The Stradbroke Monthly - July 2009

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ÂŁ1 where sold

July 2009 No. 349

Stradbroke Village Games

Photos by Radio Stradbroke --------------More photos and videos on the village website!

Inside this issue: Local Churches


Parish Pump




Letters to the Editor


Forthcoming Events


News & Views


Sports Roundup


Gardeners Notes


On behalf of the SAS I would like to thank everybody who turned up to the Village Games at Westhall and who contributed to making this a really enjoyable event for all. In particular I would like to mention the local residents of Westhall, who both supported us, and also put up with the disturbance for the afternoon - thank you. Hopefully we can build on this success in the future and make "The Stradbroke Village Games‖ an annual event. With the good weather shining on us we, as organisers, had lots of fun and hope you did too. During the afternoon we identified many entrants for the Inter-village games, which, by the time many of you read this, will have taken place. Irrespective of our eventual performance and the results in the these games, I would like to say an even bigger "thank you" to those that came forward to compete on behalf of Stradbroke, and who are now officially members of the SAS. Don Darling - JOIN TODAY!

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A C Boiler Services Ltd Andrew Cattermole experienced OFTEC registered oil fired boiler engineer Servicing, system maintenance etc. In addition priority breakdown service from October to May. 01379 642344 If we are not available you can leave a message and we will contact you or call Andrew’s Mobile 07922 020970. Electronic Keyboard Tuition for Beginners No Upper Age Limit and Children From Age 7 Welcome

To Book Your Free Sample Lesson Please Telephone 01379 853029 or email: Our premises have the benefit of disabled access.

6 Church Street, Eye, IP21 7BD Tel: 870333 Mobile 07711 936342 We offer a complete range of wedding packages, prices on request. Creative ideas for every occasion. Births, Anniversaries, Thankyou, Get Well Soon, Sympathy tributes and all other functions. Delivery service available. We assure you of our best attention at all times.

Local Churches

Stradbroke Baptist Church Laxfield Road Stradbroke Suffolk Experiencing Jesus in your life will make a difference to you and to others Treasurer - Mrs B Ward - 586731

Contacts Malcolm Ramm 384797 Co-ordinator E. Havers 388173

Our Sunday worship commences at 10.15am. During this time together, we hold Junior Church most Sundays and offer tea, coffee and biscuits after the service, which gives folk time to chat afterwards Speakers for July 05th Andy Buttress 12th Pauline Bailey 19th Pauline Bailey All Age Service 26th David Willson Cameo Lunch is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 12.30am. Between 30-35 folk enjoy this time together. We have good food, and plenty of it, quizzes and an assortment of entertainment and welcome anyone who would like to join with us. Contact 388173. Drop in for Coffee. All sorts of things for you and your friends every 4th Wednesday of each month. We are currently raising money for East Anglia Children‘s Hospice. You can help by coming and buying a cup of coffee, there is a sale of plants and other goods. This is a good opportunity to meet other people, and we look forward to seeing you. Contact Daphne 384175 or Angela 388751.

A state of unrest has descended upon us over the past year, job losses, trouble in Parliament and the like. It is a good thing that we have a reliable source of help and comfort during these difficult times. The Bible speaks of a God who is the one who can bring order out of chaos. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords brought everything into being by just speaking the word of command, and at His word stars were flung into space, planets were created, the world, the heavens and everything under the earth was made by the One who loves you and me. He, that is Jesus, holds everything together by his power. We have a very limited vision of God, because we can‘t understand how powerful and might He really is, but just to gaze up into the skies over these past days of summer proves that there is a being who is far greater, far more powerful than our minds can ever take in. And yet He is not far from us, just a whisper of a prayer can bring him into our situations and help us. Just imagine the God who created the universe loves you and me with everything He is. Mind boggling? Yes, very much so, but then we can only understand in a very limited way. So if you go star gazing (the sky sort-not talent spotting) just stand amazed that we have a God who has made what you see, and this God who loves you and me, took our sin upon himself then raised from the dead in order that we could take our place beside him in eternity! He can bring you into a place of peace and rest in a world, which is full of turmoil. Quite a thought? Quite a God! Every Blessing to you all Jackie Hughes

Stradbroke Baptist Church, Laxfield Road Stradbroke, Suffolk

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Local Churches

All Saints, Stradbroke 5th July 12th July 16th July 19th July 26th July 2nd August

Family Communion (DS & JC) Benefice Communion at Redlingfield Family Baptism Service Primary School Leavers‘ Service Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Family Baptism Service Holy Communion Family Service

10.00 am 10.00 am 3.00 pm 10.00 am 8.00 am 11.15 am 8.00 am 3.00 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am

All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The Last Cake Stall in May raised £109.20 and the next is on 18th July in Church Street; any items for sale will be welcome. I have 15 Gardens Open on June 28th with coffee being served at the Rectory and Cream Teas at the old Doctors House by kind permission of Mrs Innes and the Rev & Mrs Streeter. Garden Maps are available from the Church at £2.00 per adult so please make an effort to visit the gardens and tell all your friends. On July 24th we have a ―Flower Demonstration‖ by Jenni Baker at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Tickets, which include wine, are available from the Post Office at £6.00. The next day, the 25th, we are appealing for Garages for the Village Garage Trail. You pay £5.00 to be added to the list of ―Stradbroke Open Garages‖, open your garage from 9.00am until 12.30pm and sell your unwanted items to the public and remember, you get to keep all the money you raise. Maps of the location of participating garages will be on sale from the Post Office on the day priced at 50p. Coffee will be on sale through out the morning. Schedules for the Village Show are available from the Post Office so why not pick one up and enter and put you talent to good use! Ours look well but, how are your Potatoes growing? The Potato growing competition will be judged at the Village Show on August 22 at 2.00pm so you still have time to talk to them and make them grow bigger. Thanks for your help and support, Mary Ellis

The Rectory - Tel: 384363 Email: Church website:

Dear Friends, Please note above the address of the Stradbroke Church website. You will find there much more information and news reports about our activities, and colour photos and two videos. We are continually improving and enlarging it, and look forward to sharing it with all of you who have an internet connection. There are also links to many other interesting sites, both local and also featuring the wider church, in this country and overseas, and other organisations with which we‘re connected. This weekend, we are going to Athelington on Saturday and Sunday. In July we are here at 10.00 am for our quarterly Family Communion service on Sunday 5th, and a week later we go to Redlingfield at that time. You can see that there are two Sundays when we have Family Baptism Service. Please come to welcome children into the family of the church. If you would like to talk to me about the baptism of your son or daughter, or if you think that ―A Service of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child‖ would be appropriate for you and your family, do let me know. I entered four classes in the Flower Arrangement Competition at the Suffolk Show, and came third with ―Famous Couples – Torvill and Dean‖. I have been in the church this afternoon arranging flowers again for Sunday, 21st June. I‘m sorry that I didn‘t tell you about them last month, but they are for ―Father‘s Day‖, and because I have joined the Church of England Flower Arrangers‘ Association who on this same Sunday ask their members to link in the National ―Chain of Flowers‖ and to say the CEFAA Prayer: ―O Lord, the creator of all things of beauty, grant to those who serve you with their gifts of floral art, a sense of your majesty and a desire to heighten the worship of the Holy Church by the dedicated use of their gifts. This we ask in the name of Him who with the Father is the Creator and Sustainer of all good things, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.‖ The flowers are pictured on our website. With all good wishes, David Streeter. All Saints Church Cleaning, All Saints Church Cleaning - Thursday, 2nd July, 10.00 am onwards. Margaret Streeter

