£1 where sold
Feb 2010
Stradbroke Youth FC Kicks Off ! It has been a great start for youth football in Stradbroke and once the snow vanished we were able to get our first training sessions underway. The under 12s kicked off on Sunday morning (17th) when 11 of them turned up for the first get together at Westhall. On Wednesday evening 24 of the over 12s went to SBEC) and they had their first session organised by Chris Cooke who is a highly qualified coach and has in the past run Fulham FC’s junior coaching setup. Chris is with us for the rest of the season and he has already put a clear training mentality and structure into place which we can build on. Will Wilkinson from the Stradbroke senior team is working with us on the coaching side and Matthew Preston-Bloom is also helping as an assistant with the younger group - we all pitch in with the admin tasks. Fairly soon we will need a few more people on the organising side particularly secretarial, financial and Child Welfare. “Your Village Needs You” posters may appear before long! The initial funding from Suffolk Sports Unlimited has allowed us to recruit the services of the professional coach, whilst funding from the Stradbroke Charitable Trust has enabled us to purchase all the training equipment and first aid kit. With a portable generator and some self constructed mobile floodlights we have been able to hold outdoor evening sessions until we can either move indoors at SBEC or until the evenings get lighter. The Parish Council have also indicated that they would be willing to help with some funding when asked. Our aim is to have football in Stradbroke Youth FC standing alongside the Stradbroke Cricket Club as a successful and well organised activity that provides a real asset for the community and one that gives our boys and girls a worthwhile and enjoyable activity to participate in from an early age. We have a page on the Village Website (stradbroke.org.uk) so just go to “Members” and click on Stradbroke Youth FC to see our plans and activities as they evolve! Mike Readman/Don Darling Stradbroke Youth FC Under 12’s training on Sunday Morning!
Your Editor Speaks (...or doesn’t, as the case may be!) Dudley Wood, our new Editor who was due to start this month has had to withdraw from the job due to a sudden health problem just 24 hours before “Magazine Day” which rather left us with a problem. So if there are any mistakes in this edition - our apologies - we have had to become Editors overnight. We think we have gathered everything in and fingers crossed, typed it in all the right places; which has been difficult with crossed fingers. We now need someone to take on the Editor’s role. It comes complete with a green eyeshade and large cigar so any budding journalists out there who can type and use email; send us one and we can tell you all about the job . Today “The Stradbroke Monthly” – tomorrow “The Times” (preferably not tomorrow or we would be looking for an Editor again.) Our best wishes to Dudley for a speedy recovery. Thank you to the people who have responded to our Helper appeal - as soon as we have done this month’s magazine we will sort that out. “The Team”
IMPORTANT!! PLEASE ENSURE YOU EMAIL ARTICLES TO parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk
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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome
To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: leadmusictuition@googlemail.com Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.
Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.
Local Churches Stradbroke Baptist Church
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We welcome you to join us for our Sunday Services or other activities Contacts: Eric Havers 388173
John Ling 388751
Malcolm Ramm 384797
Sunday Service – Every week at 10:15a.m. followed by refreshment. 07th Led by John Ling 14th Eric Havers 21st John Ling 28th Eric Havers. 10th Cameo Lunch at 12:30p.m. Open to all, you do not have to be a member of the church or any church to attend, just enjoy good food and good company plus the odd quiz and a word for the day. We do ask for a contribution of £3 per person towards costs. Why not join us? 4th Coffee and Chat. Church Hall. 10 to 11:30a.m.Why not drop in for a cuppa and a chat? We also run a small Bring & Buy at the same time raising money for charity. 26th Home Group 7:30p.m. The Lilacs, Laxfield Rd. Open discussion on a topic. News Cameo Christmas lunch was enjoyed by all and we especially enjoyed the entertainment by some pupils from the Primary school, it all added up to a splendid and memorable time. Thank you children very much. Children in Need. Thanks to all who took part in the sponsored walk in November, which raised £273. TWAM (Tools with a Mission) This time we are appealing to the ladies of the village, do you have any spare wool which can be used to knit vests etc for the children of the third world and do you have any spare time to knit as there is a great need for more vests, we have patterns available, also we are still willing to collect any old tools, sewing machines etc please contact one of the above for details.
Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk
Organisations Stradbroke Church Village Show There will be a potato competition class for the July Village Show where a prize will be awarded for the heaviest potato crop grown from a single potato in a bucket (potato not to be cut) Buckets and Potatoes will be on sale at the cake stall in Church Street on Saturday March 6th at a cost of 50p each. Each family can have as many buckets as they like and the prizeswill be 1st £3.00, 2nd £2.00, 3rd £1.00 and 4th 75p. Please support this novelty class and if you have any enquiries please contact Roly Copping on 01379 384839. For those who want to get an early start the handicraft section this year will be: A cushion any method A hand knitted article Any item of embroidery or tapestry A greetings card A picture mounted, pencil, watercolour or oils Roly Copping
Stradbroke Country Fair It is back! Peter and Maria Smith have most generously offered, once again, to host the Stradbroke Country Fair at Street Farm on Saturday, 10th July 2.00 - 6.00 pm. We will be running it along the same lines as last time so, if you would like to have a stall to raise money for an organisation, a good cause or your own business, just let us know. We next meet on Thursday, 4th March. Peter (Chairman and Licence Holder) and Maria Smith (Bookings), Louise Wilkinson, Gerald Jenkins (Treasurer) , Ann Kerr, Maureen John and Margaret Streeter (Secretary).
