The Stradbroke Monthly July 2008

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July 2008 No. 338

WWW.STRADBROKE.ORG.UK £1 where sold.

The Stradbroke Monthly Stradbroke Country Fair 19TH JULY 2008 2.00PM – 6.00PM AT STREET FARM, LAXFIELD ROAD

Inside this issue: Local Churches

3, 4

Parish Pump!


Organisation News

9, 10, 12, 18

Forthcoming Events

14, 17

Sports RoundUp

20, 23

Gardeners Notes


Village Diary

36 Your village website!

Roll up, roll up! Lots of events and attractions including: Ferret racing Dog teams Punch and Judy BBQ Tea and refreshments Stalls and sideshows Beer tent Ice creams Grand Draw Morris Dancers Pets’ Corner

Entrance: Adults £2.00 school age children free Plenty of free parking (via Neaves Lane) Photos from 2007!

I look forward to seeing you all there! Maureen John (Chairman)

Country Fair Quiz Enter a quiz at the Country Fair and win a cash prize! Watch for a quiz being posted through your door in the next few days. There are two, one for adults and one for children. Complete the questions and bring it along to the Country Fair being held at Street Farm on the 19th July. To enter, hand it in at the Community Centre's stall, together with the entry fee of £1.00 for adults and 50p. For children. All correct entries will be put into a draw and the first two entries of each category drawn out will receive a cash prize. Extra copies can be downloaded from the village web site,

Advance Warning for August’s Edition! Your edition of the Stradbroke Monthly will be slightly earlier next month so please, if you are contributing, remember the closing date for articles is the 11th July with the date for collation and distribution being the 18th July. Editor

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Local Churches

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Stradbroke Baptist Church Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk

Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference to you and to others Treasurer; Mrs B Ward 586731

Elder/Acting Secretary; Mr E. Havers 388173

Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards. We do not have a pastor, however Eric our Elder will be pleased to talk with you. Services for July 6th 13th 20th 27th

Pauline Bailey, including Communion Make and Tell Summer Sports Day followed by a BBQ David Willson Caravan Sunday followed by a BBQ

All outside events held at 3 Bishops Way Youth Group T.C+ meet TUESDAY evenings during term time at for High School Students. Contact Steve; 388398. Cameo Lunch is held on the second WEDNESDAY of the month at 12.30am. Between 40 –45 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. Contact 384112. Our Church in July During the month of July, we are having some Special Events, which include our Cameo Garden Party 9th at 3.00pm, a BBQ on Sunday 13th after our Make and Tell Summer Sports Day Family time together. At the end of the month we are hosting the Baptist Caravan Club’s Morning Worship in the church, after which there will be another BBQ. The Garden Party and BBQ’s will be held at 3 Bishops Way. We welcome you to any or all of the above. There is no charge for any of these events. All we ask is that you let us know if you are coming. For further information about the Cameo Garden Party call 384112, and for the Make and tell and the BBQ, Call 388398.

Come and join us!

Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk Treasurer; Mrs B Ward 586731

Elder & Secretary; Mr E. Havers 388173

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Local Churches All Saints, Stradbroke 29th June Holy Communion 8.00 am Linda Jacquet’s Ordination at Bury Cathedral 10.00 am FLOWER FESTIVAL AT ATHELINGTON, 10.00 am – 6.00 pm Festal Evensong 6.30 pm 6th July Family Communion (DJS & JC) s 10.00 am 13th July Benefice Communion at Redlingfield 10.00 am th Holy Communion 8.00 am 20 July Morning Prayer (DJS) 11.15 am 27th July Holy Communion 8.00 am Morning Prayer, Redlingfield (DJS) 10.00 am Morning Prayer, Horham (LW) 11.15 am Family Service and Baptism 2.30 pm 3rd August Holy Communion 8.00 am Family Service 10.00 am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Cake stall held on the 31st of May raised £91.50 and we were thankful for the fine weather! Thanks for your contributions. I have 13 Gardens Opens for the 6th July with programs available from the Church between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm priced at £2.00 per adult. There will be coffee available at the Rectory and Cream Teas and plants at the Old doctors House, New Street. A Raffle will also be run . We are all praying for fine weather! On August the 9th I have 5 `Garages’ or `Yard Sale’ locations at the moment, a few more would be most welcome. Coffee will be available. All you do is pay £5.00 to M. Ellis to get onto the Garages Location List and keep all the proceeds you raise from people directed to your site and if you haven’t got much to sell why not team up with a friend? I hope to hear from you soon. Programmes for the event will be on sale at the Post Office on or before the 9th priced at 50p each. The Village Show is on August 30th and hopefully we can get the Pre-school & Toddlers to try their hand in the Children’s Classes. Look out for the schedule. Mary Ellis

