May 2019 No.452
Local Elections: 2nd May 2019 Polling Station – Community Centre, Wilby Road
The following is a statement of the persons nominated for Election as a Parish Councillor for STRADBROKE Name of Candidate Pamela CANE Don DARLING
Proposer Margaret Streeter Stuart Gemmill
Seconder Peter Chetwynd Jane Gemmill
Toni Wisbey
Kamal Ivory
Jeremy FOX *
Mark Deatker
Patricia Woodward
Nick Stones
Jane Gemmill
Maureen John
Kamal Ivory
Kamal IVORY *
Toni Wisbey
Chris Edwards
Maureen JOHN *
Velda Lummis
James Hargrave
Graham KERRY
Peter Smith
Roger Turkington
Karine LAST
Don Darling
Carol Darling
Velda LUMMIS *
Mary Ellis
Jacqueline Garford
Trevor Kerry
Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley
Dennis Merritt
Jane Merritt
Louise SMITH
Don Darling
Roger Turkington
Don Darling
Roger Turkington
Kamal Ivory
Velda Lummis
* denotes current councillor Taken from the full details at https://www.babergh.gov.uk/assets/Elections/2019-Elections/Statement-of-Persons-NominatedMid-Suffolk-Parish.pdf
The following is a statement of the persons nominated for Election as a District Councillor for STRADBROKE & LAXFIELD WARD Julie Ann FLATMAN (Cons) *
Karl Flatman
Elizabeth Hammond
David Burrell Edward G Baker Dianne Amies Linda Wilson
Maureen John Jane Merritt Michael Downer Joy Ayre
Kate LEITH (Lib Dem)
L S Ridge
E F Ridge
RAC PierceSaunderson A Pierce-Saunderson Christina Van Melzen Susan M Hepworth
L A Brydson A Wisbey E Shercliff B Goddard
* denotes current councillor Taken from the full details at https://www.babergh.gov.uk/assets/Elections/2019-Elections/Statement-of-Persons-Nominated-MidSuffolk.pdf
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Sponsored Page
Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk You would be most welcome to join us this May: Sunday Worship Service - 10:15-11:15 Wednesday 8th Friendship Lunch - 12:30 Wednesday 22nd Soup ‘n’ Sweets lunch -12:30 Thursdays Prayer Meeting -13:30 at the Chapel Bible Study - 14:00 at the Chapel ~ The Blessings of Spring ~ There are many blessings, that each new Spring brings you can see it bloom about and hear the song it sings. With winters bleakness over, and brighter days ahead comes promises of new life Springtime loves to spread. As God unfolds the flowers, and their buds begin to show He gives to us the assurance grace in our hearts will grow. He sends us the robin’s song, with the promise to provide a shelter under His mighty wing where in His love we can abide. He melts the snowy covers, and sends the refreshing rain sprinkling us with His mercies to heal winter’s ache and pain. God’s given to all His Son, to shed upon us a new light and the real blessing of Spring . . . is keeping Jesus in our sight! by Deborah Ann Belka If you would like to know more about Stradbroke Baptist Church, Christianity, would like us to pray for you, or have a home visit, please contact: Pastor Bruce Francis on 01379 388744 or 07484 219 265 or bruceatsbc@outlook.com
Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Telephone: 07749445531 Do you need our help? For example, a lift to the surgery, or to a hospital for an appointment? Can we pick up a prescription for you? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm? Then contact Good Neighbours. We only charge for mileage. Our friendly volunteers will be happy to help. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice please. Carol Darling
The Borderhoppa 2019 outings leaflet is now available. We have many trips arranged throughout the year including pub lunches, garden centres, the coast, mystery tours, boat trips and many more. You can pick up a leaflet at your local library, information centre, GP surgery, from one of our drivers or by calling the office and we’ll post one to you. Need help with transport? Borderhoppa buses are available to people of all ages who are unable to use ordinary bus services either because of mobility difficulties or because there isn’t a bus service for them to use. Our door-to-door dial a ride service can take you shopping, to medical appointments (excluding hospitals), to visit a friend or relative or attend a local club. If you would like to find out more about the great service we provide please call us on 01379 854800 or visit our website www.borderhoppa.org Borderhoppa
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church wardens, Peter Chetwynd 384069; Karen Ruth 388762 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan. Services: 5th May 11 am Family service, followed by coffee and tea. 12th May 8 am HC said service 19th May 11 am HC followed by coffee and tea. 26th May No service in All Saints 26th May 10 am family@church in Fressingfield 5th June 10.15 am Village service at Baptist Church
All Saints Church Fundraising Committee
Since the last magazine we have held the book Sale in church which raised £307 with lots of books unsold, these will be taken to charity shops, and £96 from the Cash Bingo. The Art Exhibition starting with the Preview on 1st May in church, 7-9pm, £7 including wine and refreshments. We are then open Thursday to Monday, 10-6pm each day. We have lots of pictures on shows, also many unframed and various cards, so please come and give us a look. Many thanks to all our sponsors. We are holding the usual Coins on the Wall and Cake Stall on 1st June, 8am onwards. Then we are celebrating Suffolk Days with a Flower Festival in church, depicting various things connected with Suffolk. Cream teas and morning coffee/tea will be available. More details later. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated raffle prizes, these are very welcome. Mary Ellis
From the Rectory
Dear friends and neighbours It seems to me that loneliness affects many people in our culture today. I guess the reasons are many; busy lives, families moving away. Social media can be positive, especially for people who can’t get out but on the other hand, someone can have lots of ‘friends’ online but what does that mean? Nothing can replace time spent with someone over a cup of coffee talking about what is going on in our lives, local issues and big issues that affect us all. Many more people live alone now although, of course, you can still feel lonely whilst in company. Each one of us can do something positive about easing someone’s loneliness by noticing them, passing the time of day with someone, or getting together over a cup of tea if not at home then at one of the various groups that run in our village – check out the rest of this magazine to see what’s going on. Jesus often sought out people on the margins, whether the reason was poverty, ill-health or an unpopular job – in New Testament times that was often the local tax collector, not popular as many took advantage of their position. St Paul tells us that God shows no partiality, he loves us all the same, and he calls his people to love their neighbours as themselves. So, if you are feeling lonely and you can’t face joining a group or calling in on someone, why not try coming to church and meeting some new people there? If church is not something you normally do - it can be a bit daunting - we are ok and love to welcome visitors. Hope to see you soon! God Bless, Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Hair Logic Closing It is with sadness we announce that
Hair Logic will close at the end of April. We are sorry to leave Stradbroke as we all
enjoy working there but the
circumstances are beyond our control. All stylists from Hair Logic will be
working at Sarah's Hair Design in Eye for the time being whilst we try to re-locate.
