ÂŁ1 where sold
October 2014
Seasonal Flu Clinics 2014 It is much easier for us to manage the flu vaccination programme if patients do attend the clinics. If you are unable to attend a clinic please contact us after the 20th October in order to book an appointment. Please note that we will not be sending out individual invite letters. Patients are eligible for a flu jab if they meet the criteria below. We will be holding additional flu clinics for eligible children under 17 and all 2, 3 & 4 year olds. We will write to parents of these children during September asking them to ring in to book an appt. All other eligible patients (over 17) should just turn up to one of the walk-in clinics below it is not necessary to make an appointment.
Walk-in seasonal flu clinics at Fressingfield Tues 7th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am 2pm to 3:30pm
Fri 10th October at Fressingfield
9 am to 11 am 4pm to 5:30pm 9 am to 11 am 2 pm to 3:30 pm 9 am to 11 am 4 pm to 5:30 pm
Tues 14th October at Fressingfield Fri 17th October at Fressingfield
Walk-in seasonal flu clinics at Stradbroke Mon 6th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am 4 pm to 5:30 pm
Wed 8th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
Mon 13th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am 4 pm to 5:30 pm
Wed 15th October at Stradbroke
9 am to 11 am
You are eligible for a seasonal flu jab if: You have asthma or a chronic respiratory disease
You have chronic heart disease
You have chronic kidney disease
You have chronic liver disease
You are diabetic
You have a weak immune system or immunosuppression
You are over 65 years of age or are 65 prior to the 31/3/2015
You have a history of stroke, TIA, multiple sclerosis or a disease of the central nervous system
You are pregnant
Those who are in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an older or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.
*New addition to the flu programme* children aged two, three & four years, but not yet five by 1/9/2014. Please note that we will contact parents of these children to invite them to an appointment.
Patients of Fressingfield & Stradbroke Medical Centres: Tel: 01379 586227 or 01379 384220
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.
eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
PAUL GODDARD Telephone 01986 784594
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk
A place of new beginnings. We welcome you to join us. October Diary Sunday Services each week at 10.15 am October Speakers: 5th G. Catling 12th D. Willson 19th Rev G. Lee 26th TBA We welcome you to join us --- our activities for October We pray together Monday 6th 7:30pm Cameo Lunch Club Wednesday 8th 12:30pm Youth Club (Year 8 and above) Friday 10th 7:30pm Youth Club (Year 8 and above) Friday 17th 7:30pm Drop in For Coffee Wednesday 22nd 10am 7:30pm Studies Tuesdays 7th , 14th , 21st & 28th New study course. “The world we all want” (Finding our place in God’s big story) Seven sessions, each Tuesday 7:30pm. Watch DVD – Friendly discussion – Ask questions – Or just listen to other opinions! 19:30 @ Stradbroke Youth Club From the beginning of the new term it has proved necessary to restrict the numbers at our Youth Club- it is now open to those in year 8 and above. This is both good and bad news, we regret having to restrict numbers - but it’s great, to know that within a short time of starting, the club is oversubscribed. Thanks to those who have helped to make the club so successful. However the simple solution is to run two separate clubs for the different age groups! We would welcome enquiries from local committed Christians who might be interested in getting involved with the Church’s youth club. Ukraine Jackie returned safely from her visit to Ukraine and will write a report for the November magazine. Good News! We have a taste of Ukraine in Stradbroke on Thursday 13th November. A group of Ukrainian students will be performing at Stradbroke Baptist Church, and visiting the Stradbroke Primary school on the following day. Our visitors are Zozulenka a group of performing art students who will be singing and dancing in traditional dress. The group is in the UK sponsored by the Southampton based Christian charity Hope Now. These concerts are free and open to all - a retiring collection will be taken for Hope Now. Experience the colour & excitement of Ukraine “Zozulenka” 13th November Stradbroke Baptist Church
For several months now all cash received at our Coffee Mornings has been donated to St. Elizabeths hospice, and we are fortunate that a visitor from the hospice will be speaking at our October Lunch Club. Cameo Lunch Club is held on the second Wednesday of each month. Following a tasty lunch we normally have a quiz, sometimes we sing and often have a speaker. Last month our friends Graham and Gill Lee, recently returned from Paraquay, gave an interesting illustrated talk of a recent visit to family in South America. Their son and daughter-in- law work with poor and underprivileged people. It was exciting and encouraging to see a picture of a proud family now living in a home with running water from a real tap, curtains, a kitchen table, plus a roof that did not leak, much of this restoration was funded by gifts from Stradbroke, Thanks! Our Lunch Club currently has room for more people, if you or someone you know would appreciate a good meal and new friends please get in touch. For further details please contact: John 388751 Jackie 384112
We will inform you of the cost when you phone for assistance.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
Services: 5th Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct 26th Oct 2nd Nov
11.00 am Family service 8.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion 8.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Family service
Followed by Coffee/Tea Followed by Coffee/Tea Followed by Tea/Coffee
Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan. Canon Andrew Vessey will be leading 8 am HC on 26th October, we welcome his offer to join us and extend that invitation to you all. Weekly prayers: Mondays, 9.30 am at The Rectory; an informal time to remember people and situations in need of prayer; come and share with us.
Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee No fund raising due until Harvest Supper. A cake stall is to be held on 11th October and the “Call My Bluff” Wine Tasting by Adnams is now on November 7th. Details next month. The Christmas Coffee Morning is on November 22 in the Community Centre. Watch out for Hamper Tickets. Thanks for your support. Mary Ellis
A Message from Rev Susan October is a bitter sweet month for me; it is my birthday this month but it is also an anniversary of the death of a brother and so feelings get a little confused. Last month was a bit like that also as we had to have our much loved fourteen year old Border collie Rosie put to sleep because of ill health. We were all very sad and said we would not get another dog for a while. However, I didn’t like coming home to an empty house with no dog to greet me so I began to think about the sort of dog I would like. Well, as with all things I spoke to God about this and it seems that he had other ideas about the sort of dog we would have! Whilst visiting our son and his family we went just for a look at a rescue centre we visited there was a little dog that seemed to choose us. Robin liked her and so although she wasn’t what I had hoped for we decided to bring her home. As the nights draw in, the morning’s dark and daylight is at a minimum some people struggle to keep their spirit’s up and can feel quite low. So please think about those whom you know who live alone or go out to work in darkness and return in darkness, maybe you can think of a way to bring them some lightness and cheer. And, if that is you, remember that God is with you in darkness as well as light and even when we know we have not acknowledged him or have done or said things we know we shouldn’t have, take comfort in these words from Psalm 30 verse 5: For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Take care & God bless, Susan
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
Next meeting of the MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 08 September 2014 Parish Council 11 members of the public attended. 6th Oct 2014 at 7.30pm in the PUBLIC FORUM: A complaint was relayed about the noise levels from Stradisphere. It was conceded that the event was well organised but cerCommunity Centre tain residents had emailed to express their concern at the amount of vibration experienced. Another resident felt that the Council had failed in its duty to keep the village informed of the possibility of a Co-op store opening in Stradbroke. It was explained that the Council cannot comment on rumour and hearsay and is unable to inform the public when it has no knowledge to impart. The quality and quantity of information provided through the medium of the Stradbroke Monthly was also criticised. It was pointed out that the minutes of meetings were available in the Library and on the notice board for anyone requiring a more detailed record of events. It should be noted that minutes cannot be published in final form until they have been signed, hence the delay of a month between meeting and publication. This page is meant to be a synopsis of the meeting not a full report. PLANNING (further details can be obtained from the Clerk): Applications for consideration: The following applications had been received too late for inclusion in the agenda but it was agreed to consider them at this meeting in order to expedite decisions by the planning officers: Refusal, by a majority vote, was recommended for: 2412/14 The Oaks, Laxfield Road Unanimous approval was recommended for: 2693/14 erection of lighting columns (and floodlighting) to provide full court lighting Stradbroke High School, Wilby Road Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met: Planning permission granted for: 1893/14 Waterloo House, Church Street 2012/14 (LBC) Waterloo House, Church Street 2147/14 Stradbroke Farm Barn, Laxfield Road Other Planning Matters: The following applications had been withdrawn by the applicants: 0056/14 Three Corners Yard, Laxfield Road 1652/14 The Oaks, Doctors Lane OTHER BUSINESS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE GARAGE SITE: no hard facts were available at this time. However, the management agents for Spar had given assurances that they were hoping to have the shop opened in the near future; tenants had been identified but the procedures could not be hurried. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: the grant had been received and work continued to bring the various strands of preplanning together. The next step was to formulate a Housing Needs Survey (the last one was undertaken some four years ago and so the information it provided was out of date). Volunteers had come forward to help in various ways. LIBRARY & COURTHOUSE: it was confirmed that the Post Office would open on 14 October 2014. The cafÊ opening would take place after the New Year. An Italian evening was scheduled to take place before Christmas. The volunteer evening had been successful. STREET LIGHTING: Councillors undertook an appraisal of the new street lights and this threw up several posers. The Clerk would be in contact with the SCC department concerned to clarify the work completed. PLEASE NOTE: as has been mentioned previously in this column anonymous letters will not be dealt with by the Council. A writer’s identity will not be revealed, if that is what they wish, but a name and address must be included in correspondence. Members of the public and press are very welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and to bring matters of concern or information to the attention to Members in the time allocated to the Public Forum, which takes place prior to the start of every meeting. Meetings may be recorded but those doing so are respectfully requested to do so in a discreet manner so as not to disrupt the meeting and not cause disturbance to others. Minutes of the meetings are held in the Library and are now posted on the Notice Board. The October Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Community Centre at 7.30pm on Monday, 06 October 2014 (please note change of date) Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Dirty Oven??
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Home Improvements
Carpentry And General
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J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
Page 8
Stradbroke Bakery • • • • • • • •
Fresh Bread Daily A vast range of Confectionery Home Made Pies and Pasties A Selection of Speciality Bread Tea and Coffee Take Away Snacks Newspapers and Milk A Small Selection of Groceries Tel: 01379384226
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhouseStradbroke.co.uk
Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
Page 9
