The Stradbroke Monthly - May 2021

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May 2021


Stradbroke Parish Council Climate Change Group

It’s spring and soon we will be thrilled by the acrobatics and gyroscopic flights of swifts, with the summer sound of swift screams across our skies as they seek new nest sites or a hopeful return to their old favourites. Babies are born and then at only 4-6 weeks old and weighing no more than a Cadbury’s Crème Egg, they fly in flocks of family groups on the long land and sea journey to Africa. They stay there before returning the next year for 4 months to learn about Stradbroke’s food supply--and nesting opportunities for when they grow up. But sadly modern building materials, demolished barns and house renovations, etc, have permanently removed so many nesting sites that breeding has severely declined. You may have noticed we have fewer swifts in Stradbroke now. Swift numbers are down 60% in UK. They are on Endangered status. Climate change will create more problems. But we can save these amazing birds. We can build up sustainable swift numbers by installing special swift boxes—several if possible. Then many more swifts will breed and return to Stradbroke year after year. They mate for life and live for up to 20 years. Nesting needs & more Join locally Rendlesham Talk/Swift Walk and a Pint (details to come)

Good News! Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Suffolk Bird Group have joined up for SOS Swifts--“Save Our Suffolk Swifts” (Google search). You can help our swifts by keeping a time log of the “screaming parties” your family sees. Contact (or send findings to Be an ambassador for swifts and spread the word to friends. SWIFT FAMILY QUIZ (Answers on the back page!) 1 When do swifts come to UK? a) April b) May c) June/July 2 What do swifts feed on? a) non-stinging, flying insects b) airborne spiders c) raindrops 3 Which of these activities do swifts do while flying? a) eat b) mate c) drink d) hunt food for baby swifts e) sleep 4 How many months of the year are they entirely on the wing? a) 4 months b) 7 months c) 10 months Next month: ‘Change to LED bulbs to save energy’ information Family Fun à Go to the links in the swift article and make your own quiz! à Make a swift fact book as a school project. à Copy a photo of swifts. Note their very short legs and huge wings.

Toni Wisbey

Thank You...

Stradbroke Baptist Church

Local Churches

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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk Join us on Sunday mornings… we are open for worship – you would be made most welcome. Sundays: 10:15am Worship Service We are compliant with the latest Government laws for COVID-19. Facemasks should be worn whilst in the Chapel. Jesus Offers Comfort to All… 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.” 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:1-6 A poem… a thought… a prayer… There is real wisdom, in the adage 'It is always Springtime in the heart that loves God.' Springtime is a season of optimism and hope, and the Christian lives a faith centred on hope. Winter, with its cold and dark days has gone, just as Good Friday has passed to Easter and beyond. We live a resurrection life reflected in the new life springing up around us. We give thanks the to the Lord, for the hope He offers to all, both of renewal to this world and to the hearts of all who would believe upon Him. Would you like to join me in praying for the folk of Stradbroke and their loved ones… Gracious Loving Heavenly Father, I pray that you would be our Defender, and deliver us from those things that would crush hope in the lives of our villagers – young and old. May we all be encouraged with confident expectation of Your blessings and lovingkindness to cheer our hearts in the days ahead. May we, individually and collectively, look to You as our ultimate hope and our helper in all things. Give us faith in place of despair, and resilience in place of resignation. Turn any anguish or desperation into elation and assurance. Lifter of our heads, we pray for Your healing touch upon all in our community. So many people are suffering in so many ways. May you draw near to them and may they experience your presence, comfort, peace and help in their time of need. I pray for Your healing and justice for those who have been treated unkindly during their lives. I pray for strengthening and prosperity for the local businesses that are struggling through so many challenges of late – for the families that own them and for their employees. I pray that You would uphold our farming community during this challenging time, may you be their provider. I pray for wisdom for the village leaders as they strive to achieve what is best for all. May Your grace, mercy and peace be known by all in full measure. For I ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

The church and I continue to pray for you all and welcome any specific prayer requests for yourself or loved ones. May God bless us all, Bruce Francis – Pastor 01379 388 744 or 07484 219 265 or

Home and Mobility Aids

I have recently been given a small number of home and mobility aids to assist in walking, bathing, cooking and sleeping. If you know anyone who could benefit from any of these please let me know. They are basically brand new and in excellent condition. You are welcome to borrow them or have them as a gift. Please contact me for fuller details. I will be most happy to deliver any needed items. Bruce Francis – Pastor

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke

Revd Canon Susan Loxton 01379 388493. Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Canon Susan We continue with a blended approach to worship as buildings open and people may be able to meet. In All Saints church: 16th May 10 am Holy Communion with social distancing The church will be open for private prayer again every day from 10am to 4pm Also find us on our website: or our Facebook page: Sancroft Benefice Churches for links to all online events Every Sunday at 9.30am we have a Zoom online service. We would love you to join us. Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10am - a short service of Morning Prayer with bible reading and short meditation, live on facebook but you can access it any time. Monday evenings at 6pm - a short service of Evening Prayer - different weeks, different styles. If you have missed being able to make a donation to All Saints Church through service collections or supporting the usual fundraising events that could not happen, you can still do this through Church heating: Wonderful news that the church heating has been updated and installed. There are now electrical convector heaters under the pews to heat our body rather than try to heat the vast body of the building. Grateful thanks to each and every one of you who contributed to the fund to pay for the work. We hope to have a service of thanks as restrictions lift and more can meet in the church.

