£1 where sold
August 2009 No.350
We are the Champions! Following a successful Village Games at Westhall, the SAS went on with renewed enthusiasm to compete in the Inter Village Games at Metfield. We had a week of pre-events which started with Clay Pigeon Shooting led by Steven Pleasance, Peter Shelford and Pete Seiles who got us off to a good start with 8pts for coming 3rd. Our star Car Treasure Hunt team from the Peter Smith family then took a nonchalant 1st for the third successive year. The “Brains Trust” with Sam Hackett, Maureen John, Trevor Loane and Annie Kerr gave us another 8pts in the quiz, missing 2nd place by 1pt. We then had another 3rd at Pool with Adeline Darling and Michael Larter putting on a stunning display in a semi final decider. Rounders followed up with a 5th place (3 places higher than last year) in which Charlotte the bowler starred. Then we had Crib and Darts on the Friday in which Trevor Loane and John Featley had to be content with 2nd place at Crib, despite winning the most games (“we wus robbed”, said John). Tony Rumsey and Ira Featley then put up a sterling performance against all male opposition to finish in 3rdplace on the ‘ockey. The Carpet Bowls team, led by David Streeter, earned 7pts from 4th place, which left the last pre-event, the Five-a-Side Junior Football. The team was led by the Preston-Bloom brothers (Matthew and Howard), together with Bradley Tennant, Soren Royds and little Mo (the smallest competitor, what he lacked in height he made up for in dynamism and aggression; a right terrier!). They were the most skilful of all the teams and just lost in the finals 2 - 1 against a much bigger Laxfield squad; nevertheless, a worthy 9pts. Going into the final day, the SAS were 11 points clear of the field with Laxfield and Badingham our main rivals. We started well, coming 1st in both the male and female cross country events, then a 1st and 2nd in the two children’s bean bag races. We were holding our lead against the very competitive Badingham and Laxfield teams and, at one stage, were 40pts clear of the field. But slowly Badingham started to claw back the points and with only two events left, 22 points in front and another 1st in our penultimate race, disaster struck! Badingham challenged our win in the wheelbarrow race on the Inside this issue: grounds that one of our team was not over 30! Unfortunately, they were right; we had made a terrible error; one of our team was a mere 21! We were disqualified, Local Churches 3 and the 10pts went to Badingham who had finished in 2nd place. It all depended on the final obstacle race. We had a 6 points margin; all we had to do was finish 5th or Parish Pump 6 better. It was a complicated race with six people in each team and every chance of making a mistake. By the 3rd leg we were in 6th place, then we were 5th on the Organisations 9 penultimate leg and then with a brilliant last leg, finished in 3rd place – we’d done it! A fantastic afternoon was had by all. So, a big Thank You to everyone who took part on the day – we had 6 x 1st, 2 x 2nd and 7 x 3rd and never finished worse than 6th. Letters to the Editor 10 The team did good! It is not possible to mention all the individual performances on the day, but every one of them truly counted and the faces in the pictures tell it all. A Forthcoming Events 17 special thanks to the supporters who came along, Skinners for sponsoring us and providing the gazebo, and all the many helpers preceding the competition for News & Views 20 delivering flyers, printing, posters etc. Last but not least, we should not forget the Rev. David Streeter, who kept the flag flying for Stradbroke during the dark years Sports Roundup 27 since we last won the competition in 1998. It spurred us on to greater things! Thank you everyone, and we look forward to a successful defence of the title next year. Gardeners Notes 31 The SAS.
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome
To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: leadmusictuition@googlemail.com Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference to you and to others Treasurer - Mrs B Ward - 586731
Contacts Malcolm Ramm 384797 Co-ordinator E. Havers 388173
Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards Speakers for August 02nd John Ling (includes Communion) 09th John Ling (All age service) 16th Mike Caplin 23rd David Willson 30th John Ling Cameo Lunch is the 12th August at 12.30am. Why not join us, it’s open to all, we have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and a thought for the day. Contact 388173. Drop in for Coffee. We are open for refreshment and chat on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 10 to 11:30a.m. Recently we have been raising money for East Anglia Children’s Hospice and have recently been able to send them £180. Thanks to all who supported us? The next 3 months we will be supporting TWAM (see note below) You can help by coming and buying a cup of coffee, there is a sale of plants and other goods. This is an also a good opportunity to meet other people, and we look forward to seeing you. Contact Daphne 384175 or Angela 388751. We Need Your Help! At our forthcoming Harvest weekend in September we plan to support the work of Tools With A Mission in short TWAM. TWAM enables people to earn a living and to support themselves. In many countries of the world people have few skills, little education and no means of earning a living. A switch from aid dependency to self-sufficiency is impossible without help. TWAM started 23 years ago, and has since then given this help by collecting and refurbishing tools (this is done in Ipswich) and equipment no longer required in the UK and sending them overseas. During the first six months of this year TWAM has dispatched 7 containers to Africa, 4 to Zambia, 2 to Uganda, 1 to Rwanda. For more information visit www.twam.co.uk. Click on 25years. How can you help? Search out any old tools and bring them along on the 26th September to a Saturday Coffee Morning. Attend Coffee Morning to raise funds to transport these goods. (See details above) Obtain a list of the tools, which are requested by TWAM. A list will be posted in the various notice boards round the village and we hope to post one through each letterbox in the next month or so or you can log onto www.twam.co.uk. If you require any more information please contact either Eric on 388173, John on 388751, or anyone you know who attend the Baptist Church. We look forward to working together to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Eric Havers.