Life in the Legion Branch Treasurer, Bernard Mills, was the speaker at the September meeting held at Laxfield King’s Head, his subject being his National Service in the RASC in the Suez Canal Zone. He illustrated his talk with slides, assisted by his son Andrew. The Chairman, Michael Burton, who presided, gave him and his son a vote of thanks on behalf of the members. He also gave his monthly treasurer’s report, and subscription cards were handed out to the wardens, except for those members on Direct Debit arrangements. The Poppy Appeal total to date for the Stradbroke and Wilby area is £3,509. Notice was given of the Laying-Up of the Botesdale and District Branch Standard on Saturday, December 13th. The Service starts at 3.00 pm, and the venue is Botesdale Chapel-of-Ease. Also mentioned was the dedication of a new War Memorial at Syleham Church on Sunday, November 9thin the afternoon; the branch will be represented. We meet again on Thursday, October 9th, at The Low House starting at 11.30 am with a guest speaker being arranged. Members, please attend if you can. Michael Burton, Chairman
W.I. In her opening address Vice President Gill Bird, deputising for President Dorothy Readman, welcomed members to the meeting and gave a special welcome to Annie Harbrow, Charmaine Cooper and Maryann Cartwright, three ladies who we hope we will soon have the pleasure of seeing at all our meetings. Gill then explained that Dorothy’s absence was due to her being admitted into hospital the following day to receive a hip replacement. We all sent our love and wished her well. Dianne Maynard our very efficient secretary, then went through items of news from our County Office. Gill then gave details of the arrangements for our 90th birthday celebration together with our Christmas Dinner on Thursday 18th December at 6pm. It was then time to welcome our speaker for the evening, Rachel Lead, a very familiar face to many of us as, as she lives in Stradbroke. Rachel came to talk to us about Kinesiology, a subject many of us new very little about. We learnt that Kinesiology was all about muscles, meridians, pressure points and balance. A real eye opener for many of us, and with her passion and enthusiasm, clear for all to see, Rachel soon had every one on their feet doing basic movements. She then asked if anyone had in the past broken their ankle, and would be willing to volunteer to let her demonstrate her work. Pat Marlow stepped forward. The demonstration was interesting and had members absorbed, and Pat was fine. Dianne gave the vote of thanks. Wendy Reeve gave a very brief update on the progress of the Spar Shop, telling members that there was no date as yet for its opening. The meeting closed with our new rendition of Jerusalem. If you like singing, why not join us at our October meeting, when we welcome Yula, a lady guaranteed to get us all singing. Visitors are always welcome, and the evening should be fun. Gill Bird
Radio Stradbroke September is usually a quiet month for Radio Stradbroke, but with the Stradisphere festival, it was a manic time. It started with DJ Huggy’s pre-Stradisphere show, playing tracks by some of the acts appearing, & an interview with the ‘Bootleg Boss’, who headlined Friday on the main stage. The ‘Kings of Leon Experience’ finished the festival, supported by 18 local bands & singers. There are too many people to thank individually, but we must mention Brett Baber for organising Stradisphere, & his help in getting Radio Stradbroke on air for the whole weekend. Never have so many DJs been in one tent at one time. Their motivation is the positive feedback from many of the acts. There are podcasts & video clips on www.radiostradbroke.co.uk . The next event is the Stradbroke Jazz Festival, which can be listened to live, & if that wasn’t enough, the regular ‘Sunday Sessions’ return in November. More details next month. Keep listening. Michael Hugman
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1st Fressingfield Scout Group Welcome back:. 1st Fressingfield Scout Group is now open for business for another packed year. We have been dealing with a number of new membership requests that has pushed our membership to now around 150! A small team, led effectively by our Chairman Michael Pickstock have been working on the new HQ development and we are edging closer to a truly exciting stage, more about that later. Summer Camp: It seems an age ago, but actually only a few short weeks back, around 25 members attended summer camp, where we enjoyed glorious weather. Hikes, wide games, swimming, high ropes, assault course and 3G swing were just some of activities we undertook. Camping and cooking outdoors including preparing a fish supper – gutting, scaling and pan frying trout. A day out at Thorpe Park rounded off a great week away. Inspirational speaker: We are currently in discussions with Simon Weston (Falklands Veteran) to join us as a guest speaker at a fundraising evening on 27th November. Please keep this date free. If you are interested in knowing more please contact Dawn Carman-Jones on dawn@dawncj.co.uk. We will be looking for sponsors, help on the evening and with selling tickets, as we continue to raise funds for the Scout HQ Development Fund. Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne. Mobile: 07908 262623
Stradbroke Over 60s Our October meetings will be on Thursday 2nd and Thursday 16th at the Community Centre, 2pm – 4pm. All will be made most welcome. Our Annual Coffee Morning and Sale will be on Saturday 18th October in the Community Centre from 10am to 12pm selling cakes, good Bric-a-Brac, gifts, tombola, main raffle, drinks raffle, games and teas and coffee. Do come along and support us. Joan Grimes
East Anglian Air Ambulance Lottery Would you like the opportunity to win £25,000, AND help to save lives at the same time? For just £1 per week, you can enter the East Anglian Air Ambulance Lottery and be in with a chance of winning one of the 18 cash prizes available in each weekly draw, from £50 to £1,000. If that wasn’t exciting enough, you will automatically be entered into the accumulator prize which increases by £500 a week until it's won - up to a whopping £25,000! Recently the accumulator reached an incredible £15,500! Supporting the East Anglian Air Ambulance Lottery is one of the easiest and most sustainable ways to keep us flying and saving lives in the region. The EAAA lottery contributes to around 45% of the charities income, so it is essential to continue the lifesaving work. EAAA Lottery Manager, Mike Burt, who has been working at the charity since February, said: ‘It never ceases to amaze me how generous the people of East Anglia are when it comes to supporting the EAAA, and playing the lottery is a great way of showing support whilst having a little flutter and giving yourself a chance of winning a useful cash prize’. Playing could not be more simple. You can buy membership online or download a form on our website: www.eaaa.org.uk or just give us a call on 01603 489400. (Players must be aged 16 or over). So, if you fancy taking a chance, or you are looking for a present for someone who does, why not join a lottery which supports a service you may need someday. We need you today, you may need us tomorrow... Hannah Isted
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Cleverley Repaired Cars Valley Farm, New St, Stradbroke Car Service, Repair and Modification to the Highest Standards. Sports and classic cars a speciality, but all cars catered for. Collection and return. Courtesy car available Call Michael Cleverley on 07501336499 at any time to discuss your needs. Find out what good service and value really is.