We thank all our clients for their custom over the years and hope to see many at
Sarah's Hair Design in Eye - 01379 871560. Many thanks from Sarah and team.
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Parish Pump
Meetings Of Stradbroke Parish Council 27th March, 8th & 15th April 2019 Next full Council meeting will be the AGM on 13th May 2019 at 7.30pm, next PC Clinic Tuesday, 21st May 2019 (2.15pm): both at the Court House 27th March 2019 – a deed of surrender for the Lease on the Health Centre in Stradbroke was submitted by the Stradbroke Trust, Councillors approved and signed the document. As this matter is now resolved it is no longer commercially sensitive and in the interests of openness and transparency the Councillors asked the Clerk to publish documents relating to this matter on the Parish Council website at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/health-centre Planning Applications supported : DC/19/01343 – Land north of the Street IP21 5HY DC/19/01658 – 2 Town House, Church Street Planning Applications not supported: DC/19/01328 – Land to the West of Mill Lane Stradbroke DC/19/01673 – Barley Brigg Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5NQ Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: DC/18/04706 - Land opposite Magnolia House, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk REFUSED DC/19/00614 – York Cottage, Laxfield Road IP21 5HX GRANTED DC/19/00783 – Town Cottage, Church Street IP21 5HT GRANTED
Parish Council updates from the meetings held: · The accounts for year ending 31st March 2019 were reviewed and approved. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/19 was approved and signed. This will now be submitted to the internal auditor. · A revised budget for 2019/20 was approved to reflect the maintenance of the Health Centre. · Councillors approved regular payments to be made by standing order. · The Neighbourhood Plan was formally made (adopted) by Mid Suffolk on 18th March. · Councillors reviewed an analysis of the income/expenditure for the neighbourhood plan process and considered the total spend from the precept since 2014 of £6,588 represented a good use of resources and funds available. · A Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan (PIIP) based on the CIL priorities in the Neighbourhood Plan was approved and submitted to Mid Suffolk. · A schedule of works for the Health Centre was presented and reviewed. · A contractor has been identified for the maintenance and servicing of the 2 play parks. · The noticeboard opposite the junction of Wilby Road and New Street will be replaced with the noticeboard removed from the Community Centre site. · Councillors thanked Velda and Don Lummis who have responded very quickly to reports of hazards on and beside the fitness track. · Councillors approved a CIL expenditure program following the receipt of £20,788.80 being the first payment of developer contributions received by the Parish Council. · Councillors noted that due to upcoming local elections the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 9th May@ 7.30pm at Stradbroke High School. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA
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Dirty Oven??
Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie
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· · · · · · · ·
Rachel Lead
KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed
Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology rachelpbck@gmail.com www.ukkinesiology.com 01379 388031 07733 105752
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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April 2019 Meeting of Stradbroke W.I. The members gathered for their April meeting but we were a smaller than usual gathering as holidays and grandparenting duties took their toll on our numbers. As always we started with a rendition of Jerusalem, pretty good volume all things considered, then Gill proceeded to the business of the day. Our hostesses Jane J and Kamal were thanked for the delicate birthday posies and table decoration and in happy anticipation of refreshments to come. The main news was about the magnificent success of our Soup and Cake lunch held on the 6th 0f April. Surpassing all expectations, and here I hold my hand up as a concerned partner, but the turnout was impressive the food fabulous and the chatter and laughter of the lunchers as they ate their meal and stayed on for pleasure was just perfect. A huge thank you to all the members who, planned organised, cooked, cleaned and tidied up afterwards, the ladies in the kitchen earning our deep respect as they ploughed through seemingly endless washing up and of course the good people of Stradbroke and beyond who tuned out to support our venture, we would have looked silly without you, a big and sincere thankyou to you all .Monies raised came to an impressive £1,100 -10p all for the Ipswich Hospital Blossom Appeal. Next we moved on to the silent auction and the ladies were able to inspect the goods on offer put their bids in then settle into a fun quiz organised, as was the auction, by Patricia. We all enjoyed our refreshments and a chat, occasionally checking our bids to see if we needed to increase them and puzzling our way through the quiz questions. Answers were supplied and 25.5 out of 26 gave a group of three the winning sheet and a bag of chocolates which quickly did the rounds of all the ladies, all good fun. Patricia then called the names of the various winning bidders and we collected our winnings passing some of them over to Joy for the sale that she has in Laxfied for local good causes. The sum of £55 was raised for W.I. funds and the evening counted a success. Our next meeting will be on May 9th at 7.30 pm when we will discuss our W.I. resolutions and Pam Mead will talk to us about Crystals their meaning and powers, should be very interesting. Please come and try us out you will be most welcome. Prue Rush
Life In The Legion – R.B.L. Stradbroke Branch