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Street Farm, Laxfield Road

Telephone: 01379 384560 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Closed 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 6pm 8.30am - 4pm

Beauty Therapy Friday, 9am - 8pm We also have a Salon in Eye! “Sarah‟s Hair Design” Telephone: 01379 871560

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Stradbroke Parish Council The Parish Pump! Parish Council Meeting

NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: 13 July 2009 7.30pm At the Community Centre

© All rights reserved. Flickr user „JuliaDream06‟

08 June 2009

Planning 0985/09 alterations including removal of walls, removal of shop front, insertion of new doors, windows, walls and staircase The Old Post Office, Queen Street 0984/09 change of use of part of retail to residential and reducing size of post office/shop floor area. Creation of residential annexe The Old Post Office, Queen Street Following a lengthy discussion which covered all aspects of the application it was agreed by a majority vote (8 for and 2 against) to recommend support for the proposal. It was difficult decision to try to balance change which might ensure a future for the village Post Office versus recommending refusal so that the footprint of the shop would remain the same thus allowing for a similar business to take over the premises. It was agreed that several important considerations were not part of the planning process but were important to the village such as newspaper delivery. 1277/09 repairs to timber frame Manor Farmhouse, Fressingfield Road Approval for the above application was unanimous Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the Parish Council last met: The following had planning permission granted: 1086/09 erection of replacement agricultural building Holly Tree Farm, Barley Green Other Planning Matters:  1317/08 Land at rear of 1 & 2 Westhall: appeal dismissed  Several comments had been received about the refurbishment of Bank Cottage on Queen Street. Not only had uPVC windows been used but there was also a porch which was deemed not to be in keeping with the Conservation Area. As the work was within permitted rights nothing could be done. It was suggested that the Council looks into any steps it might take to protect the Conservation Area by ensuring any work had to go before the Planning Department at MSDC. The Clerk was asked to consult SALC to learn of ways other councils have approached this topic. News Items Playing Field: Following the receipt of quotations for the work a contractor has been engaged to undertake the drainage project in the autumn. This is, of course, subject to grants being obtained to cover the bulk of the cost. Due to concerns about health and safety, and following advice from the Council‘s insurers, the den and track constructed by young people on the playing field will be removed. Calls from Telephone Kiosks: The Clerk has recently been made aware that charges from BT call boxes can be unexpectedly high. For example, calls to Government Departments (eg Pensions) are supposedly billed as local calls (0845 numbers) BUT when calling from a kiosk with a credit card (as most now require) the cost escalates as it is no longer BT that is charging for the service; it has been out-sourced to a foreign company. Costs for one call to such a number of £20+ are not unknown. Caller Beware!!! Recycling: If you are discarding glass for recycling please ensure all bottles/jars are placed in the banks provided and not left in bags and boxes close by where they present a hazard to other users. The next meeting of the Parish Council: 13 July 2009 at 7.30pm Clerk to the Parish Council: Carol A Smy tel: 01379 384679 email: **please make any non-emergency calls to the Clerk between** **0830 and 1800hrs Monday to Friday only**

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Hannah Marie’s Qualified Therapist An extensive range of Beauty and Holistic therapies for men and women, in a calm relaxing environment from everyday essentials to total bliss Gift Vouchers Available Mrs Hannah Day Worlingworth Tel: 01728 628144 Or 07880 953984

J.F BUILDING SERVICES 30 years experience All building work, including: Block paving, Driveways,Patios Concrete bases including conservatories. Refurbishment& general maintenance. Day work undertaken. Phone John on 01379 388655 or 07850 287012

Dirty Oven??

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8 Meadow Way Stradbroke Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JW

Nursery In Fressingfield Places available for children Aged 0-5 years Open 8am - 6pm Mon to Fri all year Ring 01379 586111

Egil & Sue invite you to discover... See our menu online at

Fresh local produce. Open 7 days a week : Restaurant: 12 noon to 2 pm (Lunch) 6.30 pm to 9 pm (Dinner) Bar: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 6 pm to 11 pm

Telephone 384634 to book your table.


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Life in the Legion Only 12 members attended the June Meeting of The Branch at which the speaker was Tom Moore who described how he had met Lt General Sir Christopher Wallace, and the presentation of his Model Steam Engine to The Royal Green Jackets Museum in Winchester, which he had made in memory of his brother Frank Moore, who lost his life in North Italy towards the end of The Second World War. John Graham who presided gave him the usual Vote of Thanks. Roy Neil presented his monthly financial report. The Guest Speaker at the next meeting on Thursday July 2nd will be Michael Cole from Laxfield and the meeting will start at 11.30 am at The King‘s Head Laxfield. It is hoped that many members will turn up. The County Walk was held in Rendlesham Forest and was poorly supported. I was the only walker from the Branch supported by my Grandson Luke from Long Stratton. I raised over £300 a record for me, and very many thanks to all who gave for our County Welfare Fund. Nora King, a member of The Branch for many years, passed away recently and the funeral service which was held at Thornham Parva Church, was attended by our Branch Chaplain David Streeter and myself. Michael Kennard from the Fressingfield Branch carried the Branch Standard, and also in attendance was Nick Eade, The H Group Secretary. We send our very deepest sympathy to Nora‘s family. The Branch once again had a stand at The Horham Bygones Rally, and a collection was made for the Poppy Appeal. It was a very successful day, and Ted Bootle, Albert Siggers, Joyce Cooper, and myself manned our stand. The Branch is holding its Annual Coffee Morning on Saturday July 11th at The Chantry, Queen St, from 10am to 12 noon. Members are receiving letters and every body in the village is invited to attend. Finally the next H Group Meeting will be held on Monday July 6th at ‗Botesdale Greyhound‘ starting at 7.30 pm at which our Branch will be represented. Michael Burton – Branch Chairman.