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke 26th July
Holy Communion Family Baptism Service 2nd August Holy Communion Family Service (JC) 9th August Benefice Communion (Rev Frank Howard) 16th August Holy Communion Morning Prayer (DS) 23rd August Holy Communion Morning Prayer (DS) 30th August Parish Communion 6th Sept Benefice Communion at Athelington
8.00 am 3.00 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 8.00 am 11.15 am 8.00 am 11.15 am 10.00 am 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee A special big “Thank you” to all 15 gardeners who opened their gardens on the 28th June, all your hard work was admired by the visitors and we made a profit of £394.20! On the 22nd August all will be revealed, between 2 - 4.00pm in the Community Centre, as to the winner of the Potato Competition at the Village Show. Pick up your schedule from the P.O. and make sure we have a bumper crop of entries this year. Then on October 2nd it is our Harvest Supper with our Christmas Craft Morning taking place on October 17th, but more details about these later. Special “Congratulations” must goout to Barbara Moore on reaching her 80th; well done and thanks for all your hard work on the committee. Mary Ellis
Picture: Jeremy Higgins
The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Dear Friends, It was very exciting this year that I was one of those who organised Stradbroke to win the Inter Village Games 2009 at Metfield, and I’m most grateful to all who were in our village teams from 1999 to 2008, and congratulate all who, with me, wore the red T-shirt this time to gain the Shield. From September, the monthly Benefice Service of Holy Communion will be on the First Sunday in the month, so on Sept. 6th we go to Athelington at 10.00 am. (More on service times next month). In August, I shall prepare my entries for the Village Flower and Produce Show on Saturday 22nd, which opens to the public at the Community Centre – for you to view the exhibits – at 2.00 pm. Have you collected a schedule from the Post Office for adult and children’s entries? It is at the end of this month of July, on Friday 24th, that we have an evening of Floral Demonstrations in the Community Centre. We shall get good ideas from Jenni Baker, (and Who is going to be on the stage there on Tuesday 8th September?!), in preparation for our own Church Flower Festival this year which will be our Harvest Thanksgiving on Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10th, 11th and 12th October. Turning to the kitchen, my cakes are on sale twice in July, and in August they will come back from the Community Centre to provide (with more from the larder) Tea in the Rectory Garden from 3.30 – 6.00 pm on Sunday 23rd that month (after my birthday on Friday 21st when I, and others in the village will be rather busy. Do please accept our invitation to come down Doctors Lane that Sunday afternoon to help raise funds towards the costs of our October Flower Festival.) Also, on Sunday 11th October, the Bishop of Dunwich will be the Preacher at 11.00 am, and Margaret and I hope to celebrate our 40th (Ruby) Wedding Anniversary that day. Our warmest thanks go to all who share with us the life and activities of our church and village community. With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning - Thursday, 6th. August, 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 6pm 8.30am - 4pm
Beauty Therapy Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560
Page 6
Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! Parish Council Meeting Planning
NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 10th August 2009 7.30pm At the Community Centre
13 July 2009
Applications for consideration: 1621/09 erection of first floor rear extension and single storey rear extension (existing attached outbuilding to be removed) together with alterations to fenestration Ashfield House, Laxfield Road Approval for the above application was unanimous Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: The following had planning permission granted: 0985/09 alterations including removal of walls, removal of shop front, insertion of new doors, windows, walls and staircase The Old Post Office, Queen Street 0984/09 change of use of part of retail to residential and reducing size of post office/shop floor area. Creation of residential annexe The Old Post Office, Queen Street 1175/09 erection of first floor side extension above existing garage 10 Bishops Way 0776/09 erection of garage/cartlodge (to serve both dwellings created under planning permission 0311/05) and revised andscaping/means of enclosure - Land south of White House Farm, Diss Road
Playing Field Drainage Hurrah!!! The English Cricket Board has awarded a grant to the Parish Council towards the drainage project. The work should begin on 14 September. This has been a long time coming and it is hoped that the pitches will have a new lease of life and a good surface will encourage even more sport in the village. The Council wishes to thank the local organisations that have pledged financial support for the project.
Inter Village Sports Hearty congratulations to all members of the Stradbroke team: They won! This was a magnificent effort and the Parish Council wished to thank Don Darling for all his hard work in organising the trials and picking a winning team, and to all who competed. Well Done All!
Churchyard There have been favourable comments about the view of the Church now the two large conifers have been removed. Other work will be undertaken in the future as part of a long term programme.
Parish Council Vacancy Following the resignation of Ruth Seabrook a vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council. If you are interested in joining the Council or would just like to know more about it please contact any Councillor or the Clerk for more information. It is hoped to fill the post at the September meeting.
Ipswich Hospital Many congratulations to Don Darling’s SAS for winning the 2009 Intervillage Games!
The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust is seeking to become a Foundation Trust and is encouraging feedback on its proposals. The following public meetings will be held where you can put your views forward: Saturday 1st August at Felixstowe Leisure Centre from 11.30am Tuesday 11th August at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre, Stowmarket from 2.30pm Alternatively, you can give your views via the hospital website by following the ‘Foundation Trust’ links. The next meeting of the Parish Council:10 August 2009 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com ** Please make any non-emergency calls to the Clerk between ** ** 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only **
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Hannah Marie’s Qualified Therapist An extensive range of Beauty and Holistic therapies for men and women, in a calm relaxing environment from everyday essentials to total bliss Gift Vouchers Available Mrs Hannah Day Worlingworth Tel: 01728 628144 Or 07880 953984
J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
Dirty Oven??