Our Summer Meetings are 7pm :- May, Jun - The Royal Oak, Laxfield. Jul and Sep - Stradbroke Court House. At the April Meeting, Ben Mayne, ex-Policeman, now WWII historian, Leger Battlefield guide and freelance adviser and guide, spoke about his passion:- His commitment to keep alight the flame of Remembrance for a great grandfather he did not know and for others who died for this Country in WWI, WWII and beyond. He believes in the importance of teaching future generations about the events of past Wars and about those who were involved in those actions. (His particularly interest is WWII in Northern Europe) He urged that future generations, might be encouraged to carry forward the ‘Torch of Remembrance’ to their next generations. He referred to the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae. ‘The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep,’ Joyce Cooper gave the vote of thanks. She and her father Alan King had met Ben in Normandy beside the grave of Alan’s Tank Commander, Cpl Wilkes, and through Ben’s work had been reunited with the Wilkes family. The remainder of the meeting dealt with items of RBL news, including forthcoming local events, such as a visit to RAF Wattisham. The next speaker, in June, is Lucy Croft, Nat West Bank– subject ‘Scams.’ Come and join us. You do not need to be a member. R.G.Warne MBE DL RBL contact:- Bernard Mills mills.laxfield@gmail.com
Wingfield and District Gardening Club
An extremely interesting and informative talk was given to members by Matt Tanton Brown at the end of March on old garden roses. He began with the Galica roses from Europe which have their lovely double blooms formed in quarters, they will tolerate some shade but hate sand. Rosa Mundi with dramatic striped and flecked blooms. Nearly all these old roses are deliciously scented and date back many years, even centuries. Damask roses, a white one “Madame Hardy” is such a strong grower that gentle pruning is recommended through the year as it grows. Isphahan, a lovely double pink loves clay and dates from 1832. Portland roses are smaller and more compact, Compt de Chambord will grow in a container quite happily. Moss roses can be rather thorny but include some beautiful deep red and almost purple shades. Hybrid Musk roses like Buff Beauty, a soft apricot with a light fragrance, will grow almost anywhere. Much to digest and from which to choose. We meet again on 25th April to hear from Tom Harbinson on garden ponds, 7.30pm in Brundish Village Hall. C Traylen
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Stradbroke Court House and Library News
I am running the BookShoots project again in June 2019. This is a fun project where a group of us adults, teenagers and children over 10 years old, come together to read a book, then watch a film of the book and have lunch and a discussion about both on a Sunday morning. Anyone interested in taking part, please get in touch with Maureen at the library. A Special ‘Two Rivers Book Festival Event’ At The Library On Thursday 20th June 1-4pm - Folded Book Art Workshop Transform an unwanted book into a work of art through folding and cutting, with the Book Surgeon Michael Holton. Adults and children 8 years + £12 (W&BA members £10). Book Your Place At The Library 01379 384768 Court House Café The next ‘Friday Friends’ Café is on Friday 3rd May 2019. These café sessions are dementia-friendly but open to everyone, so come along and meet people for a friendly chat. There is usually someone on hand for anyone needing advice and support. Events coming up: Sunday Afternoon Tea At the Court House Café on Sunday 12th May 3-5pm. Tickets £7 Summer Lunch In The Meadow Sunday 14th July 12-4pm. Tickets £15 Stradbroke Library/Courthouse Weekly Events Tuesday: ‘Jumping Beans’/Rhymes/Stories/Craft for 0-4yrs old 10-11am. Wednesday: Pilates (please contact Nikki Hambling 07899888778). Thursday: Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm. Last Thursday in the month ‘Thursday Bookgroup’ 2.30-4pm for the over 50s. Friday: First Friday in the month ‘Friday Friends’ dementia- friendly café session 10am-12pm. Saturday: Court House Café 9.15am-12.15pm. Maureen John Library/Post Office manager
Lottery Bonus Winners
27 W Clover, 24 J Dann, 21 J Chambers, 30 R Ward. £48 donated to the Tennis Club and £48 donated to the White Hart Bowls Club. M Ellis
Stradbroke Allotments & Gardening Association (SAGA)
May is the month when you should be able to start planting in earnest. However, transplant tender seedlings only when the last chance of frost has gone – or if you are sure you can cover them with cloches or fleeces if you have to. Take care too, to harden off plants grown indoors or undercover before moving them outside. They won’t respond well to abrupt and unfamiliar changes in growing conditions. Carrots, beetroot, swedes, and turnips can now safely be sown outdoors. Plant out Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflowers and sprouting broccoli. Continue earthing up potatoes as shoots emerge to prevent the tubers from turning green, Draw soil up round stems you don’t need to completely cover the shoots once the risk of frost is over. Weed carefully around fruit bushes and raspberry canes. After a spell of rain when the soil is damp spread a layer of organic mulch over the surface to help retain moisture and suppress the growth of further weeds. Keeping on top of weeds is a continual challenge, they will be growing as vigorously as anything else on your plot this month it’s important to remove them, however as they compete with your own plants for water and nutrients in the soil, Using a hoe is the least backbreaking way of weeding, and is best done on dry, warm days when the sun will dry out and kill uprooted weeds. Ivor Hyde
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Organisations Radio Stradbroke
The warm spell is a hint that Summer is approaching, & so too is 'Stradbroke Music Day'. On Saturday 13th July, Radio Stradbroke brings you 'live' music from such local luminaries as 'Hemingway' & 'Breeze Redwine', plus many more, including three Primary Schools. There will be a BBQ, Hog Roast, Fish & Chip van, Bar, refreshments, Ice Cream van, picnic area, a lazy car boot sale (starts at 11am), & a classic car display. Entry to all this is FREE. Support the Village, support local musicians, support Radio Stradbroke. As well as our regular Sunday Sessions, you will see us at Horham Fete & the Women’s Cycling Tour. Say hello & throw money. It is your Community Radio Station. Help us to keep spreading the word.
Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Village Archive
UK Civil Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths was introduced in 1837 although the onus was on the Registra to seek out and record these events. In 1875 that changed when it became the responsibility of whoever was present at the time to notify the Registra. Victorian families were large but for many reasons infant deaths were not uncommon. The 1911 census returns asked the question of every household: how many children born and how many have died. So, looking through news reports, census returns, registration data and other records we can get a feel of how hazardous it may have been to live in those times. BUT there are surprises as reported in the Norfolk News – 25th August 1888 under the heading, How They Feed Babies In The Country... “On Tuesday an inquest was held by the Coroner, Mr C W Chaston, on the body of a male infant at The Queens Head Hotel, Stradbroke. At the beginning of the proceedings one of the jury refused to be sworn, and it was not till after after Mr Chaston threatened to commit him to prison for contempt of court that he consented, and the request was proceeded with. Sarah Ann Copping, mid-wife, said she was requested to attend the mother, but did not arrive at her house until after the birth of the child. It was a fine healthy child and as was customary in the country, she gave it some brandy. Mary Ann Burrage said she dressed the baby and gave it proper attention. She gave it some gin. Mr Charles G Reed, surgeon, said death was caused by convultions, brought on through jaundice. A verdict was returned accordingly, the coroner remarking that brandy and gin were rather unusual things to give newly born children.” You may wonder why The Coroners Court was held in The Queens Head (now Stradbroke Antiques). The Coroner travelled from village to village and ‘held court’ at the hotel in which they stayed. Source: websites: BNA, FreeBMD, Ancestry, Stradbrokearchive SARA, Ann Readman
Letters to the Editors I would like to thank the current seven Parish Councillors for all the amazing work they have done for our village over the past year or so. It is a pleasure now to observe the way they tackle challenges, listen to comment and take on board any criticism. I say this as someone who attends meetings as a member of the public every month and have done so for 5+ years. Just look at the parish council website to see just how much has been achieved. Congratulations. Ann Readman Ipswich Hospital Charity ‘Blossom Appeal ‘ - Raising funds to build a New- State- Of-The- Art Breast Care Cancer Centre. W.I. Blossom Appeal Charity Lunch I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making the day a great success. My thanks and appreciation to the business community and to the people of Stradbroke for their generous donations, to all those that attended, and of course to everyone in the W.I. that made soup, cakes, helped on the day, or gave prizes for the Tombola. It has been our pleasure with your help, to support this very worthy cause, and to raise the sum of £1,105.00 for the Blossom Appeal. Thank you, Gill Bird, President, Stradbroke W.I. As a Parishioner for over 50 years I would like to thank the Parish Council: J Hargrave, J Fox, C Edwards, V Lummis, M John, K Ivory, T Wisbey. They have worked tirelessly in their period of office under very hard conditions. Thank you all. I was surprised to see the list of candidates for May 2nd, some of these people have been on the Council but have resigned during the period. Why put up again? Mary Ellis
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
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Council Notes From the Chair…
As this council year comes to an end it is also the end of the four year term for parish councillors. There are elections for the parish council on Thursday 2nd May this year. There are 16 candidates for the 13 seats on the Council and you can vote for as many or as few people as you like up to a maximum of 13. Please do vote in the election, both for parish councillors, and to choose our representative on Mid Suffolk District Council. Voting takes place from 7am to 10pm at the Community Centre. You don’t need to bring your polling card. As it is election time and I am a candidate I won’t say anything about what the Council has been doing this month but please take a look at the Parish Pump to find out. I do, however, want to say a big thank you to our six other current parish councillors: - Chris Edwards - Jeremy Fox - Kamal Ivory - Maureen John - Velda Lummis - Toni Wisbey It is worth remembering that parish councillors are all unpaid volunteers and everyone has worked really hard this year behalf of the village. This year’s Annual Parish Meeting takes place on Thursday 9th May at 7.30pm in the main hall at Stradbroke High School. All are welcome to come along and hear about organisations in the village and the progress they have made this year. This isn’t a parish council meeting but a meeting for the whole village James Hargrave, Chair, Stradbroke Parish Council
Community Infrastructure Levy – Developer Contributions
Mid Suffolk District Council collect the community infrastructure levy (known as CIL) for development that happens in Stradbroke. A percentage of this money is paid directly to the Parish Council to spend on infrastructure requirements in the parish. The adopted Neighbourhood Plan contains a list of CIL priorities and a Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan (known as a PIIP) has been produced based on these priorities. The PIIP can be viewed on the Parish Council website at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/committees-working-parties A schedule of works for the Health Centre has been produced and can be viewed on the Parish Council website at: https://www.stradbrokepc.org/committees-working-parties The first payment of £20,788.80 has been received from Mid Suffolk and the Parish Council reviewed how this would be allocated. A CIL expenditure program has been approved as follows: (1) £10,394.40 – to undertake a feasibility study for a new Nursery building on the site at Stradbroke Primary School. This work will include the drawing up of plans, legal work on any land issues and costs for planning permission. (2) £10,394.40 – to carry out works to upgrade the facilities at Stradbroke Health Centre and any associated work as per the schedule of works approved by the Parish Council. Odile Wladon, Clerk, Stradbroke Parish Council
Friday Friends Café
The friendly, welcoming monthly café. On 3rd May, 7th June, 5th July, 2nd August and 6th September. Stradbroke Court House , Queens Street, Stradbroke IP21 5HG (by the Post office & Library). Everyone welcome, open to all, come and join us for a social tea or coffee, homemade cakes & chat Meeting every 1st Friday, of the month from 10am—12noon. A dementia friendly venue. Supported by: Stradbroke Court House Café, Stradbroke Parish Council, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Libraries, and Age UK Suffolk. For more information call in, or call Stradbroke Library 01379 384768 or Gareth Moir 07843 343 810.