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Local Churches
All Saints, Stradbroke 31st January 7th February 14th February 17th February Ash Wednesday 21st February 25th February 28th February 7th March
Parish Communion Benefice Communion, Stradbroke Holy Communion Family Service (JC) Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong Holy Communion Parish Communion Benefice Communion, Athelington
8.00 am 10.00 am 8.00 am 10.00 am 7.30 pm 8.00 am 5.00 pm 10.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am
All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee First of all I must thank the ladies who kindly gave me a Party for my birthday in December also for the wonderful gift. Thank you all so very much. We have arranged all our years events. These were in the mini mag sent near xmas. We have held the first cake stall and raised £124-05. Thanks Julie for helping. Our next event is a Fun evening on Shrove Tuesday 16th February for Pancake and Beetles. Do come along, those who do have a lovely evening. Tickets are at the Post Office £3-00 adults £2-00 children Pancakes Tea/Coffee & Beetles. The Art Exhibition in late April is now being sorted out. The Xmas Hamper was won by Daphne Chambers. On 15th /16th May we have an Exhibition in the Church, and sale of Matchstick Models etc. Stradbroke Has Got Talent more details later. The ladies wish you all a very happy 2010 and thanks for your continued support. Mary Ellis
The Rectory Tel: 384363 Email: davidstreeter@suffolkonline.net Church Website: www.allsaints-stradbroke. com Dear Friends, Father Christmas arrived by horse and trap at All Saints on Nov. 27th to open The BIG Christmas Crib Exhibition, with displays from Wortham, Fressingfield and Laxfield and our own Primary School’s Noah’s Ark Tapestry, and donations were gratefully received for the Children’s Society, and we passed on to the Salvation Army the gifts brought to church on Sunday, 13th December – Many thanks for them! Candles, readings and carols filled the church most gloriously on Sunday 20th, and on Christmas Eve the magnificently-decorated tree complemented the beauty of the Crib to welcome Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on His Birthday. My new Carol, with its own tune, joined the celebrations on both days, and was, I hope, appreciated. It did not win the national competition, but next month I will tell you how to down-load it on the internet, so that it can become wellknown for Christmas 2010, and be sung all December this year, and up to Jan. 6th 2011! It was on Twelfth Night this year that the Star was switched off. A big thank you to the team who erected it on the flagpole! It is seen for many miles around, sending a joyful message out from our church. That reminds me: our church website has been “resting” since August, but I am glad to say that it has woken up again (see the address above) and has many features that should be of great interest to all whom, we hope, will visit the site, just as many people visit the church itself and make very kind remarks in the Visitors’ Book. Large numbers of people who do not actually come into the church building are still, as I have been saying, in contact with it from what they can see at Christmas-Time – The Star, and our magazines and the websites; the first distributed to every house in the parish, the second worldwide! We have a great responsibility to communicate our message as vividly and effectively as possible. I am most grateful to those who share that task with me, with worship, music, readings and flowers, bells, brooms and dusters, and all the activities that make our church not only good to see in the centre of the village, but feeling lively and attractive there. The Bishop is coming to Fressingfield to administer Confirmation on Sunday, 21st March, at 3.30 pm. Please tell me if you, or a member of your family, wish to be prepared for this service, for admission to Holy Communion, after a course of instruction. With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning is Thursday, 4th February 10.00 am onwards. Thank you to all those who come along and “do” for All Saints. It is noticed and appreciated by all those who enter our magnificent Parish Church. A special thanks goes to Mary Stones who is retiring from the cleaning team. If there is anyone out there who could give an hour on the first Thursday in the month, we would be delighted to see you. Margaret Streeter
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Street Farm, Laxfield Road
Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Closed 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 6pm 8.30am - 4pm
Beauty Therapy Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560
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NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 08 February 2010 at 7.30pm
At the Community Centre
Stradbroke Parish Council
The Parish Pump!
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 18 January 2010 1 member of the public attended the meeting and no issues were brought to the attention of the Parish Council at the Public Forum. Planning Applications considered: Approval was recommended unanimously for the following applications 3630/09 proposed rear extension, conversion of garage and internal alterations Albany Lodge, Queen Street 0027/10 erection of rear conservatory 2 Stone Cottage, Laxfield Road Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: The following had planning permission granted: 3142/09 erection 2xdetached 3 bed houses & 1xdetached 4 bed house Land rear of Doggetts Fm, New St Other Matters: Applications 3521/09 and 3522/09 (LBC) had been withdrawn
Other Business The Leylandii behind the tennis courts are causing something of a nuisance to the club so it was agreed the Playing Field and Recreational Facilities Working Party would take a look and suggest a way forward. At the same meeting the Committee would view the church paths in light of the brief report from the ecclesiastical surveyor. Concerns had been raised with Councillors about the pavements in icy weather. The Street Cleaner is not employed to clear snow. Responsibility for clearing the highways / pavements is that of Suffolk County Council. and it is not a job that the Parish Council is in a position to take over from SCC. However, should people wish to create a task force of named volunteers and thus be covered by the County Council’s insurance, a local clearing and gritting team could be formed. It would still be impossible to cover all areas that people want to see cleared and it may raise issues of adequate supplies and equipment. However, if any residents wish to form a snow clearing team or have any comments /complaints /suggestions on this subject we would be pleased to hear from them. Please contact the Clerk. Can you or your organisation The Council was informed that PC Tim Green was now back at work. This news was welhelp out when it snows? comed and it will be good to see him back. PCSO Steven Long has done a sterling job, with his colleagues, during the time PC Green was away. Crime in the village was down on the same period last year. News Items Dog Fouling: The newly formed youth football teams have begun their training at Westhall. It was very disappointing to find that there was a considerable amount of dog excrement on the playing area. It only takes a moment to clear up after your pet so please, be a responsible owner and remember to take your poop bags with you when you walk your dog and leave the village a clean place to walk and play sport. Housing Needs Survey: Suffolk ACRE’s Housing Needs survey will be with you shortly. Please take the few minutes required to complete the questionnaire and return it in the pre-paid envelope. Even if you or a member of your family does not require affordable housing at this time any information or views you can add will be most useful. Anonymous Telephone Calls: A call was left on the Clerk’s voicemail during her holiday which had the telephone number withheld and was made anonymously. Anonymous calls are not acted upon so please ensure you leave contact details when telephoning with a comment or complaint. The next meeting of the Parish Council: 08 February 2010 at 7.30pm Please help out by Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy: completing the Housing Needs tel: 01379 384679 email: clerkspc@thesmys.com Survey **please make non-emergency calls to the Clerk between 0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**
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Hannah Marie’s Qualified Therapist An extensive range of Beauty and Holistic therapies for men and women, in a calm relaxing environment from everyday essentials to total bliss Gift Vouchers Available Mrs Hannah Day Worlingworth Tel: 01728 628144 Or 07880 953984
J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012
Dirty Oven??