Stradbroke & District Pre-School with Stradbroke Bumps, Babies & Toddler Group. Pre-school & Toddlers Stradbroke Bumps, Babies and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 during term time at the Community Centre. Later this year it will be taken over by the Debenham Children‘s Centre and later, Eye. It will continue to run at the same time but with all new toys and craft activities. We would like to thank everyone for helping with setting-up, refreshments and craft, but a special thank you must go to Zoe Shears who has run the group for a number of years with minimal moaning! Louise Wilkinson, Committee Member.

The Diss, Thetford & District CAB Shelfanger Rd, Diss:

01379 651333

There are changes and alerts happening all the time which effect the decisions we all make. This month, highlighted on the advice website are the following:  Letting agents charges out of control  Tax Credits renewal  Office of Fair Trading warns of

car matching scams Email: Registered in England & Wales no 04212031 Charity reg no.1089052

If you want to know more about these and/or any other issues our advisers in Diss will be happy to help you in confidence and without prejudice. ALSO Diss, Thetford and District bureau is currently recruiting Volunteers. We are looking for Advisers, Admin help, and Receptionists. If you are interested please contact Marian Farrar on the advertised numbers.

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Organisations Stradbroke Women’s Institute Sadly the weather let us down and our Garden Party was held, this year, in the Community Centre instead of June Thompson‘s delightful garden. A great shame as we were looking forward to seeing the garden again but, thank you June for all your efforts and hard work. As usual our members produced wonderful food and with great camaraderie the whole event with a swing! Our President, Sue Grey, had produced a quiz entitled ―Towns of Great Britain‖ which bought forth much laughter and kept us all entertained, Joyce Lee won the quiz, well done Joyce. Ursula Ward thanked the committee for their hard work in putting the evening together and although the weather was inclement, it certainly didn‘t dampen our spirits! Our next meeting is on Thursday July 9th in the Community Centre at 7.30pm. Iris Badcock, Press Secretary

Stradbroke Good Neighbours

Stradbroke Good Neighbours - All help is given free of charge.

Our phone number is 07749445531 :- Can we help you? Do you: Need your smoke alarm checked? Need a return journey to the surgery? Need a prescription collected? Need a light bulb changed? Need an odd job done? The only small charge we make is for petrol - £1.50 to Stradbroke and £2.50 to Fressingfield with a charge of 35p per mile for longer journeys. All other help is given free of charge We would appreciate at least 24 hours‘ notice and look forward to being of service.

Neighbourhood Watch PC Tim Green intends to be in the library on Thursday 23 July 1100 to 1130 AM to meet members of the public who wish to discuss concerns with him. Garden ornaments and lights have been stolen from several properties in Stradbroke. Criminals are using sophisticated devices to tamper with cash point machines in the area. The public are advised to use cash points inside buildings if possible, and check bank statements regularly. More than 2000 drugs offences, including production and supply, were detected in Suffolk over the last year. Many crack and heroine users claim they commit crime to support their habit. The Police request the public to report drug activity either directly on the numbers below, or anonymously on Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. Some companies have been putting pressure on vulnerable people to buy mobility equipment. Anybody who suspects they are being forced to buy mobility equipment they do not need, should contact Suffolk Trading Standards on 0845 4040506, or the Police, for advice. Criminals have been pretending they are bank staff, telephoning members of the public and asking for private bank details. If in doubt, do not give out account details over the telephone. And finally, in warm weather we tend to leave doors and windows open. Please remain security conscious.

Garden ornaments and lights have been stolen from several properties in Stradbroke.

Please use the following numbers to contact Police: Crime and suspicious activity should be reported on the following numbers, preferably as it is happening: Emergencies: 999 Non-urgent calls charged at a local rate to the following police switchboards: 01473 613500 (first choice) or 01986 835300. I am your point of contact if you have any suggestions or concerns: 01379 388977 - Nick Thompson

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Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, LaStone Massage at Eye Complementary Medicine Centre 01379 870707

Drawing for all… Learning… Improving Enjoying… Weekly drawing groups for anyone interested in drawing… Relaxing and rewarding sessions for all levels of ability wanting to improve and come together to enjoy developing skills, techniques and observation… For further information please contact…

Dave Sumner on 01379 388238

Taking Lessons? Swim free!

Page 12

Organisations Stradbroke Local History Group

Stradbroke Local

If you have anything you would like included in the Village Archive please let us know. By email to or tel. 01379 388341

History Group

Last month’s visit to the Mid Suffolk Light Railway Museum was thoroughly enjoyable despite the rain and we had a very interesting talk on both the railway itself and the setting up and running of the museum. Well worth a visit especially on ―steam‖ days. The July meeting will be on Wednesday 1st July (leaving the Community Centre car park at 5.30pm—non members welcome cost £2.00 per head) when we shall be visiting Wingfield Church in the company of Roy Tricker, who will be our guide Afterwards we shall adjourn to the De La Pole Arms for some refreshment. ..and the answer to last month’s puzzle? It was the East Suffolk Decontamination and Demolition Squads parading under Mr Edgar Lines prior to an A.R.P. Service at All Saints Church, Stradbroke. The squads were formed during WW2 to deal with possible gas or chemical attacks and also to work on clearing bombed out buildings. They were an important part of the Civil Defence operations. Mike Readman

Community Centre Stradbroke Sports & Community Centre held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 3rd June, at 7.30pm. The Chairman, Peter Chetwynd, particularly thanked the Parish Council for their financial support over the year and other village families and organisations who have supported us. He went on to thank all the committee members who give up their time in supporting the Community Centre. The Treasurer, Eileen Shelford, reported that we made a profit of £2,420 - the Cinema Nights, and generous donations have kept us afloat. There were no other nominations so the officers continue: Chairman - Peter Chetwynd, Bookings/ Licence Holder - Mike Cane, Secretary - Margaret Streeter and Treasurer Eileen Shelford. Other committee members are Pam Cane, Mary Ellis, Jane Gemmill, Michael Hugman, David Merritt (Caretaker), Dave Penycate, Dorothy Readman, Wendy Reeves, Nick Stones, to be joined by Ann Kerr and Maureen John who will represent the Parish Council. They were elected en bloc. Margaret Streeter, Secretary.

