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October 2017
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Local Churches
Stradbroke Baptist Church
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Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Suffolk Sunday worship in October Sunday 1 October 11am - Joint Service All Saints + Baptist Church At Baptist Church ---- Everyone welcome st
Sunday Services at 10:15 am – Guest Speakers: 8th D. Keeble 15th & 22nd Rev. G. Lee 29th A. Hawes We welcome you to join us – our activities for October Tues. 3rd, 17th & 31st 7:30pm Bible study Wed.11th 12:30pm Lunch Club Sat. 14th 10am Create & chatter. Wed 25th 10am Drop In For Coffee Yesterdays During September we celebrated our Harvest Festival when we thanked God for His goodness to us for another year, this includes our acknowledgement that all we are, all we have and even human life itself is God’s gift to us. Accepting this as fact we know that our personal stay on this planet is just for a very short space of time and we have responsibilities to care for God’s creation and pass it on to future generations. The same principles apply in respect of the Church - we have just celebrated 200 years since the formation of the Stradbroke Baptist Church. Those of us who are current custodians of the Church, its fabric and even more important the core beliefs have great responsibilities to ensure that in future our descendants have the same opportunity to worship within their own community. To put this in context it’s worth noting that with the exception of All Saints, the Baptist Church is the oldest continuous organization in this village. Most of the other groups whose reports are in this magazine are late arrivals when compared to Church history. Today Whilst history might be an interesting topic for study or debate, the fact remain we have a duty today to remain faithful to Almighty God and at the same time be relevant to the society we live in. This we attempt to do as detailed in our monthly programme and we invite you to check if we are faithfully following our ancestors mandate to Worship God and serve the community. For details please contact:John Ling 388751 (Church Elder)
Can We Help? Our telephone number is 07749 445531
The Stradbroke Good Neighbours
Need a lift to the Surgery or for an appointment at hospital? Collect a prescription? Change a light bulb? Check your smoke alarm or an odd job done? Our Volunteers will be happy to help you. There will be a mileage charge for journeys undertaken by our drivers and we will inform you of the mileage charge when you phone for assistance. We would appreciate at least 24 hours notice and will be happy to assist you.
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke
All Saints Church Stradbroke, Revd Susan Loxton 01379 388493 Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Revd Susan Services: 1st Oct 8th Oct 15th Oct 22nd Oct 22nd Oct 29th Oct 29th Oct 5th Nov
11am Village service at the Baptist church 8 am Holy Communion , said service 11am Holy Communion, followed by Coffee/Tea 8 am Holy Communion, said service 10.00 am family@church in Fressingfield 10 am Benefice service at Withersdale 6.30pm Benefice Memorial service in Stradbroke 11am Family service followed by Coffee/Tea
Churches Ride and Stride. Thank you to those people who sponsored my striding the 22 miles, mostly on footpaths, visiting the 6 churches in the benefice, Stradbroke, Fressingfield, Weybread, Mendham, Withersdale and Metfield - and back! We raised £230, split between the Historic Churches Trust and All Saints. Jennifer.
Stradbroke All Saints Fundraising Committee
Our cake stall in August raised £82.08. The Harvest Lunch was delicious. Starting with Sherry and a Hot Chicken Lunch with all the trimmings and a variety of crumbles and tea or coffee and mints. Such a pity few attended, better luck another time. We raised approximately £100. This will go towards the insurance bill of over £3000. Our next events are: Cake Stall on October 7 in Church Street from 8.30am onwards. Wine tasting by Adnams with nibbles on November 3 at 7.30pm in the community centre. Tickets are £7. Hope to see you there. Our Christmas coffee morning is on November 18 with a hamper draw (any items gratefully received.) and stalls. This is from 10am to 11.30am in the Community Centre. Thanks for your support. Mary Ellis th
All Saints - From the Rectory
This month is a bitter-sweet month for me: time to really say goodbye to summer but also to look forward to the amazing colours of autumn. Time to look back on good memories of days out with family and friends and to look forward to planning Christmas celebrations, and this year, celebrating my 60th birthday! Where have the years gone? At the end of the month we will be having our yearly memorial service when we remember those who have died. This year it will be in Stradbroke on Sunday 29th October at 6.30pm. You are welcome to come along to remember loved ones and an opportunity to light a candle in their memory. Our Harvest Service collected food for the foodbank, who give 3 days’ worth of food to people who for a variety of reasons are in need. If you, or someone you know is struggling please ring the rectory 01379 388493 and we will try to help by sending them food. As the days draw in, please remember those neighbours who are on their own and who would appreciate a visit. Jesus said the greatest commandments are these; ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength’ and love your neighbour as yourself’. If only we could encourage leaders of nations to do the same, the world would be a less frightening place. We may not have any power to change other people’s hearts but we can show the way. A big thank you to all those who worked so hard to make our Church family BBQ a success. God bless,
Page 5 Ample Free Parking. Tel 01379 652 056
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Opening Times: Mon Closed Tue - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Beauty Therapy Friday 9am - 8pm
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Stradbroke Parish Council
The Clerk’s Report
Next meeting of Parish Council is Monday, 9th October 2017, 7.30pm at the The Court House MEETING OF STRADBROKE PARISH COUNCIL 11 September 2017 th
