May 2018
Life On The Deben
On Saturday 12th May we are screening a Suffolk Libraries’ Presents cinema event showing ‘Life On The Deben’ The film Life On The Deben - A Film by Tim Curtis had its premiere on 3rd December in Woodbridge Riverside Theatre. That showing and the next four quickly sold out, followed by one at Felixstowe. We intend to show the film at Stradbroke Courthouse. “Author & journalist John McCarthy and Woodbridge based film-maker Tim Curtis embark on a journey into the Deben's rich past, looking at its geography, environment and the influence the river has had over the people who have lived by its banks. The film traces the entire length of the Deben, from the secret and disputed upper reaches near Debenham to the boatyards and bustle of Woodbridge down to the sea at Bawdsey and Felixstowe Ferry. Recent discoveries have shown that the river Deben was a far more significant Anglo-Saxon region than was first thought. We meet the reallife detectorists and the leading archaeologists who reveal what has been found at Rendlesham. The film features wildlife and conservation along the river and looks at daily life past and present, including boat building, sailing, farming, fishing, milling and even smuggling.” Tickets £5 must be booked at the library or phone 07507802360. Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start. Licensed Bar and ice creams in the interval. Maureen John, Stradbroke Library Manager
Neighbourhood Plan The Parish Council submitted the proposed plan and documents to Mid Suffolk, who started a consultation on 19th April, this will close at 4pm on Friday, 1st June. (Details on Page 6) All Neighbourhood Plan documents which have been submitted to Mid Suffolk, can be viewed at: www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/StradbrokeNP A hard copy of all the documents is also available to view in the Library. This month we have decided to share Mid Suffolk’s FAQs concerning the current consultation: What can I comment on at this stage? At this stage you can comment on the submitted plan and its policies. It is important for you to remember that, as the Examiner will only be able to recommend changes to the plan necessary to ensure that it meets the Basic Conditions you should consider in particular whether the plan meets these. The Basic Conditions Statement submitted with the proposed plan sets out how the Parish Council considers they have met the tests. I commented on the draft plan during an earlier consultation. Do I need to repeat those comments? All of the issues raised in response to the Parish Council’s Pre-submission consultation should be referred to in the Consultation Statement. As a result, the Examiner will be aware of those comments, so you do not need to repeat them. However, if any changes have been made to the Plan since the last consultation, and these raise new issues or affect the points you made last time, you might want to send in further comments. All comments made at this stage will be sent on to the Examiner. What happens next? At the end of the consultation period all comments received will be passed on to the Examiner. It will be down to the Examiner to decide how he/she wishes to undertake the examination. The Examiner may choose to rely on the written representations received but could call a public hearing if he/she decides that it is beneficial to do so. The Examiner will consider whether the Plan meets the Basic Conditions or whether further changes need to be made to the Plan in order to improve it. The Examiner will also decide if the Plan can proceed to the Referendum stage. Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
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N J Rush Painting and Decorating Inside and Out
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nick Rush. My wife Kirsty and I recently moved to a house in Bishops Way, bringing with me my painting and decorating skills. I have lived locally all my life and you may have already seen me since we moved to Stradbroke in January, pushing my new baby daughter Maya around in her pram and walking my chocolate Labrador Zoe, and sometimes even with my wife in tow!! If you are in need of any painting, decorating, fence mending, re-felting sheds or other maintenance, then please feel free to give me a call. I give free no obligation quotes and can give letters of recommendation if required.
N J Rush Painting and Decorating inside and out General Maintenance Pressure washing Re-felting sheds 01379 388304 or 07931653197 Nickrush.painter@gmail.com
Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk We welcome you to join us - Sunday Worship in May Sundays at 10:15 am 6th A. Hawes 13th & 20th B. Francis 27th G. Lee We welcome you to join us – our activities for May Wednesday 9th 12:30pm Lunch Club Saturday 12th 10am Create & Chatter Monday 14th 7:30pm We pray together Wednesday 23rd From 10am Drop in for Coffee Saturday 19th 3pm Special Service to welcome Pastor Bruce Francis A letter from Bruce Dear Neighbours, Happy Spring Time and New Beginnings! It has been wonderful to visit the village these past few weeks and meet a number of you and hear of your joy and passion of living in Stradbroke and the beautiful county of Suffolk. We look forward to joining in with village life as we relocate from Charsfield and ourselves enjoy the thrill of new beginnings – new friendships, new opportunities and new experiences. And now, with the warmer weather, we can enjoy the new beginning all around us in creation – the greening of the trees, buds on the bushes, the little bunnies at play, seedlings in our gardens pushing their way through – ah! the thrill and anticipation of a new season beginning. Here at the Baptist Church, we warmly welcome you and encourage you to come along and join us as we begin a new chapter in our history… a fresh start in an ongoing journey of faith. Come and explore the Bible and the good news of new beginnings thanks to Jesus, experience warm supportive fellowship and participate in uplifting worship services. Sunday Worship Services 10:15am (Please let us know if you would like a lift to church) We look forward to meeting you in the pool at the Swimathon on Saturday, April 28th and we pray for its continued success. Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance, Bruce Francis (and family: Mary, Joshua and Isabella) Pastor 01473 277-182 bruceinsfk@outlook.com Please come along on Saturday, May 19th at 3pm and join us as we officially welcome Bruce and his family to Stradbroke. Refreshments will be served following a short service. John Ling
Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531
The Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