Lottery Bonus Winners 21 - Debbie Smith, 15 – Iris Bloss, 32 - Michael Ellis, 43 – Evelyn Elliott, 2 – Iris Cattermole £24 Donated to Bowls Coffee Morning £48 Donated to Wilby W.I. £48 Donated to Over 60‘s Club Mary Ellis

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Barn View, Wilby

Wheeled Digger, Mini Digger, Dumper. All types of excavation work undertaken. Tel Home: 01379 384641 Mobile Number 07775 716629

Antique Restoration Furniture, Clocks, and Barometers

Ian Brown


Reproduction Furniture Repairs & Bespoke Carpentry Undertaken Tel: 07881 942225 or 01379 852298 Laxfield Road, Stradbroke, Skilled Restoration & Carpentry since 1987

Corgi and Oftec registered plumbing and heating installer. Natural Gas, Oil and LPG installation or service work on domestic premises. Tel: 01379 388862 Mob: 07747 781709

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Suffolk Family Carers We are an independent charity, our services are free! A Family Carer is defined as any age; ‘looking after’ a relative, friend, partner, parent/s or child/siblings who cannot manage without them because of illness, age or physical, learning or mental health difficulties. Many Family Carers, care for more than one person. The main concerns are when caring impacts on every part of the Family Carers‘ life. It is then, especially, that support is needed which is more focused, planned, and often outside the home, with a complete break from the caring role. This we know sustains situations, otherwise there would be many more people cared for in residential homes, hospitals and other establishments. Please call our Helpline for more information; 01473 232679 or visit our website;

Stradbroke Over 60’s Our A.G.M. was held on the 21st May 2009 where our long-standing member, Eileen Leftley, resigned as Secretary and was duly voted back to become our President. Our new Secretary is Jean Morgan and 4 new committee members were elected. Our Chairman, Joan Grimes and Treasurer, Dudley Wood remain the same. Recently members and friends had a most enjoyable day out at the Seacroft Holiday Centre in Hemsby. We had a lovely 3 course carvery lunch with entertainment to follow. We are now busy preparing for a ―Coffee Morning‖ to be held in the Community Centre on Saturday 4th July 10.30am to 12.00pm with various stalls, cakes, raffles, and tombola and we hope that you will come and support us. Our next meeting will be on the 2nd July where new members will be most welcome and our next trip has been arranged for Thursday 16th July to Felixstowe with Thompson‘s Coaches. This leaves the Community Centre at 10.00am and we arrive home again at about 5.30pm. The fare for friends who wish to join us will be £6.00 each and to book please ring Joan Grimes on 3887253 or Jean Morgan on 384563. Joan Grimes.

Letters to the Editor “Dear Sir, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Lifeboat Collection which amounted to £262. Angela McCann” “Dear Sir, On behalf of the SAS I would like to thank everybody who turned up to the Village Games at Westhall and who contributed to making this a really enjoyable event for all. In particular I would like to mention the local residents of Westhall, who both supported us, and also put up with the disturbance for the afternoon - thank you. Hopefully we can build on this success in the future and make "The Stradbroke Village Games” an annual event. With the good weather shining on us we, as organisers, had lots of fun and hope you did too. During the afternoon we identified many entrants for the Inter-village games, which, by the time many of you read this, will have taken place. Irrespective of our eventual performance and the results in the these games, I would like to say an even bigger "thank you" to those that came forward to compete on behalf of Stradbroke, and who are now officially members of the SAS. Don Darling” Sir “We could not have known when we moved to Stradbroke in June 2007 that exactly two years later we would be celebrating the wedding of our younger daughter Susannah, to Łukasz Mermel, with the help and support of so many of the people of Stradbroke. The kindness, assistance and advice we received in giving Susie such a wonderful day has been very humbling and we would like to express our thanks to everyone. Those of you who attended the service will know what a wonderful occasion it was, lead by David Streeter. Our grateful thanks also go to Dougie Chittock for playing the organ, the Benefice Choir for leading the singing, Graham Johnson for the solo Love Changes Everything and the bell ringers for their very joyful peal of bells. We do hope many of you managed to visit the church to see the magnificent flowers, they were breathtakingly beautiful, arranged over two days by Carol Darling, Diane Maynard, Moira Gibling and June Cooper. We would also like to thank Lavender & Jude for providing Susie with her stunning wedding dress and Debbie‟s Cake Art for a truly delicious cake. On a very personal note, thank you to Don Darling for videoing our day and to Helen Pleasance who, while we were all at the reception, came and fed Prinny and put our old hens to bed. Lastly, a big thank you to all the well wishers who waved Susie in and out of the church and to the sun for the shining on us all day. Alison & Sam Hackett, Thirkettle Cottage


FREE CV check-up e-mail your CV to for a FREE and full check-up. For full details of our CV services visit the web-site or call Chris or Lesley on (01379) 586782. You don't get a 2nd chance to make a good 1st impression

Property & Garden Maintenance We can transform your Garden Patios designed and laid Water & Garden features built Fences replaced or repaired New lawns laid - Hedges clipped Drives & patios power washed General Garden maintenance No Job Too Small Call Steve for a guaranteed competitive quote Mobile: 07858 926216 Tel: 01379 384615

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Tel/Fax: 01379 388174

Stradbroke Post Office Newspapers & Magazines delivered in the village on weekdays and on Sundays.

ToysGreeting CardsGift Wrap  Stationery  Tobacco  Confectionery  Drinks Fresh Milk  Films & Developing Computer Supplies  National Lottery Instants  Most books and multimedia CD ROM to order  A broad range of Suffolk and Local Interest books.  Videos, Magazines and Maps in stock. A full list and postal service available. POST OFFICE SERVICES INCLUDE: GIROBANK, NATIONAL SAVINGS, DVLA, FOREIGN CURRENCY, etc QUEENS STREET Tel 384257

Forthcoming Events

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Coffee Morning The Royal British Legion Stradbroke and District Branch invite everybody to attend their Annual Coffee Morning at The Chantry, Queen St on Saturday 11th July from 10am to 12 noon. Entrance 50p to include Coffee and Refreshments. Also Raffle, Tombola, Bowling,Sales Table, and Treasure Hunt. This is a Fundraising Event for the Branch. Jeremy Higgins

Stradbroke Business & Enterprise College Grand Summer Fayre / Farmers Market / Crafts / Car Boot Sale Saturday 4th July 2009 – 11.30 – 2.30pm On Saturday 4th July we are holding a Grand Summer Fayre providing family fun and entertainment. Please make a note of the date and time in your diaries! The event will provide local crafts, car boot pitches, locally produced goods, displays, music, entertainment, raffles, tombola, food and drink. If you would like a car boot pitch / craft stall pitch please contact Linda James on 01379 384387.

Pyramids Playbus

Support the RBL at their annual coffee morning on the 11th July 2009

Pyramids Playbus Fundraiser Registered Charity no:283401 The Big Garage Sale on Sunday 2nd August 10am - 2pm in Thorndon Village Maps from Kerrison Garages on the day, behind the Kerrison Training Centre, Stoke Road Contact: Lorraine, 01379 672916 for more details

Library news summer reading game 2009 The adventure starts here! Get down to the library this summer and you‘ll find a magical challenge waiting for you. Read 6 books over the summer holidays and collect the stickers for 3 exciting stages: Firebird Rising, Mountain Mission and Dragon‘s Lair. How far can you go? All those completing the challenge get a medal and certificate at our presentation party in September. You can visit the library and enrol on Sundays the 5th and 12th of July between 10.00am and 3.00pm.The game starts on Saturday 18th July. Maureen, Stradbroke library.