Email: crcmx5@gmail.com www.mx5expert.com
eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which BEAUTY & HAIR we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and 01379 852 233 the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a Old Market Place one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Harleston. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk www.dermalogicaconnect.co.uk/envyharleston We are also recruiting NOW - We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Primary School Here at Stradbroke Primary School, we have returned after the summer break to what promises to be another busy and exciting year ahead. Following our year of ‘Being the Best we could Be’, we are now looking forward to showing that ‘All the World is our Stage’, that we all have strengths and talents and that there is always somewhere to display them. We have planned a special programme of events which will help celebrate the 150th Anniversary of our school, which was first opened in September 1864. Each halfterm, we will be learning about life during a period of time since then. This will start with a Victorian Tea Party this half term, when the children will find out what it might have been like to go to school in Victorian times and be dressing for the occasion. We will then track times in history since then, exploring the Edwardians, dancing our way through the 1920’s, experiencing evacuation in WWII and Rocking and Rolling through the Sixties! Our final event will be a picnic on the school field when we hope to find one time capsule and bury another! So watch this space and follow us through local and national history. We hope that members of the community, ex-pupils and staff will be able to join us for one or two of these events. If you have links with our school and may have photographs or information about life when you were here, we would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact the school. This term, the children in Class 3 have the marvellous opportunity to participate in the Shakespeare Schools Festival at The Theatre Royal, Bury St. Edmunds and to work with professional actors to polish their performance, which will be on the stage there on 21st October. After their amazing performance in the summer of ‘Shakespeare Rocks’, they are fired up and working very hard to develop their drama and literacy skills further. Class 2 will be visiting Tesco in Diss to find out how food is transported around the world and the find out about the changes in food production since Victorian times. They may even be serving in the store and packing bags! Class 4 are looking forward to the annual trip to London when we will be travelling by boat on the Thames to visit Greenwich to explore the museums and learn more about the architecture of Sir Christopher Wren. Our new children have settled well in Class 1 under the fabulous guidance of their Year 1 classmates. They have been learning about the story of The Gingerbread Man and have produced some lovely work to display in the classroom and learned new songs. So, already our stage is set, and we have our plans to fill it. I look forward to sharing further new throughout this school year. Mrs L Walsh – Head of School 01379 384415
Stradbroke High School At the end of last term, Stradbroke High School hosted the final of the first Primary Book Mastermind. Stradbroke, Worlingworth, Mendham and Laxfield Primary Schools all took part and fielded the winners of their school heats. The contestants had chosen to answer questions on Lily Alone by Jacqueline Wilson, Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo, The Dragons of Wayward Crescent by Chris d’Lacey and the Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. The standard was very high and there was little between them. Then followed the General Knowledge round in which the audience also had an opportunity to take part. The winner was Finlay Thompson from Laxfield who had read Private Peaceful and was presented with his personal medal and trophy for the school by Mrs Phillips, Deputy Headteacher. She went on to thank everyone for taking part; pointing out how valuable it is to read books. Each competitor received a certificate of participation. It was a fun occasion with the competitors and their supporters all showing huge enthusiasm for reading. It was also a great opportunity for the children to familiarise themselves with the High School and our library. I look forward to this becoming an annual event. Mrs A Baldwin, Librarian, Stradbroke High School
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Barn View, Wilby
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Cleverley Made Cakes High quality, individually designed cakes for all occasions. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Christenings, Christmas, etc... Hand-crafted sugar decorations a speciality
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Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
Page 14
Forthcoming Events
Stradjazz - Stradbroke's very own JAZZ FESTIVAL 27th - 28th September at Stradbroke Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke Great Music from some Great Musicians and Great Food from some Great Cooks! Stradbroke Community Centre will be hosting the StradJazz Festival, with easy parking, local B&Bs and large free camping area for motorhomes and caravans. Tickets and brochures available at Stradbroke Library and other local outlets or from the website: www.stradjazz.net Order a brochure from info@stradjazz.net Bob Kerr & Maureen John
Stradbroke Cinema On Thursday, 16th October, we are showing “Labor Day” at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The Bar will be open and ice-creams on sale in the interval. Entrance is £5.50. Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride. As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true story as their options become increasingly limited. Director Jason Reitman, Stars: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin and Gattlin Griffith. The film, though, is best taken as a nostalgic fantasy – an attempt on Henry’s part to conjure up the mother he adored and the father figure he never really had. Labor Day is treacly and nostalgic, but surely cinema can do worse things than shimmer at you for a couple of hours. We will be showing “Love Punch” on 20th November. Margaret Streeter
Laxfield Secret Postcard Auction There's an exciting Postcard Art Auction building up in Laxfield. Many artists, some internationally-known, personalities and others have donated original Art postcards and these will be anonymously offered for auction on October 11th from 7.00pm in Laxfield village Hall. The value of the work will be hidden. A website is running to display the postcards: www.laxfieldpostcards.co.uk, where anyone can bid by email. Viewing of the art cards will take place in Laxfield Village Hall from 2 to 4pm, when refreshments will be available. The Auction itself will start at 7.30pm and admission is £5, and include an initial glass of wine with cheese and biscuits. The evening includes includes a raffle. There are over 130 actual original items for auction with a wide variety of styles. Tickets can be obtained in advance from The Co-operative food store in Laxfield or (01986) 798531 or 798464. The Village Hall as limited capacity so advance tickets are advised. Profits from the auction go towards All Saints Parish Church, Laxfield, and the Trussell Trust (Waveney) Foodbank. Ian Williams
