Tuesday December 6 2011 | Week 12
» p22-23
S i n c e 1887 T h e U K ' s O ld e st S T ud en t N ews pa p er
S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010
Pandas arrive in Edinburgh in time for Christmas
Nina Seale TWO GIANT pandas arrived at Edinburgh Zoo on Sunday, having been flown 5,000 miles on a specially chartered FedEx ‘Panda Express’ plane from their home in China. The landing of these rare animals marks not only the first time panda paws have set foot in the UK for 17 years, but also represents an important union between Scotland and China. The eight year old breeding pair Yang Guang (meaning ‘Sunlight’) and Tian Tian (‘Sweetie’) will be acclimatising to their new Scottish habitat until December 16 when they will be revealed to the public. The ‘gift from China’ was discussed when the Vice Premier of China, Li Kegiang, visited Scotland’s capital in January and the ten year custodianship of the pandas under the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) was announced. The arrival date was ambiguous until representatives of the China Wildlife Conservation Association
(CWCA) visited the zoo and declared their approval of the panda enclosure last week. Hugh Roberts, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Zoo, considers they are worth the wait, “We have been looking forward to this moment for five years now, since we first embarked on this epic journey to bring the giant pandas to Scotland. “Our dedicated team at the Zoo has worked tirelessly to create a world-class enclosure to house our newest additions which will offer visitors a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view these extraordinary animals. “The giant pandas will be on loan to us for an initial period of 10 years, in which time we are hopeful that the female, Tian Tian, will give birth to cubs – the first to be born in Scotland. With the arrival of the giant pandas to Edinburgh, the RZSS has cemented its role in the future research and conservation of one of the world’s most endangered species.” There are only 15,000 giant pandas left in the wild - and they are listed as ‘endangered’ on the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List - factors such as poaching for their soft fur and meat, as well as serious habitat depletion, are to blame. The RZSS has forked out huge investments for the pandas, agreeing to pay the Chinese government £640,000 a year for the honour of having giant pandas and spending an estimated £70,000 on their specialised diet of bamboo from China. They plan to grow 15% of the food at the zoo and import the remaining 85% from a specialised bamboo plantation just outside Amsterdam. The enclosure itself cost about £250,000 with a bullet-proof glass walkway, caves, pools, climbing structures and a nursery. Edinburgh Zoo should be forewarned by the story of Wang Wang and Funi, giant pandas leant to Adelaide Zoo who brought $57m into South Austrailian economy but almost brought the zoo to bankruptcy - forcing the government and Westpac bank to step in. Roberts adds “It is also a highly vis-
Vicki Madden
PANDAMONIUM: Pandas “handled with care” on specially chartered flight from China
Student attacks local in Starbucks row over seat
ible statement of the growing momentum to improve international relations between the UK and China, and a sign that we can further co-operate closely on a broad range of environmental and cultural issues, as well as commerce.” First Minister Alex Salmond was in China the day the pandas arrived, leading a delegation for a series of government, cultural and business engagements in Beijing and was visiting the historic Eastern Qing Tombs when the pandas touched down. The Minister is hoping to forge strong bonds with the Chinese people on his trip, saying: “I am delighted to be visiting the great nation of China again. As the world’s fastest growing major economy it is vital that government, business and cultural organisations enhance our already strong ties with China. We are vigorously promoting Scotland as an attractive place for investment, trade, research, tourism and cultural associations - and that will be my focus when meeting our hosts in China.”
A STUDENT was arrested and charged with breach of the peace last week in Starbucks on Nicolson Street following a disagreement over a seat. A spokesperson for Lothian and Borders Police told The Student, “A 21-year-old woman has been arrested and charged with a breach of the peace following a disturbance that happened within a premises in Nicolson Street around 2.30pm on Wednesday, November 30.” The woman went into the Starbucks to study and had left her bag at a seat by the window, according to an onlooker. After getting coffee, the girl returned to her seat to find another woman, described to be in her “latefifties”, also seated at her table. A Starbucks employee told The Student, “There wasn’t anything unusual about that. It was really busy so everyone was sharing.” The student then began shouting at the woman to leave, and when she refused, she asked the Starbucks staff to intervene. Upon being told that there was nothing the staff could do, the girl took matters into her own hands, spilling a hot drink over the woman. University of Edinburgh student Elizah Hulseman watched the situation unfold. She told The Student, “She got a venti coffee and poured it all over the woman.” In retaliation, the woman then took her own drink and poured it over the girl’s laptop, whereupon the girl demanded that the police be called to settle the matter. “She kept shouting ‘you’re so unfair!’” and refused to allow the woman to leave, said Hulseman. By the time police arrived on the scene to investigate, the woman had left. After CCTV footage revealed that the student had been the one who incited the brawl, she was immediately arrested. A member of the Starbucks staff, who was serving customers at the time the confrontation took place told The Student, “the girl had told us that the old woman had started the whole thing, so it wasn’t until we played back the CCTV footage that we realised that wasn’t the case.” Continued on page six »