All Saints Church Stradbroke. Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493; Revd Cathy Bladon 01379 588311. Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Cathy or Revd Susan Services: 6th May 11.00 am Family service, followed by coffee & tea 13th May 8.00am Holy Communion, said service 20th May 11.00 am Holy Communion, followed by coffee & tea 27th May No service in All Saints church 27th May 10.00 am family@church at Fressingfield, for the Benefice, all are welcome 3rd June 10.15 am Churches Together at the Baptist Church
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
The book sale was a success despite the dreadful weather raising £503.45. Thanks for all your support. We are holding another book sale in church on 2 June, 10am – 3pm, because many people didn’t come due to the very cold weather. So keep saving your books and puzzles. The Art Exhibition I now underway with more pictures than last year. Preview is on 2 May, 7-9pm, £7 with wine & nibbles. Then the church is open May 3 – 7 , Thursday to Monday inclusive, 10-6 pm. Thanks to all our sponsors.. May 21 we have a cake stall in Church Street. June 8 we have Cash Bingo, June 23 , Coins & cakes, so we hope to see you at these events. Thanks for your donations & support. Mary Ellis nd
From the Rectory
Dear friends and neighbours After such a seemingly prolonged winter, and the snow in March that brought a lot of the country to a standstill, it is so good to welcome the month of May with its hopefully sunny and longer days No matter how long each season seems to be, we know that it will change and one season will give way to another. I think that is a bit like life; sometimes we feel like we are in a season of darkness, waiting to see light at the end of the tunnel, just round the bend. When we feel that we are surrounded by darkness and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is because life has complications like bends and we can’t see the end. However, I believe that God is with us especially in the hard times, even if we cannot see him. If we put out our hand to him, he will take our hand and walk with us until we see the light. Most of you will know this popular poem, which in my experience is true. Footprints in the Sand One night I dreamed… I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. I said to the Lord, “You promised, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I notice that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?” The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you.” —Mary Stevenson Whatever season you are in, whether it be darkness or light, remember that God sees all and waits for us to invite him into our joys and our pain. May the warmth of the May sun warm your heart. God bless, Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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SUBMISSION OF NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR STRADBROKE (THE “STRADBROKE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN”) CONSULTATION UNDER REGULATION 16 OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING (GENERAL) REGULATIONS 2012 Notice is hereby given that Stradbroke Parish Council has submitted a draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (the “Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan”) to Mid Suffolk District Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). The ‘plan proposal’ In accordance with Regulation 16 Mid Suffolk District Council are now consulting on the draft Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan. Comments are invited on whether the ‘plan proposal’, as submitted under Regulation 15 (the draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documentation) fulfils the Basic Conditions as required by Paragraph 8(1)(a)(2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (inserted by the Localism Act 2011). The Stradbroke Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on Council’s website at: www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/StradbrokeNP A printed copy of the Plan and supporting documents are available for public inspection at: Stradbroke Library, Court House, Queen Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HG [Open Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 2:00pm - 5:00pm and on Thurs & Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm] Written comments only (preferably using the Consultation Response Form provided online) should be sent by e-mail to: communityplanning@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk / or by post to: ‘Stradbroke NP Consultation’, c/o Mr Paul Bryant, Spatial Panning Policy Team, Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Council, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, IP1 2BX … to arrive by no later than 4:00pm on Friday 1 June 2018.
It will not be possible to accept late representations. All comments received will be forwarded on to the appointed Examiner. You should not assume that there will be an opportunity to add further information, although the Examiner may request additional information based upon matters that are identified for examination. All information collected and processed by the District Council at this stage is by virtue of our requirement under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended). All comments received will be made publicly available and may be identifiable by name / organisation. All other personal information provided will be protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For more information on how we do this and your rights with regards to your personal information, and how to access it, please visit our website or call customer services on 0300 123 4000 and ask to speak to the Information Governance Officer.
Dated: Thursday 19 April 2018
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Dirty Oven??
Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie
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Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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The Stradbroke WI