Three new Councillors were co-opted: Toni Wisbey, Hannah Luton, Michael Hugman, the Chairman welcomed them. Planning applications noted: DC/17/034375 – Update to 1098/15 for inclusion of electrical substation – land adjacent to Mill Road, Laxfield. Councillors decided not to comment on this application. DC/17/04382 – Notification of works to a tree in a conservation area. Pollard 1 ash tree. New Street Farmhouse, New Street IP21 5JG. Results of planning applications granted by MSDC since the PC last met: 0492/17 – Chestnut House, Wilby Road, IP21 5JP – refused 7/9/17 1837/17 – Barley Brigg, Farm, Laxfield Road IP21 5NQ – application has been amended. Awaiting reconsultation. DC/17/03701 – Waveney Cottage, Queen Street IP21 5HG – MSDC no objections 29/8/17 Parish Council Updates: · A working party will meet to tidy up the Churchyard on 7 October, any villagers who are available are welcome to join Councillors in this important community tidy up. · The Chairman would like to hear from anyone interested in taking on the role of Footpath Warden or Tree Warden. · The Parish Council noted a consultation in respect of the Primary School entering into a Multi Academy Trust. · Councillors voted to move future meetings to the Court House. · The Parish Council received an update from the Neighbourhood Plan and noted the revised Vision and Objectives proposed by the committee. The Neighbourhood Plan team reported that they had been successful in applying for grant funding to help complete the plan and are hoping to receive approval for further technical support. · The phone has been removed from the kiosk and the new defibrillator cabinet will be installed. th
Cllr Julie Flatman (MSDC) reported: · Was happy to see that Stradbroke embraced the Tour of Britain. She was pleased to hear that both the Café in the Antiques Centre and the Court House Café were full on the day. She also thanked Radio Stradbroke for their broadcasting on the day. · She gave confirmation that funding for the new footpath map and repairs to the fitness track could be applied for from the Locality budget. · The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Cllr Flatman for her support during the Tour of Britain. Cllr Guy McGregor (SCC) reported: · The cabinet would be considering a paper concerning the future funding of School Transport. This could have a significant impact on Post 16 travel and rural schools. Everyone is advised to take part in the consultation process. · It is likely that the budget for the coming year will increase by 1.99% together with a likely increase of 2% in the social care budget. · The entrance to Depperhaugh Home is being reviewed. Neighbourhood Plan Public consultations will be held in the Court House on 17 October starting 12 noon till 4.00pm and 19 October starting at 5pm till 9pm. th
Odile Wladon (Clerk ) Mobile: 07555 066147 email: stradbrokepc@outlook.com www.stradbrokepc.org Mill Hill House, Wickham Skeith, Suffolk IP23 8NA
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Dirty Oven??
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Life in the Legion—The Royal British Legion (Stradbroke and District Branch) The guest speaker, at our September mid day monthly meeting of the Branch, was Mandi Cox-Osborne, the Suffolk County Community Fund Raiser of The Royal British Legion. It was a most interesting talk to the members and guests, including four officers of the Diss Royal British Legion Branch; on their behalf member Rosemary Warne MBE, DL gave the vote of thanks. During the business part of the meeting Bernard Mills, Branch Secretary, gave various reports; it is very much hoped the branch will soon be able to find a new Treasurer. The next meeting of the branch is on Thursday, October 12th., to be held at our usual venue Laxfield Royal Oak starting at 11.30 am, a guest speaker is being arranged. Members please attend if you are able. Michael Burton, Branch Chairman
The Stradbroke WI
The meeting opened with the usual offices presented by Gill and Jane, birthday posies were handed to Dorothy, Carol B and Mary Stones. Mary was unable to join us but her posy would be delivered to her. Thanks were offered up to our hostesses Iris and Sue for the lovely flowers and their preparation and dispensing of refreshments all much appreciated. Gill also announced that the Circle Dancing group are celebrating their 10th anniversary and to mark the occasion Dorothy the ring or circle leader of this group was presented with a bouquet of flowers for all her hard work. Next Gwyneth our treasurer put to the ladies the suggestion that to save the rummaging for plain white sheets to use as table covers each time we have a slightly more upmarket meeting and the even bigger scrummage at the end of said meeting to find the correct home for the sheets, that perhaps we could purchase sufficient sheets and solve the problem. Prices and numbers agreed Gwyneth will go ahead with this purchase with our thanks. A little bonus in the form of gift aid returns helped this decision forward. The activity for the evening was a demonstration in felt making and the creation of felt poppies. Thanks to Patricia Woodward our own committee member we launched into a fascinating craft session. Armed with raw wool of different colours, bowls of water, sheets of bubble wrap, rolling pins, sushi mats and some soapy solution the ladies set to in making coloured felt and turning it into poppies. Now an outsider may have been forgiven if they thought that they had stumbled on a slightly odd cookery lesson or a playschool session for grownups, such was the noise and splashing not to mention the banging and very vigorous rubbing followed by loud giggles and gulps as the odd set of dentures came slightly askew with all the effort put into the felting process. Refreshments were taken halfway through the session as a surprising amount of physical effort was required but then back into the fray and Patricia demonstrated how to complete the shaping by pushing the damp felt circles into egg box sections and allowing them to dry and hold their petal like shape, most impressive. A great session and our thanks to Patricia. We were reminded that there is to be a group meeting at Mendham and Withersdale on the 26th September when an ex policewoman will give a talk and demonstration on self-defence. Last but not least our next meeting at Stradbroke will be at 7.30 pm on October 12th when we will be pleased to great Paul Yaxley from the Fox and Goose who will be giving us a cookery demonstration. This will be an open meeting so please come and join us on the night, all are welcome. All good wishes, Pru
Over 60s
On 14th September we had a trip out to Clacton. A good time was had by all and at our last meeting we played Bingo, with good attendences to both. Our meeting dates for October are 5th and the 19th . On the 5th October we will be having a town crier come along to enlighten us on the duties that he has to perform etc. On the 19th October we will be making arrangements for our Annual Sale and Coffee Morning with a game of beetle afterwards. On Wednesday 25th October we have our last trip of the year which will be to Bury St Edmunds to start our Christmas shopping. Our Coffee Morning and Annual Sale will be held on Saturday October 21st from 10.30am – 12.30pm in the Community Centre, where there will be a cake and produce stall, nearly new, card tombola, drinks and Christmas cake raffle, bric-abrac, games and our grand draw. Do please try and come along to support us. Joan Grimes
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Stradbroke Primary News
