The Stradbroke Monthly April 2010

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April 2010


James Grigg 22nd January 1989 16th March 2010

"He was a team player in every sense in the family, as a sportsman and as an infantry soldier. He was a village lad - his will be a terrible loss to the Stradbroke community." Mike, Pat & Victoria Grigg

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome

To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.

Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.

Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church

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We welcome you to join us for our Sunday Services or other activities Contacts: John Ling 388751 Malcolm Ramm 384797 Stradbroke Baptist Chuch We welcome you to join us for our Sunday Services or other activities: Sunday Service – Every week at 10:15am A place of new beginnings! Want to know more? We invite you to come see and listen. We meet every Sunday morning at 10.15. when most importantly we are able to worship the Living Lord Jesus. We also meet at 9.30 before the service to pray together. We believe that Jesus died in order to release us from the judgement of God, and being raised from the dead, He has secured eternal life for each and everyone who will put their trust in Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. We enjoy both traditional and more lively worship in song and there is every opportunity to meet the Living Lord during our time together. We also hold a lunch on the 2nd Wednesday in the month at 12.30pm. This is called CAMEO where people literally come and meet each other. Many folk from the village come and enjoy good home made food, often followed by a quiz, or singing etc. We also invite you on the 4th Wednesday 10.00am – 11.30am to a cup of coffee and chat, with some items of bric-a brac to peruse! House group is held on the last Friday of the month at The Lilacs. Our morning services in April are as follows: 4th John Ling Easter Sunday Family Celebration Easter Sunday at 5.15pm Tea and cakes followed by an informal time of worship. Everyone welcome! 11th Dave Keeble 18th John Ling 25th Mike Caplin Dave Keeble is our guest speaker on the 11th.You may remember that he was our pastor some time ago, and he would be pleased to see any”old friends” at the service If you would like a visit or need more info please contact one of our leaders. What is Easter all about? 2000 or more years ago, God decided that it was the time to do something about the broken relationship between Himself and the human race. Jesus was born and did many miracles and was the example of how we should live. He knew that we could not live a perfect life which is what God requires of us, so Jesus allowed himself to be sacrificed for our sins on the cross on our behalf in order that we could be freed from the condemnation of Gods wrath. God longs to have a relationship with us, and in proving His love for us, He raised Jesus from the dead to show His power over death. Jesus has “bridged” the gap between God and man so that we can have eternal life with our creator God. That is the simple story of Easter. God wants to give us a new beginning, change things that are not always helpful in our lives. There are many of us in church who have experienced that new beginning, so why not come along and see what God could do for you this Easter time. Jackie

Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk

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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke 28th March 1st April 2nd April

Holy Communion (Palm Sunday) Holy Communion (Maundy Thursday) Mattins and Litany Good Friday Prayers and Readings 4th April Holy Communion Easter Parish Communion Sunday Evensong at Athelington 11th April Holy Communion Sunday Half-Hour (GJ) 18th April Holy Communion Evensong 25th April Holy Communion (with hymns) 29th April – 3rd May Art Exhibition in the Church 2nd May Holy Communion

9am 7.30 pm 9.30 am 2– 3pm 8am 11.15 am 6.30 pm 8am 10am 8am 6.30 pm 9am 10am – 6pm 8am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Pancake and Beetles evening was a very happy evening with good support raising £151.60. The cake stall in March despite being very cold raised £114.95 and Roland sold about 60 potatoes. Thanks to all who donated cakes. At the time of print we have over 200 paintings and about 60 unframed. The Preview is on Wed 28th 7 – 9pm, tickets £6 with wine and food available at the PO. This year during the Art Exhibition we are serving tea, coffee, cake etc, so pop in for your morning or afternoon beverage. April 29th – May 3rd. After this we have on 15th and 16th May in the Church ‘Stradbroke has Talent’ with locals of matchstick models, one of our Church with music, lights and the Rector. The Church will be open from 10 – 5 both days, and again refreshments will be served. Some models will be on sale so don’t miss this opportunity. I shall be looking for Gardens on 27 June when we hold our annual gardens open, so start planting and weeding and let me have names. Thanks for continued support, Mary Ellis

The Rectory Tel: 384363 Email: Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com Dear Friends, The flowers at the War Memorial, and some of those in the Church from Easter Sunday onwards, are specially there to remember James Grigg. We all extend our deepest sympathy to Mike, Pat and Victoria, and to others who were very close to James, who was killed on active service in Afghanistan on March 16th. Stradbroke which, with his family, has suffered this tragic loss, was described last week as a “close-knit community”. That means we are “a group of people bound together by strong relationships”. We shall need all our strength and, I believe, that extra power that God gives us as we relate with each other in the coming days and weeks, and I pray that we shall find the help and the encouragement that will enable us to go forward, through the Easter season, and onwards, as fellow-citizens of this, our village. Easter lilies will be among the flowers in the church, and if you wish to make a donation towards the cost, and for us to use them in the arrangements, in memory of a loved-one, please give it to Margaret, or to Mary Ellis. Do, please, tell me if you, or anyone that you know, wishes to receive Holy Communion at home, or a visit from me at home, in residential care, or in hospital. In addition to our Holy Week and Easter Services, please note that Tuesday, 13th April, at 7.30 pm, in the Community Centre, is the date, time and place of our Annual Church Meeting. Many of you are interested in the wellbeing of the church, the building, the services and events that are held there, and the ministry exercised inside, and out in the parish. Do take this opportunity to hear reports and to ask questions. The Concert by the Hermitage Ensemble will present six amazing singers in the church, top-quality soloists with such varied voices that they sound like a complete choir. Russian music has wonderful qualities, reaching from the deep holiness of the hymns and sacred chants to the lively rhythms and melodies of folk songs which convey all With all good wishes, David Streeter. that is characteristic of the great “Russian Soul”. Do join us. All Saints Church Cleaning, Thursday, 1st April, 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Closed 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 6pm 8.30am - 4pm

Beauty Therapy Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560

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NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 12th April 2010 7.30pm

At the Community Centre

Stradbroke Parish Council

The Parish Pump!