WEA STRADBROKE WEA AUTUMN TERM 2014 A History of Crime and Criminal Justice in East Anglia (1750 – 1950) A look at the changing nature of criminality in the Eastern Counties over 200 years, with consideration of the economic, social and environmental factors that gave rise to crime. Tutor – Mark Mower Starts Wednesday 24th September 2014, Stradbroke Community Centre, from 2.15 to 4.15pm Anyone is welcome to attend the first meeting before committing themselves to the course. Course fee £45.50. Disabled Access. Hearing Loop For 7 weeks. Contact: The Secretary: 01728 724746
Page 15
EYE FLOORING Making Luxury Affordable ONLINE @ www.eyeflooring.co.uk DOOR MATS AVAILABLE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES Domestic & Contract Flooring Specialists *Carpets *Vinyls *Safety Flooring *Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates The Old Theatre, Broad Street, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 7AF 01379 870190 / 07850 573366 OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 9AM ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED
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Tel: 01379 668545 Mobile: 07702 265206
Forthcoming Events
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What's on at Wingfield Barns Friday 3rd October 7.30pm – Husband and wife folk duo Megson return to the Barns after their fabulous concert last year. If you saw them last time you will know what superb musicians they are. If you didn’t come along don’t miss them this October. For further details of all events at the Barns check out our website www.wingfieldbarns.com. To book telephone 01379 384505 or e mail enquiries@wingfieldbarns.co.uk. If you leave a message someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Sue Preston
Heveningham Hall Bonfire and Fireworks Display Heveningham Hall – Bonfire and Fireworks Display Saturday 1st November – Gates open 5.30pm. Celebrate Guy Fawkes night at our charity bonfire and fireworks display at Heveningham Hall – Suffolk’s most spectacular firework display. A huge bonfire sets the scene for a spectacular fireworks display with live music from Backtrackin a great Essex band, a traditional funfair, bars, fish & chips, hog roast, BBQ and a variety of tasty local foods. ALL proceeds go to local charities. Tickets are available in advance via SEE Tickets @ www.suffolkfireworks.co.uk or from the following outlets:Halesworth Wine shop, Halesworth Golf Club, The Huntingfield Arms, Laxfield Co-op, Metfield Stores and Emmett’s of Peasenhall. Ticket Prices:- By car:- £15 per car (in advance); £20 per car (at the gate);£25 per car (over 7 people); Pedestrians:- £5 per adult, £3 per child (4 – 14 years of age). For further information please visit our website www.suffolk-fireworks.co.uk Post code for Sat Nav IP19 0PN. Charity number: 1095403
Claire Dunford
Christmas Trees at Town Farm I am pleased to say that we raised £97.50 for St Mary’s Wilby and St Lawrence’s Brundish, and £38.75 for All Saints Stradbroke Churches including extra kind donations from folks who came to see us at Town Farm for their Christmas Trees. Trees will be available again this year, locally grown, chosen while standing, freshly cut and delivered to your door, put it in your diary now it’s not far away ! It was a pleasure to do and to meet some new people too, many thanks to all and best wishes. Steve & Sally Lee, 01379 388653
Coffee Morning A Coffee Morning will be held at 18 Castle Crescent, Wingfield on Saturday, Oct 4th from 10am to 1pm including various stalls and a very good raffle. All proceeds to Colney Cancer Centre, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. More information from Mrs K Barber on 01379 384526 K Barber
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Forthcoming Events
Stradbroke Court House News There is a lot of building work going on in the Courthouse at present in preparation for the Post Office and the Community Café. The Post Office will open in the library on Tuesday 14th October at 2.30pm and from then on will be open for business during all library opening hours. Monday closed Tuesday 2.30pm-5pm and 5.30pm-7.30pm Wed closed Thursday 10am-1pm and 2.30pm-5pm Friday 2.30pm-5pm Saturday 10am-12.30pm Sunday 10am-3pm We will stick with these hours for 3 months and then review them. Angela Frost from Stradbroke and Isabel Dunn from Laxfield, who are both experienced Post office workers, will be helping Stradbroke library staff to become competent at Post Office procedures so that they can give an excellent service to the Stradbroke community. Firstly, I am going to concentrate on getting the Post Office up and running in the library efficiently but very soon after, SCALT plans on opening our Community Café. Our plans include organising monthly community meals like breakfast/brunch with newspapers to read on a Sunday morning or themed evening meals such as Italian, Indian, Thai etc. We also plan to open the café during library/Post Office opening hours if we manage to get enough volunteers to help with this. Suffolk Libraries have recently been successful in a bid for securing the funding for screening high quality theatre productions and Stradbroke has been chosen as one of the venues to stage these performances. All is possible in the Courthouse café space. If anyone would like me to expand on any of this information please call in and see me in the library. Maureen John - Library and Post Office Manager
Eye Green Fair This year the Eye Green Fair is on Saturday 25th October at Eye Town Hall (IP23 7AF) and is open from 9.30 till 3pm. The event, run by Suffolk Green Party, is a community showcase for local environmental groups, alongside an opportunity to peruse stalls selling Fairly Traded foods and gifts, pre-loved items and 'up-cycled' artistry. The very successful 'Cafe Green' will again be in operation, selling delicious light lunches, snacks and fairly traded hot drinks. For further information contact john@suffolkgreenparty.org.uk or call 01449 771742 Sue Watson - Eye Church Shop Fairtrade
A Grand Auction Of Promises A grand Auction of Promises, with supper, on Saturday, 4th October, at 7.30 pm Just in case you have missed it, we are holding a Grand Auction of Promises with supper, (the casseroles will be cooked to perfection, the puddings will be supreme) to be held in the Community Centre on Saturday, 4th October. We have been very fortunate to secure the services of TW Gaze’s auctioneer, Mike Sarson, to really get the bidding going. Tickets at £15.00 are on sale from committee members, Carol Darling, Jane Merritt, Jacqueline Holmes, Margaret Jenkins, Margaret Norris and me (also Margaret). See you there, it’s in aid of All Saints’ Church Fabric Fund Margaret Streeter, m.streeter@btinternet.com
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eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
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Forthcoming events