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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618
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Forthcoming Events
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Stradbroke Church Village Show
Stradbroke Church Village Show of Flowers, Vegetables and Produce will be held at the Community Centre on Saturday 29th July 2019. Open garden and plant sale at 21 Woodfields on Saturday 18th May at 2pm to 5pm and Sunday 19th May, 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 5pm. Good range of bedding and vegetable plants. All proceeds to the Church Flower Show. Any enquiries to Roly Copping on 01379 384839 . R Copping
Rummikub Club
The Rummikub Club is closed for the summer after the last session on 29th April 2019 and will recommence later this year. Date to be advised in the magazine. Mike & Yvonne Wilkins
Church Path Plant Sale
Friends of All Saints Church, Stradbroke On Saturday, 4th May, FOASS will running our Annual Church Path Plant Sale, from 10.00 am onwards. Let’s hope this year will be the perfect year for gardeners!! Look forward to seeing you all there - the Church Art Exhibition is on and there will be Coffee and Cake, as well as the pictures of course! Margaret Streeter
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market
Saturday 4th May 9.30am -12.00 midday inside All Saint's Church and in the Royal Oak, and outside on Church Plain. This month the Market falls on the first Bank Holiday in May, so no doubt it will be a busy one, welcoming both locals and visitors to the area to a social, friendly, and entertaining morning in Laxfield. Well over 30 stalls will be attending, all local and lovely, including delicious preserves, Cratfield beef, free-range pork, local eggs, tasty cakes and pastries, organic veg and even organic make up, children's clothes, goat milk soaps with all sorts of interesting perfumes, fresh flowers, cards, many excellent local crafters, plus vintage and collectible stalls. There are often new stallholders popping up for the first time – “you never know what you'll come across at a Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market!” Now the Market starts a little earlier at 9.30am there should be time for customers planning a day out to pop along before setting off on their outings. Delicious items suitable for picnics can be found (including gluten, dairy free and vegan), and for those doing some serious entertaining over Bank Holiday weekend, plenty of delicious food items will be available from local meats, eggs, veg, cakes and pastries. Last month lively entertainment with 1940's dancing was provided outside, this month the music moves inside the Church and will be provided by 'Tanglethread'. Why not sip a cup of tea or coffee in the church and listen to the entertainment, or stop for breakfast, bacon rolls, lunch or liquid refreshment in the Royal Oak? The Market is so popular there is always a waiting list for indoor stall space, but do contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852 for info on availability. The Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market welcomes you on the first Saturday morning of every month – A Suffolk Market run by lovely friendly people - looking forward to seeing you there! Carolyn Nichols
Car Boot Sale
FOSH Car Boot Sale on Saturday May 11th from 9.00am - 1.00pm (sellers 8am) Cars £5 Vans £10. Breakfast Bar/Cafe (Open To All) Further details/bookings: Sue … iandschilds@btinternet.com or FOSH (find us on Facebook). Sue Childs
Concert at Aldeburgh Church of St Peter and St Paul
Alessandro Cortello, Tenor, and Jane van Tilborg, Piano. Robert Schumann DICHTERLIEBE op. 48 Ralph Vaughan Williams SONGS OF TRAVEL On Saturday 25th May, 7 pm at Church of St Peter and St Paul, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh IP15 5DU Free admission – Retiring collection. Jane van Tilborg
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Forthcoming Events
Joint concert at Snape Maltings
Verdi : Requiem - 7.30 PM Saturday 11th May 2019 At Snape Maltings Concert Hall Beccles Choral Society, Gippeswyk Singers, Phoenix Singers Tickets £25, £20, £15 available from cherylcoutts468@btinternet.com 01502 714655 or snapemaltings.co.uk 01728 687110 Stephanie Askew (publicity)
Phoenix Singers seek new members
The Phoenix Singers are actively seeking new members. Come along to a trial rehearsal – no audition necessary just enthusiasm. Wednesday rehearsals for Mozart Requiem start at 7.30 pm on 15th May 2019 at Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School, Framlingham. Charity No. 1076549. Stephanie Askew (publicity)
Heveningham Hall Country Fair & Concours
Heveningham Hall’s long-standing Country Fair and its newer sibling, Heveningham Concours, both return to the 5,000-acre Capability Brown landscape of Suffolk’s finest Georgian mansion near Halesworth on Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June. This year’s Country Fair, which sees all profits and proceeds raised go to charity, includes lots of attractions both in the main ring and throughout the parkland. Attractions in the main ring this year include: · Joseph’s Amazing Racing Pigs Ye Olde Redtail Falconry Display · The Devil’s Horsemen Spitfire displays · Dog & Duck Show Suffolk Punch Horses · Tractor Parade Other attractions include Bungee Catapult; Sheep Show; Dog Show; High Lodge Clay Pigeon Shoot; Off-Road 4x4 Experience; Classic Vehicles, WW Military Vehicle Display; Gun Dog Scurry, Flower Exhibition; Nature Corner, Kimmy’s Mini Zoo; plus shopping, tasty local food & drink stalls plus lots of live music & entertainment throughout the weekend. Hemsby Lifeboat will also be entertaining the crowds with rescue displays on the lake. Following its hugely successful inaugural year, Horsepower Hill, a timed drag race for invited classic, super & hypercars along the main estate road, returns bigger & better for 2019. Heveningham Concours, now in its fourth year, once again sees around 50 of the world’s rarest and finest cars grace the Kim Wilkie-designed grass terraces to the rear of the house in a spectacular display of engineering and design prowess. A new Concours Village featuring luxury brands including the English winemaker Gusbourne, auctioneer Bonhams and Mercedes-Benz is planned for this year and, once again, there is a separate aviation concours featuring some of the world’s finest propeller aeroplanes. All proceeds & profits from Heveningham Concours & the Country Fair go into a charitable trust which funds a local dementia unit, various cases of need locally and has contributed substantially towards building a new centre for a Community Care Nursing Fund where the local hospital was closed. It also supports local schools with equipment & Heveningham Concours provides a full ‘i-mobility’ design scholarship at the Royal College of Art. Tickets for the Country Fair and Concours are on sale now. For more information, please visit www.countryfair.co.uk or www.heveninghamconcours.com Country Fair Tickets (in advance / on the gate) Adult: £15 / £18 Children (5-14): £6 / £8 Over 60 or disabled: £13 / £16 Family: £37 / £42 Children (under 5): FREE Dogs: FREE Parking: FREE Heveningham Concours Tickets (in advance / on the gate; all include entry to the Country Fair) Adult: £25 / £28 Over 60 or disabled: £23 / £26 Family: £57 / £62 Children: FREE with accompanying paying Adult Parking: FREE Concours Souvenir Catalogue: £20 / £20 Dogs are not permitted in the Concours The Heveningham Hall Country Fair is well sign-posted and is accessed via the B1117 between the villages of Heveningham and Huntingfield. Postcode for Sat Nav is IP19 0PN. The Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust is a registered charity (number: 1095403) Mike Stephens