Page 8
8 Meadow Way Stradbroke Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JW
Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : n” rde 2pm a Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) G he t rom f n i 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) sic 09 t! Mu st 20 if we “ t Bar: gu 12 noon as rs to 2.30 pm Ro th Au oo d g n 9 Ho and e! I 6 pm to 11 pm da y fre Sun sion mis d A
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Page 9
Life in the Legion Many members and guests came from a wide area to attend the Annual Stradbroke and District Branch Coffee Morning held at ‘The Chantry’, and hosted by Jeremy and Anne Higgins. A record £322.70 was raised for The Branch Funds, and I thanked everybody for their help and support. The speaker at the July meeting was our President Ted Bootle who spoke about his visit to The 65th Anniversary of The D Day Landings with his son, and their stay with a French family at Ranville. Visits were made to ‘The Pegasus Bridge’ and the adjacent ‘Cafe’, and he brought along many photographs of his visit. I led the vote of thanks for his talk. With the Legion tribute we remembered the recent deaths of Nora King (Thornham Parva) and Andrew Peckham (Bramfield). New member Alex Kemp from Brundish was welcomed to his first meeting. The visit to Halsey House our Legion Home in Cromer has had to be delayed until the spring of 2010, and I mentioned this years County Walk in Rendlesham Forest, which was poorly attended, but for which I had raised £335 in sponsorship, and I thanked my sponsors for their generosity. The recent Horham Bygones Country Fair was a great success with sums raised for ‘The Poppy Appeal’, County Walk and County Draw. I thanked Ted Bootle, Albert Siggers, Joyce Cooper, and Jeremy Higgins for their help, and a letter of thanks to the organizers has also been sent. The speaker on ‘National Service’ at the August meeting on August 6th at 11.30am will be Albert Daisley from Laxfield. It will be held at our usual venue the King’s Head in Laxfield. Finally the Guest Speaker at the H Group Meeting at The Botesdale Greyhound was Peter Golding, the new County Secretary. I thanked him for a most interesting talk, and wished him well with his forthcoming duties. The Botesdale Branch Chairman, John Canning welcomed everybody, and Branch Reports were given by the officers present from Botesdale, Hoxne, Stradbroke, and Fressingfield. Nick Eade thanked our hosts for their hospitality. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.
Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler Group. Pre-school & Toddlers Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. Later this year it will be taken over by the Debenham Children’s Centre and later, Eye. It will continue to run at the same time but with all new toys and craft activities. We would like to thank everyone for helping with setting-up, refreshments and craft, but a special thank you must go to Zoe Shears who has run the group for a number of years with minimal moaning! Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member.
The Diss, Thetford & District CAB Shelfanger Rd, Diss:
01379 651333
There are changes and alerts happening all the time which effect the decisions we all make. This month, highlighted on the advice website are the following: • • • • •
www.adviceguide.org.uk Email: bureau@disscab.cabnet.org.uk Registered in England & Wales no 04212031 Charity reg no.1089052
Swine Flu Health Advice Tax Credits renewal Sale and rent back schemes – new rules New help for struggling homeowners Holidaymakers - beware of bogus holiday clubs ‘Real Help Now’
If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you in confidence and without prejudice.
Page 10
Organisations Stradbroke Women’s Institute At our July meeting Dorothy Readman, one of our members, gave us an account of her two-day trip to the National Women’s Institute A.G.M. held in the Albert Hall. It seemed they had a very good and successful meeting and even managed to get to the theatre to see the show “Calendar Girls” – very appropriate! The Rev David Streeter was our speaker that evening who spoke to us about Chilean Wine complete with tasting of course. He gave us an informative and very amusing evening which got louder and louder with chat and laughter as the evening progressed and more wine was supped. We finished with a rousing song that he had composed himself for Stradbroke W.I. – a great finish. Stella Bryant gave the vote of thanks, which we all heartily endorsed and Dorothy Readman won the competition. Well-done ladies! As you can see the Women’s Institute isn’t just Jam & Jerusalem as many people believe, we know how to enjoy ourselves but can have a more serious side when we consider a resolution and take it to the Government. Yes we do have sway and the Government does take notice of us; who wouldn’t when faced with a formidable body of women! Our next meeting is on Thursday August 13th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre – do come along and give us a try. Iris Badock, Press Secretary.
Neighbourhood Watch Police Community Support Officer Steven Long intends to be in the library on Thursday 20 August 1100 to 1130 AM to meet members of the public who wish to discuss concerns with him. A trailer was stolen in broad daylight from a property in Stradbroke recently. The Police are investigating several cases of deliberate damage to car and office windows in Stradbroke. Members of the public have reported a dark green car on four occasions recently, apparently broken down in the area. The male driver, of Asian appearance, was abusive to the people who stopped. At least seventy metal road signs, and even a decorative village metal sign, have been stolen recently in central Suffolk, in some cases in broad daylight, for their aluminum content. The driver of a tipper type lorry has been deliberately dumping loads of green waste on side roads in Suffolk, thus completely blocking the roads to traffic. The lorry is described as a Nissan with a blue cab, alloy back and black cage. Beware of bogus caller who call saying they are from the Suffolk Constabulary and offer to undertake a risk assessment of your property. The Police do not make cold calls so Beware of bogus caller who call saying they are it will be a scam. from the Suffolk ConstabuPlease use the following numbers to contact Police: lary and offer to undertake Crime and suspicious activity should be reported on a risk assessment of your the following numbers, preferably as it is happening: property. The Police do not Emergencies: 999 make cold calls so it will Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the be a scam. following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you have any suggestions or concerns: 01379 388977 - Nick Thompson
Letters to the Editor Sir “Just a short note to thank everyone who attended Davids party on the 6th June. The evening was a huge success and we raised £305 for Breast Cancer Care (and the money is still coming in!) I would especially like to thank Mum, Pauline, Jenny, Sue, Caz and Steph for their help with the catering. Thanks also to those that stayed behind and helped with the clearing up I have to say Jenny’s Taxi service was a luxury at the end of the evening !! and finally not forgetting Mike and his team for running the busy bar.” Gill Johnson.
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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707
Drawing for all… Learning… Improving Enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact…
Dave Sumner on 01379 388238
Taking Lessons? Swim free!