A more positive take on proceedings – The Winter Picnic There has been a lot of negativity around the village recently by individuals in both this publication and online. I, like most others, did not move to Stradbroke to hear of the negative discussions going on behind closed doors. I came here for the wonderful walks, the serene countryside, the beautiful sunsets, the fantastic events that are held and the people who all say ‘good morning’ as you walk to the baker’s on a Saturday. I came here for the community feel that is missing from so many places these days. So I’d like to do two things in this article. Firstly, I’d like to remind everyone currently focussing on the negatives about all the amazing things this village has to offer, and secondly I would like to invite everyone to join me for a picnic to prove to all the naysayers that this village doesn’t need them; that the community and parish around Stradbroke is a happy place and that they need to just look around them at the fantastic views and join with the celebration rather than trying to bring everyone down with them. So just what does Stradbroke offer the average community member? As well as a butcher, baker, library, sports centre, swimming pool, community centre, doctor’s, 2 churches, 2 pubs, a restaurant and 2 schools, we also have tennis courts, a huge community field, a fitness track and over 12 miles of public footpaths! Which other village in Suffolk can boast all of these? On top of all of these facilities, we have a huge variety of some 30 different clubs for all ages and sizes to attend. Why stop there? Throughout the year, we are offered a huge variety of events from both the village organising committee, the high school and other clubs and societies. These are always fun, raise money for local organisations and charities and give us a chance to get together, meet new people and enjoy ourselves. I would like us, as a village, to focus on these, the important aspects of Stradbroke and celebrate all of the fantastic opportunities this village offers us all. So let’s use the facilities we have been given and have a Winter Village Picnic on the Community Centre Field on Sunday 12th October from 12pm. Bring your family, bring some friends, bring a picnic, bring a ball, bring a frisbee and let’s all have a fun, sociable afternoon. (Due to the undetermined weather at this time of year, I have also booked the Community Centre for this time should we need to take it indoors! I would therefore request that everyone contributes 50p per person towards covering the costs of this.) I’ll see you all there. P.S. This is not an ‘event‘ that I am organising, everyone is responsible for their own family members’ safety! I’m just looking to bring the village together to celebrate! Ellis Holt 07786 991044
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Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Large selection of home grown vegetables available now. Sweet corn coming soon Cut flowers Chrysanths , Dahilas , Gladoli , ready now Bulbs and Winter Pansys available soon Or if you have any enquires do either come and see us or phone us We would be glad to hear from you :)
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club Another cricket season has ended in brilliant sunshine, but for a while it could have been a sunset, had it not been for the dedication of many in the Club, who were determined to keep Stradbroke Cricket Club alive. A final league position of bottom, does not tell the whole story for the Vikings, who found some late form, winning their last four matches, highlighted by a maiden century for Josh Franklin-Mann as well as 18 wickets in his last six games. Owen Morgan almost joined the ‘hundred’ club, scoring 87 against Exning. Much credit must go to Martin Cuthbert & Ben Flatt, who bore the thankless task of getting eleven players onto the field with enthusiasm. They both found time to hit some late season form with the bat, & are planning for next year, already. The A Team finished fourth in Section B on Sundays. Again the onus on James Gilbee’s captaincy was worn uncomplainingly. The runs of Alan Barker were crucial, giving his side some breathing space. The season ended with the annual Presidents Day. Don Lummis carefully selected Presidents XI combined past & present, and it was perhaps no surprise that they beat the Club XI by 3 wickets. The Annual Presentation Night followed. Details of the winners next month. Thank you for supporting your local Cricket Club. Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Football Club LOST to Chantry, Ipswich 3–2 LOST to Harper A 2–4 Training is on Tuesday nights at the High School, 7.30pm – 9pm. The last Bingo raised £37.10. Not too well supported. Next one is on 10th October, hopefully this will be better supported. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Just a short report this month as the outside Bowls season has virtually finished. We finished fourth in the Saxmundham League, and low down in the Waveney Triples League. ELLIS CUP was won by the White Hart The last Saxmundham League result: Played Leiston WON Lily Lofts
Stradbroke Badminton Club The evenings are starting to draw in again and this can only mean one thing, Badminton! The new season is already underway and if you would like to come along for a game, we play in the Sports Hall at Stradbroke High School every Tuesday night, from 7:30PM till 10:00PM. New players are always welcome and the first night is free! The competitive season hasn't started yet, so there are no results to report. There will be no badminton on 28/10/14 due to half term. If you would like any further information, please email stradbrokebc@outlook.com and we will help as best we can. We look forward to seeing you soon. George Chaplin
Stradbroke Youth FC Instead of being a relaxing summer break, it turned out to be quite eventful. We lost a couple of players at the end of last season because interest in the game had waned. We managed to recruit two new players, both of whom looked very promising. We then had a friendly fixture against Framlingham and the two new boys both got serious injuries (a broken arm and torn ligament) and then just before the first game of the season two more players decided they didn't want to play football anymore. The first game of the season was away to Stowmarket and and with a seriously depleted squad Stradbroke had to play with only 10 boys and without our regular goalkeeper. Jack Smith volunteered to go in goal and performed magnificently and was voted man of the match for his efforts. Despite being one player short the team overwhelmed the opposition from the start. Giles with his clever footwork put us in front with a low drive out of the keepers reach, he followed this up with a nifty curling flick past an outcoming keeper. This lifted the team even more and demoralised the opposition and by half time we were 5-0 up with Keiren getting on the score sheet and Giles getting 2 more. With confidence high, the second half started surprisingly with our defence going to sleep and Stowmarket getting the upper hand. We let 2 goals in before realising that the game was still on. Jack could do nothing about either. Fortunately the boys woke up, regrouped and secured the game with 2 more goals, one from Keiren and another from Sammy with a great long range (35yd) free kick over the keepers head. Two players deserve special mention. George for his hard work and some excellent throw-ins which we need to cultivate and Bradley for all his effort, despite his small stature, he never stopped running and came close to scoring his first goal. Both were worthy of MoM for their efforts. Don Darling
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THE GARDEN ROOM At FOALS GRANGE, WILBY Bed and Breakfast Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
Web Site: www.foalsgrange.co.uk
For your Lawnmower & Small Engine Repairs and Servicing Tel: Phillip Cleveland on 388306
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 384097
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Fiona Patrick’s Therapies Unwind & Relax‌ *Massage * Reflexology* *Hot Stone Therapy* *Facials * Body Scrubs/Wraps* *Indian Head Massage* I am only in Brundish,
just give me a call or e-mail 01379 388458 - Fiona@fp-therapies.co.uk WWW.fp-therapies.co.uk
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses Evening wear , Prom Wear’ and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories.
Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Mon – 10am to 6pm; Wed – 10am to 6pm; Fri - 10am to 6pm Sat – 10am to 4pm; Sun – by appointment (please ring) Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays
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Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384439 for information & bookings
Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder
Tel - 01379 388653
From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702 ellis.brown@sky.com
(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Forthcoming events
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St Elizabeth Hospice celebrating 25 years of local Hospice care This November you’re invited to join St Elizabeth Hospice to celebrate the local charity providing 25 years of Hospice care. To mark their 25th Anniversary, St Elizabeth Hospice is holding a series of open events in the first week of November, showcasing and celebrating how the organisation has developed over the years. The first public drop in event is being held on Saturday 1st November, which poignantly is 25 years to the day since the first patient was admitted. Since the Hospice opened in 1989, 20,000 people have been cared for, whether at home, in the community or at the Hospice. As part of the open events there will also be the chance for a tour around the refurbished and extended Day Unit, which opens for patient use in October. Plus there’s a chance to take a look at the Hospice’s Anniversary exhibition and a patient’s photographic exhibition, entitled ‘As I see it’. You’re invited to attend St Elizabeth Hospice’s open events on: Saturday 1st November, 10am – 4pm - drop in open to everybody Thursday 6th November, 5pm – 8pm – drop in open to everybody Verity Jolly, Director of Patient Services, said: “St Elizabeth Hospice has always been at the heart of the local community, and it was the determination, support and generosity of local people during the four year fundraising appeal from 1983 to 1987 that led to the Hospice being built – and that support has only grown. The last 25 years have seen the Hospice and our services develop and grow and they will continue to do so thanks to our local community, and we want everybody to join us in celebrating our Anniversary, so please do come along to the open events in November.” To find out more visit www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk/25 Samantha Catling
Carpet bowls CARPET BOWLS – Would you like to play Carpet Bowls on a Monday evening at Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall? It is played on a small scale on a mat unrolled on the village hall floor, and is a most entertaining and competitive sport. We also play matches, away, against other villages on different evenings. If you want to play, please let me know. David Streeter, Doggetts Farm, New Street, Stradbroke IP21 5JG. Tel: 384869. Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net David Streeter
Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund “Vote for us and help us win £3,000”
A much-loved local charity which hopes to develop an innovative centre for people with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses is appealing for the public’s support to help it bag a grant of £3,000. Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund (HCNCF) has been shortlisted for the Lloyds Bank Community Fund 2014 in the Beccles area. The charity is now appealing for people to vote via Twitter, online, in a branch of Lloyds or by text and help it win up to £3,000 in funding. The money would go towards a new Information and Support Centre (ISC), earmarked for land next to Cutlers Hill Surgery in Halesworth. Open to patients in north east Suffolk and south Norfolk, as well as their carers and families, the centre would bring a full range of holistic services closer to home, including benefits advice, complementary therapies, help understanding a diagnosis, counselling and bereavement support. Four projects have been shortlisted for the award, and will receive between £500 and £3,000, depending on the number of votes they receive. To vote for HCNCF, you can: Visit any branch of Lloyds Bank, go to www.lloydsbank.com/communityfund, text ‘VOTE BZP’ to 61119 or tweet #COMMFUND BZP. The vote is open until Friday 10 October. For more information about the project, or to make a donation, visit www.halesworthhealth.org/information-and-support-centre. Liz Hearnshaw
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Autumn seems to be taking its sweet time to develop, with warm balmy days and cool nights. The plants seem to be confused and start to die off then decide to create new flowers or new crops. It has been so dry as well, making the need to water very time consuming. And the fruits! Such an abundance to pick. It is difficult to imagine, Christmas is not far away. Now is the time to dig over the spent borders and add compost or manure to it. This will encourage worms and other beneficial insects to improve the soil over the winter. Of course this is not always possible as many plants are still being productive, but the more you do now the less you will have to do when the weather turns to snow and driving rain. Try not to walk on the soil after so that the frost can get into the soil and help to break it up. Many crops can be left in the ground, swede, parsnip, leek, chard and brassicas to name a few, but others must be picked. Potatoes should be nearly all up by now, certainly by the first frosts. Carrots can be left as long as you cover with straw in winter to help prevent the ground freezing. Tomatoes will all be gone over if left too late. Take the leaves off and try to let the sun ripen them, but bring inside any left on the plants before the first frosts. July and August has been the months of pickling, freezing, drying and eating, and certainly September is not slowing down. So perhaps by the end of October we can relax a little and plan next years campaign of what to grow, where to grow it and how to defeat the ever present slug. This months recipe is more of an idea. My favourite meal accompaniment is roasted vegetables. No matter what the main, get a big baking tray and add whatever you have abundance of, drizzle in olive oil, grind some pepper over it and roast for about 30 to 40 mins on 190째C. Try to make sure the pieces are roughly the same size. If using tomatoes add halfway through cooking as they cook really quickly. My favourite blend is cherry tomatoes, cubed potatoes, sliced courgettes, chunks of onion, garlic cloves, small cubes beetroot, and sweet peppers. I have even roasted runner beans which is delicious. Most vegetables can be cooked this way, experiment with your favourites. Recipe ideas are always welcome, seasonal if possible. If you have any tried and tested gardening tips, they would be gladly received. Most allotmenteers on our site are first timers and any hints or advice you may have would be wonderful. We still have two and a half plots left. These can be broken down if needed into quarter plots. A couple of raised beds will be available in the new year if you are interested. Contact Helen Pleasance (secretary) on her email, helenpleasance@talk21.com or telephone 01379 388253 Helen Pleasance Comings and Goings at the Co-op Nobody who has visited the allotment can have failed to notice the chicken co-operative. As soon as the gate latch clicks and someone enters the allotments the girls come rushing to the fence begging for treats. They adore fresh leaves, especially chard, courgettes split open so they can peck out the seeds and grapes, particularly black ones. Each new offering is tucked into with gusto. Mind you, I think I agree with them, that layers pellets, despite containing all their nutrients, look like pretty dull fare. Every morning they get corn to scratch up and this too is much appreciated by the flock. In return we get a supply of beautiful eggs. Blue ,white, beige and deep rich brown. At the height of summer they lay an egg each, but now the daylight is reducing this drops off a little till spring. Star of the flock is the White Star, the diminutive white bird with the floppy comb, who is an egg laying diva, and never fails to produce. This year, the hens were joined by seven bantams. Much prettier than their big sisters, they added great comedy value but alas, not enough eggs. As soon as a hen laid an egg, one of the bantams would declare it her own and install herself on top as it's guardian and protector. Woe betide the searching hand, collecting eggs at the end of the day. The bantams have now migrated to their own pen higher up the plot and we are about to get some new hens to boost the main flock. This time we will probably get some rescue hens, which are regularly culled from commercial flocks after their first, and most productive laying year. If anyone wishes to join the co-op, we may have one day a week available soon. We each pay five pounds a month for one day of the week, and feed and care for the birds on that day, collecting any eggs as our reward in the evening. Gill Palmer
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Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
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TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details contact Tim Askew, Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
Page 30
BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716
Septic Tank Emptying & domestic drains cleared & cleaned.