Good Neighbours AGM
The Good Neighbour AGM will take place on May 21st in the Club Room at the Community Centre at 10 am. All welcome. Jane Gemmill
Worlingworth Flower Festival
A three day flower festival with over thirty displays and the theme being, '' Countries of the world'' is being held in St Mary's church on May 4th, 5th 6th from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily. light lunches will be available at the church from 12.00 noon,and refreshments will be served all day, also the usual stalls and a raffle, a ''Songs of Praise'' will be held on Sunday 5th at 6.00 p.m. all proceeds in aid of church funds. Vera Abbott
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
The movable feast that is Easter can bring snow or sunstroke. The latter perfectly heralds the start of the cricket season. By the time you read this, our destiny in the National Village Cup will have been decided. It doesn't take Nostradamus to portend that Stradbroke's dream of playing at Lords will probably be dashed before April is out, but we approach each year in the hope that fortunes change for the better. We are still short of players. There must be someone in the Village aged between 13 & 70 who wants to play cricket? There are no expectations, except that you enjoy it! Nets are held at the Playing Field every Thursday at 6pm, plus Saturday League, & a few T20 or friendlies on Sundays. Get in touch (07796-465347). Coaching starts in Stradbroke, Wilby, Fressingfield, & Laxfield Primary Schools straight after the Holidays, & the Club holds coaching on Friday Nights 6pm - 7:30pm at the field from 10th May. For the 5 - 8 yo age group, there is All Stars Cricket on Sunday Mornings from 12th May. Go to the website www.ecb.co.uk/play/all-stars to see what is on offer, but book soon as places are filling up. Enough marketing. These initiatives cost money, so I am delighted to report that the recent 'Horse Race Evening' raised £1400 for Club funds. 85 people attended, & we are so grateful to all of you. When you realise that our annual insurance bill is in excess of £1k, this event basically keeps us functioning, so keep supporting your local Cricket Club. They say, or at least Joni Mitchell does 'You don't know what you've got til it's gone' Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre
Stradbroke Swim & Fitness Centre Reaches National Success Again!
The national SWIMATHON, the world’s biggest annual fundraising swim is still a hugely popular event where swimmers from all over the UK take part to raise money for Cancer Research and Marie Curie. Stradbroke Swim & Fitness centre claims to stage the UK’s BEST organised Swimathon achieved a 4th place position out of UK 600+ pools (London Aquatics Centres & Guildford beating us) With this year’s 204 amazing Stradbroke swimmers. The Stradbroke swimmers have trained, set and reached their targets with incredible success. Some went further, from the youngest to the more senior entrants smashing their expectations with some astounding swims. Never the less Stradbroke’s biggest target is fun and taking part which was hugely evident from start to finish. Starting with some of the younger swimmers, Nuala, Ruby, Ellie, Ruby, Mollie & Emily, class mates at Stradbroke Primary School all achieved 125 lengths (2500 metres)! Then in the last session on Sunday nine year old Jessica Roberts had set her target of 75 lengths, carried on to swim 250 lengths (5000 metres)! In Friday’s session George Knapp who is paralysed plus his carers swam 75 lengths (George 15 lengths). The show continued, with Nikki Hambling completing an astounding 250 lengths (5000m) of butterfly, To follow 70 year old organiser Len Phoenix completed his 31st Swimathon seven weeks after a hip replacement! This year Swimathon introduced a new Triple Challenge (three 5000m swims in 3 days). At Stradbroke pool 12 hardy swimmers achieved the 15,000 metres these included organiser Maria Smith, Annie Cambridge, Kim Harkett, Fiona Wilson and Matt Gardner. Finally, to the very fit sector. Forty five year old Tim Earl from Wilby managed an astounding 1hour 8minute 5000m swim, followed by Stradbroke resident Jenny Thompson – 1hour 11minutes. We all had an amazing weekend with an incredible 535,000m completed & on target to raise over £8000! Thank you to everyone who joined us! Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathon 18th & 19th May 2019 Following on from the success in previous years, this award winning Triathlon & Aquathlon is now in its 5th year. “Can But Tri” have taken over the running of this event from Active Outdoor Sport, we are looking forward to working alongside Iain & Jill Dawson! Triathlon This superb event is open for those aged 15 years+ and is an ideal introduction to Triathlon as well as a great warm up to the season for more experience competitors! The swim is a short 160m (8 lengths), followed by a 17k cycle, finishing with a 3k off road run. Spaces available Saturday 18th (evening) & Sunday 19th (morning) Junior Aquathlon This fun event takes place on Sunday afternoon & is open to all Juniors aged 8-14years (age as at 31.12.19). The Swim & run (around fitness track) distances vary dependant on age group, please see website for more details! Entries are now open, please go to www.stradbroketriathlon.com for more information, Volunteers Needed! Many village residents volunteered as Marshals last year, we would love you to join us for the great atmosphere & to cheer the triathletes on, please send an email to stradbroketri@gmail.com or via : http://www.stradbroketriathlon.co.uk/volunteer For more information on any of the above events please call in & see us! Maria Smith, Duty Manager
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road,Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke and District Bowls Club
Hello everyone, here we are at the start of a new season of bowling and the weather looks promising for the opening of the bowls green this Saturday April 23rd, and we sincerely hope that you were able to be there at the 2.00 pm start up. As stated in our previous reports we are always looking for new faces to join us and this may appeal to you if you are new to the village and are looking for a social activity as well as participating in the sport. If you missed the opening then please come to the green on either Saturday and/or Wednesday afternoons for a roll up where members will be on hand to show you the game, usually these take place between 2.00 - 3.30 pm. No gear is required all we ask is that you wear flat soled shoes or trainers. Your more than welcome to come along and watch at the home games which usually start about 6.30 pm a list of which are shown in the April issue of this magazine. Social Activities The pudding party held on 23rd March was a great success where £636 was made for club funds the effort put into this event in particular the cooking is gratefully appreciated by the club and the support of the people attending, and of course well done Mary for all your efforts. Bingo for bowls The next bingo for bowls will be at the Community Center on Friday May 10th at 7.30. Thanks again for your time in reading this report and sincerely hope that we have the opportunity to meeting over the green. If you have any questions with regard to the club please contact me on the following number. Best regards, Roy Lee 01379 384729