All Saints Church Fundraising Committee

Well, we are back (hopefully). We are having a Cake Stall in Church Street on Saturday 15th May, 8.30am onwards. Next month we will arrange a date for the massive sale from a household clearance. Books, puzzles, jumble and anything else saleable. Watch out for your next month’s mag when the date will be announced. We shall hold this in church. Mary Ellis

From the Rectory…

Dear friends and neighbours,

A couple of weeks ago during the book club on zoom, where we are reading The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis, we were having a discussion about how as humans we seem to have a propensity to be self-absorbed! In the book, which is allegorical and about heaven and hell, many of the people are so intent in keeping or doing what they want, they miss the point. Others grow to love the means by which they see God, more than God! They listen but do not hear, they look without really seeing. And this lead us to ponder the fact that many of us do not live in the moment but are already thinking about what is to come. I confess, I have to work really hard to live in the moment, but it is one of the things God has been talking to me about throughout lockdown. When we first got our present dog, I thought, great, I will use the time I walk her to pray… and God said, just be. Well, it takes a lot of lessons for me to really learn something and during this last year I started to plug in my earphones and listen to morning prayer as I walked - the odd podcast , religious, mainly. And God said again, just be, live in the moment, soak up the beauty around you, listen to me. Being the vicar does not make you immune to getting it wrong! Back to the book club, our conversation turned to bad behaviour in children and how one of the members was taught, when they worked with children with behaviour issues: don’t talk to the bad behaviour, talk to the person that is there underneath the behaviour. It got me thinking about how people’s behaviour does often make us treat them differently. Another lesson for me, and I thank God that he does not treat me as my behaviour sometimes deserves, but sees the child within, the potential of being a good person, and loves me and treats me far better than I would! May is often a beautiful month, let’s take time to enjoy it, to be, to really listen to God and others.

God bless, Susan

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Parish Pump

STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL Next full Parish Council meeting is scheduled for: 4th May 2021

Stradbroke Parish Council information: • Details of all meetings can be found on: • Agendas for all Council meetings will continue to be issued only on the Parish Council website. • All details of how the public can watch or join the meeting remotely can be found on the agenda. UPDATE The Parish Council held an extraordinary meeting on 30th March to discuss some urgent planning applications. Due to advice received following the death of HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh the meeting scheduled for 12th April was cancelled. Items from that agenda will be carried forward to the meeting scheduled for 4th May. At the time of publication it is not clear to the Parish Council whether remote meetings will be permitted after 6th May, therefore at the present time the June meeting has been cancelled and the Parish Council hope to be able to return to in person meetings in July. Information when received will be uploaded to the Parish Council website. MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL – 30th March 2021 Planning Applications comments submitted: DC/21/01541 – EIA Scoping opinion: 6no. poultry houses, associated admin blocks, feed bins & ancillary equipment. Land adjacent to Fennings Farm, Pixey Green The applicant shared information on vehicle movements and waste management. A member of the public noted that transport and waste should be included in the EIA. Response: Councillors agreed that waste and transport should be scoped into the EIA as per the comments submitted by the member of the public. DC/21/01507 – Erection of 3 bay garage and outbuilding. Quince Cottage, Battlesea Green, IP21 5NE Response: Councillors voted to SUPPORT this application. DC/21/01461 & 01462– Change of use & conversion of barn buildings (B2 use) to 2no. dwellings and landscaping. Creation of new vehicular access route with amended highways access to serve existing business use to north & east of site. Demolition of existing barn structures. Red House Farm, Pixey Green IP21 5NJ Response: Councillors voted to submit comments as follows: • Councillors noted the proximity of the proposed dwellings to the neighbouring 6 x intensive poultry units and the impact the odour and emissions could have. • Councillors questioned sustainability of the development given the traffic that will be using the road from the existing business on site and the neighbouring intensive poultry units. • As the Parish Council has recently declared a climate emergency the Councillors would expect all new development to offset its carbon footprint. An LEMP survey would assist with this and could ensure that provision is made for young birds through universal bricks and tiles, alongside swift boxes etc. DC/20/05917 – Reconsultation on Land to the South of New Street – additional documents had been submitted. Response: Councillors agreed to submit a comment that they would like to see provision for young birds or breeding swifts, such as universal brick/tiles or swift boxes. Available recordings of Parish Council meetings plus all papers, accounts and information can be accessed via the Parish Council’s website. Video recordings of recent meetings are available on the Parish Council Facebook page. Odile Wladon (Clerk) Mobile: 07555 066147 Email: Website: PC Facebook: Address: Mill Hill House, Church Lane, Wickham Skeith IP23 8NA