Spitfire and Hurricane set to be the stars Are you interested in aircraft? Then the place to be on Sunday August 16th is the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton where Diss and District Royal Air Forces Association are organising another event.A Spitfire and a Hurricane from the Battle of Britain Flight should be the star turns as they fly over the museum. But there is more. Also taking part will be an Army Air Corps Apache helicopter from Wattisham and the search and rescue helicopter, which was the main attraction last year when RAFA‘s Salute to 90 Years of the RAF attracted a crowd estimated at 3,500. This year is the 100th anniversary of the first flight from France to England and RAFA will try to give the event a French flavour. The flying programme might be affected by the weather. But there will be plenty of things to see and do on the ground. Wing Commander Ken Wallis, with his autogiro, which he flew in the James Bond film ―You Only Live Twice‖, will be a popular attraction. RAF Honington will be taking part with a static display and some musicians. The Air Training Corps will be represented by cadets from the area, including the Lowestoft ATC band. There will also be historic vehicles in addition to the many aircraft and other exhibits which are always on show at the museum.And the best news of all is that car parking and admission are free. Gates open at 11am and the action continues until 5pm Brian Ager, secretary Diss and District Royal Air Forces Association

SBEC Grand Summer Fayre brings Stradbroke’s second Car Boot sale this year!

Are you interested in aircraft? Then the place to be on Sunday August 16th is the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum at Flixton

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Forthcoming Events

'The HideOut' 'The HideOut' (formerly known as Stradbroke Youth Centre) from Stradbroke are getting on their bikes on Sunday 12th July 2009 to help prevent cruelty to children. By burning rubber as part of the NSPCC‘s Big Bike Ride, 'The Hideout' is helping to fund crucial services such as ChildLine and the Child Protection Helpline. 'The Hideout' said: ―We are doing the Big Bike Ride because as young people we feel it really valuable, supporting vulnerable children within our country and we want to help raise funds to support the NSPCC‘s vital services for children. The more people who take part in Stradbroke, the more children we can help.‖ On Big Bike Ride weekend - 27-29 June - Our club 'The Hideout' will join hundreds of groups of bike riding friends, families and colleagues who‘ll be using pedal power to raise thousands of pounds to put a full stop to child cruelty. For more information on organising your own bike ride or joining an NSPCC Big Bike Ride event, visit: or call: 0845 130 3073. To sponsor 'THE HIDEOUT'please contact Abbie Dunn Tel: 01986 798 848 M: 07881 60 60 50

Stradbroke Primary School Summer Fayre The Primary School Summer Fayre will take place on Saturday 11th July 10.30am - 1pm. All are welcome! There will be sideshows, cake stall, Bouncy castle and a raffle.

The ‘Coffee Caravan’ Can you help? The Rural Coffee Caravan Information Project, a charity, which takes a wealth of information - along with tea, coffee and cakes - to villages across the county, is looking for people to tow their two-berth caravan. Project Manager, Ann Osborn, said: ―No regular commitment is required, just whatever you can offer. Even one day a year would help. ―Full training is given, expenses are paid, there‘s delicious cake while you work and we get out and see villages all over the county.‖ The caravan operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between April and October taking information about local and national agencies and organisations out in to Suffolk and giving villagers a chance to meet and chat with neighbours and the friendly volunteers over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits or a slice of cake.. If you drive a vehicle suitable for towing a two-berth caravan and are willing to help out contact Ann or Penny Martin on 01379 855338 or You can find out more about the ‗Coffee Caravan‘ at

Ballroom Dancing classes in Stradbroke It is hoped to start evening ballroom dancing classes at the Community Centre, beginning in mid September. Beginners and Intermediates. Professional teachers. More details next month. Gerald Jenkins

Friend’s of All Saints Stradbroke. Are you curious to know what the FOASS is all about? Come to our AGM on Wed 15 July 7.30pm at the Community Centre to see how we raise funds for the upkeep of the church. Summer Garden Lunch - A reminder about our Summer Garden Lunch at Frythe Barn, Wilby Road, Wootten Green on Sat 11 July 12 noon. A few tickets remain at £15 per head, including two glasses of wine and scrummy food. Plenty of cover if it rains - come and enjoy yourselves! We will hold a Promises Auction following the Lunch, so if you are feeling generous and want to do someone a good turn, (say bake them a cake, drive them to the coast, do an hour's gardening/ironing - anything!), contact Margaret Buckland on 01379 384 102 to let her know before the event. Then at the Auction someone will make a bid for your Promise, to help our funds. Margaret Buckland

Page 19

Jane Everitt Pulham Pest Control & Garden Services Wasps, Mice, Rats, Moles & Rabbits For friendly and professional Service phone 01379 676245

L&M TAXIS 01379 669370

   

Local and long distance Airports Courier Work Friendly, reliable service

All Requirements & Budgets Catered For Parties - Weddings - Special Events Corporate Hospitality Wholesale Prepared Foods We Use Only Premium Quality Produce Local & Organic Where Available To Discuss Your Requirements Call Marie Worlingworth Suffolk IP13 7HX

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Studio Landia Day Care Centre for the Elderly We provide professional day care for the elderly (giving home carer an 8-9 hour break) with door to door transport and freshly cooked meals catering for all needs - known to many as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of care. Also available: Bathing (specialised), Hairdressing, Chiropody and other facilities on request. We open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 4.30pm. Social Services are our main provider who can arrange various types of funding. A ‘tailor made’ care plan can be arranged for private guests upon request Our aim is to give social stimulation to each and every individual guest and to maintain his/her dignity for as long as possible. If you would like to know more about our service, just drop in and see us at Mendham, or phone 01379 852466

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Stradbroke News & Views

Flowers Take A Bow at theTheatre Royal Bury St Edmunds Friday 14-Sunday 16 August This August the Theatre Royal presents a flower festival! The Theatre will be dressed in the finest of floral arrangements throughout the entire grade 1 listed building. The festival has been designed by Chelsea Gold Medal winner Roger Woolnough and will show the theatre, in all its Regency splendour, as you have never seen it before. We will be featuring a programme of live musical accompaniment throughout the weekend. Browse and buy from our Plant Fair featuring specialist nurseries and exhibitors. We will be holding a flower and willow workshop on the Friday afternoon – places must be booked in advance. Craft demonstrations will take place throughout the weekend. Light refreshments and delicious lunches will be available in our Greene Room restaurant. 10am – 5pm (last entry at 4pm), Tickets: £4 per day in advance, (10% discount for groups bookings).Tickets can also be bought on the door at £4.5 Visitors can use the Greene King car park behind the theatre on Saturday and Sunday Emma Suckling