08 March 2010 3 members of the public attended the meeting. Nothing was brought to the attention of the meeting. Prior to the start of the meeting a presentation was given by Stuart Murdy of Stradbroke Pool and Anselm Gurney of SLM on the proposal to install a gym facility at the pool. The Parish Council fully supported this, envisaging a very real benefit for both residents of Stradbroke and those from further afield. The proposal was in the early stages of development but it was hoped that if planning permission were granted then the plans could move on quite quickly. It was hoped a further presentation could be given at the Annual Parish Meeting. Planning Applications considered: The following were for information only and were noted: 0237/10 proposed mobile poultry structure to be used to house laying hens on a free range poultry unit Land at Aldridges Farm, Fressingfield Road, Laxfield 0096/10 erection and operation of 3 wind turbine generators (to a max tip height of 130m), construction of associated hard standings, access tracks & substation compound Airfield Industrial Estate, Eye MSDC approved the following application. 3630/09 proposed rear extension, conversion of garage & internal alterations Albany Lodge, Queen Street Other Matters: The application for an increase in the number of chicken sheds at Ebden’s Farm was refused planning permission by the Planning Committee of MSDC on 17 February 2010. News Items

Dog fouling! Be a responsible dog owner!

Dog Fouling It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that some owners are allowing their dogs to defecate alongside the Permissive Path. Although the Path runs out of the village that does NOT make it any more acceptable for dog owners to refuse to clear up after their animals. Please remember that the Permissive Path exists as a result of the courtesy of the land owners (NOT the Parish Council) so would you want to be responsible for losing this valuable village amenity? Court House to Willow Close - Trevor has been asked by residents to clear the rubbish that had built up in this area. Do please note that this is not an area covered by Trevor’s work schedule and he should not be asked to clear it. In February, as an act of public-spiritedness he did do some clearing up here but please be aware it is not his responsibility, rather it is that of the residents of the village not to throw litter around. If any residents have an issue with street cleaning please do not harass Trevor but speak to the Clerk. Cllr McGregor reported that he hoped to be able to find funding partners to facilitate the resurfacing of the area around the Court House and on the path to Willow Close. Without a partnership operation this could not be undertaken within the narrow confines of the Highways budget now this was to be so severely curtailed. The next meeting of the Parish Council 08 April 2010 at 7.30pm

Please keep Stradbroke tidy!

The ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held in the Community Centre on Thursday, 29 April 2010 commencing at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Hannah Marie’s Qualified Therapist An extensive range of Beauty and Holistic therapies for men and women, in a calm relaxing environment from everyday essentials to total bliss Gift Vouchers Available Mrs Hannah Day Worlingworth Tel: 01728 628144 Or 07880 953984

J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

Dirty Oven??

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8 Meadow Way Stradbroke Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JW

Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at

Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm

Telephone 384634 to book your table.



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Life in the Legion 87 members and guests from a wide area attended our 24th Annual Branch Dinner since the Branch was reformed, and the meal was served by Rich Picking’s from Harleston. This year’s theme was ‘Friendship’ and the Legion’s Toast was proposed by Sue Doy - The Mayor of Southwold. The response was given by David Kemp - The Suffolk County Vice-Chairman. Branch Chaplain - Rev’d David Streeter said the grace, and also proposed the Toast to our Guests. The response on behalf of the guests was given by Teresa Baggott, who is The Deputy Mayor of Southwold. In the Legion Tribute given by myself we remembered in particular the deaths of 6 of our members and 3 of our Branch Supporters who had passed away since our previous dinner. The Loyal Toast was given by Ted Bootle, our Branch President, and he also presented Branch Certificates of Appreciation to Committee Members Tom Moore and Albert Siggers, and The Ken Richardson Memorial Shield to Joyce Cooper from Horham. The final presentation which was made by myself was the Tommy Campbell-Preston Tankard to Hugh Aldous our Branch Photographer. I was also the Toast Master. All the Ladies present received Gift wrapped Pot Plants which were handed round by The Dinner Stewards - Joyce Cooper, Michael Gooderham, Jeremy Higgins, Ian Bushnell, Rosemary Warne, Albert Siggers, Graham Neale and Simon Harrison. A raffle was conducted by John and Jill Graham and raised £250. At our monthly meeting on the 4th March Guy MacGregor spoke about his duties as a Suffolk County Councilor, and David Streeter led The Vote of Thanks. During the business part of the meeting it was agreed to broadcast our Welfare Work on Radio Stradbroke. Reports were given by Treasurer Roy Neil, Secretary Jeremy Higgins, and myself.The Branch has been invited to attend the unveiling of a memorial in Redlingfield on the 15th May to a USAF Bomber crew, who were based at The 95th Bomb Group in Horham, and who all lost their lives when it crashed at Green Farm Redlingfield.The visit to Halsey House, and The Bure Valley Railway will be discussed at the next meeting on April 1st at 11.30 am at The King’s Head, Laxfield when the speaker will be Peter Downs about ‘The Maginot Line’. Members please attend if you can. Michael Burton