We begin a new academic year at Stradbroke Primary and welcome lots of new children and their families to our school. This week Years 4 and 5 from both All Saints, Laxfield and Stradbroke Primary Schools are going on a residential visit together. They will have the opportunity to participate in activities like canoeing, bush craft, climbing and the zip wire! We find that the joint residential allows children from both schools to get to know each other. This provides invaluable as they begin High School and have their friends from both schools to help them settle in. This year we have an exciting, creative curriculum. We are looking at the Spy genre of writing and to inspire us we are going on a visit to Spy Missions in Cambridge and to the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. Class 2 have been studying the Victorian era and had a very interest mock Victorian School afternoon. They are going to a special Victorian day of events at the Gressenhall Museum. Our youngest learners are currently studying a topic on “Ourselves”. They are also doing some very exciting “Forest School” learning and will be having the opportunity to go to “Charlotte’s Wood” to explore this further. We have been very impressed at how well our new pupils have settled into school. We believe are transition sessions which all new Reception children to visit the school each half term for short visits really helps. If you have a pupil starting school in September 2018 and would like to tour our school or you would like more information on our transition days please get in touch and we will send this to you. The Autumn term is packed with fun events. We will be ending this half term with our Harvest Festival Service in All Saints Church and a Farmer’s Market afterwards. Once again it promises to be a fun an exciting term. Finally we must say a huge thank you to our Friends of School who not only fund-raised an amazing amount of money to have a new stage installed in our front playground, but they also formed a working party who took away the old playground equipment. The children love their new stage and we look forward to seeing them perform many plays on it. A huge thank you to Mrs Vicky Collins (our fabulous Chair of the Stradbroke Primary Friends- the FOSPS), for organising this. She was our guest of honour after our maths café this week and cut the ribbon to our new stage. The children are very happy and grateful for their new playground equipment. Melanie Barrow, Executive Headteacher
Stradbroke Archive and Records Association Cpl. James Edwin NUNN
James was the son of Henry and Hannah Nunn of Rose Cottage, on the Laxfield Road, and died on 23rd September 1917 at the age of 27. He is buried at Coxyde Military Cemetery, in Belgium. His father asked, on behalf of the family, that the following inscription should be engraved on his son’s headstone: “HE WAS ONE OF THE BEST THAT GOD COULD LEND, LOVING SON AND BROTHER, A FAITHFUL FRIEND.” James was the last soldier from Stradbroke who died during 1917. Today when you enter the centre of the village you cannot help but notice how well the Stradbroke War Memorial is tended. This is done quietly and without fuss by Gordon Nunn - James’ nephew. Ann Readman - SARA
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My Care at Home - My Care at Home is a family run business covering the rural communities in Suffolk. We provide Personal Care and Companionship, Respite Care and Dementia Care in your own home. Our commitment is to provide ‘high quality care’, which we deliver through our greatest asset, our staff and the training that they receive. We only employ people who love to care. Your care package could be a one off arrangement, ad-hoc or on a regular basis. Request a Brochure or book an appointment on 01449 763086. Find us on Facebook or visit our website www.mycare-athome.co.uk We are also recruiting NOW We need exceptional people who love to care.
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Stradbroke Library, Post Office and Court House News
Well done to all those children who completed the Animal Agents Reading Challenge during the summer holidays. We had the presentation party of medals and certificates on Tuesday 19th September with County Councillor Guy McGregor doing the honours. My very grateful thanks to Stella Goddard and Alison Hackett for making some lovely cakes and biscuits and serving tea and coffee at the presentation. The party tea was very much appreciated by all! On Tuesday October 3rd, a new weekly event 'Jumping Beans' with stories/rhymes/music and craft for children 0-5 years and their parents and carers is starting at the library. Come along and join in the fun. Jumping Beans start in the Court House on 3rd October at 10-11am and then every Tuesday. Stories, rhymes, music and craft session for children 0-5 years old and their parents or carers. Supported by HOME START. Call Stradbroke Library 01379 384768 or Julie 01379 678552/07542785649 for more information. The Post Office now has a collection of charity Christmas cards for sale, so pop in and get yours early. In November, Christmas stamps will go on sale and our very popular Christmas gift vouchers for loads of stores and online shopping outlets. The best option available for friends and family that you have difficulty choosing presents for. The Court House Café was open for business on Friday 8th of September for the ‘Tour of Britain’ and what a brilliant turnout on the day for Stradbroke, with crowds of people lining the streets to cheer the cyclists on. The café was full to bursting with lots and lots of lycra on display to the delight of some of our volunteers (I am not mentioning names but we should have got a photo)! Bacon baps were on the menu as well as our usual refreshments. Court House Café Dates coming up for your Diary: Saturday 28th October: 9.30am-12.30pm Bacon Baps will be on sale again with the usual refreshments. Saturday 25th November: Courthouse Café 4 course meal with Traditional English Fare this time for a change. Note: this is for 1 night only, so early booking is essential to avoid disappointment! Maureen John
Stradbroke Craft Club
Our new term starts on Monday 11th September in the Community Centre from 2.00 – 4.00 pm. There is a charge of £1.50 per session. We have our programme for this term and if you wanted to call in to find our more about us, you would be most welcome. If you would like further information on the programme please phone Mrs Claudene Merritt on 384439. Lily Lofts
Radio Stradbroke
Another Radio Stradbroke first went on our broadcasting CV this month, as we provided commentary, PA, & information as the 'Tour of Britain' cycle race came right through the village. It was great to see so many villagers, supplemented by two entire schools, turn out. The bright idea of providing a live audio feed from the TV coverage was a light bulb moment, only to find that the pictures were about a minute behind. Luckily the cyclists didn't sneak up on us. Our efforts were noted by the organisers, & the weather relented until they had gone, when we were all drenched! Back in the dry of the studio, the next batch of Sunday sessions are as follows: 24th September - DJ Richard Pierce's 'Eclectic Ballroom', 1st October - Professor Kimberley Bannon's 'Request Show', 8th October - The return of DJ Wally. There are no shows on 15th & 22nd October, but we will be back again very soon after that!