The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: Dear Friends, I am indeed most grateful for the prayers, cards, good wishes and visits that Margaret and I received while I was in hospital, and for my welcome back to Stradbroke. I resume my duties in full this week, and must invite you all to Athelington Church for their Flower Festival, “For All The Saints”, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday 28th, 29th and 30th June from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. The theme is taken from the carved wooden figures of the saints in the church which, 650 years old, is well worth a visit now. Do go through Horham and find the church in its lovely rural setting. We are all looking forward to the Ice Cream Bonanza on Saturday, 5th July, and to the “Gardens Open” on Sunday 6th, which might give you some ideas, as you see the flowers and vegetables in the gardens, for the Classes at the Village Flower and Produce Show on Saturday 30th August. The schedules are in the Post Office for you and your children to take one home and decide which classes to enter. We joined with Laxfield for the May 16th Christian Aid Quiz which made about £550. July 14th – 20th is “Open Churches Week”. Ours is open every day, and the 100ft tower will also be letting you climb the hundred steps to enjoy the view from the top, on Saturday 19th, in the morning, 10.00 am to 12 noon, and Sunday 20th, in the afternoon, 2.30 – 5.00 pm, or you can ask me at any time to take you up there. We have completed the repairs to the vestry roof, and will hold a Service of Thanksgiving later in the year for all the work done to the church recently. I will be making cakes for the Country Fair on Saturday, 19th July, at 2.00 pm With all good wishes, David Streeter. P.S. The Inter Village games 2008 are at Weybread on Sunday, 13th July. If you, or a member of your family, are strong, athletic or agile, and enjoy taking part in races, please let me know. During the week before, 7th - 12th July, we need players at Archery, Pool, Rounders, Darts & Hockey. I look forward to hearing from you at The Rectory, (details above) David Streeter, Stradbroke Team Manager, Inter Village Games 2008. All Saints Church Cleaning - Thursday, 3rd. July. All Saints Church Cleaning, 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter

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Dirty Oven??

We make websites!

Vehicle Body and Mechanical Repairs, Agricultural and Electrical Engineers Proprietor Adam Taylor Corner Gn Fm, Wingfield Tel 384909 or 384733

Figa & Co. Ltd. flowers . interiors . gardens . art

Come and join us and see our range of Summer Home & Garden Wares, Gifts and Flowers. We offer Interior and Garden Design , Home Accessories, Original Art Work and Floral Design Call us anytime to order Fresh flowers. - Free local Delivery! Summer Floral Design Courses running through June Call for details: Hempsheaf Studio . Queen Street . Stradbroke . 01379 384 073

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Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! PARISH COUNCIL MEETING

NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 14th July 2008 7.30pm At the Community Centre

09 JUNE 2008

Planning: The following applications were considered: 1930/08 erection of single storey dwelling (reserved matters pursuant to outline application 2133/06) Plot 3 Woodfields Concerns were raised about the number of trees to be removed; elevations; lack of provision of a turning circle. It was felt that more information was needed to enable the Council to make an informed decision and this should be communicated to the Planning Department. Stuart Gemmill was surprised at the minimal information provided. Initially, the Council was of a mind to recommend refusal but then decided that there was insufficient information for a recommendation to be made. 1746/08 erection of bungalow and double garage. Creation of new vehicular access Land rear of Drapers Hill Farmhouse, Laxfield Road Recommendation for approval was unanimous for the above. Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: 0870/08 retention of greenhouse Avondale, Neaves Lane This application has had planning permission granted Any other Planning Matters: Stuart Gemmill confirmed that pre-application site meetings were part of the new planning application process (1App)

Residents can rest assured that all options will be looked into thoroughly before decisions are made.

Other Business: Councillors had undertaken a clean up exercise in the churchyard to generally tidy up and remove ivy and overgrowing vegetation. As a result of this it was suggested some work be undertaken on the two prominent conifers which block the view of the Church from Queens Street. The Clerk was asked to speak with the Tree Officer at MSDC in order that any work might be undertaken in the correct manner. It was suggested that yew trees might be planted to replace the conifers if removal was recommended/ approved. Topics had been suggested for the Parish Plan of 2008/9. These were to investigate a replacement printer for the Parish Magazine and to consider compilation and distribution and, under the heading of Recreational Facilities, to undertake the investigation of drainage for the Playing Field. The WI had generously pledged a sum towards the drainage project, should it proceed. Both these items will require a great deal of consideration before decisions can be made as to whether or not to proceed with purchases/actions but residents can rest assured that all options will be looked into thoroughly before decisions are made. Two new direction signs were to be ordered for the village. These will be of the heritage variety, to be more in keeping with a conservation village than the modern utilitarian ones

The Parish Council now need to improve the printing process of your Stradbroke Monthly.