Page 8
8 Meadow Way Stradbroke Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JW
Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111
Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our typical menu online at www.ivyhousestradbroke.co.uk
Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm
Telephone 384634 to book your table.
Email: marty@martynorris.co.uk
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Life in the Legion 35 members and guests attended our annual Branch Christmas Carols and Lunch which was held in Laxfield Village Hall. Branch Chaplain Rev’d David Streeter gave a short Christmas Message and Blessing, and Dougie Chittock accompanied the carols on his electric keyboard. The Christmas Lunch was served by Bob Wilson from The King’s Head. Ten Members attended a recent Committee Meeting held at The Chantry during which next year’s programme was discussed. This included The Branch Dinner to be held on March 12th about which all members will shortly receive a letter. The Branch thanks the Poppy Appeal organisers and all the collectors for the outstanding results noted below. Branch Officers Ted Bootle, Jeremy Higgins and I attended The Suffolk County Annual Conference on January 16th at Needham Market. Jeremy was the Branch Delegate and I remain a County Vice President. New members joining The Branch are Peggy Mutton from Bedingfield, who is The Poppy Appeal Organiser for Worlingworth and District, Ray Scott (ex RAF) from Diss, and Simon Harrison from Brome, who has kindly sponsored some of our recent events. Branch Members David Froggatt from Stradbroke, and Barbara Goodwin from Laxfield have sadly passed away just recently, and our sympathy goes to their families. The next Branch Meeting is on February 4th to be held at our usual venue, The King’s Head, Laxfield starting at 11.30am. The guest speaker will be Robin Limmer from the Harleston Area, and his subject will be 37 years with The Eastern Daily Press. We wish everyone a very Happy New Year. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman. Poppy Appeal 2009 On behalf of The Poppy Appeal I thank everybody in Stradbroke and Wilby for their very generous donations for the 2009 Poppy Appeal. The sums donated amount to £2994.00 so far. This is an excellent result, is very similar to last year, and we may even be able to increase it further by some of the events to be held in 2010. Many thanks again Jeremy Higgins – The Poppy Appeal Organiser.
Stradbroke Primary School Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a very enjoyable holiday. The children have returned with renewed energy and enthusiasm. It is always lovely to see them back again ready for the new term. After our successful SHARE sessions I am looking out for new events to involve Parents in. I have organized “Triple P” seminars to be held in school, which are sessions held for parents to discuss positive parenting issues such as ways to raise confident children. I am delighted to confirm that the shoe boxes for Afghanistan the children sent off to soldiers before Christmas arrived safely. The children have had some letters thanking them for their kind gifts. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs Hayward-Smith for coordinating this. You may not be aware but this year there is a County Project called “Seven Suffolk Streets”, where seven streets in Suffolk have been selected to try to reduce the waste they produce. Queen Street in Stradbroke has been selected as the participating street for Mid Suffolk. I will be working with the School Waste Team and our school council to monitor the waste the school produces and find ways to reduce this. We will follow this with a whole day of events including a visit from the “Eco-bus” which the schools waste team will be organizing for the children. As you know I always want to see new parents to the area and those considering schools for their children. Please contact me if you would like a guided tour of Stradbroke Primary School. Mrs Melanie Barrow, Headteacher
Queen Street, Stradbroke by Suffolk Waste Team “Stradbroke primary school is so keen to get involved that we met their Eco committee on the first day of term after the Christmas holidays! We had lots of enthusiastic volunteers to monitor their waste and we will be sending the children information on how to conduct a waste audit so they can measure their waste now and again after waste reduction fortnight. They are also going to speak really nicely to the cook and see what is happening to their food and other waste from the kitchen. The introduction of kitchen caddies in classrooms will capture fruit peelings from snack time and with the help of one of our master composters they will be getting their compost bins up and running again. They are also hoping to have a textile collection in school during waste reduction fortnight – all these actions will have a really big impact on the amount of waste they can reduce. Well done Stradbroke Primary School!” Go to http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/sevensuffolkstreets to see how the rest of Queen Street have done so far!