Michael Hugman
Lottery Bonus Winners
3 J Chetwynd 8 D Cracknell - £50 rollover 6 Janet Chambers 38 D Penycate £96 donated to village organisations.
Mary Ellis
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Antique Restoration
Ian Brown LCGI
Parish Council Notes
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From the Chair...
I would like to welcome our three new members to the council voted on at our last meeting Toni Wisbey, Michael Hugman and Hannah Luton. Welcome to the team. What a fantastic day was had by all on Friday for the Tour of Britain cycle race, a big thank you to Claire Hargrave for all her hard work in bringing together all aspects of the village and making it such a successful day. Well done to Radio Stradbroke for giving up their time to broadcast the event all morning and thanks to Lynsey Smith and George Chaplin for arranging the flags on the church. It was really wonderful to see so many people cheering the cyclists on their way and to see Stradbroke on the television. The parish council are organising the winter church yard clear up on 7th October 10.30 if there is anyone that would like to help please bring a pair of gloves secateurs and a scraper. More hands make light work. I would also like to add a huge thank you to Trevor for his traffic management skills when all the lights got stuck on red. The police were grateful for his help too. Well done Trevor. Carrie Barnes, Chairman Stradbroke Parish Council
Churchyard Cleaning
The Parish Council have confirmed the date for the Annual Churchyard Tidy up and Cleaning of the War Memorial, this will be Saturday 7th October, we plan to meet at 10.30 and would like to invite any of the community young to old, church goer or not, who would like to come and help out. We feel it's important to keep both in tip top condition, it's our bit to help honour those who have lost their lives serving for our country and to those Stradbroke residents who have come before us that are buried in the churchyard as well as maintain the look of what is undoubtedly the focal place of the Village. It would be fantastic if we could get as many people to join us on this as we can, plus with the fundraising cake stall happening on the same day we will all be able to treat ourselves to a sweet treat while also helping to support an important fundraising cause too! We will also make sure there's a good supply of tea too! If you would like to come and help then please email me on elliestradpc@outlook.com, message me on Facebook or just turn up on the day armed with a few pieces of gardening equipment! Cllr Ellie Wharton
The Tour of Britain – Thank you
On Friday 8 September Stradbroke welcomed The Tour of Britain through the village for the 2 sprint stage from Newmarket to Aldeburgh. We had a huge turnout of spectators, from cyclists biking from Great Yarmouth, others traveling from Essex, local workers/businesses, schools and residents. The event was supported by Radio Stradbroke playing live commentary and applying their own personal touch to generate a great atmosphere. We had over 25 houses take part in the best dressed house, Neville and Jan Stokes won the £75 Halfords voucher courtesy of Babergh &Mid Suffolk District Council and selected by our District councillor Julie Flatman, for their excellent take on a cyclist. The primary school had a ‘design a cycling jersey’ competition with 1st prize going to Hatti Chew, 2 to Amelie Jonnes and 3 to Toby Gurney-Savage. Stradbroke Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre have an ongoing competition throughout September, to complete as many stages of the tour of Britain as possible via any form of cardio activity, i.e. cycling, swimming, running. The local cafes in the court house and the antiques shop had a huge influx of customers making it a very profitable day with both taking between £100-£200 extra due to the event. The church continued with the flag theme by dressing the church with dressing lines, the White Ensign, which hung over the face of the church, the Union Jack and signals which meant, engage the enemy more closely. The church flags are organised by the Stradbroke Flag Deck Party which was founded by the late Alan Mcnee. The village had a mention on the local news for the large crowds and Stradbroke can be viewed on ITV Player at approximately 17mins into the highlights. Thank you to all that came and supported the event. Cllr Lynsey Smith th
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Forthcoming Events
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Stradbroke Cinema
On Thursday October 19th, we will be showing ‘Their Finest’. Doors open at 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm. The bar is open before the start and during the interval when ice creams will also be on sale. Everyone is welcome, entrance is £5.50 for adults and £3 for 16s and under. ‘Their Finest’ is the type of comedy-drama that the British do so well with a sweet romance, hilarious characterisation and a spirit-lifting plot. Gemma Arterton stars in this tale of making a wartime propaganda film in 1940 but Bill Nighy steals every scene he is in playing an outrageous thespian. A stellar cast also featuring Amanda Root, Helen McCrory and Richard E. Grant make this a delightful and hugely enjoyable film. Full details can be found on the Village website that is at www.stradbrokeonline.org.uk Roger Turkington and Jane Merritt
A Christmas Card Tree for Stradbroke
Would you like to send your local Christmas Greetings in one fell swoop? Then look no further than All Saints Church Stradbroke on December 9th 2017, when an eight foot high wooden tree will be waiting for your greeting and signature! Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available to help you think of that special message. A small donation will be charged, and all proceeds will go towards the urgent repairs of our Church. The tree will then stand outside the Church, strung with Christmas lights, for the remainder of the festive season. Then your message can be read by those passing the Church, and could maybe save you the expense of those stamps! Please make a note of the date in your diary and more information will be in the November edition of the magazine.
The ‘CURRY HOUSE’ is coming to Stradbroke!