The judges of the Village of the Year Competition visited Stradbroke on 12 June. They were last seen by the Clerk heading towards the Permissive Path and cemetery in the company of the Rector and Gerald Jenkins. They had been very complimentary about the Play Parks and what they had seen of the village so far. Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy Telephone: 01379 384 679 email:

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140 Farm Shop for Cut Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables, Peat, Sundries Compact Tractor and Rotovator for hire Bouquets & Wreaths made to order Large selection of fruit trees and hedging

Plants Seeds, Potatoes, Shallots and Onion sets All available now!

Large se bedding lection of plan tables & ts, vegeplants – tomato and Hanging shrubs. plants & basket made to baskets custome r order!

Page 8

A C Boiler Services Ltd, Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970.

Drawing for all… Learning…improving…enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact

Dave Sumner on 01379 388238…

Indulgence Beauty Therapy By Victoria Wednesday’s 10am – 7.30pm Friday’s 9.30am – 5pm Aromatherapy Massage, Facials, Waxing, Tinting, Nail Extensions and Slimming Wraps Manicures & Pedicures Using ‘Jessica’ products ‘Get Fresh’ Back &, Body Treatments Exquisite Bridal Hair Design and flawless Airbrush Make-up

Also Available…

Tel 07776 343 153 No 2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke

Life in the Legion


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As in previous years it is a busy time for The Legion in Stradbroke. June started with members and guests taking part in The Sponsored Suffolk County Walk at Knettishall Country Park raising donations for The County Benevolent Fund. Taking part were Jeremy and Anne Higgins, Roger and Alex Gwyn, Michael Gwyn, Gemma Hill, Paul Bridgeman and myself plus 3 dogs. £330 was raised, and our thanks go to all our sponsors. Our monthly meeting was a visit to Alan Smith’s house and garden in Hoxne. He showed us around his house and told us about some of his pictures and clocks. He played 2 of his fairground organs, and finally fired his very impressive Water Cannon after which we retired to The Hoxne Swan for Lunch. 27 members and guests attended on a lovely warm summer day. A vote of thanks was given for a very enjoyable visit to Alan and his assistant Philip Golding, and to Graham and Evelyn Neale who had organised the visit. We again had a stand at The Horham Bygones Country Rally, and Ted Bootle, Albert Siggers, Tom Moore and myself manned it. Donations were received at the stand for The Poppy Appeal. Our Standard Bearer Ian Bushnell carried The Branch Standard at The Suffolk Show together with other Standard Bearers from around The County. The next meeting will be at The Laxfield Low House on Thursday July 3rd at 11.30 am and the speaker will be Col Christopher Dale about S.S.A.F.A. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.

Stradbroke Wine Society Our Hog Roast, held in my garden on Saturday 14th June, was blessed with good luck. We stared disaster in the face, decided to brave the weather and the sky became blue just in time for an evening enjoying cuts of roasted hog and fine Californian wines. Our luck held until just after the event concluded and, as dusk fell, torrential rain returned possibly catching some members on their way home. We look for another favourable weather window on the 16th August for our barbecue evening. Claudene Merritt

The Diss, Thetford & District CAB The latest headlines from * Stay in control of your mortgage * Unfair bank charges latest

* Tax changes * Payment Protection Insurance

* Struggling to pay fuel bills

* Consumer protection from unfair traders

Telephone 01379 651333 Monday to Friday 1000 -1500 Write to us at Shelfanger Road, Diss. IP22 4EH email Charity registration no 1089052

Registered in England and Wales no 04212031

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“Jane and Stuart kindly asked us into their home – quite an undertaking to sit 40 ladies down to eat.”

Organisations Stradbroke Women’s Institute We were invited by Jane and Stuart Gemmill to hold our `Garden Meeting’ in their lovely garden at Valley Farm but the weather decided otherwise! It was just too cold and, with maybe more rain on the way, Jane and Stuart kindly asked us into their home – quite an undertaking to sit 40 ladies down to eat. It was a great meeting, a real success, the food was superb and spirits were high – a real fun evening. Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way and especially to Jane and Stuart for their hospitality. We held a plant sale after we had eaten which, due to members potting-up cuttings and bringing along plants and bulbs to sell, went very well. Thank you ladies for your support with the sale, I really did appreciate your help. Our next meeting, on Thursday 10th July, will be our `Mystery Outing’ and we will be meeting for this at the Community Centre at 5.45 pm with the coach due to leave at 6.00 pm so please don’t be late. Looking forward to it, Iris Badcock, Press Secretary

Stradbroke Good Neighbours Just a phone call away from helping you with those tricky one-off challenges that life throws at us! Need a lift to the surgery? Someone to check your smoke alarm? Someone to collect your prescription? All these and more can be available for you with one phone call to: 07749:445531 We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice and look forward to being of service to you!

Neighbourhood Watch

Time to check your Smoke Alarm? Good Neighbours could help!