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From The Chair.. Our regular April meeting had to be postponed at short notice due to the days of national mourning following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. We always publish the notice calling our meetings on the Wednesday before the meeting takes place which is the latest possible time to allow for last minute planning applications to be added to the agenda. After we published the agenda the days of mourning were called, and we are unable to count such days as “clear days” of notice for the purpose of calling the meeting, so we had to cancel it following advice. We did hold two other meetings in April – one to look at planning matters and another to discuss finance so we decided not to call an additional meeting. We have moved the planned business to the next scheduled meeting which is on Tuesday 4th May which is the annual meeting of the Parish Council where we elect our Chairman, Vice-Chairman and committees. Final reminder - Elections for Suffolk County Council and for the appointment of the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner will take place on Thursday 6th May 2021. You can vote anytime between 7am and 10pm at the polling station which is at the Community Centre. Remember to bring a mask and if you would prefer you can bring your own pencil or pen. Suffolk County Council are responsible for a lot of important services in Stradbroke – such as highways, adult and social care and for issues such as home to school and local transport so please do vote! James Hargrave, Parish Council Chairman Election Candidates Suffolk County Council Hoxne and Eye Division Paul Anderson (Labour) Timothy Glenton (Liberal Democrat) Peter Gould (Conservative) Guy McGregor (Independent)*

Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk Elizabeth Hughes (Labour) Tim Passmore (Conservative)* Andy Patmore (Green) James Sandbach (Liberal Democrat) *denotes current councillor/commissioner

Suffolk Constabulary - Post Box Thefts

Both Norfolk & Suffolk Police have received reports of post boxes being stolen. Please be vigilant to this unusual type of theft after two Royal Mail post-boxes were stolen. The first theft took place sometime between 7pm on Sunday 28 March and 7am on Monday 29 March on Kiln Lane, Stowlangtoft. Offender/s cut the George V Royal Mail post-box from its base and removed it. The second theft took place sometime between 11am on Saturday 3 April and 2pm on Tuesday 6 April near to St Margaret’s Church on St Olaves Road, Herringfleet. Post box thefts appear to have started in East Anglia in the Autumn last year, with thefts occurring in Cambridgeshire. The crime has now migrated to our part of the country. There's only one reason to stand by a post box and that's to post something so, if you see anybody paying too much attention to one & acting suspiciously, please contact Police on 999 if they're still present. If you notice a post box has been stolen, please contact #Suffolk Police on Tel. No.101 or use the on-line reporting facility from the Suffolk Constabulary Official Page here Since the re-introduction of the ‘Rule of Six’ on the 12th of April and the relaxation of Covid regulations allowing up to six people from different households to meet outdoors, we have resumed our popular ‘Street Meets’ with our mobile police station. Since the 12th, we’ve called at Halesworth, Leiston, Saxmundham, Eye, Southwold , Dunwich & Laxfield and Stradbroke will be on our calendar soon. We’re offering our free cycle security marking service and crime reduction advice and we’ll welcome anybody who just wants a chat with local police. To find out where we’ll be & when, check the Halesworth Police Facebook page. You don’t need a Facebook account just to read the page. Simon Green, PC 187, Community Engagement Officer

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Here’s my advert!

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Want to advertise in The Stradbroke Monthly? Here’s the low down...

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How long can I have my advert in the Monthly?


Advertisements are taken for a full year 01 April to 31 March. How much will it cost? Charges are dependent on the location of the advertiser as follows: Stradbroke based: Quarter page £52 pa Eighth page £37pa Non Stradbroke based: Eighth page £47pa Sponsored Inside Front Cover Page £25 per edition Flyers and Inserts are not accepted. What if I put my advert in mid year? Payment for adverts listed part way through the year is on a pro rata basis. Invoices are, thereafter, sent annually for payment in advance. If the space is no longer required please inform the Monthly as soon as possible!


Rachel Lead

KFRP (Adv), LCSP (Phys), Cert Ed

Remedial Massage, Reflexology Touch for Health – Kinesiology One-One and Group sessions available via Zoom 01379 388031 07733 105752

Please send your advert to


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Dirty Oven??