Stradbroke and District Pre School Dig out your old uniform and save your pennies for the Tuck Shop! An Old Skool Disco will be held on Saturday 8th May from 7.30pm at the Community Centre, tickets available from The Post Office. Look out for the posters for more information. The Pre-School is a registered charity run by a voluntary committee made up of parents, staff and helpful folk. From September we shall be naturally losing some of our committee as children move onto school. Without a committee the Pre-School cannot run and will have to close. We are looking for members to join us and help out. You only need to spare a few hours every month or so for meetings and be willing to help out at fundraising events. You don’t have to be connected with the Pre-School, just willing to continue the good work and do something nice for the village. We have now appointed a wonderful Administrator (Anita) so all of the less exciting aspects have been removed allowing the committee to focus on the children rather than the paperwork. If you feel that you could help us out, or would like to know a bit more about what we do and what would be involved, please contact either Zoe (chairperson) on 388398 or Louise (Vice-Chair) on 384460. Thanks, Louise Wilkinson

The Friends of All Saints Stradbroke The Friends of All Saints Stradbroke would like to thank all those who supported us this month at our Nearly New Sale and at our Book Sale. Our profits in all totaled £1016.50. Our next event will be a Plant Sale on Saturday 1st May outside All Saints Church. Please come along and bring and/or buy plants and seedlings from us. Just the right time of year to establish a planting plan in your garden. Thanks, best wishes, Margaret Buckland

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Stradbroke Women’s Institute Our meeting in March was a “Topsy Turvy” evening, this is when some of our own members take over for the evening and give the committee a break. Irene Rogers and her team were very well organised and it was great to sit back and enjoy it all. The highlight of the evening was an Easter Bunny Drive, just replace Bunny with Beetle. By the sounds of hilarity everyone enjoyed it, it was won eventually by Sue Gray and Iris Badcock. Thank you ladies for giving us a really good evening – you did us proud. We are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday 17th April, 10am – 12noon in the Community Centre. There will be a Cake Stall, Book Stall, Bottle Stall, Raffle and Tombola. Do please come along and support us, Our next meeting will be on Thursday 8th April 7:30pm in the Community Centre Iris Badcock Press Secretary

Stradbroke Over 60s We continue to have a good attendance at our meetings. With one new member, we will be having an Easter Tea at our next meeting on 1st April, where Dougie Chittock is kindly going to provide the music, this we are all looking forward to. A few ladies are making Easter Bonnets. The following meeting will take place on Thursday 15th April. Joan Grimes

Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website;

The Margaret Lockwood Memorial Quiz The ninth quiz evening in memory of Margaret took place at the Community Centre on Friday 19th March. 10 Teams competed to take the shield which was eventually won by “Three Men and a Little Lady “our congratulations to them (a new name on the shield this year). Commiserations to Worligigs who have defended their title gallantly over the years, no doubt they will return ready for battle again next year. Thanks to all the teams for their support once again, and to all the people who donated raffle prizes. As usual we have a number of people to thank for helping us on the night, namely Sue for help with the raffle, Mike Cane for manning the bar and last but not least our Quiz Master Michael Hugman who as always managed to control the crowd and keep order throughout the proceedings. This year the money raised has gone to The Big C Appeal to help to fund research into cancer treatments, we are very pleased to be able to send them a cheque for £218.00 Our grateful thanks as always to all who took part in the evening and helped in any way, we hope to see you all again next year! Julie, Christine and Angela

Women’s World Day of Prayer Thank you to all those who attended the Women’s World Day of Prayer Service at St.Mary’s Church, Wilby on Friday, 5th.March. The very generous offering of £125.45 has been sent to WWDP HQ. Margaret Streeter

Stradbroke Wingfield and Syleham Branch of The Conservative Association Stradbroke, Wingfield, and Syleham Branch of The Conservative Association urgently seek a new Branch Secretary to take over this role due to the retirement of the present secretary. Assistance and training will be given to enable the new secretary to familiarise themselves with the task. Please contact J. J. Higgins on 01379 384300 if you are interested.

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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707

Drawing for all… Learning… Improving Enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact…

Dave Sumner on 01379 388238

Taking Lessons? Swim free!


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Stradbroke Local History Group Stradbroke Local History Group

If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to or tel. 01379 388341

The March meeting was No.6 in the Village Archive Slide Show series and was attended by over 60 people, who heard about some of the places, people and events from Stradbroke’s rich and varied history. The subject of health care in the village was also explored and we heard about the unbroken line of doctors that have served the village since 1721, how Doctors Lane was so named and likewise The Old Doctors House. Along with that, Stradbroke’s own Nursing Scheme started by Dr Ball in the early 1900s, our own Maternity Hospital and more. No 7 in the series will be later in the year.

In the meantime, who remembers shopping here?