Page 12
Organisations Stradbroke Local History Group
Stradbroke Local History Group
If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to slhg@stradbroke.org.uk or tel. 01379 388341 Last month’s visit to Wingfield Church was thoroughly enjoyable as were the refreshments in the De La Pole Arms afterwards. Thanks to Roy Tricker for his entertaining explanations of the various aspects of the church that would normally not be noticed by the casual observer. Also thanks to Sheila Kent giving us the benfit of her “local knowledge” of both the church and the De La Pole family history. This month’s puzzle picture: You all know where this is but it looks a little different today. Answer in next month’s magazine. There is no SLHG meeting in August Mike Readman
Friends of All Saints Stradbroke Thank you to everyone who attended our Summer Garden Lunch. It was a great success, being in such ideal surroundings, with good weather and great company (and dare I say super food). Our hosts, the Darling family, really did us proud and this helped to make it one of our best events of the year. We raised just over £1,200. We must also thank everyone who contributed to the Raffle and the Promises Auction. Thank you so much for all your wonderful photos for our 2010 calendar. If you still have contributions to make, we should like them by the end of September latest in order to get a print run-off and have the calendars on sale a.s.a.p. Thanks also to those who attended our AGM on 15th July. It was a congenial meeting, where all Members were content to continue in their posts. Margaret Buckland
1st Fressingfield Scout Group Open Evening Friday 26th June saw the annual Open evening of the 1st Fressingfield Scout Group, dozens of boys and girls and their parents and families attended the evening held at the Goodwin Hall Scout Hut on New Street, Fressingfield. After a presentation parade which saw new members taking their Scout Promise, and the awarding of numerous badges of achievement including, Fire Safety, Promise Challenge, Global Challenge, Camping and more. A special presentation was given to Tabitha Griffiths who is leaving as the Cub Pack Leader at the end of July. Parents and guests were invited to take part in a number of activities Beavers and Cubs organised a number of fete games which all enjoyed. Scouts ran demonstrations in camp cooking, tent erecting and first aid. For the more adventurous parents they were able to take part in Parachute games, a tug -o-war competition and archery. With the BBQ in full swing, a raffle and lots of fun, laughter and friendship with a pleasant evening being had by all. 1st Fressingfield Scout Group has a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop and is open to boys and girls up to the age of 14 years. Serving the villages of Fressingfield, Stradbroke, Hoxne, Laxfield, Weybread and others. For further information or enquiry about membership please contact: Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne, 07908 262632 or email to andrew.aaldersdunthorne@talk21.com
Lottery Bonus Winners 46, Margaret Jenkins. 7, Dorothy Richards. 23, David Cattermole. 8, Roger ward £48 donated to the Football Club. £48 donated to District Bowls Club.
Mary Ellis
Page 13
Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers
Ian Brown
Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
Page 14
Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol e.g. £1.50 to Stradbroke £2.50 to Fressingfield £5.00 to Eye, Diss or Harleston £20.00 to Either Ipswich or Norwich Hospital. ...with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge. We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service. STOP PRESS: We are holding a Coffee Morning in the garden of The Maltings - the home of Rosemary and Martin Wake, on Friday 21st August at 10.30am - 12 noon. Do come along and join us for a coffee and wander around this lovely garden!
The Playing Field Improvements Scheme Thanks to everyone who has so generously donated their time and money towards these projects over the past year, both the Drainage of the Field and the provision of a Fitness Track around it are to go ahead this Autumn. Over £5000 in cash has been donated to the Stradbroke Charitable Trust towards this scheme by individuals, village organizations and local companies. In addition the Football and Cricket Clubs will provide a further £3000 from their fund-raising activities. These sums, together with the substantial legacy left by Reggie Elvin, a generous contribution from the Parish Council and a large grant toward the drainage from the English Cricket Board has meant that the necessary funding target has been reached. Yippee! The work is scheduled to start on September 14th with the arrival of the heavy machinery and hopefully will be completed in the following two to three weeks. The drainage is to be done to the highest English Cricket Board standard and we hope to see a great improvement in the quality of the grass and the length of the playing seasons, both for cricket and football. We hope now that the Football Club will be able to start Junior teams and a Junior Pitch will be marked out once the surface has settled, probably by the end of the year. In October, we hope to start work on the 500 metre walking or running Fitness Track, to be called 'The Elvin Fitness Track' and there will be six or seven pieces of fitness equipment dotted around the field at intervals along it. These units will offer interesting athletic activities to those individuals seeking personal fitness whether in preparation for sporting activities, as part of a healthy lifestyle or to help in speeding up recovery from an illness. Congratulations to everybody! Parish Council
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FREE CV check-up e-mail your CV to admin@cvnurse.co.uk for a FREE and full check-up. For full details of our CV services visit the web-site or call Chris or Lesley on (01379) 586782. You don't get a 2nd chance to make a good 1st impression
Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
Page 16
Tel/Fax: 01379 388174
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
Stradbroke Village Show Firstly, Angela and I would like to thank everyone who supported the “Plant Sale” at 21 Woodfield, which is our home. We raised a total of £246.85, which will more than cover the total expense of the Village show, which will be held on the 22nd August. The Village Show needs your support to make it a success so, if you want to enter into one of the competitions or just visit to see how everyone else is doing, please come along and get involved. Schedules of the different categories can be obtained from the Post Office so if you have something special growing in your garden, put it into the show and be part of the event. Entries must be in before the 19th August and this year we are trying to make it a record for entries so have a go and remember “ Biggest isn’t always best”. On the day we will be judging the “Potato Buckets” and we hope the most, if not all, buckets will be brought to the show. The points to remember about the “Potato Bucket” competition are: all buckets must be clearly named, the tops of the potato plants must be cut off, the soil inside the bucket must not be disturbed, Any enquiries to Roly Copping on 01379 384839
Village Show Potato Buckets - All entries must be in before the 19th August.