Claim your free evenings Women of Stradbroke and neighbouring villages - did you know that you can come to 2 meetings for free as a taster? Come along for a visit and find out for yourselves what a sociable, educational, active and outgoing bunch we are. April business concerned:Education. Healthy living, alternatives to plastic, food poverty, heart research and fun group quizzes. Activities within the village. Litter pick-up days in April, local food banks, debates regarding assisting the elderly with physical activity. Social Events. Trips to Southwold theatre as a group, organised walks for the Association of Countrywomen of the world, group meeting to be at Fressingfield 25th April. Also the usual monthly circle dancing, kurling, book-club and lunch club meetings. The evening speaker. As a physical chemist Don Darling has spent much of his working life in ice cream and he came to talk to us about the challenges and innovations involved in providing the public with the happiness that is ice cream. Amazingly, fruity-ice foodstuff was thought to have been brought to Europe via Mesopotamia in approximately 2000BC, via China in about 1000BC and with Marco Polo to Italy. The Italians added dairy to it, and little did they know what a delightful craving they would start. The first ice cream machine being patented in the USA in 1840 lead to even more accessibility and ice cream factories beginning to titillate the public palate. The first of these factories in the UK was opened in 1922 by Bird's Eye-Walls. Modern ice cream is a complex combination of dairy products, fats, sugars, ice, air, stabilisers, thickeners and flavourings. It is formed by processes of mixing, pasteurising, freezing and hardening. We enjoy it in tubs, lollies, floats, ice cream sandwiches and rippled gateaux - and any colour from white to blue. Without the inventions of innovative chemists and engineers we would not have chocolate coatings, crisp cornets, ruffled ripples or coated ice creams on a stick. Different cultures enjoy their ices in many forms. The Germans are partial to spaghetti shapes; the Japanese like ice cream within rice cakes; in Thailand it is made to order on a frozen platter at street stalls and in Turkey they enjoyed the sticky-elastic maras dondurma, which is also sold from street stalls. We were informed that the best way to use our home machines is to aerate the mixture well by whipping, before adding flavourings. That being noted..........we all ate ice cream! And very nice it was too, accompanied by Kamal's wonderful baking. What more could we need? Thanks to our hostesses, Roz and Kamal, for the evening and to Don for providing a fabulous evening. Next meeting is May 10th when David Merritt will regale us regarding air navigation. Patricia Woodward
Stradbroke Allotment and Gardening Association
With all the rain and cold weather we had last month it’s a slow start to the growing season but now we are into May, let us hope that we have seen the last of the night frosts, however it is still possible for late frosts until the end of the month. The important job this month is to begin the hardening off of all vegetables and bedding plants which can be planted out at the end of May or early June. Seeds that were sown last month may now have produced seedlings that need thinning. If you don’t thin them crops such as carrots, parsnips, beetroot and lettuce may not have room to grow to a reasonable size. Continue regularly drawing soil up around developing potato plants in order to prevent the tubers breaking through the surface. Weed carefully around fruit bushes and raspberry canes. After a spell of rain, when the soil is damp spread a layer of organic mulch over the surface to help retain moisture and suppress the growth of further weeds. When broad beans begin to appear at the base of the plant, pinch out the growing tips to concentrate the plants’ energy on pod formation, nipping off the top of the stem with two pairs of leaves attached, this will also help to discourage blackfly which love the young succulent tips of the plants. Sweetcorn plants can be planted out towards the end of the month. Plant in blocks 30cm apart each way rather than in rows. Sweetcorn is pollinated by wind, by growing the plants in blocks there is more chance of pollination being successful than if plants are growing in rows. The male flowers appear as tassels at the tip of the plant and pollen falls onto the female parts lower down the plants. Unwanted shoots on raspberry canes should now be pruned; if too many new canes are allowed to develop, then the plants’ energy will be channelled into developing these new canes rather than into fruit production. Thick crowded rows are much more difficult to access and to care for, and fruits will receive less sunshine to ripen them. Always something to do up the allotment and
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The Stradbroke Village Archive
Reported in The Tourist 1832 On the 1st October 1832 Lot Smith of Stradbroke wrote a letter to Mr E Giles, Ipswich which reads as follows:“Sir, I saw a little patient of mine yesterday; his name is George Fisher, at Laxfield, aged about four years, who had been blind of both eyes for nearly two years, and had three large ulcers in his neck; he is now restored to his sight; his eyes otherwise, nearly well, and the ulcers are perfectly cured. All this was effected by the ‘Universal Medicines.,’ Your obedient servant. Lot Smith, Agent for Stradbroke" So, what is there to know about Lot Smith? The 1841 census return tells us that he was a druggist aged 55, married and living in Stradbroke – possibly New Street. We also know that he was probably a freeholder as he had the right to a registered political vote. In 1841 there was not a secret ballot. So, what is there to know about young George Fisher? George was born before the national registration of births, marriages and deaths so its not certain that he survived his illness. However, by 1851 blindness was recorded on the census return and the only George Fisher that fits the criteria of living in Laxfield and of the right age is by then a Shoemaker and did not declare this disability. On the other hand, by 1851 Lot Smith is not found. During the early 19th century there was an idea put forward by The British College of Health (which was not supported by medical doctors) that every illness had a source found in blood impurity and as such a universal medicine should cure all. Mr E Giles of Ipswich was a promoter of Morisons Universal Medicines prescribed to George Fisher by Lot Smith – agent. Sources: www.ancestry.co.uk, www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk, www.ucl.ac.uk/bloomsburyproject/institutions/british_college_of_health.htm Ann Readman. SARA
Stradbroke Primary School