There will not be a meeting during April but on May 5th we have a visit to Diss with a guided tour of Diss’ historical places. At the end of May we will be having our AGM at the Community Centre. Details of both these items will be in next month’s magazine. Mike Readman

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol e.g. £1.50 to Stradbroke £2.50 to Fressingfield £5.00 to Eye £7.00 Diss or Harleston £20.00 to Either Ipswich or Norwich Hospital. ...with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge. We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service.

Letters to the Editors Sir “Les, Mel and family wish to thank all those relatives, neighbours and friends who attended Grace’s funeral on January 25th. The many cards, floral tributes and donations received, totally £485, showed how much Grace was loved by many near and far. Special thanks go to Dr Read of Fressingfield, District Nurses and Paramedics for their kindness and support, Rev. David Streeter for the wonderful service, Terry of Thirkettle Funeral Service for his caring and professional approach, Mary, Sheila (Callendars), Rosie (Rich Pickings), Gwen and Aubrey.” Sir, “Colin Rolfe of Rolfe Butchers would like to thank all customers for their loyal support over the last 36 years. The shop has been sold but will continue to carry on with the same staff and products. Thank you.”

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

BRUCE SAMSON Carpenter & Joiner ◊ Joinery Design & Build ◊ ◊ Modern & Period Quality Bespoke Joinery ◊ ◊ Kitchen, Bathroom & Bedroom Fitting Service ◊ ◊ Fitted & Freestanding Furniture ◊ ◊ Custom Staircases ◊ 20 Years Experience Public Liability Insurance 01379 384573 ◊ 07905 645716

Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers

Ian Brown


Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Forthcoming Events Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College

Saturday 3rd April 2010 Farmers' Market with Easter Crafts. Including a demonstration of marbling technique by Penny Chipperfield. Further information to follow. The Farmers' Market gives pupils the opportunity to put Business & Enterprise skills into practice and provides an event for the community where local products can be purchased. We regularly sell Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Eggs, Cakes, Jams, Cards, Truffles and Jewellery. Our pupil stalls sell Bird Seed, Phone Socks and Refreshments. The markets Penny Chipperfield will be are unique and offer a friendly atmosphere. They are great events to visit and a social demonstrating Marbling at the SBEC Farmers Market meeting place for all ages. If you are a local business and have a service you would like to demonstrate or promote we would like to here from you! this month. Mr Lawrie Hammond, Director of Business & Enterprise

Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Join us for a prize bingo for St Georges Day on Friday 23rd April 2010 7:30pm at the Stradbroke Community Centre. Many excellent prizes in the raffle, plus a flyer to win a hamper Tea, coffee available, please join us for a great evening.

Stradbroke Cinema

Stradbroke Cinema this month is Amelia

On Thursday, 22nd. April, Stradbroke Community Centre, 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Bar will be open - and Ice creams in the interval! Entrance £5.50. We are showing Amelia. Amelia is a 2009 dramatized biographical film of the life of Amelia Earhart, starring Hilary Swank as Earhart, along with a cast that includes Richard Gere, Christopher Eccleston and Ewan McGregor. It is directed by Mira Nair, based on a script initially written by Ronald Bass. Amelia Earhart, a Kansas girl, discovers the thrill of aviation at age 23, and within 12 years has progressed to winning the Distinguished Flying Cross for being the first woman to pilot a plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean. At age 39, she sets out on an attempt to circumnavigate the globe, an adventure that catapults her into aviation myth. The movie conveys an exhilarating sense of the heady days of early aviation, is beautifully photographed by New Zealand cinematographer Stuart Dryburgh, and doesn't make the mistake of getting involved with the various theories (many of them absurd) surrounding the disappearance in the Pacific of Earhart and Noonan. Margaret Streeter.

Hermitage Ensemble A concert by the Hermitage Ensemble from St Petersburg, Russia, presents Hymns and Folk Songs, sung acappella, at 7.30 p.m. in All Saints Church, on Tue 6th April. Tickets are £10.00, from the Post Office, or email: Tel:384363, or at the church door, on the day.

Stradbroke Community Centre - AGM Thursday, 20th May at 7.30 pm. All Welcome.

Margaret Streeter

Lottery Bonus Winners 19 D Bickers, 47 R Lee, 43 M Ellis, 46 L Stevens £48 donated to the Art Exhibition, £24 donated to the Tennis Club, £24 donated to the Pudding Party Mary Ellis

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The White Hart Stradbroke Open 12.00 - 2.30 pm & 5.30pm - 11.00pm Closed Sunday Evenings Food, Real Ales Tel. 01379 384915 Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

MARK BANCROFT PAVING SERVICES Specialist in all types of paving and hard landscaping, driveways, patios, ornamental garden walls, water features, drainage and fencing Family run business with over 25 years experience Fast friendly professional service. Fully insured and all work guaranteed For a friendly visit with a free quotation call Mark on: 01379 677027 or Mobile 07768636618

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Tel/Fax: 01379 388174

Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257

Forthcoming Events Page 17

Radio Stradbroke - Griggsy Tribute and Music Marathon A tribute to James Grigg (see info on inside back cover) will take place on what is normally our ‘testing’ night for The Easter Music Marathon - Thursday 1st April 2010. The Music and Chat will start from 8pm on, or pop down to the pub to listen The Easter Music Marathon will take place at the Queens Head Inn on Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday, & Easter Monday Noon to Midnight. For just £1 you can choose 2 of your favourite songs from the 4000 vinyl singles. Proceeds will be shared between the Cricket Club and the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Listen online with Radio Stradbroke at Michael Hugman