St Elizabeth Hospice Soul and Motown Night Friday 3rd July 2009 8pm till Midnight at Kersey Mill near Hadleigh thebestofipswich and Kersey Mill present a Soul and Motown Night with top local DJ Gary (Rico) Richardson and the Archimedean Roadshow Get up, stand up and strut your funky stuff...Come and enjoy an evening of Jazz Funk and Disco…get the platforms and flared trousers on and enjoy a great night!Tickets £12 in advance or £14 on the night (including a buffet). All profits from the event will be donated to St Elizabeth Hospice. For more information, please contact 01473 820200 or visit the website Dragon Boat Race Saturday 18th July at Alton Water near Holbrook Teams of between ten and fourteen people are invited to take part in this years Dragon Boat Race event. Take this opportunity to try something completely different, build great team spirit and promote yourself to a large local audience. The drums, cheering and colourful boats make it an exciting sport both to watch and to compete in – it is a great day out for all the family. For more information, please contact the fundraising team on 01473 723600, email or visit Leanne Thorndyke Marketing and Communications Assistant, St Elizabeth Hospice

Stradbroke Summer Walks 2009 Do join us for two guided summer rambles along our local footpaths. All are welcome. Each walk starts from the Community Centre at 6.45 p.m. promptly. Walk1. Thursday July 2nd at 6.45 p.m. An evening walk past Stradbroke Mill out to Pixey Green and then back by a different way returning via Drapers Hill and exploring the paths to the north-east of the village. (4.5 miles). Walk 2. Thursday July 9th at 6.45 p.m An evening walk to Wootten Green and Neaves Lane, then out to Wilby and back using a different route, exploring the paths to the south and southeast of the village. (5 Miles) There is no need to book, just come along. If you do not know where our local paths are, this is a very good way to find out. Gerald Jenkins (384825) In addition, if you would fancy a really long guided walk from Stradbroke (18 miles) there will be one leaving the Community Centre at 9.00 am on Sunday July 12th. Phone for details.

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Etheridge Nurseries Laxfield Road, Tel: 384204 Mob 07781 440140

Phone: 01379 388870 Mobile: 07590507307

Passmore Weeks & Richardson

Page 22

Would you like an illustration of your home or a particular building? Or an ideal present for a friend or loved one? Personalised cards and postcards also available. Then call Gill on 01379 388862 for further details.

Is your garden over run with Moles ? Do you have a wasp nest ? Are your paddocks over-run with rabbits ? All typical Pests controlled. For ALL your Domestic / Commercial Pest Control No obligation – free survey/quotes. Please call for a chat, 01379 788865 / 07809 226109 / 07518 731106

Page 23

WROUGHT IRON CURTAIN POLES & FINIALS Select from Black & Gunmetal Finish also Medieval Candle Holders Wrought Iron Towel Rails - Clothes Hooks Foot Scrapers Door Grids- Sundials- Candle Lanterns etc. Tel-01379 388908 Email-

Magnolia House, Wilby Rd, Stradbroke - Tel: 01379 384097

Page 24

Painting and Decorating by Ron Rankin - 25 Years Experience For All Your Domestic & Commercial Property Maintenance & Decorating Competitive Prices - Professional Standards Reliable & Experienced - Highly Recommended Advice & Quotations With No Obligation Tel: 01379 388243 Mob: 07762 326226 Unit 19a Fuller Road Industrial Estate Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9EA

eMail: For all your salt supplies of: Hydrosoft tablet & granular salt, pure dried vaccum salt, de-icing salt. Also we stock tablets & granular in 10kg bags. lease contact us for competitive prices either collected or delivered.

We offer free delivery to all Stradbroke residents.

YOUR LOCAL RELIABLE PLUMBER Mark Jardine  All domestic Plumbing  Full Bathroom Installation,  All work full insured & guaranteed,  Domestic heating, radiators, pumps, etc…  24 Hour call out.

Tel: 01379 672904 Mob: 07854924801 New Haven, Tudor, Occuld, Eye, Suffolk IP21 7PZ

Hammond Garden & Countryside Services Matthew Hammond

Felix Cottage Horham, Eye Suffolk IP21 5EG Tel: 01379 384643

Specialising in Conifer reduction. All hedge work and garden clearance. Any size lawn mowed. Rough grass cut & strimmed. Hedges and trees supplied and planted. Small tree work - pruning/felling Lawns turfed and seeded All types of fencing Patios and paths laid. Free estimates, all jobs considered.

YOUR ADVERT HERE? Rackham’s Funeral Service The Waveney Chapel Stanley Road, Diss Tel: (01379) 642321 A professional company giving a quiet, efficient and caring service.

Contact the village magazine for more information! Details on the back page!

Page 25

Fancy That Flowers for all occasions by

Hilary Hadingham

Order now for Weddings, Dinner Parties, Table Centres, and much more. Free Local Delivery 01728 638156 07780 612549

Fault Diagnosis, Servicing, Maintenance & Repair 2 The Street, Brundish, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 8BL Tel: 01379 384714 Mob: 07776 232745

2 Town House, Church Street, Stradbroke - 01379 384208 - Claire Evans Wedding Dresses from £285 Evening wear from £130 and ‘Mother of the Bride’, Jewellery and other Accessories. Do call before your next special occasion Also, Green Door Antiques (of Eye) ---Opening Times--Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 9.0am - 1pm At other times by appointment

Page 26

Dances, Discos Coffee Mornings Club Meetings Birthday Parties

Wedding Receptions If you need a venue for a function “Bring People Together� at

STRADBROKE SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Tel: 384312 or 384363 for information & bookings

TOTAL REBUILD GYM Qualified instructors always on hand to assist and advise, personal programmes full range of cardio and resistance machines, large selection of free weights and dumbbells ranging from 2.5kg to 60kg, Olympic discs and bars. Specific training for certain career criteria. We cater for all needs and levels of fitness in a warm friendly environment Instructors who understand, ideal for the less confident who would like to work out but don't fancy the mirrors and lycra, or those who are interested in building muscle definition. NO membership or joining fees - Competitive pricing - Also available Vertical tanning Unit SO whether you want to come for a tone, tan or totally rebuild come and give us a look TOTAL REBUILD GYM, Old Post Office, Weybread, Tel: 586214

Figa & Co. Ltd. flowers . interiors . gardens . art

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For more information on our range please call or visit our website