Friendly & Helpful Service From Adie

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Stradbroke Good Neighbours

Stradbroke Good Neighbours are now offering lifts to hospitals and Drs etc. We can only take one passenger sitting diagonally opposite the driver and masks and hand gel will be provided. We can have help from porters at the hospital if needed. Good Neighbours 07749445531 Jane Gemmill and the G N Committee

Stradbroke Church Flower and Vegetable Show

Stradbroke Church Flower Show annual sale of vegetable and bedding plants, geranium etc, will be at 21 Woodfields, Stradbroke, on Saturday and Sunday, 22nd and 23rd May, from 9 a to 5pm. Available now at the front of the bungalow are various cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce plants at £1.50 per tray. All proceeds to church funds. Roly Copping

News & Views Borderhoppa

Borderhoppa are pleased to say that we are continuing to help people to reach the vaccination centres for people who have an appointment but do not have a family member or friend who is able to transport them to their appointment. We are also still providing our door to door dial-a-ride service for essential journeys in our area whilst maintaining social distancing on our buses. Passengers will need to continue to wear face masks when travelling. For all enquiries please call our office 01379 854800 and we’ll do our best to help. Borderhoppa

UPDATE! Buses and Other Services for Stradbroke

You can book our two community buses in advance for different services now during Covid 19. The offices are very friendly and helpful. Drivers are volunteers. Borderhoppa (pay up to £10 pa to join) See advert in this magazine. Regular bus service to Harleston on Wednesday and Diss on Friday. 01379 854 800 Socially distanced: limited number of passengers, masks, deep cleaning, Covid safety first, etc. BSEVC - Passengers for medical appointments and vaccinations, one passenger at a time: deep cleaning, masks, etc, Covid safety first. Monday to Friday. James will pick up small amounts of shopping, do posting, etc, if you phone ahead. Please phone the office regarding the service, as things may change. 01449 614271 118 - There is a limited 118 bus service from opposite The White Hart to Ipswich and back, Monday to Friday. Details are posted in the library and around the village. Toni Wisbey

Pear Tree Centre to re-open

A vital resource centre which brings information and support closer to home for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families will reopen on Monday 12 April. The Pear Tree Centre in Halesworth will open on an appointment-only basis from 10am to 4pm to anyone from north east Suffolk or south Norfolk after temporarily shutting its doors due to the coronavirus pandemic. The support available will include advice on finance and benefits, as well as help understanding a diagnosis, coping with bereavement, family services and complementary therapies. Counselling can also be arranged for people who have lost close friends and family as a result of COVID-19. To book an appointment or get advice over the phone, call 01986 899655 or email The charity is also continuing to work closely with Big C and would urge anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer and needs emotional or practical support to call 0800 0927640 or visit To find out more about the Pear Tree Centre or to make a donation, visit Liz Hearnshaw, Zenith Public Relations Ltd

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Friendly Professional Carer Offers quality care in your own home Personal care & associated tasks N.V.Q trained Trained in dementia Manual handling References available Contact Andrea 07872530567