Fun and Fitness Morning! Stradbroke Playing Field 8th May 10.00 am – 12.00 noon The outdoor fitness equipment on the playing field has been installed and the new Elvin Fitness Track around the perimeter is just about to be completed. The generous legacy left to the Trust by Reggie Elvin which he asked to be spent on Sports Facilities for Stradbroke has made this possible. We have also been able to make a substantial contribution to the Drainage Project, now also complete. The benefits of better drainage for the cricket and football teams will soon be seen and we hope that the new junior football teams will soon be able to take to the field! To celebrate the addition of these facilities to the village there is to be a Fun and Fitness Morning on 8th May from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. All the sports clubs, both schools and the staff running the swimming pool are being invited and we hope they will hold events to promote their clubs and the general idea of recreation and sporting activities in the Village. Come along and join in the fun. Be there at 10.00 to see the official opening and then walk or run the new track. Try out the fitness equipment and see what Stradbroke now has to offer! Peter Smith, Chairman

Last Call for Midnight Walk Women wishing to sign up to St Elizabeth Hospice’s Midnight Walk are reminded the closing date to register is April 23rd. The ladies-only sponsored walk will take place on Saturday May 22nd through Ipswich town centre starting and finishing at Ipswich Town Football Club at night. The aim is to attract 2,500 women and raise £250,000 for the Hospice which cares for patients from the East Suffolk area. To be part of a great fun yet worthwhile night out visit or call 01473 707043.

SBEC Year 11 Leavers Fund Children's Easter Egg Hunt Sunday March 28th 12 - 3pm. Come along to our Easter Egg hunt around Stradbroke. Collect your clues from Stradbroke Community Centre from 12 o'clock onwards. Find all the eggs to spell the magic words to win an Easter Egg. Cost £2 per child. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Happy Hunting!. All proceeds to be donated to SBEC Year 11 Leavers Fund Come and bring your car along to the SBEC Farmers Market on Saturday 3rd April. We will be providing a Car Wash service so you can have your car cleaned whilst you do your shopping. The cost is a bargain at only £3 with the profits going towards the Year 11 Leavers Prom Fund.

Worlingworth St Mary’s Worlingworth Friday 9th April at 7.30pm. in st. Marys Church. A concert by the Benefice Choir. Entitled This Joyous Eastertide mainly joyful Easter Music. Tickets £5. to include refreshments.

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Forthcoming Events

Stradbroke Country Fair Stradbroke Country Fair, Saturday, 10th July at Street Farm 2 - 5 - Just a reminder to put this date in your diary and make sure your organisation has earmarked a pitch so you can raise funds for your group or club. Maria Smith, 384311, is taking the bookings.We will be giving any profits from the gate money and our raffle towards improvements to local facilities. Margaret Streeter

Reg Reader & Friends An Evening of Traditional & Local Music, Song & Step dancing, Dulcimers, Banjo, Mandolin, Melodeon, Fiddle. Saturday 24 April, Sibton Church, 7.30pm No Licensed Bar So Bring Your Own Drinks, Tickets: £7.50 inc. Supper of Jacket Potatoes & Fillings available from Rosie/Di on 01728-660369/660236 or from Creasey’s the Butcher in Peasenhall from March. Proceeds to the Friends of St Peter’s, Sibton. Reg. Char. No.1063822

The Red Feather Club Saturday April 10th, General Knowlege Quiz, 7.30 pm at the Red Feather Club at 7.30pm. Admission £5 per person including Ploughmans Lunch. To book a table please contact John Kirkum on 01379 384559. Licensed Bar. Saturday April 17th, 1940s Dance, at the Red Feather Club starting 7.30 pm, music provided by three well known local DJs. Admission £8 on door. Licensed Bar. Saturday May 15th, 1940s dance to a Big Swing Band, at the Red Feather Club starting 7.30pm. Tickets £10. Licensed bar, 1940s Allied dress welcomed. Sunday May 16th, Grand Open Day, 10am-5pm, admission free, 95th Bomb Group Heritage Association, Horham Airfield, US 95th BG veterans attending, military vehicles,military re-enactors stalls, refreshments, WW2 aircraft flypast planned (subject to weather & serviceability), Honour Guard Ceremony at 11am. for further details Mike Ager

Eye & Stradbroke Family History Group Held at the Community Centre on 27th April 2010 The History of Lavenham. The speaker will be Monica Place. All meetings commence at 7:30 P.M. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary, tel. 01728 860551

Stradbroke Cricket Club - Music Quiz Saturday 10th April at Stradbroke Community Centre. 7:30pm start and Teams of 4 (£3 per head) Prize for the winning team! The usual bar, nibbles and raffle! For further details contact: Michael Hugman (384433) or Marty Norris (384548)

Roughcast Theatre Company presents 'Tis Pity She's a Whore by John Ford Roughcast Theatre Company present John Ford's controversial Caroline era classic ‘Tis Pity She's A Whore. In great Shakespearean tradition the play follows two star-crossed lovers who are destined not to be together. A revenge tragedy stuffed with Sex, Swords and...Siblings. Friday 23rd April Fisher Theatre, Bungay, Box Office 01986 897130 Saturday 24th April The Red Lion, Debenham, Box Office 01379 588102 Thursday 29th April Hartismere High School, EyeBox Office 01379 588102 Friday 30th AprilSt Edmunds Hall, Hoxne, Box Office 01379 588102 Saturday 1st May Stradbroke Community Centre, Box Office 01379 588102 More performances listed on our website: All performances start at 7.30pm, tickets £8 and £6 (concessions). Tickets may be available on the door.