We had a lovely end to the Easter term with a great service at All Saints Church. A big thank you to our friends of school who organised a “miniature garden” competition for the children with some amazing entries! Our youngest children had a very seasonal educational visit to Easton Farm Park as part of their topic on Farming. They were able to see lots of newly born animals which were extremely cute (many of the children now want a baby lamb as a pet)! This term promises to be very exciting with visits to the Farm and Country Fair. As the weather gets warmer we look forward to using our great outdoor spaces more and practising sports to build up to our Summer events such as Sport’s Day and our Year Six residential visit to the Peak District. Other exciting news…! The opening of All Saints Schools Trust. We are delighted to announce that the All Saints Schools Trust opened on 1st April. Five schools- All Saints Laxfield Primary, Fressingfield Primary, Stradbroke Primary, St Peter and St Paul in Eye and Wortham Primary School- have converted to academy status together to form this with approval from the Diocese of St Edmunsbury and the DfE . After a thorough consultation with community and parents the schools decided that there are great benefits in working together. The Trust has been created to utilise the strengths of teaching and leadership in all five schools, although the day to day running of the schools and leadership will not change. The Trust has a collaborative structure led by two Co-Principals, Melanie Barrow (Executive Headteacher of All Saints, Laxfield and Stradbroke Primary) and Mark Carlyle (Headteacher of Eye Primary). Ofsted has graded two of the five schools as ‘outstanding’ in all categories with the all other schools graded as ‘good’. We feel that this provides a very solid basis to grow the Trust. There is more information about the new Trust on the website http://asst.org.uk. ` Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher, Stradbroke Primary
Lottery Bonus Winners
9 M Jenkins £50 Rollover; 49 J Chetwynd; 39 E Elliott; 13 R Warne; 38 D Penycate. Donations given to Art Exhibition and Play Park. M Ellis
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News
Court House Café Extra: After a successful launch, the next ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café will be on Friday 4th May. For the next 6 months the café will be held on the First Friday of the month. Help and information are available at these café sessions if you need it. For more info, please call in the library and speak to Maureen or ring 01379 384768. ‘Summer Garden Party’ on Sunday 24th June from 12noon to 5pm, at Moat Edge, Cedar Close, Stradbroke. By kind permission of Allan & June Hampson Pimms, Canapes, Strawberries and Cream. Tickets £!5 book at the library/Cafe or phone: 01379 384768 or 07507802360 On Saturday 12th May we are screening a Suffolk Libraries’ Presents cinema event showing ‘Life On The Deben’ The film Life On The Deben - A Film by Tim Curtis had its premiere on 3rd December in Woodbridge Riverside Theatre. That showing and the next four quickly sold out, followed by one at Felixstowe. We intend to show the film at Stradbroke Courthouse. More details on the front page. We have recently had a new supply of greetings cards in the library so do come and have a browse. And don’t forget to use us for your holiday currency. We always hold Euros and American dollars but can order for you any currency you need. Printing and photocopying is also available in the library. REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS AT THE COURTHOUSE Monday : 2-5pm Rummikub Club Tuesday :10-11am Jumping Beans for babies/toddlers/children under 5 Wednesday : Pilates (Nikki Hambling Tel: 01986 798038 mobile 07899888778) Thursday: Courthouse Café: 9.30am-12.30pm Friday: First Friday in the month ‘Friday Friends’ Café Saturday: Courthouse Café 9.30am -12.15pm The Post Office and Library Opening Hours are: Monday: 2-5pm Tuesday: 2-5pm Wednesday: closed Thursday: 9am-1pm 2-5pm Friday: 2-5pm Saturday: 9am-1pm Maureen John Library/Post Office manager
Radio Stradbroke
One of the signs that Summer is approaching, is the number of requests Radio Stradbroke receive for outside broadcasts. Stradisphere on July 6th & 7th is always the pinnacle. For pinnacle, read 'most preparation & hard work', our services will be required before that. The first event is Dublogic (the VW Owners Club), at Debenham Hall Farm on Sunday 27th May, where as well as acting as PA, we will have an outdoor 'Sunday Session', & introduce some live bands in the afternoon. Radio Stradbroke doesn't have a bucket list, probably because there would be nothing left to put on it. The 'Day Job', Sunday Sessions continue right through May from 10am. Find us on www.radiostradbroke.co.uk or on Tune In Radio. Michael Hugman
Wingfield and District Gardening Club
Matt Tanton-Brown gave us more good advice, this time on gardens that require little maintenance. If one has a spot that needs low growing plants he suggests alpines, providing that you also supply really good drainage as they hate having wet feet. Dwarf conifers can help to create contrast and structure. Long lists of lovely shrubs of various sizes, including winter honeysuckle with a lovely scent which flowers when there is very little about. He also suggested shrubs that liked different conditions, sun or shade, clay or sand. On 31 May we will learn about ‘Hardy Exotics’ from Richard Clark at Brundish Village Hall at 7.30pm. C Traylen st
Over 60s
Our A.G.M. was held on 19 April we had 30 members in attendence. Our chairman, secretary, and treasurer are all to remain in office for a further year. They were thanked for all their services and for another very successful year enjoyed by the club. 5 committee members were then voted in. We then had tea and cakes, a raffle, and an auction after which we were all given a program of activities for this year. Our May meetings will be on Thursdays May 3 and 17th. At 2.00 till 4 00, in the community centre. All will be made most welcome. The first trip out will be May 31 to Wroxham Barns. Joan Grimes th
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
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Parish Council Notes From the Chair…
As we have published the notice for the next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation in place of the usual Parish Council Pump, I will try in my report to briefly update you all on the last meeting. Two planning applications were supported: DC/18/01207 Land East of Neaves Lane and DC/18/01335 Hillcrest, New Street We asked for more information on DC/17/05565 Land behind Jubilee House, Meadow Way Cllr Flatman offered to arrange a meeting with Mid Suffolk to talk about the planning application north of Westhall. Councillors agreed the year end accounts and the annual audit report was signed. Cllr Julie Flatman updated us on the activities being put in place for when the Women’s Tour of Britain passes through the village on 13th June. Cllr McGregor stated that the missing speed warning sign at Westhall is in hand and apologised for the length of time this has taken. The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday, 14th May (7.30pm). The next PC Clinic will be on Tuesday, 22nd May (2.15pm)
Ellie Wharton, Chairman, Stradbroke Parish Council
Community Defibrillator
Always phone 999 if you need help.
The operator will advise if you need the defibrillator.
