). Also, two Ladies coaching sessions are planned for Wednesday 13th & 20th May. Yes, Ladies! If you have always fancied trying to play cricket, come along, it’s free. You may even like it. More details from Kate Thompson (668169). Support your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke Football Club Only one game since last magazine. V Felixstowe Harpers, drew 2-2. After this match we held the presentations at the Queens Head. Players P O Y was Clarke Field and Managers P O Y was Mark Lowe. Most improved P O Y was Luke Mayhew. Club Person of the Year was Mel Stammers. Well done to the winners and thanks to the Queens head for the food. The April bingo raised £42.70. The next one is on May 8th at 7.30pm in the community centre. The bigger the attendance the bigger the cash prizes. The AGM is on 27th May in the Club Room in the Community Centre 8pm. All welcome. Mary Ellis

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club At the time of writing this piece we are looking forward to our Green opening and the bowls season getting under way. The Club afternoons will continue this year on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Open to all, visitors' fee is £1.00, again a chance to have a go. Our first Club Competition is the President's Cup on Saturday 9th May at 5.00 p.m, this is open to all members. Our jumble sale is on Saturday, 16th May, 10.00 until 11.30 a.m. in the community centre, there will be stalls as usual, refreshments and a raffle, lots or bargains to be had. Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre Another new challenge for 2015! Stradbrokes Go Tri Summer Aquathlon Series. Are you looking for: A training Goal? For motivation? To try something new? Look no further! These fun, social & achievable events are run in association with Triathlon England’s Go Tri initiative to get more people participating in multi-sport events. Entry for these events is now OPEN. For more information speak to a member of the team at Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre, or look on Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centres Events page or call 01379384376. Maria Smith

Stradbroke Badminton Club Spring is now on its way, which means the end of the badminton season and the start of brighter evenings. There are only a couple of Club nights left now. It's been a mixed season for the men's team in the Ipswich & District League, finishing third and narrowly missing out on promotion for the second year on the bounce. There are still some games to be played in the Aldeburgh League. Ipswich & District League Results L Felixstowe B 6.5 - 2.5 Stradbroke W Stradbroke 6 - 3 Hamlets B George Chaplin For all the Ipswich league results go to

Page 23

THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.

To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873

Web Site:

For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306

eMail to place your advert here!

Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * Reflexology* *Hot Stone Therapy* *Facials * Body Scrubs/Wraps* *Indian Head Massage* I am only in Brundish,

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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549

POND VIEW HOME AND ACCESSORIES The Unit (rear of), Chestnut House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk, IP21 5jP Tel: 07710 856848 – Facebook: POND VIEW HOME AND ACCESSORIES

A LARGE RANGE OF PRODUCTS INCLUDING Beautiful wedding accessories and gifts INCLUDING a Candy cart/post box to hire for your special day Artificial Plants and Planters. Cushions, Seat Pads, and Quilted Bedding Cowhide rugs, Lanterns, Furniture, Candles, mirrors, clocks, pictures, jewellery, scarves AND MUCH much MORE:- GIFT VOUCHERS also AVAILABLE Open Wednesday Evenings 3.30pm-7.00pm and Thurday, Friday and Saturday (unless advertised on our facebook page) 10.00 am – 3.00pm OR ANYTIME BY APPOINTMENT (Please ring)

2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.

Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Mon – 10am to 6pm; Wed – 10am to 6pm; Fri - 10am to 6pm Sat – 10am to 4pm; Sun – by appointment (please ring) Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at


Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253

Tel: 384439 for information & bookings

Tel - 01379 388653

eMail to place your advert here!

E J BROWN Builder


42 Years in the trade


Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702

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(01379) 384689 eMail to place your advert here!

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

Forthcoming Events

Page 27

Pirates needed to join the Midnight Walk crew Ahoy me hearties, St Elizabeth Hospice is on the lookout for pirates to join their crew for the Midnight Walk on Saturday 16th May 2015. Men and women can choose to walk or run one of three new and improved routes which all start and finish at Ipswich Town Football Club; the five mile, eight mile, or the more challenging half marathon. Pirate fancy dress is optional, but if you do want to dress up, then head to your nearest St Elizabeth Hospice shop where you can get your hands on an array of pirate fancydress all for £5 and under. If you don’t want to take part in the event, but still want to be involved, why not volunteer on the night and join the Cap’ains Crew! Without volunteers, the Hospice’s biggest fundraising event of the year wouldn’t be possible, so could you spare an evening to help your local Hospice? To find out more, or to sign up for the Midnight Walk for just £15 per person, visit or call 01473 707043. All participants are asked to raise sponsorship, and all money raised will help the Hospice to provide vital care and support to patients and their families. St Elizabeth Hospice costs millions of pounds a year to run and relies on donations, gifts in Wills and fundraising events like the Midnight Walk to meet the majority of these costs. The Midnight Walk 2015 is supported by the East Anglian Daily Times, Ipswich Star and Town 102. Sophie Johnson, Marketing Assistant