Page 19

Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly We provide professional day care for the elderly (giving home carer an 8-9 hour break) with door to door transport and freshly cooked meals catering for all needs - known to many as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of care. Also available: Bathing (specialised), Hairdressing, Chiropody and other facilities on request. We open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 4.30pm. Social Services are our main provider who can arrange various types of funding. A ‘tailor made’ care plan can be arranged for private guests upon request Our aim is to give social stimulation to each and every individual guest and to maintain his/her dignity for as long as possible. If you would like to know more about our service, just drop in and see us at Mendham, or phone 01379 852466

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Page 20

Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Cricket Club The sad, tragic, & untimely passing of our team mate & friend James Grigg has left a gap in the Cricket Club that time alone cannot heal. At a more appropriate juncture a proper memorial will be written, and a permanent tribute arranged, but for now our thoughts are with his family in their darkest hour. Griggsy was a professional away from the cricket field, and would expect the Club to carry on its good work in the same manner. With your support, this we can do. The Easter Music Marathon will take place at the Queens Head Inn on Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday, & Easter Monday Noon to Midnight. For just ÂŁ1 you can choose 2 of your favourite songs from the 4000 vinyl singles. Proceeds will be shared between the Cricket Club and the East Anglian Air Ambulance. The next fund raising event will be the Pop Music Quiz on Saturday 10th April. Details elsewhere. The Car Boot Sale scheduled for May 3rd has had to be postponed due to worries over the effects on the drainage, and access on to the field now the fitness track has been laid. Hopefully it will be rescheduled later in the summer. The outfield has at last been cut, but the tyre marks from the contractors are a concern with the season due to start on April 17th. Finally, given the hammer blow the club has received this week, can I urge everyone associated with Stradbroke Cricket Club give that little bit more time, energy, & commitment to the cause, and make Griggsy as proud of us as we are of him. The show will go on. Michael Hugman

Stradbroke and District Bowls Club By now our Pudding Party and Blind Auction will be over and the washing up done, hopefully we will have raised some much needed funds for our Club. We are all looking forward to the opening of our Green on Saturday 17th April 3.00 - 5.00 p.m. for members and anyone interested in playing bowls, you only need completely flat-soled shoes, there will be bowls for you to borrow, so why not join us on a warm April afternoon. At 5.30 p.m. we will be holding our first club competition, the President's Cup, and we hope as many members of our Club as possible will attend this opening drive. Our next fund raising event will be a Jumble Sale, on Saturday 10th April, 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. in the Community Centre, lots of bargains to be had, as well as a cake stall, raffle, tombola and teas and coffees. Hoping to see you there. Lily Lofts

Stradbroke Tennis Club, New Season 2010/11 The club has changed the Club Night to Wednesdays and the New Season will start on Wednesday 31st March, at 7pm. Existing members and new members are welcome when we can all look forward to an enjoyable and friendly game of tennis. The Committee this year consists of: Mary Ellis (President), John Bedwell (Chairman and Secretary), Kevin Johnson (Vice Chairman and Minute Secretary), Julie Cooper (Treasurer), Colin Revell (Club Captain) Dave Pennygate, Sally Large, Werner Strydom If you wish to improve your game we have LTA Qualified Coaches and to book a lesson please ring Tim Bedwell on 01379 384796 The club would welcome new members and if you wish for further information please ring John Bedwell on 01379 384 376 or any member of the committee. We hope for good weather and look forward to seeing you on court. John Bedwell, Chairman

Stradbroke Football Club The March Cash Bingo was well supported and raised ÂŁ68.20. The next one is on 9th April in the Cormmunity Centre. We are holding a Quiz for friends during the Autumn. Since the last report we still seem to be losing by the odd goal, luck must soon change surely . The reserves have beaten Aldburgh but lost to Sproughton and Westerfield. Mary Ellis

Page 21

Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Wide selection of Fruit & Vegetables in the Farm Shop or can be delivered to your door on Fridays Wide selection of cut flowers with for bouquets and arrangements made to order. Hedging and Fruit Trees available. Seed Potatoes and Onion & Shallots sets available from the end of February. Vegetable plants available from the 1st week of March.


Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

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Page 22

Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.

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Page 23

Bed and Breakfast “Bumble Cottage” …is a 1500 Suffolk long house. We have 2 double rooms available Full English breakfast Very private setting Contact no 01379 388908

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Page 24

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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

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Do call before your next special occasion ---Opening Times--Tuesday – Friday 10.00am -2.00pm At other times by appointment