PC Tim Green will be in the library on Thursday 17 July from 1100 to 1130 AM to meet any residents who wish to discuss concerns with him. A used syringe was found in the playground on Wilby Road on 5 June, Police and schools have been informed. The latest advice from the Police regarding door to door salespeople is that generally they are who they say they are, but if in doubt either do not get involved in a conversation with them, or it may be easier just not to answer the door. The Police wish to be informed of anyone asking door to door to buy scrap metal. Please use the following numbers to contact Police: Crime and suspicious activity should be reported to the following telephone numbers: Emergencies: 999 Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you wish to discuss crime issues with me: 01379 388977 Nick Thompson

Suffolk Family Carers

PC Tim Green will be in the library on Thursday 17th July , 1100 to 1130 to meet anyone who wishes to speak to him.

We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers’ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website;

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Debbie’s Cake Art Bespoke Wedding & Celebration Cakes Chocolate Cakes a Speciality 8 Farriers Close, Stradbroke Tel: 01379 388268 Email:

Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Stradbroke Primary School The Summer Term! How I adore the Summer Term. SATs are over, rounders on the field, the annual whole school trip, sports day, fetes, strawberries and sun! (Well…. if we’re lucky). Of course there is lots happening this SummerStradbroke Primary is a busy and productive place! I was delighted to meet the new parents of our Reception children who will be joining us in September. We had a really enjoyable “meet and greet” evening with many questions answered, cups of tea drank and guided tours of the school. We welcome sixteen new students in September and look forward to getting to know them better on our new intake sessions this term. With great pleasure we welcome our new pupils, but with some sadness we say goodbye to our Year Six. Although I have only known them for a short time I have been very grateful to our Year Six pupils for making me feel so welcome. We lose some of the brightest, wittiest and enthusiastic students I have had the pleasure to know and I wish them every success. Before they go however our Year Six will be performing their end of Year production “Scheherazade”. Thanks to the hard work of Mrs Sanders and Mrs Koralambe- I am very much looking forward to it! Thanks to Miss Inman for organising a tasting session of foods from across the World for our Class 2. Pupils discovered all sorts of new foods they liked and some that were not so nice (Sauerkraut went down particularly badly!) I’m looking forward this week to Class 4’s “Greek Day”. Pupils will be wearing traditional costume and sampling food as part of their topic on the Ancient Greeks. Of course I cannot finish without a reminder and a plea for you to support your local school! The Stradbroke Primary Summer fete will take place on 12th of July this year. Our FOSPs (Friends of the School) are working hard to organise this, so please come along (I’m told there will be trampolines!). Melanie Barrow, Headteacher.

Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler Group. With the end of term coming up, we have a very busy calendar ahead. The children undertook a Sponsored Cycle Ride on 23rd June by completing laps of the school playground. We will be having a stall at the Stradbroke Country Fair on 19th July again this year with a lucky dip; do come along and see us for some fabulous prizes donated by Tobar Ltd. The Pre-School and Toddlers’ Summer Outing will be on Wednesday 16th July to Moo Farm, for more information, please contact a committee member. Speaking of which, we desperately need new members to help run the Pre-School and Toddler group, we are a charity run organisation and without new members the Pre-School and Toddler group are at risk of closure. We meet every couple of months to discuss the fundraising and general running of the Pre-School, it really is a good way to actually see what your child gets up to at Pre-School (I know mine always says “can’t remember”!). It’s important that this vital step in your child’s education and future isn’t lost because we don’t have enough people to help. Stradbroke & District Pre-School is held every weekday from 9am – 11:30am during term time in the grounds of the primary school. Children can attend up to 5 free Pre-School sessions a week from the term after they are 3 years old. Spaces for 2½ year olds are limited and charged at £5.50 per session. Lunch Club is held weekdays from 11:30am – 1:00pm at £3.00 per session for Pre-School children and £2.50 per child attending the reception class at Stradbroke Primary School. For more information please contact Denise Coduri (07958733111) or visit Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. We have a wide range of toys suitable from birth to Pre-School with a craft activity and healthy snack provided for each child. We also have termly visits from the Early Years Family Advisor for weigh-ins and general questions or concerns. We have welcomed a lot of new faces recently so this really is a great way to meet people in the village and prepare your child for Pre-School in a friendly safe environment. Please contact Zoe on 388398 for more details. Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member.

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Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321

A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

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Stradbroke Local History Group If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to or tel. 01379 388341

Stradbroke Local History Group

Last Months Meeting A good turnout of members as we spent a delightful evening being shown around the gardens at Thorpe Hall. The weather kept fine and we all came away with lots of wonderful planting ideas. Many thanks to Adrian and Alison for organising the visit and being such excellent hosts.

Puzzles from Stradbroke’s past

Its our Church tower and our SPAR shop but when and why was Stradbroke being honoured with a fly past?

Do you know who these people are and what the event was ?