The cabinet is locked - the 999 operator will give you the code to unlock the cabinet. Parish Clerk
News & Views Borderhoppa
Group Hires with Borderhoppa Community Transport Did you know that, along with our door-to-door dial a ride and outings service for members, not for profit community groups can hire our minibuses for their own outings. Go to destinations of your choice, visit your favourite places or enjoy shopping trips with your group. Our requirements are very simple. Your group must register with us as a not for profit organisation, cost of our annual group membership is £15, and tell us what your group does and when and where you would like use of a minibus. If you would like to make a booking or would like more information, then please call 01379 854800 or visit www.borderhoppa.org Borderhoppa Admin
Forthcoming Events Live band at St Mary’s Church
St. Mary's Church Cratfield on May 19 at 7pm. Live 20piece Swing band on your doorstep. Ticket Hotline 07906509302 Ian David Thompson th
Stradbroke Craft Club
We have been running our Club now for 11 years meeting in the Community Centre on a Monday once a fortnight. We do many different crafts to cater for all tastes and abilities . We are a very happy group. Our next term starts at 2pm on 14th May. If you are interested in joining us do come along and see what we do. Claudene Merritt (0l379 384439)
Wingfield Village Fete
Sat. 30th June For all the family, set in the beautifully restored timber framed barn, surrounded by studios and galleries Wingfield Barns 11am – 3pm, Phoenix Rescue Birds of Prey, Live Music from Lost in Translation and SARK "Inspired Art’ Exhibition by 7 local artists, many for sale Classic Cars, BBQ and Bar, Craft and Cake Stalls, Tombola & Raffle, Children’s Games Free Entry and Car parking – Sat Nav IP21 5RA Proceeds in aid of East Anglia Children’s Hospices and St Andrew’s Church. Lorraine Ware
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
The original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 18th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke. A place to talk to the village. Post your village group updates, local events, lost & founds and items for sale!
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Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106 www.safeandsoundhygieneandpestcontrol.co.uk
Forthcoming Events
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Red Feather Club
The Red Feather Club in Horham has a packed calendar of events planned for 2018 with dances, open days and a quiz. Saturday & Sunday 16th & 17th June: The 95th arrive at Station 119, 75th anniversary weekend - details to be announced. Saturday 23rd June: Dance - The Devils Cut Combo are back by popular demand with guest DJ Slimboy. Sunday 24th June: Americana Day. September 29th: Dance - The band Junction 55 and DJ Gypsy John. Public open days: The last Sunday of the month from April to October. 10am-4pm. May 27th, June 24th, July 29th, Aug26th, Sept 30th & Oct 28th. The award-winning Red Feather Club museum, operated and managed by the 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, in a former NCOs' club exclusively houses uniforms and memorabilia relating to the 95th Bomb Group who flew out of Horham during WW2. The 95th, part of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, flew 334 missions and were the first Bomb Group to perform a daylight raid on Berlin. They were awarded a record three Presidential Unit Citations and lost more than 600 men in action. The Red Feather Club is four miles south-east of Eye off the B1117 (IP21 5DG). For details of prices, times, ticket availability etc for dances and other Red Feather Club events visit our website at www.95thbg-horham.com. For Sat Navs, our postcode is: IP215DG. 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, Coldhams Hill, Denham, IP21 5DG, enquiries@95thbg-horham.com, www.95thbg-horham.com. Mike Ager
Wilby Coronation Village Hall Presents
Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection on Friday May 11 Doors Open 7:30pm Bar – Refreshments. Tickets £12 From : Http://Www.Wegottickets.Com/Event/432211 Or Tel: 01379 388112/Email: Alisonandian5@Btinternet.Com Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection With their unique musical style and irrepressible sense of fun, changing gear with almost every number, it is easy to see how audiences are captivated by this very talented quartet. From a riverside cafe, via a hoolie in Dublin, to a night out in New Orleans with rip- roaring fiddle and banjo – this band does it all! A master of live entertainment, multi-instrumentalist Wild Willy Barrett’s dry off-the-wall humour has audiences laughing out loud between numbers, as the warm and charismatic vocals of Jane Williams take centre stage. Innovative arrangements beautifully performed on instruments including the guitar, cello, fiddle, banjo and uilleann pipes, add a touch of magic. Willy, best known for his partnership with John Otway, has had a long and varied career. He has toured with artists as diverse as Madness and Steeleye Span, and his wonderful acoustic guitar playing is featured on ‘The Contemporary Folk Guitar’ album alongside Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Gordon Giltrap & Ralph McTell. The group’s singer, Jane Williams, has just recently finished recording with Van Morrison for his latest album, and is a wonderful new addition to the ensemble. Her effortless but highly emotive vocals draw you in and leave you wanting more. A great night out unlike anything else on offer in the UK at the moment! www.wildwillybarrett.com th
Wilby Coronation Village Hall Royal Wedding
Come and watch Harry & Meghan’s Big Day on the big screen - May 19th. Celebrate the wedding of the year with afternoon tea in the traditional way, in Wilby Hall. Watch the gorgeous couple get wed - as only The Royals know how. Wilby Village Hall - Saturday May 19th. Afternoon Tea with a glass of Pimm’s or bubbly then relax and watch the wedding of the year on the big screen in Wilby Coronation Hall. Tickets/Entry £5 (kids go free) includes Afternoon Tea (Sandwiches, cake, scones, jam and cream, and a glass of Pimm’s or Prossecco). Jack’s Bar will be open. Doors open and TV coverage commence at 11am. Proceeds towards The Invictus Games Foundation For tickets or donations - Contact: alisonandian5@btinternet.com or tel: 01379 388112 by May 14 https://wilbyvillagehall.000webhostapp.com/index.php Ian Taylor