We have changed the original date of the event because of a clash with Bonfire Night and some families would like to go to both. The Curry House is now booked for November 18th in the Community Centre –7pm for 7.30pm, still with the locally famous “Authentic Tandoori”. You are once more invited to enjoy a choice of curries and accompaniments for only £12 per ticket. There will be 3 different curries on offer – Chicken Tikka, Lamb Rogan Josh and Vegetable Korma together with a selection of side dishes including rice, naan, poppadoms, samosas and onion bhajis. The bar will be open all evening and tickets will be limited so early booking is essential Look out for the posters and tickets are available now from Jane Merritt – 01379 388 382 Jane Merritt
Prize Bingo
We are raising funds for Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club. There will be many excellent prizes, a raffle and refreshments plus a flyer to win a hamper. It will be in the Community Centre on Friday 27 October at 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing you. th
Heveninghall Hall’s Fireworks evening is on Saturday 4th November from 5pm. Live music from Toploader, Steve Appleton and the Freebirds, Ralph Taylor and Honey and the Bear. Refreshments are available. Vehicles £25 in advance and £30 on the gate. Pedestrians £8 Adult and £5 child (4-14). Tickets on sale via the website or Halesworth Wine Shop, Halesworth Golf club, Laxfield Co-op and The Huntingfield Arms. Www.suffolk-fireworks.co.uk. Mike Stephens
The Good the Bad and the Hungry
A new café has opened at the GWC in Wingfield. Serving freshly cooked food, all day breakfast, cakes and scones. Gluten free options and take-aways. Ample parking and disabled and baby changing facilities. We are taking bookings for Christmas now. Available dates from Dec 1st onwards from 6pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Bring your own tipple. Café is open Mon-Sat 9am – 4.30pm and Sundays 10am – 4pm. Email goodbhcafe@gmail.com or ring us on 07775871735 Jill Clark
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Forthcoming Events
Laxfield Produce, Craft and Flea Market
...in and around All Saints' Church, and the Royal Oak pub Saturday 7th October from 10.00 to 12.30 Everyone is welcome at our friendly market, where you can see and buy: preserves and home baking; local and free-range eggs and pork; fresh fish, sourdough bread, garden produce, olive oil and goat's cheese; interesting bric-a-brac, vintage items and beauty products; baby clothes, painted china and glass; garden furniture, gifts and other locally made crafts; children's books. Growing in popularity, now nearly 40 regular stalls, varying from month to month. Why not order in advance from our friendly stallholders, who will be offering a range of goods, including crafts and home-made foods, for Christmas? This month we hope to have an outdoor exhibition of Zumba dancing! For more information, or to book a pitch, please contact Catherine Cawood on 01986 798852. Pitches just £3.50 - pre-booking essential for inside pitches. Buskers and singers welcome – just contact Catherine. Laxfield Market - The Friendly One!
Rummikub Club
Every Monday at the Courthouse 2.15pm-4.45pm. Are you interested in playing this stimulating game socially? Bring along your friends. Learners most welcome. Enquiries to Mike or Yvonne 388955 anytime or leave a message.
Ceilidh Dance
Ceilidh Dance with Buckshee on Saturday 18 November at Wilby Village Hall. Doors open at 7pm (8pm – ‘til Late). Tickets are £7.50 (in advance only). Contact Doreen O’Connor on 07591 499912. Bar, raffle and refreshments will be available. Ian Taylor th
The Hub
Please find listed below events happening in the Hub at Huntingfield during October Thursday 5th October - Screen Printing one day course 10 - 4 p.m. Friday 6th October - The Meeting Place - come along, bring your own drink, play table tennis, board games, of just chat and chill Thursday 12th October - Bingo (cash prizes) 2 p.m. Saturday 14th October - Race Night - cash prizes and lots of fun! Thursday 19th October - Garden Lantern making 10 - 1 p.m. Friday 20th October - Film Night - Citizen Kane - doors open at 7 p.m Wednesday 25th October - A talk by Mark Mitchels (well known excellent local speaker) on Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (with tea and cakes) - 2:30 p.m. Sunday 29th October - Apple Day with many events including tours of our Community Orchard, fun with apples, identification service etc. etc. 12 noon - 3:30 p.m. Tuesday 31st October - Ukulele classes begin 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. As well as these special events the following take place weekly. Zumba Gold - Monday mornings, Pilates - Tuesday mornings, Bridge - Tuesday afternoons, Jive and Swing - Tuesday evenings, Table Tennis - Thursday evenings, Carpet Bowls - Friday afternoons. For further information on any of these events please contact Sue at thehub@huntingfield.org, or telephone and leave a message on 01986 799130 we will get back to you. Sue Lucas
Blackheart Orchestra
Wilby Village Hall on Saturday October 14 . Tickets available from Ian/Alison 01379 388112. Doors open at 7pm Ian Taylor th
The Art of Fugue
Bach’s final masterpiece “the Art of Fugue” will be played on the organ by Anne Page at St John the Baptist Church, Snape on Sunday 15 October at 2.30pm. She is a Cambridge-based international recitalist who will perform the work at the Royal Festival Hall on November 21 . This work was written by Bach in the last decade of his life and published in May 1751, the year after his death. Light refreshments available in interval. Free admission, with a retiring collection to support the church building project. Jane Van Tilborg th
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Registered childminder and qualified Montessori teacher. Set in the beautiful hamlet of Wilby. Funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Full and part-time places available for all ages. Open 8am–6pm Monday to Friday all year round. For all enquiries, contact Stephanie on: Phone: 07787154143 Email: stephanie.a.harvey01@gmail.com
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News and Views
Coastal Leisure Learning
