The Student 22/11/2011

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Tuesday November 22 2011  | Week 10


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Music» p18

» p22-23

S i n c e 1887  T h e U K ' s O ld e st S T u d ent N ews pa p er

S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010

End in sight for study space shortage

University introduces short term solutions to lack of space in the library whilst planning for the future Alasdair Drennan EXTRA STUDY space will be made available in the Central Area campus before the winter exam diet this year in a response to growing pressure from students. Almost 500 students ‘liked’ a Facebook page entitled ‘Find more study space at Edinburgh University’, calling for the university to address the growing need for study space. The redevelopment of the library has meant that the fourth floor of the building is currently closed, while half of the third floor is now taken up by the Counselling, Disability and Careers Services.

In an open letter to library users, Sheila Cannell, Director of Library Services, responded to student concerns, admitting that the library had been very popular this semester and that there had been problems with the availability of space to work. The letter, which is displayed in the library, outlined the measures being taken to create more space before the fourth floor of the library is reopened in March next year. Extra desks have already been placed in the library and ‘student helpers’ have been employed to assist library users in finding free space. Students have been encouraged to submit their own suggestions directly to Cannell. From December 5 quiet study space will be made available by the Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) in Teviot and the university will open rooms in David Hume Tower. Study space maps will also be distributed to students to assist them in

[Changes] would not have been possible without the hundreds of people who put pressure on the university." Hugh Murdoch, EUSA Academic Services Convenor

finding the new study spaces. However, this will not address the obvious issues of the shortage of study space at the university in the long term. The University of Edinburgh has never before taken a strategic approach to planning study space for the future. An open meeting will take place on Wednesday November 23 between senior university staff and students to discuss what future study space

Alexandra Taylor

Emily Jarrett

OVERCROWDED: Use of the library has been busier than ever this semester.

Student community shaken by Meadows sexual assault

requirements will be and how these can be accommodated. Short term solutions to the problems will also be discussed at the meeting. Hugh Murdoch, third year politics student and EUSA Academic Services Convener, welcomed the opportunity to meet with university staff to address the study space problems. He told The Student, “For the first time ever the university will be taking a strategic approach to study space. This would not have been possible without the hundreds of people who put pressure on the university. “We’ll be continuing to use the Facebook group and we’ll also be hosting open meetings with senior university staff for students to input directly into the strategic plan. “I’d encourage any student who has ideas about study space to come along to these meetings.” The first open meeting between students and staff will take place Wednesday November 23 in the Teviot Balcony Room at 10:30.

POLICE ARE appealing for witnesses after a 19 year old woman was attacked in the Meadows last week. The victim was walking through the park at 3:30am on Tuesday 15, when she was grabbed by two men and sexually assaulted in a grassy spot near Melville Drive. The men both described as white, in their 20s, of an average build and wearing hooded tops, fled the scene after the attack, running towards Bruntsfield Road. Sections of the park were cordoned off on Wednesday morning so the police could carry out a forensic investigation. A police spokesman said, “Although we know that the assault took place in the Meadows, we are still working to establish exactly where it happened, and we are appealing for any information that can assist our inquiries.” “Anyone who was in the area of the Meadows or Bruntsfield Links in the early hours of yesterday morning, who saw or heard anything suspicious, should contact police immediately.” “Similarly, anyone who saw two men matching the descriptions of the suspects in either the Meadows or Bruntsfield Links areas should also get in touch. “At this time we have put in place extra patrols in the Meadows area overnight in order to provide reassurance to the public.” The attack has shocked students at the university, especially those living on the south side of the Meadows, who cross the park each day to get to campus. Thea Graham, fourth year linguistics student said, “I get scared when I have to walk through the Meadows late at night because the path is always so dark and people can easily hide behind tree trunks.

Continued on page four»

INSIDE: Fees protests move north of the border p5 Scientists develop invisibility cloak p6

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