Friends of All Saints Church ...present: “Flowers, Shows and Festivals” by David Streeter Tuesday, 8th September, at 7.30 pm at the Community Centre. Tickets: £5.00, from the Post Office. Wine, nibbles & Raffle. David has recently become a serious flower arranger. He put together, with many helpers, the successful Flower Festivals in Stradbroke Church in 2007 and 2008, always enters, and sometimes wins, classes in the Village Flower Show, has joined a Flower Club, and this year entered four classes at the Suffolk Show (with favourable remarks from the judges). On the way to the Ipswich showground, and during the two days in May, much happened that he will recount in an amusing and entertaining way, and he’ll give some floral demonstrations in preparation for this year’s Festival at All Saints, for Harvest Thanksgiving on 10th, 11th and 12th October. Margaret Streeter
Spitfire and Hurricane set to be the stars Are you interested in aircraft? Then the place to be on Sunday August 16th is the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton where Diss and District Royal Air Forces Association are organising another event. A Spitfire and a Hurricane from the Battle of Britain Flight should be the star turns as they fly over the museum. But there is more. Also taking part will be an Army Air Corps Apache helicopter from Wattisham and the search and rescue helicopter, which was the main attraction last year when RAFA’s Salute to 90 Years of the RAF attracted a crowd estimated at 3,500. This year is the 100th anniversary of the first flight from France to England and RAFA will try to give the event a French flavour. The flying programme might be affected by the weather. But there will be plenty of things to see and do on the ground. Wing Commander Ken Wallis, with his autogiro, which he flew in the James Bond film “You Only Live Twice”, will be a popular attraction. RAF Honington will be taking part with a static display and some musicians. The Air Training Corps will be represented by cadets from the area, including the Lowestoft ATC band. There will also be historic vehicles in addition to the many aircraft and other exhibits which are always on show at the museum. And the best news of all is that car parking and admission are free. Gates open at 11am and the action continues until 5pm Brian Ager, secretary Diss and District Royal Air Forces Association
‘Flowers, Shows and Festivals’ is at the Community Centre on the 8th September 2009
Are you interested in aircraft? Then the place to be on Sunday August 16th is the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton
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Forthcoming Events
St Elizabeth Hospice Sponsored Horse Ride Sunday 11th October - Poplar Park, Equestrian Centre, Hollesley The first St Elizabeth Hospice Sponsored Horse Ride will take place in the beautiful surroundings of Poplar Park Equestrian Centre at Hollesley near Woodbridge. There is a choice of a six or twelve mile route over the heath land with optional jumps. This is a great way to support the Hospice and enjoy some of the lovely peaceful countryside Suffolk has to offer on horseback. For more information, please contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600, eMail fundraiing@stelizabethhospice.org.uk or visit our website to download a registration form www.stelizabethhospice.org.uk Leanne Thorndyke
W.E.A. Stradbroke Branch Course Title: “Norfolk from Aerial Photos and Maps” For over a century many hidden aspects of Norfolk have been revealed to the aerial observer – secrets of archaeology, geology, history, and agriculture may be seen as patterns that embroider the landscape. This course is illustrated by slides and overhead projection images. The tutor for this course is Mr Derek Edwards and it will be held in the Stradbroke Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke. The 10 week course starts at 2.30pm until 4.00pm Wednesday 23rd September and costs £43.50.
Ballroom Dancing classes in Stradbroke Classes unfortunately cannot be held in Stradbroke as the Hall is not available on a sufficiently regular basis, but happily they will take place at Wilby Village Hall on Wednesday evenings starting on September 23rd 2009. There will be two levels initially, Beginners from 7.30-8.30 and Improvers from 8.30-9.30. The teacher is Adrian Mole (Yes, really!) The cost will be £4.50 each (i.e. £9 a couple), payable on the weeks people turn up (i.e. there is no upfront class payment) Preferably people will be coming with partners, although he can deal with a small number of solo dancers. All those attending will need to be over 18. Other than that, all ages will be welcome. Styles will be Ballroom (starting Waltz, Quickstep, Foxtrot, later he’ll cover Tango and Viennese Waltz), and core Latin American (Cha Cha Cha, Rumba, Jive, later Samba and Paso Doble). Queries please to Adrian Mole on 0845 053 7475 or online at www.ballroomexperience.co.uk. (Wilby page). Gerald Jenkins
Stradbroke Cinema is back! On Thursday, 17th. September, Stradbroke Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. Bar will be open - and Ice creams in the interval! Entrance £5.50 we are showing The Young Victoria Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée from a script by Julian Fellowes, it chronicles the early years of Queen Victoria (Emily Blunt) and her romance and marriage to Prince Albert (Rupert Friend). There are also supporting performances from Paul Bettany (as Prime Minister Lord Melbourne) and Miranda Richardson as Victoria’s mother, the Duchess of Kent. Graham King, Martin Scorsese and Sarah, Duchess of York produced it. Just a fantastic film, the story, costumes and wonderful music!! Margaret Streeter
Suffolk Community Learning & Skills Development Most of our local Autumn Term courses are free and in this economic climate, it may help some people to create new skills and gain confidence through different life skills. Our courses range from help with literacy and mathematics to basic and more advanced computer skills some with accreditation. For more information about the courses on offer please contact: Sue Avery on 01379 672774 or Email: sue.avery@suffolk.gov.uk Web: http://www.suffolk.gov.uk
Page 19
Jane Everitt Pulham Pest Control & Garden Services Wasps, Mice, Rats, Moles & Rabbits For friendly and professional Service phone 01379 676245
L&M TAXIS 01379 669370 • • • •
Local and long distance Airports Courier Work Friendly, reliable service
All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX
Tel: 07789684434
Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly We provide professional day care for the elderly (giving home carer an 8-9 hour break) with door to door transport and freshly cooked meals catering for all needs - known to many as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of care. Also available: Bathing (specialised), Hairdressing, Chiropody and other facilities on request. We open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 4.30pm. Social Services are our main provider who can arrange various types of funding. A ‘tailor made’ care plan can be arranged for private guests upon request Our aim is to give social stimulation to each and every individual guest and to maintain his/her dignity for as long as possible. If you would like to know more about our service, just drop in and see us at Mendham, or phone 01379 852466