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Stradbroke Women’s Institute Our December meeting was a great success, a very good meal, good company, lots of chat and laughter, followed by a Barn Dance. All who could took part, plus husbands and partners, giving great entertainment to those of us who had to look on. An excellent evening enjoyed by all. Betty Chittock won our Achievement Cup for the year, for all the work she puts in quietly behind the scenes. Well done Betty. The snow and ice in January stopped many of our members from coming out, but there were enough of us plus visitors from other WIs to make it a good evening . Our committee ladies had made various soups for everyone to try and they were rather good and very welcome on such a cold night, recipes were being given out ! Then we had impromptu 1 minute talks on various subjects by brave members and visitors which proved to be very entertaining, a lot of hidden talent there. Our next meeting is on Thursday 11th February, 7.30pm in the Community Centre, do come along and join us for the evening, you will be assured of a warm welcome. Iris Badcock, Press Secretary
Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website; www.suffolk-carers.co.uk
Stradbroke Over 60’s Club Just to remind our members that this year’s meetings will commence on Thursday 18th February from 2 till 4 in the Community Centre. We welcome any new members who wish to join us, why not give us a try? Looking forward to meeting you all again after our break Joan Grimes
Friends of All Saints Stradbroke We will be holding a Nearly New Sale & Light Lunch on Saturday 27th February between 11 am2.30pm at the Community Centre, Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Admission 50p We would welcome your donations of clothes in good clean condition (unfolded if possible) toys and games, unwanted gifts, books, china, jewellery etc. You know it will do you good to de-clutter! For collection from your home, please phone Toni 388466, Pam 388612, Carol 388098, or Margaret 384102 Come along on the day, find some real bargains and enjoy our home-made soups, J.P’s with delicious fillings, home-baked cakes, tea & coffee. Margaret Buckland
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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707
Drawing for all… Learning… Improving Enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact…
Dave Sumner on 01379 388238
Taking Lessons? Swim free!
Page 12
Organisations Stradbroke Local History Group
Stradbroke Local History Group
If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to slhg@stradbroke.org.uk or tel. 01379 388341
Our members Christmas party was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the annual quiz “How much do you know about Stradbroke’s past?” was won by David Streeter, (though by the way he was staring up at the ceiling and talking, we feel he may have been getting help from above). Our next meeting will be at the Community Centre on Wednesday 17th February at 7.00pm when we have Pip Wright making a return visit. He will be telling us more about the intriguing life of Margaret Catchpole, a convicted horse thief who was eventually transported to Botany Bay after an adventurous time in Suffolk and she followed that up with an eventful time in Australia. On March 5th we will have our popular Village Archive Slideshow No. 6, more details in the next edition. And if you thought we had a lot of snow this winter...this what Stradbroke looked like when winters were really cold. It is one of the main roads in the village centre but where and when. It looks a bit different today. Answer next month. Mike Readman
Stradbroke Good Neighbours Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need someone to check your smoke alarm? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol e.g. £1.50 to Stradbroke £2.50 to Fressingfield £5.00 to Eye £7.00 Diss or Harleston £20.00 to Either Ipswich or Norwich Hospital. ...with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge. We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service.
Letters to the Editor Sir, “Larry Varela - We would like to thank everyone for their support, kind condolences and cards, especially the two hundred or so people who braved the snow to attend the Larry’s funeral. Sorry we didn’t get around to speaking to everyone. Meredith, Jemma, David and Bobby Varela” Sir “The total sum Raised through the box opening and church services last year was £742-73. Thank you to all the box holders and everybody who contributed” Arlene Mills
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Barn View, Wilby
Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629
Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers
Ian Brown
Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987
Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709
Page 14
Forthcoming Events Stradbroke Cricket Club - 10th Annual Horse Race Night
Giddy up to Stradbroke Community Centre!
Saturday 6th February at Stradbroke Community Centre. 1st Race starts at 7.30pm (sharp) Entry is £6 per person (inc. Fish & Chip Supper) Price frozen for the 4th year! How you can help! • For £20 you can sponsor a race & name the horse in that race • For £2 you can own a horse in a race • For just 50p you can bet on a horse There will be a bar & a raffle Bring your friends & family along. It is a great night. Numbers, please, to Michael Hugman by Tuesday 2nd February 2010. If you have any questions please ring 01379-384433
1st Fressingfield Scout Troop & Explorer Unit A new youth group for older teenagers has been launched, the Explorer Scout Unit is for young men and women aged between 14 1/2 and 18. It meets at the Goodwin Hall, New Street, Fressingfield between 8:00pm and 9:30pm on Fridays. Activities will include all the usual scouting opportunities, plus Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Young Leaders scheme and opportunities for Regional, National and International expeditions and exchanges. Interested? Drop the Explorer Scout Leader a line!
A Scout Troop also operates for boys and girls aged 10-14 years on Fridays starting at 7:15pm and ending at 9pm Interested? Drop the Explorer Scout Leader a line. Call or SMS to 07908 262623 or email: andrew.aaldersdunthorne@talk21.com
The Red Cross The Red Cross is looking for people to look after local collection boxes. It needn’t take long, just an hour or so every couple of months, but it really does make all the difference. Did you know the Red Cross provide many essential services locally, including wheelchair loan and transport services. Money raised in shop collection boxes, means year-round money that the Red Cross can use wherever the need is greatest. Please get involved today, call 01842 768361 or email ckeates@redcross.org.uk for a free information pack. To find out more about what the Red Cross does in your area visit www.redcross.org.uk/yourarea.
Eye Church Shop Can you help?
Fairtrade News - Eye Church Shop Opens Monday & Wednesday 11am – 1pm and Fridays 11am – 3pm So, Fairtrade fortnight is nearly upon us again – this year it runs from 22nd February until the 7th March. During Fairtrade Fortnight, we will be running a special Big Brew tea and coffee bar at the Church Shop during all opening times – come and try a cup of Fairtrade tea Contact: Sue Watson 01379 384558.
Lottery Bonus Winners 35 S Ayton, 8 S Ayton, 12 J Sparkes, 4 D Leeder, 35 R Ward, 30 E Pipe, 18 B Farrow, 25 P Everson £48 donated to Wilby WI, £48 donated to Stradbroke and District BC, £48 donated to Stradbroke White Hart BC, £48 donated to Stradbroke 1st Responders, £24 donated to Stradbroke Cake Stall Thanks for your continued support. Happy 2010 Mary Ellis
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The White Hart Stradbroke Open 12.00 - 2.30 pm & 5.30pm - 11.00pm Closed Sunday Evenings Food, Real Ales Tel. 01379 384915 Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615
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Tel/Fax: 01379 388174
Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.
Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257
Forthcoming Events
Page 17
St Elizabeth Hospice Walk Join supporters of St Elizabeth Hospice for a peaceful and reflective walk. The six mile circular walk will start from the picturesque Framlingham Castle on Sunday 21st February at 10am. Registration fees in advance are £5.50 adults and £3.50 for under 16s. On the day it will be £7 for adults and £5 for under 16s. Families (max two adults, two under 16s) pay £15 or £20 on the day. Walkers are invited to raise sponsorship money.There will be free parking and refreshments. For more information or a registration form, please contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600,
Courses at Thorndon and Debenham Computer courses for Beginners, Improvers and to Gain Qualifications Arts and Crafts NOCN Level 1 – 10 week course (£12 accreditation fee only) Emergency First Aid (Saturday) Free, Living with Children (10 week course) Free We are also offering a morning of Taster Sessions on Friday March 5TH 2010 10-1pm Italian Conversation, Yoga, Drawing, Flower Arranging (£3 charge for flowers) These tasters will cost £12 each For more information or to book a place please phone Sue Avery on 01379 672774
Do you fancy a peaceful walk with St Elizabeth Hospice?
Women’s World Day of Prayer The Service will be held this year on Friday 5th March at All Saints Church, Stradbroke 2.00 pm The theme is “Let Everything that has Breath Praise God” prepared by Christian Women of Cameroon. Margaret Streeter
Suffolk ACRE Suffolk ACRE is working with Suffolk County Council to campaign for faster broadband in Suffolk. We have a chance to improve the overall service across the county but we need your help. The East of England Development Agency (EEDA) is running an online survey to gauge the demand for faster internet access. Please register your interest on the EEDA site – www.erebusonline.org.uk - to help us demonstrate the level of support and the need for faster broadband in Suffolk.
Do you want faster Internet Access? Register your interest!
Eye Bach Choir Saturday 20 March J.S.Bach St Matthew Passion with Eye Bach Choir, orchestra and soloists conducted by Leslie Olive. Eye Parish Church 7.30pm Tickets 01728 747371
Stradbroke Cinema - Glorious 39 (12A) On Thursday, 18th February , Stradbroke Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm. Bar will be open - and Ice creams in the interval! Entrance £5.50 Glorious 39 (12A) Director: Stephen Poliakoff Cast: Romola Garai, Bill Nighy, Julie Christie, David Tennant, Juno Temple, Eddie Redmayne, Asier Newman, Christopher Lee, Charlie Cox, Hugh Bonneville On the eve of World War II, a young woman stumbles across evidence of a sinister Nazi appeasement plot. As her close friends begin to die in suspicious circumstances, she finds her own life in danger from an increasingly menacing and powerful enemy. Filmed on location in Norfolk features Castle Acre Priory, Cley Marshes, Holkham Hall, Houghton Hall, and Walsingham. Hugely entertaining and impressively directed, Glorious 39 is a gripping pre-war mystery thriller with terrific performances from a great cast. Margaret Streeter
Thursday, 18th February , Stradbroke Community Centre, 7 for 7.30 pm.
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Forthcoming Events
European Virtuosos come to Wingfield Barns Saturday, February 13th sees the launch of Wingfield’s 2010 international music programme with a concert for flute and harp performed by Aldo Baerten and Anneleen Lenaerts from the Royal Antwerp Conservatory. Aldo is the Conservatory’s Artistic Director and in 2009, his recording of Schubert’s music for flute and piano was nominated for the BBC Music Magazine’s “CD of the Year” award. Anneleen has recently won the prestigious Laskine Harp Competition in Paris. The concert begins at 7.30 pm and tickets are available from Wingfield Barns, priced £10 Phone the Box Office on 01379 384505 early to avoid disappointment. This is just the start of an exciting programme of musical evenings organised.
Wanted! Toad Crossing Information in your area. A lot of people may be surprised to learn that many toad crossings are registered, and of course many are not. The Suffolk Amphibian and Reptile Group (SARG) are seeking more information about where the annual toad crossings exist, and also need to update information about existing crossings. Registered crossings may have signs erected annually by Suffolk County Council for a few weeks in the springtime, but there are a few that do not. We are currently updating the Suffolk Register and are keen to receive more information about toad numbers crossing at Registered Sites, and also about new crossings, but these will have to be registered locally so there may be a bit of form filling to be done. Information about crossings should be sent to Sue Morgan, a member of SARG, who can be contacted on suemorgan06@hotmail.com or you can write to her at 1 Red House Farm Cottage, Pixey Green, Stradbroke, Eye, IP21 5NJ. Rosie Norton is the Suffolk Naturalist’s Society’s County Recorder for Amphibians and Reptiles and welcomes all sightings of frogs, toads, smooth newts, great crested newts, slow worms, adders, common lizards and grass snakes. She can be contacted on rosie@brundish.demon.co.uk, or write to her at 3 Wood View, Sibton, Saxmundham, IP17 2NH. Thank you for your help.
News & Views Suffolk ACRE Post Office Survey Suffolk Acre, who are working to support services available to rural communities and would like your views on the current financial/ banking services offered by the Post Office and any new services you would like be introduced. The government would like to know what communities think about adding to the financial and banking services already on offer and to this end we are gathering evidence to respond to their consultation on this proposal. Full details can be found at http://www.berr.gov.uk/consultations/page53848.html If you would like to take part in the consultation please would you answer the following questions and send your reply to Jasmine Joolia jasmine.joolia@suffolkacre.org.uk or post it to her by 14 February at: Suffolk ACRE, Brightspace, 160 Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 0HH.