60s and 70s Disco To the sounds of The Groove Brother and The Funk Rider on Saturday 6th June at Coronation Hall, Wilby. From 7.30pm – 11.30pm. Tickets are £7.50 each. Bar and raffle. All proceeds in aid of Quidenham Children’s Hospice. For further info and tickets call:Nancy on 01379 384 205/Geraldine on 01379 384 233

AGM The Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre is to be held in the Community Centre (Stradbroke Village Hall Charity No. 304823) on Friday, 22nd May at 7.30 pm. If you would like to learn more or perhaps take a part in running this important village amenity, do please come along. M Streeter

Festifull 2015 Update - 28th & 29th June This year’s Festifull is set to be a whole weekend of fun for all the family. We already have over 20 stalls booked for the indoor market and a further dozen outside. There’s 10 different ‘acts’ signed up for the arena including the Castleton Brass Band, Fire Service, Zumba and Dressage as well as the Dog Show. This year the indoor market will be open on both days as will the fairground and on the Saturday evening we are running a family disco with licensed bar and excellent food from the barbecue. We have had to make a small increase in the ticket price from £2.00 to £2.50 to cover the cost of the disco and the hiring of a big marquee. But the good news is that £2.50 covers entrance for the whole weekend including the disco and children under the age of 16 are free. The football tournament is running again this year with over 50 teams from across the county (some even from Norfolk!). On Sunday morning there will be a sponsored dog walk in aid of the Dogs Trust and in the afternoon we have the ever popular It’s a Knockout Wipeout, a fun event for all the family and a chance to get really wet and messy even if it’s not raining. The grand Summer Draw provides the chance to win £100 plus many other prizes and tickets will be on sale shortly. The draw takes place on Saturday afternoon. Full details will appear in next month’s issue and on the website As always we welcome volunteers to help in anyway either at the event and/or with helping to set everything up and clear away afterwards. For general enquiries contact Roger Turkington T: 01379 384248 E: For bookings please contact Nigel Brown T: 07771 838957 E: Roger Turkington

Page 28

What a busy time of year on the allotment and garden. Suddenly we find ourselves without the luxury of time. We have to get ourselves organised and there is so much to do. You can always cheat. Instead of trying to sow lots of seeds, then spend ages watering, pricking out, watering again then planting out, why not skip this bit and just buy the plants ready to put in the ground. Roly Copping is having a plant sale later this month. Do go along and save yourself some time. I had excellent results last year from his vegetable plants, and I have already bought some cabbages and tomato plants which are available now. He has a good selection at reasonable prices, I highly recommend him! Don’t forget to protect your plantings from the slugs and pigeons, else they will feast long before you do. The local Spar shop has tomato compost and 40L good general compost in at excellent prices. Be sure to take advantage of these offers. I sound a bit like a walking advert at the moment, but I will always promote good quality bargains to anyone who listens. We have a couple of plots still left for rent. We are a lovely mixed bunch of gardeners. All ages and genders. All with a passion for growing things. We are a mainly organic site with social events and educational talks peppered thoughout the year. If you would like to discuss renting a plot please email me to arrange a site visit and chat. Helen Pleasance

Forthcoming events (cont...) New Car Boot sale & Breakfast cafe Stradbroke High School - Saturday the 6th of June 2015 8am - 1pm. Come rain or shine we will be holding a car boot sale or indoor table top sale in the School Hall if it's raining. With our very own "Pit stop" breakfast cafe, serving cakes, hot bacon & egg rolls and lots of sweets and drinks, come and enjoy a good rummage and look around whilst we serve you. We will also have on sale a huge quantity of nearly new gardening equipment for give-away prices. So have a good spring clear out and make some money at the same time. Entry free and each pitch only £5 - all profits will be spent directly on the School pupils. For more information and bookings call 07771- 838957. Nigel Brown - Friends of Stradbroke High School