Page 27

NHS Suffolk Communications Team Men At Greater Cancer Risk Than Women A report by Cancer Research UK out yesterday, shows that among cancers which affect both sexes, men are 60% more likely to develop the disease and 70% more likely to die from it. The report concludes that the reason may be that men are more reluctant to take on board healthy lifestyle messages or visit the doctor than their female counterparts. Professor David Forman, information lead for the National Cancer Intelligence Network, which helped to prepare the research, said.: ―Men have a reputation for having a ‗stiff upper lip‘ and not being as health conscious as women. What we see from this report may be a reflection of this attitude. In other words men are less likely to make lifestyle changes that could reduce their risk of the disease and less likely to go to the doctor with cancer symptoms‖. NHS Suffolk is already looking at ways in which to target men with healthy lifestyle messages-in particular smoking. The NHS Suffolk Stop Smoking Service has recently formed a partnership with Ipswich Town Football Club and set up Kick Free, a campaign which aims to encourage football fans who want to kick the habit to get extra help from specialist advisers at Portman Road. The new quit club runs once a week in the evening and is totally free. For those who manage to quit for four weeks the football community trust has organised a range of incentives from football shirts through to tours of the ground. There is also the chance to enter a draw to win a season ticket. Suffolk Stop Smoking Service has even enlisted the support of one of Ipswich Town‘s star players who has thrown his weight behind the campaign. ―I don‘t smoke, but quite a few members of my family smoke and I know how hard it can be to quit‖‘ said striker John Stead. ―I have seen the research which shows that smokers are four times more likely to succeed in quitting if they get help rather than through willpower alone and it‘s great we can provide that support right here at Portman Road‖ he adds. Issued by NHS Suffolk Communications Team on 01473 770014 - JOIN TODAY! My own Web page? Free? How? A really nice feature of the new Stradbroke website is that you can customise your own information page! When you join and then sign in you might notice the menu at the top of the page changes and a new item called ‗My Page‘ appears. This is what it says - a page for you! You can change the 'theme' (colours and design) for your page very easily (look at the menu on the left) - and most importantly - put up a 'photo' to replace the village sign silhouette that comes up by default! It'd be great to see a photo, but some people prefer to use a cartoon, or a picture of something that represents their interests. Your 'My Page' is good place to put a little information about yourself - eg your family history research or village interests so other members can see it, and maybe share info with you! This is also the page where you can share photographs too - it would be lovely to see pictures of the village for example, old or new! Have a play with it and have a look at what others have done with their 'My Page' by clicking on 'Members' in the menu!

   

The website has 126 members! Lots of Stradbroke groups are developing their own ‗page‘, including both Bowls clubs, Cricket club, Stradbroke Games, First Responders, Local History Group to name but a few! Local Businesses in Stradbroke can add themselves to the Village Directory online and sign up as the business name and create it‘s own information page. The village diary can be added to by ANY member! If your group has an event coming up check the village diary online for clashing events, or add your own to attract interested villagers!

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Sports Roundup

Stradbroke Football Club The AGM was held recently with a good attendance. The Committee for 2009 –10 is: President Mr D. Lummis Treasurer Mrs M. Ellis Chairman Mr M. Ellis Vice Chairman Mr J. Field Secretary Mr S.Hambling Assistant Mr D. Ellis Managers First Team Mr G. Wharton & Mr K. Ellis Reserves Mr J. Barker The Committee is all above plus M. Ellis, D. Pennycate, B. Varela, E.Warne. The Club welcomed Mr. Bobby Varela onto the committee and were pleased for him to take Training starting on the 15th July at 7.00pm on the playing field The Jumble sale went well as did the Car Boot sale in Horham. The last Cash Bingo raised £59.30 with the next one being on 10th July at 7.30pm in the Community Centre and remember, the more people who play the bigger the cash prizes. Thanks for your support, Mary Ellis

Stradbroke & District Bowls Club. We were delighted to raise £214 at our Coffee Morning in May held at Mary and Michael Ellis‘s home. Thanks to all who attended and were so generous. Some Club tournaments have been played, the Barr‘s Cup was won by Mary Ellis with runner-up Ralph Chambers: the Les Parker Cup has reached it‘s final stage and will be played between Dick Webster/ Pam Wolfe and Mary & Michael Ellis. Matches in all leagues have been played with mixed results and are as follows: Saxmundham League. - Played Sweffling and won, Played Dennington and won, Played Leiston and lost; Junior Cup - Played Sutton and won, Played Stradbroke White Hart and won; Waveney Triples League Played Thorndon and won, Played Gissing and won,, Played Kenninghall and won, Played Diss & District A and drew, Played Dickleburgh and lost; Woodbridge League Sun Bowl Cup Played Hollesley and lost We will be having a stall at the Car Boot Sale run by the Stradbroke Business and Enterprise College, on Saturday 4th July 11.30am to 2.30pm so please come along and support this fund raising event. If you have any items you wish to donate please ring 388586or 388612. Thank you, Lily Lofts, Stradbroke & District Bowls Club.

Cricket Club The last month has been a bit of a curates egg for the Cricket Club, either they have hit the heights, or the depths of despair. The 1st XI have set the tone, chasing down 229 at Worlington (David Allum 54,James Ling 42, Scott Turner 38, Alex Fitchett 37). They then set Lakenheath 203 (Tim Courridge 102), which was too rich as Courridge then took 5 for 10. Another great run chase followed against Elveden, led by Fitchett (87), James Ling (64), & Simon Higgins (35). They have 5 wins from 6 matches in the league, but came a cropper in the cup against Earl Stonham. The A Team adjusted quickly to life in the top league, but were no match for Ipcwich CC, despite scoring 189 (allum 46, Fitchett 33, Stuart Taylor 30, Lee Bedwell 27) A cup defeat followed at Southwold despite 41 from Joe Pearson, supported by James Grigg (32) & Fitchett (24). The B Team have a win & a loss. Youngsters Liam Smith (25) & Dan Manley(24) could not prevent defeat at C&G after a fine spell of 3 for 16 by Billy Freeman, but they did scrape over the winning line against Rosary after Michael Hugman (42),Taylor (37) & Dan Tompkins (35) had set the platform, following a 3 or 58 return by Ross Bedwell. The Under 13‘s reached the semi-final of the Suffolk Cup before succumbing to a very good Mildenhall team. Liam Smith has been the star, selling his wicket very dearly. The Under 11‘s are also shaping well, so far undefeated in the league. Twice Tom Davey has had big innings against Yoxford, and no-one looks out of place in the side. The most pleasing feature has been the progress the girls have made. They are playing more matches, and have so far beaten Suffolk U-11, Eye, & Copdock, their only defeat being against Garboldisham. Off the field, there has been a brief lull in the fund raising efforts towards the drainage project, but that will end with the return of the popular Walkabout Treasure Hunt on Friday 26th June, leaving the Sports Pavilion from 6pm. There are various clues set on a course around the village, all of which can be seen on foot. Entry is £2 per person (£1 for children & FTE, £5 for a family) 1st prize is £10, with £5 for the runner up. Its fun, its healthy, its here. See you next month (if you make it back from the Treasure Hunt!) Michael Hugman