Lyrical Jukebox at Wilby Village Hall
Wilby village hall proudly presents Lyrical Jukebox live on Saturday June 30th. Doors open at 7pm - tickets only £5. Bar - refreshments available. Playing music from the 50s to the 80s. A real mid-summer music fest for you to sing along to, there’s certainly something for everyone! We would love your support. Tickets from : alisonandian5@btinternet.com or tel. 01379 3881 Ian Taylor
Forthcoming Events
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Stradbroke Cinema
On May 17th we will be showing ‘Paddington 2’. Our favourite bear returns! This time, Paddington is trapped by a dastardly actor played brilliantly, and with tongue firmly in his cheek, by Hugh Grant. This campest, villainous “luvvie” is pitted against Paddington who ends up in jail where there are some hilarious scenes involving marmalade. Even better than ‘Paddington 1’ this film will thrill, make you laugh out loud and shed a small tear at the end guaranteed. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under. Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradb rokeo nline.org. uk
WEA An Afternoon with Roy Tricker
WEA Talk. The WEA are delighted to welcome Roy Tricker to Stradbroke on Tuesday, June 19th at 2.00pm when he will be giving a talk about Eccentric Clergy in Suffolk and beyond followed by a visit to All Saints Church, Stradbroke where he will share his expertise about the church. As a former Regional Officer for the Churches Conservation Trust, Roy’s love and knowledge about churches, their treasures and people is infectious and he was recently awarded the British Empire Medal for his services to Heritage in Suffolk. If you would like further details please contact me at gillianrenniedunkerley@hotmail.com or 01379 384248 or 07730011951. The cost will be £6.00 Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Stradbroke WEA Chair
Stradbroke Church Village show
The village show is on 21 July. Schedules are available from the bakery shop & the library. Tomato and vegetable plants are now ready, call at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke. Also I am having a plant sale & Open Garden on Saturday 19 May, 9am to 1pm and Sunday 20 May, 9am to 12 noon, then 2pm to 5pm. A good range of vegetable and bedding plants at 21 Woodfields. All proceeds to the village show. Enquiries to Roly Copping 01379 384839 st
Heveningham Hall Country Fair Weekend - 30th June & 1st July
Heveningham Hall Country Fair Weekend - 30th June & 1st July Aviation and motor sports concours, aerobatics, action horses, bungee jump, power boats, sheep show, Horsepower Hill, Wall of Death, dog show. Supporting local charities. Open 10am to 5pm. www.countryfair.co.uk Volunteers are essential to the successful running of the fair so I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has some time to spare and would enjoy becoming involved. Mike Stephens - 01986 798583 or email foodee@hotmail.co.uk Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust - registered charity number 1095403 - For the Community - all proceeds raised by our events go to local charities. Mike Stephens
Concert at Dunwich
On June 3rd 2018 at 3.30pm St. James’ Church Dunwich, IP17 3DT: A concert of Baroque music given by the WOLLASTON CONSORT; Julie Harmer – flute; Peter Clayton - harpsichord & organ. A Sunday afternoon concert followed by tea & cake. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Andrew Campbell
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market
Bank Holiday Saturday 5th May 10am -12.30pm “your friendly community market held in All Saint's Church & the Royal Oak and outside on Church Plain” The weather was good and the April Market had a real buzz, attracting customers from near and far with comments from shoppers such as “It's good here, isn't it?” and “A fantastic variety of things!” whilst passing on their way to peruse all the many interesting stalls. This month there will once again be around 40 stalls offering lovely local foods, crafts, vintage, charity, bric-a-brac and knitting, along with plants and associated garden items. Sourdough breads, Laxfield goat's cheese, free-range eggs and organic veg will also be on offer. As entertainment, the characterful Fortisques, elegant visitors from the year 1751, and suitably attired for the occasion, will be calling by on their way to Cromer from London, with stories and songs from the city. They will have a good friend travelling with them this time, who may hold an amazing likeness to a Laxfield parish resident! The popularity of the Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market means that there is often a waiting list for stall space, so please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852 early if you would would like to request a space. Cake of the month on the Scrumptious Sister's bakes stall—'7-A-Day Gorgeous Gateaux' which will be choc full of luscious fruits – what better excuse to munch on cake! The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you for a sociable time on the first Saturday morning of every month. See you there! Breakfasts, bacon rolls, tea & coffee, cake & lunches plus beer all available. Carolyn Nichols
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club
Hello everyone, In writing this report on such a glorious spring morning with the prospect of the fine weather continuing we in the club hope that there will be a strong turn out of potential new members at the Community Green this Saturday - 21st April. The green is looking in superb condition following the hard work done during the winter break. As you may have read in the April issue of this magazine the club is desperately short of members, and we are inviting you to come along and hopefully join us to keep the club alive and survive as a vital part of the village community. A polite reminder that if you were unable to come along on opening day we hope that you are able to come along to the Wednesday and/or Saturday afternoon rollups starting at 2.00 pm until about 3.30 pm. We will supply the bowls all we ask is that you wear flat soled shoes or trainers to protect the green. I have included in this report the home fixtures for May when you are more than welcome to come along and watch a game in progress and someone will always be on hand to advise as to how the game is played, these are evening games and usually start about 7 pm. We sincerely hope to see you on the green and to get involved in the bowls scene. League Fixtures Waveney - 2 Woods Tues May 1 Shotford Thur 10 Thornham Magna Frid 18 Connaught Tues 22 Beeches Tues 29 Dickleburgh Saxmundham - 4 Woods Mon May 14 Leiston Mon 21 Peasenhall Presidents Cup Sat May 5 Stradbroke