Petanque club formed in Eye
I wonder if you could give our newly formed petanque club in Eye a mention. We are desperate to get members from Stradbroke, Debenham, Fressingfield and of course Eye! We provide free loan of boules and free tuition, and encourage all ages and abilities, especially physically impaired. We play at the Community Centre in Magdalen St., Eye on Wednesday mornings and Sunday afternoons. Do come and visit us! For more details, please contact Jackie Johnson on 01379 668220. Chris Johnson
Forthcoming Events Caring For Our Community Fair
Monday 20th May 2019, 11am – 2:30pm at Stradbroke Community Centre Are you interested in finding out about what your community has to offer, looking for new opportunities or connections? This is your chance come along to the community fair and show case what your group offers and recruit new members or find out what activities are available and how to get involved. Come and join the fair. If you would like a stand, please contact Gareth on 07843 343 810 or email Gareth.moir@suffolk.gov.uk There will be the opportunity to take part in dementia friend’s sessions so that your group works to becoming dementia friendly and all inclusive. Organised alongside The High Suffolk Dementia Network and supported by Suffolk Community Foundation Gareth Moir
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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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Here’s my advert! Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down... How long can I have my advert in the Monthly? Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows:
E J BROWN Builder
Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!
Please send your advert to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk
Page 26
Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
News & Views
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Searching for Suffolk’s environmental superstars!
Your nominations are needed to celebrate Suffolk’s green champions at this summer’s 10th Creating the Greenest County awards. The deadline for entries has been extended until Monday 20 May. Nominate yourself, your organisation or someone who has inspired you. The awards are a chance to shine a light on anyone who inspires others to make Suffolk a better place for its residents and its wildlife. This could be someone in your workplace who has persuaded you to ditch single-use coffee cups for a reusable mug, or an organisation which has transformed its business operations to be carbon-neutral. In the last three years, since the awards were last held, there has been a huge shift in attitudes and understanding about better caring for our environment. Many individuals have taken it on themselves to lead the way in making change, voluntary organisations have formed to help transform their local communities and businesses are taking their environmental responsibilities even more seriously. Although campaigns to combat climate change or to reduce our use of single-use plastics have been running for years, many people and businesses are now really starting to change their behaviour and attitudes towards caring for the environment. A previous Greenest County Award winner was Euston Estate, Andrew Blenkiron, Estate Director, said: “Euston Farms were thrilled to win the Greenest Farming Business at the last awards. It gave us an opportunity to demonstrate all the good work we do to protect and enhance our environment, and to showcase our renewable energy projects. “It is very important to us that society realises just how much time, effort and money farmers put into enhancing our surroundings and ensuring that our work is some of the most sustainable in the world. “Since the award we have continued to develop our environmental work and also helped to set up the Breckland Farmers wildlife network, which links up a number of likeminded farmers in our local area and the work that we all do.” If you know an individual, business, community, school or voluntary organisation who should be recognised for the environmental work they do to combat climate change, or simply for improving the area where they live, put them forward for an award. Nominations for the ‘Creating the Greenest County’ awards are now open and close on Monday 20 May 2019. Nominations can be submitted online at www.greensuffolk.org/awards. The awards ceremony will be held on 17 July 2019. The Awards are sponsored by Adnams, BEE Anglia, Barnes Construction, East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board, Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Limited, New Anglia LEP, Suffolk Waste Partnership, University of Suffolk and Vertas. The awards are in partnership with BBC Radio Suffolk, Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Suffolk County Council
Where to go for local information on Twitter Suffolk Trading Standards @SuffolkTS Mid Suffolk District Council @MidSuffolk
Stradbroke Website @StradbrokeWeb
Suffolk CC
Suffolk Police @SuffolkPolice Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service @SuffolkFire
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Forthcoming Events
Saving All Saints
The beginning of an exciting time is ahead when, anticipating a successful application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, we can make our Church roof watertight again and then begin the longawaited improvements inside our to make All Saints Church the hub of the village once more. However, we do need your help. In applying for this funding, we do need to show a link between the application and people’s willingness to play the lottery. Already we have demonstrated that many Stradbroke residents do so and are passionate about Saving All Saints Church from falling into further disrepair, but it would be even better if we could persuade even more to buy a Lottery ticket. Would you be willing to ‘buy a Sprat to catch a Mackerel’ for our Church? Please consider this and we could all be winners! Gillian Rennie-Dunkerley, Carol Darling and Jane Merritt
Fit Villages
The new free Community-led informal Walking Group started in Stradbroke on Thursday April 11th 2019. Fifteen walkers enjoyed leisurely stroll of about one mile, around the Village, ending up at the Stradbroke Antiques Café, for coffee and cakes. Please come along and join us for a friendly 30-45 minute walk and chat around this beautiful Village, meeting outside the Stradbroke Antiques Centre every Thursday at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome, whatever your age or ability - all you need are sensible shoes – and we look forward to seeing you. For more information contact either Annie Groves or Dennis Merritt Tel: 07557 633 824. Email: annie.groves@suffolksport.com Tel: 01379 388 382. Email: dennis_merritt@hotmail.com