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Stradbroke Village Archive

Abbott Roland Upcher – All Saints Church 1913 – 1928 Go into All Saints Church and look on the wall just inside the door to the right and you’ll see a list of all the known vicars who have been rectors of All Saints Church. JC Ryle who did so much to re-furbish the building, William Tate who welcomed in the 20th century and then Abbott Roland Upcher who held the hand of his congregation through the challenge and despair of the first world war. He was also instrumental in setting up the Mid Suffolk Bowls League in 1914 which is still running today and the matches are still an enjoyable part of The White Hart Bowls Club each season. He became President of the Norfolk and Suffolk Bowls Union. Abbott Roland Upcher was a leader in homeopathic healing and is still quoted for his use of gunpowder – yes gunpowder – within homeopathy. He died suddenly in 1929 and the following is part of his obituary which appeared in The Times newspaper: “Canon A R Upcher, a former Cambridge running 'Blue' died suddenly, after a short illness, at Kirby Cane, Norfolk, on Friday, at the age of 80. He ran in the quarter-mile for Cambridge in 1869, 1870, and 1871.”. . . . “Abbot Roland Upcher was born in October, 1849, the second son of the Rev. Abbot Upcher, of Kirby Cane. He was educated at Rossall and Trinity College, Cambridge, and was ordained in 1873. His first curacy was served at St Paul's, Boughton, from which he went to St Pancras. In 1877 he was appointed vicar of St Mary's Sheffield, and 12 years later became rector of Halesworth, Suffolk, and Rural Dean of North Dunwich. In 1913 he moved to the rectory of Stradbroke, and last year he succeeded to the benefice of Kirby Cane, of which his grandfather was rector for 64 years and his father rector for 54 years. He had been an Honorary Canon of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich since 1913. Canon Upcher was twice married, and is survived by his second wife and by six children of his first marriage.” Sadly, no mention that he held the world record for the mile whilst a Cambridge Blue or of his involvement in homeopathic healing. The following is part of an article he wrote on the use of gunpowder to cure blood poisoning:" For the last forty years," wrote Mr. Upcher, " I have known and observed from personal experiment the effects of Black Gunpowder as a remedy for various kinds of blood poisoning. The symptoms of poisoning which call for Black Gunpowder are almost invariably abscesses or boils or carbuncles, and frequently, though not always, exaggerated swelling of the poisoned limb, accompanied with discoloration of the skin, so that the arm from the tips of the fingers to the axillary glands is almost of a purple or black tint. In such cases I have found Black Gunpowder, whether in large or small doses, acts like magic." Mr. Upcher tells the story of how he came by the discovery. "My father, a country rector in Norfolk, used to add to his light duties in a small parish the recreation of farming the glebe, and as there was a good lot of pasture, kept sheep. He noticed that at the time of paring the sheeps' feet suffering from foot-rot, his shepherds were continually subjected to blood-poisoning, which was more or less (less, I fear !) successfully treated by local doctors. But it generally ended in the said shepherd having to give up his work and turn his hand to something else. However, at last there came a shepherd, who, year in and year out, never did get blood-poisoning !" This greatly astonished the rector, and he asked his shepherd how be accounted for the fact. The latter invited his master to come and see him at his afternoon meal, or "fourses” as the Norfolk people call it. He duly went, and found him sitting under a hedge eating bread and what looked like black cheese. "Why, Harry," he exclaimed, "whatever are you eating ? It looks like black cheese." "No, master," was the reply, "that b'aint black cheese, but that is white cheese kivered with black gunpowder, and that's what keeps out the pison, that's what dew the trick - I never gets no pison." In course of time this shepherd got promoted to a better position, and his successor soon got into trouble when the feet-paring season came round. The shepherd's arm was swollen and almost black from finger-tips to armpit. The Rector did not trouble the faculty this time, but undertook the case himself. He mixed a dessertspoonful of gunpowder in half a tumbler of water, making a paste of it first, and gradually adding he water afterwards, and administered the whole in one dose ! Result : a brilliant and rapid cure. From that time on the Rector's shepherds took gunpowder with their cheese, and blood-poisoning disappeared. Further photographs of Revd. Upcher can be found on Stradbroke Village Archive ( Source: The Times (London, England), Tuesday, Oct 29, 1929; pg. 10; Issue 45346.

Ann Readman, SARA

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01379 677 770

Poppies & Daisies Tearoom

Antique Restoration

Ian Brown LCGI

Come and visit our vintage style tearooms in the heart of Stradbroke. We offer classic Afternoon Teas, Cream Teas, Over 30 Loose Leaf Teas, Homemade Cakes & Scones and Hot & Cold Food Served all day

Poppies and Daisies 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke, IP21 5HT Tel; 07921512052

Find us on Facebook & Instagram

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News & Views

Lottery Bonus Winners

21 B Whiting; 29 D Bickers; 5 D Cracknell; 30 E Elliott; 4 M Jenkins. £24 donated to White Hart Bowls Club; £48 donated to Over 60s; £48 donated to the church. M Ellis

EACH shop volunteers needed

We need YOU to help us keep our shops open and raise vital funds! With many of our shop volunteers currently unable to lend a hand due to the pandemic, the number of hours’ support we normally receive is down more than 50%. We are facing a financial deficit over the next 12 months, following disruption to fundraising and retail, and at the same time our care and support is more important than ever as vulnerable families become exhausted from shielding. It is very important we manage our retail activity back to sustainable levels of income, but we will not be able to do this without more volunteer support. Might you be able to help? Just a couple of hours a week can make a difference. There are so many ways you can support us, from sorting donations and dressing windows to running the till and listing items on our eBay shop, and we always guarantee a friendly welcome! Why not pop in to your local EACH shop – we have 43 right across the region – chat to our team and arrange a taster session? Find out more about becoming a retail volunteer, including a full list of our shop locations and phone numbers, at Alternatively please contact EACH Volunteer Services on 01223 205183 or at Michael Jarvis, EACH Media and PR Manager

Useful Phone Numbers Fressingfield and Stradbroke NHS Medical Centres Fressingfield Medical Centre. Tel: 01379 586456 / 586227 Stradbroke Medical Centre. Tel: 01379 388313 / 384220 Samaritans: 116 123 24hours Citizens Advice: 03444 111 444 9am – 5pm weekdays Shelter: 0344 515 1860 8am - 8pm weekdays, 9am - 5pm weekends ACAS: 0800 470 0616 24hours Relate: 0300 0030396 BOOKING appt. Monday-Thursday: 8am to 8pm, Friday: 8am to 6pm, Saturday: 9am to 1pm Universal Credit: 0800 328 5644 Chemist 01379 870 233 (Eye) 01379 642 436(Diss Boots) Norfolk And Norwich University Hospital 01603 286 286 Ipswich Hospital 01473 712 233

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The Original Stradbroke Village Website! Now in its 19th year the Stradbroke Village Website brings you news, views and information about Stradbroke.


Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing. Pressure washing of drives and patios. Family run business with over 25 years experience. Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed. For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

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OPENING HOURS Monday to Friday 07:00-20:00 Saturday 07:00-18:00 Sunday 07:00-14:00 Phone number 01379 388547

Local COVID19 Information

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Vaccine Update

Up to date vaccination information can be found at the Suffolk and North East Essex COVID-19 Vaccination Service website that is at

Voting and coronavirus (COVID-19)

Elections and referendums are going ahead during coronavirus (COVID-19), though you may see changes to some processes. You can still vote in person at a polling station. If you’re self-isolating, clinically extremely vulnerable, or do not want to go to the polling station, you can vote by post or vote by proxy. From 5pm on 27 April you’ll also be able to get an emergency proxy vote at short notice if you need to self-isolate shortly before or on election day. At the polling station Because of COVID-19, there will be safety measures in place at polling stations to help you vote safely (for example, a one-way system or restrictions on the number of people allowed in). If you choose to vote in person, make sure you: a wear a face covering (unless you’re exempt) a bring your own pen or pencil (there will be clean pencils available at the polling station if you forget to bring your own) a use the hand sanitiser provided when entering and leaving the polling station a keep to social distancing guidelines If you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been asked to self-isolate Do not visit the polling station. You’ll be able to apply for an emergency proxy vote instead from 5pm on 27 April.

MSDC - How to get rid of your waste if you are either self-isolating or confirmed to have COVID-19

Any individuals who are self-isolating (as a precaution or because they are confirmed to have COVID-19) should follow this advice. This will ensure that the virus is not spread: 1. Individuals should place all personal waste such as personal protective equipment (PPE), used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths, securely in a plastic bag or bin liner 2. This plastic bag should then be placed in another plastic bag and securely tied 3. These bags must be stored separately to other waste for at least 72 hours before being placed in the general rubbish (refuse) collection Read further information on Waste Services and COVID-19 at Suffolk Recycles

Disposing of face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE)

Please put disposable face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) into a bag, and then place into your general rubbish (refuse) bin. These items must not be put into recycling bins.

Lateral flow device (LFD) testing

At home Any lateral flow device (LFD) testing related waste needs to be put into a bag, tied up, and placed in your general rubbish (refuse) bin. Schools and workplaces The Department of Health and Social Care have updated their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), sent to those undertaking lateral flow device (LFD) testing. The latest SOPs clarify that: waste from LFD testing being carried out as an ancillary function to normal business (such as at a school or workplace), is not considered to be healthcare/clinical waste. Therefore, waste generated from LFD testing can be put into black sacks and placed into the general rubbish (refuse) bin. Please note this excludes locations where LFD testing is being carried out at registered healthcare facilities and dedicated testing sites (such as mass population testing). MSDC

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club

Trees still bare, a cold wind, dry, almost arid, it must be the cricket season! All this is forgotten as the Cricket Club can actually start a meaningful season on time. It would not be Stradbroke if we had not been knocked out of the cup before April is out. Our exit from the National Village Cup was self inflicted, conceding rather than facing a 150 mile round trip into deepest Essex, not normally a problem, but with car sharing banned, finding a minimum of eight drivers willing to make the trip just reminds us that we are still in a pandemic. We are resigned to stopping to sanitise the ball and hands regularly, forgoing tea, just to play the game we love, and have unilaterally decided that players should take Lateral Flow Tests before each game to avoid another possible Covid spike. The ECB have said 'no spectators' at matches. Playing on a public field, we cannot control this. All we would ask is that if you come along to watch some cricket, please do not pick up the ball if it crosses the boundary, as well as your normal social distancing responsibilities. If you were thinking of coming to watch, we have two home games in May, Saturday 1st & 29th, both 1pm starts. Thank you for supporting us through all this. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club

Hello everyone, on behalf of the club may we welcome you to come along to the opening of the Bowls Club green at 2.00 pm on Saturday 22nd May. There will be no charge for this introduction to the game where members will be on hand to ask any questions and you will be able to participate in a friendly roll up. The only requirement is that you wear flat soled shoes or trainers, the club has the bowls, and you can play in casual gear. To repeat from my last report: May we ask you to make a note of the following club members and phone numbers so that if you are able to come along and give bowls a try and at the same time make new friends in a social and friendly atmosphere. Jennifer Chetwyn 01379 384069 David Catermole 01379 384779 Roy Lee 01379 384729 As with all clubs we have gone through a very concerning time due to the virus that has affected our financial position we need your support in becoming a member which is essential to the clubs survival and as a facility for the village. As always we thank you for reading this article and sincerely look forward to any enquiry you may have. Best regards, Roy Lee