H This in house match starts at 5.00 pm
Social Events As predicted the Pudding party that took place earlier this month was a real success when the great sum of ÂŁ690 was raised for the club funds. A very big thank you to all who attended and were generous with the items for the blind auction and of course the bidding for the items. Well done Mary and all members who contributed to the great food available. Bingo for bowls: The next session will be on Friday 11th May starting at 7.30 pm in the community center. In closing we thank you for your time in reading this report and sincerely hope that we have the pleasure of our company in response to our urgent need for new members, please contact me on the following number if you have need of further information. Best regards, Roy Lee (01379 384729)
White Hart Bowls
Here we go with a new season of bowls, there has been a lot of work done at the bowls club over the closed season,with thanks to all those involved. Only one game played so far. Waveney League Wortwell Away lost 54 – 65 Lynn Ruth
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road,Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Spring has disappeared. We go straight from Winter into Summer. I blame Brexit! Cold, tired, huddled masses one week, sunburned bodies the next. Grass cut, pitch rolled, all we need now is a team. Once again the Cricket Club has everything we need to play cricket, except players. We have a sponsor, new shirts, & funds. Race Night was again well supported by 60 villagers, transferring into a profit of nearly £1100. Thanks to everyone who played a part. Coaching has started in four Primary Schools, meaning that over 150 children have been introduced to the game of cricket in one week. Hopefully their interest will grow. A reminder that coaching for the 9 - 14yo age group starts on Fridays at 6pm from May 11th, while 'All Stars Cricket' aimed at 5 - 8yo starts at 10am on Sunday 13th May. Just turn up. If you like nothing more than watching a bit of cricket, Stradbroke have three home games this month, starting at 1pm v Haverhill (29th April), v Elveden (12th May), & v Stowmarket (26th May). Finally, had I mentioned that 2018 is our 275th Anniversary? I would like to hear from anybody who can fill in a few gaps about the Club from previous years, particularly personal memories from the post war period, & details of some of the grounds/fields in the village that have hosted games. I believe there are about eight. Thank you Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre
Triathlon & Aquathon Final preparations are now taking place or this years award winning Triathlon & Aquathlon, we have again joined forces with Active Outdoor Sport to host Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathlon 2018! This year we are offering a choice of 2 dates for the Triathlon – Saturday 19th May starting at 5.30pm & Sunday 20th May starting at 8.30am with the Aquathlon following on Sunday afternoon. The chosen charity is SARS (Suffolk Accident & Rescue Service) This local charity voluntarily provide specialist Doctors & Paramedics to assist East Of England Ambulance Service at the scenes of incidents where patients require an enhanced level of medical care before they reach hospital. Entries are now open, please go to www.stradbroketriathlon.com for more information, Many village residents volunteered as Marshals last year, we would love you to join us for the great atmosphere & to cheer the triathletes on, please send an email to Mariasmith@everyoneactive.com to register an interest! Thank you once again to Spar who is generously sponsoring the event by supplying water & fruit for the athletes & Marshals! Swimathon news will be in June’s magazine! For more information on any of the above events please call in & see us, or check out our facebook page! Maria Smith, Duty Manager
Stradbroke Tennis Club
A new season is now underway with matches in both the Lowestoft and South Norfolk Leagues commencing this month. The club is keen to attract new members, all standards are welcome. Subscriptions have not been increased this year and therefore remain very good value for all year round play on the clubs all weather courts. We hold club afternoons on both Mondays and Thursdays starting at 1.30 pm so why not come along and give us a try you will be most welcome. For any further detais give me a call on 01379 384557. Andy Bedwell our resident fully registered tennis coach is running a junior coacing programme and is also available for invdividual and group coaching. For further details you can contact Andy on 07725 851426 or 01379 384796. Non members can hire a court by contacting Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre on 01379 384376. For Adults the charge is £8.00 per court per hour and for Juniors £4.00 per court per hour. There is a slight increase this year to help with running costs. We are fortunate to have such good faciliates for tennis in the village and to ensure that we can continue to run a club we must attract new members so why not come and have a game and consider joining us. Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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E J BROWN Builder
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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Forthcoming Events
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Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre (Charity Number 304823) will be held on Tuesday, 15th. May at 7.30 pm. in the Webb Room. All Welcome. Margaret Streeter, Secretary. STRADJAZZ PRESENTS - Bringing Jazz back to Stradbroke - at The Community Centre Bob Kerr,together with The Anglia All Star Jazz Band, including some of East Anglia's finest jazz musicians. Bob Kerr on Trumpet, Sax & Vocals; Trummy Mayhew Trombone; Mike Hurrell Piano; Mel Cox Banjo; Keith Donald Double Bass; is returning to Stradbroke on: Saturday 12th May 7.30pm - 11.00 pm Tickets £5 Bar will be open. A one-off show from the famous Bob Kerr and his Jazz band not to be missed - we expect a full house! Tickets from Jane Merritt on 388382 or Margaret Streeter on 384869 and on the door.