Page 20
Forthcoming Events
Family History - where do I start? To answer this question come along to Fressingfield School on Saturday 12th or Sunday 13th September between 11.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., when there'll be a chance to find out more about how to research your family history. You'll be able to see some of the Fressingfield Parish Records on loan from the Ipswich Record Office, and a display of Fressingfield family trees and photographs. There'll be advice on how to begin your research using the Record Offices and the internet. If you have any documents or photographs relating to the history of Fressingfield families, please bring them along. Light refreshments will be available and admission is £1. Pennie Walker 01379 588270
Stradbroke News & Views The West Suffolk Disability Resource Centre Do you want advice and information about your disability? WSDRC can help you. The West Suffolk Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is a partnership between voluntary and statutory organisations. The Centre is independent to ensure that disabled people receive free, impartial advice and easy access to key disability services. Disabled people, carers, family members and care professionals are welcome to use the centre. To contact the DRC, make an appointment or get information about services offered please contact: The West Suffolk Disability Resource Centre. Papworth House, 4 Bunting Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP32 7BX Tel 01284 748888. Fax 01284 748889 or email WSDRC@papworth.org.uk
Make Your Home More Secure This Summer Everyone needs a holiday at some time and the summer months are the most popular time for us to get away. We all want to come back to our homes as we left them, however almost half of all burglaries happen when a home is empty. To help make your home more secure whilst you are away, follow some of the following steps before you go; • Make your home look like someone is living in it. Closing curtains in the daytime shows your home is empty. Use automatic time switches to turn lights on when it gets dark. • Cancel any milk and newspaper deliveries. • Uncollected mail is a sign you are away. The Royal Mail’s ‘Keepsafe’ service will keep hold of your mail for up to two months whilst you are away. • Lock valuable items and documents away in a safe or alternatively leave with other family members. • Make sure all doors and windows are locked, and if you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set. Do a double check before you leave the house. • Suffolk County Council is working with the police, local councils and community groups to find ways to reduce burglary. There are some general tips on Home Security to consider; • Fit ‘mortise’ locks (Kitemarked BS 3621) or bolts to all outside doors, and locks to all downstairs windows. • Make sure you have up-to-date contents and building insurance • Try not to leave valuable items, like your TV, Hi-Fi or DVD player where thieves can easily see them. • Have an approved alarm system installed – ask your local police and insurance company for advice. For further information please contact the Community Safety Unit at Suffolk County Council on 01473 265159
Page 21
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Farm shop for a wide variety of homegrown produce and local fruit and vegetables. Delivered to your door every week. Wide selection of cut flowers and pot plants. For bouquets, baskets, weddings and churches. We have a large selection of vegetable plants and seed potatoes. We also have a compact tractor and rotavor for hire for Autumn and winter seeding.
Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
Page 22
Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.
Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106 www.safeandsoundhygieneandpestcontrol.co.uk
Page 23
Bed and Breakfast “Bumble Cottage” …is a 1500 Suffolk long house. We have 2 double rooms available Full English breakfast Very private setting Contact no 01379 388908 www.bumble-cottage.co.uk
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379 384097
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: jbedwell@talk21.com Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. lease contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
YOUR LOCAL RELIABLE PLUMBER Mark Jardine • All domestic Plumbing • Full Bathroom Installation, • All work full insured & guaranteed, • Domestic heating, radiators, pumps, etc… • 24 Hour call out.
Tel: 01379 672904 Mob: 07854924801 New Haven, Tudor, Occuld, Eye, Suffolk IP21 7PZ
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses from £285 Evening wear from £130 and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories. Do call before your next special occasion Also, Green Door Antiques (of Eye) ---Opening Times--Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 9.0am - 1pm At other times by appointment
Page 26
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties
Anglian Ecology Protected Species Surveys Ecological Reports Landscape Assessment
Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together” at
All forms of Surveying and Monitoring undertaken by qualified professionals. Please call: 07753 406866 / 01379 388030 Or visit www.anglianecology.co.uk
Tel: 384312 or 384363 for information & bookings
Figa & Co. Ltd. flowers . interiors . gardens . art
Hempsheaf House Queen Street Stradbroke 01379 384 073 Tree Surgery & Hedgecare Woodland & Conservation projects Landscape Design & Construction Stephen Matthews BA (Hons) ANCH 01379 871252 07771675262
For more information on our range please call or visit our website www.eastscape.co.uk
SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
(01379) 384689 Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Forthcoming Events
Page 27
Archbishop Sancroft High School Open Evening Thursday 22nd October 2009 7.00 – 9.00 pm We are proud of our good reputation as Norfolk’s only Church of England High School. Archbishop Sancroft has become an increasingly popular choice amongst parents. Parents choose us because: •Students achieve very good results (3rd highest achieving high school in norfolk) •Our comparatively small size means we really can offer christian child-centred education •Our focus is on developing the whole person - physical, social, moral and spiritual The OFSTED report in January 2009 stated ‘Archbishop Sancroft High School is a good school. Its Christian ethos is reflected in the good quality care and support provided and the mutual care and respect shown by teachers and students. In this environment, most students thrive and achieve well.’ Please contact the school for further information: Head teacher: Richard Cranmer, BSc Telephone: 01379 852561 eMail: office@ashs.org.uk