As Autumn evenings draw in, it is a good time to learn a new skill and meet new people. Coastal Leisure Learning is offering a programme of Saturday taster workshops to whet your appetite, alongside regular weekly sessions to combat those 'winter blues'. On Saturday 28th October a programme of 11 taster sesions are on offer at Stradbroke High School, led by a team of experienced and engaging tutors. “We don’t laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh” Experience the exuberance a good laugh can have on your overall health and mindset. Laughter yoga is a combination of deep breathing and playful laughter exercises (with proven health benefits). This short and sweet session runs from 9 – 10 and will get your day off to a fun start! You might want to follow this with a more immersive making session. We have a couple on offer, both suitable for beginners. Japanese Temari (9.30 – 2.30) is a traditional Japanese art form to create beautiful embroidered balls. Originally given to children they are now more an eye catching decoration and would be a talking point on your Christmas tree. Dry Point Printing (9.30 – 3.30) is is an effective alternative to etching, where scoring marks into an acetate can be inked up (intaglio), to produce soft ‘etching’ like work. If an informal singing session is more your style, why not have a go at Singing Sea Shanties (9.45 – 12.45) with brothers Stephen and Paul Amer, who are musical directors of The Rogues Shanty Chorus In this workshop, you will learn different styles of shanties – from a halyard shanty to a stamp and go shanty, as well as songs which were sung by other seafaring communities; including whaling songs, folk songs sung about smugglers, wreckers and other ne’er-do-wells and maybe even a pirate hymn. Also on offer are introductions to Italian Cooking, 3d printing, how to use pastels, guidance on how to publish and market your book and a session to help you grow your self esteem. If any of the above tickle your fancy, do get in touch with the friendly team at CLL on 01728 833171 or enrol online at www.coastalleisurelearning.co.uk
Metfield Tales from a Suffolk Village 1928–2017
This forthcoming book by local lifelong resident Christine Brennan is an absolute treasure. Full of memories and anecdotes, backed up by research and with photos on most pages, old and new, this is a compelling collection that will interest many. Do you want an article for your magazine about this? The Launch Party is on Saturday 11 November in Metfield Village Hall. More info on website metfieldbooks.com.
Entertainment Evening
New duo- TREVANION—50's to modern music also Country and Western Stepdance special and Jig Dolls. Bar, Food & Raffle. Saturday October 7th 2017—Stradbroke Community Centre- IP21 5JN Doors open 7pm for 8pm start—Tickets £7.50 Contact Doreen- 07591 499912 No tickets available on door.
Letters to the Editor
Thank you to all our lovely family and friends who joined us to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary and helped to make it such a special day. To everyone who gave donations in memory of Hayley, a big thank you - we have sent £545.00 to the Aplastic Anaemia Trust thanks to your generosity. Neville & Jan Many thanks to those who braved the weather to bike or stride in aid of All Saints Church. Thanks so much. Details of amounts raised in next newsletter. Mary Ellis A bench is to be donated by the Football Club in memory of its chairman Michael Ellis on the field. Just remember him when you stop for a rest. Thank you to the club. Its in his colour – green. Mary Ellis
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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07881 440140 Larger selection of Autumn Bedding Polys Pansy Wallflowers etc Selection of Bulbs in stock Tulips Daffs etc Yew Box Laurel in stock Hedging Plants orders now taking Large selection of Home grown Flowers Glads dahlias Compact tractor with Flailmower Topper or Rotavator available to Hire with driver
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Cricket Club
Despite global warming, Summer, aka the cricket season, seems to get shorter every year. It seems only yesterday that we were scraping together a side to play our first game at the end of April, & yet, as I write this, I am getting together a working party to carry out Autumn seeding & over dressing the square, the final punctuation mark on the playing season. As often happens, we finish just as we find some form, winning 3 of the last 4 League fixtures, leading to a respectable fifth place. With more cancellations than a National Rail Network, there was no way the Presidents Match would not go ahead. Fittingly the game ended in a tense draw. Presentations followed, with the following winners: 'Player of the Year' - Brett Cotton, who also took most wickets (24). David Allum with 179 was 'Leading Run Scorer', & also scooped the Flag Deck Trophy for 'Clubman of the Year', reflecting his work behind the scenes. James Gilbee won 'Champagne Moment' for his maiden fifty at Laxfield. Numbers continue to dwindle, but those who did play, clearly enjoyed themselves, & are looking forward to 2018 already. News of 2018 in the coming months, with more historical facts about the Club being unearthed, but a last appeal to attend Horse Race Evening at the Community Centre on Saturday 30th September at 7:30pm. Cost is £8 per person including Fish & Chips. Short notice, I realise, but it is our major fundraiser of the year, so please support us, so we can continue to provide cricket in the Village for the 275th year! Michael Hugman
Stradbroke Swim and Fitness Centre Hayleys Charity Challenge Event
We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part & supported us at Hayleys Charity Challenge on August bank holiday weekend. We were graced with beautiful weather on the day which was perfect for this event, bringing out lots of people to cheer participants on as they took part in their own personal challenges. A couple of the highlights of the day was watching the 3 legged race which was originally only going to be 5 teams but escaladed to 15 teams, lots of fun, lots of rival competition but more importantly no injuries!! Also to see Hayleys Run Club members, running as a team around the track completing their 5k run challenge all wearing Aplastic Anaemia shirts to support this charity. Swimmers also took part in swimming distances set by themselves with outstanding results! Three colleagues each completing a mile (80 lengths) of butterfly! All individuals taking place did amazingly well & achieved their goals & more! Radio Stradbroke provided great tunes & commentary, we had food provided by Beefed up Catering & a cake stall, a huge tombola & a fantastic raffle (thank you to all those who kindly contributed towards these including local businesses) The total amount raised from this event & other donations has totalled to just under £5000.00 so far. Once again Thank you for helping this event to be a huge success & sharing fond memories of a truly, wonderful person.