Page 29

Acorn Foot Health


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Unit 14, Brome Industrial Estate, Eye, Suffolk P21 7HN For a competitive quote for all your one colour to full colour work, contact Mark or Ceinwen Tel: 873057

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Page 30


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Small Newly Built Boarding Cattery Fully Licensed  Fully Insured Fully Heated Collection and delivery service available Call: Angela / Mike On: 01379 388 979 Hill Cottage Cattery, Worlingworth Road Horham, (Near Eye), Suffolk, IP21 5EF

Page 31

Gardeners Notes At the moment there is a national orchard survey being carried out and a few weeks ago Chris Seabrook and I went to a training day. It was very interesting. We learnt that there are believed to be 3000 named varieties, 500 pears and 350 plums, and all of our edible apples originally come from a couple of varieties in Kazakstan. Nearly all the apple trees that you find in the wild and hedgerows are what's called a ploughman's apple, referring to the fact that they probably grew from a discarded core, some being many hundreds of years old. What I had previously thought of as crab apples are probably really all edible apples as true crab apples are very rare. The main objective of the survey is to compare the area to a survey from the 1920's when about 6000 orchards were recorded, to identify any old or interesting trees and survey the type of crop and variety of wildlife supported by the orchard. We will be travelling around the parish trying to find where the old orchards have gone. Anyone who has anything that they believe to be of interest please contact me. An orchard is a group of 5 or more fruit trees and they may be just dotted around the garden. June has been a good month with just about enough rain to keep things looking good and hopefully July will be as good and maybe a little warmer. Keep an eye out for aphids as there seem to be a lot around. A mixture of washing up liquid and water sprayed on to bad infestations can be a good non-chemical method. If you have to spray with a chemical pesticide (which I wouldn't recommend) try to do it in the evening as there will be less beneficial insect activity such as hover flies, bees, ladybirds and wasps which all either help control pests or pollinate your plants. Keep deadheading roses to get the best out of them using the opportunity to cut back any vigorous shoots. Dahlias also require regular deadheading and will go on for months, don't be put off by earwigs or their reputation as being a bit old fashioned as everyone is growing Dahalias and they even won the 'President's Choice' for a display at the Chelsea Flower Show. If you want runner beans to last late into the season you could consider sowing some seeds now as the early sown plants can run out of power. I have heard that the white flowered varieties are particularly good for this. Finally, I always like to mention good walks that we take or particular wildlife experiences we have had and recently we topped it with a gentle stroll we were taking just outside the village, I pointed out a very pretty wildflower meadow to my family and to my surprise I heard my son say "Ooh, that lady hasn't got any clothes on!" On closer examination I realised that we had surprised someone enjoying the warm weather! Since this experience my son has been much keener to go on my weekend walks, so it just goes to show you that you never know what you may see in the wilds of Stradbroke! Luke Heydon


Diary for Late June 25th Evening walk to Doggets & Battlesea Green Area. Community Centre 6.45pm 26th Walk About Treasure Hunt leaving the Sports Pavilion at 6.00pm 28th Stradbroke ―Gardens open‖ Directory from the Church, 11.00 am until 6.00 pm 30th Contact Club outing to Sheringham leaving the Community Centre at 10.00am Diary for July 1st SLHG Visit to Wingfield Church - leaving CC at 5.30pm 1st Chess Club meets every Wednesday in Diss Cue Club at 7.30pm 1st Table Tennis Club meets each Wednesday in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 2nd All Saints Church cleaning from 10.00am onwards 2nd RBL meeting in the King‘s Head, Laxfield at 11.30am 2nd ―Evening walk‖, past Stradbroke Mill out to Pixey Green. Community Centre 6.45pm 2nd Over 60‘s Club meeting in the Community Centre at 2.00pm 3rd Soul and Motown Night at Kersey Mill near Hadleigh 8.00pm 4th Grand Summer Fayre / Farmers Market / Crafts / Car Boot Sale SBEC at 11.30am 4th Over 60‘s Coffee Morning in the Community Centre 10.30am –12.00pm 5th Enrol for the Reading Game 2009 QUEST SEEKERS 10.00am until 3.00pm 6th H Group Meeting in the ‗Botesdale Greyhound‘ starting at 7.30pm 7th Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 7th Badminton Club meets each Wednesday in the SBEC sports hall at 8,00pm 9th W.I. meeting in the Community Centre starting at 7.30pm 9th ―Evening walk‖, to Wootten Green, Neaves Lane to Wilby. Community Centre 6.45pm 10th Cash Bingo iao Stradbroke Football Club in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 11th Primary School Fayre, Primary School Queen Street, 10.30-1pm 11th RBL Annual Coffee Morning in the Chantry, Queen Street, 10.00am until noon 11th FOASS Summer Garden Lunch at Frythe Barn, Wootten Green starts 12.00pm 12th Enrol for the Reading Game 2009 Quest Seekers 10.00am until 3.00pm 12th Big Bike ride see inside for info 13th Parish Council meeting in the Community Centre at 7.30pm 14th Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 15th Football Training resumes on the playing field at 7.00pm 15th FOASS AGM in the Community Centre starting at 7.30pm 16th The Primary School Leavers‘ Service at All Saints Church 10.00am 16th Over 60‘s Club trip to Felixstowe leaving the Community Centre at 10.00am 18th Reading Game 2009 Quest Seekers starts today in the Library 18th Dragon Boat Race at Alton Water near Holbrook 18th ASCFRC‘s Cake Sale in Queen Street 21st Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 22nd Drop in for Coffee at the Baptist Church Hall at 10.00am until 11.30am 23rd P.C. Tim Green will be in the Library to meet Local people from 11.00 to 11.30am 24th ASCFRC‘s Flower Demonstration by Jenni Baker the Community Centre at 7.30pm 25th ASCFRC‘s Stradbroke Garage Trail. Maps at the P.O. on the day 9.00 – 12.30pm 28th Contact Club meeting in the Community Centre at 10.00am 28th Wills & Probate Inventories for Local & Family Historians Community Centre at 7.30pm Diary for Early August 2nd

Pyramids Playbus Fund Raiser The Big Garage Sale 10 - 2pm in Thorndon Village

We’d love to hear from you! Letters to the Editor are always welcome! Email on

or contact Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. The Stradbroke Monthly team encourages readers to submit letters to the Editor expressing their opinions, comments or insights regarding any of the material that appears in the magazine. The team will publish letters that reflect the diversity of opinions of our readers, but cannot publish all letters received. The Editor retains the right to edit published letters for clarity and length. Letters should include the writer's name and clearly marked „For Publication‟. Email on

Contact Details: Tony Ambler (Editor), Tanglewood, New Street. Tel: 388454. Advertising enquiries Mike Readman, The Priory, Doctors Lane, Tel: 388341 The distribution is organised by Claudene Merritt

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