• What do you value about the Post Office’s existing financial, banking and payment services and what determines whether you use them?
• Do the products or services offered by post banks around the world provide any opportunities for the development of banking or financial services at the Post Office in the UK?
• Do you agree that these are the right values for banking at the Post Office i.e. universal, trusted and sustainable? • Do you think these are the right areas and products to focus on? • What new financial services would you like to see available at your local Post Office? The Government already offers and supports substantial credit services for people on low incomes, such as Social Fund loans and credit unions; what other range of services could the Post Office offer to support those on low incomes and address financial exclusion and how could these best be made to work together?
Page 19
Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly We provide professional day care for the elderly (giving home carer an 8-9 hour break) with door to door transport and freshly cooked meals catering for all needs - known to many as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of care. Also available: Bathing (specialised), Hairdressing, Chiropody and other facilities on request. We open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 4.30pm. Social Services are our main provider who can arrange various types of funding. A ‘tailor made’ care plan can be arranged for private guests upon request Our aim is to give social stimulation to each and every individual guest and to maintain his/her dignity for as long as possible. If you would like to know more about our service, just drop in and see us at Mendham, or phone 01379 852466
L&M TAXIS 01379 669370 • • • •
Local and long distance Airports Courier Work Friendly, reliable service
All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX
Tel: 07789684434
News & Views
Page 20
From stradbroke.org.uk - Your Village Website: From “The Stradbroke Monthly” On Thursday 21st January between 2.45am and 3.15am on Queen Street, Stradbroke offenders have attempted to break into a post office but the alarm system activated and the offenders fled. Were you in the area at the time, did you see anything suspicious? Do you know the name of the offender or offenders? If you have any information please contact Suffolk Police on 01284 774100 quoting reference ST/10/183. From Suffolk Coastal Petanque League Suffolk Coastal Petanque League needs all interested persons to get in touch and get involved with one of the 5 fastest growing sports in the country. Petanque is witnessing something of a revival especially at pubs and clubs due to its inexpensive and all-inclusive nature. If you require more details, please e-mail the Leagues Co-Ordinator, Mr Simon Fletcher, at imogenlewiskira@sky.com Come in, be part of it!!!! Members Photos: We had LOTS of pictures of the snow submitted!
Marty Norris
Jeremy Higgins Eira Jane Featley
Julia Green
Log onto www.stradbroke.org.uk to see more photos and news! Join Today!
Sports Roundup Stradbroke White Hart Bowls Club Tidying up work on the green continues after the heavy snow, and some additional drainage that has been put in at the far end of the green seems to be working very well. Our next fundraising event is on Friday, February 26th and will be a Prize Bingo Evening in aid of White Hart Bowls Club, starting at 7:30pm at Stradbroke Community Centre. All welcome, come and join the fun! The presentation dinner has been arranged and will be taking place at The White Hart on Saturday 6th March 2010. Julie Ward, Secretary
Stradbroke Football Club Since the last magazine the snow has played havoc with football. We also had to cancel the January Cash Bingo but the next one is on 12th February 7.30pm in the Community Centre. We also have a Jumble Sale on 30th January 10-11.30 am in the Community centre We are also holding a Clairvoyant Evening with Fiona Nichols on Friday 16th April at the Community Centre. Tickets in advance £5.00 from Mary Ellis or the Post Office. This includes a bar and nibbles. We are having to arrange these events in order to pay for ground maintenance after the draining so please make a big effort to attend. Mary Ellis
Page 21
Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Wide selection of Fruit & Vegetables in the Farm Shop or can be delivered to your door on Fridays Wide selection of cut flowers with for bouquets and arrangements made to order. Hedging and Fruit Trees available. Seed Potatoes and Onion & Shallots sets available from the end of February. Vegetable plants available from the 1st week of March.
Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307
Passmore Weeks & Richardson
Page 22
Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.
Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106 www.safeandsoundhygieneandpestcontrol.co.uk
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Page 23
Bed and Breakfast “Bumble Cottage” …is a 1500 Suffolk long house. We have 2 double rooms available Full English breakfast Very private setting Contact no 01379 388908 www.bumble-cottage.co.uk
Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379 384097
Page 24
Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA
eMail: jbedwell@talk21.com Web:www.angliansalt.co.uk For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. Please contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered. Tel 01379 854061 Fax 01379 854 804 We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.
YOUR LOCAL RELIABLE PLUMBER Mark Jardine • All domestic Plumbing • Full Bathroom Installation, • All work full insured & guaranteed, • Domestic heating, radiators, pumps, etc… • 24 Hour call out.
Tel: 01379 672904 Mob: 07854924801 New Haven, Tudor, Occuld, Eye, Suffolk IP21 7PZ
Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond
Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643
Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.
Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.
Page 25
Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by
Hilary Hadingham Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549
Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745
2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses from £285 Evening wear from £130 and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories. Do call before your next special occasion Also, Green Door Antiques (of Eye) ---Opening Times--Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 9.0am - 1pm At other times by appointment
Page 26
Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties Wedding Receptions
Anglian Ecology Protected Species Surveys Ecological Reports Landscape Assessment
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All forms of Surveying and Monitoring undertaken by qualified professionals. Please call: 07753 406866 / 01379 388030 Or visit www.anglianecology.co.uk
Tel: 384312 or 384363 for information & bookings
Tree Surgery & Hedgecare Woodland & Conservation projects Landscape Design & Construction Stephen Matthews BA (Hons) ANCH 01379 871252 07771675262
For more information on our range please call or visit our website www.eastscape.co.uk
SPURLING & REMBLANCE MOTOR ENGINEERS MOT TEST CENTRE Service and repairs to all cars, light commercial and 4x4’s Specialists in vehicle diagnostics Free local collection and delivery Courtesy car available Prompt attention assured Competitive rates
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Open 8:00am - 5:30pm Mon-Fri, 8:00am - 12 noon Saturdays Barley Hall, Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, IP21 5NQ Located on the B1117 1 3/4 miles outside Stradbroke towards Laxfield.