Fast, friendly, reliable service. (Environmental registered carrier) Call Lenny Jolly: 07905 794221
eMail editors@Stradbrokemonthly.co.uk to place your advert here!
Keeping in Touch: Dan Poulter, MP
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Recently the Prime Minister, David Cameron, welcomed over 60 heads of state and government to the NATO summit hosted in Newport, Wales. Many people currently question the role of NATO in today’s modern world, possibly viewing it as a relic of the Cold War. Today, some people may see NATO as irrelevant now that the European Union encompasses most European countries and the old USSR has split into many nation states Nothing could be further from the truth as the world faces many new and dangerous evolving threats and NATO is as vital to our future now as it has been in the past when it helped to maintain peace and security in Western Europe. We all believe that the way to secure the future for our children and grandchildren is for them to inhabit a world which is prosperous and safe. None of us want to see them grow up in a world where people are condemned to die because of their faith or political beliefs. The Government believes that NATO has a key role in providing the leadership necessary to help create a safer and more stable world as well as supporting alliances with other nations around the globe, who want to see a secure, tolerant and peaceful world. Our Prime Minister David Cameron has made it clear that we will not weaken in the face of terrorist’s threats or be cowed by barbaric killers and opposition to ISIL will remain steadfast both at home and abroad. The Government is taking action to address the threat that British nationals that are active in extremist organisations pose to our national security and has made it clear that people seeking to travel to engage in terrorist activity in Syria or Iraq will have their passports confiscated. The Government is also supporting a number of other measures to help ensure a return to normality in those areas controlled by terrorists including supporting the United States military air strikes against ISIL in Iraq. We have also helped to secure a United Nations Security Council resolution to disrupt the flows of finance to ISIL. It is absolutely vital to try and prevent those who wish to do us harm from traveling to join terrorist groups. Consequently the Government will continue in the strongest possible way to encourage other countries to do all they can to prevent foreign fighters from joining the extremist cause. Very importantly, the Government will continue to focus on the vital humanitarian relief effort in Iraq where there will be £23 million package of assistance immediately put in place. The RAF has already undertaken 17 aid drops over different conflict zones, successfully distributing food, water, tents and other necessities to people affected by the conflict. I hold regular constituency advice surgeries locally to help people who have problems. If you think that I may be able to help you, please contact me on 01728 685 148, or email using daniel.poulter.mp@parliament.uk For more information please visit www.drdanielpoulter.com
Letters to the Editor Following Stella and Jane's party the money raised may be used to improve the seating in the waiting area at Stradbroke Surgery. Thank you. Jane Gemmill
Historic Churches Cycle Ride: Well done to Andrew and Harry! Hope you have both recovered. Details and amounts raised to come later. Mary Ellis
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Village Diary September 24th WEA “A History of Crime and Criminal Justice in East Anglia. See inside for details. th th 27 - 28 Stradjazz at Stradbroke Community Centre. See inside for details. October 2nd Over 60s meet at Community Centre 2 – 4pm rd 3 Megson in concert at Wingfield Barns at 7.30pm 4th Coffee Morning at 18 Castle Crescent, Wingfield from 10am - 1pm th 4 Gand Auction of Promises at Community Centre, 7.30pm. Tickets £15 (see inside) 6th Craft Club meets in the Community Centre between 2 – 4pm and every fortnight 6th FLU CLINIC start today in Stradbroke. 6th Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm Community Centre 7th Badminton Club, Stradbroke High School, 7.30pm every Tuesday th 7 FLU CLINIC starts today in Fressingfield. 8th Cameo Lunch Club at Baptist Church 12.30pm th 9 WI meeting at Community Centre at 7.30pm 10th Youth Club at Baptist Church (Year 8 and above) 7.30pm Cash Bingo in aid of Stradbroke Football Club. 7.30pm Community Centre 10th 11th All Saints Church Fund Raising Cake Stall in Church Street th 11 Secret Postcards in Laxfield—7pm Laxfield Village Hall Winter Village Picnic – from 12pm at the Community Centre Playing Field (see inside) 12th th 14 Library and Post Office opens at 2.30pm Over 60s meet at Community Centre 2 – 4pm 16th th 16 Stradbroke Cinema “Labor Day”, Community Centre, 7pm for 7.30pm Youth Club at Baptist Church (Year 8 and above) 7.30pm 17th th 18 Over 60s, Coffee Morning and Sale, Community Centre 10am – 12 noon 18th Energy Awareness Workshop. Ring Rachel 01379 388031 for more details nd 22 Drop in for Coffee at Baptist Church from 10am 24th **ARTICLES FOR NOVEMBER EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE** th 25 Eye Green Fair at Eye Town Hall 9.30am – 3pm November 1st Heveningham Hall Bonfire and Fireworks display – gates open at 5.30pm (see inside) st 1 St Elizabeth Hospice Open Event 10am—4pm (See inside) 6th St Elizabeth Hospice Open Event 5pm—8pm (See inside) 7th Adnams Wine Tasting—details in next months magazine. th 13 Zozulenka at Baptist Church (see inside) 20th Stradbroke Cinema “Love Punch”, Community Centre, 7pm for 7.30pm nd 22 All Saints Chruch Fund Raising Christmas Coffee Morning in Community Centre Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. The Stradbroke Monthly is published under the auspices of the Parish Council Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk
Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.