July is our AGM at The Community Centre - Wednesday 2nd July, 7.00pm and as last year will be followed by drinks at the Ivy House. No meeting in August but on Sept 10th we shall be taking a guided tour of Wilby, Brundish and Dennington churches with well know local expert, Roy Tricker. The next Village Archive Slideshow (No3 in the series) will be held in November. More information in future magazine. Mike Readman

Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre Charity Number: 304823 We held our Tenth Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 4th June, 2008 It was reported that the hall continued to be used by Village Groups, but private functions have made fewer bookings, causing a financial problem earlier in the year. An appeal to the Parish Council, and the introduction of “Cinema Nights” has enabled us to turn the 06/07 loss of £2,754 into a profit this year of £3,324. A very heartening result! Peter Chetwynd, the Chairman, thanked all the committee members for their support, and for giving up their time for the Community Centre. There being no other nominations, the committee were re-elected en-bloc. The officers were happy to continue and they are - Peter Chetwynd (Chairman/Trustee), Mike Cane(Trustee /Bookings and Licencee), Eileen Shelford(Trustee /Treasurer), David Merritt (Caretaker/Cleaner), Margaret Streeter (Trustee/Secretary). Our other Trustees are Jane Gemmill, Nick Stones and Dave Penycate. Wendy Reeves, Dorothy Readman, Pam Cane, Mary Ellis, Tony Ambler and Michael Hugman complete the committee. Margaret Streeter

Lottery Bonus Winners 15 P. Shelford, 17 R. Copping, 42 J.&A. Cattermole, 4 D. Leeder £48.00 donated to Wilby Women’s Institute £24.00 donated to District Bowles Coffee Morning £24.00 donated to White Hart Bowls Club

Mary Ellis

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Tel: 01379 384384 Mon-Friday Daily Specials are £3.50 from Noon to 3pm Sunday Roast £10.00 for two or £5.95p. Children £3.25 Every Thursday 7pm/9pm Hot Buffet all you can eat for £5.00 Teas & Coffee Served All Day Do book to avoid disappointment We have an outside covered smoking hut We have live music on Tuesday, 1pm – 7pm (local folk music), PLUS on the last Friday of the month 8.30pm-11.30pm various types of music Quiz Night on First Sunday of each month (all profits to The Air Ambulance) Every Year within the second weekend of the month of May we host a Jazz & Real Ale Festival You can hire our function room with its own bar for any event We cater for outside functions be it bar or catering

WROUGHT IRON CURTAIN POLES & FINIALS Select from Black & Gunmetal Finish also Medieval Candle Holders Wrought Iron Towel Rails - Clothes Hooks Foot Scrapers Door Grids- Sundials- Candle Lanterns etc. Tel-01379 388908 Email-

Beauty Therapy By Nikki Mills Waxing, Manicures, Pedicures Nail Extensions, Swedish & Aromatherapy Massage & More! @ Hair Logic, Street farm, Laxfield Rd, Stradbroke Fridays 9am-8pm

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Forthcoming Events

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The Friends of All Saints Church The group working solely to preserve the fabric of the building are to hold their AGM on Wednesday 16 July 2008 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. This year three members of the working committee are standing down – why not come along, see what we are about and perhaps take up a Committee post. We are a friendly group and get great enjoyment from our fund raising projects. A glass of wine will be served. Wendy Reeves

Inter Village Games 2008

The Friends of All Saints AGM… could you help out?

The Inter Village games 2008 are at Weybread on Sunday, 13th July. If you, or a member of your family, are strong, athletic or agile, and enjoy taking part in races, please let me know. During the week before, 7th – 12th July, we need players at Archery, Pool, Rounders, Darts & Hockey. I look forward to hearing from you at The Rectory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 384363. Email: David Streeter, Stradbroke Team Manager, Inter Village Games 2008.

Stradbroke Summer Walks 2008 Do join us for three guided summer rambles along our local footpaths. All are welcome. Each walk starts from the Community Centre at 6.45 p.m. promptly. Walk 1. Thursday July 3rd at 6.45 p.m. An evening walk to Doggets and the Battlesea Green Area (3.5 miles). Walk 2. Monday July 7th at 6.45 p.m. An evening walk past Stradbroke Mill out to Pixey Green and then back by a different way returning via Drapers Hill and exploring the paths to the north-east of the village. (4.5 miles). Walk 3. Thursday July 10th at 6.45 p.m An evening walk to Wootten Green and Neaves Lane, then out to Wilby and back using a different route, exploring the paths to the south and south-east of the village. (5 Miles) There is no need to book, just come along. If you do not know where our local paths are, this is a very good way to find out. Gerald Jenkins (384825)

Come for a Summer walk around Stradbroke

Stradbroke Country Fair Stradbroke Country Fair 19th July 2008, 2.00pm at Street Farm Make a note of this date in your diary for a fun, local event. There will be a barbeque, refreshments and a licensed bar plus many attractions, side shows, including Punch and Judy, and stalls. If any organisation, club or group hasn’t booked a table yet please ring Maria on 01379 384311 to reserve a table. We have already received many bookings so be sure to take this opportunity to raise funds for your group or club as soon as possible - space is limited. Maureen John, Chairman Country Fair Committee

Get the date in your diary now! The Stradbroke Country Fair is back!

