Tuesday October 18 2011 | Week 5
p6 news
S cott ish S t udent Ne wspaper of the Year 2010 S i n c e 1887 T h e U K ' s O ld e st S T u d en t N ews pa p er
Short changed
Flat letting agencies charging students up to £200 for ‘cleaning’ and ‘administration’ costs
Edinburgh students living in rented accommodation are being forced to pay hundreds of pounds worth of additional charges for basic cleaning as well as administration charges as high as £100 at the end of their tenancies. An investigation by The Student has revealed that many students are being met with substantial charges for cleaning, ‘administration fees’ and ‘key money’, both at the beginning and the end of a lease. Grant Management, one of the biggest letting agencies in Edinburgh, usually charges tenants a £100 fee to
"secure the property and take it off the market", in addition to £75 each in ‘administration’ fees. The picture isn’t much brighter when moving out. With the same letting agent, many students are charged 'cleaning costs', which are around £16-£20 per hour and can last for an unlimited period of time, in addition to the £25-per-tenant administration fee. One group of students described to The Student how they spent two days cleaning their house prior to moving out, but still had £342.87 deducted from their deposit in ‘cleaning’ and ‘administration’ costs. Liam Bryan, now a third year student, said, “we sent a response asking for some receipts showing they’d had it Continued on page three>>
luke mead
Leo Michelmore