Exhibition Of Paintings, Mixed Media & Prints by Rachel Drake Friday 21 August to Sunday 23 August Sibton Church, 10am-5pm Seascapes, Flowers, Portraits, Fine Architectural Subjects, etc. Local Views. Sale of Paintings and Commissions. Homemade Cream Teas & Refreshments available all day each day. Details from Rosie/Di 01728 660369/660236 Proceeds to the Friends of St Peter’s, Reg.Char.No1063822 Rosie Norton
Sports Roundup Stradbroke Cricket Club School may be out, but it is half term as far as the Cricket Club is concerned, and the signs are encouraging. Despite being in the middle of a 5 week sabbatical from league action, the 1st XI are still in third place in the Suffolk Premier League. Winning it is out of the question, but they are competitive in a difficult league. Momentum gave the A Team a flying start in Section A of the MSC Alliance. Recent performances have been disappointing, despite a maiden century from Simon Higgins against Yoxford, but they have started well in defence of the John Bright Memorial Plate they won in 2008. The B Team, as ever suffer with lack of availability due to poaching from the A Team, exams, and apathy, but with the threat of relegation removed, they can give opportunities to younger players. The Academy XI is also inexperienced, but have held out for two draws recently against much stronger opposition, giving the younger players a different perspective on the game of cricket. The lack of genuine Under 15’s has meant that they haven’t had a sniff of a victory yet, and are already planning for next year. The Under 13’s on the other hand, are in with a shout of winning the North Suffolk League, having lost just once. They also reached the semi finals of the County Cup. The Under 11’s seem to multiply weekly, and with such competition for places, they are playing well, and have also lost only one league game. But if you are looking for silverware, look no further than the girls. Like prize blooms, a lot of nurturing is needed to bring out their true colours. Having won the Suffolk Lady Taverners Under 13 trophy by default, the girls produced their best cricket ever to beat Woolpit in the final of the Under 15 trophy, masterminded by skipper Ellie Johnson, and now travel to Essex next month for the Regional Finals. The 2nd Club Day was held recently, featuring 60 different club players. Despite their heroics elsewhere, the girls were no match for their mums in the first game. There is no substitute for experience! Dads v Lads was closer. So close in fact that the game ended in a tie, with peace breaking out in at least 11 households for another 12 months. The Presidents XI, comprising players living within the Parish boundary, were too strong for the Club XI in the Twenty/20 match. All this was covered by Radio Stradbroke, who had both live commentary and video streaming throughout the day. Thanks to James and Marty for all their efforts. £230 was added to club coffers. Off the field, the only story is that the Club are getting a sizeable grant from the ECB towards the drainage project, meaning that the work can start on schedule in September. Thanks are due to Richard, Roger, and the Parish Council for pointing everyone in the same direction, and helping raise the necessary funding. Michael Hugman
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Sports Roundup
Stradbroke Football Club Stradbroke Football club have now started pre-season training taken by Bobby Varela with a number of “Friendly” matches being arranged before the start of the season. Anyone is welcome to join in on a Wednesday evening starting at 7.00pm on the playing field. Mary Ellis
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club. The Club competition for the Les Parker Cup was won by Dick Webster and Pam Wolfe, the runners up were Mary and Michael Ellis, this was a very close match played in true sporting spirit. The Ray Biggs Cup (our last tournament of the season) will be played on Saturday 11th July and the finalists are Dick Webster and Lee Spraggs who will play Bill Robson and John Dann. We wish both pairs good luck! We had a table at the car boot sale to support “Stradbroke Enterprise College’s Summer Fair”, unfortunately we seemed to be placed a little out of the way so only managed to raise £21.00 but it was good to meet up with local friends and at least the weather was fine. Match results are as follows: Saxmundham League - Played Beddingfield: won. Played Sole Bay: won. Played Saxmundham Town: Won. Played Laxfield: Lost. Junior Cup - Played Otley : Won. Played Alderton: Won. Sax. League Knockout Cup Played Fressingfield: Won. Upper Waveney League Played Pullham Market: Lost. Played Diss Causeway: Won Cup Matches Played Shotford: Lost. Played Hoxne: Won. Woodbridge League Played Badingham: Won. Played Bredfield:Lost. Played St Audreys: Won. Played Leiston Town: Won. Played Saxmundham Town: Won Salter Cup Played Alderton: Lost We hope that you are enjoying the summer as much as bowlers do! Lily Lofts, Stradbroke & District Bowls Club
Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club The season continues with good weather and generally results to match. With the pub in new hands and opening soon things are looking good, so a warm welcome to Max and Alison Shingler and we wish them every success. In the Upper Waveney League Div 1 we have now taken second place from Gissing after beating them by 4 shots in a very closely fought match. We haven’t yet managed to replicate that form in the Mid Suffolk League. The annual Huntingfield Cup day at Yarmouth was enjoyed by all and we came fourth of the six teams there. In the Cattee Cup we beat Laxfield and now meet Fressingfield in the final. Upper Waveney League: L (home) White Hart 66 - Diss and District A 69; W (away) White Hart 64 - Dickleburgh 61; L (home) White Hart 50 - Kenninghall Red Lion 77; W (home) White Hart 118 - Diss Causeway 32; W (away) White Hart 74 - Pulham Market 57; W (away) White Hart 79 - Bedingfield 62; W (home) White Hart 74 - Gissing 70. Mid Suffolk League - We lost twice to Laxfield 32-54 and 4796 before beating them in the Cattee Cup 86-71. Suffolk Junior Cup - We beat Martlesham (away) 84– 64 before losing to Stradbroke & District 65-82 in the next round. Congratulations to District who went on to win the area final. Good luck to them on the Finals Day Mike Readman
Stradbroke’s Golfing Champion Judith Bedwell achieved the double by again winning the Diss Ladies Single Golf Championship, normally played over 36 holes but this year it took Judith 39 holes to win the title. After 18 holes Judith was 3 up and after 36 holes it was all square and therefore Judith, and her playing partner, Sarah Anderson went into a “sudden death” play off. The first and second holes were again all square with Judith on the second green holing a long putt to half. They went up to third hole where Judith made a brilliant par to win by one shot. This was a noteable win as Judith plays off a 11 handicap and Sarah Anderson plays off a 6 handicap and this was a scratch event. Editor
Page 29
Acorn Foot Health
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Tel: 01986 798851 Mobile: 07788 850762 Free survey & quote.