Sports Roundup
Page 27
Challenge yourself - the British Gas Great East Swim Part of a series of four televised one-mile outdoor swims, it is taking place on Saturday 19th June at Alton Water Park, Ipswich, Suffolk. The swim takes place in a safe and supervised environment; no walls, no lanes, no chlorine – just the great outdoors. The swims provide a great opportunity to set oneself a challenge, get together a group of friends or colleagues to participate or to raise money for charity. It is all about inspiration and enjoyment. Stradbroke Swimming Pool has a number of training opportunities available to help you prepare for the event. Sunday morning at 8:30am is the main session led by Len Phoenix who has a wealth of open water experience. Great Swim is open to swimmers of all abilities aged 16 years and over but there are limited places available. For more information and to enter online go to www.greatswim.org or contact either Len Phoenix or Neil Cutting at Stradbroke Swimming Pool 01379 384376
Stradbroke Cricket Club A Happy New Year to all of you who live and breathe the Cricket Club monthly updates. It is two months since the last publication, and suddenly the un-cricket like weather has eaten its way through January, leaving so little time to arrange so many things. Apologies to those who were disappointed at the postponement of the pop Quiz. - out of our control, I’m afraid, but the good news is that it will be held sometime in March. Watch this space. 2010 is the 30th Anniversary of the re-formation of the Cricket Club. We will be holding a special tournament in July, the pop Quiz, and the last ever Easter Music Marathon. It started as a one off 25th Anniversary celebration. This one will be 6 and out! Please support it. More pressing than that is the Annual Horse Race Evening, on Saturday 6th February. Details elsewhere in the Monthly, but just to say it is the 10th Anniversary of Race Night. If you have been to the previous nine, you owe it to yourself to make it to number 10. Usual attractions, including Fish & Chips and the knowledge that your money is going to the continuing development of the Cricket Club. For those of you who want to play cricket, the following indoor net sessions have been arranged: Girls Every Monday from 6pm to 7pm at SBEC Sports Hall Under 11’s Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm at SBEC, starting 23rd February Under 13 & 15 Sundays from 3:30pm to 5pm at Thomas Mills, Framlingham, starting 14th February Seniors Sundays from 5pm to 6pm at Thomas Mills, Framlingham, starting 14th February. New players, in any of those categories, are always welcome. Contact me for details on 01379-384433. Help make Stradbroke’s 30th Anniversary a real pearler (pun intended). Thank you. See you on the 6th February Michael Hugman
Stradbroke & District Bowls Club As you will have seen if you had ventured out, our bowls green was in no fit state for a game, although if we had flooded it like some fields on the Fens, we could perhaps have had speed skating on it. Roll on some warmer weather. We are holding our Presentation Dinner on Saturday 6th February at The Swan at Fressingfield when we will be able to catch up with members and friends at a social occasion We will be holding our first fund-raising event of this year, namely a Pudding Party on Saturday, 20th March in the Community Centre. The event was a great success last year and we hope we can tempt you to come along and try as many puddings as you can fit in. More details will be available in the next issue in March. Hoping to see you at this gourmet event, all the best for 2010 Lily Lofts
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Gardeners Notes After a quieter period in the garden over Christmas now is the time to prepare for the year ahead. I sound like a broken record but any time spent tidying and weeding now will save you hours in the spring and summer when there are much better things to be doing. The year started with a good cold spell that may well be a bore for getting around in your car but is just what the garden and the soil needs. It will help to get rid of pests like harlequin ladybirds and vine weevils and also break up the soil ready for sowing and planting in the spring. There is still time to give the veg beds a good digging over and incorporate old compost or manure. I find that it is worth lightly turning the soil in borders between plants, this incorporates old leaves in to the soil and helps the bed drain better. I am a bit wary of digging over too much in borders because you end up releasing more weed seeds to germinate when the weather warms up. Once the soil has been turned you can sprinkle the compost from your compost heap around the plants to improve the soil and keep moisture in during the summer. I try to get my fruit tree pruning (apples, pears and quince) done by January but you can still go on into February. If you are not sure how to go about it just follow these simple rules. 1. Cut out any damaged or broken branches. 2. Open up the centre of the tree to improve air flow, this can be done by removing branches that grow into the centre. 3. Step back from the tree and check the shape, you are trying to encourage a good even crown above the trunk. Remove any branches that are rubbing badly and shorten any that are very whippy or long. Don't prune stone fruit trees like Cherry or Plum until late spring/summer. Don't try to do too much pruning in one year particularly on old trees and finally if you tree has canker it can be cut out (remembering to clean your secateurs or saw between trees with methylated spirits), but you normally find that the canker is so bad that this would mean removing the whole tree. This is an option but a little brutal, if the tree still produces fruit then just live with it. There is still time to plant bare root trees and hedging, if you are planting fruit trees remember to choose varieties that will pollinate each other, and local varieties may well suit you conditions better than popular supermarket ones. Potatoes can be chitted now if you think it helps, I believe that it is the conditions in the soil and available water during the growing period that makes the difference. Get your onion sets in and start blanching rhubarb. If you are lucky enough to have fruit bushes it is a good idea to give them a prune now and all shrubby plants in the garden will benefit from a feed with something like blood, fish and bone. Keep on feeding the birds even when the weather gets better as they will be getting ready for breeding. If you haven't done so already you should trim deciduous hedges before the birds start building nests. Finally we have had some good winter walks with the night walk to Battlesea Hall in the snow being a highlight (nothing to do with the mince pies and mulled wine). With the cold weather we have also seen some interesting birds, Redwings in our garden, Fieldfares, a couple of Snipes and my son, Jack, and I saw an Egret whilst tobogganing in Weybread. Best wishes for 2010 and if you have any questions, particularly about gardening, please contact me at The Wheelwrights or via the Stradbroke website.