Tennis Club

Since the Tennis Club re-opened members are enjoying playing after nearly four months. Tree works at the back of the courts have recently been completed which has given extra light to the courts enabling them to dry out more quickly when wet. The Club's committee has taken the decision to prioritise the repair and refurbishment of the Clubhouse. It is anticipated that this work will be carried out during the spring/summer months. The Club has received a number of enquiries with regards to membership and with no increase in subscriptions this year it remains very good value. For further details of membership please give me a ring on 01379 384557. All standards are welcome and Social Play Afternoons are on Mondays and Thursdays between 1.30 and 4.30. Following the gradual easement of restrictions league matches are anticipated to commence on 17th May and Home matches will take place on Monday and Thursday evenings. Non-members can now hire a court through Everyone Active at £8.00 an hour per court for adults and £4.00 an hour for under-16s. To hire a court contact Everyone Active on 01379 384376. For further information about playing Tennis in the United Kingdom and the latest coronavirus updates please visit Kevin Holmes Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club

White Hart Bowls Club

Hello, it's been a long time since we have had anything to actually say about the bowls, but things seem to be moving in the right direction. Michael Smith has been doing a great job of looking after the green for us, so hopefully we can get some games in this season. On Friday 14th May between 6.30pm and 7.30pm we are having our paying in night, and to sign up for any singles competitions you would like to enter. We will be at the bowls hut. We would also like to welcome any new people who would like to see what the club is all about and maybe have a go please come along and have a chat. Tuesday 18th May we open the green for our first game which will be the Alec Abbott cup it's a 6.30pm start. We hope to see a good turnout although I'm sure we will all be a bit rusty. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the bowls club for the lovely bouquet of flowers I received after my recent operation, it was just what I needed to cheer me up. Lynn Ruth

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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Tuesday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email:

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke cinema

We can re-open! Following all the previous Covid19 Secure Guidelines – so only 30 Cinemagoers for the May and June showings – we are delighted to welcome you all again to Stradbroke Cinema. The film on May 20th will be The Dig. A beautiful, moving film about the Sutton Hoo discovery by local archaeologist, Basil Brown after being employed by the landowner, Edith Pretty. This is a gently understated period drama that holds especial interest for those of us familiar with this great Suffolk story of immense discovery. Both Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes give strong leading performances although the star of the film is the Suffolk landscape and people. Charlie Haylock from Sudbury, the dialect coach, made sure that for once Suffolk folk do not sound like West Country pirates with the actors being very accomplished with their specific Suffolk accents bringing touching realism and emotion to this stirring tale. The final scenes showing the amazing finds are guaranteed to bring a lump to your throats. Our film on June 17th will be A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood and on July 15th we will be showing 23 Walks where we hope we will be allowed to welcome more than 30 Cinemagoers if restrictions allow Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. We ask you to wear a mask during the performance if you are not drinking or eating a snack from the bar. There will be no interval but the bar will be open from 7pm to 7.30pm Tickets will be on sale from May 1st via the online booking system - £5.50 for adults, £3 for 16s and under. Book early to avoid disappointment! Full details can be found on the Village website that is at Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt

The Stradbroke Sports and Community Centre

We would like to welcome you all back to the SSCC. From May 17th, still following the Covid19 Secure Guidelines, Social Clubs, Coffee Mornings, Film Shows, Indoor Sports Activities eg Table Tennis can all begin again following the ‘Rule of Six or 2 Households’. We will also be able to hold Weddings and Funeral Wakes for up to 30 people. If you would like to discuss your needs further, please contact us here - Jane Merritt

Stradbroke Court House and Library News

Home testing kits are now available to everyone in England as part of the government’s programme to monitor the spread of COVID-19. Suffolk County Council have arranged for all Suffolk Libraries to be collection points for test kits for the public. COLLECT YOUR COVID 19 HOME TEST AT STRADBROKE LIBRARY Call in and ask for one. The winner of the Easter Hamper was Mark Croxford. We raised £485 for our scarecrow sponsorship for Suffolk Libraries Day. A big thank you to everyone who sponsored Postman Pat, who was so lifelike, that he made people jump, when they came in the door. If the easing of lockdown continues favourably, we will be thinking about re-opening the Court House Cafe at the end of June. I will post an update in next month’s magazine. Maureen John, Library/Post Office Manager

Radio Stradbroke

Not to feel left out, Radio Stradbroke held a socially distanced 15th Birthday Party over Easter, with six DJ's broadcasting from various locations within the Village. Every passing week brings a small step out of lockdown, and the enthusiasm for our daily 'Home Service' broadcasts does not diminish. We are stretched at the moment with Richard moving house and Marty in hospital. Marty has had his operation, which was a success. He is on the road to recovery. We know this because he has started reminding us to do things to keep Radio Stradbroke on air. We owe him that much. So do you, by listening in from 10am to 1pm each day on . Thank you for your continued support. Michael Hugman

Garage Sale

Saturday 26th June, 10am until 2pm, at Wheatsheaf Cottage, Queen Street, Stradbroke. Crockery, lamps, pictures and much more available. Or, please just join us for a socially distanced cuppa and a slice of cake. Proceeds to British Heart Foundation in memory of our dear, late Husband, Dad and Grandad. Hope to see you then.... The Johnson Family Email:

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140

Vegetable plants now available. Lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes and more. Bedding, Patio and Hanging Basket plants all ready now Our Farm shop is well stocked with local Fruit &Vegetables Please check out Facebook page ETHERIDGE NURSERIES for all information. e.g Fruit & Vegetable list.