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News and Views

“Community Safety Advice” from MSDC Play Your Part by watching out for bogus callers With the warmer weather encouraging doorstep callers, residents are being warned to watch out for bogus deals or offers to check services. Statistics show that spring and summer is when unscrupulous traders or thieves posing as officials tend to target unsuspecting householders, some of whom will be elderly or frail. Suffolk County Council Trading Standards officers are working with Suffolk police, Neighbourhood Watch, Anglian Water and others across the county to protect people from becoming victims of bogus callers. You can play your part by keeping watch and reporting any concerns by calling Consumer Direct on 0845404050, or contacting your area Safer Neighbourhood Team on 01473 613 500, or visit Remember Lock Stop Chain Check (the four steps to safety) LOCK - make sure your back door is locked before you go to the front door STOP – think ‘Are you expecting anyone?’ CHAIN – secure the door chain before opening it CHECK – ask for and double-check the caller’s identity. If you are in any doubt, don’t let them in Tips for dealing with bogus traders Don’t agree to any work at your doorstep, or let the job start before you have a chance to change your mind Does the work really need doing? If so, shop around and get some quotes and personal recommendations before going ahead. A good trader/builder is always in demand, does not need to chase work by knocking on doors and will give you time to consider the estimated price. You have a right to cancel any contract signed on the doorstep within seven days. You must be given a cancellation notice with any work. If you are not, the contract is void and no one can force you to pay. Did You Know? About half of all bogus callers claim to be from utility companies such as ‘the water board’. Householders can check their identification card is genuine by calling Anglian Water on Freephone 0800 145 145 (24 hours).

Play your part to prevent anti-social behaviour Some problems with anti-social behaviour can stem from young people being able to buy alcohol, cigarettes, fireworks and knives even though they are under-age. Young people may also be obtaining alcohol from home, or have it bought for them by an older person. Suffolk County Council is tackling traders who flout the laws prohibiting the sale of age restricted products to young people, as part of offer free proof of age cards available to all its work to improve community safety. ages and are PASS accredited. Visit their website for more information Such underage sales are a criminal offence, which may lead to a prosecution, an on the spot fine, or a review of a trader’s alcohol license. Trading Standards officers work closely with the police and licensing authorities to gather intelligence about shops and pubs that are illegally selling these products to young people. You can play your part by reporting underage sales. It may be that there are often underage drinkers in your local pub, or perhaps you have seen young people being sold alcohol, cigarettes or fireworks locally or at the supermarket? Trading standards officers will contact the premises to advise them of their legal obligations and offer advice on how they can prevent future illegal sales. A covert test purchase by a trained underage volunteer may also be set up to check if the trader has heeded the advice. Play your part by reporting any concerns to Trading Standards via Consumer Direct on 0845 404050, or contacting your area Safer Neighbourhood Team on 01473 613 500, or visit

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in t our Ma Check ou cials d our Spe n a , u n e M e ut if you’r Board, b ot ish, why n k c e p ly n o : ar Meals try our B Portions, r e ll a m S “ rices!” Smaller P

Pool Table Beer Garden Quiz Machines

Take some ‘Time Out’ at the White Hart!



Stradbroke News & Views Sports Roundup

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Stradbroke Football Club Football training starts on the 16th July at 7.00 pm and D. Darling and J. Barker would like all players at the Pavilion to have a work out before training starts. The last Cash Bingo raised £122.60 and the next Cash Bingo session scheduled for Friday 11 July at 7.30 pm. M. Ellis