Classic Vehicle Rally and Country Fayre
Bungay Area Lions Classic Vehicle and Country Fayre is once again being held at Earsham Hall by kind permission of Rupert and Annabel Stretton-Derham on Sunday May 6th. Admission £5 adults, under 16’s free. Alongside the hundreds of vehicles including cars, tractors and military vehicles plus motorbikes and auto jumble we are delighted to have Strap 4 Cash and Airmail playing live throughout the day. There is something for all the family with a dedicated children’s entertainment arena, with Punch and Judy shows and, also for the first time there will be pony rides at the top of the drive for all those budding jockeys. Once again there will be the chance to find that unusual gift or keepsake among the variety of craft and trade stands, enjoy an alfresco lunch from one of the many food stalls, catering for all tastes including vegetarian, for those not driving there is a licensed bar. Bookings for vehicles and stalls are filling up fast but you can contact Lion Michael on 07599935113 for vehicles or Lion Lyn on 07599935165 for trade/craft stalls. If you are interested in becoming a member of Bungay Lions and make a difference in your community and around the world please either visit our facebook page, speak to one of us at the rally or contact Lion George on 01986 892902 Dawn Collis
Horham Open Village
Horham Open Village on Saturday, 2nd. June, Car Boot starting at 11.00am Fete 1.30 - 4.30 Arts & Craft Exhibition in the Old School with Cakes and Ale, and a “Masterpiece” to paint. There will be a Dog Show and Agility Demonstrations on the meadow as well as the usual stalls and tombola. Open Church Tower, Classic Vehicles, Teas, BBQ, Live Music and Morris Dancing, Radio Stradbroke. Tel: Old School Arts and Crafts - Christine 384168, Car Boots - Karen 07775672220 Margaret Streeter 384869 m.streeter@btinternet.com
Thursday May 3rd 7.30pm: Stradbroke Allotment and Gardeners Association ( SAGA ) AGM will be held in the Black shed up at the allotments, or in Stradbroke Courthouse if particularly cold or wet. Please bring chairs. Refreshments will be provided. Judy Andrews
Letter To the Editors A big thank you from Mark Peacock Landrovers Myself, my family and my employees would like to thank all our customers from Stradbroke and the surrounding area for all the custom over the past 29 years. I am ceasing to trade on the 31st May due to retirement. We have met some wonderful people, and all of us will miss the many laughs we have had over the years. Thank you one and all. Mark, Sue, Holly, Mike and Micky. Mark Peacock
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News & Views
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Mobile phones have been around for about 30 years now, in one form or another. In that time, they have been completely transformed and completely transforming. As the great brick-like contraptions that became synonymous with the social and economic changes of the 1980s gave way to the sleek, all-encompassing smart phones of today, so the way people have used them has changed beyond recognition, and the impact on our lives of those changes has been dramatic and, on the whole, hugely beneficial. While almost anything and everything can be done via your mobile phone, its original purpose remains fundamental: the ability to make a phone call; to speak to other people. It is in this area that technology just hasn’t kept up. In Suffolk, as elsewhere, mobile phone reception is extremely mixed. It seems extraordinary that it’s possible to speak to someone, with complete clarity, living thousands of miles away in Africa, and yet struggle to make a call from many of the towns and villages across our county. It is in that context that the ‘No More Not Spots’ campaign has been launched by the British Chamber of Commerce, and strongly supported by the CEO of Suffolk’s Chamber of Commerce, John Dugmore. As John rightly said, “It’s particularly important in Suffolk because we have a number of key strategic arteries such as the A12 and A14 with terrible not-spot areas.” I’m sure we can all add to that with the areas we’ve struggled to make or take a phone call. Quite simply, we must do better. Both for existing businesses, and to attract and encourage new ones, this is a must. Suffolk has such great economic potential, but in a highly-competitive world, we need to keep advancing in order to retain and build on its competitive advantages. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people to share the details of not-spots they have experienced – which you can do via the Chambers of Commerce website. The Chamber will then take these details to the big network operators, as well as councils and the government, with the laudable aim of achieving 100% coverage by 2020. We can all do our bit, and I will certainly to push this matter with my colleagues in parliament. So, spread the word and #shareyournotspots. Dan Poulter
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will notify you when the new edition is online! Village Diary May 1 Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday 1 Jumping Beans for babies/toddlers/children under 5, and every Tuesday (see page 12) 2 Art Exhibition preview evening (see page 4) 3 -7 Art Exhibition in church, 10-6pm (see page 4) 3 Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 3 SAGA AGM in the Black Shed start 7.30pm (see page 27) 4 ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 12) 5 Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 10 am to 12.30pm (see page 18) 6 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 6 Bungay Area Lions Classic Vehicle and Country Fayre (see page 27) 7 Rummikub Club, 2-5pm in the Court House, and every Monday (see page 12) 9 Baptist Church Lunch Club at 12.30pm (see page 3) 10 WI meet in Community Centre (see page 9) 11 Cricket coaching for 9 to 14 year olds from 6pm (see page 22) 11 Stradbroke & District Bowls Bingo in Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 20) 11 Wild Willy Barrett’s French Connection at Wilby village hall (see page 17) 12 Stradbroke Cricket Club v Elveden, 1pm start (see page 22) 12 Baptist Church Create & Chatter (see page 3) 12 Suffolk Libraries’ Presents ‘Life On The Deben’ (see front page) 12 Bob Kerr and Anglia All Stars at the Community Centre (see page 27) 13 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 13 All Stars Cricket for 5-8 year olds from 10am (see page 22) 14 Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 7.30 pm (see page 14) 14 Stradbroke Craft Club meet in Community Centre at 2pm (see page 14) 15 Sports and Community Centre AGM, 7.30pm (see page 27) 17 Over 60s meet in Community Centre from 2pm to 4pm (see page 12) 17 Stradbroke Cinema presents Paddington 2, doors open at 7pm (see page 18) 18 **Deadline for submissions for June edition strictly by this date** 19 Wilby Coronation Village Hall Royal Wedding, from 11am (see page 17) 19 Big Band sounds from 40s & 50s in Cratfield Church (see page 14) 19 Stradbroke Triathlon (see page 22) 20 Stradbroke Triathlon (see page 22) 20 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page 12) 21 All Saints Church Fundraising Committee cake stall in Church Street (see page 4) 22 Parish Council clinic in Court House at 2.15pm (see page 14) 23 Baptist Church Drop in for Coffee (see page 3) 26 Stradbroke Cricket Club v Stowmarket, 1pm start (see page 22) 27 Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am (see page ) 27 Red Feather Club public open day (see page 17) st st
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Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.