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

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Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226

For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306

Goddess Beauty is a beauty and skin clinic based in Stradbroke. Annabel has over 10 years experience in the beauty industry. Offering the highest quality products and treatments including: Manicure Pedicure Bio sculpture gel Waxing Spray Tan Environ Skincare Jane Iredale Skincare Make Up Lynton lasers - a medical grade IPL system for hair removal and skin rejuvenation I can help with acne, pigmentation, thread veins, port wine stains and much more. For more information check out our website Call 07535656044 39 Westhall, Stradbroke

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

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Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates

Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.

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Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

E J BROWN Builder

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109

Dan Poulter, MP

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I’m sure many of us have very much enjoyed being able to see family, friends and loved ones over the Easter weekend – in some cases, for the first time in many months, as some of the restrictions began to lift on 29th March. From 12th April nonessential retail can open, pubs and hospitality venues can serve food and drink outdoors, outdoor attractions will be open to visitors and overnight stays at self-catering accommodation can also resume. We have come such a long way in the fight against coronavirus and there is now most definitely light at the end of the tunnel, but for now we must continue to follow the rules as we tentatively start to emerge from lockdown. It only takes three or four weeks, particularly with some of the more virulent strains that have emerged, for things to get out of hand. Vaccinations are the only way out of this pandemic. Our vaccination effort here in Suffolk is outstanding, with the county consistently being rated top for its role in vaccinating Suffolk residents. However, some people remain hesitant to have their vaccine - if people are not vaccinated, a reservoir of Covid may remain in the wider population and this potentially increases the chances of the virus mutating. In this case, if the virus mutates, there is a chance that vaccines will become less effective. Getting vaccinated is everybody’s business and responsibility and I would therefore urge everyone to get vaccinated as soon as is practicably possible. At this stage, we don’t yet know if people will require a booster vaccination every year, a little like the annual ‘flu jab, but we do know that the very elderly and those with suppressed immune systems may need boosters in any case as the vaccines may be slightly less effective in this group. For anyone considering potentially not having the vaccine, please remember that we all have a responsibility to protect our friends, family and neighbours who may be more vulnerable than we are. In encouraging people to have their vaccination, it is vitally Important to dispel some of the dangerous myths and falsehoods which are currently circulating around vaccine safety. All of the current evidence suggests that the Covid vaccines are safe. I understand that some of the information which is currently found on social media can be worrying, but I would advise everyone to check on the NHS website for the real facts, before perhaps inadvertently passing on or relying on information that might not be true. Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19. The vaccine can save lives. With warmer weather ahead we know that transmission outdoors is reduced, and I remain cautiously optimistic that if we continue to stick with it and follow the guidance, we can all look forward to much happier times ahead.

Please send all articles to The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.


Village Diary May 1 4 14 15 20 21 22 22 23

Radio Stradbroke on air from 10 am, and every day Parish Council meeting – all can join remotely (see page 6) White Hart Bowls paying in night – new members welcome (see page 18) All Saints Church Fundraising Committee cake stall in Church Street (see page 4) Stradbroke cinema showing The Dig at the Community Centre (see page 20) ***Deadline for submissions for May edition strictly by this date*** Stradbroke and District Bowls Club opens – all welcome (see page 18) Stradbroke Church Flower Show plant sale in Woodfields (see page 10) Stradbroke Church Flower Show plant sale in Woodfields (see page 10)


June Stradbroke Cinema showing A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood (see page 20)



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Answers to Swift Family Quiz (front page): 1) All the months. Different ages come at different times. 2) All of these. 3) All of these. 4) c)10 months

COVID19 - LIFE IN STRADBROKE PROJECT Send us your #vaccineselfies

The Stradbroke Archive and Record Association (SARA) has set up a new online archive to capture what life is like in lockdown for the residents of Stradbroke. It is hoped that by collecting our social history of this global event in real time, that generations to come will have a real window into our village experience in 2020/21 This new archive is slightly different to the other two online archives, it is designed to allow really easy upload by villagers of their contributions - anyone can add photographs, short videos, memories (as text) and audio recordings from computers, tablets and mobile phones! SARA want to capture the every day types of experiences as well as the special events such as VE Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day etc... SARA want the village of now and in the future to see how the global pandemic has changed and affected our day to day life, so join in and add your experiences. Go to

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