Page 26

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Sports Roundup

Page 27

Intervillage Games – Sunday 20th June 2010 I'm sure you all know that last year's Stradbroke All Stars (SAS) team achieved a famous and nail-biting victory in the Intervillage Games. The final was superbly run by the hosts Metfield on a glorious sun-soaked day in June. Competitors and spectators alike will remember the day for years to come, long after our splendid red SAS T-shirts become useful oily rags. We'll remember not just because of our last-event win over mighty Badingham (yes, three houses and a pub - that's the one), but because this event encapsulates all that is good about country and village life. This year the Intervillage Games are hosted by Dennington. There are pre-event games through the week commencing 12th June, leading up to the final games on the afternoon of Sunday 20th June. I know you're all busy and there are a million possibilities every summer weekend, but you're getting good advanced warning - pencil the dates in and get involved or just come along - I guarantee you'll enjoy it. We’re expecting all the usual pre-event games including: clay pigeon shooting; treasure hunt; quiz; pool; rounders; darts; crib; carpet bowls and junior football. Then there’s the fun of the sports day which includes running races, relays, welly throwing, egg throwing, obstacle races and much more. We’ll receive the final events list from the organizers in Dennington at the end of March at which point, the 2010 team will start to take shape. Once again, we’re hoping to get as many people from Stradbroke involved as we can, whether participating or spectating in the pre-events or on the final sports day. The emphasis is entirely on getting people together to enjoy the various events and there’s no pressure at all to retain our title for 2010 and we’re absolutely not going to see Badingham as our main and very competitive rivals this time (hmmm).

Stradbroke Village Games – Sunday 2nd May 2010 In preparation for the Intervillage games, and of course, just for fun, we’re once again holding our very own Stradbroke Village Games at Westhall this year. The date for this is Sunday 2nd May 2010 at 2pm, with the reserve date of 9th May in case of bad weather. These are our internal games for Stradbroke families and friends, where everyone can get involved: young and old, boys and girls, the fit and... yes, the unfit too! We’re making a few small organisational changes to this event for 2010 so watch out for more news in the next edition of this magazine. Don’t be afraid to get in touch if you are interested in joining us, you will be very welcome. Julia Green (388855) Who are the SAS? - Why not come along to these events and find out! Don’t forget, your village needs you!

Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club We had a very enjoyable Presentation Dinner at the White Hart on March 6th and thanks go to Alison for a providing a great meal. The awards were: Alec Abbot Cup Winner Mike Smith, RU – Les Ruth Chaudron Cup Winner Roger Ward RU – Jim May Spurling Cup Winner Gordon Nunn, RU – Les Ruth Saunders Cup Winner Bernard Ryan RU – Gordon Nunn AnsonTrophy Winner Jim May, RU – Les Ruth Chambers Cup Winner Will Coe, RU – Julie Ward Ward Trophy Winner Tony Brown, RU – Julie Ward French Trophy Winner Colin Grosvenor, RU – Mike Ransome 2 Wood Singles Winner Roger Ward, RU – Gordon Nunn 3 Wood Singles Winner Roy Wilkinson, RU – Will Coe 4 Wood Singles Winner Trevor Loane, RU – Roger Ward Pairs Winners Roger Ward & Jim May, RU – Julie Ward & Trevor Loane The green looks in good shape and we are looking forward to our first games in April. The social / paying in evening is at the White Hart on Friday 9th April and any prospective members / players are very welcome to come along and join in the fun. Please don’t forget our next Bingo evening on April 23rd – details under forthcoming events. Mike Readman

Page 28

Gardeners Notes Yipee! We seem to have got rid of the snow and spring has definitely arrived, I seem to have been saying spring will be here soon for the last 3 months. I was working abroad for 3 weeks at the end of February and on my return was expecting to see daffodils out and herbaceous plants pushing up in the border, but nothing seemed to have moved and the temperature was colder than when I left. Things are certainly later this year but if anything that makes them all the more welcome. Now that the daffodils are coming out it is good to feed any that are not flowering so well, keep feeding them throughout April and that will help next year's display. Something like bone meal or blood, fish and bone is good, if you have dogs it's best to use growmore. Try to get the last of the winter tidying done by the end of April as by May everything will be romping away. If staking is required get it done early to allow plants to grow through rather than tieing things up once they start to flop. April is the best time of year for lawn repairs as the soil is starting to warm up and the ground is still moist. Turf can be laid or seed sown, preparation is pretty much the same for both. This year moss has been bad in the lawn and it will certainly help to give your lawn a good rake. If you use a lawn weed and feed or similar make sure you read the instructions properly. Some of the granular products require to be put on dry grass but then require rain within 6 hours or so otherwise it scorches the grass and looks worse than ever (here speaks a voice of experience, good and bad). When you start cutting the grass try not to cut too low at first, this helps to thicken it up and will make it stronger for drier periods later on. I start to think about getting my dahlias and cannas potted up in the greenhouse, this gets them going early and by the time you put them out in May/June they will be nicely established. Pelagoniums that have been over wintered under glass can be tidied up, it is best to repot or freshen the top layer of compost, check for vine weevils (treat if found) and start watering to get them growning. Don't be tempted to put out too early, May is early enough. Now is the time to get cracking on with your vegetables, I don't tend to start until March with most things, especially tender plants sow under glass, as they can get past their best before you plant them out. From now on a lot of seeds can be sown directly into the soil, you can help by putting a plastic sheet or cloche over the soil a couple of days before to warm it up. Beware of cats in the vegetable garden on a freshly raked seedbed, they can do alot of damage and don't seem so cute. Always use fresh seed, there is nothing worse than going to all the trouble of preparing and sowing seeds for nothing to come up. This goes for all seed, not just vegetables. If you don't have much space or time there is also nothing wrong with buying small vegetable plants from garden centres, it just means you don't have the choice of varieties. When I write this article throughout the winter I sometimes struggle to find new things to talk about, by this time of year there is so much to say and so little space on the page.....until next month, Happy gardening, Luke