Swimathon 2017 Due to continued success with Swimathon events, we have been invited to a thirty year anniversary of Swimathon celebration at the House of Westminster. Len Phoenix will be representing the Pool on our behalf.
ASA Swim England National Awards We are delighted to announce Hayley Adams has been recognised for her time & dedication to Sport in this years ASA National Awards. Hayleys family will be attending the Awards Ceremony in Birmingham in November to accept this prestigious award.
Spartan Challenge
On Sunday 1st October a team of 27 participants made up of colleagues, Centre members and Moira’s fitness class will be taking part in the Spartan Sprint challenge which consists of a 5-6k run including 20 obstacles, mud, water, fire & fun to raise funds for the Aplastic Anaemia Trust. If you would like to make a donation you can do so by going to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/moiras-movers. Maria Smith
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Located in idyllic countryside, we offer accommodation in an annexe to our traditional period cottage. You will have private access, king size bed and en suite bathroom; a sofa bed will sleep two children. The room is well equipped and has internet access. We offer an extensive breakfast menu and seek to use local products.
To book contact Debbie GRIFFITHS on 07582 789782 or 01379 384873
We are on AirBNB
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: johnbedwell18@yahoo.co.uk Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
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E J BROWN Builder
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Steven Pleasance Carpenter and General Builder From hanging doors To Complete builds 01379 388253
Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Round Up cont...
Page 27
Tennis Club
Despite the onset of Autumn there is still plenty of play on the courts. With the benefit of all weather courts and floodlights play can be virtually guaranteed all year round so why not come and have a game. Club membership runs until the end of March 2018 and anybody joining now can benefit from reduced subscription rates. For further details just contact The Secretary Kevin Holmes on 01379 384557. The Club is also looking for a new treasurer to take over from our existing treasurer. We are only a small club so if you can help out for a couple of hours a month we would love to hear from you. You do not have to be a member of the tennis club to take the position on, we rely on help and support from the local community, so if you can help out please do not hesitate in giving me a ring. Our next committee meeting is scheduled for the 20th October @ 7.30 in the Community Centre and anyone interested would be most welcome to join us. Kevin Holmes, Secretary Stradbroke Tennis Club
White Hart Bowls Club
Waveney League Results: Diss B Away Won Thorndon Home Won Kenninghall Red Lion Away Lost Well done to all who represented the White Hart Bowls Club in the Waveney League competitions & those who that got through to finals weekend. Special congratulations to Julie & Roger Ward for winning the mixed pairs & Lynn Ruth, Julie Ward & Malcolm Paris Oakes for coming runners up in mixed triples. Lynn Ruth
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club
The following details the games and events which took place in August and September and we hope that you had the opportunity to go along and watch some of the games. Tue August 1 Dickleburgh Strad Lost Fri 4 Connaught Strad Lost Mon 7 Leiston Strad Win Thu 10 Gissing Strad Lost Tue 15 Long Stratton Strad Lost Frid 18 Wortham Strad Won Mon 21 Halesworth Strad Won Thu 24 Connaught Strad Lost Tue 29 St Audreys Strad Won Thu 31 Sweffling Strad Won Tues Sept 5 Wortham Strad Lost Thur 7 Wenhaston Strad Won John Dann Shield Competition This in house match was played on 19th August and congratulations to the winner Pam Lewis and the joint runners up Sandra Theobald and Madeleine Murray. Now that the season has come to a close the Bowls Green will undergo its annual feed and maintenance program and we are indebted to David Cattermole and other members for the work that is carried out during the closed season. The bingo event on 8th Sept raised ÂŁ143 a big thank you to those who attended and to Mary Ellis for organizing the event. It is these funding events that are vital for the clubs survival so we are very grateful for your attendance and participation. Further details of other funding events will appear in later editions of this magazine As always we thank you for taking the time for reading this, wrap up warm for the winter and we look forward to the spring when the green opens for the new season in April. If you have any questions please contact me on the following number. Roy Lee (01379 384729)
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The air is definitely feeling cooler. Autumn is making its entrance in a very gentle manner. You would think that this means less to do on the allotment or garden. I wish. It means lots of clearing to do, ridiculous amounts of digging, manuring and still weeding. There is still time to do the repairs and painting as well before it gets so cold your fingers don't work. Slugs are still active, so put preventative measures in place so as not to lose those precious crops. This is the month for winter onion sets. Prepare the beds well with manure and compost so that they get a good start. Garlic and some varieties of broad beans will be sowed/planted in November so that leaves you a while to get the soil ready. Your polytunnel can still be used in the winter for winter varieties of lettuce and other salads. And of course now is the time to go through all of your seeds and dispose of any that are out of date. Carrots and parsnips once opened do not keep. There are so many companies out there selling seeds. I love looking through the catalogues to see what to grow next year and it is exciting when they arrive. I am like a kid in a sweet shop. Helen Pleasance, Plot Holder
Sponsor Page 2 with your own article or advert! Page 2 is a Sponsored Page, allowing any individual or organisation to request the page for their article or advertisement! The cost of ‘sponsoring ‘ the page will be £25 - this guarantees the whole of the inside front cover page and would give contributors the opportunity to include their own graphics and pictures, laid out to their own design! It will be possible to request the page some time in advance, but to give fair access the page will not be blocked booked by the same individual or organisation/company for more than two consecutive months. The page will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but can be booked ahead of time, with payment securing your space in the magazine.