Stradbroke Cricket Club Impossible to think that we are approaching the halfway point in the cricket season. The latest batch of results are as follows: 1st XI – Thurston 218 for 5 (James Grigg 4 for 54) bt Strad 128 (Alan Barker 28, Steve Warner 25), Strad bt Great Yeldham by walkover, Strad 154 for 7 (David Allum 38, Joe Pearson 31, James Ling 24, Barker 21) bt Needham Market 142 (Warner 5 for 41, Tim Courridge 3 for 26) A Team – BT 178 (Ross Bedwell 3 for 54, Allum 3 for 31) bt Strad 175 for 3 (Stuart Taylor 70, Warner 68), Strad 106 (Scott Turner 25, Josh Franklin-Mann 23) drew with Wickham & Stodmarsh 20 for 5 (Lee Bedwell 3 for 10) B Team – DBSL 104 (Dan Manley 4 for 23) bt Strad 52, Rosary 65 (Warner 5 for 6) lost to Strad 67 for 2 (Taylor 32) Academy – Strad 132 for 6 (Richard Pierce-Saunderson 66) lost to Saxmundham 134 for 4 Under 15 – Woodbridge 55 bt Stradbroke 33, Strad 148 for 1 (Sam Johnson 70, Tom Wright 41) bt Walsham 107 for 8 Under 13 - Woolpit 89 for 3 bt Strad 53 for 9 (Liam Smith 26), Strad 98 for 5 (Ollie Bickley 30, Ben Catchpole 28) drew with Yoxford 40 for 3, Strad 90 for 7 lost to Worlingworth 92 for 1. Under 11 – Strad 264 for 1(Dan Taylor 16) bt Yoxford 236 for 7 (Liam Fairweather 3 for 4), Strad 302 for 5 (Smith 21) bt Worlingworth 265 for 9 Girls – Played in a Lady Taverners Tournament. They lost 3 and tied one of their 4 games. That’s 21 Club members making significant contributions, this month! The Club also hosted the Asda Primary School Kwik Cricket Tournament. 6 local schools took part. As well as the annual match for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, July 13th sees a Stradbroke ‘Club Day’ at the Playing Field, in aid of the Sir Ian Botham Leukaemia Research Charity. There will be a girls match in the morning, followed by Dads v Lads, and finally a club twenty/20 match. There will be a barbecue, bar, raffle, music, and sideshows. Everyone is welcome to come along. All proceeds of the day will go to Leukaemia Research. How do we fit it all in? Be part of the Cricket Club and find out. Michael Hugman

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Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

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Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah’s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560

Fleurs Artisan 6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.

Sports Roundup

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Stradbroke and District Bowls Club Scores Stradbroke & District 72 Stradbroke & District 52 Stradbroke & District 57 Stradbroke & District 116 Stradbroke & District 75 Stradbroke & District 104 Stradbroke & District 58 Stradbroke & District 56 Stradbroke & District 77 Stradbroke & District 71 Stradbroke & District 112 Stradbroke & District 63 Stradbroke & District 72

v v v v v v v v v v v v v

Dennington 58 B/Eye 100 Thorndon 85 Bedingfield 56 Dickleburgh 60 Peasenhall 61 Sweffing 81 Pulham Market 68 Hollesley 80 Stradbr’e White Hart 61 Hollesley 40 L.T.A.A. 80 Woodbridge 93

SL WTL WTL Junior Cup WTL Junior Cup S.L. WTL Sun Bowl WTL Marie Curie WL WL Iris Cattermole

‘Test Match Special’ Stradbroke Style! Radio Stradbroke has teamed up once again with Stradbroke Cricket Club to bring you another village first! On the 13th July, using Radio Stradbroke’s new Outside Broadcast Facilities the Club Day cricket matches will be brought to you, ball by ball over the internet! From the ‘OB van’ Huggy and his team of witty and knowledgeable commentators will keep you entertained and informed of all the days play from the Wilby Road Recreation Ground. Those of you visiting the ground need to know that in keeping with proper broadcast tradition, cake will be gratefully received in the Outside Broadcast Van for on air discussion, and the pundits will also be looking to identify those members of the ‘crowd’ who have made a special effort with their outfits - interesting headwear/ themed costumes will all make for a more interesting listen from the deckchairs both at home and around the pitch! More details to come on

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Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers

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Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

Toys Greeting Cards Gift Wrap Stationery Tobacco Confectionery Drinks Fresh Milk Films & Developing Computer Supplies National Lottery Instants Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books. Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc


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Jane Everitt Pulham Pest Control & Garden Services Wasps, Mice, Rats, Moles & Rabbits For friendly and professional Service phone 01379 676245 Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly

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L&M TAXIS 01379 669370 • • • •