Charges at competitive prices.
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Page 30
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Small Newly Built Boarding Cattery Fully Licensed Fully Insured Fully Heated Collection and delivery service available Call: Angela / Mike On: 01379 388 979 www.hillcottagecattery.co.uk Hill Cottage Cattery, Worlingworth Road Horham, (Near Eye), Suffolk, IP21 5EF
Page 31
Gardeners Notes At last we have had a good amount of rain, it came just in time as the ground was starting to get very dry. Don't be fooled though, plants in pots still require watering even if it has been raining. If you are going away and you don't have anyone to water them move them to a shady corner and put trays under the pots to hold extra water. Any plants that are newly planted will also require watering in dry spells to help them establish. The extra rain and warm weather has brought on the vegetables with a sudden glut of courgettes. Runner beans have come along well now and potatoes are getting the water they need. If it stays wet keep an eye on your potato foliage for signs of blight, you can check for symptoms of most disease and pest problems on the Royal Horticultural Society website at www.rhs.org.uk. Once your onion, garlic and shallot foliage has turned yellow they are ready to harvest, make sure they are dryed well in the sun to stop them rotting in storage. I am in the process of contacting people who appear on the 1920 orchard survey to see if any remain, once that has been done we intend to try to list all new orchards (groups of 5 or more fruit trees), that have been planted since. Please contact me if you have an orchard that should be included, this will save us a great deal of time. We are also offering a fruit identification service with help from a local apple and pear expert, with any luck we may find some lost varieties. We have already located an old orchard of cob nuts and some very Interesting old apple and pear trees. Things to be getting on with this month, it is a good time to scarify grass to remove dead moss and old grass, it's best done with a tine rake which does wonders for your six pack. Keep edges of lawn neat to set off your borders. It is good to keep planting salads as cut and come again leaves are only good for about 3 - 4 cuttings. Since the rain slugs and snails have been more active so nightly trips to the seedlings can keep them at bay. Pinch out side shoots of tomatoes to concentrate energy into fruit to help ripen. Once vegetables come into flower/fruit you need to keep them well watered, particularly in the green house. Plants to look out for this month, Perovskia 'Blue Spire' is a fantastic plant for dry sunny spots and it's blue flower goes on all summer long. Echinacea 'Rubenstein' has a lovely wine coloured flower and the seed heads stay on into winter as do the unusual green flowers of Rudbeckia 'Green Wizard'. Enjoy the summer and if you find your garden is looking a bit dull or boring take the opportunity to visit other gardens and see what looks good now as July/August can be a difficult month before the late summer colour comes through. Luke
Diary for Late July 23rd 24th 25th 28th 28th
P.C. Tim Green will be in the Library to meet Local people from 11.00 to 11.30am ASCFRC’s Flower Demonstration by Jenni Baker - Community Centre at 7.30pm ASCFRC’s Stradbroke Garage Trail. Maps at the P.O. on the day 9.00 – 12.30pm Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Wills & Probate Inventories for Local & Family Historians Comm Centre at 7.30pm
Diary for August 1st 2nd 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 6th 9th 10th 11th 11th 12th 13th 16th 18th 18th 20th 20th 21st 21st 21st 22nd 23rd 25th 26th
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk
or contact
NHS Trust meeting at Felixstowe Leisure Centre from 11.30am Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Pyramids Playbus Fund Raiser The Big Garage Sale 10 - 2pm in Thorndon Village Tel: 388454. Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am The Stradbroke Monthly Badminton Club meets each Tuesday in the SBEC Sport Hall at 8.00pm team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor Chess Club Every Wednesday in the Diss Cue Club at 7.30pm expressing their opinions, Table Tennis Club meets each Wednesday in the Community Centre at 7.30pm comments or insights regarding any of the material Football training on the Playing Field every Wednesday at 7.00pm that appears in the All Saints Church Cleaning 10.00am onwards magazine. Over 60’s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of RBL Meeting in the King Head, Laxfield at 11.30am opinions of our readers, but Hog Roast and Music in the Garden - Ivy House 2pm onwards cannot publish all letters Parish Council Meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm received. The Editor retains the right to edit published Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am letters for clarity and length. NHS Trust Meeting at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre, Stowmarket from 2.30pm Letters should include the writer's name and clearly Cameo Lunch at the Baptist Church starting at 12.30pm marked ‘For Publication’. Women’s Institute Meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm RAF Association’s 100th anniversary at the Aviation Museum at Flixton 11.00am Email on parishmagzine@stradbroke.org.uk Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Closing date for Village Show entries Police Community Support Officer Steven Long will be in the Library 11 - 11.30am Over 60’s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm Sibton Art Exhibition runs to the 23rd. Sibton Church 10.00am – 5.00pm Coffee Morning at The Maltings iao Good Neighbours 10.30am - 12 noon. ****All Articles in STRICTLY by this date please!**** Contact Details: Village Show lnc Potato Competition and results Community Centre 2 – 4.00pm Tony Ambler (Editor), Tea in the rectory garden ioa the October Flower Festival 3.30 to 6.00pm Tanglewood, New Street. Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am Tel: 388454. Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church Hall at 10 – 11.30am Advertising enquiries
Diary for Early September
Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane,
8th 12th 17th
Flower Show and Festival by David Streeter in the Community Centre at 7.30pm Family History “Where do I begin?” Fressingfield School 11.00am – 4.00pm Stradbroke Cinema returns to the Community Centre 7.00 for 7.30pm
Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Claudene Merritt