Dennis Merritt
Stradbroke Cinema
Following the introduction of electronic voting for our next season’s films, our Cinemagoers have chosen Stan & Ollie, Mary, Queen of Scots and On the Basis of Sex. So, on May 16th we will be showing ‘Stan and Ollie’. Set in the twilight years of this great comedy double act, this film paints the picture of the odd couple on the post-war British theatre tour. The interplay between the two at what was actually a dark time for them both is perfectly played by Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly. They have all the mannerisms, the voices and the actions to convince us that we have Stan and Ollie in front of us again. A delightful film hitting just the right note between joy and sadness Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Entrance is £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under and everyone is welcome Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbr okeonline.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt
Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre
Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre (Charity Number 304823) will be held on Tuesday, 14th May at 7.30 pm. in the Webb Room. All Welcome Margaret Streeter, Secretary
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Keeping in touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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I always try to do my very best for the people of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich and as is the case with my colleagues up and down the country, I have received thousands of emails and letters regarding Brexit over these past few weeks. The one common thread amongst those emails and letters is that people simply want a conclusion to this stage of the negotiations. Through every step of the process, I have worked hard to keep residents informed of my position. Although I voted to Remain in the 2016 Referendum, as a pragmatist, I have always believed it my duty to respect the Referendum result and to ensure that we leave the European Union in the smoothest and best way possible. Although far from perfect, I believe that the Prime Minister’s Deal ensures that we deliver on the result of the Referendum and allows us to leave the EU, providing the certainty that our businesses and agricultural sector need and deserve. In coming to my decision to support the Deal, I have both read and listened to the views of hundreds of Suffolk residents and listened carefully to the national debate. It ensures that we leave the EU, it ensures an end to freedom of movement of people - allowing for better control of immigration to the UK - it protects our trade with the EU and the jobs and businesses that rely on this, and it paves the way for an ambitious free-trade deal to come into force in the future - all things which I believe were central to the referendum and the result that was voted for by the majority of the people of Suffolk and the UK. On that basis, I shall, on balance, continue to vote in favour of the Prime Minister's deal. I understand that many people have been left extremely frustrated by the way that this process has been conducted and, of course, I share some of those frustrations. Having weighed up all the information available to me, I have concluded, that on balance, the Prime Minister's Withdrawal Agreement, imperfect as it is, represents the most pragmatic way forward at this moment. Of course, the situation continues to evolve rapidly, and I will continue to do all that I can to ensure that residents and business across Central Suffolk and North Ipswich can have the certainty that they need and deserve to go about their day to day lives. For more information please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
Village Diary April 28th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am - www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 28th Petanque in Eye, and every Sunday afternoon (see page 22) 29th ‘Tiny Talk Baby Signing’ at the Court House at 10.30 am and every Monday 30th Jumping Beans for babies/toddlers/children under 5, and every Tuesday (see page 10) 30th Contact Club meet in Community Centre and every Tuesday May 1st Art Exhibition Preview evening, 7pm – 9pm (see page 4) 1st Petanque in Eye, and every Wednesday morning (see page 22) 1st Table tennis in the Community Centre at 7.30pm, and every Wednesday 2nd - 6th Art Exhibition in Church, 10am - 6pm (see page 4) 2nd Parish Council elections at the Community Centre (see front page) 2nd Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm, and every Thursday (see page 10) 2nd Stradbroke Youth Football at playing field, and every Thursday evening 2nd Fit Villages woalking Group every Thursday 10:30am (see page 28) 3rd ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 10) 4th Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market from 9.30 am (see page 17) 4th Court House Café 9.15am-12.15pm, and every Saturday (see page 10) 4th FOASS Annual Church Path Plant Sale from 10am (see page 17) 5th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 8th Baptist Church Friendship Lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 9th Annual Parish Meeting at Stradbroke High School (see page 6) 9th WI meet in Community Centre (see page 9) 10th Stradbroke Cricket Club coaching at the playing field from 6pm to 7.30pm (see page 20) 10th Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Bingo at the Community Centre (see page 22) 11th FOSH Car Boot Sale at Stradbroke High School (see page 17) 11th Joint concert at Snape Maltings (see page 18) 12th All Stars Cricket for 5-8 year olds at the playing field (see page 20) 12th Sunday Afternoon Tea at the Court House Café (see page 10) 12th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 13th Stradbroke Parish Council meeting at Court House, 7.30 pm (see page 6) 14th AGM of Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre at 7.30pm (see page 17) 15th Phoenix Singers trial rehearsal at 7.30pm (see page 18) 16th Stradbroke Cinema at the Community Centre (see page 28) 18th Open garden and plant sale at 21 Woodfields (see page 17) 18th Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathon (see page 20) 19th Stradbroke Triathlon & Aquathon (see page 20) 19th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk 19th Open garden and plant sale at 21 Woodfields (see page 17) 20th Community Fair at the Community Centre from 11am to 2.30pm (see page 22) 21st PC Clinic at 2.15pm in Court House (see page 6) 21st Good Neighbour AGM at 10am (see page 18) 22nd Baptist Church Soup ‘n’ Sweets lunch at 12.30pm (see page 3) 24th **Deadline for submissions for June edition strictly by this date** 25th Concert at Aldeburgh Church of St Peter and St Paul (see page 17) 26th Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk June 1st 2nd 7th
Friends of All saints Church Fundraising Committee Coins on Wall from 8am (see page 4) Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am www.radiostradbroke.co.uk ‘Friday Friends’ dementia friendly café in Court House (see page 14)
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.