The Student 11/10/2011

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Tuesday October 11 2011  | Week 4



Music» p18

S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010 S i n c e 1887  T h e U K ' s O ld e st S T u d en t N ews pa p er

“���� The Court ������ of ��� the ���� University of Edinburgh in partnership with Edinburgh University Students’ Association . . . asks the UK government to reconsider and then s������������� ubstantially revise ������� the ���� unsustainable policies which have introduced instability across the UK university sector”

University Court and EUSA join to attack UK government education policies Alexandra Taylor EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY Court has united with Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) to condemn the UK government’s education policies, including the introduction of tuition fees of up to £9000 a year. Last Thursday the University Court, headed by principal Sir Timothy O'Shea, and EUSA released a joint statement which expressed “deep

concern” about the cost of tuition for future students living across the UK. The university is worried that able students could to be priced out of the market if fees are allowed to stay at record levels. From 2012, students will have to pay £9000 a year for a four year degree, more expensive than those offered by Oxford and Cambridge. Despite deciding to set fees at such a level, the university has claimed it has been left with little option if Scottish students are not to be squeezed out of places. The statement calls upon the Westminster government to reverse its higher education policies. It also stated that the Scottish government should implement policies to protect access for the poorest UK students who want to study in Scotland. However the move has sparked controversy because, only last month,

the same Court backed the move to raise student fees. But the university is concerned that the policies of the Westminster government, which led to the introduction of higher fees, will discourage students from applying. EUSA and the Court are urging ministers to “reconsider” and “revise” their policies and have said that the Scottish government needs to put a “greater emphasis” on widening access. They are also encouraging the Scottish government to introduce a minimum standard for bursaries to assist the poorest students. Matt McPherson, President of Edinburgh University Students’ Association, said, “The University of Edinburgh and our students are united in our criticism of the UK government’s new policies on education and are deeply concerned at what effect they will have on students throughout the

UK.” “The Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) fundamentally disagrees with the decision to set fees of £36 000, but where we do agree with the university is that it was forced to do something to stop Scottish students being squeezed out.” “Oxford and other universities across the UK have passed no confidence motions in Westminster’s policies and we have joined together to call upon the UK government to reverse their plans and devise solutions that ensure universities can protect access to education, both here at Edinburgh and across the UK.” He added, “There is also action the Scottish government could take to maintain quality and widening access as well. One obvious step is to introduce a minimum bursary standard in Scotland like universities in every oth-

jisc and matt mcpherson

United in condemnation

er part of the UK are forced to do. This crucial step could ensure that students from the rest of the UK are able choose Edinburgh based on their ability, not their ability to pay.” Robin Parker, President of NUS Scotland, said: “We welcome this call asking Westminster to recognise the damage its policies are having on university education. In trebling fees, introducing a market into education and making huge cuts to universities, the Westminster government’s decision is risking ruin for England’s universities and damage throughout the UK.” “This joint statement by the University of Edinburgh and EUSA is the clearest signal yet that Westminster needs to dramatically change direction and that the Scottish government must do more to protect students in Scotland.”

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