Local and long distance Airports Courier Work Friendly, reliable service

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Local Gardeners Notes July can be a bit of a difficult month but this year with all the rain and sun everything is still looking good and green. The early summer flowers are going over but the later summer colour hasn't started yet. This winter I lifted dahlia tubers and potted them up in February in large pots in compost from the heap, by May they were big bushy plants and I planted them out at the beginning of June and they have started flowering already just in time for July rather than August as usual. This month I have had a few garden questions sent to me, the first was about Wisteria and why it is not flowering. There are a number of things it could be, firstly, they can take anything from 4 - 8 years to come into flower, secondly if the position isn't particularly sunny and on our heavy clay soil they may just put on lots of leafy growth. Lastly you need to train a Wisteria especially on a wall to get the best out of them with a good winter prune, cutting back to 3 - 7 buds on side shoots and a summer prune cutting back whippy growth creating as much horizontal growth as possible. A spring feed with a rose feed is also a good idea, don't be tempted to use a multi purpose feed. The next question was about looking after a newly planted shrub rose hedge. Typical rose hedges use varieties such as Rosa rugosa, the Wisteria Dog Rose (Rosa canina) and on a lighter soil the Dunwich Rose. Once planted I tend not to cut the roses back too hard incase you get rabbit damage, after the first season when they have put on some good growth cut them back by about a half to encourage branching out low down, after this depending on whether you want a formal or informal hedge you trim to shape and size required. It is always best to trim annually to encourage flowers. I was also asked if it's alright to leave pruning until spring to get the best of the hips, in my opinion pruning is best done from late January to early March rather than autumn Geraniums so you can enjoy the hips, and you don't get so much dieback. Other jobs to be thinking of are to keep on sowing carrots and salads in the vegetable garden, spring cabbage can also be sown. Harvest the last of the rhubarb leaving some of the stems and leaves to feed the plant. We are getting into the fruit season starting with strawberries, on fruit trees if you want to get the best size fruit you can remove damaged fruit and thin to one or two fruit on a shoot rather than lots squashed together, naturally trees do this with the June drop but it's best to help particularly on heavy cropping trees like plums. Don't be tempted to cut your grass too short if the weather turns dry and keep the edges neat. Some of the early summer plants like geraniums, nepeta (cat mint) and anthemis can be cut back to encourage new growth and a second flowering. Keep dead heading roses to continue production of flower buds. Once foxgloves, hollyhock and poppies have finished flowering leave plants to set seed and then sprinkle the seed in areas of the garden you would like them in future. The Stradbroke open gardens is in July and it's a good chance to see what plants grow well in similar conditions to your garden and also 'borrow' any good ideas you may like. Don’t forget to take time to enjoy your garden rather than worrying about making it look nice. Any questions to Luke Heydon at The Wheelwrights, Church Street.

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Page 30

Painting and Decorating By Ron Rankin 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Highly Recommended Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226

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For a competitive quote for all your one colour to full colour work, contact Mark or Ceinwen Tel: 873057

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Page 33

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Page 35

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Village Diary for Late June 28th RBL Coffee Morning at the `Chantry’, Queens Street, 10.00 am until 12.00 pm 28th & 29th Zip Slide in aid of St Elizabeth Hospice, see inside for information Village Diary for July 1st Contact Club Meeting in the Community centre at 10.00 am 2nd Chess Club meets every Wednesday at 7.30 pm in Diss Cue Club 3rd All Saints Church Cleaning 10.00 am onwards 3rd Over 60’s Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00 pm 3rd RBL meeting at at The Laxfield Low House starting at 11.30 am 3rd Summer Walk starting from the Community Centre @ 6.45 inside for info 4th & 5th Junior Art Exhibition in the Baptist Hall 5th Friends of All Saints Ice Cream Bonanza 6th Stradbroke Open Gardens 11.00 am to 6.00 pm. Programmes from the Church. 7th Summer Walk starting from the Community Centre @ 6.45 inside for info 8th All Saints Church Garden Supper (see inside for information) 8th Contact Club Meeting in the Community centre at 10.00 am 9th Cameo Lunch in the Baptist Church Hall at 12.30 pm 10th Over 60’s Club Meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00 pm 10th W.I. Mystery Outing. Meet at the Community Centre at 5.45 pm 10th Summer Walk starting from the Community Centre @ 6.45 inside for info 11th Cash Bingo in the Community Centre staring at 7.30 pm 11th *****Articles in strictly by this date please****** 12th Stradbroke Primary School Summer Fete 13th Cricket Club “Club Day” iao Leukaemia Research at the Playing Fields 13th Inter Village Games at Weybread on Sunday, 13th July. 14th Parish Council Meeting in the Community centre at 7.30 pm 14th To the 20th is Open Churches Week. All Saints will be open every day from 10.00am 15th Contact Club Meeting in the Community centre at 10.00 am 16th Pre-School and Toddlers’ Summer Outing to Moo Farm 16th Football Training commences at the Pavilion at 7,00 pm 16th Friends of All Saints Church AGM starting in the Community Centre at 7.30 pm 17th P.C. Tim Green will be in the Library to meet with residents 11.00 to 11.30 am 18th Collate magazine in the Community Centre at 10.00am 19th All Saints Church Tower is open to the public from 10.00 am until mid day. 19th Stradbroke Country Fair, 2.00pm at Street Farm (see inside for info) 20th All Saints Church Tower is open to the public from 2.30 pm until 5.00 pm 22nd Contact Club Meeting in the Community centre at 10.00 am 29th Contact Club Meeting in the Community centre at 10.00 am Diary for Early August 9th Stradbroke Gardens Open (see inside for information)

Get In Touch! We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on or contact Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and clearly marked ‘For Publication’.

Email on Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries, contact Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Wendy Reeves, Tel 388779

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