Page 29

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Page 30

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Stradbroke Village Website First Responders Stradbroke Swimming Pool Parish Council Local History Group Stradbroke Monthly White Hart Bowls Club Stradbroke Cricket Club Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Village Games Stradbroke Youth Football Club ...and more…

Has your group or organisation joined yet? It’s easy to sign up and share your group activities and news - all the groups above have joined, why not take a look at how they are using their Stradbroke web page? For example you could: • Publicise all your meeting and fundraising efforts • promote upcoming fixtures • share photos and videos of your events If you would like more information or advice to support your group joining the website, please get in touch! Email:

Spuds R Us - Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622


Late March Items 28th Children's Easter Egg Hunt 12 - 3pm. Start at Stradbroke Community Centre 31st Tennis - Club Night is Wednesdays starting 31st March, at 7pm. April Diary 1st Radio Stradbroke - A Tribute to Griggsy, 8pm Broadcast from the Queens Head and live at 1st RBL - Branch Meeting, The King’s Head Laxfield, 11.30am 1st Over 60’s Club - Community Centre 2.00 pm EasterTea 1st All Saints Church Cleaning, 10.00 am onwards. 2nd -5th Radio Stradbroke - Easter Music Marathon at The Queens Head Inn 2nd Scouts Fressingfield - every Friday, Scout Troop and Explorer Scouts, call 07908 262623 for details 3rd SBEC - Farmers’ Market with Easter Crafts - (Morning) 3rd SBEC - Car Wash at Farmers’ Market iao SBEC Yr 11 Leavers Prom 3rd Baptist Church Easter Sunday at 5.15pm tea and cakes then an informal time of worship. Everyone welcome! 4th Stradbroke Youth FC - Under 12s training every Sunday - Westhall 10.00am.11.00am 4th Cricket Club - every Sunday Thomas Mills Framlingham, -13s and -15s from 3.30-5pm and Seniors 5pm-6pm 5th Cricket Club - Girls training every Monday, SBEC sports hall 6.00pm - 7.00pm 6th The Library - every Tuesday Rhymetime Bookstart from 11.15 am. 6th Cricket Club - EveryTuesday, Under 11s training, SBEC 6pm-7pm 6th Badminton Club - every Tuesday in the SBEC sports hall at 8.00 pm 6th Contact Club - Every Tuesday Community Centre 10.00 am 6th Hermitage Ensemble 7.30pm All Saints Church 7th Play & Stay - every Wednesday at the Community Centre, 10 – 11.30am 7th Stradbroke Youth FC, 12s and over, training every Wednesday - SBEC(outside) 6.00pm - 7.30pm 7th Chess Club - every Wednesday in the Diss Cue Club at 7.30 pm 7th Table Tennis Club - every Wednesday Community Centre at 7.30 8th WI - Meeting, Community Centre, 7.30pm 9th Cash Bingo iao Football Club Community Centre 9th St Mary's Benefice Choir concert, 7.30pm St Mary's Church,Worlingworth 9th SWHBC Social evening White Hart 7.30 All welcome 10th Red Feather Club - General Knowledge Quiz, The Red Feather Club, Horham, 7.30 pm 10th Cricket Club - Pop Quiz, Community Centre, 7:30pm 10th S&DBC Jumble Sale, Community Centre 10.00 to 11.30 a.m. 12th Parish Council meeting - Community Centre 7.30pm 13th Contact Club - Every Tuesday Community Centre 10.00 am 13th Annual Church Meeting, Community Centre 7.30pm 14th Cameo Lunch - Baptist Church Hall 12.30 pm 15th Over 60’s Club - Community Centre 2.00 pm 17th WI Coffee Morning 10am – 12noon in the Community Centre. 17th Red Feather Club, Horham - 1940s Dance starting 7.30 pm 17th S&DBC Opening of the Green 3.00 - 5.00 p.m 20th Contact Club - Every Tuesday Community Centre 10.00 am 22nd Stradbroke Cinema - "Amelia" Stradbroke Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. 23rd ****ARTICLES FOR MAY EDITION STRICTLY IN BY THIS DATE**** 23rd SWHBC Prize Bingo evening - Community Centre 7.30 pm 24th Traditional & Local Music, Song & Step dancing, Sibton Church, 7.30pm 27th Contact Club - Every Tuesday Community Centre 10.00 am 27th E & S Family History Group - Community Centre 7.30pm "The History of Lavenham" by Monica Place 28th Art Exhibition Preview, All Saints 7 – 9pm 28th Baptist Church 10.00am – 11.30am coffee and chat 29th Art Exhibition - All Saints 29th April until 2nd May at All Saints Church 29th Annual Parish Meeting at Community Centre, 7.30pm Early May Diary 1st Roughcast Theatre Company- 'Tis Pity She's a Whore "- Stradbroke Community Centre 7.30 1st FOASS - Plant Sale on Saturday 1st May outside All Saints Church 2nd Stradbroke Village Games at Westhall 2pm 5th SLHG Visit to Diss, details next issue. 8th Fun and Fitness morning, 10 -12 at the Recreation Ground Wilby Rd 8th Old Skool Disco iao Stradbroke & District Pre-School - 7.30pm at the Community Centre,

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