Page 29
Acorn Foot Health Roger C Griffiths BSc (Econ) Dip Soc Sci PGCE, MCFHP MAFHP
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Page 30
E J BROWN Builder 42 Years in the trade Extensions /period renovations From a new plastic door to a complete rebuild. (01379) 388180 mob 07765 617702 ellis.brown@sky.com
Hair Design by Mary at Stylers, Chapel Street, Diss 01379 644044 or in your own home - call Mary on 01379 870455 or 07936 427394 Wedding Hair - Consultations and packages, also Indian Head massage.
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Stradbroke Village Website First Responders Stradbroke Swimming Pool Parish Council Local History Group Stradbroke Monthly White Hart Bowls Club Stradbroke Cricket Club Stradbroke & District Bowls Club Village Games Stradbroke Youth Football Club ...and more…
Has your group or organisation joined yet? It’s easy to sign up and share your group activities and news - all the groups above have joined, why not take a look at how they are using their Stradbroke web page? • • •
For example you could: Publicise all your meeting and fundraising efforts promote upcoming fixtures share photos and videos of your events
If you would like more information or advice to support your group joining the website, please get in touch! Email: webmaster@stradbroke.org.uk
New Years Resolutions? Can you spare a small amount of time to help with the production and distribution of your village magazine? There are many different roles - none of which take up a huge amount of time each month (it could be as little as an hour), and with more villagers willing to help, the already small time commitment reduces even further! Why not send an email to: parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk to find out if you can help? From, Your magazine Team!
Spuds R Us - Locally Grown Potatoes Free Local Delivery - 25 Kilo Bags Call Ralph on 668622
February Edition If you find that your event or diary date is missing, please email parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk We will advertise any missing dates on the Stradbroke website as soon as we receive them. Thanks for your patience! Diary for Late January 29th Prize Bingo for Burns Night - Community Centre at7.30pm 30th Stradbroke Utd FC, Jumble Sale 10 - 11.30 Community Centre 31st Stradbroke Youth FC -12s Training at Westhall every Sunday 10 -11.00 Diary for February 1st Cricket Club - Girls training every Monday 6pm - 7pm SBEC sports hall. 2nd Badminton Club meet every Tuesday at SBEC Sports Hall 8.00pm 3rd Stradbroke Youth FC over 12s training at SBEC(outside) every Wed 6.00 - 7.30pm 3rd Table Tennis meet every Wed in Community Centre 7.30pm 3rd Chess Club meets every Wed in Diss Cue Club at 7.30pm 4th All Saints Church Cleaning 10.00am 4th RBL Meeting Kings Head Laxfield 11.30 am 5th Scouts,Fressingfield every Friday (details inside) 5th Women's World Day of Prayer, All Saints 2.00 pm 6th Cricket Club,10th Annual Horse Race Night, Comm Centre (details inside) 6th S&DBC Annual Presentation Dinner, The Swan Fressingfield 8th Parish Council Meeting, Community Centre 7.30 pm 10th Baptist Church, Cameo Lunch Church Hall 12.30pm 11th WI Meeting, Community Centre 7.30 pm 12th Stradbroke Utd FC, Cash Bingo, Community Centre, 7.30pm 13th Wingfield Barns, International Music Programme, Wingfield Barns 7.30pm (details inside) 14th Cricket Club, training every Sunday -13 &-15, 3.30pm -5.00pm, Seniors 5pm-6pm, Thomas Mills, Framlingham 16th ASCFRC Pancake and Beetles evening at the Community Centre 17th All Saints Church, Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday 10.00am 17th SLHG Meeting "All About Margaret Catchpole" 7.00pm Community Centre (details inside) 18th Over60s 2010 meetings commence, Community Centre 2.00pm -4.00 pm 18th Stradbroke Cinema "Glorious 39" 7.00pm for 7.30pm (details inside) 19th *****ARTICLES FOR MARCH EDITION STRICTLY IN BY THIS DATE***** 21st St. Elizabeth's Hospice, Walk from Framlingham Castle 10.00am (details inside) 23rd Cricket Club, -11's Training, SBEC 6.00pm - 7.30pm 23rd E&SFHS Talk "History Beneath our feet" Community Centre 7.30pm 24th Baptist Church, Coffee & Chat, Church Hall 10.00am - 11.30am (also Bring and Buy) 26th SWHBC Prize Bingo Community Centre 7.30pm 26th Baptist Church, Home Group, The Lilacs ,Laxfield Road 7.30pm Open Discussion 27th FOASS, Nearly New Sale & Light Lunch. Community Centre, 11.00am - 2.30pm Diary for early March 5th SLHG - Village Archive Slideshow No 6 Community Centre 7.00pm - 9.00pm 6 th Village Show Buckets and Potatoes go on sale (details inside)
We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Please send all articles to parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and be clearly marked ‘For Publication’. Email on parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk
Contact Details: Editor: Vacancy Advertising enquiries Mike Readman - email parishmagazine@stradbroke.org.uk