Golfers needed to help charity event go with a swing Golfers from across Norfolk and Suffolk are being invited to sign up for a special charity tournament and take to the fairways to raise funds to develop an innovative centre for people with life-limiting illnesses. Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund (HCNCF) will host the competition at Halesworth Golf Club on Wednesday 13 May in aid of the £714,000 Information and Support Centre (ISC) project. Open to teams of four, a range of cash prizes worth nearly £700 will be on offer, including prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive. Friends and families are also welcome to attend and offer support, join in with a putting competition, take part in the raffle and enjoy a buffet lunch and other refreshments. The day has been arranged to raise money towards the ISC, which aims to bring a full range of holistic services closer to home for patients with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, their families and carers. This includes benefits advice, wig-fitting, children and family support, complementary therapies, help understanding a diagnosis, counselling and bereavement support. Entry costs £39 per player, to include bacon butties on arrival and lunch. The maximum handicap is 24 for men and 36 for ladies. For more information or to sign up, contact Ted Edwards on 01986 784393 or or ask at the Halesworth Golf Club shop. Closing date for entries is 30 April. Liz Hearnshaw

Page 29

Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP

Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : Some evening appointments available


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Good selection of cars, vans & MPVs Coal, logs & kindling Air-con servicing from ÂŁ20 Vehicle recovery and transportation LPG Auto-gas filling station Courtesy cars available Free local collection & delivery AFTER HOURS MOBILE CALL JULIAN 07733 118100

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Page 30

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News & Views

Page 31

Try walking in my shoes After attending a fundraising dinner for St Nicholas Hospice in December I approached the Fund Manager to discuss my idea of a summer charity event for the charity. We were invited to tour the hospice in January and were greeted warmly by all the staff visited. We met the first responders, accounts, advertising, PR, IT, events and fund raising departments. The fund raisers have an Inspirational Wall to encourage the flow of ideas to raise money. We saw the counselling and therapy rooms, both suitably furnished for their functions. The family and play rooms were comfortably equipped and had expressive tools such as pencils, paper, paints and activity tables. Adjoining these was an external area called the Anger Wall where children and adults are able to vent their emotions by throwing objects at it. We visited the wards and ended our tour with a delicious lunch, cooked and prepared in the central café. The visit reinforced my original idea to support this vital facility for north & west Suffolk with its 800 volunteers and 200 employees who supply a caring and vital team service for patients and families at their time of need. My husband Mike and I have therefore set up 'Try walking in my shoes', a sales event to be held at Diss Methodist Church on 4th July. To enable it, we first need shoes to sell and are seeking men's, women's and children's new or used shoes - in good condition, of course. Stradbroke Library has kindly agreed to be the local collection point and we thank you for your generous footwear donations for this worthy, local cause. Lesley Bowen

Neighbourhood Plan The work of the Neighbourhood Plan teams trundle on, despite the recent planning application for the development of Grove Farm that was discussed at the last Parish Council meeting. Unfortunately it seems inevitable that this development will be decided upon before we have a Neighbourhood Plan in place. It is still a very important process though as it will govern the impact future development will have on the village. The Housing Needs Survey analysis carried out by the charity Community Action Suffolk returned a recommendation for 12 Affordable Homes to meet immediate demands which may be accommodated by Grove Farm in one swoop. However, the Neighbourhood Plan looks at longer term planning policy and Strategic Direction for the village. Once the Neighbourhood Plan is in place, developers will have to pay a higher premium directly to the village for improved infrastructure. Update from the 6 work streams: ·* Housing - The Housing Stream are currently writing to local land owners for suitable sites for future development with view of having a land bid by the parish whereby the residents vote on their preference for development. * Heritage & Environment - Looking at the look and feel of the village. Taking the Village Design Statement and seeing how we can develop into policies to ensure the heritage and character is protected and enhanced. * Traffic – Results of traffic survey of New St, Queen St and Laxfield Rd received and currently being analysed. Looking at the possibility of creating a legally enforceable 20mph zone in the centre of the village, having “quite lanes” to encourage walking and cycling, and other measures to mitigate the volume and speed of vehicles. * Education – Very productive meeting held with Mr Bloom, the head of the high school. 16+ year olds have to travel far for further education/6th form. Not utilising links with businesses to provide vocational courses or apprentishiops. Trying to arrange a similar meeting with the head of the primary school. * Amenities – the village is lacking something attractive for 14-18 years olds to do. From research, a very desirable amenity for older people would be number of bungalows or small houses with an on-site warden. People could live independent lives but with help at hand. You can see related documentation on the Neighbourhood Plan section of the website The Neighbourhood Plan Group