If you would like to reserve Page 2 contact
Page 29
Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
Foot Health Consultant Home Visits, Care Homes and Private Clinic Verruca Treatments, Ingrown toenails, Calluses, Fungal Infection, Corns, nail Cutting, Bunions and Foot Care for Diabetics, Foot Health checks and all nail conditions. For appointment Tel: 384873 Mob 07724073328 eMail : griffithstwo@aol.com Some evening appointments available
TGA Communications Ltd Purchase your new cellphone from TGA Communications at competitive prices Enquiries welcome 7am to 7pm days a week. We also sell secondhand equipment & part-ex welcome. WE OFFER A FULL RANGE OF CELLULAR PHONES INCLUDING Motorola - Panasonic - Mitsubishi - NEC - Nokia Professional After Sales Service Hire of Equipment (including European use of GSM) For further details: Brundish Rd, Wilby Tel: 01379 388156 Fax 01379 388109
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Keeping in touch: Dan
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Over the summer period, I have especially enjoyed spending all of my time at home in Suffolk, enjoying all that the county has to offer and meeting a great number of residents as I visited a wide range of community events over recent weeks. With the Parliamentary year traditionally starting after the annual summer recess, this week heralds a return to Westminster for Suffolk’s MPs, and the day to day business of Parliament has now recommenced. There is undoubtedly a lot of talk about Brexit and this autumn’s business is bound to be dominated by the Brexit negotiations as we embark upon leaving the European Union, but my priority will always be to ensure that the views and needs of the people of Central Suffolk and North Ipswich are represented and listened to by Government. In particular, one of my top priorities will be to continue fighting for more money for our schools in Suffolk, making sure that they receive the funding that they deserve, to enable each and every child here in Suffolk to have the very best start in life. The Government’s recent announcement that Suffolk is to benefit from additional funding for schools over the next two years is welcome news and I will continue to monitor this closely to make sure that our children and young people here in Suffolk can access the education and prospects that they deserve. I will also continue to work closely with Suffolk County Council to support the work being carried out to deliver faster, better broadband to all in Suffolk. Getting the initial tranche of Government money to deliver superfast broadband was hard fought and I was pleased to have been a part of this process, but there remains more to do to ensure that every home, school, business, farm and GP surgery in Suffolk can access the essential broadband services that they need and deserve. With one in six jobs in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich being dependent on the agricultural sector, I have always been a strong voice for Suffolk’s Farmers in Parliament and I will continue to work hard to support our farmers and local food producers, who play a vital role in our local economy. I regularly meet with the NFU and the farming community to remain informed of the important work being carried out across this sector, but also to help in raising awareness or addressing their concerns when necessary. I have worked hard to campaign for more honest food labelling, so that food can only be labelled “British” if it is farmed in Britain – and will continue to do so as this work will remain vitally important as we leave the European Union. For more information, please visit my website www.drdanielpoulter.com
Please send all articles to editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘FOR PUBLICATION’. The advertising contact for new and existing adverts is editors@stradbrokemonthly.co.uk for all your advertising enquiries. Submission Guidelines can be downloaded from stradbrokemonthly.co.uk Handwritten Submission? Articles can also be left in the library and will be collected at 10am on the Saturday after the final submission date. However, it makes our job much easier and more accurate if articles can be submitted via email. If you do not have access to email you can use the computer in the library and the librarian will happily help you to submit your article.
Go to www.stradbrokemonthly.co.uk and sign up and we will send you an email to tell you when the new edition is online! Village Diary September 30 Stradbroke Cricket Clubs Horse Race Evening in the Community Centre at 7.30pm (page 22) th
October 1 Radio Stradbroke’s Professor Kimberley Bannon’s “Request Show” (page 12) 2 Rummikub Club, at Court House and every Monday (see page 18) st
3 Contact Club meet in the Community Centre at 10am and every Tuesday rd
3 Badminton club meet in the High School at 8pm and every Tuesday 3 Jumping Beans at the Court House (see page 12) rd
4 Table Tennis club meet in the Community Centre at 7.15 and every Wednesday 5 Over 60s, Community Centre, (see page 9) th
7 7 7 8 9
Cake Sale iao All Saints Church from 8.30am (page 4) Laxfield Produce Craft and Flea Market. (see page 18) Churchyard cleaning at 10.30am. (see page 14) Radio Stradbroke’s DJ Wally “The Return” (page 12) Parish Council Meeting in the Old Court House at 7.30pm (page 6)
11 Lunch Club at the Baptist Church 12.30pm (page 3) th
12 WI meet in the Community Centre at 7.30pm (page 9) th
14 Create and Chatter at the Baptist Church 10am (page 3) 14 Blackheart Orchestra at Wilby Village hall at 7pm (page 18) 15 The Art of Fugue at St John the Baptist Church, Snape (page 18) th
17 Public Consultations 12 noon to 4pm in the Court House (Front Page) th
19 19 19 20
Over 60s meet in the Community Centre (see page 9) Public Consultations 12 noon to 4pm in the Court House (Front Page) Stradbroke Cinema presents “Their Finest” Doors open 7pm (page 17) **ARTICLES FOR NOVEMBER EDITION STRICTLY BY THIS DATE PLEASE**
21 Annual Sale and Coffee Morning iao Over 60s Community Centre 10.30-12.30 (page 9) 25 Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church 10am (page 3) 27 Prize Bingo in the Community Centre at 7.30pm (page 17) st
28 Leisure Learning Saturday classes start in Stradbroke (page 20) 28 Bacon Baps on sale in the Court House Café 9.30am-12.30pm (page 12) th
November 3 Wine tasting by Adnams iao All Saints Church in the Community Centre 7.30pm (page 4) rd
4 Fireworks at Heveningham Hall from 5pm (page 17) th
18 18 18 25
Christmas Coffee Morning iao All Saints Church, Community centre 10-11.30 (page 4) The Curry House at the Community Centre 7 for 7.30pm (page 17) Ceilidh Dance at Wilby Village Hall 7pm for 8pm. Book in advance. (page 18) Court House Café 4 course meal of Traditional English Fare (page 12)