Do you or someone you know need help with transport? Borderhoppa are a local community transport charity operating a door to door service in this area. We currently have funding from the Big Lottery to provide free transport for 16 to 24 year olds for travel to and from job clubs, job interviews, skills training etc. If this applies to you, please call 01379 854800 so that we can help.Our Dial a Ride service is also open to anybody that does not have the use of any other transport facilities. To use our service you need to become a member & pay a membership fee, fares are then priced depending on distance travelled. We can take people to local appointments at doctors, dentists, hairdressers, vets etc., to work, to visit a friend or relative or anywhere they wish to go within our catchment area. We provide group hire for not for profit community groups & organisations with our 16 seater accessible mini buses. We operate outings for our members throughout the year to pub lunches, sea side, boat trips, shopping, garden centres etc. If you would like to make a booking or would like more information on any of the above, please call Carole Tilson 01379 854800 or visit our website:

Go to and sign up and we will send you an email to tell you when the new edition is up online! Village Diary April 25th 26th 27th 29th 29th 30th 30th May 1st 1st 2nd 2nd- 4th 3rd 4th 5th 7th 7th 8th 8th 8th 8th -9th 9th 11th 11th 13th 13th 14th 14th 15th 16th 16th 16th 21st 21st 22nd 22nd 23rd 23rd 23rd -25th 27th 27th 27th 28th June 6th 6th 6th 13th-14th

Drive through Scrap Metal Skips at Stradbroke High School, 8am till midday Stradbroke Archive Sunday at Court House, 10am – 2pm, refreshments available Stradbroke Community Centre Quiz, 7.30pm £10 for team of 4 Art Preview in All Saints Church 7pm-9pm See inside for details Radio Stradbroke 8pm-11pm “We love the 80s” Prof Kimberley Bannon Parish Council AGM in the Community Centre 7.30pm—all welcome Until May 4th - Art Exhibition in All Saints Church 10am – 6pm Stradbroke Cinema presents “Paddington” 6.30 for 7pm at the Community Centre Youth Club at the Baptist church at 7.30pm Annual Church Path Plant Sale 10.30am onwards Worlingworth Flower festival – full details inside Earsham Hall Vehicle Rally - see inside for details Coffee morning iao Pancreatic Cancer from 10am at “The Old Lion” – see inside for details Contact Club meet in the Community Centre at 10am to 1.30pm every Tuesday Election 2015 – Don’t forget to vote! Over 60s Club from 2pm-4pm in the Community Centre Court House Café ‘Flavours of the Levant’ @ 7.30pm £15. Book early! 70th Anniversary of V.E. day short service around the Memorial. Cash Bingo iao of Stradbroke Football Club 7.30pm in the Community Centre Everyone’s War held in St Margaret’s Church Starts on – see inside for details Court House Café ‘Flavours of the Levant’ @ 7.30pm £15. Book early! Good Neighbours AGM in Community Centre Club Room at 11 am Parish council Meeting – All welcome 7.30pm in the Community Centre Cameo Lunch club at the Baptist Church 12.30pm Radio Stradbroke 8pm-11pm “the first disc of summer” DJ Dave Mann The Courthouse Cafe opens – see inside for full details W I meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm Youth club at the Baptist Church at 7.30pm Jumble Sale iao Stradbroke & District Bowls Club 10am-11.30 in the Community Centre Summer Fete at Horham community centre from 2pm – 5pm Midnight Walk iao St Elizabeth Hospice – see inside for details Over 60s Club from 2pm-4pm in the Community Centre Stradbroke Cinema presents “Theory of Everything” at 7.00 for 7.30pm, Community Centre ** ARTICLES FOR JUNE EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE ** Community Centre AGM at 7.30pm Cake Stall in Church St in the morning iao All Saints Church Fund Plant Sale at 21 Woodfields from 9am to 1pm – vegetable and bedding plants Book Sale at Sibton Church from 10.30am to 4.30pm Drop in for coffee at the Baptist Church at 10am to 11.30am Radio Stradbroke “Untitled and Unbridled” DJ Richard Pierce Stradbroke Football club AGM in the Community Centre Club Room 8pm “Vegetable Growing” talk with the Wingfield and District Gardening Club –see inside Coins and Cakes in Church Street in the morning iao All Saints Church Fund Car Boot Sale & Breakfast Cafe at the High School 8am-1pm 60s and 70s Disco at Wilbys Coronation Hall. Starts 7.30pm Open Gardens - more details to follow

Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. The Stradbroke Monthly is published under the auspices of the Parish Council Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.

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